1 | import { UrlMatcherFactory } from './url/urlMatcherFactory';
2 | import { UrlRouter } from './url/urlRouter';
3 | import { TransitionService } from './transition/transitionService';
4 | import { ViewService } from './view/view';
5 | import { StateRegistry } from './state/stateRegistry';
6 | import { StateService } from './state/stateService';
7 | import { UIRouterGlobals } from './globals';
8 | import { UIRouterPlugin, Disposable } from './interface';
9 | import { UrlService } from './url/urlService';
10 | import { LocationServices, LocationConfig } from './common/coreservices';
11 | import { Trace } from './common/trace';
12 |
13 |
14 |
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16 |
17 | export declare class UIRouter {
18 | locationService: LocationServices;
19 | locationConfig: LocationConfig;
20 | $id: number;
21 | _disposed: boolean;
22 | private _disposables;
23 |
24 | trace: Trace;
25 |
26 | viewService: ViewService;
27 |
28 | globals: UIRouterGlobals;
29 |
30 | transitionService: TransitionService;
31 | |
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33 |
34 |
35 | urlMatcherFactory: UrlMatcherFactory;
36 | |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 | urlRouter: UrlRouter;
41 |
42 | urlService: UrlService;
43 |
44 | stateRegistry: StateRegistry;
45 |
46 | stateService: StateService;
47 |
48 | private _plugins;
49 |
50 | disposable(disposable: Disposable): void;
51 | |
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61 |
62 | dispose(disposable?: any): void;
63 | |
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69 |
70 | constructor(locationService?: LocationServices, locationConfig?: LocationConfig);
71 | /** Add plugin (as ES6 class) */
72 | plugin<T extends UIRouterPlugin>(plugin: {
73 | new (router: UIRouter, options?: any): T;
74 | }, options?: any): T;
75 | /** Add plugin (as javascript constructor function) */
76 | plugin<T extends UIRouterPlugin>(plugin: {
77 | (router: UIRouter, options?: any): void;
78 | }, options?: any): T;
79 | /** Add plugin (as javascript factory function) */
80 | plugin<T extends UIRouterPlugin>(plugin: PluginFactory<T>, options?: any): T;
81 | /**
82 | * Returns a plugin registered with the given `pluginName`.
83 | *
84 | * @param pluginName the name of the plugin to get
85 | * @return the plugin, or undefined
86 | */
87 | getPlugin(pluginName: string): UIRouterPlugin;
88 | /**
89 | * Returns all registered plugins
90 | * @return all registered plugins
91 | */
92 | getPlugin(): UIRouterPlugin[];
93 | }
94 | /** @internal */
95 | export type PluginFactory<T> = (router: UIRouter, options?: any) => T;