4.52 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@videojs/http-streaming",
3 "version": "1.13.4",
4 "description": "Play back HLS and DASH with Video.js, even where it's not natively supported",
5 "main": "dist/videojs-http-streaming.cjs.js",
6 "module": "dist/videojs-http-streaming.es.js",
7 "repository": {
8 "type": "git",
9 "url": "git@github.com:videojs/http-streaming.git"
10 },
11 "scripts": {
12 "prenetlify": "npm run build",
13 "netlify": "node scripts/netlify.js",
14 "prebuild": "npm run clean",
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16 "build:js": "rollup -c scripts/rollup.config.js",
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18 "clean": "run-p clean:dist clean:test",
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20 "clean:test": "node scripts/clean-tests.js",
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27 "prestart": "npm run build",
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34 "build:test:manifest": "node -e \"var b=require('./scripts/manifest-data.js'); b.build();\"",
35 "build:test:segments": "node -e \"var b=require('./scripts/segments-data.js'); b.build();\"",
36 "watch": "run-p watch:js watch:test:manifest watch:test:segments watch:test:js watch:js:switcher watch:js-webworker",
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41 "watch:test:segments": "node -e \"var b=require('./scripts/segments-data.js'); b.watch();\"",
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43 "preversion": "npm test",
44 "version": "node scripts/version.js",
45 "prepublish": "in-publish && npm run build || not-in-publish"
46 },
47 "keywords": [
48 "videojs",
49 "videojs-plugin"
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51 "author": "Brightcove, Inc",
52 "license": "Apache-2.0",
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55 "es5",
56 "dist",
57 "dist-test",
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61 "utils",
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63 "test/test-segments.js",
64 "*.worker.*"
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67 "files": [
68 "dist/"
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76 "url-toolkit": "^2.1.3",
77 "video.js": "^6.8.0 || ^7.0.0"
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