1 | # Vant Touch Emulator
2 |
3 | 在桌面端上模拟移动端 touch 事件,实现方式来自于 [hammerjs/touchemulator](https://github.com/hammerjs/touchemulator).
4 |
5 | ## Install
6 |
7 | ```shell
8 | # with npm
9 | npm i @vant/touch-emulator
10 |
11 | # with yarn
12 | yarn add @vant/touch-emulator
13 |
14 | # with pnpm
15 | pnpm add @vant/touch-emulator
16 | ```
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18 | ## 使用指南
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20 | 直接在代码中引入模块即可,模块会自动完成初始化并生效
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22 | ```js
23 | import '@vant/touch-emulator';
24 | ```
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26 | ## CDN 引入
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28 | ```html
29 | <script src="https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/@vant/touch-emulator"></script>
30 | ```
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32 | ## 禁用 touch 模拟
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34 | 在标签上添加 `data-no-touch-simulate` 属性后,可以使这个标签(以及它的子元素)不触发 `touch` 模拟事件。
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36 | ```html
37 | <div data-no-touch-simulate />
38 | ```