3.02 kBYAMLView Raw
1#format can be "text" or "json" for different output (human or machine readable)
2format: 'text'
3#checkAsserts checks assertions
4checkAsserts: true
5#coverage controls coverage guided testing
6coverage: false
7#seqLen defines how many transactions are in a test sequence
8seqLen: 1
9#testLimit is the number of test sequences to run
10testLimit: 500000
11# #psender is the sender for property transactions; by default intentionally
12# #the same as contract deployer
13# psender: "0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea70"
14# #prefix is the prefix for Boolean functions that are properties to be checked
15# prefix: "echidna_"
16# #propMaxGas defines gas cost at which a property fails
17# propMaxGas: 8000030
18# #testMaxGas is a gas limit; does not cause failure, but terminates sequence
19# testMaxGas: 8000030
20# #maxGasprice is the maximum gas price
21# maxGasprice: 100000000000
22# #stopOnFail makes echidna terminate as soon as any property fails and has been shrunk
23# stopOnFail: false
24# #estimateGas makes echidna perform analysis of maximum gas costs for functions (experimental)
25# estimateGas: false
26# #shrinkLimit determines how much effort is spent shrinking failing sequences
27# shrinkLimit: 5000
28# #contractAddr is the address of the contract itself
29# contractAddr: "0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72"
30# #deployer is address of the contract deployer (who often is privileged owner, etc.)
31# deployer: "0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea70"
32# #sender is set of addresses transactions may originate from
33# sender: ["0x10000", "0x20000", "0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea70"]
34# #balanceAddr is default balance for addresses
35# balanceAddr: 0xffffffff
36# #balanceContract overrides balanceAddr for the contract address
37# balanceContract: 0
38# #solcArgs allows special args to solc
39# solcArgs: ""
40# #solcLibs is solc libraries
41# solcLibs: []
42# #cryticArgs allows special args to crytic
43# cryticArgs: []
44# #quiet produces (much) less verbose output
45# quiet: false
46# #initialize the blockchain with some data
47# initialize: null
48# #whether ot not to use the multi-abi mode of testing
49# multi-abi: false
50# #benchmarkMode enables benchmark mode
51# benchmarkMode: false
52# #timeout controls test timeout settings
53# timeout: null
54# #seed not defined by default, is the random seed
55# #seed: 0
56# #dictFreq controls how often to use echidna's internal dictionary vs random
57# #values
58# dictFreq: 0.40
59# maxTimeDelay: 604800
60# #maximum time between generated txs; default is one week
61# maxBlockDelay: 60480
62# #maximum number of blocks elapsed between generated txs; default is expected increment in one week
63# # timeout:
64# #campaign timeout (in seconds)
65# # list of methods to filter
66# filterFunctions: []
67# # by default, blacklist methods in filterFunctions
68# filterBlacklist: true
69# #directory to save the corpus; by default is disabled
70# corpusDir: null
71# # constants for corpus mutations (for experimentation only)
72# mutConsts: [100, 1, 1]
73# # maximum value to send to payable functions
74# maxValue: 100000000000000000000 # 100 eth