1 |
2 | (function (global, factory) {
3 | typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('video.js'), require('@xmldom/xmldom')) :
4 | typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'video.js', '@xmldom/xmldom'], factory) :
5 | (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.httpStreaming = {}, global.videojs, global.window));
6 | })(this, (function (exports, videojs, xmldom) { 'use strict';
7 |
8 | function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; }
9 |
10 | var videojs__default = _interopDefaultLegacy(videojs);
11 |
12 | function _extends() {
13 | _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
14 | for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
15 | var source = arguments[i];
16 |
17 | for (var key in source) {
18 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
19 | target[key] = source[key];
20 | }
21 | }
22 | }
23 |
24 | return target;
25 | };
26 |
27 | return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
28 | }
29 |
30 | var urlToolkit = {exports: {}};
31 |
32 | (function (module, exports) {
33 |
34 | (function (root) {
35 | var URL_REGEX = /^((?:[a-zA-Z0-9+\-.]+:)?)(\/\/[^\/?#]*)?((?:[^\/?#]*\/)*[^;?#]*)?(;[^?#]*)?(\?[^#]*)?(#[^]*)?$/;
36 | var FIRST_SEGMENT_REGEX = /^([^\/?#]*)([^]*)$/;
37 | var SLASH_DOT_REGEX = /(?:\/|^)\.(?=\/)/g;
38 | var SLASH_DOT_DOT_REGEX = /(?:\/|^)\.\.\/(?!\.\.\/)[^\/]*(?=\/)/g;
39 | var URLToolkit = {
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 | buildAbsoluteURL: function (baseURL, relativeURL, opts) {
47 | opts = opts || {};
48 |
49 | baseURL = baseURL.trim();
50 | relativeURL = relativeURL.trim();
51 |
52 | if (!relativeURL) {
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 | if (!opts.alwaysNormalize) {
57 | return baseURL;
58 | }
59 |
60 | var basePartsForNormalise = URLToolkit.parseURL(baseURL);
61 |
62 | if (!basePartsForNormalise) {
63 | throw new Error('Error trying to parse base URL.');
64 | }
65 |
66 | basePartsForNormalise.path = URLToolkit.normalizePath(basePartsForNormalise.path);
67 | return URLToolkit.buildURLFromParts(basePartsForNormalise);
68 | }
69 |
70 | var relativeParts = URLToolkit.parseURL(relativeURL);
71 |
72 | if (!relativeParts) {
73 | throw new Error('Error trying to parse relative URL.');
74 | }
75 |
76 | if (relativeParts.scheme) {
77 |
78 |
79 | if (!opts.alwaysNormalize) {
80 | return relativeURL;
81 | }
82 |
83 | relativeParts.path = URLToolkit.normalizePath(relativeParts.path);
84 | return URLToolkit.buildURLFromParts(relativeParts);
85 | }
86 |
87 | var baseParts = URLToolkit.parseURL(baseURL);
88 |
89 | if (!baseParts) {
90 | throw new Error('Error trying to parse base URL.');
91 | }
92 |
93 | if (!baseParts.netLoc && baseParts.path && baseParts.path[0] !== '/') {
94 |
95 |
96 | var pathParts = FIRST_SEGMENT_REGEX.exec(baseParts.path);
97 | baseParts.netLoc = pathParts[1];
98 | baseParts.path = pathParts[2];
99 | }
100 |
101 | if (baseParts.netLoc && !baseParts.path) {
102 | baseParts.path = '/';
103 | }
104 |
105 | var builtParts = {
106 |
107 |
108 | scheme: baseParts.scheme,
109 | netLoc: relativeParts.netLoc,
110 | path: null,
111 | params: relativeParts.params,
112 | query: relativeParts.query,
113 | fragment: relativeParts.fragment
114 | };
115 |
116 | if (!relativeParts.netLoc) {
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 | builtParts.netLoc = baseParts.netLoc;
121 |
122 |
123 | if (relativeParts.path[0] !== '/') {
124 | if (!relativeParts.path) {
125 |
126 |
127 | builtParts.path = baseParts.path;
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 | if (!relativeParts.params) {
132 | builtParts.params = baseParts.params;
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 | if (!relativeParts.query) {
137 | builtParts.query = baseParts.query;
138 | }
139 | }
140 | } else {
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 | var baseURLPath = baseParts.path;
146 | var newPath = baseURLPath.substring(0, baseURLPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + relativeParts.path;
147 | builtParts.path = URLToolkit.normalizePath(newPath);
148 | }
149 | }
150 | }
151 |
152 | if (builtParts.path === null) {
153 | builtParts.path = opts.alwaysNormalize ? URLToolkit.normalizePath(relativeParts.path) : relativeParts.path;
154 | }
155 |
156 | return URLToolkit.buildURLFromParts(builtParts);
157 | },
158 | parseURL: function (url) {
159 | var parts = URL_REGEX.exec(url);
160 |
161 | if (!parts) {
162 | return null;
163 | }
164 |
165 | return {
166 | scheme: parts[1] || '',
167 | netLoc: parts[2] || '',
168 | path: parts[3] || '',
169 | params: parts[4] || '',
170 | query: parts[5] || '',
171 | fragment: parts[6] || ''
172 | };
173 | },
174 | normalizePath: function (path) {
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 | path = path.split('').reverse().join('').replace(SLASH_DOT_REGEX, '');
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 | while (path.length !== (path = path.replace(SLASH_DOT_DOT_REGEX, '')).length) {}
191 |
192 | return path.split('').reverse().join('');
193 | },
194 | buildURLFromParts: function (parts) {
195 | return parts.scheme + parts.netLoc + parts.path + parts.params + parts.query + parts.fragment;
196 | }
197 | };
198 | module.exports = URLToolkit;
199 | })();
200 | })(urlToolkit);
201 |
202 | var URLToolkit = urlToolkit.exports;
203 |
204 | var DEFAULT_LOCATION = 'http://example.com';
205 |
206 | var resolveUrl$1 = function resolveUrl(baseUrl, relativeUrl) {
207 |
208 | if (/^[a-z]+:/i.test(relativeUrl)) {
209 | return relativeUrl;
210 | }
211 |
212 |
213 | if (/^data:/.test(baseUrl)) {
214 | baseUrl = window.location && window.location.href || '';
215 | }
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 | var nativeURL = typeof window.URL === 'function';
220 | var protocolLess = /^\/\//.test(baseUrl);
221 |
222 |
223 | var removeLocation = !window.location && !/\/\//i.test(baseUrl);
224 |
225 | if (nativeURL) {
226 | baseUrl = new window.URL(baseUrl, window.location || DEFAULT_LOCATION);
227 | } else if (!/\/\//i.test(baseUrl)) {
228 | baseUrl = URLToolkit.buildAbsoluteURL(window.location && window.location.href || '', baseUrl);
229 | }
230 |
231 | if (nativeURL) {
232 | var newUrl = new URL(relativeUrl, baseUrl);
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 | if (removeLocation) {
237 | return newUrl.href.slice(DEFAULT_LOCATION.length);
238 | } else if (protocolLess) {
239 | return newUrl.href.slice(newUrl.protocol.length);
240 | }
241 |
242 | return newUrl.href;
243 | }
244 |
245 | return URLToolkit.buildAbsoluteURL(baseUrl, relativeUrl);
246 | };
247 |
248 | |
249 |
250 |
251 | const resolveUrl = resolveUrl$1;
252 | |
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 | const resolveManifestRedirect = (url, req) => {
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 | if (req && req.responseURL && url !== req.responseURL) {
269 | return req.responseURL;
270 | }
271 |
272 | return url;
273 | };
274 |
275 | const logger = source => {
276 | if (videojs__default["default"].log.debug) {
277 | return videojs__default["default"].log.debug.bind(videojs__default["default"], 'VHS:', `${source} >`);
278 | }
279 |
280 | return function () {};
281 | };
282 |
283 | |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 | |
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 | var Stream = function () {
293 | function Stream() {
294 | this.listeners = {};
295 | }
296 | |
297 |
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 | var _proto = Stream.prototype;
306 |
307 | _proto.on = function on(type, listener) {
308 | if (!this.listeners[type]) {
309 | this.listeners[type] = [];
310 | }
311 |
312 | this.listeners[type].push(listener);
313 | }
314 | |
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 | ;
323 |
324 | _proto.off = function off(type, listener) {
325 | if (!this.listeners[type]) {
326 | return false;
327 | }
328 |
329 | var index = this.listeners[type].indexOf(listener);
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 | this.listeners[type] = this.listeners[type].slice(0);
339 | this.listeners[type].splice(index, 1);
340 | return index > -1;
341 | }
342 | |
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 | ;
349 |
350 | _proto.trigger = function trigger(type) {
351 | var callbacks = this.listeners[type];
352 |
353 | if (!callbacks) {
354 | return;
355 | }
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 | if (arguments.length === 2) {
362 | var length = callbacks.length;
363 |
364 | for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
365 | callbacks[i].call(this, arguments[1]);
366 | }
367 | } else {
368 | var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
369 | var _length = callbacks.length;
370 |
371 | for (var _i = 0; _i < _length; ++_i) {
372 | callbacks[_i].apply(this, args);
373 | }
374 | }
375 | }
376 | |
377 |
378 |
379 | ;
380 |
381 | _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
382 | this.listeners = {};
383 | }
384 | |
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 | ;
393 |
394 | _proto.pipe = function pipe(destination) {
395 | this.on('data', function (data) {
396 | destination.push(data);
397 | });
398 | };
399 |
400 | return Stream;
401 | }();
402 |
403 | var atob = function atob(s) {
404 | return window.atob ? window.atob(s) : Buffer.from(s, 'base64').toString('binary');
405 | };
406 |
407 | function decodeB64ToUint8Array(b64Text) {
408 | var decodedString = atob(b64Text);
409 | var array = new Uint8Array(decodedString.length);
410 |
411 | for (var i = 0; i < decodedString.length; i++) {
412 | array[i] = decodedString.charCodeAt(i);
413 | }
414 |
415 | return array;
416 | }
417 |
418 |
419 | |
420 |
421 |
422 |
423 | |
424 |
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
431 | class LineStream extends Stream {
432 | constructor() {
433 | super();
434 | this.buffer = '';
435 | }
436 | |
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 | push(data) {
444 | let nextNewline;
445 | this.buffer += data;
446 | nextNewline = this.buffer.indexOf('\n');
447 |
448 | for (; nextNewline > -1; nextNewline = this.buffer.indexOf('\n')) {
449 | this.trigger('data', this.buffer.substring(0, nextNewline));
450 | this.buffer = this.buffer.substring(nextNewline + 1);
451 | }
452 | }
453 |
454 | }
455 |
456 | const TAB = String.fromCharCode(0x09);
457 |
458 | const parseByterange = function (byterangeString) {
459 |
460 |
461 | const match = /([0-9.]*)?@?([0-9.]*)?/.exec(byterangeString || '');
462 | const result = {};
463 |
464 | if (match[1]) {
465 | result.length = parseInt(match[1], 10);
466 | }
467 |
468 | if (match[2]) {
469 | result.offset = parseInt(match[2], 10);
470 | }
471 |
472 | return result;
473 | };
474 | |
475 |
476 |
477 |
478 |
479 |
480 |
481 |
482 |
483 | const attributeSeparator = function () {
484 | const key = '[^=]*';
485 | const value = '"[^"]*"|[^,]*';
486 | const keyvalue = '(?:' + key + ')=(?:' + value + ')';
487 | return new RegExp('(?:^|,)(' + keyvalue + ')');
488 | };
489 | |
490 |
491 |
492 |
493 |
494 |
495 |
496 | const parseAttributes$1 = function (attributes) {
497 | const result = {};
498 |
499 | if (!attributes) {
500 | return result;
501 | }
502 |
503 |
504 | const attrs = attributes.split(attributeSeparator());
505 | let i = attrs.length;
506 | let attr;
507 |
508 | while (i--) {
509 |
510 | if (attrs[i] === '') {
511 | continue;
512 | }
513 |
514 |
515 | attr = /([^=]*)=(.*)/.exec(attrs[i]).slice(1);
516 |
517 | attr[0] = attr[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
518 | attr[1] = attr[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
519 | attr[1] = attr[1].replace(/^['"](.*)['"]$/g, '$1');
520 | result[attr[0]] = attr[1];
521 | }
522 |
523 | return result;
524 | };
525 | |
526 |
527 |
528 |
529 |
530 |
531 |
532 |
533 |
534 |
535 |
536 |
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 |
542 |
543 |
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
548 |
549 |
550 |
551 | class ParseStream extends Stream {
552 | constructor() {
553 | super();
554 | this.customParsers = [];
555 | this.tagMappers = [];
556 | }
557 | |
558 |
559 |
560 |
561 |
562 |
563 |
564 | push(line) {
565 | let match;
566 | let event;
567 |
568 | line = line.trim();
569 |
570 | if (line.length === 0) {
571 |
572 | return;
573 | }
574 |
575 |
576 | if (line[0] !== '#') {
577 | this.trigger('data', {
578 | type: 'uri',
579 | uri: line
580 | });
581 | return;
582 | }
583 |
584 |
585 | const newLines = this.tagMappers.reduce((acc, mapper) => {
586 | const mappedLine = mapper(line);
587 |
588 | if (mappedLine === line) {
589 | return acc;
590 | }
591 |
592 | return acc.concat([mappedLine]);
593 | }, [line]);
594 | newLines.forEach(newLine => {
595 | for (let i = 0; i < this.customParsers.length; i++) {
596 | if (this.customParsers[i].call(this, newLine)) {
597 | return;
598 | }
599 | }
600 |
601 |
602 | if (newLine.indexOf('#EXT') !== 0) {
603 | this.trigger('data', {
604 | type: 'comment',
605 | text: newLine.slice(1)
606 | });
607 | return;
608 | }
609 |
610 |
611 |
612 | newLine = newLine.replace('\r', '');
613 |
614 | match = /^#EXTM3U/.exec(newLine);
615 |
616 | if (match) {
617 | this.trigger('data', {
618 | type: 'tag',
619 | tagType: 'm3u'
620 | });
621 | return;
622 | }
623 |
624 | match = /^#EXTINF:([0-9\.]*)?,?(.*)?$/.exec(newLine);
625 |
626 | if (match) {
627 | event = {
628 | type: 'tag',
629 | tagType: 'inf'
630 | };
631 |
632 | if (match[1]) {
633 | event.duration = parseFloat(match[1]);
634 | }
635 |
636 | if (match[2]) {
637 | event.title = match[2];
638 | }
639 |
640 | this.trigger('data', event);
641 | return;
642 | }
643 |
644 | match = /^#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:([0-9.]*)?/.exec(newLine);
645 |
646 | if (match) {
647 | event = {
648 | type: 'tag',
649 | tagType: 'targetduration'
650 | };
651 |
652 | if (match[1]) {
653 | event.duration = parseInt(match[1], 10);
654 | }
655 |
656 | this.trigger('data', event);
657 | return;
658 | }
659 |
660 | match = /^#EXT-X-VERSION:([0-9.]*)?/.exec(newLine);
661 |
662 | if (match) {
663 | event = {
664 | type: 'tag',
665 | tagType: 'version'
666 | };
667 |
668 | if (match[1]) {
669 | event.version = parseInt(match[1], 10);
670 | }
671 |
672 | this.trigger('data', event);
673 | return;
674 | }
675 |
676 | match = /^#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:(\-?[0-9.]*)?/.exec(newLine);
677 |
678 | if (match) {
679 | event = {
680 | type: 'tag',
681 | tagType: 'media-sequence'
682 | };
683 |
684 | if (match[1]) {
685 | event.number = parseInt(match[1], 10);
686 | }
687 |
688 | this.trigger('data', event);
689 | return;
690 | }
691 |
692 | match = /^#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE:(\-?[0-9.]*)?/.exec(newLine);
693 |
694 | if (match) {
695 | event = {
696 | type: 'tag',
697 | tagType: 'discontinuity-sequence'
698 | };
699 |
700 | if (match[1]) {
701 | event.number = parseInt(match[1], 10);
702 | }
703 |
704 | this.trigger('data', event);
705 | return;
706 | }
707 |
708 | match = /^#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:(.*)?$/.exec(newLine);
709 |
710 | if (match) {
711 | event = {
712 | type: 'tag',
713 | tagType: 'playlist-type'
714 | };
715 |
716 | if (match[1]) {
717 | event.playlistType = match[1];
718 | }
719 |
720 | this.trigger('data', event);
721 | return;
722 | }
723 |
724 | match = /^#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:(.*)?$/.exec(newLine);
725 |
726 | if (match) {
727 | event = _extends(parseByterange(match[1]), {
728 | type: 'tag',
729 | tagType: 'byterange'
730 | });
731 | this.trigger('data', event);
732 | return;
733 | }
734 |
735 | match = /^#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:(YES|NO)?/.exec(newLine);
736 |
737 | if (match) {
738 | event = {
739 | type: 'tag',
740 | tagType: 'allow-cache'
741 | };
742 |
743 | if (match[1]) {
744 | event.allowed = !/NO/.test(match[1]);
745 | }
746 |
747 | this.trigger('data', event);
748 | return;
749 | }
750 |
751 | match = /^#EXT-X-MAP:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
752 |
753 | if (match) {
754 | event = {
755 | type: 'tag',
756 | tagType: 'map'
757 | };
758 |
759 | if (match[1]) {
760 | const attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
761 |
762 | if (attributes.URI) {
763 | event.uri = attributes.URI;
764 | }
765 |
766 | if (attributes.BYTERANGE) {
767 | event.byterange = parseByterange(attributes.BYTERANGE);
768 | }
769 | }
770 |
771 | this.trigger('data', event);
772 | return;
773 | }
774 |
775 | match = /^#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
776 |
777 | if (match) {
778 | event = {
779 | type: 'tag',
780 | tagType: 'stream-inf'
781 | };
782 |
783 | if (match[1]) {
784 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
785 |
786 | if (event.attributes.RESOLUTION) {
787 | const split = event.attributes.RESOLUTION.split('x');
788 | const resolution = {};
789 |
790 | if (split[0]) {
791 | resolution.width = parseInt(split[0], 10);
792 | }
793 |
794 | if (split[1]) {
795 | resolution.height = parseInt(split[1], 10);
796 | }
797 |
798 | event.attributes.RESOLUTION = resolution;
799 | }
800 |
801 | if (event.attributes.BANDWIDTH) {
802 | event.attributes.BANDWIDTH = parseInt(event.attributes.BANDWIDTH, 10);
803 | }
804 |
805 | if (event.attributes['FRAME-RATE']) {
806 | event.attributes['FRAME-RATE'] = parseFloat(event.attributes['FRAME-RATE']);
807 | }
808 |
809 | if (event.attributes['PROGRAM-ID']) {
810 | event.attributes['PROGRAM-ID'] = parseInt(event.attributes['PROGRAM-ID'], 10);
811 | }
812 | }
813 |
814 | this.trigger('data', event);
815 | return;
816 | }
817 |
818 | match = /^#EXT-X-MEDIA:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
819 |
820 | if (match) {
821 | event = {
822 | type: 'tag',
823 | tagType: 'media'
824 | };
825 |
826 | if (match[1]) {
827 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
828 | }
829 |
830 | this.trigger('data', event);
831 | return;
832 | }
833 |
834 | match = /^#EXT-X-ENDLIST/.exec(newLine);
835 |
836 | if (match) {
837 | this.trigger('data', {
838 | type: 'tag',
839 | tagType: 'endlist'
840 | });
841 | return;
842 | }
843 |
844 | match = /^#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY/.exec(newLine);
845 |
846 | if (match) {
847 | this.trigger('data', {
848 | type: 'tag',
849 | tagType: 'discontinuity'
850 | });
851 | return;
852 | }
853 |
854 | match = /^#EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
855 |
856 | if (match) {
857 | event = {
858 | type: 'tag',
859 | tagType: 'program-date-time'
860 | };
861 |
862 | if (match[1]) {
863 | event.dateTimeString = match[1];
864 | event.dateTimeObject = new Date(match[1]);
865 | }
866 |
867 | this.trigger('data', event);
868 | return;
869 | }
870 |
871 | match = /^#EXT-X-KEY:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
872 |
873 | if (match) {
874 | event = {
875 | type: 'tag',
876 | tagType: 'key'
877 | };
878 |
879 | if (match[1]) {
880 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
881 |
882 | if (event.attributes.IV) {
883 | if (event.attributes.IV.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() === '0x') {
884 | event.attributes.IV = event.attributes.IV.substring(2);
885 | }
886 |
887 | event.attributes.IV = event.attributes.IV.match(/.{8}/g);
888 | event.attributes.IV[0] = parseInt(event.attributes.IV[0], 16);
889 | event.attributes.IV[1] = parseInt(event.attributes.IV[1], 16);
890 | event.attributes.IV[2] = parseInt(event.attributes.IV[2], 16);
891 | event.attributes.IV[3] = parseInt(event.attributes.IV[3], 16);
892 | event.attributes.IV = new Uint32Array(event.attributes.IV);
893 | }
894 | }
895 |
896 | this.trigger('data', event);
897 | return;
898 | }
899 |
900 | match = /^#EXT-X-START:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
901 |
902 | if (match) {
903 | event = {
904 | type: 'tag',
905 | tagType: 'start'
906 | };
907 |
908 | if (match[1]) {
909 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
910 | event.attributes['TIME-OFFSET'] = parseFloat(event.attributes['TIME-OFFSET']);
911 | event.attributes.PRECISE = /YES/.test(event.attributes.PRECISE);
912 | }
913 |
914 | this.trigger('data', event);
915 | return;
916 | }
917 |
918 | match = /^#EXT-X-CUE-OUT-CONT:(.*)?$/.exec(newLine);
919 |
920 | if (match) {
921 | event = {
922 | type: 'tag',
923 | tagType: 'cue-out-cont'
924 | };
925 |
926 | if (match[1]) {
927 | event.data = match[1];
928 | } else {
929 | event.data = '';
930 | }
931 |
932 | this.trigger('data', event);
933 | return;
934 | }
935 |
936 | match = /^#EXT-X-CUE-OUT:(.*)?$/.exec(newLine);
937 |
938 | if (match) {
939 | event = {
940 | type: 'tag',
941 | tagType: 'cue-out'
942 | };
943 |
944 | if (match[1]) {
945 | event.data = match[1];
946 | } else {
947 | event.data = '';
948 | }
949 |
950 | this.trigger('data', event);
951 | return;
952 | }
953 |
954 | match = /^#EXT-X-CUE-IN:(.*)?$/.exec(newLine);
955 |
956 | if (match) {
957 | event = {
958 | type: 'tag',
959 | tagType: 'cue-in'
960 | };
961 |
962 | if (match[1]) {
963 | event.data = match[1];
964 | } else {
965 | event.data = '';
966 | }
967 |
968 | this.trigger('data', event);
969 | return;
970 | }
971 |
972 | match = /^#EXT-X-SKIP:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
973 |
974 | if (match && match[1]) {
975 | event = {
976 | type: 'tag',
977 | tagType: 'skip'
978 | };
979 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
980 |
981 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty('SKIPPED-SEGMENTS')) {
982 | event.attributes['SKIPPED-SEGMENTS'] = parseInt(event.attributes['SKIPPED-SEGMENTS'], 10);
983 | }
984 |
985 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty('RECENTLY-REMOVED-DATERANGES')) {
986 | event.attributes['RECENTLY-REMOVED-DATERANGES'] = event.attributes['RECENTLY-REMOVED-DATERANGES'].split(TAB);
987 | }
988 |
989 | this.trigger('data', event);
990 | return;
991 | }
992 |
993 | match = /^#EXT-X-PART:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
994 |
995 | if (match && match[1]) {
996 | event = {
997 | type: 'tag',
998 | tagType: 'part'
999 | };
1000 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
1001 | ['DURATION'].forEach(function (key) {
1002 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1003 | event.attributes[key] = parseFloat(event.attributes[key]);
1004 | }
1005 | });
1006 | ['INDEPENDENT', 'GAP'].forEach(function (key) {
1007 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1008 | event.attributes[key] = /YES/.test(event.attributes[key]);
1009 | }
1010 | });
1011 |
1012 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty('BYTERANGE')) {
1013 | event.attributes.byterange = parseByterange(event.attributes.BYTERANGE);
1014 | }
1015 |
1016 | this.trigger('data', event);
1017 | return;
1018 | }
1019 |
1020 | match = /^#EXT-X-SERVER-CONTROL:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
1021 |
1022 | if (match && match[1]) {
1023 | event = {
1024 | type: 'tag',
1025 | tagType: 'server-control'
1026 | };
1027 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
1028 | ['CAN-SKIP-UNTIL', 'PART-HOLD-BACK', 'HOLD-BACK'].forEach(function (key) {
1029 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1030 | event.attributes[key] = parseFloat(event.attributes[key]);
1031 | }
1032 | });
1033 | ['CAN-SKIP-DATERANGES', 'CAN-BLOCK-RELOAD'].forEach(function (key) {
1034 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1035 | event.attributes[key] = /YES/.test(event.attributes[key]);
1036 | }
1037 | });
1038 | this.trigger('data', event);
1039 | return;
1040 | }
1041 |
1042 | match = /^#EXT-X-PART-INF:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
1043 |
1044 | if (match && match[1]) {
1045 | event = {
1046 | type: 'tag',
1047 | tagType: 'part-inf'
1048 | };
1049 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
1050 | ['PART-TARGET'].forEach(function (key) {
1051 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1052 | event.attributes[key] = parseFloat(event.attributes[key]);
1053 | }
1054 | });
1055 | this.trigger('data', event);
1056 | return;
1057 | }
1058 |
1059 | match = /^#EXT-X-PRELOAD-HINT:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
1060 |
1061 | if (match && match[1]) {
1062 | event = {
1063 | type: 'tag',
1064 | tagType: 'preload-hint'
1065 | };
1066 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
1067 | ['BYTERANGE-START', 'BYTERANGE-LENGTH'].forEach(function (key) {
1068 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1069 | event.attributes[key] = parseInt(event.attributes[key], 10);
1070 | const subkey = key === 'BYTERANGE-LENGTH' ? 'length' : 'offset';
1071 | event.attributes.byterange = event.attributes.byterange || {};
1072 | event.attributes.byterange[subkey] = event.attributes[key];
1073 |
1074 | delete event.attributes[key];
1075 | }
1076 | });
1077 | this.trigger('data', event);
1078 | return;
1079 | }
1080 |
1081 | match = /^#EXT-X-RENDITION-REPORT:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
1082 |
1083 | if (match && match[1]) {
1084 | event = {
1085 | type: 'tag',
1086 | tagType: 'rendition-report'
1087 | };
1088 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
1089 | ['LAST-MSN', 'LAST-PART'].forEach(function (key) {
1090 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1091 | event.attributes[key] = parseInt(event.attributes[key], 10);
1092 | }
1093 | });
1094 | this.trigger('data', event);
1095 | return;
1096 | }
1097 |
1098 | match = /^#EXT-X-DATERANGE:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
1099 |
1100 | if (match && match[1]) {
1101 | event = {
1102 | type: 'tag',
1103 | tagType: 'daterange'
1104 | };
1105 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
1106 | ['ID', 'CLASS'].forEach(function (key) {
1107 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1108 | event.attributes[key] = String(event.attributes[key]);
1109 | }
1110 | });
1111 | ['START-DATE', 'END-DATE'].forEach(function (key) {
1112 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1113 | event.attributes[key] = new Date(event.attributes[key]);
1114 | }
1115 | });
1116 | ['DURATION', 'PLANNED-DURATION'].forEach(function (key) {
1117 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1118 | event.attributes[key] = parseFloat(event.attributes[key]);
1119 | }
1120 | });
1121 | ['END-ON-NEXT'].forEach(function (key) {
1122 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1123 | event.attributes[key] = /YES/i.test(event.attributes[key]);
1124 | }
1125 | });
1126 | ['SCTE35-CMD', ' SCTE35-OUT', 'SCTE35-IN'].forEach(function (key) {
1127 | if (event.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1128 | event.attributes[key] = event.attributes[key].toString(16);
1129 | }
1130 | });
1131 | const clientAttributePattern = /^X-([A-Z]+-)+[A-Z]+$/;
1132 |
1133 | for (const key in event.attributes) {
1134 | if (!clientAttributePattern.test(key)) {
1135 | continue;
1136 | }
1137 |
1138 | const isHexaDecimal = /[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}/g.test(event.attributes[key]);
1139 | const isDecimalFloating = /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(event.attributes[key]);
1140 | event.attributes[key] = isHexaDecimal ? event.attributes[key].toString(16) : isDecimalFloating ? parseFloat(event.attributes[key]) : String(event.attributes[key]);
1141 | }
1142 |
1143 | this.trigger('data', event);
1144 | return;
1145 | }
1146 |
1147 | match = /^#EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS/.exec(newLine);
1148 |
1149 | if (match) {
1150 | this.trigger('data', {
1151 | type: 'tag',
1152 | tagType: 'independent-segments'
1153 | });
1154 | return;
1155 | }
1156 |
1157 | match = /^#EXT-X-CONTENT-STEERING:(.*)$/.exec(newLine);
1158 |
1159 | if (match) {
1160 | event = {
1161 | type: 'tag',
1162 | tagType: 'content-steering'
1163 | };
1164 | event.attributes = parseAttributes$1(match[1]);
1165 | this.trigger('data', event);
1166 | return;
1167 | }
1168 |
1169 |
1170 | this.trigger('data', {
1171 | type: 'tag',
1172 | data: newLine.slice(4)
1173 | });
1174 | });
1175 | }
1176 | |
1177 |
1178 |
1179 |
1180 |
1181 |
1182 |
1183 |
1184 |
1185 |
1186 |
1187 | addParser({
1188 | expression,
1189 | customType,
1190 | dataParser,
1191 | segment
1192 | }) {
1193 | if (typeof dataParser !== 'function') {
1194 | dataParser = line => line;
1195 | }
1196 |
1197 | this.customParsers.push(line => {
1198 | const match = expression.exec(line);
1199 |
1200 | if (match) {
1201 | this.trigger('data', {
1202 | type: 'custom',
1203 | data: dataParser(line),
1204 | customType,
1205 | segment
1206 | });
1207 | return true;
1208 | }
1209 | });
1210 | }
1211 | |
1212 |
1213 |
1214 |
1215 |
1216 |
1217 |
1218 |
1219 |
1220 | addTagMapper({
1221 | expression,
1222 | map
1223 | }) {
1224 | const mapFn = line => {
1225 | if (expression.test(line)) {
1226 | return map(line);
1227 | }
1228 |
1229 | return line;
1230 | };
1231 |
1232 | this.tagMappers.push(mapFn);
1233 | }
1234 |
1235 | }
1236 |
1237 | const camelCase = str => str.toLowerCase().replace(/-(\w)/g, a => a[1].toUpperCase());
1238 |
1239 | const camelCaseKeys = function (attributes) {
1240 | const result = {};
1241 | Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (key) {
1242 | result[camelCase(key)] = attributes[key];
1243 | });
1244 | return result;
1245 | };
1246 |
1247 |
1248 |
1249 |
1250 |
1251 | const setHoldBack = function (manifest) {
1252 | const {
1253 | serverControl,
1254 | targetDuration,
1255 | partTargetDuration
1256 | } = manifest;
1257 |
1258 | if (!serverControl) {
1259 | return;
1260 | }
1261 |
1262 | const tag = '#EXT-X-SERVER-CONTROL';
1263 | const hb = 'holdBack';
1264 | const phb = 'partHoldBack';
1265 | const minTargetDuration = targetDuration && targetDuration * 3;
1266 | const minPartDuration = partTargetDuration && partTargetDuration * 2;
1267 |
1268 | if (targetDuration && !serverControl.hasOwnProperty(hb)) {
1269 | serverControl[hb] = minTargetDuration;
1270 | this.trigger('info', {
1271 | message: `${tag} defaulting HOLD-BACK to targetDuration * 3 (${minTargetDuration}).`
1272 | });
1273 | }
1274 |
1275 | if (minTargetDuration && serverControl[hb] < minTargetDuration) {
1276 | this.trigger('warn', {
1277 | message: `${tag} clamping HOLD-BACK (${serverControl[hb]}) to targetDuration * 3 (${minTargetDuration})`
1278 | });
1279 | serverControl[hb] = minTargetDuration;
1280 | }
1281 |
1282 |
1283 | if (partTargetDuration && !serverControl.hasOwnProperty(phb)) {
1284 | serverControl[phb] = partTargetDuration * 3;
1285 | this.trigger('info', {
1286 | message: `${tag} defaulting PART-HOLD-BACK to partTargetDuration * 3 (${serverControl[phb]}).`
1287 | });
1288 | }
1289 |
1290 |
1291 | if (partTargetDuration && serverControl[phb] < minPartDuration) {
1292 | this.trigger('warn', {
1293 | message: `${tag} clamping PART-HOLD-BACK (${serverControl[phb]}) to partTargetDuration * 2 (${minPartDuration}).`
1294 | });
1295 | serverControl[phb] = minPartDuration;
1296 | }
1297 | };
1298 | |
1299 |
1300 |
1301 |
1302 |
1303 |
1304 |
1305 |
1306 |
1307 |
1308 |
1309 |
1310 |
1311 |
1312 |
1313 |
1314 |
1315 |
1316 |
1317 |
1318 |
1319 |
1320 |
1321 | class Parser extends Stream {
1322 | constructor() {
1323 | super();
1324 | this.lineStream = new LineStream();
1325 | this.parseStream = new ParseStream();
1326 | this.lineStream.pipe(this.parseStream);
1327 | this.lastProgramDateTime = null;
1328 |
1329 |
1330 | const self = this;
1331 |
1332 |
1333 | const uris = [];
1334 | let currentUri = {};
1335 |
1336 | let currentMap;
1337 |
1338 | let key;
1339 | let hasParts = false;
1340 |
1341 | const noop = function () {};
1342 |
1343 | const defaultMediaGroups = {
1344 | 'AUDIO': {},
1345 | 'VIDEO': {},
1346 | 'CLOSED-CAPTIONS': {},
1347 | 'SUBTITLES': {}
1348 | };
1349 |
1350 |
1351 | const widevineUuid = 'urn:uuid:edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed';
1352 |
1353 | let currentTimeline = 0;
1354 |
1355 | this.manifest = {
1356 | allowCache: true,
1357 | discontinuityStarts: [],
1358 | dateRanges: [],
1359 | segments: []
1360 | };
1361 |
1362 |
1363 |
1364 | let lastByterangeEnd = 0;
1365 |
1366 | let lastPartByterangeEnd = 0;
1367 | const dateRangeTags = {};
1368 | this.on('end', () => {
1369 |
1370 |
1371 | if (currentUri.uri || !currentUri.parts && !currentUri.preloadHints) {
1372 | return;
1373 | }
1374 |
1375 | if (!currentUri.map && currentMap) {
1376 | currentUri.map = currentMap;
1377 | }
1378 |
1379 | if (!currentUri.key && key) {
1380 | currentUri.key = key;
1381 | }
1382 |
1383 | if (!currentUri.timeline && typeof currentTimeline === 'number') {
1384 | currentUri.timeline = currentTimeline;
1385 | }
1386 |
1387 | this.manifest.preloadSegment = currentUri;
1388 | });
1389 |
1390 | this.parseStream.on('data', function (entry) {
1391 | let mediaGroup;
1392 | let rendition;
1393 | ({
1394 | tag() {
1395 |
1396 | (({
1397 | version() {
1398 | if (entry.version) {
1399 | this.manifest.version = entry.version;
1400 | }
1401 | },
1402 |
1403 | 'allow-cache'() {
1404 | this.manifest.allowCache = entry.allowed;
1405 |
1406 | if (!('allowed' in entry)) {
1407 | this.trigger('info', {
1408 | message: 'defaulting allowCache to YES'
1409 | });
1410 | this.manifest.allowCache = true;
1411 | }
1412 | },
1413 |
1414 | byterange() {
1415 | const byterange = {};
1416 |
1417 | if ('length' in entry) {
1418 | currentUri.byterange = byterange;
1419 | byterange.length = entry.length;
1420 |
1421 | if (!('offset' in entry)) {
1422 | |
1423 |
1424 |
1425 |
1426 |
1427 |
1428 |
1429 |
1430 |
1431 |
1432 | entry.offset = lastByterangeEnd;
1433 | }
1434 | }
1435 |
1436 | if ('offset' in entry) {
1437 | currentUri.byterange = byterange;
1438 | byterange.offset = entry.offset;
1439 | }
1440 |
1441 | lastByterangeEnd = byterange.offset + byterange.length;
1442 | },
1443 |
1444 | endlist() {
1445 | this.manifest.endList = true;
1446 | },
1447 |
1448 | inf() {
1449 | if (!('mediaSequence' in this.manifest)) {
1450 | this.manifest.mediaSequence = 0;
1451 | this.trigger('info', {
1452 | message: 'defaulting media sequence to zero'
1453 | });
1454 | }
1455 |
1456 | if (!('discontinuitySequence' in this.manifest)) {
1457 | this.manifest.discontinuitySequence = 0;
1458 | this.trigger('info', {
1459 | message: 'defaulting discontinuity sequence to zero'
1460 | });
1461 | }
1462 |
1463 | if (entry.title) {
1464 | currentUri.title = entry.title;
1465 | }
1466 |
1467 | if (entry.duration > 0) {
1468 | currentUri.duration = entry.duration;
1469 | }
1470 |
1471 | if (entry.duration === 0) {
1472 | currentUri.duration = 0.01;
1473 | this.trigger('info', {
1474 | message: 'updating zero segment duration to a small value'
1475 | });
1476 | }
1477 |
1478 | this.manifest.segments = uris;
1479 | },
1480 |
1481 | key() {
1482 | if (!entry.attributes) {
1483 | this.trigger('warn', {
1484 | message: 'ignoring key declaration without attribute list'
1485 | });
1486 | return;
1487 | }
1488 |
1489 |
1490 | if (entry.attributes.METHOD === 'NONE') {
1491 | key = null;
1492 | return;
1493 | }
1494 |
1495 | if (!entry.attributes.URI) {
1496 | this.trigger('warn', {
1497 | message: 'ignoring key declaration without URI'
1498 | });
1499 | return;
1500 | }
1501 |
1502 | if (entry.attributes.KEYFORMAT === 'com.apple.streamingkeydelivery') {
1503 | this.manifest.contentProtection = this.manifest.contentProtection || {};
1504 |
1505 | this.manifest.contentProtection['com.apple.fps.1_0'] = {
1506 | attributes: entry.attributes
1507 | };
1508 | return;
1509 | }
1510 |
1511 | if (entry.attributes.KEYFORMAT === 'com.microsoft.playready') {
1512 | this.manifest.contentProtection = this.manifest.contentProtection || {};
1513 |
1514 | this.manifest.contentProtection['com.microsoft.playready'] = {
1515 | uri: entry.attributes.URI
1516 | };
1517 | return;
1518 | }
1519 |
1520 |
1521 |
1522 | if (entry.attributes.KEYFORMAT === widevineUuid) {
1524 |
1525 | if (VALID_METHODS.indexOf(entry.attributes.METHOD) === -1) {
1526 | this.trigger('warn', {
1527 | message: 'invalid key method provided for Widevine'
1528 | });
1529 | return;
1530 | }
1531 |
1532 | if (entry.attributes.METHOD === 'SAMPLE-AES-CENC') {
1533 | this.trigger('warn', {
1534 | message: 'SAMPLE-AES-CENC is deprecated, please use SAMPLE-AES-CTR instead'
1535 | });
1536 | }
1537 |
1538 | if (entry.attributes.URI.substring(0, 23) !== 'data:text/plain;base64,') {
1539 | this.trigger('warn', {
1540 | message: 'invalid key URI provided for Widevine'
1541 | });
1542 | return;
1543 | }
1544 |
1545 | if (!(entry.attributes.KEYID && entry.attributes.KEYID.substring(0, 2) === '0x')) {
1546 | this.trigger('warn', {
1547 | message: 'invalid key ID provided for Widevine'
1548 | });
1549 | return;
1550 | }
1551 |
1552 |
1553 |
1554 | this.manifest.contentProtection = this.manifest.contentProtection || {};
1555 | this.manifest.contentProtection['com.widevine.alpha'] = {
1556 | attributes: {
1557 | schemeIdUri: entry.attributes.KEYFORMAT,
1558 |
1559 | keyId: entry.attributes.KEYID.substring(2)
1560 | },
1561 |
1562 | pssh: decodeB64ToUint8Array(entry.attributes.URI.split(',')[1])
1563 | };
1564 | return;
1565 | }
1566 |
1567 | if (!entry.attributes.METHOD) {
1568 | this.trigger('warn', {
1569 | message: 'defaulting key method to AES-128'
1570 | });
1571 | }
1572 |
1573 |
1574 | key = {
1575 | method: entry.attributes.METHOD || 'AES-128',
1576 | uri: entry.attributes.URI
1577 | };
1578 |
1579 | if (typeof entry.attributes.IV !== 'undefined') {
1580 | key.iv = entry.attributes.IV;
1581 | }
1582 | },
1583 |
1584 | 'media-sequence'() {
1585 | if (!isFinite(entry.number)) {
1586 | this.trigger('warn', {
1587 | message: 'ignoring invalid media sequence: ' + entry.number
1588 | });
1589 | return;
1590 | }
1591 |
1592 | this.manifest.mediaSequence = entry.number;
1593 | },
1594 |
1595 | 'discontinuity-sequence'() {
1596 | if (!isFinite(entry.number)) {
1597 | this.trigger('warn', {
1598 | message: 'ignoring invalid discontinuity sequence: ' + entry.number
1599 | });
1600 | return;
1601 | }
1602 |
1603 | this.manifest.discontinuitySequence = entry.number;
1604 | currentTimeline = entry.number;
1605 | },
1606 |
1607 | 'playlist-type'() {
1608 | if (!/VOD|EVENT/.test(entry.playlistType)) {
1609 | this.trigger('warn', {
1610 | message: 'ignoring unknown playlist type: ' + entry.playlist
1611 | });
1612 | return;
1613 | }
1614 |
1615 | this.manifest.playlistType = entry.playlistType;
1616 | },
1617 |
1618 | map() {
1619 | currentMap = {};
1620 |
1621 | if (entry.uri) {
1622 | currentMap.uri = entry.uri;
1623 | }
1624 |
1625 | if (entry.byterange) {
1626 | currentMap.byterange = entry.byterange;
1627 | }
1628 |
1629 | if (key) {
1630 | currentMap.key = key;
1631 | }
1632 | },
1633 |
1634 | 'stream-inf'() {
1635 | this.manifest.playlists = uris;
1636 | this.manifest.mediaGroups = this.manifest.mediaGroups || defaultMediaGroups;
1637 |
1638 | if (!entry.attributes) {
1639 | this.trigger('warn', {
1640 | message: 'ignoring empty stream-inf attributes'
1641 | });
1642 | return;
1643 | }
1644 |
1645 | if (!currentUri.attributes) {
1646 | currentUri.attributes = {};
1647 | }
1648 |
1649 | _extends(currentUri.attributes, entry.attributes);
1650 | },
1651 |
1652 | media() {
1653 | this.manifest.mediaGroups = this.manifest.mediaGroups || defaultMediaGroups;
1654 |
1655 | if (!(entry.attributes && entry.attributes.TYPE && entry.attributes['GROUP-ID'] && entry.attributes.NAME)) {
1656 | this.trigger('warn', {
1657 | message: 'ignoring incomplete or missing media group'
1658 | });
1659 | return;
1660 | }
1661 |
1662 |
1663 | const mediaGroupType = this.manifest.mediaGroups[entry.attributes.TYPE];
1664 | mediaGroupType[entry.attributes['GROUP-ID']] = mediaGroupType[entry.attributes['GROUP-ID']] || {};
1665 | mediaGroup = mediaGroupType[entry.attributes['GROUP-ID']];
1666 |
1667 | rendition = {
1668 | default: /yes/i.test(entry.attributes.DEFAULT)
1669 | };
1670 |
1671 | if (rendition.default) {
1672 | rendition.autoselect = true;
1673 | } else {
1674 | rendition.autoselect = /yes/i.test(entry.attributes.AUTOSELECT);
1675 | }
1676 |
1677 | if (entry.attributes.LANGUAGE) {
1678 | rendition.language = entry.attributes.LANGUAGE;
1679 | }
1680 |
1681 | if (entry.attributes.URI) {
1682 | rendition.uri = entry.attributes.URI;
1683 | }
1684 |
1685 | if (entry.attributes['INSTREAM-ID']) {
1686 | rendition.instreamId = entry.attributes['INSTREAM-ID'];
1687 | }
1688 |
1689 | if (entry.attributes.CHARACTERISTICS) {
1690 | rendition.characteristics = entry.attributes.CHARACTERISTICS;
1691 | }
1692 |
1693 | if (entry.attributes.FORCED) {
1694 | rendition.forced = /yes/i.test(entry.attributes.FORCED);
1695 | }
1696 |
1697 |
1698 | mediaGroup[entry.attributes.NAME] = rendition;
1699 | },
1700 |
1701 | discontinuity() {
1702 | currentTimeline += 1;
1703 | currentUri.discontinuity = true;
1704 | this.manifest.discontinuityStarts.push(uris.length);
1705 | },
1706 |
1707 | 'program-date-time'() {
1708 | if (typeof this.manifest.dateTimeString === 'undefined') {
1709 |
1710 |
1711 |
1712 |
1713 | this.manifest.dateTimeString = entry.dateTimeString;
1714 | this.manifest.dateTimeObject = entry.dateTimeObject;
1715 | }
1716 |
1717 | currentUri.dateTimeString = entry.dateTimeString;
1718 | currentUri.dateTimeObject = entry.dateTimeObject;
1719 | const {
1720 | lastProgramDateTime
1721 | } = this;
1722 | this.lastProgramDateTime = new Date(entry.dateTimeString).getTime();
1723 |
1724 |
1725 | if (lastProgramDateTime === null) {
1726 |
1727 |
1728 |
1729 | this.manifest.segments.reduceRight((programDateTime, segment) => {
1730 | segment.programDateTime = programDateTime - segment.duration * 1000;
1731 | return segment.programDateTime;
1732 | }, this.lastProgramDateTime);
1733 | }
1734 | },
1735 |
1736 | targetduration() {
1737 | if (!isFinite(entry.duration) || entry.duration < 0) {
1738 | this.trigger('warn', {
1739 | message: 'ignoring invalid target duration: ' + entry.duration
1740 | });
1741 | return;
1742 | }
1743 |
1744 | this.manifest.targetDuration = entry.duration;
1745 | setHoldBack.call(this, this.manifest);
1746 | },
1747 |
1748 | start() {
1749 | if (!entry.attributes || isNaN(entry.attributes['TIME-OFFSET'])) {
1750 | this.trigger('warn', {
1751 | message: 'ignoring start declaration without appropriate attribute list'
1752 | });
1753 | return;
1754 | }
1755 |
1756 | this.manifest.start = {
1757 | timeOffset: entry.attributes['TIME-OFFSET'],
1758 | precise: entry.attributes.PRECISE
1759 | };
1760 | },
1761 |
1762 | 'cue-out'() {
1763 | currentUri.cueOut = entry.data;
1764 | },
1765 |
1766 | 'cue-out-cont'() {
1767 | currentUri.cueOutCont = entry.data;
1768 | },
1769 |
1770 | 'cue-in'() {
1771 | currentUri.cueIn = entry.data;
1772 | },
1773 |
1774 | 'skip'() {
1775 | this.manifest.skip = camelCaseKeys(entry.attributes);
1776 | this.warnOnMissingAttributes_('#EXT-X-SKIP', entry.attributes, ['SKIPPED-SEGMENTS']);
1777 | },
1778 |
1779 | 'part'() {
1780 | hasParts = true;
1781 |
1782 | const segmentIndex = this.manifest.segments.length;
1783 | const part = camelCaseKeys(entry.attributes);
1784 | currentUri.parts = currentUri.parts || [];
1785 | currentUri.parts.push(part);
1786 |
1787 | if (part.byterange) {
1788 | if (!part.byterange.hasOwnProperty('offset')) {
1789 | part.byterange.offset = lastPartByterangeEnd;
1790 | }
1791 |
1792 | lastPartByterangeEnd = part.byterange.offset + part.byterange.length;
1793 | }
1794 |
1795 | const partIndex = currentUri.parts.length - 1;
1796 | this.warnOnMissingAttributes_(`#EXT-X-PART #${partIndex} for segment #${segmentIndex}`, entry.attributes, ['URI', 'DURATION']);
1797 |
1798 | if (this.manifest.renditionReports) {
1799 | this.manifest.renditionReports.forEach((r, i) => {
1800 | if (!r.hasOwnProperty('lastPart')) {
1801 | this.trigger('warn', {
1802 | message: `#EXT-X-RENDITION-REPORT #${i} lacks required attribute(s): LAST-PART`
1803 | });
1804 | }
1805 | });
1806 | }
1807 | },
1808 |
1809 | 'server-control'() {
1810 | const attrs = this.manifest.serverControl = camelCaseKeys(entry.attributes);
1811 |
1812 | if (!attrs.hasOwnProperty('canBlockReload')) {
1813 | attrs.canBlockReload = false;
1814 | this.trigger('info', {
1815 | message: '#EXT-X-SERVER-CONTROL defaulting CAN-BLOCK-RELOAD to false'
1816 | });
1817 | }
1818 |
1819 | setHoldBack.call(this, this.manifest);
1820 |
1821 | if (attrs.canSkipDateranges && !attrs.hasOwnProperty('canSkipUntil')) {
1822 | this.trigger('warn', {
1823 | message: '#EXT-X-SERVER-CONTROL lacks required attribute CAN-SKIP-UNTIL which is required when CAN-SKIP-DATERANGES is set'
1824 | });
1825 | }
1826 | },
1827 |
1828 | 'preload-hint'() {
1829 |
1830 | const segmentIndex = this.manifest.segments.length;
1831 | const hint = camelCaseKeys(entry.attributes);
1832 | const isPart = hint.type && hint.type === 'PART';
1833 | currentUri.preloadHints = currentUri.preloadHints || [];
1834 | currentUri.preloadHints.push(hint);
1835 |
1836 | if (hint.byterange) {
1837 | if (!hint.byterange.hasOwnProperty('offset')) {
1838 |
1839 | hint.byterange.offset = isPart ? lastPartByterangeEnd : 0;
1840 |
1841 | if (isPart) {
1842 | lastPartByterangeEnd = hint.byterange.offset + hint.byterange.length;
1843 | }
1844 | }
1845 | }
1846 |
1847 | const index = currentUri.preloadHints.length - 1;
1848 | this.warnOnMissingAttributes_(`#EXT-X-PRELOAD-HINT #${index} for segment #${segmentIndex}`, entry.attributes, ['TYPE', 'URI']);
1849 |
1850 | if (!hint.type) {
1851 | return;
1852 | }
1853 |
1854 |
1855 |
1856 | for (let i = 0; i < currentUri.preloadHints.length - 1; i++) {
1857 | const otherHint = currentUri.preloadHints[i];
1858 |
1859 | if (!otherHint.type) {
1860 | continue;
1861 | }
1862 |
1863 | if (otherHint.type === hint.type) {
1864 | this.trigger('warn', {
1865 | message: `#EXT-X-PRELOAD-HINT #${index} for segment #${segmentIndex} has the same TYPE ${hint.type} as preload hint #${i}`
1866 | });
1867 | }
1868 | }
1869 | },
1870 |
1871 | 'rendition-report'() {
1872 | const report = camelCaseKeys(entry.attributes);
1873 | this.manifest.renditionReports = this.manifest.renditionReports || [];
1874 | this.manifest.renditionReports.push(report);
1875 | const index = this.manifest.renditionReports.length - 1;
1876 | const required = ['LAST-MSN', 'URI'];
1877 |
1878 | if (hasParts) {
1879 | required.push('LAST-PART');
1880 | }
1881 |
1882 | this.warnOnMissingAttributes_(`#EXT-X-RENDITION-REPORT #${index}`, entry.attributes, required);
1883 | },
1884 |
1885 | 'part-inf'() {
1886 | this.manifest.partInf = camelCaseKeys(entry.attributes);
1887 | this.warnOnMissingAttributes_('#EXT-X-PART-INF', entry.attributes, ['PART-TARGET']);
1888 |
1889 | if (this.manifest.partInf.partTarget) {
1890 | this.manifest.partTargetDuration = this.manifest.partInf.partTarget;
1891 | }
1892 |
1893 | setHoldBack.call(this, this.manifest);
1894 | },
1895 |
1896 | 'daterange'() {
1897 | this.manifest.dateRanges.push(camelCaseKeys(entry.attributes));
1898 | const index = this.manifest.dateRanges.length - 1;
1899 | this.warnOnMissingAttributes_(`#EXT-X-DATERANGE #${index}`, entry.attributes, ['ID', 'START-DATE']);
1900 | const dateRange = this.manifest.dateRanges[index];
1901 |
1902 | if (dateRange.endDate && dateRange.startDate && new Date(dateRange.endDate) < new Date(dateRange.startDate)) {
1903 | this.trigger('warn', {
1904 | message: 'EXT-X-DATERANGE END-DATE must be equal to or later than the value of the START-DATE'
1905 | });
1906 | }
1907 |
1908 | if (dateRange.duration && dateRange.duration < 0) {
1909 | this.trigger('warn', {
1910 | message: 'EXT-X-DATERANGE DURATION must not be negative'
1911 | });
1912 | }
1913 |
1914 | if (dateRange.plannedDuration && dateRange.plannedDuration < 0) {
1915 | this.trigger('warn', {
1916 | message: 'EXT-X-DATERANGE PLANNED-DURATION must not be negative'
1917 | });
1918 | }
1919 |
1920 | const endOnNextYes = !!dateRange.endOnNext;
1921 |
1922 | if (endOnNextYes && !dateRange.class) {
1923 | this.trigger('warn', {
1924 | message: 'EXT-X-DATERANGE with an END-ON-NEXT=YES attribute must have a CLASS attribute'
1925 | });
1926 | }
1927 |
1928 | if (endOnNextYes && (dateRange.duration || dateRange.endDate)) {
1929 | this.trigger('warn', {
1930 | message: 'EXT-X-DATERANGE with an END-ON-NEXT=YES attribute must not contain DURATION or END-DATE attributes'
1931 | });
1932 | }
1933 |
1934 | if (dateRange.duration && dateRange.endDate) {
1935 | const startDate = dateRange.startDate;
1936 | const newDateInSeconds = startDate.getTime() + dateRange.duration * 1000;
1937 | this.manifest.dateRanges[index].endDate = new Date(newDateInSeconds);
1938 | }
1939 |
1940 | if (!dateRangeTags[dateRange.id]) {
1941 | dateRangeTags[dateRange.id] = dateRange;
1942 | } else {
1943 | for (const attribute in dateRangeTags[dateRange.id]) {
1944 | if (!!dateRange[attribute] && JSON.stringify(dateRangeTags[dateRange.id][attribute]) !== JSON.stringify(dateRange[attribute])) {
1945 | this.trigger('warn', {
1946 | message: 'EXT-X-DATERANGE tags with the same ID in a playlist must have the same attributes values'
1947 | });
1948 | break;
1949 | }
1950 | }
1951 |
1952 |
1953 | const dateRangeWithSameId = this.manifest.dateRanges.findIndex(dateRangeToFind => dateRangeToFind.id === dateRange.id);
1954 | this.manifest.dateRanges[dateRangeWithSameId] = _extends(this.manifest.dateRanges[dateRangeWithSameId], dateRange);
1955 | dateRangeTags[dateRange.id] = _extends(dateRangeTags[dateRange.id], dateRange);
1956 |
1957 | this.manifest.dateRanges.pop();
1958 | }
1959 | },
1960 |
1961 | 'independent-segments'() {
1962 | this.manifest.independentSegments = true;
1963 | },
1964 |
1965 | 'content-steering'() {
1966 | this.manifest.contentSteering = camelCaseKeys(entry.attributes);
1967 | this.warnOnMissingAttributes_('#EXT-X-CONTENT-STEERING', entry.attributes, ['SERVER-URI']);
1968 | }
1969 |
1970 | })[entry.tagType] || noop).call(self);
1971 | },
1972 |
1973 | uri() {
1974 | currentUri.uri = entry.uri;
1975 | uris.push(currentUri);
1976 |
1977 | if (this.manifest.targetDuration && !('duration' in currentUri)) {
1978 | this.trigger('warn', {
1979 | message: 'defaulting segment duration to the target duration'
1980 | });
1981 | currentUri.duration = this.manifest.targetDuration;
1982 | }
1983 |
1984 |
1985 | if (key) {
1986 | currentUri.key = key;
1987 | }
1988 |
1989 | currentUri.timeline = currentTimeline;
1990 |
1991 | if (currentMap) {
1992 | currentUri.map = currentMap;
1993 | }
1994 |
1995 |
1996 | lastPartByterangeEnd = 0;
1997 |
1998 | if (this.lastProgramDateTime !== null) {
1999 | currentUri.programDateTime = this.lastProgramDateTime;
2000 | this.lastProgramDateTime += currentUri.duration * 1000;
2001 | }
2002 |
2003 |
2004 | currentUri = {};
2005 | },
2006 |
2007 | comment() {
2008 | },
2009 |
2010 | custom() {
2011 |
2012 | if (entry.segment) {
2013 | currentUri.custom = currentUri.custom || {};
2014 | currentUri.custom[entry.customType] = entry.data;
2015 | } else {
2016 | this.manifest.custom = this.manifest.custom || {};
2017 | this.manifest.custom[entry.customType] = entry.data;
2018 | }
2019 | }
2020 |
2021 | })[entry.type].call(self);
2022 | });
2023 | }
2024 |
2025 | warnOnMissingAttributes_(identifier, attributes, required) {
2026 | const missing = [];
2027 | required.forEach(function (key) {
2028 | if (!attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
2029 | missing.push(key);
2030 | }
2031 | });
2032 |
2033 | if (missing.length) {
2034 | this.trigger('warn', {
2035 | message: `${identifier} lacks required attribute(s): ${missing.join(', ')}`
2036 | });
2037 | }
2038 | }
2039 | |
2040 |
2041 |
2042 |
2043 |
2044 |
2045 |
2046 | push(chunk) {
2047 | this.lineStream.push(chunk);
2048 | }
2049 | |
2050 |
2051 |
2052 |
2053 |
2054 |
2055 |
2056 | end() {
2057 |
2058 | this.lineStream.push('\n');
2059 |
2060 | if (this.manifest.dateRanges.length && this.lastProgramDateTime === null) {
2061 | this.trigger('warn', {
2062 | message: 'A playlist with EXT-X-DATERANGE tag must contain atleast one EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag'
2063 | });
2064 | }
2065 |
2066 | this.lastProgramDateTime = null;
2067 | this.trigger('end');
2068 | }
2069 | |
2070 |
2071 |
2072 |
2073 |
2074 |
2075 |
2076 |
2077 |
2078 |
2079 |
2080 | addParser(options) {
2081 | this.parseStream.addParser(options);
2082 | }
2083 | |
2084 |
2085 |
2086 |
2087 |
2088 |
2089 |
2090 |
2091 |
2092 | addTagMapper(options) {
2093 | this.parseStream.addTagMapper(options);
2094 | }
2095 |
2096 | }
2097 |
2098 | var regexs = {
2099 |
2100 | mp4: /^(av0?1|avc0?[1234]|vp0?9|flac|opus|mp3|mp4a|mp4v|stpp.ttml.im1t)/,
2101 | webm: /^(vp0?[89]|av0?1|opus|vorbis)/,
2102 | ogg: /^(vp0?[89]|theora|flac|opus|vorbis)/,
2103 |
2104 | video: /^(av0?1|avc0?[1234]|vp0?[89]|hvc1|hev1|theora|mp4v)/,
2105 | audio: /^(mp4a|flac|vorbis|opus|ac-[34]|ec-3|alac|mp3|speex|aac)/,
2106 | text: /^(stpp.ttml.im1t)/,
2107 |
2108 | muxerVideo: /^(avc0?1)/,
2109 | muxerAudio: /^(mp4a)/,
2110 |
2111 |
2112 |
2113 | muxerText: /a^/
2114 | };
2115 | var mediaTypes = ['video', 'audio', 'text'];
2116 | var upperMediaTypes = ['Video', 'Audio', 'Text'];
2117 | |
2118 |
2119 |
2120 |
2121 |
2122 |
2123 |
2124 |
2125 |
2126 |
2127 | var translateLegacyCodec = function translateLegacyCodec(codec) {
2128 | if (!codec) {
2129 | return codec;
2130 | }
2131 |
2132 | return codec.replace(/avc1\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/i, function (orig, profile, avcLevel) {
2133 | var profileHex = ('00' + Number(profile).toString(16)).slice(-2);
2134 | var avcLevelHex = ('00' + Number(avcLevel).toString(16)).slice(-2);
2135 | return 'avc1.' + profileHex + '00' + avcLevelHex;
2136 | });
2137 | };
2138 | |
2139 |
2140 |
2141 |
2142 |
2143 |
2144 |
2145 |
2146 |
2147 |
2148 |
2149 |
2150 | |
2151 |
2152 |
2153 |
2154 |
2155 |
2156 |
2157 |
2158 |
2159 |
2160 | var parseCodecs = function parseCodecs(codecString) {
2161 | if (codecString === void 0) {
2162 | codecString = '';
2163 | }
2164 |
2165 | var codecs = codecString.split(',');
2166 | var result = [];
2167 | codecs.forEach(function (codec) {
2168 | codec = codec.trim();
2169 | var codecType;
2170 | mediaTypes.forEach(function (name) {
2171 | var match = regexs[name].exec(codec.toLowerCase());
2172 |
2173 | if (!match || match.length <= 1) {
2174 | return;
2175 | }
2176 |
2177 | codecType = name;
2178 |
2179 | var type = codec.substring(0, match[1].length);
2180 | var details = codec.replace(type, '');
2181 | result.push({
2182 | type: type,
2183 | details: details,
2184 | mediaType: name
2185 | });
2186 | });
2187 |
2188 | if (!codecType) {
2189 | result.push({
2190 | type: codec,
2191 | details: '',
2192 | mediaType: 'unknown'
2193 | });
2194 | }
2195 | });
2196 | return result;
2197 | };
2198 | |
2199 |
2200 |
2201 |
2202 |
2203 |
2204 |
2205 |
2206 |
2207 |
2208 |
2209 |
2210 | var codecsFromDefault = function codecsFromDefault(master, audioGroupId) {
2211 | if (!master.mediaGroups.AUDIO || !audioGroupId) {
2212 | return null;
2213 | }
2214 |
2215 | var audioGroup = master.mediaGroups.AUDIO[audioGroupId];
2216 |
2217 | if (!audioGroup) {
2218 | return null;
2219 | }
2220 |
2221 | for (var name in audioGroup) {
2222 | var audioType = audioGroup[name];
2223 |
2224 | if (audioType.default && audioType.playlists) {
2225 |
2226 | return parseCodecs(audioType.playlists[0].attributes.CODECS);
2227 | }
2228 | }
2229 |
2230 | return null;
2231 | };
2232 | var isAudioCodec = function isAudioCodec(codec) {
2233 | if (codec === void 0) {
2234 | codec = '';
2235 | }
2236 |
2237 | return regexs.audio.test(codec.trim().toLowerCase());
2238 | };
2239 | var isTextCodec = function isTextCodec(codec) {
2240 | if (codec === void 0) {
2241 | codec = '';
2242 | }
2243 |
2244 | return regexs.text.test(codec.trim().toLowerCase());
2245 | };
2246 | var getMimeForCodec = function getMimeForCodec(codecString) {
2247 | if (!codecString || typeof codecString !== 'string') {
2248 | return;
2249 | }
2250 |
2251 | var codecs = codecString.toLowerCase().split(',').map(function (c) {
2252 | return translateLegacyCodec(c.trim());
2253 | });
2254 |
2255 | var type = 'video';
2256 |
2257 |
2258 | if (codecs.length === 1 && isAudioCodec(codecs[0])) {
2259 | type = 'audio';
2260 | } else if (codecs.length === 1 && isTextCodec(codecs[0])) {
2261 |
2262 | type = 'application';
2263 | }
2264 |
2265 |
2266 | var container = 'mp4';
2267 |
2268 |
2269 | if (codecs.every(function (c) {
2270 | return regexs.mp4.test(c);
2271 | })) {
2272 | container = 'mp4';
2273 | } else if (codecs.every(function (c) {
2274 | return regexs.webm.test(c);
2275 | })) {
2276 | container = 'webm';
2277 | } else if (codecs.every(function (c) {
2278 | return regexs.ogg.test(c);
2279 | })) {
2280 | container = 'ogg';
2281 | }
2282 |
2283 | return type + "/" + container + ";codecs=\"" + codecString + "\"";
2284 | };
2285 | var browserSupportsCodec = function browserSupportsCodec(codecString) {
2286 | if (codecString === void 0) {
2287 | codecString = '';
2288 | }
2289 |
2290 | return window.MediaSource && window.MediaSource.isTypeSupported && window.MediaSource.isTypeSupported(getMimeForCodec(codecString)) || false;
2291 | };
2292 | var muxerSupportsCodec = function muxerSupportsCodec(codecString) {
2293 | if (codecString === void 0) {
2294 | codecString = '';
2295 | }
2296 |
2297 | return codecString.toLowerCase().split(',').every(function (codec) {
2298 | codec = codec.trim();
2299 |
2300 | for (var i = 0; i < upperMediaTypes.length; i++) {
2301 | var type = upperMediaTypes[i];
2302 |
2303 | if (regexs["muxer" + type].test(codec)) {
2304 | return true;
2305 | }
2306 | }
2307 |
2308 | return false;
2309 | });
2310 | };
2311 | var DEFAULT_AUDIO_CODEC = 'mp4a.40.2';
2312 | var DEFAULT_VIDEO_CODEC = 'avc1.4d400d';
2313 |
2314 | |
2315 |
2316 |
2317 | |
2318 |
2319 |
2320 |
2321 |
2322 | function merge$1(...args) {
2323 | const context = videojs__default["default"].obj || videojs__default["default"];
2324 | const fn = context.merge || context.mergeOptions;
2325 | return fn.apply(context, args);
2326 | }
2327 | |
2328 |
2329 |
2330 |
2331 |
2332 | function createTimeRanges(...args) {
2333 | const context = videojs__default["default"].time || videojs__default["default"];
2334 | const fn = context.createTimeRanges || context.createTimeRanges;
2335 | return fn.apply(context, args);
2336 | }
2337 |
2338 | |
2339 |
2340 |
2341 |
2342 |
2343 |
2344 |
2345 | const TIME_FUDGE_FACTOR = 1 / 30;
2346 |
2347 |
2348 |
2349 |
2350 |
2352 |
2353 | const filterRanges = function (timeRanges, predicate) {
2354 | const results = [];
2355 | let i;
2356 |
2357 | if (timeRanges && timeRanges.length) {
2358 |
2359 | for (i = 0; i < timeRanges.length; i++) {
2360 | if (predicate(timeRanges.start(i), timeRanges.end(i))) {
2361 | results.push([timeRanges.start(i), timeRanges.end(i)]);
2362 | }
2363 | }
2364 | }
2365 |
2366 | return createTimeRanges(results);
2367 | };
2368 | |
2369 |
2370 |
2371 |
2372 |
2373 |
2374 |
2375 |
2376 |
2377 |
2378 | const findRange = function (buffered, time) {
2379 | return filterRanges(buffered, function (start, end) {
2380 | return start - SAFE_TIME_DELTA <= time && end + SAFE_TIME_DELTA >= time;
2381 | });
2382 | };
2383 | |
2384 |
2385 |
2386 |
2387 |
2388 |
2389 |
2390 |
2391 | const findNextRange = function (timeRanges, time) {
2392 | return filterRanges(timeRanges, function (start) {
2393 | return start - TIME_FUDGE_FACTOR >= time;
2394 | });
2395 | };
2396 | |
2397 |
2398 |
2399 |
2400 |
2401 |
2402 |
2403 | const findGaps = function (buffered) {
2404 | if (buffered.length < 2) {
2405 | return createTimeRanges();
2406 | }
2407 |
2408 | const ranges = [];
2409 |
2410 | for (let i = 1; i < buffered.length; i++) {
2411 | const start = buffered.end(i - 1);
2412 | const end = buffered.start(i);
2413 | ranges.push([start, end]);
2414 | }
2415 |
2416 | return createTimeRanges(ranges);
2417 | };
2418 | |
2419 |
2420 |
2421 |
2422 |
2423 |
2424 |
2425 |
2426 | const bufferIntersection = function (bufferA, bufferB) {
2427 | let start = null;
2428 | let end = null;
2429 | let arity = 0;
2430 | const extents = [];
2431 | const ranges = [];
2432 |
2433 | if (!bufferA || !bufferA.length || !bufferB || !bufferB.length) {
2434 | return createTimeRanges();
2435 | }
2436 |
2437 |
2438 |
2439 | let count = bufferA.length;
2440 |
2441 | while (count--) {
2442 | extents.push({
2443 | time: bufferA.start(count),
2444 | type: 'start'
2445 | });
2446 | extents.push({
2447 | time: bufferA.end(count),
2448 | type: 'end'
2449 | });
2450 | }
2451 |
2452 | count = bufferB.length;
2453 |
2454 | while (count--) {
2455 | extents.push({
2456 | time: bufferB.start(count),
2457 | type: 'start'
2458 | });
2459 | extents.push({
2460 | time: bufferB.end(count),
2461 | type: 'end'
2462 | });
2463 | }
2464 |
2465 |
2466 | extents.sort(function (a, b) {
2467 | return a.time - b.time;
2468 | });
2469 |
2470 |
2471 | for (count = 0; count < extents.length; count++) {
2472 | if (extents[count].type === 'start') {
2473 | arity++;
2474 |
2475 |
2476 | if (arity === 2) {
2477 | start = extents[count].time;
2478 | }
2479 | } else if (extents[count].type === 'end') {
2480 | arity--;
2481 |
2482 |
2483 | if (arity === 1) {
2484 | end = extents[count].time;
2485 | }
2486 | }
2487 |
2488 |
2489 | if (start !== null && end !== null) {
2490 | ranges.push([start, end]);
2491 | start = null;
2492 | end = null;
2493 | }
2494 | }
2495 |
2496 | return createTimeRanges(ranges);
2497 | };
2498 | |
2499 |
2500 |
2501 |
2502 |
2503 |
2504 |
2505 | const printableRange = range => {
2506 | const strArr = [];
2507 |
2508 | if (!range || !range.length) {
2509 | return '';
2510 | }
2511 |
2512 | for (let i = 0; i < range.length; i++) {
2513 | strArr.push(range.start(i) + ' => ' + range.end(i));
2514 | }
2515 |
2516 | return strArr.join(', ');
2517 | };
2518 | |
2519 |
2520 |
2521 |
2522 |
2523 |
2524 |
2525 |
2526 |
2527 |
2528 |
2529 |
2530 |
2531 |
2532 |
2533 | const timeUntilRebuffer = function (buffered, currentTime, playbackRate = 1) {
2534 | const bufferedEnd = buffered.length ? buffered.end(buffered.length - 1) : 0;
2535 | return (bufferedEnd - currentTime) / playbackRate;
2536 | };
2537 | |
2538 |
2539 |
2540 |
2541 |
2542 |
2543 |
2544 | const timeRangesToArray = timeRanges => {
2545 | const timeRangesList = [];
2546 |
2547 | for (let i = 0; i < timeRanges.length; i++) {
2548 | timeRangesList.push({
2549 | start: timeRanges.start(i),
2550 | end: timeRanges.end(i)
2551 | });
2552 | }
2553 |
2554 | return timeRangesList;
2555 | };
2556 | |
2557 |
2558 |
2559 |
2560 |
2561 |
2562 |
2563 |
2564 |
2565 |
2566 |
2567 |
2568 |
2569 | const isRangeDifferent = function (a, b) {
2570 |
2571 | if (a === b) {
2572 | return false;
2573 | }
2574 |
2575 |
2576 | if (!a && b || !b && a) {
2577 | return true;
2578 | }
2579 |
2580 |
2581 | if (a.length !== b.length) {
2582 | return true;
2583 | }
2584 |
2585 |
2586 | for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
2587 | if (a.start(i) !== b.start(i) || a.end(i) !== b.end(i)) {
2588 | return true;
2589 | }
2590 | }
2591 |
2592 |
2593 |
2594 | return false;
2595 | };
2596 | const lastBufferedEnd = function (a) {
2597 | if (!a || !a.length || !a.end) {
2598 | return;
2599 | }
2600 |
2601 | return a.end(a.length - 1);
2602 | };
2603 | |
2604 |
2605 |
2606 |
2607 |
2608 |
2609 |
2610 |
2611 |
2612 |
2613 |
2614 |
2615 |
2616 |
2617 |
2618 | const timeAheadOf = function (range, startTime) {
2619 | let time = 0;
2620 |
2621 | if (!range || !range.length) {
2622 | return time;
2623 | }
2624 |
2625 | for (let i = 0; i < range.length; i++) {
2626 | const start = range.start(i);
2627 | const end = range.end(i);
2628 |
2629 | if (startTime > end) {
2630 | continue;
2631 | }
2632 |
2633 |
2634 | if (startTime > start && startTime <= end) {
2635 | time += end - startTime;
2636 | continue;
2637 | }
2638 |
2639 |
2640 | time += end - start;
2641 | }
2642 |
2643 | return time;
2644 | };
2645 |
2646 | |
2647 |
2648 |
2649 |
2650 |
2651 | |
2652 |
2653 |
2654 |
2655 |
2656 |
2657 |
2658 |
2659 |
2660 |
2661 |
2662 |
2663 |
2664 | const segmentDurationWithParts = (playlist, segment) => {
2665 |
2666 |
2667 | if (!segment.preload) {
2668 | return segment.duration;
2669 | }
2670 |
2671 |
2672 |
2673 | let result = 0;
2674 | (segment.parts || []).forEach(function (p) {
2675 | result += p.duration;
2676 | });
2677 |
2678 |
2679 | (segment.preloadHints || []).forEach(function (p) {
2680 | if (p.type === 'PART') {
2681 | result += playlist.partTargetDuration;
2682 | }
2683 | });
2684 | return result;
2685 | };
2686 | |
2687 |
2688 |
2689 |
2690 |
2691 |
2692 |
2693 |
2694 |
2695 | const getPartsAndSegments = playlist => (playlist.segments || []).reduce((acc, segment, si) => {
2696 | if (segment.parts) {
2697 | segment.parts.forEach(function (part, pi) {
2698 | acc.push({
2699 | duration: part.duration,
2700 | segmentIndex: si,
2701 | partIndex: pi,
2702 | part,
2703 | segment
2704 | });
2705 | });
2706 | } else {
2707 | acc.push({
2708 | duration: segment.duration,
2709 | segmentIndex: si,
2710 | partIndex: null,
2711 | segment,
2712 | part: null
2713 | });
2714 | }
2715 |
2716 | return acc;
2717 | }, []);
2718 | const getLastParts = media => {
2719 | const lastSegment = media.segments && media.segments.length && media.segments[media.segments.length - 1];
2720 | return lastSegment && lastSegment.parts || [];
2721 | };
2722 | const getKnownPartCount = ({
2723 | preloadSegment
2724 | }) => {
2725 | if (!preloadSegment) {
2726 | return;
2727 | }
2728 |
2729 | const {
2730 | parts,
2731 | preloadHints
2732 | } = preloadSegment;
2733 | let partCount = (preloadHints || []).reduce((count, hint) => count + (hint.type === 'PART' ? 1 : 0), 0);
2734 | partCount += parts && parts.length ? parts.length : 0;
2735 | return partCount;
2736 | };
2737 | |
2738 |
2739 |
2740 |
2741 |
2742 |
2743 |
2744 |
2745 |
2746 | const liveEdgeDelay = (main, media) => {
2747 | if (media.endList) {
2748 | return 0;
2749 | }
2750 |
2751 |
2752 | if (main && main.suggestedPresentationDelay) {
2753 | return main.suggestedPresentationDelay;
2754 | }
2755 |
2756 | const hasParts = getLastParts(media).length > 0;
2757 |
2758 | if (hasParts && media.serverControl && media.serverControl.partHoldBack) {
2759 | return media.serverControl.partHoldBack;
2760 | } else if (hasParts && media.partTargetDuration) {
2761 | return media.partTargetDuration * 3;
2762 | } else if (media.serverControl && media.serverControl.holdBack) {
2763 | return media.serverControl.holdBack;
2764 | } else if (media.targetDuration) {
2765 | return media.targetDuration * 3;
2766 | }
2767 |
2768 | return 0;
2769 | };
2770 | |
2771 |
2772 |
2773 |
2774 |
2775 |
2776 |
2777 |
2778 | const backwardDuration = function (playlist, endSequence) {
2779 | let result = 0;
2780 | let i = endSequence - playlist.mediaSequence;
2781 |
2782 |
2783 | let segment = playlist.segments[i];
2784 |
2785 |
2786 | if (segment) {
2787 | if (typeof segment.start !== 'undefined') {
2788 | return {
2789 | result: segment.start,
2790 | precise: true
2791 | };
2792 | }
2793 |
2794 | if (typeof segment.end !== 'undefined') {
2795 | return {
2796 | result: segment.end - segment.duration,
2797 | precise: true
2798 | };
2799 | }
2800 | }
2801 |
2802 | while (i--) {
2803 | segment = playlist.segments[i];
2804 |
2805 | if (typeof segment.end !== 'undefined') {
2806 | return {
2807 | result: result + segment.end,
2808 | precise: true
2809 | };
2810 | }
2811 |
2812 | result += segmentDurationWithParts(playlist, segment);
2813 |
2814 | if (typeof segment.start !== 'undefined') {
2815 | return {
2816 | result: result + segment.start,
2817 | precise: true
2818 | };
2819 | }
2820 | }
2821 |
2822 | return {
2823 | result,
2824 | precise: false
2825 | };
2826 | };
2827 | |
2828 |
2829 |
2830 |
2831 |
2832 |
2833 |
2834 |
2835 |
2836 | const forwardDuration = function (playlist, endSequence) {
2837 | let result = 0;
2838 | let segment;
2839 | let i = endSequence - playlist.mediaSequence;
2840 |
2841 |
2842 | for (; i < playlist.segments.length; i++) {
2843 | segment = playlist.segments[i];
2844 |
2845 | if (typeof segment.start !== 'undefined') {
2846 | return {
2847 | result: segment.start - result,
2848 | precise: true
2849 | };
2850 | }
2851 |
2852 | result += segmentDurationWithParts(playlist, segment);
2853 |
2854 | if (typeof segment.end !== 'undefined') {
2855 | return {
2856 | result: segment.end - result,
2857 | precise: true
2858 | };
2859 | }
2860 | }
2861 |
2862 |
2863 | return {
2864 | result: -1,
2865 | precise: false
2866 | };
2867 | };
2868 | |
2869 |
2870 |
2871 |
2872 |
2873 |
2874 |
2875 |
2876 |
2877 |
2878 |
2879 |
2880 |
2881 |
2882 |
2883 | const intervalDuration = function (playlist, endSequence, expired) {
2884 | if (typeof endSequence === 'undefined') {
2885 | endSequence = playlist.mediaSequence + playlist.segments.length;
2886 | }
2887 |
2888 | if (endSequence < playlist.mediaSequence) {
2889 | return 0;
2890 | }
2891 |
2892 |
2893 | const backward = backwardDuration(playlist, endSequence);
2894 |
2895 | if (backward.precise) {
2896 |
2897 |
2898 |
2899 | return backward.result;
2900 | }
2901 |
2902 |
2903 |
2904 | const forward = forwardDuration(playlist, endSequence);
2905 |
2906 | if (forward.precise) {
2907 |
2908 |
2909 | return forward.result;
2910 | }
2911 |
2912 |
2913 | return backward.result + expired;
2914 | };
2915 | |
2916 |
2917 |
2918 |
2919 |
2920 |
2921 |
2922 |
2923 |
2924 |
2925 |
2926 |
2927 |
2928 |
2929 |
2930 |
2931 |
2932 | const duration = function (playlist, endSequence, expired) {
2933 | if (!playlist) {
2934 | return 0;
2935 | }
2936 |
2937 | if (typeof expired !== 'number') {
2938 | expired = 0;
2939 | }
2940 |
2941 |
2942 |
2943 | if (typeof endSequence === 'undefined') {
2944 |
2945 | if (playlist.totalDuration) {
2946 | return playlist.totalDuration;
2947 | }
2948 |
2949 |
2950 | if (!playlist.endList) {
2951 | return window.Infinity;
2952 | }
2953 | }
2954 |
2955 |
2956 | return intervalDuration(playlist, endSequence, expired);
2957 | };
2958 | |
2959 |
2960 |
2961 |
2962 |
2963 |
2964 |
2965 |
2966 |
2967 |
2968 |
2969 |
2970 |
2971 | const sumDurations = function ({
2972 | defaultDuration,
2973 | durationList,
2974 | startIndex,
2975 | endIndex
2976 | }) {
2977 | let durations = 0;
2978 |
2979 | if (startIndex > endIndex) {
2980 | [startIndex, endIndex] = [endIndex, startIndex];
2981 | }
2982 |
2983 | if (startIndex < 0) {
2984 | for (let i = startIndex; i < Math.min(0, endIndex); i++) {
2985 | durations += defaultDuration;
2986 | }
2987 |
2988 | startIndex = 0;
2989 | }
2990 |
2991 | for (let i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
2992 | durations += durationList[i].duration;
2993 | }
2994 |
2995 | return durations;
2996 | };
2997 | |
2998 |
2999 |
3000 |
3001 |
3002 |
3003 |
3004 |
3005 |
3006 |
3007 |
3008 |
3009 |
3010 |
3011 |
3012 |
3013 |
3014 |
3015 |
3016 |
3017 | const playlistEnd = function (playlist, expired, useSafeLiveEnd, liveEdgePadding) {
3018 | if (!playlist || !playlist.segments) {
3019 | return null;
3020 | }
3021 |
3022 | if (playlist.endList) {
3023 | return duration(playlist);
3024 | }
3025 |
3026 | if (expired === null) {
3027 | return null;
3028 | }
3029 |
3030 | expired = expired || 0;
3031 | let lastSegmentEndTime = intervalDuration(playlist, playlist.mediaSequence + playlist.segments.length, expired);
3032 |
3033 | if (useSafeLiveEnd) {
3034 | liveEdgePadding = typeof liveEdgePadding === 'number' ? liveEdgePadding : liveEdgeDelay(null, playlist);
3035 | lastSegmentEndTime -= liveEdgePadding;
3036 | }
3037 |
3038 |
3039 | return Math.max(0, lastSegmentEndTime);
3040 | };
3041 | |
3042 |
3043 |
3044 |
3045 |
3046 |
3047 |
3048 |
3049 |
3050 |
3051 |
3052 |
3053 |
3054 |
3055 |
3056 |
3057 |
3058 |
3059 | const seekable = function (playlist, expired, liveEdgePadding) {
3060 | const useSafeLiveEnd = true;
3061 | const seekableStart = expired || 0;
3062 | let seekableEnd = playlistEnd(playlist, expired, useSafeLiveEnd, liveEdgePadding);
3063 |
3064 | if (seekableEnd === null) {
3065 | return createTimeRanges();
3066 | }
3067 |
3068 |
3069 | if (seekableEnd < seekableStart) {
3070 | seekableEnd = seekableStart;
3071 | }
3072 |
3073 | return createTimeRanges(seekableStart, seekableEnd);
3074 | };
3075 | |
3076 |
3077 |
3078 |
3079 |
3080 |
3081 |
3082 |
3083 |
3084 |
3085 |
3086 |
3087 |
3088 |
3089 | const getMediaInfoForTime = function ({
3090 | playlist,
3091 | currentTime,
3092 | startingSegmentIndex,
3093 | startingPartIndex,
3094 | startTime,
3095 | exactManifestTimings
3096 | }) {
3097 | let time = currentTime - startTime;
3098 | const partsAndSegments = getPartsAndSegments(playlist);
3099 | let startIndex = 0;
3100 |
3101 | for (let i = 0; i < partsAndSegments.length; i++) {
3102 | const partAndSegment = partsAndSegments[i];
3103 |
3104 | if (startingSegmentIndex !== partAndSegment.segmentIndex) {
3105 | continue;
3106 | }
3107 |
3108 |
3109 | if (typeof startingPartIndex === 'number' && typeof partAndSegment.partIndex === 'number' && startingPartIndex !== partAndSegment.partIndex) {
3110 | continue;
3111 | }
3112 |
3113 | startIndex = i;
3114 | break;
3115 | }
3116 |
3117 | if (time < 0) {
3118 |
3119 |
3120 | if (startIndex > 0) {
3121 | for (let i = startIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
3122 | const partAndSegment = partsAndSegments[i];
3123 | time += partAndSegment.duration;
3124 |
3125 | if (exactManifestTimings) {
3126 | if (time < 0) {
3127 | continue;
3128 | }
3129 | } else if (time + TIME_FUDGE_FACTOR <= 0) {
3130 | continue;
3131 | }
3132 |
3133 | return {
3134 | partIndex: partAndSegment.partIndex,
3135 | segmentIndex: partAndSegment.segmentIndex,
3136 | startTime: startTime - sumDurations({
3137 | defaultDuration: playlist.targetDuration,
3138 | durationList: partsAndSegments,
3139 | startIndex,
3140 | endIndex: i
3141 | })
3142 | };
3143 | }
3144 | }
3145 |
3146 |
3147 |
3148 | return {
3149 | partIndex: partsAndSegments[0] && partsAndSegments[0].partIndex || null,
3150 | segmentIndex: partsAndSegments[0] && partsAndSegments[0].segmentIndex || 0,
3151 | startTime: currentTime
3152 | };
3153 | }
3154 |
3155 |
3156 |
3157 |
3158 | if (startIndex < 0) {
3159 | for (let i = startIndex; i < 0; i++) {
3160 | time -= playlist.targetDuration;
3161 |
3162 | if (time < 0) {
3163 | return {
3164 | partIndex: partsAndSegments[0] && partsAndSegments[0].partIndex || null,
3165 | segmentIndex: partsAndSegments[0] && partsAndSegments[0].segmentIndex || 0,
3166 | startTime: currentTime
3167 | };
3168 | }
3169 | }
3170 |
3171 | startIndex = 0;
3172 | }
3173 |
3174 |
3175 |
3176 | for (let i = startIndex; i < partsAndSegments.length; i++) {
3177 | const partAndSegment = partsAndSegments[i];
3178 | time -= partAndSegment.duration;
3179 | const canUseFudgeFactor = partAndSegment.duration > TIME_FUDGE_FACTOR;
3180 | const isExactlyAtTheEnd = time === 0;
3181 | const isExtremelyCloseToTheEnd = canUseFudgeFactor && time + TIME_FUDGE_FACTOR >= 0;
3182 |
3183 | if (isExactlyAtTheEnd || isExtremelyCloseToTheEnd) {
3184 |
3185 |
3186 |
3187 |
3188 |
3189 |
3190 |
3191 |
3192 |
3193 |
3194 |
3195 |
3196 | if (i !== partsAndSegments.length - 1) {
3197 | continue;
3198 | }
3199 | }
3200 |
3201 | if (exactManifestTimings) {
3202 | if (time > 0) {
3203 | continue;
3204 | }
3205 | } else if (time - TIME_FUDGE_FACTOR >= 0) {
3206 | continue;
3207 | }
3208 |
3209 | return {
3210 | partIndex: partAndSegment.partIndex,
3211 | segmentIndex: partAndSegment.segmentIndex,
3212 | startTime: startTime + sumDurations({
3213 | defaultDuration: playlist.targetDuration,
3214 | durationList: partsAndSegments,
3215 | startIndex,
3216 | endIndex: i
3217 | })
3218 | };
3219 | }
3220 |
3221 |
3222 | return {
3223 | segmentIndex: partsAndSegments[partsAndSegments.length - 1].segmentIndex,
3224 | partIndex: partsAndSegments[partsAndSegments.length - 1].partIndex,
3225 | startTime: currentTime
3226 | };
3227 | };
3228 | |
3229 |
3230 |
3231 |
3232 |
3233 |
3234 |
3235 |
3236 | const isExcluded = function (playlist) {
3237 | return playlist.excludeUntil && playlist.excludeUntil > Date.now();
3238 | };
3239 | |
3240 |
3241 |
3242 |
3243 |
3244 |
3245 |
3246 |
3247 |
3248 | const isIncompatible = function (playlist) {
3249 | return playlist.excludeUntil && playlist.excludeUntil === Infinity;
3250 | };
3251 | |
3252 |
3253 |
3254 |
3255 |
3256 |
3257 |
3258 |
3259 | const isEnabled = function (playlist) {
3260 | const excluded = isExcluded(playlist);
3261 | return !playlist.disabled && !excluded;
3262 | };
3263 | |
3264 |
3265 |
3266 |
3267 |
3268 |
3269 |
3270 |
3271 | const isDisabled = function (playlist) {
3272 | return playlist.disabled;
3273 | };
3274 | |
3275 |
3276 |
3277 |
3278 |
3279 |
3280 | const isAes = function (media) {
3281 | for (let i = 0; i < media.segments.length; i++) {
3282 | if (media.segments[i].key) {
3283 | return true;
3284 | }
3285 | }
3286 |
3287 | return false;
3288 | };
3289 | |
3290 |
3291 |
3292 |
3293 |
3294 |
3295 |
3296 |
3297 |
3298 |
3299 |
3300 |
3301 | const hasAttribute = function (attr, playlist) {
3302 | return playlist.attributes && playlist.attributes[attr];
3303 | };
3304 | |
3305 |
3306 |
3307 |
3308 |
3309 |
3310 |
3311 |
3312 |
3313 |
3314 |
3315 |
3316 |
3317 |
3318 |
3319 |
3320 |
3321 | const estimateSegmentRequestTime = function (segmentDuration, bandwidth, playlist, bytesReceived = 0) {
3322 | if (!hasAttribute('BANDWIDTH', playlist)) {
3323 | return NaN;
3324 | }
3325 |
3326 | const size = segmentDuration * playlist.attributes.BANDWIDTH;
3327 | return (size - bytesReceived * 8) / bandwidth;
3328 | };
3329 | |
3330 |
3331 |
3332 |
3333 |
3334 |
3335 | const isLowestEnabledRendition = (main, media) => {
3336 | if (main.playlists.length === 1) {
3337 | return true;
3338 | }
3339 |
3340 | const currentBandwidth = media.attributes.BANDWIDTH || Number.MAX_VALUE;
3341 | return main.playlists.filter(playlist => {
3342 | if (!isEnabled(playlist)) {
3343 | return false;
3344 | }
3345 |
3346 | return (playlist.attributes.BANDWIDTH || 0) < currentBandwidth;
3347 | }).length === 0;
3348 | };
3349 | const playlistMatch = (a, b) => {
3350 |
3351 |
3352 |
3353 | if (!a && !b || !a && b || a && !b) {
3354 | return false;
3355 | }
3356 |
3357 |
3358 | if (a === b) {
3359 | return true;
3360 | }
3361 |
3362 |
3363 |
3364 | if (a.id && b.id && a.id === b.id) {
3365 | return true;
3366 | }
3367 |
3368 |
3369 |
3370 | if (a.resolvedUri && b.resolvedUri && a.resolvedUri === b.resolvedUri) {
3371 | return true;
3372 | }
3373 |
3374 |
3375 |
3376 | if (a.uri && b.uri && a.uri === b.uri) {
3377 | return true;
3378 | }
3379 |
3380 | return false;
3381 | };
3382 |
3383 | const someAudioVariant = function (main, callback) {
3384 | const AUDIO = main && main.mediaGroups && main.mediaGroups.AUDIO || {};
3385 | let found = false;
3386 |
3387 | for (const groupName in AUDIO) {
3388 | for (const label in AUDIO[groupName]) {
3389 | found = callback(AUDIO[groupName][label]);
3390 |
3391 | if (found) {
3392 | break;
3393 | }
3394 | }
3395 |
3396 | if (found) {
3397 | break;
3398 | }
3399 | }
3400 |
3401 | return !!found;
3402 | };
3403 |
3404 | const isAudioOnly = main => {
3405 |
3406 |
3407 | if (!main || !main.playlists || !main.playlists.length) {
3408 |
3409 |
3410 | const found = someAudioVariant(main, variant => variant.playlists && variant.playlists.length || variant.uri);
3411 | return found;
3412 | }
3413 |
3414 |
3415 | for (let i = 0; i < main.playlists.length; i++) {
3416 | const playlist = main.playlists[i];
3417 | const CODECS = playlist.attributes && playlist.attributes.CODECS;
3418 |
3419 | if (CODECS && CODECS.split(',').every(c => isAudioCodec(c))) {
3420 | continue;
3421 | }
3422 |
3423 |
3424 | const found = someAudioVariant(main, variant => playlistMatch(playlist, variant));
3425 |
3426 | if (found) {
3427 | continue;
3428 | }
3429 |
3430 |
3431 |
3432 | return false;
3433 | }
3434 |
3435 |
3436 |
3437 | return true;
3438 | };
3439 |
3440 | var Playlist = {
3441 | liveEdgeDelay,
3442 | duration,
3443 | seekable,
3444 | getMediaInfoForTime,
3445 | isEnabled,
3446 | isDisabled,
3447 | isExcluded,
3448 | isIncompatible,
3449 | playlistEnd,
3450 | isAes,
3451 | hasAttribute,
3452 | estimateSegmentRequestTime,
3453 | isLowestEnabledRendition,
3454 | isAudioOnly,
3455 | playlistMatch,
3456 | segmentDurationWithParts
3457 | };
3458 |
3459 | const {
3460 | log
3461 | } = videojs__default["default"];
3462 | const createPlaylistID = (index, uri) => {
3463 | return `${index}-${uri}`;
3464 | };
3465 |
3466 | const groupID = (type, group, label) => {
3467 | return `placeholder-uri-${type}-${group}-${label}`;
3468 | };
3469 | |
3470 |
3471 |
3472 |
3473 |
3474 |
3475 |
3476 |
3477 |
3478 |
3479 |
3480 |
3481 |
3482 |
3483 |
3484 |
3485 |
3486 |
3487 |
3488 | const parseManifest = ({
3489 | onwarn,
3490 | oninfo,
3491 | manifestString,
3492 | customTagParsers = [],
3493 | customTagMappers = [],
3494 | llhls
3495 | }) => {
3496 | const parser = new Parser();
3497 |
3498 | if (onwarn) {
3499 | parser.on('warn', onwarn);
3500 | }
3501 |
3502 | if (oninfo) {
3503 | parser.on('info', oninfo);
3504 | }
3505 |
3506 | customTagParsers.forEach(customParser => parser.addParser(customParser));
3507 | customTagMappers.forEach(mapper => parser.addTagMapper(mapper));
3508 | parser.push(manifestString);
3509 | parser.end();
3510 | const manifest = parser.manifest;
3511 |
3512 |
3513 | if (!llhls) {
3514 | ['preloadSegment', 'skip', 'serverControl', 'renditionReports', 'partInf', 'partTargetDuration'].forEach(function (k) {
3515 | if (manifest.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
3516 | delete manifest[k];
3517 | }
3518 | });
3519 |
3520 | if (manifest.segments) {
3521 | manifest.segments.forEach(function (segment) {
3522 | ['parts', 'preloadHints'].forEach(function (k) {
3523 | if (segment.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
3524 | delete segment[k];
3525 | }
3526 | });
3527 | });
3528 | }
3529 | }
3530 |
3531 | if (!manifest.targetDuration) {
3532 | let targetDuration = 10;
3533 |
3534 | if (manifest.segments && manifest.segments.length) {
3535 | targetDuration = manifest.segments.reduce((acc, s) => Math.max(acc, s.duration), 0);
3536 | }
3537 |
3538 | if (onwarn) {
3539 | onwarn({
3540 | message: `manifest has no targetDuration defaulting to ${targetDuration}`
3541 | });
3542 | }
3543 |
3544 | manifest.targetDuration = targetDuration;
3545 | }
3546 |
3547 | const parts = getLastParts(manifest);
3548 |
3549 | if (parts.length && !manifest.partTargetDuration) {
3550 | const partTargetDuration = parts.reduce((acc, p) => Math.max(acc, p.duration), 0);
3551 |
3552 | if (onwarn) {
3553 | onwarn({
3554 | message: `manifest has no partTargetDuration defaulting to ${partTargetDuration}`
3555 | });
3556 | log.error('LL-HLS manifest has parts but lacks required #EXT-X-PART-INF:PART-TARGET value. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-pantos-hls-rfc8216bis-09#section- Playback is not guaranteed.');
3557 | }
3558 |
3559 | manifest.partTargetDuration = partTargetDuration;
3560 | }
3561 |
3562 | return manifest;
3563 | };
3564 | |
3565 |
3566 |
3567 |
3568 |
3569 |
3570 |
3571 |
3572 |
3573 |
3574 | const forEachMediaGroup$1 = (main, callback) => {
3575 | if (!main.mediaGroups) {
3576 | return;
3577 | }
3578 |
3579 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES'].forEach(mediaType => {
3580 | if (!main.mediaGroups[mediaType]) {
3581 | return;
3582 | }
3583 |
3584 | for (const groupKey in main.mediaGroups[mediaType]) {
3585 | for (const labelKey in main.mediaGroups[mediaType][groupKey]) {
3586 | const mediaProperties = main.mediaGroups[mediaType][groupKey][labelKey];
3587 | callback(mediaProperties, mediaType, groupKey, labelKey);
3588 | }
3589 | }
3590 | });
3591 | };
3592 | |
3593 |
3594 |
3595 |
3596 |
3597 |
3598 |
3599 |
3600 |
3601 |
3602 |
3603 |
3604 |
3605 |
3606 |
3607 | const setupMediaPlaylist = ({
3608 | playlist,
3609 | uri,
3610 | id
3611 | }) => {
3612 | playlist.id = id;
3613 | playlist.playlistErrors_ = 0;
3614 |
3615 | if (uri) {
3616 |
3617 |
3618 |
3619 | playlist.uri = uri;
3620 | }
3621 |
3622 |
3623 |
3624 |
3625 |
3626 |
3627 |
3628 |
3629 | playlist.attributes = playlist.attributes || {};
3630 | };
3631 | |
3632 |
3633 |
3634 |
3635 |
3636 |
3637 |
3638 |
3639 |
3640 | const setupMediaPlaylists = main => {
3641 | let i = main.playlists.length;
3642 |
3643 | while (i--) {
3644 | const playlist = main.playlists[i];
3645 | setupMediaPlaylist({
3646 | playlist,
3647 | id: createPlaylistID(i, playlist.uri)
3648 | });
3649 | playlist.resolvedUri = resolveUrl(main.uri, playlist.uri);
3650 | main.playlists[playlist.id] = playlist;
3651 |
3652 | main.playlists[playlist.uri] = playlist;
3653 |
3654 |
3655 |
3656 |
3657 | if (!playlist.attributes.BANDWIDTH) {
3658 | log.warn('Invalid playlist STREAM-INF detected. Missing BANDWIDTH attribute.');
3659 | }
3660 | }
3661 | };
3662 | |
3663 |
3664 |
3665 |
3666 |
3667 |
3668 |
3669 | const resolveMediaGroupUris = main => {
3670 | forEachMediaGroup$1(main, properties => {
3671 | if (properties.uri) {
3672 | properties.resolvedUri = resolveUrl(main.uri, properties.uri);
3673 | }
3674 | });
3675 | };
3676 | |
3677 |
3678 |
3679 |
3680 |
3681 |
3682 |
3683 |
3684 |
3685 |
3686 |
3687 |
3688 | const mainForMedia = (media, uri) => {
3689 | const id = createPlaylistID(0, uri);
3690 | const main = {
3691 | mediaGroups: {
3692 | 'AUDIO': {},
3693 | 'VIDEO': {},
3694 | 'CLOSED-CAPTIONS': {},
3695 | 'SUBTITLES': {}
3696 | },
3697 | uri: window.location.href,
3698 | resolvedUri: window.location.href,
3699 | playlists: [{
3700 | uri,
3701 | id,
3702 | resolvedUri: uri,
3703 |
3704 |
3705 | attributes: {}
3706 | }]
3707 | };
3708 |
3709 | main.playlists[id] = main.playlists[0];
3710 |
3711 | main.playlists[uri] = main.playlists[0];
3712 | return main;
3713 | };
3714 | |
3715 |
3716 |
3717 |
3718 |
3719 |
3720 |
3721 |
3722 |
3723 |
3724 |
3725 |
3726 | const addPropertiesToMain = (main, uri, createGroupID = groupID) => {
3727 | main.uri = uri;
3728 |
3729 | for (let i = 0; i < main.playlists.length; i++) {
3730 | if (!main.playlists[i].uri) {
3731 |
3732 |
3733 |
3734 | const phonyUri = `placeholder-uri-${i}`;
3735 | main.playlists[i].uri = phonyUri;
3736 | }
3737 | }
3738 |
3739 | const audioOnlyMain = isAudioOnly(main);
3740 | forEachMediaGroup$1(main, (properties, mediaType, groupKey, labelKey) => {
3741 |
3742 | if (!properties.playlists || !properties.playlists.length) {
3743 |
3744 |
3745 |
3746 | if (audioOnlyMain && mediaType === 'AUDIO' && !properties.uri) {
3747 | for (let i = 0; i < main.playlists.length; i++) {
3748 | const p = main.playlists[i];
3749 |
3750 | if (p.attributes && p.attributes.AUDIO && p.attributes.AUDIO === groupKey) {
3751 | return;
3752 | }
3753 | }
3754 | }
3755 |
3756 | properties.playlists = [_extends({}, properties)];
3757 | }
3758 |
3759 | properties.playlists.forEach(function (p, i) {
3760 | const groupId = createGroupID(mediaType, groupKey, labelKey, p);
3761 | const id = createPlaylistID(i, groupId);
3762 |
3763 | if (p.uri) {
3764 | p.resolvedUri = p.resolvedUri || resolveUrl(main.uri, p.uri);
3765 | } else {
3766 |
3767 |
3768 |
3769 |
3770 | p.uri = i === 0 ? groupId : id;
3771 |
3772 |
3773 | p.resolvedUri = p.uri;
3774 | }
3775 |
3776 | p.id = p.id || id;
3777 |
3778 |
3779 | p.attributes = p.attributes || {};
3780 |
3781 | main.playlists[p.id] = p;
3782 | main.playlists[p.uri] = p;
3783 | });
3784 | });
3785 | setupMediaPlaylists(main);
3786 | resolveMediaGroupUris(main);
3787 | };
3788 |
3789 | class DateRangesStorage {
3790 | constructor() {
3791 | this.offset_ = null;
3792 | this.pendingDateRanges_ = new Map();
3793 | this.processedDateRanges_ = new Map();
3794 | }
3795 |
3796 | setOffset(segments = []) {
3797 |
3798 | if (this.offset_ !== null) {
3799 | return;
3800 | }
3801 |
3802 |
3803 | if (!segments.length) {
3804 | return;
3805 | }
3806 |
3807 | const [firstSegment] = segments;
3808 |
3809 | if (firstSegment.programDateTime === undefined) {
3810 | return;
3811 | }
3812 |
3813 |
3814 | this.offset_ = firstSegment.programDateTime / 1000;
3815 | }
3816 |
3817 | setPendingDateRanges(dateRanges = []) {
3818 | if (!dateRanges.length) {
3819 | return;
3820 | }
3821 |
3822 | const [dateRange] = dateRanges;
3823 | const startTime = dateRange.startDate.getTime();
3824 | this.trimProcessedDateRanges_(startTime);
3825 | this.pendingDateRanges_ = dateRanges.reduce((map, pendingDateRange) => {
3826 | map.set(pendingDateRange.id, pendingDateRange);
3827 | return map;
3828 | }, new Map());
3829 | }
3830 |
3831 | processDateRange(dateRange) {
3832 | this.pendingDateRanges_.delete(dateRange.id);
3833 | this.processedDateRanges_.set(dateRange.id, dateRange);
3834 | }
3835 |
3836 | getDateRangesToProcess() {
3837 | if (this.offset_ === null) {
3838 | return [];
3839 | }
3840 |
3841 | const dateRangeClasses = {};
3842 | const dateRangesToProcess = [];
3843 | this.pendingDateRanges_.forEach((dateRange, id) => {
3844 | if (this.processedDateRanges_.has(id)) {
3845 | return;
3846 | }
3847 |
3848 | dateRange.startTime = dateRange.startDate.getTime() / 1000 - this.offset_;
3849 |
3850 | dateRange.processDateRange = () => this.processDateRange(dateRange);
3851 |
3852 | dateRangesToProcess.push(dateRange);
3853 |
3854 | if (!dateRange.class) {
3855 | return;
3856 | }
3857 |
3858 | if (dateRangeClasses[dateRange.class]) {
3859 | const length = dateRangeClasses[dateRange.class].push(dateRange);
3860 | dateRange.classListIndex = length - 1;
3861 | } else {
3862 | dateRangeClasses[dateRange.class] = [dateRange];
3863 | dateRange.classListIndex = 0;
3864 | }
3865 | });
3866 |
3867 | for (const dateRange of dateRangesToProcess) {
3868 | const classList = dateRangeClasses[dateRange.class] || [];
3869 |
3870 | if (dateRange.endDate) {
3871 | dateRange.endTime = dateRange.endDate.getTime() / 1000 - this.offset_;
3872 | } else if (dateRange.endOnNext && classList[dateRange.classListIndex + 1]) {
3873 | dateRange.endTime = classList[dateRange.classListIndex + 1].startTime;
3874 | } else if (dateRange.duration) {
3875 | dateRange.endTime = dateRange.startTime + dateRange.duration;
3876 | } else if (dateRange.plannedDuration) {
3877 | dateRange.endTime = dateRange.startTime + dateRange.plannedDuration;
3878 | } else {
3879 | dateRange.endTime = dateRange.startTime;
3880 | }
3881 | }
3882 |
3883 | return dateRangesToProcess;
3884 | }
3885 |
3886 | trimProcessedDateRanges_(startTime) {
3887 | const copy = new Map(this.processedDateRanges_);
3888 | copy.forEach((dateRange, id) => {
3889 | if (dateRange.startDate.getTime() < startTime) {
3890 | this.processedDateRanges_.delete(id);
3891 | }
3892 | });
3893 | }
3894 |
3895 | }
3896 |
3897 | const {
3898 | EventTarget: EventTarget$1
3899 | } = videojs__default["default"];
3900 |
3901 | const addLLHLSQueryDirectives = (uri, media) => {
3902 | if (media.endList || !media.serverControl) {
3903 | return uri;
3904 | }
3905 |
3906 | const parameters = {};
3907 |
3908 | if (media.serverControl.canBlockReload) {
3909 | const {
3910 | preloadSegment
3911 | } = media;
3912 |
3913 | let nextMSN = media.mediaSequence + media.segments.length;
3914 |
3915 |
3916 |
3917 | if (preloadSegment) {
3918 | const parts = preloadSegment.parts || [];
3919 |
3920 | const nextPart = getKnownPartCount(media) - 1;
3921 |
3922 |
3923 |
3924 | if (nextPart > -1 && nextPart !== parts.length - 1) {
3925 |
3926 |
3927 | parameters._HLS_part = nextPart;
3928 | }
3929 |
3930 |
3931 |
3932 |
3933 |
3934 |
3935 |
3936 |
3937 |
3938 |
3939 | if (nextPart > -1 || parts.length) {
3940 | nextMSN--;
3941 | }
3942 | }
3943 |
3944 |
3945 |
3946 | parameters._HLS_msn = nextMSN;
3947 | }
3948 |
3949 | if (media.serverControl && media.serverControl.canSkipUntil) {
3950 |
3951 |
3952 | parameters._HLS_skip = media.serverControl.canSkipDateranges ? 'v2' : 'YES';
3953 | }
3954 |
3955 | if (Object.keys(parameters).length) {
3956 | const parsedUri = new window.URL(uri);
3957 | ['_HLS_skip', '_HLS_msn', '_HLS_part'].forEach(function (name) {
3958 | if (!parameters.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
3959 | return;
3960 | }
3961 |
3962 | parsedUri.searchParams.set(name, parameters[name]);
3963 | });
3964 | uri = parsedUri.toString();
3965 | }
3966 |
3967 | return uri;
3968 | };
3969 | |
3970 |
3971 |
3972 |
3973 |
3974 |
3975 |
3976 |
3977 |
3978 |
3979 |
3980 | const updateSegment = (a, b) => {
3981 | if (!a) {
3982 | return b;
3983 | }
3984 |
3985 | const result = merge$1(a, b);
3986 |
3987 |
3988 | if (a.preloadHints && !b.preloadHints) {
3989 | delete result.preloadHints;
3990 | }
3991 |
3992 |
3993 |
3994 | if (a.parts && !b.parts) {
3995 | delete result.parts;
3996 |
3997 |
3998 | } else if (a.parts && b.parts) {
3999 | for (let i = 0; i < b.parts.length; i++) {
4000 | if (a.parts && a.parts[i]) {
4001 | result.parts[i] = merge$1(a.parts[i], b.parts[i]);
4002 | }
4003 | }
4004 | }
4005 |
4006 |
4007 |
4008 | if (!a.skipped && b.skipped) {
4009 | result.skipped = false;
4010 | }
4011 |
4012 |
4013 |
4014 | if (a.preload && !b.preload) {
4015 | result.preload = false;
4016 | }
4017 |
4018 | return result;
4019 | };
4020 | |
4021 |
4022 |
4023 |
4024 |
4025 |
4026 |
4027 |
4028 |
4029 |
4030 |
4031 |
4032 |
4033 |
4034 |
4035 |
4036 | const updateSegments = (original, update, offset) => {
4037 | const oldSegments = original.slice();
4038 | const newSegments = update.slice();
4039 | offset = offset || 0;
4040 | const result = [];
4041 | let currentMap;
4042 |
4043 | for (let newIndex = 0; newIndex < newSegments.length; newIndex++) {
4044 | const oldSegment = oldSegments[newIndex + offset];
4045 | const newSegment = newSegments[newIndex];
4046 |
4047 | if (oldSegment) {
4048 | currentMap = oldSegment.map || currentMap;
4049 | result.push(updateSegment(oldSegment, newSegment));
4050 | } else {
4051 |
4052 | if (currentMap && !newSegment.map) {
4053 | newSegment.map = currentMap;
4054 | }
4055 |
4056 | result.push(newSegment);
4057 | }
4058 | }
4059 |
4060 | return result;
4061 | };
4062 | const resolveSegmentUris = (segment, baseUri) => {
4063 |
4064 |
4065 | if (!segment.resolvedUri && segment.uri) {
4066 | segment.resolvedUri = resolveUrl(baseUri, segment.uri);
4067 | }
4068 |
4069 | if (segment.key && !segment.key.resolvedUri) {
4070 | segment.key.resolvedUri = resolveUrl(baseUri, segment.key.uri);
4071 | }
4072 |
4073 | if (segment.map && !segment.map.resolvedUri) {
4074 | segment.map.resolvedUri = resolveUrl(baseUri, segment.map.uri);
4075 | }
4076 |
4077 | if (segment.map && segment.map.key && !segment.map.key.resolvedUri) {
4078 | segment.map.key.resolvedUri = resolveUrl(baseUri, segment.map.key.uri);
4079 | }
4080 |
4081 | if (segment.parts && segment.parts.length) {
4082 | segment.parts.forEach(p => {
4083 | if (p.resolvedUri) {
4084 | return;
4085 | }
4086 |
4087 | p.resolvedUri = resolveUrl(baseUri, p.uri);
4088 | });
4089 | }
4090 |
4091 | if (segment.preloadHints && segment.preloadHints.length) {
4092 | segment.preloadHints.forEach(p => {
4093 | if (p.resolvedUri) {
4094 | return;
4095 | }
4096 |
4097 | p.resolvedUri = resolveUrl(baseUri, p.uri);
4098 | });
4099 | }
4100 | };
4101 |
4102 | const getAllSegments = function (media) {
4103 | const segments = media.segments || [];
4104 | const preloadSegment = media.preloadSegment;
4105 |
4106 |
4107 |
4108 | if (preloadSegment && preloadSegment.parts && preloadSegment.parts.length) {
4109 |
4110 |
4111 |
4112 | if (preloadSegment.preloadHints) {
4113 | for (let i = 0; i < preloadSegment.preloadHints.length; i++) {
4114 | if (preloadSegment.preloadHints[i].type === 'MAP') {
4115 | return segments;
4116 | }
4117 | }
4118 | }
4119 |
4120 |
4121 | preloadSegment.duration = media.targetDuration;
4122 | preloadSegment.preload = true;
4123 | segments.push(preloadSegment);
4124 | }
4125 |
4126 | return segments;
4127 | };
4128 |
4129 |
4130 |
4131 |
4132 | const isPlaylistUnchanged = (a, b) => a === b || a.segments && b.segments && a.segments.length === b.segments.length && a.endList === b.endList && a.mediaSequence === b.mediaSequence && a.preloadSegment === b.preloadSegment;
4133 | |
4134 |
4135 |
4136 |
4137 |
4138 |
4139 |
4140 |
4141 |
4142 |
4143 |
4144 |
4145 |
4146 | const updateMain$1 = (main, newMedia, unchangedCheck = isPlaylistUnchanged) => {
4147 | const result = merge$1(main, {});
4148 | const oldMedia = result.playlists[newMedia.id];
4149 |
4150 | if (!oldMedia) {
4151 | return null;
4152 | }
4153 |
4154 | if (unchangedCheck(oldMedia, newMedia)) {
4155 | return null;
4156 | }
4157 |
4158 | newMedia.segments = getAllSegments(newMedia);
4159 | const mergedPlaylist = merge$1(oldMedia, newMedia);
4160 |
4161 | if (mergedPlaylist.preloadSegment && !newMedia.preloadSegment) {
4162 | delete mergedPlaylist.preloadSegment;
4163 | }
4164 |
4165 |
4166 | if (oldMedia.segments) {
4167 | if (newMedia.skip) {
4168 | newMedia.segments = newMedia.segments || [];
4169 |
4170 |
4171 | for (let i = 0; i < newMedia.skip.skippedSegments; i++) {
4172 | newMedia.segments.unshift({
4173 | skipped: true
4174 | });
4175 | }
4176 | }
4177 |
4178 | mergedPlaylist.segments = updateSegments(oldMedia.segments, newMedia.segments, newMedia.mediaSequence - oldMedia.mediaSequence);
4179 | }
4180 |
4181 |
4182 | mergedPlaylist.segments.forEach(segment => {
4183 | resolveSegmentUris(segment, mergedPlaylist.resolvedUri);
4184 | });
4185 |
4186 |
4187 |
4188 | for (let i = 0; i < result.playlists.length; i++) {
4189 | if (result.playlists[i].id === newMedia.id) {
4190 | result.playlists[i] = mergedPlaylist;
4191 | }
4192 | }
4193 |
4194 | result.playlists[newMedia.id] = mergedPlaylist;
4195 |
4196 | result.playlists[newMedia.uri] = mergedPlaylist;
4197 |
4198 | forEachMediaGroup$1(main, (properties, mediaType, groupKey, labelKey) => {
4199 | if (!properties.playlists) {
4200 | return;
4201 | }
4202 |
4203 | for (let i = 0; i < properties.playlists.length; i++) {
4204 | if (newMedia.id === properties.playlists[i].id) {
4205 | properties.playlists[i] = mergedPlaylist;
4206 | }
4207 | }
4208 | });
4209 | return result;
4210 | };
4211 | |
4212 |
4213 |
4214 |
4215 |
4216 |
4217 |
4218 |
4219 |
4220 |
4221 |
4222 | const refreshDelay = (media, update) => {
4223 | const segments = media.segments || [];
4224 | const lastSegment = segments[segments.length - 1];
4225 | const lastPart = lastSegment && lastSegment.parts && lastSegment.parts[lastSegment.parts.length - 1];
4226 | const lastDuration = lastPart && lastPart.duration || lastSegment && lastSegment.duration;
4227 |
4228 | if (update && lastDuration) {
4229 | return lastDuration * 1000;
4230 | }
4231 |
4232 |
4233 |
4234 | return (media.partTargetDuration || media.targetDuration || 10) * 500;
4235 | };
4236 | |
4237 |
4238 |
4239 |
4240 |
4241 |
4242 |
4243 |
4244 |
4245 |
4246 | class PlaylistLoader extends EventTarget$1 {
4247 | constructor(src, vhs, options = {}) {
4248 | super();
4249 |
4250 | if (!src) {
4251 | throw new Error('A non-empty playlist URL or object is required');
4252 | }
4253 |
4254 | this.logger_ = logger('PlaylistLoader');
4255 | const {
4256 | withCredentials = false
4257 | } = options;
4258 | this.src = src;
4259 | this.vhs_ = vhs;
4260 | this.withCredentials = withCredentials;
4261 | this.addDateRangesToTextTrack_ = options.addDateRangesToTextTrack;
4262 | const vhsOptions = vhs.options_;
4263 | this.customTagParsers = vhsOptions && vhsOptions.customTagParsers || [];
4264 | this.customTagMappers = vhsOptions && vhsOptions.customTagMappers || [];
4265 | this.llhls = vhsOptions && vhsOptions.llhls;
4266 | this.dateRangesStorage_ = new DateRangesStorage();
4267 |
4268 | this.state = 'HAVE_NOTHING';
4269 |
4270 | this.handleMediaupdatetimeout_ = this.handleMediaupdatetimeout_.bind(this);
4271 | this.on('mediaupdatetimeout', this.handleMediaupdatetimeout_);
4272 | this.on('loadedplaylist', this.handleLoadedPlaylist_.bind(this));
4273 | }
4274 |
4275 | handleLoadedPlaylist_() {
4276 | const mediaPlaylist = this.media();
4277 |
4278 | if (!mediaPlaylist) {
4279 | return;
4280 | }
4281 |
4282 | this.dateRangesStorage_.setOffset(mediaPlaylist.segments);
4283 | this.dateRangesStorage_.setPendingDateRanges(mediaPlaylist.dateRanges);
4284 | const availableDateRanges = this.dateRangesStorage_.getDateRangesToProcess();
4285 |
4286 | if (!availableDateRanges.length || !this.addDateRangesToTextTrack_) {
4287 | return;
4288 | }
4289 |
4290 | this.addDateRangesToTextTrack_(availableDateRanges);
4291 | }
4292 |
4293 | handleMediaupdatetimeout_() {
4294 | if (this.state !== 'HAVE_METADATA') {
4295 |
4296 | return;
4297 | }
4298 |
4299 | const media = this.media();
4300 | let uri = resolveUrl(this.main.uri, media.uri);
4301 |
4302 | if (this.llhls) {
4303 | uri = addLLHLSQueryDirectives(uri, media);
4304 | }
4305 |
4306 | this.state = 'HAVE_CURRENT_METADATA';
4307 | this.request = this.vhs_.xhr({
4308 | uri,
4309 | withCredentials: this.withCredentials
4310 | }, (error, req) => {
4311 |
4312 | if (!this.request) {
4313 | return;
4314 | }
4315 |
4316 | if (error) {
4317 | return this.playlistRequestError(this.request, this.media(), 'HAVE_METADATA');
4318 | }
4319 |
4320 | this.haveMetadata({
4321 | playlistString: this.request.responseText,
4322 | url: this.media().uri,
4323 | id: this.media().id
4324 | });
4325 | });
4326 | }
4327 |
4328 | playlistRequestError(xhr, playlist, startingState) {
4329 | const {
4330 | uri,
4331 | id
4332 | } = playlist;
4333 |
4334 | this.request = null;
4335 |
4336 | if (startingState) {
4337 | this.state = startingState;
4338 | }
4339 |
4340 | this.error = {
4341 | playlist: this.main.playlists[id],
4342 | status: xhr.status,
4343 | message: `HLS playlist request error at URL: ${uri}.`,
4344 | responseText: xhr.responseText,
4345 | code: xhr.status >= 500 ? 4 : 2
4346 | };
4347 | this.trigger('error');
4348 | }
4349 |
4350 | parseManifest_({
4351 | url,
4352 | manifestString
4353 | }) {
4354 | return parseManifest({
4355 | onwarn: ({
4356 | message
4357 | }) => this.logger_(`m3u8-parser warn for ${url}: ${message}`),
4358 | oninfo: ({
4359 | message
4360 | }) => this.logger_(`m3u8-parser info for ${url}: ${message}`),
4361 | manifestString,
4362 | customTagParsers: this.customTagParsers,
4363 | customTagMappers: this.customTagMappers,
4364 | llhls: this.llhls
4365 | });
4366 | }
4367 | |
4368 |
4369 |
4370 |
4371 |
4372 |
4373 |
4374 |
4375 |
4376 |
4377 |
4378 |
4379 |
4380 |
4381 | haveMetadata({
4382 | playlistString,
4383 | playlistObject,
4384 | url,
4385 | id
4386 | }) {
4387 |
4388 | this.request = null;
4389 | this.state = 'HAVE_METADATA';
4390 | const playlist = playlistObject || this.parseManifest_({
4391 | url,
4392 | manifestString: playlistString
4393 | });
4394 | playlist.lastRequest = Date.now();
4395 | setupMediaPlaylist({
4396 | playlist,
4397 | uri: url,
4398 | id
4399 | });
4400 |
4401 | const update = updateMain$1(this.main, playlist);
4402 | this.targetDuration = playlist.partTargetDuration || playlist.targetDuration;
4403 | this.pendingMedia_ = null;
4404 |
4405 | if (update) {
4406 | this.main = update;
4407 | this.media_ = this.main.playlists[id];
4408 | } else {
4409 | this.trigger('playlistunchanged');
4410 | }
4411 |
4412 | this.updateMediaUpdateTimeout_(refreshDelay(this.media(), !!update));
4413 | this.trigger('loadedplaylist');
4414 | }
4415 | |
4416 |
4417 |
4418 |
4419 |
4420 | dispose() {
4421 | this.trigger('dispose');
4422 | this.stopRequest();
4423 | window.clearTimeout(this.mediaUpdateTimeout);
4424 | window.clearTimeout(this.finalRenditionTimeout);
4425 | this.dateRangesStorage_ = new DateRangesStorage();
4426 | this.off();
4427 | }
4428 |
4429 | stopRequest() {
4430 | if (this.request) {
4431 | const oldRequest = this.request;
4432 | this.request = null;
4433 | oldRequest.onreadystatechange = null;
4434 | oldRequest.abort();
4435 | }
4436 | }
4437 | |
4438 |
4439 |
4440 |
4441 |
4442 |
4443 |
4444 |
4445 |
4446 |
4447 |
4448 |
4449 |
4450 |
4451 |
4452 |
4453 | media(playlist, shouldDelay) {
4454 |
4455 | if (!playlist) {
4456 | return this.media_;
4457 | }
4458 |
4459 |
4460 | if (this.state === 'HAVE_NOTHING') {
4461 | throw new Error('Cannot switch media playlist from ' + this.state);
4462 | }
4463 |
4464 |
4465 |
4466 | if (typeof playlist === 'string') {
4467 | if (!this.main.playlists[playlist]) {
4468 | throw new Error('Unknown playlist URI: ' + playlist);
4469 | }
4470 |
4471 | playlist = this.main.playlists[playlist];
4472 | }
4473 |
4474 | window.clearTimeout(this.finalRenditionTimeout);
4475 |
4476 | if (shouldDelay) {
4477 | const delay = (playlist.partTargetDuration || playlist.targetDuration) / 2 * 1000 || 5 * 1000;
4478 | this.finalRenditionTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.media.bind(this, playlist, false), delay);
4479 | return;
4480 | }
4481 |
4482 | const startingState = this.state;
4483 | const mediaChange = !this.media_ || playlist.id !== this.media_.id;
4484 | const mainPlaylistRef = this.main.playlists[playlist.id];
4485 |
4486 | if (mainPlaylistRef && mainPlaylistRef.endList ||
4487 |
4488 | playlist.endList && playlist.segments.length) {
4489 |
4490 | if (this.request) {
4491 | this.request.onreadystatechange = null;
4492 | this.request.abort();
4493 | this.request = null;
4494 | }
4495 |
4496 | this.state = 'HAVE_METADATA';
4497 | this.media_ = playlist;
4498 |
4499 | if (mediaChange) {
4500 | this.trigger('mediachanging');
4501 |
4502 | if (startingState === 'HAVE_MAIN_MANIFEST') {
4503 |
4504 |
4505 |
4506 |
4507 |
4508 | this.trigger('loadedmetadata');
4509 | } else {
4510 | this.trigger('mediachange');
4511 | }
4512 | }
4513 |
4514 | return;
4515 | }
4516 |
4517 |
4518 |
4519 |
4520 |
4521 |
4522 | this.updateMediaUpdateTimeout_(refreshDelay(playlist, true));
4523 |
4524 | if (!mediaChange) {
4525 | return;
4526 | }
4527 |
4528 | this.state = 'SWITCHING_MEDIA';
4529 |
4530 | if (this.request) {
4531 | if (playlist.resolvedUri === this.request.url) {
4532 |
4533 |
4534 | return;
4535 | }
4536 |
4537 | this.request.onreadystatechange = null;
4538 | this.request.abort();
4539 | this.request = null;
4540 | }
4541 |
4542 |
4543 | if (this.media_) {
4544 | this.trigger('mediachanging');
4545 | }
4546 |
4547 | this.pendingMedia_ = playlist;
4548 | this.request = this.vhs_.xhr({
4549 | uri: playlist.resolvedUri,
4550 | withCredentials: this.withCredentials
4551 | }, (error, req) => {
4552 |
4553 | if (!this.request) {
4554 | return;
4555 | }
4556 |
4557 | playlist.lastRequest = Date.now();
4558 | playlist.resolvedUri = resolveManifestRedirect(playlist.resolvedUri, req);
4559 |
4560 | if (error) {
4561 | return this.playlistRequestError(this.request, playlist, startingState);
4562 | }
4563 |
4564 | this.haveMetadata({
4565 | playlistString: req.responseText,
4566 | url: playlist.uri,
4567 | id: playlist.id
4568 | });
4569 |
4570 | if (startingState === 'HAVE_MAIN_MANIFEST') {
4571 | this.trigger('loadedmetadata');
4572 | } else {
4573 | this.trigger('mediachange');
4574 | }
4575 | });
4576 | }
4577 | |
4578 |
4579 |
4580 |
4581 |
4582 | pause() {
4583 | if (this.mediaUpdateTimeout) {
4584 | window.clearTimeout(this.mediaUpdateTimeout);
4585 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = null;
4586 | }
4587 |
4588 | this.stopRequest();
4589 |
4590 | if (this.state === 'HAVE_NOTHING') {
4591 |
4592 |
4593 | this.started = false;
4594 | }
4595 |
4596 |
4597 | if (this.state === 'SWITCHING_MEDIA') {
4598 |
4599 |
4600 |
4601 | if (this.media_) {
4602 | this.state = 'HAVE_METADATA';
4603 | } else {
4604 | this.state = 'HAVE_MAIN_MANIFEST';
4605 | }
4606 | } else if (this.state === 'HAVE_CURRENT_METADATA') {
4607 | this.state = 'HAVE_METADATA';
4608 | }
4609 | }
4610 | |
4611 |
4612 |
4613 |
4614 |
4615 | load(shouldDelay) {
4616 | if (this.mediaUpdateTimeout) {
4617 | window.clearTimeout(this.mediaUpdateTimeout);
4618 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = null;
4619 | }
4620 |
4621 | const media = this.media();
4622 |
4623 | if (shouldDelay) {
4624 | const delay = media ? (media.partTargetDuration || media.targetDuration) / 2 * 1000 : 5 * 1000;
4625 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
4626 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = null;
4627 | this.load();
4628 | }, delay);
4629 | return;
4630 | }
4631 |
4632 | if (!this.started) {
4633 | this.start();
4634 | return;
4635 | }
4636 |
4637 | if (media && !media.endList) {
4638 | this.trigger('mediaupdatetimeout');
4639 | } else {
4640 | this.trigger('loadedplaylist');
4641 | }
4642 | }
4643 |
4644 | updateMediaUpdateTimeout_(delay) {
4645 | if (this.mediaUpdateTimeout) {
4646 | window.clearTimeout(this.mediaUpdateTimeout);
4647 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = null;
4648 | }
4649 |
4650 |
4651 | if (!this.media() || this.media().endList) {
4652 | return;
4653 | }
4654 |
4655 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
4656 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = null;
4657 | this.trigger('mediaupdatetimeout');
4658 | this.updateMediaUpdateTimeout_(delay);
4659 | }, delay);
4660 | }
4661 | |
4662 |
4663 |
4664 |
4665 |
4666 | start() {
4667 | this.started = true;
4668 |
4669 | if (typeof this.src === 'object') {
4670 |
4671 |
4672 | if (!this.src.uri) {
4673 | this.src.uri = window.location.href;
4674 | }
4675 |
4676 |
4677 |
4678 | this.src.resolvedUri = this.src.uri;
4679 |
4680 |
4681 |
4682 |
4683 |
4684 |
4685 |
4686 |
4687 |
4688 | setTimeout(() => {
4689 | this.setupInitialPlaylist(this.src);
4690 | }, 0);
4691 | return;
4692 | }
4693 |
4694 |
4695 | this.request = this.vhs_.xhr({
4696 | uri: this.src,
4697 | withCredentials: this.withCredentials
4698 | }, (error, req) => {
4699 |
4700 | if (!this.request) {
4701 | return;
4702 | }
4703 |
4704 |
4705 | this.request = null;
4706 |
4707 | if (error) {
4708 | this.error = {
4709 | status: req.status,
4710 | message: `HLS playlist request error at URL: ${this.src}.`,
4711 | responseText: req.responseText,
4712 |
4713 | code: 2
4714 | };
4715 |
4716 | if (this.state === 'HAVE_NOTHING') {
4717 | this.started = false;
4718 | }
4719 |
4720 | return this.trigger('error');
4721 | }
4722 |
4723 | this.src = resolveManifestRedirect(this.src, req);
4724 | const manifest = this.parseManifest_({
4725 | manifestString: req.responseText,
4726 | url: this.src
4727 | });
4728 | this.setupInitialPlaylist(manifest);
4729 | });
4730 | }
4731 |
4732 | srcUri() {
4733 | return typeof this.src === 'string' ? this.src : this.src.uri;
4734 | }
4735 | |
4736 |
4737 |
4738 |
4739 |
4740 |
4741 |
4742 |
4743 |
4744 |
4745 |
4746 |
4747 |
4748 |
4749 |
4750 |
4751 |
4752 |
4753 |
4754 |
4755 | setupInitialPlaylist(manifest) {
4756 | this.state = 'HAVE_MAIN_MANIFEST';
4757 |
4758 | if (manifest.playlists) {
4759 | this.main = manifest;
4760 | addPropertiesToMain(this.main, this.srcUri());
4761 |
4762 |
4763 |
4764 | manifest.playlists.forEach(playlist => {
4765 | playlist.segments = getAllSegments(playlist);
4766 | playlist.segments.forEach(segment => {
4767 | resolveSegmentUris(segment, playlist.resolvedUri);
4768 | });
4769 | });
4770 | this.trigger('loadedplaylist');
4771 |
4772 | if (!this.request) {
4773 |
4774 |
4775 | this.media(this.main.playlists[0]);
4776 | }
4777 |
4778 | return;
4779 | }
4780 |
4781 |
4782 |
4783 |
4784 | const uri = this.srcUri() || window.location.href;
4785 | this.main = mainForMedia(manifest, uri);
4786 | this.haveMetadata({
4787 | playlistObject: manifest,
4788 | url: uri,
4789 | id: this.main.playlists[0].id
4790 | });
4791 | this.trigger('loadedmetadata');
4792 | }
4793 | |
4794 |
4795 |
4796 |
4797 |
4798 |
4799 |
4800 |
4801 |
4802 |
4803 |
4804 |
4805 | updateOrDeleteClone(clone, isUpdate) {
4806 | const main = this.main;
4807 | const pathway = clone.ID;
4808 | let i = main.playlists.length;
4809 |
4810 | while (i--) {
4811 | const p = main.playlists[i];
4812 |
4813 | if (p.attributes['PATHWAY-ID'] === pathway) {
4814 | const oldPlaylistUri = p.resolvedUri;
4815 | const oldPlaylistId = p.id;
4816 |
4817 | if (isUpdate) {
4818 | const newPlaylistUri = this.createCloneURI_(p.resolvedUri, clone);
4819 | const newPlaylistId = createPlaylistID(pathway, newPlaylistUri);
4820 | const attributes = this.createCloneAttributes_(pathway, p.attributes);
4821 | const updatedPlaylist = this.createClonePlaylist_(p, newPlaylistId, clone, attributes);
4822 | main.playlists[i] = updatedPlaylist;
4823 | main.playlists[newPlaylistId] = updatedPlaylist;
4824 | main.playlists[newPlaylistUri] = updatedPlaylist;
4825 | } else {
4826 |
4827 | main.playlists.splice(i, 1);
4828 | }
4829 |
4830 |
4831 | delete main.playlists[oldPlaylistId];
4832 | delete main.playlists[oldPlaylistUri];
4833 | }
4834 | }
4835 |
4836 | this.updateOrDeleteCloneMedia(clone, isUpdate);
4837 | }
4838 | |
4839 |
4840 |
4841 |
4842 |
4843 |
4844 |
4845 |
4846 |
4847 |
4848 |
4849 |
4850 |
4851 | updateOrDeleteCloneMedia(clone, isUpdate) {
4852 | const main = this.main;
4853 | const id = clone.ID;
4854 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES', 'CLOSED-CAPTIONS'].forEach(mediaType => {
4855 | if (!main.mediaGroups[mediaType] || !main.mediaGroups[mediaType][id]) {
4856 | return;
4857 | }
4858 |
4859 | for (const groupKey in main.mediaGroups[mediaType]) {
4860 |
4861 | if (groupKey === id) {
4862 | for (const labelKey in main.mediaGroups[mediaType][groupKey]) {
4863 | const oldMedia = main.mediaGroups[mediaType][groupKey][labelKey];
4864 | oldMedia.playlists.forEach((p, i) => {
4865 | const oldMediaPlaylist = main.playlists[p.id];
4866 | const oldPlaylistId = oldMediaPlaylist.id;
4867 | const oldPlaylistUri = oldMediaPlaylist.resolvedUri;
4868 | delete main.playlists[oldPlaylistId];
4869 | delete main.playlists[oldPlaylistUri];
4870 | });
4871 | }
4872 |
4873 |
4874 | delete main.mediaGroups[mediaType][groupKey];
4875 | }
4876 | }
4877 | });
4878 |
4879 | if (isUpdate) {
4880 | this.createClonedMediaGroups_(clone);
4881 | }
4882 | }
4883 | |
4884 |
4885 |
4886 |
4887 |
4888 |
4889 |
4890 |
4891 | addClonePathway(clone, basePlaylist = {}) {
4892 | const main = this.main;
4893 | const index = main.playlists.length;
4894 | const uri = this.createCloneURI_(basePlaylist.resolvedUri, clone);
4895 | const playlistId = createPlaylistID(clone.ID, uri);
4896 | const attributes = this.createCloneAttributes_(clone.ID, basePlaylist.attributes);
4897 | const playlist = this.createClonePlaylist_(basePlaylist, playlistId, clone, attributes);
4898 | main.playlists[index] = playlist;
4899 |
4900 | main.playlists[playlistId] = playlist;
4901 | main.playlists[uri] = playlist;
4902 | this.createClonedMediaGroups_(clone);
4903 | }
4904 | |
4905 |
4906 |
4907 |
4908 |
4909 |
4910 |
4911 |
4912 |
4913 |
4914 |
4915 | createClonedMediaGroups_(clone) {
4916 | const id = clone.ID;
4917 | const baseID = clone['BASE-ID'];
4918 | const main = this.main;
4919 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES', 'CLOSED-CAPTIONS'].forEach(mediaType => {
4920 |
4921 |
4922 | if (!main.mediaGroups[mediaType] || main.mediaGroups[mediaType][id]) {
4923 | return;
4924 | }
4925 |
4926 | for (const groupKey in main.mediaGroups[mediaType]) {
4927 | if (groupKey === baseID) {
4928 |
4929 | main.mediaGroups[mediaType][id] = {};
4930 | } else {
4931 |
4932 | continue;
4933 | }
4934 |
4935 | for (const labelKey in main.mediaGroups[mediaType][groupKey]) {
4936 | const oldMedia = main.mediaGroups[mediaType][groupKey][labelKey];
4937 | main.mediaGroups[mediaType][id][labelKey] = _extends({}, oldMedia);
4938 | const newMedia = main.mediaGroups[mediaType][id][labelKey];
4939 |
4940 | const newUri = this.createCloneURI_(oldMedia.resolvedUri, clone);
4941 | newMedia.resolvedUri = newUri;
4942 | newMedia.uri = newUri;
4943 |
4944 | newMedia.playlists = [];
4945 |
4946 | oldMedia.playlists.forEach((p, i) => {
4947 | const oldMediaPlaylist = main.playlists[p.id];
4948 | const group = groupID(mediaType, id, labelKey);
4949 | const newPlaylistID = createPlaylistID(id, group);
4950 |
4951 | if (oldMediaPlaylist && !main.playlists[newPlaylistID]) {
4952 | const newMediaPlaylist = this.createClonePlaylist_(oldMediaPlaylist, newPlaylistID, clone);
4953 | const newPlaylistUri = newMediaPlaylist.resolvedUri;
4954 | main.playlists[newPlaylistID] = newMediaPlaylist;
4955 | main.playlists[newPlaylistUri] = newMediaPlaylist;
4956 | }
4957 |
4958 | newMedia.playlists[i] = this.createClonePlaylist_(p, newPlaylistID, clone);
4959 | });
4960 | }
4961 | }
4962 | });
4963 | }
4964 | |
4965 |
4966 |
4967 |
4968 |
4969 |
4970 |
4971 |
4972 |
4973 |
4974 |
4975 |
4976 |
4977 | createClonePlaylist_(basePlaylist, id, clone, attributes) {
4978 | const uri = this.createCloneURI_(basePlaylist.resolvedUri, clone);
4979 | const newProps = {
4980 | resolvedUri: uri,
4981 | uri,
4982 | id
4983 | };
4984 |
4985 | if (basePlaylist.segments) {
4986 | newProps.segments = [];
4987 | }
4988 |
4989 | if (attributes) {
4990 | newProps.attributes = attributes;
4991 | }
4992 |
4993 | return merge$1(basePlaylist, newProps);
4994 | }
4995 | |
4996 |
4997 |
4998 |
4999 |
5000 |
5001 |
5002 |
5003 |
5004 |
5005 |
5006 |
5007 | createCloneURI_(baseURI, clone) {
5008 | const uri = new URL(baseURI);
5009 | uri.hostname = clone['URI-REPLACEMENT'].HOST;
5010 | const params = clone['URI-REPLACEMENT'].PARAMS;
5011 |
5012 | for (const key of Object.keys(params)) {
5013 | uri.searchParams.set(key, params[key]);
5014 | }
5015 |
5016 | return uri.href;
5017 | }
5018 | |
5019 |
5020 |
5021 |
5022 |
5023 |
5024 |
5025 |
5026 |
5027 |
5028 | createCloneAttributes_(id, oldAttributes) {
5029 | const attributes = {
5030 | ['PATHWAY-ID']: id
5031 | };
5032 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES', 'CLOSED-CAPTIONS'].forEach(mediaType => {
5033 | if (oldAttributes[mediaType]) {
5034 | attributes[mediaType] = id;
5035 | }
5036 | });
5037 | return attributes;
5038 | }
5039 | |
5040 |
5041 |
5042 |
5043 |
5044 |
5045 |
5046 |
5047 | getKeyIdSet(playlist) {
5048 | if (playlist.contentProtection) {
5049 | const keyIds = new Set();
5050 |
5051 | for (const keysystem in playlist.contentProtection) {
5052 | const keyId = playlist.contentProtection[keysystem].attributes.keyId;
5053 |
5054 | if (keyId) {
5055 | keyIds.add(keyId.toLowerCase());
5056 | }
5057 | }
5058 |
5059 | return keyIds;
5060 | }
5061 | }
5062 |
5063 | }
5064 |
5065 | |
5066 |
5067 |
5068 | const {
5069 | xhr: videojsXHR
5070 | } = videojs__default["default"];
5071 |
5072 | const callbackWrapper = function (request, error, response, callback) {
5073 | const reqResponse = request.responseType === 'arraybuffer' ? request.response : request.responseText;
5074 |
5075 | if (!error && reqResponse) {
5076 | request.responseTime = Date.now();
5077 | request.roundTripTime = request.responseTime - request.requestTime;
5078 | request.bytesReceived = reqResponse.byteLength || reqResponse.length;
5079 |
5080 | if (!request.bandwidth) {
5081 | request.bandwidth = Math.floor(request.bytesReceived / request.roundTripTime * 8 * 1000);
5082 | }
5083 | }
5084 |
5085 | if (response.headers) {
5086 | request.responseHeaders = response.headers;
5087 | }
5088 |
5089 |
5090 |
5091 |
5092 | if (error && error.code === 'ETIMEDOUT') {
5093 | request.timedout = true;
5094 | }
5095 |
5096 |
5097 |
5098 |
5099 | if (!error && !request.aborted && response.statusCode !== 200 && response.statusCode !== 206 && response.statusCode !== 0) {
5100 | error = new Error('XHR Failed with a response of: ' + (request && (reqResponse || request.responseText)));
5101 | }
5102 |
5103 | callback(error, request);
5104 | };
5105 | |
5106 |
5107 |
5108 |
5109 |
5110 |
5111 |
5112 |
5113 |
5114 | const callAllRequestHooks = (requestSet, options) => {
5115 | if (!requestSet || !requestSet.size) {
5116 | return;
5117 | }
5118 |
5119 | let newOptions = options;
5120 | requestSet.forEach(requestCallback => {
5121 | newOptions = requestCallback(newOptions);
5122 | });
5123 | return newOptions;
5124 | };
5125 | |
5126 |
5127 |
5128 |
5129 |
5130 |
5131 |
5132 |
5133 |
5134 |
5135 | const callAllResponseHooks = (responseSet, request, error, response) => {
5136 | if (!responseSet || !responseSet.size) {
5137 | return;
5138 | }
5139 |
5140 | responseSet.forEach(responseCallback => {
5141 | responseCallback(request, error, response);
5142 | });
5143 | };
5144 |
5145 | const xhrFactory = function () {
5146 | const xhr = function XhrFunction(options, callback) {
5147 |
5148 | options = merge$1({
5149 | timeout: 45e3
5150 | }, options);
5151 |
5152 |
5153 |
5154 | const beforeRequest = XhrFunction.beforeRequest || videojs__default["default"].Vhs.xhr.beforeRequest;
5155 |
5156 |
5157 | const _requestCallbackSet = XhrFunction._requestCallbackSet || videojs__default["default"].Vhs.xhr._requestCallbackSet || new Set();
5158 |
5159 | const _responseCallbackSet = XhrFunction._responseCallbackSet || videojs__default["default"].Vhs.xhr._responseCallbackSet;
5160 |
5161 | if (beforeRequest && typeof beforeRequest === 'function') {
5162 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('beforeRequest is deprecated, use onRequest instead.');
5163 |
5164 | _requestCallbackSet.add(beforeRequest);
5165 | }
5166 |
5167 |
5168 |
5169 | const xhrMethod = videojs__default["default"].Vhs.xhr.original === true ? videojsXHR : videojs__default["default"].Vhs.xhr;
5170 |
5171 | const beforeRequestOptions = callAllRequestHooks(_requestCallbackSet, options);
5172 |
5173 | _requestCallbackSet.delete(beforeRequest);
5174 |
5175 |
5176 | const request = xhrMethod(beforeRequestOptions || options, function (error, response) {
5177 |
5178 | callAllResponseHooks(_responseCallbackSet, request, error, response);
5179 | return callbackWrapper(request, error, response, callback);
5180 | });
5181 | const originalAbort = request.abort;
5182 |
5183 | request.abort = function () {
5184 | request.aborted = true;
5185 | return originalAbort.apply(request, arguments);
5186 | };
5187 |
5188 | request.uri = options.uri;
5189 | request.requestTime = Date.now();
5190 | return request;
5191 | };
5192 |
5193 | xhr.original = true;
5194 | return xhr;
5195 | };
5196 | |
5197 |
5198 |
5199 |
5200 |
5201 |
5202 |
5203 |
5204 |
5205 | const byterangeStr = function (byterange) {
5206 |
5207 |
5208 | let byterangeEnd;
5209 | const byterangeStart = byterange.offset;
5210 |
5211 | if (typeof byterange.offset === 'bigint' || typeof byterange.length === 'bigint') {
5212 | byterangeEnd = window.BigInt(byterange.offset) + window.BigInt(byterange.length) - window.BigInt(1);
5213 | } else {
5214 | byterangeEnd = byterange.offset + byterange.length - 1;
5215 | }
5216 |
5217 | return 'bytes=' + byterangeStart + '-' + byterangeEnd;
5218 | };
5219 | |
5220 |
5221 |
5222 |
5223 |
5224 |
5225 |
5226 | const segmentXhrHeaders = function (segment) {
5227 | const headers = {};
5228 |
5229 | if (segment.byterange) {
5230 | headers.Range = byterangeStr(segment.byterange);
5231 | }
5232 |
5233 | return headers;
5234 | };
5235 |
5236 | var MPEGURL_REGEX = /^(audio|video|application)\/(x-|vnd\.apple\.)?mpegurl/i;
5237 | var DASH_REGEX = /^application\/dash\+xml/i;
5238 | |
5239 |
5240 |
5241 |
5242 |
5243 |
5244 |
5245 |
5246 |
5247 |
5248 |
5249 |
5250 | var simpleTypeFromSourceType = function simpleTypeFromSourceType(type) {
5251 | if (MPEGURL_REGEX.test(type)) {
5252 | return 'hls';
5253 | }
5254 |
5255 | if (DASH_REGEX.test(type)) {
5256 | return 'dash';
5257 | }
5258 |
5259 |
5260 |
5261 |
5262 |
5263 |
5264 |
5265 |
5266 | if (type === 'application/vnd.videojs.vhs+json') {
5267 | return 'vhs-json';
5268 | }
5269 |
5270 | return null;
5271 | };
5272 |
5273 |
5274 |
5275 |
5276 |
5277 |
5278 | var countBits = function countBits(x) {
5279 | return x.toString(2).length;
5280 | };
5281 |
5282 | var countBytes = function countBytes(x) {
5283 | return Math.ceil(countBits(x) / 8);
5284 | };
5285 | var isArrayBufferView = function isArrayBufferView(obj) {
5286 | if (ArrayBuffer.isView === 'function') {
5287 | return ArrayBuffer.isView(obj);
5288 | }
5289 |
5290 | return obj && obj.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer;
5291 | };
5292 | var isTypedArray = function isTypedArray(obj) {
5293 | return isArrayBufferView(obj);
5294 | };
5295 | var toUint8 = function toUint8(bytes) {
5296 | if (bytes instanceof Uint8Array) {
5297 | return bytes;
5298 | }
5299 |
5300 | if (!Array.isArray(bytes) && !isTypedArray(bytes) && !(bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
5301 |
5302 |
5303 | if (typeof bytes !== 'number' || typeof bytes === 'number' && bytes !== bytes) {
5304 | bytes = 0;
5305 | } else {
5306 | bytes = [bytes];
5307 | }
5308 | }
5309 |
5310 | return new Uint8Array(bytes && bytes.buffer || bytes, bytes && bytes.byteOffset || 0, bytes && bytes.byteLength || 0);
5311 | };
5312 | var BigInt = window.BigInt || Number;
5313 | var BYTE_TABLE = [BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x100'), BigInt('0x10000'), BigInt('0x1000000'), BigInt('0x100000000'), BigInt('0x10000000000'), BigInt('0x1000000000000'), BigInt('0x100000000000000'), BigInt('0x10000000000000000')];
5314 | (function () {
5315 | var a = new Uint16Array([0xFFCC]);
5316 | var b = new Uint8Array(a.buffer, a.byteOffset, a.byteLength);
5317 |
5318 | if (b[0] === 0xFF) {
5319 | return 'big';
5320 | }
5321 |
5322 | if (b[0] === 0xCC) {
5323 | return 'little';
5324 | }
5325 |
5326 | return 'unknown';
5327 | })();
5328 | var bytesToNumber = function bytesToNumber(bytes, _temp) {
5329 | var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp,
5330 | _ref$signed = _ref.signed,
5331 | signed = _ref$signed === void 0 ? false : _ref$signed,
5332 | _ref$le = _ref.le,
5333 | le = _ref$le === void 0 ? false : _ref$le;
5334 |
5335 | bytes = toUint8(bytes);
5336 | var fn = le ? 'reduce' : 'reduceRight';
5337 | var obj = bytes[fn] ? bytes[fn] : Array.prototype[fn];
5338 | var number = obj.call(bytes, function (total, byte, i) {
5339 | var exponent = le ? i : Math.abs(i + 1 - bytes.length);
5340 | return total + BigInt(byte) * BYTE_TABLE[exponent];
5341 | }, BigInt(0));
5342 |
5343 | if (signed) {
5344 | var max = BYTE_TABLE[bytes.length] / BigInt(2) - BigInt(1);
5345 | number = BigInt(number);
5346 |
5347 | if (number > max) {
5348 | number -= max;
5349 | number -= max;
5350 | number -= BigInt(2);
5351 | }
5352 | }
5353 |
5354 | return Number(number);
5355 | };
5356 | var numberToBytes = function numberToBytes(number, _temp2) {
5357 | var _ref2 = _temp2 === void 0 ? {} : _temp2,
5358 | _ref2$le = _ref2.le,
5359 | le = _ref2$le === void 0 ? false : _ref2$le;
5360 |
5361 |
5362 | if (typeof number !== 'bigint' && typeof number !== 'number' || typeof number === 'number' && number !== number) {
5363 | number = 0;
5364 | }
5365 |
5366 | number = BigInt(number);
5367 | var byteCount = countBytes(number);
5368 | var bytes = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(byteCount));
5369 |
5370 | for (var i = 0; i < byteCount; i++) {
5371 | var byteIndex = le ? i : Math.abs(i + 1 - bytes.length);
5372 | bytes[byteIndex] = Number(number / BYTE_TABLE[i] & BigInt(0xFF));
5373 |
5374 | if (number < 0) {
5375 | bytes[byteIndex] = Math.abs(~bytes[byteIndex]);
5376 | bytes[byteIndex] -= i === 0 ? 1 : 2;
5377 | }
5378 | }
5379 |
5380 | return bytes;
5381 | };
5382 | var stringToBytes = function stringToBytes(string, stringIsBytes) {
5383 | if (typeof string !== 'string' && string && typeof string.toString === 'function') {
5384 | string = string.toString();
5385 | }
5386 |
5387 | if (typeof string !== 'string') {
5388 | return new Uint8Array();
5389 | }
5390 |
5391 |
5392 |
5393 |
5394 | if (!stringIsBytes) {
5395 | string = unescape(encodeURIComponent(string));
5396 | }
5397 |
5398 | var view = new Uint8Array(string.length);
5399 |
5400 | for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
5401 | view[i] = string.charCodeAt(i);
5402 | }
5403 |
5404 | return view;
5405 | };
5406 | var concatTypedArrays = function concatTypedArrays() {
5407 | for (var _len = arguments.length, buffers = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
5408 | buffers[_key] = arguments[_key];
5409 | }
5410 |
5411 | buffers = buffers.filter(function (b) {
5412 | return b && (b.byteLength || b.length) && typeof b !== 'string';
5413 | });
5414 |
5415 | if (buffers.length <= 1) {
5416 |
5417 |
5418 | return toUint8(buffers[0]);
5419 | }
5420 |
5421 | var totalLen = buffers.reduce(function (total, buf, i) {
5422 | return total + (buf.byteLength || buf.length);
5423 | }, 0);
5424 | var tempBuffer = new Uint8Array(totalLen);
5425 | var offset = 0;
5426 | buffers.forEach(function (buf) {
5427 | buf = toUint8(buf);
5428 | tempBuffer.set(buf, offset);
5429 | offset += buf.byteLength;
5430 | });
5431 | return tempBuffer;
5432 | };
5433 | |
5434 |
5435 |
5436 |
5437 |
5438 |
5439 |
5440 |
5441 |
5442 |
5443 |
5444 |
5445 |
5446 |
5447 |
5448 |
5449 |
5450 |
5451 |
5452 |
5453 |
5454 |
5455 |
5456 | var bytesMatch = function bytesMatch(a, b, _temp3) {
5457 | var _ref3 = _temp3 === void 0 ? {} : _temp3,
5458 | _ref3$offset = _ref3.offset,
5459 | offset = _ref3$offset === void 0 ? 0 : _ref3$offset,
5460 | _ref3$mask = _ref3.mask,
5461 | mask = _ref3$mask === void 0 ? [] : _ref3$mask;
5462 |
5463 | a = toUint8(a);
5464 | b = toUint8(b);
5465 |
5466 | var fn = b.every ? b.every : Array.prototype.every;
5467 | return b.length && a.length - offset >= b.length &&
5468 | fn.call(b, function (bByte, i) {
5469 | var aByte = mask[i] ? mask[i] & a[offset + i] : a[offset + i];
5470 | return bByte === aByte;
5471 | });
5472 | };
5473 |
5474 | |
5475 |
5476 |
5477 |
5478 | |
5479 |
5480 |
5481 |
5482 |
5483 |
5484 |
5485 |
5486 | const textRange = function (range, i) {
5487 | return range.start(i) + '-' + range.end(i);
5488 | };
5489 | |
5490 |
5491 |
5492 |
5493 |
5494 |
5495 |
5496 |
5497 |
5498 | const formatHexString = function (e, i) {
5499 | const value = e.toString(16);
5500 | return '00'.substring(0, 2 - value.length) + value + (i % 2 ? ' ' : '');
5501 | };
5502 |
5503 | const formatAsciiString = function (e) {
5504 | if (e >= 0x20 && e < 0x7e) {
5505 | return String.fromCharCode(e);
5506 | }
5507 |
5508 | return '.';
5509 | };
5510 | |
5511 |
5512 |
5513 |
5514 |
5515 |
5516 |
5517 |
5518 |
5519 |
5520 |
5521 |
5522 | const createTransferableMessage = function (message) {
5523 | const transferable = {};
5524 | Object.keys(message).forEach(key => {
5525 | const value = message[key];
5526 |
5527 | if (isArrayBufferView(value)) {
5528 | transferable[key] = {
5529 | bytes: value.buffer,
5530 | byteOffset: value.byteOffset,
5531 | byteLength: value.byteLength
5532 | };
5533 | } else {
5534 | transferable[key] = value;
5535 | }
5536 | });
5537 | return transferable;
5538 | };
5539 | |
5540 |
5541 |
5542 |
5543 |
5544 |
5545 |
5546 |
5547 |
5548 |
5549 | const initSegmentId = function (initSegment) {
5550 | const byterange = initSegment.byterange || {
5551 | length: Infinity,
5552 | offset: 0
5553 | };
5554 | return [byterange.length, byterange.offset, initSegment.resolvedUri].join(',');
5555 | };
5556 | |
5557 |
5558 |
5559 |
5560 |
5561 |
5562 |
5563 | const segmentKeyId = function (key) {
5564 | return key.resolvedUri;
5565 | };
5566 | |
5567 |
5568 |
5569 |
5570 |
5571 |
5572 |
5573 |
5574 |
5575 | const hexDump = data => {
5576 | const bytes = Array.prototype.slice.call(data);
5577 | const step = 16;
5578 | let result = '';
5579 | let hex;
5580 | let ascii;
5581 |
5582 | for (let j = 0; j < bytes.length / step; j++) {
5583 | hex = bytes.slice(j * step, j * step + step).map(formatHexString).join('');
5584 | ascii = bytes.slice(j * step, j * step + step).map(formatAsciiString).join('');
5585 | result += hex + ' ' + ascii + '\n';
5586 | }
5587 |
5588 | return result;
5589 | };
5590 | const tagDump = ({
5591 | bytes
5592 | }) => hexDump(bytes);
5593 | const textRanges = ranges => {
5594 | let result = '';
5595 | let i;
5596 |
5597 | for (i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
5598 | result += textRange(ranges, i) + ' ';
5599 | }
5600 |
5601 | return result;
5602 | };
5603 |
5604 | var utils = Object.freeze({
5605 | __proto__: null,
5606 | createTransferableMessage: createTransferableMessage,
5607 | initSegmentId: initSegmentId,
5608 | segmentKeyId: segmentKeyId,
5609 | hexDump: hexDump,
5610 | tagDump: tagDump,
5611 | textRanges: textRanges
5612 | });
5613 |
5614 |
5615 |
5616 |
5617 | const SEGMENT_END_FUDGE_PERCENT = 0.25;
5618 | |
5619 |
5620 |
5621 |
5622 |
5623 |
5624 |
5625 |
5626 |
5627 |
5628 |
5629 |
5630 |
5631 |
5632 |
5633 |
5634 | const playerTimeToProgramTime = (playerTime, segment) => {
5635 | if (!segment.dateTimeObject) {
5636 |
5637 |
5638 | return null;
5639 | }
5640 |
5641 | const transmuxerPrependedSeconds = segment.videoTimingInfo.transmuxerPrependedSeconds;
5642 | const transmuxedStart = segment.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationStart;
5643 |
5644 | const startOfSegment = transmuxedStart + transmuxerPrependedSeconds;
5645 | const offsetFromSegmentStart = playerTime - startOfSegment;
5646 | return new Date(segment.dateTimeObject.getTime() + offsetFromSegmentStart * 1000);
5647 | };
5648 | const originalSegmentVideoDuration = videoTimingInfo => {
5649 | return videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationEnd - videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationStart - videoTimingInfo.transmuxerPrependedSeconds;
5650 | };
5651 | |
5652 |
5653 |
5654 |
5655 |
5656 |
5657 |
5658 |
5659 | const findSegmentForProgramTime = (programTime, playlist) => {
5660 |
5661 |
5662 |
5663 | let dateTimeObject;
5664 |
5665 | try {
5666 | dateTimeObject = new Date(programTime);
5667 | } catch (e) {
5668 | return null;
5669 | }
5670 |
5671 | if (!playlist || !playlist.segments || playlist.segments.length === 0) {
5672 | return null;
5673 | }
5674 |
5675 | let segment = playlist.segments[0];
5676 |
5677 | if (dateTimeObject < new Date(segment.dateTimeObject)) {
5678 |
5679 | return null;
5680 | }
5681 |
5682 | for (let i = 0; i < playlist.segments.length - 1; i++) {
5683 | segment = playlist.segments[i];
5684 | const nextSegmentStart = new Date(playlist.segments[i + 1].dateTimeObject);
5685 |
5686 | if (dateTimeObject < nextSegmentStart) {
5687 | break;
5688 | }
5689 | }
5690 |
5691 | const lastSegment = playlist.segments[playlist.segments.length - 1];
5692 | const lastSegmentStart = lastSegment.dateTimeObject;
5693 | const lastSegmentDuration = lastSegment.videoTimingInfo ? originalSegmentVideoDuration(lastSegment.videoTimingInfo) : lastSegment.duration + lastSegment.duration * SEGMENT_END_FUDGE_PERCENT;
5694 | const lastSegmentEnd = new Date(lastSegmentStart.getTime() + lastSegmentDuration * 1000);
5695 |
5696 | if (dateTimeObject > lastSegmentEnd) {
5697 |
5698 | return null;
5699 | }
5700 |
5701 | if (dateTimeObject > new Date(lastSegmentStart)) {
5702 | segment = lastSegment;
5703 | }
5704 |
5705 | return {
5706 | segment,
5707 | estimatedStart: segment.videoTimingInfo ? segment.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationStart : Playlist.duration(playlist, playlist.mediaSequence + playlist.segments.indexOf(segment)),
5708 |
5709 |
5710 |
5711 |
5712 | type: segment.videoTimingInfo ? 'accurate' : 'estimate'
5713 | };
5714 | };
5715 | |
5716 |
5717 |
5718 |
5719 |
5720 |
5721 |
5722 | const findSegmentForPlayerTime = (time, playlist) => {
5723 |
5724 |
5725 |
5726 |
5727 | if (!playlist || !playlist.segments || playlist.segments.length === 0) {
5728 | return null;
5729 | }
5730 |
5731 | let segmentEnd = 0;
5732 | let segment;
5733 |
5734 | for (let i = 0; i < playlist.segments.length; i++) {
5735 | segment = playlist.segments[i];
5736 |
5737 |
5738 |
5739 |
5740 |
5741 |
5742 | segmentEnd = segment.videoTimingInfo ? segment.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationEnd : segmentEnd + segment.duration;
5743 |
5744 | if (time <= segmentEnd) {
5745 | break;
5746 | }
5747 | }
5748 |
5749 | const lastSegment = playlist.segments[playlist.segments.length - 1];
5750 |
5751 | if (lastSegment.videoTimingInfo && lastSegment.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationEnd < time) {
5752 |
5753 | return null;
5754 | }
5755 |
5756 | if (time > segmentEnd) {
5757 |
5758 |
5759 |
5760 | if (time > segmentEnd + lastSegment.duration * SEGMENT_END_FUDGE_PERCENT) {
5761 |
5762 |
5763 |
5764 | return null;
5765 | }
5766 |
5767 | segment = lastSegment;
5768 | }
5769 |
5770 | return {
5771 | segment,
5772 | estimatedStart: segment.videoTimingInfo ? segment.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationStart : segmentEnd - segment.duration,
5773 |
5774 |
5775 | type: segment.videoTimingInfo ? 'accurate' : 'estimate'
5776 | };
5777 | };
5778 | |
5779 |
5780 |
5781 |
5782 |
5783 |
5784 |
5785 |
5786 |
5787 |
5788 |
5789 | const getOffsetFromTimestamp = (comparisonTimeStamp, programTime) => {
5790 | let segmentDateTime;
5791 | let programDateTime;
5792 |
5793 | try {
5794 | segmentDateTime = new Date(comparisonTimeStamp);
5795 | programDateTime = new Date(programTime);
5796 | } catch (e) {
5797 | }
5798 |
5799 | const segmentTimeEpoch = segmentDateTime.getTime();
5800 | const programTimeEpoch = programDateTime.getTime();
5801 | return (programTimeEpoch - segmentTimeEpoch) / 1000;
5802 | };
5803 | |
5804 |
5805 |
5806 |
5807 |
5808 |
5809 | const verifyProgramDateTimeTags = playlist => {
5810 | if (!playlist.segments || playlist.segments.length === 0) {
5811 | return false;
5812 | }
5813 |
5814 | for (let i = 0; i < playlist.segments.length; i++) {
5815 | const segment = playlist.segments[i];
5816 |
5817 | if (!segment.dateTimeObject) {
5818 | return false;
5819 | }
5820 | }
5821 |
5822 | return true;
5823 | };
5824 | |
5825 |
5826 |
5827 |
5828 |
5829 |
5830 |
5831 |
5832 |
5833 |
5834 |
5835 |
5836 |
5837 |
5838 |
5839 |
5840 | const getProgramTime = ({
5841 | playlist,
5842 | time = undefined,
5843 | callback
5844 | }) => {
5845 | if (!callback) {
5846 | throw new Error('getProgramTime: callback must be provided');
5847 | }
5848 |
5849 | if (!playlist || time === undefined) {
5850 | return callback({
5851 | message: 'getProgramTime: playlist and time must be provided'
5852 | });
5853 | }
5854 |
5855 | const matchedSegment = findSegmentForPlayerTime(time, playlist);
5856 |
5857 | if (!matchedSegment) {
5858 | return callback({
5859 | message: 'valid programTime was not found'
5860 | });
5861 | }
5862 |
5863 | if (matchedSegment.type === 'estimate') {
5864 | return callback({
5865 | message: 'Accurate programTime could not be determined.' + ' Please seek to e.seekTime and try again',
5866 | seekTime: matchedSegment.estimatedStart
5867 | });
5868 | }
5869 |
5870 | const programTimeObject = {
5871 | mediaSeconds: time
5872 | };
5873 | const programTime = playerTimeToProgramTime(time, matchedSegment.segment);
5874 |
5875 | if (programTime) {
5876 | programTimeObject.programDateTime = programTime.toISOString();
5877 | }
5878 |
5879 | return callback(null, programTimeObject);
5880 | };
5881 | |
5882 |
5883 |
5884 |
5885 |
5886 |
5887 |
5888 |
5889 |
5890 |
5891 |
5892 |
5893 |
5894 |
5895 |
5896 | const seekToProgramTime = ({
5897 | programTime,
5898 | playlist,
5899 | retryCount = 2,
5900 | seekTo,
5901 | pauseAfterSeek = true,
5902 | tech,
5903 | callback
5904 | }) => {
5905 | if (!callback) {
5906 | throw new Error('seekToProgramTime: callback must be provided');
5907 | }
5908 |
5909 | if (typeof programTime === 'undefined' || !playlist || !seekTo) {
5910 | return callback({
5911 | message: 'seekToProgramTime: programTime, seekTo and playlist must be provided'
5912 | });
5913 | }
5914 |
5915 | if (!playlist.endList && !tech.hasStarted_) {
5916 | return callback({
5917 | message: 'player must be playing a live stream to start buffering'
5918 | });
5919 | }
5920 |
5921 | if (!verifyProgramDateTimeTags(playlist)) {
5922 | return callback({
5923 | message: 'programDateTime tags must be provided in the manifest ' + playlist.resolvedUri
5924 | });
5925 | }
5926 |
5927 | const matchedSegment = findSegmentForProgramTime(programTime, playlist);
5928 |
5929 | if (!matchedSegment) {
5930 | return callback({
5931 | message: `${programTime} was not found in the stream`
5932 | });
5933 | }
5934 |
5935 | const segment = matchedSegment.segment;
5936 | const mediaOffset = getOffsetFromTimestamp(segment.dateTimeObject, programTime);
5937 |
5938 | if (matchedSegment.type === 'estimate') {
5939 |
5940 | if (retryCount === 0) {
5941 | return callback({
5942 | message: `${programTime} is not buffered yet. Try again`
5943 | });
5944 | }
5945 |
5946 | seekTo(matchedSegment.estimatedStart + mediaOffset);
5947 | tech.one('seeked', () => {
5948 | seekToProgramTime({
5949 | programTime,
5950 | playlist,
5951 | retryCount: retryCount - 1,
5952 | seekTo,
5953 | pauseAfterSeek,
5954 | tech,
5955 | callback
5956 | });
5957 | });
5958 | return;
5959 | }
5960 |
5961 |
5962 |
5963 |
5964 | const seekToTime = segment.start + mediaOffset;
5965 |
5966 | const seekedCallback = () => {
5967 | return callback(null, tech.currentTime());
5968 | };
5969 |
5970 |
5971 | tech.one('seeked', seekedCallback);
5972 |
5973 | if (pauseAfterSeek) {
5974 | tech.pause();
5975 | }
5976 |
5977 | seekTo(seekToTime);
5978 | };
5979 |
5980 | |
5981 |
5982 |
5983 |
5984 |
5985 |
5986 |
5987 |
5988 |
5989 |
5990 |
5991 | var forEachMediaGroup = function forEachMediaGroup(master, groups, callback) {
5992 | groups.forEach(function (mediaType) {
5993 | for (var groupKey in master.mediaGroups[mediaType]) {
5994 | for (var labelKey in master.mediaGroups[mediaType][groupKey]) {
5995 | var mediaProperties = master.mediaGroups[mediaType][groupKey][labelKey];
5996 | callback(mediaProperties, mediaType, groupKey, labelKey);
5997 | }
5998 | }
5999 | });
6000 | };
6001 |
6002 |
6003 |
6004 | const isObject = obj => {
6005 | return !!obj && typeof obj === 'object';
6006 | };
6007 |
6008 | const merge = (...objects) => {
6009 | return objects.reduce((result, source) => {
6010 | if (typeof source !== 'object') {
6011 | return result;
6012 | }
6013 |
6014 | Object.keys(source).forEach(key => {
6015 | if (Array.isArray(result[key]) && Array.isArray(source[key])) {
6016 | result[key] = result[key].concat(source[key]);
6017 | } else if (isObject(result[key]) && isObject(source[key])) {
6018 | result[key] = merge(result[key], source[key]);
6019 | } else {
6020 | result[key] = source[key];
6021 | }
6022 | });
6023 | return result;
6024 | }, {});
6025 | };
6026 |
6027 | const values = o => Object.keys(o).map(k => o[k]);
6028 |
6029 | const range = (start, end) => {
6030 | const result = [];
6031 |
6032 | for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
6033 | result.push(i);
6034 | }
6035 |
6036 | return result;
6037 | };
6038 |
6039 | const flatten = lists => lists.reduce((x, y) => x.concat(y), []);
6040 |
6041 | const from = list => {
6042 | if (!list.length) {
6043 | return [];
6044 | }
6045 |
6046 | const result = [];
6047 |
6048 | for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
6049 | result.push(list[i]);
6050 | }
6051 |
6052 | return result;
6053 | };
6054 |
6055 | const findIndexes = (l, key) => l.reduce((a, e, i) => {
6056 | if (e[key]) {
6057 | a.push(i);
6058 | }
6059 |
6060 | return a;
6061 | }, []);
6062 | |
6063 |
6064 |
6065 |
6066 |
6067 |
6068 |
6069 |
6070 |
6071 |
6072 | const union = (lists, keyFunction) => {
6073 | return values(lists.reduce((acc, list) => {
6074 | list.forEach(el => {
6075 | acc[keyFunction(el)] = el;
6076 | });
6077 | return acc;
6078 | }, {}));
6079 | };
6080 |
6081 | var errors = {
6090 | };
6091 | |
6092 |
6093 |
6094 |
6095 |
6096 |
6097 |
6098 |
6099 |
6100 |
6101 |
6102 |
6103 | |
6104 |
6105 |
6106 |
6107 |
6108 |
6109 |
6110 |
6111 |
6112 |
6113 |
6114 |
6115 |
6116 |
6117 | const urlTypeToSegment = ({
6118 | baseUrl = '',
6119 | source = '',
6120 | range = '',
6121 | indexRange = ''
6122 | }) => {
6123 | const segment = {
6124 | uri: source,
6125 | resolvedUri: resolveUrl$1(baseUrl || '', source)
6126 | };
6127 |
6128 | if (range || indexRange) {
6129 | const rangeStr = range ? range : indexRange;
6130 | const ranges = rangeStr.split('-');
6131 |
6132 | let startRange = window.BigInt ? window.BigInt(ranges[0]) : parseInt(ranges[0], 10);
6133 | let endRange = window.BigInt ? window.BigInt(ranges[1]) : parseInt(ranges[1], 10);
6134 |
6135 | if (startRange < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && typeof startRange === 'bigint') {
6136 | startRange = Number(startRange);
6137 | }
6138 |
6139 | if (endRange < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && typeof endRange === 'bigint') {
6140 | endRange = Number(endRange);
6141 | }
6142 |
6143 | let length;
6144 |
6145 | if (typeof endRange === 'bigint' || typeof startRange === 'bigint') {
6146 | length = window.BigInt(endRange) - window.BigInt(startRange) + window.BigInt(1);
6147 | } else {
6148 | length = endRange - startRange + 1;
6149 | }
6150 |
6151 | if (typeof length === 'bigint' && length < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
6152 | length = Number(length);
6153 | }
6154 |
6155 |
6156 |
6157 | segment.byterange = {
6158 | length,
6159 | offset: startRange
6160 | };
6161 | }
6162 |
6163 | return segment;
6164 | };
6165 |
6166 | const byteRangeToString = byterange => {
6167 |
6168 |
6169 | let endRange;
6170 |
6171 | if (typeof byterange.offset === 'bigint' || typeof byterange.length === 'bigint') {
6172 | endRange = window.BigInt(byterange.offset) + window.BigInt(byterange.length) - window.BigInt(1);
6173 | } else {
6174 | endRange = byterange.offset + byterange.length - 1;
6175 | }
6176 |
6177 | return `${byterange.offset}-${endRange}`;
6178 | };
6179 | |
6180 |
6181 |
6182 |
6183 |
6184 |
6185 |
6186 |
6187 |
6188 |
6189 |
6190 |
6191 | const parseEndNumber = endNumber => {
6192 | if (endNumber && typeof endNumber !== 'number') {
6193 | endNumber = parseInt(endNumber, 10);
6194 | }
6195 |
6196 | if (isNaN(endNumber)) {
6197 | return null;
6198 | }
6199 |
6200 | return endNumber;
6201 | };
6202 | |
6203 |
6204 |
6205 |
6206 |
6207 |
6208 | const segmentRange = {
6209 | |
6210 |
6211 |
6212 |
6213 |
6214 |
6215 |
6216 |
6217 | static(attributes) {
6218 | const {
6219 | duration,
6220 | timescale = 1,
6221 | sourceDuration,
6222 | periodDuration
6223 | } = attributes;
6224 | const endNumber = parseEndNumber(attributes.endNumber);
6225 | const segmentDuration = duration / timescale;
6226 |
6227 | if (typeof endNumber === 'number') {
6228 | return {
6229 | start: 0,
6230 | end: endNumber
6231 | };
6232 | }
6233 |
6234 | if (typeof periodDuration === 'number') {
6235 | return {
6236 | start: 0,
6237 | end: periodDuration / segmentDuration
6238 | };
6239 | }
6240 |
6241 | return {
6242 | start: 0,
6243 | end: sourceDuration / segmentDuration
6244 | };
6245 | },
6246 |
6247 | |
6248 |
6249 |
6250 |
6251 |
6252 |
6253 |
6254 |
6255 | dynamic(attributes) {
6256 | const {
6257 | NOW,
6258 | clientOffset,
6259 | availabilityStartTime,
6260 | timescale = 1,
6261 | duration,
6262 | periodStart = 0,
6263 | minimumUpdatePeriod = 0,
6264 | timeShiftBufferDepth = Infinity
6265 | } = attributes;
6266 | const endNumber = parseEndNumber(attributes.endNumber);
6267 |
6268 |
6269 | const now = (NOW + clientOffset) / 1000;
6270 |
6271 |
6272 | const periodStartWC = availabilityStartTime + periodStart;
6273 |
6274 | const periodEndWC = now + minimumUpdatePeriod;
6275 | const periodDuration = periodEndWC - periodStartWC;
6276 | const segmentCount = Math.ceil(periodDuration * timescale / duration);
6277 | const availableStart = Math.floor((now - periodStartWC - timeShiftBufferDepth) * timescale / duration);
6278 | const availableEnd = Math.floor((now - periodStartWC) * timescale / duration);
6279 | return {
6280 | start: Math.max(0, availableStart),
6281 | end: typeof endNumber === 'number' ? endNumber : Math.min(segmentCount, availableEnd)
6282 | };
6283 | }
6284 |
6285 | };
6286 | |
6287 |
6288 |
6289 |
6290 |
6291 |
6292 |
6293 |
6294 |
6295 |
6296 |
6297 |
6298 |
6299 |
6300 | |
6301 |
6302 |
6303 |
6304 |
6305 |
6306 |
6307 |
6308 |
6309 |
6310 | const toSegments = attributes => number => {
6311 | const {
6312 | duration,
6313 | timescale = 1,
6314 | periodStart,
6315 | startNumber = 1
6316 | } = attributes;
6317 | return {
6318 | number: startNumber + number,
6319 | duration: duration / timescale,
6320 | timeline: periodStart,
6321 | time: number * duration
6322 | };
6323 | };
6324 | |
6325 |
6326 |
6327 |
6328 |
6329 |
6330 |
6331 |
6332 |
6333 |
6334 |
6335 |
6336 | const parseByDuration = attributes => {
6337 | const {
6338 | type,
6339 | duration,
6340 | timescale = 1,
6341 | periodDuration,
6342 | sourceDuration
6343 | } = attributes;
6344 | const {
6345 | start,
6346 | end
6347 | } = segmentRange[type](attributes);
6348 | const segments = range(start, end).map(toSegments(attributes));
6349 |
6350 | if (type === 'static') {
6351 | const index = segments.length - 1;
6352 |
6353 | const sectionDuration = typeof periodDuration === 'number' ? periodDuration : sourceDuration;
6354 |
6355 | segments[index].duration = sectionDuration - duration / timescale * index;
6356 | }
6357 |
6358 | return segments;
6359 | };
6360 | |
6361 |
6362 |
6363 |
6364 |
6365 |
6366 |
6367 |
6368 |
6369 |
6370 |
6371 |
6372 | const segmentsFromBase = attributes => {
6373 | const {
6374 | baseUrl,
6375 | initialization = {},
6376 | sourceDuration,
6377 | indexRange = '',
6378 | periodStart,
6379 | presentationTime,
6380 | number = 0,
6381 | duration
6382 | } = attributes;
6383 |
6384 | if (!baseUrl) {
6385 | throw new Error(errors.NO_BASE_URL);
6386 | }
6387 |
6388 | const initSegment = urlTypeToSegment({
6389 | baseUrl,
6390 | source: initialization.sourceURL,
6391 | range: initialization.range
6392 | });
6393 | const segment = urlTypeToSegment({
6394 | baseUrl,
6395 | source: baseUrl,
6396 | indexRange
6397 | });
6398 | segment.map = initSegment;
6399 |
6400 |
6401 | if (duration) {
6402 | const segmentTimeInfo = parseByDuration(attributes);
6403 |
6404 | if (segmentTimeInfo.length) {
6405 | segment.duration = segmentTimeInfo[0].duration;
6406 | segment.timeline = segmentTimeInfo[0].timeline;
6407 | }
6408 | } else if (sourceDuration) {
6409 | segment.duration = sourceDuration;
6410 | segment.timeline = periodStart;
6411 | }
6412 |
6413 |
6414 |
6415 |
6416 |
6417 | segment.presentationTime = presentationTime || periodStart;
6418 | segment.number = number;
6419 | return [segment];
6420 | };
6421 | |
6422 |
6423 |
6424 |
6425 |
6426 |
6427 |
6428 |
6429 |
6430 |
6431 |
6432 |
6433 |
6434 | const addSidxSegmentsToPlaylist$1 = (playlist, sidx, baseUrl) => {
6435 |
6436 | const initSegment = playlist.sidx.map ? playlist.sidx.map : null;
6437 |
6438 | const sourceDuration = playlist.sidx.duration;
6439 |
6440 | const timeline = playlist.timeline || 0;
6441 | const sidxByteRange = playlist.sidx.byterange;
6442 | const sidxEnd = sidxByteRange.offset + sidxByteRange.length;
6443 |
6444 | const timescale = sidx.timescale;
6445 |
6446 | const mediaReferences = sidx.references.filter(r => r.referenceType !== 1);
6447 | const segments = [];
6448 | const type = playlist.endList ? 'static' : 'dynamic';
6449 | const periodStart = playlist.sidx.timeline;
6450 | let presentationTime = periodStart;
6451 | let number = playlist.mediaSequence || 0;
6452 |
6453 | let startIndex;
6454 |
6455 | if (typeof sidx.firstOffset === 'bigint') {
6456 | startIndex = window.BigInt(sidxEnd) + sidx.firstOffset;
6457 | } else {
6458 | startIndex = sidxEnd + sidx.firstOffset;
6459 | }
6460 |
6461 | for (let i = 0; i < mediaReferences.length; i++) {
6462 | const reference = sidx.references[i];
6463 |
6464 | const size = reference.referencedSize;
6465 |
6466 |
6467 | const duration = reference.subsegmentDuration;
6468 |
6469 | let endIndex;
6470 |
6471 | if (typeof startIndex === 'bigint') {
6472 | endIndex = startIndex + window.BigInt(size) - window.BigInt(1);
6473 | } else {
6474 | endIndex = startIndex + size - 1;
6475 | }
6476 |
6477 | const indexRange = `${startIndex}-${endIndex}`;
6478 | const attributes = {
6479 | baseUrl,
6480 | timescale,
6481 | timeline,
6482 | periodStart,
6483 | presentationTime,
6484 | number,
6485 | duration,
6486 | sourceDuration,
6487 | indexRange,
6488 | type
6489 | };
6490 | const segment = segmentsFromBase(attributes)[0];
6491 |
6492 | if (initSegment) {
6493 | segment.map = initSegment;
6494 | }
6495 |
6496 | segments.push(segment);
6497 |
6498 | if (typeof startIndex === 'bigint') {
6499 | startIndex += window.BigInt(size);
6500 | } else {
6501 | startIndex += size;
6502 | }
6503 |
6504 | presentationTime += duration / timescale;
6505 | number++;
6506 | }
6507 |
6508 | playlist.segments = segments;
6509 | return playlist;
6510 | };
6511 |
6513 |
6514 | const TIME_FUDGE = 1 / 60;
6515 | |
6516 |
6517 |
6518 |
6519 |
6520 |
6521 |
6522 |
6523 | const getUniqueTimelineStarts = timelineStarts => {
6524 | return union(timelineStarts, ({
6525 | timeline
6526 | }) => timeline).sort((a, b) => a.timeline > b.timeline ? 1 : -1);
6527 | };
6528 | |
6529 |
6530 |
6531 |
6532 |
6533 |
6534 |
6535 |
6536 |
6537 |
6538 | const findPlaylistWithName = (playlists, name) => {
6539 | for (let i = 0; i < playlists.length; i++) {
6540 | if (playlists[i].attributes.NAME === name) {
6541 | return playlists[i];
6542 | }
6543 | }
6544 |
6545 | return null;
6546 | };
6547 | |
6548 |
6549 |
6550 |
6551 |
6552 |
6553 |
6554 |
6555 |
6556 | const getMediaGroupPlaylists = manifest => {
6557 | let mediaGroupPlaylists = [];
6558 | forEachMediaGroup(manifest, SUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPES, (properties, type, group, label) => {
6559 | mediaGroupPlaylists = mediaGroupPlaylists.concat(properties.playlists || []);
6560 | });
6561 | return mediaGroupPlaylists;
6562 | };
6563 | |
6564 |
6565 |
6566 |
6567 |
6568 |
6569 |
6570 |
6571 |
6572 | const updateMediaSequenceForPlaylist = ({
6573 | playlist,
6574 | mediaSequence
6575 | }) => {
6576 | playlist.mediaSequence = mediaSequence;
6577 | playlist.segments.forEach((segment, index) => {
6578 | segment.number = playlist.mediaSequence + index;
6579 | });
6580 | };
6581 | |
6582 |
6583 |
6584 |
6585 |
6586 |
6587 |
6588 |
6589 |
6590 |
6591 |
6592 |
6593 |
6594 |
6595 |
6596 |
6597 | const updateSequenceNumbers = ({
6598 | oldPlaylists,
6599 | newPlaylists,
6600 | timelineStarts
6601 | }) => {
6602 | newPlaylists.forEach(playlist => {
6603 | playlist.discontinuitySequence = timelineStarts.findIndex(function ({
6604 | timeline
6605 | }) {
6606 | return timeline === playlist.timeline;
6607 | });
6608 |
6609 |
6610 |
6611 |
6612 | const oldPlaylist = findPlaylistWithName(oldPlaylists, playlist.attributes.NAME);
6613 |
6614 | if (!oldPlaylist) {
6615 |
6616 |
6617 | return;
6618 | }
6619 |
6620 |
6621 |
6622 |
6623 |
6624 |
6625 |
6626 |
6627 |
6628 |
6629 |
6630 | if (playlist.sidx) {
6631 | return;
6632 | }
6633 |
6634 |
6635 |
6636 | const firstNewSegment = playlist.segments[0];
6637 | const oldMatchingSegmentIndex = oldPlaylist.segments.findIndex(function (oldSegment) {
6638 | return Math.abs(oldSegment.presentationTime - firstNewSegment.presentationTime) < TIME_FUDGE;
6639 | });
6640 |
6641 |
6642 |
6643 |
6644 | if (oldMatchingSegmentIndex === -1) {
6645 | updateMediaSequenceForPlaylist({
6646 | playlist,
6647 | mediaSequence: oldPlaylist.mediaSequence + oldPlaylist.segments.length
6648 | });
6649 | playlist.segments[0].discontinuity = true;
6650 | playlist.discontinuityStarts.unshift(0);
6651 |
6652 |
6653 |
6654 |
6655 |
6656 |
6657 |
6658 |
6659 |
6660 |
6661 |
6662 |
6663 |
6664 |
6665 |
6666 |
6667 |
6668 |
6669 |
6670 | if (!oldPlaylist.segments.length && playlist.timeline > oldPlaylist.timeline || oldPlaylist.segments.length && playlist.timeline > oldPlaylist.segments[oldPlaylist.segments.length - 1].timeline) {
6671 | playlist.discontinuitySequence--;
6672 | }
6673 |
6674 | return;
6675 | }
6676 |
6677 |
6678 |
6679 |
6680 |
6681 |
6682 |
6683 |
6684 |
6685 |
6686 |
6687 |
6688 | const oldMatchingSegment = oldPlaylist.segments[oldMatchingSegmentIndex];
6689 |
6690 | if (oldMatchingSegment.discontinuity && !firstNewSegment.discontinuity) {
6691 | firstNewSegment.discontinuity = true;
6692 | playlist.discontinuityStarts.unshift(0);
6693 | playlist.discontinuitySequence--;
6694 | }
6695 |
6696 | updateMediaSequenceForPlaylist({
6697 | playlist,
6698 | mediaSequence: oldPlaylist.segments[oldMatchingSegmentIndex].number
6699 | });
6700 | });
6701 | };
6702 | |
6703 |
6704 |
6705 |
6706 |
6707 |
6708 |
6709 |
6710 |
6711 |
6712 |
6713 |
6714 | const positionManifestOnTimeline = ({
6715 | oldManifest,
6716 | newManifest
6717 | }) => {
6718 |
6719 |
6720 |
6721 |
6722 |
6723 |
6724 |
6725 |
6726 |
6727 |
6728 |
6729 |
6730 |
6731 |
6732 |
6733 |
6734 |
6735 |
6736 |
6737 | const oldPlaylists = oldManifest.playlists.concat(getMediaGroupPlaylists(oldManifest));
6738 | const newPlaylists = newManifest.playlists.concat(getMediaGroupPlaylists(newManifest));
6739 |
6740 |
6741 |
6742 |
6743 |
6744 |
6745 | newManifest.timelineStarts = getUniqueTimelineStarts([oldManifest.timelineStarts, newManifest.timelineStarts]);
6746 | updateSequenceNumbers({
6747 | oldPlaylists,
6748 | newPlaylists,
6749 | timelineStarts: newManifest.timelineStarts
6750 | });
6751 | return newManifest;
6752 | };
6753 |
6754 | const generateSidxKey = sidx => sidx && sidx.uri + '-' + byteRangeToString(sidx.byterange);
6755 |
6756 | const mergeDiscontiguousPlaylists = playlists => {
6757 |
6758 | const playlistsByBaseUrl = playlists.reduce(function (acc, cur) {
6759 | if (!acc[cur.attributes.baseUrl]) {
6760 | acc[cur.attributes.baseUrl] = [];
6761 | }
6762 |
6763 | acc[cur.attributes.baseUrl].push(cur);
6764 | return acc;
6765 | }, {});
6766 | let allPlaylists = [];
6767 | Object.values(playlistsByBaseUrl).forEach(playlistGroup => {
6768 | const mergedPlaylists = values(playlistGroup.reduce((acc, playlist) => {
6769 |
6770 |
6771 |
6772 | const name = playlist.attributes.id + (playlist.attributes.lang || '');
6773 |
6774 | if (!acc[name]) {
6775 |
6776 | acc[name] = playlist;
6777 | acc[name].attributes.timelineStarts = [];
6778 | } else {
6779 |
6780 | if (playlist.segments) {
6781 |
6782 | if (playlist.segments[0]) {
6783 | playlist.segments[0].discontinuity = true;
6784 | }
6785 |
6786 | acc[name].segments.push(...playlist.segments);
6787 | }
6788 |
6789 |
6790 |
6791 | if (playlist.attributes.contentProtection) {
6792 | acc[name].attributes.contentProtection = playlist.attributes.contentProtection;
6793 | }
6794 | }
6795 |
6796 | acc[name].attributes.timelineStarts.push({
6797 |
6798 |
6799 | start: playlist.attributes.periodStart,
6800 | timeline: playlist.attributes.periodStart
6801 | });
6802 | return acc;
6803 | }, {}));
6804 | allPlaylists = allPlaylists.concat(mergedPlaylists);
6805 | });
6806 | return allPlaylists.map(playlist => {
6807 | playlist.discontinuityStarts = findIndexes(playlist.segments || [], 'discontinuity');
6808 | return playlist;
6809 | });
6810 | };
6811 |
6812 | const addSidxSegmentsToPlaylist = (playlist, sidxMapping) => {
6813 | const sidxKey = generateSidxKey(playlist.sidx);
6814 | const sidxMatch = sidxKey && sidxMapping[sidxKey] && sidxMapping[sidxKey].sidx;
6815 |
6816 | if (sidxMatch) {
6817 | addSidxSegmentsToPlaylist$1(playlist, sidxMatch, playlist.sidx.resolvedUri);
6818 | }
6819 |
6820 | return playlist;
6821 | };
6822 |
6823 | const addSidxSegmentsToPlaylists = (playlists, sidxMapping = {}) => {
6824 | if (!Object.keys(sidxMapping).length) {
6825 | return playlists;
6826 | }
6827 |
6828 | for (const i in playlists) {
6829 | playlists[i] = addSidxSegmentsToPlaylist(playlists[i], sidxMapping);
6830 | }
6831 |
6832 | return playlists;
6833 | };
6834 |
6835 | const formatAudioPlaylist = ({
6836 | attributes,
6837 | segments,
6838 | sidx,
6839 | mediaSequence,
6840 | discontinuitySequence,
6841 | discontinuityStarts
6842 | }, isAudioOnly) => {
6843 | const playlist = {
6844 | attributes: {
6845 | NAME: attributes.id,
6846 | BANDWIDTH: attributes.bandwidth,
6847 | CODECS: attributes.codecs,
6848 | ['PROGRAM-ID']: 1
6849 | },
6850 | uri: '',
6851 | endList: attributes.type === 'static',
6852 | timeline: attributes.periodStart,
6853 | resolvedUri: attributes.baseUrl || '',
6854 | targetDuration: attributes.duration,
6855 | discontinuitySequence,
6856 | discontinuityStarts,
6857 | timelineStarts: attributes.timelineStarts,
6858 | mediaSequence,
6859 | segments
6860 | };
6861 |
6862 | if (attributes.contentProtection) {
6863 | playlist.contentProtection = attributes.contentProtection;
6864 | }
6865 |
6866 | if (attributes.serviceLocation) {
6867 | playlist.attributes.serviceLocation = attributes.serviceLocation;
6868 | }
6869 |
6870 | if (sidx) {
6871 | playlist.sidx = sidx;
6872 | }
6873 |
6874 | if (isAudioOnly) {
6875 | playlist.attributes.AUDIO = 'audio';
6876 | playlist.attributes.SUBTITLES = 'subs';
6877 | }
6878 |
6879 | return playlist;
6880 | };
6881 |
6882 | const formatVttPlaylist = ({
6883 | attributes,
6884 | segments,
6885 | mediaSequence,
6886 | discontinuityStarts,
6887 | discontinuitySequence
6888 | }) => {
6889 | if (typeof segments === 'undefined') {
6890 |
6891 | segments = [{
6892 | uri: attributes.baseUrl,
6893 | timeline: attributes.periodStart,
6894 | resolvedUri: attributes.baseUrl || '',
6895 | duration: attributes.sourceDuration,
6896 | number: 0
6897 | }];
6898 |
6899 | attributes.duration = attributes.sourceDuration;
6900 | }
6901 |
6902 | const m3u8Attributes = {
6903 | NAME: attributes.id,
6904 | BANDWIDTH: attributes.bandwidth,
6905 | ['PROGRAM-ID']: 1
6906 | };
6907 |
6908 | if (attributes.codecs) {
6909 | m3u8Attributes.CODECS = attributes.codecs;
6910 | }
6911 |
6912 | const vttPlaylist = {
6913 | attributes: m3u8Attributes,
6914 | uri: '',
6915 | endList: attributes.type === 'static',
6916 | timeline: attributes.periodStart,
6917 | resolvedUri: attributes.baseUrl || '',
6918 | targetDuration: attributes.duration,
6919 | timelineStarts: attributes.timelineStarts,
6920 | discontinuityStarts,
6921 | discontinuitySequence,
6922 | mediaSequence,
6923 | segments
6924 | };
6925 |
6926 | if (attributes.serviceLocation) {
6927 | vttPlaylist.attributes.serviceLocation = attributes.serviceLocation;
6928 | }
6929 |
6930 | return vttPlaylist;
6931 | };
6932 |
6933 | const organizeAudioPlaylists = (playlists, sidxMapping = {}, isAudioOnly = false) => {
6934 | let mainPlaylist;
6935 | const formattedPlaylists = playlists.reduce((a, playlist) => {
6936 | const role = playlist.attributes.role && playlist.attributes.role.value || '';
6937 | const language = playlist.attributes.lang || '';
6938 | let label = playlist.attributes.label || 'main';
6939 |
6940 | if (language && !playlist.attributes.label) {
6941 | const roleLabel = role ? ` (${role})` : '';
6942 | label = `${playlist.attributes.lang}${roleLabel}`;
6943 | }
6944 |
6945 | if (!a[label]) {
6946 | a[label] = {
6947 | language,
6948 | autoselect: true,
6949 | default: role === 'main',
6950 | playlists: [],
6951 | uri: ''
6952 | };
6953 | }
6954 |
6955 | const formatted = addSidxSegmentsToPlaylist(formatAudioPlaylist(playlist, isAudioOnly), sidxMapping);
6956 | a[label].playlists.push(formatted);
6957 |
6958 | if (typeof mainPlaylist === 'undefined' && role === 'main') {
6959 | mainPlaylist = playlist;
6960 | mainPlaylist.default = true;
6961 | }
6962 |
6963 | return a;
6964 | }, {});
6965 |
6966 | if (!mainPlaylist) {
6967 | const firstLabel = Object.keys(formattedPlaylists)[0];
6968 | formattedPlaylists[firstLabel].default = true;
6969 | }
6970 |
6971 | return formattedPlaylists;
6972 | };
6973 |
6974 | const organizeVttPlaylists = (playlists, sidxMapping = {}) => {
6975 | return playlists.reduce((a, playlist) => {
6976 | const label = playlist.attributes.label || playlist.attributes.lang || 'text';
6977 |
6978 | if (!a[label]) {
6979 | a[label] = {
6980 | language: label,
6981 | default: false,
6982 | autoselect: false,
6983 | playlists: [],
6984 | uri: ''
6985 | };
6986 | }
6987 |
6988 | a[label].playlists.push(addSidxSegmentsToPlaylist(formatVttPlaylist(playlist), sidxMapping));
6989 | return a;
6990 | }, {});
6991 | };
6992 |
6993 | const organizeCaptionServices = captionServices => captionServices.reduce((svcObj, svc) => {
6994 | if (!svc) {
6995 | return svcObj;
6996 | }
6997 |
6998 | svc.forEach(service => {
6999 | const {
7000 | channel,
7001 | language
7002 | } = service;
7003 | svcObj[language] = {
7004 | autoselect: false,
7005 | default: false,
7006 | instreamId: channel,
7007 | language
7008 | };
7009 |
7010 | if (service.hasOwnProperty('aspectRatio')) {
7011 | svcObj[language].aspectRatio = service.aspectRatio;
7012 | }
7013 |
7014 | if (service.hasOwnProperty('easyReader')) {
7015 | svcObj[language].easyReader = service.easyReader;
7016 | }
7017 |
7018 | if (service.hasOwnProperty('3D')) {
7019 | svcObj[language]['3D'] = service['3D'];
7020 | }
7021 | });
7022 | return svcObj;
7023 | }, {});
7024 |
7025 | const formatVideoPlaylist = ({
7026 | attributes,
7027 | segments,
7028 | sidx,
7029 | discontinuityStarts
7030 | }) => {
7031 | const playlist = {
7032 | attributes: {
7033 | NAME: attributes.id,
7034 | AUDIO: 'audio',
7035 | SUBTITLES: 'subs',
7036 | RESOLUTION: {
7037 | width: attributes.width,
7038 | height: attributes.height
7039 | },
7040 | CODECS: attributes.codecs,
7041 | BANDWIDTH: attributes.bandwidth,
7042 | ['PROGRAM-ID']: 1
7043 | },
7044 | uri: '',
7045 | endList: attributes.type === 'static',
7046 | timeline: attributes.periodStart,
7047 | resolvedUri: attributes.baseUrl || '',
7048 | targetDuration: attributes.duration,
7049 | discontinuityStarts,
7050 | timelineStarts: attributes.timelineStarts,
7051 | segments
7052 | };
7053 |
7054 | if (attributes.frameRate) {
7055 | playlist.attributes['FRAME-RATE'] = attributes.frameRate;
7056 | }
7057 |
7058 | if (attributes.contentProtection) {
7059 | playlist.contentProtection = attributes.contentProtection;
7060 | }
7061 |
7062 | if (attributes.serviceLocation) {
7063 | playlist.attributes.serviceLocation = attributes.serviceLocation;
7064 | }
7065 |
7066 | if (sidx) {
7067 | playlist.sidx = sidx;
7068 | }
7069 |
7070 | return playlist;
7071 | };
7072 |
7073 | const videoOnly = ({
7074 | attributes
7075 | }) => attributes.mimeType === 'video/mp4' || attributes.mimeType === 'video/webm' || attributes.contentType === 'video';
7076 |
7077 | const audioOnly = ({
7078 | attributes
7079 | }) => attributes.mimeType === 'audio/mp4' || attributes.mimeType === 'audio/webm' || attributes.contentType === 'audio';
7080 |
7081 | const vttOnly = ({
7082 | attributes
7083 | }) => attributes.mimeType === 'text/vtt' || attributes.contentType === 'text';
7084 | |
7085 |
7086 |
7087 |
7088 |
7089 |
7090 |
7091 |
7092 |
7093 | |
7094 |
7095 |
7096 |
7097 |
7098 |
7099 |
7100 |
7101 |
7102 |
7103 |
7104 |
7105 |
7106 |
7107 |
7108 |
7109 |
7110 |
7111 |
7112 |
7113 |
7114 |
7115 |
7116 | const addMediaSequenceValues = (playlists, timelineStarts) => {
7117 |
7118 | playlists.forEach(playlist => {
7119 | playlist.mediaSequence = 0;
7120 | playlist.discontinuitySequence = timelineStarts.findIndex(function ({
7121 | timeline
7122 | }) {
7123 | return timeline === playlist.timeline;
7124 | });
7125 |
7126 | if (!playlist.segments) {
7127 | return;
7128 | }
7129 |
7130 | playlist.segments.forEach((segment, index) => {
7131 | segment.number = index;
7132 | });
7133 | });
7134 | };
7135 | |
7136 |
7137 |
7138 |
7139 |
7140 |
7141 |
7142 |
7143 |
7144 |
7145 |
7146 | const flattenMediaGroupPlaylists = mediaGroupObject => {
7147 | if (!mediaGroupObject) {
7148 | return [];
7149 | }
7150 |
7151 | return Object.keys(mediaGroupObject).reduce((acc, label) => {
7152 | const labelContents = mediaGroupObject[label];
7153 | return acc.concat(labelContents.playlists);
7154 | }, []);
7155 | };
7156 |
7157 | const toM3u8 = ({
7158 | dashPlaylists,
7159 | locations,
7160 | contentSteering,
7161 | sidxMapping = {},
7162 | previousManifest,
7163 | eventStream
7164 | }) => {
7165 | if (!dashPlaylists.length) {
7166 | return {};
7167 | }
7168 |
7169 |
7170 | const {
7171 | sourceDuration: duration,
7172 | type,
7173 | suggestedPresentationDelay,
7174 | minimumUpdatePeriod
7175 | } = dashPlaylists[0].attributes;
7176 | const videoPlaylists = mergeDiscontiguousPlaylists(dashPlaylists.filter(videoOnly)).map(formatVideoPlaylist);
7177 | const audioPlaylists = mergeDiscontiguousPlaylists(dashPlaylists.filter(audioOnly));
7178 | const vttPlaylists = mergeDiscontiguousPlaylists(dashPlaylists.filter(vttOnly));
7179 | const captions = dashPlaylists.map(playlist => playlist.attributes.captionServices).filter(Boolean);
7180 | const manifest = {
7181 | allowCache: true,
7182 | discontinuityStarts: [],
7183 | segments: [],
7184 | endList: true,
7185 | mediaGroups: {
7186 | AUDIO: {},
7187 | VIDEO: {},
7188 | ['CLOSED-CAPTIONS']: {},
7189 | SUBTITLES: {}
7190 | },
7191 | uri: '',
7192 | duration,
7193 | playlists: addSidxSegmentsToPlaylists(videoPlaylists, sidxMapping)
7194 | };
7195 |
7196 | if (minimumUpdatePeriod >= 0) {
7197 | manifest.minimumUpdatePeriod = minimumUpdatePeriod * 1000;
7198 | }
7199 |
7200 | if (locations) {
7201 | manifest.locations = locations;
7202 | }
7203 |
7204 | if (contentSteering) {
7205 | manifest.contentSteering = contentSteering;
7206 | }
7207 |
7208 | if (type === 'dynamic') {
7209 | manifest.suggestedPresentationDelay = suggestedPresentationDelay;
7210 | }
7211 |
7212 | if (eventStream && eventStream.length > 0) {
7213 | manifest.eventStream = eventStream;
7214 | }
7215 |
7216 | const isAudioOnly = manifest.playlists.length === 0;
7217 | const organizedAudioGroup = audioPlaylists.length ? organizeAudioPlaylists(audioPlaylists, sidxMapping, isAudioOnly) : null;
7218 | const organizedVttGroup = vttPlaylists.length ? organizeVttPlaylists(vttPlaylists, sidxMapping) : null;
7219 | const formattedPlaylists = videoPlaylists.concat(flattenMediaGroupPlaylists(organizedAudioGroup), flattenMediaGroupPlaylists(organizedVttGroup));
7220 | const playlistTimelineStarts = formattedPlaylists.map(({
7221 | timelineStarts
7222 | }) => timelineStarts);
7223 | manifest.timelineStarts = getUniqueTimelineStarts(playlistTimelineStarts);
7224 | addMediaSequenceValues(formattedPlaylists, manifest.timelineStarts);
7225 |
7226 | if (organizedAudioGroup) {
7227 | manifest.mediaGroups.AUDIO.audio = organizedAudioGroup;
7228 | }
7229 |
7230 | if (organizedVttGroup) {
7231 | manifest.mediaGroups.SUBTITLES.subs = organizedVttGroup;
7232 | }
7233 |
7234 | if (captions.length) {
7235 | manifest.mediaGroups['CLOSED-CAPTIONS'].cc = organizeCaptionServices(captions);
7236 | }
7237 |
7238 | if (previousManifest) {
7239 | return positionManifestOnTimeline({
7240 | oldManifest: previousManifest,
7241 | newManifest: manifest
7242 | });
7243 | }
7244 |
7245 | return manifest;
7246 | };
7247 | |
7248 |
7249 |
7250 |
7251 |
7252 |
7253 |
7254 |
7255 |
7256 |
7257 |
7258 |
7259 |
7260 |
7261 |
7262 |
7263 |
7264 | const getLiveRValue = (attributes, time, duration) => {
7265 | const {
7266 | NOW,
7267 | clientOffset,
7268 | availabilityStartTime,
7269 | timescale = 1,
7270 | periodStart = 0,
7271 | minimumUpdatePeriod = 0
7272 | } = attributes;
7273 | const now = (NOW + clientOffset) / 1000;
7274 | const periodStartWC = availabilityStartTime + periodStart;
7275 | const periodEndWC = now + minimumUpdatePeriod;
7276 | const periodDuration = periodEndWC - periodStartWC;
7277 | return Math.ceil((periodDuration * timescale - time) / duration);
7278 | };
7279 | |
7280 |
7281 |
7282 |
7283 |
7284 |
7285 |
7286 |
7287 |
7288 |
7289 |
7290 |
7291 |
7292 |
7293 |
7294 | const parseByTimeline = (attributes, segmentTimeline) => {
7295 | const {
7296 | type,
7297 | minimumUpdatePeriod = 0,
7298 | media = '',
7299 | sourceDuration,
7300 | timescale = 1,
7301 | startNumber = 1,
7302 | periodStart: timeline
7303 | } = attributes;
7304 | const segments = [];
7305 | let time = -1;
7306 |
7307 | for (let sIndex = 0; sIndex < segmentTimeline.length; sIndex++) {
7308 | const S = segmentTimeline[sIndex];
7309 | const duration = S.d;
7310 | const repeat = S.r || 0;
7311 | const segmentTime = S.t || 0;
7312 |
7313 | if (time < 0) {
7314 |
7315 | time = segmentTime;
7316 | }
7317 |
7318 | if (segmentTime && segmentTime > time) {
7319 |
7320 |
7321 |
7322 |
7323 |
7324 |
7325 |
7326 |
7327 |
7328 |
7329 |
7330 |
7331 |
7332 |
7333 |
7334 |
7335 |
7336 |
7337 |
7338 |
7339 | time = segmentTime;
7340 | }
7341 |
7342 | let count;
7343 |
7344 | if (repeat < 0) {
7345 | const nextS = sIndex + 1;
7346 |
7347 | if (nextS === segmentTimeline.length) {
7348 |
7349 | if (type === 'dynamic' && minimumUpdatePeriod > 0 && media.indexOf('$Number$') > 0) {
7350 | count = getLiveRValue(attributes, time, duration);
7351 | } else {
7352 |
7353 | count = (sourceDuration * timescale - time) / duration;
7354 | }
7355 | } else {
7356 | count = (segmentTimeline[nextS].t - time) / duration;
7357 | }
7358 | } else {
7359 | count = repeat + 1;
7360 | }
7361 |
7362 | const end = startNumber + segments.length + count;
7363 | let number = startNumber + segments.length;
7364 |
7365 | while (number < end) {
7366 | segments.push({
7367 | number,
7368 | duration: duration / timescale,
7369 | time,
7370 | timeline
7371 | });
7372 | time += duration;
7373 | number++;
7374 | }
7375 | }
7376 |
7377 | return segments;
7378 | };
7379 |
7380 | const identifierPattern = /\$([A-z]*)(?:(%0)([0-9]+)d)?\$/g;
7381 | |
7382 |
7383 |
7384 |
7385 |
7386 |
7387 |
7388 |
7389 |
7390 |
7391 |
7392 |
7393 |
7394 |
7395 |
7396 |
7397 |
7398 |
7399 |
7400 | |
7401 |
7402 |
7403 |
7404 |
7405 |
7406 |
7407 |
7408 |
7409 |
7410 |
7411 |
7412 |
7413 |
7414 |
7415 |
7416 |
7417 |
7418 | const identifierReplacement = values => (match, identifier, format, width) => {
7419 | if (match === '$$') {
7420 |
7421 | return '$';
7422 | }
7423 |
7424 | if (typeof values[identifier] === 'undefined') {
7425 | return match;
7426 | }
7427 |
7428 | const value = '' + values[identifier];
7429 |
7430 | if (identifier === 'RepresentationID') {
7431 |
7432 | return value;
7433 | }
7434 |
7435 | if (!format) {
7436 | width = 1;
7437 | } else {
7438 | width = parseInt(width, 10);
7439 | }
7440 |
7441 | if (value.length >= width) {
7442 | return value;
7443 | }
7444 |
7445 | return `${new Array(width - value.length + 1).join('0')}${value}`;
7446 | };
7447 | |
7448 |
7449 |
7450 |
7451 |
7452 |
7453 |
7454 |
7455 |
7456 |
7457 |
7458 |
7459 |
7460 |
7461 |
7462 |
7463 |
7464 |
7465 |
7466 |
7467 | const constructTemplateUrl = (url, values) => url.replace(identifierPattern, identifierReplacement(values));
7468 | |
7469 |
7470 |
7471 |
7472 |
7473 |
7474 |
7475 |
7476 |
7477 |
7478 |
7479 |
7480 |
7481 |
7482 |
7483 | const parseTemplateInfo = (attributes, segmentTimeline) => {
7484 | if (!attributes.duration && !segmentTimeline) {
7485 |
7486 |
7487 | return [{
7488 | number: attributes.startNumber || 1,
7489 | duration: attributes.sourceDuration,
7490 | time: 0,
7491 | timeline: attributes.periodStart
7492 | }];
7493 | }
7494 |
7495 | if (attributes.duration) {
7496 | return parseByDuration(attributes);
7497 | }
7498 |
7499 | return parseByTimeline(attributes, segmentTimeline);
7500 | };
7501 | |
7502 |
7503 |
7504 |
7505 |
7506 |
7507 |
7508 |
7509 |
7510 |
7511 |
7512 |
7513 |
7514 |
7515 | const segmentsFromTemplate = (attributes, segmentTimeline) => {
7516 | const templateValues = {
7517 | RepresentationID: attributes.id,
7518 | Bandwidth: attributes.bandwidth || 0
7519 | };
7520 | const {
7521 | initialization = {
7522 | sourceURL: '',
7523 | range: ''
7524 | }
7525 | } = attributes;
7526 | const mapSegment = urlTypeToSegment({
7527 | baseUrl: attributes.baseUrl,
7528 | source: constructTemplateUrl(initialization.sourceURL, templateValues),
7529 | range: initialization.range
7530 | });
7531 | const segments = parseTemplateInfo(attributes, segmentTimeline);
7532 | return segments.map(segment => {
7533 | templateValues.Number = segment.number;
7534 | templateValues.Time = segment.time;
7535 | const uri = constructTemplateUrl(attributes.media || '', templateValues);
7536 |
7537 |
7538 | const timescale = attributes.timescale || 1;
7539 |
7540 | const presentationTimeOffset = attributes.presentationTimeOffset || 0;
7541 | const presentationTime =
7542 |
7543 | attributes.periodStart + (segment.time - presentationTimeOffset) / timescale;
7544 | const map = {
7545 | uri,
7546 | timeline: segment.timeline,
7547 | duration: segment.duration,
7548 | resolvedUri: resolveUrl$1(attributes.baseUrl || '', uri),
7549 | map: mapSegment,
7550 | number: segment.number,
7551 | presentationTime
7552 | };
7553 | return map;
7554 | });
7555 | };
7556 | |
7557 |
7558 |
7559 |
7560 |
7561 |
7562 |
7563 |
7564 |
7565 |
7566 |
7567 |
7568 |
7569 | const SegmentURLToSegmentObject = (attributes, segmentUrl) => {
7570 | const {
7571 | baseUrl,
7572 | initialization = {}
7573 | } = attributes;
7574 | const initSegment = urlTypeToSegment({
7575 | baseUrl,
7576 | source: initialization.sourceURL,
7577 | range: initialization.range
7578 | });
7579 | const segment = urlTypeToSegment({
7580 | baseUrl,
7581 | source: segmentUrl.media,
7582 | range: segmentUrl.mediaRange
7583 | });
7584 | segment.map = initSegment;
7585 | return segment;
7586 | };
7587 | |
7588 |
7589 |
7590 |
7591 |
7592 |
7593 |
7594 |
7595 |
7596 |
7597 |
7598 |
7599 |
7600 |
7601 |
7602 | const segmentsFromList = (attributes, segmentTimeline) => {
7603 | const {
7604 | duration,
7605 | segmentUrls = [],
7606 | periodStart
7607 | } = attributes;
7608 |
7609 |
7610 | if (!duration && !segmentTimeline || duration && segmentTimeline) {
7611 | throw new Error(errors.SEGMENT_TIME_UNSPECIFIED);
7612 | }
7613 |
7614 | const segmentUrlMap = segmentUrls.map(segmentUrlObject => SegmentURLToSegmentObject(attributes, segmentUrlObject));
7615 | let segmentTimeInfo;
7616 |
7617 | if (duration) {
7618 | segmentTimeInfo = parseByDuration(attributes);
7619 | }
7620 |
7621 | if (segmentTimeline) {
7622 | segmentTimeInfo = parseByTimeline(attributes, segmentTimeline);
7623 | }
7624 |
7625 | const segments = segmentTimeInfo.map((segmentTime, index) => {
7626 | if (segmentUrlMap[index]) {
7627 | const segment = segmentUrlMap[index];
7628 |
7629 |
7630 | const timescale = attributes.timescale || 1;
7631 |
7632 | const presentationTimeOffset = attributes.presentationTimeOffset || 0;
7633 | segment.timeline = segmentTime.timeline;
7634 | segment.duration = segmentTime.duration;
7635 | segment.number = segmentTime.number;
7636 | segment.presentationTime = periodStart + (segmentTime.time - presentationTimeOffset) / timescale;
7637 | return segment;
7638 | }
7639 |
7640 |
7641 |
7642 | }).filter(segment => segment);
7643 | return segments;
7644 | };
7645 |
7646 | const generateSegments = ({
7647 | attributes,
7648 | segmentInfo
7649 | }) => {
7650 | let segmentAttributes;
7651 | let segmentsFn;
7652 |
7653 | if (segmentInfo.template) {
7654 | segmentsFn = segmentsFromTemplate;
7655 | segmentAttributes = merge(attributes, segmentInfo.template);
7656 | } else if (segmentInfo.base) {
7657 | segmentsFn = segmentsFromBase;
7658 | segmentAttributes = merge(attributes, segmentInfo.base);
7659 | } else if (segmentInfo.list) {
7660 | segmentsFn = segmentsFromList;
7661 | segmentAttributes = merge(attributes, segmentInfo.list);
7662 | }
7663 |
7664 | const segmentsInfo = {
7665 | attributes
7666 | };
7667 |
7668 | if (!segmentsFn) {
7669 | return segmentsInfo;
7670 | }
7671 |
7672 | const segments = segmentsFn(segmentAttributes, segmentInfo.segmentTimeline);
7673 |
7674 |
7675 |
7676 | if (segmentAttributes.duration) {
7677 | const {
7678 | duration,
7679 | timescale = 1
7680 | } = segmentAttributes;
7681 | segmentAttributes.duration = duration / timescale;
7682 | } else if (segments.length) {
7683 |
7684 |
7685 | segmentAttributes.duration = segments.reduce((max, segment) => {
7686 | return Math.max(max, Math.ceil(segment.duration));
7687 | }, 0);
7688 | } else {
7689 | segmentAttributes.duration = 0;
7690 | }
7691 |
7692 | segmentsInfo.attributes = segmentAttributes;
7693 | segmentsInfo.segments = segments;
7694 |
7695 | if (segmentInfo.base && segmentAttributes.indexRange) {
7696 | segmentsInfo.sidx = segments[0];
7697 | segmentsInfo.segments = [];
7698 | }
7699 |
7700 | return segmentsInfo;
7701 | };
7702 |
7703 | const toPlaylists = representations => representations.map(generateSegments);
7704 |
7705 | const findChildren = (element, name) => from(element.childNodes).filter(({
7706 | tagName
7707 | }) => tagName === name);
7708 |
7709 | const getContent = element => element.textContent.trim();
7710 | |
7711 |
7712 |
7713 |
7714 |
7715 |
7716 |
7717 |
7718 |
7719 | const parseDivisionValue = value => {
7720 | return parseFloat(value.split('/').reduce((prev, current) => prev / current));
7721 | };
7722 |
7723 | const parseDuration = str => {
7724 | const SECONDS_IN_YEAR = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60;
7725 | const SECONDS_IN_MONTH = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
7726 | const SECONDS_IN_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60;
7727 | const SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 60 * 60;
7728 | const SECONDS_IN_MIN = 60;
7729 |
7730 | const durationRegex = /P(?:(\d*)Y)?(?:(\d*)M)?(?:(\d*)D)?(?:T(?:(\d*)H)?(?:(\d*)M)?(?:([\d.]*)S)?)?/;
7731 | const match = durationRegex.exec(str);
7732 |
7733 | if (!match) {
7734 | return 0;
7735 | }
7736 |
7737 | const [year, month, day, hour, minute, second] = match.slice(1);
7738 | return parseFloat(year || 0) * SECONDS_IN_YEAR + parseFloat(month || 0) * SECONDS_IN_MONTH + parseFloat(day || 0) * SECONDS_IN_DAY + parseFloat(hour || 0) * SECONDS_IN_HOUR + parseFloat(minute || 0) * SECONDS_IN_MIN + parseFloat(second || 0);
7739 | };
7740 |
7741 | const parseDate = str => {
7742 |
7743 |
7744 | const dateRegex = /^\d+-\d+-\d+T\d+:\d+:\d+(\.\d+)?$/;
7745 |
7746 |
7747 | if (dateRegex.test(str)) {
7748 | str += 'Z';
7749 | }
7750 |
7751 | return Date.parse(str);
7752 | };
7753 |
7754 | const parsers = {
7755 | |
7756 |
7757 |
7758 |
7759 |
7760 |
7761 |
7762 |
7763 |
7764 | mediaPresentationDuration(value) {
7765 | return parseDuration(value);
7766 | },
7767 |
7768 | |
7769 |
7770 |
7771 |
7772 |
7773 |
7774 |
7775 |
7776 |
7777 |
7778 | availabilityStartTime(value) {
7779 | return parseDate(value) / 1000;
7780 | },
7781 |
7782 | |
7783 |
7784 |
7785 |
7786 |
7787 |
7788 |
7789 |
7790 |
7791 | minimumUpdatePeriod(value) {
7792 | return parseDuration(value);
7793 | },
7794 |
7795 | |
7796 |
7797 |
7798 |
7799 |
7800 |
7801 |
7802 |
7803 |
7804 | suggestedPresentationDelay(value) {
7805 | return parseDuration(value);
7806 | },
7807 |
7808 | |
7809 |
7810 |
7811 |
7812 |
7813 |
7814 |
7815 |
7816 |
7817 | type(value) {
7818 | return value;
7819 | },
7820 |
7821 | |
7822 |
7823 |
7824 |
7825 |
7826 |
7827 |
7828 |
7829 |
7830 | timeShiftBufferDepth(value) {
7831 | return parseDuration(value);
7832 | },
7833 |
7834 | |
7835 |
7836 |
7837 |
7838 |
7839 |
7840 |
7841 |
7842 |
7843 | start(value) {
7844 | return parseDuration(value);
7845 | },
7846 |
7847 | |
7848 |
7849 |
7850 |
7851 |
7852 |
7853 |
7854 |
7855 | width(value) {
7856 | return parseInt(value, 10);
7857 | },
7858 |
7859 | |
7860 |
7861 |
7862 |
7863 |
7864 |
7865 |
7866 |
7867 | height(value) {
7868 | return parseInt(value, 10);
7869 | },
7870 |
7871 | |
7872 |
7873 |
7874 |
7875 |
7876 |
7877 |
7878 |
7879 | bandwidth(value) {
7880 | return parseInt(value, 10);
7881 | },
7882 |
7883 | |
7884 |
7885 |
7886 |
7887 |
7888 |
7889 |
7890 |
7891 | frameRate(value) {
7892 | return parseDivisionValue(value);
7893 | },
7894 |
7895 | |
7896 |
7897 |
7898 |
7899 |
7900 |
7901 |
7902 |
7903 | startNumber(value) {
7904 | return parseInt(value, 10);
7905 | },
7906 |
7907 | |
7908 |
7909 |
7910 |
7911 |
7912 |
7913 |
7914 |
7915 | timescale(value) {
7916 | return parseInt(value, 10);
7917 | },
7918 |
7919 | |
7920 |
7921 |
7922 |
7923 |
7924 |
7925 |
7926 |
7927 |
7928 | presentationTimeOffset(value) {
7929 | return parseInt(value, 10);
7930 | },
7931 |
7932 | |
7933 |
7934 |
7935 |
7936 |
7937 |
7938 |
7939 |
7940 |
7941 |
7942 |
7943 |
7944 | duration(value) {
7945 | const parsedValue = parseInt(value, 10);
7946 |
7947 | if (isNaN(parsedValue)) {
7948 | return parseDuration(value);
7949 | }
7950 |
7951 | return parsedValue;
7952 | },
7953 |
7954 | |
7955 |
7956 |
7957 |
7958 |
7959 |
7960 |
7961 |
7962 | d(value) {
7963 | return parseInt(value, 10);
7964 | },
7965 |
7966 | |
7967 |
7968 |
7969 |
7970 |
7971 |
7972 |
7973 |
7974 |
7975 | t(value) {
7976 | return parseInt(value, 10);
7977 | },
7978 |
7979 | |
7980 |
7981 |
7982 |
7983 |
7984 |
7985 |
7986 |
7987 |
7988 | r(value) {
7989 | return parseInt(value, 10);
7990 | },
7991 |
7992 | |
7993 |
7994 |
7995 |
7996 |
7997 |
7998 |
7999 |
8000 |
8001 | presentationTime(value) {
8002 | return parseInt(value, 10);
8003 | },
8004 |
8005 | |
8006 |
8007 |
8008 |
8009 |
8010 |
8011 |
8012 |
8013 |
8014 | DEFAULT(value) {
8015 | return value;
8016 | }
8017 |
8018 | };
8019 | |
8020 |
8021 |
8022 |
8023 |
8024 |
8025 |
8026 |
8027 |
8028 |
8029 | const parseAttributes = el => {
8030 | if (!(el && el.attributes)) {
8031 | return {};
8032 | }
8033 |
8034 | return from(el.attributes).reduce((a, e) => {
8035 | const parseFn = parsers[e.name] || parsers.DEFAULT;
8036 | a[e.name] = parseFn(e.value);
8037 | return a;
8038 | }, {});
8039 | };
8040 |
8041 | const keySystemsMap = {
8042 | 'urn:uuid:1077efec-c0b2-4d02-ace3-3c1e52e2fb4b': 'org.w3.clearkey',
8043 | 'urn:uuid:edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed': 'com.widevine.alpha',
8044 | 'urn:uuid:9a04f079-9840-4286-ab92-e65be0885f95': 'com.microsoft.playready',
8045 | 'urn:uuid:f239e769-efa3-4850-9c16-a903c6932efb': 'com.adobe.primetime',
8046 |
8047 | 'urn:mpeg:dash:mp4protection:2011': 'mp4protection'
8048 | };
8049 | |
8050 |
8051 |
8052 |
8053 |
8054 |
8055 |
8056 |
8057 |
8058 |
8059 |
8060 | const buildBaseUrls = (references, baseUrlElements) => {
8061 | if (!baseUrlElements.length) {
8062 | return references;
8063 | }
8064 |
8065 | return flatten(references.map(function (reference) {
8066 | return baseUrlElements.map(function (baseUrlElement) {
8067 | const initialBaseUrl = getContent(baseUrlElement);
8068 | const resolvedBaseUrl = resolveUrl$1(reference.baseUrl, initialBaseUrl);
8069 | const finalBaseUrl = merge(parseAttributes(baseUrlElement), {
8070 | baseUrl: resolvedBaseUrl
8071 | });
8072 |
8073 |
8074 | if (resolvedBaseUrl !== initialBaseUrl && !finalBaseUrl.serviceLocation && reference.serviceLocation) {
8075 | finalBaseUrl.serviceLocation = reference.serviceLocation;
8076 | }
8077 |
8078 | return finalBaseUrl;
8079 | });
8080 | }));
8081 | };
8082 | |
8083 |
8084 |
8085 |
8086 |
8087 |
8088 |
8089 |
8090 |
8091 |
8092 |
8093 |
8094 |
8095 |
8096 | |
8097 |
8098 |
8099 |
8100 |
8101 |
8102 |
8103 |
8104 |
8105 |
8106 | const getSegmentInformation = adaptationSet => {
8107 | const segmentTemplate = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'SegmentTemplate')[0];
8108 | const segmentList = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'SegmentList')[0];
8109 | const segmentUrls = segmentList && findChildren(segmentList, 'SegmentURL').map(s => merge({
8110 | tag: 'SegmentURL'
8111 | }, parseAttributes(s)));
8112 | const segmentBase = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'SegmentBase')[0];
8113 | const segmentTimelineParentNode = segmentList || segmentTemplate;
8114 | const segmentTimeline = segmentTimelineParentNode && findChildren(segmentTimelineParentNode, 'SegmentTimeline')[0];
8115 | const segmentInitializationParentNode = segmentList || segmentBase || segmentTemplate;
8116 | const segmentInitialization = segmentInitializationParentNode && findChildren(segmentInitializationParentNode, 'Initialization')[0];
8117 |
8118 |
8119 |
8120 |
8121 |
8122 | const template = segmentTemplate && parseAttributes(segmentTemplate);
8123 |
8124 | if (template && segmentInitialization) {
8125 | template.initialization = segmentInitialization && parseAttributes(segmentInitialization);
8126 | } else if (template && template.initialization) {
8127 |
8128 |
8129 |
8130 | template.initialization = {
8131 | sourceURL: template.initialization
8132 | };
8133 | }
8134 |
8135 | const segmentInfo = {
8136 | template,
8137 | segmentTimeline: segmentTimeline && findChildren(segmentTimeline, 'S').map(s => parseAttributes(s)),
8138 | list: segmentList && merge(parseAttributes(segmentList), {
8139 | segmentUrls,
8140 | initialization: parseAttributes(segmentInitialization)
8141 | }),
8142 | base: segmentBase && merge(parseAttributes(segmentBase), {
8143 | initialization: parseAttributes(segmentInitialization)
8144 | })
8145 | };
8146 | Object.keys(segmentInfo).forEach(key => {
8147 | if (!segmentInfo[key]) {
8148 | delete segmentInfo[key];
8149 | }
8150 | });
8151 | return segmentInfo;
8152 | };
8153 | |
8154 |
8155 |
8156 |
8157 |
8158 |
8159 |
8160 |
8161 |
8162 |
8163 |
8164 | |
8165 |
8166 |
8167 |
8168 |
8169 |
8170 |
8171 |
8172 |
8173 |
8174 |
8175 | |
8176 |
8177 |
8178 |
8179 |
8180 |
8181 |
8182 |
8183 |
8184 |
8185 |
8186 |
8187 |
8188 |
8189 |
8190 |
8191 | const inheritBaseUrls = (adaptationSetAttributes, adaptationSetBaseUrls, adaptationSetSegmentInfo) => representation => {
8192 | const repBaseUrlElements = findChildren(representation, 'BaseURL');
8193 | const repBaseUrls = buildBaseUrls(adaptationSetBaseUrls, repBaseUrlElements);
8194 | const attributes = merge(adaptationSetAttributes, parseAttributes(representation));
8195 | const representationSegmentInfo = getSegmentInformation(representation);
8196 | return repBaseUrls.map(baseUrl => {
8197 | return {
8198 | segmentInfo: merge(adaptationSetSegmentInfo, representationSegmentInfo),
8199 | attributes: merge(attributes, baseUrl)
8200 | };
8201 | });
8202 | };
8203 | |
8204 |
8205 |
8206 |
8207 |
8208 |
8209 |
8210 |
8211 |
8212 |
8213 |
8214 | const generateKeySystemInformation = contentProtectionNodes => {
8215 | return contentProtectionNodes.reduce((acc, node) => {
8216 | const attributes = parseAttributes(node);
8217 |
8218 |
8219 |
8220 |
8221 | if (attributes.schemeIdUri) {
8222 | attributes.schemeIdUri = attributes.schemeIdUri.toLowerCase();
8223 | }
8224 |
8225 | const keySystem = keySystemsMap[attributes.schemeIdUri];
8226 |
8227 | if (keySystem) {
8228 | acc[keySystem] = {
8229 | attributes
8230 | };
8231 | const psshNode = findChildren(node, 'cenc:pssh')[0];
8232 |
8233 | if (psshNode) {
8234 | const pssh = getContent(psshNode);
8235 | acc[keySystem].pssh = pssh && decodeB64ToUint8Array(pssh);
8236 | }
8237 | }
8238 |
8239 | return acc;
8240 | }, {});
8241 | };
8242 |
8243 |
8244 | const parseCaptionServiceMetadata = service => {
8245 |
8246 | if (service.schemeIdUri === 'urn:scte:dash:cc:cea-608:2015') {
8247 | const values = typeof service.value !== 'string' ? [] : service.value.split(';');
8248 | return values.map(value => {
8249 | let channel;
8250 | let language;
8251 |
8252 | language = value;
8253 |
8254 | if (/^CC\d=/.test(value)) {
8255 | [channel, language] = value.split('=');
8256 | } else if (/^CC\d$/.test(value)) {
8257 | channel = value;
8258 | }
8259 |
8260 | return {
8261 | channel,
8262 | language
8263 | };
8264 | });
8265 | } else if (service.schemeIdUri === 'urn:scte:dash:cc:cea-708:2015') {
8266 | const values = typeof service.value !== 'string' ? [] : service.value.split(';');
8267 | return values.map(value => {
8268 | const flags = {
8269 |
8270 | 'channel': undefined,
8271 |
8272 |
8273 | 'language': undefined,
8274 |
8275 |
8276 | 'aspectRatio': 1,
8277 |
8278 |
8279 |
8280 | 'easyReader': 0,
8281 |
8282 |
8283 |
8284 | '3D': 0
8285 | };
8286 |
8287 | if (/=/.test(value)) {
8288 | const [channel, opts = ''] = value.split('=');
8289 | flags.channel = channel;
8290 | flags.language = value;
8291 | opts.split(',').forEach(opt => {
8292 | const [name, val] = opt.split(':');
8293 |
8294 | if (name === 'lang') {
8295 | flags.language = val;
8296 | } else if (name === 'er') {
8297 | flags.easyReader = Number(val);
8298 | } else if (name === 'war') {
8299 | flags.aspectRatio = Number(val);
8300 | } else if (name === '3D') {
8301 | flags['3D'] = Number(val);
8302 | }
8303 | });
8304 | } else {
8305 | flags.language = value;
8306 | }
8307 |
8308 | if (flags.channel) {
8309 | flags.channel = 'SERVICE' + flags.channel;
8310 | }
8311 |
8312 | return flags;
8313 | });
8314 | }
8315 | };
8316 | |
8317 |
8318 |
8319 |
8320 |
8321 |
8322 |
8323 |
8324 |
8325 |
8326 | const toEventStream = period => {
8327 |
8328 | return flatten(findChildren(period.node, 'EventStream').map(eventStream => {
8329 | const eventStreamAttributes = parseAttributes(eventStream);
8330 | const schemeIdUri = eventStreamAttributes.schemeIdUri;
8331 |
8332 | return findChildren(eventStream, 'Event').map(event => {
8333 | const eventAttributes = parseAttributes(event);
8334 | const presentationTime = eventAttributes.presentationTime || 0;
8335 | const timescale = eventStreamAttributes.timescale || 1;
8336 | const duration = eventAttributes.duration || 0;
8337 | const start = presentationTime / timescale + period.attributes.start;
8338 | return {
8339 | schemeIdUri,
8340 | value: eventStreamAttributes.value,
8341 | id: eventAttributes.id,
8342 | start,
8343 | end: start + duration / timescale,
8344 | messageData: getContent(event) || eventAttributes.messageData,
8345 | contentEncoding: eventStreamAttributes.contentEncoding,
8346 | presentationTimeOffset: eventStreamAttributes.presentationTimeOffset || 0
8347 | };
8348 | });
8349 | }));
8350 | };
8351 | |
8352 |
8353 |
8354 |
8355 |
8356 |
8357 |
8358 |
8359 |
8360 |
8361 |
8362 | |
8363 |
8364 |
8365 |
8366 |
8367 |
8368 |
8369 |
8370 |
8371 |
8372 |
8373 |
8374 |
8375 |
8376 |
8377 |
8378 | const toRepresentations = (periodAttributes, periodBaseUrls, periodSegmentInfo) => adaptationSet => {
8379 | const adaptationSetAttributes = parseAttributes(adaptationSet);
8380 | const adaptationSetBaseUrls = buildBaseUrls(periodBaseUrls, findChildren(adaptationSet, 'BaseURL'));
8381 | const role = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'Role')[0];
8382 | const roleAttributes = {
8383 | role: parseAttributes(role)
8384 | };
8385 | let attrs = merge(periodAttributes, adaptationSetAttributes, roleAttributes);
8386 | const accessibility = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'Accessibility')[0];
8387 | const captionServices = parseCaptionServiceMetadata(parseAttributes(accessibility));
8388 |
8389 | if (captionServices) {
8390 | attrs = merge(attrs, {
8391 | captionServices
8392 | });
8393 | }
8394 |
8395 | const label = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'Label')[0];
8396 |
8397 | if (label && label.childNodes.length) {
8398 | const labelVal = label.childNodes[0].nodeValue.trim();
8399 | attrs = merge(attrs, {
8400 | label: labelVal
8401 | });
8402 | }
8403 |
8404 | const contentProtection = generateKeySystemInformation(findChildren(adaptationSet, 'ContentProtection'));
8405 |
8406 | if (Object.keys(contentProtection).length) {
8407 | attrs = merge(attrs, {
8408 | contentProtection
8409 | });
8410 | }
8411 |
8412 | const segmentInfo = getSegmentInformation(adaptationSet);
8413 | const representations = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'Representation');
8414 | const adaptationSetSegmentInfo = merge(periodSegmentInfo, segmentInfo);
8415 | return flatten(representations.map(inheritBaseUrls(attrs, adaptationSetBaseUrls, adaptationSetSegmentInfo)));
8416 | };
8417 | |
8418 |
8419 |
8420 |
8421 |
8422 |
8423 |
8424 |
8425 |
8426 |
8427 | |
8428 |
8429 |
8430 |
8431 |
8432 |
8433 |
8434 |
8435 |
8436 |
8437 |
8438 |
8439 |
8440 |
8441 | |
8442 |
8443 |
8444 |
8445 |
8446 |
8447 |
8448 |
8449 |
8450 |
8451 |
8452 |
8453 |
8454 |
8455 | const toAdaptationSets = (mpdAttributes, mpdBaseUrls) => (period, index) => {
8456 | const periodBaseUrls = buildBaseUrls(mpdBaseUrls, findChildren(period.node, 'BaseURL'));
8457 | const periodAttributes = merge(mpdAttributes, {
8458 | periodStart: period.attributes.start
8459 | });
8460 |
8461 | if (typeof period.attributes.duration === 'number') {
8462 | periodAttributes.periodDuration = period.attributes.duration;
8463 | }
8464 |
8465 | const adaptationSets = findChildren(period.node, 'AdaptationSet');
8466 | const periodSegmentInfo = getSegmentInformation(period.node);
8467 | return flatten(adaptationSets.map(toRepresentations(periodAttributes, periodBaseUrls, periodSegmentInfo)));
8468 | };
8469 | |
8470 |
8471 |
8472 |
8473 |
8474 |
8475 |
8476 |
8477 |
8478 |
8479 |
8480 |
8481 |
8482 |
8483 |
8484 |
8485 | const generateContentSteeringInformation = (contentSteeringNodes, eventHandler) => {
8486 |
8487 | if (contentSteeringNodes.length > 1) {
8488 | eventHandler({
8489 | type: 'warn',
8490 | message: 'The MPD manifest should contain no more than one ContentSteering tag'
8491 | });
8492 | }
8493 |
8494 |
8495 | if (!contentSteeringNodes.length) {
8496 | return null;
8497 | }
8498 |
8499 | const infoFromContentSteeringTag = merge({
8500 | serverURL: getContent(contentSteeringNodes[0])
8501 | }, parseAttributes(contentSteeringNodes[0]));
8502 |
8503 |
8504 | infoFromContentSteeringTag.queryBeforeStart = infoFromContentSteeringTag.queryBeforeStart === 'true';
8505 | return infoFromContentSteeringTag;
8506 | };
8507 | |
8508 |
8509 |
8510 |
8511 |
8512 |
8513 |
8514 |
8515 |
8516 |
8517 |
8518 |
8519 |
8520 |
8521 |
8522 |
8523 | const getPeriodStart = ({
8524 | attributes,
8525 | priorPeriodAttributes,
8526 | mpdType
8527 | }) => {
8528 |
8529 |
8530 |
8531 |
8532 |
8533 |
8534 |
8535 |
8536 |
8537 |
8538 |
8539 |
8540 |
8541 |
8542 | if (typeof attributes.start === 'number') {
8543 | return attributes.start;
8544 | }
8545 |
8546 |
8547 | if (priorPeriodAttributes && typeof priorPeriodAttributes.start === 'number' && typeof priorPeriodAttributes.duration === 'number') {
8548 | return priorPeriodAttributes.start + priorPeriodAttributes.duration;
8549 | }
8550 |
8551 |
8552 | if (!priorPeriodAttributes && mpdType === 'static') {
8553 | return 0;
8554 | }
8555 |
8556 |
8557 |
8558 |
8559 |
8560 |
8561 |
8562 |
8563 | return null;
8564 | };
8565 | |
8566 |
8567 |
8568 |
8569 |
8570 |
8571 |
8572 |
8573 |
8574 |
8575 |
8576 |
8577 |
8578 |
8579 |
8580 |
8581 |
8582 |
8583 |
8584 | const inheritAttributes = (mpd, options = {}) => {
8585 | const {
8586 | manifestUri = '',
8587 | NOW = Date.now(),
8588 | clientOffset = 0,
8589 |
8590 |
8591 |
8592 |
8593 |
8594 |
8595 | eventHandler = function () {}
8596 | } = options;
8597 | const periodNodes = findChildren(mpd, 'Period');
8598 |
8599 | if (!periodNodes.length) {
8600 | throw new Error(errors.INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PERIOD);
8601 | }
8602 |
8603 | const locations = findChildren(mpd, 'Location');
8604 | const mpdAttributes = parseAttributes(mpd);
8605 | const mpdBaseUrls = buildBaseUrls([{
8606 | baseUrl: manifestUri
8607 | }], findChildren(mpd, 'BaseURL'));
8608 | const contentSteeringNodes = findChildren(mpd, 'ContentSteering');
8609 |
8610 | mpdAttributes.type = mpdAttributes.type || 'static';
8611 | mpdAttributes.sourceDuration = mpdAttributes.mediaPresentationDuration || 0;
8612 | mpdAttributes.NOW = NOW;
8613 | mpdAttributes.clientOffset = clientOffset;
8614 |
8615 | if (locations.length) {
8616 | mpdAttributes.locations = locations.map(getContent);
8617 | }
8618 |
8619 | const periods = [];
8620 |
8621 |
8622 |
8623 |
8624 | periodNodes.forEach((node, index) => {
8625 | const attributes = parseAttributes(node);
8626 |
8627 |
8628 | const priorPeriod = periods[index - 1];
8629 | attributes.start = getPeriodStart({
8630 | attributes,
8631 | priorPeriodAttributes: priorPeriod ? priorPeriod.attributes : null,
8632 | mpdType: mpdAttributes.type
8633 | });
8634 | periods.push({
8635 | node,
8636 | attributes
8637 | });
8638 | });
8639 | return {
8640 | locations: mpdAttributes.locations,
8641 | contentSteeringInfo: generateContentSteeringInformation(contentSteeringNodes, eventHandler),
8642 |
8643 |
8644 |
8645 |
8646 |
8647 |
8648 |
8649 | representationInfo: flatten(periods.map(toAdaptationSets(mpdAttributes, mpdBaseUrls))),
8650 | eventStream: flatten(periods.map(toEventStream))
8651 | };
8652 | };
8653 |
8654 | const stringToMpdXml = manifestString => {
8655 | if (manifestString === '') {
8656 | throw new Error(errors.DASH_EMPTY_MANIFEST);
8657 | }
8658 |
8659 | const parser = new xmldom.DOMParser();
8660 | let xml;
8661 | let mpd;
8662 |
8663 | try {
8664 | xml = parser.parseFromString(manifestString, 'application/xml');
8665 | mpd = xml && xml.documentElement.tagName === 'MPD' ? xml.documentElement : null;
8666 | } catch (e) {
8667 | }
8668 |
8669 | if (!mpd || mpd && mpd.getElementsByTagName('parsererror').length > 0) {
8670 | throw new Error(errors.DASH_INVALID_XML);
8671 | }
8672 |
8673 | return mpd;
8674 | };
8675 | |
8676 |
8677 |
8678 |
8679 |
8680 |
8681 |
8682 |
8683 |
8684 |
8685 | const parseUTCTimingScheme = mpd => {
8686 | const UTCTimingNode = findChildren(mpd, 'UTCTiming')[0];
8687 |
8688 | if (!UTCTimingNode) {
8689 | return null;
8690 | }
8691 |
8692 | const attributes = parseAttributes(UTCTimingNode);
8693 |
8694 | switch (attributes.schemeIdUri) {
8695 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-head:2014':
8696 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-head:2012':
8697 | attributes.method = 'HEAD';
8698 | break;
8699 |
8700 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-xsdate:2014':
8701 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-iso:2014':
8702 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-xsdate:2012':
8703 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-iso:2012':
8704 | attributes.method = 'GET';
8705 | break;
8706 |
8707 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:direct:2014':
8708 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:direct:2012':
8709 | attributes.method = 'DIRECT';
8710 | attributes.value = Date.parse(attributes.value);
8711 | break;
8712 |
8713 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-ntp:2014':
8714 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:ntp:2014':
8715 | case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:sntp:2014':
8716 | default:
8717 | throw new Error(errors.UNSUPPORTED_UTC_TIMING_SCHEME);
8718 | }
8719 |
8720 | return attributes;
8721 | };
8722 | |
8723 |
8724 |
8725 |
8726 |
8727 |
8728 |
8729 |
8730 |
8731 |
8732 |
8733 |
8734 |
8735 |
8736 | const parse = (manifestString, options = {}) => {
8737 | const parsedManifestInfo = inheritAttributes(stringToMpdXml(manifestString), options);
8738 | const playlists = toPlaylists(parsedManifestInfo.representationInfo);
8739 | return toM3u8({
8740 | dashPlaylists: playlists,
8741 | locations: parsedManifestInfo.locations,
8742 | contentSteering: parsedManifestInfo.contentSteeringInfo,
8743 | sidxMapping: options.sidxMapping,
8744 | previousManifest: options.previousManifest,
8745 | eventStream: parsedManifestInfo.eventStream
8746 | });
8747 | };
8748 | |
8749 |
8750 |
8751 |
8752 |
8753 |
8754 |
8755 |
8756 |
8757 |
8758 | const parseUTCTiming = manifestString => parseUTCTimingScheme(stringToMpdXml(manifestString));
8759 |
8760 | var MAX_UINT32 = Math.pow(2, 32);
8761 |
8762 | var getUint64$1 = function (uint8) {
8763 | var dv = new DataView(uint8.buffer, uint8.byteOffset, uint8.byteLength);
8764 | var value;
8765 |
8766 | if (dv.getBigUint64) {
8767 | value = dv.getBigUint64(0);
8768 |
8769 | if (value < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
8770 | return Number(value);
8771 | }
8772 |
8773 | return value;
8774 | }
8775 |
8776 | return dv.getUint32(0) * MAX_UINT32 + dv.getUint32(4);
8777 | };
8778 |
8779 | var numbers = {
8780 | getUint64: getUint64$1,
8781 | MAX_UINT32: MAX_UINT32
8782 | };
8783 |
8784 | var getUint64 = numbers.getUint64;
8785 |
8786 | var parseSidx = function (data) {
8787 | var view = new DataView(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength),
8788 | result = {
8789 | version: data[0],
8790 | flags: new Uint8Array(data.subarray(1, 4)),
8791 | references: [],
8792 | referenceId: view.getUint32(4),
8793 | timescale: view.getUint32(8)
8794 | },
8795 | i = 12;
8796 |
8797 | if (result.version === 0) {
8798 | result.earliestPresentationTime = view.getUint32(i);
8799 | result.firstOffset = view.getUint32(i + 4);
8800 | i += 8;
8801 | } else {
8802 |
8803 | result.earliestPresentationTime = getUint64(data.subarray(i));
8804 | result.firstOffset = getUint64(data.subarray(i + 8));
8805 | i += 16;
8806 | }
8807 |
8808 | i += 2;
8809 |
8810 | var referenceCount = view.getUint16(i);
8811 | i += 2;
8812 |
8813 | for (; referenceCount > 0; i += 12, referenceCount--) {
8814 | result.references.push({
8815 | referenceType: (data[i] & 0x80) >>> 7,
8816 | referencedSize: view.getUint32(i) & 0x7FFFFFFF,
8817 | subsegmentDuration: view.getUint32(i + 4),
8818 | startsWithSap: !!(data[i + 8] & 0x80),
8819 | sapType: (data[i + 8] & 0x70) >>> 4,
8820 | sapDeltaTime: view.getUint32(i + 8) & 0x0FFFFFFF
8821 | });
8822 | }
8823 |
8824 | return result;
8825 | };
8826 |
8827 | var parseSidx_1 = parseSidx;
8828 |
8829 | var ID3 = toUint8([0x49, 0x44, 0x33]);
8830 | var getId3Size = function getId3Size(bytes, offset) {
8831 | if (offset === void 0) {
8832 | offset = 0;
8833 | }
8834 |
8835 | bytes = toUint8(bytes);
8836 | var flags = bytes[offset + 5];
8837 | var returnSize = bytes[offset + 6] << 21 | bytes[offset + 7] << 14 | bytes[offset + 8] << 7 | bytes[offset + 9];
8838 | var footerPresent = (flags & 16) >> 4;
8839 |
8840 | if (footerPresent) {
8841 | return returnSize + 20;
8842 | }
8843 |
8844 | return returnSize + 10;
8845 | };
8846 | var getId3Offset = function getId3Offset(bytes, offset) {
8847 | if (offset === void 0) {
8848 | offset = 0;
8849 | }
8850 |
8851 | bytes = toUint8(bytes);
8852 |
8853 | if (bytes.length - offset < 10 || !bytesMatch(bytes, ID3, {
8854 | offset: offset
8855 | })) {
8856 | return offset;
8857 | }
8858 |
8859 | offset += getId3Size(bytes, offset);
8860 |
8861 |
8862 |
8863 | return getId3Offset(bytes, offset);
8864 | };
8865 |
8866 | var normalizePath$1 = function normalizePath(path) {
8867 | if (typeof path === 'string') {
8868 | return stringToBytes(path);
8869 | }
8870 |
8871 | if (typeof path === 'number') {
8872 | return path;
8873 | }
8874 |
8875 | return path;
8876 | };
8877 |
8878 | var normalizePaths$1 = function normalizePaths(paths) {
8879 | if (!Array.isArray(paths)) {
8880 | return [normalizePath$1(paths)];
8881 | }
8882 |
8883 | return paths.map(function (p) {
8884 | return normalizePath$1(p);
8885 | });
8886 | };
8887 | |
8888 |
8889 |
8890 |
8891 |
8892 |
8893 |
8894 |
8895 |
8896 |
8897 |
8898 |
8899 |
8900 |
8901 |
8902 |
8903 |
8904 |
8905 |
8906 |
8907 |
8908 | var findBox = function findBox(bytes, paths, complete) {
8909 | if (complete === void 0) {
8910 | complete = false;
8911 | }
8912 |
8913 | paths = normalizePaths$1(paths);
8914 | bytes = toUint8(bytes);
8915 | var results = [];
8916 |
8917 | if (!paths.length) {
8918 |
8919 | return results;
8920 | }
8921 |
8922 | var i = 0;
8923 |
8924 | while (i < bytes.length) {
8925 | var size = (bytes[i] << 24 | bytes[i + 1] << 16 | bytes[i + 2] << 8 | bytes[i + 3]) >>> 0;
8926 | var type = bytes.subarray(i + 4, i + 8);
8927 |
8928 | if (size === 0) {
8929 | break;
8930 | }
8931 |
8932 | var end = i + size;
8933 |
8934 | if (end > bytes.length) {
8935 |
8936 |
8937 | if (complete) {
8938 | break;
8939 | }
8940 |
8941 | end = bytes.length;
8942 | }
8943 |
8944 | var data = bytes.subarray(i + 8, end);
8945 |
8946 | if (bytesMatch(type, paths[0])) {
8947 | if (paths.length === 1) {
8948 |
8949 |
8950 | results.push(data);
8951 | } else {
8952 |
8953 | results.push.apply(results, findBox(data, paths.slice(1), complete));
8954 | }
8955 | }
8956 |
8957 | i = end;
8958 | }
8959 |
8960 |
8961 | return results;
8962 | };
8963 |
8964 |
8965 |
8966 |
8967 |
8968 | var EBML_TAGS = {
8969 | EBML: toUint8([0x1A, 0x45, 0xDF, 0xA3]),
8970 | DocType: toUint8([0x42, 0x82]),
8971 | Segment: toUint8([0x18, 0x53, 0x80, 0x67]),
8972 | SegmentInfo: toUint8([0x15, 0x49, 0xA9, 0x66]),
8973 | Tracks: toUint8([0x16, 0x54, 0xAE, 0x6B]),
8974 | Track: toUint8([0xAE]),
8975 | TrackNumber: toUint8([0xd7]),
8976 | DefaultDuration: toUint8([0x23, 0xe3, 0x83]),
8977 | TrackEntry: toUint8([0xAE]),
8978 | TrackType: toUint8([0x83]),
8979 | FlagDefault: toUint8([0x88]),
8980 | CodecID: toUint8([0x86]),
8981 | CodecPrivate: toUint8([0x63, 0xA2]),
8982 | VideoTrack: toUint8([0xe0]),
8983 | AudioTrack: toUint8([0xe1]),
8984 |
8985 |
8986 |
8987 | Cluster: toUint8([0x1F, 0x43, 0xB6, 0x75]),
8988 | Timestamp: toUint8([0xE7]),
8989 | TimestampScale: toUint8([0x2A, 0xD7, 0xB1]),
8990 | BlockGroup: toUint8([0xA0]),
8991 | BlockDuration: toUint8([0x9B]),
8992 | Block: toUint8([0xA1]),
8993 | SimpleBlock: toUint8([0xA3])
8994 | };
8995 | |
8996 |
8997 |
8998 |
8999 |
9000 |
9001 |
9002 |
9003 | var LENGTH_TABLE = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1];
9004 |
9005 | var getLength = function getLength(byte) {
9006 | var len = 1;
9007 |
9008 | for (var i = 0; i < LENGTH_TABLE.length; i++) {
9009 | if (byte & LENGTH_TABLE[i]) {
9010 | break;
9011 | }
9012 |
9013 | len++;
9014 | }
9015 |
9016 | return len;
9017 | };
9018 |
9019 |
9020 |
9021 |
9022 |
9023 |
9024 | var getvint = function getvint(bytes, offset, removeLength, signed) {
9025 | if (removeLength === void 0) {
9026 | removeLength = true;
9027 | }
9028 |
9029 | if (signed === void 0) {
9030 | signed = false;
9031 | }
9032 |
9033 | var length = getLength(bytes[offset]);
9034 | var valueBytes = bytes.subarray(offset, offset + length);
9035 |
9036 |
9037 |
9038 |
9039 | if (removeLength) {
9040 | valueBytes = Array.prototype.slice.call(bytes, offset, offset + length);
9041 | valueBytes[0] ^= LENGTH_TABLE[length - 1];
9042 | }
9043 |
9044 | return {
9045 | length: length,
9046 | value: bytesToNumber(valueBytes, {
9047 | signed: signed
9048 | }),
9049 | bytes: valueBytes
9050 | };
9051 | };
9052 |
9053 | var normalizePath = function normalizePath(path) {
9054 | if (typeof path === 'string') {
9055 | return path.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(function (p) {
9056 | return normalizePath(p);
9057 | });
9058 | }
9059 |
9060 | if (typeof path === 'number') {
9061 | return numberToBytes(path);
9062 | }
9063 |
9064 | return path;
9065 | };
9066 |
9067 | var normalizePaths = function normalizePaths(paths) {
9068 | if (!Array.isArray(paths)) {
9069 | return [normalizePath(paths)];
9070 | }
9071 |
9072 | return paths.map(function (p) {
9073 | return normalizePath(p);
9074 | });
9075 | };
9076 |
9077 | var getInfinityDataSize = function getInfinityDataSize(id, bytes, offset) {
9078 | if (offset >= bytes.length) {
9079 | return bytes.length;
9080 | }
9081 |
9082 | var innerid = getvint(bytes, offset, false);
9083 |
9084 | if (bytesMatch(id.bytes, innerid.bytes)) {
9085 | return offset;
9086 | }
9087 |
9088 | var dataHeader = getvint(bytes, offset + innerid.length);
9089 | return getInfinityDataSize(id, bytes, offset + dataHeader.length + dataHeader.value + innerid.length);
9090 | };
9091 | |
9092 |
9093 |
9094 |
9095 |
9096 |
9097 |
9098 |
9099 |
9100 |
9101 |
9102 |
9103 |
9104 |
9105 |
9106 |
9107 |
9108 |
9109 |
9110 |
9111 |
9112 | var findEbml = function findEbml(bytes, paths) {
9113 | paths = normalizePaths(paths);
9114 | bytes = toUint8(bytes);
9115 | var results = [];
9116 |
9117 | if (!paths.length) {
9118 | return results;
9119 | }
9120 |
9121 | var i = 0;
9122 |
9123 | while (i < bytes.length) {
9124 | var id = getvint(bytes, i, false);
9125 | var dataHeader = getvint(bytes, i + id.length);
9126 | var dataStart = i + id.length + dataHeader.length;
9127 |
9128 | if (dataHeader.value === 0x7f) {
9129 | dataHeader.value = getInfinityDataSize(id, bytes, dataStart);
9130 |
9131 | if (dataHeader.value !== bytes.length) {
9132 | dataHeader.value -= dataStart;
9133 | }
9134 | }
9135 |
9136 | var dataEnd = dataStart + dataHeader.value > bytes.length ? bytes.length : dataStart + dataHeader.value;
9137 | var data = bytes.subarray(dataStart, dataEnd);
9138 |
9139 | if (bytesMatch(paths[0], id.bytes)) {
9140 | if (paths.length === 1) {
9141 |
9142 |
9143 | results.push(data);
9144 | } else {
9145 |
9146 |
9147 | results = results.concat(findEbml(data, paths.slice(1)));
9148 | }
9149 | }
9150 |
9151 | var totalLength = id.length + dataHeader.length + data.length;
9152 |
9153 | i += totalLength;
9154 | }
9155 |
9156 | return results;
9157 | };
9158 |
9159 | var NAL_TYPE_ONE = toUint8([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]);
9160 | var NAL_TYPE_TWO = toUint8([0x00, 0x00, 0x01]);
9161 | var EMULATION_PREVENTION = toUint8([0x00, 0x00, 0x03]);
9162 | |
9163 |
9164 |
9165 |
9166 |
9167 |
9168 |
9169 |
9170 |
9171 |
9172 | var discardEmulationPreventionBytes = function discardEmulationPreventionBytes(bytes) {
9173 | var positions = [];
9174 | var i = 1;
9175 |
9176 | while (i < bytes.length - 2) {
9177 | if (bytesMatch(bytes.subarray(i, i + 3), EMULATION_PREVENTION)) {
9178 | positions.push(i + 2);
9179 | i++;
9180 | }
9181 |
9182 | i++;
9183 | }
9184 |
9185 |
9186 |
9187 | if (positions.length === 0) {
9188 | return bytes;
9189 | }
9190 |
9191 |
9192 | var newLength = bytes.length - positions.length;
9193 | var newData = new Uint8Array(newLength);
9194 | var sourceIndex = 0;
9195 |
9196 | for (i = 0; i < newLength; sourceIndex++, i++) {
9197 | if (sourceIndex === positions[0]) {
9198 |
9199 | sourceIndex++;
9200 |
9201 | positions.shift();
9202 | }
9203 |
9204 | newData[i] = bytes[sourceIndex];
9205 | }
9206 |
9207 | return newData;
9208 | };
9209 | var findNal = function findNal(bytes, dataType, types, nalLimit) {
9210 | if (nalLimit === void 0) {
9211 | nalLimit = Infinity;
9212 | }
9213 |
9214 | bytes = toUint8(bytes);
9215 | types = [].concat(types);
9216 | var i = 0;
9217 | var nalStart;
9218 | var nalsFound = 0;
9219 |
9220 |
9221 |
9222 |
9223 |
9224 | while (i < bytes.length && (nalsFound < nalLimit || nalStart)) {
9225 | var nalOffset = void 0;
9226 |
9227 | if (bytesMatch(bytes.subarray(i), NAL_TYPE_ONE)) {
9228 | nalOffset = 4;
9229 | } else if (bytesMatch(bytes.subarray(i), NAL_TYPE_TWO)) {
9230 | nalOffset = 3;
9231 | }
9232 |
9233 |
9234 |
9235 | if (!nalOffset) {
9236 | i++;
9237 | continue;
9238 | }
9239 |
9240 | nalsFound++;
9241 |
9242 | if (nalStart) {
9243 | return discardEmulationPreventionBytes(bytes.subarray(nalStart, i));
9244 | }
9245 |
9246 | var nalType = void 0;
9247 |
9248 | if (dataType === 'h264') {
9249 | nalType = bytes[i + nalOffset] & 0x1f;
9250 | } else if (dataType === 'h265') {
9251 | nalType = bytes[i + nalOffset] >> 1 & 0x3f;
9252 | }
9253 |
9254 | if (types.indexOf(nalType) !== -1) {
9255 | nalStart = i + nalOffset;
9256 | }
9257 |
9258 |
9259 | i += nalOffset + (dataType === 'h264' ? 1 : 2);
9260 | }
9261 |
9262 | return bytes.subarray(0, 0);
9263 | };
9264 | var findH264Nal = function findH264Nal(bytes, type, nalLimit) {
9265 | return findNal(bytes, 'h264', type, nalLimit);
9266 | };
9267 | var findH265Nal = function findH265Nal(bytes, type, nalLimit) {
9268 | return findNal(bytes, 'h265', type, nalLimit);
9269 | };
9270 |
9271 | var CONSTANTS = {
9272 |
9273 | 'webm': toUint8([0x77, 0x65, 0x62, 0x6d]),
9274 |
9275 | 'matroska': toUint8([0x6d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x73, 0x6b, 0x61]),
9276 |
9277 | 'flac': toUint8([0x66, 0x4c, 0x61, 0x43]),
9278 |
9279 | 'ogg': toUint8([0x4f, 0x67, 0x67, 0x53]),
9280 |
9281 |
9282 | 'ac3': toUint8([0x0b, 0x77]),
9283 |
9284 | 'riff': toUint8([0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46]),
9285 |
9286 | 'avi': toUint8([0x41, 0x56, 0x49]),
9287 |
9288 | 'wav': toUint8([0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x45]),
9289 |
9290 | '3gp': toUint8([0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x33, 0x67]),
9291 |
9292 | 'mp4': toUint8([0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70]),
9293 |
9294 | 'fmp4': toUint8([0x73, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70]),
9295 |
9296 | 'mov': toUint8([0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x71, 0x74]),
9297 |
9298 | 'moov': toUint8([0x6D, 0x6F, 0x6F, 0x76]),
9299 |
9300 | 'moof': toUint8([0x6D, 0x6F, 0x6F, 0x66])
9301 | };
9302 | var _isLikely = {
9303 | aac: function aac(bytes) {
9304 | var offset = getId3Offset(bytes);
9305 | return bytesMatch(bytes, [0xFF, 0x10], {
9306 | offset: offset,
9307 | mask: [0xFF, 0x16]
9308 | });
9309 | },
9310 | mp3: function mp3(bytes) {
9311 | var offset = getId3Offset(bytes);
9312 | return bytesMatch(bytes, [0xFF, 0x02], {
9313 | offset: offset,
9314 | mask: [0xFF, 0x06]
9315 | });
9316 | },
9317 | webm: function webm(bytes) {
9318 | var docType = findEbml(bytes, [EBML_TAGS.EBML, EBML_TAGS.DocType])[0];
9319 |
9320 | return bytesMatch(docType, CONSTANTS.webm);
9321 | },
9322 | mkv: function mkv(bytes) {
9323 | var docType = findEbml(bytes, [EBML_TAGS.EBML, EBML_TAGS.DocType])[0];
9324 |
9325 | return bytesMatch(docType, CONSTANTS.matroska);
9326 | },
9327 | mp4: function mp4(bytes) {
9328 |
9329 | if (_isLikely['3gp'](bytes) || _isLikely.mov(bytes)) {
9330 | return false;
9331 | }
9332 |
9333 |
9334 | if (bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.mp4, {
9335 | offset: 4
9336 | }) || bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.fmp4, {
9337 | offset: 4
9338 | })) {
9339 | return true;
9340 | }
9341 |
9342 |
9343 | if (bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.moof, {
9344 | offset: 4
9345 | }) || bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.moov, {
9346 | offset: 4
9347 | })) {
9348 | return true;
9349 | }
9350 | },
9351 | mov: function mov(bytes) {
9352 | return bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.mov, {
9353 | offset: 4
9354 | });
9355 | },
9356 | '3gp': function gp(bytes) {
9357 | return bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS['3gp'], {
9358 | offset: 4
9359 | });
9360 | },
9361 | ac3: function ac3(bytes) {
9362 | var offset = getId3Offset(bytes);
9363 | return bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.ac3, {
9364 | offset: offset
9365 | });
9366 | },
9367 | ts: function ts(bytes) {
9368 | if (bytes.length < 189 && bytes.length >= 1) {
9369 | return bytes[0] === 0x47;
9370 | }
9371 |
9372 | var i = 0;
9373 |
9374 | while (i + 188 < bytes.length && i < 188) {
9375 | if (bytes[i] === 0x47 && bytes[i + 188] === 0x47) {
9376 | return true;
9377 | }
9378 |
9379 | i += 1;
9380 | }
9381 |
9382 | return false;
9383 | },
9384 | flac: function flac(bytes) {
9385 | var offset = getId3Offset(bytes);
9386 | return bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.flac, {
9387 | offset: offset
9388 | });
9389 | },
9390 | ogg: function ogg(bytes) {
9391 | return bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.ogg);
9392 | },
9393 | avi: function avi(bytes) {
9394 | return bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.riff) && bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.avi, {
9395 | offset: 8
9396 | });
9397 | },
9398 | wav: function wav(bytes) {
9399 | return bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.riff) && bytesMatch(bytes, CONSTANTS.wav, {
9400 | offset: 8
9401 | });
9402 | },
9403 | 'h264': function h264(bytes) {
9404 |
9405 | return findH264Nal(bytes, 7, 3).length;
9406 | },
9407 | 'h265': function h265(bytes) {
9408 |
9409 | return findH265Nal(bytes, [32, 33], 3).length;
9410 | }
9411 | };
9412 |
9413 |
9414 |
9415 | var isLikelyTypes = Object.keys(_isLikely)
9416 | .filter(function (t) {
9417 | return t !== 'ts' && t !== 'h264' && t !== 'h265';
9418 | })
9419 | .concat(['ts', 'h264', 'h265']);
9420 |
9421 | isLikelyTypes.forEach(function (type) {
9422 | var isLikelyFn = _isLikely[type];
9423 |
9424 | _isLikely[type] = function (bytes) {
9425 | return isLikelyFn(toUint8(bytes));
9426 | };
9427 | });
9428 |
9429 | var isLikely = _isLikely;
9430 |
9431 |
9432 | var detectContainerForBytes = function detectContainerForBytes(bytes) {
9433 | bytes = toUint8(bytes);
9434 |
9435 | for (var i = 0; i < isLikelyTypes.length; i++) {
9436 | var type = isLikelyTypes[i];
9437 |
9438 | if (isLikely[type](bytes)) {
9439 | return type;
9440 | }
9441 | }
9442 |
9443 | return '';
9444 | };
9445 |
9446 | var isLikelyFmp4MediaSegment = function isLikelyFmp4MediaSegment(bytes) {
9447 | return findBox(bytes, ['moof']).length > 0;
9448 | };
9449 |
9450 |
9451 |
9452 | const callbackOnCompleted = (request, cb) => {
9453 | if (request.readyState === 4) {
9454 | return cb();
9455 | }
9456 |
9457 | return;
9458 | };
9459 |
9460 | const containerRequest = (uri, xhr, cb) => {
9461 | let bytes = [];
9462 | let id3Offset;
9463 | let finished = false;
9464 |
9465 | const endRequestAndCallback = function (err, req, type, _bytes) {
9466 | req.abort();
9467 | finished = true;
9468 | return cb(err, req, type, _bytes);
9469 | };
9470 |
9471 | const progressListener = function (error, request) {
9472 | if (finished) {
9473 | return;
9474 | }
9475 |
9476 | if (error) {
9477 | return endRequestAndCallback(error, request, '', bytes);
9478 | }
9479 |
9480 |
9481 | const newPart = request.responseText.substring(bytes && bytes.byteLength || 0, request.responseText.length);
9482 |
9483 | bytes = concatTypedArrays(bytes, stringToBytes(newPart, true));
9484 | id3Offset = id3Offset || getId3Offset(bytes);
9485 |
9486 |
9487 | if (bytes.length < 10 || id3Offset && bytes.length < id3Offset + 2) {
9488 | return callbackOnCompleted(request, () => endRequestAndCallback(error, request, '', bytes));
9489 | }
9490 |
9491 | const type = detectContainerForBytes(bytes);
9492 |
9493 |
9494 |
9495 | if (type === 'ts' && bytes.length < 188) {
9496 | return callbackOnCompleted(request, () => endRequestAndCallback(error, request, '', bytes));
9497 | }
9498 |
9499 |
9500 |
9501 | if (!type && bytes.length < 376) {
9502 | return callbackOnCompleted(request, () => endRequestAndCallback(error, request, '', bytes));
9503 | }
9504 |
9505 | return endRequestAndCallback(null, request, type, bytes);
9506 | };
9507 |
9508 | const options = {
9509 | uri,
9510 |
9511 | beforeSend(request) {
9512 |
9513 | request.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
9514 | request.addEventListener('progress', function ({
9515 | total,
9516 | loaded
9517 | }) {
9518 | return callbackWrapper(request, null, {
9519 | statusCode: request.status
9520 | }, progressListener);
9521 | });
9522 | }
9523 |
9524 | };
9525 | const request = xhr(options, function (error, response) {
9526 | return callbackWrapper(request, error, response, progressListener);
9527 | });
9528 | return request;
9529 | };
9530 |
9531 | const {
9532 | EventTarget
9533 | } = videojs__default["default"];
9534 |
9535 | const dashPlaylistUnchanged = function (a, b) {
9536 | if (!isPlaylistUnchanged(a, b)) {
9537 | return false;
9538 | }
9539 |
9540 |
9541 |
9542 |
9543 |
9544 |
9545 |
9546 | if (a.sidx && b.sidx && (a.sidx.offset !== b.sidx.offset || a.sidx.length !== b.sidx.length)) {
9547 | return false;
9548 | } else if (!a.sidx && b.sidx || a.sidx && !b.sidx) {
9549 | return false;
9550 | }
9551 |
9552 |
9553 |
9554 | if (a.segments && !b.segments || !a.segments && b.segments) {
9555 | return false;
9556 | }
9557 |
9558 |
9559 | if (!a.segments && !b.segments) {
9560 | return true;
9561 | }
9562 |
9563 |
9564 | for (let i = 0; i < a.segments.length; i++) {
9565 | const aSegment = a.segments[i];
9566 | const bSegment = b.segments[i];
9567 |
9568 | if (aSegment.uri !== bSegment.uri) {
9569 | return false;
9570 | }
9571 |
9572 |
9573 | if (!aSegment.byterange && !bSegment.byterange) {
9574 | continue;
9575 | }
9576 |
9577 | const aByterange = aSegment.byterange;
9578 | const bByterange = bSegment.byterange;
9579 |
9580 | if (aByterange && !bByterange || !aByterange && bByterange) {
9581 | return false;
9582 | }
9583 |
9584 |
9585 | if (aByterange.offset !== bByterange.offset || aByterange.length !== bByterange.length) {
9586 | return false;
9587 | }
9588 | }
9589 |
9590 |
9591 | return true;
9592 | };
9593 | |
9594 |
9595 |
9596 |
9597 |
9598 |
9599 |
9600 |
9601 | const dashGroupId = (type, group, label, playlist) => {
9602 |
9603 | const playlistId = playlist.attributes.NAME || label;
9604 | return `placeholder-uri-${type}-${group}-${playlistId}`;
9605 | };
9606 | |
9607 |
9608 |
9609 |
9610 |
9611 |
9612 |
9613 |
9614 |
9615 |
9616 |
9617 |
9618 |
9619 |
9620 |
9621 |
9622 |
9623 |
9624 | const parseMainXml = ({
9625 | mainXml,
9626 | srcUrl,
9627 | clientOffset,
9628 | sidxMapping,
9629 | previousManifest
9630 | }) => {
9631 | const manifest = parse(mainXml, {
9632 | manifestUri: srcUrl,
9633 | clientOffset,
9634 | sidxMapping,
9635 | previousManifest
9636 | });
9637 | addPropertiesToMain(manifest, srcUrl, dashGroupId);
9638 | return manifest;
9639 | };
9640 | |
9641 |
9642 |
9643 |
9644 |
9645 |
9646 |
9647 |
9648 |
9649 | const removeOldMediaGroupLabels = (update, newMain) => {
9650 | forEachMediaGroup$1(update, (properties, type, group, label) => {
9651 | if (!(label in newMain.mediaGroups[type][group])) {
9652 | delete update.mediaGroups[type][group][label];
9653 | }
9654 | });
9655 | };
9656 | |
9657 |
9658 |
9659 |
9660 |
9661 |
9662 |
9663 |
9664 |
9665 |
9666 |
9667 |
9668 |
9669 |
9670 | const updateMain = (oldMain, newMain, sidxMapping) => {
9671 | let noChanges = true;
9672 | let update = merge$1(oldMain, {
9673 |
9674 | duration: newMain.duration,
9675 | minimumUpdatePeriod: newMain.minimumUpdatePeriod,
9676 | timelineStarts: newMain.timelineStarts
9677 | });
9678 |
9679 | for (let i = 0; i < newMain.playlists.length; i++) {
9680 | const playlist = newMain.playlists[i];
9681 |
9682 | if (playlist.sidx) {
9683 | const sidxKey = generateSidxKey(playlist.sidx);
9684 |
9685 | if (sidxMapping && sidxMapping[sidxKey] && sidxMapping[sidxKey].sidx) {
9686 | addSidxSegmentsToPlaylist$1(playlist, sidxMapping[sidxKey].sidx, playlist.sidx.resolvedUri);
9687 | }
9688 | }
9689 |
9690 | const playlistUpdate = updateMain$1(update, playlist, dashPlaylistUnchanged);
9691 |
9692 | if (playlistUpdate) {
9693 | update = playlistUpdate;
9694 | noChanges = false;
9695 | }
9696 | }
9697 |
9698 |
9699 | forEachMediaGroup$1(newMain, (properties, type, group, label) => {
9700 | if (properties.playlists && properties.playlists.length) {
9701 | const id = properties.playlists[0].id;
9702 | const playlistUpdate = updateMain$1(update, properties.playlists[0], dashPlaylistUnchanged);
9703 |
9704 | if (playlistUpdate) {
9705 | update = playlistUpdate;
9706 |
9707 | if (!(label in update.mediaGroups[type][group])) {
9708 | update.mediaGroups[type][group][label] = properties;
9709 | }
9710 |
9711 |
9712 | update.mediaGroups[type][group][label].playlists[0] = update.playlists[id];
9713 | noChanges = false;
9714 | }
9715 | }
9716 | });
9717 |
9718 | removeOldMediaGroupLabels(update, newMain);
9719 |
9720 | if (newMain.minimumUpdatePeriod !== oldMain.minimumUpdatePeriod) {
9721 | noChanges = false;
9722 | }
9723 |
9724 | if (noChanges) {
9725 | return null;
9726 | }
9727 |
9728 | return update;
9729 | };
9730 |
9731 |
9732 |
9733 |
9734 | const equivalentSidx = (a, b) => {
9735 | const neitherMap = Boolean(!a.map && !b.map);
9736 | const equivalentMap = neitherMap || Boolean(a.map && b.map && a.map.byterange.offset === b.map.byterange.offset && a.map.byterange.length === b.map.byterange.length);
9737 | return equivalentMap && a.uri === b.uri && a.byterange.offset === b.byterange.offset && a.byterange.length === b.byterange.length;
9738 | };
9739 |
9740 |
9741 | const compareSidxEntry = (playlists, oldSidxMapping) => {
9742 | const newSidxMapping = {};
9743 |
9744 | for (const id in playlists) {
9745 | const playlist = playlists[id];
9746 | const currentSidxInfo = playlist.sidx;
9747 |
9748 | if (currentSidxInfo) {
9749 | const key = generateSidxKey(currentSidxInfo);
9750 |
9751 | if (!oldSidxMapping[key]) {
9752 | break;
9753 | }
9754 |
9755 | const savedSidxInfo = oldSidxMapping[key].sidxInfo;
9756 |
9757 | if (equivalentSidx(savedSidxInfo, currentSidxInfo)) {
9758 | newSidxMapping[key] = oldSidxMapping[key];
9759 | }
9760 | }
9761 | }
9762 |
9763 | return newSidxMapping;
9764 | };
9765 | |
9766 |
9767 |
9768 |
9769 |
9770 |
9771 |
9772 |
9773 |
9774 | const filterChangedSidxMappings = (main, oldSidxMapping) => {
9775 | const videoSidx = compareSidxEntry(main.playlists, oldSidxMapping);
9776 | let mediaGroupSidx = videoSidx;
9777 | forEachMediaGroup$1(main, (properties, mediaType, groupKey, labelKey) => {
9778 | if (properties.playlists && properties.playlists.length) {
9779 | const playlists = properties.playlists;
9780 | mediaGroupSidx = merge$1(mediaGroupSidx, compareSidxEntry(playlists, oldSidxMapping));
9781 | }
9782 | });
9783 | return mediaGroupSidx;
9784 | };
9785 | class DashPlaylistLoader extends EventTarget {
9786 |
9787 |
9788 |
9789 | constructor(srcUrlOrPlaylist, vhs, options = {}, mainPlaylistLoader) {
9790 | super();
9791 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_ = mainPlaylistLoader || this;
9792 |
9793 | if (!mainPlaylistLoader) {
9794 | this.isMain_ = true;
9795 | }
9796 |
9797 | const {
9798 | withCredentials = false
9799 | } = options;
9800 | this.vhs_ = vhs;
9801 | this.withCredentials = withCredentials;
9802 | this.addMetadataToTextTrack = options.addMetadataToTextTrack;
9803 |
9804 | if (!srcUrlOrPlaylist) {
9805 | throw new Error('A non-empty playlist URL or object is required');
9806 | }
9807 |
9808 |
9809 | this.on('minimumUpdatePeriod', () => {
9810 | this.refreshXml_();
9811 | });
9812 |
9813 | this.on('mediaupdatetimeout', () => {
9814 | this.refreshMedia_(this.media().id);
9815 | });
9816 | this.state = 'HAVE_NOTHING';
9817 | this.loadedPlaylists_ = {};
9818 | this.logger_ = logger('DashPlaylistLoader');
9819 |
9820 |
9821 | if (this.isMain_) {
9822 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.srcUrl = srcUrlOrPlaylist;
9823 |
9824 |
9825 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.sidxMapping_ = {};
9826 | } else {
9827 | this.childPlaylist_ = srcUrlOrPlaylist;
9828 | }
9829 | }
9830 |
9831 | requestErrored_(err, request, startingState) {
9832 |
9833 | if (!this.request) {
9834 | return true;
9835 | }
9836 |
9837 |
9838 | this.request = null;
9839 |
9840 | if (err) {
9841 |
9842 |
9843 | this.error = typeof err === 'object' && !(err instanceof Error) ? err : {
9844 | status: request.status,
9845 | message: 'DASH request error at URL: ' + request.uri,
9846 | response: request.response,
9847 |
9848 | code: 2
9849 | };
9850 |
9851 | if (startingState) {
9852 | this.state = startingState;
9853 | }
9854 |
9855 | this.trigger('error');
9856 | return true;
9857 | }
9858 | }
9859 | |
9860 |
9861 |
9862 |
9863 |
9864 |
9865 | addSidxSegments_(playlist, startingState, cb) {
9866 | const sidxKey = playlist.sidx && generateSidxKey(playlist.sidx);
9867 |
9868 | if (!playlist.sidx || !sidxKey || this.mainPlaylistLoader_.sidxMapping_[sidxKey]) {
9869 |
9870 | this.mediaRequest_ = window.setTimeout(() => cb(false), 0);
9871 | return;
9872 | }
9873 |
9874 |
9875 | const uri = resolveManifestRedirect(playlist.sidx.resolvedUri);
9876 |
9877 | const fin = (err, request) => {
9878 | if (this.requestErrored_(err, request, startingState)) {
9879 | return;
9880 | }
9881 |
9882 | const sidxMapping = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.sidxMapping_;
9883 | let sidx;
9884 |
9885 | try {
9886 | sidx = parseSidx_1(toUint8(request.response).subarray(8));
9887 | } catch (e) {
9888 |
9889 | this.requestErrored_(e, request, startingState);
9890 | return;
9891 | }
9892 |
9893 | sidxMapping[sidxKey] = {
9894 | sidxInfo: playlist.sidx,
9895 | sidx
9896 | };
9897 | addSidxSegmentsToPlaylist$1(playlist, sidx, playlist.sidx.resolvedUri);
9898 | return cb(true);
9899 | };
9900 |
9901 | this.request = containerRequest(uri, this.vhs_.xhr, (err, request, container, bytes) => {
9902 | if (err) {
9903 | return fin(err, request);
9904 | }
9905 |
9906 | if (!container || container !== 'mp4') {
9907 | return fin({
9908 | status: request.status,
9909 | message: `Unsupported ${container || 'unknown'} container type for sidx segment at URL: ${uri}`,
9910 |
9911 |
9912 | response: '',
9913 | playlist,
9914 | internal: true,
9915 | playlistExclusionDuration: Infinity,
9916 |
9917 | code: 2
9918 | }, request);
9919 | }
9920 |
9921 |
9922 | const {
9923 | offset,
9924 | length
9925 | } = playlist.sidx.byterange;
9926 |
9927 | if (bytes.length >= length + offset) {
9928 | return fin(err, {
9929 | response: bytes.subarray(offset, offset + length),
9930 | status: request.status,
9931 | uri: request.uri
9932 | });
9933 | }
9934 |
9935 |
9936 | this.request = this.vhs_.xhr({
9937 | uri,
9938 | responseType: 'arraybuffer',
9939 | headers: segmentXhrHeaders({
9940 | byterange: playlist.sidx.byterange
9941 | })
9942 | }, fin);
9943 | });
9944 | }
9945 |
9946 | dispose() {
9947 | this.trigger('dispose');
9948 | this.stopRequest();
9949 | this.loadedPlaylists_ = {};
9950 | window.clearTimeout(this.minimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_);
9951 | window.clearTimeout(this.mediaRequest_);
9952 | window.clearTimeout(this.mediaUpdateTimeout);
9953 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = null;
9954 | this.mediaRequest_ = null;
9955 | this.minimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_ = null;
9956 |
9957 | if (this.mainPlaylistLoader_.createMupOnMedia_) {
9958 | this.off('loadedmetadata', this.mainPlaylistLoader_.createMupOnMedia_);
9959 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.createMupOnMedia_ = null;
9960 | }
9961 |
9962 | this.off();
9963 | }
9964 |
9965 | hasPendingRequest() {
9966 | return this.request || this.mediaRequest_;
9967 | }
9968 |
9969 | stopRequest() {
9970 | if (this.request) {
9971 | const oldRequest = this.request;
9972 | this.request = null;
9973 | oldRequest.onreadystatechange = null;
9974 | oldRequest.abort();
9975 | }
9976 | }
9977 |
9978 | media(playlist) {
9979 |
9980 | if (!playlist) {
9981 | return this.media_;
9982 | }
9983 |
9984 |
9985 | if (this.state === 'HAVE_NOTHING') {
9986 | throw new Error('Cannot switch media playlist from ' + this.state);
9987 | }
9988 |
9989 | const startingState = this.state;
9990 |
9991 | if (typeof playlist === 'string') {
9992 | if (!this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.playlists[playlist]) {
9993 | throw new Error('Unknown playlist URI: ' + playlist);
9994 | }
9995 |
9996 | playlist = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.playlists[playlist];
9997 | }
9998 |
9999 | const mediaChange = !this.media_ || playlist.id !== this.media_.id;
10000 |
10001 | if (mediaChange && this.loadedPlaylists_[playlist.id] && this.loadedPlaylists_[playlist.id].endList) {
10002 | this.state = 'HAVE_METADATA';
10003 | this.media_ = playlist;
10004 |
10005 | if (mediaChange) {
10006 | this.trigger('mediachanging');
10007 | this.trigger('mediachange');
10008 | }
10009 |
10010 | return;
10011 | }
10012 |
10013 |
10014 | if (!mediaChange) {
10015 | return;
10016 | }
10017 |
10018 |
10019 | if (this.media_) {
10020 | this.trigger('mediachanging');
10021 | }
10022 |
10023 | this.addSidxSegments_(playlist, startingState, sidxChanged => {
10024 |
10025 | this.haveMetadata({
10026 | startingState,
10027 | playlist
10028 | });
10029 | });
10030 | }
10031 |
10032 | haveMetadata({
10033 | startingState,
10034 | playlist
10035 | }) {
10036 | this.state = 'HAVE_METADATA';
10037 | this.loadedPlaylists_[playlist.id] = playlist;
10038 | this.mediaRequest_ = null;
10039 |
10040 | this.refreshMedia_(playlist.id);
10041 |
10042 |
10043 | if (startingState === 'HAVE_MAIN_MANIFEST') {
10044 | this.trigger('loadedmetadata');
10045 | } else {
10046 |
10047 | this.trigger('mediachange');
10048 | }
10049 | }
10050 |
10051 | pause() {
10052 | if (this.mainPlaylistLoader_.createMupOnMedia_) {
10053 | this.off('loadedmetadata', this.mainPlaylistLoader_.createMupOnMedia_);
10054 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.createMupOnMedia_ = null;
10055 | }
10056 |
10057 | this.stopRequest();
10058 | window.clearTimeout(this.mediaUpdateTimeout);
10059 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = null;
10060 |
10061 | if (this.isMain_) {
10062 | window.clearTimeout(this.mainPlaylistLoader_.minimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_);
10063 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.minimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_ = null;
10064 | }
10065 |
10066 | if (this.state === 'HAVE_NOTHING') {
10067 |
10068 |
10069 | this.started = false;
10070 | }
10071 | }
10072 |
10073 | load(isFinalRendition) {
10074 | window.clearTimeout(this.mediaUpdateTimeout);
10075 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = null;
10076 | const media = this.media();
10077 |
10078 | if (isFinalRendition) {
10079 | const delay = media ? media.targetDuration / 2 * 1000 : 5 * 1000;
10080 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => this.load(), delay);
10081 | return;
10082 | }
10083 |
10084 |
10085 |
10086 | if (!this.started) {
10087 | this.start();
10088 | return;
10089 | }
10090 |
10091 | if (media && !media.endList) {
10092 |
10093 |
10094 |
10095 | if (this.isMain_ && !this.minimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_) {
10096 |
10097 | this.trigger('minimumUpdatePeriod');
10098 |
10099 | this.updateMinimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_();
10100 | }
10101 |
10102 | this.trigger('mediaupdatetimeout');
10103 | } else {
10104 | this.trigger('loadedplaylist');
10105 | }
10106 | }
10107 |
10108 | start() {
10109 | this.started = true;
10110 |
10111 |
10112 | if (!this.isMain_) {
10113 | this.mediaRequest_ = window.setTimeout(() => this.haveMain_(), 0);
10114 | return;
10115 | }
10116 |
10117 | this.requestMain_((req, mainChanged) => {
10118 | this.haveMain_();
10119 |
10120 | if (!this.hasPendingRequest() && !this.media_) {
10121 | this.media(this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.playlists[0]);
10122 | }
10123 | });
10124 | }
10125 |
10126 | requestMain_(cb) {
10127 | this.request = this.vhs_.xhr({
10128 | uri: this.mainPlaylistLoader_.srcUrl,
10129 | withCredentials: this.withCredentials
10130 | }, (error, req) => {
10131 | if (this.requestErrored_(error, req)) {
10132 | if (this.state === 'HAVE_NOTHING') {
10133 | this.started = false;
10134 | }
10135 |
10136 | return;
10137 | }
10138 |
10139 | const mainChanged = req.responseText !== this.mainPlaylistLoader_.mainXml_;
10140 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.mainXml_ = req.responseText;
10141 |
10142 | if (req.responseHeaders && req.responseHeaders.date) {
10143 | this.mainLoaded_ = Date.parse(req.responseHeaders.date);
10144 | } else {
10145 | this.mainLoaded_ = Date.now();
10146 | }
10147 |
10148 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.srcUrl = resolveManifestRedirect(this.mainPlaylistLoader_.srcUrl, req);
10149 |
10150 | if (mainChanged) {
10151 | this.handleMain_();
10152 | this.syncClientServerClock_(() => {
10153 | return cb(req, mainChanged);
10154 | });
10155 | return;
10156 | }
10157 |
10158 | return cb(req, mainChanged);
10159 | });
10160 | }
10161 | |
10162 |
10163 |
10164 |
10165 |
10166 |
10167 |
10168 |
10169 |
10170 | syncClientServerClock_(done) {
10171 | const utcTiming = parseUTCTiming(this.mainPlaylistLoader_.mainXml_);
10172 |
10173 |
10174 | if (utcTiming === null) {
10175 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.clientOffset_ = this.mainLoaded_ - Date.now();
10176 | return done();
10177 | }
10178 |
10179 | if (utcTiming.method === 'DIRECT') {
10180 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.clientOffset_ = utcTiming.value - Date.now();
10181 | return done();
10182 | }
10183 |
10184 | this.request = this.vhs_.xhr({
10185 | uri: resolveUrl(this.mainPlaylistLoader_.srcUrl, utcTiming.value),
10186 | method: utcTiming.method,
10187 | withCredentials: this.withCredentials
10188 | }, (error, req) => {
10189 |
10190 | if (!this.request) {
10191 | return;
10192 | }
10193 |
10194 | if (error) {
10195 |
10196 |
10197 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.clientOffset_ = this.mainLoaded_ - Date.now();
10198 | return done();
10199 | }
10200 |
10201 | let serverTime;
10202 |
10203 | if (utcTiming.method === 'HEAD') {
10204 | if (!req.responseHeaders || !req.responseHeaders.date) {
10205 |
10206 |
10207 | serverTime = this.mainLoaded_;
10208 | } else {
10209 | serverTime = Date.parse(req.responseHeaders.date);
10210 | }
10211 | } else {
10212 | serverTime = Date.parse(req.responseText);
10213 | }
10214 |
10215 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.clientOffset_ = serverTime - Date.now();
10216 | done();
10217 | });
10218 | }
10219 |
10220 | haveMain_() {
10221 | this.state = 'HAVE_MAIN_MANIFEST';
10222 |
10223 | if (this.isMain_) {
10224 |
10225 |
10226 |
10227 | this.trigger('loadedplaylist');
10228 | } else if (!this.media_) {
10229 |
10230 |
10231 | this.media(this.childPlaylist_);
10232 | }
10233 | }
10234 |
10235 | handleMain_() {
10236 |
10237 | this.mediaRequest_ = null;
10238 | const oldMain = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main;
10239 | let newMain = parseMainXml({
10240 | mainXml: this.mainPlaylistLoader_.mainXml_,
10241 | srcUrl: this.mainPlaylistLoader_.srcUrl,
10242 | clientOffset: this.mainPlaylistLoader_.clientOffset_,
10243 | sidxMapping: this.mainPlaylistLoader_.sidxMapping_,
10244 | previousManifest: oldMain
10245 | });
10246 |
10247 | if (oldMain) {
10248 | newMain = updateMain(oldMain, newMain, this.mainPlaylistLoader_.sidxMapping_);
10249 | }
10250 |
10251 |
10252 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main = newMain ? newMain : oldMain;
10253 | const location = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.locations && this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.locations[0];
10254 |
10255 | if (location && location !== this.mainPlaylistLoader_.srcUrl) {
10256 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.srcUrl = location;
10257 | }
10258 |
10259 | if (!oldMain || newMain && newMain.minimumUpdatePeriod !== oldMain.minimumUpdatePeriod) {
10260 | this.updateMinimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_();
10261 | }
10262 |
10263 | this.addEventStreamToMetadataTrack_(newMain);
10264 | return Boolean(newMain);
10265 | }
10266 |
10267 | updateMinimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_() {
10268 | const mpl = this.mainPlaylistLoader_;
10269 |
10270 |
10271 | if (mpl.createMupOnMedia_) {
10272 | mpl.off('loadedmetadata', mpl.createMupOnMedia_);
10273 | mpl.createMupOnMedia_ = null;
10274 | }
10275 |
10276 |
10277 | if (mpl.minimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_) {
10278 | window.clearTimeout(mpl.minimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_);
10279 | mpl.minimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_ = null;
10280 | }
10281 |
10282 | let mup = mpl.main && mpl.main.minimumUpdatePeriod;
10283 |
10284 |
10285 |
10286 |
10287 | if (mup === 0) {
10288 | if (mpl.media()) {
10289 | mup = mpl.media().targetDuration * 1000;
10290 | } else {
10291 | mpl.createMupOnMedia_ = mpl.updateMinimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_;
10292 | mpl.one('loadedmetadata', mpl.createMupOnMedia_);
10293 | }
10294 | }
10295 |
10296 |
10297 |
10298 |
10299 | if (typeof mup !== 'number' || mup <= 0) {
10300 | if (mup < 0) {
10301 | this.logger_(`found invalid minimumUpdatePeriod of ${mup}, not setting a timeout`);
10302 | }
10303 |
10304 | return;
10305 | }
10306 |
10307 | this.createMUPTimeout_(mup);
10308 | }
10309 |
10310 | createMUPTimeout_(mup) {
10311 | const mpl = this.mainPlaylistLoader_;
10312 | mpl.minimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_ = window.setTimeout(() => {
10313 | mpl.minimumUpdatePeriodTimeout_ = null;
10314 | mpl.trigger('minimumUpdatePeriod');
10315 | mpl.createMUPTimeout_(mup);
10316 | }, mup);
10317 | }
10318 | |
10319 |
10320 |
10321 |
10322 |
10323 | refreshXml_() {
10324 | this.requestMain_((req, mainChanged) => {
10325 | if (!mainChanged) {
10326 | return;
10327 | }
10328 |
10329 | if (this.media_) {
10330 | this.media_ = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.playlists[this.media_.id];
10331 | }
10332 |
10333 |
10334 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.sidxMapping_ = filterChangedSidxMappings(this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main, this.mainPlaylistLoader_.sidxMapping_);
10335 | this.addSidxSegments_(this.media(), this.state, sidxChanged => {
10336 |
10337 | this.refreshMedia_(this.media().id);
10338 | });
10339 | });
10340 | }
10341 | |
10342 |
10343 |
10344 |
10345 |
10346 |
10347 |
10348 | refreshMedia_(mediaID) {
10349 | if (!mediaID) {
10350 | throw new Error('refreshMedia_ must take a media id');
10351 | }
10352 |
10353 |
10354 |
10355 |
10356 |
10357 |
10358 | if (this.media_ && this.isMain_) {
10359 | this.handleMain_();
10360 | }
10361 |
10362 | const playlists = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.playlists;
10363 | const mediaChanged = !this.media_ || this.media_ !== playlists[mediaID];
10364 |
10365 | if (mediaChanged) {
10366 | this.media_ = playlists[mediaID];
10367 | } else {
10368 | this.trigger('playlistunchanged');
10369 | }
10370 |
10371 | if (!this.mediaUpdateTimeout) {
10372 | const createMediaUpdateTimeout = () => {
10373 | if (this.media().endList) {
10374 | return;
10375 | }
10376 |
10377 | this.mediaUpdateTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
10378 | this.trigger('mediaupdatetimeout');
10379 | createMediaUpdateTimeout();
10380 | }, refreshDelay(this.media(), Boolean(mediaChanged)));
10381 | };
10382 |
10383 | createMediaUpdateTimeout();
10384 | }
10385 |
10386 | this.trigger('loadedplaylist');
10387 | }
10388 | |
10389 |
10390 |
10391 |
10392 |
10393 |
10394 |
10395 | addEventStreamToMetadataTrack_(newMain) {
10396 |
10397 | if (newMain && this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.eventStream) {
10398 |
10399 | const metadataArray = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.eventStream.map(eventStreamNode => {
10400 | return {
10401 | cueTime: eventStreamNode.start,
10402 | frames: [{
10403 | data: eventStreamNode.messageData
10404 | }]
10405 | };
10406 | });
10407 | this.addMetadataToTextTrack('EventStream', metadataArray, this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.duration);
10408 | }
10409 | }
10410 | |
10411 |
10412 |
10413 |
10414 |
10415 |
10416 |
10417 |
10418 | getKeyIdSet(playlist) {
10419 | if (playlist.contentProtection) {
10420 | const keyIds = new Set();
10421 |
10422 | for (const keysystem in playlist.contentProtection) {
10423 | const defaultKID = playlist.contentProtection[keysystem].attributes['cenc:default_KID'];
10424 |
10425 | if (defaultKID) {
10426 |
10427 | keyIds.add(defaultKID.replace(/-/g, '').toLowerCase());
10428 | }
10429 | }
10430 |
10431 | return keyIds;
10432 | }
10433 | }
10434 |
10435 | }
10436 |
10437 | var Config = {
10442 |
10443 | INITIAL_BANDWIDTH: 4194304,
10444 |
10445 |
10447 |
10450 |
10453 |
10455 | };
10456 |
10457 | const stringToArrayBuffer = string => {
10458 | const view = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(string.length));
10459 |
10460 | for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
10461 | view[i] = string.charCodeAt(i);
10462 | }
10463 |
10464 | return view.buffer;
10465 | };
10466 |
10467 |
10468 |
10469 | const browserWorkerPolyFill = function (workerObj) {
10470 |
10471 | workerObj.on = workerObj.addEventListener;
10472 | workerObj.off = workerObj.removeEventListener;
10473 | return workerObj;
10474 | };
10475 |
10476 | const createObjectURL = function (str) {
10477 | try {
10478 | return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([str], {
10479 | type: 'application/javascript'
10480 | }));
10481 | } catch (e) {
10482 | const blob = new BlobBuilder();
10483 | blob.append(str);
10484 | return URL.createObjectURL(blob.getBlob());
10485 | }
10486 | };
10487 |
10488 | const factory = function (code) {
10489 | return function () {
10490 | const objectUrl = createObjectURL(code);
10491 | const worker = browserWorkerPolyFill(new Worker(objectUrl));
10492 | worker.objURL = objectUrl;
10493 | const terminate = worker.terminate;
10494 | worker.on = worker.addEventListener;
10495 | worker.off = worker.removeEventListener;
10496 |
10497 | worker.terminate = function () {
10498 | URL.revokeObjectURL(objectUrl);
10499 | return terminate.call(this);
10500 | };
10501 |
10502 | return worker;
10503 | };
10504 | };
10505 | const transform = function (code) {
10506 | return `var browserWorkerPolyFill = ${browserWorkerPolyFill.toString()};\n` + 'browserWorkerPolyFill(self);\n' + code;
10507 | };
10508 |
10509 | const getWorkerString = function (fn) {
10510 | return fn.toString().replace(/^function.+?{/, '').slice(0, -1);
10511 | };
10512 |
10513 |
10514 | const workerCode$1 = transform(getWorkerString(function () {
10515 |
10516 | var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
10517 | |
10518 |
10519 |
10520 |
10521 |
10522 |
10523 |
10524 |
10525 |
10526 |
10527 | var Stream$8 = function () {
10528 | this.init = function () {
10529 | var listeners = {};
10530 | |
10531 |
10532 |
10533 |
10534 |
10535 |
10536 |
10537 | this.on = function (type, listener) {
10538 | if (!listeners[type]) {
10539 | listeners[type] = [];
10540 | }
10541 |
10542 | listeners[type] = listeners[type].concat(listener);
10543 | };
10544 | |
10545 |
10546 |
10547 |
10548 |
10549 |
10550 |
10551 |
10552 | this.off = function (type, listener) {
10553 | var index;
10554 |
10555 | if (!listeners[type]) {
10556 | return false;
10557 | }
10558 |
10559 | index = listeners[type].indexOf(listener);
10560 | listeners[type] = listeners[type].slice();
10561 | listeners[type].splice(index, 1);
10562 | return index > -1;
10563 | };
10564 | |
10565 |
10566 |
10567 |
10568 |
10569 |
10570 |
10571 | this.trigger = function (type) {
10572 | var callbacks, i, length, args;
10573 | callbacks = listeners[type];
10574 |
10575 | if (!callbacks) {
10576 | return;
10577 | }
10578 |
10579 |
10580 |
10581 |
10582 |
10583 | if (arguments.length === 2) {
10584 | length = callbacks.length;
10585 |
10586 | for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
10587 | callbacks[i].call(this, arguments[1]);
10588 | }
10589 | } else {
10590 | args = [];
10591 | i = arguments.length;
10592 |
10593 | for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
10594 | args.push(arguments[i]);
10595 | }
10596 |
10597 | length = callbacks.length;
10598 |
10599 | for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
10600 | callbacks[i].apply(this, args);
10601 | }
10602 | }
10603 | };
10604 | |
10605 |
10606 |
10607 |
10608 |
10609 | this.dispose = function () {
10610 | listeners = {};
10611 | };
10612 | };
10613 | };
10614 | |
10615 |
10616 |
10617 |
10618 |
10619 |
10620 |
10621 |
10622 |
10623 |
10624 |
10625 | Stream$8.prototype.pipe = function (destination) {
10626 | this.on('data', function (data) {
10627 | destination.push(data);
10628 | });
10629 | this.on('done', function (flushSource) {
10630 | destination.flush(flushSource);
10631 | });
10632 | this.on('partialdone', function (flushSource) {
10633 | destination.partialFlush(flushSource);
10634 | });
10635 | this.on('endedtimeline', function (flushSource) {
10636 | destination.endTimeline(flushSource);
10637 | });
10638 | this.on('reset', function (flushSource) {
10639 | destination.reset(flushSource);
10640 | });
10641 | return destination;
10642 | };
10643 |
10644 |
10645 |
10646 |
10647 |
10648 | Stream$8.prototype.push = function (data) {
10649 | this.trigger('data', data);
10650 | };
10651 |
10652 | Stream$8.prototype.flush = function (flushSource) {
10653 | this.trigger('done', flushSource);
10654 | };
10655 |
10656 | Stream$8.prototype.partialFlush = function (flushSource) {
10657 | this.trigger('partialdone', flushSource);
10658 | };
10659 |
10660 | Stream$8.prototype.endTimeline = function (flushSource) {
10661 | this.trigger('endedtimeline', flushSource);
10662 | };
10663 |
10664 | Stream$8.prototype.reset = function (flushSource) {
10665 | this.trigger('reset', flushSource);
10666 | };
10667 |
10668 | var stream = Stream$8;
10669 | var MAX_UINT32$1 = Math.pow(2, 32);
10670 |
10671 | var getUint64$3 = function (uint8) {
10672 | var dv = new DataView(uint8.buffer, uint8.byteOffset, uint8.byteLength);
10673 | var value;
10674 |
10675 | if (dv.getBigUint64) {
10676 | value = dv.getBigUint64(0);
10677 |
10678 | if (value < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
10679 | return Number(value);
10680 | }
10681 |
10682 | return value;
10683 | }
10684 |
10685 | return dv.getUint32(0) * MAX_UINT32$1 + dv.getUint32(4);
10686 | };
10687 |
10688 | var numbers = {
10689 | getUint64: getUint64$3,
10690 | MAX_UINT32: MAX_UINT32$1
10691 | };
10692 | |
10693 |
10694 |
10695 |
10696 |
10697 |
10698 |
10699 |
10700 |
10701 |
10702 | var MAX_UINT32 = numbers.MAX_UINT32;
10703 | var box, dinf, esds, ftyp, mdat, mfhd, minf, moof, moov, mvex, mvhd, trak, tkhd, mdia, mdhd, hdlr, sdtp, stbl, stsd, traf, trex, trun$1, types, MAJOR_BRAND, MINOR_VERSION, AVC1_BRAND, VIDEO_HDLR, AUDIO_HDLR, HDLR_TYPES, VMHD, SMHD, DREF, STCO, STSC, STSZ, STTS;
10704 |
10705 | (function () {
10706 | var i;
10707 | types = {
10708 | avc1: [],
10709 |
10710 | avcC: [],
10711 | btrt: [],
10712 | dinf: [],
10713 | dref: [],
10714 | esds: [],
10715 | ftyp: [],
10716 | hdlr: [],
10717 | mdat: [],
10718 | mdhd: [],
10719 | mdia: [],
10720 | mfhd: [],
10721 | minf: [],
10722 | moof: [],
10723 | moov: [],
10724 | mp4a: [],
10725 |
10726 | mvex: [],
10727 | mvhd: [],
10728 | pasp: [],
10729 | sdtp: [],
10730 | smhd: [],
10731 | stbl: [],
10732 | stco: [],
10733 | stsc: [],
10734 | stsd: [],
10735 | stsz: [],
10736 | stts: [],
10737 | styp: [],
10738 | tfdt: [],
10739 | tfhd: [],
10740 | traf: [],
10741 | trak: [],
10742 | trun: [],
10743 | trex: [],
10744 | tkhd: [],
10745 | vmhd: []
10746 | };
10747 |
10748 |
10749 | if (typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined') {
10750 | return;
10751 | }
10752 |
10753 | for (i in types) {
10754 | if (types.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
10755 | types[i] = [i.charCodeAt(0), i.charCodeAt(1), i.charCodeAt(2), i.charCodeAt(3)];
10756 | }
10757 | }
10758 |
10759 | MAJOR_BRAND = new Uint8Array(['i'.charCodeAt(0), 's'.charCodeAt(0), 'o'.charCodeAt(0), 'm'.charCodeAt(0)]);
10760 | AVC1_BRAND = new Uint8Array(['a'.charCodeAt(0), 'v'.charCodeAt(0), 'c'.charCodeAt(0), '1'.charCodeAt(0)]);
10761 | MINOR_VERSION = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 1]);
10762 | VIDEO_HDLR = new Uint8Array([0x00,
10763 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10764 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10765 | 0x76, 0x69, 0x64, 0x65,
10766 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10767 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10768 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10769 | 0x56, 0x69, 0x64, 0x65, 0x6f, 0x48, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x72, 0x00
10770 | ]);
10771 | AUDIO_HDLR = new Uint8Array([0x00,
10772 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10773 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10774 | 0x73, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e,
10775 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10776 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10777 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10778 | 0x53, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x48, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x72, 0x00
10779 | ]);
10780 | HDLR_TYPES = {
10781 | video: VIDEO_HDLR,
10782 | audio: AUDIO_HDLR
10783 | };
10784 | DREF = new Uint8Array([0x00,
10785 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10786 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
10787 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c,
10788 | 0x75, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x20,
10789 | 0x00,
10790 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x01
10791 | ]);
10792 | SMHD = new Uint8Array([0x00,
10793 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10794 | 0x00, 0x00,
10795 | 0x00, 0x00
10796 | ]);
10797 | STCO = new Uint8Array([0x00,
10798 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10799 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
10800 | ]);
10801 | STSC = STCO;
10802 | STSZ = new Uint8Array([0x00,
10803 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10804 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10805 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
10806 | ]);
10807 | STTS = STCO;
10808 | VMHD = new Uint8Array([0x00,
10809 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
10810 | 0x00, 0x00,
10811 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
10812 | ]);
10813 | })();
10814 |
10815 | box = function (type) {
10816 | var payload = [],
10817 | size = 0,
10818 | i,
10819 | result,
10820 | view;
10821 |
10822 | for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
10823 | payload.push(arguments[i]);
10824 | }
10825 |
10826 | i = payload.length;
10827 |
10828 | while (i--) {
10829 | size += payload[i].byteLength;
10830 | }
10831 |
10832 | result = new Uint8Array(size + 8);
10833 | view = new DataView(result.buffer, result.byteOffset, result.byteLength);
10834 | view.setUint32(0, result.byteLength);
10835 | result.set(type, 4);
10836 |
10837 | for (i = 0, size = 8; i < payload.length; i++) {
10838 | result.set(payload[i], size);
10839 | size += payload[i].byteLength;
10840 | }
10841 |
10842 | return result;
10843 | };
10844 |
10845 | dinf = function () {
10846 | return box(types.dinf, box(types.dref, DREF));
10847 | };
10848 |
10849 | esds = function (track) {
10850 | return box(types.esds, new Uint8Array([0x00,
10851 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10852 |
10853 | 0x03,
10854 | 0x19,
10855 | 0x00, 0x00,
10856 | 0x00,
10857 |
10858 | 0x04,
10859 | 0x11,
10860 | 0x40,
10861 | 0x15,
10862 | 0x00, 0x06, 0x00,
10863 | 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0xc0,
10864 | 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0xc0,
10865 |
10866 | 0x05,
10867 | 0x02,
10868 |
10869 |
10870 | track.audioobjecttype << 3 | track.samplingfrequencyindex >>> 1, track.samplingfrequencyindex << 7 | track.channelcount << 3, 0x06, 0x01, 0x02
10871 | ]));
10872 | };
10873 |
10874 | ftyp = function () {
10875 | return box(types.ftyp, MAJOR_BRAND, MINOR_VERSION, MAJOR_BRAND, AVC1_BRAND);
10876 | };
10877 |
10878 | hdlr = function (type) {
10879 | return box(types.hdlr, HDLR_TYPES[type]);
10880 | };
10881 |
10882 | mdat = function (data) {
10883 | return box(types.mdat, data);
10884 | };
10885 |
10886 | mdhd = function (track) {
10887 | var result = new Uint8Array([0x00,
10888 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10889 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,
10890 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03,
10891 | 0x00, 0x01, 0x5f, 0x90,
10892 | track.duration >>> 24 & 0xFF, track.duration >>> 16 & 0xFF, track.duration >>> 8 & 0xFF, track.duration & 0xFF,
10893 | 0x55, 0xc4,
10894 | 0x00, 0x00]);
10895 |
10896 |
10897 |
10898 | if (track.samplerate) {
10899 | result[12] = track.samplerate >>> 24 & 0xFF;
10900 | result[13] = track.samplerate >>> 16 & 0xFF;
10901 | result[14] = track.samplerate >>> 8 & 0xFF;
10902 | result[15] = track.samplerate & 0xFF;
10903 | }
10904 |
10905 | return box(types.mdhd, result);
10906 | };
10907 |
10908 | mdia = function (track) {
10909 | return box(types.mdia, mdhd(track), hdlr(track.type), minf(track));
10910 | };
10911 |
10912 | mfhd = function (sequenceNumber) {
10913 | return box(types.mfhd, new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10914 | (sequenceNumber & 0xFF000000) >> 24, (sequenceNumber & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (sequenceNumber & 0xFF00) >> 8, sequenceNumber & 0xFF
10915 | ]));
10916 | };
10917 |
10918 | minf = function (track) {
10919 | return box(types.minf, track.type === 'video' ? box(types.vmhd, VMHD) : box(types.smhd, SMHD), dinf(), stbl(track));
10920 | };
10921 |
10922 | moof = function (sequenceNumber, tracks) {
10923 | var trackFragments = [],
10924 | i = tracks.length;
10925 |
10926 | while (i--) {
10927 | trackFragments[i] = traf(tracks[i]);
10928 | }
10929 |
10930 | return box.apply(null, [types.moof, mfhd(sequenceNumber)].concat(trackFragments));
10931 | };
10932 | |
10933 |
10934 |
10935 |
10936 |
10937 |
10938 |
10939 | moov = function (tracks) {
10940 | var i = tracks.length,
10941 | boxes = [];
10942 |
10943 | while (i--) {
10944 | boxes[i] = trak(tracks[i]);
10945 | }
10946 |
10947 | return box.apply(null, [types.moov, mvhd(0xffffffff)].concat(boxes).concat(mvex(tracks)));
10948 | };
10949 |
10950 | mvex = function (tracks) {
10951 | var i = tracks.length,
10952 | boxes = [];
10953 |
10954 | while (i--) {
10955 | boxes[i] = trex(tracks[i]);
10956 | }
10957 |
10958 | return box.apply(null, [types.mvex].concat(boxes));
10959 | };
10960 |
10961 | mvhd = function (duration) {
10962 | var bytes = new Uint8Array([0x00,
10963 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10964 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
10965 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,
10966 | 0x00, 0x01, 0x5f, 0x90,
10967 | (duration & 0xFF000000) >> 24, (duration & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (duration & 0xFF00) >> 8, duration & 0xFF,
10968 | 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
10969 | 0x01, 0x00,
10970 | 0x00, 0x00,
10971 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10972 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10973 | 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10974 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
10975 | 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
10976 | ]);
10977 | return box(types.mvhd, bytes);
10978 | };
10979 |
10980 | sdtp = function (track) {
10981 | var samples = track.samples || [],
10982 | bytes = new Uint8Array(4 + samples.length),
10983 | flags,
10984 | i;
10985 |
10986 |
10987 | for (i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
10988 | flags = samples[i].flags;
10989 | bytes[i + 4] = flags.dependsOn << 4 | flags.isDependedOn << 2 | flags.hasRedundancy;
10990 | }
10991 |
10992 | return box(types.sdtp, bytes);
10993 | };
10994 |
10995 | stbl = function (track) {
10996 | return box(types.stbl, stsd(track), box(types.stts, STTS), box(types.stsc, STSC), box(types.stsz, STSZ), box(types.stco, STCO));
10997 | };
10998 |
10999 | (function () {
11000 | var videoSample, audioSample;
11001 |
11002 | stsd = function (track) {
11003 | return box(types.stsd, new Uint8Array([0x00,
11004 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11005 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]), track.type === 'video' ? videoSample(track) : audioSample(track));
11006 | };
11007 |
11008 | videoSample = function (track) {
11009 | var sps = track.sps || [],
11010 | pps = track.pps || [],
11011 | sequenceParameterSets = [],
11012 | pictureParameterSets = [],
11013 | i,
11014 | avc1Box;
11015 |
11016 | for (i = 0; i < sps.length; i++) {
11017 | sequenceParameterSets.push((sps[i].byteLength & 0xFF00) >>> 8);
11018 | sequenceParameterSets.push(sps[i].byteLength & 0xFF);
11019 |
11020 | sequenceParameterSets = sequenceParameterSets.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(sps[i]));
11021 | }
11022 |
11023 |
11024 | for (i = 0; i < pps.length; i++) {
11025 | pictureParameterSets.push((pps[i].byteLength & 0xFF00) >>> 8);
11026 | pictureParameterSets.push(pps[i].byteLength & 0xFF);
11027 | pictureParameterSets = pictureParameterSets.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(pps[i]));
11028 | }
11029 |
11030 | avc1Box = [types.avc1, new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11031 | 0x00, 0x01,
11032 | 0x00, 0x00,
11033 | 0x00, 0x00,
11034 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11035 | (track.width & 0xff00) >> 8, track.width & 0xff,
11036 | (track.height & 0xff00) >> 8, track.height & 0xff,
11037 | 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
11038 | 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
11039 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11040 | 0x00, 0x01,
11041 | 0x13, 0x76, 0x69, 0x64, 0x65, 0x6f, 0x6a, 0x73, 0x2d, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x72, 0x69, 0x62, 0x2d, 0x68, 0x6c, 0x73, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11042 | 0x00, 0x18,
11043 | 0x11, 0x11
11044 | ]), box(types.avcC, new Uint8Array([0x01,
11045 | track.profileIdc,
11046 | track.profileCompatibility,
11047 | track.levelIdc,
11048 | 0xff
11049 | ].concat([sps.length],
11050 | sequenceParameterSets,
11051 | [pps.length],
11052 | pictureParameterSets
11053 | ))), box(types.btrt, new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x1c, 0x9c, 0x80,
11054 | 0x00, 0x2d, 0xc6, 0xc0,
11055 | 0x00, 0x2d, 0xc6, 0xc0
11056 | ]))];
11057 |
11058 | if (track.sarRatio) {
11059 | var hSpacing = track.sarRatio[0],
11060 | vSpacing = track.sarRatio[1];
11061 | avc1Box.push(box(types.pasp, new Uint8Array([(hSpacing & 0xFF000000) >> 24, (hSpacing & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (hSpacing & 0xFF00) >> 8, hSpacing & 0xFF, (vSpacing & 0xFF000000) >> 24, (vSpacing & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (vSpacing & 0xFF00) >> 8, vSpacing & 0xFF])));
11062 | }
11063 |
11064 | return box.apply(null, avc1Box);
11065 | };
11066 |
11067 | audioSample = function (track) {
11068 | return box(types.mp4a, new Uint8Array([
11069 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11070 | 0x00, 0x01,
11071 |
11072 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11073 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11074 | (track.channelcount & 0xff00) >> 8, track.channelcount & 0xff,
11075 | (track.samplesize & 0xff00) >> 8, track.samplesize & 0xff,
11076 | 0x00, 0x00,
11077 | 0x00, 0x00,
11078 | (track.samplerate & 0xff00) >> 8, track.samplerate & 0xff, 0x00, 0x00
11079 |
11080 | ]), esds(track));
11081 | };
11082 | })();
11083 |
11084 | tkhd = function (track) {
11085 | var result = new Uint8Array([0x00,
11086 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x07,
11087 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11088 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11089 | (track.id & 0xFF000000) >> 24, (track.id & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (track.id & 0xFF00) >> 8, track.id & 0xFF,
11090 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11091 | (track.duration & 0xFF000000) >> 24, (track.duration & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (track.duration & 0xFF00) >> 8, track.duration & 0xFF,
11092 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11093 | 0x00, 0x00,
11094 | 0x00, 0x00,
11095 | 0x01, 0x00,
11096 | 0x00, 0x00,
11097 | 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11098 | (track.width & 0xFF00) >> 8, track.width & 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00,
11099 | (track.height & 0xFF00) >> 8, track.height & 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00
11100 | ]);
11101 | return box(types.tkhd, result);
11102 | };
11103 | |
11104 |
11105 |
11106 |
11107 |
11108 |
11109 | traf = function (track) {
11110 | var trackFragmentHeader, trackFragmentDecodeTime, trackFragmentRun, sampleDependencyTable, dataOffset, upperWordBaseMediaDecodeTime, lowerWordBaseMediaDecodeTime;
11111 | trackFragmentHeader = box(types.tfhd, new Uint8Array([0x00,
11112 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x3a,
11113 | (track.id & 0xFF000000) >> 24, (track.id & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (track.id & 0xFF00) >> 8, track.id & 0xFF,
11114 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
11115 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11116 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11117 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
11118 | ]));
11119 | upperWordBaseMediaDecodeTime = Math.floor(track.baseMediaDecodeTime / MAX_UINT32);
11120 | lowerWordBaseMediaDecodeTime = Math.floor(track.baseMediaDecodeTime % MAX_UINT32);
11121 | trackFragmentDecodeTime = box(types.tfdt, new Uint8Array([0x01,
11122 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11123 |
11124 | upperWordBaseMediaDecodeTime >>> 24 & 0xFF, upperWordBaseMediaDecodeTime >>> 16 & 0xFF, upperWordBaseMediaDecodeTime >>> 8 & 0xFF, upperWordBaseMediaDecodeTime & 0xFF, lowerWordBaseMediaDecodeTime >>> 24 & 0xFF, lowerWordBaseMediaDecodeTime >>> 16 & 0xFF, lowerWordBaseMediaDecodeTime >>> 8 & 0xFF, lowerWordBaseMediaDecodeTime & 0xFF]));
11125 |
11126 |
11127 |
11128 | dataOffset = 32 +
11129 | 20 +
11130 | 8 +
11131 | 16 +
11132 | 8 +
11133 | 8;
11134 |
11135 |
11136 | if (track.type === 'audio') {
11137 | trackFragmentRun = trun$1(track, dataOffset);
11138 | return box(types.traf, trackFragmentHeader, trackFragmentDecodeTime, trackFragmentRun);
11139 | }
11140 |
11141 |
11142 |
11143 |
11144 | sampleDependencyTable = sdtp(track);
11145 | trackFragmentRun = trun$1(track, sampleDependencyTable.length + dataOffset);
11146 | return box(types.traf, trackFragmentHeader, trackFragmentDecodeTime, trackFragmentRun, sampleDependencyTable);
11147 | };
11148 | |
11149 |
11150 |
11151 |
11152 |
11153 |
11154 |
11155 | trak = function (track) {
11156 | track.duration = track.duration || 0xffffffff;
11157 | return box(types.trak, tkhd(track), mdia(track));
11158 | };
11159 |
11160 | trex = function (track) {
11161 | var result = new Uint8Array([0x00,
11162 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11163 | (track.id & 0xFF000000) >> 24, (track.id & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (track.id & 0xFF00) >> 8, track.id & 0xFF,
11164 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
11165 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11166 | 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
11167 | 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01
11168 | ]);
11169 |
11170 |
11171 |
11172 |
11173 | if (track.type !== 'video') {
11174 | result[result.length - 1] = 0x00;
11175 | }
11176 |
11177 | return box(types.trex, result);
11178 | };
11179 |
11180 | (function () {
11181 | var audioTrun, videoTrun, trunHeader;
11182 |
11183 |
11184 |
11185 |
11186 | trunHeader = function (samples, offset) {
11187 | var durationPresent = 0,
11188 | sizePresent = 0,
11189 | flagsPresent = 0,
11190 | compositionTimeOffset = 0;
11191 |
11192 | if (samples.length) {
11193 | if (samples[0].duration !== undefined) {
11194 | durationPresent = 0x1;
11195 | }
11196 |
11197 | if (samples[0].size !== undefined) {
11198 | sizePresent = 0x2;
11199 | }
11200 |
11201 | if (samples[0].flags !== undefined) {
11202 | flagsPresent = 0x4;
11203 | }
11204 |
11205 | if (samples[0].compositionTimeOffset !== undefined) {
11206 | compositionTimeOffset = 0x8;
11207 | }
11208 | }
11209 |
11210 | return [0x00,
11211 | 0x00, durationPresent | sizePresent | flagsPresent | compositionTimeOffset, 0x01,
11212 | (samples.length & 0xFF000000) >>> 24, (samples.length & 0xFF0000) >>> 16, (samples.length & 0xFF00) >>> 8, samples.length & 0xFF,
11213 | (offset & 0xFF000000) >>> 24, (offset & 0xFF0000) >>> 16, (offset & 0xFF00) >>> 8, offset & 0xFF
11214 | ];
11215 | };
11216 |
11217 | videoTrun = function (track, offset) {
11218 | var bytesOffest, bytes, header, samples, sample, i;
11219 | samples = track.samples || [];
11220 | offset += 8 + 12 + 16 * samples.length;
11221 | header = trunHeader(samples, offset);
11222 | bytes = new Uint8Array(header.length + samples.length * 16);
11223 | bytes.set(header);
11224 | bytesOffest = header.length;
11225 |
11226 | for (i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
11227 | sample = samples[i];
11228 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.duration & 0xFF000000) >>> 24;
11229 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.duration & 0xFF0000) >>> 16;
11230 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.duration & 0xFF00) >>> 8;
11231 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = sample.duration & 0xFF;
11232 |
11233 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.size & 0xFF000000) >>> 24;
11234 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.size & 0xFF0000) >>> 16;
11235 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.size & 0xFF00) >>> 8;
11236 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = sample.size & 0xFF;
11237 |
11238 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = sample.flags.isLeading << 2 | sample.flags.dependsOn;
11239 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = sample.flags.isDependedOn << 6 | sample.flags.hasRedundancy << 4 | sample.flags.paddingValue << 1 | sample.flags.isNonSyncSample;
11240 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = sample.flags.degradationPriority & 0xF0 << 8;
11241 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = sample.flags.degradationPriority & 0x0F;
11242 |
11243 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.compositionTimeOffset & 0xFF000000) >>> 24;
11244 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.compositionTimeOffset & 0xFF0000) >>> 16;
11245 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.compositionTimeOffset & 0xFF00) >>> 8;
11246 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = sample.compositionTimeOffset & 0xFF;
11247 | }
11248 |
11249 | return box(types.trun, bytes);
11250 | };
11251 |
11252 | audioTrun = function (track, offset) {
11253 | var bytes, bytesOffest, header, samples, sample, i;
11254 | samples = track.samples || [];
11255 | offset += 8 + 12 + 8 * samples.length;
11256 | header = trunHeader(samples, offset);
11257 | bytes = new Uint8Array(header.length + samples.length * 8);
11258 | bytes.set(header);
11259 | bytesOffest = header.length;
11260 |
11261 | for (i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
11262 | sample = samples[i];
11263 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.duration & 0xFF000000) >>> 24;
11264 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.duration & 0xFF0000) >>> 16;
11265 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.duration & 0xFF00) >>> 8;
11266 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = sample.duration & 0xFF;
11267 |
11268 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.size & 0xFF000000) >>> 24;
11269 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.size & 0xFF0000) >>> 16;
11270 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = (sample.size & 0xFF00) >>> 8;
11271 | bytes[bytesOffest++] = sample.size & 0xFF;
11272 | }
11273 |
11274 | return box(types.trun, bytes);
11275 | };
11276 |
11277 | trun$1 = function (track, offset) {
11278 | if (track.type === 'audio') {
11279 | return audioTrun(track, offset);
11280 | }
11281 |
11282 | return videoTrun(track, offset);
11283 | };
11284 | })();
11285 |
11286 | var mp4Generator = {
11287 | ftyp: ftyp,
11288 | mdat: mdat,
11289 | moof: moof,
11290 | moov: moov,
11291 | initSegment: function (tracks) {
11292 | var fileType = ftyp(),
11293 | movie = moov(tracks),
11294 | result;
11295 | result = new Uint8Array(fileType.byteLength + movie.byteLength);
11296 | result.set(fileType);
11297 | result.set(movie, fileType.byteLength);
11298 | return result;
11299 | }
11300 | };
11301 | |
11302 |
11303 |
11304 |
11305 |
11306 |
11307 |
11308 |
11309 |
11310 |
11311 | var groupNalsIntoFrames = function (nalUnits) {
11312 | var i,
11313 | currentNal,
11314 | currentFrame = [],
11315 | frames = [];
11316 |
11317 | frames.byteLength = 0;
11318 | frames.nalCount = 0;
11319 | frames.duration = 0;
11320 | currentFrame.byteLength = 0;
11321 |
11322 | for (i = 0; i < nalUnits.length; i++) {
11323 | currentNal = nalUnits[i];
11324 |
11325 | if (currentNal.nalUnitType === 'access_unit_delimiter_rbsp') {
11326 |
11327 |
11328 | if (currentFrame.length) {
11329 | currentFrame.duration = currentNal.dts - currentFrame.dts;
11330 |
11331 | frames.byteLength += currentFrame.byteLength;
11332 | frames.nalCount += currentFrame.length;
11333 | frames.duration += currentFrame.duration;
11334 | frames.push(currentFrame);
11335 | }
11336 |
11337 | currentFrame = [currentNal];
11338 | currentFrame.byteLength = currentNal.data.byteLength;
11339 | currentFrame.pts = currentNal.pts;
11340 | currentFrame.dts = currentNal.dts;
11341 | } else {
11342 |
11343 | if (currentNal.nalUnitType === 'slice_layer_without_partitioning_rbsp_idr') {
11344 | currentFrame.keyFrame = true;
11345 | }
11346 |
11347 | currentFrame.duration = currentNal.dts - currentFrame.dts;
11348 | currentFrame.byteLength += currentNal.data.byteLength;
11349 | currentFrame.push(currentNal);
11350 | }
11351 | }
11352 |
11353 |
11354 |
11355 | if (frames.length && (!currentFrame.duration || currentFrame.duration <= 0)) {
11356 | currentFrame.duration = frames[frames.length - 1].duration;
11357 | }
11358 |
11359 |
11360 |
11361 | frames.byteLength += currentFrame.byteLength;
11362 | frames.nalCount += currentFrame.length;
11363 | frames.duration += currentFrame.duration;
11364 | frames.push(currentFrame);
11365 | return frames;
11366 | };
11367 |
11368 |
11369 |
11370 |
11371 |
11372 | var groupFramesIntoGops = function (frames) {
11373 | var i,
11374 | currentFrame,
11375 | currentGop = [],
11376 | gops = [];
11377 |
11378 |
11379 | currentGop.byteLength = 0;
11380 | currentGop.nalCount = 0;
11381 | currentGop.duration = 0;
11382 | currentGop.pts = frames[0].pts;
11383 | currentGop.dts = frames[0].dts;
11384 |
11385 | gops.byteLength = 0;
11386 | gops.nalCount = 0;
11387 | gops.duration = 0;
11388 | gops.pts = frames[0].pts;
11389 | gops.dts = frames[0].dts;
11390 |
11391 | for (i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
11392 | currentFrame = frames[i];
11393 |
11394 | if (currentFrame.keyFrame) {
11395 |
11396 |
11397 | if (currentGop.length) {
11398 | gops.push(currentGop);
11399 | gops.byteLength += currentGop.byteLength;
11400 | gops.nalCount += currentGop.nalCount;
11401 | gops.duration += currentGop.duration;
11402 | }
11403 |
11404 | currentGop = [currentFrame];
11405 | currentGop.nalCount = currentFrame.length;
11406 | currentGop.byteLength = currentFrame.byteLength;
11407 | currentGop.pts = currentFrame.pts;
11408 | currentGop.dts = currentFrame.dts;
11409 | currentGop.duration = currentFrame.duration;
11410 | } else {
11411 | currentGop.duration += currentFrame.duration;
11412 | currentGop.nalCount += currentFrame.length;
11413 | currentGop.byteLength += currentFrame.byteLength;
11414 | currentGop.push(currentFrame);
11415 | }
11416 | }
11417 |
11418 | if (gops.length && currentGop.duration <= 0) {
11419 | currentGop.duration = gops[gops.length - 1].duration;
11420 | }
11421 |
11422 | gops.byteLength += currentGop.byteLength;
11423 | gops.nalCount += currentGop.nalCount;
11424 | gops.duration += currentGop.duration;
11425 |
11426 | gops.push(currentGop);
11427 | return gops;
11428 | };
11429 | |
11430 |
11431 |
11432 |
11433 |
11434 |
11435 |
11436 |
11437 |
11438 |
11439 |
11440 | var extendFirstKeyFrame = function (gops) {
11441 | var currentGop;
11442 |
11443 | if (!gops[0][0].keyFrame && gops.length > 1) {
11444 |
11445 | currentGop = gops.shift();
11446 | gops.byteLength -= currentGop.byteLength;
11447 | gops.nalCount -= currentGop.nalCount;
11448 |
11449 |
11450 |
11451 | gops[0][0].dts = currentGop.dts;
11452 | gops[0][0].pts = currentGop.pts;
11453 | gops[0][0].duration += currentGop.duration;
11454 | }
11455 |
11456 | return gops;
11457 | };
11458 | |
11459 |
11460 |
11461 |
11462 |
11463 |
11464 | var createDefaultSample = function () {
11465 | return {
11466 | size: 0,
11467 | flags: {
11468 | isLeading: 0,
11469 | dependsOn: 1,
11470 | isDependedOn: 0,
11471 | hasRedundancy: 0,
11472 | degradationPriority: 0,
11473 | isNonSyncSample: 1
11474 | }
11475 | };
11476 | };
11477 | |
11478 |
11479 |
11480 |
11481 |
11482 |
11483 |
11484 |
11485 |
11486 |
11487 | var sampleForFrame = function (frame, dataOffset) {
11488 | var sample = createDefaultSample();
11489 | sample.dataOffset = dataOffset;
11490 | sample.compositionTimeOffset = frame.pts - frame.dts;
11491 | sample.duration = frame.duration;
11492 | sample.size = 4 * frame.length;
11493 |
11494 | sample.size += frame.byteLength;
11495 |
11496 | if (frame.keyFrame) {
11497 | sample.flags.dependsOn = 2;
11498 | sample.flags.isNonSyncSample = 0;
11499 | }
11500 |
11501 | return sample;
11502 | };
11503 |
11504 |
11505 | var generateSampleTable$1 = function (gops, baseDataOffset) {
11506 | var h,
11507 | i,
11508 | sample,
11509 | currentGop,
11510 | currentFrame,
11511 | dataOffset = baseDataOffset || 0,
11512 | samples = [];
11513 |
11514 | for (h = 0; h < gops.length; h++) {
11515 | currentGop = gops[h];
11516 |
11517 | for (i = 0; i < currentGop.length; i++) {
11518 | currentFrame = currentGop[i];
11519 | sample = sampleForFrame(currentFrame, dataOffset);
11520 | dataOffset += sample.size;
11521 | samples.push(sample);
11522 | }
11523 | }
11524 |
11525 | return samples;
11526 | };
11527 |
11528 |
11529 | var concatenateNalData = function (gops) {
11530 | var h,
11531 | i,
11532 | j,
11533 | currentGop,
11534 | currentFrame,
11535 | currentNal,
11536 | dataOffset = 0,
11537 | nalsByteLength = gops.byteLength,
11538 | numberOfNals = gops.nalCount,
11539 | totalByteLength = nalsByteLength + 4 * numberOfNals,
11540 | data = new Uint8Array(totalByteLength),
11541 | view = new DataView(data.buffer);
11542 |
11543 | for (h = 0; h < gops.length; h++) {
11544 | currentGop = gops[h];
11545 |
11546 | for (i = 0; i < currentGop.length; i++) {
11547 | currentFrame = currentGop[i];
11548 |
11549 | for (j = 0; j < currentFrame.length; j++) {
11550 | currentNal = currentFrame[j];
11551 | view.setUint32(dataOffset, currentNal.data.byteLength);
11552 | dataOffset += 4;
11553 | data.set(currentNal.data, dataOffset);
11554 | dataOffset += currentNal.data.byteLength;
11555 | }
11556 | }
11557 | }
11558 |
11559 | return data;
11560 | };
11561 |
11562 |
11563 | var generateSampleTableForFrame = function (frame, baseDataOffset) {
11564 | var sample,
11565 | dataOffset = baseDataOffset || 0,
11566 | samples = [];
11567 | sample = sampleForFrame(frame, dataOffset);
11568 | samples.push(sample);
11569 | return samples;
11570 | };
11571 |
11572 |
11573 | var concatenateNalDataForFrame = function (frame) {
11574 | var i,
11575 | currentNal,
11576 | dataOffset = 0,
11577 | nalsByteLength = frame.byteLength,
11578 | numberOfNals = frame.length,
11579 | totalByteLength = nalsByteLength + 4 * numberOfNals,
11580 | data = new Uint8Array(totalByteLength),
11581 | view = new DataView(data.buffer);
11582 |
11583 | for (i = 0; i < frame.length; i++) {
11584 | currentNal = frame[i];
11585 | view.setUint32(dataOffset, currentNal.data.byteLength);
11586 | dataOffset += 4;
11587 | data.set(currentNal.data, dataOffset);
11588 | dataOffset += currentNal.data.byteLength;
11589 | }
11590 |
11591 | return data;
11592 | };
11593 |
11594 | var frameUtils$1 = {
11595 | groupNalsIntoFrames: groupNalsIntoFrames,
11596 | groupFramesIntoGops: groupFramesIntoGops,
11597 | extendFirstKeyFrame: extendFirstKeyFrame,
11598 | generateSampleTable: generateSampleTable$1,
11599 | concatenateNalData: concatenateNalData,
11600 | generateSampleTableForFrame: generateSampleTableForFrame,
11601 | concatenateNalDataForFrame: concatenateNalDataForFrame
11602 | };
11603 | |
11604 |
11605 |
11606 |
11607 |
11608 |
11609 |
11610 | var highPrefix = [33, 16, 5, 32, 164, 27];
11611 | var lowPrefix = [33, 65, 108, 84, 1, 2, 4, 8, 168, 2, 4, 8, 17, 191, 252];
11612 |
11613 | var zeroFill = function (count) {
11614 | var a = [];
11615 |
11616 | while (count--) {
11617 | a.push(0);
11618 | }
11619 |
11620 | return a;
11621 | };
11622 |
11623 | var makeTable = function (metaTable) {
11624 | return Object.keys(metaTable).reduce(function (obj, key) {
11625 | obj[key] = new Uint8Array(metaTable[key].reduce(function (arr, part) {
11626 | return arr.concat(part);
11627 | }, []));
11628 | return obj;
11629 | }, {});
11630 | };
11631 |
11632 | var silence;
11633 |
11634 | var silence_1 = function () {
11635 | if (!silence) {
11636 |
11637 | var coneOfSilence = {
11638 | 96000: [highPrefix, [227, 64], zeroFill(154), [56]],
11639 | 88200: [highPrefix, [231], zeroFill(170), [56]],
11640 | 64000: [highPrefix, [248, 192], zeroFill(240), [56]],
11641 | 48000: [highPrefix, [255, 192], zeroFill(268), [55, 148, 128], zeroFill(54), [112]],
11642 | 44100: [highPrefix, [255, 192], zeroFill(268), [55, 163, 128], zeroFill(84), [112]],
11643 | 32000: [highPrefix, [255, 192], zeroFill(268), [55, 234], zeroFill(226), [112]],
11644 | 24000: [highPrefix, [255, 192], zeroFill(268), [55, 255, 128], zeroFill(268), [111, 112], zeroFill(126), [224]],
11645 | 16000: [highPrefix, [255, 192], zeroFill(268), [55, 255, 128], zeroFill(268), [111, 255], zeroFill(269), [223, 108], zeroFill(195), [1, 192]],
11646 | 12000: [lowPrefix, zeroFill(268), [3, 127, 248], zeroFill(268), [6, 255, 240], zeroFill(268), [13, 255, 224], zeroFill(268), [27, 253, 128], zeroFill(259), [56]],
11647 | 11025: [lowPrefix, zeroFill(268), [3, 127, 248], zeroFill(268), [6, 255, 240], zeroFill(268), [13, 255, 224], zeroFill(268), [27, 255, 192], zeroFill(268), [55, 175, 128], zeroFill(108), [112]],
11648 | 8000: [lowPrefix, zeroFill(268), [3, 121, 16], zeroFill(47), [7]]
11649 | };
11650 | silence = makeTable(coneOfSilence);
11651 | }
11652 |
11653 | return silence;
11654 | };
11655 | |
11656 |
11657 |
11658 |
11659 |
11660 |
11661 |
11662 |
11663 | var ONE_SECOND_IN_TS$4 = 90000,
11664 |
11665 | secondsToVideoTs,
11666 | secondsToAudioTs,
11667 | videoTsToSeconds,
11668 | audioTsToSeconds,
11669 | audioTsToVideoTs,
11670 | videoTsToAudioTs,
11671 | metadataTsToSeconds;
11672 |
11673 | secondsToVideoTs = function (seconds) {
11674 | return seconds * ONE_SECOND_IN_TS$4;
11675 | };
11676 |
11677 | secondsToAudioTs = function (seconds, sampleRate) {
11678 | return seconds * sampleRate;
11679 | };
11680 |
11681 | videoTsToSeconds = function (timestamp) {
11682 | return timestamp / ONE_SECOND_IN_TS$4;
11683 | };
11684 |
11685 | audioTsToSeconds = function (timestamp, sampleRate) {
11686 | return timestamp / sampleRate;
11687 | };
11688 |
11689 | audioTsToVideoTs = function (timestamp, sampleRate) {
11690 | return secondsToVideoTs(audioTsToSeconds(timestamp, sampleRate));
11691 | };
11692 |
11693 | videoTsToAudioTs = function (timestamp, sampleRate) {
11694 | return secondsToAudioTs(videoTsToSeconds(timestamp), sampleRate);
11695 | };
11696 | |
11697 |
11698 |
11699 |
11700 |
11701 |
11702 | metadataTsToSeconds = function (timestamp, timelineStartPts, keepOriginalTimestamps) {
11703 | return videoTsToSeconds(keepOriginalTimestamps ? timestamp : timestamp - timelineStartPts);
11704 | };
11705 |
11706 | var clock$2 = {
11708 | secondsToVideoTs: secondsToVideoTs,
11709 | secondsToAudioTs: secondsToAudioTs,
11710 | videoTsToSeconds: videoTsToSeconds,
11711 | audioTsToSeconds: audioTsToSeconds,
11712 | audioTsToVideoTs: audioTsToVideoTs,
11713 | videoTsToAudioTs: videoTsToAudioTs,
11714 | metadataTsToSeconds: metadataTsToSeconds
11715 | };
11716 | |
11717 |
11718 |
11719 |
11720 |
11721 |
11722 |
11723 | var coneOfSilence = silence_1;
11724 | var clock$1 = clock$2;
11725 | |
11726 |
11727 |
11728 |
11729 | var sumFrameByteLengths = function (array) {
11730 | var i,
11731 | currentObj,
11732 | sum = 0;
11733 |
11734 | for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
11735 | currentObj = array[i];
11736 | sum += currentObj.data.byteLength;
11737 | }
11738 |
11739 | return sum;
11740 | };
11741 |
11742 |
11743 |
11744 | var prefixWithSilence = function (track, frames, audioAppendStartTs, videoBaseMediaDecodeTime) {
11745 | var baseMediaDecodeTimeTs,
11746 | frameDuration = 0,
11747 | audioGapDuration = 0,
11748 | audioFillFrameCount = 0,
11749 | audioFillDuration = 0,
11750 | silentFrame,
11751 | i,
11752 | firstFrame;
11753 |
11754 | if (!frames.length) {
11755 | return;
11756 | }
11757 |
11758 | baseMediaDecodeTimeTs = clock$1.audioTsToVideoTs(track.baseMediaDecodeTime, track.samplerate);
11759 |
11760 | frameDuration = Math.ceil(clock$1.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS / (track.samplerate / 1024));
11761 |
11762 | if (audioAppendStartTs && videoBaseMediaDecodeTime) {
11763 |
11764 | audioGapDuration = baseMediaDecodeTimeTs - Math.max(audioAppendStartTs, videoBaseMediaDecodeTime);
11765 |
11766 | audioFillFrameCount = Math.floor(audioGapDuration / frameDuration);
11767 | audioFillDuration = audioFillFrameCount * frameDuration;
11768 | }
11769 |
11770 |
11771 |
11772 | if (audioFillFrameCount < 1 || audioFillDuration > clock$1.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS / 2) {
11773 | return;
11774 | }
11775 |
11776 | silentFrame = coneOfSilence()[track.samplerate];
11777 |
11778 | if (!silentFrame) {
11779 |
11780 |
11781 | silentFrame = frames[0].data;
11782 | }
11783 |
11784 | for (i = 0; i < audioFillFrameCount; i++) {
11785 | firstFrame = frames[0];
11786 | frames.splice(0, 0, {
11787 | data: silentFrame,
11788 | dts: firstFrame.dts - frameDuration,
11789 | pts: firstFrame.pts - frameDuration
11790 | });
11791 | }
11792 |
11793 | track.baseMediaDecodeTime -= Math.floor(clock$1.videoTsToAudioTs(audioFillDuration, track.samplerate));
11794 | return audioFillDuration;
11795 | };
11796 |
11797 |
11798 |
11799 |
11800 |
11801 | var trimAdtsFramesByEarliestDts = function (adtsFrames, track, earliestAllowedDts) {
11802 | if (track.minSegmentDts >= earliestAllowedDts) {
11803 | return adtsFrames;
11804 | }
11805 |
11806 |
11807 | track.minSegmentDts = Infinity;
11808 | return adtsFrames.filter(function (currentFrame) {
11809 |
11810 | if (currentFrame.dts >= earliestAllowedDts) {
11811 | track.minSegmentDts = Math.min(track.minSegmentDts, currentFrame.dts);
11812 | track.minSegmentPts = track.minSegmentDts;
11813 | return true;
11814 | }
11815 |
11816 |
11817 | return false;
11818 | });
11819 | };
11820 |
11821 |
11822 | var generateSampleTable = function (frames) {
11823 | var i,
11824 | currentFrame,
11825 | samples = [];
11826 |
11827 | for (i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
11828 | currentFrame = frames[i];
11829 | samples.push({
11830 | size: currentFrame.data.byteLength,
11831 | duration: 1024
11832 |
11833 | });
11834 | }
11835 |
11836 | return samples;
11837 | };
11838 |
11839 |
11840 | var concatenateFrameData = function (frames) {
11841 | var i,
11842 | currentFrame,
11843 | dataOffset = 0,
11844 | data = new Uint8Array(sumFrameByteLengths(frames));
11845 |
11846 | for (i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
11847 | currentFrame = frames[i];
11848 | data.set(currentFrame.data, dataOffset);
11849 | dataOffset += currentFrame.data.byteLength;
11850 | }
11851 |
11852 | return data;
11853 | };
11854 |
11855 | var audioFrameUtils$1 = {
11856 | prefixWithSilence: prefixWithSilence,
11857 | trimAdtsFramesByEarliestDts: trimAdtsFramesByEarliestDts,
11858 | generateSampleTable: generateSampleTable,
11859 | concatenateFrameData: concatenateFrameData
11860 | };
11861 | |
11862 |
11863 |
11864 |
11865 |
11866 |
11867 |
11868 | var ONE_SECOND_IN_TS$3 = clock$2.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
11869 | |
11870 |
11871 |
11872 |
11873 |
11874 |
11875 | var collectDtsInfo = function (track, data) {
11876 | if (typeof data.pts === 'number') {
11877 | if (track.timelineStartInfo.pts === undefined) {
11878 | track.timelineStartInfo.pts = data.pts;
11879 | }
11880 |
11881 | if (track.minSegmentPts === undefined) {
11882 | track.minSegmentPts = data.pts;
11883 | } else {
11884 | track.minSegmentPts = Math.min(track.minSegmentPts, data.pts);
11885 | }
11886 |
11887 | if (track.maxSegmentPts === undefined) {
11888 | track.maxSegmentPts = data.pts;
11889 | } else {
11890 | track.maxSegmentPts = Math.max(track.maxSegmentPts, data.pts);
11891 | }
11892 | }
11893 |
11894 | if (typeof data.dts === 'number') {
11895 | if (track.timelineStartInfo.dts === undefined) {
11896 | track.timelineStartInfo.dts = data.dts;
11897 | }
11898 |
11899 | if (track.minSegmentDts === undefined) {
11900 | track.minSegmentDts = data.dts;
11901 | } else {
11902 | track.minSegmentDts = Math.min(track.minSegmentDts, data.dts);
11903 | }
11904 |
11905 | if (track.maxSegmentDts === undefined) {
11906 | track.maxSegmentDts = data.dts;
11907 | } else {
11908 | track.maxSegmentDts = Math.max(track.maxSegmentDts, data.dts);
11909 | }
11910 | }
11911 | };
11912 | |
11913 |
11914 |
11915 |
11916 |
11917 |
11918 | var clearDtsInfo = function (track) {
11919 | delete track.minSegmentDts;
11920 | delete track.maxSegmentDts;
11921 | delete track.minSegmentPts;
11922 | delete track.maxSegmentPts;
11923 | };
11924 | |
11925 |
11926 |
11927 |
11928 |
11929 |
11930 |
11931 |
11932 |
11933 |
11934 | var calculateTrackBaseMediaDecodeTime = function (track, keepOriginalTimestamps) {
11935 | var baseMediaDecodeTime,
11936 | scale,
11937 | minSegmentDts = track.minSegmentDts;
11938 |
11939 | if (!keepOriginalTimestamps) {
11940 | minSegmentDts -= track.timelineStartInfo.dts;
11941 | }
11942 |
11943 |
11944 |
11945 | baseMediaDecodeTime = track.timelineStartInfo.baseMediaDecodeTime;
11946 |
11947 | baseMediaDecodeTime += minSegmentDts;
11948 |
11949 | baseMediaDecodeTime = Math.max(0, baseMediaDecodeTime);
11950 |
11951 | if (track.type === 'audio') {
11952 |
11953 |
11954 | scale = track.samplerate / ONE_SECOND_IN_TS$3;
11955 | baseMediaDecodeTime *= scale;
11956 | baseMediaDecodeTime = Math.floor(baseMediaDecodeTime);
11957 | }
11958 |
11959 | return baseMediaDecodeTime;
11960 | };
11961 |
11962 | var trackDecodeInfo$1 = {
11963 | clearDtsInfo: clearDtsInfo,
11964 | calculateTrackBaseMediaDecodeTime: calculateTrackBaseMediaDecodeTime,
11965 | collectDtsInfo: collectDtsInfo
11966 | };
11967 | |
11968 |
11969 |
11970 |
11971 |
11972 |
11973 |
11974 |
11975 |
11976 |
11977 |
11978 |
11979 |
11980 |
11981 |
11982 |
11983 | var USER_DATA_REGISTERED_ITU_T_T35 = 4,
11984 | RBSP_TRAILING_BITS = 128;
11985 | |
11986 |
11987 |
11988 |
11989 |
11990 |
11991 |
11992 |
11993 |
11994 | var parseSei = function (bytes) {
11995 | var i = 0,
11996 | result = {
11997 | payloadType: -1,
11998 | payloadSize: 0
11999 | },
12000 | payloadType = 0,
12001 | payloadSize = 0;
12002 |
12003 | while (i < bytes.byteLength) {
12004 |
12005 | if (bytes[i] === RBSP_TRAILING_BITS) {
12006 | break;
12007 | }
12008 |
12009 |
12010 | while (bytes[i] === 0xFF) {
12011 | payloadType += 255;
12012 | i++;
12013 | }
12014 |
12015 | payloadType += bytes[i++];
12016 |
12017 | while (bytes[i] === 0xFF) {
12018 | payloadSize += 255;
12019 | i++;
12020 | }
12021 |
12022 | payloadSize += bytes[i++];
12023 |
12024 |
12025 | if (!result.payload && payloadType === USER_DATA_REGISTERED_ITU_T_T35) {
12026 | var userIdentifier = String.fromCharCode(bytes[i + 3], bytes[i + 4], bytes[i + 5], bytes[i + 6]);
12027 |
12028 | if (userIdentifier === 'GA94') {
12029 | result.payloadType = payloadType;
12030 | result.payloadSize = payloadSize;
12031 | result.payload = bytes.subarray(i, i + payloadSize);
12032 | break;
12033 | } else {
12034 | result.payload = void 0;
12035 | }
12036 | }
12037 |
12038 |
12039 | i += payloadSize;
12040 | payloadType = 0;
12041 | payloadSize = 0;
12042 | }
12043 |
12044 | return result;
12045 | };
12046 |
12047 |
12048 | var parseUserData = function (sei) {
12049 |
12050 |
12051 | if (sei.payload[0] !== 181) {
12052 | return null;
12053 | }
12054 |
12055 |
12056 | if ((sei.payload[1] << 8 | sei.payload[2]) !== 49) {
12057 | return null;
12058 | }
12059 |
12060 |
12061 | if (String.fromCharCode(sei.payload[3], sei.payload[4], sei.payload[5], sei.payload[6]) !== 'GA94') {
12062 | return null;
12063 | }
12064 |
12065 |
12066 | if (sei.payload[7] !== 0x03) {
12067 | return null;
12068 | }
12069 |
12070 |
12071 |
12072 | return sei.payload.subarray(8, sei.payload.length - 1);
12073 | };
12074 |
12075 |
12076 | var parseCaptionPackets = function (pts, userData) {
12077 | var results = [],
12078 | i,
12079 | count,
12080 | offset,
12081 | data;
12082 |
12083 | if (!(userData[0] & 0x40)) {
12084 | return results;
12085 | }
12086 |
12087 |
12088 | count = userData[0] & 0x1f;
12089 |
12090 | for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
12091 | offset = i * 3;
12092 | data = {
12093 | type: userData[offset + 2] & 0x03,
12094 | pts: pts
12095 | };
12096 |
12097 | if (userData[offset + 2] & 0x04) {
12098 | data.ccData = userData[offset + 3] << 8 | userData[offset + 4];
12099 | results.push(data);
12100 | }
12101 | }
12102 |
12103 | return results;
12104 | };
12105 |
12106 | var discardEmulationPreventionBytes$1 = function (data) {
12107 | var length = data.byteLength,
12108 | emulationPreventionBytesPositions = [],
12109 | i = 1,
12110 | newLength,
12111 | newData;
12112 |
12113 | while (i < length - 2) {
12114 | if (data[i] === 0 && data[i + 1] === 0 && data[i + 2] === 0x03) {
12115 | emulationPreventionBytesPositions.push(i + 2);
12116 | i += 2;
12117 | } else {
12118 | i++;
12119 | }
12120 | }
12121 |
12122 |
12123 |
12124 | if (emulationPreventionBytesPositions.length === 0) {
12125 | return data;
12126 | }
12127 |
12128 |
12129 | newLength = length - emulationPreventionBytesPositions.length;
12130 | newData = new Uint8Array(newLength);
12131 | var sourceIndex = 0;
12132 |
12133 | for (i = 0; i < newLength; sourceIndex++, i++) {
12134 | if (sourceIndex === emulationPreventionBytesPositions[0]) {
12135 |
12136 | sourceIndex++;
12137 |
12138 | emulationPreventionBytesPositions.shift();
12139 | }
12140 |
12141 | newData[i] = data[sourceIndex];
12142 | }
12143 |
12144 | return newData;
12145 | };
12146 |
12147 |
12148 | var captionPacketParser = {
12149 | parseSei: parseSei,
12150 | parseUserData: parseUserData,
12151 | parseCaptionPackets: parseCaptionPackets,
12152 | discardEmulationPreventionBytes: discardEmulationPreventionBytes$1,
12154 | };
12155 | |
12156 |
12157 |
12158 |
12159 |
12160 |
12161 |
12162 |
12163 |
12164 |
12165 |
12166 |
12167 |
12168 |
12169 |
12170 | var Stream$7 = stream;
12171 | var cea708Parser = captionPacketParser;
12172 |
12173 | var CaptionStream$2 = function (options) {
12174 | options = options || {};
12175 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.init.call(this);
12176 |
12177 | this.parse708captions_ = typeof options.parse708captions === 'boolean' ? options.parse708captions : true;
12178 | this.captionPackets_ = [];
12179 | this.ccStreams_ = [new Cea608Stream(0, 0),
12180 | new Cea608Stream(0, 1),
12181 | new Cea608Stream(1, 0),
12182 | new Cea608Stream(1, 1)
12183 | ];
12184 |
12185 | if (this.parse708captions_) {
12186 | this.cc708Stream_ = new Cea708Stream({
12187 | captionServices: options.captionServices
12188 | });
12189 | }
12190 |
12191 | this.reset();
12192 |
12193 | this.ccStreams_.forEach(function (cc) {
12194 | cc.on('data', this.trigger.bind(this, 'data'));
12195 | cc.on('partialdone', this.trigger.bind(this, 'partialdone'));
12196 | cc.on('done', this.trigger.bind(this, 'done'));
12197 | }, this);
12198 |
12199 | if (this.parse708captions_) {
12200 | this.cc708Stream_.on('data', this.trigger.bind(this, 'data'));
12201 | this.cc708Stream_.on('partialdone', this.trigger.bind(this, 'partialdone'));
12202 | this.cc708Stream_.on('done', this.trigger.bind(this, 'done'));
12203 | }
12204 | };
12205 |
12206 | CaptionStream$2.prototype = new Stream$7();
12207 |
12208 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.push = function (event) {
12209 | var sei, userData, newCaptionPackets;
12210 |
12211 | if (event.nalUnitType !== 'sei_rbsp') {
12212 | return;
12213 | }
12214 |
12215 |
12216 | sei = cea708Parser.parseSei(event.escapedRBSP);
12217 |
12218 | if (!sei.payload) {
12219 | return;
12220 | }
12221 |
12222 |
12223 | if (sei.payloadType !== cea708Parser.USER_DATA_REGISTERED_ITU_T_T35) {
12224 | return;
12225 | }
12226 |
12227 |
12228 | userData = cea708Parser.parseUserData(sei);
12229 |
12230 | if (!userData) {
12231 | return;
12232 | }
12233 |
12234 |
12235 |
12236 |
12237 |
12238 |
12239 |
12240 |
12241 |
12242 | if (event.dts < this.latestDts_) {
12243 |
12244 | this.ignoreNextEqualDts_ = true;
12245 | return;
12246 | } else if (event.dts === this.latestDts_ && this.ignoreNextEqualDts_) {
12247 | this.numSameDts_--;
12248 |
12249 | if (!this.numSameDts_) {
12250 |
12251 | this.ignoreNextEqualDts_ = false;
12252 | }
12253 |
12254 | return;
12255 | }
12256 |
12257 |
12258 | newCaptionPackets = cea708Parser.parseCaptionPackets(event.pts, userData);
12259 | this.captionPackets_ = this.captionPackets_.concat(newCaptionPackets);
12260 |
12261 | if (this.latestDts_ !== event.dts) {
12262 | this.numSameDts_ = 0;
12263 | }
12264 |
12265 | this.numSameDts_++;
12266 | this.latestDts_ = event.dts;
12267 | };
12268 |
12269 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.flushCCStreams = function (flushType) {
12270 | this.ccStreams_.forEach(function (cc) {
12271 | return flushType === 'flush' ? cc.flush() : cc.partialFlush();
12272 | }, this);
12273 | };
12274 |
12275 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.flushStream = function (flushType) {
12276 |
12277 | if (!this.captionPackets_.length) {
12278 | this.flushCCStreams(flushType);
12279 | return;
12280 | }
12281 |
12282 |
12283 |
12284 | this.captionPackets_.forEach(function (elem, idx) {
12285 | elem.presortIndex = idx;
12286 | });
12287 |
12288 | this.captionPackets_.sort(function (a, b) {
12289 | if (a.pts === b.pts) {
12290 | return a.presortIndex - b.presortIndex;
12291 | }
12292 |
12293 | return a.pts - b.pts;
12294 | });
12295 | this.captionPackets_.forEach(function (packet) {
12296 | if (packet.type < 2) {
12297 |
12298 | this.dispatchCea608Packet(packet);
12299 | } else {
12300 |
12301 | this.dispatchCea708Packet(packet);
12302 | }
12303 | }, this);
12304 | this.captionPackets_.length = 0;
12305 | this.flushCCStreams(flushType);
12306 | };
12307 |
12308 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.flush = function () {
12309 | return this.flushStream('flush');
12310 | };
12311 |
12312 |
12313 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.partialFlush = function () {
12314 | return this.flushStream('partialFlush');
12315 | };
12316 |
12317 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.reset = function () {
12318 | this.latestDts_ = null;
12319 | this.ignoreNextEqualDts_ = false;
12320 | this.numSameDts_ = 0;
12321 | this.activeCea608Channel_ = [null, null];
12322 | this.ccStreams_.forEach(function (ccStream) {
12323 | ccStream.reset();
12324 | });
12325 | };
12326 |
12327 | |
12328 |
12329 |
12330 |
12331 |
12332 |
12333 |
12334 |
12335 |
12336 |
12337 |
12338 |
12339 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.dispatchCea608Packet = function (packet) {
12340 |
12341 | if (this.setsTextOrXDSActive(packet)) {
12342 | this.activeCea608Channel_[packet.type] = null;
12343 | } else if (this.setsChannel1Active(packet)) {
12344 | this.activeCea608Channel_[packet.type] = 0;
12345 | } else if (this.setsChannel2Active(packet)) {
12346 | this.activeCea608Channel_[packet.type] = 1;
12347 | }
12348 |
12349 | if (this.activeCea608Channel_[packet.type] === null) {
12350 |
12351 |
12352 |
12353 | return;
12354 | }
12355 |
12356 | this.ccStreams_[(packet.type << 1) + this.activeCea608Channel_[packet.type]].push(packet);
12357 | };
12358 |
12359 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.setsChannel1Active = function (packet) {
12360 | return (packet.ccData & 0x7800) === 0x1000;
12361 | };
12362 |
12363 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.setsChannel2Active = function (packet) {
12364 | return (packet.ccData & 0x7800) === 0x1800;
12365 | };
12366 |
12367 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.setsTextOrXDSActive = function (packet) {
12368 | return (packet.ccData & 0x7100) === 0x0100 || (packet.ccData & 0x78fe) === 0x102a || (packet.ccData & 0x78fe) === 0x182a;
12369 | };
12370 |
12371 | CaptionStream$2.prototype.dispatchCea708Packet = function (packet) {
12372 | if (this.parse708captions_) {
12373 | this.cc708Stream_.push(packet);
12374 | }
12375 | };
12376 |
12377 |
12378 |
12379 |
12380 |
12381 |
12382 |
12383 |
12384 |
12385 |
12386 |
12387 |
12388 |
12389 |
12390 |
12391 |
12392 |
12393 |
12394 |
12395 | var CHARACTER_TRANSLATION_708 = {
12396 | 0x7f: 0x266a,
12397 |
12398 | 0x1020: 0x20,
12399 |
12400 | 0x1021: 0xa0,
12401 |
12402 | 0x1025: 0x2026,
12403 |
12404 | 0x102a: 0x0160,
12405 |
12406 | 0x102c: 0x0152,
12407 |
12408 | 0x1030: 0x2588,
12409 |
12410 | 0x1031: 0x2018,
12411 |
12412 | 0x1032: 0x2019,
12413 |
12414 | 0x1033: 0x201c,
12415 |
12416 | 0x1034: 0x201d,
12417 |
12418 | 0x1035: 0x2022,
12419 |
12420 | 0x1039: 0x2122,
12421 |
12422 | 0x103a: 0x0161,
12423 |
12424 | 0x103c: 0x0153,
12425 |
12426 | 0x103d: 0x2120,
12427 |
12428 | 0x103f: 0x0178,
12429 |
12430 | 0x1076: 0x215b,
12431 |
12432 | 0x1077: 0x215c,
12433 |
12434 | 0x1078: 0x215d,
12435 |
12436 | 0x1079: 0x215e,
12437 |
12438 | 0x107a: 0x23d0,
12439 |
12440 | 0x107b: 0x23a4,
12441 |
12442 | 0x107c: 0x23a3,
12443 |
12444 | 0x107d: 0x23af,
12445 |
12446 | 0x107e: 0x23a6,
12447 |
12448 | 0x107f: 0x23a1,
12449 |
12450 | 0x10a0: 0x3138
12451 |
12452 | };
12453 |
12454 | var get708CharFromCode = function (code) {
12455 | var newCode = CHARACTER_TRANSLATION_708[code] || code;
12456 |
12457 | if (code & 0x1000 && code === newCode) {
12458 |
12459 | return '';
12460 | }
12461 |
12462 | return String.fromCharCode(newCode);
12463 | };
12464 |
12465 | var within708TextBlock = function (b) {
12466 | return 0x20 <= b && b <= 0x7f || 0xa0 <= b && b <= 0xff;
12467 | };
12468 |
12469 | var Cea708Window = function (windowNum) {
12470 | this.windowNum = windowNum;
12471 | this.reset();
12472 | };
12473 |
12474 | Cea708Window.prototype.reset = function () {
12475 | this.clearText();
12476 | this.pendingNewLine = false;
12477 | this.winAttr = {};
12478 | this.penAttr = {};
12479 | this.penLoc = {};
12480 | this.penColor = {};
12481 |
12482 |
12483 | this.visible = 0;
12484 | this.rowLock = 0;
12485 | this.columnLock = 0;
12486 | this.priority = 0;
12487 | this.relativePositioning = 0;
12488 | this.anchorVertical = 0;
12489 | this.anchorHorizontal = 0;
12490 | this.anchorPoint = 0;
12491 | this.rowCount = 1;
12492 | this.virtualRowCount = this.rowCount + 1;
12493 | this.columnCount = 41;
12494 | this.windowStyle = 0;
12495 | this.penStyle = 0;
12496 | };
12497 |
12498 | Cea708Window.prototype.getText = function () {
12499 | return this.rows.join('\n');
12500 | };
12501 |
12502 | Cea708Window.prototype.clearText = function () {
12503 | this.rows = [''];
12504 | this.rowIdx = 0;
12505 | };
12506 |
12507 | Cea708Window.prototype.newLine = function (pts) {
12508 | if (this.rows.length >= this.virtualRowCount && typeof this.beforeRowOverflow === 'function') {
12509 | this.beforeRowOverflow(pts);
12510 | }
12511 |
12512 | if (this.rows.length > 0) {
12513 | this.rows.push('');
12514 | this.rowIdx++;
12515 | }
12516 |
12517 |
12518 | while (this.rows.length > this.virtualRowCount) {
12519 | this.rows.shift();
12520 | this.rowIdx--;
12521 | }
12522 | };
12523 |
12524 | Cea708Window.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
12525 | if (this.rows.length === 0) {
12526 | return true;
12527 | } else if (this.rows.length === 1) {
12528 | return this.rows[0] === '';
12529 | }
12530 |
12531 | return false;
12532 | };
12533 |
12534 | Cea708Window.prototype.addText = function (text) {
12535 | this.rows[this.rowIdx] += text;
12536 | };
12537 |
12538 | Cea708Window.prototype.backspace = function () {
12539 | if (!this.isEmpty()) {
12540 | var row = this.rows[this.rowIdx];
12541 | this.rows[this.rowIdx] = row.substr(0, row.length - 1);
12542 | }
12543 | };
12544 |
12545 | var Cea708Service = function (serviceNum, encoding, stream) {
12546 | this.serviceNum = serviceNum;
12547 | this.text = '';
12548 | this.currentWindow = new Cea708Window(-1);
12549 | this.windows = [];
12550 | this.stream = stream;
12551 |
12552 | if (typeof encoding === 'string') {
12553 | this.createTextDecoder(encoding);
12554 | }
12555 | };
12556 | |
12557 |
12558 |
12559 |
12560 |
12561 |
12562 |
12563 |
12564 |
12565 | Cea708Service.prototype.init = function (pts, beforeRowOverflow) {
12566 | this.startPts = pts;
12567 |
12568 | for (var win = 0; win < 8; win++) {
12569 | this.windows[win] = new Cea708Window(win);
12570 |
12571 | if (typeof beforeRowOverflow === 'function') {
12572 | this.windows[win].beforeRowOverflow = beforeRowOverflow;
12573 | }
12574 | }
12575 | };
12576 | |
12577 |
12578 |
12579 |
12580 |
12581 |
12582 |
12583 | Cea708Service.prototype.setCurrentWindow = function (windowNum) {
12584 | this.currentWindow = this.windows[windowNum];
12585 | };
12586 | |
12587 |
12588 |
12589 |
12590 |
12591 | Cea708Service.prototype.createTextDecoder = function (encoding) {
12592 | if (typeof TextDecoder === 'undefined') {
12593 | this.stream.trigger('log', {
12594 | level: 'warn',
12595 | message: 'The `encoding` option is unsupported without TextDecoder support'
12596 | });
12597 | } else {
12598 | try {
12599 | this.textDecoder_ = new TextDecoder(encoding);
12600 | } catch (error) {
12601 | this.stream.trigger('log', {
12602 | level: 'warn',
12603 | message: 'TextDecoder could not be created with ' + encoding + ' encoding. ' + error
12604 | });
12605 | }
12606 | }
12607 | };
12608 |
12609 | var Cea708Stream = function (options) {
12610 | options = options || {};
12611 | Cea708Stream.prototype.init.call(this);
12612 | var self = this;
12613 | var captionServices = options.captionServices || {};
12614 | var captionServiceEncodings = {};
12615 | var serviceProps;
12616 |
12617 | Object.keys(captionServices).forEach(serviceName => {
12618 | serviceProps = captionServices[serviceName];
12619 |
12620 | if (/^SERVICE/.test(serviceName)) {
12621 | captionServiceEncodings[serviceName] = serviceProps.encoding;
12622 | }
12623 | });
12624 | this.serviceEncodings = captionServiceEncodings;
12625 | this.current708Packet = null;
12626 | this.services = {};
12627 |
12628 | this.push = function (packet) {
12629 | if (packet.type === 3) {
12630 |
12631 | self.new708Packet();
12632 | self.add708Bytes(packet);
12633 | } else {
12634 | if (self.current708Packet === null) {
12635 |
12636 | self.new708Packet();
12637 | }
12638 |
12639 | self.add708Bytes(packet);
12640 | }
12641 | };
12642 | };
12643 |
12644 | Cea708Stream.prototype = new Stream$7();
12645 | |
12646 |
12647 |
12648 |
12649 | Cea708Stream.prototype.new708Packet = function () {
12650 | if (this.current708Packet !== null) {
12651 | this.push708Packet();
12652 | }
12653 |
12654 | this.current708Packet = {
12655 | data: [],
12656 | ptsVals: []
12657 | };
12658 | };
12659 | |
12660 |
12661 |
12662 |
12663 |
12664 | Cea708Stream.prototype.add708Bytes = function (packet) {
12665 | var data = packet.ccData;
12666 | var byte0 = data >>> 8;
12667 | var byte1 = data & 0xff;
12668 |
12669 |
12670 | this.current708Packet.ptsVals.push(packet.pts);
12671 | this.current708Packet.data.push(byte0);
12672 | this.current708Packet.data.push(byte1);
12673 | };
12674 | |
12675 |
12676 |
12677 |
12678 |
12679 | Cea708Stream.prototype.push708Packet = function () {
12680 | var packet708 = this.current708Packet;
12681 | var packetData = packet708.data;
12682 | var serviceNum = null;
12683 | var blockSize = null;
12684 | var i = 0;
12685 | var b = packetData[i++];
12686 | packet708.seq = b >> 6;
12687 | packet708.sizeCode = b & 0x3f;
12688 |
12689 | for (; i < packetData.length; i++) {
12690 | b = packetData[i++];
12691 | serviceNum = b >> 5;
12692 | blockSize = b & 0x1f;
12693 |
12694 | if (serviceNum === 7 && blockSize > 0) {
12695 |
12696 | b = packetData[i++];
12697 | serviceNum = b;
12698 | }
12699 |
12700 | this.pushServiceBlock(serviceNum, i, blockSize);
12701 |
12702 | if (blockSize > 0) {
12703 | i += blockSize - 1;
12704 | }
12705 | }
12706 | };
12707 | |
12708 |
12709 |
12710 |
12711 |
12712 |
12713 |
12714 |
12715 |
12716 |
12717 |
12718 |
12719 |
12720 |
12721 | Cea708Stream.prototype.pushServiceBlock = function (serviceNum, start, size) {
12722 | var b;
12723 | var i = start;
12724 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
12725 | var service = this.services[serviceNum];
12726 |
12727 | if (!service) {
12728 | service = this.initService(serviceNum, i);
12729 | }
12730 |
12731 | for (; i < start + size && i < packetData.length; i++) {
12732 | b = packetData[i];
12733 |
12734 | if (within708TextBlock(b)) {
12735 | i = this.handleText(i, service);
12736 | } else if (b === 0x18) {
12737 | i = this.multiByteCharacter(i, service);
12738 | } else if (b === 0x10) {
12739 | i = this.extendedCommands(i, service);
12740 | } else if (0x80 <= b && b <= 0x87) {
12741 | i = this.setCurrentWindow(i, service);
12742 | } else if (0x98 <= b && b <= 0x9f) {
12743 | i = this.defineWindow(i, service);
12744 | } else if (b === 0x88) {
12745 | i = this.clearWindows(i, service);
12746 | } else if (b === 0x8c) {
12747 | i = this.deleteWindows(i, service);
12748 | } else if (b === 0x89) {
12749 | i = this.displayWindows(i, service);
12750 | } else if (b === 0x8a) {
12751 | i = this.hideWindows(i, service);
12752 | } else if (b === 0x8b) {
12753 | i = this.toggleWindows(i, service);
12754 | } else if (b === 0x97) {
12755 | i = this.setWindowAttributes(i, service);
12756 | } else if (b === 0x90) {
12757 | i = this.setPenAttributes(i, service);
12758 | } else if (b === 0x91) {
12759 | i = this.setPenColor(i, service);
12760 | } else if (b === 0x92) {
12761 | i = this.setPenLocation(i, service);
12762 | } else if (b === 0x8f) {
12763 | service = this.reset(i, service);
12764 | } else if (b === 0x08) {
12765 |
12766 | service.currentWindow.backspace();
12767 | } else if (b === 0x0c) {
12768 |
12769 | service.currentWindow.clearText();
12770 | } else if (b === 0x0d) {
12771 |
12772 | service.currentWindow.pendingNewLine = true;
12773 | } else if (b === 0x0e) {
12774 |
12775 | service.currentWindow.clearText();
12776 | } else if (b === 0x8d) {
12777 |
12778 | i++;
12779 | } else ;
12780 | }
12781 | };
12782 | |
12783 |
12784 |
12785 |
12786 |
12787 |
12788 |
12789 |
12790 |
12791 | Cea708Stream.prototype.extendedCommands = function (i, service) {
12792 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
12793 | var b = packetData[++i];
12794 |
12795 | if (within708TextBlock(b)) {
12796 | i = this.handleText(i, service, {
12797 | isExtended: true
12798 | });
12799 | }
12800 |
12801 | return i;
12802 | };
12803 | |
12804 |
12805 |
12806 |
12807 |
12808 |
12809 |
12810 |
12811 | Cea708Stream.prototype.getPts = function (byteIndex) {
12812 |
12813 | return this.current708Packet.ptsVals[Math.floor(byteIndex / 2)];
12814 | };
12815 | |
12816 |
12817 |
12818 |
12819 |
12820 |
12821 |
12822 |
12823 | Cea708Stream.prototype.initService = function (serviceNum, i) {
12824 | var serviceName = 'SERVICE' + serviceNum;
12825 | var self = this;
12826 | var serviceName;
12827 | var encoding;
12828 |
12829 | if (serviceName in this.serviceEncodings) {
12830 | encoding = this.serviceEncodings[serviceName];
12831 | }
12832 |
12833 | this.services[serviceNum] = new Cea708Service(serviceNum, encoding, self);
12834 | this.services[serviceNum].init(this.getPts(i), function (pts) {
12835 | self.flushDisplayed(pts, self.services[serviceNum]);
12836 | });
12837 | return this.services[serviceNum];
12838 | };
12839 | |
12840 |
12841 |
12842 |
12843 |
12844 |
12845 |
12846 |
12847 |
12848 | Cea708Stream.prototype.handleText = function (i, service, options) {
12849 | var isExtended = options && options.isExtended;
12850 | var isMultiByte = options && options.isMultiByte;
12851 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
12852 | var extended = isExtended ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
12853 | var currentByte = packetData[i];
12854 | var nextByte = packetData[i + 1];
12855 | var win = service.currentWindow;
12856 | var char;
12857 | var charCodeArray;
12858 |
12859 | function toHexString(byteArray) {
12860 | return byteArray.map(byte => {
12861 | return ('0' + (byte & 0xFF).toString(16)).slice(-2);
12862 | }).join('');
12863 | }
12864 |
12865 | if (isMultiByte) {
12866 | charCodeArray = [currentByte, nextByte];
12867 | i++;
12868 | } else {
12869 | charCodeArray = [currentByte];
12870 | }
12871 |
12872 |
12873 | if (service.textDecoder_ && !isExtended) {
12874 | char = service.textDecoder_.decode(new Uint8Array(charCodeArray));
12875 | } else {
12876 |
12877 | if (isMultiByte) {
12878 | const unicode = toHexString(charCodeArray);
12879 |
12880 | char = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(unicode, 16));
12881 | } else {
12882 | char = get708CharFromCode(extended | currentByte);
12883 | }
12884 | }
12885 |
12886 | if (win.pendingNewLine && !win.isEmpty()) {
12887 | win.newLine(this.getPts(i));
12888 | }
12889 |
12890 | win.pendingNewLine = false;
12891 | win.addText(char);
12892 | return i;
12893 | };
12894 | |
12895 |
12896 |
12897 |
12898 |
12899 |
12900 |
12901 |
12902 |
12903 | Cea708Stream.prototype.multiByteCharacter = function (i, service) {
12904 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
12905 | var firstByte = packetData[i + 1];
12906 | var secondByte = packetData[i + 2];
12907 |
12908 | if (within708TextBlock(firstByte) && within708TextBlock(secondByte)) {
12909 | i = this.handleText(++i, service, {
12910 | isMultiByte: true
12911 | });
12912 | }
12913 |
12914 | return i;
12915 | };
12916 | |
12917 |
12918 |
12919 |
12920 |
12921 |
12922 |
12923 |
12924 |
12925 |
12926 |
12927 | Cea708Stream.prototype.setCurrentWindow = function (i, service) {
12928 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
12929 | var b = packetData[i];
12930 | var windowNum = b & 0x07;
12931 | service.setCurrentWindow(windowNum);
12932 | return i;
12933 | };
12934 | |
12935 |
12936 |
12937 |
12938 |
12939 |
12940 |
12941 |
12942 |
12943 |
12944 |
12945 | Cea708Stream.prototype.defineWindow = function (i, service) {
12946 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
12947 | var b = packetData[i];
12948 | var windowNum = b & 0x07;
12949 | service.setCurrentWindow(windowNum);
12950 | var win = service.currentWindow;
12951 | b = packetData[++i];
12952 | win.visible = (b & 0x20) >> 5;
12953 |
12954 | win.rowLock = (b & 0x10) >> 4;
12955 |
12956 | win.columnLock = (b & 0x08) >> 3;
12957 |
12958 | win.priority = b & 0x07;
12959 |
12960 | b = packetData[++i];
12961 | win.relativePositioning = (b & 0x80) >> 7;
12962 |
12963 | win.anchorVertical = b & 0x7f;
12964 |
12965 | b = packetData[++i];
12966 | win.anchorHorizontal = b;
12967 |
12968 | b = packetData[++i];
12969 | win.anchorPoint = (b & 0xf0) >> 4;
12970 |
12971 | win.rowCount = b & 0x0f;
12972 |
12973 | b = packetData[++i];
12974 | win.columnCount = b & 0x3f;
12975 |
12976 | b = packetData[++i];
12977 | win.windowStyle = (b & 0x38) >> 3;
12978 |
12979 | win.penStyle = b & 0x07;
12980 |
12981 |
12982 | win.virtualRowCount = win.rowCount + 1;
12983 | return i;
12984 | };
12985 | |
12986 |
12987 |
12988 |
12989 |
12990 |
12991 |
12992 |
12993 |
12994 |
12995 |
12996 | Cea708Stream.prototype.setWindowAttributes = function (i, service) {
12997 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
12998 | var b = packetData[i];
12999 | var winAttr = service.currentWindow.winAttr;
13000 | b = packetData[++i];
13001 | winAttr.fillOpacity = (b & 0xc0) >> 6;
13002 |
13003 | winAttr.fillRed = (b & 0x30) >> 4;
13004 |
13005 | winAttr.fillGreen = (b & 0x0c) >> 2;
13006 |
13007 | winAttr.fillBlue = b & 0x03;
13008 |
13009 | b = packetData[++i];
13010 | winAttr.borderType = (b & 0xc0) >> 6;
13011 |
13012 | winAttr.borderRed = (b & 0x30) >> 4;
13013 |
13014 | winAttr.borderGreen = (b & 0x0c) >> 2;
13015 |
13016 | winAttr.borderBlue = b & 0x03;
13017 |
13018 | b = packetData[++i];
13019 | winAttr.borderType += (b & 0x80) >> 5;
13020 |
13021 | winAttr.wordWrap = (b & 0x40) >> 6;
13022 |
13023 | winAttr.printDirection = (b & 0x30) >> 4;
13024 |
13025 | winAttr.scrollDirection = (b & 0x0c) >> 2;
13026 |
13027 | winAttr.justify = b & 0x03;
13028 |
13029 | b = packetData[++i];
13030 | winAttr.effectSpeed = (b & 0xf0) >> 4;
13031 |
13032 | winAttr.effectDirection = (b & 0x0c) >> 2;
13033 |
13034 | winAttr.displayEffect = b & 0x03;
13035 |
13036 | return i;
13037 | };
13038 | |
13039 |
13040 |
13041 |
13042 |
13043 |
13044 |
13045 |
13046 | Cea708Stream.prototype.flushDisplayed = function (pts, service) {
13047 | var displayedText = [];
13048 |
13049 |
13050 | for (var winId = 0; winId < 8; winId++) {
13051 | if (service.windows[winId].visible && !service.windows[winId].isEmpty()) {
13052 | displayedText.push(service.windows[winId].getText());
13053 | }
13054 | }
13055 |
13056 | service.endPts = pts;
13057 | service.text = displayedText.join('\n\n');
13058 | this.pushCaption(service);
13059 | service.startPts = pts;
13060 | };
13061 | |
13062 |
13063 |
13064 |
13065 |
13066 |
13067 |
13068 | Cea708Stream.prototype.pushCaption = function (service) {
13069 | if (service.text !== '') {
13070 | this.trigger('data', {
13071 | startPts: service.startPts,
13072 | endPts: service.endPts,
13073 | text: service.text,
13074 | stream: 'cc708_' + service.serviceNum
13075 | });
13076 | service.text = '';
13077 | service.startPts = service.endPts;
13078 | }
13079 | };
13080 | |
13081 |
13082 |
13083 |
13084 |
13085 |
13086 |
13087 |
13088 |
13089 |
13090 |
13091 | Cea708Stream.prototype.displayWindows = function (i, service) {
13092 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
13093 | var b = packetData[++i];
13094 | var pts = this.getPts(i);
13095 | this.flushDisplayed(pts, service);
13096 |
13097 | for (var winId = 0; winId < 8; winId++) {
13098 | if (b & 0x01 << winId) {
13099 | service.windows[winId].visible = 1;
13100 | }
13101 | }
13102 |
13103 | return i;
13104 | };
13105 | |
13106 |
13107 |
13108 |
13109 |
13110 |
13111 |
13112 |
13113 |
13114 |
13115 |
13116 | Cea708Stream.prototype.hideWindows = function (i, service) {
13117 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
13118 | var b = packetData[++i];
13119 | var pts = this.getPts(i);
13120 | this.flushDisplayed(pts, service);
13121 |
13122 | for (var winId = 0; winId < 8; winId++) {
13123 | if (b & 0x01 << winId) {
13124 | service.windows[winId].visible = 0;
13125 | }
13126 | }
13127 |
13128 | return i;
13129 | };
13130 | |
13131 |
13132 |
13133 |
13134 |
13135 |
13136 |
13137 |
13138 |
13139 |
13140 |
13141 | Cea708Stream.prototype.toggleWindows = function (i, service) {
13142 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
13143 | var b = packetData[++i];
13144 | var pts = this.getPts(i);
13145 | this.flushDisplayed(pts, service);
13146 |
13147 | for (var winId = 0; winId < 8; winId++) {
13148 | if (b & 0x01 << winId) {
13149 | service.windows[winId].visible ^= 1;
13150 | }
13151 | }
13152 |
13153 | return i;
13154 | };
13155 | |
13156 |
13157 |
13158 |
13159 |
13160 |
13161 |
13162 |
13163 |
13164 |
13165 |
13166 | Cea708Stream.prototype.clearWindows = function (i, service) {
13167 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
13168 | var b = packetData[++i];
13169 | var pts = this.getPts(i);
13170 | this.flushDisplayed(pts, service);
13171 |
13172 | for (var winId = 0; winId < 8; winId++) {
13173 | if (b & 0x01 << winId) {
13174 | service.windows[winId].clearText();
13175 | }
13176 | }
13177 |
13178 | return i;
13179 | };
13180 | |
13181 |
13182 |
13183 |
13184 |
13185 |
13186 |
13187 |
13188 |
13189 |
13190 |
13191 | Cea708Stream.prototype.deleteWindows = function (i, service) {
13192 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
13193 | var b = packetData[++i];
13194 | var pts = this.getPts(i);
13195 | this.flushDisplayed(pts, service);
13196 |
13197 | for (var winId = 0; winId < 8; winId++) {
13198 | if (b & 0x01 << winId) {
13199 | service.windows[winId].reset();
13200 | }
13201 | }
13202 |
13203 | return i;
13204 | };
13205 | |
13206 |
13207 |
13208 |
13209 |
13210 |
13211 |
13212 |
13213 |
13214 |
13215 |
13216 | Cea708Stream.prototype.setPenAttributes = function (i, service) {
13217 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
13218 | var b = packetData[i];
13219 | var penAttr = service.currentWindow.penAttr;
13220 | b = packetData[++i];
13221 | penAttr.textTag = (b & 0xf0) >> 4;
13222 |
13223 | penAttr.offset = (b & 0x0c) >> 2;
13224 |
13225 | penAttr.penSize = b & 0x03;
13226 |
13227 | b = packetData[++i];
13228 | penAttr.italics = (b & 0x80) >> 7;
13229 |
13230 | penAttr.underline = (b & 0x40) >> 6;
13231 |
13232 | penAttr.edgeType = (b & 0x38) >> 3;
13233 |
13234 | penAttr.fontStyle = b & 0x07;
13235 |
13236 | return i;
13237 | };
13238 | |
13239 |
13240 |
13241 |
13242 |
13243 |
13244 |
13245 |
13246 |
13247 |
13248 |
13249 | Cea708Stream.prototype.setPenColor = function (i, service) {
13250 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
13251 | var b = packetData[i];
13252 | var penColor = service.currentWindow.penColor;
13253 | b = packetData[++i];
13254 | penColor.fgOpacity = (b & 0xc0) >> 6;
13255 |
13256 | penColor.fgRed = (b & 0x30) >> 4;
13257 |
13258 | penColor.fgGreen = (b & 0x0c) >> 2;
13259 |
13260 | penColor.fgBlue = b & 0x03;
13261 |
13262 | b = packetData[++i];
13263 | penColor.bgOpacity = (b & 0xc0) >> 6;
13264 |
13265 | penColor.bgRed = (b & 0x30) >> 4;
13266 |
13267 | penColor.bgGreen = (b & 0x0c) >> 2;
13268 |
13269 | penColor.bgBlue = b & 0x03;
13270 |
13271 | b = packetData[++i];
13272 | penColor.edgeRed = (b & 0x30) >> 4;
13273 |
13274 | penColor.edgeGreen = (b & 0x0c) >> 2;
13275 |
13276 | penColor.edgeBlue = b & 0x03;
13277 |
13278 | return i;
13279 | };
13280 | |
13281 |
13282 |
13283 |
13284 |
13285 |
13286 |
13287 |
13288 |
13289 |
13290 |
13291 | Cea708Stream.prototype.setPenLocation = function (i, service) {
13292 | var packetData = this.current708Packet.data;
13293 | var b = packetData[i];
13294 | var penLoc = service.currentWindow.penLoc;
13295 |
13296 | service.currentWindow.pendingNewLine = true;
13297 | b = packetData[++i];
13298 | penLoc.row = b & 0x0f;
13299 |
13300 | b = packetData[++i];
13301 | penLoc.column = b & 0x3f;
13302 |
13303 | return i;
13304 | };
13305 | |
13306 |
13307 |
13308 |
13309 |
13310 |
13311 |
13312 |
13313 |
13314 |
13315 |
13316 | Cea708Stream.prototype.reset = function (i, service) {
13317 | var pts = this.getPts(i);
13318 | this.flushDisplayed(pts, service);
13319 | return this.initService(service.serviceNum, i);
13320 | };
13321 |
13322 |
13323 |
13324 |
13325 |
13326 |
13327 |
13328 |
13330 | 0x2a: 0xe1,
13331 |
13332 | 0x5c: 0xe9,
13333 |
13334 | 0x5e: 0xed,
13335 |
13336 | 0x5f: 0xf3,
13337 |
13338 | 0x60: 0xfa,
13339 |
13340 | 0x7b: 0xe7,
13341 |
13342 | 0x7c: 0xf7,
13343 |
13344 | 0x7d: 0xd1,
13345 |
13346 | 0x7e: 0xf1,
13347 |
13348 | 0x7f: 0x2588,
13349 |
13350 | 0x0130: 0xae,
13351 |
13352 | 0x0131: 0xb0,
13353 |
13354 | 0x0132: 0xbd,
13355 |
13356 | 0x0133: 0xbf,
13357 |
13358 | 0x0134: 0x2122,
13359 |
13360 | 0x0135: 0xa2,
13361 |
13362 | 0x0136: 0xa3,
13363 |
13364 | 0x0137: 0x266a,
13365 |
13366 | 0x0138: 0xe0,
13367 |
13368 | 0x0139: 0xa0,
13369 |
13370 | 0x013a: 0xe8,
13371 |
13372 | 0x013b: 0xe2,
13373 |
13374 | 0x013c: 0xea,
13375 |
13376 | 0x013d: 0xee,
13377 |
13378 | 0x013e: 0xf4,
13379 |
13380 | 0x013f: 0xfb,
13381 |
13382 | 0x0220: 0xc1,
13383 |
13384 | 0x0221: 0xc9,
13385 |
13386 | 0x0222: 0xd3,
13387 |
13388 | 0x0223: 0xda,
13389 |
13390 | 0x0224: 0xdc,
13391 |
13392 | 0x0225: 0xfc,
13393 |
13394 | 0x0226: 0x2018,
13395 |
13396 | 0x0227: 0xa1,
13397 |
13398 | 0x0228: 0x2a,
13399 |
13400 | 0x0229: 0x27,
13401 |
13402 | 0x022a: 0x2014,
13403 |
13404 | 0x022b: 0xa9,
13405 |
13406 | 0x022c: 0x2120,
13407 |
13408 | 0x022d: 0x2022,
13409 |
13410 | 0x022e: 0x201c,
13411 |
13412 | 0x022f: 0x201d,
13413 |
13414 | 0x0230: 0xc0,
13415 |
13416 | 0x0231: 0xc2,
13417 |
13418 | 0x0232: 0xc7,
13419 |
13420 | 0x0233: 0xc8,
13421 |
13422 | 0x0234: 0xca,
13423 |
13424 | 0x0235: 0xcb,
13425 |
13426 | 0x0236: 0xeb,
13427 |
13428 | 0x0237: 0xce,
13429 |
13430 | 0x0238: 0xcf,
13431 |
13432 | 0x0239: 0xef,
13433 |
13434 | 0x023a: 0xd4,
13435 |
13436 | 0x023b: 0xd9,
13437 |
13438 | 0x023c: 0xf9,
13439 |
13440 | 0x023d: 0xdb,
13441 |
13442 | 0x023e: 0xab,
13443 |
13444 | 0x023f: 0xbb,
13445 |
13446 | 0x0320: 0xc3,
13447 |
13448 | 0x0321: 0xe3,
13449 |
13450 | 0x0322: 0xcd,
13451 |
13452 | 0x0323: 0xcc,
13453 |
13454 | 0x0324: 0xec,
13455 |
13456 | 0x0325: 0xd2,
13457 |
13458 | 0x0326: 0xf2,
13459 |
13460 | 0x0327: 0xd5,
13461 |
13462 | 0x0328: 0xf5,
13463 |
13464 | 0x0329: 0x7b,
13465 |
13466 | 0x032a: 0x7d,
13467 |
13468 | 0x032b: 0x5c,
13469 |
13470 | 0x032c: 0x5e,
13471 |
13472 | 0x032d: 0x5f,
13473 |
13474 | 0x032e: 0x7c,
13475 |
13476 | 0x032f: 0x7e,
13477 |
13478 | 0x0330: 0xc4,
13479 |
13480 | 0x0331: 0xe4,
13481 |
13482 | 0x0332: 0xd6,
13483 |
13484 | 0x0333: 0xf6,
13485 |
13486 | 0x0334: 0xdf,
13487 |
13488 | 0x0335: 0xa5,
13489 |
13490 | 0x0336: 0xa4,
13491 |
13492 | 0x0337: 0x2502,
13493 |
13494 | 0x0338: 0xc5,
13495 |
13496 | 0x0339: 0xe5,
13497 |
13498 | 0x033a: 0xd8,
13499 |
13500 | 0x033b: 0xf8,
13501 |
13502 | 0x033c: 0x250c,
13503 |
13504 | 0x033d: 0x2510,
13505 |
13506 | 0x033e: 0x2514,
13507 |
13508 | 0x033f: 0x2518
13509 |
13510 | };
13511 |
13512 | var getCharFromCode = function (code) {
13513 | if (code === null) {
13514 | return '';
13515 | }
13516 |
13517 | code = CHARACTER_TRANSLATION[code] || code;
13518 | return String.fromCharCode(code);
13519 | };
13520 |
13521 |
13522 | var BOTTOM_ROW = 14;
13523 |
13524 |
13525 | var ROWS = [0x1100, 0x1120, 0x1200, 0x1220, 0x1500, 0x1520, 0x1600, 0x1620, 0x1700, 0x1720, 0x1000, 0x1300, 0x1320, 0x1400, 0x1420];
13526 |
13527 |
13528 |
13529 |
13530 | var createDisplayBuffer = function () {
13531 | var result = [],
13532 | i = BOTTOM_ROW + 1;
13533 |
13534 | while (i--) {
13535 | result.push({
13536 | text: '',
13537 | indent: 0,
13538 | offset: 0
13539 | });
13540 | }
13541 |
13542 | return result;
13543 | };
13544 |
13545 | var Cea608Stream = function (field, dataChannel) {
13546 | Cea608Stream.prototype.init.call(this);
13547 | this.field_ = field || 0;
13548 | this.dataChannel_ = dataChannel || 0;
13549 | this.name_ = 'CC' + ((this.field_ << 1 | this.dataChannel_) + 1);
13550 | this.setConstants();
13551 | this.reset();
13552 |
13553 | this.push = function (packet) {
13554 | var data, swap, char0, char1, text;
13555 |
13556 | data = packet.ccData & 0x7f7f;
13557 |
13558 | if (data === this.lastControlCode_) {
13559 | this.lastControlCode_ = null;
13560 | return;
13561 | }
13562 |
13563 |
13564 | if ((data & 0xf000) === 0x1000) {
13565 | this.lastControlCode_ = data;
13566 | } else if (data !== this.PADDING_) {
13567 | this.lastControlCode_ = null;
13568 | }
13569 |
13570 | char0 = data >>> 8;
13571 | char1 = data & 0xff;
13572 |
13573 | if (data === this.PADDING_) {
13574 | return;
13575 | } else if (data === this.RESUME_CAPTION_LOADING_) {
13576 | this.mode_ = 'popOn';
13577 | } else if (data === this.END_OF_CAPTION_) {
13578 |
13579 |
13580 |
13581 |
13582 | this.mode_ = 'popOn';
13583 | this.clearFormatting(packet.pts);
13584 |
13585 | this.flushDisplayed(packet.pts);
13586 |
13587 | swap = this.displayed_;
13588 | this.displayed_ = this.nonDisplayed_;
13589 | this.nonDisplayed_ = swap;
13590 |
13591 | this.startPts_ = packet.pts;
13592 | } else if (data === this.ROLL_UP_2_ROWS_) {
13593 | this.rollUpRows_ = 2;
13594 | this.setRollUp(packet.pts);
13595 | } else if (data === this.ROLL_UP_3_ROWS_) {
13596 | this.rollUpRows_ = 3;
13597 | this.setRollUp(packet.pts);
13598 | } else if (data === this.ROLL_UP_4_ROWS_) {
13599 | this.rollUpRows_ = 4;
13600 | this.setRollUp(packet.pts);
13601 | } else if (data === this.CARRIAGE_RETURN_) {
13602 | this.clearFormatting(packet.pts);
13603 | this.flushDisplayed(packet.pts);
13604 | this.shiftRowsUp_();
13605 | this.startPts_ = packet.pts;
13606 | } else if (data === this.BACKSPACE_) {
13607 | if (this.mode_ === 'popOn') {
13608 | this.nonDisplayed_[this.row_].text = this.nonDisplayed_[this.row_].text.slice(0, -1);
13609 | } else {
13610 | this.displayed_[this.row_].text = this.displayed_[this.row_].text.slice(0, -1);
13611 | }
13612 | } else if (data === this.ERASE_DISPLAYED_MEMORY_) {
13613 | this.flushDisplayed(packet.pts);
13614 | this.displayed_ = createDisplayBuffer();
13615 | } else if (data === this.ERASE_NON_DISPLAYED_MEMORY_) {
13616 | this.nonDisplayed_ = createDisplayBuffer();
13617 | } else if (data === this.RESUME_DIRECT_CAPTIONING_) {
13618 | if (this.mode_ !== 'paintOn') {
13619 |
13620 |
13621 | this.flushDisplayed(packet.pts);
13622 | this.displayed_ = createDisplayBuffer();
13623 | }
13624 |
13625 | this.mode_ = 'paintOn';
13626 | this.startPts_ = packet.pts;
13627 | } else if (this.isSpecialCharacter(char0, char1)) {
13628 |
13629 |
13630 |
13631 |
13632 | char0 = (char0 & 0x03) << 8;
13633 | text = getCharFromCode(char0 | char1);
13634 | this[this.mode_](packet.pts, text);
13635 | this.column_++;
13636 | } else if (this.isExtCharacter(char0, char1)) {
13637 |
13638 |
13639 |
13640 |
13641 |
13642 | if (this.mode_ === 'popOn') {
13643 | this.nonDisplayed_[this.row_].text = this.nonDisplayed_[this.row_].text.slice(0, -1);
13644 | } else {
13645 | this.displayed_[this.row_].text = this.displayed_[this.row_].text.slice(0, -1);
13646 | }
13647 |
13648 |
13649 |
13650 |
13651 |
13652 | char0 = (char0 & 0x03) << 8;
13653 | text = getCharFromCode(char0 | char1);
13654 | this[this.mode_](packet.pts, text);
13655 | this.column_++;
13656 | } else if (this.isMidRowCode(char0, char1)) {
13657 |
13658 | this.clearFormatting(packet.pts);
13659 |
13660 |
13661 | this[this.mode_](packet.pts, ' ');
13662 | this.column_++;
13663 |
13664 | if ((char1 & 0xe) === 0xe) {
13665 | this.addFormatting(packet.pts, ['i']);
13666 | }
13667 |
13668 | if ((char1 & 0x1) === 0x1) {
13669 | this.addFormatting(packet.pts, ['u']);
13670 | }
13671 |
13672 | } else if (this.isOffsetControlCode(char0, char1)) {
13673 |
13674 |
13675 |
13676 |
13677 | const offset = char1 & 0x03;
13678 |
13679 |
13680 | this.nonDisplayed_[this.row_].offset = offset;
13681 | this.column_ += offset;
13682 | } else if (this.isPAC(char0, char1)) {
13683 |
13684 |
13685 | var row = ROWS.indexOf(data & 0x1f20);
13686 |
13687 | if (this.mode_ === 'rollUp') {
13688 |
13689 |
13690 |
13691 | if (row - this.rollUpRows_ + 1 < 0) {
13692 | row = this.rollUpRows_ - 1;
13693 | }
13694 |
13695 | this.setRollUp(packet.pts, row);
13696 | }
13697 |
13698 | if (row !== this.row_) {
13699 |
13700 | this.clearFormatting(packet.pts);
13701 | this.row_ = row;
13702 | }
13703 |
13704 |
13705 |
13706 | if (char1 & 0x1 && this.formatting_.indexOf('u') === -1) {
13707 | this.addFormatting(packet.pts, ['u']);
13708 | }
13709 |
13710 | if ((data & 0x10) === 0x10) {
13711 |
13712 |
13713 |
13714 |
13715 | const indentations = (data & 0xe) >> 1;
13716 | this.column_ = indentations * 4;
13717 |
13718 | this.nonDisplayed_[this.row_].indent += indentations;
13719 | }
13720 |
13721 | if (this.isColorPAC(char1)) {
13722 |
13723 |
13724 |
13725 |
13726 | if ((char1 & 0xe) === 0xe) {
13727 | this.addFormatting(packet.pts, ['i']);
13728 | }
13729 | }
13730 |
13731 | } else if (this.isNormalChar(char0)) {
13732 | if (char1 === 0x00) {
13733 | char1 = null;
13734 | }
13735 |
13736 | text = getCharFromCode(char0);
13737 | text += getCharFromCode(char1);
13738 | this[this.mode_](packet.pts, text);
13739 | this.column_ += text.length;
13740 | }
13741 |
13742 | };
13743 | };
13744 |
13745 | Cea608Stream.prototype = new Stream$7();
13746 |
13747 |
13748 | Cea608Stream.prototype.flushDisplayed = function (pts) {
13749 | const logWarning = index => {
13750 | this.trigger('log', {
13751 | level: 'warn',
13752 | message: 'Skipping a malformed 608 caption at index ' + index + '.'
13753 | });
13754 | };
13755 |
13756 | const content = [];
13757 | this.displayed_.forEach((row, i) => {
13758 | if (row && row.text && row.text.length) {
13759 | try {
13760 |
13761 | row.text = row.text.trim();
13762 | } catch (e) {
13763 |
13764 |
13765 |
13766 | logWarning(i);
13767 | }
13768 |
13769 |
13770 |
13771 | if (row.text.length) {
13772 | content.push({
13773 |
13774 | text: row.text,
13775 |
13776 | line: i + 1,
13777 |
13778 |
13779 |
13780 | position: 10 + Math.min(70, row.indent * 10) + row.offset * 2.5
13781 | });
13782 | }
13783 | } else if (row === undefined || row === null) {
13784 | logWarning(i);
13785 | }
13786 | });
13787 |
13788 | if (content.length) {
13789 | this.trigger('data', {
13790 | startPts: this.startPts_,
13791 | endPts: pts,
13792 | content,
13793 | stream: this.name_
13794 | });
13795 | }
13796 | };
13797 | |
13798 |
13799 |
13800 |
13801 |
13802 | Cea608Stream.prototype.reset = function () {
13803 | this.mode_ = 'popOn';
13804 |
13805 |
13806 |
13807 |
13808 | this.topRow_ = 0;
13809 | this.startPts_ = 0;
13810 | this.displayed_ = createDisplayBuffer();
13811 | this.nonDisplayed_ = createDisplayBuffer();
13812 | this.lastControlCode_ = null;
13813 |
13814 | this.column_ = 0;
13815 | this.row_ = BOTTOM_ROW;
13816 | this.rollUpRows_ = 2;
13817 |
13818 | this.formatting_ = [];
13819 | };
13820 | |
13821 |
13822 |
13823 |
13824 |
13825 | Cea608Stream.prototype.setConstants = function () {
13826 |
13827 |
13828 |
13829 |
13830 |
13831 |
13832 |
13833 |
13834 |
13835 |
13836 |
13837 |
13838 | if (this.dataChannel_ === 0) {
13839 | this.BASE_ = 0x10;
13840 | this.EXT_ = 0x11;
13841 | this.CONTROL_ = (0x14 | this.field_) << 8;
13842 | this.OFFSET_ = 0x17;
13843 | } else if (this.dataChannel_ === 1) {
13844 | this.BASE_ = 0x18;
13845 | this.EXT_ = 0x19;
13846 | this.CONTROL_ = (0x1c | this.field_) << 8;
13847 | this.OFFSET_ = 0x1f;
13848 | }
13849 |
13850 |
13851 |
13852 |
13853 |
13854 | this.PADDING_ = 0x0000;
13855 |
13856 | this.RESUME_CAPTION_LOADING_ = this.CONTROL_ | 0x20;
13857 | this.END_OF_CAPTION_ = this.CONTROL_ | 0x2f;
13858 |
13859 | this.ROLL_UP_2_ROWS_ = this.CONTROL_ | 0x25;
13860 | this.ROLL_UP_3_ROWS_ = this.CONTROL_ | 0x26;
13861 | this.ROLL_UP_4_ROWS_ = this.CONTROL_ | 0x27;
13862 | this.CARRIAGE_RETURN_ = this.CONTROL_ | 0x2d;
13863 |
13864 | this.RESUME_DIRECT_CAPTIONING_ = this.CONTROL_ | 0x29;
13865 |
13866 | this.BACKSPACE_ = this.CONTROL_ | 0x21;
13867 | this.ERASE_DISPLAYED_MEMORY_ = this.CONTROL_ | 0x2c;
13868 | this.ERASE_NON_DISPLAYED_MEMORY_ = this.CONTROL_ | 0x2e;
13869 | };
13870 | |
13871 |
13872 |
13873 |
13874 |
13875 |
13876 |
13877 |
13878 |
13879 |
13880 |
13881 |
13882 |
13883 | Cea608Stream.prototype.isSpecialCharacter = function (char0, char1) {
13884 | return char0 === this.EXT_ && char1 >= 0x30 && char1 <= 0x3f;
13885 | };
13886 | |
13887 |
13888 |
13889 |
13890 |
13891 |
13892 |
13893 |
13894 |
13895 |
13896 |
13897 |
13898 |
13899 | Cea608Stream.prototype.isExtCharacter = function (char0, char1) {
13900 | return (char0 === this.EXT_ + 1 || char0 === this.EXT_ + 2) && char1 >= 0x20 && char1 <= 0x3f;
13901 | };
13902 | |
13903 |
13904 |
13905 |
13906 |
13907 |
13908 |
13909 |
13910 |
13911 |
13912 |
13913 |
13914 |
13915 | Cea608Stream.prototype.isMidRowCode = function (char0, char1) {
13916 | return char0 === this.EXT_ && char1 >= 0x20 && char1 <= 0x2f;
13917 | };
13918 | |
13919 |
13920 |
13921 |
13922 |
13923 |
13924 |
13925 |
13926 |
13927 |
13928 |
13929 |
13930 |
13931 | Cea608Stream.prototype.isOffsetControlCode = function (char0, char1) {
13932 | return char0 === this.OFFSET_ && char1 >= 0x21 && char1 <= 0x23;
13933 | };
13934 | |
13935 |
13936 |
13937 |
13938 |
13939 |
13940 |
13941 |
13942 |
13943 |
13944 |
13945 |
13946 |
13947 | Cea608Stream.prototype.isPAC = function (char0, char1) {
13948 | return char0 >= this.BASE_ && char0 < this.BASE_ + 8 && char1 >= 0x40 && char1 <= 0x7f;
13949 | };
13950 | |
13951 |
13952 |
13953 |
13954 |
13955 |
13956 |
13957 |
13958 |
13959 |
13960 |
13961 | Cea608Stream.prototype.isColorPAC = function (char1) {
13962 | return char1 >= 0x40 && char1 <= 0x4f || char1 >= 0x60 && char1 <= 0x7f;
13963 | };
13964 | |
13965 |
13966 |
13967 |
13968 |
13969 |
13970 |
13971 |
13972 |
13973 |
13974 | Cea608Stream.prototype.isNormalChar = function (char) {
13975 | return char >= 0x20 && char <= 0x7f;
13976 | };
13977 | |
13978 |
13979 |
13980 |
13981 |
13982 |
13983 |
13984 |
13985 |
13986 | Cea608Stream.prototype.setRollUp = function (pts, newBaseRow) {
13987 |
13988 | if (this.mode_ !== 'rollUp') {
13989 | this.row_ = BOTTOM_ROW;
13990 | this.mode_ = 'rollUp';
13991 |
13992 | this.flushDisplayed(pts);
13993 | this.nonDisplayed_ = createDisplayBuffer();
13994 | this.displayed_ = createDisplayBuffer();
13995 | }
13996 |
13997 | if (newBaseRow !== undefined && newBaseRow !== this.row_) {
13998 |
13999 | for (var i = 0; i < this.rollUpRows_; i++) {
14000 | this.displayed_[newBaseRow - i] = this.displayed_[this.row_ - i];
14001 | this.displayed_[this.row_ - i] = {
14002 | text: '',
14003 | indent: 0,
14004 | offset: 0
14005 | };
14006 | }
14007 | }
14008 |
14009 | if (newBaseRow === undefined) {
14010 | newBaseRow = this.row_;
14011 | }
14012 |
14013 | this.topRow_ = newBaseRow - this.rollUpRows_ + 1;
14014 | };
14015 |
14016 |
14017 |
14018 | Cea608Stream.prototype.addFormatting = function (pts, format) {
14019 | this.formatting_ = this.formatting_.concat(format);
14020 | var text = format.reduce(function (text, format) {
14021 | return text + '<' + format + '>';
14022 | }, '');
14023 | this[this.mode_](pts, text);
14024 | };
14025 |
14026 |
14027 |
14028 | Cea608Stream.prototype.clearFormatting = function (pts) {
14029 | if (!this.formatting_.length) {
14030 | return;
14031 | }
14032 |
14033 | var text = this.formatting_.reverse().reduce(function (text, format) {
14034 | return text + '</' + format + '>';
14035 | }, '');
14036 | this.formatting_ = [];
14037 | this[this.mode_](pts, text);
14038 | };
14039 |
14040 |
14041 | Cea608Stream.prototype.popOn = function (pts, text) {
14042 | var baseRow = this.nonDisplayed_[this.row_].text;
14043 |
14044 | baseRow += text;
14045 | this.nonDisplayed_[this.row_].text = baseRow;
14046 | };
14047 |
14048 | Cea608Stream.prototype.rollUp = function (pts, text) {
14049 | var baseRow = this.displayed_[this.row_].text;
14050 | baseRow += text;
14051 | this.displayed_[this.row_].text = baseRow;
14052 | };
14053 |
14054 | Cea608Stream.prototype.shiftRowsUp_ = function () {
14055 | var i;
14056 |
14057 | for (i = 0; i < this.topRow_; i++) {
14058 | this.displayed_[i] = {
14059 | text: '',
14060 | indent: 0,
14061 | offset: 0
14062 | };
14063 | }
14064 |
14065 | for (i = this.row_ + 1; i < BOTTOM_ROW + 1; i++) {
14066 | this.displayed_[i] = {
14067 | text: '',
14068 | indent: 0,
14069 | offset: 0
14070 | };
14071 | }
14072 |
14073 |
14074 | for (i = this.topRow_; i < this.row_; i++) {
14075 | this.displayed_[i] = this.displayed_[i + 1];
14076 | }
14077 |
14078 |
14079 | this.displayed_[this.row_] = {
14080 | text: '',
14081 | indent: 0,
14082 | offset: 0
14083 | };
14084 | };
14085 |
14086 | Cea608Stream.prototype.paintOn = function (pts, text) {
14087 | var baseRow = this.displayed_[this.row_].text;
14088 | baseRow += text;
14089 | this.displayed_[this.row_].text = baseRow;
14090 | };
14091 |
14092 |
14093 | var captionStream = {
14094 | CaptionStream: CaptionStream$2,
14095 | Cea608Stream: Cea608Stream,
14096 | Cea708Stream: Cea708Stream
14097 | };
14098 | |
14099 |
14100 |
14101 |
14102 |
14103 |
14104 |
14105 | var streamTypes = {
14106 | H264_STREAM_TYPE: 0x1B,
14107 | ADTS_STREAM_TYPE: 0x0F,
14109 | };
14110 | |
14111 |
14112 |
14113 |
14114 |
14115 |
14116 |
14117 |
14118 |
14119 |
14120 |
14121 | var Stream$6 = stream;
14122 | var MAX_TS = 8589934592;
14123 | var RO_THRESH = 4294967296;
14124 | var TYPE_SHARED = 'shared';
14125 |
14126 | var handleRollover$1 = function (value, reference) {
14127 | var direction = 1;
14128 |
14129 | if (value > reference) {
14130 |
14131 |
14132 |
14133 |
14134 |
14135 |
14136 |
14137 | direction = -1;
14138 | }
14139 |
14140 |
14141 |
14142 | while (Math.abs(reference - value) > RO_THRESH) {
14143 | value += direction * MAX_TS;
14144 | }
14145 |
14146 | return value;
14147 | };
14148 |
14149 | var TimestampRolloverStream$1 = function (type) {
14150 | var lastDTS, referenceDTS;
14151 | TimestampRolloverStream$1.prototype.init.call(this);
14152 |
14153 |
14154 |
14155 | this.type_ = type || TYPE_SHARED;
14156 |
14157 | this.push = function (data) {
14158 | |
14159 |
14160 |
14161 |
14162 |
14163 |
14164 |
14165 |
14166 |
14167 |
14168 | if (data.type === 'metadata') {
14169 | this.trigger('data', data);
14170 | return;
14171 | }
14172 |
14173 |
14174 |
14175 | if (this.type_ !== TYPE_SHARED && data.type !== this.type_) {
14176 | return;
14177 | }
14178 |
14179 | if (referenceDTS === undefined) {
14180 | referenceDTS = data.dts;
14181 | }
14182 |
14183 | data.dts = handleRollover$1(data.dts, referenceDTS);
14184 | data.pts = handleRollover$1(data.pts, referenceDTS);
14185 | lastDTS = data.dts;
14186 | this.trigger('data', data);
14187 | };
14188 |
14189 | this.flush = function () {
14190 | referenceDTS = lastDTS;
14191 | this.trigger('done');
14192 | };
14193 |
14194 | this.endTimeline = function () {
14195 | this.flush();
14196 | this.trigger('endedtimeline');
14197 | };
14198 |
14199 | this.discontinuity = function () {
14200 | referenceDTS = void 0;
14201 | lastDTS = void 0;
14202 | };
14203 |
14204 | this.reset = function () {
14205 | this.discontinuity();
14206 | this.trigger('reset');
14207 | };
14208 | };
14209 |
14210 | TimestampRolloverStream$1.prototype = new Stream$6();
14211 | var timestampRolloverStream = {
14212 | TimestampRolloverStream: TimestampRolloverStream$1,
14213 | handleRollover: handleRollover$1
14214 | };
14215 |
14216 | var typedArrayIndexOf$1 = (typedArray, element, fromIndex) => {
14217 | if (!typedArray) {
14218 | return -1;
14219 | }
14220 |
14221 | var currentIndex = fromIndex;
14222 |
14223 | for (; currentIndex < typedArray.length; currentIndex++) {
14224 | if (typedArray[currentIndex] === element) {
14225 | return currentIndex;
14226 | }
14227 | }
14228 |
14229 | return -1;
14230 | };
14231 |
14232 | var typedArray = {
14233 | typedArrayIndexOf: typedArrayIndexOf$1
14234 | };
14235 | |
14236 |
14237 |
14238 |
14239 |
14240 |
14241 |
14242 |
14243 |
14244 |
14245 | var typedArrayIndexOf = typedArray.typedArrayIndexOf,
14246 |
14247 |
14248 | textEncodingDescriptionByte = {
14249 | Iso88591: 0x00,
14250 |
14251 | Utf16: 0x01,
14252 |
14253 | Utf16be: 0x02,
14254 |
14255 | Utf8: 0x03
14256 |
14257 | },
14258 |
14259 |
14260 | percentEncode$1 = function (bytes, start, end) {
14261 | var i,
14262 | result = '';
14263 |
14264 | for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
14265 | result += '%' + ('00' + bytes[i].toString(16)).slice(-2);
14266 | }
14267 |
14268 | return result;
14269 | },
14270 |
14271 |
14272 | parseUtf8 = function (bytes, start, end) {
14273 | return decodeURIComponent(percentEncode$1(bytes, start, end));
14274 | },
14275 |
14276 |
14277 | parseIso88591$1 = function (bytes, start, end) {
14278 | return unescape(percentEncode$1(bytes, start, end));
14279 | },
14280 | parseSyncSafeInteger$1 = function (data) {
14281 | return data[0] << 21 | data[1] << 14 | data[2] << 7 | data[3];
14282 | },
14283 | frameParsers = {
14284 | 'APIC': function (frame) {
14285 | var i = 1,
14286 | mimeTypeEndIndex,
14287 | descriptionEndIndex,
14288 | LINK_MIME_TYPE = '-->';
14289 |
14290 | if (frame.data[0] !== textEncodingDescriptionByte.Utf8) {
14291 |
14292 | return;
14293 | }
14294 |
14295 |
14296 | mimeTypeEndIndex = typedArrayIndexOf(frame.data, 0, i);
14297 |
14298 | if (mimeTypeEndIndex < 0) {
14299 |
14300 | return;
14301 | }
14302 |
14303 |
14304 | frame.mimeType = parseIso88591$1(frame.data, i, mimeTypeEndIndex);
14305 | i = mimeTypeEndIndex + 1;
14306 |
14307 | frame.pictureType = frame.data[i];
14308 | i++;
14309 | descriptionEndIndex = typedArrayIndexOf(frame.data, 0, i);
14310 |
14311 | if (descriptionEndIndex < 0) {
14312 |
14313 | return;
14314 | }
14315 |
14316 |
14317 | frame.description = parseUtf8(frame.data, i, descriptionEndIndex);
14318 | i = descriptionEndIndex + 1;
14319 |
14320 | if (frame.mimeType === LINK_MIME_TYPE) {
14321 |
14322 | frame.url = parseIso88591$1(frame.data, i, frame.data.length);
14323 | } else {
14324 |
14325 | frame.pictureData = frame.data.subarray(i, frame.data.length);
14326 | }
14327 | },
14328 | 'T*': function (frame) {
14329 | if (frame.data[0] !== textEncodingDescriptionByte.Utf8) {
14330 |
14331 | return;
14332 | }
14333 |
14334 |
14335 |
14336 | frame.value = parseUtf8(frame.data, 1, frame.data.length).replace(/\0*$/, '');
14337 |
14338 | frame.values = frame.value.split('\0');
14339 | },
14340 | 'TXXX': function (frame) {
14341 | var descriptionEndIndex;
14342 |
14343 | if (frame.data[0] !== textEncodingDescriptionByte.Utf8) {
14344 |
14345 | return;
14346 | }
14347 |
14348 | descriptionEndIndex = typedArrayIndexOf(frame.data, 0, 1);
14349 |
14350 | if (descriptionEndIndex === -1) {
14351 | return;
14352 | }
14353 |
14354 |
14355 | frame.description = parseUtf8(frame.data, 1, descriptionEndIndex);
14356 |
14357 |
14358 |
14359 | frame.value = parseUtf8(frame.data, descriptionEndIndex + 1, frame.data.length).replace(/\0*$/, '');
14360 | frame.data = frame.value;
14361 | },
14362 | 'W*': function (frame) {
14363 |
14364 |
14365 | frame.url = parseIso88591$1(frame.data, 0, frame.data.length).replace(/\0.*$/, '');
14366 | },
14367 | 'WXXX': function (frame) {
14368 | var descriptionEndIndex;
14369 |
14370 | if (frame.data[0] !== textEncodingDescriptionByte.Utf8) {
14371 |
14372 | return;
14373 | }
14374 |
14375 | descriptionEndIndex = typedArrayIndexOf(frame.data, 0, 1);
14376 |
14377 | if (descriptionEndIndex === -1) {
14378 | return;
14379 | }
14380 |
14381 |
14382 | frame.description = parseUtf8(frame.data, 1, descriptionEndIndex);
14383 |
14384 |
14385 |
14386 | frame.url = parseIso88591$1(frame.data, descriptionEndIndex + 1, frame.data.length).replace(/\0.*$/, '');
14387 | },
14388 | 'PRIV': function (frame) {
14389 | var i;
14390 |
14391 | for (i = 0; i < frame.data.length; i++) {
14392 | if (frame.data[i] === 0) {
14393 |
14394 | frame.owner = parseIso88591$1(frame.data, 0, i);
14395 | break;
14396 | }
14397 | }
14398 |
14399 | frame.privateData = frame.data.subarray(i + 1);
14400 | frame.data = frame.privateData;
14401 | }
14402 | };
14403 |
14404 | var parseId3Frames$1 = function (data) {
14405 | var frameSize,
14406 | frameHeader,
14407 | frameStart = 10,
14408 | tagSize = 0,
14409 | frames = [];
14410 |
14411 |
14412 | if (data.length < 10 || data[0] !== 'I'.charCodeAt(0) || data[1] !== 'D'.charCodeAt(0) || data[2] !== '3'.charCodeAt(0)) {
14413 | return;
14414 | }
14415 |
14416 |
14417 |
14418 |
14419 |
14420 | tagSize = parseSyncSafeInteger$1(data.subarray(6, 10));
14421 |
14422 |
14423 | tagSize += 10;
14424 |
14425 | var hasExtendedHeader = data[5] & 0x40;
14426 |
14427 | if (hasExtendedHeader) {
14428 |
14429 | frameStart += 4;
14430 |
14431 | frameStart += parseSyncSafeInteger$1(data.subarray(10, 14));
14432 | tagSize -= parseSyncSafeInteger$1(data.subarray(16, 20));
14433 | }
14434 |
14435 |
14436 |
14437 | do {
14438 |
14439 | frameSize = parseSyncSafeInteger$1(data.subarray(frameStart + 4, frameStart + 8));
14440 |
14441 | if (frameSize < 1) {
14442 | break;
14443 | }
14444 |
14445 | frameHeader = String.fromCharCode(data[frameStart], data[frameStart + 1], data[frameStart + 2], data[frameStart + 3]);
14446 | var frame = {
14447 | id: frameHeader,
14448 | data: data.subarray(frameStart + 10, frameStart + frameSize + 10)
14449 | };
14450 | frame.key = frame.id;
14451 |
14452 | if (frameParsers[frame.id]) {
14453 |
14454 | frameParsers[frame.id](frame);
14455 | } else if (frame.id[0] === 'T') {
14456 |
14457 | frameParsers['T*'](frame);
14458 | } else if (frame.id[0] === 'W') {
14459 |
14460 | frameParsers['W*'](frame);
14461 | }
14462 |
14463 | frames.push(frame);
14464 | frameStart += 10;
14465 |
14466 | frameStart += frameSize;
14467 | } while (frameStart < tagSize);
14468 |
14469 | return frames;
14470 | };
14471 |
14472 | var parseId3 = {
14473 | parseId3Frames: parseId3Frames$1,
14474 | parseSyncSafeInteger: parseSyncSafeInteger$1,
14475 | frameParsers: frameParsers
14476 | };
14477 | |
14478 |
14479 |
14480 |
14481 |
14482 |
14483 |
14484 |
14485 |
14486 |
14487 |
14488 | var Stream$5 = stream,
14489 | StreamTypes$3 = streamTypes,
14490 | id3 = parseId3,
14491 | MetadataStream;
14492 |
14493 | MetadataStream = function (options) {
14494 | var settings = {
14495 |
14496 |
14497 |
14498 | descriptor: options && options.descriptor
14499 | },
14500 |
14501 | tagSize = 0,
14502 |
14503 | buffer = [],
14504 |
14505 | bufferSize = 0,
14506 | i;
14507 | MetadataStream.prototype.init.call(this);
14508 |
14509 |
14510 | this.dispatchType = StreamTypes$3.METADATA_STREAM_TYPE.toString(16);
14511 |
14512 | if (settings.descriptor) {
14513 | for (i = 0; i < settings.descriptor.length; i++) {
14514 | this.dispatchType += ('00' + settings.descriptor[i].toString(16)).slice(-2);
14515 | }
14516 | }
14517 |
14518 | this.push = function (chunk) {
14519 | var tag, frameStart, frameSize, frame, i, frameHeader;
14520 |
14521 | if (chunk.type !== 'timed-metadata') {
14522 | return;
14523 | }
14524 |
14525 |
14526 |
14527 |
14528 | if (chunk.dataAlignmentIndicator) {
14529 | bufferSize = 0;
14530 | buffer.length = 0;
14531 | }
14532 |
14533 |
14534 | if (buffer.length === 0 && (chunk.data.length < 10 || chunk.data[0] !== 'I'.charCodeAt(0) || chunk.data[1] !== 'D'.charCodeAt(0) || chunk.data[2] !== '3'.charCodeAt(0))) {
14535 | this.trigger('log', {
14536 | level: 'warn',
14537 | message: 'Skipping unrecognized metadata packet'
14538 | });
14539 | return;
14540 | }
14541 |
14542 |
14543 | buffer.push(chunk);
14544 | bufferSize += chunk.data.byteLength;
14545 |
14546 | if (buffer.length === 1) {
14547 |
14548 |
14549 |
14550 |
14551 | tagSize = id3.parseSyncSafeInteger(chunk.data.subarray(6, 10));
14552 |
14553 |
14554 | tagSize += 10;
14555 | }
14556 |
14557 |
14558 | if (bufferSize < tagSize) {
14559 | return;
14560 | }
14561 |
14562 |
14563 | tag = {
14564 | data: new Uint8Array(tagSize),
14565 | frames: [],
14566 | pts: buffer[0].pts,
14567 | dts: buffer[0].dts
14568 | };
14569 |
14570 | for (i = 0; i < tagSize;) {
14571 | tag.data.set(buffer[0].data.subarray(0, tagSize - i), i);
14572 | i += buffer[0].data.byteLength;
14573 | bufferSize -= buffer[0].data.byteLength;
14574 | buffer.shift();
14575 | }
14576 |
14577 |
14578 | frameStart = 10;
14579 |
14580 | if (tag.data[5] & 0x40) {
14581 |
14582 | frameStart += 4;
14583 |
14584 | frameStart += id3.parseSyncSafeInteger(tag.data.subarray(10, 14));
14585 |
14586 | tagSize -= id3.parseSyncSafeInteger(tag.data.subarray(16, 20));
14587 | }
14588 |
14589 |
14590 |
14591 | do {
14592 |
14593 | frameSize = id3.parseSyncSafeInteger(tag.data.subarray(frameStart + 4, frameStart + 8));
14594 |
14595 | if (frameSize < 1) {
14596 | this.trigger('log', {
14597 | level: 'warn',
14598 | message: 'Malformed ID3 frame encountered. Skipping remaining metadata parsing.'
14599 | });
14600 |
14601 |
14602 | break;
14603 | }
14604 |
14605 | frameHeader = String.fromCharCode(tag.data[frameStart], tag.data[frameStart + 1], tag.data[frameStart + 2], tag.data[frameStart + 3]);
14606 | frame = {
14607 | id: frameHeader,
14608 | data: tag.data.subarray(frameStart + 10, frameStart + frameSize + 10)
14609 | };
14610 | frame.key = frame.id;
14611 |
14612 | if (id3.frameParsers[frame.id]) {
14613 |
14614 | id3.frameParsers[frame.id](frame);
14615 | } else if (frame.id[0] === 'T') {
14616 |
14617 | id3.frameParsers['T*'](frame);
14618 | } else if (frame.id[0] === 'W') {
14619 |
14620 | id3.frameParsers['W*'](frame);
14621 | }
14622 |
14623 |
14624 |
14625 | if (frame.owner === 'com.apple.streaming.transportStreamTimestamp') {
14626 | var d = frame.data,
14627 | size = (d[3] & 0x01) << 30 | d[4] << 22 | d[5] << 14 | d[6] << 6 | d[7] >>> 2;
14628 | size *= 4;
14629 | size += d[7] & 0x03;
14630 | frame.timeStamp = size;
14631 |
14632 |
14633 |
14634 |
14635 | if (tag.pts === undefined && tag.dts === undefined) {
14636 | tag.pts = frame.timeStamp;
14637 | tag.dts = frame.timeStamp;
14638 | }
14639 |
14640 | this.trigger('timestamp', frame);
14641 | }
14642 |
14643 | tag.frames.push(frame);
14644 | frameStart += 10;
14645 |
14646 | frameStart += frameSize;
14647 | } while (frameStart < tagSize);
14648 |
14649 | this.trigger('data', tag);
14650 | };
14651 | };
14652 |
14653 | MetadataStream.prototype = new Stream$5();
14654 | var metadataStream = MetadataStream;
14655 | |
14656 |
14657 |
14658 |
14659 |
14660 |
14661 |
14662 |
14663 |
14664 |
14665 |
14666 | var Stream$4 = stream,
14667 | CaptionStream$1 = captionStream,
14668 | StreamTypes$2 = streamTypes,
14669 | TimestampRolloverStream = timestampRolloverStream.TimestampRolloverStream;
14670 |
14671 | var TransportPacketStream, TransportParseStream, ElementaryStream;
14672 |
14673 | var MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH$1 = 188,
14674 |
14675 | SYNC_BYTE$1 = 0x47;
14676 | |
14677 |
14678 |
14679 |
14680 |
14681 | TransportPacketStream = function () {
14682 | var buffer = new Uint8Array(MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH$1),
14683 | bytesInBuffer = 0;
14684 | TransportPacketStream.prototype.init.call(this);
14685 |
14686 | |
14687 |
14688 |
14689 |
14690 | this.push = function (bytes) {
14691 | var startIndex = 0,
14692 | endIndex = MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH$1,
14693 | everything;
14694 |
14695 |
14696 | if (bytesInBuffer) {
14697 | everything = new Uint8Array(bytes.byteLength + bytesInBuffer);
14698 | everything.set(buffer.subarray(0, bytesInBuffer));
14699 | everything.set(bytes, bytesInBuffer);
14700 | bytesInBuffer = 0;
14701 | } else {
14702 | everything = bytes;
14703 | }
14704 |
14705 |
14706 | while (endIndex < everything.byteLength) {
14707 |
14708 | if (everything[startIndex] === SYNC_BYTE$1 && everything[endIndex] === SYNC_BYTE$1) {
14709 |
14710 |
14711 | this.trigger('data', everything.subarray(startIndex, endIndex));
14712 | startIndex += MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH$1;
14713 | endIndex += MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH$1;
14714 | continue;
14715 | }
14716 |
14717 |
14718 |
14719 |
14720 | startIndex++;
14721 | endIndex++;
14722 | }
14723 |
14724 |
14725 |
14726 |
14727 | if (startIndex < everything.byteLength) {
14728 | buffer.set(everything.subarray(startIndex), 0);
14729 | bytesInBuffer = everything.byteLength - startIndex;
14730 | }
14731 | };
14732 | |
14733 |
14734 |
14735 |
14736 |
14737 | this.flush = function () {
14738 |
14739 |
14740 |
14741 | if (bytesInBuffer === MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH$1 && buffer[0] === SYNC_BYTE$1) {
14742 | this.trigger('data', buffer);
14743 | bytesInBuffer = 0;
14744 | }
14745 |
14746 | this.trigger('done');
14747 | };
14748 |
14749 | this.endTimeline = function () {
14750 | this.flush();
14751 | this.trigger('endedtimeline');
14752 | };
14753 |
14754 | this.reset = function () {
14755 | bytesInBuffer = 0;
14756 | this.trigger('reset');
14757 | };
14758 | };
14759 |
14760 | TransportPacketStream.prototype = new Stream$4();
14761 | |
14762 |
14763 |
14764 |
14765 |
14766 | TransportParseStream = function () {
14767 | var parsePsi, parsePat, parsePmt, self;
14768 | TransportParseStream.prototype.init.call(this);
14769 | self = this;
14770 | this.packetsWaitingForPmt = [];
14771 | this.programMapTable = undefined;
14772 |
14773 | parsePsi = function (payload, psi) {
14774 | var offset = 0;
14775 |
14776 |
14777 |
14778 |
14779 |
14780 |
14781 | if (psi.payloadUnitStartIndicator) {
14782 | offset += payload[offset] + 1;
14783 | }
14784 |
14785 | if (psi.type === 'pat') {
14786 | parsePat(payload.subarray(offset), psi);
14787 | } else {
14788 | parsePmt(payload.subarray(offset), psi);
14789 | }
14790 | };
14791 |
14792 | parsePat = function (payload, pat) {
14793 | pat.section_number = payload[7];
14794 |
14795 | pat.last_section_number = payload[8];
14796 |
14797 |
14798 | self.pmtPid = (payload[10] & 0x1F) << 8 | payload[11];
14799 | pat.pmtPid = self.pmtPid;
14800 | };
14801 | |
14802 |
14803 |
14804 |
14805 |
14806 |
14807 |
14808 |
14809 |
14810 |
14811 | parsePmt = function (payload, pmt) {
14812 | var sectionLength, tableEnd, programInfoLength, offset;
14813 |
14814 |
14815 |
14816 |
14817 |
14818 | if (!(payload[5] & 0x01)) {
14819 | return;
14820 | }
14821 |
14822 |
14823 | self.programMapTable = {
14824 | video: null,
14825 | audio: null,
14826 | 'timed-metadata': {}
14827 | };
14828 |
14829 | sectionLength = (payload[1] & 0x0f) << 8 | payload[2];
14830 | tableEnd = 3 + sectionLength - 4;
14831 |
14832 |
14833 | programInfoLength = (payload[10] & 0x0f) << 8 | payload[11];
14834 |
14835 | offset = 12 + programInfoLength;
14836 |
14837 | while (offset < tableEnd) {
14838 | var streamType = payload[offset];
14839 | var pid = (payload[offset + 1] & 0x1F) << 8 | payload[offset + 2];
14840 |
14841 |
14842 |
14843 | if (streamType === StreamTypes$2.H264_STREAM_TYPE && self.programMapTable.video === null) {
14844 | self.programMapTable.video = pid;
14845 | } else if (streamType === StreamTypes$2.ADTS_STREAM_TYPE && self.programMapTable.audio === null) {
14846 | self.programMapTable.audio = pid;
14847 | } else if (streamType === StreamTypes$2.METADATA_STREAM_TYPE) {
14848 |
14849 | self.programMapTable['timed-metadata'][pid] = streamType;
14850 | }
14851 |
14852 |
14853 |
14854 | offset += ((payload[offset + 3] & 0x0F) << 8 | payload[offset + 4]) + 5;
14855 | }
14856 |
14857 |
14858 | pmt.programMapTable = self.programMapTable;
14859 | };
14860 | |
14861 |
14862 |
14863 |
14864 |
14865 | this.push = function (packet) {
14866 | var result = {},
14867 | offset = 4;
14868 | result.payloadUnitStartIndicator = !!(packet[1] & 0x40);
14869 |
14870 | result.pid = packet[1] & 0x1f;
14871 | result.pid <<= 8;
14872 | result.pid |= packet[2];
14873 |
14874 |
14875 |
14876 |
14877 |
14878 | if ((packet[3] & 0x30) >>> 4 > 0x01) {
14879 | offset += packet[offset] + 1;
14880 | }
14881 |
14882 |
14883 | if (result.pid === 0) {
14884 | result.type = 'pat';
14885 | parsePsi(packet.subarray(offset), result);
14886 | this.trigger('data', result);
14887 | } else if (result.pid === this.pmtPid) {
14888 | result.type = 'pmt';
14889 | parsePsi(packet.subarray(offset), result);
14890 | this.trigger('data', result);
14891 |
14892 | while (this.packetsWaitingForPmt.length) {
14893 | this.processPes_.apply(this, this.packetsWaitingForPmt.shift());
14894 | }
14895 | } else if (this.programMapTable === undefined) {
14896 |
14897 |
14898 | this.packetsWaitingForPmt.push([packet, offset, result]);
14899 | } else {
14900 | this.processPes_(packet, offset, result);
14901 | }
14902 | };
14903 |
14904 | this.processPes_ = function (packet, offset, result) {
14905 |
14906 | if (result.pid === this.programMapTable.video) {
14907 | result.streamType = StreamTypes$2.H264_STREAM_TYPE;
14908 | } else if (result.pid === this.programMapTable.audio) {
14909 | result.streamType = StreamTypes$2.ADTS_STREAM_TYPE;
14910 | } else {
14911 |
14912 |
14913 | result.streamType = this.programMapTable['timed-metadata'][result.pid];
14914 | }
14915 |
14916 | result.type = 'pes';
14917 | result.data = packet.subarray(offset);
14918 | this.trigger('data', result);
14919 | };
14920 | };
14921 |
14922 | TransportParseStream.prototype = new Stream$4();
14923 | TransportParseStream.STREAM_TYPES = {
14924 | h264: 0x1b,
14925 | adts: 0x0f
14926 | };
14927 | |
14928 |
14929 |
14930 |
14931 |
14932 |
14933 |
14934 |
14935 |
14936 | ElementaryStream = function () {
14937 | var self = this,
14938 | segmentHadPmt = false,
14939 |
14940 | video = {
14941 | data: [],
14942 | size: 0
14943 | },
14944 | audio = {
14945 | data: [],
14946 | size: 0
14947 | },
14948 | timedMetadata = {
14949 | data: [],
14950 | size: 0
14951 | },
14952 | programMapTable,
14953 | parsePes = function (payload, pes) {
14954 | var ptsDtsFlags;
14955 | const startPrefix = payload[0] << 16 | payload[1] << 8 | payload[2];
14956 |
14957 | pes.data = new Uint8Array();
14958 |
14959 |
14960 |
14961 | if (startPrefix !== 1) {
14962 | return;
14963 | }
14964 |
14965 |
14966 | pes.packetLength = 6 + (payload[4] << 8 | payload[5]);
14967 |
14968 | pes.dataAlignmentIndicator = (payload[6] & 0x04) !== 0;
14969 |
14970 |
14971 |
14972 | ptsDtsFlags = payload[7];
14973 |
14974 |
14975 |
14976 |
14977 |
14978 |
14979 |
14980 |
14981 | if (ptsDtsFlags & 0xC0) {
14982 |
14983 |
14984 |
14985 | pes.pts = (payload[9] & 0x0E) << 27 | (payload[10] & 0xFF) << 20 | (payload[11] & 0xFE) << 12 | (payload[12] & 0xFF) << 5 | (payload[13] & 0xFE) >>> 3;
14986 | pes.pts *= 4;
14987 |
14988 | pes.pts += (payload[13] & 0x06) >>> 1;
14989 |
14990 | pes.dts = pes.pts;
14991 |
14992 | if (ptsDtsFlags & 0x40) {
14993 | pes.dts = (payload[14] & 0x0E) << 27 | (payload[15] & 0xFF) << 20 | (payload[16] & 0xFE) << 12 | (payload[17] & 0xFF) << 5 | (payload[18] & 0xFE) >>> 3;
14994 | pes.dts *= 4;
14995 |
14996 | pes.dts += (payload[18] & 0x06) >>> 1;
14997 | }
14998 | }
14999 |
15000 |
15001 |
15002 |
15003 | pes.data = payload.subarray(9 + payload[8]);
15004 | },
15005 |
15006 | |
15007 |
15008 |
15009 | flushStream = function (stream, type, forceFlush) {
15010 | var packetData = new Uint8Array(stream.size),
15011 | event = {
15012 | type: type
15013 | },
15014 | i = 0,
15015 | offset = 0,
15016 | packetFlushable = false,
15017 | fragment;
15018 |
15019 |
15020 | if (!stream.data.length || stream.size < 9) {
15021 | return;
15022 | }
15023 |
15024 | event.trackId = stream.data[0].pid;
15025 |
15026 | for (i = 0; i < stream.data.length; i++) {
15027 | fragment = stream.data[i];
15028 | packetData.set(fragment.data, offset);
15029 | offset += fragment.data.byteLength;
15030 | }
15031 |
15032 |
15033 | parsePes(packetData, event);
15034 |
15035 |
15036 | packetFlushable = type === 'video' || event.packetLength <= stream.size;
15037 |
15038 | if (forceFlush || packetFlushable) {
15039 | stream.size = 0;
15040 | stream.data.length = 0;
15041 | }
15042 |
15043 |
15044 |
15045 | if (packetFlushable) {
15046 | self.trigger('data', event);
15047 | }
15048 | };
15049 |
15050 | ElementaryStream.prototype.init.call(this);
15051 | |
15052 |
15053 |
15054 |
15055 |
15056 | this.push = function (data) {
15057 | ({
15058 | pat: function () {
15059 |
15060 | },
15061 | pes: function () {
15062 | var stream, streamType;
15063 |
15064 | switch (data.streamType) {
15065 | case StreamTypes$2.H264_STREAM_TYPE:
15066 | stream = video;
15067 | streamType = 'video';
15068 | break;
15069 |
15070 | case StreamTypes$2.ADTS_STREAM_TYPE:
15071 | stream = audio;
15072 | streamType = 'audio';
15073 | break;
15074 |
15075 | case StreamTypes$2.METADATA_STREAM_TYPE:
15076 | stream = timedMetadata;
15077 | streamType = 'timed-metadata';
15078 | break;
15079 |
15080 | default:
15081 |
15082 | return;
15083 | }
15084 |
15085 |
15086 |
15087 | if (data.payloadUnitStartIndicator) {
15088 | flushStream(stream, streamType, true);
15089 | }
15090 |
15091 |
15092 |
15093 | stream.data.push(data);
15094 | stream.size += data.data.byteLength;
15095 | },
15096 | pmt: function () {
15097 | var event = {
15098 | type: 'metadata',
15099 | tracks: []
15100 | };
15101 | programMapTable = data.programMapTable;
15102 |
15103 | if (programMapTable.video !== null) {
15104 | event.tracks.push({
15105 | timelineStartInfo: {
15106 | baseMediaDecodeTime: 0
15107 | },
15108 | id: +programMapTable.video,
15109 | codec: 'avc',
15110 | type: 'video'
15111 | });
15112 | }
15113 |
15114 | if (programMapTable.audio !== null) {
15115 | event.tracks.push({
15116 | timelineStartInfo: {
15117 | baseMediaDecodeTime: 0
15118 | },
15119 | id: +programMapTable.audio,
15120 | codec: 'adts',
15121 | type: 'audio'
15122 | });
15123 | }
15124 |
15125 | segmentHadPmt = true;
15126 | self.trigger('data', event);
15127 | }
15128 | })[data.type]();
15129 | };
15130 |
15131 | this.reset = function () {
15132 | video.size = 0;
15133 | video.data.length = 0;
15134 | audio.size = 0;
15135 | audio.data.length = 0;
15136 | this.trigger('reset');
15137 | };
15138 | |
15139 |
15140 |
15141 |
15142 |
15143 |
15144 |
15145 |
15146 |
15147 |
15148 |
15149 | this.flushStreams_ = function () {
15150 |
15151 |
15152 | flushStream(video, 'video');
15153 | flushStream(audio, 'audio');
15154 | flushStream(timedMetadata, 'timed-metadata');
15155 | };
15156 |
15157 | this.flush = function () {
15158 |
15159 |
15160 |
15161 | if (!segmentHadPmt && programMapTable) {
15162 | var pmt = {
15163 | type: 'metadata',
15164 | tracks: []
15165 | };
15166 |
15167 | if (programMapTable.video !== null) {
15168 | pmt.tracks.push({
15169 | timelineStartInfo: {
15170 | baseMediaDecodeTime: 0
15171 | },
15172 | id: +programMapTable.video,
15173 | codec: 'avc',
15174 | type: 'video'
15175 | });
15176 | }
15177 |
15178 | if (programMapTable.audio !== null) {
15179 | pmt.tracks.push({
15180 | timelineStartInfo: {
15181 | baseMediaDecodeTime: 0
15182 | },
15183 | id: +programMapTable.audio,
15184 | codec: 'adts',
15185 | type: 'audio'
15186 | });
15187 | }
15188 |
15189 | self.trigger('data', pmt);
15190 | }
15191 |
15192 | segmentHadPmt = false;
15193 | this.flushStreams_();
15194 | this.trigger('done');
15195 | };
15196 | };
15197 |
15198 | ElementaryStream.prototype = new Stream$4();
15199 | var m2ts$1 = {
15200 | PAT_PID: 0x0000,
15202 | TransportPacketStream: TransportPacketStream,
15203 | TransportParseStream: TransportParseStream,
15204 | ElementaryStream: ElementaryStream,
15205 | TimestampRolloverStream: TimestampRolloverStream,
15206 | CaptionStream: CaptionStream$1.CaptionStream,
15207 | Cea608Stream: CaptionStream$1.Cea608Stream,
15208 | Cea708Stream: CaptionStream$1.Cea708Stream,
15209 | MetadataStream: metadataStream
15210 | };
15211 |
15212 | for (var type in StreamTypes$2) {
15213 | if (StreamTypes$2.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
15214 | m2ts$1[type] = StreamTypes$2[type];
15215 | }
15216 | }
15217 |
15218 | var m2ts_1 = m2ts$1;
15219 | |
15220 |
15221 |
15222 |
15223 |
15224 |
15225 |
15226 | var Stream$3 = stream;
15227 | var ONE_SECOND_IN_TS$2 = clock$2.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
15228 | var AdtsStream$1;
15229 | var ADTS_SAMPLING_FREQUENCIES$1 = [96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000, 7350];
15230 | |
15231 |
15232 |
15233 |
15234 |
15235 |
15236 |
15237 |
15238 |
15239 | AdtsStream$1 = function (handlePartialSegments) {
15240 | var buffer,
15241 | frameNum = 0;
15242 | AdtsStream$1.prototype.init.call(this);
15243 |
15244 | this.skipWarn_ = function (start, end) {
15245 | this.trigger('log', {
15246 | level: 'warn',
15247 | message: `adts skiping bytes ${start} to ${end} in frame ${frameNum} outside syncword`
15248 | });
15249 | };
15250 |
15251 | this.push = function (packet) {
15252 | var i = 0,
15253 | frameLength,
15254 | protectionSkipBytes,
15255 | oldBuffer,
15256 | sampleCount,
15257 | adtsFrameDuration;
15258 |
15259 | if (!handlePartialSegments) {
15260 | frameNum = 0;
15261 | }
15262 |
15263 | if (packet.type !== 'audio') {
15264 |
15265 | return;
15266 | }
15267 |
15268 |
15269 |
15270 | if (buffer && buffer.length) {
15271 | oldBuffer = buffer;
15272 | buffer = new Uint8Array(oldBuffer.byteLength + packet.data.byteLength);
15273 | buffer.set(oldBuffer);
15274 | buffer.set(packet.data, oldBuffer.byteLength);
15275 | } else {
15276 | buffer = packet.data;
15277 | }
15278 |
15279 |
15280 |
15281 | var skip;
15282 |
15283 |
15284 | while (i + 7 < buffer.length) {
15285 |
15286 | if (buffer[i] !== 0xFF || (buffer[i + 1] & 0xF6) !== 0xF0) {
15287 | if (typeof skip !== 'number') {
15288 | skip = i;
15289 | }
15290 |
15291 |
15292 |
15293 | i++;
15294 | continue;
15295 | }
15296 |
15297 | if (typeof skip === 'number') {
15298 | this.skipWarn_(skip, i);
15299 | skip = null;
15300 | }
15301 |
15302 |
15303 |
15304 | protectionSkipBytes = (~buffer[i + 1] & 0x01) * 2;
15305 |
15306 |
15307 |
15308 | frameLength = (buffer[i + 3] & 0x03) << 11 | buffer[i + 4] << 3 | (buffer[i + 5] & 0xe0) >> 5;
15309 | sampleCount = ((buffer[i + 6] & 0x03) + 1) * 1024;
15310 | adtsFrameDuration = sampleCount * ONE_SECOND_IN_TS$2 / ADTS_SAMPLING_FREQUENCIES$1[(buffer[i + 2] & 0x3c) >>> 2];
15311 |
15312 |
15313 | if (buffer.byteLength - i < frameLength) {
15314 | break;
15315 | }
15316 |
15317 |
15318 | this.trigger('data', {
15319 | pts: packet.pts + frameNum * adtsFrameDuration,
15320 | dts: packet.dts + frameNum * adtsFrameDuration,
15321 | sampleCount: sampleCount,
15322 | audioobjecttype: (buffer[i + 2] >>> 6 & 0x03) + 1,
15323 | channelcount: (buffer[i + 2] & 1) << 2 | (buffer[i + 3] & 0xc0) >>> 6,
15324 | samplerate: ADTS_SAMPLING_FREQUENCIES$1[(buffer[i + 2] & 0x3c) >>> 2],
15325 | samplingfrequencyindex: (buffer[i + 2] & 0x3c) >>> 2,
15326 |
15327 | samplesize: 16,
15328 |
15329 | data: buffer.subarray(i + 7 + protectionSkipBytes, i + frameLength)
15330 | });
15331 | frameNum++;
15332 | i += frameLength;
15333 | }
15334 |
15335 | if (typeof skip === 'number') {
15336 | this.skipWarn_(skip, i);
15337 | skip = null;
15338 | }
15339 |
15340 |
15341 | buffer = buffer.subarray(i);
15342 | };
15343 |
15344 | this.flush = function () {
15345 | frameNum = 0;
15346 | this.trigger('done');
15347 | };
15348 |
15349 | this.reset = function () {
15350 | buffer = void 0;
15351 | this.trigger('reset');
15352 | };
15353 |
15354 | this.endTimeline = function () {
15355 | buffer = void 0;
15356 | this.trigger('endedtimeline');
15357 | };
15358 | };
15359 |
15360 | AdtsStream$1.prototype = new Stream$3();
15361 | var adts = AdtsStream$1;
15362 | |
15363 |
15364 |
15365 |
15366 |
15367 |
15368 |
15369 | var ExpGolomb$1;
15370 | |
15371 |
15372 |
15373 |
15374 |
15375 | ExpGolomb$1 = function (workingData) {
15376 | var
15377 | workingBytesAvailable = workingData.byteLength,
15378 |
15379 | workingWord = 0,
15380 |
15381 |
15382 | workingBitsAvailable = 0;
15383 |
15384 |
15385 | this.length = function () {
15386 | return 8 * workingBytesAvailable;
15387 | };
15388 |
15389 |
15390 | this.bitsAvailable = function () {
15391 | return 8 * workingBytesAvailable + workingBitsAvailable;
15392 | };
15393 |
15394 |
15395 | this.loadWord = function () {
15396 | var position = workingData.byteLength - workingBytesAvailable,
15397 | workingBytes = new Uint8Array(4),
15398 | availableBytes = Math.min(4, workingBytesAvailable);
15399 |
15400 | if (availableBytes === 0) {
15401 | throw new Error('no bytes available');
15402 | }
15403 |
15404 | workingBytes.set(workingData.subarray(position, position + availableBytes));
15405 | workingWord = new DataView(workingBytes.buffer).getUint32(0);
15406 |
15407 | workingBitsAvailable = availableBytes * 8;
15408 | workingBytesAvailable -= availableBytes;
15409 | };
15410 |
15411 |
15412 | this.skipBits = function (count) {
15413 | var skipBytes;
15414 |
15415 | if (workingBitsAvailable > count) {
15416 | workingWord <<= count;
15417 | workingBitsAvailable -= count;
15418 | } else {
15419 | count -= workingBitsAvailable;
15420 | skipBytes = Math.floor(count / 8);
15421 | count -= skipBytes * 8;
15422 | workingBytesAvailable -= skipBytes;
15423 | this.loadWord();
15424 | workingWord <<= count;
15425 | workingBitsAvailable -= count;
15426 | }
15427 | };
15428 |
15429 |
15430 | this.readBits = function (size) {
15431 | var bits = Math.min(workingBitsAvailable, size),
15432 |
15433 | valu = workingWord >>> 32 - bits;
15434 |
15435 |
15436 | workingBitsAvailable -= bits;
15437 |
15438 | if (workingBitsAvailable > 0) {
15439 | workingWord <<= bits;
15440 | } else if (workingBytesAvailable > 0) {
15441 | this.loadWord();
15442 | }
15443 |
15444 | bits = size - bits;
15445 |
15446 | if (bits > 0) {
15447 | return valu << bits | this.readBits(bits);
15448 | }
15449 |
15450 | return valu;
15451 | };
15452 |
15453 |
15454 | this.skipLeadingZeros = function () {
15455 | var leadingZeroCount;
15456 |
15457 | for (leadingZeroCount = 0; leadingZeroCount < workingBitsAvailable; ++leadingZeroCount) {
15458 | if ((workingWord & 0x80000000 >>> leadingZeroCount) !== 0) {
15459 |
15460 | workingWord <<= leadingZeroCount;
15461 | workingBitsAvailable -= leadingZeroCount;
15462 | return leadingZeroCount;
15463 | }
15464 | }
15465 |
15466 |
15467 | this.loadWord();
15468 | return leadingZeroCount + this.skipLeadingZeros();
15469 | };
15470 |
15471 |
15472 | this.skipUnsignedExpGolomb = function () {
15473 | this.skipBits(1 + this.skipLeadingZeros());
15474 | };
15475 |
15476 |
15477 | this.skipExpGolomb = function () {
15478 | this.skipBits(1 + this.skipLeadingZeros());
15479 | };
15480 |
15481 |
15482 | this.readUnsignedExpGolomb = function () {
15483 | var clz = this.skipLeadingZeros();
15484 |
15485 | return this.readBits(clz + 1) - 1;
15486 | };
15487 |
15488 |
15489 | this.readExpGolomb = function () {
15490 | var valu = this.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15491 |
15492 | if (0x01 & valu) {
15493 |
15494 | return 1 + valu >>> 1;
15495 | }
15496 |
15497 | return -1 * (valu >>> 1);
15498 | };
15499 |
15500 |
15501 |
15502 | this.readBoolean = function () {
15503 | return this.readBits(1) === 1;
15504 | };
15505 |
15506 |
15507 | this.readUnsignedByte = function () {
15508 | return this.readBits(8);
15509 | };
15510 |
15511 | this.loadWord();
15512 | };
15513 |
15514 | var expGolomb = ExpGolomb$1;
15515 | |
15516 |
15517 |
15518 |
15519 |
15520 |
15521 |
15522 | var Stream$2 = stream;
15523 | var ExpGolomb = expGolomb;
15524 | var H264Stream$1, NalByteStream;
15526 | |
15527 |
15528 |
15529 |
15530 | NalByteStream = function () {
15531 | var syncPoint = 0,
15532 | i,
15533 | buffer;
15534 | NalByteStream.prototype.init.call(this);
15535 | |
15536 |
15537 |
15538 |
15539 |
15540 |
15541 |
15542 |
15543 | this.push = function (data) {
15544 | var swapBuffer;
15545 |
15546 | if (!buffer) {
15547 | buffer = data.data;
15548 | } else {
15549 | swapBuffer = new Uint8Array(buffer.byteLength + data.data.byteLength);
15550 | swapBuffer.set(buffer);
15551 | swapBuffer.set(data.data, buffer.byteLength);
15552 | buffer = swapBuffer;
15553 | }
15554 |
15555 | var len = buffer.byteLength;
15556 |
15557 |
15558 |
15559 |
15560 |
15561 |
15562 |
15563 |
15564 |
15565 | for (; syncPoint < len - 3; syncPoint++) {
15566 | if (buffer[syncPoint + 2] === 1) {
15567 |
15568 | i = syncPoint + 5;
15569 | break;
15570 | }
15571 | }
15572 |
15573 | while (i < len) {
15574 |
15575 |
15576 | switch (buffer[i]) {
15577 | case 0:
15578 |
15579 | if (buffer[i - 1] !== 0) {
15580 | i += 2;
15581 | break;
15582 | } else if (buffer[i - 2] !== 0) {
15583 | i++;
15584 | break;
15585 | }
15586 |
15587 |
15588 | if (syncPoint + 3 !== i - 2) {
15589 | this.trigger('data', buffer.subarray(syncPoint + 3, i - 2));
15590 | }
15591 |
15592 |
15593 | do {
15594 | i++;
15595 | } while (buffer[i] !== 1 && i < len);
15596 |
15597 | syncPoint = i - 2;
15598 | i += 3;
15599 | break;
15600 |
15601 | case 1:
15602 |
15603 | if (buffer[i - 1] !== 0 || buffer[i - 2] !== 0) {
15604 | i += 3;
15605 | break;
15606 | }
15607 |
15608 |
15609 | this.trigger('data', buffer.subarray(syncPoint + 3, i - 2));
15610 | syncPoint = i - 2;
15611 | i += 3;
15612 | break;
15613 |
15614 | default:
15615 |
15616 |
15617 | i += 3;
15618 | break;
15619 | }
15620 | }
15621 |
15622 |
15623 | buffer = buffer.subarray(syncPoint);
15624 | i -= syncPoint;
15625 | syncPoint = 0;
15626 | };
15627 |
15628 | this.reset = function () {
15629 | buffer = null;
15630 | syncPoint = 0;
15631 | this.trigger('reset');
15632 | };
15633 |
15634 | this.flush = function () {
15635 |
15636 | if (buffer && buffer.byteLength > 3) {
15637 | this.trigger('data', buffer.subarray(syncPoint + 3));
15638 | }
15639 |
15640 |
15641 | buffer = null;
15642 | syncPoint = 0;
15643 | this.trigger('done');
15644 | };
15645 |
15646 | this.endTimeline = function () {
15647 | this.flush();
15648 | this.trigger('endedtimeline');
15649 | };
15650 | };
15651 |
15652 | NalByteStream.prototype = new Stream$2();
15653 |
15654 |
15655 |
15657 | 100: true,
15658 | 110: true,
15659 | 122: true,
15660 | 244: true,
15661 | 44: true,
15662 | 83: true,
15663 | 86: true,
15664 | 118: true,
15665 | 128: true,
15666 |
15667 |
15668 | 138: true,
15669 | 139: true,
15670 | 134: true
15671 | };
15672 | |
15673 |
15674 |
15675 |
15676 |
15677 | H264Stream$1 = function () {
15678 | var nalByteStream = new NalByteStream(),
15679 | self,
15680 | trackId,
15681 | currentPts,
15682 | currentDts,
15683 | discardEmulationPreventionBytes,
15684 | readSequenceParameterSet,
15685 | skipScalingList;
15686 | H264Stream$1.prototype.init.call(this);
15687 | self = this;
15688 | |
15689 |
15690 |
15691 |
15692 |
15693 |
15694 |
15695 |
15696 |
15697 |
15698 |
15699 |
15700 | this.push = function (packet) {
15701 | if (packet.type !== 'video') {
15702 | return;
15703 | }
15704 |
15705 | trackId = packet.trackId;
15706 | currentPts = packet.pts;
15707 | currentDts = packet.dts;
15708 | nalByteStream.push(packet);
15709 | };
15710 | |
15711 |
15712 |
15713 |
15714 |
15715 |
15716 |
15717 |
15718 |
15719 |
15720 | nalByteStream.on('data', function (data) {
15721 | var event = {
15722 | trackId: trackId,
15723 | pts: currentPts,
15724 | dts: currentDts,
15725 | data: data,
15726 | nalUnitTypeCode: data[0] & 0x1f
15727 | };
15728 |
15729 | switch (event.nalUnitTypeCode) {
15730 | case 0x05:
15731 | event.nalUnitType = 'slice_layer_without_partitioning_rbsp_idr';
15732 | break;
15733 |
15734 | case 0x06:
15735 | event.nalUnitType = 'sei_rbsp';
15736 | event.escapedRBSP = discardEmulationPreventionBytes(data.subarray(1));
15737 | break;
15738 |
15739 | case 0x07:
15740 | event.nalUnitType = 'seq_parameter_set_rbsp';
15741 | event.escapedRBSP = discardEmulationPreventionBytes(data.subarray(1));
15742 | event.config = readSequenceParameterSet(event.escapedRBSP);
15743 | break;
15744 |
15745 | case 0x08:
15746 | event.nalUnitType = 'pic_parameter_set_rbsp';
15747 | break;
15748 |
15749 | case 0x09:
15750 | event.nalUnitType = 'access_unit_delimiter_rbsp';
15751 | break;
15752 | }
15753 |
15754 |
15755 | self.trigger('data', event);
15756 | });
15757 | nalByteStream.on('done', function () {
15758 | self.trigger('done');
15759 | });
15760 | nalByteStream.on('partialdone', function () {
15761 | self.trigger('partialdone');
15762 | });
15763 | nalByteStream.on('reset', function () {
15764 | self.trigger('reset');
15765 | });
15766 | nalByteStream.on('endedtimeline', function () {
15767 | self.trigger('endedtimeline');
15768 | });
15769 |
15770 | this.flush = function () {
15771 | nalByteStream.flush();
15772 | };
15773 |
15774 | this.partialFlush = function () {
15775 | nalByteStream.partialFlush();
15776 | };
15777 |
15778 | this.reset = function () {
15779 | nalByteStream.reset();
15780 | };
15781 |
15782 | this.endTimeline = function () {
15783 | nalByteStream.endTimeline();
15784 | };
15785 | |
15786 |
15787 |
15788 |
15789 |
15790 |
15791 |
15792 |
15793 |
15794 |
15795 |
15796 | skipScalingList = function (count, expGolombDecoder) {
15797 | var lastScale = 8,
15798 | nextScale = 8,
15799 | j,
15800 | deltaScale;
15801 |
15802 | for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
15803 | if (nextScale !== 0) {
15804 | deltaScale = expGolombDecoder.readExpGolomb();
15805 | nextScale = (lastScale + deltaScale + 256) % 256;
15806 | }
15807 |
15808 | lastScale = nextScale === 0 ? lastScale : nextScale;
15809 | }
15810 | };
15811 | |
15812 |
15813 |
15814 |
15815 |
15816 |
15817 |
15818 |
15819 |
15820 |
15821 | discardEmulationPreventionBytes = function (data) {
15822 | var length = data.byteLength,
15823 | emulationPreventionBytesPositions = [],
15824 | i = 1,
15825 | newLength,
15826 | newData;
15827 |
15828 | while (i < length - 2) {
15829 | if (data[i] === 0 && data[i + 1] === 0 && data[i + 2] === 0x03) {
15830 | emulationPreventionBytesPositions.push(i + 2);
15831 | i += 2;
15832 | } else {
15833 | i++;
15834 | }
15835 | }
15836 |
15837 |
15838 |
15839 | if (emulationPreventionBytesPositions.length === 0) {
15840 | return data;
15841 | }
15842 |
15843 |
15844 | newLength = length - emulationPreventionBytesPositions.length;
15845 | newData = new Uint8Array(newLength);
15846 | var sourceIndex = 0;
15847 |
15848 | for (i = 0; i < newLength; sourceIndex++, i++) {
15849 | if (sourceIndex === emulationPreventionBytesPositions[0]) {
15850 |
15851 | sourceIndex++;
15852 |
15853 | emulationPreventionBytesPositions.shift();
15854 | }
15855 |
15856 | newData[i] = data[sourceIndex];
15857 | }
15858 |
15859 | return newData;
15860 | };
15861 | |
15862 |
15863 |
15864 |
15865 |
15866 |
15867 |
15868 |
15869 |
15870 |
15871 |
15872 | readSequenceParameterSet = function (data) {
15873 | var frameCropLeftOffset = 0,
15874 | frameCropRightOffset = 0,
15875 | frameCropTopOffset = 0,
15876 | frameCropBottomOffset = 0,
15877 | expGolombDecoder,
15878 | profileIdc,
15879 | levelIdc,
15880 | profileCompatibility,
15881 | chromaFormatIdc,
15882 | picOrderCntType,
15883 | numRefFramesInPicOrderCntCycle,
15884 | picWidthInMbsMinus1,
15885 | picHeightInMapUnitsMinus1,
15886 | frameMbsOnlyFlag,
15887 | scalingListCount,
15888 | sarRatio = [1, 1],
15889 | aspectRatioIdc,
15890 | i;
15891 | expGolombDecoder = new ExpGolomb(data);
15892 | profileIdc = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedByte();
15893 |
15894 | profileCompatibility = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedByte();
15895 |
15896 | levelIdc = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedByte();
15897 |
15898 | expGolombDecoder.skipUnsignedExpGolomb();
15899 |
15900 |
15901 | if (PROFILES_WITH_OPTIONAL_SPS_DATA[profileIdc]) {
15902 | chromaFormatIdc = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15903 |
15904 | if (chromaFormatIdc === 3) {
15905 | expGolombDecoder.skipBits(1);
15906 | }
15907 |
15908 | expGolombDecoder.skipUnsignedExpGolomb();
15909 |
15910 | expGolombDecoder.skipUnsignedExpGolomb();
15911 |
15912 | expGolombDecoder.skipBits(1);
15913 |
15914 | if (expGolombDecoder.readBoolean()) {
15915 |
15916 | scalingListCount = chromaFormatIdc !== 3 ? 8 : 12;
15917 |
15918 | for (i = 0; i < scalingListCount; i++) {
15919 | if (expGolombDecoder.readBoolean()) {
15920 |
15921 | if (i < 6) {
15922 | skipScalingList(16, expGolombDecoder);
15923 | } else {
15924 | skipScalingList(64, expGolombDecoder);
15925 | }
15926 | }
15927 | }
15928 | }
15929 | }
15930 |
15931 | expGolombDecoder.skipUnsignedExpGolomb();
15932 |
15933 | picOrderCntType = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15934 |
15935 | if (picOrderCntType === 0) {
15936 | expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15937 | } else if (picOrderCntType === 1) {
15938 | expGolombDecoder.skipBits(1);
15939 |
15940 | expGolombDecoder.skipExpGolomb();
15941 |
15942 | expGolombDecoder.skipExpGolomb();
15943 |
15944 | numRefFramesInPicOrderCntCycle = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15945 |
15946 | for (i = 0; i < numRefFramesInPicOrderCntCycle; i++) {
15947 | expGolombDecoder.skipExpGolomb();
15948 | }
15949 | }
15950 |
15951 | expGolombDecoder.skipUnsignedExpGolomb();
15952 |
15953 | expGolombDecoder.skipBits(1);
15954 |
15955 | picWidthInMbsMinus1 = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15956 | picHeightInMapUnitsMinus1 = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15957 | frameMbsOnlyFlag = expGolombDecoder.readBits(1);
15958 |
15959 | if (frameMbsOnlyFlag === 0) {
15960 | expGolombDecoder.skipBits(1);
15961 | }
15962 |
15963 | expGolombDecoder.skipBits(1);
15964 |
15965 | if (expGolombDecoder.readBoolean()) {
15966 |
15967 | frameCropLeftOffset = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15968 | frameCropRightOffset = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15969 | frameCropTopOffset = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15970 | frameCropBottomOffset = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedExpGolomb();
15971 | }
15972 |
15973 | if (expGolombDecoder.readBoolean()) {
15974 |
15975 | if (expGolombDecoder.readBoolean()) {
15976 |
15977 | aspectRatioIdc = expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedByte();
15978 |
15979 | switch (aspectRatioIdc) {
15980 | case 1:
15981 | sarRatio = [1, 1];
15982 | break;
15983 |
15984 | case 2:
15985 | sarRatio = [12, 11];
15986 | break;
15987 |
15988 | case 3:
15989 | sarRatio = [10, 11];
15990 | break;
15991 |
15992 | case 4:
15993 | sarRatio = [16, 11];
15994 | break;
15995 |
15996 | case 5:
15997 | sarRatio = [40, 33];
15998 | break;
15999 |
16000 | case 6:
16001 | sarRatio = [24, 11];
16002 | break;
16003 |
16004 | case 7:
16005 | sarRatio = [20, 11];
16006 | break;
16007 |
16008 | case 8:
16009 | sarRatio = [32, 11];
16010 | break;
16011 |
16012 | case 9:
16013 | sarRatio = [80, 33];
16014 | break;
16015 |
16016 | case 10:
16017 | sarRatio = [18, 11];
16018 | break;
16019 |
16020 | case 11:
16021 | sarRatio = [15, 11];
16022 | break;
16023 |
16024 | case 12:
16025 | sarRatio = [64, 33];
16026 | break;
16027 |
16028 | case 13:
16029 | sarRatio = [160, 99];
16030 | break;
16031 |
16032 | case 14:
16033 | sarRatio = [4, 3];
16034 | break;
16035 |
16036 | case 15:
16037 | sarRatio = [3, 2];
16038 | break;
16039 |
16040 | case 16:
16041 | sarRatio = [2, 1];
16042 | break;
16043 |
16044 | case 255:
16045 | {
16046 | sarRatio = [expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedByte() << 8 | expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedByte(), expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedByte() << 8 | expGolombDecoder.readUnsignedByte()];
16047 | break;
16048 | }
16049 | }
16050 |
16051 | if (sarRatio) {
16052 | sarRatio[0] / sarRatio[1];
16053 | }
16054 | }
16055 | }
16056 |
16057 | return {
16058 | profileIdc: profileIdc,
16059 | levelIdc: levelIdc,
16060 | profileCompatibility: profileCompatibility,
16061 | width: (picWidthInMbsMinus1 + 1) * 16 - frameCropLeftOffset * 2 - frameCropRightOffset * 2,
16062 | height: (2 - frameMbsOnlyFlag) * (picHeightInMapUnitsMinus1 + 1) * 16 - frameCropTopOffset * 2 - frameCropBottomOffset * 2,
16063 |
16064 | sarRatio: sarRatio
16065 | };
16066 | };
16067 | };
16068 |
16069 | H264Stream$1.prototype = new Stream$2();
16070 | var h264 = {
16071 | H264Stream: H264Stream$1,
16072 | NalByteStream: NalByteStream
16073 | };
16074 | |
16075 |
16076 |
16077 |
16078 |
16079 |
16080 |
16081 |
16082 |
16083 | var ADTS_SAMPLING_FREQUENCIES = [96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000, 7350];
16084 |
16085 | var parseId3TagSize = function (header, byteIndex) {
16086 | var returnSize = header[byteIndex + 6] << 21 | header[byteIndex + 7] << 14 | header[byteIndex + 8] << 7 | header[byteIndex + 9],
16087 | flags = header[byteIndex + 5],
16088 | footerPresent = (flags & 16) >> 4;
16089 |
16090 | returnSize = returnSize >= 0 ? returnSize : 0;
16091 |
16092 | if (footerPresent) {
16093 | return returnSize + 20;
16094 | }
16095 |
16096 | return returnSize + 10;
16097 | };
16098 |
16099 | var getId3Offset = function (data, offset) {
16100 | if (data.length - offset < 10 || data[offset] !== 'I'.charCodeAt(0) || data[offset + 1] !== 'D'.charCodeAt(0) || data[offset + 2] !== '3'.charCodeAt(0)) {
16101 | return offset;
16102 | }
16103 |
16104 | offset += parseId3TagSize(data, offset);
16105 | return getId3Offset(data, offset);
16106 | };
16107 |
16108 |
16109 | var isLikelyAacData$1 = function (data) {
16110 | var offset = getId3Offset(data, 0);
16111 | return data.length >= offset + 2 && (data[offset] & 0xFF) === 0xFF && (data[offset + 1] & 0xF0) === 0xF0 &&
16112 |
16113 | (data[offset + 1] & 0x16) === 0x10;
16114 | };
16115 |
16116 | var parseSyncSafeInteger = function (data) {
16117 | return data[0] << 21 | data[1] << 14 | data[2] << 7 | data[3];
16118 | };
16119 |
16120 |
16121 |
16122 | var percentEncode = function (bytes, start, end) {
16123 | var i,
16124 | result = '';
16125 |
16126 | for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
16127 | result += '%' + ('00' + bytes[i].toString(16)).slice(-2);
16128 | }
16129 |
16130 | return result;
16131 | };
16132 |
16133 |
16134 |
16135 | var parseIso88591 = function (bytes, start, end) {
16136 | return unescape(percentEncode(bytes, start, end));
16137 | };
16138 |
16139 | var parseAdtsSize = function (header, byteIndex) {
16140 | var lowThree = (header[byteIndex + 5] & 0xE0) >> 5,
16141 | middle = header[byteIndex + 4] << 3,
16142 | highTwo = header[byteIndex + 3] & 0x3 << 11;
16143 | return highTwo | middle | lowThree;
16144 | };
16145 |
16146 | var parseType$4 = function (header, byteIndex) {
16147 | if (header[byteIndex] === 'I'.charCodeAt(0) && header[byteIndex + 1] === 'D'.charCodeAt(0) && header[byteIndex + 2] === '3'.charCodeAt(0)) {
16148 | return 'timed-metadata';
16149 | } else if (header[byteIndex] & 0xff === 0xff && (header[byteIndex + 1] & 0xf0) === 0xf0) {
16150 | return 'audio';
16151 | }
16152 |
16153 | return null;
16154 | };
16155 |
16156 | var parseSampleRate = function (packet) {
16157 | var i = 0;
16158 |
16159 | while (i + 5 < packet.length) {
16160 | if (packet[i] !== 0xFF || (packet[i + 1] & 0xF6) !== 0xF0) {
16161 |
16162 |
16163 | i++;
16164 | continue;
16165 | }
16166 |
16167 | return ADTS_SAMPLING_FREQUENCIES[(packet[i + 2] & 0x3c) >>> 2];
16168 | }
16169 |
16170 | return null;
16171 | };
16172 |
16173 | var parseAacTimestamp = function (packet) {
16174 | var frameStart, frameSize, frame, frameHeader;
16175 |
16176 | frameStart = 10;
16177 |
16178 | if (packet[5] & 0x40) {
16179 |
16180 | frameStart += 4;
16181 |
16182 | frameStart += parseSyncSafeInteger(packet.subarray(10, 14));
16183 | }
16184 |
16185 |
16186 |
16187 | do {
16188 |
16189 | frameSize = parseSyncSafeInteger(packet.subarray(frameStart + 4, frameStart + 8));
16190 |
16191 | if (frameSize < 1) {
16192 | return null;
16193 | }
16194 |
16195 | frameHeader = String.fromCharCode(packet[frameStart], packet[frameStart + 1], packet[frameStart + 2], packet[frameStart + 3]);
16196 |
16197 | if (frameHeader === 'PRIV') {
16198 | frame = packet.subarray(frameStart + 10, frameStart + frameSize + 10);
16199 |
16200 | for (var i = 0; i < frame.byteLength; i++) {
16201 | if (frame[i] === 0) {
16202 | var owner = parseIso88591(frame, 0, i);
16203 |
16204 | if (owner === 'com.apple.streaming.transportStreamTimestamp') {
16205 | var d = frame.subarray(i + 1);
16206 | var size = (d[3] & 0x01) << 30 | d[4] << 22 | d[5] << 14 | d[6] << 6 | d[7] >>> 2;
16207 | size *= 4;
16208 | size += d[7] & 0x03;
16209 | return size;
16210 | }
16211 |
16212 | break;
16213 | }
16214 | }
16215 | }
16216 |
16217 | frameStart += 10;
16218 |
16219 | frameStart += frameSize;
16220 | } while (frameStart < packet.byteLength);
16221 |
16222 | return null;
16223 | };
16224 |
16225 | var utils = {
16226 | isLikelyAacData: isLikelyAacData$1,
16227 | parseId3TagSize: parseId3TagSize,
16228 | parseAdtsSize: parseAdtsSize,
16229 | parseType: parseType$4,
16230 | parseSampleRate: parseSampleRate,
16231 | parseAacTimestamp: parseAacTimestamp
16232 | };
16233 | |
16234 |
16235 |
16236 |
16237 |
16238 |
16239 |
16240 |
16241 |
16242 |
16243 |
16244 | var Stream$1 = stream;
16245 | var aacUtils = utils;
16246 |
16247 | var AacStream$1;
16248 | |
16249 |
16250 |
16251 |
16252 | AacStream$1 = function () {
16253 | var everything = new Uint8Array(),
16254 | timeStamp = 0;
16255 | AacStream$1.prototype.init.call(this);
16256 |
16257 | this.setTimestamp = function (timestamp) {
16258 | timeStamp = timestamp;
16259 | };
16260 |
16261 | this.push = function (bytes) {
16262 | var frameSize = 0,
16263 | byteIndex = 0,
16264 | bytesLeft,
16265 | chunk,
16266 | packet,
16267 | tempLength;
16268 |
16269 |
16270 | if (everything.length) {
16271 | tempLength = everything.length;
16272 | everything = new Uint8Array(bytes.byteLength + tempLength);
16273 | everything.set(everything.subarray(0, tempLength));
16274 | everything.set(bytes, tempLength);
16275 | } else {
16276 | everything = bytes;
16277 | }
16278 |
16279 | while (everything.length - byteIndex >= 3) {
16280 | if (everything[byteIndex] === 'I'.charCodeAt(0) && everything[byteIndex + 1] === 'D'.charCodeAt(0) && everything[byteIndex + 2] === '3'.charCodeAt(0)) {
16281 |
16282 |
16283 | if (everything.length - byteIndex < 10) {
16284 | break;
16285 | }
16286 |
16287 |
16288 | frameSize = aacUtils.parseId3TagSize(everything, byteIndex);
16289 |
16290 |
16291 |
16292 | if (byteIndex + frameSize > everything.length) {
16293 | break;
16294 | }
16295 |
16296 | chunk = {
16297 | type: 'timed-metadata',
16298 | data: everything.subarray(byteIndex, byteIndex + frameSize)
16299 | };
16300 | this.trigger('data', chunk);
16301 | byteIndex += frameSize;
16302 | continue;
16303 | } else if ((everything[byteIndex] & 0xff) === 0xff && (everything[byteIndex + 1] & 0xf0) === 0xf0) {
16304 |
16305 |
16306 | if (everything.length - byteIndex < 7) {
16307 | break;
16308 | }
16309 |
16310 | frameSize = aacUtils.parseAdtsSize(everything, byteIndex);
16311 |
16312 |
16313 | if (byteIndex + frameSize > everything.length) {
16314 | break;
16315 | }
16316 |
16317 | packet = {
16318 | type: 'audio',
16319 | data: everything.subarray(byteIndex, byteIndex + frameSize),
16320 | pts: timeStamp,
16321 | dts: timeStamp
16322 | };
16323 | this.trigger('data', packet);
16324 | byteIndex += frameSize;
16325 | continue;
16326 | }
16327 |
16328 | byteIndex++;
16329 | }
16330 |
16331 | bytesLeft = everything.length - byteIndex;
16332 |
16333 | if (bytesLeft > 0) {
16334 | everything = everything.subarray(byteIndex);
16335 | } else {
16336 | everything = new Uint8Array();
16337 | }
16338 | };
16339 |
16340 | this.reset = function () {
16341 | everything = new Uint8Array();
16342 | this.trigger('reset');
16343 | };
16344 |
16345 | this.endTimeline = function () {
16346 | everything = new Uint8Array();
16347 | this.trigger('endedtimeline');
16348 | };
16349 | };
16350 |
16351 | AacStream$1.prototype = new Stream$1();
16352 | var aac = AacStream$1;
16353 | var AUDIO_PROPERTIES$1 = ['audioobjecttype', 'channelcount', 'samplerate', 'samplingfrequencyindex', 'samplesize'];
16354 | var audioProperties = AUDIO_PROPERTIES$1;
16355 | var VIDEO_PROPERTIES$1 = ['width', 'height', 'profileIdc', 'levelIdc', 'profileCompatibility', 'sarRatio'];
16356 | var videoProperties = VIDEO_PROPERTIES$1;
16357 | |
16358 |
16359 |
16360 |
16361 |
16362 |
16363 |
16364 |
16365 |
16366 |
16367 |
16368 | var Stream = stream;
16369 | var mp4 = mp4Generator;
16370 | var frameUtils = frameUtils$1;
16371 | var audioFrameUtils = audioFrameUtils$1;
16372 | var trackDecodeInfo = trackDecodeInfo$1;
16373 | var m2ts = m2ts_1;
16374 | var clock = clock$2;
16375 | var AdtsStream = adts;
16376 | var H264Stream = h264.H264Stream;
16377 | var AacStream = aac;
16378 | var isLikelyAacData = utils.isLikelyAacData;
16379 | var ONE_SECOND_IN_TS$1 = clock$2.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
16380 | var AUDIO_PROPERTIES = audioProperties;
16381 | var VIDEO_PROPERTIES = videoProperties;
16382 |
16383 | var VideoSegmentStream, AudioSegmentStream, Transmuxer, CoalesceStream;
16384 |
16385 | var retriggerForStream = function (key, event) {
16386 | event.stream = key;
16387 | this.trigger('log', event);
16388 | };
16389 |
16390 | var addPipelineLogRetriggers = function (transmuxer, pipeline) {
16391 | var keys = Object.keys(pipeline);
16392 |
16393 | for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
16394 | var key = keys[i];
16395 |
16396 |
16397 | if (key === 'headOfPipeline' || !pipeline[key].on) {
16398 | continue;
16399 | }
16400 |
16401 | pipeline[key].on('log', retriggerForStream.bind(transmuxer, key));
16402 | }
16403 | };
16404 | |
16405 |
16406 |
16407 |
16408 |
16409 | var arrayEquals = function (a, b) {
16410 | var i;
16411 |
16412 | if (a.length !== b.length) {
16413 | return false;
16414 | }
16415 |
16416 |
16417 | for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
16418 | if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
16419 | return false;
16420 | }
16421 | }
16422 |
16423 | return true;
16424 | };
16425 |
16426 | var generateSegmentTimingInfo = function (baseMediaDecodeTime, startDts, startPts, endDts, endPts, prependedContentDuration) {
16427 | var ptsOffsetFromDts = startPts - startDts,
16428 | decodeDuration = endDts - startDts,
16429 | presentationDuration = endPts - startPts;
16430 |
16431 |
16432 |
16433 |
16434 | return {
16435 | start: {
16436 | dts: baseMediaDecodeTime,
16437 | pts: baseMediaDecodeTime + ptsOffsetFromDts
16438 | },
16439 | end: {
16440 | dts: baseMediaDecodeTime + decodeDuration,
16441 | pts: baseMediaDecodeTime + presentationDuration
16442 | },
16443 | prependedContentDuration: prependedContentDuration,
16444 | baseMediaDecodeTime: baseMediaDecodeTime
16445 | };
16446 | };
16447 | |
16448 |
16449 |
16450 |
16451 |
16452 |
16453 |
16454 |
16455 |
16456 |
16457 |
16458 | AudioSegmentStream = function (track, options) {
16459 | var adtsFrames = [],
16460 | sequenceNumber,
16461 | earliestAllowedDts = 0,
16462 | audioAppendStartTs = 0,
16463 | videoBaseMediaDecodeTime = Infinity;
16464 | options = options || {};
16465 | sequenceNumber = options.firstSequenceNumber || 0;
16466 | AudioSegmentStream.prototype.init.call(this);
16467 |
16468 | this.push = function (data) {
16469 | trackDecodeInfo.collectDtsInfo(track, data);
16470 |
16471 | if (track) {
16472 | AUDIO_PROPERTIES.forEach(function (prop) {
16473 | track[prop] = data[prop];
16474 | });
16475 | }
16476 |
16477 |
16478 | adtsFrames.push(data);
16479 | };
16480 |
16481 | this.setEarliestDts = function (earliestDts) {
16482 | earliestAllowedDts = earliestDts;
16483 | };
16484 |
16485 | this.setVideoBaseMediaDecodeTime = function (baseMediaDecodeTime) {
16486 | videoBaseMediaDecodeTime = baseMediaDecodeTime;
16487 | };
16488 |
16489 | this.setAudioAppendStart = function (timestamp) {
16490 | audioAppendStartTs = timestamp;
16491 | };
16492 |
16493 | this.flush = function () {
16494 | var frames, moof, mdat, boxes, frameDuration, segmentDuration, videoClockCyclesOfSilencePrefixed;
16495 |
16496 | if (adtsFrames.length === 0) {
16497 | this.trigger('done', 'AudioSegmentStream');
16498 | return;
16499 | }
16500 |
16501 | frames = audioFrameUtils.trimAdtsFramesByEarliestDts(adtsFrames, track, earliestAllowedDts);
16502 | track.baseMediaDecodeTime = trackDecodeInfo.calculateTrackBaseMediaDecodeTime(track, options.keepOriginalTimestamps);
16503 |
16504 | videoClockCyclesOfSilencePrefixed = audioFrameUtils.prefixWithSilence(track, frames, audioAppendStartTs, videoBaseMediaDecodeTime);
16505 |
16506 |
16507 | track.samples = audioFrameUtils.generateSampleTable(frames);
16508 |
16509 | mdat = mp4.mdat(audioFrameUtils.concatenateFrameData(frames));
16510 | adtsFrames = [];
16511 | moof = mp4.moof(sequenceNumber, [track]);
16512 | boxes = new Uint8Array(moof.byteLength + mdat.byteLength);
16513 |
16514 | sequenceNumber++;
16515 | boxes.set(moof);
16516 | boxes.set(mdat, moof.byteLength);
16517 | trackDecodeInfo.clearDtsInfo(track);
16518 | frameDuration = Math.ceil(ONE_SECOND_IN_TS$1 * 1024 / track.samplerate);
16519 |
16520 |
16521 |
16522 |
16523 | if (frames.length) {
16524 | segmentDuration = frames.length * frameDuration;
16525 | this.trigger('segmentTimingInfo', generateSegmentTimingInfo(
16526 |
16527 |
16528 | clock.audioTsToVideoTs(track.baseMediaDecodeTime, track.samplerate),
16529 | frames[0].dts, frames[0].pts, frames[0].dts + segmentDuration, frames[0].pts + segmentDuration, videoClockCyclesOfSilencePrefixed || 0));
16530 | this.trigger('timingInfo', {
16531 | start: frames[0].pts,
16532 | end: frames[0].pts + segmentDuration
16533 | });
16534 | }
16535 |
16536 | this.trigger('data', {
16537 | track: track,
16538 | boxes: boxes
16539 | });
16540 | this.trigger('done', 'AudioSegmentStream');
16541 | };
16542 |
16543 | this.reset = function () {
16544 | trackDecodeInfo.clearDtsInfo(track);
16545 | adtsFrames = [];
16546 | this.trigger('reset');
16547 | };
16548 | };
16549 |
16550 | AudioSegmentStream.prototype = new Stream();
16551 | |
16552 |
16553 |
16554 |
16555 |
16556 |
16557 |
16558 |
16559 |
16560 |
16561 |
16562 |
16563 | VideoSegmentStream = function (track, options) {
16564 | var sequenceNumber,
16565 | nalUnits = [],
16566 | gopsToAlignWith = [],
16567 | config,
16568 | pps;
16569 | options = options || {};
16570 | sequenceNumber = options.firstSequenceNumber || 0;
16571 | VideoSegmentStream.prototype.init.call(this);
16572 | delete track.minPTS;
16573 | this.gopCache_ = [];
16574 | |
16575 |
16576 |
16577 |
16578 |
16579 |
16580 |
16581 |
16582 |
16583 | this.push = function (nalUnit) {
16584 | trackDecodeInfo.collectDtsInfo(track, nalUnit);
16585 |
16586 | if (nalUnit.nalUnitType === 'seq_parameter_set_rbsp' && !config) {
16587 | config = nalUnit.config;
16588 | track.sps = [nalUnit.data];
16589 | VIDEO_PROPERTIES.forEach(function (prop) {
16590 | track[prop] = config[prop];
16591 | }, this);
16592 | }
16593 |
16594 | if (nalUnit.nalUnitType === 'pic_parameter_set_rbsp' && !pps) {
16595 | pps = nalUnit.data;
16596 | track.pps = [nalUnit.data];
16597 | }
16598 |
16599 |
16600 | nalUnits.push(nalUnit);
16601 | };
16602 | |
16603 |
16604 |
16605 |
16606 |
16607 |
16608 | this.flush = function () {
16609 | var frames,
16610 | gopForFusion,
16611 | gops,
16612 | moof,
16613 | mdat,
16614 | boxes,
16615 | prependedContentDuration = 0,
16616 | firstGop,
16617 | lastGop;
16618 |
16619 |
16620 | while (nalUnits.length) {
16621 | if (nalUnits[0].nalUnitType === 'access_unit_delimiter_rbsp') {
16622 | break;
16623 | }
16624 |
16625 | nalUnits.shift();
16626 | }
16627 |
16628 |
16629 | if (nalUnits.length === 0) {
16630 | this.resetStream_();
16631 | this.trigger('done', 'VideoSegmentStream');
16632 | return;
16633 | }
16634 |
16635 |
16636 |
16637 |
16638 | frames = frameUtils.groupNalsIntoFrames(nalUnits);
16639 | gops = frameUtils.groupFramesIntoGops(frames);
16640 |
16641 |
16642 |
16643 |
16644 |
16645 |
16646 |
16647 |
16648 |
16649 |
16650 |
16651 |
16652 |
16653 |
16654 |
16655 |
16656 |
16657 |
16658 | if (!gops[0][0].keyFrame) {
16659 |
16660 | gopForFusion = this.getGopForFusion_(nalUnits[0], track);
16661 |
16662 | if (gopForFusion) {
16663 |
16664 |
16665 | prependedContentDuration = gopForFusion.duration;
16666 | gops.unshift(gopForFusion);
16667 |
16668 |
16669 | gops.byteLength += gopForFusion.byteLength;
16670 | gops.nalCount += gopForFusion.nalCount;
16671 | gops.pts = gopForFusion.pts;
16672 | gops.dts = gopForFusion.dts;
16673 | gops.duration += gopForFusion.duration;
16674 | } else {
16675 |
16676 | gops = frameUtils.extendFirstKeyFrame(gops);
16677 | }
16678 | }
16679 |
16680 |
16681 | if (gopsToAlignWith.length) {
16682 | var alignedGops;
16683 |
16684 | if (options.alignGopsAtEnd) {
16685 | alignedGops = this.alignGopsAtEnd_(gops);
16686 | } else {
16687 | alignedGops = this.alignGopsAtStart_(gops);
16688 | }
16689 |
16690 | if (!alignedGops) {
16691 |
16692 | this.gopCache_.unshift({
16693 | gop: gops.pop(),
16694 | pps: track.pps,
16695 | sps: track.sps
16696 | });
16697 |
16698 | this.gopCache_.length = Math.min(6, this.gopCache_.length);
16699 |
16700 | nalUnits = [];
16701 |
16702 | this.resetStream_();
16703 | this.trigger('done', 'VideoSegmentStream');
16704 | return;
16705 | }
16706 |
16707 |
16708 |
16709 | trackDecodeInfo.clearDtsInfo(track);
16710 | gops = alignedGops;
16711 | }
16712 |
16713 | trackDecodeInfo.collectDtsInfo(track, gops);
16714 |
16715 |
16716 | track.samples = frameUtils.generateSampleTable(gops);
16717 |
16718 | mdat = mp4.mdat(frameUtils.concatenateNalData(gops));
16719 | track.baseMediaDecodeTime = trackDecodeInfo.calculateTrackBaseMediaDecodeTime(track, options.keepOriginalTimestamps);
16720 | this.trigger('processedGopsInfo', gops.map(function (gop) {
16721 | return {
16722 | pts: gop.pts,
16723 | dts: gop.dts,
16724 | byteLength: gop.byteLength
16725 | };
16726 | }));
16727 | firstGop = gops[0];
16728 | lastGop = gops[gops.length - 1];
16729 | this.trigger('segmentTimingInfo', generateSegmentTimingInfo(track.baseMediaDecodeTime, firstGop.dts, firstGop.pts, lastGop.dts + lastGop.duration, lastGop.pts + lastGop.duration, prependedContentDuration));
16730 | this.trigger('timingInfo', {
16731 | start: gops[0].pts,
16732 | end: gops[gops.length - 1].pts + gops[gops.length - 1].duration
16733 | });
16734 |
16735 | this.gopCache_.unshift({
16736 | gop: gops.pop(),
16737 | pps: track.pps,
16738 | sps: track.sps
16739 | });
16740 |
16741 | this.gopCache_.length = Math.min(6, this.gopCache_.length);
16742 |
16743 | nalUnits = [];
16744 | this.trigger('baseMediaDecodeTime', track.baseMediaDecodeTime);
16745 | this.trigger('timelineStartInfo', track.timelineStartInfo);
16746 | moof = mp4.moof(sequenceNumber, [track]);
16747 |
16748 |
16749 | boxes = new Uint8Array(moof.byteLength + mdat.byteLength);
16750 |
16751 | sequenceNumber++;
16752 | boxes.set(moof);
16753 | boxes.set(mdat, moof.byteLength);
16754 | this.trigger('data', {
16755 | track: track,
16756 | boxes: boxes
16757 | });
16758 | this.resetStream_();
16759 |
16760 | this.trigger('done', 'VideoSegmentStream');
16761 | };
16762 |
16763 | this.reset = function () {
16764 | this.resetStream_();
16765 | nalUnits = [];
16766 | this.gopCache_.length = 0;
16767 | gopsToAlignWith.length = 0;
16768 | this.trigger('reset');
16769 | };
16770 |
16771 | this.resetStream_ = function () {
16772 | trackDecodeInfo.clearDtsInfo(track);
16773 |
16774 |
16775 | config = undefined;
16776 | pps = undefined;
16777 | };
16778 |
16779 |
16780 |
16781 | this.getGopForFusion_ = function (nalUnit) {
16782 | var halfSecond = 45000,
16783 |
16784 | allowableOverlap = 10000,
16785 |
16786 | nearestDistance = Infinity,
16787 | dtsDistance,
16788 | nearestGopObj,
16789 | currentGop,
16790 | currentGopObj,
16791 | i;
16792 |
16793 | for (i = 0; i < this.gopCache_.length; i++) {
16794 | currentGopObj = this.gopCache_[i];
16795 | currentGop = currentGopObj.gop;
16796 |
16797 | if (!(track.pps && arrayEquals(track.pps[0], currentGopObj.pps[0])) || !(track.sps && arrayEquals(track.sps[0], currentGopObj.sps[0]))) {
16798 | continue;
16799 | }
16800 |
16801 |
16802 | if (currentGop.dts < track.timelineStartInfo.dts) {
16803 | continue;
16804 | }
16805 |
16806 |
16807 | dtsDistance = nalUnit.dts - currentGop.dts - currentGop.duration;
16808 |
16809 |
16810 | if (dtsDistance >= -allowableOverlap && dtsDistance <= halfSecond) {
16811 |
16812 |
16813 | if (!nearestGopObj || nearestDistance > dtsDistance) {
16814 | nearestGopObj = currentGopObj;
16815 | nearestDistance = dtsDistance;
16816 | }
16817 | }
16818 | }
16819 |
16820 | if (nearestGopObj) {
16821 | return nearestGopObj.gop;
16822 | }
16823 |
16824 | return null;
16825 | };
16826 |
16827 |
16828 |
16829 | this.alignGopsAtStart_ = function (gops) {
16830 | var alignIndex, gopIndex, align, gop, byteLength, nalCount, duration, alignedGops;
16831 | byteLength = gops.byteLength;
16832 | nalCount = gops.nalCount;
16833 | duration = gops.duration;
16834 | alignIndex = gopIndex = 0;
16835 |
16836 | while (alignIndex < gopsToAlignWith.length && gopIndex < gops.length) {
16837 | align = gopsToAlignWith[alignIndex];
16838 | gop = gops[gopIndex];
16839 |
16840 | if (align.pts === gop.pts) {
16841 | break;
16842 | }
16843 |
16844 | if (gop.pts > align.pts) {
16845 |
16846 |
16847 | alignIndex++;
16848 | continue;
16849 | }
16850 |
16851 |
16852 |
16853 | gopIndex++;
16854 | byteLength -= gop.byteLength;
16855 | nalCount -= gop.nalCount;
16856 | duration -= gop.duration;
16857 | }
16858 |
16859 | if (gopIndex === 0) {
16860 |
16861 | return gops;
16862 | }
16863 |
16864 | if (gopIndex === gops.length) {
16865 |
16866 | return null;
16867 | }
16868 |
16869 | alignedGops = gops.slice(gopIndex);
16870 | alignedGops.byteLength = byteLength;
16871 | alignedGops.duration = duration;
16872 | alignedGops.nalCount = nalCount;
16873 | alignedGops.pts = alignedGops[0].pts;
16874 | alignedGops.dts = alignedGops[0].dts;
16875 | return alignedGops;
16876 | };
16877 |
16878 |
16879 |
16880 | this.alignGopsAtEnd_ = function (gops) {
16881 | var alignIndex, gopIndex, align, gop, alignEndIndex, matchFound;
16882 | alignIndex = gopsToAlignWith.length - 1;
16883 | gopIndex = gops.length - 1;
16884 | alignEndIndex = null;
16885 | matchFound = false;
16886 |
16887 | while (alignIndex >= 0 && gopIndex >= 0) {
16888 | align = gopsToAlignWith[alignIndex];
16889 | gop = gops[gopIndex];
16890 |
16891 | if (align.pts === gop.pts) {
16892 | matchFound = true;
16893 | break;
16894 | }
16895 |
16896 | if (align.pts > gop.pts) {
16897 | alignIndex--;
16898 | continue;
16899 | }
16900 |
16901 | if (alignIndex === gopsToAlignWith.length - 1) {
16902 |
16903 |
16904 |
16905 | alignEndIndex = gopIndex;
16906 | }
16907 |
16908 | gopIndex--;
16909 | }
16910 |
16911 | if (!matchFound && alignEndIndex === null) {
16912 | return null;
16913 | }
16914 |
16915 | var trimIndex;
16916 |
16917 | if (matchFound) {
16918 | trimIndex = gopIndex;
16919 | } else {
16920 | trimIndex = alignEndIndex;
16921 | }
16922 |
16923 | if (trimIndex === 0) {
16924 | return gops;
16925 | }
16926 |
16927 | var alignedGops = gops.slice(trimIndex);
16928 | var metadata = alignedGops.reduce(function (total, gop) {
16929 | total.byteLength += gop.byteLength;
16930 | total.duration += gop.duration;
16931 | total.nalCount += gop.nalCount;
16932 | return total;
16933 | }, {
16934 | byteLength: 0,
16935 | duration: 0,
16936 | nalCount: 0
16937 | });
16938 | alignedGops.byteLength = metadata.byteLength;
16939 | alignedGops.duration = metadata.duration;
16940 | alignedGops.nalCount = metadata.nalCount;
16941 | alignedGops.pts = alignedGops[0].pts;
16942 | alignedGops.dts = alignedGops[0].dts;
16943 | return alignedGops;
16944 | };
16945 |
16946 | this.alignGopsWith = function (newGopsToAlignWith) {
16947 | gopsToAlignWith = newGopsToAlignWith;
16948 | };
16949 | };
16950 |
16951 | VideoSegmentStream.prototype = new Stream();
16952 | |
16953 |
16954 |
16955 |
16956 |
16957 |
16958 |
16959 |
16960 |
16961 | CoalesceStream = function (options, metadataStream) {
16962 |
16963 |
16964 |
16965 | this.numberOfTracks = 0;
16966 | this.metadataStream = metadataStream;
16967 | options = options || {};
16968 |
16969 | if (typeof options.remux !== 'undefined') {
16970 | this.remuxTracks = !!options.remux;
16971 | } else {
16972 | this.remuxTracks = true;
16973 | }
16974 |
16975 | if (typeof options.keepOriginalTimestamps === 'boolean') {
16976 | this.keepOriginalTimestamps = options.keepOriginalTimestamps;
16977 | } else {
16978 | this.keepOriginalTimestamps = false;
16979 | }
16980 |
16981 | this.pendingTracks = [];
16982 | this.videoTrack = null;
16983 | this.pendingBoxes = [];
16984 | this.pendingCaptions = [];
16985 | this.pendingMetadata = [];
16986 | this.pendingBytes = 0;
16987 | this.emittedTracks = 0;
16988 | CoalesceStream.prototype.init.call(this);
16989 |
16990 | this.push = function (output) {
16991 |
16992 |
16993 | if (output.content || output.text) {
16994 | return this.pendingCaptions.push(output);
16995 | }
16996 |
16997 |
16998 | if (output.frames) {
16999 | return this.pendingMetadata.push(output);
17000 | }
17001 |
17002 |
17003 |
17004 |
17005 | this.pendingTracks.push(output.track);
17006 | this.pendingBytes += output.boxes.byteLength;
17007 |
17008 |
17009 |
17010 |
17011 |
17012 |
17013 | if (output.track.type === 'video') {
17014 | this.videoTrack = output.track;
17015 | this.pendingBoxes.push(output.boxes);
17016 | }
17017 |
17018 | if (output.track.type === 'audio') {
17019 | this.audioTrack = output.track;
17020 | this.pendingBoxes.unshift(output.boxes);
17021 | }
17022 | };
17023 | };
17024 |
17025 | CoalesceStream.prototype = new Stream();
17026 |
17027 | CoalesceStream.prototype.flush = function (flushSource) {
17028 | var offset = 0,
17029 | event = {
17030 | captions: [],
17031 | captionStreams: {},
17032 | metadata: [],
17033 | info: {}
17034 | },
17035 | caption,
17036 | id3,
17037 | initSegment,
17038 | timelineStartPts = 0,
17039 | i;
17040 |
17041 | if (this.pendingTracks.length < this.numberOfTracks) {
17042 | if (flushSource !== 'VideoSegmentStream' && flushSource !== 'AudioSegmentStream') {
17043 |
17044 |
17045 |
17046 | return;
17047 | } else if (this.remuxTracks) {
17048 |
17049 |
17050 | return;
17051 | } else if (this.pendingTracks.length === 0) {
17052 |
17053 |
17054 |
17055 |
17056 |
17057 |
17058 | this.emittedTracks++;
17059 |
17060 | if (this.emittedTracks >= this.numberOfTracks) {
17061 | this.trigger('done');
17062 | this.emittedTracks = 0;
17063 | }
17064 |
17065 | return;
17066 | }
17067 | }
17068 |
17069 | if (this.videoTrack) {
17070 | timelineStartPts = this.videoTrack.timelineStartInfo.pts;
17071 | VIDEO_PROPERTIES.forEach(function (prop) {
17072 | event.info[prop] = this.videoTrack[prop];
17073 | }, this);
17074 | } else if (this.audioTrack) {
17075 | timelineStartPts = this.audioTrack.timelineStartInfo.pts;
17076 | AUDIO_PROPERTIES.forEach(function (prop) {
17077 | event.info[prop] = this.audioTrack[prop];
17078 | }, this);
17079 | }
17080 |
17081 | if (this.videoTrack || this.audioTrack) {
17082 | if (this.pendingTracks.length === 1) {
17083 | event.type = this.pendingTracks[0].type;
17084 | } else {
17085 | event.type = 'combined';
17086 | }
17087 |
17088 | this.emittedTracks += this.pendingTracks.length;
17089 | initSegment = mp4.initSegment(this.pendingTracks);
17090 |
17091 | event.initSegment = new Uint8Array(initSegment.byteLength);
17092 |
17093 |
17094 | event.initSegment.set(initSegment);
17095 |
17096 | event.data = new Uint8Array(this.pendingBytes);
17097 |
17098 | for (i = 0; i < this.pendingBoxes.length; i++) {
17099 | event.data.set(this.pendingBoxes[i], offset);
17100 | offset += this.pendingBoxes[i].byteLength;
17101 | }
17102 |
17103 |
17104 |
17105 | for (i = 0; i < this.pendingCaptions.length; i++) {
17106 | caption = this.pendingCaptions[i];
17107 | caption.startTime = clock.metadataTsToSeconds(caption.startPts, timelineStartPts, this.keepOriginalTimestamps);
17108 | caption.endTime = clock.metadataTsToSeconds(caption.endPts, timelineStartPts, this.keepOriginalTimestamps);
17109 | event.captionStreams[caption.stream] = true;
17110 | event.captions.push(caption);
17111 | }
17112 |
17113 |
17114 |
17115 | for (i = 0; i < this.pendingMetadata.length; i++) {
17116 | id3 = this.pendingMetadata[i];
17117 | id3.cueTime = clock.metadataTsToSeconds(id3.pts, timelineStartPts, this.keepOriginalTimestamps);
17118 | event.metadata.push(id3);
17119 | }
17120 |
17121 |
17122 |
17123 | event.metadata.dispatchType = this.metadataStream.dispatchType;
17124 |
17125 | this.pendingTracks.length = 0;
17126 | this.videoTrack = null;
17127 | this.pendingBoxes.length = 0;
17128 | this.pendingCaptions.length = 0;
17129 | this.pendingBytes = 0;
17130 | this.pendingMetadata.length = 0;
17131 |
17132 |
17133 |
17134 | this.trigger('data', event);
17135 |
17136 |
17137 |
17138 |
17139 | for (i = 0; i < event.captions.length; i++) {
17140 | caption = event.captions[i];
17141 | this.trigger('caption', caption);
17142 | }
17143 |
17144 |
17145 |
17146 |
17147 |
17148 | for (i = 0; i < event.metadata.length; i++) {
17149 | id3 = event.metadata[i];
17150 | this.trigger('id3Frame', id3);
17151 | }
17152 | }
17153 |
17154 |
17155 | if (this.emittedTracks >= this.numberOfTracks) {
17156 | this.trigger('done');
17157 | this.emittedTracks = 0;
17158 | }
17159 | };
17160 |
17161 | CoalesceStream.prototype.setRemux = function (val) {
17162 | this.remuxTracks = val;
17163 | };
17164 | |
17165 |
17166 |
17167 |
17168 |
17169 |
17170 |
17171 |
17172 | Transmuxer = function (options) {
17173 | var self = this,
17174 | hasFlushed = true,
17175 | videoTrack,
17176 | audioTrack;
17177 | Transmuxer.prototype.init.call(this);
17178 | options = options || {};
17179 | this.baseMediaDecodeTime = options.baseMediaDecodeTime || 0;
17180 | this.transmuxPipeline_ = {};
17181 |
17182 | this.setupAacPipeline = function () {
17183 | var pipeline = {};
17184 | this.transmuxPipeline_ = pipeline;
17185 | pipeline.type = 'aac';
17186 | pipeline.metadataStream = new m2ts.MetadataStream();
17187 |
17188 | pipeline.aacStream = new AacStream();
17189 | pipeline.audioTimestampRolloverStream = new m2ts.TimestampRolloverStream('audio');
17190 | pipeline.timedMetadataTimestampRolloverStream = new m2ts.TimestampRolloverStream('timed-metadata');
17191 | pipeline.adtsStream = new AdtsStream();
17192 | pipeline.coalesceStream = new CoalesceStream(options, pipeline.metadataStream);
17193 | pipeline.headOfPipeline = pipeline.aacStream;
17194 | pipeline.aacStream.pipe(pipeline.audioTimestampRolloverStream).pipe(pipeline.adtsStream);
17195 | pipeline.aacStream.pipe(pipeline.timedMetadataTimestampRolloverStream).pipe(pipeline.metadataStream).pipe(pipeline.coalesceStream);
17196 | pipeline.metadataStream.on('timestamp', function (frame) {
17197 | pipeline.aacStream.setTimestamp(frame.timeStamp);
17198 | });
17199 | pipeline.aacStream.on('data', function (data) {
17200 | if (data.type !== 'timed-metadata' && data.type !== 'audio' || pipeline.audioSegmentStream) {
17201 | return;
17202 | }
17203 |
17204 | audioTrack = audioTrack || {
17205 | timelineStartInfo: {
17206 | baseMediaDecodeTime: self.baseMediaDecodeTime
17207 | },
17208 | codec: 'adts',
17209 | type: 'audio'
17210 | };
17211 |
17212 | pipeline.coalesceStream.numberOfTracks++;
17213 | pipeline.audioSegmentStream = new AudioSegmentStream(audioTrack, options);
17214 | pipeline.audioSegmentStream.on('log', self.getLogTrigger_('audioSegmentStream'));
17215 | pipeline.audioSegmentStream.on('timingInfo', self.trigger.bind(self, 'audioTimingInfo'));
17216 |
17217 | pipeline.adtsStream.pipe(pipeline.audioSegmentStream).pipe(pipeline.coalesceStream);
17218 |
17219 | self.trigger('trackinfo', {
17220 | hasAudio: !!audioTrack,
17221 | hasVideo: !!videoTrack
17222 | });
17223 | });
17224 |
17225 | pipeline.coalesceStream.on('data', this.trigger.bind(this, 'data'));
17226 |
17227 | pipeline.coalesceStream.on('done', this.trigger.bind(this, 'done'));
17228 | addPipelineLogRetriggers(this, pipeline);
17229 | };
17230 |
17231 | this.setupTsPipeline = function () {
17232 | var pipeline = {};
17233 | this.transmuxPipeline_ = pipeline;
17234 | pipeline.type = 'ts';
17235 | pipeline.metadataStream = new m2ts.MetadataStream();
17236 |
17237 | pipeline.packetStream = new m2ts.TransportPacketStream();
17238 | pipeline.parseStream = new m2ts.TransportParseStream();
17239 | pipeline.elementaryStream = new m2ts.ElementaryStream();
17240 | pipeline.timestampRolloverStream = new m2ts.TimestampRolloverStream();
17241 | pipeline.adtsStream = new AdtsStream();
17242 | pipeline.h264Stream = new H264Stream();
17243 | pipeline.captionStream = new m2ts.CaptionStream(options);
17244 | pipeline.coalesceStream = new CoalesceStream(options, pipeline.metadataStream);
17245 | pipeline.headOfPipeline = pipeline.packetStream;
17246 |
17247 | pipeline.packetStream.pipe(pipeline.parseStream).pipe(pipeline.elementaryStream).pipe(pipeline.timestampRolloverStream);
17248 |
17249 |
17250 | pipeline.timestampRolloverStream.pipe(pipeline.h264Stream);
17251 | pipeline.timestampRolloverStream.pipe(pipeline.adtsStream);
17252 | pipeline.timestampRolloverStream.pipe(pipeline.metadataStream).pipe(pipeline.coalesceStream);
17253 |
17254 | pipeline.h264Stream.pipe(pipeline.captionStream).pipe(pipeline.coalesceStream);
17255 | pipeline.elementaryStream.on('data', function (data) {
17256 | var i;
17257 |
17258 | if (data.type === 'metadata') {
17259 | i = data.tracks.length;
17260 |
17261 | while (i--) {
17262 | if (!videoTrack && data.tracks[i].type === 'video') {
17263 | videoTrack = data.tracks[i];
17264 | videoTrack.timelineStartInfo.baseMediaDecodeTime = self.baseMediaDecodeTime;
17265 | } else if (!audioTrack && data.tracks[i].type === 'audio') {
17266 | audioTrack = data.tracks[i];
17267 | audioTrack.timelineStartInfo.baseMediaDecodeTime = self.baseMediaDecodeTime;
17268 | }
17269 | }
17270 |
17271 |
17272 | if (videoTrack && !pipeline.videoSegmentStream) {
17273 | pipeline.coalesceStream.numberOfTracks++;
17274 | pipeline.videoSegmentStream = new VideoSegmentStream(videoTrack, options);
17275 | pipeline.videoSegmentStream.on('log', self.getLogTrigger_('videoSegmentStream'));
17276 | pipeline.videoSegmentStream.on('timelineStartInfo', function (timelineStartInfo) {
17277 |
17278 |
17279 |
17280 |
17281 | if (audioTrack && !options.keepOriginalTimestamps) {
17282 | audioTrack.timelineStartInfo = timelineStartInfo;
17283 |
17284 |
17285 |
17286 |
17287 | pipeline.audioSegmentStream.setEarliestDts(timelineStartInfo.dts - self.baseMediaDecodeTime);
17288 | }
17289 | });
17290 | pipeline.videoSegmentStream.on('processedGopsInfo', self.trigger.bind(self, 'gopInfo'));
17291 | pipeline.videoSegmentStream.on('segmentTimingInfo', self.trigger.bind(self, 'videoSegmentTimingInfo'));
17292 | pipeline.videoSegmentStream.on('baseMediaDecodeTime', function (baseMediaDecodeTime) {
17293 | if (audioTrack) {
17294 | pipeline.audioSegmentStream.setVideoBaseMediaDecodeTime(baseMediaDecodeTime);
17295 | }
17296 | });
17297 | pipeline.videoSegmentStream.on('timingInfo', self.trigger.bind(self, 'videoTimingInfo'));
17298 |
17299 | pipeline.h264Stream.pipe(pipeline.videoSegmentStream).pipe(pipeline.coalesceStream);
17300 | }
17301 |
17302 | if (audioTrack && !pipeline.audioSegmentStream) {
17303 |
17304 | pipeline.coalesceStream.numberOfTracks++;
17305 | pipeline.audioSegmentStream = new AudioSegmentStream(audioTrack, options);
17306 | pipeline.audioSegmentStream.on('log', self.getLogTrigger_('audioSegmentStream'));
17307 | pipeline.audioSegmentStream.on('timingInfo', self.trigger.bind(self, 'audioTimingInfo'));
17308 | pipeline.audioSegmentStream.on('segmentTimingInfo', self.trigger.bind(self, 'audioSegmentTimingInfo'));
17309 |
17310 | pipeline.adtsStream.pipe(pipeline.audioSegmentStream).pipe(pipeline.coalesceStream);
17311 | }
17312 |
17313 |
17314 | self.trigger('trackinfo', {
17315 | hasAudio: !!audioTrack,
17316 | hasVideo: !!videoTrack
17317 | });
17318 | }
17319 | });
17320 |
17321 | pipeline.coalesceStream.on('data', this.trigger.bind(this, 'data'));
17322 | pipeline.coalesceStream.on('id3Frame', function (id3Frame) {
17323 | id3Frame.dispatchType = pipeline.metadataStream.dispatchType;
17324 | self.trigger('id3Frame', id3Frame);
17325 | });
17326 | pipeline.coalesceStream.on('caption', this.trigger.bind(this, 'caption'));
17327 |
17328 | pipeline.coalesceStream.on('done', this.trigger.bind(this, 'done'));
17329 | addPipelineLogRetriggers(this, pipeline);
17330 | };
17331 |
17332 |
17333 | this.setBaseMediaDecodeTime = function (baseMediaDecodeTime) {
17334 | var pipeline = this.transmuxPipeline_;
17335 |
17336 | if (!options.keepOriginalTimestamps) {
17337 | this.baseMediaDecodeTime = baseMediaDecodeTime;
17338 | }
17339 |
17340 | if (audioTrack) {
17341 | audioTrack.timelineStartInfo.dts = undefined;
17342 | audioTrack.timelineStartInfo.pts = undefined;
17343 | trackDecodeInfo.clearDtsInfo(audioTrack);
17344 |
17345 | if (pipeline.audioTimestampRolloverStream) {
17346 | pipeline.audioTimestampRolloverStream.discontinuity();
17347 | }
17348 | }
17349 |
17350 | if (videoTrack) {
17351 | if (pipeline.videoSegmentStream) {
17352 | pipeline.videoSegmentStream.gopCache_ = [];
17353 | }
17354 |
17355 | videoTrack.timelineStartInfo.dts = undefined;
17356 | videoTrack.timelineStartInfo.pts = undefined;
17357 | trackDecodeInfo.clearDtsInfo(videoTrack);
17358 | pipeline.captionStream.reset();
17359 | }
17360 |
17361 | if (pipeline.timestampRolloverStream) {
17362 | pipeline.timestampRolloverStream.discontinuity();
17363 | }
17364 | };
17365 |
17366 | this.setAudioAppendStart = function (timestamp) {
17367 | if (audioTrack) {
17368 | this.transmuxPipeline_.audioSegmentStream.setAudioAppendStart(timestamp);
17369 | }
17370 | };
17371 |
17372 | this.setRemux = function (val) {
17373 | var pipeline = this.transmuxPipeline_;
17374 | options.remux = val;
17375 |
17376 | if (pipeline && pipeline.coalesceStream) {
17377 | pipeline.coalesceStream.setRemux(val);
17378 | }
17379 | };
17380 |
17381 | this.alignGopsWith = function (gopsToAlignWith) {
17382 | if (videoTrack && this.transmuxPipeline_.videoSegmentStream) {
17383 | this.transmuxPipeline_.videoSegmentStream.alignGopsWith(gopsToAlignWith);
17384 | }
17385 | };
17386 |
17387 | this.getLogTrigger_ = function (key) {
17388 | var self = this;
17389 | return function (event) {
17390 | event.stream = key;
17391 | self.trigger('log', event);
17392 | };
17393 | };
17394 |
17395 |
17396 | this.push = function (data) {
17397 | if (hasFlushed) {
17398 | var isAac = isLikelyAacData(data);
17399 |
17400 | if (isAac && this.transmuxPipeline_.type !== 'aac') {
17401 | this.setupAacPipeline();
17402 | } else if (!isAac && this.transmuxPipeline_.type !== 'ts') {
17403 | this.setupTsPipeline();
17404 | }
17405 |
17406 | hasFlushed = false;
17407 | }
17408 |
17409 | this.transmuxPipeline_.headOfPipeline.push(data);
17410 | };
17411 |
17412 |
17413 | this.flush = function () {
17414 | hasFlushed = true;
17415 |
17416 | this.transmuxPipeline_.headOfPipeline.flush();
17417 | };
17418 |
17419 | this.endTimeline = function () {
17420 | this.transmuxPipeline_.headOfPipeline.endTimeline();
17421 | };
17422 |
17423 | this.reset = function () {
17424 | if (this.transmuxPipeline_.headOfPipeline) {
17425 | this.transmuxPipeline_.headOfPipeline.reset();
17426 | }
17427 | };
17428 |
17429 |
17430 | this.resetCaptions = function () {
17431 | if (this.transmuxPipeline_.captionStream) {
17432 | this.transmuxPipeline_.captionStream.reset();
17433 | }
17434 | };
17435 | };
17436 |
17437 | Transmuxer.prototype = new Stream();
17438 | var transmuxer = {
17439 | Transmuxer: Transmuxer,
17440 | VideoSegmentStream: VideoSegmentStream,
17441 | AudioSegmentStream: AudioSegmentStream,
17444 |
17445 | generateSegmentTimingInfo: generateSegmentTimingInfo
17446 | };
17447 | |
17448 |
17449 |
17450 |
17451 |
17452 |
17453 |
17454 | var toUnsigned$3 = function (value) {
17455 | return value >>> 0;
17456 | };
17457 |
17458 | var toHexString$1 = function (value) {
17459 | return ('00' + value.toString(16)).slice(-2);
17460 | };
17461 |
17462 | var bin = {
17463 | toUnsigned: toUnsigned$3,
17464 | toHexString: toHexString$1
17465 | };
17466 |
17467 | var parseType$3 = function (buffer) {
17468 | var result = '';
17469 | result += String.fromCharCode(buffer[0]);
17470 | result += String.fromCharCode(buffer[1]);
17471 | result += String.fromCharCode(buffer[2]);
17472 | result += String.fromCharCode(buffer[3]);
17473 | return result;
17474 | };
17475 |
17476 | var parseType_1 = parseType$3;
17477 | var toUnsigned$2 = bin.toUnsigned;
17478 | var parseType$2 = parseType_1;
17479 |
17480 | var findBox$2 = function (data, path) {
17481 | var results = [],
17482 | i,
17483 | size,
17484 | type,
17485 | end,
17486 | subresults;
17487 |
17488 | if (!path.length) {
17489 |
17490 | return null;
17491 | }
17492 |
17493 | for (i = 0; i < data.byteLength;) {
17494 | size = toUnsigned$2(data[i] << 24 | data[i + 1] << 16 | data[i + 2] << 8 | data[i + 3]);
17495 | type = parseType$2(data.subarray(i + 4, i + 8));
17496 | end = size > 1 ? i + size : data.byteLength;
17497 |
17498 | if (type === path[0]) {
17499 | if (path.length === 1) {
17500 |
17501 |
17502 | results.push(data.subarray(i + 8, end));
17503 | } else {
17504 |
17505 | subresults = findBox$2(data.subarray(i + 8, end), path.slice(1));
17506 |
17507 | if (subresults.length) {
17508 | results = results.concat(subresults);
17509 | }
17510 | }
17511 | }
17512 |
17513 | i = end;
17514 | }
17515 |
17516 |
17517 | return results;
17518 | };
17519 |
17520 | var findBox_1 = findBox$2;
17521 | var toUnsigned$1 = bin.toUnsigned;
17522 | var getUint64$2 = numbers.getUint64;
17523 |
17524 | var tfdt = function (data) {
17525 | var result = {
17526 | version: data[0],
17527 | flags: new Uint8Array(data.subarray(1, 4))
17528 | };
17529 |
17530 | if (result.version === 1) {
17531 | result.baseMediaDecodeTime = getUint64$2(data.subarray(4));
17532 | } else {
17533 | result.baseMediaDecodeTime = toUnsigned$1(data[4] << 24 | data[5] << 16 | data[6] << 8 | data[7]);
17534 | }
17535 |
17536 | return result;
17537 | };
17538 |
17539 | var parseTfdt$2 = tfdt;
17540 |
17541 | var parseSampleFlags$1 = function (flags) {
17542 | return {
17543 | isLeading: (flags[0] & 0x0c) >>> 2,
17544 | dependsOn: flags[0] & 0x03,
17545 | isDependedOn: (flags[1] & 0xc0) >>> 6,
17546 | hasRedundancy: (flags[1] & 0x30) >>> 4,
17547 | paddingValue: (flags[1] & 0x0e) >>> 1,
17548 | isNonSyncSample: flags[1] & 0x01,
17549 | degradationPriority: flags[2] << 8 | flags[3]
17550 | };
17551 | };
17552 |
17553 | var parseSampleFlags_1 = parseSampleFlags$1;
17554 | var parseSampleFlags = parseSampleFlags_1;
17555 |
17556 | var trun = function (data) {
17557 | var result = {
17558 | version: data[0],
17559 | flags: new Uint8Array(data.subarray(1, 4)),
17560 | samples: []
17561 | },
17562 | view = new DataView(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength),
17563 |
17564 | dataOffsetPresent = result.flags[2] & 0x01,
17565 |
17566 | firstSampleFlagsPresent = result.flags[2] & 0x04,
17567 |
17568 | sampleDurationPresent = result.flags[1] & 0x01,
17569 |
17570 | sampleSizePresent = result.flags[1] & 0x02,
17571 |
17572 | sampleFlagsPresent = result.flags[1] & 0x04,
17573 |
17574 | sampleCompositionTimeOffsetPresent = result.flags[1] & 0x08,
17575 |
17576 | sampleCount = view.getUint32(4),
17577 | offset = 8,
17578 | sample;
17579 |
17580 | if (dataOffsetPresent) {
17581 |
17582 | result.dataOffset = view.getInt32(offset);
17583 | offset += 4;
17584 | }
17585 |
17586 |
17587 |
17588 | if (firstSampleFlagsPresent && sampleCount) {
17589 | sample = {
17590 | flags: parseSampleFlags(data.subarray(offset, offset + 4))
17591 | };
17592 | offset += 4;
17593 |
17594 | if (sampleDurationPresent) {
17595 | sample.duration = view.getUint32(offset);
17596 | offset += 4;
17597 | }
17598 |
17599 | if (sampleSizePresent) {
17600 | sample.size = view.getUint32(offset);
17601 | offset += 4;
17602 | }
17603 |
17604 | if (sampleCompositionTimeOffsetPresent) {
17605 | if (result.version === 1) {
17606 | sample.compositionTimeOffset = view.getInt32(offset);
17607 | } else {
17608 | sample.compositionTimeOffset = view.getUint32(offset);
17609 | }
17610 |
17611 | offset += 4;
17612 | }
17613 |
17614 | result.samples.push(sample);
17615 | sampleCount--;
17616 | }
17617 |
17618 | while (sampleCount--) {
17619 | sample = {};
17620 |
17621 | if (sampleDurationPresent) {
17622 | sample.duration = view.getUint32(offset);
17623 | offset += 4;
17624 | }
17625 |
17626 | if (sampleSizePresent) {
17627 | sample.size = view.getUint32(offset);
17628 | offset += 4;
17629 | }
17630 |
17631 | if (sampleFlagsPresent) {
17632 | sample.flags = parseSampleFlags(data.subarray(offset, offset + 4));
17633 | offset += 4;
17634 | }
17635 |
17636 | if (sampleCompositionTimeOffsetPresent) {
17637 | if (result.version === 1) {
17638 | sample.compositionTimeOffset = view.getInt32(offset);
17639 | } else {
17640 | sample.compositionTimeOffset = view.getUint32(offset);
17641 | }
17642 |
17643 | offset += 4;
17644 | }
17645 |
17646 | result.samples.push(sample);
17647 | }
17648 |
17649 | return result;
17650 | };
17651 |
17652 | var parseTrun$2 = trun;
17653 |
17654 | var tfhd = function (data) {
17655 | var view = new DataView(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength),
17656 | result = {
17657 | version: data[0],
17658 | flags: new Uint8Array(data.subarray(1, 4)),
17659 | trackId: view.getUint32(4)
17660 | },
17661 | baseDataOffsetPresent = result.flags[2] & 0x01,
17662 | sampleDescriptionIndexPresent = result.flags[2] & 0x02,
17663 | defaultSampleDurationPresent = result.flags[2] & 0x08,
17664 | defaultSampleSizePresent = result.flags[2] & 0x10,
17665 | defaultSampleFlagsPresent = result.flags[2] & 0x20,
17666 | durationIsEmpty = result.flags[0] & 0x010000,
17667 | defaultBaseIsMoof = result.flags[0] & 0x020000,
17668 | i;
17669 | i = 8;
17670 |
17671 | if (baseDataOffsetPresent) {
17672 | i += 4;
17673 |
17674 |
17675 | result.baseDataOffset = view.getUint32(12);
17676 | i += 4;
17677 | }
17678 |
17679 | if (sampleDescriptionIndexPresent) {
17680 | result.sampleDescriptionIndex = view.getUint32(i);
17681 | i += 4;
17682 | }
17683 |
17684 | if (defaultSampleDurationPresent) {
17685 | result.defaultSampleDuration = view.getUint32(i);
17686 | i += 4;
17687 | }
17688 |
17689 | if (defaultSampleSizePresent) {
17690 | result.defaultSampleSize = view.getUint32(i);
17691 | i += 4;
17692 | }
17693 |
17694 | if (defaultSampleFlagsPresent) {
17695 | result.defaultSampleFlags = view.getUint32(i);
17696 | }
17697 |
17698 | if (durationIsEmpty) {
17699 | result.durationIsEmpty = true;
17700 | }
17701 |
17702 | if (!baseDataOffsetPresent && defaultBaseIsMoof) {
17703 | result.baseDataOffsetIsMoof = true;
17704 | }
17705 |
17706 | return result;
17707 | };
17708 |
17709 | var parseTfhd$2 = tfhd;
17710 | var win;
17711 |
17712 | if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
17713 | win = window;
17714 | } else if (typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined") {
17715 | win = commonjsGlobal;
17716 | } else if (typeof self !== "undefined") {
17717 | win = self;
17718 | } else {
17719 | win = {};
17720 | }
17721 |
17722 | var window_1 = win;
17723 | |
17724 |
17725 |
17726 |
17727 |
17728 |
17729 |
17730 |
17731 |
17732 |
17733 | var discardEmulationPreventionBytes = captionPacketParser.discardEmulationPreventionBytes;
17734 | var CaptionStream = captionStream.CaptionStream;
17735 | var findBox$1 = findBox_1;
17736 | var parseTfdt$1 = parseTfdt$2;
17737 | var parseTrun$1 = parseTrun$2;
17738 | var parseTfhd$1 = parseTfhd$2;
17739 | var window$2 = window_1;
17740 | |
17741 |
17742 |
17743 |
17744 |
17745 |
17746 |
17747 |
17748 |
17749 |
17750 |
17751 | var mapToSample = function (offset, samples) {
17752 | var approximateOffset = offset;
17753 |
17754 | for (var i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
17755 | var sample = samples[i];
17756 |
17757 | if (approximateOffset < sample.size) {
17758 | return sample;
17759 | }
17760 |
17761 | approximateOffset -= sample.size;
17762 | }
17763 |
17764 | return null;
17765 | };
17766 | |
17767 |
17768 |
17769 |
17770 |
17771 |
17772 |
17773 |
17774 |
17775 |
17776 |
17777 |
17778 |
17779 |
17780 |
17781 |
17782 | var findSeiNals = function (avcStream, samples, trackId) {
17783 | var avcView = new DataView(avcStream.buffer, avcStream.byteOffset, avcStream.byteLength),
17784 | result = {
17785 | logs: [],
17786 | seiNals: []
17787 | },
17788 | seiNal,
17789 | i,
17790 | length,
17791 | lastMatchedSample;
17792 |
17793 | for (i = 0; i + 4 < avcStream.length; i += length) {
17794 | length = avcView.getUint32(i);
17795 | i += 4;
17796 |
17797 | if (length <= 0) {
17798 | continue;
17799 | }
17800 |
17801 | switch (avcStream[i] & 0x1F) {
17802 | case 0x06:
17803 | var data = avcStream.subarray(i + 1, i + 1 + length);
17804 | var matchingSample = mapToSample(i, samples);
17805 | seiNal = {
17806 | nalUnitType: 'sei_rbsp',
17807 | size: length,
17808 | data: data,
17809 | escapedRBSP: discardEmulationPreventionBytes(data),
17810 | trackId: trackId
17811 | };
17812 |
17813 | if (matchingSample) {
17814 | seiNal.pts = matchingSample.pts;
17815 | seiNal.dts = matchingSample.dts;
17816 | lastMatchedSample = matchingSample;
17817 | } else if (lastMatchedSample) {
17818 |
17819 |
17820 | seiNal.pts = lastMatchedSample.pts;
17821 | seiNal.dts = lastMatchedSample.dts;
17822 | } else {
17823 | result.logs.push({
17824 | level: 'warn',
17825 | message: 'We\'ve encountered a nal unit without data at ' + i + ' for trackId ' + trackId + '. See mux.js#223.'
17826 | });
17827 | break;
17828 | }
17829 |
17830 | result.seiNals.push(seiNal);
17831 | break;
17832 | }
17833 | }
17834 |
17835 | return result;
17836 | };
17837 | |
17838 |
17839 |
17840 |
17841 |
17842 |
17843 |
17844 |
17845 |
17846 |
17847 |
17848 |
17849 |
17850 |
17851 |
17852 | var parseSamples = function (truns, baseMediaDecodeTime, tfhd) {
17853 | var currentDts = baseMediaDecodeTime;
17854 | var defaultSampleDuration = tfhd.defaultSampleDuration || 0;
17855 | var defaultSampleSize = tfhd.defaultSampleSize || 0;
17856 | var trackId = tfhd.trackId;
17857 | var allSamples = [];
17858 | truns.forEach(function (trun) {
17859 |
17860 |
17861 |
17862 | var trackRun = parseTrun$1(trun);
17863 | var samples = trackRun.samples;
17864 | samples.forEach(function (sample) {
17865 | if (sample.duration === undefined) {
17866 | sample.duration = defaultSampleDuration;
17867 | }
17868 |
17869 | if (sample.size === undefined) {
17870 | sample.size = defaultSampleSize;
17871 | }
17872 |
17873 | sample.trackId = trackId;
17874 | sample.dts = currentDts;
17875 |
17876 | if (sample.compositionTimeOffset === undefined) {
17877 | sample.compositionTimeOffset = 0;
17878 | }
17879 |
17880 | if (typeof currentDts === 'bigint') {
17881 | sample.pts = currentDts + window$2.BigInt(sample.compositionTimeOffset);
17882 | currentDts += window$2.BigInt(sample.duration);
17883 | } else {
17884 | sample.pts = currentDts + sample.compositionTimeOffset;
17885 | currentDts += sample.duration;
17886 | }
17887 | });
17888 | allSamples = allSamples.concat(samples);
17889 | });
17890 | return allSamples;
17891 | };
17892 | |
17893 |
17894 |
17895 |
17896 |
17897 |
17898 |
17899 |
17900 |
17901 |
17902 | var parseCaptionNals = function (segment, videoTrackId) {
17903 |
17904 | var trafs = findBox$1(segment, ['moof', 'traf']);
17905 |
17906 | var mdats = findBox$1(segment, ['mdat']);
17907 | var captionNals = {};
17908 | var mdatTrafPairs = [];
17909 |
17910 | mdats.forEach(function (mdat, index) {
17911 | var matchingTraf = trafs[index];
17912 | mdatTrafPairs.push({
17913 | mdat: mdat,
17914 | traf: matchingTraf
17915 | });
17916 | });
17917 | mdatTrafPairs.forEach(function (pair) {
17918 | var mdat = pair.mdat;
17919 | var traf = pair.traf;
17920 | var tfhd = findBox$1(traf, ['tfhd']);
17921 |
17922 | var headerInfo = parseTfhd$1(tfhd[0]);
17923 | var trackId = headerInfo.trackId;
17924 | var tfdt = findBox$1(traf, ['tfdt']);
17925 |
17926 | var baseMediaDecodeTime = tfdt.length > 0 ? parseTfdt$1(tfdt[0]).baseMediaDecodeTime : 0;
17927 | var truns = findBox$1(traf, ['trun']);
17928 | var samples;
17929 | var result;
17930 |
17931 | if (videoTrackId === trackId && truns.length > 0) {
17932 | samples = parseSamples(truns, baseMediaDecodeTime, headerInfo);
17933 | result = findSeiNals(mdat, samples, trackId);
17934 |
17935 | if (!captionNals[trackId]) {
17936 | captionNals[trackId] = {
17937 | seiNals: [],
17938 | logs: []
17939 | };
17940 | }
17941 |
17942 | captionNals[trackId].seiNals = captionNals[trackId].seiNals.concat(result.seiNals);
17943 | captionNals[trackId].logs = captionNals[trackId].logs.concat(result.logs);
17944 | }
17945 | });
17946 | return captionNals;
17947 | };
17948 | |
17949 |
17950 |
17951 |
17952 |
17953 |
17954 |
17955 |
17956 |
17957 |
17958 |
17959 |
17960 |
17961 |
17962 |
17963 |
17964 |
17965 |
17966 |
17967 |
17968 |
17969 | var parseEmbeddedCaptions = function (segment, trackId, timescale) {
17970 | var captionNals;
17971 |
17972 | if (trackId === null) {
17973 | return null;
17974 | }
17975 |
17976 | captionNals = parseCaptionNals(segment, trackId);
17977 | var trackNals = captionNals[trackId] || {};
17978 | return {
17979 | seiNals: trackNals.seiNals,
17980 | logs: trackNals.logs,
17981 | timescale: timescale
17982 | };
17983 | };
17984 | |
17985 |
17986 |
17987 |
17988 |
17989 | var CaptionParser = function () {
17990 | var isInitialized = false;
17991 | var captionStream;
17992 |
17993 | var segmentCache;
17994 |
17995 | var trackId;
17996 |
17997 | var timescale;
17998 |
17999 | var parsedCaptions;
18000 |
18001 | var parsingPartial;
18002 | |
18003 |
18004 |
18005 |
18006 |
18007 | this.isInitialized = function () {
18008 | return isInitialized;
18009 | };
18010 | |
18011 |
18012 |
18013 |
18014 |
18015 |
18016 | this.init = function (options) {
18017 | captionStream = new CaptionStream();
18018 | isInitialized = true;
18019 | parsingPartial = options ? options.isPartial : false;
18020 |
18021 | captionStream.on('data', function (event) {
18022 |
18023 | event.startTime = event.startPts / timescale;
18024 | event.endTime = event.endPts / timescale;
18025 | parsedCaptions.captions.push(event);
18026 | parsedCaptions.captionStreams[event.stream] = true;
18027 | });
18028 | captionStream.on('log', function (log) {
18029 | parsedCaptions.logs.push(log);
18030 | });
18031 | };
18032 | |
18033 |
18034 |
18035 |
18036 |
18037 |
18038 |
18039 | this.isNewInit = function (videoTrackIds, timescales) {
18040 | if (videoTrackIds && videoTrackIds.length === 0 || timescales && typeof timescales === 'object' && Object.keys(timescales).length === 0) {
18041 | return false;
18042 | }
18043 |
18044 | return trackId !== videoTrackIds[0] || timescale !== timescales[trackId];
18045 | };
18046 | |
18047 |
18048 |
18049 |
18050 |
18051 |
18052 |
18053 |
18054 |
18055 |
18056 |
18057 |
18058 | this.parse = function (segment, videoTrackIds, timescales) {
18059 | var parsedData;
18060 |
18061 | if (!this.isInitialized()) {
18062 | return null;
18063 | } else if (!videoTrackIds || !timescales) {
18064 | return null;
18065 | } else if (this.isNewInit(videoTrackIds, timescales)) {
18066 |
18067 |
18068 | trackId = videoTrackIds[0];
18069 | timescale = timescales[trackId];
18070 |
18071 |
18072 | } else if (trackId === null || !timescale) {
18073 | segmentCache.push(segment);
18074 | return null;
18075 | }
18076 |
18077 |
18078 | while (segmentCache.length > 0) {
18079 | var cachedSegment = segmentCache.shift();
18080 | this.parse(cachedSegment, videoTrackIds, timescales);
18081 | }
18082 |
18083 | parsedData = parseEmbeddedCaptions(segment, trackId, timescale);
18084 |
18085 | if (parsedData && parsedData.logs) {
18086 | parsedCaptions.logs = parsedCaptions.logs.concat(parsedData.logs);
18087 | }
18088 |
18089 | if (parsedData === null || !parsedData.seiNals) {
18090 | if (parsedCaptions.logs.length) {
18091 | return {
18092 | logs: parsedCaptions.logs,
18093 | captions: [],
18094 | captionStreams: []
18095 | };
18096 | }
18097 |
18098 | return null;
18099 | }
18100 |
18101 | this.pushNals(parsedData.seiNals);
18102 |
18103 | this.flushStream();
18104 | return parsedCaptions;
18105 | };
18106 | |
18107 |
18108 |
18109 |
18110 |
18111 |
18112 |
18113 |
18114 | this.pushNals = function (nals) {
18115 | if (!this.isInitialized() || !nals || nals.length === 0) {
18116 | return null;
18117 | }
18118 |
18119 | nals.forEach(function (nal) {
18120 | captionStream.push(nal);
18121 | });
18122 | };
18123 | |
18124 |
18125 |
18126 |
18127 |
18128 |
18129 | this.flushStream = function () {
18130 | if (!this.isInitialized()) {
18131 | return null;
18132 | }
18133 |
18134 | if (!parsingPartial) {
18135 | captionStream.flush();
18136 | } else {
18137 | captionStream.partialFlush();
18138 | }
18139 | };
18140 | |
18141 |
18142 |
18143 |
18144 |
18145 | this.clearParsedCaptions = function () {
18146 | parsedCaptions.captions = [];
18147 | parsedCaptions.captionStreams = {};
18148 | parsedCaptions.logs = [];
18149 | };
18150 | |
18151 |
18152 |
18153 |
18154 |
18155 |
18156 | this.resetCaptionStream = function () {
18157 | if (!this.isInitialized()) {
18158 | return null;
18159 | }
18160 |
18161 | captionStream.reset();
18162 | };
18163 | |
18164 |
18165 |
18166 |
18167 |
18168 |
18169 |
18170 | this.clearAllCaptions = function () {
18171 | this.clearParsedCaptions();
18172 | this.resetCaptionStream();
18173 | };
18174 | |
18175 |
18176 |
18177 |
18178 |
18179 | this.reset = function () {
18180 | segmentCache = [];
18181 | trackId = null;
18182 | timescale = null;
18183 |
18184 | if (!parsedCaptions) {
18185 | parsedCaptions = {
18186 | captions: [],
18187 |
18188 | captionStreams: {},
18189 | logs: []
18190 | };
18191 | } else {
18192 | this.clearParsedCaptions();
18193 | }
18194 |
18195 | this.resetCaptionStream();
18196 | };
18197 |
18198 | this.reset();
18199 | };
18200 |
18201 | var captionParser = CaptionParser;
18202 | |
18203 |
18204 |
18205 |
18206 |
18207 |
18208 | var uint8ToCString$1 = function (data) {
18209 | var index = 0;
18210 | var curChar = String.fromCharCode(data[index]);
18211 | var retString = '';
18212 |
18213 | while (curChar !== '\0') {
18214 | retString += curChar;
18215 | index++;
18216 | curChar = String.fromCharCode(data[index]);
18217 | }
18218 |
18219 |
18220 | retString += curChar;
18221 | return retString;
18222 | };
18223 |
18224 | var string = {
18225 | uint8ToCString: uint8ToCString$1
18226 | };
18227 | var uint8ToCString = string.uint8ToCString;
18228 | var getUint64$1 = numbers.getUint64;
18229 | |
18230 |
18231 |
18232 |
18233 |
18234 |
18235 |
18236 |
18237 |
18238 |
18239 |
18240 | var parseEmsgBox = function (boxData) {
18241 |
18242 | var offset = 4;
18243 | var version = boxData[0];
18244 | var scheme_id_uri, value, timescale, presentation_time, presentation_time_delta, event_duration, id, message_data;
18245 |
18246 | if (version === 0) {
18247 | scheme_id_uri = uint8ToCString(boxData.subarray(offset));
18248 | offset += scheme_id_uri.length;
18249 | value = uint8ToCString(boxData.subarray(offset));
18250 | offset += value.length;
18251 | var dv = new DataView(boxData.buffer);
18252 | timescale = dv.getUint32(offset);
18253 | offset += 4;
18254 | presentation_time_delta = dv.getUint32(offset);
18255 | offset += 4;
18256 | event_duration = dv.getUint32(offset);
18257 | offset += 4;
18258 | id = dv.getUint32(offset);
18259 | offset += 4;
18260 | } else if (version === 1) {
18261 | var dv = new DataView(boxData.buffer);
18262 | timescale = dv.getUint32(offset);
18263 | offset += 4;
18264 | presentation_time = getUint64$1(boxData.subarray(offset));
18265 | offset += 8;
18266 | event_duration = dv.getUint32(offset);
18267 | offset += 4;
18268 | id = dv.getUint32(offset);
18269 | offset += 4;
18270 | scheme_id_uri = uint8ToCString(boxData.subarray(offset));
18271 | offset += scheme_id_uri.length;
18272 | value = uint8ToCString(boxData.subarray(offset));
18273 | offset += value.length;
18274 | }
18275 |
18276 | message_data = new Uint8Array(boxData.subarray(offset, boxData.byteLength));
18277 | var emsgBox = {
18278 | scheme_id_uri,
18279 | value,
18280 |
18281 | timescale: timescale ? timescale : 1,
18282 | presentation_time,
18283 | presentation_time_delta,
18284 | event_duration,
18285 | id,
18286 | message_data
18287 | };
18288 | return isValidEmsgBox(version, emsgBox) ? emsgBox : undefined;
18289 | };
18290 | |
18291 |
18292 |
18293 |
18294 |
18295 |
18296 |
18297 |
18298 |
18299 |
18300 | var scaleTime = function (presentationTime, timescale, timeDelta, offset) {
18301 | return presentationTime || presentationTime === 0 ? presentationTime / timescale : offset + timeDelta / timescale;
18302 | };
18303 | |
18304 |
18305 |
18306 |
18307 |
18308 |
18309 |
18310 |
18311 | var isValidEmsgBox = function (version, emsg) {
18312 | var hasScheme = emsg.scheme_id_uri !== '\0';
18313 | var isValidV0Box = version === 0 && isDefined(emsg.presentation_time_delta) && hasScheme;
18314 | var isValidV1Box = version === 1 && isDefined(emsg.presentation_time) && hasScheme;
18315 |
18316 | return !(version > 1) && isValidV0Box || isValidV1Box;
18317 | };
18318 |
18319 |
18320 | var isDefined = function (data) {
18321 | return data !== undefined || data !== null;
18322 | };
18323 |
18324 | var emsg$1 = {
18325 | parseEmsgBox: parseEmsgBox,
18326 | scaleTime: scaleTime
18327 | };
18328 | |
18329 |
18330 |
18331 |
18332 |
18333 |
18334 |
18335 |
18336 |
18337 | var toUnsigned = bin.toUnsigned;
18338 | var toHexString = bin.toHexString;
18339 | var findBox = findBox_1;
18340 | var parseType$1 = parseType_1;
18341 | var emsg = emsg$1;
18342 | var parseTfhd = parseTfhd$2;
18343 | var parseTrun = parseTrun$2;
18344 | var parseTfdt = parseTfdt$2;
18345 | var getUint64 = numbers.getUint64;
18346 | var timescale, startTime, compositionStartTime, getVideoTrackIds, getTracks, getTimescaleFromMediaHeader, getEmsgID3;
18347 | var window$1 = window_1;
18348 | var parseId3Frames = parseId3.parseId3Frames;
18349 | |
18350 |
18351 |
18352 |
18353 |
18354 |
18355 |
18356 |
18357 |
18358 |
18359 |
18360 |
18361 |
18362 |
18363 |
18364 |
18365 |
18366 |
18367 |
18368 | timescale = function (init) {
18369 | var result = {},
18370 | traks = findBox(init, ['moov', 'trak']);
18371 |
18372 | return traks.reduce(function (result, trak) {
18373 | var tkhd, version, index, id, mdhd;
18374 | tkhd = findBox(trak, ['tkhd'])[0];
18375 |
18376 | if (!tkhd) {
18377 | return null;
18378 | }
18379 |
18380 | version = tkhd[0];
18381 | index = version === 0 ? 12 : 20;
18382 | id = toUnsigned(tkhd[index] << 24 | tkhd[index + 1] << 16 | tkhd[index + 2] << 8 | tkhd[index + 3]);
18383 | mdhd = findBox(trak, ['mdia', 'mdhd'])[0];
18384 |
18385 | if (!mdhd) {
18386 | return null;
18387 | }
18388 |
18389 | version = mdhd[0];
18390 | index = version === 0 ? 12 : 20;
18391 | result[id] = toUnsigned(mdhd[index] << 24 | mdhd[index + 1] << 16 | mdhd[index + 2] << 8 | mdhd[index + 3]);
18392 | return result;
18393 | }, result);
18394 | };
18395 | |
18396 |
18397 |
18398 |
18399 |
18400 |
18401 |
18402 |
18403 |
18404 |
18405 |
18406 |
18407 |
18408 |
18409 |
18410 |
18411 |
18412 |
18413 | startTime = function (timescale, fragment) {
18414 | var trafs;
18415 |
18416 | trafs = findBox(fragment, ['moof', 'traf']);
18417 |
18418 | var lowestTime = trafs.reduce(function (acc, traf) {
18419 | var tfhd = findBox(traf, ['tfhd'])[0];
18420 |
18421 | var id = toUnsigned(tfhd[4] << 24 | tfhd[5] << 16 | tfhd[6] << 8 | tfhd[7]);
18422 |
18423 | var scale = timescale[id] || 90e3;
18424 |
18425 | var tfdt = findBox(traf, ['tfdt'])[0];
18426 | var dv = new DataView(tfdt.buffer, tfdt.byteOffset, tfdt.byteLength);
18427 | var baseTime;
18428 |
18429 | if (tfdt[0] === 1) {
18430 | baseTime = getUint64(tfdt.subarray(4, 12));
18431 | } else {
18432 | baseTime = dv.getUint32(4);
18433 | }
18434 |
18435 |
18436 | let seconds;
18437 |
18438 | if (typeof baseTime === 'bigint') {
18439 | seconds = baseTime / window$1.BigInt(scale);
18440 | } else if (typeof baseTime === 'number' && !isNaN(baseTime)) {
18441 | seconds = baseTime / scale;
18442 | }
18443 |
18444 | if (seconds < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
18445 | seconds = Number(seconds);
18446 | }
18447 |
18448 | if (seconds < acc) {
18449 | acc = seconds;
18450 | }
18451 |
18452 | return acc;
18453 | }, Infinity);
18454 | return typeof lowestTime === 'bigint' || isFinite(lowestTime) ? lowestTime : 0;
18455 | };
18456 | |
18457 |
18458 |
18459 |
18460 |
18461 |
18462 |
18463 |
18464 |
18465 |
18466 |
18467 |
18468 |
18469 |
18470 |
18471 |
18472 |
18473 |
18474 |
18475 |
18476 |
18477 | compositionStartTime = function (timescales, fragment) {
18478 | var trafBoxes = findBox(fragment, ['moof', 'traf']);
18479 | var baseMediaDecodeTime = 0;
18480 | var compositionTimeOffset = 0;
18481 | var trackId;
18482 |
18483 | if (trafBoxes && trafBoxes.length) {
18484 |
18485 |
18486 |
18487 | var tfhd = findBox(trafBoxes[0], ['tfhd'])[0];
18488 | var trun = findBox(trafBoxes[0], ['trun'])[0];
18489 | var tfdt = findBox(trafBoxes[0], ['tfdt'])[0];
18490 |
18491 | if (tfhd) {
18492 | var parsedTfhd = parseTfhd(tfhd);
18493 | trackId = parsedTfhd.trackId;
18494 | }
18495 |
18496 | if (tfdt) {
18497 | var parsedTfdt = parseTfdt(tfdt);
18498 | baseMediaDecodeTime = parsedTfdt.baseMediaDecodeTime;
18499 | }
18500 |
18501 | if (trun) {
18502 | var parsedTrun = parseTrun(trun);
18503 |
18504 | if (parsedTrun.samples && parsedTrun.samples.length) {
18505 | compositionTimeOffset = parsedTrun.samples[0].compositionTimeOffset || 0;
18506 | }
18507 | }
18508 | }
18509 |
18510 |
18511 |
18512 | var timescale = timescales[trackId] || 90e3;
18513 |
18514 | if (typeof baseMediaDecodeTime === 'bigint') {
18515 | compositionTimeOffset = window$1.BigInt(compositionTimeOffset);
18516 | timescale = window$1.BigInt(timescale);
18517 | }
18518 |
18519 | var result = (baseMediaDecodeTime + compositionTimeOffset) / timescale;
18520 |
18521 | if (typeof result === 'bigint' && result < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
18522 | result = Number(result);
18523 | }
18524 |
18525 | return result;
18526 | };
18527 | |
18528 |
18529 |
18530 |
18531 |
18532 |
18533 |
18534 |
18535 |
18536 |
18537 |
18538 |
18539 |
18540 | getVideoTrackIds = function (init) {
18541 | var traks = findBox(init, ['moov', 'trak']);
18542 | var videoTrackIds = [];
18543 | traks.forEach(function (trak) {
18544 | var hdlrs = findBox(trak, ['mdia', 'hdlr']);
18545 | var tkhds = findBox(trak, ['tkhd']);
18546 | hdlrs.forEach(function (hdlr, index) {
18547 | var handlerType = parseType$1(hdlr.subarray(8, 12));
18548 | var tkhd = tkhds[index];
18549 | var view;
18550 | var version;
18551 | var trackId;
18552 |
18553 | if (handlerType === 'vide') {
18554 | view = new DataView(tkhd.buffer, tkhd.byteOffset, tkhd.byteLength);
18555 | version = view.getUint8(0);
18556 | trackId = version === 0 ? view.getUint32(12) : view.getUint32(20);
18557 | videoTrackIds.push(trackId);
18558 | }
18559 | });
18560 | });
18561 | return videoTrackIds;
18562 | };
18563 |
18564 | getTimescaleFromMediaHeader = function (mdhd) {
18565 |
18566 | var version = mdhd[0];
18567 | var index = version === 0 ? 12 : 20;
18568 | return toUnsigned(mdhd[index] << 24 | mdhd[index + 1] << 16 | mdhd[index + 2] << 8 | mdhd[index + 3]);
18569 | };
18570 | |
18571 |
18572 |
18573 |
18574 |
18575 |
18576 | getTracks = function (init) {
18577 | var traks = findBox(init, ['moov', 'trak']);
18578 | var tracks = [];
18579 | traks.forEach(function (trak) {
18580 | var track = {};
18581 | var tkhd = findBox(trak, ['tkhd'])[0];
18582 | var view, tkhdVersion;
18583 |
18584 | if (tkhd) {
18585 | view = new DataView(tkhd.buffer, tkhd.byteOffset, tkhd.byteLength);
18586 | tkhdVersion = view.getUint8(0);
18587 | track.id = tkhdVersion === 0 ? view.getUint32(12) : view.getUint32(20);
18588 | }
18589 |
18590 | var hdlr = findBox(trak, ['mdia', 'hdlr'])[0];
18591 |
18592 | if (hdlr) {
18593 | var type = parseType$1(hdlr.subarray(8, 12));
18594 |
18595 | if (type === 'vide') {
18596 | track.type = 'video';
18597 | } else if (type === 'soun') {
18598 | track.type = 'audio';
18599 | } else {
18600 | track.type = type;
18601 | }
18602 | }
18603 |
18604 |
18605 | var stsd = findBox(trak, ['mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsd'])[0];
18606 |
18607 | if (stsd) {
18608 | var sampleDescriptions = stsd.subarray(8);
18609 |
18610 | track.codec = parseType$1(sampleDescriptions.subarray(4, 8));
18611 | var codecBox = findBox(sampleDescriptions, [track.codec])[0];
18612 | var codecConfig, codecConfigType;
18613 |
18614 | if (codecBox) {
18615 |
18616 | if (/^[asm]vc[1-9]$/i.test(track.codec)) {
18617 |
18618 |
18619 | codecConfig = codecBox.subarray(78);
18620 | codecConfigType = parseType$1(codecConfig.subarray(4, 8));
18621 |
18622 | if (codecConfigType === 'avcC' && codecConfig.length > 11) {
18623 | track.codec += '.';
18624 |
18625 |
18626 | track.codec += toHexString(codecConfig[9]);
18627 |
18628 | track.codec += toHexString(codecConfig[10]);
18629 |
18630 | track.codec += toHexString(codecConfig[11]);
18631 | } else {
18632 |
18633 |
18634 | track.codec = 'avc1.4d400d';
18635 | }
18636 | } else if (/^mp4[a,v]$/i.test(track.codec)) {
18637 |
18638 | codecConfig = codecBox.subarray(28);
18639 | codecConfigType = parseType$1(codecConfig.subarray(4, 8));
18640 |
18641 | if (codecConfigType === 'esds' && codecConfig.length > 20 && codecConfig[19] !== 0) {
18642 | track.codec += '.' + toHexString(codecConfig[19]);
18643 |
18644 | track.codec += '.' + toHexString(codecConfig[20] >>> 2 & 0x3f).replace(/^0/, '');
18645 | } else {
18646 |
18647 |
18648 | track.codec = 'mp4a.40.2';
18649 | }
18650 | } else {
18651 |
18652 | track.codec = track.codec.toLowerCase();
18653 | }
18654 | }
18655 | }
18656 |
18657 | var mdhd = findBox(trak, ['mdia', 'mdhd'])[0];
18658 |
18659 | if (mdhd) {
18660 | track.timescale = getTimescaleFromMediaHeader(mdhd);
18661 | }
18662 |
18663 | tracks.push(track);
18664 | });
18665 | return tracks;
18666 | };
18667 | |
18668 |
18669 |
18670 |
18671 |
18672 |
18673 |
18674 |
18675 |
18676 |
18677 |
18678 |
18679 | getEmsgID3 = function (segmentData, offset = 0) {
18680 | var emsgBoxes = findBox(segmentData, ['emsg']);
18681 | return emsgBoxes.map(data => {
18682 | var parsedBox = emsg.parseEmsgBox(new Uint8Array(data));
18683 | var parsedId3Frames = parseId3Frames(parsedBox.message_data);
18684 | return {
18685 | cueTime: emsg.scaleTime(parsedBox.presentation_time, parsedBox.timescale, parsedBox.presentation_time_delta, offset),
18686 | duration: emsg.scaleTime(parsedBox.event_duration, parsedBox.timescale),
18687 | frames: parsedId3Frames
18688 | };
18689 | });
18690 | };
18691 |
18692 | var probe$2 = {
18693 |
18694 | findBox: findBox,
18695 | parseType: parseType$1,
18696 | timescale: timescale,
18697 | startTime: startTime,
18698 | compositionStartTime: compositionStartTime,
18699 | videoTrackIds: getVideoTrackIds,
18700 | tracks: getTracks,
18701 | getTimescaleFromMediaHeader: getTimescaleFromMediaHeader,
18702 | getEmsgID3: getEmsgID3
18703 | };
18704 | |
18705 |
18706 |
18707 |
18708 |
18709 |
18710 |
18711 |
18712 |
18713 | var StreamTypes$1 = streamTypes;
18714 |
18715 | var parsePid = function (packet) {
18716 | var pid = packet[1] & 0x1f;
18717 | pid <<= 8;
18718 | pid |= packet[2];
18719 | return pid;
18720 | };
18721 |
18722 | var parsePayloadUnitStartIndicator = function (packet) {
18723 | return !!(packet[1] & 0x40);
18724 | };
18725 |
18726 | var parseAdaptionField = function (packet) {
18727 | var offset = 0;
18728 |
18729 |
18730 |
18731 |
18732 |
18733 | if ((packet[3] & 0x30) >>> 4 > 0x01) {
18734 | offset += packet[4] + 1;
18735 | }
18736 |
18737 | return offset;
18738 | };
18739 |
18740 | var parseType = function (packet, pmtPid) {
18741 | var pid = parsePid(packet);
18742 |
18743 | if (pid === 0) {
18744 | return 'pat';
18745 | } else if (pid === pmtPid) {
18746 | return 'pmt';
18747 | } else if (pmtPid) {
18748 | return 'pes';
18749 | }
18750 |
18751 | return null;
18752 | };
18753 |
18754 | var parsePat = function (packet) {
18755 | var pusi = parsePayloadUnitStartIndicator(packet);
18756 | var offset = 4 + parseAdaptionField(packet);
18757 |
18758 | if (pusi) {
18759 | offset += packet[offset] + 1;
18760 | }
18761 |
18762 | return (packet[offset + 10] & 0x1f) << 8 | packet[offset + 11];
18763 | };
18764 |
18765 | var parsePmt = function (packet) {
18766 | var programMapTable = {};
18767 | var pusi = parsePayloadUnitStartIndicator(packet);
18768 | var payloadOffset = 4 + parseAdaptionField(packet);
18769 |
18770 | if (pusi) {
18771 | payloadOffset += packet[payloadOffset] + 1;
18772 | }
18773 |
18774 |
18775 |
18776 |
18777 |
18778 |
18779 | if (!(packet[payloadOffset + 5] & 0x01)) {
18780 | return;
18781 | }
18782 |
18783 | var sectionLength, tableEnd, programInfoLength;
18784 |
18785 | sectionLength = (packet[payloadOffset + 1] & 0x0f) << 8 | packet[payloadOffset + 2];
18786 | tableEnd = 3 + sectionLength - 4;
18787 |
18788 |
18789 | programInfoLength = (packet[payloadOffset + 10] & 0x0f) << 8 | packet[payloadOffset + 11];
18790 |
18791 | var offset = 12 + programInfoLength;
18792 |
18793 | while (offset < tableEnd) {
18794 | var i = payloadOffset + offset;
18795 |
18796 | programMapTable[(packet[i + 1] & 0x1F) << 8 | packet[i + 2]] = packet[i];
18797 |
18798 |
18799 | offset += ((packet[i + 3] & 0x0F) << 8 | packet[i + 4]) + 5;
18800 | }
18801 |
18802 | return programMapTable;
18803 | };
18804 |
18805 | var parsePesType = function (packet, programMapTable) {
18806 | var pid = parsePid(packet);
18807 | var type = programMapTable[pid];
18808 |
18809 | switch (type) {
18810 | case StreamTypes$1.H264_STREAM_TYPE:
18811 | return 'video';
18812 |
18813 | case StreamTypes$1.ADTS_STREAM_TYPE:
18814 | return 'audio';
18815 |
18816 | case StreamTypes$1.METADATA_STREAM_TYPE:
18817 | return 'timed-metadata';
18818 |
18819 | default:
18820 | return null;
18821 | }
18822 | };
18823 |
18824 | var parsePesTime = function (packet) {
18825 | var pusi = parsePayloadUnitStartIndicator(packet);
18826 |
18827 | if (!pusi) {
18828 | return null;
18829 | }
18830 |
18831 | var offset = 4 + parseAdaptionField(packet);
18832 |
18833 | if (offset >= packet.byteLength) {
18834 |
18835 |
18836 |
18837 |
18838 |
18839 |
18840 |
18841 |
18842 |
18843 |
18844 | return null;
18845 | }
18846 |
18847 | var pes = null;
18848 | var ptsDtsFlags;
18849 |
18850 |
18851 |
18852 | ptsDtsFlags = packet[offset + 7];
18853 |
18854 |
18855 |
18856 |
18857 |
18858 |
18859 |
18860 |
18861 | if (ptsDtsFlags & 0xC0) {
18862 | pes = {};
18863 |
18864 |
18865 |
18866 | pes.pts = (packet[offset + 9] & 0x0E) << 27 | (packet[offset + 10] & 0xFF) << 20 | (packet[offset + 11] & 0xFE) << 12 | (packet[offset + 12] & 0xFF) << 5 | (packet[offset + 13] & 0xFE) >>> 3;
18867 | pes.pts *= 4;
18868 |
18869 | pes.pts += (packet[offset + 13] & 0x06) >>> 1;
18870 |
18871 | pes.dts = pes.pts;
18872 |
18873 | if (ptsDtsFlags & 0x40) {
18874 | pes.dts = (packet[offset + 14] & 0x0E) << 27 | (packet[offset + 15] & 0xFF) << 20 | (packet[offset + 16] & 0xFE) << 12 | (packet[offset + 17] & 0xFF) << 5 | (packet[offset + 18] & 0xFE) >>> 3;
18875 | pes.dts *= 4;
18876 |
18877 | pes.dts += (packet[offset + 18] & 0x06) >>> 1;
18878 | }
18879 | }
18880 |
18881 | return pes;
18882 | };
18883 |
18884 | var parseNalUnitType = function (type) {
18885 | switch (type) {
18886 | case 0x05:
18887 | return 'slice_layer_without_partitioning_rbsp_idr';
18888 |
18889 | case 0x06:
18890 | return 'sei_rbsp';
18891 |
18892 | case 0x07:
18893 | return 'seq_parameter_set_rbsp';
18894 |
18895 | case 0x08:
18896 | return 'pic_parameter_set_rbsp';
18897 |
18898 | case 0x09:
18899 | return 'access_unit_delimiter_rbsp';
18900 |
18901 | default:
18902 | return null;
18903 | }
18904 | };
18905 |
18906 | var videoPacketContainsKeyFrame = function (packet) {
18907 | var offset = 4 + parseAdaptionField(packet);
18908 | var frameBuffer = packet.subarray(offset);
18909 | var frameI = 0;
18910 | var frameSyncPoint = 0;
18911 | var foundKeyFrame = false;
18912 | var nalType;
18913 |
18914 | for (; frameSyncPoint < frameBuffer.byteLength - 3; frameSyncPoint++) {
18915 | if (frameBuffer[frameSyncPoint + 2] === 1) {
18916 |
18917 | frameI = frameSyncPoint + 5;
18918 | break;
18919 | }
18920 | }
18921 |
18922 | while (frameI < frameBuffer.byteLength) {
18923 |
18924 |
18925 | switch (frameBuffer[frameI]) {
18926 | case 0:
18927 |
18928 | if (frameBuffer[frameI - 1] !== 0) {
18929 | frameI += 2;
18930 | break;
18931 | } else if (frameBuffer[frameI - 2] !== 0) {
18932 | frameI++;
18933 | break;
18934 | }
18935 |
18936 | if (frameSyncPoint + 3 !== frameI - 2) {
18937 | nalType = parseNalUnitType(frameBuffer[frameSyncPoint + 3] & 0x1f);
18938 |
18939 | if (nalType === 'slice_layer_without_partitioning_rbsp_idr') {
18940 | foundKeyFrame = true;
18941 | }
18942 | }
18943 |
18944 |
18945 | do {
18946 | frameI++;
18947 | } while (frameBuffer[frameI] !== 1 && frameI < frameBuffer.length);
18948 |
18949 | frameSyncPoint = frameI - 2;
18950 | frameI += 3;
18951 | break;
18952 |
18953 | case 1:
18954 |
18955 | if (frameBuffer[frameI - 1] !== 0 || frameBuffer[frameI - 2] !== 0) {
18956 | frameI += 3;
18957 | break;
18958 | }
18959 |
18960 | nalType = parseNalUnitType(frameBuffer[frameSyncPoint + 3] & 0x1f);
18961 |
18962 | if (nalType === 'slice_layer_without_partitioning_rbsp_idr') {
18963 | foundKeyFrame = true;
18964 | }
18965 |
18966 | frameSyncPoint = frameI - 2;
18967 | frameI += 3;
18968 | break;
18969 |
18970 | default:
18971 |
18972 |
18973 | frameI += 3;
18974 | break;
18975 | }
18976 | }
18977 |
18978 | frameBuffer = frameBuffer.subarray(frameSyncPoint);
18979 | frameI -= frameSyncPoint;
18980 | frameSyncPoint = 0;
18981 |
18982 | if (frameBuffer && frameBuffer.byteLength > 3) {
18983 | nalType = parseNalUnitType(frameBuffer[frameSyncPoint + 3] & 0x1f);
18984 |
18985 | if (nalType === 'slice_layer_without_partitioning_rbsp_idr') {
18986 | foundKeyFrame = true;
18987 | }
18988 | }
18989 |
18990 | return foundKeyFrame;
18991 | };
18992 |
18993 | var probe$1 = {
18994 | parseType: parseType,
18995 | parsePat: parsePat,
18996 | parsePmt: parsePmt,
18997 | parsePayloadUnitStartIndicator: parsePayloadUnitStartIndicator,
18998 | parsePesType: parsePesType,
18999 | parsePesTime: parsePesTime,
19000 | videoPacketContainsKeyFrame: videoPacketContainsKeyFrame
19001 | };
19002 | |
19003 |
19004 |
19005 |
19006 |
19007 |
19008 |
19009 |
19010 |
19011 | var StreamTypes = streamTypes;
19012 | var handleRollover = timestampRolloverStream.handleRollover;
19013 | var probe = {};
19014 | probe.ts = probe$1;
19015 | probe.aac = utils;
19016 | var ONE_SECOND_IN_TS = clock$2.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
19017 | var MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH = 188,
19018 |
19019 | SYNC_BYTE = 0x47;
19020 | |
19021 |
19022 |
19023 |
19024 |
19025 | var parsePsi_ = function (bytes, pmt) {
19026 | var startIndex = 0,
19027 | endIndex = MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH,
19028 | packet,
19029 | type;
19030 |
19031 | while (endIndex < bytes.byteLength) {
19032 |
19033 | if (bytes[startIndex] === SYNC_BYTE && bytes[endIndex] === SYNC_BYTE) {
19034 |
19035 | packet = bytes.subarray(startIndex, endIndex);
19036 | type = probe.ts.parseType(packet, pmt.pid);
19037 |
19038 | switch (type) {
19039 | case 'pat':
19040 | pmt.pid = probe.ts.parsePat(packet);
19041 | break;
19042 |
19043 | case 'pmt':
19044 | var table = probe.ts.parsePmt(packet);
19045 | pmt.table = pmt.table || {};
19046 | Object.keys(table).forEach(function (key) {
19047 | pmt.table[key] = table[key];
19048 | });
19049 | break;
19050 | }
19051 |
19052 | startIndex += MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19053 | endIndex += MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19054 | continue;
19055 | }
19056 |
19057 |
19058 |
19059 |
19060 | startIndex++;
19061 | endIndex++;
19062 | }
19063 | };
19064 | |
19065 |
19066 |
19067 |
19068 |
19069 |
19070 | var parseAudioPes_ = function (bytes, pmt, result) {
19071 | var startIndex = 0,
19072 | endIndex = MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH,
19073 | packet,
19074 | type,
19075 | pesType,
19076 | pusi,
19077 | parsed;
19078 | var endLoop = false;
19079 |
19080 | while (endIndex <= bytes.byteLength) {
19081 |
19082 | if (bytes[startIndex] === SYNC_BYTE && (bytes[endIndex] === SYNC_BYTE || endIndex === bytes.byteLength)) {
19083 |
19084 | packet = bytes.subarray(startIndex, endIndex);
19085 | type = probe.ts.parseType(packet, pmt.pid);
19086 |
19087 | switch (type) {
19088 | case 'pes':
19089 | pesType = probe.ts.parsePesType(packet, pmt.table);
19090 | pusi = probe.ts.parsePayloadUnitStartIndicator(packet);
19091 |
19092 | if (pesType === 'audio' && pusi) {
19093 | parsed = probe.ts.parsePesTime(packet);
19094 |
19095 | if (parsed) {
19096 | parsed.type = 'audio';
19097 | result.audio.push(parsed);
19098 | endLoop = true;
19099 | }
19100 | }
19101 |
19102 | break;
19103 | }
19104 |
19105 | if (endLoop) {
19106 | break;
19107 | }
19108 |
19109 | startIndex += MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19110 | endIndex += MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19111 | continue;
19112 | }
19113 |
19114 |
19115 |
19116 |
19117 | startIndex++;
19118 | endIndex++;
19119 | }
19120 |
19121 |
19122 | endIndex = bytes.byteLength;
19123 | startIndex = endIndex - MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19124 | endLoop = false;
19125 |
19126 | while (startIndex >= 0) {
19127 |
19128 | if (bytes[startIndex] === SYNC_BYTE && (bytes[endIndex] === SYNC_BYTE || endIndex === bytes.byteLength)) {
19129 |
19130 | packet = bytes.subarray(startIndex, endIndex);
19131 | type = probe.ts.parseType(packet, pmt.pid);
19132 |
19133 | switch (type) {
19134 | case 'pes':
19135 | pesType = probe.ts.parsePesType(packet, pmt.table);
19136 | pusi = probe.ts.parsePayloadUnitStartIndicator(packet);
19137 |
19138 | if (pesType === 'audio' && pusi) {
19139 | parsed = probe.ts.parsePesTime(packet);
19140 |
19141 | if (parsed) {
19142 | parsed.type = 'audio';
19143 | result.audio.push(parsed);
19144 | endLoop = true;
19145 | }
19146 | }
19147 |
19148 | break;
19149 | }
19150 |
19151 | if (endLoop) {
19152 | break;
19153 | }
19154 |
19155 | startIndex -= MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19156 | endIndex -= MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19157 | continue;
19158 | }
19159 |
19160 |
19161 |
19162 |
19163 | startIndex--;
19164 | endIndex--;
19165 | }
19166 | };
19167 | |
19168 |
19169 |
19170 |
19171 |
19172 |
19173 |
19174 | var parseVideoPes_ = function (bytes, pmt, result) {
19175 | var startIndex = 0,
19176 | endIndex = MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH,
19177 | packet,
19178 | type,
19179 | pesType,
19180 | pusi,
19181 | parsed,
19182 | frame,
19183 | i,
19184 | pes;
19185 | var endLoop = false;
19186 | var currentFrame = {
19187 | data: [],
19188 | size: 0
19189 | };
19190 |
19191 | while (endIndex < bytes.byteLength) {
19192 |
19193 | if (bytes[startIndex] === SYNC_BYTE && bytes[endIndex] === SYNC_BYTE) {
19194 |
19195 | packet = bytes.subarray(startIndex, endIndex);
19196 | type = probe.ts.parseType(packet, pmt.pid);
19197 |
19198 | switch (type) {
19199 | case 'pes':
19200 | pesType = probe.ts.parsePesType(packet, pmt.table);
19201 | pusi = probe.ts.parsePayloadUnitStartIndicator(packet);
19202 |
19203 | if (pesType === 'video') {
19204 | if (pusi && !endLoop) {
19205 | parsed = probe.ts.parsePesTime(packet);
19206 |
19207 | if (parsed) {
19208 | parsed.type = 'video';
19209 | result.video.push(parsed);
19210 | endLoop = true;
19211 | }
19212 | }
19213 |
19214 | if (!result.firstKeyFrame) {
19215 | if (pusi) {
19216 | if (currentFrame.size !== 0) {
19217 | frame = new Uint8Array(currentFrame.size);
19218 | i = 0;
19219 |
19220 | while (currentFrame.data.length) {
19221 | pes = currentFrame.data.shift();
19222 | frame.set(pes, i);
19223 | i += pes.byteLength;
19224 | }
19225 |
19226 | if (probe.ts.videoPacketContainsKeyFrame(frame)) {
19227 | var firstKeyFrame = probe.ts.parsePesTime(frame);
19228 |
19229 |
19230 |
19231 | if (firstKeyFrame) {
19232 | result.firstKeyFrame = firstKeyFrame;
19233 | result.firstKeyFrame.type = 'video';
19234 | } else {
19235 |
19236 | console.warn('Failed to extract PTS/DTS from PES at first keyframe. ' + 'This could be an unusual TS segment, or else mux.js did not ' + 'parse your TS segment correctly. If you know your TS ' + 'segments do contain PTS/DTS on keyframes please file a bug ' + 'report! You can try ffprobe to double check for yourself.');
19237 | }
19238 | }
19239 |
19240 | currentFrame.size = 0;
19241 | }
19242 | }
19243 |
19244 | currentFrame.data.push(packet);
19245 | currentFrame.size += packet.byteLength;
19246 | }
19247 | }
19248 |
19249 | break;
19250 | }
19251 |
19252 | if (endLoop && result.firstKeyFrame) {
19253 | break;
19254 | }
19255 |
19256 | startIndex += MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19257 | endIndex += MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19258 | continue;
19259 | }
19260 |
19261 |
19262 |
19263 |
19264 | startIndex++;
19265 | endIndex++;
19266 | }
19267 |
19268 |
19269 | endIndex = bytes.byteLength;
19270 | startIndex = endIndex - MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19271 | endLoop = false;
19272 |
19273 | while (startIndex >= 0) {
19274 |
19275 | if (bytes[startIndex] === SYNC_BYTE && bytes[endIndex] === SYNC_BYTE) {
19276 |
19277 | packet = bytes.subarray(startIndex, endIndex);
19278 | type = probe.ts.parseType(packet, pmt.pid);
19279 |
19280 | switch (type) {
19281 | case 'pes':
19282 | pesType = probe.ts.parsePesType(packet, pmt.table);
19283 | pusi = probe.ts.parsePayloadUnitStartIndicator(packet);
19284 |
19285 | if (pesType === 'video' && pusi) {
19286 | parsed = probe.ts.parsePesTime(packet);
19287 |
19288 | if (parsed) {
19289 | parsed.type = 'video';
19290 | result.video.push(parsed);
19291 | endLoop = true;
19292 | }
19293 | }
19294 |
19295 | break;
19296 | }
19297 |
19298 | if (endLoop) {
19299 | break;
19300 | }
19301 |
19302 | startIndex -= MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19303 | endIndex -= MP2T_PACKET_LENGTH;
19304 | continue;
19305 | }
19306 |
19307 |
19308 |
19309 |
19310 | startIndex--;
19311 | endIndex--;
19312 | }
19313 | };
19314 | |
19315 |
19316 |
19317 |
19318 |
19319 |
19320 | var adjustTimestamp_ = function (segmentInfo, baseTimestamp) {
19321 | if (segmentInfo.audio && segmentInfo.audio.length) {
19322 | var audioBaseTimestamp = baseTimestamp;
19323 |
19324 | if (typeof audioBaseTimestamp === 'undefined' || isNaN(audioBaseTimestamp)) {
19325 | audioBaseTimestamp = segmentInfo.audio[0].dts;
19326 | }
19327 |
19328 | segmentInfo.audio.forEach(function (info) {
19329 | info.dts = handleRollover(info.dts, audioBaseTimestamp);
19330 | info.pts = handleRollover(info.pts, audioBaseTimestamp);
19331 |
19332 | info.dtsTime = info.dts / ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
19333 | info.ptsTime = info.pts / ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
19334 | });
19335 | }
19336 |
19337 | if (segmentInfo.video && segmentInfo.video.length) {
19338 | var videoBaseTimestamp = baseTimestamp;
19339 |
19340 | if (typeof videoBaseTimestamp === 'undefined' || isNaN(videoBaseTimestamp)) {
19341 | videoBaseTimestamp = segmentInfo.video[0].dts;
19342 | }
19343 |
19344 | segmentInfo.video.forEach(function (info) {
19345 | info.dts = handleRollover(info.dts, videoBaseTimestamp);
19346 | info.pts = handleRollover(info.pts, videoBaseTimestamp);
19347 |
19348 | info.dtsTime = info.dts / ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
19349 | info.ptsTime = info.pts / ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
19350 | });
19351 |
19352 | if (segmentInfo.firstKeyFrame) {
19353 | var frame = segmentInfo.firstKeyFrame;
19354 | frame.dts = handleRollover(frame.dts, videoBaseTimestamp);
19355 | frame.pts = handleRollover(frame.pts, videoBaseTimestamp);
19356 |
19357 | frame.dtsTime = frame.dts / ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
19358 | frame.ptsTime = frame.pts / ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
19359 | }
19360 | }
19361 | };
19362 | |
19363 |
19364 |
19365 |
19366 |
19367 | var inspectAac_ = function (bytes) {
19368 | var endLoop = false,
19369 | audioCount = 0,
19370 | sampleRate = null,
19371 | timestamp = null,
19372 | frameSize = 0,
19373 | byteIndex = 0,
19374 | packet;
19375 |
19376 | while (bytes.length - byteIndex >= 3) {
19377 | var type = probe.aac.parseType(bytes, byteIndex);
19378 |
19379 | switch (type) {
19380 | case 'timed-metadata':
19381 |
19382 |
19383 | if (bytes.length - byteIndex < 10) {
19384 | endLoop = true;
19385 | break;
19386 | }
19387 |
19388 | frameSize = probe.aac.parseId3TagSize(bytes, byteIndex);
19389 |
19390 |
19391 | if (frameSize > bytes.length) {
19392 | endLoop = true;
19393 | break;
19394 | }
19395 |
19396 | if (timestamp === null) {
19397 | packet = bytes.subarray(byteIndex, byteIndex + frameSize);
19398 | timestamp = probe.aac.parseAacTimestamp(packet);
19399 | }
19400 |
19401 | byteIndex += frameSize;
19402 | break;
19403 |
19404 | case 'audio':
19405 |
19406 |
19407 | if (bytes.length - byteIndex < 7) {
19408 | endLoop = true;
19409 | break;
19410 | }
19411 |
19412 | frameSize = probe.aac.parseAdtsSize(bytes, byteIndex);
19413 |
19414 |
19415 | if (frameSize > bytes.length) {
19416 | endLoop = true;
19417 | break;
19418 | }
19419 |
19420 | if (sampleRate === null) {
19421 | packet = bytes.subarray(byteIndex, byteIndex + frameSize);
19422 | sampleRate = probe.aac.parseSampleRate(packet);
19423 | }
19424 |
19425 | audioCount++;
19426 | byteIndex += frameSize;
19427 | break;
19428 |
19429 | default:
19430 | byteIndex++;
19431 | break;
19432 | }
19433 |
19434 | if (endLoop) {
19435 | return null;
19436 | }
19437 | }
19438 |
19439 | if (sampleRate === null || timestamp === null) {
19440 | return null;
19441 | }
19442 |
19443 | var audioTimescale = ONE_SECOND_IN_TS / sampleRate;
19444 | var result = {
19445 | audio: [{
19446 | type: 'audio',
19447 | dts: timestamp,
19448 | pts: timestamp
19449 | }, {
19450 | type: 'audio',
19451 | dts: timestamp + audioCount * 1024 * audioTimescale,
19452 | pts: timestamp + audioCount * 1024 * audioTimescale
19453 | }]
19454 | };
19455 | return result;
19456 | };
19457 | |
19458 |
19459 |
19460 |
19461 |
19462 |
19463 |
19464 | var inspectTs_ = function (bytes) {
19465 | var pmt = {
19466 | pid: null,
19467 | table: null
19468 | };
19469 | var result = {};
19470 | parsePsi_(bytes, pmt);
19471 |
19472 | for (var pid in pmt.table) {
19473 | if (pmt.table.hasOwnProperty(pid)) {
19474 | var type = pmt.table[pid];
19475 |
19476 | switch (type) {
19477 | case StreamTypes.H264_STREAM_TYPE:
19478 | result.video = [];
19479 | parseVideoPes_(bytes, pmt, result);
19480 |
19481 | if (result.video.length === 0) {
19482 | delete result.video;
19483 | }
19484 |
19485 | break;
19486 |
19487 | case StreamTypes.ADTS_STREAM_TYPE:
19488 | result.audio = [];
19489 | parseAudioPes_(bytes, pmt, result);
19490 |
19491 | if (result.audio.length === 0) {
19492 | delete result.audio;
19493 | }
19494 |
19495 | break;
19496 | }
19497 | }
19498 | }
19499 |
19500 | return result;
19501 | };
19502 | |
19503 |
19504 |
19505 |
19506 |
19507 |
19508 |
19509 |
19510 |
19511 |
19512 | var inspect = function (bytes, baseTimestamp) {
19513 | var isAacData = probe.aac.isLikelyAacData(bytes);
19514 | var result;
19515 |
19516 | if (isAacData) {
19517 | result = inspectAac_(bytes);
19518 | } else {
19519 | result = inspectTs_(bytes);
19520 | }
19521 |
19522 | if (!result || !result.audio && !result.video) {
19523 | return null;
19524 | }
19525 |
19526 | adjustTimestamp_(result, baseTimestamp);
19527 | return result;
19528 | };
19529 |
19530 | var tsInspector = {
19531 | inspect: inspect,
19532 | parseAudioPes_: parseAudioPes_
19533 | };
19534 |
19535 |
19536 | |
19537 |
19538 |
19539 |
19540 |
19541 |
19542 |
19543 |
19544 | const wireTransmuxerEvents = function (self, transmuxer) {
19545 | transmuxer.on('data', function (segment) {
19546 |
19547 |
19548 |
19549 |
19550 | const initArray = segment.initSegment;
19551 | segment.initSegment = {
19552 | data: initArray.buffer,
19553 | byteOffset: initArray.byteOffset,
19554 | byteLength: initArray.byteLength
19555 | };
19556 | const typedArray = segment.data;
19557 | segment.data = typedArray.buffer;
19558 | self.postMessage({
19559 | action: 'data',
19560 | segment,
19561 | byteOffset: typedArray.byteOffset,
19562 | byteLength: typedArray.byteLength
19563 | }, [segment.data]);
19564 | });
19565 | transmuxer.on('done', function (data) {
19566 | self.postMessage({
19567 | action: 'done'
19568 | });
19569 | });
19570 | transmuxer.on('gopInfo', function (gopInfo) {
19571 | self.postMessage({
19572 | action: 'gopInfo',
19573 | gopInfo
19574 | });
19575 | });
19576 | transmuxer.on('videoSegmentTimingInfo', function (timingInfo) {
19577 | const videoSegmentTimingInfo = {
19578 | start: {
19579 | decode: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.start.dts),
19580 | presentation: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.start.pts)
19581 | },
19582 | end: {
19583 | decode: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.end.dts),
19584 | presentation: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.end.pts)
19585 | },
19586 | baseMediaDecodeTime: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.baseMediaDecodeTime)
19587 | };
19588 |
19589 | if (timingInfo.prependedContentDuration) {
19590 | videoSegmentTimingInfo.prependedContentDuration = clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.prependedContentDuration);
19591 | }
19592 |
19593 | self.postMessage({
19594 | action: 'videoSegmentTimingInfo',
19595 | videoSegmentTimingInfo
19596 | });
19597 | });
19598 | transmuxer.on('audioSegmentTimingInfo', function (timingInfo) {
19599 |
19600 | const audioSegmentTimingInfo = {
19601 | start: {
19602 | decode: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.start.dts),
19603 | presentation: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.start.pts)
19604 | },
19605 | end: {
19606 | decode: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.end.dts),
19607 | presentation: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.end.pts)
19608 | },
19609 | baseMediaDecodeTime: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.baseMediaDecodeTime)
19610 | };
19611 |
19612 | if (timingInfo.prependedContentDuration) {
19613 | audioSegmentTimingInfo.prependedContentDuration = clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(timingInfo.prependedContentDuration);
19614 | }
19615 |
19616 | self.postMessage({
19617 | action: 'audioSegmentTimingInfo',
19618 | audioSegmentTimingInfo
19619 | });
19620 | });
19621 | transmuxer.on('id3Frame', function (id3Frame) {
19622 | self.postMessage({
19623 | action: 'id3Frame',
19624 | id3Frame
19625 | });
19626 | });
19627 | transmuxer.on('caption', function (caption) {
19628 | self.postMessage({
19629 | action: 'caption',
19630 | caption
19631 | });
19632 | });
19633 | transmuxer.on('trackinfo', function (trackInfo) {
19634 | self.postMessage({
19635 | action: 'trackinfo',
19636 | trackInfo
19637 | });
19638 | });
19639 | transmuxer.on('audioTimingInfo', function (audioTimingInfo) {
19640 |
19641 | self.postMessage({
19642 | action: 'audioTimingInfo',
19643 | audioTimingInfo: {
19644 | start: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(audioTimingInfo.start),
19645 | end: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(audioTimingInfo.end)
19646 | }
19647 | });
19648 | });
19649 | transmuxer.on('videoTimingInfo', function (videoTimingInfo) {
19650 | self.postMessage({
19651 | action: 'videoTimingInfo',
19652 | videoTimingInfo: {
19653 | start: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(videoTimingInfo.start),
19654 | end: clock$2.videoTsToSeconds(videoTimingInfo.end)
19655 | }
19656 | });
19657 | });
19658 | transmuxer.on('log', function (log) {
19659 | self.postMessage({
19660 | action: 'log',
19661 | log
19662 | });
19663 | });
19664 | };
19665 | |
19666 |
19667 |
19668 |
19669 |
19670 |
19671 |
19672 |
19673 |
19674 | class MessageHandlers {
19675 | constructor(self, options) {
19676 | this.options = options || {};
19677 | this.self = self;
19678 | this.init();
19679 | }
19680 | |
19681 |
19682 |
19683 |
19684 |
19685 | init() {
19686 | if (this.transmuxer) {
19687 | this.transmuxer.dispose();
19688 | }
19689 |
19690 | this.transmuxer = new transmuxer.Transmuxer(this.options);
19691 | wireTransmuxerEvents(this.self, this.transmuxer);
19692 | }
19693 |
19694 | pushMp4Captions(data) {
19695 | if (!this.captionParser) {
19696 | this.captionParser = new captionParser();
19697 | this.captionParser.init();
19698 | }
19699 |
19700 | const segment = new Uint8Array(data.data, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);
19701 | const parsed = this.captionParser.parse(segment, data.trackIds, data.timescales);
19702 | this.self.postMessage({
19703 | action: 'mp4Captions',
19704 | captions: parsed && parsed.captions || [],
19705 | logs: parsed && parsed.logs || [],
19706 | data: segment.buffer
19707 | }, [segment.buffer]);
19708 | }
19709 |
19710 | probeMp4StartTime({
19711 | timescales,
19712 | data
19713 | }) {
19714 | const startTime = probe$2.startTime(timescales, data);
19715 | this.self.postMessage({
19716 | action: 'probeMp4StartTime',
19717 | startTime,
19718 | data
19719 | }, [data.buffer]);
19720 | }
19721 |
19722 | probeMp4Tracks({
19723 | data
19724 | }) {
19725 | const tracks = probe$2.tracks(data);
19726 | this.self.postMessage({
19727 | action: 'probeMp4Tracks',
19728 | tracks,
19729 | data
19730 | }, [data.buffer]);
19731 | }
19732 | |
19733 |
19734 |
19735 |
19736 |
19737 |
19738 |
19739 |
19740 |
19741 |
19742 | probeEmsgID3({
19743 | data,
19744 | offset
19745 | }) {
19746 | const id3Frames = probe$2.getEmsgID3(data, offset);
19747 | this.self.postMessage({
19748 | action: 'probeEmsgID3',
19749 | id3Frames,
19750 | emsgData: data
19751 | }, [data.buffer]);
19752 | }
19753 | |
19754 |
19755 |
19756 |
19757 |
19758 |
19759 |
19760 |
19761 |
19762 |
19763 |
19764 |
19765 |
19766 |
19767 |
19768 | probeTs({
19769 | data,
19770 | baseStartTime
19771 | }) {
19772 | const tsStartTime = typeof baseStartTime === 'number' && !isNaN(baseStartTime) ? baseStartTime * clock$2.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS : void 0;
19773 | const timeInfo = tsInspector.inspect(data, tsStartTime);
19774 | let result = null;
19775 |
19776 | if (timeInfo) {
19777 | result = {
19778 |
19779 | hasVideo: timeInfo.video && timeInfo.video.length === 2 || false,
19780 | hasAudio: timeInfo.audio && timeInfo.audio.length === 2 || false
19781 | };
19782 |
19783 | if (result.hasVideo) {
19784 | result.videoStart = timeInfo.video[0].ptsTime;
19785 | }
19786 |
19787 | if (result.hasAudio) {
19788 | result.audioStart = timeInfo.audio[0].ptsTime;
19789 | }
19790 | }
19791 |
19792 | this.self.postMessage({
19793 | action: 'probeTs',
19794 | result,
19795 | data
19796 | }, [data.buffer]);
19797 | }
19798 |
19799 | clearAllMp4Captions() {
19800 | if (this.captionParser) {
19801 | this.captionParser.clearAllCaptions();
19802 | }
19803 | }
19804 |
19805 | clearParsedMp4Captions() {
19806 | if (this.captionParser) {
19807 | this.captionParser.clearParsedCaptions();
19808 | }
19809 | }
19810 | |
19811 |
19812 |
19813 |
19814 |
19815 |
19816 |
19817 |
19818 | push(data) {
19819 |
19820 | const segment = new Uint8Array(data.data, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);
19821 | this.transmuxer.push(segment);
19822 | }
19823 | |
19824 |
19825 |
19826 |
19827 |
19828 |
19829 | reset() {
19830 | this.transmuxer.reset();
19831 | }
19832 | |
19833 |
19834 |
19835 |
19836 |
19837 |
19838 |
19839 |
19840 |
19841 | setTimestampOffset(data) {
19842 | const timestampOffset = data.timestampOffset || 0;
19843 | this.transmuxer.setBaseMediaDecodeTime(Math.round(clock$2.secondsToVideoTs(timestampOffset)));
19844 | }
19845 |
19846 | setAudioAppendStart(data) {
19847 | this.transmuxer.setAudioAppendStart(Math.ceil(clock$2.secondsToVideoTs(data.appendStart)));
19848 | }
19849 |
19850 | setRemux(data) {
19851 | this.transmuxer.setRemux(data.remux);
19852 | }
19853 | |
19854 |
19855 |
19856 |
19857 |
19858 |
19859 |
19860 |
19861 | flush(data) {
19862 | this.transmuxer.flush();
19863 |
19864 | self.postMessage({
19865 | action: 'done',
19866 | type: 'transmuxed'
19867 | });
19868 | }
19869 |
19870 | endTimeline() {
19871 | this.transmuxer.endTimeline();
19872 |
19873 |
19874 | self.postMessage({
19875 | action: 'endedtimeline',
19876 | type: 'transmuxed'
19877 | });
19878 | }
19879 |
19880 | alignGopsWith(data) {
19881 | this.transmuxer.alignGopsWith(data.gopsToAlignWith.slice());
19882 | }
19883 |
19884 | }
19885 | |
19886 |
19887 |
19888 |
19889 |
19890 |
19891 |
19892 |
19893 |
19894 | self.onmessage = function (event) {
19895 | if (event.data.action === 'init' && event.data.options) {
19896 | this.messageHandlers = new MessageHandlers(self, event.data.options);
19897 | return;
19898 | }
19899 |
19900 | if (!this.messageHandlers) {
19901 | this.messageHandlers = new MessageHandlers(self);
19902 | }
19903 |
19904 | if (event.data && event.data.action && event.data.action !== 'init') {
19905 | if (this.messageHandlers[event.data.action]) {
19906 | this.messageHandlers[event.data.action](event.data);
19907 | }
19908 | }
19909 | };
19910 | }));
19911 | var TransmuxWorker = factory(workerCode$1);
19912 |
19913 |
19914 | const handleData_ = (event, transmuxedData, callback) => {
19915 | const {
19916 | type,
19917 | initSegment,
19918 | captions,
19919 | captionStreams,
19920 | metadata,
19921 | videoFrameDtsTime,
19922 | videoFramePtsTime
19923 | } = event.data.segment;
19924 | transmuxedData.buffer.push({
19925 | captions,
19926 | captionStreams,
19927 | metadata
19928 | });
19929 | const boxes = event.data.segment.boxes || {
19930 | data: event.data.segment.data
19931 | };
19932 | const result = {
19933 | type,
19934 |
19935 | data: new Uint8Array(boxes.data, boxes.data.byteOffset, boxes.data.byteLength),
19936 | initSegment: new Uint8Array(initSegment.data, initSegment.byteOffset, initSegment.byteLength)
19937 | };
19938 |
19939 | if (typeof videoFrameDtsTime !== 'undefined') {
19940 | result.videoFrameDtsTime = videoFrameDtsTime;
19941 | }
19942 |
19943 | if (typeof videoFramePtsTime !== 'undefined') {
19944 | result.videoFramePtsTime = videoFramePtsTime;
19945 | }
19946 |
19947 | callback(result);
19948 | };
19949 | const handleDone_ = ({
19950 | transmuxedData,
19951 | callback
19952 | }) => {
19953 |
19954 |
19955 | transmuxedData.buffer = [];
19956 |
19957 |
19958 | callback(transmuxedData);
19959 | };
19960 | const handleGopInfo_ = (event, transmuxedData) => {
19961 | transmuxedData.gopInfo = event.data.gopInfo;
19962 | };
19963 | const processTransmux = options => {
19964 | const {
19965 | transmuxer,
19966 | bytes,
19967 | audioAppendStart,
19968 | gopsToAlignWith,
19969 | remux,
19970 | onData,
19971 | onTrackInfo,
19972 | onAudioTimingInfo,
19973 | onVideoTimingInfo,
19974 | onVideoSegmentTimingInfo,
19975 | onAudioSegmentTimingInfo,
19976 | onId3,
19977 | onCaptions,
19978 | onDone,
19979 | onEndedTimeline,
19980 | onTransmuxerLog,
19981 | isEndOfTimeline
19982 | } = options;
19983 | const transmuxedData = {
19984 | buffer: []
19985 | };
19986 | let waitForEndedTimelineEvent = isEndOfTimeline;
19987 |
19988 | const handleMessage = event => {
19989 | if (transmuxer.currentTransmux !== options) {
19990 |
19991 | return;
19992 | }
19993 |
19994 | if (event.data.action === 'data') {
19995 | handleData_(event, transmuxedData, onData);
19996 | }
19997 |
19998 | if (event.data.action === 'trackinfo') {
19999 | onTrackInfo(event.data.trackInfo);
20000 | }
20001 |
20002 | if (event.data.action === 'gopInfo') {
20003 | handleGopInfo_(event, transmuxedData);
20004 | }
20005 |
20006 | if (event.data.action === 'audioTimingInfo') {
20007 | onAudioTimingInfo(event.data.audioTimingInfo);
20008 | }
20009 |
20010 | if (event.data.action === 'videoTimingInfo') {
20011 | onVideoTimingInfo(event.data.videoTimingInfo);
20012 | }
20013 |
20014 | if (event.data.action === 'videoSegmentTimingInfo') {
20015 | onVideoSegmentTimingInfo(event.data.videoSegmentTimingInfo);
20016 | }
20017 |
20018 | if (event.data.action === 'audioSegmentTimingInfo') {
20019 | onAudioSegmentTimingInfo(event.data.audioSegmentTimingInfo);
20020 | }
20021 |
20022 | if (event.data.action === 'id3Frame') {
20023 | onId3([event.data.id3Frame], event.data.id3Frame.dispatchType);
20024 | }
20025 |
20026 | if (event.data.action === 'caption') {
20027 | onCaptions(event.data.caption);
20028 | }
20029 |
20030 | if (event.data.action === 'endedtimeline') {
20031 | waitForEndedTimelineEvent = false;
20032 | onEndedTimeline();
20033 | }
20034 |
20035 | if (event.data.action === 'log') {
20036 | onTransmuxerLog(event.data.log);
20037 | }
20038 |
20039 |
20040 | if (event.data.type !== 'transmuxed') {
20041 | return;
20042 | }
20043 |
20044 |
20045 |
20046 |
20047 |
20048 | if (waitForEndedTimelineEvent) {
20049 | return;
20050 | }
20051 |
20052 | transmuxer.onmessage = null;
20053 | handleDone_({
20054 | transmuxedData,
20055 | callback: onDone
20056 | });
20057 |
20058 |
20059 | dequeue(transmuxer);
20060 |
20061 | };
20062 |
20063 | transmuxer.onmessage = handleMessage;
20064 |
20065 | if (audioAppendStart) {
20066 | transmuxer.postMessage({
20067 | action: 'setAudioAppendStart',
20068 | appendStart: audioAppendStart
20069 | });
20070 | }
20071 |
20072 |
20073 | if (Array.isArray(gopsToAlignWith)) {
20074 | transmuxer.postMessage({
20075 | action: 'alignGopsWith',
20076 | gopsToAlignWith
20077 | });
20078 | }
20079 |
20080 | if (typeof remux !== 'undefined') {
20081 | transmuxer.postMessage({
20082 | action: 'setRemux',
20083 | remux
20084 | });
20085 | }
20086 |
20087 | if (bytes.byteLength) {
20088 | const buffer = bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer ? bytes : bytes.buffer;
20089 | const byteOffset = bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer ? 0 : bytes.byteOffset;
20090 | transmuxer.postMessage({
20091 | action: 'push',
20092 |
20093 |
20094 |
20095 | data: buffer,
20096 |
20097 |
20098 | byteOffset,
20099 | byteLength: bytes.byteLength
20100 | }, [buffer]);
20101 | }
20102 |
20103 | if (isEndOfTimeline) {
20104 | transmuxer.postMessage({
20105 | action: 'endTimeline'
20106 | });
20107 | }
20108 |
20109 |
20110 |
20111 | transmuxer.postMessage({
20112 | action: 'flush'
20113 | });
20114 | };
20115 | const dequeue = transmuxer => {
20116 | transmuxer.currentTransmux = null;
20117 |
20118 | if (transmuxer.transmuxQueue.length) {
20119 | transmuxer.currentTransmux = transmuxer.transmuxQueue.shift();
20120 |
20121 | if (typeof transmuxer.currentTransmux === 'function') {
20122 | transmuxer.currentTransmux();
20123 | } else {
20124 | processTransmux(transmuxer.currentTransmux);
20125 | }
20126 | }
20127 | };
20128 | const processAction = (transmuxer, action) => {
20129 | transmuxer.postMessage({
20130 | action
20131 | });
20132 | dequeue(transmuxer);
20133 | };
20134 | const enqueueAction = (action, transmuxer) => {
20135 | if (!transmuxer.currentTransmux) {
20136 | transmuxer.currentTransmux = action;
20137 | processAction(transmuxer, action);
20138 | return;
20139 | }
20140 |
20141 | transmuxer.transmuxQueue.push(processAction.bind(null, transmuxer, action));
20142 | };
20143 | const reset = transmuxer => {
20144 | enqueueAction('reset', transmuxer);
20145 | };
20146 | const endTimeline = transmuxer => {
20147 | enqueueAction('endTimeline', transmuxer);
20148 | };
20149 | const transmux = options => {
20150 | if (!options.transmuxer.currentTransmux) {
20151 | options.transmuxer.currentTransmux = options;
20152 | processTransmux(options);
20153 | return;
20154 | }
20155 |
20156 | options.transmuxer.transmuxQueue.push(options);
20157 | };
20158 | const createTransmuxer = options => {
20159 | const transmuxer = new TransmuxWorker();
20160 | transmuxer.currentTransmux = null;
20161 | transmuxer.transmuxQueue = [];
20162 | const term = transmuxer.terminate;
20163 |
20164 | transmuxer.terminate = () => {
20165 | transmuxer.currentTransmux = null;
20166 | transmuxer.transmuxQueue.length = 0;
20167 | return term.call(transmuxer);
20168 | };
20169 |
20170 | transmuxer.postMessage({
20171 | action: 'init',
20172 | options
20173 | });
20174 | return transmuxer;
20175 | };
20176 | var segmentTransmuxer = {
20177 | reset,
20178 | endTimeline,
20179 | transmux,
20180 | createTransmuxer
20181 | };
20182 |
20183 | const workerCallback = function (options) {
20184 | const transmuxer = options.transmuxer;
20185 | const endAction = options.endAction || options.action;
20186 | const callback = options.callback;
20187 |
20188 | const message = _extends({}, options, {
20189 | endAction: null,
20190 | transmuxer: null,
20191 | callback: null
20192 | });
20193 |
20194 | const listenForEndEvent = event => {
20195 | if (event.data.action !== endAction) {
20196 | return;
20197 | }
20198 |
20199 | transmuxer.removeEventListener('message', listenForEndEvent);
20200 |
20201 | if (event.data.data) {
20202 | event.data.data = new Uint8Array(event.data.data, options.byteOffset || 0, options.byteLength || event.data.data.byteLength);
20203 |
20204 | if (options.data) {
20205 | options.data = event.data.data;
20206 | }
20207 | }
20208 |
20209 | callback(event.data);
20210 | };
20211 |
20212 | transmuxer.addEventListener('message', listenForEndEvent);
20213 |
20214 | if (options.data) {
20215 | const isArrayBuffer = options.data instanceof ArrayBuffer;
20216 | message.byteOffset = isArrayBuffer ? 0 : options.data.byteOffset;
20217 | message.byteLength = options.data.byteLength;
20218 | const transfers = [isArrayBuffer ? options.data : options.data.buffer];
20219 | transmuxer.postMessage(message, transfers);
20220 | } else {
20221 | transmuxer.postMessage(message);
20222 | }
20223 | };
20224 |
20225 | const REQUEST_ERRORS = {
20226 | FAILURE: 2,
20227 | TIMEOUT: -101,
20228 | ABORTED: -102
20229 | };
20230 | |
20231 |
20232 |
20233 |
20234 |
20235 |
20236 | const abortAll = activeXhrs => {
20237 | activeXhrs.forEach(xhr => {
20238 | xhr.abort();
20239 | });
20240 | };
20241 | |
20242 |
20243 |
20244 |
20245 |
20246 |
20247 |
20248 | const getRequestStats = request => {
20249 | return {
20250 | bandwidth: request.bandwidth,
20251 | bytesReceived: request.bytesReceived || 0,
20252 | roundTripTime: request.roundTripTime || 0
20253 | };
20254 | };
20255 | |
20256 |
20257 |
20258 |
20259 |
20260 |
20261 |
20262 |
20263 | const getProgressStats = progressEvent => {
20264 | const request = progressEvent.target;
20265 | const roundTripTime = Date.now() - request.requestTime;
20266 | const stats = {
20267 | bandwidth: Infinity,
20268 | bytesReceived: 0,
20269 | roundTripTime: roundTripTime || 0
20270 | };
20271 | stats.bytesReceived = progressEvent.loaded;
20272 |
20273 |
20274 |
20275 | stats.bandwidth = Math.floor(stats.bytesReceived / stats.roundTripTime * 8 * 1000);
20276 | return stats;
20277 | };
20278 | |
20279 |
20280 |
20281 |
20282 |
20283 |
20284 |
20285 |
20286 |
20287 | const handleErrors = (error, request) => {
20288 | if (request.timedout) {
20289 | return {
20290 | status: request.status,
20291 | message: 'HLS request timed-out at URL: ' + request.uri,
20293 | xhr: request
20294 | };
20295 | }
20296 |
20297 | if (request.aborted) {
20298 | return {
20299 | status: request.status,
20300 | message: 'HLS request aborted at URL: ' + request.uri,
20302 | xhr: request
20303 | };
20304 | }
20305 |
20306 | if (error) {
20307 | return {
20308 | status: request.status,
20309 | message: 'HLS request errored at URL: ' + request.uri,
20311 | xhr: request
20312 | };
20313 | }
20314 |
20315 | if (request.responseType === 'arraybuffer' && request.response.byteLength === 0) {
20316 | return {
20317 | status: request.status,
20318 | message: 'Empty HLS response at URL: ' + request.uri,
20320 | xhr: request
20321 | };
20322 | }
20323 |
20324 | return null;
20325 | };
20326 | |
20327 |
20328 |
20329 |
20330 |
20331 |
20332 |
20333 |
20334 |
20335 |
20336 |
20337 |
20338 | const handleKeyResponse = (segment, objects, finishProcessingFn) => (error, request) => {
20339 | const response = request.response;
20340 | const errorObj = handleErrors(error, request);
20341 |
20342 | if (errorObj) {
20343 | return finishProcessingFn(errorObj, segment);
20344 | }
20345 |
20346 | if (response.byteLength !== 16) {
20347 | return finishProcessingFn({
20348 | status: request.status,
20349 | message: 'Invalid HLS key at URL: ' + request.uri,
20351 | xhr: request
20352 | }, segment);
20353 | }
20354 |
20355 | const view = new DataView(response);
20356 | const bytes = new Uint32Array([view.getUint32(0), view.getUint32(4), view.getUint32(8), view.getUint32(12)]);
20357 |
20358 | for (let i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
20359 | objects[i].bytes = bytes;
20360 | }
20361 |
20362 | return finishProcessingFn(null, segment);
20363 | };
20364 |
20365 | const parseInitSegment = (segment, callback) => {
20366 | const type = detectContainerForBytes(segment.map.bytes);
20367 |
20368 |
20369 | if (type !== 'mp4') {
20370 | const uri = segment.map.resolvedUri || segment.map.uri;
20371 | return callback({
20372 | internal: true,
20373 | message: `Found unsupported ${type || 'unknown'} container for initialization segment at URL: ${uri}`,
20375 | });
20376 | }
20377 |
20378 | workerCallback({
20379 | action: 'probeMp4Tracks',
20380 | data: segment.map.bytes,
20381 | transmuxer: segment.transmuxer,
20382 | callback: ({
20383 | tracks,
20384 | data
20385 | }) => {
20386 |
20387 | segment.map.bytes = data;
20388 | tracks.forEach(function (track) {
20389 | segment.map.tracks = segment.map.tracks || {};
20390 |
20391 | if (segment.map.tracks[track.type]) {
20392 | return;
20393 | }
20394 |
20395 | segment.map.tracks[track.type] = track;
20396 |
20397 | if (typeof track.id === 'number' && track.timescale) {
20398 | segment.map.timescales = segment.map.timescales || {};
20399 | segment.map.timescales[track.id] = track.timescale;
20400 | }
20401 | });
20402 | return callback(null);
20403 | }
20404 | });
20405 | };
20406 | |
20407 |
20408 |
20409 |
20410 |
20411 |
20412 |
20413 |
20414 |
20415 |
20416 | const handleInitSegmentResponse = ({
20417 | segment,
20418 | finishProcessingFn
20419 | }) => (error, request) => {
20420 | const errorObj = handleErrors(error, request);
20421 |
20422 | if (errorObj) {
20423 | return finishProcessingFn(errorObj, segment);
20424 | }
20425 |
20426 | const bytes = new Uint8Array(request.response);
20427 |
20428 |
20429 | if (segment.map.key) {
20430 | segment.map.encryptedBytes = bytes;
20431 | return finishProcessingFn(null, segment);
20432 | }
20433 |
20434 | segment.map.bytes = bytes;
20435 | parseInitSegment(segment, function (parseError) {
20436 | if (parseError) {
20437 | parseError.xhr = request;
20438 | parseError.status = request.status;
20439 | return finishProcessingFn(parseError, segment);
20440 | }
20441 |
20442 | finishProcessingFn(null, segment);
20443 | });
20444 | };
20445 | |
20446 |
20447 |
20448 |
20449 |
20450 |
20451 |
20452 |
20453 |
20454 |
20455 |
20456 |
20457 | const handleSegmentResponse = ({
20458 | segment,
20459 | finishProcessingFn,
20460 | responseType
20461 | }) => (error, request) => {
20462 | const errorObj = handleErrors(error, request);
20463 |
20464 | if (errorObj) {
20465 | return finishProcessingFn(errorObj, segment);
20466 | }
20467 |
20468 | const newBytes =
20469 |
20470 |
20471 |
20472 |
20473 | responseType === 'arraybuffer' || !request.responseText ? request.response : stringToArrayBuffer(request.responseText.substring(segment.lastReachedChar || 0));
20474 | segment.stats = getRequestStats(request);
20475 |
20476 | if (segment.key) {
20477 | segment.encryptedBytes = new Uint8Array(newBytes);
20478 | } else {
20479 | segment.bytes = new Uint8Array(newBytes);
20480 | }
20481 |
20482 | return finishProcessingFn(null, segment);
20483 | };
20484 |
20485 | const transmuxAndNotify = ({
20486 | segment,
20487 | bytes,
20488 | trackInfoFn,
20489 | timingInfoFn,
20490 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20491 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20492 | id3Fn,
20493 | captionsFn,
20494 | isEndOfTimeline,
20495 | endedTimelineFn,
20496 | dataFn,
20497 | doneFn,
20498 | onTransmuxerLog
20499 | }) => {
20500 | const fmp4Tracks = segment.map && segment.map.tracks || {};
20501 | const isMuxed = Boolean(fmp4Tracks.audio && fmp4Tracks.video);
20502 |
20503 |
20504 |
20505 | let audioStartFn = timingInfoFn.bind(null, segment, 'audio', 'start');
20506 | const audioEndFn = timingInfoFn.bind(null, segment, 'audio', 'end');
20507 | let videoStartFn = timingInfoFn.bind(null, segment, 'video', 'start');
20508 | const videoEndFn = timingInfoFn.bind(null, segment, 'video', 'end');
20509 |
20510 | const finish = () => transmux({
20511 | bytes,
20512 | transmuxer: segment.transmuxer,
20513 | audioAppendStart: segment.audioAppendStart,
20514 | gopsToAlignWith: segment.gopsToAlignWith,
20515 | remux: isMuxed,
20516 | onData: result => {
20517 | result.type = result.type === 'combined' ? 'video' : result.type;
20518 | dataFn(segment, result);
20519 | },
20520 | onTrackInfo: trackInfo => {
20521 | if (trackInfoFn) {
20522 | if (isMuxed) {
20523 | trackInfo.isMuxed = true;
20524 | }
20525 |
20526 | trackInfoFn(segment, trackInfo);
20527 | }
20528 | },
20529 | onAudioTimingInfo: audioTimingInfo => {
20530 |
20531 | if (audioStartFn && typeof audioTimingInfo.start !== 'undefined') {
20532 | audioStartFn(audioTimingInfo.start);
20533 | audioStartFn = null;
20534 | }
20535 |
20536 |
20537 | if (audioEndFn && typeof audioTimingInfo.end !== 'undefined') {
20538 | audioEndFn(audioTimingInfo.end);
20539 | }
20540 | },
20541 | onVideoTimingInfo: videoTimingInfo => {
20542 |
20543 | if (videoStartFn && typeof videoTimingInfo.start !== 'undefined') {
20544 | videoStartFn(videoTimingInfo.start);
20545 | videoStartFn = null;
20546 | }
20547 |
20548 |
20549 | if (videoEndFn && typeof videoTimingInfo.end !== 'undefined') {
20550 | videoEndFn(videoTimingInfo.end);
20551 | }
20552 | },
20553 | onVideoSegmentTimingInfo: videoSegmentTimingInfo => {
20554 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn(videoSegmentTimingInfo);
20555 | },
20556 | onAudioSegmentTimingInfo: audioSegmentTimingInfo => {
20557 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn(audioSegmentTimingInfo);
20558 | },
20559 | onId3: (id3Frames, dispatchType) => {
20560 | id3Fn(segment, id3Frames, dispatchType);
20561 | },
20562 | onCaptions: captions => {
20563 | captionsFn(segment, [captions]);
20564 | },
20565 | isEndOfTimeline,
20566 | onEndedTimeline: () => {
20567 | endedTimelineFn();
20568 | },
20569 | onTransmuxerLog,
20570 | onDone: result => {
20571 | if (!doneFn) {
20572 | return;
20573 | }
20574 |
20575 | result.type = result.type === 'combined' ? 'video' : result.type;
20576 | doneFn(null, segment, result);
20577 | }
20578 | });
20579 |
20580 |
20581 |
20582 |
20583 | workerCallback({
20584 | action: 'probeTs',
20585 | transmuxer: segment.transmuxer,
20586 | data: bytes,
20587 | baseStartTime: segment.baseStartTime,
20588 | callback: data => {
20589 | segment.bytes = bytes = data.data;
20590 | const probeResult = data.result;
20591 |
20592 | if (probeResult) {
20593 | trackInfoFn(segment, {
20594 | hasAudio: probeResult.hasAudio,
20595 | hasVideo: probeResult.hasVideo,
20596 | isMuxed
20597 | });
20598 | trackInfoFn = null;
20599 | }
20600 |
20601 | finish();
20602 | }
20603 | });
20604 | };
20605 |
20606 | const handleSegmentBytes = ({
20607 | segment,
20608 | bytes,
20609 | trackInfoFn,
20610 | timingInfoFn,
20611 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20612 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20613 | id3Fn,
20614 | captionsFn,
20615 | isEndOfTimeline,
20616 | endedTimelineFn,
20617 | dataFn,
20618 | doneFn,
20619 | onTransmuxerLog
20620 | }) => {
20621 | let bytesAsUint8Array = new Uint8Array(bytes);
20622 |
20623 |
20624 |
20625 |
20626 |
20627 | if (isLikelyFmp4MediaSegment(bytesAsUint8Array)) {
20628 | segment.isFmp4 = true;
20629 | const {
20630 | tracks
20631 | } = segment.map;
20632 | const trackInfo = {
20633 | isFmp4: true,
20634 | hasVideo: !!tracks.video,
20635 | hasAudio: !!tracks.audio
20636 | };
20637 |
20638 |
20639 | if (tracks.audio && tracks.audio.codec && tracks.audio.codec !== 'enca') {
20640 | trackInfo.audioCodec = tracks.audio.codec;
20641 | }
20642 |
20643 |
20644 |
20645 | if (tracks.video && tracks.video.codec && tracks.video.codec !== 'encv') {
20646 | trackInfo.videoCodec = tracks.video.codec;
20647 | }
20648 |
20649 | if (tracks.video && tracks.audio) {
20650 | trackInfo.isMuxed = true;
20651 | }
20652 |
20653 |
20654 |
20655 | trackInfoFn(segment, trackInfo);
20656 |
20657 |
20658 |
20659 |
20660 |
20661 |
20662 | const finishLoading = (captions, id3Frames) => {
20663 |
20664 |
20665 |
20666 |
20667 | dataFn(segment, {
20668 | data: bytesAsUint8Array,
20669 | type: trackInfo.hasAudio && !trackInfo.isMuxed ? 'audio' : 'video'
20670 | });
20671 |
20672 | if (id3Frames && id3Frames.length) {
20673 | id3Fn(segment, id3Frames);
20674 | }
20675 |
20676 | if (captions && captions.length) {
20677 | captionsFn(segment, captions);
20678 | }
20679 |
20680 | doneFn(null, segment, {});
20681 | };
20682 |
20683 | workerCallback({
20684 | action: 'probeMp4StartTime',
20685 | timescales: segment.map.timescales,
20686 | data: bytesAsUint8Array,
20687 | transmuxer: segment.transmuxer,
20688 | callback: ({
20689 | data,
20690 | startTime
20691 | }) => {
20692 |
20693 | bytes = data.buffer;
20694 | segment.bytes = bytesAsUint8Array = data;
20695 |
20696 | if (trackInfo.hasAudio && !trackInfo.isMuxed) {
20697 | timingInfoFn(segment, 'audio', 'start', startTime);
20698 | }
20699 |
20700 | if (trackInfo.hasVideo) {
20701 | timingInfoFn(segment, 'video', 'start', startTime);
20702 | }
20703 |
20704 | workerCallback({
20705 | action: 'probeEmsgID3',
20706 | data: bytesAsUint8Array,
20707 | transmuxer: segment.transmuxer,
20708 | offset: startTime,
20709 | callback: ({
20710 | emsgData,
20711 | id3Frames
20712 | }) => {
20713 |
20714 | bytes = emsgData.buffer;
20715 | segment.bytes = bytesAsUint8Array = emsgData;
20716 |
20717 |
20718 | if (!tracks.video || !emsgData.byteLength || !segment.transmuxer) {
20719 | finishLoading(undefined, id3Frames);
20720 | return;
20721 | }
20722 |
20723 | workerCallback({
20724 | action: 'pushMp4Captions',
20725 | endAction: 'mp4Captions',
20726 | transmuxer: segment.transmuxer,
20727 | data: bytesAsUint8Array,
20728 | timescales: segment.map.timescales,
20729 | trackIds: [tracks.video.id],
20730 | callback: message => {
20731 |
20732 | bytes = message.data.buffer;
20733 | segment.bytes = bytesAsUint8Array = message.data;
20734 | message.logs.forEach(function (log) {
20735 | onTransmuxerLog(merge$1(log, {
20736 | stream: 'mp4CaptionParser'
20737 | }));
20738 | });
20739 | finishLoading(message.captions, id3Frames);
20740 | }
20741 | });
20742 | }
20743 | });
20744 | }
20745 | });
20746 | return;
20747 | }
20748 |
20749 |
20750 | if (!segment.transmuxer) {
20751 | doneFn(null, segment, {});
20752 | return;
20753 | }
20754 |
20755 | if (typeof segment.container === 'undefined') {
20756 | segment.container = detectContainerForBytes(bytesAsUint8Array);
20757 | }
20758 |
20759 | if (segment.container !== 'ts' && segment.container !== 'aac') {
20760 | trackInfoFn(segment, {
20761 | hasAudio: false,
20762 | hasVideo: false
20763 | });
20764 | doneFn(null, segment, {});
20765 | return;
20766 | }
20767 |
20768 |
20769 | transmuxAndNotify({
20770 | segment,
20771 | bytes,
20772 | trackInfoFn,
20773 | timingInfoFn,
20774 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20775 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20776 | id3Fn,
20777 | captionsFn,
20778 | isEndOfTimeline,
20779 | endedTimelineFn,
20780 | dataFn,
20781 | doneFn,
20782 | onTransmuxerLog
20783 | });
20784 | };
20785 |
20786 | const decrypt = function ({
20787 | id,
20788 | key,
20789 | encryptedBytes,
20790 | decryptionWorker
20791 | }, callback) {
20792 | const decryptionHandler = event => {
20793 | if (event.data.source === id) {
20794 | decryptionWorker.removeEventListener('message', decryptionHandler);
20795 | const decrypted = event.data.decrypted;
20796 | callback(new Uint8Array(decrypted.bytes, decrypted.byteOffset, decrypted.byteLength));
20797 | }
20798 | };
20799 |
20800 | decryptionWorker.addEventListener('message', decryptionHandler);
20801 | let keyBytes;
20802 |
20803 | if (key.bytes.slice) {
20804 | keyBytes = key.bytes.slice();
20805 | } else {
20806 | keyBytes = new Uint32Array(Array.prototype.slice.call(key.bytes));
20807 | }
20808 |
20809 |
20810 | decryptionWorker.postMessage(createTransferableMessage({
20811 | source: id,
20812 | encrypted: encryptedBytes,
20813 | key: keyBytes,
20814 | iv: key.iv
20815 | }), [encryptedBytes.buffer, keyBytes.buffer]);
20816 | };
20817 | |
20818 |
20819 |
20820 |
20821 |
20822 |
20823 |
20824 |
20825 |
20826 |
20827 |
20828 |
20829 |
20830 |
20831 |
20832 |
20833 |
20834 |
20835 |
20836 |
20837 |
20838 |
20839 |
20840 |
20841 |
20842 |
20843 | const decryptSegment = ({
20844 | decryptionWorker,
20845 | segment,
20846 | trackInfoFn,
20847 | timingInfoFn,
20848 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20849 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20850 | id3Fn,
20851 | captionsFn,
20852 | isEndOfTimeline,
20853 | endedTimelineFn,
20854 | dataFn,
20855 | doneFn,
20856 | onTransmuxerLog
20857 | }) => {
20858 | decrypt({
20859 | id: segment.requestId,
20860 | key: segment.key,
20861 | encryptedBytes: segment.encryptedBytes,
20862 | decryptionWorker
20863 | }, decryptedBytes => {
20864 | segment.bytes = decryptedBytes;
20865 | handleSegmentBytes({
20866 | segment,
20867 | bytes: segment.bytes,
20868 | trackInfoFn,
20869 | timingInfoFn,
20870 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20871 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20872 | id3Fn,
20873 | captionsFn,
20874 | isEndOfTimeline,
20875 | endedTimelineFn,
20876 | dataFn,
20877 | doneFn,
20878 | onTransmuxerLog
20879 | });
20880 | });
20881 | };
20882 | |
20883 |
20884 |
20885 |
20886 |
20887 |
20888 |
20889 |
20890 |
20891 |
20892 |
20893 |
20894 |
20895 |
20896 |
20897 |
20898 |
20899 |
20900 |
20901 |
20902 |
20903 |
20904 |
20905 |
20906 |
20907 |
20908 |
20909 |
20910 |
20911 |
20912 |
20913 | const waitForCompletion = ({
20914 | activeXhrs,
20915 | decryptionWorker,
20916 | trackInfoFn,
20917 | timingInfoFn,
20918 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20919 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20920 | id3Fn,
20921 | captionsFn,
20922 | isEndOfTimeline,
20923 | endedTimelineFn,
20924 | dataFn,
20925 | doneFn,
20926 | onTransmuxerLog
20927 | }) => {
20928 | let count = 0;
20929 | let didError = false;
20930 | return (error, segment) => {
20931 | if (didError) {
20932 | return;
20933 | }
20934 |
20935 | if (error) {
20936 | didError = true;
20937 |
20938 | abortAll(activeXhrs);
20939 |
20940 |
20941 |
20942 |
20943 |
20944 |
20945 |
20946 |
20947 |
20948 |
20949 |
20950 | return doneFn(error, segment);
20951 | }
20952 |
20953 | count += 1;
20954 |
20955 | if (count === activeXhrs.length) {
20956 | const segmentFinish = function () {
20957 | if (segment.encryptedBytes) {
20958 | return decryptSegment({
20959 | decryptionWorker,
20960 | segment,
20961 | trackInfoFn,
20962 | timingInfoFn,
20963 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20964 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20965 | id3Fn,
20966 | captionsFn,
20967 | isEndOfTimeline,
20968 | endedTimelineFn,
20969 | dataFn,
20970 | doneFn,
20971 | onTransmuxerLog
20972 | });
20973 | }
20974 |
20975 |
20976 | handleSegmentBytes({
20977 | segment,
20978 | bytes: segment.bytes,
20979 | trackInfoFn,
20980 | timingInfoFn,
20981 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20982 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
20983 | id3Fn,
20984 | captionsFn,
20985 | isEndOfTimeline,
20986 | endedTimelineFn,
20987 | dataFn,
20988 | doneFn,
20989 | onTransmuxerLog
20990 | });
20991 | };
20992 |
20993 |
20994 | segment.endOfAllRequests = Date.now();
20995 |
20996 | if (segment.map && segment.map.encryptedBytes && !segment.map.bytes) {
20997 | return decrypt({
20998 | decryptionWorker,
20999 |
21000 |
21001 |
21002 | id: segment.requestId + '-init',
21003 | encryptedBytes: segment.map.encryptedBytes,
21004 | key: segment.map.key
21005 | }, decryptedBytes => {
21006 | segment.map.bytes = decryptedBytes;
21007 | parseInitSegment(segment, parseError => {
21008 | if (parseError) {
21009 | abortAll(activeXhrs);
21010 | return doneFn(parseError, segment);
21011 | }
21012 |
21013 | segmentFinish();
21014 | });
21015 | });
21016 | }
21017 |
21018 | segmentFinish();
21019 | }
21020 | };
21021 | };
21022 | |
21023 |
21024 |
21025 |
21026 |
21027 |
21028 |
21029 |
21030 |
21031 | const handleLoadEnd = ({
21032 | loadendState,
21033 | abortFn
21034 | }) => event => {
21035 | const request = event.target;
21036 |
21037 | if (request.aborted && abortFn && !loadendState.calledAbortFn) {
21038 | abortFn();
21039 | loadendState.calledAbortFn = true;
21040 | }
21041 | };
21042 | |
21043 |
21044 |
21045 |
21046 |
21047 |
21048 |
21049 |
21050 |
21051 |
21052 |
21053 |
21054 |
21055 |
21056 |
21057 |
21058 |
21059 |
21060 |
21061 |
21062 |
21063 |
21064 |
21065 |
21066 |
21067 |
21068 |
21069 | const handleProgress = ({
21070 | segment,
21071 | progressFn,
21072 | trackInfoFn,
21073 | timingInfoFn,
21074 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
21075 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
21076 | id3Fn,
21077 | captionsFn,
21078 | isEndOfTimeline,
21079 | endedTimelineFn,
21080 | dataFn
21081 | }) => event => {
21082 | const request = event.target;
21083 |
21084 | if (request.aborted) {
21085 | return;
21086 | }
21087 |
21088 | segment.stats = merge$1(segment.stats, getProgressStats(event));
21089 |
21090 | if (!segment.stats.firstBytesReceivedAt && segment.stats.bytesReceived) {
21091 | segment.stats.firstBytesReceivedAt = Date.now();
21092 | }
21093 |
21094 | return progressFn(event, segment);
21095 | };
21096 | |
21097 |
21098 |
21099 |
21100 |
21101 |
21102 |
21103 |
21104 |
21105 |
21106 |
21107 |
21108 |
21109 |
21110 |
21111 |
21112 |
21113 |
21114 |
21115 |
21116 |
21117 |
21118 |
21119 |
21120 |
21121 |
21122 |
21123 |
21124 |
21125 |
21126 |
21127 |
21128 |
21129 |
21130 |
21131 |
21132 |
21133 |
21134 |
21135 |
21136 |
21137 |
21138 |
21139 |
21140 |
21141 |
21142 |
21143 |
21144 |
21145 |
21146 |
21147 |
21148 |
21149 |
21150 |
21151 |
21152 |
21153 |
21154 |
21155 |
21156 |
21157 |
21158 |
21159 |
21160 |
21161 |
21162 |
21163 |
21164 |
21165 |
21166 | const mediaSegmentRequest = ({
21167 | xhr,
21168 | xhrOptions,
21169 | decryptionWorker,
21170 | segment,
21171 | abortFn,
21172 | progressFn,
21173 | trackInfoFn,
21174 | timingInfoFn,
21175 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
21176 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
21177 | id3Fn,
21178 | captionsFn,
21179 | isEndOfTimeline,
21180 | endedTimelineFn,
21181 | dataFn,
21182 | doneFn,
21183 | onTransmuxerLog
21184 | }) => {
21185 | const activeXhrs = [];
21186 | const finishProcessingFn = waitForCompletion({
21187 | activeXhrs,
21188 | decryptionWorker,
21189 | trackInfoFn,
21190 | timingInfoFn,
21191 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
21192 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
21193 | id3Fn,
21194 | captionsFn,
21195 | isEndOfTimeline,
21196 | endedTimelineFn,
21197 | dataFn,
21198 | doneFn,
21199 | onTransmuxerLog
21200 | });
21201 |
21202 | if (segment.key && !segment.key.bytes) {
21203 | const objects = [segment.key];
21204 |
21205 | if (segment.map && !segment.map.bytes && segment.map.key && segment.map.key.resolvedUri === segment.key.resolvedUri) {
21206 | objects.push(segment.map.key);
21207 | }
21208 |
21209 | const keyRequestOptions = merge$1(xhrOptions, {
21210 | uri: segment.key.resolvedUri,
21211 | responseType: 'arraybuffer'
21212 | });
21213 | const keyRequestCallback = handleKeyResponse(segment, objects, finishProcessingFn);
21214 | const keyXhr = xhr(keyRequestOptions, keyRequestCallback);
21215 | activeXhrs.push(keyXhr);
21216 | }
21217 |
21218 |
21219 | if (segment.map && !segment.map.bytes) {
21220 | const differentMapKey = segment.map.key && (!segment.key || segment.key.resolvedUri !== segment.map.key.resolvedUri);
21221 |
21222 | if (differentMapKey) {
21223 | const mapKeyRequestOptions = merge$1(xhrOptions, {
21224 | uri: segment.map.key.resolvedUri,
21225 | responseType: 'arraybuffer'
21226 | });
21227 | const mapKeyRequestCallback = handleKeyResponse(segment, [segment.map.key], finishProcessingFn);
21228 | const mapKeyXhr = xhr(mapKeyRequestOptions, mapKeyRequestCallback);
21229 | activeXhrs.push(mapKeyXhr);
21230 | }
21231 |
21232 | const initSegmentOptions = merge$1(xhrOptions, {
21233 | uri: segment.map.resolvedUri,
21234 | responseType: 'arraybuffer',
21235 | headers: segmentXhrHeaders(segment.map)
21236 | });
21237 | const initSegmentRequestCallback = handleInitSegmentResponse({
21238 | segment,
21239 | finishProcessingFn
21240 | });
21241 | const initSegmentXhr = xhr(initSegmentOptions, initSegmentRequestCallback);
21242 | activeXhrs.push(initSegmentXhr);
21243 | }
21244 |
21245 | const segmentRequestOptions = merge$1(xhrOptions, {
21246 | uri: segment.part && segment.part.resolvedUri || segment.resolvedUri,
21247 | responseType: 'arraybuffer',
21248 | headers: segmentXhrHeaders(segment)
21249 | });
21250 | const segmentRequestCallback = handleSegmentResponse({
21251 | segment,
21252 | finishProcessingFn,
21253 | responseType: segmentRequestOptions.responseType
21254 | });
21255 | const segmentXhr = xhr(segmentRequestOptions, segmentRequestCallback);
21256 | segmentXhr.addEventListener('progress', handleProgress({
21257 | segment,
21258 | progressFn,
21259 | trackInfoFn,
21260 | timingInfoFn,
21261 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn,
21262 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn,
21263 | id3Fn,
21264 | captionsFn,
21265 | isEndOfTimeline,
21266 | endedTimelineFn,
21267 | dataFn
21268 | }));
21269 | activeXhrs.push(segmentXhr);
21270 |
21271 |
21272 | const loadendState = {};
21273 | activeXhrs.forEach(activeXhr => {
21274 | activeXhr.addEventListener('loadend', handleLoadEnd({
21275 | loadendState,
21276 | abortFn
21277 | }));
21278 | });
21279 | return () => abortAll(activeXhrs);
21280 | };
21281 |
21282 | |
21283 |
21284 |
21285 |
21286 | const logFn$1 = logger('CodecUtils');
21287 | |
21288 |
21289 |
21290 |
21291 |
21292 |
21293 |
21294 |
21295 | const getCodecs = function (media) {
21296 |
21297 |
21298 | const mediaAttributes = media.attributes || {};
21299 |
21300 | if (mediaAttributes.CODECS) {
21301 | return parseCodecs(mediaAttributes.CODECS);
21302 | }
21303 | };
21304 |
21305 | const isMaat = (main, media) => {
21306 | const mediaAttributes = media.attributes || {};
21307 | return main && main.mediaGroups && main.mediaGroups.AUDIO && mediaAttributes.AUDIO && main.mediaGroups.AUDIO[mediaAttributes.AUDIO];
21308 | };
21309 | const isMuxed = (main, media) => {
21310 | if (!isMaat(main, media)) {
21311 | return true;
21312 | }
21313 |
21314 | const mediaAttributes = media.attributes || {};
21315 | const audioGroup = main.mediaGroups.AUDIO[mediaAttributes.AUDIO];
21316 |
21317 | for (const groupId in audioGroup) {
21318 |
21319 |
21320 |
21321 |
21322 | if (!audioGroup[groupId].uri && !audioGroup[groupId].playlists) {
21323 | return true;
21324 | }
21325 | }
21326 |
21327 | return false;
21328 | };
21329 | const unwrapCodecList = function (codecList) {
21330 | const codecs = {};
21331 | codecList.forEach(({
21332 | mediaType,
21333 | type,
21334 | details
21335 | }) => {
21336 | codecs[mediaType] = codecs[mediaType] || [];
21337 | codecs[mediaType].push(translateLegacyCodec(`${type}${details}`));
21338 | });
21339 | Object.keys(codecs).forEach(function (mediaType) {
21340 | if (codecs[mediaType].length > 1) {
21341 | logFn$1(`multiple ${mediaType} codecs found as attributes: ${codecs[mediaType].join(', ')}. Setting playlist codecs to null so that we wait for mux.js to probe segments for real codecs.`);
21342 | codecs[mediaType] = null;
21343 | return;
21344 | }
21345 |
21346 | codecs[mediaType] = codecs[mediaType][0];
21347 | });
21348 | return codecs;
21349 | };
21350 | const codecCount = function (codecObj) {
21351 | let count = 0;
21352 |
21353 | if (codecObj.audio) {
21354 | count++;
21355 | }
21356 |
21357 | if (codecObj.video) {
21358 | count++;
21359 | }
21360 |
21361 | return count;
21362 | };
21363 | |
21364 |
21365 |
21366 |
21367 |
21368 |
21369 |
21370 |
21371 |
21372 |
21373 |
21374 |
21375 |
21376 | const codecsForPlaylist = function (main, media) {
21377 | const mediaAttributes = media.attributes || {};
21378 | const codecInfo = unwrapCodecList(getCodecs(media) || []);
21379 |
21380 |
21381 | if (isMaat(main, media) && !codecInfo.audio) {
21382 | if (!isMuxed(main, media)) {
21383 |
21384 |
21385 |
21386 | const defaultCodecs = unwrapCodecList(codecsFromDefault(main, mediaAttributes.AUDIO) || []);
21387 |
21388 | if (defaultCodecs.audio) {
21389 | codecInfo.audio = defaultCodecs.audio;
21390 | }
21391 | }
21392 | }
21393 |
21394 | return codecInfo;
21395 | };
21396 |
21397 | const logFn = logger('PlaylistSelector');
21398 |
21399 | const representationToString = function (representation) {
21400 | if (!representation || !representation.playlist) {
21401 | return;
21402 | }
21403 |
21404 | const playlist = representation.playlist;
21405 | return JSON.stringify({
21406 | id: playlist.id,
21407 | bandwidth: representation.bandwidth,
21408 | width: representation.width,
21409 | height: representation.height,
21410 | codecs: playlist.attributes && playlist.attributes.CODECS || ''
21411 | });
21412 | };
21413 |
21414 | |
21415 |
21416 |
21417 |
21418 |
21419 |
21420 |
21421 |
21422 |
21423 |
21424 |
21425 |
21426 | const safeGetComputedStyle = function (el, property) {
21427 | if (!el) {
21428 | return '';
21429 | }
21430 |
21431 | const result = window.getComputedStyle(el);
21432 |
21433 | if (!result) {
21434 | return '';
21435 | }
21436 |
21437 | return result[property];
21438 | };
21439 | |
21440 |
21441 |
21442 |
21443 |
21444 |
21445 |
21446 |
21447 |
21448 | const stableSort = function (array, sortFn) {
21449 | const newArray = array.slice();
21450 | array.sort(function (left, right) {
21451 | const cmp = sortFn(left, right);
21452 |
21453 | if (cmp === 0) {
21454 | return newArray.indexOf(left) - newArray.indexOf(right);
21455 | }
21456 |
21457 | return cmp;
21458 | });
21459 | };
21460 | |
21461 |
21462 |
21463 |
21464 |
21465 |
21466 |
21467 |
21468 |
21469 |
21470 |
21471 |
21472 | const comparePlaylistBandwidth = function (left, right) {
21473 | let leftBandwidth;
21474 | let rightBandwidth;
21475 |
21476 | if (left.attributes.BANDWIDTH) {
21477 | leftBandwidth = left.attributes.BANDWIDTH;
21478 | }
21479 |
21480 | leftBandwidth = leftBandwidth || window.Number.MAX_VALUE;
21481 |
21482 | if (right.attributes.BANDWIDTH) {
21483 | rightBandwidth = right.attributes.BANDWIDTH;
21484 | }
21485 |
21486 | rightBandwidth = rightBandwidth || window.Number.MAX_VALUE;
21487 | return leftBandwidth - rightBandwidth;
21488 | };
21489 | |
21490 |
21491 |
21492 |
21493 |
21494 |
21495 |
21496 |
21497 |
21498 |
21499 |
21500 | const comparePlaylistResolution = function (left, right) {
21501 | let leftWidth;
21502 | let rightWidth;
21503 |
21504 | if (left.attributes.RESOLUTION && left.attributes.RESOLUTION.width) {
21505 | leftWidth = left.attributes.RESOLUTION.width;
21506 | }
21507 |
21508 | leftWidth = leftWidth || window.Number.MAX_VALUE;
21509 |
21510 | if (right.attributes.RESOLUTION && right.attributes.RESOLUTION.width) {
21511 | rightWidth = right.attributes.RESOLUTION.width;
21512 | }
21513 |
21514 | rightWidth = rightWidth || window.Number.MAX_VALUE;
21515 |
21516 |
21517 | if (leftWidth === rightWidth && left.attributes.BANDWIDTH && right.attributes.BANDWIDTH) {
21518 | return left.attributes.BANDWIDTH - right.attributes.BANDWIDTH;
21519 | }
21520 |
21521 | return leftWidth - rightWidth;
21522 | };
21523 | |
21524 |
21525 |
21526 |
21527 |
21528 |
21529 |
21530 |
21531 |
21532 |
21533 |
21534 |
21535 |
21536 |
21537 |
21538 |
21539 |
21540 |
21541 |
21542 |
21543 | let simpleSelector = function (main, playerBandwidth, playerWidth, playerHeight, limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions, playlistController) {
21544 |
21545 | if (!main) {
21546 | return;
21547 | }
21548 |
21549 | const options = {
21550 | bandwidth: playerBandwidth,
21551 | width: playerWidth,
21552 | height: playerHeight,
21553 | limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions
21554 | };
21555 | let playlists = main.playlists;
21556 |
21557 | if (Playlist.isAudioOnly(main)) {
21558 | playlists = playlistController.getAudioTrackPlaylists_();
21559 |
21560 |
21561 | options.audioOnly = true;
21562 | }
21563 |
21564 |
21565 | let sortedPlaylistReps = playlists.map(playlist => {
21566 | let bandwidth;
21567 | const width = playlist.attributes && playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION && playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.width;
21568 | const height = playlist.attributes && playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION && playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height;
21569 | bandwidth = playlist.attributes && playlist.attributes.BANDWIDTH;
21570 | bandwidth = bandwidth || window.Number.MAX_VALUE;
21571 | return {
21572 | bandwidth,
21573 | width,
21574 | height,
21575 | playlist
21576 | };
21577 | });
21578 | stableSort(sortedPlaylistReps, (left, right) => left.bandwidth - right.bandwidth);
21579 |
21580 |
21581 | sortedPlaylistReps = sortedPlaylistReps.filter(rep => !Playlist.isIncompatible(rep.playlist));
21582 |
21583 |
21584 | let enabledPlaylistReps = sortedPlaylistReps.filter(rep => Playlist.isEnabled(rep.playlist));
21585 |
21586 | if (!enabledPlaylistReps.length) {
21587 |
21588 |
21589 |
21590 | enabledPlaylistReps = sortedPlaylistReps.filter(rep => !Playlist.isDisabled(rep.playlist));
21591 | }
21592 |
21593 |
21594 |
21595 | const bandwidthPlaylistReps = enabledPlaylistReps.filter(rep => rep.bandwidth * Config.BANDWIDTH_VARIANCE < playerBandwidth);
21596 | let highestRemainingBandwidthRep = bandwidthPlaylistReps[bandwidthPlaylistReps.length - 1];
21597 |
21598 |
21599 | const bandwidthBestRep = bandwidthPlaylistReps.filter(rep => rep.bandwidth === highestRemainingBandwidthRep.bandwidth)[0];
21600 |
21601 | if (limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions === false) {
21602 | const chosenRep = bandwidthBestRep || enabledPlaylistReps[0] || sortedPlaylistReps[0];
21603 |
21604 | if (chosenRep && chosenRep.playlist) {
21605 | let type = 'sortedPlaylistReps';
21606 |
21607 | if (bandwidthBestRep) {
21608 | type = 'bandwidthBestRep';
21609 | }
21610 |
21611 | if (enabledPlaylistReps[0]) {
21612 | type = 'enabledPlaylistReps';
21613 | }
21614 |
21615 | logFn(`choosing ${representationToString(chosenRep)} using ${type} with options`, options);
21616 | return chosenRep.playlist;
21617 | }
21618 |
21619 | logFn('could not choose a playlist with options', options);
21620 | return null;
21621 | }
21622 |
21623 |
21624 | const haveResolution = bandwidthPlaylistReps.filter(rep => rep.width && rep.height);
21625 |
21626 | stableSort(haveResolution, (left, right) => left.width - right.width);
21627 |
21628 | const resolutionBestRepList = haveResolution.filter(rep => rep.width === playerWidth && rep.height === playerHeight);
21629 | highestRemainingBandwidthRep = resolutionBestRepList[resolutionBestRepList.length - 1];
21630 |
21631 | const resolutionBestRep = resolutionBestRepList.filter(rep => rep.bandwidth === highestRemainingBandwidthRep.bandwidth)[0];
21632 | let resolutionPlusOneList;
21633 | let resolutionPlusOneSmallest;
21634 | let resolutionPlusOneRep;
21635 |
21636 |
21637 | if (!resolutionBestRep) {
21638 | resolutionPlusOneList = haveResolution.filter(rep => rep.width > playerWidth || rep.height > playerHeight);
21639 |
21640 | resolutionPlusOneSmallest = resolutionPlusOneList.filter(rep => rep.width === resolutionPlusOneList[0].width && rep.height === resolutionPlusOneList[0].height);
21641 |
21642 |
21643 | highestRemainingBandwidthRep = resolutionPlusOneSmallest[resolutionPlusOneSmallest.length - 1];
21644 | resolutionPlusOneRep = resolutionPlusOneSmallest.filter(rep => rep.bandwidth === highestRemainingBandwidthRep.bandwidth)[0];
21645 | }
21646 |
21647 | let leastPixelDiffRep;
21648 |
21649 |
21650 |
21651 | if (playlistController.leastPixelDiffSelector) {
21652 |
21653 | const leastPixelDiffList = haveResolution.map(rep => {
21654 | rep.pixelDiff = Math.abs(rep.width - playerWidth) + Math.abs(rep.height - playerHeight);
21655 | return rep;
21656 | });
21657 |
21658 | stableSort(leastPixelDiffList, (left, right) => {
21659 |
21660 | if (left.pixelDiff === right.pixelDiff) {
21661 | return right.bandwidth - left.bandwidth;
21662 | }
21663 |
21664 | return left.pixelDiff - right.pixelDiff;
21665 | });
21666 | leastPixelDiffRep = leastPixelDiffList[0];
21667 | }
21668 |
21669 |
21670 | const chosenRep = leastPixelDiffRep || resolutionPlusOneRep || resolutionBestRep || bandwidthBestRep || enabledPlaylistReps[0] || sortedPlaylistReps[0];
21671 |
21672 | if (chosenRep && chosenRep.playlist) {
21673 | let type = 'sortedPlaylistReps';
21674 |
21675 | if (leastPixelDiffRep) {
21676 | type = 'leastPixelDiffRep';
21677 | } else if (resolutionPlusOneRep) {
21678 | type = 'resolutionPlusOneRep';
21679 | } else if (resolutionBestRep) {
21680 | type = 'resolutionBestRep';
21681 | } else if (bandwidthBestRep) {
21682 | type = 'bandwidthBestRep';
21683 | } else if (enabledPlaylistReps[0]) {
21684 | type = 'enabledPlaylistReps';
21685 | }
21686 |
21687 | logFn(`choosing ${representationToString(chosenRep)} using ${type} with options`, options);
21688 | return chosenRep.playlist;
21689 | }
21690 |
21691 | logFn('could not choose a playlist with options', options);
21692 | return null;
21693 | };
21694 |
21695 | |
21696 |
21697 |
21698 |
21699 |
21700 |
21701 |
21702 |
21703 |
21704 |
21705 |
21706 | const lastBandwidthSelector = function () {
21707 | const pixelRatio = this.useDevicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio || 1 : 1;
21708 | return simpleSelector(this.playlists.main, this.systemBandwidth, parseInt(safeGetComputedStyle(this.tech_.el(), 'width'), 10) * pixelRatio, parseInt(safeGetComputedStyle(this.tech_.el(), 'height'), 10) * pixelRatio, this.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions, this.playlistController_);
21709 | };
21710 | |
21711 |
21712 |
21713 |
21714 |
21715 |
21716 |
21717 |
21718 |
21719 |
21720 |
21721 |
21722 |
21723 |
21724 |
21725 | const movingAverageBandwidthSelector = function (decay) {
21726 | let average = -1;
21727 | let lastSystemBandwidth = -1;
21728 |
21729 | if (decay < 0 || decay > 1) {
21730 | throw new Error('Moving average bandwidth decay must be between 0 and 1.');
21731 | }
21732 |
21733 | return function () {
21734 | const pixelRatio = this.useDevicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio || 1 : 1;
21735 |
21736 | if (average < 0) {
21737 | average = this.systemBandwidth;
21738 | lastSystemBandwidth = this.systemBandwidth;
21739 | }
21740 |
21741 |
21742 |
21743 |
21744 |
21745 |
21746 | if (this.systemBandwidth > 0 && this.systemBandwidth !== lastSystemBandwidth) {
21747 | average = decay * this.systemBandwidth + (1 - decay) * average;
21748 | lastSystemBandwidth = this.systemBandwidth;
21749 | }
21750 |
21751 | return simpleSelector(this.playlists.main, average, parseInt(safeGetComputedStyle(this.tech_.el(), 'width'), 10) * pixelRatio, parseInt(safeGetComputedStyle(this.tech_.el(), 'height'), 10) * pixelRatio, this.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions, this.playlistController_);
21752 | };
21753 | };
21754 | |
21755 |
21756 |
21757 |
21758 |
21759 |
21760 |
21761 |
21762 |
21763 |
21764 |
21765 |
21766 |
21767 |
21768 |
21769 |
21770 |
21771 |
21772 |
21773 |
21774 |
21775 |
21776 |
21777 |
21778 |
21779 |
21780 |
21781 |
21782 |
21783 | const minRebufferMaxBandwidthSelector = function (settings) {
21784 | const {
21785 | main,
21786 | currentTime,
21787 | bandwidth,
21788 | duration,
21789 | segmentDuration,
21790 | timeUntilRebuffer,
21791 | currentTimeline,
21792 | syncController
21793 | } = settings;
21794 |
21795 |
21796 | const compatiblePlaylists = main.playlists.filter(playlist => !Playlist.isIncompatible(playlist));
21797 |
21798 |
21799 | let enabledPlaylists = compatiblePlaylists.filter(Playlist.isEnabled);
21800 |
21801 | if (!enabledPlaylists.length) {
21802 |
21803 |
21804 |
21805 | enabledPlaylists = compatiblePlaylists.filter(playlist => !Playlist.isDisabled(playlist));
21806 | }
21807 |
21808 | const bandwidthPlaylists = enabledPlaylists.filter(Playlist.hasAttribute.bind(null, 'BANDWIDTH'));
21809 | const rebufferingEstimates = bandwidthPlaylists.map(playlist => {
21810 | const syncPoint = syncController.getSyncPoint(playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime);
21811 |
21812 |
21813 | const numRequests = syncPoint ? 1 : 2;
21814 | const requestTimeEstimate = Playlist.estimateSegmentRequestTime(segmentDuration, bandwidth, playlist);
21815 | const rebufferingImpact = requestTimeEstimate * numRequests - timeUntilRebuffer;
21816 | return {
21817 | playlist,
21818 | rebufferingImpact
21819 | };
21820 | });
21821 | const noRebufferingPlaylists = rebufferingEstimates.filter(estimate => estimate.rebufferingImpact <= 0);
21822 |
21823 | stableSort(noRebufferingPlaylists, (a, b) => comparePlaylistBandwidth(b.playlist, a.playlist));
21824 |
21825 | if (noRebufferingPlaylists.length) {
21826 | return noRebufferingPlaylists[0];
21827 | }
21828 |
21829 | stableSort(rebufferingEstimates, (a, b) => a.rebufferingImpact - b.rebufferingImpact);
21830 | return rebufferingEstimates[0] || null;
21831 | };
21832 | |
21833 |
21834 |
21835 |
21836 |
21837 |
21838 |
21839 |
21840 |
21841 |
21842 |
21843 |
21844 | const lowestBitrateCompatibleVariantSelector = function () {
21845 |
21846 |
21847 | const playlists = this.playlists.main.playlists.filter(Playlist.isEnabled);
21848 |
21849 | stableSort(playlists, (a, b) => comparePlaylistBandwidth(a, b));
21850 |
21851 |
21852 |
21853 |
21854 |
21855 | const playlistsWithVideo = playlists.filter(playlist => !!codecsForPlaylist(this.playlists.main, playlist).video);
21856 | return playlistsWithVideo[0] || null;
21857 | };
21858 |
21859 | |
21860 |
21861 |
21862 |
21863 |
21864 |
21865 |
21866 | const concatSegments = segmentObj => {
21867 | let offset = 0;
21868 | let tempBuffer;
21869 |
21870 | if (segmentObj.bytes) {
21871 | tempBuffer = new Uint8Array(segmentObj.bytes);
21872 |
21873 | segmentObj.segments.forEach(segment => {
21874 | tempBuffer.set(segment, offset);
21875 | offset += segment.byteLength;
21876 | });
21877 | }
21878 |
21879 | return tempBuffer;
21880 | };
21881 |
21882 | |
21883 |
21884 |
21885 | |
21886 |
21887 |
21888 |
21889 |
21890 |
21891 |
21892 |
21893 |
21894 | const createCaptionsTrackIfNotExists = function (inbandTextTracks, tech, captionStream) {
21895 | if (!inbandTextTracks[captionStream]) {
21896 | tech.trigger({
21897 | type: 'usage',
21898 | name: 'vhs-608'
21899 | });
21900 | let instreamId = captionStream;
21901 |
21902 | if (/^cc708_/.test(captionStream)) {
21903 | instreamId = 'SERVICE' + captionStream.split('_')[1];
21904 | }
21905 |
21906 | const track = tech.textTracks().getTrackById(instreamId);
21907 |
21908 | if (track) {
21909 |
21910 |
21911 |
21912 | inbandTextTracks[captionStream] = track;
21913 | } else {
21914 |
21915 |
21916 | const captionServices = tech.options_.vhs && tech.options_.vhs.captionServices || {};
21917 | let label = captionStream;
21918 | let language = captionStream;
21919 | let def = false;
21920 | const captionService = captionServices[instreamId];
21921 |
21922 | if (captionService) {
21923 | label = captionService.label;
21924 | language = captionService.language;
21925 | def = captionService.default;
21926 | }
21927 |
21928 |
21929 |
21930 | inbandTextTracks[captionStream] = tech.addRemoteTextTrack({
21931 | kind: 'captions',
21932 | id: instreamId,
21933 |
21934 | default: def,
21935 | label,
21936 | language
21937 | }, false).track;
21938 | }
21939 | }
21940 | };
21941 | |
21942 |
21943 |
21944 |
21945 |
21946 |
21947 |
21948 |
21949 |
21950 |
21951 | const addCaptionData = function ({
21952 | inbandTextTracks,
21953 | captionArray,
21954 | timestampOffset
21955 | }) {
21956 | if (!captionArray) {
21957 | return;
21958 | }
21959 |
21960 | const Cue = window.WebKitDataCue || window.VTTCue;
21961 | captionArray.forEach(caption => {
21962 | const track = caption.stream;
21963 |
21964 |
21965 | if (caption.content) {
21966 | caption.content.forEach(value => {
21967 | const cue = new Cue(caption.startTime + timestampOffset, caption.endTime + timestampOffset, value.text);
21968 | cue.line = value.line;
21969 | cue.align = 'left';
21970 | cue.position = value.position;
21971 | cue.positionAlign = 'line-left';
21972 | inbandTextTracks[track].addCue(cue);
21973 | });
21974 | } else {
21975 |
21976 | inbandTextTracks[track].addCue(new Cue(caption.startTime + timestampOffset, caption.endTime + timestampOffset, caption.text));
21977 | }
21978 | });
21979 | };
21980 | |
21981 |
21982 |
21983 |
21984 |
21985 |
21986 |
21987 |
21988 |
21989 | const deprecateOldCue = function (cue) {
21990 | Object.defineProperties(cue.frame, {
21991 | id: {
21992 | get() {
21993 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('cue.frame.id is deprecated. Use cue.value.key instead.');
21994 | return cue.value.key;
21995 | }
21996 |
21997 | },
21998 | value: {
21999 | get() {
22000 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('cue.frame.value is deprecated. Use cue.value.data instead.');
22001 | return cue.value.data;
22002 | }
22003 |
22004 | },
22005 | privateData: {
22006 | get() {
22007 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('cue.frame.privateData is deprecated. Use cue.value.data instead.');
22008 | return cue.value.data;
22009 | }
22010 |
22011 | }
22012 | });
22013 | };
22014 | |
22015 |
22016 |
22017 |
22018 |
22019 |
22020 |
22021 |
22022 |
22023 |
22024 |
22025 |
22026 | const addMetadata = ({
22027 | inbandTextTracks,
22028 | metadataArray,
22029 | timestampOffset,
22030 | videoDuration
22031 | }) => {
22032 | if (!metadataArray) {
22033 | return;
22034 | }
22035 |
22036 | const Cue = window.WebKitDataCue || window.VTTCue;
22037 | const metadataTrack = inbandTextTracks.metadataTrack_;
22038 |
22039 | if (!metadataTrack) {
22040 | return;
22041 | }
22042 |
22043 | metadataArray.forEach(metadata => {
22044 | const time = metadata.cueTime + timestampOffset;
22045 |
22046 |
22047 |
22048 |
22049 | if (typeof time !== 'number' || window.isNaN(time) || time < 0 || !(time < Infinity)) {
22050 | return;
22051 | }
22052 |
22053 |
22054 | if (!metadata.frames || !metadata.frames.length) {
22055 | return;
22056 | }
22057 |
22058 | metadata.frames.forEach(frame => {
22059 | const cue = new Cue(time, time, frame.value || frame.url || frame.data || '');
22060 | cue.frame = frame;
22061 | cue.value = frame;
22062 | deprecateOldCue(cue);
22063 | metadataTrack.addCue(cue);
22064 | });
22065 | });
22066 |
22067 | if (!metadataTrack.cues || !metadataTrack.cues.length) {
22068 | return;
22069 | }
22070 |
22071 |
22072 |
22073 |
22074 | const cues = metadataTrack.cues;
22075 | const cuesArray = [];
22076 |
22077 |
22078 | for (let i = 0; i < cues.length; i++) {
22079 | if (cues[i]) {
22080 | cuesArray.push(cues[i]);
22081 | }
22082 | }
22083 |
22084 |
22085 | const cuesGroupedByStartTime = cuesArray.reduce((obj, cue) => {
22086 | const timeSlot = obj[cue.startTime] || [];
22087 | timeSlot.push(cue);
22088 | obj[cue.startTime] = timeSlot;
22089 | return obj;
22090 | }, {});
22091 |
22092 | const sortedStartTimes = Object.keys(cuesGroupedByStartTime).sort((a, b) => Number(a) - Number(b));
22093 |
22094 | sortedStartTimes.forEach((startTime, idx) => {
22095 | const cueGroup = cuesGroupedByStartTime[startTime];
22096 | const finiteDuration = isFinite(videoDuration) ? videoDuration : startTime;
22097 | const nextTime = Number(sortedStartTimes[idx + 1]) || finiteDuration;
22098 |
22099 | cueGroup.forEach(cue => {
22100 | cue.endTime = nextTime;
22101 | });
22102 | });
22103 | };
22104 |
22105 | const dateRangeAttr = {
22106 | id: 'ID',
22107 | class: 'CLASS',
22108 | startDate: 'START-DATE',
22109 | duration: 'DURATION',
22110 | endDate: 'END-DATE',
22111 | endOnNext: 'END-ON-NEXT',
22112 | plannedDuration: 'PLANNED-DURATION',
22113 | scte35Out: 'SCTE35-OUT',
22114 | scte35In: 'SCTE35-IN'
22115 | };
22116 | const dateRangeKeysToOmit = new Set(['id', 'class', 'startDate', 'duration', 'endDate', 'endOnNext', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'processDateRange']);
22117 | |
22118 |
22119 |
22120 |
22121 |
22122 |
22123 |
22124 |
22125 |
22126 | const addDateRangeMetadata = ({
22127 | inbandTextTracks,
22128 | dateRanges
22129 | }) => {
22130 | const metadataTrack = inbandTextTracks.metadataTrack_;
22131 |
22132 | if (!metadataTrack) {
22133 | return;
22134 | }
22135 |
22136 | const Cue = window.WebKitDataCue || window.VTTCue;
22137 | dateRanges.forEach(dateRange => {
22138 |
22139 | for (const key of Object.keys(dateRange)) {
22140 | if (dateRangeKeysToOmit.has(key)) {
22141 | continue;
22142 | }
22143 |
22144 | const cue = new Cue(dateRange.startTime, dateRange.endTime, '');
22145 | cue.id = dateRange.id;
22146 | cue.type = 'com.apple.quicktime.HLS';
22147 | cue.value = {
22148 | key: dateRangeAttr[key],
22149 | data: dateRange[key]
22150 | };
22151 |
22152 | if (key === 'scte35Out' || key === 'scte35In') {
22153 | cue.value.data = new Uint8Array(cue.value.data.match(/[\da-f]{2}/gi)).buffer;
22154 | }
22155 |
22156 | metadataTrack.addCue(cue);
22157 | }
22158 |
22159 | dateRange.processDateRange();
22160 | });
22161 | };
22162 | |
22163 |
22164 |
22165 |
22166 |
22167 |
22168 |
22169 |
22170 |
22171 | const createMetadataTrackIfNotExists = (inbandTextTracks, dispatchType, tech) => {
22172 | if (inbandTextTracks.metadataTrack_) {
22173 | return;
22174 | }
22175 |
22176 | inbandTextTracks.metadataTrack_ = tech.addRemoteTextTrack({
22177 | kind: 'metadata',
22178 | label: 'Timed Metadata'
22179 | }, false).track;
22180 |
22181 | if (!videojs__default["default"].browser.IS_ANY_SAFARI) {
22182 | inbandTextTracks.metadataTrack_.inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType = dispatchType;
22183 | }
22184 | };
22185 | |
22186 |
22187 |
22188 |
22189 |
22190 |
22191 |
22192 |
22193 |
22194 | const removeCuesFromTrack = function (start, end, track) {
22195 | let i;
22196 | let cue;
22197 |
22198 | if (!track) {
22199 | return;
22200 | }
22201 |
22202 | if (!track.cues) {
22203 | return;
22204 | }
22205 |
22206 | i = track.cues.length;
22207 |
22208 | while (i--) {
22209 | cue = track.cues[i];
22210 |
22211 | if (cue.startTime >= start && cue.endTime <= end) {
22212 | track.removeCue(cue);
22213 | }
22214 | }
22215 | };
22216 | |
22217 |
22218 |
22219 |
22220 |
22221 |
22222 |
22223 |
22224 | const removeDuplicateCuesFromTrack = function (track) {
22225 | const cues = track.cues;
22226 |
22227 | if (!cues) {
22228 | return;
22229 | }
22230 |
22231 | const uniqueCues = {};
22232 |
22233 | for (let i = cues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
22234 | const cue = cues[i];
22235 | const cueKey = `${cue.startTime}-${cue.endTime}-${cue.text}`;
22236 |
22237 | if (uniqueCues[cueKey]) {
22238 | track.removeCue(cue);
22239 | } else {
22240 | uniqueCues[cueKey] = cue;
22241 | }
22242 | }
22243 | };
22244 |
22245 | |
22246 |
22247 |
22248 |
22249 |
22250 |
22251 | var ONE_SECOND_IN_TS = 90000,
22252 |
22253 | secondsToVideoTs,
22254 | secondsToAudioTs,
22255 | videoTsToSeconds,
22256 | audioTsToSeconds,
22257 | audioTsToVideoTs,
22258 | videoTsToAudioTs,
22259 | metadataTsToSeconds;
22260 |
22261 | secondsToVideoTs = function (seconds) {
22262 | return seconds * ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
22263 | };
22264 |
22265 | secondsToAudioTs = function (seconds, sampleRate) {
22266 | return seconds * sampleRate;
22267 | };
22268 |
22269 | videoTsToSeconds = function (timestamp) {
22270 | return timestamp / ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
22271 | };
22272 |
22273 | audioTsToSeconds = function (timestamp, sampleRate) {
22274 | return timestamp / sampleRate;
22275 | };
22276 |
22277 | audioTsToVideoTs = function (timestamp, sampleRate) {
22278 | return secondsToVideoTs(audioTsToSeconds(timestamp, sampleRate));
22279 | };
22280 |
22281 | videoTsToAudioTs = function (timestamp, sampleRate) {
22282 | return secondsToAudioTs(videoTsToSeconds(timestamp), sampleRate);
22283 | };
22284 | |
22285 |
22286 |
22287 |
22288 |
22289 |
22290 | metadataTsToSeconds = function (timestamp, timelineStartPts, keepOriginalTimestamps) {
22291 | return videoTsToSeconds(keepOriginalTimestamps ? timestamp : timestamp - timelineStartPts);
22292 | };
22293 |
22294 | var clock = {
22296 | secondsToVideoTs: secondsToVideoTs,
22297 | secondsToAudioTs: secondsToAudioTs,
22298 | videoTsToSeconds: videoTsToSeconds,
22299 | audioTsToSeconds: audioTsToSeconds,
22300 | audioTsToVideoTs: audioTsToVideoTs,
22301 | videoTsToAudioTs: videoTsToAudioTs,
22302 | metadataTsToSeconds: metadataTsToSeconds
22303 | };
22304 |
22305 | |
22306 |
22307 |
22308 |
22309 |
22310 |
22311 |
22312 |
22313 |
22314 |
22315 |
22316 |
22317 |
22318 |
22319 | const gopsSafeToAlignWith = (buffer, currentTime, mapping) => {
22320 | if (typeof currentTime === 'undefined' || currentTime === null || !buffer.length) {
22321 | return [];
22322 | }
22323 |
22324 |
22325 | const currentTimePts = Math.ceil((currentTime - mapping + 3) * clock.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS);
22326 | let i;
22327 |
22328 | for (i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
22329 | if (buffer[i].pts > currentTimePts) {
22330 | break;
22331 | }
22332 | }
22333 |
22334 | return buffer.slice(i);
22335 | };
22336 | |
22337 |
22338 |
22339 |
22340 |
22341 |
22342 |
22343 |
22344 |
22345 |
22346 |
22347 |
22348 |
22349 |
22350 |
22351 | const updateGopBuffer = (buffer, gops, replace) => {
22352 | if (!gops.length) {
22353 | return buffer;
22354 | }
22355 |
22356 | if (replace) {
22357 |
22358 |
22359 |
22360 |
22361 | return gops.slice();
22362 | }
22363 |
22364 | const start = gops[0].pts;
22365 | let i = 0;
22366 |
22367 | for (i; i < buffer.length; i++) {
22368 | if (buffer[i].pts >= start) {
22369 | break;
22370 | }
22371 | }
22372 |
22373 | return buffer.slice(0, i).concat(gops);
22374 | };
22375 | |
22376 |
22377 |
22378 |
22379 |
22380 |
22381 |
22382 |
22383 |
22384 |
22385 |
22386 |
22387 |
22388 | const removeGopBuffer = (buffer, start, end, mapping) => {
22389 | const startPts = Math.ceil((start - mapping) * clock.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS);
22390 | const endPts = Math.ceil((end - mapping) * clock.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS);
22391 | const updatedBuffer = buffer.slice();
22392 | let i = buffer.length;
22393 |
22394 | while (i--) {
22395 | if (buffer[i].pts <= endPts) {
22396 | break;
22397 | }
22398 | }
22399 |
22400 | if (i === -1) {
22401 |
22402 | return updatedBuffer;
22403 | }
22404 |
22405 | let j = i + 1;
22406 |
22407 | while (j--) {
22408 | if (buffer[j].pts <= startPts) {
22409 | break;
22410 | }
22411 | }
22412 |
22413 |
22414 | j = Math.max(j, 0);
22415 | updatedBuffer.splice(j, i - j + 1);
22416 | return updatedBuffer;
22417 | };
22418 |
22419 | const shallowEqual = function (a, b) {
22420 |
22421 |
22422 |
22423 | if (!a && !b || !a && b || a && !b) {
22424 | return false;
22425 | }
22426 |
22427 |
22428 | if (a === b) {
22429 | return true;
22430 | }
22431 |
22432 |
22433 |
22434 | const akeys = Object.keys(a).sort();
22435 | const bkeys = Object.keys(b).sort();
22436 |
22437 | if (akeys.length !== bkeys.length) {
22438 | return false;
22439 | }
22440 |
22441 | for (let i = 0; i < akeys.length; i++) {
22442 | const key = akeys[i];
22443 |
22444 | if (key !== bkeys[i]) {
22445 | return false;
22446 | }
22447 |
22448 |
22449 | if (a[key] !== b[key]) {
22450 | return false;
22451 | }
22452 | }
22453 |
22454 | return true;
22455 | };
22456 |
22457 |
22458 | const QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR = 22;
22459 |
22460 | |
22461 |
22462 |
22463 |
22464 |
22465 |
22466 |
22467 |
22468 |
22469 |
22470 | const getSyncSegmentCandidate = function (currentTimeline, segments, targetTime) {
22471 | segments = segments || [];
22472 | const timelineSegments = [];
22473 | let time = 0;
22474 |
22475 | for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
22476 | const segment = segments[i];
22477 |
22478 | if (currentTimeline === segment.timeline) {
22479 | timelineSegments.push(i);
22480 | time += segment.duration;
22481 |
22482 | if (time > targetTime) {
22483 | return i;
22484 | }
22485 | }
22486 | }
22487 |
22488 | if (timelineSegments.length === 0) {
22489 | return 0;
22490 | }
22491 |
22492 |
22493 | return timelineSegments[timelineSegments.length - 1];
22494 | };
22495 |
22496 |
22497 |
22498 |
22499 | const MIN_BACK_BUFFER = 1;
22500 |
22501 | const CHECK_BUFFER_DELAY = 500;
22502 |
22503 | const finite = num => typeof num === 'number' && isFinite(num);
22504 |
22505 |
22506 |
22507 |
22508 | const MIN_SEGMENT_DURATION_TO_SAVE_STATS = 1 / 60;
22509 | const illegalMediaSwitch = (loaderType, startingMedia, trackInfo) => {
22510 |
22511 |
22512 | if (loaderType !== 'main' || !startingMedia || !trackInfo) {
22513 | return null;
22514 | }
22515 |
22516 | if (!trackInfo.hasAudio && !trackInfo.hasVideo) {
22517 | return 'Neither audio nor video found in segment.';
22518 | }
22519 |
22520 | if (startingMedia.hasVideo && !trackInfo.hasVideo) {
22521 | return 'Only audio found in segment when we expected video.' + ' We can\'t switch to audio only from a stream that had video.' + ' To get rid of this message, please add codec information to the manifest.';
22522 | }
22523 |
22524 | if (!startingMedia.hasVideo && trackInfo.hasVideo) {
22525 | return 'Video found in segment when we expected only audio.' + ' We can\'t switch to a stream with video from an audio only stream.' + ' To get rid of this message, please add codec information to the manifest.';
22526 | }
22527 |
22528 | return null;
22529 | };
22530 | |
22531 |
22532 |
22533 |
22534 |
22535 |
22536 |
22537 |
22538 |
22539 |
22540 |
22541 |
22542 |
22543 |
22544 | const safeBackBufferTrimTime = (seekable, currentTime, targetDuration) => {
22545 |
22546 |
22547 |
22548 |
22549 |
22550 | let trimTime = currentTime - Config.BACK_BUFFER_LENGTH;
22551 |
22552 | if (seekable.length) {
22553 |
22554 |
22555 | trimTime = Math.max(trimTime, seekable.start(0));
22556 | }
22557 |
22558 |
22559 |
22560 | const maxTrimTime = currentTime - targetDuration;
22561 | return Math.min(maxTrimTime, trimTime);
22562 | };
22563 | const segmentInfoString = segmentInfo => {
22564 | const {
22565 | startOfSegment,
22566 | duration,
22567 | segment,
22568 | part,
22569 | playlist: {
22570 | mediaSequence: seq,
22571 | id,
22572 | segments = []
22573 | },
22574 | mediaIndex: index,
22575 | partIndex,
22576 | timeline
22577 | } = segmentInfo;
22578 | const segmentLen = segments.length - 1;
22579 | let selection = 'mediaIndex/partIndex increment';
22580 |
22581 | if (segmentInfo.getMediaInfoForTime) {
22582 | selection = `getMediaInfoForTime (${segmentInfo.getMediaInfoForTime})`;
22583 | } else if (segmentInfo.isSyncRequest) {
22584 | selection = 'getSyncSegmentCandidate (isSyncRequest)';
22585 | }
22586 |
22587 | if (segmentInfo.independent) {
22588 | selection += ` with independent ${segmentInfo.independent}`;
22589 | }
22590 |
22591 | const hasPartIndex = typeof partIndex === 'number';
22592 | const name = segmentInfo.segment.uri ? 'segment' : 'pre-segment';
22593 | const zeroBasedPartCount = hasPartIndex ? getKnownPartCount({
22594 | preloadSegment: segment
22595 | }) - 1 : 0;
22596 | return `${name} [${seq + index}/${seq + segmentLen}]` + (hasPartIndex ? ` part [${partIndex}/${zeroBasedPartCount}]` : '') + ` segment start/end [${segment.start} => ${segment.end}]` + (hasPartIndex ? ` part start/end [${part.start} => ${part.end}]` : '') + ` startOfSegment [${startOfSegment}]` + ` duration [${duration}]` + ` timeline [${timeline}]` + ` selected by [${selection}]` + ` playlist [${id}]`;
22597 | };
22598 |
22599 | const timingInfoPropertyForMedia = mediaType => `${mediaType}TimingInfo`;
22600 | |
22601 |
22602 |
22603 |
22604 |
22605 |
22606 |
22607 |
22608 |
22609 |
22610 |
22611 |
22612 |
22613 |
22614 |
22615 |
22616 |
22617 |
22618 |
22619 |
22620 |
22621 | const timestampOffsetForSegment = ({
22622 | segmentTimeline,
22623 | currentTimeline,
22624 | startOfSegment,
22625 | buffered,
22626 | overrideCheck
22627 | }) => {
22628 |
22629 |
22630 |
22631 |
22632 |
22633 |
22634 | if (!overrideCheck && segmentTimeline === currentTimeline) {
22635 | return null;
22636 | }
22637 |
22638 |
22639 |
22640 |
22641 |
22642 |
22643 |
22644 |
22645 |
22646 |
22647 |
22648 |
22649 |
22650 |
22651 |
22652 |
22653 |
22654 |
22655 |
22656 |
22657 |
22658 |
22659 |
22660 |
22661 |
22662 | if (segmentTimeline < currentTimeline) {
22663 | return startOfSegment;
22664 | }
22665 |
22666 |
22667 |
22668 |
22669 |
22670 |
22671 | return buffered.length ? buffered.end(buffered.length - 1) : startOfSegment;
22672 | };
22673 | |
22674 |
22675 |
22676 |
22677 |
22678 |
22679 |
22680 |
22681 |
22682 |
22683 |
22684 |
22685 |
22686 |
22687 |
22688 |
22689 |
22690 |
22691 |
22692 |
22693 |
22694 |
22695 |
22696 |
22697 |
22698 |
22699 |
22700 |
22701 |
22702 |
22703 |
22704 |
22705 |
22706 |
22707 |
22708 |
22709 |
22710 |
22711 |
22712 |
22713 |
22714 |
22715 |
22716 |
22717 |
22718 |
22719 |
22720 |
22721 |
22722 |
22723 |
22724 |
22725 |
22726 |
22727 |
22728 |
22729 |
22730 |
22731 |
22732 |
22733 |
22734 |
22735 |
22736 |
22737 |
22738 |
22739 |
22740 |
22741 |
22742 |
22743 |
22744 |
22745 |
22746 |
22747 |
22748 |
22749 |
22750 |
22751 |
22752 |
22753 |
22754 |
22755 |
22756 |
22757 |
22758 |
22759 |
22760 |
22761 |
22762 |
22763 |
22764 |
22765 |
22766 |
22767 |
22768 |
22769 | const shouldWaitForTimelineChange = ({
22770 | timelineChangeController,
22771 | currentTimeline,
22772 | segmentTimeline,
22773 | loaderType,
22774 | audioDisabled
22775 | }) => {
22776 | if (currentTimeline === segmentTimeline) {
22777 | return false;
22778 | }
22779 |
22780 | if (loaderType === 'audio') {
22781 | const lastMainTimelineChange = timelineChangeController.lastTimelineChange({
22782 | type: 'main'
22783 | });
22784 |
22785 |
22786 |
22787 |
22788 | return !lastMainTimelineChange || lastMainTimelineChange.to !== segmentTimeline;
22789 | }
22790 |
22791 |
22792 |
22793 |
22794 |
22795 | if (loaderType === 'main' && audioDisabled) {
22796 | const pendingAudioTimelineChange = timelineChangeController.pendingTimelineChange({
22797 | type: 'audio'
22798 | });
22799 |
22800 |
22801 |
22802 |
22803 |
22804 |
22805 |
22806 |
22807 |
22808 |
22809 |
22810 |
22811 |
22812 |
22813 |
22814 |
22815 |
22816 |
22817 | if (pendingAudioTimelineChange && pendingAudioTimelineChange.to === segmentTimeline) {
22818 | return false;
22819 | }
22820 |
22821 | return true;
22822 | }
22823 |
22824 | return false;
22825 | };
22826 | const mediaDuration = timingInfos => {
22827 | let maxDuration = 0;
22828 | ['video', 'audio'].forEach(function (type) {
22829 | const typeTimingInfo = timingInfos[`${type}TimingInfo`];
22830 |
22831 | if (!typeTimingInfo) {
22832 | return;
22833 | }
22834 |
22835 | const {
22836 | start,
22837 | end
22838 | } = typeTimingInfo;
22839 | let duration;
22840 |
22841 | if (typeof start === 'bigint' || typeof end === 'bigint') {
22842 | duration = window.BigInt(end) - window.BigInt(start);
22843 | } else if (typeof start === 'number' && typeof end === 'number') {
22844 | duration = end - start;
22845 | }
22846 |
22847 | if (typeof duration !== 'undefined' && duration > maxDuration) {
22848 | maxDuration = duration;
22849 | }
22850 | });
22851 |
22852 |
22853 | if (typeof maxDuration === 'bigint' && maxDuration < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
22854 | maxDuration = Number(maxDuration);
22855 | }
22856 |
22857 | return maxDuration;
22858 | };
22859 | const segmentTooLong = ({
22860 | segmentDuration,
22861 | maxDuration
22862 | }) => {
22863 |
22864 |
22865 | if (!segmentDuration) {
22866 | return false;
22867 | }
22868 |
22869 |
22870 |
22871 |
22872 |
22873 |
22874 |
22875 |
22876 |
22877 |
22878 |
22879 |
22880 | return Math.round(segmentDuration) > maxDuration + TIME_FUDGE_FACTOR;
22881 | };
22882 | const getTroublesomeSegmentDurationMessage = (segmentInfo, sourceType) => {
22883 |
22884 |
22885 | if (sourceType !== 'hls') {
22886 | return null;
22887 | }
22888 |
22889 | const segmentDuration = mediaDuration({
22890 | audioTimingInfo: segmentInfo.audioTimingInfo,
22891 | videoTimingInfo: segmentInfo.videoTimingInfo
22892 | });
22893 |
22894 |
22895 |
22896 |
22897 | if (!segmentDuration) {
22898 | return null;
22899 | }
22900 |
22901 | const targetDuration = segmentInfo.playlist.targetDuration;
22902 | const isSegmentWayTooLong = segmentTooLong({
22903 | segmentDuration,
22904 | maxDuration: targetDuration * 2
22905 | });
22906 | const isSegmentSlightlyTooLong = segmentTooLong({
22907 | segmentDuration,
22908 | maxDuration: targetDuration
22909 | });
22910 | const segmentTooLongMessage = `Segment with index ${segmentInfo.mediaIndex} ` + `from playlist ${segmentInfo.playlist.id} ` + `has a duration of ${segmentDuration} ` + `when the reported duration is ${segmentInfo.duration} ` + `and the target duration is ${targetDuration}. ` + 'For HLS content, a duration in excess of the target duration may result in ' + 'playback issues. See the HLS specification section on EXT-X-TARGETDURATION for ' + 'more details: ' + 'https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-23#section-';
22911 |
22912 | if (isSegmentWayTooLong || isSegmentSlightlyTooLong) {
22913 | return {
22914 | severity: isSegmentWayTooLong ? 'warn' : 'info',
22915 | message: segmentTooLongMessage
22916 | };
22917 | }
22918 |
22919 | return null;
22920 | };
22921 | |
22922 |
22923 |
22924 |
22925 |
22926 |
22927 |
22928 |
22929 | class SegmentLoader extends videojs__default["default"].EventTarget {
22930 | constructor(settings, options = {}) {
22931 | super();
22932 |
22933 | if (!settings) {
22934 | throw new TypeError('Initialization settings are required');
22935 | }
22936 |
22937 | if (typeof settings.currentTime !== 'function') {
22938 | throw new TypeError('No currentTime getter specified');
22939 | }
22940 |
22941 | if (!settings.mediaSource) {
22942 | throw new TypeError('No MediaSource specified');
22943 | }
22944 |
22945 |
22946 | this.bandwidth = settings.bandwidth;
22947 | this.throughput = {
22948 | rate: 0,
22949 | count: 0
22950 | };
22951 | this.roundTrip = NaN;
22952 | this.resetStats_();
22953 | this.mediaIndex = null;
22954 | this.partIndex = null;
22955 |
22956 | this.hasPlayed_ = settings.hasPlayed;
22957 | this.currentTime_ = settings.currentTime;
22958 | this.seekable_ = settings.seekable;
22959 | this.seeking_ = settings.seeking;
22960 | this.duration_ = settings.duration;
22961 | this.mediaSource_ = settings.mediaSource;
22962 | this.vhs_ = settings.vhs;
22963 | this.loaderType_ = settings.loaderType;
22964 | this.currentMediaInfo_ = void 0;
22965 | this.startingMediaInfo_ = void 0;
22966 | this.segmentMetadataTrack_ = settings.segmentMetadataTrack;
22967 | this.goalBufferLength_ = settings.goalBufferLength;
22968 | this.sourceType_ = settings.sourceType;
22969 | this.sourceUpdater_ = settings.sourceUpdater;
22970 | this.inbandTextTracks_ = settings.inbandTextTracks;
22971 | this.state_ = 'INIT';
22972 | this.timelineChangeController_ = settings.timelineChangeController;
22973 | this.shouldSaveSegmentTimingInfo_ = true;
22974 | this.parse708captions_ = settings.parse708captions;
22975 | this.useDtsForTimestampOffset_ = settings.useDtsForTimestampOffset;
22976 | this.captionServices_ = settings.captionServices;
22977 | this.exactManifestTimings = settings.exactManifestTimings;
22978 | this.addMetadataToTextTrack = settings.addMetadataToTextTrack;
22979 |
22980 | this.checkBufferTimeout_ = null;
22981 | this.error_ = void 0;
22982 | this.currentTimeline_ = -1;
22983 | this.shouldForceTimestampOffsetAfterResync_ = false;
22984 | this.pendingSegment_ = null;
22985 | this.xhrOptions_ = null;
22986 | this.pendingSegments_ = [];
22987 | this.audioDisabled_ = false;
22988 | this.isPendingTimestampOffset_ = false;
22989 |
22990 | this.gopBuffer_ = [];
22991 | this.timeMapping_ = 0;
22992 | this.safeAppend_ = false;
22993 | this.appendInitSegment_ = {
22994 | audio: true,
22995 | video: true
22996 | };
22997 | this.playlistOfLastInitSegment_ = {
22998 | audio: null,
22999 | video: null
23000 | };
23001 | this.callQueue_ = [];
23002 |
23003 |
23004 |
23005 |
23006 |
23007 | this.loadQueue_ = [];
23008 | this.metadataQueue_ = {
23009 | id3: [],
23010 | caption: []
23011 | };
23012 | this.waitingOnRemove_ = false;
23013 | this.quotaExceededErrorRetryTimeout_ = null;
23014 |
23015 | this.activeInitSegmentId_ = null;
23016 | this.initSegments_ = {};
23017 |
23018 | this.cacheEncryptionKeys_ = settings.cacheEncryptionKeys;
23019 | this.keyCache_ = {};
23020 | this.decrypter_ = settings.decrypter;
23021 |
23022 |
23023 |
23024 | this.syncController_ = settings.syncController;
23025 | this.syncPoint_ = {
23026 | segmentIndex: 0,
23027 | time: 0
23028 | };
23029 | this.transmuxer_ = this.createTransmuxer_();
23030 |
23031 | this.triggerSyncInfoUpdate_ = () => this.trigger('syncinfoupdate');
23032 |
23033 | this.syncController_.on('syncinfoupdate', this.triggerSyncInfoUpdate_);
23034 | this.mediaSource_.addEventListener('sourceopen', () => {
23035 | if (!this.isEndOfStream_()) {
23036 | this.ended_ = false;
23037 | }
23038 | });
23039 |
23040 | this.fetchAtBuffer_ = false;
23041 | this.logger_ = logger(`SegmentLoader[${this.loaderType_}]`);
23042 | Object.defineProperty(this, 'state', {
23043 | get() {
23044 | return this.state_;
23045 | },
23046 |
23047 | set(newState) {
23048 | if (newState !== this.state_) {
23049 | this.logger_(`${this.state_} -> ${newState}`);
23050 | this.state_ = newState;
23051 | this.trigger('statechange');
23052 | }
23053 | }
23054 |
23055 | });
23056 | this.sourceUpdater_.on('ready', () => {
23057 | if (this.hasEnoughInfoToAppend_()) {
23058 | this.processCallQueue_();
23059 | }
23060 | });
23061 |
23062 |
23063 |
23064 |
23065 | if (this.loaderType_ === 'main') {
23066 | this.timelineChangeController_.on('pendingtimelinechange', () => {
23067 | if (this.hasEnoughInfoToAppend_()) {
23068 | this.processCallQueue_();
23069 | }
23070 | });
23071 | }
23072 |
23073 |
23074 |
23075 |
23076 | if (this.loaderType_ === 'audio') {
23077 | this.timelineChangeController_.on('timelinechange', () => {
23078 | if (this.hasEnoughInfoToLoad_()) {
23079 | this.processLoadQueue_();
23080 | }
23081 |
23082 | if (this.hasEnoughInfoToAppend_()) {
23083 | this.processCallQueue_();
23084 | }
23085 | });
23086 | }
23087 | }
23088 |
23089 | createTransmuxer_() {
23090 | return segmentTransmuxer.createTransmuxer({
23091 | remux: false,
23092 | alignGopsAtEnd: this.safeAppend_,
23093 | keepOriginalTimestamps: true,
23094 | parse708captions: this.parse708captions_,
23095 | captionServices: this.captionServices_
23096 | });
23097 | }
23098 | |
23099 |
23100 |
23101 |
23102 |
23103 |
23104 |
23105 | resetStats_() {
23106 | this.mediaBytesTransferred = 0;
23107 | this.mediaRequests = 0;
23108 | this.mediaRequestsAborted = 0;
23109 | this.mediaRequestsTimedout = 0;
23110 | this.mediaRequestsErrored = 0;
23111 | this.mediaTransferDuration = 0;
23112 | this.mediaSecondsLoaded = 0;
23113 | this.mediaAppends = 0;
23114 | }
23115 | |
23116 |
23117 |
23118 |
23119 |
23120 | dispose() {
23121 | this.trigger('dispose');
23122 | this.state = 'DISPOSED';
23123 | this.pause();
23124 | this.abort_();
23125 |
23126 | if (this.transmuxer_) {
23127 | this.transmuxer_.terminate();
23128 | }
23129 |
23130 | this.resetStats_();
23131 |
23132 | if (this.checkBufferTimeout_) {
23133 | window.clearTimeout(this.checkBufferTimeout_);
23134 | }
23135 |
23136 | if (this.syncController_ && this.triggerSyncInfoUpdate_) {
23137 | this.syncController_.off('syncinfoupdate', this.triggerSyncInfoUpdate_);
23138 | }
23139 |
23140 | this.off();
23141 | }
23142 |
23143 | setAudio(enable) {
23144 | this.audioDisabled_ = !enable;
23145 |
23146 | if (enable) {
23147 | this.appendInitSegment_.audio = true;
23148 | } else {
23149 |
23150 | this.sourceUpdater_.removeAudio(0, this.duration_());
23151 | }
23152 | }
23153 | |
23154 |
23155 |
23156 |
23157 |
23158 |
23159 | abort() {
23160 | if (this.state !== 'WAITING') {
23161 | if (this.pendingSegment_) {
23162 | this.pendingSegment_ = null;
23163 | }
23164 |
23165 | return;
23166 | }
23167 |
23168 | this.abort_();
23169 |
23170 |
23171 |
23172 |
23173 | this.state = 'READY';
23174 |
23175 |
23176 | if (!this.paused()) {
23177 | this.monitorBuffer_();
23178 | }
23179 | }
23180 | |
23181 |
23182 |
23183 |
23184 |
23185 |
23186 |
23187 | abort_() {
23188 | if (this.pendingSegment_ && this.pendingSegment_.abortRequests) {
23189 | this.pendingSegment_.abortRequests();
23190 | }
23191 |
23192 |
23193 | this.pendingSegment_ = null;
23194 | this.callQueue_ = [];
23195 | this.loadQueue_ = [];
23196 | this.metadataQueue_.id3 = [];
23197 | this.metadataQueue_.caption = [];
23198 | this.timelineChangeController_.clearPendingTimelineChange(this.loaderType_);
23199 | this.waitingOnRemove_ = false;
23200 | window.clearTimeout(this.quotaExceededErrorRetryTimeout_);
23201 | this.quotaExceededErrorRetryTimeout_ = null;
23202 | }
23203 |
23204 | checkForAbort_(requestId) {
23205 |
23206 |
23207 | if (this.state === 'APPENDING' && !this.pendingSegment_) {
23208 | this.state = 'READY';
23209 | return true;
23210 | }
23211 |
23212 | if (!this.pendingSegment_ || this.pendingSegment_.requestId !== requestId) {
23213 | return true;
23214 | }
23215 |
23216 | return false;
23217 | }
23218 | |
23219 |
23220 |
23221 |
23222 |
23223 |
23224 |
23225 |
23226 | error(error) {
23227 | if (typeof error !== 'undefined') {
23228 | this.logger_('error occurred:', error);
23229 | this.error_ = error;
23230 | }
23231 |
23232 | this.pendingSegment_ = null;
23233 | return this.error_;
23234 | }
23235 |
23236 | endOfStream() {
23237 | this.ended_ = true;
23238 |
23239 | if (this.transmuxer_) {
23240 |
23241 | segmentTransmuxer.reset(this.transmuxer_);
23242 | }
23243 |
23244 | this.gopBuffer_.length = 0;
23245 | this.pause();
23246 | this.trigger('ended');
23247 | }
23248 | |
23249 |
23250 |
23251 |
23252 |
23253 |
23254 |
23255 |
23256 | buffered_() {
23257 | const trackInfo = this.getMediaInfo_();
23258 |
23259 | if (!this.sourceUpdater_ || !trackInfo) {
23260 | return createTimeRanges();
23261 | }
23262 |
23263 | if (this.loaderType_ === 'main') {
23264 | const {
23265 | hasAudio,
23266 | hasVideo,
23267 | isMuxed
23268 | } = trackInfo;
23269 |
23270 | if (hasVideo && hasAudio && !this.audioDisabled_ && !isMuxed) {
23271 | return this.sourceUpdater_.buffered();
23272 | }
23273 |
23274 | if (hasVideo) {
23275 | return this.sourceUpdater_.videoBuffered();
23276 | }
23277 | }
23278 |
23279 |
23280 |
23281 | return this.sourceUpdater_.audioBuffered();
23282 | }
23283 | |
23284 |
23285 |
23286 |
23287 |
23288 |
23289 |
23290 |
23291 |
23292 |
23293 |
23294 |
23295 | initSegmentForMap(map, set = false) {
23296 | if (!map) {
23297 | return null;
23298 | }
23299 |
23300 | const id = initSegmentId(map);
23301 | let storedMap = this.initSegments_[id];
23302 |
23303 | if (set && !storedMap && map.bytes) {
23304 | this.initSegments_[id] = storedMap = {
23305 | resolvedUri: map.resolvedUri,
23306 | byterange: map.byterange,
23307 | bytes: map.bytes,
23308 | tracks: map.tracks,
23309 | timescales: map.timescales
23310 | };
23311 | }
23312 |
23313 | return storedMap || map;
23314 | }
23315 | |
23316 |
23317 |
23318 |
23319 |
23320 |
23321 |
23322 |
23323 |
23324 |
23325 |
23326 |
23327 | segmentKey(key, set = false) {
23328 | if (!key) {
23329 | return null;
23330 | }
23331 |
23332 | const id = segmentKeyId(key);
23333 | let storedKey = this.keyCache_[id];
23334 |
23335 |
23336 | if (this.cacheEncryptionKeys_ && set && !storedKey && key.bytes) {
23337 | this.keyCache_[id] = storedKey = {
23338 | resolvedUri: key.resolvedUri,
23339 | bytes: key.bytes
23340 | };
23341 | }
23342 |
23343 | const result = {
23344 | resolvedUri: (storedKey || key).resolvedUri
23345 | };
23346 |
23347 | if (storedKey) {
23348 | result.bytes = storedKey.bytes;
23349 | }
23350 |
23351 | return result;
23352 | }
23353 | |
23354 |
23355 |
23356 |
23357 |
23358 |
23359 |
23360 |
23361 | couldBeginLoading_() {
23362 | return this.playlist_ && !this.paused();
23363 | }
23364 | |
23365 |
23366 |
23367 |
23368 |
23369 | load() {
23370 |
23371 | this.monitorBuffer_();
23372 |
23373 |
23374 | if (!this.playlist_) {
23375 | return;
23376 | }
23377 |
23378 |
23379 | if (this.state === 'INIT' && this.couldBeginLoading_()) {
23380 | return this.init_();
23381 | }
23382 |
23383 |
23384 |
23385 | if (!this.couldBeginLoading_() || this.state !== 'READY' && this.state !== 'INIT') {
23386 | return;
23387 | }
23388 |
23389 | this.state = 'READY';
23390 | }
23391 | |
23392 |
23393 |
23394 |
23395 |
23396 |
23397 |
23398 |
23399 |
23400 | init_() {
23401 | this.state = 'READY';
23402 |
23403 |
23404 | this.resetEverything();
23405 | return this.monitorBuffer_();
23406 | }
23407 | |
23408 |
23409 |
23410 |
23411 |
23412 |
23413 |
23414 | playlist(newPlaylist, options = {}) {
23415 | if (!newPlaylist) {
23416 | return;
23417 | }
23418 |
23419 | const oldPlaylist = this.playlist_;
23420 | const segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_;
23421 | this.playlist_ = newPlaylist;
23422 | this.xhrOptions_ = options;
23423 |
23424 |
23425 |
23426 |
23427 |
23428 |
23429 |
23430 | if (this.state === 'INIT') {
23431 | newPlaylist.syncInfo = {
23432 | mediaSequence: newPlaylist.mediaSequence,
23433 | time: 0
23434 | };
23435 |
23436 |
23437 |
23438 |
23439 |
23440 |
23441 |
23442 |
23443 | if (this.loaderType_ === 'main') {
23444 | this.syncController_.setDateTimeMappingForStart(newPlaylist);
23445 | }
23446 | }
23447 |
23448 | let oldId = null;
23449 |
23450 | if (oldPlaylist) {
23451 | if (oldPlaylist.id) {
23452 | oldId = oldPlaylist.id;
23453 | } else if (oldPlaylist.uri) {
23454 | oldId = oldPlaylist.uri;
23455 | }
23456 | }
23457 |
23458 | this.logger_(`playlist update [${oldId} => ${newPlaylist.id || newPlaylist.uri}]`);
23459 | this.syncController_.updateMediaSequenceMap(newPlaylist, this.currentTime_(), this.loaderType_);
23460 |
23461 |
23462 | this.trigger('syncinfoupdate');
23463 |
23464 |
23465 | if (this.state === 'INIT' && this.couldBeginLoading_()) {
23466 | return this.init_();
23467 | }
23468 |
23469 | if (!oldPlaylist || oldPlaylist.uri !== newPlaylist.uri) {
23470 | if (this.mediaIndex !== null) {
23471 |
23472 |
23473 |
23474 |
23475 |
23476 |
23477 |
23478 |
23479 | const isLLHLS = !newPlaylist.endList && typeof newPlaylist.partTargetDuration === 'number';
23480 |
23481 | if (isLLHLS) {
23482 | this.resetLoader();
23483 | } else {
23484 | this.resyncLoader();
23485 | }
23486 | }
23487 |
23488 | this.currentMediaInfo_ = void 0;
23489 | this.trigger('playlistupdate');
23490 |
23491 | return;
23492 | }
23493 |
23494 |
23495 |
23496 | const mediaSequenceDiff = newPlaylist.mediaSequence - oldPlaylist.mediaSequence;
23497 | this.logger_(`live window shift [${mediaSequenceDiff}]`);
23498 |
23499 |
23500 |
23501 | if (this.mediaIndex !== null) {
23502 | this.mediaIndex -= mediaSequenceDiff;
23503 |
23504 |
23505 |
23506 | if (this.mediaIndex < 0) {
23507 | this.mediaIndex = null;
23508 | this.partIndex = null;
23509 | } else {
23510 | const segment = this.playlist_.segments[this.mediaIndex];
23511 |
23512 |
23513 |
23514 | if (this.partIndex && (!segment.parts || !segment.parts.length || !segment.parts[this.partIndex])) {
23515 | const mediaIndex = this.mediaIndex;
23516 | this.logger_(`currently processing part (index ${this.partIndex}) no longer exists.`);
23517 | this.resetLoader();
23518 |
23519 |
23520 |
23521 | this.mediaIndex = mediaIndex;
23522 | }
23523 | }
23524 | }
23525 |
23526 |
23527 |
23528 |
23529 | if (segmentInfo) {
23530 | segmentInfo.mediaIndex -= mediaSequenceDiff;
23531 |
23532 | if (segmentInfo.mediaIndex < 0) {
23533 | segmentInfo.mediaIndex = null;
23534 | segmentInfo.partIndex = null;
23535 | } else {
23536 |
23537 |
23538 |
23539 | if (segmentInfo.mediaIndex >= 0) {
23540 | segmentInfo.segment = newPlaylist.segments[segmentInfo.mediaIndex];
23541 | }
23542 |
23543 | if (segmentInfo.partIndex >= 0 && segmentInfo.segment.parts) {
23544 | segmentInfo.part = segmentInfo.segment.parts[segmentInfo.partIndex];
23545 | }
23546 | }
23547 | }
23548 |
23549 | this.syncController_.saveExpiredSegmentInfo(oldPlaylist, newPlaylist);
23550 | }
23551 | |
23552 |
23553 |
23554 |
23555 |
23556 |
23557 |
23558 |
23559 | pause() {
23560 | if (this.checkBufferTimeout_) {
23561 | window.clearTimeout(this.checkBufferTimeout_);
23562 | this.checkBufferTimeout_ = null;
23563 | }
23564 | }
23565 | |
23566 |
23567 |
23568 |
23569 |
23570 |
23571 |
23572 | paused() {
23573 | return this.checkBufferTimeout_ === null;
23574 | }
23575 | |
23576 |
23577 |
23578 |
23579 |
23580 |
23581 |
23582 |
23583 | resetEverything(done) {
23584 | this.ended_ = false;
23585 | this.activeInitSegmentId_ = null;
23586 | this.appendInitSegment_ = {
23587 | audio: true,
23588 | video: true
23589 | };
23590 | this.resetLoader();
23591 |
23592 |
23593 |
23594 | this.remove(0, Infinity, done);
23595 |
23596 | if (this.transmuxer_) {
23597 | this.transmuxer_.postMessage({
23598 | action: 'clearAllMp4Captions'
23599 | });
23600 |
23601 | this.transmuxer_.postMessage({
23602 | action: 'reset'
23603 | });
23604 | }
23605 | }
23606 | |
23607 |
23608 |
23609 |
23610 |
23611 |
23612 |
23613 |
23614 | resetLoader() {
23615 | this.fetchAtBuffer_ = false;
23616 | this.resyncLoader();
23617 | }
23618 | |
23619 |
23620 |
23621 |
23622 |
23623 |
23624 | resyncLoader() {
23625 | if (this.transmuxer_) {
23626 |
23627 | segmentTransmuxer.reset(this.transmuxer_);
23628 | }
23629 |
23630 | this.mediaIndex = null;
23631 | this.partIndex = null;
23632 | this.syncPoint_ = null;
23633 | this.isPendingTimestampOffset_ = false;
23634 | this.shouldForceTimestampOffsetAfterResync_ = true;
23635 | this.callQueue_ = [];
23636 | this.loadQueue_ = [];
23637 | this.metadataQueue_.id3 = [];
23638 | this.metadataQueue_.caption = [];
23639 | this.abort();
23640 |
23641 | if (this.transmuxer_) {
23642 | this.transmuxer_.postMessage({
23643 | action: 'clearParsedMp4Captions'
23644 | });
23645 | }
23646 | }
23647 | |
23648 |
23649 |
23650 |
23651 |
23652 |
23653 |
23654 |
23655 |
23656 |
23657 |
23658 | remove(start, end, done = () => {}, force = false) {
23659 |
23660 |
23661 |
23662 | if (end === Infinity) {
23663 | end = this.duration_();
23664 | }
23665 |
23666 |
23667 |
23668 |
23669 | if (end <= start) {
23670 | this.logger_('skipping remove because end ${end} is <= start ${start}');
23671 | return;
23672 | }
23673 |
23674 | if (!this.sourceUpdater_ || !this.getMediaInfo_()) {
23675 | this.logger_('skipping remove because no source updater or starting media info');
23676 |
23677 | return;
23678 | }
23679 |
23680 |
23681 | let removesRemaining = 1;
23682 |
23683 | const removeFinished = () => {
23684 | removesRemaining--;
23685 |
23686 | if (removesRemaining === 0) {
23687 | done();
23688 | }
23689 | };
23690 |
23691 | if (force || !this.audioDisabled_) {
23692 | removesRemaining++;
23693 | this.sourceUpdater_.removeAudio(start, end, removeFinished);
23694 | }
23695 |
23696 |
23697 |
23698 |
23699 |
23700 |
23701 |
23702 |
23703 |
23704 | if (force || this.loaderType_ === 'main') {
23705 | this.gopBuffer_ = removeGopBuffer(this.gopBuffer_, start, end, this.timeMapping_);
23706 | removesRemaining++;
23707 | this.sourceUpdater_.removeVideo(start, end, removeFinished);
23708 | }
23709 |
23710 |
23711 | for (const track in this.inbandTextTracks_) {
23712 | removeCuesFromTrack(start, end, this.inbandTextTracks_[track]);
23713 | }
23714 |
23715 | removeCuesFromTrack(start, end, this.segmentMetadataTrack_);
23716 |
23717 | removeFinished();
23718 | }
23719 | |
23720 |
23721 |
23722 |
23723 |
23724 |
23725 |
23726 | monitorBuffer_() {
23727 | if (this.checkBufferTimeout_) {
23728 | window.clearTimeout(this.checkBufferTimeout_);
23729 | }
23730 |
23731 | this.checkBufferTimeout_ = window.setTimeout(this.monitorBufferTick_.bind(this), 1);
23732 | }
23733 | |
23734 |
23735 |
23736 |
23737 |
23738 |
23739 |
23740 |
23741 | monitorBufferTick_() {
23742 | if (this.state === 'READY') {
23743 | this.fillBuffer_();
23744 | }
23745 |
23746 | if (this.checkBufferTimeout_) {
23747 | window.clearTimeout(this.checkBufferTimeout_);
23748 | }
23749 |
23750 | this.checkBufferTimeout_ = window.setTimeout(this.monitorBufferTick_.bind(this), CHECK_BUFFER_DELAY);
23751 | }
23752 | |
23753 |
23754 |
23755 |
23756 |
23757 |
23758 |
23759 |
23760 |
23761 |
23762 |
23763 | fillBuffer_() {
23764 |
23765 |
23766 | if (this.sourceUpdater_.updating()) {
23767 | return;
23768 | }
23769 |
23770 |
23771 | const segmentInfo = this.chooseNextRequest_();
23772 |
23773 | if (!segmentInfo) {
23774 | return;
23775 | }
23776 |
23777 | if (typeof segmentInfo.timestampOffset === 'number') {
23778 | this.isPendingTimestampOffset_ = false;
23779 | this.timelineChangeController_.pendingTimelineChange({
23780 | type: this.loaderType_,
23781 | from: this.currentTimeline_,
23782 | to: segmentInfo.timeline
23783 | });
23784 | }
23785 |
23786 | this.loadSegment_(segmentInfo);
23787 | }
23788 | |
23789 |
23790 |
23791 |
23792 |
23793 |
23794 |
23795 |
23796 |
23797 |
23798 |
23799 | isEndOfStream_(mediaIndex = this.mediaIndex, playlist = this.playlist_, partIndex = this.partIndex) {
23800 | if (!playlist || !this.mediaSource_) {
23801 | return false;
23802 | }
23803 |
23804 | const segment = typeof mediaIndex === 'number' && playlist.segments[mediaIndex];
23805 |
23806 | const appendedLastSegment = mediaIndex + 1 === playlist.segments.length;
23807 |
23808 | const appendedLastPart = !segment || !segment.parts || partIndex + 1 === segment.parts.length;
23809 |
23810 |
23811 |
23812 | return playlist.endList && this.mediaSource_.readyState === 'open' && appendedLastSegment && appendedLastPart;
23813 | }
23814 | |
23815 |
23816 |
23817 |
23818 |
23819 |
23820 |
23821 | chooseNextRequest_() {
23822 | const buffered = this.buffered_();
23823 | const bufferedEnd = lastBufferedEnd(buffered) || 0;
23824 | const bufferedTime = timeAheadOf(buffered, this.currentTime_());
23825 | const preloaded = !this.hasPlayed_() && bufferedTime >= 1;
23826 | const haveEnoughBuffer = bufferedTime >= this.goalBufferLength_();
23827 | const segments = this.playlist_.segments;
23828 |
23829 |
23830 |
23831 |
23832 | if (!segments.length || preloaded || haveEnoughBuffer) {
23833 | return null;
23834 | }
23835 |
23836 | this.syncPoint_ = this.syncPoint_ || this.syncController_.getSyncPoint(this.playlist_, this.duration_(), this.currentTimeline_, this.currentTime_(), this.loaderType_);
23837 | const next = {
23838 | partIndex: null,
23839 | mediaIndex: null,
23840 | startOfSegment: null,
23841 | playlist: this.playlist_,
23842 | isSyncRequest: Boolean(!this.syncPoint_)
23843 | };
23844 |
23845 | if (next.isSyncRequest) {
23846 | next.mediaIndex = getSyncSegmentCandidate(this.currentTimeline_, segments, bufferedEnd);
23847 | this.logger_(`choose next request. Can not find sync point. Fallback to media Index: ${next.mediaIndex}`);
23848 | } else if (this.mediaIndex !== null) {
23849 | const segment = segments[this.mediaIndex];
23850 | const partIndex = typeof this.partIndex === 'number' ? this.partIndex : -1;
23851 | next.startOfSegment = segment.end ? segment.end : bufferedEnd;
23852 |
23853 | if (segment.parts && segment.parts[partIndex + 1]) {
23854 | next.mediaIndex = this.mediaIndex;
23855 | next.partIndex = partIndex + 1;
23856 | } else {
23857 | next.mediaIndex = this.mediaIndex + 1;
23858 | }
23859 | } else {
23860 |
23861 | const {
23862 | segmentIndex,
23863 | startTime,
23864 | partIndex
23865 | } = Playlist.getMediaInfoForTime({
23866 | exactManifestTimings: this.exactManifestTimings,
23867 | playlist: this.playlist_,
23868 | currentTime: this.fetchAtBuffer_ ? bufferedEnd : this.currentTime_(),
23869 | startingPartIndex: this.syncPoint_.partIndex,
23870 | startingSegmentIndex: this.syncPoint_.segmentIndex,
23871 | startTime: this.syncPoint_.time
23872 | });
23873 | next.getMediaInfoForTime = this.fetchAtBuffer_ ? `bufferedEnd ${bufferedEnd}` : `currentTime ${this.currentTime_()}`;
23874 | next.mediaIndex = segmentIndex;
23875 | next.startOfSegment = startTime;
23876 | next.partIndex = partIndex;
23877 | this.logger_(`choose next request. Playlist switched and we have a sync point. Media Index: ${next.mediaIndex} `);
23878 | }
23879 |
23880 | const nextSegment = segments[next.mediaIndex];
23881 | let nextPart = nextSegment && typeof next.partIndex === 'number' && nextSegment.parts && nextSegment.parts[next.partIndex];
23882 |
23883 |
23884 | if (!nextSegment || typeof next.partIndex === 'number' && !nextPart) {
23885 | return null;
23886 | }
23887 |
23888 |
23889 |
23890 | if (typeof next.partIndex !== 'number' && nextSegment.parts) {
23891 | next.partIndex = 0;
23892 | nextPart = nextSegment.parts[0];
23893 | }
23894 |
23895 |
23896 |
23897 |
23898 | const hasIndependentSegments = this.vhs_.playlists && this.vhs_.playlists.main && this.vhs_.playlists.main.independentSegments || this.playlist_.independentSegments;
23899 |
23900 |
23901 |
23902 |
23903 | if (!bufferedTime && nextPart && !hasIndependentSegments && !nextPart.independent) {
23904 | if (next.partIndex === 0) {
23905 | const lastSegment = segments[next.mediaIndex - 1];
23906 | const lastSegmentLastPart = lastSegment.parts && lastSegment.parts.length && lastSegment.parts[lastSegment.parts.length - 1];
23907 |
23908 | if (lastSegmentLastPart && lastSegmentLastPart.independent) {
23909 | next.mediaIndex -= 1;
23910 | next.partIndex = lastSegment.parts.length - 1;
23911 | next.independent = 'previous segment';
23912 | }
23913 | } else if (nextSegment.parts[next.partIndex - 1].independent) {
23914 | next.partIndex -= 1;
23915 | next.independent = 'previous part';
23916 | }
23917 | }
23918 |
23919 | const ended = this.mediaSource_ && this.mediaSource_.readyState === 'ended';
23920 |
23921 |
23922 |
23923 |
23924 | if (next.mediaIndex >= segments.length - 1 && ended && !this.seeking_()) {
23925 | return null;
23926 | }
23927 |
23928 | if (this.shouldForceTimestampOffsetAfterResync_) {
23929 | this.shouldForceTimestampOffsetAfterResync_ = false;
23930 | next.forceTimestampOffset = true;
23931 | this.logger_('choose next request. Force timestamp offset after loader resync');
23932 | }
23933 |
23934 | return this.generateSegmentInfo_(next);
23935 | }
23936 |
23937 | generateSegmentInfo_(options) {
23938 | const {
23939 | independent,
23940 | playlist,
23941 | mediaIndex,
23942 | startOfSegment,
23943 | isSyncRequest,
23944 | partIndex,
23945 | forceTimestampOffset,
23946 | getMediaInfoForTime
23947 | } = options;
23948 | const segment = playlist.segments[mediaIndex];
23949 | const part = typeof partIndex === 'number' && segment.parts[partIndex];
23950 | const segmentInfo = {
23951 | requestId: 'segment-loader-' + Math.random(),
23952 |
23953 | uri: part && part.resolvedUri || segment.resolvedUri,
23954 |
23955 | mediaIndex,
23956 | partIndex: part ? partIndex : null,
23957 |
23958 |
23959 | isSyncRequest,
23960 | startOfSegment,
23961 |
23962 | playlist,
23963 |
23964 | bytes: null,
23965 |
23966 | encryptedBytes: null,
23967 |
23968 |
23969 | timestampOffset: null,
23970 |
23971 | timeline: segment.timeline,
23972 |
23973 | duration: part && part.duration || segment.duration,
23974 |
23975 | segment,
23976 | part,
23977 | byteLength: 0,
23978 | transmuxer: this.transmuxer_,
23979 |
23980 | getMediaInfoForTime,
23981 | independent
23982 | };
23983 | const overrideCheck = typeof forceTimestampOffset !== 'undefined' ? forceTimestampOffset : this.isPendingTimestampOffset_;
23984 | segmentInfo.timestampOffset = this.timestampOffsetForSegment_({
23985 | segmentTimeline: segment.timeline,
23986 | currentTimeline: this.currentTimeline_,
23987 | startOfSegment,
23988 | buffered: this.buffered_(),
23989 | overrideCheck
23990 | });
23991 | const audioBufferedEnd = lastBufferedEnd(this.sourceUpdater_.audioBuffered());
23992 |
23993 | if (typeof audioBufferedEnd === 'number') {
23994 |
23995 |
23996 | segmentInfo.audioAppendStart = audioBufferedEnd - this.sourceUpdater_.audioTimestampOffset();
23997 | }
23998 |
23999 | if (this.sourceUpdater_.videoBuffered().length) {
24000 | segmentInfo.gopsToAlignWith = gopsSafeToAlignWith(this.gopBuffer_,
24001 |
24002 | this.currentTime_() - this.sourceUpdater_.videoTimestampOffset(), this.timeMapping_);
24003 | }
24004 |
24005 | return segmentInfo;
24006 | }
24007 |
24008 |
24009 |
24010 |
24011 | timestampOffsetForSegment_(options) {
24012 | return timestampOffsetForSegment(options);
24013 | }
24014 | |
24015 |
24016 |
24017 |
24018 |
24019 |
24020 |
24021 |
24022 |
24023 |
24024 |
24025 | earlyAbortWhenNeeded_(stats) {
24026 | if (this.vhs_.tech_.paused() ||
24027 |
24028 |
24029 | !this.xhrOptions_.timeout ||
24030 | !this.playlist_.attributes.BANDWIDTH) {
24031 | return;
24032 | }
24033 |
24034 |
24035 |
24036 |
24037 | if (Date.now() - (stats.firstBytesReceivedAt || Date.now()) < 1000) {
24038 | return;
24039 | }
24040 |
24041 | const currentTime = this.currentTime_();
24042 | const measuredBandwidth = stats.bandwidth;
24043 | const segmentDuration = this.pendingSegment_.duration;
24044 | const requestTimeRemaining = Playlist.estimateSegmentRequestTime(segmentDuration, measuredBandwidth, this.playlist_, stats.bytesReceived);
24045 |
24046 |
24047 |
24048 | const timeUntilRebuffer$1 = timeUntilRebuffer(this.buffered_(), currentTime, this.vhs_.tech_.playbackRate()) - 1;
24049 |
24050 |
24051 | if (requestTimeRemaining <= timeUntilRebuffer$1) {
24052 | return;
24053 | }
24054 |
24055 | const switchCandidate = minRebufferMaxBandwidthSelector({
24056 | main: this.vhs_.playlists.main,
24057 | currentTime,
24058 | bandwidth: measuredBandwidth,
24059 | duration: this.duration_(),
24060 | segmentDuration,
24061 | timeUntilRebuffer: timeUntilRebuffer$1,
24062 | currentTimeline: this.currentTimeline_,
24063 | syncController: this.syncController_
24064 | });
24065 |
24066 | if (!switchCandidate) {
24067 | return;
24068 | }
24069 |
24070 | const rebufferingImpact = requestTimeRemaining - timeUntilRebuffer$1;
24071 | const timeSavedBySwitching = rebufferingImpact - switchCandidate.rebufferingImpact;
24072 | let minimumTimeSaving = 0.5;
24073 |
24074 |
24075 |
24076 | if (timeUntilRebuffer$1 <= TIME_FUDGE_FACTOR) {
24077 | minimumTimeSaving = 1;
24078 | }
24079 |
24080 | if (!switchCandidate.playlist || switchCandidate.playlist.uri === this.playlist_.uri || timeSavedBySwitching < minimumTimeSaving) {
24081 | return;
24082 | }
24083 |
24084 |
24085 |
24086 |
24087 | this.bandwidth = switchCandidate.playlist.attributes.BANDWIDTH * Config.BANDWIDTH_VARIANCE + 1;
24088 | this.trigger('earlyabort');
24089 | }
24090 |
24091 | handleAbort_(segmentInfo) {
24092 | this.logger_(`Aborting ${segmentInfoString(segmentInfo)}`);
24093 | this.mediaRequestsAborted += 1;
24094 | }
24095 | |
24096 |
24097 |
24098 |
24099 |
24100 |
24101 |
24102 |
24103 |
24104 |
24105 |
24106 | handleProgress_(event, simpleSegment) {
24107 | this.earlyAbortWhenNeeded_(simpleSegment.stats);
24108 |
24109 | if (this.checkForAbort_(simpleSegment.requestId)) {
24110 | return;
24111 | }
24112 |
24113 | this.trigger('progress');
24114 | }
24115 |
24116 | handleTrackInfo_(simpleSegment, trackInfo) {
24117 | this.earlyAbortWhenNeeded_(simpleSegment.stats);
24118 |
24119 | if (this.checkForAbort_(simpleSegment.requestId)) {
24120 | return;
24121 | }
24122 |
24123 | if (this.checkForIllegalMediaSwitch(trackInfo)) {
24124 | return;
24125 | }
24126 |
24127 | trackInfo = trackInfo || {};
24128 |
24129 |
24130 |
24131 | if (!shallowEqual(this.currentMediaInfo_, trackInfo)) {
24132 | this.appendInitSegment_ = {
24133 | audio: true,
24134 | video: true
24135 | };
24136 | this.startingMediaInfo_ = trackInfo;
24137 | this.currentMediaInfo_ = trackInfo;
24138 | this.logger_('trackinfo update', trackInfo);
24139 | this.trigger('trackinfo');
24140 | }
24141 |
24142 |
24143 |
24144 | if (this.checkForAbort_(simpleSegment.requestId)) {
24145 | return;
24146 | }
24147 |
24148 |
24149 |
24150 | this.pendingSegment_.trackInfo = trackInfo;
24151 |
24152 | if (this.hasEnoughInfoToAppend_()) {
24153 | this.processCallQueue_();
24154 | }
24155 | }
24156 |
24157 | handleTimingInfo_(simpleSegment, mediaType, timeType, time) {
24158 | this.earlyAbortWhenNeeded_(simpleSegment.stats);
24159 |
24160 | if (this.checkForAbort_(simpleSegment.requestId)) {
24161 | return;
24162 | }
24163 |
24164 | const segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_;
24165 | const timingInfoProperty = timingInfoPropertyForMedia(mediaType);
24166 | segmentInfo[timingInfoProperty] = segmentInfo[timingInfoProperty] || {};
24167 | segmentInfo[timingInfoProperty][timeType] = time;
24168 | this.logger_(`timinginfo: ${mediaType} - ${timeType} - ${time}`);
24169 |
24170 | if (this.hasEnoughInfoToAppend_()) {
24171 | this.processCallQueue_();
24172 | }
24173 | }
24174 |
24175 | handleCaptions_(simpleSegment, captionData) {
24176 | this.earlyAbortWhenNeeded_(simpleSegment.stats);
24177 |
24178 | if (this.checkForAbort_(simpleSegment.requestId)) {
24179 | return;
24180 | }
24181 |
24182 |
24183 |
24184 | if (captionData.length === 0) {
24185 | this.logger_('SegmentLoader received no captions from a caption event');
24186 | return;
24187 | }
24188 |
24189 | const segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_;
24190 |
24191 |
24192 | if (!segmentInfo.hasAppendedData_) {
24193 | this.metadataQueue_.caption.push(this.handleCaptions_.bind(this, simpleSegment, captionData));
24194 | return;
24195 | }
24196 |
24197 | const timestampOffset = this.sourceUpdater_.videoTimestampOffset() === null ? this.sourceUpdater_.audioTimestampOffset() : this.sourceUpdater_.videoTimestampOffset();
24198 | const captionTracks = {};
24199 |
24200 | captionData.forEach(caption => {
24201 |
24202 |
24203 | captionTracks[caption.stream] = captionTracks[caption.stream] || {
24204 |
24205 | startTime: Infinity,
24206 | captions: [],
24207 |
24208 | endTime: 0
24209 | };
24210 | const captionTrack = captionTracks[caption.stream];
24211 | captionTrack.startTime = Math.min(captionTrack.startTime, caption.startTime + timestampOffset);
24212 | captionTrack.endTime = Math.max(captionTrack.endTime, caption.endTime + timestampOffset);
24213 | captionTrack.captions.push(caption);
24214 | });
24215 | Object.keys(captionTracks).forEach(trackName => {
24216 | const {
24217 | startTime,
24218 | endTime,
24219 | captions
24220 | } = captionTracks[trackName];
24221 | const inbandTextTracks = this.inbandTextTracks_;
24222 | this.logger_(`adding cues from ${startTime} -> ${endTime} for ${trackName}`);
24223 | createCaptionsTrackIfNotExists(inbandTextTracks, this.vhs_.tech_, trackName);
24224 |
24225 |
24226 |
24227 |
24228 | removeCuesFromTrack(startTime, endTime, inbandTextTracks[trackName]);
24229 | addCaptionData({
24230 | captionArray: captions,
24231 | inbandTextTracks,
24232 | timestampOffset
24233 | });
24234 | });
24235 |
24236 |
24237 | if (this.transmuxer_) {
24238 | this.transmuxer_.postMessage({
24239 | action: 'clearParsedMp4Captions'
24240 | });
24241 | }
24242 | }
24243 |
24244 | handleId3_(simpleSegment, id3Frames, dispatchType) {
24245 | this.earlyAbortWhenNeeded_(simpleSegment.stats);
24246 |
24247 | if (this.checkForAbort_(simpleSegment.requestId)) {
24248 | return;
24249 | }
24250 |
24251 | const segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_;
24252 |
24253 | if (!segmentInfo.hasAppendedData_) {
24254 | this.metadataQueue_.id3.push(this.handleId3_.bind(this, simpleSegment, id3Frames, dispatchType));
24255 | return;
24256 | }
24257 |
24258 | this.addMetadataToTextTrack(dispatchType, id3Frames, this.duration_());
24259 | }
24260 |
24261 | processMetadataQueue_() {
24262 | this.metadataQueue_.id3.forEach(fn => fn());
24263 | this.metadataQueue_.caption.forEach(fn => fn());
24264 | this.metadataQueue_.id3 = [];
24265 | this.metadataQueue_.caption = [];
24266 | }
24267 |
24268 | processCallQueue_() {
24269 | const callQueue = this.callQueue_;
24270 |
24271 |
24272 |
24273 | this.callQueue_ = [];
24274 | callQueue.forEach(fun => fun());
24275 | }
24276 |
24277 | processLoadQueue_() {
24278 | const loadQueue = this.loadQueue_;
24279 |
24280 |
24281 |
24282 | this.loadQueue_ = [];
24283 | loadQueue.forEach(fun => fun());
24284 | }
24285 | |
24286 |
24287 |
24288 |
24289 |
24290 |
24291 |
24292 |
24293 | hasEnoughInfoToLoad_() {
24294 |
24295 |
24296 | if (this.loaderType_ !== 'audio') {
24297 | return true;
24298 | }
24299 |
24300 | const segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_;
24301 |
24302 |
24303 | if (!segmentInfo) {
24304 | return false;
24305 | }
24306 |
24307 |
24308 |
24309 |
24310 |
24311 | if (!this.getCurrentMediaInfo_()) {
24312 | return true;
24313 | }
24314 |
24315 | if (
24316 |
24317 |
24318 |
24319 |
24320 |
24321 |
24322 |
24323 |
24324 |
24325 |
24326 |
24327 |
24328 |
24329 |
24330 | shouldWaitForTimelineChange({
24331 | timelineChangeController: this.timelineChangeController_,
24332 | currentTimeline: this.currentTimeline_,
24333 | segmentTimeline: segmentInfo.timeline,
24334 | loaderType: this.loaderType_,
24335 | audioDisabled: this.audioDisabled_
24336 | })) {
24337 | return false;
24338 | }
24339 |
24340 | return true;
24341 | }
24342 |
24343 | getCurrentMediaInfo_(segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_) {
24344 | return segmentInfo && segmentInfo.trackInfo || this.currentMediaInfo_;
24345 | }
24346 |
24347 | getMediaInfo_(segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_) {
24348 | return this.getCurrentMediaInfo_(segmentInfo) || this.startingMediaInfo_;
24349 | }
24350 |
24351 | getPendingSegmentPlaylist() {
24352 | return this.pendingSegment_ ? this.pendingSegment_.playlist : null;
24353 | }
24354 |
24355 | hasEnoughInfoToAppend_() {
24356 | if (!this.sourceUpdater_.ready()) {
24357 | return false;
24358 | }
24359 |
24360 |
24361 |
24362 | if (this.waitingOnRemove_ || this.quotaExceededErrorRetryTimeout_) {
24363 | return false;
24364 | }
24365 |
24366 | const segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_;
24367 | const trackInfo = this.getCurrentMediaInfo_();
24368 |
24369 |
24370 |
24371 | if (!segmentInfo || !trackInfo) {
24372 | return false;
24373 | }
24374 |
24375 | const {
24376 | hasAudio,
24377 | hasVideo,
24378 | isMuxed
24379 | } = trackInfo;
24380 |
24381 | if (hasVideo && !segmentInfo.videoTimingInfo) {
24382 | return false;
24383 | }
24384 |
24385 |
24386 | if (hasAudio && !this.audioDisabled_ && !isMuxed && !segmentInfo.audioTimingInfo) {
24387 | return false;
24388 | }
24389 |
24390 | if (shouldWaitForTimelineChange({
24391 | timelineChangeController: this.timelineChangeController_,
24392 | currentTimeline: this.currentTimeline_,
24393 | segmentTimeline: segmentInfo.timeline,
24394 | loaderType: this.loaderType_,
24395 | audioDisabled: this.audioDisabled_
24396 | })) {
24397 | return false;
24398 | }
24399 |
24400 | return true;
24401 | }
24402 |
24403 | handleData_(simpleSegment, result) {
24404 | this.earlyAbortWhenNeeded_(simpleSegment.stats);
24405 |
24406 | if (this.checkForAbort_(simpleSegment.requestId)) {
24407 | return;
24408 | }
24409 |
24410 |
24411 |
24412 | if (this.callQueue_.length || !this.hasEnoughInfoToAppend_()) {
24413 | this.callQueue_.push(this.handleData_.bind(this, simpleSegment, result));
24414 | return;
24415 | }
24416 |
24417 | const segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_;
24418 |
24419 | this.setTimeMapping_(segmentInfo.timeline);
24420 |
24421 | this.updateMediaSecondsLoaded_(segmentInfo.part || segmentInfo.segment);
24422 |
24423 |
24424 |
24425 |
24426 |
24427 | if (this.mediaSource_.readyState === 'closed') {
24428 | return;
24429 | }
24430 |
24431 |
24432 |
24433 | if (simpleSegment.map) {
24434 | simpleSegment.map = this.initSegmentForMap(simpleSegment.map, true);
24435 |
24436 | segmentInfo.segment.map = simpleSegment.map;
24437 | }
24438 |
24439 |
24440 | if (simpleSegment.key) {
24441 | this.segmentKey(simpleSegment.key, true);
24442 | }
24443 |
24444 | segmentInfo.isFmp4 = simpleSegment.isFmp4;
24445 | segmentInfo.timingInfo = segmentInfo.timingInfo || {};
24446 |
24447 | if (segmentInfo.isFmp4) {
24448 | this.trigger('fmp4');
24449 | segmentInfo.timingInfo.start = segmentInfo[timingInfoPropertyForMedia(result.type)].start;
24450 | } else {
24451 | const trackInfo = this.getCurrentMediaInfo_();
24452 | const useVideoTimingInfo = this.loaderType_ === 'main' && trackInfo && trackInfo.hasVideo;
24453 | let firstVideoFrameTimeForData;
24454 |
24455 | if (useVideoTimingInfo) {
24456 | firstVideoFrameTimeForData = segmentInfo.videoTimingInfo.start;
24457 | }
24458 |
24459 |
24460 |
24461 |
24462 | segmentInfo.timingInfo.start = this.trueSegmentStart_({
24463 | currentStart: segmentInfo.timingInfo.start,
24464 | playlist: segmentInfo.playlist,
24465 | mediaIndex: segmentInfo.mediaIndex,
24466 | currentVideoTimestampOffset: this.sourceUpdater_.videoTimestampOffset(),
24467 | useVideoTimingInfo,
24468 | firstVideoFrameTimeForData,
24469 | videoTimingInfo: segmentInfo.videoTimingInfo,
24470 | audioTimingInfo: segmentInfo.audioTimingInfo
24471 | });
24472 | }
24473 |
24474 |
24475 |
24476 |
24477 | this.updateAppendInitSegmentStatus(segmentInfo, result.type);
24478 |
24479 |
24480 |
24481 | this.updateSourceBufferTimestampOffset_(segmentInfo);
24482 |
24483 |
24484 | if (segmentInfo.isSyncRequest) {
24485 |
24486 |
24487 |
24488 | this.updateTimingInfoEnd_(segmentInfo);
24489 | this.syncController_.saveSegmentTimingInfo({
24490 | segmentInfo,
24491 | shouldSaveTimelineMapping: this.loaderType_ === 'main'
24492 | });
24493 | const next = this.chooseNextRequest_();
24494 |
24495 |
24496 | if (next.mediaIndex !== segmentInfo.mediaIndex || next.partIndex !== segmentInfo.partIndex) {
24497 | this.logger_('sync segment was incorrect, not appending');
24498 | return;
24499 | }
24500 |
24501 |
24502 | this.logger_('sync segment was correct, appending');
24503 | }
24504 |
24505 |
24506 |
24507 |
24508 |
24509 | segmentInfo.hasAppendedData_ = true;
24510 |
24511 | this.processMetadataQueue_();
24512 | this.appendData_(segmentInfo, result);
24513 | }
24514 |
24515 | updateAppendInitSegmentStatus(segmentInfo, type) {
24516 |
24517 | if (this.loaderType_ === 'main' && typeof segmentInfo.timestampOffset === 'number' &&
24518 |
24519 | !segmentInfo.changedTimestampOffset) {
24520 |
24521 |
24522 | this.appendInitSegment_ = {
24523 | audio: true,
24524 | video: true
24525 | };
24526 | }
24527 |
24528 | if (this.playlistOfLastInitSegment_[type] !== segmentInfo.playlist) {
24529 |
24530 |
24531 | this.appendInitSegment_[type] = true;
24532 | }
24533 | }
24534 |
24535 | getInitSegmentAndUpdateState_({
24536 | type,
24537 | initSegment,
24538 | map,
24539 | playlist
24540 | }) {
24541 |
24542 |
24543 |
24544 |
24545 |
24546 | if (map) {
24547 | const id = initSegmentId(map);
24548 |
24549 | if (this.activeInitSegmentId_ === id) {
24550 |
24551 | return null;
24552 | }
24553 |
24554 |
24555 |
24556 |
24557 |
24558 | initSegment = this.initSegmentForMap(map, true).bytes;
24559 | this.activeInitSegmentId_ = id;
24560 | }
24561 |
24562 |
24563 |
24564 |
24565 |
24566 |
24567 | if (initSegment && this.appendInitSegment_[type]) {
24568 |
24569 |
24570 |
24571 | this.playlistOfLastInitSegment_[type] = playlist;
24572 |
24573 | this.appendInitSegment_[type] = false;
24574 |
24575 |
24576 | this.activeInitSegmentId_ = null;
24577 | return initSegment;
24578 | }
24579 |
24580 | return null;
24581 | }
24582 |
24583 | handleQuotaExceededError_({
24584 | segmentInfo,
24585 | type,
24586 | bytes
24587 | }, error) {
24588 | const audioBuffered = this.sourceUpdater_.audioBuffered();
24589 | const videoBuffered = this.sourceUpdater_.videoBuffered();
24590 |
24591 |
24592 |
24593 | if (audioBuffered.length > 1) {
24594 | this.logger_('On QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR, found gaps in the audio buffer: ' + timeRangesToArray(audioBuffered).join(', '));
24595 | }
24596 |
24597 | if (videoBuffered.length > 1) {
24598 | this.logger_('On QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR, found gaps in the video buffer: ' + timeRangesToArray(videoBuffered).join(', '));
24599 | }
24600 |
24601 | const audioBufferStart = audioBuffered.length ? audioBuffered.start(0) : 0;
24602 | const audioBufferEnd = audioBuffered.length ? audioBuffered.end(audioBuffered.length - 1) : 0;
24603 | const videoBufferStart = videoBuffered.length ? videoBuffered.start(0) : 0;
24604 | const videoBufferEnd = videoBuffered.length ? videoBuffered.end(videoBuffered.length - 1) : 0;
24605 |
24606 | if (audioBufferEnd - audioBufferStart <= MIN_BACK_BUFFER && videoBufferEnd - videoBufferStart <= MIN_BACK_BUFFER) {
24607 |
24608 |
24609 |
24610 |
24611 | this.logger_('On QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR, single segment too large to append to ' + 'buffer, triggering an error. ' + `Appended byte length: ${bytes.byteLength}, ` + `audio buffer: ${timeRangesToArray(audioBuffered).join(', ')}, ` + `video buffer: ${timeRangesToArray(videoBuffered).join(', ')}, `);
24612 | this.error({
24613 | message: 'Quota exceeded error with append of a single segment of content',
24614 | excludeUntil: Infinity
24615 | });
24616 | this.trigger('error');
24617 | return;
24618 | }
24619 |
24620 |
24621 |
24622 |
24623 |
24624 |
24625 |
24626 |
24627 |
24628 |
24629 |
24630 |
24631 |
24632 | this.waitingOnRemove_ = true;
24633 | this.callQueue_.push(this.appendToSourceBuffer_.bind(this, {
24634 | segmentInfo,
24635 | type,
24636 | bytes
24637 | }));
24638 | const currentTime = this.currentTime_();
24639 |
24640 |
24641 | const timeToRemoveUntil = currentTime - MIN_BACK_BUFFER;
24642 | this.logger_(`On QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR, removing audio/video from 0 to ${timeToRemoveUntil}`);
24643 | this.remove(0, timeToRemoveUntil, () => {
24644 | this.logger_(`On QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR, retrying append in ${MIN_BACK_BUFFER}s`);
24645 | this.waitingOnRemove_ = false;
24646 |
24647 |
24648 | this.quotaExceededErrorRetryTimeout_ = window.setTimeout(() => {
24649 | this.logger_('On QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR, re-processing call queue');
24650 | this.quotaExceededErrorRetryTimeout_ = null;
24651 | this.processCallQueue_();
24652 | }, MIN_BACK_BUFFER * 1000);
24653 | }, true);
24654 | }
24655 |
24656 | handleAppendError_({
24657 | segmentInfo,
24658 | type,
24659 | bytes
24660 | }, error) {
24661 |
24662 | if (!error) {
24663 | return;
24664 | }
24665 |
24666 | if (error.code === QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR) {
24667 | this.handleQuotaExceededError_({
24668 | segmentInfo,
24669 | type,
24670 | bytes
24671 | });
24672 |
24673 |
24674 | return;
24675 | }
24676 |
24677 | this.logger_('Received non QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR on append', error);
24678 | this.error(`${type} append of ${bytes.length}b failed for segment ` + `#${segmentInfo.mediaIndex} in playlist ${segmentInfo.playlist.id}`);
24679 |
24680 |
24681 |
24682 |
24683 |
24684 | this.trigger('appenderror');
24685 | }
24686 |
24687 | appendToSourceBuffer_({
24688 | segmentInfo,
24689 | type,
24690 | initSegment,
24691 | data,
24692 | bytes
24693 | }) {
24694 |
24695 | if (!bytes) {
24696 | const segments = [data];
24697 | let byteLength = data.byteLength;
24698 |
24699 | if (initSegment) {
24700 |
24701 |
24702 | segments.unshift(initSegment);
24703 | byteLength += initSegment.byteLength;
24704 | }
24705 |
24706 |
24707 |
24708 | bytes = concatSegments({
24709 | bytes: byteLength,
24710 | segments
24711 | });
24712 | }
24713 |
24714 | this.sourceUpdater_.appendBuffer({
24715 | segmentInfo,
24716 | type,
24717 | bytes
24718 | }, this.handleAppendError_.bind(this, {
24719 | segmentInfo,
24720 | type,
24721 | bytes
24722 | }));
24723 | }
24724 |
24725 | handleSegmentTimingInfo_(type, requestId, segmentTimingInfo) {
24726 | if (!this.pendingSegment_ || requestId !== this.pendingSegment_.requestId) {
24727 | return;
24728 | }
24729 |
24730 | const segment = this.pendingSegment_.segment;
24731 | const timingInfoProperty = `${type}TimingInfo`;
24732 |
24733 | if (!segment[timingInfoProperty]) {
24734 | segment[timingInfoProperty] = {};
24735 | }
24736 |
24737 | segment[timingInfoProperty].transmuxerPrependedSeconds = segmentTimingInfo.prependedContentDuration || 0;
24738 | segment[timingInfoProperty].transmuxedPresentationStart = segmentTimingInfo.start.presentation;
24739 | segment[timingInfoProperty].transmuxedDecodeStart = segmentTimingInfo.start.decode;
24740 | segment[timingInfoProperty].transmuxedPresentationEnd = segmentTimingInfo.end.presentation;
24741 | segment[timingInfoProperty].transmuxedDecodeEnd = segmentTimingInfo.end.decode;
24742 |
24743 | segment[timingInfoProperty].baseMediaDecodeTime = segmentTimingInfo.baseMediaDecodeTime;
24744 | }
24745 |
24746 | appendData_(segmentInfo, result) {
24747 | const {
24748 | type,
24749 | data
24750 | } = result;
24751 |
24752 | if (!data || !data.byteLength) {
24753 | return;
24754 | }
24755 |
24756 | if (type === 'audio' && this.audioDisabled_) {
24757 | return;
24758 | }
24759 |
24760 | const initSegment = this.getInitSegmentAndUpdateState_({
24761 | type,
24762 | initSegment: result.initSegment,
24763 | playlist: segmentInfo.playlist,
24764 | map: segmentInfo.isFmp4 ? segmentInfo.segment.map : null
24765 | });
24766 | this.appendToSourceBuffer_({
24767 | segmentInfo,
24768 | type,
24769 | initSegment,
24770 | data
24771 | });
24772 | }
24773 | |
24774 |
24775 |
24776 |
24777 |
24778 |
24779 |
24780 | loadSegment_(segmentInfo) {
24781 | this.state = 'WAITING';
24782 | this.pendingSegment_ = segmentInfo;
24783 | this.trimBackBuffer_(segmentInfo);
24784 |
24785 | if (typeof segmentInfo.timestampOffset === 'number') {
24786 | if (this.transmuxer_) {
24787 | this.transmuxer_.postMessage({
24788 | action: 'clearAllMp4Captions'
24789 | });
24790 | }
24791 | }
24792 |
24793 | if (!this.hasEnoughInfoToLoad_()) {
24794 | this.loadQueue_.push(() => {
24795 |
24796 |
24797 | const options = _extends({}, segmentInfo, {
24798 | forceTimestampOffset: true
24799 | });
24800 |
24801 | _extends(segmentInfo, this.generateSegmentInfo_(options));
24802 |
24803 | this.isPendingTimestampOffset_ = false;
24804 | this.updateTransmuxerAndRequestSegment_(segmentInfo);
24805 | });
24806 | return;
24807 | }
24808 |
24809 | this.updateTransmuxerAndRequestSegment_(segmentInfo);
24810 | }
24811 |
24812 | updateTransmuxerAndRequestSegment_(segmentInfo) {
24813 |
24814 |
24815 |
24816 |
24817 |
24818 | if (this.shouldUpdateTransmuxerTimestampOffset_(segmentInfo.timestampOffset)) {
24819 | this.gopBuffer_.length = 0;
24820 |
24821 | segmentInfo.gopsToAlignWith = [];
24822 | this.timeMapping_ = 0;
24823 |
24824 | this.transmuxer_.postMessage({
24825 | action: 'reset'
24826 | });
24827 | this.transmuxer_.postMessage({
24828 | action: 'setTimestampOffset',
24829 | timestampOffset: segmentInfo.timestampOffset
24830 | });
24831 | }
24832 |
24833 | const simpleSegment = this.createSimplifiedSegmentObj_(segmentInfo);
24834 | const isEndOfStream = this.isEndOfStream_(segmentInfo.mediaIndex, segmentInfo.playlist, segmentInfo.partIndex);
24835 | const isWalkingForward = this.mediaIndex !== null;
24836 | const isDiscontinuity = segmentInfo.timeline !== this.currentTimeline_ &&
24837 |
24838 | segmentInfo.timeline > 0;
24839 | const isEndOfTimeline = isEndOfStream || isWalkingForward && isDiscontinuity;
24840 | this.logger_(`Requesting ${segmentInfoString(segmentInfo)}`);
24841 |
24842 |
24843 |
24844 |
24845 |
24846 | if (simpleSegment.map && !simpleSegment.map.bytes) {
24847 | this.logger_('going to request init segment.');
24848 | this.appendInitSegment_ = {
24849 | video: true,
24850 | audio: true
24851 | };
24852 | }
24853 |
24854 | segmentInfo.abortRequests = mediaSegmentRequest({
24855 | xhr: this.vhs_.xhr,
24856 | xhrOptions: this.xhrOptions_,
24857 | decryptionWorker: this.decrypter_,
24858 | segment: simpleSegment,
24859 | abortFn: this.handleAbort_.bind(this, segmentInfo),
24860 | progressFn: this.handleProgress_.bind(this),
24861 | trackInfoFn: this.handleTrackInfo_.bind(this),
24862 | timingInfoFn: this.handleTimingInfo_.bind(this),
24863 | videoSegmentTimingInfoFn: this.handleSegmentTimingInfo_.bind(this, 'video', segmentInfo.requestId),
24864 | audioSegmentTimingInfoFn: this.handleSegmentTimingInfo_.bind(this, 'audio', segmentInfo.requestId),
24865 | captionsFn: this.handleCaptions_.bind(this),
24866 | isEndOfTimeline,
24867 | endedTimelineFn: () => {
24868 | this.logger_('received endedtimeline callback');
24869 | },
24870 | id3Fn: this.handleId3_.bind(this),
24871 | dataFn: this.handleData_.bind(this),
24872 | doneFn: this.segmentRequestFinished_.bind(this),
24873 | onTransmuxerLog: ({
24874 | message,
24875 | level,
24876 | stream
24877 | }) => {
24878 | this.logger_(`${segmentInfoString(segmentInfo)} logged from transmuxer stream ${stream} as a ${level}: ${message}`);
24879 | }
24880 | });
24881 | }
24882 | |
24883 |
24884 |
24885 |
24886 |
24887 |
24888 |
24889 |
24890 |
24891 |
24892 | trimBackBuffer_(segmentInfo) {
24893 | const removeToTime = safeBackBufferTrimTime(this.seekable_(), this.currentTime_(), this.playlist_.targetDuration || 10);
24894 |
24895 |
24896 |
24897 |
24898 |
24899 | if (removeToTime > 0) {
24900 | this.remove(0, removeToTime);
24901 | }
24902 | }
24903 | |
24904 |
24905 |
24906 |
24907 |
24908 |
24909 |
24910 |
24911 |
24912 |
24913 |
24914 | createSimplifiedSegmentObj_(segmentInfo) {
24915 | const segment = segmentInfo.segment;
24916 | const part = segmentInfo.part;
24917 | const simpleSegment = {
24918 | resolvedUri: part ? part.resolvedUri : segment.resolvedUri,
24919 | byterange: part ? part.byterange : segment.byterange,
24920 | requestId: segmentInfo.requestId,
24921 | transmuxer: segmentInfo.transmuxer,
24922 | audioAppendStart: segmentInfo.audioAppendStart,
24923 | gopsToAlignWith: segmentInfo.gopsToAlignWith,
24924 | part: segmentInfo.part
24925 | };
24926 | const previousSegment = segmentInfo.playlist.segments[segmentInfo.mediaIndex - 1];
24927 |
24928 | if (previousSegment && previousSegment.timeline === segment.timeline) {
24929 |
24930 |
24931 |
24932 |
24933 |
24934 |
24935 |
24936 |
24937 | if (previousSegment.videoTimingInfo) {
24938 | simpleSegment.baseStartTime = previousSegment.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedDecodeEnd;
24939 | } else if (previousSegment.audioTimingInfo) {
24940 | simpleSegment.baseStartTime = previousSegment.audioTimingInfo.transmuxedDecodeEnd;
24941 | }
24942 | }
24943 |
24944 | if (segment.key) {
24945 |
24946 |
24947 | const iv = segment.key.iv || new Uint32Array([0, 0, 0, segmentInfo.mediaIndex + segmentInfo.playlist.mediaSequence]);
24948 | simpleSegment.key = this.segmentKey(segment.key);
24949 | simpleSegment.key.iv = iv;
24950 | }
24951 |
24952 | if (segment.map) {
24953 | simpleSegment.map = this.initSegmentForMap(segment.map);
24954 | }
24955 |
24956 | return simpleSegment;
24957 | }
24958 |
24959 | saveTransferStats_(stats) {
24960 |
24961 |
24962 | this.mediaRequests += 1;
24963 |
24964 | if (stats) {
24965 | this.mediaBytesTransferred += stats.bytesReceived;
24966 | this.mediaTransferDuration += stats.roundTripTime;
24967 | }
24968 | }
24969 |
24970 | saveBandwidthRelatedStats_(duration, stats) {
24971 |
24972 |
24973 |
24974 | this.pendingSegment_.byteLength = stats.bytesReceived;
24975 |
24976 | if (duration < MIN_SEGMENT_DURATION_TO_SAVE_STATS) {
24977 | this.logger_(`Ignoring segment's bandwidth because its duration of ${duration}` + ` is less than the min to record ${MIN_SEGMENT_DURATION_TO_SAVE_STATS}`);
24978 | return;
24979 | }
24980 |
24981 | this.bandwidth = stats.bandwidth;
24982 | this.roundTrip = stats.roundTripTime;
24983 | }
24984 |
24985 | handleTimeout_() {
24986 |
24987 |
24988 | this.mediaRequestsTimedout += 1;
24989 | this.bandwidth = 1;
24990 | this.roundTrip = NaN;
24991 | this.trigger('bandwidthupdate');
24992 | this.trigger('timeout');
24993 | }
24994 | |
24995 |
24996 |
24997 |
24998 |
24999 |
25000 |
25001 |
25002 | segmentRequestFinished_(error, simpleSegment, result) {
25003 |
25004 |
25005 |
25006 |
25007 | if (this.callQueue_.length) {
25008 | this.callQueue_.push(this.segmentRequestFinished_.bind(this, error, simpleSegment, result));
25009 | return;
25010 | }
25011 |
25012 | this.saveTransferStats_(simpleSegment.stats);
25013 |
25014 | if (!this.pendingSegment_) {
25015 | return;
25016 | }
25017 |
25018 |
25019 |
25020 |
25021 |
25022 | if (simpleSegment.requestId !== this.pendingSegment_.requestId) {
25023 | return;
25024 | }
25025 |
25026 |
25027 | if (error) {
25028 | this.pendingSegment_ = null;
25029 | this.state = 'READY';
25030 |
25031 | if (error.code === REQUEST_ERRORS.ABORTED) {
25032 | return;
25033 | }
25034 |
25035 | this.pause();
25036 |
25037 |
25038 |
25039 | if (error.code === REQUEST_ERRORS.TIMEOUT) {
25040 | this.handleTimeout_();
25041 | return;
25042 | }
25043 |
25044 |
25045 |
25046 | this.mediaRequestsErrored += 1;
25047 | this.error(error);
25048 | this.trigger('error');
25049 | return;
25050 | }
25051 |
25052 | const segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_;
25053 |
25054 |
25055 | this.saveBandwidthRelatedStats_(segmentInfo.duration, simpleSegment.stats);
25056 | segmentInfo.endOfAllRequests = simpleSegment.endOfAllRequests;
25057 |
25058 | if (result.gopInfo) {
25059 | this.gopBuffer_ = updateGopBuffer(this.gopBuffer_, result.gopInfo, this.safeAppend_);
25060 | }
25061 |
25062 |
25063 |
25064 | this.state = 'APPENDING';
25065 |
25066 | this.trigger('appending');
25067 | this.waitForAppendsToComplete_(segmentInfo);
25068 | }
25069 |
25070 | setTimeMapping_(timeline) {
25071 | const timelineMapping = this.syncController_.mappingForTimeline(timeline);
25072 |
25073 | if (timelineMapping !== null) {
25074 | this.timeMapping_ = timelineMapping;
25075 | }
25076 | }
25077 |
25078 | updateMediaSecondsLoaded_(segment) {
25079 | if (typeof segment.start === 'number' && typeof segment.end === 'number') {
25080 | this.mediaSecondsLoaded += segment.end - segment.start;
25081 | } else {
25082 | this.mediaSecondsLoaded += segment.duration;
25083 | }
25084 | }
25085 |
25086 | shouldUpdateTransmuxerTimestampOffset_(timestampOffset) {
25087 | if (timestampOffset === null) {
25088 | return false;
25089 | }
25090 |
25091 |
25092 |
25093 | if (this.loaderType_ === 'main' && timestampOffset !== this.sourceUpdater_.videoTimestampOffset()) {
25094 | return true;
25095 | }
25096 |
25097 | if (!this.audioDisabled_ && timestampOffset !== this.sourceUpdater_.audioTimestampOffset()) {
25098 | return true;
25099 | }
25100 |
25101 | return false;
25102 | }
25103 |
25104 | trueSegmentStart_({
25105 | currentStart,
25106 | playlist,
25107 | mediaIndex,
25108 | firstVideoFrameTimeForData,
25109 | currentVideoTimestampOffset,
25110 | useVideoTimingInfo,
25111 | videoTimingInfo,
25112 | audioTimingInfo
25113 | }) {
25114 | if (typeof currentStart !== 'undefined') {
25115 |
25116 | return currentStart;
25117 | }
25118 |
25119 | if (!useVideoTimingInfo) {
25120 | return audioTimingInfo.start;
25121 | }
25122 |
25123 | const previousSegment = playlist.segments[mediaIndex - 1];
25124 |
25125 |
25126 |
25127 |
25128 |
25129 | if (mediaIndex === 0 || !previousSegment || typeof previousSegment.start === 'undefined' || previousSegment.end !== firstVideoFrameTimeForData + currentVideoTimestampOffset) {
25130 | return firstVideoFrameTimeForData;
25131 | }
25132 |
25133 | return videoTimingInfo.start;
25134 | }
25135 |
25136 | waitForAppendsToComplete_(segmentInfo) {
25137 | const trackInfo = this.getCurrentMediaInfo_(segmentInfo);
25138 |
25139 | if (!trackInfo) {
25140 | this.error({
25141 | message: 'No starting media returned, likely due to an unsupported media format.',
25142 | playlistExclusionDuration: Infinity
25143 | });
25144 | this.trigger('error');
25145 | return;
25146 | }
25147 |
25148 |
25149 |
25150 |
25151 | const {
25152 | hasAudio,
25153 | hasVideo,
25154 | isMuxed
25155 | } = trackInfo;
25156 | const waitForVideo = this.loaderType_ === 'main' && hasVideo;
25157 | const waitForAudio = !this.audioDisabled_ && hasAudio && !isMuxed;
25158 | segmentInfo.waitingOnAppends = 0;
25159 |
25160 | if (!segmentInfo.hasAppendedData_) {
25161 | if (!segmentInfo.timingInfo && typeof segmentInfo.timestampOffset === 'number') {
25162 |
25163 |
25164 |
25165 |
25166 |
25167 |
25168 |
25169 |
25170 | this.isPendingTimestampOffset_ = true;
25171 | }
25172 |
25173 |
25174 | segmentInfo.timingInfo = {
25175 | start: 0
25176 | };
25177 | segmentInfo.waitingOnAppends++;
25178 |
25179 | if (!this.isPendingTimestampOffset_) {
25180 |
25181 | this.updateSourceBufferTimestampOffset_(segmentInfo);
25182 |
25183 |
25184 | this.processMetadataQueue_();
25185 | }
25186 |
25187 |
25188 | this.checkAppendsDone_(segmentInfo);
25189 | return;
25190 | }
25191 |
25192 |
25193 | if (waitForVideo) {
25194 | segmentInfo.waitingOnAppends++;
25195 | }
25196 |
25197 | if (waitForAudio) {
25198 | segmentInfo.waitingOnAppends++;
25199 | }
25200 |
25201 | if (waitForVideo) {
25202 | this.sourceUpdater_.videoQueueCallback(this.checkAppendsDone_.bind(this, segmentInfo));
25203 | }
25204 |
25205 | if (waitForAudio) {
25206 | this.sourceUpdater_.audioQueueCallback(this.checkAppendsDone_.bind(this, segmentInfo));
25207 | }
25208 | }
25209 |
25210 | checkAppendsDone_(segmentInfo) {
25211 | if (this.checkForAbort_(segmentInfo.requestId)) {
25212 | return;
25213 | }
25214 |
25215 | segmentInfo.waitingOnAppends--;
25216 |
25217 | if (segmentInfo.waitingOnAppends === 0) {
25218 | this.handleAppendsDone_();
25219 | }
25220 | }
25221 |
25222 | checkForIllegalMediaSwitch(trackInfo) {
25223 | const illegalMediaSwitchError = illegalMediaSwitch(this.loaderType_, this.getCurrentMediaInfo_(), trackInfo);
25224 |
25225 | if (illegalMediaSwitchError) {
25226 | this.error({
25227 | message: illegalMediaSwitchError,
25228 | playlistExclusionDuration: Infinity
25229 | });
25230 | this.trigger('error');
25231 | return true;
25232 | }
25233 |
25234 | return false;
25235 | }
25236 |
25237 | updateSourceBufferTimestampOffset_(segmentInfo) {
25238 | if (segmentInfo.timestampOffset === null ||
25239 |
25240 | typeof segmentInfo.timingInfo.start !== 'number' ||
25241 | segmentInfo.changedTimestampOffset ||
25242 | this.loaderType_ !== 'main') {
25243 | return;
25244 | }
25245 |
25246 | let didChange = false;
25247 |
25248 |
25249 |
25250 |
25251 | segmentInfo.timestampOffset -= this.getSegmentStartTimeForTimestampOffsetCalculation_({
25252 | videoTimingInfo: segmentInfo.segment.videoTimingInfo,
25253 | audioTimingInfo: segmentInfo.segment.audioTimingInfo,
25254 | timingInfo: segmentInfo.timingInfo
25255 | });
25256 |
25257 |
25258 |
25259 | segmentInfo.changedTimestampOffset = true;
25260 |
25261 | if (segmentInfo.timestampOffset !== this.sourceUpdater_.videoTimestampOffset()) {
25262 | this.sourceUpdater_.videoTimestampOffset(segmentInfo.timestampOffset);
25263 | didChange = true;
25264 | }
25265 |
25266 | if (segmentInfo.timestampOffset !== this.sourceUpdater_.audioTimestampOffset()) {
25267 | this.sourceUpdater_.audioTimestampOffset(segmentInfo.timestampOffset);
25268 | didChange = true;
25269 | }
25270 |
25271 | if (didChange) {
25272 | this.trigger('timestampoffset');
25273 | }
25274 | }
25275 |
25276 | getSegmentStartTimeForTimestampOffsetCalculation_({
25277 | videoTimingInfo,
25278 | audioTimingInfo,
25279 | timingInfo
25280 | }) {
25281 | if (!this.useDtsForTimestampOffset_) {
25282 | return timingInfo.start;
25283 | }
25284 |
25285 | if (videoTimingInfo && typeof videoTimingInfo.transmuxedDecodeStart === 'number') {
25286 | return videoTimingInfo.transmuxedDecodeStart;
25287 | }
25288 |
25289 |
25290 | if (audioTimingInfo && typeof audioTimingInfo.transmuxedDecodeStart === 'number') {
25291 | return audioTimingInfo.transmuxedDecodeStart;
25292 | }
25293 |
25294 |
25295 | return timingInfo.start;
25296 | }
25297 |
25298 | updateTimingInfoEnd_(segmentInfo) {
25299 | segmentInfo.timingInfo = segmentInfo.timingInfo || {};
25300 | const trackInfo = this.getMediaInfo_();
25301 | const useVideoTimingInfo = this.loaderType_ === 'main' && trackInfo && trackInfo.hasVideo;
25302 | const prioritizedTimingInfo = useVideoTimingInfo && segmentInfo.videoTimingInfo ? segmentInfo.videoTimingInfo : segmentInfo.audioTimingInfo;
25303 |
25304 | if (!prioritizedTimingInfo) {
25305 | return;
25306 | }
25307 |
25308 | segmentInfo.timingInfo.end = typeof prioritizedTimingInfo.end === 'number' ?
25309 |
25310 |
25311 | prioritizedTimingInfo.end : prioritizedTimingInfo.start + segmentInfo.duration;
25312 | }
25313 | |
25314 |
25315 |
25316 |
25317 |
25318 |
25319 |
25320 |
25321 |
25322 | handleAppendsDone_() {
25323 |
25324 | if (this.pendingSegment_) {
25325 | this.trigger('appendsdone');
25326 | }
25327 |
25328 | if (!this.pendingSegment_) {
25329 | this.state = 'READY';
25330 |
25331 |
25332 | if (!this.paused()) {
25333 | this.monitorBuffer_();
25334 | }
25335 |
25336 | return;
25337 | }
25338 |
25339 | const segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_;
25340 |
25341 |
25342 |
25343 | this.updateTimingInfoEnd_(segmentInfo);
25344 |
25345 | if (this.shouldSaveSegmentTimingInfo_) {
25346 |
25347 |
25348 |
25349 |
25350 |
25351 |
25352 |
25353 |
25354 |
25355 |
25356 |
25357 |
25358 |
25359 |
25360 |
25361 |
25362 |
25363 | this.syncController_.saveSegmentTimingInfo({
25364 | segmentInfo,
25365 | shouldSaveTimelineMapping: this.loaderType_ === 'main'
25366 | });
25367 | }
25368 |
25369 | const segmentDurationMessage = getTroublesomeSegmentDurationMessage(segmentInfo, this.sourceType_);
25370 |
25371 | if (segmentDurationMessage) {
25372 | if (segmentDurationMessage.severity === 'warn') {
25373 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn(segmentDurationMessage.message);
25374 | } else {
25375 | this.logger_(segmentDurationMessage.message);
25376 | }
25377 | }
25378 |
25379 | this.recordThroughput_(segmentInfo);
25380 | this.pendingSegment_ = null;
25381 | this.state = 'READY';
25382 |
25383 | if (segmentInfo.isSyncRequest) {
25384 | this.trigger('syncinfoupdate');
25385 |
25386 |
25387 |
25388 |
25389 | if (!segmentInfo.hasAppendedData_) {
25390 | this.logger_(`Throwing away un-appended sync request ${segmentInfoString(segmentInfo)}`);
25391 | return;
25392 | }
25393 | }
25394 |
25395 | this.logger_(`Appended ${segmentInfoString(segmentInfo)}`);
25396 | this.addSegmentMetadataCue_(segmentInfo);
25397 | this.fetchAtBuffer_ = true;
25398 |
25399 | if (this.currentTimeline_ !== segmentInfo.timeline) {
25400 | this.timelineChangeController_.lastTimelineChange({
25401 | type: this.loaderType_,
25402 | from: this.currentTimeline_,
25403 | to: segmentInfo.timeline
25404 | });
25405 |
25406 |
25407 |
25408 | if (this.loaderType_ === 'main' && !this.audioDisabled_) {
25409 | this.timelineChangeController_.lastTimelineChange({
25410 | type: 'audio',
25411 | from: this.currentTimeline_,
25412 | to: segmentInfo.timeline
25413 | });
25414 | }
25415 | }
25416 |
25417 | this.currentTimeline_ = segmentInfo.timeline;
25418 |
25419 |
25420 |
25421 |
25422 | this.trigger('syncinfoupdate');
25423 | const segment = segmentInfo.segment;
25424 | const part = segmentInfo.part;
25425 | const badSegmentGuess = segment.end && this.currentTime_() - segment.end > segmentInfo.playlist.targetDuration * 3;
25426 | const badPartGuess = part && part.end && this.currentTime_() - part.end > segmentInfo.playlist.partTargetDuration * 3;
25427 |
25428 |
25429 |
25430 |
25431 | if (badSegmentGuess || badPartGuess) {
25432 | this.logger_(`bad ${badSegmentGuess ? 'segment' : 'part'} ${segmentInfoString(segmentInfo)}`);
25433 | this.resetEverything();
25434 | return;
25435 | }
25436 |
25437 | const isWalkingForward = this.mediaIndex !== null;
25438 |
25439 |
25440 | if (isWalkingForward) {
25441 | this.trigger('bandwidthupdate');
25442 | }
25443 |
25444 | this.trigger('progress');
25445 | this.mediaIndex = segmentInfo.mediaIndex;
25446 | this.partIndex = segmentInfo.partIndex;
25447 |
25448 |
25449 |
25450 | if (this.isEndOfStream_(segmentInfo.mediaIndex, segmentInfo.playlist, segmentInfo.partIndex)) {
25451 | this.endOfStream();
25452 | }
25453 |
25454 |
25455 | this.trigger('appended');
25456 |
25457 | if (segmentInfo.hasAppendedData_) {
25458 | this.mediaAppends++;
25459 | }
25460 |
25461 | if (!this.paused()) {
25462 | this.monitorBuffer_();
25463 | }
25464 | }
25465 | |
25466 |
25467 |
25468 |
25469 |
25470 |
25471 |
25472 |
25473 |
25474 |
25475 |
25476 | recordThroughput_(segmentInfo) {
25477 | if (segmentInfo.duration < MIN_SEGMENT_DURATION_TO_SAVE_STATS) {
25478 | this.logger_(`Ignoring segment's throughput because its duration of ${segmentInfo.duration}` + ` is less than the min to record ${MIN_SEGMENT_DURATION_TO_SAVE_STATS}`);
25479 | return;
25480 | }
25481 |
25482 | const rate = this.throughput.rate;
25483 |
25484 |
25485 | const segmentProcessingTime = Date.now() - segmentInfo.endOfAllRequests + 1;
25486 |
25487 | const segmentProcessingThroughput = Math.floor(segmentInfo.byteLength / segmentProcessingTime * 8 * 1000);
25488 |
25489 |
25490 | this.throughput.rate += (segmentProcessingThroughput - rate) / ++this.throughput.count;
25491 | }
25492 | |
25493 |
25494 |
25495 |
25496 |
25497 |
25498 |
25499 |
25500 |
25501 |
25502 |
25503 | addSegmentMetadataCue_(segmentInfo) {
25504 | if (!this.segmentMetadataTrack_) {
25505 | return;
25506 | }
25507 |
25508 | const segment = segmentInfo.segment;
25509 | const start = segment.start;
25510 | const end = segment.end;
25511 |
25512 | if (!finite(start) || !finite(end)) {
25513 | return;
25514 | }
25515 |
25516 | removeCuesFromTrack(start, end, this.segmentMetadataTrack_);
25517 | const Cue = window.WebKitDataCue || window.VTTCue;
25518 | const value = {
25519 | custom: segment.custom,
25520 | dateTimeObject: segment.dateTimeObject,
25521 | dateTimeString: segment.dateTimeString,
25522 | programDateTime: segment.programDateTime,
25523 | bandwidth: segmentInfo.playlist.attributes.BANDWIDTH,
25524 | resolution: segmentInfo.playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION,
25525 | codecs: segmentInfo.playlist.attributes.CODECS,
25526 | byteLength: segmentInfo.byteLength,
25527 | uri: segmentInfo.uri,
25528 | timeline: segmentInfo.timeline,
25529 | playlist: segmentInfo.playlist.id,
25530 | start,
25531 | end
25532 | };
25533 | const data = JSON.stringify(value);
25534 | const cue = new Cue(start, end, data);
25535 |
25536 |
25537 | cue.value = value;
25538 | this.segmentMetadataTrack_.addCue(cue);
25539 | }
25540 |
25541 | }
25542 |
25543 | function noop() {}
25544 |
25545 | const toTitleCase = function (string) {
25546 | if (typeof string !== 'string') {
25547 | return string;
25548 | }
25549 |
25550 | return string.replace(/./, w => w.toUpperCase());
25551 | };
25552 |
25553 | |
25554 |
25555 |
25556 | const bufferTypes = ['video', 'audio'];
25557 |
25558 | const updating = (type, sourceUpdater) => {
25559 | const sourceBuffer = sourceUpdater[`${type}Buffer`];
25560 | return sourceBuffer && sourceBuffer.updating || sourceUpdater.queuePending[type];
25561 | };
25562 |
25563 | const nextQueueIndexOfType = (type, queue) => {
25564 | for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
25565 | const queueEntry = queue[i];
25566 |
25567 | if (queueEntry.type === 'mediaSource') {
25568 |
25569 |
25570 | return null;
25571 | }
25572 |
25573 | if (queueEntry.type === type) {
25574 | return i;
25575 | }
25576 | }
25577 |
25578 | return null;
25579 | };
25580 |
25581 | const shiftQueue = (type, sourceUpdater) => {
25582 | if (sourceUpdater.queue.length === 0) {
25583 | return;
25584 | }
25585 |
25586 | let queueIndex = 0;
25587 | let queueEntry = sourceUpdater.queue[queueIndex];
25588 |
25589 | if (queueEntry.type === 'mediaSource') {
25590 | if (!sourceUpdater.updating() && sourceUpdater.mediaSource.readyState !== 'closed') {
25591 | sourceUpdater.queue.shift();
25592 | queueEntry.action(sourceUpdater);
25593 |
25594 | if (queueEntry.doneFn) {
25595 | queueEntry.doneFn();
25596 | }
25597 |
25598 |
25599 |
25600 |
25601 | shiftQueue('audio', sourceUpdater);
25602 | shiftQueue('video', sourceUpdater);
25603 | }
25604 |
25605 |
25606 |
25607 |
25608 | return;
25609 | }
25610 |
25611 | if (type === 'mediaSource') {
25612 |
25613 |
25614 |
25615 |
25616 | return;
25617 | }
25618 |
25619 |
25620 |
25621 |
25622 | if (!sourceUpdater.ready() || sourceUpdater.mediaSource.readyState === 'closed' || updating(type, sourceUpdater)) {
25623 | return;
25624 | }
25625 |
25626 | if (queueEntry.type !== type) {
25627 | queueIndex = nextQueueIndexOfType(type, sourceUpdater.queue);
25628 |
25629 | if (queueIndex === null) {
25630 |
25631 |
25632 |
25633 | return;
25634 | }
25635 |
25636 | queueEntry = sourceUpdater.queue[queueIndex];
25637 | }
25638 |
25639 | sourceUpdater.queue.splice(queueIndex, 1);
25640 |
25641 |
25642 |
25643 |
25644 |
25645 |
25646 |
25647 | sourceUpdater.queuePending[type] = queueEntry;
25648 | queueEntry.action(type, sourceUpdater);
25649 |
25650 | if (!queueEntry.doneFn) {
25651 |
25652 | sourceUpdater.queuePending[type] = null;
25653 | shiftQueue(type, sourceUpdater);
25654 | return;
25655 | }
25656 | };
25657 |
25658 | const cleanupBuffer = (type, sourceUpdater) => {
25659 | const buffer = sourceUpdater[`${type}Buffer`];
25660 | const titleType = toTitleCase(type);
25661 |
25662 | if (!buffer) {
25663 | return;
25664 | }
25665 |
25666 | buffer.removeEventListener('updateend', sourceUpdater[`on${titleType}UpdateEnd_`]);
25667 | buffer.removeEventListener('error', sourceUpdater[`on${titleType}Error_`]);
25668 | sourceUpdater.codecs[type] = null;
25669 | sourceUpdater[`${type}Buffer`] = null;
25670 | };
25671 |
25672 | const inSourceBuffers = (mediaSource, sourceBuffer) => mediaSource && sourceBuffer && Array.prototype.indexOf.call(mediaSource.sourceBuffers, sourceBuffer) !== -1;
25673 |
25674 | const actions = {
25675 | appendBuffer: (bytes, segmentInfo, onError) => (type, sourceUpdater) => {
25676 | const sourceBuffer = sourceUpdater[`${type}Buffer`];
25677 |
25678 |
25679 | if (!inSourceBuffers(sourceUpdater.mediaSource, sourceBuffer)) {
25680 | return;
25681 | }
25682 |
25683 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`Appending segment ${segmentInfo.mediaIndex}'s ${bytes.length} bytes to ${type}Buffer`);
25684 |
25685 | try {
25686 | sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(bytes);
25687 | } catch (e) {
25688 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`Error with code ${e.code} ` + (e.code === QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR ? '(QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR) ' : '') + `when appending segment ${segmentInfo.mediaIndex} to ${type}Buffer`);
25689 | sourceUpdater.queuePending[type] = null;
25690 | onError(e);
25691 | }
25692 | },
25693 | remove: (start, end) => (type, sourceUpdater) => {
25694 | const sourceBuffer = sourceUpdater[`${type}Buffer`];
25695 |
25696 |
25697 | if (!inSourceBuffers(sourceUpdater.mediaSource, sourceBuffer)) {
25698 | return;
25699 | }
25700 |
25701 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`Removing ${start} to ${end} from ${type}Buffer`);
25702 |
25703 | try {
25704 | sourceBuffer.remove(start, end);
25705 | } catch (e) {
25706 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`Remove ${start} to ${end} from ${type}Buffer failed`);
25707 | }
25708 | },
25709 | timestampOffset: offset => (type, sourceUpdater) => {
25710 | const sourceBuffer = sourceUpdater[`${type}Buffer`];
25711 |
25712 |
25713 | if (!inSourceBuffers(sourceUpdater.mediaSource, sourceBuffer)) {
25714 | return;
25715 | }
25716 |
25717 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`Setting ${type}timestampOffset to ${offset}`);
25718 | sourceBuffer.timestampOffset = offset;
25719 | },
25720 | callback: callback => (type, sourceUpdater) => {
25721 | callback();
25722 | },
25723 | endOfStream: error => sourceUpdater => {
25724 | if (sourceUpdater.mediaSource.readyState !== 'open') {
25725 | return;
25726 | }
25727 |
25728 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`Calling mediaSource endOfStream(${error || ''})`);
25729 |
25730 | try {
25731 | sourceUpdater.mediaSource.endOfStream(error);
25732 | } catch (e) {
25733 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('Failed to call media source endOfStream', e);
25734 | }
25735 | },
25736 | duration: duration => sourceUpdater => {
25737 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`Setting mediaSource duration to ${duration}`);
25738 |
25739 | try {
25740 | sourceUpdater.mediaSource.duration = duration;
25741 | } catch (e) {
25742 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('Failed to set media source duration', e);
25743 | }
25744 | },
25745 | abort: () => (type, sourceUpdater) => {
25746 | if (sourceUpdater.mediaSource.readyState !== 'open') {
25747 | return;
25748 | }
25749 |
25750 | const sourceBuffer = sourceUpdater[`${type}Buffer`];
25751 |
25752 |
25753 | if (!inSourceBuffers(sourceUpdater.mediaSource, sourceBuffer)) {
25754 | return;
25755 | }
25756 |
25757 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`calling abort on ${type}Buffer`);
25758 |
25759 | try {
25760 | sourceBuffer.abort();
25761 | } catch (e) {
25762 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn(`Failed to abort on ${type}Buffer`, e);
25763 | }
25764 | },
25765 | addSourceBuffer: (type, codec) => sourceUpdater => {
25766 | const titleType = toTitleCase(type);
25767 | const mime = getMimeForCodec(codec);
25768 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`Adding ${type}Buffer with codec ${codec} to mediaSource`);
25769 | const sourceBuffer = sourceUpdater.mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(mime);
25770 | sourceBuffer.addEventListener('updateend', sourceUpdater[`on${titleType}UpdateEnd_`]);
25771 | sourceBuffer.addEventListener('error', sourceUpdater[`on${titleType}Error_`]);
25772 | sourceUpdater.codecs[type] = codec;
25773 | sourceUpdater[`${type}Buffer`] = sourceBuffer;
25774 | },
25775 | removeSourceBuffer: type => sourceUpdater => {
25776 | const sourceBuffer = sourceUpdater[`${type}Buffer`];
25777 | cleanupBuffer(type, sourceUpdater);
25778 |
25779 |
25780 | if (!inSourceBuffers(sourceUpdater.mediaSource, sourceBuffer)) {
25781 | return;
25782 | }
25783 |
25784 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`Removing ${type}Buffer with codec ${sourceUpdater.codecs[type]} from mediaSource`);
25785 |
25786 | try {
25787 | sourceUpdater.mediaSource.removeSourceBuffer(sourceBuffer);
25788 | } catch (e) {
25789 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn(`Failed to removeSourceBuffer ${type}Buffer`, e);
25790 | }
25791 | },
25792 | changeType: codec => (type, sourceUpdater) => {
25793 | const sourceBuffer = sourceUpdater[`${type}Buffer`];
25794 | const mime = getMimeForCodec(codec);
25795 |
25796 |
25797 | if (!inSourceBuffers(sourceUpdater.mediaSource, sourceBuffer)) {
25798 | return;
25799 | }
25800 |
25801 |
25802 | if (sourceUpdater.codecs[type] === codec) {
25803 | return;
25804 | }
25805 |
25806 | sourceUpdater.logger_(`changing ${type}Buffer codec from ${sourceUpdater.codecs[type]} to ${codec}`);
25807 |
25808 | try {
25809 | sourceBuffer.changeType(mime);
25810 | sourceUpdater.codecs[type] = codec;
25811 | } catch (e) {
25812 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn(`Failed to changeType on ${type}Buffer`, e);
25813 | }
25814 | }
25815 | };
25816 |
25817 | const pushQueue = ({
25818 | type,
25819 | sourceUpdater,
25820 | action,
25821 | doneFn,
25822 | name
25823 | }) => {
25824 | sourceUpdater.queue.push({
25825 | type,
25826 | action,
25827 | doneFn,
25828 | name
25829 | });
25830 | shiftQueue(type, sourceUpdater);
25831 | };
25832 |
25833 | const onUpdateend = (type, sourceUpdater) => e => {
25834 |
25835 |
25836 |
25837 |
25838 |
25839 |
25840 | if (sourceUpdater.queuePending[type]) {
25841 | const doneFn = sourceUpdater.queuePending[type].doneFn;
25842 | sourceUpdater.queuePending[type] = null;
25843 |
25844 | if (doneFn) {
25845 |
25846 | doneFn(sourceUpdater[`${type}Error_`]);
25847 | }
25848 | }
25849 |
25850 | shiftQueue(type, sourceUpdater);
25851 | };
25852 | |
25853 |
25854 |
25855 |
25856 |
25857 |
25858 |
25859 |
25860 |
25861 |
25862 |
25863 |
25864 | class SourceUpdater extends videojs__default["default"].EventTarget {
25865 | constructor(mediaSource) {
25866 | super();
25867 | this.mediaSource = mediaSource;
25868 |
25869 | this.sourceopenListener_ = () => shiftQueue('mediaSource', this);
25870 |
25871 | this.mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', this.sourceopenListener_);
25872 | this.logger_ = logger('SourceUpdater');
25873 |
25874 | this.audioTimestampOffset_ = 0;
25875 | this.videoTimestampOffset_ = 0;
25876 | this.queue = [];
25877 | this.queuePending = {
25878 | audio: null,
25879 | video: null
25880 | };
25881 | this.delayedAudioAppendQueue_ = [];
25882 | this.videoAppendQueued_ = false;
25883 | this.codecs = {};
25884 | this.onVideoUpdateEnd_ = onUpdateend('video', this);
25885 | this.onAudioUpdateEnd_ = onUpdateend('audio', this);
25886 |
25887 | this.onVideoError_ = e => {
25888 |
25889 | this.videoError_ = e;
25890 | };
25891 |
25892 | this.onAudioError_ = e => {
25893 |
25894 | this.audioError_ = e;
25895 | };
25896 |
25897 | this.createdSourceBuffers_ = false;
25898 | this.initializedEme_ = false;
25899 | this.triggeredReady_ = false;
25900 | }
25901 |
25902 | initializedEme() {
25903 | this.initializedEme_ = true;
25904 | this.triggerReady();
25905 | }
25906 |
25907 | hasCreatedSourceBuffers() {
25908 |
25909 |
25910 | return this.createdSourceBuffers_;
25911 | }
25912 |
25913 | hasInitializedAnyEme() {
25914 | return this.initializedEme_;
25915 | }
25916 |
25917 | ready() {
25918 | return this.hasCreatedSourceBuffers() && this.hasInitializedAnyEme();
25919 | }
25920 |
25921 | createSourceBuffers(codecs) {
25922 | if (this.hasCreatedSourceBuffers()) {
25923 |
25924 | return;
25925 | }
25926 |
25927 |
25928 |
25929 | this.addOrChangeSourceBuffers(codecs);
25930 | this.createdSourceBuffers_ = true;
25931 | this.trigger('createdsourcebuffers');
25932 | this.triggerReady();
25933 | }
25934 |
25935 | triggerReady() {
25936 |
25937 |
25938 |
25939 |
25940 |
25941 |
25942 | if (this.ready() && !this.triggeredReady_) {
25943 | this.triggeredReady_ = true;
25944 | this.trigger('ready');
25945 | }
25946 | }
25947 | |
25948 |
25949 |
25950 |
25951 |
25952 |
25953 |
25954 |
25955 |
25956 |
25957 |
25958 | addSourceBuffer(type, codec) {
25959 | pushQueue({
25960 | type: 'mediaSource',
25961 | sourceUpdater: this,
25962 | action: actions.addSourceBuffer(type, codec),
25963 | name: 'addSourceBuffer'
25964 | });
25965 | }
25966 | |
25967 |
25968 |
25969 |
25970 |
25971 |
25972 |
25973 |
25974 | abort(type) {
25975 | pushQueue({
25976 | type,
25977 | sourceUpdater: this,
25978 | action: actions.abort(type),
25979 | name: 'abort'
25980 | });
25981 | }
25982 | |
25983 |
25984 |
25985 |
25986 |
25987 |
25988 |
25989 |
25990 |
25991 | removeSourceBuffer(type) {
25992 | if (!this.canRemoveSourceBuffer()) {
25993 | videojs__default["default"].log.error('removeSourceBuffer is not supported!');
25994 | return;
25995 | }
25996 |
25997 | pushQueue({
25998 | type: 'mediaSource',
25999 | sourceUpdater: this,
26000 | action: actions.removeSourceBuffer(type),
26001 | name: 'removeSourceBuffer'
26002 | });
26003 | }
26004 | |
26005 |
26006 |
26007 |
26008 |
26009 |
26010 |
26011 |
26012 |
26013 | canRemoveSourceBuffer() {
26014 |
26015 |
26016 | return !videojs__default["default"].browser.IS_FIREFOX && window.MediaSource && window.MediaSource.prototype && typeof window.MediaSource.prototype.removeSourceBuffer === 'function';
26017 | }
26018 | |
26019 |
26020 |
26021 |
26022 |
26023 |
26024 |
26025 |
26026 |
26027 | static canChangeType() {
26028 | return window.SourceBuffer && window.SourceBuffer.prototype && typeof window.SourceBuffer.prototype.changeType === 'function';
26029 | }
26030 | |
26031 |
26032 |
26033 |
26034 |
26035 |
26036 |
26037 |
26038 |
26039 | canChangeType() {
26040 | return this.constructor.canChangeType();
26041 | }
26042 | |
26043 |
26044 |
26045 |
26046 |
26047 |
26048 |
26049 |
26050 |
26051 |
26052 |
26053 | changeType(type, codec) {
26054 | if (!this.canChangeType()) {
26055 | videojs__default["default"].log.error('changeType is not supported!');
26056 | return;
26057 | }
26058 |
26059 | pushQueue({
26060 | type,
26061 | sourceUpdater: this,
26062 | action: actions.changeType(codec),
26063 | name: 'changeType'
26064 | });
26065 | }
26066 | |
26067 |
26068 |
26069 |
26070 |
26071 |
26072 |
26073 |
26074 |
26075 | addOrChangeSourceBuffers(codecs) {
26076 | if (!codecs || typeof codecs !== 'object' || Object.keys(codecs).length === 0) {
26077 | throw new Error('Cannot addOrChangeSourceBuffers to undefined codecs');
26078 | }
26079 |
26080 | Object.keys(codecs).forEach(type => {
26081 | const codec = codecs[type];
26082 |
26083 | if (!this.hasCreatedSourceBuffers()) {
26084 | return this.addSourceBuffer(type, codec);
26085 | }
26086 |
26087 | if (this.canChangeType()) {
26088 | this.changeType(type, codec);
26089 | }
26090 | });
26091 | }
26092 | |
26093 |
26094 |
26095 |
26096 |
26097 |
26098 |
26099 |
26100 |
26101 | appendBuffer(options, doneFn) {
26102 | const {
26103 | segmentInfo,
26104 | type,
26105 | bytes
26106 | } = options;
26107 | this.processedAppend_ = true;
26108 |
26109 | if (type === 'audio' && this.videoBuffer && !this.videoAppendQueued_) {
26110 | this.delayedAudioAppendQueue_.push([options, doneFn]);
26111 | this.logger_(`delayed audio append of ${bytes.length} until video append`);
26112 | return;
26113 | }
26114 |
26115 |
26116 |
26117 |
26118 |
26119 | const onError = doneFn;
26120 | pushQueue({
26121 | type,
26122 | sourceUpdater: this,
26123 | action: actions.appendBuffer(bytes, segmentInfo || {
26124 | mediaIndex: -1
26125 | }, onError),
26126 | doneFn,
26127 | name: 'appendBuffer'
26128 | });
26129 |
26130 | if (type === 'video') {
26131 | this.videoAppendQueued_ = true;
26132 |
26133 | if (!this.delayedAudioAppendQueue_.length) {
26134 | return;
26135 | }
26136 |
26137 | const queue = this.delayedAudioAppendQueue_.slice();
26138 | this.logger_(`queuing delayed audio ${queue.length} appendBuffers`);
26139 | this.delayedAudioAppendQueue_.length = 0;
26140 | queue.forEach(que => {
26141 | this.appendBuffer.apply(this, que);
26142 | });
26143 | }
26144 | }
26145 | |
26146 |
26147 |
26148 |
26149 |
26150 |
26151 |
26152 |
26153 | audioBuffered() {
26154 |
26155 |
26156 | if (!inSourceBuffers(this.mediaSource, this.audioBuffer)) {
26157 | return createTimeRanges();
26158 | }
26159 |
26160 | return this.audioBuffer.buffered ? this.audioBuffer.buffered : createTimeRanges();
26161 | }
26162 | |
26163 |
26164 |
26165 |
26166 |
26167 |
26168 |
26169 |
26170 | videoBuffered() {
26171 |
26172 |
26173 | if (!inSourceBuffers(this.mediaSource, this.videoBuffer)) {
26174 | return createTimeRanges();
26175 | }
26176 |
26177 | return this.videoBuffer.buffered ? this.videoBuffer.buffered : createTimeRanges();
26178 | }
26179 | |
26180 |
26181 |
26182 |
26183 |
26184 |
26185 |
26186 |
26187 | buffered() {
26188 | const video = inSourceBuffers(this.mediaSource, this.videoBuffer) ? this.videoBuffer : null;
26189 | const audio = inSourceBuffers(this.mediaSource, this.audioBuffer) ? this.audioBuffer : null;
26190 |
26191 | if (audio && !video) {
26192 | return this.audioBuffered();
26193 | }
26194 |
26195 | if (video && !audio) {
26196 | return this.videoBuffered();
26197 | }
26198 |
26199 | return bufferIntersection(this.audioBuffered(), this.videoBuffered());
26200 | }
26201 | |
26202 |
26203 |
26204 |
26205 |
26206 |
26207 |
26208 |
26209 |
26210 |
26211 |
26212 | setDuration(duration, doneFn = noop) {
26213 |
26214 |
26215 |
26216 |
26217 | pushQueue({
26218 | type: 'mediaSource',
26219 | sourceUpdater: this,
26220 | action: actions.duration(duration),
26221 | name: 'duration',
26222 | doneFn
26223 | });
26224 | }
26225 | |
26226 |
26227 |
26228 |
26229 |
26230 |
26231 |
26232 |
26233 |
26234 |
26235 |
26236 |
26237 | endOfStream(error = null, doneFn = noop) {
26238 | if (typeof error !== 'string') {
26239 | error = undefined;
26240 | }
26241 |
26242 |
26243 |
26244 |
26245 |
26246 | pushQueue({
26247 | type: 'mediaSource',
26248 | sourceUpdater: this,
26249 | action: actions.endOfStream(error),
26250 | name: 'endOfStream',
26251 | doneFn
26252 | });
26253 | }
26254 | |
26255 |
26256 |
26257 |
26258 |
26259 |
26260 |
26261 |
26262 |
26263 |
26264 |
26265 | removeAudio(start, end, done = noop) {
26266 | if (!this.audioBuffered().length || this.audioBuffered().end(0) === 0) {
26267 | done();
26268 | return;
26269 | }
26270 |
26271 | pushQueue({
26272 | type: 'audio',
26273 | sourceUpdater: this,
26274 | action: actions.remove(start, end),
26275 | doneFn: done,
26276 | name: 'remove'
26277 | });
26278 | }
26279 | |
26280 |
26281 |
26282 |
26283 |
26284 |
26285 |
26286 |
26287 |
26288 |
26289 |
26290 | removeVideo(start, end, done = noop) {
26291 | if (!this.videoBuffered().length || this.videoBuffered().end(0) === 0) {
26292 | done();
26293 | return;
26294 | }
26295 |
26296 | pushQueue({
26297 | type: 'video',
26298 | sourceUpdater: this,
26299 | action: actions.remove(start, end),
26300 | doneFn: done,
26301 | name: 'remove'
26302 | });
26303 | }
26304 | |
26305 |
26306 |
26307 |
26308 |
26309 |
26310 |
26311 | updating() {
26312 |
26313 | if (updating('audio', this) || updating('video', this)) {
26314 | return true;
26315 | }
26316 |
26317 | return false;
26318 | }
26319 | |
26320 |
26321 |
26322 |
26323 |
26324 |
26325 |
26326 | audioTimestampOffset(offset) {
26327 | if (typeof offset !== 'undefined' && this.audioBuffer &&
26328 | this.audioTimestampOffset_ !== offset) {
26329 | pushQueue({
26330 | type: 'audio',
26331 | sourceUpdater: this,
26332 | action: actions.timestampOffset(offset),
26333 | name: 'timestampOffset'
26334 | });
26335 | this.audioTimestampOffset_ = offset;
26336 | }
26337 |
26338 | return this.audioTimestampOffset_;
26339 | }
26340 | |
26341 |
26342 |
26343 |
26344 |
26345 |
26346 |
26347 | videoTimestampOffset(offset) {
26348 | if (typeof offset !== 'undefined' && this.videoBuffer &&
26349 | this.videoTimestampOffset !== offset) {
26350 | pushQueue({
26351 | type: 'video',
26352 | sourceUpdater: this,
26353 | action: actions.timestampOffset(offset),
26354 | name: 'timestampOffset'
26355 | });
26356 | this.videoTimestampOffset_ = offset;
26357 | }
26358 |
26359 | return this.videoTimestampOffset_;
26360 | }
26361 | |
26362 |
26363 |
26364 |
26365 |
26366 |
26367 |
26368 |
26369 |
26370 | audioQueueCallback(callback) {
26371 | if (!this.audioBuffer) {
26372 | return;
26373 | }
26374 |
26375 | pushQueue({
26376 | type: 'audio',
26377 | sourceUpdater: this,
26378 | action: actions.callback(callback),
26379 | name: 'callback'
26380 | });
26381 | }
26382 | |
26383 |
26384 |
26385 |
26386 |
26387 |
26388 |
26389 |
26390 |
26391 | videoQueueCallback(callback) {
26392 | if (!this.videoBuffer) {
26393 | return;
26394 | }
26395 |
26396 | pushQueue({
26397 | type: 'video',
26398 | sourceUpdater: this,
26399 | action: actions.callback(callback),
26400 | name: 'callback'
26401 | });
26402 | }
26403 | |
26404 |
26405 |
26406 |
26407 |
26408 | dispose() {
26409 | this.trigger('dispose');
26410 | bufferTypes.forEach(type => {
26411 | this.abort(type);
26412 |
26413 | if (this.canRemoveSourceBuffer()) {
26414 | this.removeSourceBuffer(type);
26415 | } else {
26416 | this[`${type}QueueCallback`](() => cleanupBuffer(type, this));
26417 | }
26418 | });
26419 | this.videoAppendQueued_ = false;
26420 | this.delayedAudioAppendQueue_.length = 0;
26421 |
26422 | if (this.sourceopenListener_) {
26423 | this.mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceopen', this.sourceopenListener_);
26424 | }
26425 |
26426 | this.off();
26427 | }
26428 |
26429 | }
26430 |
26431 | const uint8ToUtf8 = uintArray => decodeURIComponent(escape(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uintArray)));
26432 | const bufferToHexString = buffer => {
26433 | const uInt8Buffer = new Uint8Array(buffer);
26434 | return Array.from(uInt8Buffer).map(byte => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');
26435 | };
26436 |
26437 | |
26438 |
26439 |
26440 | const VTT_LINE_TERMINATORS = new Uint8Array('\n\n'.split('').map(char => char.charCodeAt(0)));
26441 |
26442 | class NoVttJsError extends Error {
26443 | constructor() {
26444 | super('Trying to parse received VTT cues, but there is no WebVTT. Make sure vtt.js is loaded.');
26445 | }
26446 |
26447 | }
26448 | |
26449 |
26450 |
26451 |
26452 |
26453 |
26454 |
26455 |
26456 |
26457 | class VTTSegmentLoader extends SegmentLoader {
26458 | constructor(settings, options = {}) {
26459 | super(settings, options);
26460 |
26461 |
26462 | this.mediaSource_ = null;
26463 | this.subtitlesTrack_ = null;
26464 | this.loaderType_ = 'subtitle';
26465 | this.featuresNativeTextTracks_ = settings.featuresNativeTextTracks;
26466 | this.loadVttJs = settings.loadVttJs;
26467 |
26468 |
26469 | this.shouldSaveSegmentTimingInfo_ = false;
26470 | }
26471 |
26472 | createTransmuxer_() {
26473 |
26474 | return null;
26475 | }
26476 | |
26477 |
26478 |
26479 |
26480 |
26481 |
26482 |
26483 |
26484 | buffered_() {
26485 | if (!this.subtitlesTrack_ || !this.subtitlesTrack_.cues || !this.subtitlesTrack_.cues.length) {
26486 | return createTimeRanges();
26487 | }
26488 |
26489 | const cues = this.subtitlesTrack_.cues;
26490 | const start = cues[0].startTime;
26491 | const end = cues[cues.length - 1].startTime;
26492 | return createTimeRanges([[start, end]]);
26493 | }
26494 | |
26495 |
26496 |
26497 |
26498 |
26499 |
26500 |
26501 |
26502 |
26503 |
26504 |
26505 |
26506 | initSegmentForMap(map, set = false) {
26507 | if (!map) {
26508 | return null;
26509 | }
26510 |
26511 | const id = initSegmentId(map);
26512 | let storedMap = this.initSegments_[id];
26513 |
26514 | if (set && !storedMap && map.bytes) {
26515 |
26516 |
26517 |
26518 |
26519 | const combinedByteLength = VTT_LINE_TERMINATORS.byteLength + map.bytes.byteLength;
26520 | const combinedSegment = new Uint8Array(combinedByteLength);
26521 | combinedSegment.set(map.bytes);
26522 | combinedSegment.set(VTT_LINE_TERMINATORS, map.bytes.byteLength);
26523 | this.initSegments_[id] = storedMap = {
26524 | resolvedUri: map.resolvedUri,
26525 | byterange: map.byterange,
26526 | bytes: combinedSegment
26527 | };
26528 | }
26529 |
26530 | return storedMap || map;
26531 | }
26532 | |
26533 |
26534 |
26535 |
26536 |
26537 |
26538 |
26539 |
26540 | couldBeginLoading_() {
26541 | return this.playlist_ && this.subtitlesTrack_ && !this.paused();
26542 | }
26543 | |
26544 |
26545 |
26546 |
26547 |
26548 |
26549 |
26550 |
26551 |
26552 | init_() {
26553 | this.state = 'READY';
26554 | this.resetEverything();
26555 | return this.monitorBuffer_();
26556 | }
26557 | |
26558 |
26559 |
26560 |
26561 |
26562 |
26563 |
26564 |
26565 |
26566 |
26567 | track(track) {
26568 | if (typeof track === 'undefined') {
26569 | return this.subtitlesTrack_;
26570 | }
26571 |
26572 | this.subtitlesTrack_ = track;
26573 |
26574 |
26575 | if (this.state === 'INIT' && this.couldBeginLoading_()) {
26576 | this.init_();
26577 | }
26578 |
26579 | return this.subtitlesTrack_;
26580 | }
26581 | |
26582 |
26583 |
26584 |
26585 |
26586 |
26587 |
26588 |
26589 | remove(start, end) {
26590 | removeCuesFromTrack(start, end, this.subtitlesTrack_);
26591 | }
26592 | |
26593 |
26594 |
26595 |
26596 |
26597 |
26598 |
26599 |
26600 |
26601 |
26602 |
26603 | fillBuffer_() {
26604 |
26605 | const segmentInfo = this.chooseNextRequest_();
26606 |
26607 | if (!segmentInfo) {
26608 | return;
26609 | }
26610 |
26611 | if (this.syncController_.timestampOffsetForTimeline(segmentInfo.timeline) === null) {
26612 |
26613 |
26614 | const checkTimestampOffset = () => {
26615 | this.state = 'READY';
26616 |
26617 | if (!this.paused()) {
26618 |
26619 | this.monitorBuffer_();
26620 | }
26621 | };
26622 |
26623 | this.syncController_.one('timestampoffset', checkTimestampOffset);
26624 | this.state = 'WAITING_ON_TIMELINE';
26625 | return;
26626 | }
26627 |
26628 | this.loadSegment_(segmentInfo);
26629 | }
26630 |
26631 |
26632 | timestampOffsetForSegment_() {
26633 | return null;
26634 | }
26635 |
26636 | chooseNextRequest_() {
26637 | return this.skipEmptySegments_(super.chooseNextRequest_());
26638 | }
26639 | |
26640 |
26641 |
26642 |
26643 |
26644 |
26645 |
26646 |
26647 |
26648 |
26649 |
26650 |
26651 | skipEmptySegments_(segmentInfo) {
26652 | while (segmentInfo && segmentInfo.segment.empty) {
26653 |
26654 | if (segmentInfo.mediaIndex + 1 >= segmentInfo.playlist.segments.length) {
26655 | segmentInfo = null;
26656 | break;
26657 | }
26658 |
26659 | segmentInfo = this.generateSegmentInfo_({
26660 | playlist: segmentInfo.playlist,
26661 | mediaIndex: segmentInfo.mediaIndex + 1,
26662 | startOfSegment: segmentInfo.startOfSegment + segmentInfo.duration,
26663 | isSyncRequest: segmentInfo.isSyncRequest
26664 | });
26665 | }
26666 |
26667 | return segmentInfo;
26668 | }
26669 |
26670 | stopForError(error) {
26671 | this.error(error);
26672 | this.state = 'READY';
26673 | this.pause();
26674 | this.trigger('error');
26675 | }
26676 | |
26677 |
26678 |
26679 |
26680 |
26681 |
26682 |
26683 | segmentRequestFinished_(error, simpleSegment, result) {
26684 | if (!this.subtitlesTrack_) {
26685 | this.state = 'READY';
26686 | return;
26687 | }
26688 |
26689 | this.saveTransferStats_(simpleSegment.stats);
26690 |
26691 | if (!this.pendingSegment_) {
26692 | this.state = 'READY';
26693 | this.mediaRequestsAborted += 1;
26694 | return;
26695 | }
26696 |
26697 | if (error) {
26698 | if (error.code === REQUEST_ERRORS.TIMEOUT) {
26699 | this.handleTimeout_();
26700 | }
26701 |
26702 | if (error.code === REQUEST_ERRORS.ABORTED) {
26703 | this.mediaRequestsAborted += 1;
26704 | } else {
26705 | this.mediaRequestsErrored += 1;
26706 | }
26707 |
26708 | this.stopForError(error);
26709 | return;
26710 | }
26711 |
26712 | const segmentInfo = this.pendingSegment_;
26713 |
26714 |
26715 | this.saveBandwidthRelatedStats_(segmentInfo.duration, simpleSegment.stats);
26716 |
26717 | if (simpleSegment.key) {
26718 | this.segmentKey(simpleSegment.key, true);
26719 | }
26720 |
26721 | this.state = 'APPENDING';
26722 |
26723 | this.trigger('appending');
26724 | const segment = segmentInfo.segment;
26725 |
26726 | if (segment.map) {
26727 | segment.map.bytes = simpleSegment.map.bytes;
26728 | }
26729 |
26730 | segmentInfo.bytes = simpleSegment.bytes;
26731 |
26732 | if (typeof window.WebVTT !== 'function' && typeof this.loadVttJs === 'function') {
26733 | this.state = 'WAITING_ON_VTTJS';
26734 |
26735 |
26736 | this.loadVttJs().then(() => this.segmentRequestFinished_(error, simpleSegment, result), () => this.stopForError({
26737 | message: 'Error loading vtt.js'
26738 | }));
26739 | return;
26740 | }
26741 |
26742 | segment.requested = true;
26743 |
26744 | try {
26745 | this.parseVTTCues_(segmentInfo);
26746 | } catch (e) {
26747 | this.stopForError({
26748 | message: e.message
26749 | });
26750 | return;
26751 | }
26752 |
26753 | this.updateTimeMapping_(segmentInfo, this.syncController_.timelines[segmentInfo.timeline], this.playlist_);
26754 |
26755 | if (segmentInfo.cues.length) {
26756 | segmentInfo.timingInfo = {
26757 | start: segmentInfo.cues[0].startTime,
26758 | end: segmentInfo.cues[segmentInfo.cues.length - 1].endTime
26759 | };
26760 | } else {
26761 | segmentInfo.timingInfo = {
26762 | start: segmentInfo.startOfSegment,
26763 | end: segmentInfo.startOfSegment + segmentInfo.duration
26764 | };
26765 | }
26766 |
26767 | if (segmentInfo.isSyncRequest) {
26768 | this.trigger('syncinfoupdate');
26769 | this.pendingSegment_ = null;
26770 | this.state = 'READY';
26771 | return;
26772 | }
26773 |
26774 | segmentInfo.byteLength = segmentInfo.bytes.byteLength;
26775 | this.mediaSecondsLoaded += segment.duration;
26776 |
26777 |
26778 | segmentInfo.cues.forEach(cue => {
26779 | this.subtitlesTrack_.addCue(this.featuresNativeTextTracks_ ? new window.VTTCue(cue.startTime, cue.endTime, cue.text) : cue);
26780 | });
26781 |
26782 |
26783 |
26784 |
26785 | removeDuplicateCuesFromTrack(this.subtitlesTrack_);
26786 | this.handleAppendsDone_();
26787 | }
26788 |
26789 | handleData_() {
26790 |
26791 | }
26792 |
26793 | updateTimingInfoEnd_() {
26794 | }
26795 | |
26796 |
26797 |
26798 |
26799 |
26800 |
26801 |
26802 |
26803 |
26804 |
26805 |
26806 | parseVTTCues_(segmentInfo) {
26807 | let decoder;
26808 | let decodeBytesToString = false;
26809 |
26810 | if (typeof window.WebVTT !== 'function') {
26811 |
26812 | throw new NoVttJsError();
26813 | }
26814 |
26815 | if (typeof window.TextDecoder === 'function') {
26816 | decoder = new window.TextDecoder('utf8');
26817 | } else {
26818 | decoder = window.WebVTT.StringDecoder();
26819 | decodeBytesToString = true;
26820 | }
26821 |
26822 | const parser = new window.WebVTT.Parser(window, window.vttjs, decoder);
26823 | segmentInfo.cues = [];
26824 | segmentInfo.timestampmap = {
26825 | MPEGTS: 0,
26826 | LOCAL: 0
26827 | };
26828 | parser.oncue = segmentInfo.cues.push.bind(segmentInfo.cues);
26829 |
26830 | parser.ontimestampmap = map => {
26831 | segmentInfo.timestampmap = map;
26832 | };
26833 |
26834 | parser.onparsingerror = error => {
26835 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('Error encountered when parsing cues: ' + error.message);
26836 | };
26837 |
26838 | if (segmentInfo.segment.map) {
26839 | let mapData = segmentInfo.segment.map.bytes;
26840 |
26841 | if (decodeBytesToString) {
26842 | mapData = uint8ToUtf8(mapData);
26843 | }
26844 |
26845 | parser.parse(mapData);
26846 | }
26847 |
26848 | let segmentData = segmentInfo.bytes;
26849 |
26850 | if (decodeBytesToString) {
26851 | segmentData = uint8ToUtf8(segmentData);
26852 | }
26853 |
26854 | parser.parse(segmentData);
26855 | parser.flush();
26856 | }
26857 | |
26858 |
26859 |
26860 |
26861 |
26862 |
26863 |
26864 |
26865 |
26866 |
26867 |
26868 |
26869 |
26870 |
26871 |
26872 | updateTimeMapping_(segmentInfo, mappingObj, playlist) {
26873 | const segment = segmentInfo.segment;
26874 |
26875 | if (!mappingObj) {
26876 |
26877 |
26878 |
26879 | return;
26880 | }
26881 |
26882 | if (!segmentInfo.cues.length) {
26883 |
26884 |
26885 |
26886 | segment.empty = true;
26887 | return;
26888 | }
26889 |
26890 | const {
26891 | MPEGTS,
26892 | LOCAL
26893 | } = segmentInfo.timestampmap;
26894 | |
26895 |
26896 |
26897 |
26898 |
26899 |
26900 | const mpegTsInSeconds = MPEGTS / clock.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
26901 | const diff = mpegTsInSeconds - LOCAL + mappingObj.mapping;
26902 | segmentInfo.cues.forEach(cue => {
26903 | const duration = cue.endTime - cue.startTime;
26904 | const startTime = MPEGTS === 0 ? cue.startTime + diff : this.handleRollover_(cue.startTime + diff, mappingObj.time);
26905 | cue.startTime = Math.max(startTime, 0);
26906 | cue.endTime = Math.max(startTime + duration, 0);
26907 | });
26908 |
26909 | if (!playlist.syncInfo) {
26910 | const firstStart = segmentInfo.cues[0].startTime;
26911 | const lastStart = segmentInfo.cues[segmentInfo.cues.length - 1].startTime;
26912 | playlist.syncInfo = {
26913 | mediaSequence: playlist.mediaSequence + segmentInfo.mediaIndex,
26914 | time: Math.min(firstStart, lastStart - segment.duration)
26915 | };
26916 | }
26917 | }
26918 | |
26919 |
26920 |
26921 |
26922 |
26923 |
26924 |
26925 |
26926 |
26927 |
26928 |
26929 |
26930 |
26931 |
26932 |
26933 |
26934 |
26935 |
26936 |
26937 |
26938 | handleRollover_(value, reference) {
26939 | if (reference === null) {
26940 | return value;
26941 | }
26942 |
26943 | let valueIn90khz = value * clock.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
26944 | const referenceIn90khz = reference * clock.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
26945 | let offset;
26946 |
26947 | if (referenceIn90khz < valueIn90khz) {
26948 |
26949 | offset = -8589934592;
26950 | } else {
26951 |
26952 | offset = 8589934592;
26953 | }
26954 |
26955 |
26956 | while (Math.abs(valueIn90khz - referenceIn90khz) > 4294967296) {
26957 | valueIn90khz += offset;
26958 | }
26959 |
26960 | return valueIn90khz / clock.ONE_SECOND_IN_TS;
26961 | }
26962 |
26963 | }
26964 |
26965 | |
26966 |
26967 |
26968 |
26969 | |
26970 |
26971 |
26972 |
26973 |
26974 |
26975 |
26976 |
26977 |
26978 |
26979 |
26980 |
26981 | const findAdCue = function (track, mediaTime) {
26982 | const cues = track.cues;
26983 |
26984 | for (let i = 0; i < cues.length; i++) {
26985 | const cue = cues[i];
26986 |
26987 | if (mediaTime >= cue.adStartTime && mediaTime <= cue.adEndTime) {
26988 | return cue;
26989 | }
26990 | }
26991 |
26992 | return null;
26993 | };
26994 | const updateAdCues = function (media, track, offset = 0) {
26995 | if (!media.segments) {
26996 | return;
26997 | }
26998 |
26999 | let mediaTime = offset;
27000 | let cue;
27001 |
27002 | for (let i = 0; i < media.segments.length; i++) {
27003 | const segment = media.segments[i];
27004 |
27005 | if (!cue) {
27006 |
27007 |
27008 |
27009 |
27010 | cue = findAdCue(track, mediaTime + segment.duration / 2);
27011 | }
27012 |
27013 | if (cue) {
27014 | if ('cueIn' in segment) {
27015 |
27016 | cue.endTime = mediaTime;
27017 | cue.adEndTime = mediaTime;
27018 | mediaTime += segment.duration;
27019 | cue = null;
27020 | continue;
27021 | }
27022 |
27023 | if (mediaTime < cue.endTime) {
27024 |
27025 | mediaTime += segment.duration;
27026 | continue;
27027 | }
27028 |
27029 |
27030 | cue.endTime += segment.duration;
27031 | } else {
27032 | if ('cueOut' in segment) {
27033 | cue = new window.VTTCue(mediaTime, mediaTime + segment.duration, segment.cueOut);
27034 | cue.adStartTime = mediaTime;
27035 |
27036 |
27037 | cue.adEndTime = mediaTime + parseFloat(segment.cueOut);
27038 | track.addCue(cue);
27039 | }
27040 |
27041 | if ('cueOutCont' in segment) {
27042 |
27043 |
27044 |
27045 | const [adOffset, adTotal] = segment.cueOutCont.split('/').map(parseFloat);
27046 | cue = new window.VTTCue(mediaTime, mediaTime + segment.duration, '');
27047 | cue.adStartTime = mediaTime - adOffset;
27048 | cue.adEndTime = cue.adStartTime + adTotal;
27049 | track.addCue(cue);
27050 | }
27051 | }
27052 |
27053 | mediaTime += segment.duration;
27054 | }
27055 | };
27056 |
27057 | |
27058 |
27059 |
27060 |
27061 |
27062 |
27063 |
27064 |
27065 | const MAX_MEDIA_SEQUENCE_DIFF_FOR_SYNC = 86400;
27066 | const syncPointStrategies = [
27067 |
27068 | {
27069 | name: 'VOD',
27070 | run: (syncController, playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime) => {
27071 | if (duration !== Infinity) {
27072 | const syncPoint = {
27073 | time: 0,
27074 | segmentIndex: 0,
27075 | partIndex: null
27076 | };
27077 | return syncPoint;
27078 | }
27079 |
27080 | return null;
27081 | }
27082 | }, {
27083 | name: 'MediaSequence',
27084 |
27085 | |
27086 |
27087 |
27088 |
27089 |
27090 |
27091 |
27092 |
27093 |
27094 |
27095 | run: (syncController, playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime, type) => {
27096 | if (!type) {
27097 | return null;
27098 | }
27099 |
27100 | const mediaSequenceMap = syncController.getMediaSequenceMap(type);
27101 |
27102 | if (!mediaSequenceMap || mediaSequenceMap.size === 0) {
27103 | return null;
27104 | }
27105 |
27106 | if (playlist.mediaSequence === undefined || !Array.isArray(playlist.segments) || !playlist.segments.length) {
27107 | return null;
27108 | }
27109 |
27110 | let currentMediaSequence = playlist.mediaSequence;
27111 | let segmentIndex = 0;
27112 |
27113 | for (const segment of playlist.segments) {
27114 | const range = mediaSequenceMap.get(currentMediaSequence);
27115 |
27116 | if (!range) {
27117 |
27118 |
27119 |
27120 | break;
27121 | }
27122 |
27123 | if (currentTime >= range.start && currentTime < range.end) {
27124 |
27125 | if (Array.isArray(segment.parts) && segment.parts.length) {
27126 | let currentPartStart = range.start;
27127 | let partIndex = 0;
27128 |
27129 | for (const part of segment.parts) {
27130 | const start = currentPartStart;
27131 | const end = start + part.duration;
27132 |
27133 | if (currentTime >= start && currentTime < end) {
27134 | return {
27135 | time: range.start,
27136 | segmentIndex,
27137 | partIndex
27138 | };
27139 | }
27140 |
27141 | partIndex++;
27142 | currentPartStart = end;
27143 | }
27144 | }
27145 |
27146 |
27147 | return {
27148 | time: range.start,
27149 | segmentIndex,
27150 | partIndex: null
27151 | };
27152 | }
27153 |
27154 | segmentIndex++;
27155 | currentMediaSequence++;
27156 | }
27157 |
27158 |
27159 | return null;
27160 | }
27161 | },
27162 | {
27163 | name: 'ProgramDateTime',
27164 | run: (syncController, playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime) => {
27165 | if (!Object.keys(syncController.timelineToDatetimeMappings).length) {
27166 | return null;
27167 | }
27168 |
27169 | let syncPoint = null;
27170 | let lastDistance = null;
27171 | const partsAndSegments = getPartsAndSegments(playlist);
27172 | currentTime = currentTime || 0;
27173 |
27174 | for (let i = 0; i < partsAndSegments.length; i++) {
27175 |
27176 |
27177 | const index = playlist.endList || currentTime === 0 ? i : partsAndSegments.length - (i + 1);
27178 | const partAndSegment = partsAndSegments[index];
27179 | const segment = partAndSegment.segment;
27180 | const datetimeMapping = syncController.timelineToDatetimeMappings[segment.timeline];
27181 |
27182 | if (!datetimeMapping || !segment.dateTimeObject) {
27183 | continue;
27184 | }
27185 |
27186 | const segmentTime = segment.dateTimeObject.getTime() / 1000;
27187 | let start = segmentTime + datetimeMapping;
27188 |
27189 | if (segment.parts && typeof partAndSegment.partIndex === 'number') {
27190 | for (let z = 0; z < partAndSegment.partIndex; z++) {
27191 | start += segment.parts[z].duration;
27192 | }
27193 | }
27194 |
27195 | const distance = Math.abs(currentTime - start);
27196 |
27197 |
27198 | if (lastDistance !== null && (distance === 0 || lastDistance < distance)) {
27199 | break;
27200 | }
27201 |
27202 | lastDistance = distance;
27203 | syncPoint = {
27204 | time: start,
27205 | segmentIndex: partAndSegment.segmentIndex,
27206 | partIndex: partAndSegment.partIndex
27207 | };
27208 | }
27209 |
27210 | return syncPoint;
27211 | }
27212 | },
27213 |
27214 | {
27215 | name: 'Segment',
27216 | run: (syncController, playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime) => {
27217 | let syncPoint = null;
27218 | let lastDistance = null;
27219 | currentTime = currentTime || 0;
27220 | const partsAndSegments = getPartsAndSegments(playlist);
27221 |
27222 | for (let i = 0; i < partsAndSegments.length; i++) {
27223 |
27224 |
27225 | const index = playlist.endList || currentTime === 0 ? i : partsAndSegments.length - (i + 1);
27226 | const partAndSegment = partsAndSegments[index];
27227 | const segment = partAndSegment.segment;
27228 | const start = partAndSegment.part && partAndSegment.part.start || segment && segment.start;
27229 |
27230 | if (segment.timeline === currentTimeline && typeof start !== 'undefined') {
27231 | const distance = Math.abs(currentTime - start);
27232 |
27233 |
27234 | if (lastDistance !== null && lastDistance < distance) {
27235 | break;
27236 | }
27237 |
27238 | if (!syncPoint || lastDistance === null || lastDistance >= distance) {
27239 | lastDistance = distance;
27240 | syncPoint = {
27241 | time: start,
27242 | segmentIndex: partAndSegment.segmentIndex,
27243 | partIndex: partAndSegment.partIndex
27244 | };
27245 | }
27246 | }
27247 | }
27248 |
27249 | return syncPoint;
27250 | }
27251 | },
27252 |
27253 | {
27254 | name: 'Discontinuity',
27255 | run: (syncController, playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime) => {
27256 | let syncPoint = null;
27257 | currentTime = currentTime || 0;
27258 |
27259 | if (playlist.discontinuityStarts && playlist.discontinuityStarts.length) {
27260 | let lastDistance = null;
27261 |
27262 | for (let i = 0; i < playlist.discontinuityStarts.length; i++) {
27263 | const segmentIndex = playlist.discontinuityStarts[i];
27264 | const discontinuity = playlist.discontinuitySequence + i + 1;
27265 | const discontinuitySync = syncController.discontinuities[discontinuity];
27266 |
27267 | if (discontinuitySync) {
27268 | const distance = Math.abs(currentTime - discontinuitySync.time);
27269 |
27270 |
27271 | if (lastDistance !== null && lastDistance < distance) {
27272 | break;
27273 | }
27274 |
27275 | if (!syncPoint || lastDistance === null || lastDistance >= distance) {
27276 | lastDistance = distance;
27277 | syncPoint = {
27278 | time: discontinuitySync.time,
27279 | segmentIndex,
27280 | partIndex: null
27281 | };
27282 | }
27283 | }
27284 | }
27285 | }
27286 |
27287 | return syncPoint;
27288 | }
27289 | },
27290 |
27291 | {
27292 | name: 'Playlist',
27293 | run: (syncController, playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime) => {
27294 | if (playlist.syncInfo) {
27295 | const syncPoint = {
27296 | time: playlist.syncInfo.time,
27297 | segmentIndex: playlist.syncInfo.mediaSequence - playlist.mediaSequence,
27298 | partIndex: null
27299 | };
27300 | return syncPoint;
27301 | }
27302 |
27303 | return null;
27304 | }
27305 | }];
27306 | class SyncController extends videojs__default["default"].EventTarget {
27307 | constructor(options = {}) {
27308 | super();
27309 |
27310 | this.timelines = [];
27311 | this.discontinuities = [];
27312 | this.timelineToDatetimeMappings = {};
27313 | |
27314 |
27315 |
27316 |
27317 |
27318 | this.mediaSequenceStorage_ = new Map();
27319 | this.logger_ = logger('SyncController');
27320 | }
27321 | |
27322 |
27323 |
27324 |
27325 |
27326 |
27327 |
27328 |
27329 | getMediaSequenceMap(type) {
27330 | return this.mediaSequenceStorage_.get(type);
27331 | }
27332 | |
27333 |
27334 |
27335 |
27336 |
27337 |
27338 |
27339 |
27340 |
27341 |
27342 | updateMediaSequenceMap(playlist, currentTime, type) {
27343 |
27344 | if (playlist.mediaSequence === undefined || !Array.isArray(playlist.segments) || !playlist.segments.length) {
27345 | return;
27346 | }
27347 |
27348 | const currentMap = this.getMediaSequenceMap(type);
27349 | const result = new Map();
27350 | let currentMediaSequence = playlist.mediaSequence;
27351 | let currentBaseTime;
27352 |
27353 | if (!currentMap) {
27354 |
27355 | currentBaseTime = 0;
27356 | } else if (currentMap.has(playlist.mediaSequence)) {
27357 |
27358 | currentBaseTime = currentMap.get(playlist.mediaSequence).start;
27359 | } else {
27360 |
27361 | this.logger_(`MediaSequence sync for ${type} segment loader - received a gap between playlists.
27362 | Fallback base time to: ${currentTime}.
27363 | Received media sequence: ${currentMediaSequence}.
27364 | Current map: `, currentMap);
27365 | currentBaseTime = currentTime;
27366 | }
27367 |
27368 | this.logger_(`MediaSequence sync for ${type} segment loader.
27369 | Received media sequence: ${currentMediaSequence}.
27370 | base time is ${currentBaseTime}
27371 | Current map: `, currentMap);
27372 | playlist.segments.forEach(segment => {
27373 | const start = currentBaseTime;
27374 | const end = start + segment.duration;
27375 | const range = {
27376 | start,
27377 | end
27378 | };
27379 | result.set(currentMediaSequence, range);
27380 | currentMediaSequence++;
27381 | currentBaseTime = end;
27382 | });
27383 | this.mediaSequenceStorage_.set(type, result);
27384 | }
27385 | |
27386 |
27387 |
27388 |
27389 |
27390 |
27391 |
27392 |
27393 |
27394 |
27395 |
27396 |
27397 |
27398 |
27399 |
27400 |
27401 |
27402 |
27403 |
27404 |
27405 |
27406 | getSyncPoint(playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime, type) {
27407 |
27408 | if (duration !== Infinity) {
27409 | const vodSyncPointStrategy = syncPointStrategies.find(({
27410 | name
27411 | }) => name === 'VOD');
27412 | return vodSyncPointStrategy.run(this, playlist, duration);
27413 | }
27414 |
27415 | const syncPoints = this.runStrategies_(playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime, type);
27416 |
27417 | if (!syncPoints.length) {
27418 |
27419 |
27420 |
27421 | return null;
27422 | }
27423 |
27424 |
27425 | for (const syncPointInfo of syncPoints) {
27426 | const {
27427 | syncPoint,
27428 | strategy
27429 | } = syncPointInfo;
27430 | const {
27431 | segmentIndex,
27432 | time
27433 | } = syncPoint;
27434 |
27435 | if (segmentIndex < 0) {
27436 | continue;
27437 | }
27438 |
27439 | const selectedSegment = playlist.segments[segmentIndex];
27440 | const start = time;
27441 | const end = start + selectedSegment.duration;
27442 | this.logger_(`Strategy: ${strategy}. Current time: ${currentTime}. selected segment: ${segmentIndex}. Time: [${start} -> ${end}]}`);
27443 |
27444 | if (currentTime >= start && currentTime < end) {
27445 | this.logger_('Found sync point with exact match: ', syncPoint);
27446 | return syncPoint;
27447 | }
27448 | }
27449 |
27450 |
27451 |
27452 |
27453 | return this.selectSyncPoint_(syncPoints, {
27454 | key: 'time',
27455 | value: currentTime
27456 | });
27457 | }
27458 | |
27459 |
27460 |
27461 |
27462 |
27463 |
27464 |
27465 |
27466 |
27467 |
27468 |
27469 |
27470 |
27471 | getExpiredTime(playlist, duration) {
27472 | if (!playlist || !playlist.segments) {
27473 | return null;
27474 | }
27475 |
27476 | const syncPoints = this.runStrategies_(playlist, duration, playlist.discontinuitySequence, 0, 'main');
27477 |
27478 | if (!syncPoints.length) {
27479 | return null;
27480 | }
27481 |
27482 | const syncPoint = this.selectSyncPoint_(syncPoints, {
27483 | key: 'segmentIndex',
27484 | value: 0
27485 | });
27486 |
27487 |
27488 | if (syncPoint.segmentIndex > 0) {
27489 | syncPoint.time *= -1;
27490 | }
27491 |
27492 | return Math.abs(syncPoint.time + sumDurations({
27493 | defaultDuration: playlist.targetDuration,
27494 | durationList: playlist.segments,
27495 | startIndex: syncPoint.segmentIndex,
27496 | endIndex: 0
27497 | }));
27498 | }
27499 | |
27500 |
27501 |
27502 |
27503 |
27504 |
27505 |
27506 |
27507 |
27508 |
27509 |
27510 |
27511 |
27512 |
27513 |
27514 |
27515 |
27516 |
27517 |
27518 |
27519 | runStrategies_(playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime, type) {
27520 | const syncPoints = [];
27521 |
27522 | for (let i = 0; i < syncPointStrategies.length; i++) {
27523 | const strategy = syncPointStrategies[i];
27524 | const syncPoint = strategy.run(this, playlist, duration, currentTimeline, currentTime, type);
27525 |
27526 | if (syncPoint) {
27527 | syncPoint.strategy = strategy.name;
27528 | syncPoints.push({
27529 | strategy: strategy.name,
27530 | syncPoint
27531 | });
27532 | }
27533 | }
27534 |
27535 | return syncPoints;
27536 | }
27537 | |
27538 |
27539 |
27540 |
27541 |
27542 |
27543 |
27544 |
27545 |
27546 |
27547 |
27548 |
27549 |
27550 |
27551 |
27552 |
27553 |
27554 | selectSyncPoint_(syncPoints, target) {
27555 | let bestSyncPoint = syncPoints[0].syncPoint;
27556 | let bestDistance = Math.abs(syncPoints[0].syncPoint[target.key] - target.value);
27557 | let bestStrategy = syncPoints[0].strategy;
27558 |
27559 | for (let i = 1; i < syncPoints.length; i++) {
27560 | const newDistance = Math.abs(syncPoints[i].syncPoint[target.key] - target.value);
27561 |
27562 | if (newDistance < bestDistance) {
27563 | bestDistance = newDistance;
27564 | bestSyncPoint = syncPoints[i].syncPoint;
27565 | bestStrategy = syncPoints[i].strategy;
27566 | }
27567 | }
27568 |
27569 | this.logger_(`syncPoint for [${target.key}: ${target.value}] chosen with strategy` + ` [${bestStrategy}]: [time:${bestSyncPoint.time},` + ` segmentIndex:${bestSyncPoint.segmentIndex}` + (typeof bestSyncPoint.partIndex === 'number' ? `,partIndex:${bestSyncPoint.partIndex}` : '') + ']');
27570 | return bestSyncPoint;
27571 | }
27572 | |
27573 |
27574 |
27575 |
27576 |
27577 |
27578 |
27579 |
27580 |
27581 |
27582 | saveExpiredSegmentInfo(oldPlaylist, newPlaylist) {
27583 | const mediaSequenceDiff = newPlaylist.mediaSequence - oldPlaylist.mediaSequence;
27584 |
27585 | if (mediaSequenceDiff > MAX_MEDIA_SEQUENCE_DIFF_FOR_SYNC) {
27586 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn(`Not saving expired segment info. Media sequence gap ${mediaSequenceDiff} is too large.`);
27587 | return;
27588 | }
27589 |
27590 |
27591 |
27592 | for (let i = mediaSequenceDiff - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
27593 | const lastRemovedSegment = oldPlaylist.segments[i];
27594 |
27595 | if (lastRemovedSegment && typeof lastRemovedSegment.start !== 'undefined') {
27596 | newPlaylist.syncInfo = {
27597 | mediaSequence: oldPlaylist.mediaSequence + i,
27598 | time: lastRemovedSegment.start
27599 | };
27600 | this.logger_(`playlist refresh sync: [time:${newPlaylist.syncInfo.time},` + ` mediaSequence: ${newPlaylist.syncInfo.mediaSequence}]`);
27601 | this.trigger('syncinfoupdate');
27602 | break;
27603 | }
27604 | }
27605 | }
27606 | |
27607 |
27608 |
27609 |
27610 |
27611 |
27612 |
27613 |
27614 | setDateTimeMappingForStart(playlist) {
27615 |
27616 |
27617 |
27618 |
27619 | this.timelineToDatetimeMappings = {};
27620 |
27621 | if (playlist.segments && playlist.segments.length && playlist.segments[0].dateTimeObject) {
27622 | const firstSegment = playlist.segments[0];
27623 | const playlistTimestamp = firstSegment.dateTimeObject.getTime() / 1000;
27624 | this.timelineToDatetimeMappings[firstSegment.timeline] = -playlistTimestamp;
27625 | }
27626 | }
27627 | |
27628 |
27629 |
27630 |
27631 |
27632 |
27633 |
27634 |
27635 |
27636 |
27637 |
27638 |
27639 |
27640 |
27641 | saveSegmentTimingInfo({
27642 | segmentInfo,
27643 | shouldSaveTimelineMapping
27644 | }) {
27645 | const didCalculateSegmentTimeMapping = this.calculateSegmentTimeMapping_(segmentInfo, segmentInfo.timingInfo, shouldSaveTimelineMapping);
27646 | const segment = segmentInfo.segment;
27647 |
27648 | if (didCalculateSegmentTimeMapping) {
27649 | this.saveDiscontinuitySyncInfo_(segmentInfo);
27650 |
27651 |
27652 | if (!segmentInfo.playlist.syncInfo) {
27653 | segmentInfo.playlist.syncInfo = {
27654 | mediaSequence: segmentInfo.playlist.mediaSequence + segmentInfo.mediaIndex,
27655 | time: segment.start
27656 | };
27657 | }
27658 | }
27659 |
27660 | const dateTime = segment.dateTimeObject;
27661 |
27662 | if (segment.discontinuity && shouldSaveTimelineMapping && dateTime) {
27663 | this.timelineToDatetimeMappings[segment.timeline] = -(dateTime.getTime() / 1000);
27664 | }
27665 | }
27666 |
27667 | timestampOffsetForTimeline(timeline) {
27668 | if (typeof this.timelines[timeline] === 'undefined') {
27669 | return null;
27670 | }
27671 |
27672 | return this.timelines[timeline].time;
27673 | }
27674 |
27675 | mappingForTimeline(timeline) {
27676 | if (typeof this.timelines[timeline] === 'undefined') {
27677 | return null;
27678 | }
27679 |
27680 | return this.timelines[timeline].mapping;
27681 | }
27682 | |
27683 |
27684 |
27685 |
27686 |
27687 |
27688 |
27689 |
27690 |
27691 |
27692 |
27693 |
27694 |
27695 |
27696 |
27697 |
27698 |
27699 | calculateSegmentTimeMapping_(segmentInfo, timingInfo, shouldSaveTimelineMapping) {
27700 |
27701 | const segment = segmentInfo.segment;
27702 | const part = segmentInfo.part;
27703 | let mappingObj = this.timelines[segmentInfo.timeline];
27704 | let start;
27705 | let end;
27706 |
27707 | if (typeof segmentInfo.timestampOffset === 'number') {
27708 | mappingObj = {
27709 | time: segmentInfo.startOfSegment,
27710 | mapping: segmentInfo.startOfSegment - timingInfo.start
27711 | };
27712 |
27713 | if (shouldSaveTimelineMapping) {
27714 | this.timelines[segmentInfo.timeline] = mappingObj;
27715 | this.trigger('timestampoffset');
27716 | this.logger_(`time mapping for timeline ${segmentInfo.timeline}: ` + `[time: ${mappingObj.time}] [mapping: ${mappingObj.mapping}]`);
27717 | }
27718 |
27719 | start = segmentInfo.startOfSegment;
27720 | end = timingInfo.end + mappingObj.mapping;
27721 | } else if (mappingObj) {
27722 | start = timingInfo.start + mappingObj.mapping;
27723 | end = timingInfo.end + mappingObj.mapping;
27724 | } else {
27725 | return false;
27726 | }
27727 |
27728 | if (part) {
27729 | part.start = start;
27730 | part.end = end;
27731 | }
27732 |
27733 |
27734 |
27735 |
27736 |
27737 |
27738 | if (!segment.start || start < segment.start) {
27739 | segment.start = start;
27740 | }
27741 |
27742 | segment.end = end;
27743 | return true;
27744 | }
27745 | |
27746 |
27747 |
27748 |
27749 |
27750 |
27751 |
27752 |
27753 |
27754 |
27755 | saveDiscontinuitySyncInfo_(segmentInfo) {
27756 | const playlist = segmentInfo.playlist;
27757 | const segment = segmentInfo.segment;
27758 |
27759 |
27760 |
27761 | if (segment.discontinuity) {
27762 | this.discontinuities[segment.timeline] = {
27763 | time: segment.start,
27764 | accuracy: 0
27765 | };
27766 | } else if (playlist.discontinuityStarts && playlist.discontinuityStarts.length) {
27767 |
27768 |
27769 | for (let i = 0; i < playlist.discontinuityStarts.length; i++) {
27770 | const segmentIndex = playlist.discontinuityStarts[i];
27771 | const discontinuity = playlist.discontinuitySequence + i + 1;
27772 | const mediaIndexDiff = segmentIndex - segmentInfo.mediaIndex;
27773 | const accuracy = Math.abs(mediaIndexDiff);
27774 |
27775 | if (!this.discontinuities[discontinuity] || this.discontinuities[discontinuity].accuracy > accuracy) {
27776 | let time;
27777 |
27778 | if (mediaIndexDiff < 0) {
27779 | time = segment.start - sumDurations({
27780 | defaultDuration: playlist.targetDuration,
27781 | durationList: playlist.segments,
27782 | startIndex: segmentInfo.mediaIndex,
27783 | endIndex: segmentIndex
27784 | });
27785 | } else {
27786 | time = segment.end + sumDurations({
27787 | defaultDuration: playlist.targetDuration,
27788 | durationList: playlist.segments,
27789 | startIndex: segmentInfo.mediaIndex + 1,
27790 | endIndex: segmentIndex
27791 | });
27792 | }
27793 |
27794 | this.discontinuities[discontinuity] = {
27795 | time,
27796 | accuracy
27797 | };
27798 | }
27799 | }
27800 | }
27801 | }
27802 |
27803 | dispose() {
27804 | this.trigger('dispose');
27805 | this.off();
27806 | }
27807 |
27808 | }
27809 |
27810 | |
27811 |
27812 |
27813 |
27814 |
27815 |
27816 |
27817 |
27818 |
27819 |
27820 | class TimelineChangeController extends videojs__default["default"].EventTarget {
27821 | constructor() {
27822 | super();
27823 | this.pendingTimelineChanges_ = {};
27824 | this.lastTimelineChanges_ = {};
27825 | }
27826 |
27827 | clearPendingTimelineChange(type) {
27828 | this.pendingTimelineChanges_[type] = null;
27829 | this.trigger('pendingtimelinechange');
27830 | }
27831 |
27832 | pendingTimelineChange({
27833 | type,
27834 | from,
27835 | to
27836 | }) {
27837 | if (typeof from === 'number' && typeof to === 'number') {
27838 | this.pendingTimelineChanges_[type] = {
27839 | type,
27840 | from,
27841 | to
27842 | };
27843 | this.trigger('pendingtimelinechange');
27844 | }
27845 |
27846 | return this.pendingTimelineChanges_[type];
27847 | }
27848 |
27849 | lastTimelineChange({
27850 | type,
27851 | from,
27852 | to
27853 | }) {
27854 | if (typeof from === 'number' && typeof to === 'number') {
27855 | this.lastTimelineChanges_[type] = {
27856 | type,
27857 | from,
27858 | to
27859 | };
27860 | delete this.pendingTimelineChanges_[type];
27861 | this.trigger('timelinechange');
27862 | }
27863 |
27864 | return this.lastTimelineChanges_[type];
27865 | }
27866 |
27867 | dispose() {
27868 | this.trigger('dispose');
27869 | this.pendingTimelineChanges_ = {};
27870 | this.lastTimelineChanges_ = {};
27871 | this.off();
27872 | }
27873 |
27874 | }
27875 |
27876 |
27877 | const workerCode = transform(getWorkerString(function () {
27878 | |
27879 |
27880 |
27881 |
27882 | |
27883 |
27884 |
27885 |
27886 |
27887 |
27888 | var Stream = function () {
27889 | function Stream() {
27890 | this.listeners = {};
27891 | }
27892 | |
27893 |
27894 |
27895 |
27896 |
27897 |
27898 |
27899 |
27900 |
27901 | var _proto = Stream.prototype;
27902 |
27903 | _proto.on = function on(type, listener) {
27904 | if (!this.listeners[type]) {
27905 | this.listeners[type] = [];
27906 | }
27907 |
27908 | this.listeners[type].push(listener);
27909 | }
27910 | |
27911 |
27912 |
27913 |
27914 |
27915 |
27916 |
27917 |
27918 | ;
27919 |
27920 | _proto.off = function off(type, listener) {
27921 | if (!this.listeners[type]) {
27922 | return false;
27923 | }
27924 |
27925 | var index = this.listeners[type].indexOf(listener);
27926 |
27927 |
27928 |
27929 |
27930 |
27931 |
27932 |
27933 |
27934 | this.listeners[type] = this.listeners[type].slice(0);
27935 | this.listeners[type].splice(index, 1);
27936 | return index > -1;
27937 | }
27938 | |
27939 |
27940 |
27941 |
27942 |
27943 |
27944 | ;
27945 |
27946 | _proto.trigger = function trigger(type) {
27947 | var callbacks = this.listeners[type];
27948 |
27949 | if (!callbacks) {
27950 | return;
27951 | }
27952 |
27953 |
27954 |
27955 |
27956 |
27957 | if (arguments.length === 2) {
27958 | var length = callbacks.length;
27959 |
27960 | for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
27961 | callbacks[i].call(this, arguments[1]);
27962 | }
27963 | } else {
27964 | var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
27965 | var _length = callbacks.length;
27966 |
27967 | for (var _i = 0; _i < _length; ++_i) {
27968 | callbacks[_i].apply(this, args);
27969 | }
27970 | }
27971 | }
27972 | |
27973 |
27974 |
27975 | ;
27976 |
27977 | _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
27978 | this.listeners = {};
27979 | }
27980 | |
27981 |
27982 |
27983 |
27984 |
27985 |
27986 |
27987 |
27988 | ;
27989 |
27990 | _proto.pipe = function pipe(destination) {
27991 | this.on('data', function (data) {
27992 | destination.push(data);
27993 | });
27994 | };
27995 |
27996 | return Stream;
27997 | }();
27998 |
27999 |
28000 | |
28001 |
28002 |
28003 |
28004 |
28005 |
28006 |
28007 |
28008 |
28009 | function unpad(padded) {
28010 | return padded.subarray(0, padded.byteLength - padded[padded.byteLength - 1]);
28011 | }
28012 |
28013 |
28014 | |
28015 |
28016 |
28017 |
28018 |
28019 |
28020 |
28021 |
28022 |
28023 |
28024 |
28025 |
28026 |
28027 |
28028 |
28029 |
28030 |
28031 |
28032 |
28033 |
28034 |
28035 |
28036 |
28037 |
28038 |
28039 |
28040 |
28041 |
28042 |
28043 |
28044 |
28045 |
28046 |
28047 |
28048 |
28049 |
28050 |
28051 |
28052 |
28053 | |
28054 |
28055 |
28056 |
28057 |
28058 |
28059 |
28060 | const precompute = function () {
28061 | const tables = [[[], [], [], [], []], [[], [], [], [], []]];
28062 | const encTable = tables[0];
28063 | const decTable = tables[1];
28064 | const sbox = encTable[4];
28065 | const sboxInv = decTable[4];
28066 | let i;
28067 | let x;
28068 | let xInv;
28069 | const d = [];
28070 | const th = [];
28071 | let x2;
28072 | let x4;
28073 | let x8;
28074 | let s;
28075 | let tEnc;
28076 | let tDec;
28077 |
28078 | for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
28079 | th[(d[i] = i << 1 ^ (i >> 7) * 283) ^ i] = i;
28080 | }
28081 |
28082 | for (x = xInv = 0; !sbox[x]; x ^= x2 || 1, xInv = th[xInv] || 1) {
28083 |
28084 | s = xInv ^ xInv << 1 ^ xInv << 2 ^ xInv << 3 ^ xInv << 4;
28085 | s = s >> 8 ^ s & 255 ^ 99;
28086 | sbox[x] = s;
28087 | sboxInv[s] = x;
28088 |
28089 | x8 = d[x4 = d[x2 = d[x]]];
28090 | tDec = x8 * 0x1010101 ^ x4 * 0x10001 ^ x2 * 0x101 ^ x * 0x1010100;
28091 | tEnc = d[s] * 0x101 ^ s * 0x1010100;
28092 |
28093 | for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
28094 | encTable[i][x] = tEnc = tEnc << 24 ^ tEnc >>> 8;
28095 | decTable[i][s] = tDec = tDec << 24 ^ tDec >>> 8;
28096 | }
28097 | }
28098 |
28099 |
28100 | for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
28101 | encTable[i] = encTable[i].slice(0);
28102 | decTable[i] = decTable[i].slice(0);
28103 | }
28104 |
28105 | return tables;
28106 | };
28107 |
28108 | let aesTables = null;
28109 | |
28110 |
28111 |
28112 |
28113 |
28114 |
28115 |
28116 |
28117 | class AES {
28118 | constructor(key) {
28119 | |
28120 |
28121 |
28122 |
28123 |
28124 |
28125 |
28126 |
28127 |
28128 |
28129 |
28130 |
28131 |
28132 |
28133 | if (!aesTables) {
28134 | aesTables = precompute();
28135 | }
28136 |
28137 |
28138 | this._tables = [[aesTables[0][0].slice(), aesTables[0][1].slice(), aesTables[0][2].slice(), aesTables[0][3].slice(), aesTables[0][4].slice()], [aesTables[1][0].slice(), aesTables[1][1].slice(), aesTables[1][2].slice(), aesTables[1][3].slice(), aesTables[1][4].slice()]];
28139 | let i;
28140 | let j;
28141 | let tmp;
28142 | const sbox = this._tables[0][4];
28143 | const decTable = this._tables[1];
28144 | const keyLen = key.length;
28145 | let rcon = 1;
28146 |
28147 | if (keyLen !== 4 && keyLen !== 6 && keyLen !== 8) {
28148 | throw new Error('Invalid aes key size');
28149 | }
28150 |
28151 | const encKey = key.slice(0);
28152 | const decKey = [];
28153 | this._key = [encKey, decKey];
28154 |
28155 | for (i = keyLen; i < 4 * keyLen + 28; i++) {
28156 | tmp = encKey[i - 1];
28157 |
28158 | if (i % keyLen === 0 || keyLen === 8 && i % keyLen === 4) {
28159 | tmp = sbox[tmp >>> 24] << 24 ^ sbox[tmp >> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ sbox[tmp >> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ sbox[tmp & 255];
28160 |
28161 | if (i % keyLen === 0) {
28162 | tmp = tmp << 8 ^ tmp >>> 24 ^ rcon << 24;
28163 | rcon = rcon << 1 ^ (rcon >> 7) * 283;
28164 | }
28165 | }
28166 |
28167 | encKey[i] = encKey[i - keyLen] ^ tmp;
28168 | }
28169 |
28170 |
28171 | for (j = 0; i; j++, i--) {
28172 | tmp = encKey[j & 3 ? i : i - 4];
28173 |
28174 | if (i <= 4 || j < 4) {
28175 | decKey[j] = tmp;
28176 | } else {
28177 | decKey[j] = decTable[0][sbox[tmp >>> 24]] ^ decTable[1][sbox[tmp >> 16 & 255]] ^ decTable[2][sbox[tmp >> 8 & 255]] ^ decTable[3][sbox[tmp & 255]];
28178 | }
28179 | }
28180 | }
28181 | |
28182 |
28183 |
28184 |
28185 |
28186 |
28187 |
28188 |
28189 |
28190 |
28191 |
28192 |
28193 |
28194 |
28195 |
28196 | decrypt(encrypted0, encrypted1, encrypted2, encrypted3, out, offset) {
28197 | const key = this._key[1];
28198 |
28199 | let a = encrypted0 ^ key[0];
28200 | let b = encrypted3 ^ key[1];
28201 | let c = encrypted2 ^ key[2];
28202 | let d = encrypted1 ^ key[3];
28203 | let a2;
28204 | let b2;
28205 | let c2;
28206 |
28207 | const nInnerRounds = key.length / 4 - 2;
28208 | let i;
28209 | let kIndex = 4;
28210 | const table = this._tables[1];
28211 |
28212 | const table0 = table[0];
28213 | const table1 = table[1];
28214 | const table2 = table[2];
28215 | const table3 = table[3];
28216 | const sbox = table[4];
28217 |
28218 | for (i = 0; i < nInnerRounds; i++) {
28219 | a2 = table0[a >>> 24] ^ table1[b >> 16 & 255] ^ table2[c >> 8 & 255] ^ table3[d & 255] ^ key[kIndex];
28220 | b2 = table0[b >>> 24] ^ table1[c >> 16 & 255] ^ table2[d >> 8 & 255] ^ table3[a & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 1];
28221 | c2 = table0[c >>> 24] ^ table1[d >> 16 & 255] ^ table2[a >> 8 & 255] ^ table3[b & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 2];
28222 | d = table0[d >>> 24] ^ table1[a >> 16 & 255] ^ table2[b >> 8 & 255] ^ table3[c & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 3];
28223 | kIndex += 4;
28224 | a = a2;
28225 | b = b2;
28226 | c = c2;
28227 | }
28228 |
28229 |
28230 | for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
28231 | out[(3 & -i) + offset] = sbox[a >>> 24] << 24 ^ sbox[b >> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ sbox[c >> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ sbox[d & 255] ^ key[kIndex++];
28232 | a2 = a;
28233 | a = b;
28234 | b = c;
28235 | c = d;
28236 | d = a2;
28237 | }
28238 | }
28239 |
28240 | }
28241 | |
28242 |
28243 |
28244 |
28245 | |
28246 |
28247 |
28248 |
28249 |
28250 |
28251 |
28252 |
28253 |
28254 | class AsyncStream extends Stream {
28255 | constructor() {
28256 | super(Stream);
28257 | this.jobs = [];
28258 | this.delay = 1;
28259 | this.timeout_ = null;
28260 | }
28261 | |
28262 |
28263 |
28264 |
28265 |
28266 |
28267 |
28268 | processJob_() {
28269 | this.jobs.shift()();
28270 |
28271 | if (this.jobs.length) {
28272 | this.timeout_ = setTimeout(this.processJob_.bind(this), this.delay);
28273 | } else {
28274 | this.timeout_ = null;
28275 | }
28276 | }
28277 | |
28278 |
28279 |
28280 |
28281 |
28282 |
28283 |
28284 | push(job) {
28285 | this.jobs.push(job);
28286 |
28287 | if (!this.timeout_) {
28288 | this.timeout_ = setTimeout(this.processJob_.bind(this), this.delay);
28289 | }
28290 | }
28291 |
28292 | }
28293 | |
28294 |
28295 |
28296 |
28297 |
28298 |
28299 |
28300 | |
28301 |
28302 |
28303 |
28304 |
28305 |
28306 | const ntoh = function (word) {
28307 | return word << 24 | (word & 0xff00) << 8 | (word & 0xff0000) >> 8 | word >>> 24;
28308 | };
28309 | |
28310 |
28311 |
28312 |
28313 |
28314 |
28315 |
28316 |
28317 |
28318 |
28319 |
28320 |
28321 |
28322 |
28323 |
28324 | const decrypt = function (encrypted, key, initVector) {
28325 |
28326 | const encrypted32 = new Int32Array(encrypted.buffer, encrypted.byteOffset, encrypted.byteLength >> 2);
28327 | const decipher = new AES(Array.prototype.slice.call(key));
28328 |
28329 | const decrypted = new Uint8Array(encrypted.byteLength);
28330 | const decrypted32 = new Int32Array(decrypted.buffer);
28331 |
28332 |
28333 | let init0;
28334 | let init1;
28335 | let init2;
28336 | let init3;
28337 | let encrypted0;
28338 | let encrypted1;
28339 | let encrypted2;
28340 | let encrypted3;
28341 |
28342 | let wordIx;
28343 |
28344 |
28345 | init0 = initVector[0];
28346 | init1 = initVector[1];
28347 | init2 = initVector[2];
28348 | init3 = initVector[3];
28349 |
28350 |
28351 | for (wordIx = 0; wordIx < encrypted32.length; wordIx += 4) {
28352 |
28353 |
28354 | encrypted0 = ntoh(encrypted32[wordIx]);
28355 | encrypted1 = ntoh(encrypted32[wordIx + 1]);
28356 | encrypted2 = ntoh(encrypted32[wordIx + 2]);
28357 | encrypted3 = ntoh(encrypted32[wordIx + 3]);
28358 |
28359 | decipher.decrypt(encrypted0, encrypted1, encrypted2, encrypted3, decrypted32, wordIx);
28360 |
28361 |
28362 | decrypted32[wordIx] = ntoh(decrypted32[wordIx] ^ init0);
28363 | decrypted32[wordIx + 1] = ntoh(decrypted32[wordIx + 1] ^ init1);
28364 | decrypted32[wordIx + 2] = ntoh(decrypted32[wordIx + 2] ^ init2);
28365 | decrypted32[wordIx + 3] = ntoh(decrypted32[wordIx + 3] ^ init3);
28366 |
28367 | init0 = encrypted0;
28368 | init1 = encrypted1;
28369 | init2 = encrypted2;
28370 | init3 = encrypted3;
28371 | }
28372 |
28373 | return decrypted;
28374 | };
28375 | |
28376 |
28377 |
28378 |
28379 |
28380 |
28381 |
28382 |
28383 |
28384 |
28385 |
28386 |
28387 |
28388 | class Decrypter {
28389 | constructor(encrypted, key, initVector, done) {
28390 | const step = Decrypter.STEP;
28391 | const encrypted32 = new Int32Array(encrypted.buffer);
28392 | const decrypted = new Uint8Array(encrypted.byteLength);
28393 | let i = 0;
28394 | this.asyncStream_ = new AsyncStream();
28395 |
28396 | this.asyncStream_.push(this.decryptChunk_(encrypted32.subarray(i, i + step), key, initVector, decrypted));
28397 |
28398 | for (i = step; i < encrypted32.length; i += step) {
28399 | initVector = new Uint32Array([ntoh(encrypted32[i - 4]), ntoh(encrypted32[i - 3]), ntoh(encrypted32[i - 2]), ntoh(encrypted32[i - 1])]);
28400 | this.asyncStream_.push(this.decryptChunk_(encrypted32.subarray(i, i + step), key, initVector, decrypted));
28401 | }
28402 |
28403 |
28404 | this.asyncStream_.push(function () {
28405 |
28406 | done(null, unpad(decrypted));
28407 | });
28408 | }
28409 | |
28410 |
28411 |
28412 |
28413 |
28414 |
28415 |
28416 | static get STEP() {
28417 |
28418 | return 32000;
28419 | }
28420 | |
28421 |
28422 |
28423 |
28424 |
28425 | decryptChunk_(encrypted, key, initVector, decrypted) {
28426 | return function () {
28427 | const bytes = decrypt(encrypted, key, initVector);
28428 | decrypted.set(bytes, encrypted.byteOffset);
28429 | };
28430 | }
28431 |
28432 | }
28433 |
28434 | var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
28435 | var win;
28436 |
28437 | if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
28438 | win = window;
28439 | } else if (typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined") {
28440 | win = commonjsGlobal;
28441 | } else if (typeof self !== "undefined") {
28442 | win = self;
28443 | } else {
28444 | win = {};
28445 | }
28446 |
28447 | var window_1 = win;
28448 |
28449 | var isArrayBufferView = function isArrayBufferView(obj) {
28450 | if (ArrayBuffer.isView === 'function') {
28451 | return ArrayBuffer.isView(obj);
28452 | }
28453 |
28454 | return obj && obj.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer;
28455 | };
28456 |
28457 | var BigInt = window_1.BigInt || Number;
28458 | [BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x100'), BigInt('0x10000'), BigInt('0x1000000'), BigInt('0x100000000'), BigInt('0x10000000000'), BigInt('0x1000000000000'), BigInt('0x100000000000000'), BigInt('0x10000000000000000')];
28459 |
28460 | (function () {
28461 | var a = new Uint16Array([0xFFCC]);
28462 | var b = new Uint8Array(a.buffer, a.byteOffset, a.byteLength);
28463 |
28464 | if (b[0] === 0xFF) {
28465 | return 'big';
28466 | }
28467 |
28468 | if (b[0] === 0xCC) {
28469 | return 'little';
28470 | }
28471 |
28472 | return 'unknown';
28473 | })();
28474 | |
28475 |
28476 |
28477 |
28478 |
28479 |
28480 |
28481 |
28482 |
28483 |
28484 |
28485 |
28486 | const createTransferableMessage = function (message) {
28487 | const transferable = {};
28488 | Object.keys(message).forEach(key => {
28489 | const value = message[key];
28490 |
28491 | if (isArrayBufferView(value)) {
28492 | transferable[key] = {
28493 | bytes: value.buffer,
28494 | byteOffset: value.byteOffset,
28495 | byteLength: value.byteLength
28496 | };
28497 | } else {
28498 | transferable[key] = value;
28499 | }
28500 | });
28501 | return transferable;
28502 | };
28503 |
28504 |
28505 | |
28506 |
28507 |
28508 |
28509 |
28510 |
28511 |
28512 | self.onmessage = function (event) {
28513 | const data = event.data;
28514 | const encrypted = new Uint8Array(data.encrypted.bytes, data.encrypted.byteOffset, data.encrypted.byteLength);
28515 | const key = new Uint32Array(data.key.bytes, data.key.byteOffset, data.key.byteLength / 4);
28516 | const iv = new Uint32Array(data.iv.bytes, data.iv.byteOffset, data.iv.byteLength / 4);
28517 |
28518 |
28519 | new Decrypter(encrypted, key, iv, function (err, bytes) {
28520 | self.postMessage(createTransferableMessage({
28521 | source: data.source,
28522 | decrypted: bytes
28523 | }), [bytes.buffer]);
28524 | });
28525 |
28526 | };
28527 | }));
28528 | var Decrypter = factory(workerCode);
28529 |
28530 |
28531 | |
28532 |
28533 |
28534 |
28535 |
28536 |
28537 | const audioTrackKind_ = properties => {
28538 | let kind = properties.default ? 'main' : 'alternative';
28539 |
28540 | if (properties.characteristics && properties.characteristics.indexOf('public.accessibility.describes-video') >= 0) {
28541 | kind = 'main-desc';
28542 | }
28543 |
28544 | return kind;
28545 | };
28546 | |
28547 |
28548 |
28549 |
28550 |
28551 |
28552 |
28553 |
28554 |
28555 |
28556 |
28557 | const stopLoaders = (segmentLoader, mediaType) => {
28558 | segmentLoader.abort();
28559 | segmentLoader.pause();
28560 |
28561 | if (mediaType && mediaType.activePlaylistLoader) {
28562 | mediaType.activePlaylistLoader.pause();
28563 | mediaType.activePlaylistLoader = null;
28564 | }
28565 | };
28566 | |
28567 |
28568 |
28569 |
28570 |
28571 |
28572 |
28573 |
28574 |
28575 |
28576 | const startLoaders = (playlistLoader, mediaType) => {
28577 |
28578 |
28579 | mediaType.activePlaylistLoader = playlistLoader;
28580 | playlistLoader.load();
28581 | };
28582 | |
28583 |
28584 |
28585 |
28586 |
28587 |
28588 |
28589 |
28590 |
28591 |
28592 |
28593 |
28594 |
28595 |
28596 |
28597 |
28598 | const onGroupChanged = (type, settings) => () => {
28599 | const {
28600 | segmentLoaders: {
28601 | [type]: segmentLoader,
28602 | main: mainSegmentLoader
28603 | },
28604 | mediaTypes: {
28605 | [type]: mediaType
28606 | }
28607 | } = settings;
28608 | const activeTrack = mediaType.activeTrack();
28609 | const activeGroup = mediaType.getActiveGroup();
28610 | const previousActiveLoader = mediaType.activePlaylistLoader;
28611 | const lastGroup = mediaType.lastGroup_;
28612 |
28613 | if (activeGroup && lastGroup && activeGroup.id === lastGroup.id) {
28614 | return;
28615 | }
28616 |
28617 | mediaType.lastGroup_ = activeGroup;
28618 | mediaType.lastTrack_ = activeTrack;
28619 | stopLoaders(segmentLoader, mediaType);
28620 |
28621 | if (!activeGroup || activeGroup.isMainPlaylist) {
28622 |
28623 | return;
28624 | }
28625 |
28626 | if (!activeGroup.playlistLoader) {
28627 | if (previousActiveLoader) {
28628 |
28629 |
28630 |
28631 |
28632 | mainSegmentLoader.resetEverything();
28633 | }
28634 |
28635 | return;
28636 | }
28637 |
28638 |
28639 | segmentLoader.resyncLoader();
28640 | startLoaders(activeGroup.playlistLoader, mediaType);
28641 | };
28642 | const onGroupChanging = (type, settings) => () => {
28643 | const {
28644 | segmentLoaders: {
28645 | [type]: segmentLoader
28646 | },
28647 | mediaTypes: {
28648 | [type]: mediaType
28649 | }
28650 | } = settings;
28651 | mediaType.lastGroup_ = null;
28652 | segmentLoader.abort();
28653 | segmentLoader.pause();
28654 | };
28655 | |
28656 |
28657 |
28658 |
28659 |
28660 |
28661 |
28662 |
28663 |
28664 |
28665 |
28666 |
28667 |
28668 |
28669 |
28670 | const onTrackChanged = (type, settings) => () => {
28671 | const {
28672 | mainPlaylistLoader,
28673 | segmentLoaders: {
28674 | [type]: segmentLoader,
28675 | main: mainSegmentLoader
28676 | },
28677 | mediaTypes: {
28678 | [type]: mediaType
28679 | }
28680 | } = settings;
28681 | const activeTrack = mediaType.activeTrack();
28682 | const activeGroup = mediaType.getActiveGroup();
28683 | const previousActiveLoader = mediaType.activePlaylistLoader;
28684 | const lastTrack = mediaType.lastTrack_;
28685 |
28686 | if (lastTrack && activeTrack && lastTrack.id === activeTrack.id) {
28687 | return;
28688 | }
28689 |
28690 | mediaType.lastGroup_ = activeGroup;
28691 | mediaType.lastTrack_ = activeTrack;
28692 | stopLoaders(segmentLoader, mediaType);
28693 |
28694 | if (!activeGroup) {
28695 |
28696 | return;
28697 | }
28698 |
28699 | if (activeGroup.isMainPlaylist) {
28700 |
28701 | if (!activeTrack || !lastTrack || activeTrack.id === lastTrack.id) {
28702 | return;
28703 | }
28704 |
28705 | const pc = settings.vhs.playlistController_;
28706 | const newPlaylist = pc.selectPlaylist();
28707 |
28708 | if (pc.media() === newPlaylist) {
28709 | return;
28710 | }
28711 |
28712 | mediaType.logger_(`track change. Switching main audio from ${lastTrack.id} to ${activeTrack.id}`);
28713 | mainPlaylistLoader.pause();
28714 | mainSegmentLoader.resetEverything();
28715 | pc.fastQualityChange_(newPlaylist);
28716 | return;
28717 | }
28718 |
28719 | if (type === 'AUDIO') {
28720 | if (!activeGroup.playlistLoader) {
28721 |
28722 |
28723 |
28724 | mainSegmentLoader.setAudio(true);
28725 |
28726 |
28727 | mainSegmentLoader.resetEverything();
28728 | return;
28729 | }
28730 |
28731 |
28732 |
28733 |
28734 | segmentLoader.setAudio(true);
28735 | mainSegmentLoader.setAudio(false);
28736 | }
28737 |
28738 | if (previousActiveLoader === activeGroup.playlistLoader) {
28739 |
28740 |
28741 |
28742 | startLoaders(activeGroup.playlistLoader, mediaType);
28743 | return;
28744 | }
28745 |
28746 | if (segmentLoader.track) {
28747 |
28748 | segmentLoader.track(activeTrack);
28749 | }
28750 |
28751 |
28752 | segmentLoader.resetEverything();
28753 | startLoaders(activeGroup.playlistLoader, mediaType);
28754 | };
28755 | const onError = {
28756 | |
28757 |
28758 |
28759 |
28760 |
28761 |
28762 |
28763 |
28764 |
28765 |
28766 |
28767 |
28768 |
28769 | AUDIO: (type, settings) => () => {
28770 | const {
28771 | mediaTypes: {
28772 | [type]: mediaType
28773 | },
28774 | excludePlaylist
28775 | } = settings;
28776 |
28777 | const activeTrack = mediaType.activeTrack();
28778 | const activeGroup = mediaType.activeGroup();
28779 | const id = (activeGroup.filter(group => group.default)[0] || activeGroup[0]).id;
28780 | const defaultTrack = mediaType.tracks[id];
28781 |
28782 | if (activeTrack === defaultTrack) {
28783 |
28784 |
28785 | excludePlaylist({
28786 | error: {
28787 | message: 'Problem encountered loading the default audio track.'
28788 | }
28789 | });
28790 | return;
28791 | }
28792 |
28793 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('Problem encountered loading the alternate audio track.' + 'Switching back to default.');
28794 |
28795 | for (const trackId in mediaType.tracks) {
28796 | mediaType.tracks[trackId].enabled = mediaType.tracks[trackId] === defaultTrack;
28797 | }
28798 |
28799 | mediaType.onTrackChanged();
28800 | },
28801 |
28802 | |
28803 |
28804 |
28805 |
28806 |
28807 |
28808 |
28809 |
28810 |
28811 |
28812 |
28813 |
28814 | SUBTITLES: (type, settings) => () => {
28815 | const {
28816 | mediaTypes: {
28817 | [type]: mediaType
28818 | }
28819 | } = settings;
28820 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('Problem encountered loading the subtitle track.' + 'Disabling subtitle track.');
28821 | const track = mediaType.activeTrack();
28822 |
28823 | if (track) {
28824 | track.mode = 'disabled';
28825 | }
28826 |
28827 | mediaType.onTrackChanged();
28828 | }
28829 | };
28830 | const setupListeners = {
28831 | |
28832 |
28833 |
28834 |
28835 |
28836 |
28837 |
28838 |
28839 |
28840 |
28841 |
28842 | AUDIO: (type, playlistLoader, settings) => {
28843 | if (!playlistLoader) {
28844 |
28845 | return;
28846 | }
28847 |
28848 | const {
28849 | tech,
28850 | requestOptions,
28851 | segmentLoaders: {
28852 | [type]: segmentLoader
28853 | }
28854 | } = settings;
28855 | playlistLoader.on('loadedmetadata', () => {
28856 | const media = playlistLoader.media();
28857 | segmentLoader.playlist(media, requestOptions);
28858 |
28859 |
28860 | if (!tech.paused() || media.endList && tech.preload() !== 'none') {
28861 | segmentLoader.load();
28862 | }
28863 | });
28864 | playlistLoader.on('loadedplaylist', () => {
28865 | segmentLoader.playlist(playlistLoader.media(), requestOptions);
28866 |
28867 | if (!tech.paused()) {
28868 | segmentLoader.load();
28869 | }
28870 | });
28871 | playlistLoader.on('error', onError[type](type, settings));
28872 | },
28873 |
28874 | |
28875 |
28876 |
28877 |
28878 |
28879 |
28880 |
28881 |
28882 |
28883 |
28884 |
28885 | SUBTITLES: (type, playlistLoader, settings) => {
28886 | const {
28887 | tech,
28888 | requestOptions,
28889 | segmentLoaders: {
28890 | [type]: segmentLoader
28891 | },
28892 | mediaTypes: {
28893 | [type]: mediaType
28894 | }
28895 | } = settings;
28896 | playlistLoader.on('loadedmetadata', () => {
28897 | const media = playlistLoader.media();
28898 | segmentLoader.playlist(media, requestOptions);
28899 | segmentLoader.track(mediaType.activeTrack());
28900 |
28901 |
28902 | if (!tech.paused() || media.endList && tech.preload() !== 'none') {
28903 | segmentLoader.load();
28904 | }
28905 | });
28906 | playlistLoader.on('loadedplaylist', () => {
28907 | segmentLoader.playlist(playlistLoader.media(), requestOptions);
28908 |
28909 | if (!tech.paused()) {
28910 | segmentLoader.load();
28911 | }
28912 | });
28913 | playlistLoader.on('error', onError[type](type, settings));
28914 | }
28915 | };
28916 | const initialize = {
28917 | |
28918 |
28919 |
28920 |
28921 |
28922 |
28923 |
28924 |
28925 |
28926 | 'AUDIO': (type, settings) => {
28927 | const {
28928 | vhs,
28929 | sourceType,
28930 | segmentLoaders: {
28931 | [type]: segmentLoader
28932 | },
28933 | requestOptions,
28934 | main: {
28935 | mediaGroups
28936 | },
28937 | mediaTypes: {
28938 | [type]: {
28939 | groups,
28940 | tracks,
28941 | logger_
28942 | }
28943 | },
28944 | mainPlaylistLoader
28945 | } = settings;
28946 | const audioOnlyMain = isAudioOnly(mainPlaylistLoader.main);
28947 |
28948 | if (!mediaGroups[type] || Object.keys(mediaGroups[type]).length === 0) {
28949 | mediaGroups[type] = {
28950 | main: {
28951 | default: {
28952 | default: true
28953 | }
28954 | }
28955 | };
28956 |
28957 | if (audioOnlyMain) {
28958 | mediaGroups[type].main.default.playlists = mainPlaylistLoader.main.playlists;
28959 | }
28960 | }
28961 |
28962 | for (const groupId in mediaGroups[type]) {
28963 | if (!groups[groupId]) {
28964 | groups[groupId] = [];
28965 | }
28966 |
28967 | for (const variantLabel in mediaGroups[type][groupId]) {
28968 | let properties = mediaGroups[type][groupId][variantLabel];
28969 | let playlistLoader;
28970 |
28971 | if (audioOnlyMain) {
28972 | logger_(`AUDIO group '${groupId}' label '${variantLabel}' is a main playlist`);
28973 | properties.isMainPlaylist = true;
28974 | playlistLoader = null;
28975 |
28976 | } else if (sourceType === 'vhs-json' && properties.playlists) {
28977 | playlistLoader = new PlaylistLoader(properties.playlists[0], vhs, requestOptions);
28978 | } else if (properties.resolvedUri) {
28979 | playlistLoader = new PlaylistLoader(properties.resolvedUri, vhs, requestOptions);
28980 |
28981 | } else if (properties.playlists && sourceType === 'dash') {
28982 | playlistLoader = new DashPlaylistLoader(properties.playlists[0], vhs, requestOptions, mainPlaylistLoader);
28983 | } else {
28984 |
28985 |
28986 | playlistLoader = null;
28987 | }
28988 |
28989 | properties = merge$1({
28990 | id: variantLabel,
28991 | playlistLoader
28992 | }, properties);
28993 | setupListeners[type](type, properties.playlistLoader, settings);
28994 | groups[groupId].push(properties);
28995 |
28996 | if (typeof tracks[variantLabel] === 'undefined') {
28997 | const track = new videojs__default["default"].AudioTrack({
28998 | id: variantLabel,
28999 | kind: audioTrackKind_(properties),
29000 | enabled: false,
29001 | language: properties.language,
29002 | default: properties.default,
29003 | label: variantLabel
29004 | });
29005 | tracks[variantLabel] = track;
29006 | }
29007 | }
29008 | }
29009 |
29010 |
29011 | segmentLoader.on('error', onError[type](type, settings));
29012 | },
29013 |
29014 | |
29015 |
29016 |
29017 |
29018 |
29019 |
29020 |
29021 |
29022 |
29023 | 'SUBTITLES': (type, settings) => {
29024 | const {
29025 | tech,
29026 | vhs,
29027 | sourceType,
29028 | segmentLoaders: {
29029 | [type]: segmentLoader
29030 | },
29031 | requestOptions,
29032 | main: {
29033 | mediaGroups
29034 | },
29035 | mediaTypes: {
29036 | [type]: {
29037 | groups,
29038 | tracks
29039 | }
29040 | },
29041 | mainPlaylistLoader
29042 | } = settings;
29043 |
29044 | for (const groupId in mediaGroups[type]) {
29045 | if (!groups[groupId]) {
29046 | groups[groupId] = [];
29047 | }
29048 |
29049 | for (const variantLabel in mediaGroups[type][groupId]) {
29050 | if (!vhs.options_.useForcedSubtitles && mediaGroups[type][groupId][variantLabel].forced) {
29051 |
29052 |
29053 |
29054 |
29055 |
29056 |
29057 |
29058 |
29059 | continue;
29060 | }
29061 |
29062 | let properties = mediaGroups[type][groupId][variantLabel];
29063 | let playlistLoader;
29064 |
29065 | if (sourceType === 'hls') {
29066 | playlistLoader = new PlaylistLoader(properties.resolvedUri, vhs, requestOptions);
29067 | } else if (sourceType === 'dash') {
29068 | const playlists = properties.playlists.filter(p => p.excludeUntil !== Infinity);
29069 |
29070 | if (!playlists.length) {
29071 | return;
29072 | }
29073 |
29074 | playlistLoader = new DashPlaylistLoader(properties.playlists[0], vhs, requestOptions, mainPlaylistLoader);
29075 | } else if (sourceType === 'vhs-json') {
29076 | playlistLoader = new PlaylistLoader(
29077 |
29078 | properties.playlists ? properties.playlists[0] : properties.resolvedUri, vhs, requestOptions);
29079 | }
29080 |
29081 | properties = merge$1({
29082 | id: variantLabel,
29083 | playlistLoader
29084 | }, properties);
29085 | setupListeners[type](type, properties.playlistLoader, settings);
29086 | groups[groupId].push(properties);
29087 |
29088 | if (typeof tracks[variantLabel] === 'undefined') {
29089 | const track = tech.addRemoteTextTrack({
29090 | id: variantLabel,
29091 | kind: 'subtitles',
29092 | default: properties.default && properties.autoselect,
29093 | language: properties.language,
29094 | label: variantLabel
29095 | }, false).track;
29096 | tracks[variantLabel] = track;
29097 | }
29098 | }
29099 | }
29100 |
29101 |
29102 | segmentLoader.on('error', onError[type](type, settings));
29103 | },
29104 |
29105 | |
29106 |
29107 |
29108 |
29109 |
29110 |
29111 |
29112 |
29113 |
29114 | 'CLOSED-CAPTIONS': (type, settings) => {
29115 | const {
29116 | tech,
29117 | main: {
29118 | mediaGroups
29119 | },
29120 | mediaTypes: {
29121 | [type]: {
29122 | groups,
29123 | tracks
29124 | }
29125 | }
29126 | } = settings;
29127 |
29128 | for (const groupId in mediaGroups[type]) {
29129 | if (!groups[groupId]) {
29130 | groups[groupId] = [];
29131 | }
29132 |
29133 | for (const variantLabel in mediaGroups[type][groupId]) {
29134 | const properties = mediaGroups[type][groupId][variantLabel];
29135 |
29136 | if (!/^(?:CC|SERVICE)/.test(properties.instreamId)) {
29137 | continue;
29138 | }
29139 |
29140 | const captionServices = tech.options_.vhs && tech.options_.vhs.captionServices || {};
29141 | let newProps = {
29142 | label: variantLabel,
29143 | language: properties.language,
29144 | instreamId: properties.instreamId,
29145 | default: properties.default && properties.autoselect
29146 | };
29147 |
29148 | if (captionServices[newProps.instreamId]) {
29149 | newProps = merge$1(newProps, captionServices[newProps.instreamId]);
29150 | }
29151 |
29152 | if (newProps.default === undefined) {
29153 | delete newProps.default;
29154 | }
29155 |
29156 |
29157 |
29158 | groups[groupId].push(merge$1({
29159 | id: variantLabel
29160 | }, properties));
29161 |
29162 | if (typeof tracks[variantLabel] === 'undefined') {
29163 | const track = tech.addRemoteTextTrack({
29164 | id: newProps.instreamId,
29165 | kind: 'captions',
29166 | default: newProps.default,
29167 | language: newProps.language,
29168 | label: newProps.label
29169 | }, false).track;
29170 | tracks[variantLabel] = track;
29171 | }
29172 | }
29173 | }
29174 | }
29175 | };
29176 |
29177 | const groupMatch = (list, media) => {
29178 | for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
29179 | if (playlistMatch(media, list[i])) {
29180 | return true;
29181 | }
29182 |
29183 | if (list[i].playlists && groupMatch(list[i].playlists, media)) {
29184 | return true;
29185 | }
29186 | }
29187 |
29188 | return false;
29189 | };
29190 | |
29191 |
29192 |
29193 |
29194 |
29195 |
29196 |
29197 |
29198 |
29199 |
29200 |
29201 |
29202 |
29203 |
29204 |
29205 |
29206 | const activeGroup = (type, settings) => track => {
29207 | const {
29208 | mainPlaylistLoader,
29209 | mediaTypes: {
29210 | [type]: {
29211 | groups
29212 | }
29213 | }
29214 | } = settings;
29215 | const media = mainPlaylistLoader.media();
29216 |
29217 | if (!media) {
29218 | return null;
29219 | }
29220 |
29221 | let variants = null;
29222 |
29223 | if (media.attributes[type]) {
29224 | variants = groups[media.attributes[type]];
29225 | }
29226 |
29227 | const groupKeys = Object.keys(groups);
29228 |
29229 | if (!variants) {
29230 |
29231 |
29232 |
29233 | if (type === 'AUDIO' && groupKeys.length > 1 && isAudioOnly(settings.main)) {
29234 | for (let i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++) {
29235 | const groupPropertyList = groups[groupKeys[i]];
29236 |
29237 | if (groupMatch(groupPropertyList, media)) {
29238 | variants = groupPropertyList;
29239 | break;
29240 | }
29241 | }
29242 |
29243 | } else if (groups.main) {
29244 | variants = groups.main;
29245 | } else if (groupKeys.length === 1) {
29246 | variants = groups[groupKeys[0]];
29247 | }
29248 | }
29249 |
29250 | if (typeof track === 'undefined') {
29251 | return variants;
29252 | }
29253 |
29254 | if (track === null || !variants) {
29255 |
29256 |
29257 | return null;
29258 | }
29259 |
29260 | return variants.filter(props => props.id === track.id)[0] || null;
29261 | };
29262 | const activeTrack = {
29263 | |
29264 |
29265 |
29266 |
29267 |
29268 |
29269 |
29270 |
29271 |
29272 |
29273 |
29274 |
29275 | AUDIO: (type, settings) => () => {
29276 | const {
29277 | mediaTypes: {
29278 | [type]: {
29279 | tracks
29280 | }
29281 | }
29282 | } = settings;
29283 |
29284 | for (const id in tracks) {
29285 | if (tracks[id].enabled) {
29286 | return tracks[id];
29287 | }
29288 | }
29289 |
29290 | return null;
29291 | },
29292 |
29293 | |
29294 |
29295 |
29296 |
29297 |
29298 |
29299 |
29300 |
29301 |
29302 |
29303 |
29304 |
29305 | SUBTITLES: (type, settings) => () => {
29306 | const {
29307 | mediaTypes: {
29308 | [type]: {
29309 | tracks
29310 | }
29311 | }
29312 | } = settings;
29313 |
29314 | for (const id in tracks) {
29315 | if (tracks[id].mode === 'showing' || tracks[id].mode === 'hidden') {
29316 | return tracks[id];
29317 | }
29318 | }
29319 |
29320 | return null;
29321 | }
29322 | };
29323 | const getActiveGroup = (type, {
29324 | mediaTypes
29325 | }) => () => {
29326 | const activeTrack_ = mediaTypes[type].activeTrack();
29327 |
29328 | if (!activeTrack_) {
29329 | return null;
29330 | }
29331 |
29332 | return mediaTypes[type].activeGroup(activeTrack_);
29333 | };
29334 | |
29335 |
29336 |
29337 |
29338 |
29339 |
29340 |
29341 |
29342 |
29343 |
29344 |
29345 |
29346 |
29347 |
29348 |
29349 |
29350 |
29351 |
29352 |
29353 |
29354 |
29355 |
29356 |
29357 | const setupMediaGroups = settings => {
29358 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES', 'CLOSED-CAPTIONS'].forEach(type => {
29359 | initialize[type](type, settings);
29360 | });
29361 | const {
29362 | mediaTypes,
29363 | mainPlaylistLoader,
29364 | tech,
29365 | vhs,
29366 | segmentLoaders: {
29367 | ['AUDIO']: audioSegmentLoader,
29368 | main: mainSegmentLoader
29369 | }
29370 | } = settings;
29371 |
29372 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES'].forEach(type => {
29373 | mediaTypes[type].activeGroup = activeGroup(type, settings);
29374 | mediaTypes[type].activeTrack = activeTrack[type](type, settings);
29375 | mediaTypes[type].onGroupChanged = onGroupChanged(type, settings);
29376 | mediaTypes[type].onGroupChanging = onGroupChanging(type, settings);
29377 | mediaTypes[type].onTrackChanged = onTrackChanged(type, settings);
29378 | mediaTypes[type].getActiveGroup = getActiveGroup(type, settings);
29379 | });
29380 |
29381 |
29382 | const audioGroup = mediaTypes.AUDIO.activeGroup();
29383 |
29384 | if (audioGroup) {
29385 | const groupId = (audioGroup.filter(group => group.default)[0] || audioGroup[0]).id;
29386 | mediaTypes.AUDIO.tracks[groupId].enabled = true;
29387 | mediaTypes.AUDIO.onGroupChanged();
29388 | mediaTypes.AUDIO.onTrackChanged();
29389 | const activeAudioGroup = mediaTypes.AUDIO.getActiveGroup();
29390 |
29391 |
29392 |
29393 | if (!activeAudioGroup.playlistLoader) {
29394 |
29395 | mainSegmentLoader.setAudio(true);
29396 | } else {
29397 |
29398 | mainSegmentLoader.setAudio(false);
29399 | audioSegmentLoader.setAudio(true);
29400 | }
29401 | }
29402 |
29403 | mainPlaylistLoader.on('mediachange', () => {
29404 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES'].forEach(type => mediaTypes[type].onGroupChanged());
29405 | });
29406 | mainPlaylistLoader.on('mediachanging', () => {
29407 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES'].forEach(type => mediaTypes[type].onGroupChanging());
29408 | });
29409 |
29410 | const onAudioTrackChanged = () => {
29411 | mediaTypes.AUDIO.onTrackChanged();
29412 | tech.trigger({
29413 | type: 'usage',
29414 | name: 'vhs-audio-change'
29415 | });
29416 | };
29417 |
29418 | tech.audioTracks().addEventListener('change', onAudioTrackChanged);
29419 | tech.remoteTextTracks().addEventListener('change', mediaTypes.SUBTITLES.onTrackChanged);
29420 | vhs.on('dispose', () => {
29421 | tech.audioTracks().removeEventListener('change', onAudioTrackChanged);
29422 | tech.remoteTextTracks().removeEventListener('change', mediaTypes.SUBTITLES.onTrackChanged);
29423 | });
29424 |
29425 | tech.clearTracks('audio');
29426 |
29427 | for (const id in mediaTypes.AUDIO.tracks) {
29428 | tech.audioTracks().addTrack(mediaTypes.AUDIO.tracks[id]);
29429 | }
29430 | };
29431 | |
29432 |
29433 |
29434 |
29435 |
29436 |
29437 |
29438 |
29439 |
29440 | const createMediaTypes = () => {
29441 | const mediaTypes = {};
29442 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES', 'CLOSED-CAPTIONS'].forEach(type => {
29443 | mediaTypes[type] = {
29444 | groups: {},
29445 | tracks: {},
29446 | activePlaylistLoader: null,
29447 | activeGroup: noop,
29448 | activeTrack: noop,
29449 | getActiveGroup: noop,
29450 | onGroupChanged: noop,
29451 | onTrackChanged: noop,
29452 | lastTrack_: null,
29453 | logger_: logger(`MediaGroups[${type}]`)
29454 | };
29455 | });
29456 | return mediaTypes;
29457 | };
29458 |
29459 | |
29460 |
29461 |
29462 |
29463 |
29464 |
29465 |
29466 |
29467 |
29468 |
29469 |
29470 | class SteeringManifest {
29471 | constructor() {
29472 | this.priority_ = [];
29473 | this.pathwayClones_ = new Map();
29474 | }
29475 |
29476 | set version(number) {
29477 |
29478 | if (number === 1) {
29479 | this.version_ = number;
29480 | }
29481 | }
29482 |
29483 | set ttl(seconds) {
29484 |
29485 | this.ttl_ = seconds || 300;
29486 | }
29487 |
29488 | set reloadUri(uri) {
29489 | if (uri) {
29490 |
29491 | this.reloadUri_ = resolveUrl(this.reloadUri_, uri);
29492 | }
29493 | }
29494 |
29495 | set priority(array) {
29496 |
29497 | if (array && array.length) {
29498 | this.priority_ = array;
29499 | }
29500 | }
29501 |
29502 | set pathwayClones(array) {
29503 |
29504 | if (array && array.length) {
29505 | this.pathwayClones_ = new Map(array.map(clone => [clone.ID, clone]));
29506 | }
29507 | }
29508 |
29509 | get version() {
29510 | return this.version_;
29511 | }
29512 |
29513 | get ttl() {
29514 | return this.ttl_;
29515 | }
29516 |
29517 | get reloadUri() {
29518 | return this.reloadUri_;
29519 | }
29520 |
29521 | get priority() {
29522 | return this.priority_;
29523 | }
29524 |
29525 | get pathwayClones() {
29526 | return this.pathwayClones_;
29527 | }
29528 |
29529 | }
29530 | |
29531 |
29532 |
29533 |
29534 |
29535 |
29536 |
29537 |
29538 |
29539 |
29540 |
29541 | class ContentSteeringController extends videojs__default["default"].EventTarget {
29542 | constructor(xhr, bandwidth) {
29543 | super();
29544 | this.currentPathway = null;
29545 | this.defaultPathway = null;
29546 | this.queryBeforeStart = false;
29547 | this.availablePathways_ = new Set();
29548 | this.steeringManifest = new SteeringManifest();
29549 | this.proxyServerUrl_ = null;
29550 | this.manifestType_ = null;
29551 | this.ttlTimeout_ = null;
29552 | this.request_ = null;
29553 | this.currentPathwayClones = new Map();
29554 | this.nextPathwayClones = new Map();
29555 | this.excludedSteeringManifestURLs = new Set();
29556 | this.logger_ = logger('Content Steering');
29557 | this.xhr_ = xhr;
29558 | this.getBandwidth_ = bandwidth;
29559 | }
29560 | |
29561 |
29562 |
29563 |
29564 |
29565 |
29566 |
29567 |
29568 | assignTagProperties(baseUrl, steeringTag) {
29569 | this.manifestType_ = steeringTag.serverUri ? 'HLS' : 'DASH';
29570 |
29571 | const steeringUri = steeringTag.serverUri || steeringTag.serverURL;
29572 |
29573 | if (!steeringUri) {
29574 | this.logger_(`steering manifest URL is ${steeringUri}, cannot request steering manifest.`);
29575 | this.trigger('error');
29576 | return;
29577 | }
29578 |
29579 |
29580 | if (steeringUri.startsWith('data:')) {
29581 | this.decodeDataUriManifest_(steeringUri.substring(steeringUri.indexOf(',') + 1));
29582 | return;
29583 | }
29584 |
29585 |
29586 | this.steeringManifest.reloadUri = resolveUrl(baseUrl, steeringUri);
29587 |
29588 | this.defaultPathway = steeringTag.pathwayId || steeringTag.defaultServiceLocation;
29589 |
29590 | this.queryBeforeStart = steeringTag.queryBeforeStart;
29591 | this.proxyServerUrl_ = steeringTag.proxyServerURL;
29592 |
29593 |
29594 |
29595 | if (this.defaultPathway && !this.queryBeforeStart) {
29596 | this.trigger('content-steering');
29597 | }
29598 | }
29599 | |
29600 |
29601 |
29602 |
29603 |
29604 |
29605 |
29606 |
29607 |
29608 |
29609 | requestSteeringManifest(initial) {
29610 | const reloadUri = this.steeringManifest.reloadUri;
29611 |
29612 | if (!reloadUri) {
29613 | return;
29614 | }
29615 |
29616 |
29617 |
29618 |
29619 | const uri = initial ? reloadUri : this.getRequestURI(reloadUri);
29620 |
29621 | if (!uri) {
29622 | this.logger_('No valid content steering manifest URIs. Stopping content steering.');
29623 | this.trigger('error');
29624 | this.dispose();
29625 | return;
29626 | }
29627 |
29628 | this.request_ = this.xhr_({
29629 | uri
29630 | }, (error, errorInfo) => {
29631 | if (error) {
29632 |
29633 |
29634 |
29635 |
29636 | if (errorInfo.status === 410) {
29637 | this.logger_(`manifest request 410 ${error}.`);
29638 | this.logger_(`There will be no more content steering requests to ${uri} this session.`);
29639 | this.excludedSteeringManifestURLs.add(uri);
29640 | return;
29641 | }
29642 |
29643 |
29644 |
29645 |
29646 | if (errorInfo.status === 429) {
29647 | const retrySeconds = errorInfo.responseHeaders['retry-after'];
29648 | this.logger_(`manifest request 429 ${error}.`);
29649 | this.logger_(`content steering will retry in ${retrySeconds} seconds.`);
29650 | this.startTTLTimeout_(parseInt(retrySeconds, 10));
29651 | return;
29652 | }
29653 |
29654 |
29655 |
29656 |
29657 |
29658 | this.logger_(`manifest failed to load ${error}.`);
29659 | this.startTTLTimeout_();
29660 | return;
29661 | }
29662 |
29663 | const steeringManifestJson = JSON.parse(this.request_.responseText);
29664 | this.assignSteeringProperties_(steeringManifestJson);
29665 | this.startTTLTimeout_();
29666 | });
29667 | }
29668 | |
29669 |
29670 |
29671 |
29672 |
29673 |
29674 |
29675 |
29676 | setProxyServerUrl_(steeringUrl) {
29677 | const steeringUrlObject = new window.URL(steeringUrl);
29678 | const proxyServerUrlObject = new window.URL(this.proxyServerUrl_);
29679 | proxyServerUrlObject.searchParams.set('url', encodeURI(steeringUrlObject.toString()));
29680 | return this.setSteeringParams_(proxyServerUrlObject.toString());
29681 | }
29682 | |
29683 |
29684 |
29685 |
29686 |
29687 |
29688 |
29689 | decodeDataUriManifest_(dataUri) {
29690 | const steeringManifestJson = JSON.parse(window.atob(dataUri));
29691 | this.assignSteeringProperties_(steeringManifestJson);
29692 | }
29693 | |
29694 |
29695 |
29696 |
29697 |
29698 |
29699 |
29700 |
29701 |
29702 |
29703 | setSteeringParams_(url) {
29704 | const urlObject = new window.URL(url);
29705 | const path = this.getPathway();
29706 | const networkThroughput = this.getBandwidth_();
29707 |
29708 | if (path) {
29709 | const pathwayKey = `_${this.manifestType_}_pathway`;
29710 | urlObject.searchParams.set(pathwayKey, path);
29711 | }
29712 |
29713 | if (networkThroughput) {
29714 | const throughputKey = `_${this.manifestType_}_throughput`;
29715 | urlObject.searchParams.set(throughputKey, networkThroughput);
29716 | }
29717 |
29718 | return urlObject.toString();
29719 | }
29720 | |
29721 |
29722 |
29723 |
29724 |
29725 |
29726 |
29727 | assignSteeringProperties_(steeringJson) {
29728 | this.steeringManifest.version = steeringJson.VERSION;
29729 |
29730 | if (!this.steeringManifest.version) {
29731 | this.logger_(`manifest version is ${steeringJson.VERSION}, which is not supported.`);
29732 | this.trigger('error');
29733 | return;
29734 | }
29735 |
29736 | this.steeringManifest.ttl = steeringJson.TTL;
29737 | this.steeringManifest.reloadUri = steeringJson['RELOAD-URI'];
29738 |
29739 | this.steeringManifest.priority = steeringJson['PATHWAY-PRIORITY'] || steeringJson['SERVICE-LOCATION-PRIORITY'];
29740 |
29741 |
29742 | this.steeringManifest.pathwayClones = steeringJson['PATHWAY-CLONES'];
29743 | this.nextPathwayClones = this.steeringManifest.pathwayClones;
29744 |
29745 |
29746 |
29747 |
29748 |
29749 |
29750 |
29751 |
29752 | if (!this.availablePathways_.size) {
29753 | this.logger_('There are no available pathways for content steering. Ending content steering.');
29754 | this.trigger('error');
29755 | this.dispose();
29756 | }
29757 |
29758 | const chooseNextPathway = pathwaysByPriority => {
29759 | for (const path of pathwaysByPriority) {
29760 | if (this.availablePathways_.has(path)) {
29761 | return path;
29762 | }
29763 | }
29764 |
29765 |
29766 | return [...this.availablePathways_][0];
29767 | };
29768 |
29769 | const nextPathway = chooseNextPathway(this.steeringManifest.priority);
29770 |
29771 | if (this.currentPathway !== nextPathway) {
29772 | this.currentPathway = nextPathway;
29773 | this.trigger('content-steering');
29774 | }
29775 | }
29776 | |
29777 |
29778 |
29779 |
29780 |
29781 |
29782 |
29783 | getPathway() {
29784 | return this.currentPathway || this.defaultPathway;
29785 | }
29786 | |
29787 |
29788 |
29789 |
29790 |
29791 |
29792 |
29793 |
29794 |
29795 |
29796 | getRequestURI(reloadUri) {
29797 | if (!reloadUri) {
29798 | return null;
29799 | }
29800 |
29801 | const isExcluded = uri => this.excludedSteeringManifestURLs.has(uri);
29802 |
29803 | if (this.proxyServerUrl_) {
29804 | const proxyURI = this.setProxyServerUrl_(reloadUri);
29805 |
29806 | if (!isExcluded(proxyURI)) {
29807 | return proxyURI;
29808 | }
29809 | }
29810 |
29811 | const steeringURI = this.setSteeringParams_(reloadUri);
29812 |
29813 | if (!isExcluded(steeringURI)) {
29814 | return steeringURI;
29815 | }
29816 |
29817 |
29818 | return null;
29819 | }
29820 | |
29821 |
29822 |
29823 |
29824 |
29825 |
29826 |
29827 |
29828 | startTTLTimeout_(ttl = this.steeringManifest.ttl) {
29829 |
29830 | const ttlMS = ttl * 1000;
29831 | this.ttlTimeout_ = window.setTimeout(() => {
29832 | this.requestSteeringManifest();
29833 | }, ttlMS);
29834 | }
29835 | |
29836 |
29837 |
29838 |
29839 |
29840 | clearTTLTimeout_() {
29841 | window.clearTimeout(this.ttlTimeout_);
29842 | this.ttlTimeout_ = null;
29843 | }
29844 | |
29845 |
29846 |
29847 |
29848 |
29849 | abort() {
29850 | if (this.request_) {
29851 | this.request_.abort();
29852 | }
29853 |
29854 | this.request_ = null;
29855 | }
29856 | |
29857 |
29858 |
29859 |
29860 |
29861 | dispose() {
29862 | this.off('content-steering');
29863 | this.off('error');
29864 | this.abort();
29865 | this.clearTTLTimeout_();
29866 | this.currentPathway = null;
29867 | this.defaultPathway = null;
29868 | this.queryBeforeStart = null;
29869 | this.proxyServerUrl_ = null;
29870 | this.manifestType_ = null;
29871 | this.ttlTimeout_ = null;
29872 | this.request_ = null;
29873 | this.excludedSteeringManifestURLs = new Set();
29874 | this.availablePathways_ = new Set();
29875 | this.steeringManifest = new SteeringManifest();
29876 | }
29877 | |
29878 |
29879 |
29880 |
29881 |
29882 |
29883 |
29884 | addAvailablePathway(pathway) {
29885 | if (pathway) {
29886 | this.availablePathways_.add(pathway);
29887 | }
29888 | }
29889 | |
29890 |
29891 |
29892 |
29893 |
29894 | clearAvailablePathways() {
29895 | this.availablePathways_.clear();
29896 | }
29897 | |
29898 |
29899 |
29900 |
29901 |
29902 | excludePathway(pathway) {
29903 | return this.availablePathways_.delete(pathway);
29904 | }
29905 | |
29906 |
29907 |
29908 |
29909 |
29910 |
29911 |
29912 |
29913 |
29914 | didDASHTagChange(baseURL, newTag) {
29915 | return !newTag && this.steeringManifest.reloadUri || newTag && (resolveUrl(baseURL, newTag.serverURL) !== this.steeringManifest.reloadUri || newTag.defaultServiceLocation !== this.defaultPathway || newTag.queryBeforeStart !== this.queryBeforeStart || newTag.proxyServerURL !== this.proxyServerUrl_);
29916 | }
29917 |
29918 | getAvailablePathways() {
29919 | return this.availablePathways_;
29920 | }
29921 |
29922 | }
29923 |
29924 | |
29925 |
29926 |
29928 | let Vhs$1;
29929 |
29930 |
29931 | const loaderStats = ['mediaRequests', 'mediaRequestsAborted', 'mediaRequestsTimedout', 'mediaRequestsErrored', 'mediaTransferDuration', 'mediaBytesTransferred', 'mediaAppends'];
29932 |
29933 | const sumLoaderStat = function (stat) {
29934 | return this.audioSegmentLoader_[stat] + this.mainSegmentLoader_[stat];
29935 | };
29936 |
29937 | const shouldSwitchToMedia = function ({
29938 | currentPlaylist,
29939 | buffered,
29940 | currentTime,
29941 | nextPlaylist,
29942 | bufferLowWaterLine,
29943 | bufferHighWaterLine,
29944 | duration,
29945 | bufferBasedABR,
29946 | log
29947 | }) {
29948 |
29949 | if (!nextPlaylist) {
29950 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('We received no playlist to switch to. Please check your stream.');
29951 | return false;
29952 | }
29953 |
29954 | const sharedLogLine = `allowing switch ${currentPlaylist && currentPlaylist.id || 'null'} -> ${nextPlaylist.id}`;
29955 |
29956 | if (!currentPlaylist) {
29957 | log(`${sharedLogLine} as current playlist is not set`);
29958 | return true;
29959 | }
29960 |
29961 |
29962 | if (nextPlaylist.id === currentPlaylist.id) {
29963 | return false;
29964 | }
29965 |
29966 |
29967 | const isBuffered = Boolean(findRange(buffered, currentTime).length);
29968 |
29969 |
29970 |
29971 |
29972 | if (!currentPlaylist.endList) {
29973 |
29974 |
29975 | if (!isBuffered && typeof currentPlaylist.partTargetDuration === 'number') {
29976 | log(`not ${sharedLogLine} as current playlist is live llhls, but currentTime isn't in buffered.`);
29977 | return false;
29978 | }
29979 |
29980 | log(`${sharedLogLine} as current playlist is live`);
29981 | return true;
29982 | }
29983 |
29984 | const forwardBuffer = timeAheadOf(buffered, currentTime);
29985 | const maxBufferLowWaterLine = bufferBasedABR ? Config.EXPERIMENTAL_MAX_BUFFER_LOW_WATER_LINE : Config.MAX_BUFFER_LOW_WATER_LINE;
29986 |
29987 |
29988 | if (duration < maxBufferLowWaterLine) {
29989 | log(`${sharedLogLine} as duration < max low water line (${duration} < ${maxBufferLowWaterLine})`);
29990 | return true;
29991 | }
29992 |
29993 | const nextBandwidth = nextPlaylist.attributes.BANDWIDTH;
29994 | const currBandwidth = currentPlaylist.attributes.BANDWIDTH;
29995 |
29996 |
29997 | if (nextBandwidth < currBandwidth && (!bufferBasedABR || forwardBuffer < bufferHighWaterLine)) {
29998 | let logLine = `${sharedLogLine} as next bandwidth < current bandwidth (${nextBandwidth} < ${currBandwidth})`;
29999 |
30000 | if (bufferBasedABR) {
30001 | logLine += ` and forwardBuffer < bufferHighWaterLine (${forwardBuffer} < ${bufferHighWaterLine})`;
30002 | }
30003 |
30004 | log(logLine);
30005 | return true;
30006 | }
30007 |
30008 |
30009 |
30010 | if ((!bufferBasedABR || nextBandwidth > currBandwidth) && forwardBuffer >= bufferLowWaterLine) {
30011 | let logLine = `${sharedLogLine} as forwardBuffer >= bufferLowWaterLine (${forwardBuffer} >= ${bufferLowWaterLine})`;
30012 |
30013 | if (bufferBasedABR) {
30014 | logLine += ` and next bandwidth > current bandwidth (${nextBandwidth} > ${currBandwidth})`;
30015 | }
30016 |
30017 | log(logLine);
30018 | return true;
30019 | }
30020 |
30021 | log(`not ${sharedLogLine} as no switching criteria met`);
30022 | return false;
30023 | };
30024 | |
30025 |
30026 |
30027 |
30028 |
30029 |
30030 |
30031 |
30032 |
30033 |
30034 |
30035 | class PlaylistController extends videojs__default["default"].EventTarget {
30036 | constructor(options) {
30037 | super();
30038 | const {
30039 | src,
30040 | withCredentials,
30041 | tech,
30042 | bandwidth,
30043 | externVhs,
30044 | useCueTags,
30045 | playlistExclusionDuration,
30046 | enableLowInitialPlaylist,
30047 | sourceType,
30048 | cacheEncryptionKeys,
30049 | bufferBasedABR,
30050 | leastPixelDiffSelector,
30051 | captionServices
30052 | } = options;
30053 |
30054 | if (!src) {
30055 | throw new Error('A non-empty playlist URL or JSON manifest string is required');
30056 | }
30057 |
30058 | let {
30059 | maxPlaylistRetries
30060 | } = options;
30061 |
30062 | if (maxPlaylistRetries === null || typeof maxPlaylistRetries === 'undefined') {
30063 | maxPlaylistRetries = Infinity;
30064 | }
30065 |
30066 | Vhs$1 = externVhs;
30067 | this.bufferBasedABR = Boolean(bufferBasedABR);
30068 | this.leastPixelDiffSelector = Boolean(leastPixelDiffSelector);
30069 | this.withCredentials = withCredentials;
30070 | this.tech_ = tech;
30071 | this.vhs_ = tech.vhs;
30072 | this.sourceType_ = sourceType;
30073 | this.useCueTags_ = useCueTags;
30074 | this.playlistExclusionDuration = playlistExclusionDuration;
30075 | this.maxPlaylistRetries = maxPlaylistRetries;
30076 | this.enableLowInitialPlaylist = enableLowInitialPlaylist;
30077 |
30078 | if (this.useCueTags_) {
30079 | this.cueTagsTrack_ = this.tech_.addTextTrack('metadata', 'ad-cues');
30080 | this.cueTagsTrack_.inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType = '';
30081 | }
30082 |
30083 | this.requestOptions_ = {
30084 | withCredentials,
30085 | maxPlaylistRetries,
30086 | timeout: null
30087 | };
30088 | this.on('error', this.pauseLoading);
30089 | this.mediaTypes_ = createMediaTypes();
30090 | this.mediaSource = new window.MediaSource();
30091 | this.handleDurationChange_ = this.handleDurationChange_.bind(this);
30092 | this.handleSourceOpen_ = this.handleSourceOpen_.bind(this);
30093 | this.handleSourceEnded_ = this.handleSourceEnded_.bind(this);
30094 | this.mediaSource.addEventListener('durationchange', this.handleDurationChange_);
30095 |
30096 | this.mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', this.handleSourceOpen_);
30097 | this.mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceended', this.handleSourceEnded_);
30098 |
30099 |
30100 | this.seekable_ = createTimeRanges();
30101 | this.hasPlayed_ = false;
30102 | this.syncController_ = new SyncController(options);
30103 | this.segmentMetadataTrack_ = tech.addRemoteTextTrack({
30104 | kind: 'metadata',
30105 | label: 'segment-metadata'
30106 | }, false).track;
30107 | this.decrypter_ = new Decrypter();
30108 | this.sourceUpdater_ = new SourceUpdater(this.mediaSource);
30109 | this.inbandTextTracks_ = {};
30110 | this.timelineChangeController_ = new TimelineChangeController();
30111 | this.keyStatusMap_ = new Map();
30112 | const segmentLoaderSettings = {
30113 | vhs: this.vhs_,
30114 | parse708captions: options.parse708captions,
30115 | useDtsForTimestampOffset: options.useDtsForTimestampOffset,
30116 | captionServices,
30117 | mediaSource: this.mediaSource,
30118 | currentTime: this.tech_.currentTime.bind(this.tech_),
30119 | seekable: () => this.seekable(),
30120 | seeking: () => this.tech_.seeking(),
30121 | duration: () => this.duration(),
30122 | hasPlayed: () => this.hasPlayed_,
30123 | goalBufferLength: () => this.goalBufferLength(),
30124 | bandwidth,
30125 | syncController: this.syncController_,
30126 | decrypter: this.decrypter_,
30127 | sourceType: this.sourceType_,
30128 | inbandTextTracks: this.inbandTextTracks_,
30129 | cacheEncryptionKeys,
30130 | sourceUpdater: this.sourceUpdater_,
30131 | timelineChangeController: this.timelineChangeController_,
30132 | exactManifestTimings: options.exactManifestTimings,
30133 | addMetadataToTextTrack: this.addMetadataToTextTrack.bind(this)
30134 | };
30135 |
30136 |
30137 |
30138 |
30139 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_ = this.sourceType_ === 'dash' ? new DashPlaylistLoader(src, this.vhs_, merge$1(this.requestOptions_, {
30140 | addMetadataToTextTrack: this.addMetadataToTextTrack.bind(this)
30141 | })) : new PlaylistLoader(src, this.vhs_, merge$1(this.requestOptions_, {
30142 | addDateRangesToTextTrack: this.addDateRangesToTextTrack_.bind(this)
30143 | }));
30144 | this.setupMainPlaylistLoaderListeners_();
30145 |
30146 |
30147 | this.mainSegmentLoader_ = new SegmentLoader(merge$1(segmentLoaderSettings, {
30148 | segmentMetadataTrack: this.segmentMetadataTrack_,
30149 | loaderType: 'main'
30150 | }), options);
30151 |
30152 | this.audioSegmentLoader_ = new SegmentLoader(merge$1(segmentLoaderSettings, {
30153 | loaderType: 'audio'
30154 | }), options);
30155 | this.subtitleSegmentLoader_ = new VTTSegmentLoader(merge$1(segmentLoaderSettings, {
30156 | loaderType: 'vtt',
30157 | featuresNativeTextTracks: this.tech_.featuresNativeTextTracks,
30158 | loadVttJs: () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
30159 | function onLoad() {
30160 | tech.off('vttjserror', onError);
30161 | resolve();
30162 | }
30163 |
30164 | function onError() {
30165 | tech.off('vttjsloaded', onLoad);
30166 | reject();
30167 | }
30168 |
30169 | tech.one('vttjsloaded', onLoad);
30170 | tech.one('vttjserror', onError);
30171 |
30172 | tech.addWebVttScript_();
30173 | })
30174 | }), options);
30175 |
30176 | const getBandwidth = () => {
30177 | return this.mainSegmentLoader_.bandwidth;
30178 | };
30179 |
30180 | this.contentSteeringController_ = new ContentSteeringController(this.vhs_.xhr, getBandwidth);
30181 | this.setupSegmentLoaderListeners_();
30182 |
30183 | if (this.bufferBasedABR) {
30184 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.one('loadedplaylist', () => this.startABRTimer_());
30185 | this.tech_.on('pause', () => this.stopABRTimer_());
30186 | this.tech_.on('play', () => this.startABRTimer_());
30187 | }
30188 |
30189 |
30190 |
30191 |
30192 |
30193 |
30194 |
30195 |
30196 |
30197 | loaderStats.forEach(stat => {
30198 | this[stat + '_'] = sumLoaderStat.bind(this, stat);
30199 | });
30200 | this.logger_ = logger('pc');
30201 | this.triggeredFmp4Usage = false;
30202 |
30203 | if (this.tech_.preload() === 'none') {
30204 | this.loadOnPlay_ = () => {
30205 | this.loadOnPlay_ = null;
30206 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.load();
30207 | };
30208 |
30209 | this.tech_.one('play', this.loadOnPlay_);
30210 | } else {
30211 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.load();
30212 | }
30213 |
30214 | this.timeToLoadedData__ = -1;
30215 | this.mainAppendsToLoadedData__ = -1;
30216 | this.audioAppendsToLoadedData__ = -1;
30217 | const event = this.tech_.preload() === 'none' ? 'play' : 'loadstart';
30218 |
30219 | this.tech_.one(event, () => {
30220 | const timeToLoadedDataStart = Date.now();
30221 | this.tech_.one('loadeddata', () => {
30222 | this.timeToLoadedData__ = Date.now() - timeToLoadedDataStart;
30223 | this.mainAppendsToLoadedData__ = this.mainSegmentLoader_.mediaAppends;
30224 | this.audioAppendsToLoadedData__ = this.audioSegmentLoader_.mediaAppends;
30225 | });
30226 | });
30227 | }
30228 |
30229 | mainAppendsToLoadedData_() {
30230 | return this.mainAppendsToLoadedData__;
30231 | }
30232 |
30233 | audioAppendsToLoadedData_() {
30234 | return this.audioAppendsToLoadedData__;
30235 | }
30236 |
30237 | appendsToLoadedData_() {
30238 | const main = this.mainAppendsToLoadedData_();
30239 | const audio = this.audioAppendsToLoadedData_();
30240 |
30241 | if (main === -1 || audio === -1) {
30242 | return -1;
30243 | }
30244 |
30245 | return main + audio;
30246 | }
30247 |
30248 | timeToLoadedData_() {
30249 | return this.timeToLoadedData__;
30250 | }
30251 | |
30252 |
30253 |
30254 |
30255 |
30256 |
30257 |
30258 |
30259 | checkABR_(reason = 'abr') {
30260 | const nextPlaylist = this.selectPlaylist();
30261 |
30262 | if (nextPlaylist && this.shouldSwitchToMedia_(nextPlaylist)) {
30263 | this.switchMedia_(nextPlaylist, reason);
30264 | }
30265 | }
30266 |
30267 | switchMedia_(playlist, cause, delay) {
30268 | const oldMedia = this.media();
30269 | const oldId = oldMedia && (oldMedia.id || oldMedia.uri);
30270 | const newId = playlist && (playlist.id || playlist.uri);
30271 |
30272 | if (oldId && oldId !== newId) {
30273 | this.logger_(`switch media ${oldId} -> ${newId} from ${cause}`);
30274 | this.tech_.trigger({
30275 | type: 'usage',
30276 | name: `vhs-rendition-change-${cause}`
30277 | });
30278 | }
30279 |
30280 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media(playlist, delay);
30281 | }
30282 | |
30283 |
30284 |
30285 |
30286 |
30287 |
30288 |
30289 |
30290 |
30291 |
30292 |
30293 | switchMediaForDASHContentSteering_() {
30294 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES', 'CLOSED-CAPTIONS'].forEach(type => {
30295 | const mediaType = this.mediaTypes_[type];
30296 | const activeGroup = mediaType ? mediaType.activeGroup() : null;
30297 | const pathway = this.contentSteeringController_.getPathway();
30298 |
30299 | if (activeGroup && pathway) {
30300 |
30301 | const mediaPlaylists = activeGroup.length ? activeGroup[0].playlists : activeGroup.playlists;
30302 | const dashMediaPlaylists = mediaPlaylists.filter(p => p.attributes.serviceLocation === pathway);
30303 |
30304 | if (dashMediaPlaylists.length) {
30305 | this.mediaTypes_[type].activePlaylistLoader.media(dashMediaPlaylists[0]);
30306 | }
30307 | }
30308 | });
30309 | }
30310 | |
30311 |
30312 |
30313 |
30314 |
30315 |
30316 |
30317 | startABRTimer_() {
30318 | this.stopABRTimer_();
30319 | this.abrTimer_ = window.setInterval(() => this.checkABR_(), 250);
30320 | }
30321 | |
30322 |
30323 |
30324 |
30325 |
30326 |
30327 |
30328 | stopABRTimer_() {
30329 |
30330 |
30331 | if (this.tech_.scrubbing && this.tech_.scrubbing()) {
30332 | return;
30333 | }
30334 |
30335 | window.clearInterval(this.abrTimer_);
30336 | this.abrTimer_ = null;
30337 | }
30338 | |
30339 |
30340 |
30341 |
30342 |
30343 |
30344 |
30345 | getAudioTrackPlaylists_() {
30346 | const main = this.main();
30347 | const defaultPlaylists = main && main.playlists || [];
30348 |
30349 |
30350 |
30351 | if (!main || !main.mediaGroups || !main.mediaGroups.AUDIO) {
30352 | return defaultPlaylists;
30353 | }
30354 |
30355 | const AUDIO = main.mediaGroups.AUDIO;
30356 | const groupKeys = Object.keys(AUDIO);
30357 | let track;
30358 |
30359 | if (Object.keys(this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.groups).length) {
30360 | track = this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activeTrack();
30361 | } else {
30362 |
30363 | const defaultGroup = AUDIO.main || groupKeys.length && AUDIO[groupKeys[0]];
30364 |
30365 | for (const label in defaultGroup) {
30366 | if (defaultGroup[label].default) {
30367 | track = {
30368 | label
30369 | };
30370 | break;
30371 | }
30372 | }
30373 | }
30374 |
30375 |
30376 | if (!track) {
30377 | return defaultPlaylists;
30378 | }
30379 |
30380 | const playlists = [];
30381 |
30382 |
30383 | for (const group in AUDIO) {
30384 | if (AUDIO[group][track.label]) {
30385 | const properties = AUDIO[group][track.label];
30386 |
30387 | if (properties.playlists && properties.playlists.length) {
30388 | playlists.push.apply(playlists, properties.playlists);
30389 | } else if (properties.uri) {
30390 | playlists.push(properties);
30391 | } else if (main.playlists.length) {
30392 |
30393 |
30394 |
30395 | for (let i = 0; i < main.playlists.length; i++) {
30396 | const playlist = main.playlists[i];
30397 |
30398 | if (playlist.attributes && playlist.attributes.AUDIO && playlist.attributes.AUDIO === group) {
30399 | playlists.push(playlist);
30400 | }
30401 | }
30402 | }
30403 | }
30404 | }
30405 |
30406 | if (!playlists.length) {
30407 | return defaultPlaylists;
30408 | }
30409 |
30410 | return playlists;
30411 | }
30412 | |
30413 |
30414 |
30415 |
30416 |
30417 |
30418 |
30419 |
30420 | setupMainPlaylistLoaderListeners_() {
30421 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.on('loadedmetadata', () => {
30422 | const media = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media();
30423 | const requestTimeout = media.targetDuration * 1.5 * 1000;
30424 |
30425 |
30426 | if (isLowestEnabledRendition(this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main, this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media())) {
30427 | this.requestOptions_.timeout = 0;
30428 | } else {
30429 | this.requestOptions_.timeout = requestTimeout;
30430 | }
30431 |
30432 |
30433 |
30434 | if (media.endList && this.tech_.preload() !== 'none') {
30435 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.playlist(media, this.requestOptions_);
30436 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.load();
30437 | }
30438 |
30439 | setupMediaGroups({
30440 | sourceType: this.sourceType_,
30441 | segmentLoaders: {
30442 | AUDIO: this.audioSegmentLoader_,
30443 | SUBTITLES: this.subtitleSegmentLoader_,
30444 | main: this.mainSegmentLoader_
30445 | },
30446 | tech: this.tech_,
30447 | requestOptions: this.requestOptions_,
30448 | mainPlaylistLoader: this.mainPlaylistLoader_,
30449 | vhs: this.vhs_,
30450 | main: this.main(),
30451 | mediaTypes: this.mediaTypes_,
30452 | excludePlaylist: this.excludePlaylist.bind(this)
30453 | });
30454 | this.triggerPresenceUsage_(this.main(), media);
30455 | this.setupFirstPlay();
30456 |
30457 | if (!this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader || this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader.media()) {
30458 | this.trigger('selectedinitialmedia');
30459 | } else {
30460 |
30461 |
30462 |
30463 | this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader.one('loadedmetadata', () => {
30464 | this.trigger('selectedinitialmedia');
30465 | });
30466 | }
30467 | });
30468 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.on('loadedplaylist', () => {
30469 | if (this.loadOnPlay_) {
30470 | this.tech_.off('play', this.loadOnPlay_);
30471 | }
30472 |
30473 | let updatedPlaylist = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media();
30474 |
30475 | if (!updatedPlaylist) {
30476 |
30477 | this.attachContentSteeringListeners_();
30478 | this.initContentSteeringController_();
30479 |
30480 |
30481 | this.excludeUnsupportedVariants_();
30482 | let selectedMedia;
30483 |
30484 | if (this.enableLowInitialPlaylist) {
30485 | selectedMedia = this.selectInitialPlaylist();
30486 | }
30487 |
30488 | if (!selectedMedia) {
30489 | selectedMedia = this.selectPlaylist();
30490 | }
30491 |
30492 | if (!selectedMedia || !this.shouldSwitchToMedia_(selectedMedia)) {
30493 | return;
30494 | }
30495 |
30496 | this.initialMedia_ = selectedMedia;
30497 | this.switchMedia_(this.initialMedia_, 'initial');
30498 |
30499 |
30500 |
30501 |
30502 |
30503 |
30504 | const haveJsonSource = this.sourceType_ === 'vhs-json' && this.initialMedia_.segments;
30505 |
30506 | if (!haveJsonSource) {
30507 | return;
30508 | }
30509 |
30510 | updatedPlaylist = this.initialMedia_;
30511 | }
30512 |
30513 | this.handleUpdatedMediaPlaylist(updatedPlaylist);
30514 | });
30515 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.on('error', () => {
30516 | const error = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.error;
30517 | this.excludePlaylist({
30518 | playlistToExclude: error.playlist,
30519 | error
30520 | });
30521 | });
30522 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.on('mediachanging', () => {
30523 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.abort();
30524 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.pause();
30525 | });
30526 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.on('mediachange', () => {
30527 | const media = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media();
30528 | const requestTimeout = media.targetDuration * 1.5 * 1000;
30529 |
30530 |
30531 | if (isLowestEnabledRendition(this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main, this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media())) {
30532 | this.requestOptions_.timeout = 0;
30533 | } else {
30534 | this.requestOptions_.timeout = requestTimeout;
30535 | }
30536 |
30537 | if (this.sourceType_ === 'dash') {
30538 |
30539 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.load();
30540 | }
30541 |
30542 |
30543 |
30544 |
30545 |
30546 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.pause();
30547 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.playlist(media, this.requestOptions_);
30548 |
30549 | if (this.waitingForFastQualityPlaylistReceived_) {
30550 | this.runFastQualitySwitch_();
30551 | } else {
30552 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.load();
30553 | }
30554 |
30555 | this.tech_.trigger({
30556 | type: 'mediachange',
30557 | bubbles: true
30558 | });
30559 | });
30560 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.on('playlistunchanged', () => {
30561 | const updatedPlaylist = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media();
30562 |
30563 |
30564 |
30565 | if (updatedPlaylist.lastExcludeReason_ === 'playlist-unchanged') {
30566 | return;
30567 | }
30568 |
30569 | const playlistOutdated = this.stuckAtPlaylistEnd_(updatedPlaylist);
30570 |
30571 | if (playlistOutdated) {
30572 |
30573 |
30574 |
30575 |
30576 | this.excludePlaylist({
30577 | error: {
30578 | message: 'Playlist no longer updating.',
30579 | reason: 'playlist-unchanged'
30580 | }
30581 | });
30582 |
30583 | this.tech_.trigger('playliststuck');
30584 | }
30585 | });
30586 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.on('renditiondisabled', () => {
30587 | this.tech_.trigger({
30588 | type: 'usage',
30589 | name: 'vhs-rendition-disabled'
30590 | });
30591 | });
30592 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.on('renditionenabled', () => {
30593 | this.tech_.trigger({
30594 | type: 'usage',
30595 | name: 'vhs-rendition-enabled'
30596 | });
30597 | });
30598 | }
30599 | |
30600 |
30601 |
30602 |
30603 |
30604 |
30605 |
30606 |
30607 |
30608 |
30609 |
30610 | handleUpdatedMediaPlaylist(updatedPlaylist) {
30611 | if (this.useCueTags_) {
30612 | this.updateAdCues_(updatedPlaylist);
30613 | }
30614 |
30615 |
30616 |
30617 |
30618 |
30619 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.pause();
30620 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.playlist(updatedPlaylist, this.requestOptions_);
30621 |
30622 | if (this.waitingForFastQualityPlaylistReceived_) {
30623 | this.runFastQualitySwitch_();
30624 | }
30625 |
30626 | this.updateDuration(!updatedPlaylist.endList);
30627 |
30628 |
30629 |
30630 | if (!this.tech_.paused()) {
30631 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.load();
30632 |
30633 | if (this.audioSegmentLoader_) {
30634 | this.audioSegmentLoader_.load();
30635 | }
30636 | }
30637 | }
30638 | |
30639 |
30640 |
30641 |
30642 |
30643 |
30644 |
30645 | triggerPresenceUsage_(main, media) {
30646 | const mediaGroups = main.mediaGroups || {};
30647 | let defaultDemuxed = true;
30648 | const audioGroupKeys = Object.keys(mediaGroups.AUDIO);
30649 |
30650 | for (const mediaGroup in mediaGroups.AUDIO) {
30651 | for (const label in mediaGroups.AUDIO[mediaGroup]) {
30652 | const properties = mediaGroups.AUDIO[mediaGroup][label];
30653 |
30654 | if (!properties.uri) {
30655 | defaultDemuxed = false;
30656 | }
30657 | }
30658 | }
30659 |
30660 | if (defaultDemuxed) {
30661 | this.tech_.trigger({
30662 | type: 'usage',
30663 | name: 'vhs-demuxed'
30664 | });
30665 | }
30666 |
30667 | if (Object.keys(mediaGroups.SUBTITLES).length) {
30668 | this.tech_.trigger({
30669 | type: 'usage',
30670 | name: 'vhs-webvtt'
30671 | });
30672 | }
30673 |
30674 | if (Vhs$1.Playlist.isAes(media)) {
30675 | this.tech_.trigger({
30676 | type: 'usage',
30677 | name: 'vhs-aes'
30678 | });
30679 | }
30680 |
30681 | if (audioGroupKeys.length && Object.keys(mediaGroups.AUDIO[audioGroupKeys[0]]).length > 1) {
30682 | this.tech_.trigger({
30683 | type: 'usage',
30684 | name: 'vhs-alternate-audio'
30685 | });
30686 | }
30687 |
30688 | if (this.useCueTags_) {
30689 | this.tech_.trigger({
30690 | type: 'usage',
30691 | name: 'vhs-playlist-cue-tags'
30692 | });
30693 | }
30694 | }
30695 |
30696 | shouldSwitchToMedia_(nextPlaylist) {
30697 | const currentPlaylist = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media() || this.mainPlaylistLoader_.pendingMedia_;
30698 | const currentTime = this.tech_.currentTime();
30699 | const bufferLowWaterLine = this.bufferLowWaterLine();
30700 | const bufferHighWaterLine = this.bufferHighWaterLine();
30701 | const buffered = this.tech_.buffered();
30702 | return shouldSwitchToMedia({
30703 | buffered,
30704 | currentTime,
30705 | currentPlaylist,
30706 | nextPlaylist,
30707 | bufferLowWaterLine,
30708 | bufferHighWaterLine,
30709 | duration: this.duration(),
30710 | bufferBasedABR: this.bufferBasedABR,
30711 | log: this.logger_
30712 | });
30713 | }
30714 | |
30715 |
30716 |
30717 |
30718 |
30719 |
30720 |
30721 |
30722 | setupSegmentLoaderListeners_() {
30723 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('bandwidthupdate', () => {
30724 |
30725 |
30726 | this.checkABR_('bandwidthupdate');
30727 | this.tech_.trigger('bandwidthupdate');
30728 | });
30729 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('timeout', () => {
30730 | if (this.bufferBasedABR) {
30731 |
30732 |
30733 |
30734 |
30735 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.load();
30736 | }
30737 | });
30738 |
30739 |
30740 | if (!this.bufferBasedABR) {
30741 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('progress', () => {
30742 | this.trigger('progress');
30743 | });
30744 | }
30745 |
30746 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('error', () => {
30747 | const error = this.mainSegmentLoader_.error();
30748 | this.excludePlaylist({
30749 | playlistToExclude: error.playlist,
30750 | error
30751 | });
30752 | });
30753 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('appenderror', () => {
30754 | this.error = this.mainSegmentLoader_.error_;
30755 | this.trigger('error');
30756 | });
30757 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('syncinfoupdate', () => {
30758 | this.onSyncInfoUpdate_();
30759 | });
30760 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('timestampoffset', () => {
30761 | this.tech_.trigger({
30762 | type: 'usage',
30763 | name: 'vhs-timestamp-offset'
30764 | });
30765 | });
30766 | this.audioSegmentLoader_.on('syncinfoupdate', () => {
30767 | this.onSyncInfoUpdate_();
30768 | });
30769 | this.audioSegmentLoader_.on('appenderror', () => {
30770 | this.error = this.audioSegmentLoader_.error_;
30771 | this.trigger('error');
30772 | });
30773 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('ended', () => {
30774 | this.logger_('main segment loader ended');
30775 | this.onEndOfStream();
30776 | });
30777 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('earlyabort', event => {
30778 |
30779 | if (this.bufferBasedABR) {
30780 | return;
30781 | }
30782 |
30783 | this.delegateLoaders_('all', ['abort']);
30784 | this.excludePlaylist({
30785 | error: {
30786 | message: 'Aborted early because there isn\'t enough bandwidth to complete ' + 'the request without rebuffering.'
30787 | },
30788 | playlistExclusionDuration: ABORT_EARLY_EXCLUSION_SECONDS
30789 | });
30790 | });
30791 |
30792 | const updateCodecs = () => {
30793 | if (!this.sourceUpdater_.hasCreatedSourceBuffers()) {
30794 | return this.tryToCreateSourceBuffers_();
30795 | }
30796 |
30797 | const codecs = this.getCodecsOrExclude_();
30798 |
30799 | if (!codecs) {
30800 | return;
30801 | }
30802 |
30803 | this.sourceUpdater_.addOrChangeSourceBuffers(codecs);
30804 | };
30805 |
30806 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('trackinfo', updateCodecs);
30807 | this.audioSegmentLoader_.on('trackinfo', updateCodecs);
30808 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.on('fmp4', () => {
30809 | if (!this.triggeredFmp4Usage) {
30810 | this.tech_.trigger({
30811 | type: 'usage',
30812 | name: 'vhs-fmp4'
30813 | });
30814 | this.triggeredFmp4Usage = true;
30815 | }
30816 | });
30817 | this.audioSegmentLoader_.on('fmp4', () => {
30818 | if (!this.triggeredFmp4Usage) {
30819 | this.tech_.trigger({
30820 | type: 'usage',
30821 | name: 'vhs-fmp4'
30822 | });
30823 | this.triggeredFmp4Usage = true;
30824 | }
30825 | });
30826 | this.audioSegmentLoader_.on('ended', () => {
30827 | this.logger_('audioSegmentLoader ended');
30828 | this.onEndOfStream();
30829 | });
30830 | }
30831 |
30832 | mediaSecondsLoaded_() {
30833 | return Math.max(this.audioSegmentLoader_.mediaSecondsLoaded + this.mainSegmentLoader_.mediaSecondsLoaded);
30834 | }
30835 | |
30836 |
30837 |
30838 |
30839 |
30840 | load() {
30841 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.load();
30842 |
30843 | if (this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader) {
30844 | this.audioSegmentLoader_.load();
30845 | }
30846 |
30847 | if (this.mediaTypes_.SUBTITLES.activePlaylistLoader) {
30848 | this.subtitleSegmentLoader_.load();
30849 | }
30850 | }
30851 | |
30852 |
30853 |
30854 |
30855 |
30856 |
30857 |
30858 |
30859 |
30860 |
30861 | fastQualityChange_(media = this.selectPlaylist()) {
30862 | if (media && media === this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media()) {
30863 | this.logger_('skipping fastQualityChange because new media is same as old');
30864 | return;
30865 | }
30866 |
30867 | this.switchMedia_(media, 'fast-quality');
30868 |
30869 |
30870 | this.waitingForFastQualityPlaylistReceived_ = true;
30871 | }
30872 |
30873 | runFastQualitySwitch_() {
30874 | this.waitingForFastQualityPlaylistReceived_ = false;
30875 |
30876 |
30877 |
30878 |
30879 |
30880 |
30881 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.pause();
30882 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.resetEverything(() => {
30883 | this.tech_.setCurrentTime(this.tech_.currentTime());
30884 | });
30885 | }
30886 | |
30887 |
30888 |
30889 |
30890 |
30891 | play() {
30892 | if (this.setupFirstPlay()) {
30893 | return;
30894 | }
30895 |
30896 | if (this.tech_.ended()) {
30897 | this.tech_.setCurrentTime(0);
30898 | }
30899 |
30900 | if (this.hasPlayed_) {
30901 | this.load();
30902 | }
30903 |
30904 | const seekable = this.tech_.seekable();
30905 |
30906 |
30907 | if (this.tech_.duration() === Infinity) {
30908 | if (this.tech_.currentTime() < seekable.start(0)) {
30909 | return this.tech_.setCurrentTime(seekable.end(seekable.length - 1));
30910 | }
30911 | }
30912 | }
30913 | |
30914 |
30915 |
30916 |
30917 |
30918 |
30919 | setupFirstPlay() {
30920 | const media = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media();
30921 |
30922 |
30923 |
30924 |
30925 |
30926 | if (!media || this.tech_.paused() || this.hasPlayed_) {
30927 | return false;
30928 | }
30929 |
30930 |
30931 | if (!media.endList || media.start) {
30932 | const seekable = this.seekable();
30933 |
30934 | if (!seekable.length) {
30935 |
30936 |
30937 | return false;
30938 | }
30939 |
30940 | const seekableEnd = seekable.end(0);
30941 | let startPoint = seekableEnd;
30942 |
30943 | if (media.start) {
30944 | const offset = media.start.timeOffset;
30945 |
30946 | if (offset < 0) {
30947 | startPoint = Math.max(seekableEnd + offset, seekable.start(0));
30948 | } else {
30949 | startPoint = Math.min(seekableEnd, offset);
30950 | }
30951 | }
30952 |
30953 |
30954 | this.trigger('firstplay');
30955 |
30956 | this.tech_.setCurrentTime(startPoint);
30957 | }
30958 |
30959 | this.hasPlayed_ = true;
30960 |
30961 | this.load();
30962 | return true;
30963 | }
30964 | |
30965 |
30966 |
30967 |
30968 |
30969 |
30970 |
30971 | handleSourceOpen_() {
30972 |
30973 |
30974 |
30975 | this.tryToCreateSourceBuffers_();
30976 |
30977 |
30978 |
30979 | if (this.tech_.autoplay()) {
30980 | const playPromise = this.tech_.play();
30981 |
30982 |
30983 | if (typeof playPromise !== 'undefined' && typeof playPromise.then === 'function') {
30984 | playPromise.then(null, e => {});
30985 | }
30986 | }
30987 |
30988 | this.trigger('sourceopen');
30989 | }
30990 | |
30991 |
30992 |
30993 |
30994 |
30995 |
30996 |
30997 | handleSourceEnded_() {
30998 | if (!this.inbandTextTracks_.metadataTrack_) {
30999 | return;
31000 | }
31001 |
31002 | const cues = this.inbandTextTracks_.metadataTrack_.cues;
31003 |
31004 | if (!cues || !cues.length) {
31005 | return;
31006 | }
31007 |
31008 | const duration = this.duration();
31009 | cues[cues.length - 1].endTime = isNaN(duration) || Math.abs(duration) === Infinity ? Number.MAX_VALUE : duration;
31010 | }
31011 | |
31012 |
31013 |
31014 |
31015 |
31016 |
31017 |
31018 | handleDurationChange_() {
31019 | this.tech_.trigger('durationchange');
31020 | }
31021 | |
31022 |
31023 |
31024 |
31025 |
31026 |
31027 |
31028 |
31029 |
31030 |
31031 | onEndOfStream() {
31032 | let isEndOfStream = this.mainSegmentLoader_.ended_;
31033 |
31034 | if (this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader) {
31035 | const mainMediaInfo = this.mainSegmentLoader_.getCurrentMediaInfo_();
31036 |
31037 | if (!mainMediaInfo || mainMediaInfo.hasVideo) {
31038 |
31039 |
31040 |
31041 | isEndOfStream = isEndOfStream && this.audioSegmentLoader_.ended_;
31042 | } else {
31043 |
31044 | isEndOfStream = this.audioSegmentLoader_.ended_;
31045 | }
31046 | }
31047 |
31048 | if (!isEndOfStream) {
31049 | return;
31050 | }
31051 |
31052 | this.stopABRTimer_();
31053 | this.sourceUpdater_.endOfStream();
31054 | }
31055 | |
31056 |
31057 |
31058 |
31059 |
31060 |
31061 |
31062 |
31063 | stuckAtPlaylistEnd_(playlist) {
31064 | const seekable = this.seekable();
31065 |
31066 | if (!seekable.length) {
31067 |
31068 | return false;
31069 | }
31070 |
31071 | const expired = this.syncController_.getExpiredTime(playlist, this.duration());
31072 |
31073 | if (expired === null) {
31074 | return false;
31075 | }
31076 |
31077 |
31078 |
31079 | const absolutePlaylistEnd = Vhs$1.Playlist.playlistEnd(playlist, expired);
31080 | const currentTime = this.tech_.currentTime();
31081 | const buffered = this.tech_.buffered();
31082 |
31083 | if (!buffered.length) {
31084 |
31085 | return absolutePlaylistEnd - currentTime <= SAFE_TIME_DELTA;
31086 | }
31087 |
31088 | const bufferedEnd = buffered.end(buffered.length - 1);
31089 |
31090 |
31091 | return bufferedEnd - currentTime <= SAFE_TIME_DELTA && absolutePlaylistEnd - bufferedEnd <= SAFE_TIME_DELTA;
31092 | }
31093 | |
31094 |
31095 |
31096 |
31097 |
31098 |
31099 |
31100 |
31101 |
31102 |
31103 |
31104 |
31105 |
31106 | excludePlaylist({
31107 | playlistToExclude = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media(),
31108 | error = {},
31109 | playlistExclusionDuration
31110 | }) {
31111 |
31112 |
31113 |
31114 |
31115 | playlistToExclude = playlistToExclude || this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media();
31116 | playlistExclusionDuration = playlistExclusionDuration || error.playlistExclusionDuration || this.playlistExclusionDuration;
31117 |
31118 |
31119 | if (!playlistToExclude) {
31120 | this.error = error;
31121 |
31122 | if (this.mediaSource.readyState !== 'open') {
31123 | this.trigger('error');
31124 | } else {
31125 | this.sourceUpdater_.endOfStream('network');
31126 | }
31127 |
31128 | return;
31129 | }
31130 |
31131 | playlistToExclude.playlistErrors_++;
31132 | const playlists = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.playlists;
31133 | const enabledPlaylists = playlists.filter(isEnabled);
31134 | const isFinalRendition = enabledPlaylists.length === 1 && enabledPlaylists[0] === playlistToExclude;
31135 |
31136 |
31137 | if (playlists.length === 1 && playlistExclusionDuration !== Infinity) {
31138 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn(`Problem encountered with playlist ${playlistToExclude.id}. ` + 'Trying again since it is the only playlist.');
31139 | this.tech_.trigger('retryplaylist');
31140 |
31141 | return this.mainPlaylistLoader_.load(isFinalRendition);
31142 | }
31143 |
31144 | if (isFinalRendition) {
31145 |
31146 | if (this.main().contentSteering) {
31147 | const pathway = this.pathwayAttribute_(playlistToExclude);
31148 |
31149 | const reIncludeDelay = this.contentSteeringController_.steeringManifest.ttl * 1000;
31150 | this.contentSteeringController_.excludePathway(pathway);
31151 | this.excludeThenChangePathway_();
31152 | setTimeout(() => {
31153 | this.contentSteeringController_.addAvailablePathway(pathway);
31154 | }, reIncludeDelay);
31155 | return;
31156 | }
31157 |
31158 |
31159 |
31160 |
31161 |
31162 | let reincluded = false;
31163 | playlists.forEach(playlist => {
31164 |
31165 | if (playlist === playlistToExclude) {
31166 | return;
31167 | }
31168 |
31169 | const excludeUntil = playlist.excludeUntil;
31170 |
31171 | if (typeof excludeUntil !== 'undefined' && excludeUntil !== Infinity) {
31172 | reincluded = true;
31173 | delete playlist.excludeUntil;
31174 | }
31175 | });
31176 |
31177 | if (reincluded) {
31178 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('Removing other playlists from the exclusion list because the last ' + 'rendition is about to be excluded.');
31179 |
31180 |
31181 |
31182 | this.tech_.trigger('retryplaylist');
31183 | }
31184 | }
31185 |
31186 |
31187 | let excludeUntil;
31188 |
31189 | if (playlistToExclude.playlistErrors_ > this.maxPlaylistRetries) {
31190 | excludeUntil = Infinity;
31191 | } else {
31192 | excludeUntil = Date.now() + playlistExclusionDuration * 1000;
31193 | }
31194 |
31195 | playlistToExclude.excludeUntil = excludeUntil;
31196 |
31197 | if (error.reason) {
31198 | playlistToExclude.lastExcludeReason_ = error.reason;
31199 | }
31200 |
31201 | this.tech_.trigger('excludeplaylist');
31202 | this.tech_.trigger({
31203 | type: 'usage',
31204 | name: 'vhs-rendition-excluded'
31205 | });
31206 |
31207 |
31208 |
31209 |
31210 | const nextPlaylist = this.selectPlaylist();
31211 |
31212 | if (!nextPlaylist) {
31213 | this.error = 'Playback cannot continue. No available working or supported playlists.';
31214 | this.trigger('error');
31215 | return;
31216 | }
31217 |
31218 | const logFn = error.internal ? this.logger_ : videojs__default["default"].log.warn;
31219 | const errorMessage = error.message ? ' ' + error.message : '';
31220 | logFn(`${error.internal ? 'Internal problem' : 'Problem'} encountered with playlist ${playlistToExclude.id}.` + `${errorMessage} Switching to playlist ${nextPlaylist.id}.`);
31221 |
31222 | if (nextPlaylist.attributes.AUDIO !== playlistToExclude.attributes.AUDIO) {
31223 | this.delegateLoaders_('audio', ['abort', 'pause']);
31224 | }
31225 |
31226 |
31227 | if (nextPlaylist.attributes.SUBTITLES !== playlistToExclude.attributes.SUBTITLES) {
31228 | this.delegateLoaders_('subtitle', ['abort', 'pause']);
31229 | }
31230 |
31231 | this.delegateLoaders_('main', ['abort', 'pause']);
31232 | const delayDuration = nextPlaylist.targetDuration / 2 * 1000 || 5 * 1000;
31233 | const shouldDelay = typeof nextPlaylist.lastRequest === 'number' && Date.now() - nextPlaylist.lastRequest <= delayDuration;
31234 |
31235 | return this.switchMedia_(nextPlaylist, 'exclude', isFinalRendition || shouldDelay);
31236 | }
31237 | |
31238 |
31239 |
31240 |
31241 |
31242 | pauseLoading() {
31243 | this.delegateLoaders_('all', ['abort', 'pause']);
31244 | this.stopABRTimer_();
31245 | }
31246 | |
31247 |
31248 |
31249 |
31250 |
31251 |
31252 |
31253 |
31254 |
31255 |
31256 |
31257 |
31258 |
31259 |
31260 |
31261 |
31262 | delegateLoaders_(filter, fnNames) {
31263 | const loaders = [];
31264 | const dontFilterPlaylist = filter === 'all';
31265 |
31266 | if (dontFilterPlaylist || filter === 'main') {
31267 | loaders.push(this.mainPlaylistLoader_);
31268 | }
31269 |
31270 | const mediaTypes = [];
31271 |
31272 | if (dontFilterPlaylist || filter === 'audio') {
31273 | mediaTypes.push('AUDIO');
31274 | }
31275 |
31276 | if (dontFilterPlaylist || filter === 'subtitle') {
31277 | mediaTypes.push('CLOSED-CAPTIONS');
31278 | mediaTypes.push('SUBTITLES');
31279 | }
31280 |
31281 | mediaTypes.forEach(mediaType => {
31282 | const loader = this.mediaTypes_[mediaType] && this.mediaTypes_[mediaType].activePlaylistLoader;
31283 |
31284 | if (loader) {
31285 | loaders.push(loader);
31286 | }
31287 | });
31288 | ['main', 'audio', 'subtitle'].forEach(name => {
31289 | const loader = this[`${name}SegmentLoader_`];
31290 |
31291 | if (loader && (filter === name || filter === 'all')) {
31292 | loaders.push(loader);
31293 | }
31294 | });
31295 | loaders.forEach(loader => fnNames.forEach(fnName => {
31296 | if (typeof loader[fnName] === 'function') {
31297 | loader[fnName]();
31298 | }
31299 | }));
31300 | }
31301 | |
31302 |
31303 |
31304 |
31305 |
31306 |
31307 |
31308 |
31309 | setCurrentTime(currentTime) {
31310 | const buffered = findRange(this.tech_.buffered(), currentTime);
31311 |
31312 | if (!(this.mainPlaylistLoader_ && this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media())) {
31313 |
31314 | return 0;
31315 | }
31316 |
31317 |
31318 |
31319 | if (!this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media().segments) {
31320 | return 0;
31321 | }
31322 |
31323 |
31324 | if (buffered && buffered.length) {
31325 | return currentTime;
31326 | }
31327 |
31328 |
31329 |
31330 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.pause();
31331 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.resetEverything();
31332 |
31333 | if (this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader) {
31334 | this.audioSegmentLoader_.pause();
31335 | this.audioSegmentLoader_.resetEverything();
31336 | }
31337 |
31338 | if (this.mediaTypes_.SUBTITLES.activePlaylistLoader) {
31339 | this.subtitleSegmentLoader_.pause();
31340 | this.subtitleSegmentLoader_.resetEverything();
31341 | }
31342 |
31343 |
31344 | this.load();
31345 | }
31346 | |
31347 |
31348 |
31349 |
31350 |
31351 |
31352 |
31353 | duration() {
31354 | if (!this.mainPlaylistLoader_) {
31355 | return 0;
31356 | }
31357 |
31358 | const media = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media();
31359 |
31360 | if (!media) {
31361 |
31362 | return 0;
31363 | }
31364 |
31365 |
31366 |
31367 |
31368 |
31369 |
31370 |
31371 |
31372 |
31373 |
31374 |
31375 | if (!media.endList) {
31376 | return Infinity;
31377 | }
31378 |
31379 |
31380 |
31381 | if (this.mediaSource) {
31382 | return this.mediaSource.duration;
31383 | }
31384 |
31385 | return Vhs$1.Playlist.duration(media);
31386 | }
31387 | |
31388 |
31389 |
31390 |
31391 |
31392 |
31393 |
31394 | seekable() {
31395 | return this.seekable_;
31396 | }
31397 |
31398 | onSyncInfoUpdate_() {
31399 | let audioSeekable;
31400 |
31401 |
31402 |
31403 |
31404 |
31405 |
31406 |
31407 |
31408 |
31409 |
31410 |
31411 |
31412 |
31413 |
31414 |
31415 |
31416 |
31417 |
31418 |
31419 | if (!this.mainPlaylistLoader_) {
31420 | return;
31421 | }
31422 |
31423 | let media = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media();
31424 |
31425 | if (!media) {
31426 | return;
31427 | }
31428 |
31429 | let expired = this.syncController_.getExpiredTime(media, this.duration());
31430 |
31431 | if (expired === null) {
31432 |
31433 | return;
31434 | }
31435 |
31436 | const main = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main;
31437 | const mainSeekable = Vhs$1.Playlist.seekable(media, expired, Vhs$1.Playlist.liveEdgeDelay(main, media));
31438 |
31439 | if (mainSeekable.length === 0) {
31440 | return;
31441 | }
31442 |
31443 | if (this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader) {
31444 | media = this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader.media();
31445 | expired = this.syncController_.getExpiredTime(media, this.duration());
31446 |
31447 | if (expired === null) {
31448 | return;
31449 | }
31450 |
31451 | audioSeekable = Vhs$1.Playlist.seekable(media, expired, Vhs$1.Playlist.liveEdgeDelay(main, media));
31452 |
31453 | if (audioSeekable.length === 0) {
31454 | return;
31455 | }
31456 | }
31457 |
31458 | let oldEnd;
31459 | let oldStart;
31460 |
31461 | if (this.seekable_ && this.seekable_.length) {
31462 | oldEnd = this.seekable_.end(0);
31463 | oldStart = this.seekable_.start(0);
31464 | }
31465 |
31466 | if (!audioSeekable) {
31467 |
31468 |
31469 | this.seekable_ = mainSeekable;
31470 | } else if (audioSeekable.start(0) > mainSeekable.end(0) || mainSeekable.start(0) > audioSeekable.end(0)) {
31471 |
31472 | this.seekable_ = mainSeekable;
31473 | } else {
31474 | this.seekable_ = createTimeRanges([[audioSeekable.start(0) > mainSeekable.start(0) ? audioSeekable.start(0) : mainSeekable.start(0), audioSeekable.end(0) < mainSeekable.end(0) ? audioSeekable.end(0) : mainSeekable.end(0)]]);
31475 | }
31476 |
31477 |
31478 | if (this.seekable_ && this.seekable_.length) {
31479 | if (this.seekable_.end(0) === oldEnd && this.seekable_.start(0) === oldStart) {
31480 | return;
31481 | }
31482 | }
31483 |
31484 | this.logger_(`seekable updated [${printableRange(this.seekable_)}]`);
31485 | this.tech_.trigger('seekablechanged');
31486 | }
31487 | |
31488 |
31489 |
31490 |
31491 |
31492 | updateDuration(isLive) {
31493 | if (this.updateDuration_) {
31494 | this.mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceopen', this.updateDuration_);
31495 | this.updateDuration_ = null;
31496 | }
31497 |
31498 | if (this.mediaSource.readyState !== 'open') {
31499 | this.updateDuration_ = this.updateDuration.bind(this, isLive);
31500 | this.mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', this.updateDuration_);
31501 | return;
31502 | }
31503 |
31504 | if (isLive) {
31505 | const seekable = this.seekable();
31506 |
31507 | if (!seekable.length) {
31508 | return;
31509 | }
31510 |
31511 |
31512 |
31513 |
31514 |
31515 |
31516 |
31517 |
31518 |
31519 |
31520 |
31521 |
31522 |
31523 |
31524 |
31525 |
31526 |
31527 |
31528 |
31529 |
31530 |
31531 |
31532 |
31533 |
31534 | if (isNaN(this.mediaSource.duration) || this.mediaSource.duration < seekable.end(seekable.length - 1)) {
31535 | this.sourceUpdater_.setDuration(seekable.end(seekable.length - 1));
31536 | }
31537 |
31538 | return;
31539 | }
31540 |
31541 | const buffered = this.tech_.buffered();
31542 | let duration = Vhs$1.Playlist.duration(this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media());
31543 |
31544 | if (buffered.length > 0) {
31545 | duration = Math.max(duration, buffered.end(buffered.length - 1));
31546 | }
31547 |
31548 | if (this.mediaSource.duration !== duration) {
31549 | this.sourceUpdater_.setDuration(duration);
31550 | }
31551 | }
31552 | |
31553 |
31554 |
31555 |
31556 |
31557 |
31558 | dispose() {
31559 | this.trigger('dispose');
31560 | this.decrypter_.terminate();
31561 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.dispose();
31562 | this.mainSegmentLoader_.dispose();
31563 | this.contentSteeringController_.dispose();
31564 | this.keyStatusMap_.clear();
31565 |
31566 | if (this.loadOnPlay_) {
31567 | this.tech_.off('play', this.loadOnPlay_);
31568 | }
31569 |
31570 | ['AUDIO', 'SUBTITLES'].forEach(type => {
31571 | const groups = this.mediaTypes_[type].groups;
31572 |
31573 | for (const id in groups) {
31574 | groups[id].forEach(group => {
31575 | if (group.playlistLoader) {
31576 | group.playlistLoader.dispose();
31577 | }
31578 | });
31579 | }
31580 | });
31581 | this.audioSegmentLoader_.dispose();
31582 | this.subtitleSegmentLoader_.dispose();
31583 | this.sourceUpdater_.dispose();
31584 | this.timelineChangeController_.dispose();
31585 | this.stopABRTimer_();
31586 |
31587 | if (this.updateDuration_) {
31588 | this.mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceopen', this.updateDuration_);
31589 | }
31590 |
31591 | this.mediaSource.removeEventListener('durationchange', this.handleDurationChange_);
31592 |
31593 | this.mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceopen', this.handleSourceOpen_);
31594 | this.mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceended', this.handleSourceEnded_);
31595 | this.off();
31596 | }
31597 | |
31598 |
31599 |
31600 |
31601 |
31602 |
31603 |
31604 | main() {
31605 | return this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main;
31606 | }
31607 | |
31608 |
31609 |
31610 |
31611 |
31612 |
31613 |
31614 | media() {
31615 |
31616 | return this.mainPlaylistLoader_.media() || this.initialMedia_;
31617 | }
31618 |
31619 | areMediaTypesKnown_() {
31620 | const usingAudioLoader = !!this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader;
31621 | const hasMainMediaInfo = !!this.mainSegmentLoader_.getCurrentMediaInfo_();
31622 |
31623 |
31624 | const hasAudioMediaInfo = !usingAudioLoader ? true : !!this.audioSegmentLoader_.getCurrentMediaInfo_();
31625 |
31626 | if (!hasMainMediaInfo || !hasAudioMediaInfo) {
31627 | return false;
31628 | }
31629 |
31630 | return true;
31631 | }
31632 |
31633 | getCodecsOrExclude_() {
31634 | const media = {
31635 | main: this.mainSegmentLoader_.getCurrentMediaInfo_() || {},
31636 | audio: this.audioSegmentLoader_.getCurrentMediaInfo_() || {}
31637 | };
31638 | const playlist = this.mainSegmentLoader_.getPendingSegmentPlaylist() || this.media();
31639 |
31640 | media.video = media.main;
31641 | const playlistCodecs = codecsForPlaylist(this.main(), playlist);
31642 | const codecs = {};
31643 | const usingAudioLoader = !!this.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader;
31644 |
31645 | if (media.main.hasVideo) {
31646 | codecs.video = playlistCodecs.video || media.main.videoCodec || DEFAULT_VIDEO_CODEC;
31647 | }
31648 |
31649 | if (media.main.isMuxed) {
31650 | codecs.video += `,${playlistCodecs.audio || media.main.audioCodec || DEFAULT_AUDIO_CODEC}`;
31651 | }
31652 |
31653 | if (media.main.hasAudio && !media.main.isMuxed || media.audio.hasAudio || usingAudioLoader) {
31654 | codecs.audio = playlistCodecs.audio || media.main.audioCodec || media.audio.audioCodec || DEFAULT_AUDIO_CODEC;
31655 |
31656 | media.audio.isFmp4 = media.main.hasAudio && !media.main.isMuxed ? media.main.isFmp4 : media.audio.isFmp4;
31657 | }
31658 |
31659 |
31660 | if (!codecs.audio && !codecs.video) {
31661 | this.excludePlaylist({
31662 | playlistToExclude: playlist,
31663 | error: {
31664 | message: 'Could not determine codecs for playlist.'
31665 | },
31666 | playlistExclusionDuration: Infinity
31667 | });
31668 | return;
31669 | }
31670 |
31671 |
31672 | const supportFunction = (isFmp4, codec) => isFmp4 ? browserSupportsCodec(codec) : muxerSupportsCodec(codec);
31673 |
31674 | const unsupportedCodecs = {};
31675 | let unsupportedAudio;
31676 | ['video', 'audio'].forEach(function (type) {
31677 | if (codecs.hasOwnProperty(type) && !supportFunction(media[type].isFmp4, codecs[type])) {
31678 | const supporter = media[type].isFmp4 ? 'browser' : 'muxer';
31679 | unsupportedCodecs[supporter] = unsupportedCodecs[supporter] || [];
31680 | unsupportedCodecs[supporter].push(codecs[type]);
31681 |
31682 | if (type === 'audio') {
31683 | unsupportedAudio = supporter;
31684 | }
31685 | }
31686 | });
31687 |
31688 | if (usingAudioLoader && unsupportedAudio && playlist.attributes.AUDIO) {
31689 | const audioGroup = playlist.attributes.AUDIO;
31690 | this.main().playlists.forEach(variant => {
31691 | const variantAudioGroup = variant.attributes && variant.attributes.AUDIO;
31692 |
31693 | if (variantAudioGroup === audioGroup && variant !== playlist) {
31694 | variant.excludeUntil = Infinity;
31695 | }
31696 | });
31697 | this.logger_(`excluding audio group ${audioGroup} as ${unsupportedAudio} does not support codec(s): "${codecs.audio}"`);
31698 | }
31699 |
31700 |
31701 | if (Object.keys(unsupportedCodecs).length) {
31702 | const message = Object.keys(unsupportedCodecs).reduce((acc, supporter) => {
31703 | if (acc) {
31704 | acc += ', ';
31705 | }
31706 |
31707 | acc += `${supporter} does not support codec(s): "${unsupportedCodecs[supporter].join(',')}"`;
31708 | return acc;
31709 | }, '') + '.';
31710 | this.excludePlaylist({
31711 | playlistToExclude: playlist,
31712 | error: {
31713 | internal: true,
31714 | message
31715 | },
31716 | playlistExclusionDuration: Infinity
31717 | });
31718 | return;
31719 | }
31720 |
31721 |
31722 | if (this.sourceUpdater_.hasCreatedSourceBuffers() && !this.sourceUpdater_.canChangeType()) {
31723 | const switchMessages = [];
31724 | ['video', 'audio'].forEach(type => {
31725 | const newCodec = (parseCodecs(this.sourceUpdater_.codecs[type] || '')[0] || {}).type;
31726 | const oldCodec = (parseCodecs(codecs[type] || '')[0] || {}).type;
31727 |
31728 | if (newCodec && oldCodec && newCodec.toLowerCase() !== oldCodec.toLowerCase()) {
31729 | switchMessages.push(`"${this.sourceUpdater_.codecs[type]}" -> "${codecs[type]}"`);
31730 | }
31731 | });
31732 |
31733 | if (switchMessages.length) {
31734 | this.excludePlaylist({
31735 | playlistToExclude: playlist,
31736 | error: {
31737 | message: `Codec switching not supported: ${switchMessages.join(', ')}.`,
31738 | internal: true
31739 | },
31740 | playlistExclusionDuration: Infinity
31741 | });
31742 | return;
31743 | }
31744 | }
31745 |
31746 |
31747 |
31748 | return codecs;
31749 | }
31750 | |
31751 |
31752 |
31753 |
31754 |
31755 |
31756 |
31757 | tryToCreateSourceBuffers_() {
31758 |
31759 |
31760 | if (this.mediaSource.readyState !== 'open' || this.sourceUpdater_.hasCreatedSourceBuffers()) {
31761 | return;
31762 | }
31763 |
31764 | if (!this.areMediaTypesKnown_()) {
31765 | return;
31766 | }
31767 |
31768 | const codecs = this.getCodecsOrExclude_();
31769 |
31770 | if (!codecs) {
31771 | return;
31772 | }
31773 |
31774 | this.sourceUpdater_.createSourceBuffers(codecs);
31775 | const codecString = [codecs.video, codecs.audio].filter(Boolean).join(',');
31776 | this.excludeIncompatibleVariants_(codecString);
31777 | }
31778 | |
31779 |
31780 |
31781 |
31782 |
31783 | excludeUnsupportedVariants_() {
31784 | const playlists = this.main().playlists;
31785 | const ids = [];
31786 |
31787 |
31788 | Object.keys(playlists).forEach(key => {
31789 | const variant = playlists[key];
31790 |
31791 | if (ids.indexOf(variant.id) !== -1) {
31792 | return;
31793 | }
31794 |
31795 | ids.push(variant.id);
31796 | const codecs = codecsForPlaylist(this.main, variant);
31797 | const unsupported = [];
31798 |
31799 | if (codecs.audio && !muxerSupportsCodec(codecs.audio) && !browserSupportsCodec(codecs.audio)) {
31800 | unsupported.push(`audio codec ${codecs.audio}`);
31801 | }
31802 |
31803 | if (codecs.video && !muxerSupportsCodec(codecs.video) && !browserSupportsCodec(codecs.video)) {
31804 | unsupported.push(`video codec ${codecs.video}`);
31805 | }
31806 |
31807 | if (codecs.text && codecs.text === 'stpp.ttml.im1t') {
31808 | unsupported.push(`text codec ${codecs.text}`);
31809 | }
31810 |
31811 | if (unsupported.length) {
31812 | variant.excludeUntil = Infinity;
31813 | this.logger_(`excluding ${variant.id} for unsupported: ${unsupported.join(', ')}`);
31814 | }
31815 | });
31816 | }
31817 | |
31818 |
31819 |
31820 |
31821 |
31822 |
31823 |
31824 |
31825 |
31826 |
31827 |
31828 |
31829 |
31830 |
31831 |
31832 |
31833 | excludeIncompatibleVariants_(codecString) {
31834 | const ids = [];
31835 | const playlists = this.main().playlists;
31836 | const codecs = unwrapCodecList(parseCodecs(codecString));
31837 | const codecCount_ = codecCount(codecs);
31838 | const videoDetails = codecs.video && parseCodecs(codecs.video)[0] || null;
31839 | const audioDetails = codecs.audio && parseCodecs(codecs.audio)[0] || null;
31840 | Object.keys(playlists).forEach(key => {
31841 | const variant = playlists[key];
31842 |
31843 |
31844 | if (ids.indexOf(variant.id) !== -1 || variant.excludeUntil === Infinity) {
31845 | return;
31846 | }
31847 |
31848 | ids.push(variant.id);
31849 | const exclusionReasons = [];
31850 |
31851 | const variantCodecs = codecsForPlaylist(this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main, variant);
31852 | const variantCodecCount = codecCount(variantCodecs);
31853 |
31854 |
31855 | if (!variantCodecs.audio && !variantCodecs.video) {
31856 | return;
31857 | }
31858 |
31859 |
31860 |
31861 |
31862 | if (variantCodecCount !== codecCount_) {
31863 | exclusionReasons.push(`codec count "${variantCodecCount}" !== "${codecCount_}"`);
31864 | }
31865 |
31866 |
31867 |
31868 | if (!this.sourceUpdater_.canChangeType()) {
31869 | const variantVideoDetails = variantCodecs.video && parseCodecs(variantCodecs.video)[0] || null;
31870 | const variantAudioDetails = variantCodecs.audio && parseCodecs(variantCodecs.audio)[0] || null;
31871 |
31872 | if (variantVideoDetails && videoDetails && variantVideoDetails.type.toLowerCase() !== videoDetails.type.toLowerCase()) {
31873 | exclusionReasons.push(`video codec "${variantVideoDetails.type}" !== "${videoDetails.type}"`);
31874 | }
31875 |
31876 |
31877 | if (variantAudioDetails && audioDetails && variantAudioDetails.type.toLowerCase() !== audioDetails.type.toLowerCase()) {
31878 | exclusionReasons.push(`audio codec "${variantAudioDetails.type}" !== "${audioDetails.type}"`);
31879 | }
31880 | }
31881 |
31882 | if (exclusionReasons.length) {
31883 | variant.excludeUntil = Infinity;
31884 | this.logger_(`excluding ${variant.id}: ${exclusionReasons.join(' && ')}`);
31885 | }
31886 | });
31887 | }
31888 |
31889 | updateAdCues_(media) {
31890 | let offset = 0;
31891 | const seekable = this.seekable();
31892 |
31893 | if (seekable.length) {
31894 | offset = seekable.start(0);
31895 | }
31896 |
31897 | updateAdCues(media, this.cueTagsTrack_, offset);
31898 | }
31899 | |
31900 |
31901 |
31902 |
31903 |
31904 |
31905 |
31906 | goalBufferLength() {
31907 | const currentTime = this.tech_.currentTime();
31908 | const initial = Config.GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH;
31909 | const rate = Config.GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH_RATE;
31910 | const max = Math.max(initial, Config.MAX_GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH);
31911 | return Math.min(initial + currentTime * rate, max);
31912 | }
31913 | |
31914 |
31915 |
31916 |
31917 |
31918 |
31919 |
31920 | bufferLowWaterLine() {
31921 | const currentTime = this.tech_.currentTime();
31922 | const initial = Config.BUFFER_LOW_WATER_LINE;
31923 | const rate = Config.BUFFER_LOW_WATER_LINE_RATE;
31924 | const max = Math.max(initial, Config.MAX_BUFFER_LOW_WATER_LINE);
31925 | const newMax = Math.max(initial, Config.EXPERIMENTAL_MAX_BUFFER_LOW_WATER_LINE);
31926 | return Math.min(initial + currentTime * rate, this.bufferBasedABR ? newMax : max);
31927 | }
31928 |
31929 | bufferHighWaterLine() {
31930 | return Config.BUFFER_HIGH_WATER_LINE;
31931 | }
31932 |
31933 | addDateRangesToTextTrack_(dateRanges) {
31934 | createMetadataTrackIfNotExists(this.inbandTextTracks_, 'com.apple.streaming', this.tech_);
31935 | addDateRangeMetadata({
31936 | inbandTextTracks: this.inbandTextTracks_,
31937 | dateRanges
31938 | });
31939 | }
31940 |
31941 | addMetadataToTextTrack(dispatchType, metadataArray, videoDuration) {
31942 | const timestampOffset = this.sourceUpdater_.videoBuffer ? this.sourceUpdater_.videoTimestampOffset() : this.sourceUpdater_.audioTimestampOffset();
31943 |
31944 |
31945 |
31946 | createMetadataTrackIfNotExists(this.inbandTextTracks_, dispatchType, this.tech_);
31947 | addMetadata({
31948 | inbandTextTracks: this.inbandTextTracks_,
31949 | metadataArray,
31950 | timestampOffset,
31951 | videoDuration
31952 | });
31953 | }
31954 | |
31955 |
31956 |
31957 |
31958 |
31959 |
31960 |
31961 |
31962 | pathwayAttribute_(playlist) {
31963 | return playlist.attributes['PATHWAY-ID'] || playlist.attributes.serviceLocation;
31964 | }
31965 | |
31966 |
31967 |
31968 |
31969 |
31970 | initContentSteeringController_() {
31971 | const main = this.main();
31972 |
31973 | if (!main.contentSteering) {
31974 | return;
31975 | }
31976 |
31977 | for (const playlist of main.playlists) {
31978 | this.contentSteeringController_.addAvailablePathway(this.pathwayAttribute_(playlist));
31979 | }
31980 |
31981 | this.contentSteeringController_.assignTagProperties(main.uri, main.contentSteering);
31982 |
31983 | if (this.contentSteeringController_.queryBeforeStart) {
31984 |
31985 | this.contentSteeringController_.requestSteeringManifest(true);
31986 | return;
31987 | }
31988 |
31989 |
31990 | this.tech_.one('canplay', () => {
31991 | this.contentSteeringController_.requestSteeringManifest();
31992 | });
31993 | }
31994 | |
31995 |
31996 |
31997 |
31998 |
31999 | resetContentSteeringController_() {
32000 | this.contentSteeringController_.clearAvailablePathways();
32001 | this.contentSteeringController_.dispose();
32002 | this.initContentSteeringController_();
32003 | }
32004 | |
32005 |
32006 |
32007 |
32008 |
32009 | attachContentSteeringListeners_() {
32010 | this.contentSteeringController_.on('content-steering', this.excludeThenChangePathway_.bind(this));
32011 |
32012 | if (this.sourceType_ === 'dash') {
32013 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.on('loadedplaylist', () => {
32014 | const main = this.main();
32015 |
32016 | const didDashTagChange = this.contentSteeringController_.didDASHTagChange(main.uri, main.contentSteering);
32017 |
32018 | const didPathwaysChange = () => {
32019 | const availablePathways = this.contentSteeringController_.getAvailablePathways();
32020 | const newPathways = [];
32021 |
32022 | for (const playlist of main.playlists) {
32023 | const serviceLocation = playlist.attributes.serviceLocation;
32024 |
32025 | if (serviceLocation) {
32026 | newPathways.push(serviceLocation);
32027 |
32028 | if (!availablePathways.has(serviceLocation)) {
32029 | return true;
32030 | }
32031 | }
32032 | }
32033 |
32034 |
32035 | if (!newPathways.length && availablePathways.size) {
32036 | return true;
32037 | }
32038 |
32039 | return false;
32040 | };
32041 |
32042 | if (didDashTagChange || didPathwaysChange()) {
32043 | this.resetContentSteeringController_();
32044 | }
32045 | });
32046 | }
32047 | }
32048 | |
32049 |
32050 |
32051 |
32052 |
32053 | excludeThenChangePathway_() {
32054 | const currentPathway = this.contentSteeringController_.getPathway();
32055 |
32056 | if (!currentPathway) {
32057 | return;
32058 | }
32059 |
32060 | this.handlePathwayClones_();
32061 | const main = this.main();
32062 | const playlists = main.playlists;
32063 | const ids = new Set();
32064 | let didEnablePlaylists = false;
32065 | Object.keys(playlists).forEach(key => {
32066 | const variant = playlists[key];
32067 | const pathwayId = this.pathwayAttribute_(variant);
32068 | const differentPathwayId = pathwayId && currentPathway !== pathwayId;
32069 | const steeringExclusion = variant.excludeUntil === Infinity && variant.lastExcludeReason_ === 'content-steering';
32070 |
32071 | if (steeringExclusion && !differentPathwayId) {
32072 | delete variant.excludeUntil;
32073 | delete variant.lastExcludeReason_;
32074 | didEnablePlaylists = true;
32075 | }
32076 |
32077 | const noExcludeUntil = !variant.excludeUntil && variant.excludeUntil !== Infinity;
32078 | const shouldExclude = !ids.has(variant.id) && differentPathwayId && noExcludeUntil;
32079 |
32080 | if (!shouldExclude) {
32081 | return;
32082 | }
32083 |
32084 | ids.add(variant.id);
32085 | variant.excludeUntil = Infinity;
32086 | variant.lastExcludeReason_ = 'content-steering';
32087 |
32088 | this.logger_(`excluding ${variant.id} for ${variant.lastExcludeReason_}`);
32089 | });
32090 |
32091 | if (this.contentSteeringController_.manifestType_ === 'DASH') {
32092 | Object.keys(this.mediaTypes_).forEach(key => {
32093 | const type = this.mediaTypes_[key];
32094 |
32095 | if (type.activePlaylistLoader) {
32096 | const currentPlaylist = type.activePlaylistLoader.media_;
32097 |
32098 | if (currentPlaylist && currentPlaylist.attributes.serviceLocation !== currentPathway) {
32099 | didEnablePlaylists = true;
32100 | }
32101 | }
32102 | });
32103 | }
32104 |
32105 | if (didEnablePlaylists) {
32106 | this.changeSegmentPathway_();
32107 | }
32108 | }
32109 | |
32110 |
32111 |
32112 |
32113 |
32114 |
32115 |
32116 |
32117 |
32118 |
32119 |
32120 |
32121 | handlePathwayClones_() {
32122 | const main = this.main();
32123 | const playlists = main.playlists;
32124 | const currentPathwayClones = this.contentSteeringController_.currentPathwayClones;
32125 | const nextPathwayClones = this.contentSteeringController_.nextPathwayClones;
32126 | const hasClones = currentPathwayClones && currentPathwayClones.size || nextPathwayClones && nextPathwayClones.size;
32127 |
32128 | if (!hasClones) {
32129 | return;
32130 | }
32131 |
32132 | for (const [id, clone] of currentPathwayClones.entries()) {
32133 | const newClone = nextPathwayClones.get(id);
32134 |
32135 | if (!newClone) {
32136 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.updateOrDeleteClone(clone);
32137 | this.contentSteeringController_.excludePathway(id);
32138 | }
32139 | }
32140 |
32141 | for (const [id, clone] of nextPathwayClones.entries()) {
32142 | const oldClone = currentPathwayClones.get(id);
32143 |
32144 | if (!oldClone) {
32145 | const playlistsToClone = playlists.filter(p => {
32146 | return p.attributes['PATHWAY-ID'] === clone['BASE-ID'];
32147 | });
32148 | playlistsToClone.forEach(p => {
32149 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.addClonePathway(clone, p);
32150 | });
32151 | this.contentSteeringController_.addAvailablePathway(id);
32152 | continue;
32153 | }
32154 |
32155 |
32156 | if (this.equalPathwayClones_(oldClone, clone)) {
32157 | continue;
32158 | }
32159 |
32160 |
32161 |
32162 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.updateOrDeleteClone(clone, true);
32163 | this.contentSteeringController_.addAvailablePathway(id);
32164 | }
32165 |
32166 |
32167 | this.contentSteeringController_.currentPathwayClones = new Map(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([...nextPathwayClones])));
32168 | }
32169 | |
32170 |
32171 |
32172 |
32173 |
32174 |
32175 |
32176 |
32177 |
32178 | equalPathwayClones_(a, b) {
32179 | if (a['BASE-ID'] !== b['BASE-ID'] || a.ID !== b.ID || a['URI-REPLACEMENT'].HOST !== b['URI-REPLACEMENT'].HOST) {
32180 | return false;
32181 | }
32182 |
32183 | const aParams = a['URI-REPLACEMENT'].PARAMS;
32184 | const bParams = b['URI-REPLACEMENT'].PARAMS;
32185 |
32186 |
32187 | for (const p in aParams) {
32188 | if (aParams[p] !== bParams[p]) {
32189 | return false;
32190 | }
32191 | }
32192 |
32193 | for (const p in bParams) {
32194 | if (aParams[p] !== bParams[p]) {
32195 | return false;
32196 | }
32197 | }
32198 |
32199 | return true;
32200 | }
32201 | |
32202 |
32203 |
32204 |
32205 |
32206 |
32207 | changeSegmentPathway_() {
32208 | const nextPlaylist = this.selectPlaylist();
32209 | this.pauseLoading();
32210 |
32211 | if (this.contentSteeringController_.manifestType_ === 'DASH') {
32212 | this.switchMediaForDASHContentSteering_();
32213 | }
32214 |
32215 | this.switchMedia_(nextPlaylist, 'content-steering');
32216 | }
32217 | |
32218 |
32219 |
32220 |
32221 |
32222 |
32223 |
32224 | excludeNonUsablePlaylistsByKeyId_() {
32225 | if (!this.mainPlaylistLoader_ || !this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main) {
32226 | return;
32227 | }
32228 |
32229 | let nonUsableKeyStatusCount = 0;
32230 | const NON_USABLE = 'non-usable';
32231 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.playlists.forEach(playlist => {
32232 | const keyIdSet = this.mainPlaylistLoader_.getKeyIdSet(playlist);
32233 |
32234 | if (!keyIdSet || !keyIdSet.size) {
32235 | return;
32236 | }
32237 |
32238 | keyIdSet.forEach(key => {
32239 | const USABLE = 'usable';
32240 | const hasUsableKeyStatus = this.keyStatusMap_.has(key) && this.keyStatusMap_.get(key) === USABLE;
32241 | const nonUsableExclusion = playlist.lastExcludeReason_ === NON_USABLE && playlist.excludeUntil === Infinity;
32242 |
32243 | if (!hasUsableKeyStatus) {
32244 |
32245 | if (playlist.excludeUntil !== Infinity && playlist.lastExcludeReason_ !== NON_USABLE) {
32246 | playlist.excludeUntil = Infinity;
32247 | playlist.lastExcludeReason_ = NON_USABLE;
32248 | this.logger_(`excluding playlist ${playlist.id} because the key ID ${key} doesn't exist in the keyStatusMap or is not ${USABLE}`);
32249 | }
32250 |
32251 |
32252 | nonUsableKeyStatusCount++;
32253 | } else if (hasUsableKeyStatus && nonUsableExclusion) {
32254 | delete playlist.excludeUntil;
32255 | delete playlist.lastExcludeReason_;
32256 | this.logger_(`enabling playlist ${playlist.id} because key ID ${key} is ${USABLE}`);
32257 | }
32258 | });
32259 | });
32260 |
32261 | if (nonUsableKeyStatusCount >= this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.playlists.length) {
32262 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.main.playlists.forEach(playlist => {
32263 | const isNonHD = playlist && playlist.attributes && playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION && playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height < 720;
32264 | const excludedForNonUsableKey = playlist.excludeUntil === Infinity && playlist.lastExcludeReason_ === NON_USABLE;
32265 |
32266 | if (isNonHD && excludedForNonUsableKey) {
32267 |
32268 | delete playlist.excludeUntil;
32269 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn(`enabling non-HD playlist ${playlist.id} because all playlists were excluded due to ${NON_USABLE} key IDs`);
32270 | }
32271 | });
32272 | }
32273 | }
32274 | |
32275 |
32276 |
32277 |
32278 |
32279 |
32280 |
32281 |
32282 | addKeyStatus_(keyId, status) {
32283 | const isString = typeof keyId === 'string';
32284 | const keyIdHexString = isString ? keyId : bufferToHexString(keyId);
32285 | const formattedKeyIdString = keyIdHexString.slice(0, 32).toLowerCase();
32286 | this.logger_(`KeyStatus '${status}' with key ID ${formattedKeyIdString} added to the keyStatusMap`);
32287 | this.keyStatusMap_.set(formattedKeyIdString, status);
32288 | }
32289 | |
32290 |
32291 |
32292 |
32293 |
32294 |
32295 |
32296 |
32297 | updatePlaylistByKeyStatus(keyId, status) {
32298 | this.addKeyStatus_(keyId, status);
32299 |
32300 | if (!this.waitingForFastQualityPlaylistReceived_) {
32301 | this.excludeNonUsableThenChangePlaylist_();
32302 | }
32303 |
32304 |
32305 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.off('loadedplaylist', this.excludeNonUsableThenChangePlaylist_.bind(this));
32306 | this.mainPlaylistLoader_.on('loadedplaylist', this.excludeNonUsableThenChangePlaylist_.bind(this));
32307 | }
32308 |
32309 | excludeNonUsableThenChangePlaylist_() {
32310 | this.excludeNonUsablePlaylistsByKeyId_();
32311 | this.fastQualityChange_();
32312 | }
32313 |
32314 | }
32315 |
32316 | |
32317 |
32318 |
32319 |
32320 |
32321 |
32322 |
32323 |
32324 |
32325 |
32326 |
32327 |
32328 |
32329 | const enableFunction = (loader, playlistID, changePlaylistFn) => enable => {
32330 | const playlist = loader.main.playlists[playlistID];
32331 | const incompatible = isIncompatible(playlist);
32332 | const currentlyEnabled = isEnabled(playlist);
32333 |
32334 | if (typeof enable === 'undefined') {
32335 | return currentlyEnabled;
32336 | }
32337 |
32338 | if (enable) {
32339 | delete playlist.disabled;
32340 | } else {
32341 | playlist.disabled = true;
32342 | }
32343 |
32344 | if (enable !== currentlyEnabled && !incompatible) {
32345 |
32346 | changePlaylistFn();
32347 |
32348 | if (enable) {
32349 | loader.trigger('renditionenabled');
32350 | } else {
32351 | loader.trigger('renditiondisabled');
32352 | }
32353 | }
32354 |
32355 | return enable;
32356 | };
32357 | |
32358 |
32359 |
32360 |
32361 |
32362 |
32363 |
32364 |
32365 |
32366 | class Representation {
32367 | constructor(vhsHandler, playlist, id) {
32368 | const {
32369 | playlistController_: pc
32370 | } = vhsHandler;
32371 | const qualityChangeFunction = pc.fastQualityChange_.bind(pc);
32372 |
32373 | if (playlist.attributes) {
32374 | const resolution = playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION;
32375 | this.width = resolution && resolution.width;
32376 | this.height = resolution && resolution.height;
32377 | this.bandwidth = playlist.attributes.BANDWIDTH;
32378 | this.frameRate = playlist.attributes['FRAME-RATE'];
32379 | }
32380 |
32381 | this.codecs = codecsForPlaylist(pc.main(), playlist);
32382 | this.playlist = playlist;
32383 |
32384 |
32385 | this.id = id;
32386 |
32387 |
32388 | this.enabled = enableFunction(vhsHandler.playlists, playlist.id, qualityChangeFunction);
32389 | }
32390 |
32391 | }
32392 | |
32393 |
32394 |
32395 |
32396 |
32397 |
32398 |
32399 |
32400 |
32401 | const renditionSelectionMixin = function (vhsHandler) {
32402 |
32403 | vhsHandler.representations = () => {
32404 | const main = vhsHandler.playlistController_.main();
32405 | const playlists = isAudioOnly(main) ? vhsHandler.playlistController_.getAudioTrackPlaylists_() : main.playlists;
32406 |
32407 | if (!playlists) {
32408 | return [];
32409 | }
32410 |
32411 | return playlists.filter(media => !isIncompatible(media)).map((e, i) => new Representation(vhsHandler, e, e.id));
32412 | };
32413 | };
32414 |
32415 | |
32416 |
32417 |
32418 |
32419 |
32420 |
32421 |
32422 |
32423 |
32424 |
32425 | const timerCancelEvents = ['seeking', 'seeked', 'pause', 'playing', 'error'];
32426 | |
32427 |
32428 |
32429 |
32430 | class PlaybackWatcher {
32431 | |
32432 |
32433 |
32434 |
32435 |
32436 |
32437 | constructor(options) {
32438 | this.playlistController_ = options.playlistController;
32439 | this.tech_ = options.tech;
32440 | this.seekable = options.seekable;
32441 | this.allowSeeksWithinUnsafeLiveWindow = options.allowSeeksWithinUnsafeLiveWindow;
32442 | this.liveRangeSafeTimeDelta = options.liveRangeSafeTimeDelta;
32443 | this.media = options.media;
32444 | this.consecutiveUpdates = 0;
32445 | this.lastRecordedTime = null;
32446 | this.checkCurrentTimeTimeout_ = null;
32447 | this.logger_ = logger('PlaybackWatcher');
32448 | this.logger_('initialize');
32449 |
32450 | const playHandler = () => this.monitorCurrentTime_();
32451 |
32452 | const canPlayHandler = () => this.monitorCurrentTime_();
32453 |
32454 | const waitingHandler = () => this.techWaiting_();
32455 |
32456 | const cancelTimerHandler = () => this.resetTimeUpdate_();
32457 |
32458 | const pc = this.playlistController_;
32459 | const loaderTypes = ['main', 'subtitle', 'audio'];
32460 | const loaderChecks = {};
32461 | loaderTypes.forEach(type => {
32462 | loaderChecks[type] = {
32463 | reset: () => this.resetSegmentDownloads_(type),
32464 | updateend: () => this.checkSegmentDownloads_(type)
32465 | };
32466 | pc[`${type}SegmentLoader_`].on('appendsdone', loaderChecks[type].updateend);
32467 |
32468 |
32469 |
32470 | pc[`${type}SegmentLoader_`].on('playlistupdate', loaderChecks[type].reset);
32471 |
32472 |
32473 |
32474 |
32475 | this.tech_.on(['seeked', 'seeking'], loaderChecks[type].reset);
32476 | });
32477 | |
32478 |
32479 |
32480 |
32481 |
32482 |
32483 |
32484 |
32485 |
32486 | const setSeekingHandlers = fn => {
32487 | ['main', 'audio'].forEach(type => {
32488 | pc[`${type}SegmentLoader_`][fn]('appended', this.seekingAppendCheck_);
32489 | });
32490 | };
32491 |
32492 | this.seekingAppendCheck_ = () => {
32493 | if (this.fixesBadSeeks_()) {
32494 | this.consecutiveUpdates = 0;
32495 | this.lastRecordedTime = this.tech_.currentTime();
32496 | setSeekingHandlers('off');
32497 | }
32498 | };
32499 |
32500 | this.clearSeekingAppendCheck_ = () => setSeekingHandlers('off');
32501 |
32502 | this.watchForBadSeeking_ = () => {
32503 | this.clearSeekingAppendCheck_();
32504 | setSeekingHandlers('on');
32505 | };
32506 |
32507 | this.tech_.on('seeked', this.clearSeekingAppendCheck_);
32508 | this.tech_.on('seeking', this.watchForBadSeeking_);
32509 | this.tech_.on('waiting', waitingHandler);
32510 | this.tech_.on(timerCancelEvents, cancelTimerHandler);
32511 | this.tech_.on('canplay', canPlayHandler);
32512 | |
32513 |
32514 |
32515 |
32516 |
32517 |
32518 |
32519 |
32520 |
32521 |
32522 |
32523 | this.tech_.one('play', playHandler);
32524 |
32525 | this.dispose = () => {
32526 | this.clearSeekingAppendCheck_();
32527 | this.logger_('dispose');
32528 | this.tech_.off('waiting', waitingHandler);
32529 | this.tech_.off(timerCancelEvents, cancelTimerHandler);
32530 | this.tech_.off('canplay', canPlayHandler);
32531 | this.tech_.off('play', playHandler);
32532 | this.tech_.off('seeking', this.watchForBadSeeking_);
32533 | this.tech_.off('seeked', this.clearSeekingAppendCheck_);
32534 | loaderTypes.forEach(type => {
32535 | pc[`${type}SegmentLoader_`].off('appendsdone', loaderChecks[type].updateend);
32536 | pc[`${type}SegmentLoader_`].off('playlistupdate', loaderChecks[type].reset);
32537 | this.tech_.off(['seeked', 'seeking'], loaderChecks[type].reset);
32538 | });
32539 |
32540 | if (this.checkCurrentTimeTimeout_) {
32541 | window.clearTimeout(this.checkCurrentTimeTimeout_);
32542 | }
32543 |
32544 | this.resetTimeUpdate_();
32545 | };
32546 | }
32547 | |
32548 |
32549 |
32550 |
32551 |
32552 |
32553 |
32554 | monitorCurrentTime_() {
32555 | this.checkCurrentTime_();
32556 |
32557 | if (this.checkCurrentTimeTimeout_) {
32558 | window.clearTimeout(this.checkCurrentTimeTimeout_);
32559 | }
32560 |
32561 |
32562 | this.checkCurrentTimeTimeout_ = window.setTimeout(this.monitorCurrentTime_.bind(this), 250);
32563 | }
32564 | |
32565 |
32566 |
32567 |
32568 |
32569 |
32570 |
32571 |
32572 |
32573 |
32574 |
32575 |
32576 | resetSegmentDownloads_(type) {
32577 | const loader = this.playlistController_[`${type}SegmentLoader_`];
32578 |
32579 | if (this[`${type}StalledDownloads_`] > 0) {
32580 | this.logger_(`resetting possible stalled download count for ${type} loader`);
32581 | }
32582 |
32583 | this[`${type}StalledDownloads_`] = 0;
32584 | this[`${type}Buffered_`] = loader.buffered_();
32585 | }
32586 | |
32587 |
32588 |
32589 |
32590 |
32591 |
32592 |
32593 |
32594 |
32595 |
32596 |
32597 |
32598 | checkSegmentDownloads_(type) {
32599 | const pc = this.playlistController_;
32600 | const loader = pc[`${type}SegmentLoader_`];
32601 | const buffered = loader.buffered_();
32602 | const isBufferedDifferent = isRangeDifferent(this[`${type}Buffered_`], buffered);
32603 | this[`${type}Buffered_`] = buffered;
32604 |
32605 |
32606 |
32607 | if (isBufferedDifferent) {
32608 | this.resetSegmentDownloads_(type);
32609 | return;
32610 | }
32611 |
32612 | this[`${type}StalledDownloads_`]++;
32613 | this.logger_(`found #${this[`${type}StalledDownloads_`]} ${type} appends that did not increase buffer (possible stalled download)`, {
32614 | playlistId: loader.playlist_ && loader.playlist_.id,
32615 | buffered: timeRangesToArray(buffered)
32616 | });
32617 |
32618 | if (this[`${type}StalledDownloads_`] < 10) {
32619 | return;
32620 | }
32621 |
32622 | this.logger_(`${type} loader stalled download exclusion`);
32623 | this.resetSegmentDownloads_(type);
32624 | this.tech_.trigger({
32625 | type: 'usage',
32626 | name: `vhs-${type}-download-exclusion`
32627 | });
32628 |
32629 | if (type === 'subtitle') {
32630 | return;
32631 | }
32632 |
32633 |
32634 |
32635 | pc.excludePlaylist({
32636 | error: {
32637 | message: `Excessive ${type} segment downloading detected.`
32638 | },
32639 | playlistExclusionDuration: Infinity
32640 | });
32641 | }
32642 | |
32643 |
32644 |
32645 |
32646 |
32647 |
32648 |
32649 |
32650 |
32651 | checkCurrentTime_() {
32652 | if (this.tech_.paused() || this.tech_.seeking()) {
32653 | return;
32654 | }
32655 |
32656 | const currentTime = this.tech_.currentTime();
32657 | const buffered = this.tech_.buffered();
32658 |
32659 | if (this.lastRecordedTime === currentTime && (!buffered.length || currentTime + SAFE_TIME_DELTA >= buffered.end(buffered.length - 1))) {
32660 |
32661 |
32662 |
32663 |
32664 |
32665 | return this.techWaiting_();
32666 | }
32667 |
32668 | if (this.consecutiveUpdates >= 5 && currentTime === this.lastRecordedTime) {
32669 | this.consecutiveUpdates++;
32670 | this.waiting_();
32671 | } else if (currentTime === this.lastRecordedTime) {
32672 | this.consecutiveUpdates++;
32673 | } else {
32674 | this.consecutiveUpdates = 0;
32675 | this.lastRecordedTime = currentTime;
32676 | }
32677 | }
32678 | |
32679 |
32680 |
32681 |
32682 |
32683 |
32684 |
32685 | resetTimeUpdate_() {
32686 | this.consecutiveUpdates = 0;
32687 | }
32688 | |
32689 |
32690 |
32691 |
32692 |
32693 |
32694 |
32695 |
32696 | fixesBadSeeks_() {
32697 | const seeking = this.tech_.seeking();
32698 |
32699 | if (!seeking) {
32700 | return false;
32701 | }
32702 |
32703 |
32704 |
32705 |
32706 |
32707 | const seekable = this.seekable();
32708 | const currentTime = this.tech_.currentTime();
32709 | const isAfterSeekableRange = this.afterSeekableWindow_(seekable, currentTime, this.media(), this.allowSeeksWithinUnsafeLiveWindow);
32710 | let seekTo;
32711 |
32712 | if (isAfterSeekableRange) {
32713 | const seekableEnd = seekable.end(seekable.length - 1);
32714 |
32715 | seekTo = seekableEnd;
32716 | }
32717 |
32718 | if (this.beforeSeekableWindow_(seekable, currentTime)) {
32719 | const seekableStart = seekable.start(0);
32720 |
32721 |
32722 | seekTo = seekableStart + (
32723 |
32724 | seekableStart === seekable.end(0) ? 0 : SAFE_TIME_DELTA);
32725 | }
32726 |
32727 | if (typeof seekTo !== 'undefined') {
32728 | this.logger_(`Trying to seek outside of seekable at time ${currentTime} with ` + `seekable range ${printableRange(seekable)}. Seeking to ` + `${seekTo}.`);
32729 | this.tech_.setCurrentTime(seekTo);
32730 | return true;
32731 | }
32732 |
32733 | const sourceUpdater = this.playlistController_.sourceUpdater_;
32734 | const buffered = this.tech_.buffered();
32735 | const audioBuffered = sourceUpdater.audioBuffer ? sourceUpdater.audioBuffered() : null;
32736 | const videoBuffered = sourceUpdater.videoBuffer ? sourceUpdater.videoBuffered() : null;
32737 | const media = this.media();
32738 |
32739 |
32740 | const minAppendedDuration = media.partTargetDuration ? media.partTargetDuration : (media.targetDuration - TIME_FUDGE_FACTOR) * 2;
32741 |
32742 |
32743 | const bufferedToCheck = [audioBuffered, videoBuffered];
32744 |
32745 | for (let i = 0; i < bufferedToCheck.length; i++) {
32746 |
32747 | if (!bufferedToCheck[i]) {
32748 | continue;
32749 | }
32750 |
32751 | const timeAhead = timeAheadOf(bufferedToCheck[i], currentTime);
32752 |
32753 |
32754 | if (timeAhead < minAppendedDuration) {
32755 | return false;
32756 | }
32757 | }
32758 |
32759 | const nextRange = findNextRange(buffered, currentTime);
32760 |
32761 |
32762 | if (nextRange.length === 0) {
32763 | return false;
32764 | }
32765 |
32766 | seekTo = nextRange.start(0) + SAFE_TIME_DELTA;
32767 | this.logger_(`Buffered region starts (${nextRange.start(0)}) ` + ` just beyond seek point (${currentTime}). Seeking to ${seekTo}.`);
32768 | this.tech_.setCurrentTime(seekTo);
32769 | return true;
32770 | }
32771 | |
32772 |
32773 |
32774 |
32775 |
32776 |
32777 |
32778 | waiting_() {
32779 | if (this.techWaiting_()) {
32780 | return;
32781 | }
32782 |
32783 |
32784 | const currentTime = this.tech_.currentTime();
32785 | const buffered = this.tech_.buffered();
32786 | const currentRange = findRange(buffered, currentTime);
32787 |
32788 |
32789 |
32790 |
32791 |
32792 |
32793 |
32794 |
32795 | if (currentRange.length && currentTime + 3 <= currentRange.end(0)) {
32796 | this.resetTimeUpdate_();
32797 | this.tech_.setCurrentTime(currentTime);
32798 | this.logger_(`Stopped at ${currentTime} while inside a buffered region ` + `[${currentRange.start(0)} -> ${currentRange.end(0)}]. Attempting to resume ` + 'playback by seeking to the current time.');
32799 |
32800 | this.tech_.trigger({
32801 | type: 'usage',
32802 | name: 'vhs-unknown-waiting'
32803 | });
32804 | return;
32805 | }
32806 | }
32807 | |
32808 |
32809 |
32810 |
32811 |
32812 |
32813 |
32814 |
32815 |
32816 |
32817 | techWaiting_() {
32818 | const seekable = this.seekable();
32819 | const currentTime = this.tech_.currentTime();
32820 |
32821 | if (this.tech_.seeking()) {
32822 |
32823 | return true;
32824 | }
32825 |
32826 | if (this.beforeSeekableWindow_(seekable, currentTime)) {
32827 | const livePoint = seekable.end(seekable.length - 1);
32828 | this.logger_(`Fell out of live window at time ${currentTime}. Seeking to ` + `live point (seekable end) ${livePoint}`);
32829 | this.resetTimeUpdate_();
32830 | this.tech_.setCurrentTime(livePoint);
32831 |
32832 | this.tech_.trigger({
32833 | type: 'usage',
32834 | name: 'vhs-live-resync'
32835 | });
32836 | return true;
32837 | }
32838 |
32839 | const sourceUpdater = this.tech_.vhs.playlistController_.sourceUpdater_;
32840 | const buffered = this.tech_.buffered();
32841 | const videoUnderflow = this.videoUnderflow_({
32842 | audioBuffered: sourceUpdater.audioBuffered(),
32843 | videoBuffered: sourceUpdater.videoBuffered(),
32844 | currentTime
32845 | });
32846 |
32847 | if (videoUnderflow) {
32848 |
32849 |
32850 |
32851 |
32852 | this.resetTimeUpdate_();
32853 | this.tech_.setCurrentTime(currentTime);
32854 |
32855 | this.tech_.trigger({
32856 | type: 'usage',
32857 | name: 'vhs-video-underflow'
32858 | });
32859 | return true;
32860 | }
32861 |
32862 | const nextRange = findNextRange(buffered, currentTime);
32863 |
32864 | if (nextRange.length > 0) {
32865 | this.logger_(`Stopped at ${currentTime} and seeking to ${nextRange.start(0)}`);
32866 | this.resetTimeUpdate_();
32867 | this.skipTheGap_(currentTime);
32868 | return true;
32869 | }
32870 |
32871 |
32872 | return false;
32873 | }
32874 |
32875 | afterSeekableWindow_(seekable, currentTime, playlist, allowSeeksWithinUnsafeLiveWindow = false) {
32876 | if (!seekable.length) {
32877 |
32878 | return false;
32879 | }
32880 |
32881 | let allowedEnd = seekable.end(seekable.length - 1) + SAFE_TIME_DELTA;
32882 | const isLive = !playlist.endList;
32883 | const isLLHLS = typeof playlist.partTargetDuration === 'number';
32884 |
32885 | if (isLive && (isLLHLS || allowSeeksWithinUnsafeLiveWindow)) {
32886 | allowedEnd = seekable.end(seekable.length - 1) + playlist.targetDuration * 3;
32887 | }
32888 |
32889 | if (currentTime > allowedEnd) {
32890 | return true;
32891 | }
32892 |
32893 | return false;
32894 | }
32895 |
32896 | beforeSeekableWindow_(seekable, currentTime) {
32897 | if (seekable.length &&
32898 | seekable.start(0) > 0 && currentTime < seekable.start(0) - this.liveRangeSafeTimeDelta) {
32899 | return true;
32900 | }
32901 |
32902 | return false;
32903 | }
32904 |
32905 | videoUnderflow_({
32906 | videoBuffered,
32907 | audioBuffered,
32908 | currentTime
32909 | }) {
32910 |
32911 | if (!videoBuffered) {
32912 | return;
32913 | }
32914 |
32915 | let gap;
32916 |
32917 | if (videoBuffered.length && audioBuffered.length) {
32918 |
32919 |
32920 |
32921 | const lastVideoRange = findRange(videoBuffered, currentTime - 3);
32922 | const videoRange = findRange(videoBuffered, currentTime);
32923 | const audioRange = findRange(audioBuffered, currentTime);
32924 |
32925 | if (audioRange.length && !videoRange.length && lastVideoRange.length) {
32926 | gap = {
32927 | start: lastVideoRange.end(0),
32928 | end: audioRange.end(0)
32929 | };
32930 | }
32931 |
32932 | } else {
32933 | const nextRange = findNextRange(videoBuffered, currentTime);
32934 |
32935 |
32936 | if (!nextRange.length) {
32937 | gap = this.gapFromVideoUnderflow_(videoBuffered, currentTime);
32938 | }
32939 | }
32940 |
32941 | if (gap) {
32942 | this.logger_(`Encountered a gap in video from ${gap.start} to ${gap.end}. ` + `Seeking to current time ${currentTime}`);
32943 | return true;
32944 | }
32945 |
32946 | return false;
32947 | }
32948 | |
32949 |
32950 |
32951 |
32952 |
32953 |
32954 |
32955 |
32956 | skipTheGap_(scheduledCurrentTime) {
32957 | const buffered = this.tech_.buffered();
32958 | const currentTime = this.tech_.currentTime();
32959 | const nextRange = findNextRange(buffered, currentTime);
32960 | this.resetTimeUpdate_();
32961 |
32962 | if (nextRange.length === 0 || currentTime !== scheduledCurrentTime) {
32963 | return;
32964 | }
32965 |
32966 | this.logger_('skipTheGap_:', 'currentTime:', currentTime, 'scheduled currentTime:', scheduledCurrentTime, 'nextRange start:', nextRange.start(0));
32967 |
32968 | this.tech_.setCurrentTime(nextRange.start(0) + TIME_FUDGE_FACTOR);
32969 | this.tech_.trigger({
32970 | type: 'usage',
32971 | name: 'vhs-gap-skip'
32972 | });
32973 | }
32974 |
32975 | gapFromVideoUnderflow_(buffered, currentTime) {
32976 |
32977 |
32978 |
32979 |
32980 |
32981 |
32982 |
32983 |
32984 |
32985 |
32986 |
32987 |
32988 |
32989 |
32990 |
32991 |
32992 |
32993 |
32994 |
32995 |
32996 |
32997 |
32998 | const gaps = findGaps(buffered);
32999 |
33000 | for (let i = 0; i < gaps.length; i++) {
33001 | const start = gaps.start(i);
33002 | const end = gaps.end(i);
33003 |
33004 | if (currentTime - start < 4 && currentTime - start > 2) {
33005 | return {
33006 | start,
33007 | end
33008 | };
33009 | }
33010 | }
33011 |
33012 | return null;
33013 | }
33014 |
33015 | }
33016 |
33017 | const defaultOptions = {
33018 | errorInterval: 30,
33019 |
33020 | getSource(next) {
33021 | const tech = this.tech({
33022 | IWillNotUseThisInPlugins: true
33023 | });
33024 | const sourceObj = tech.currentSource_ || this.currentSource();
33025 | return next(sourceObj);
33026 | }
33027 |
33028 | };
33029 | |
33030 |
33031 |
33032 |
33033 |
33034 |
33035 |
33036 |
33037 | const initPlugin = function (player, options) {
33038 | let lastCalled = 0;
33039 | let seekTo = 0;
33040 | const localOptions = merge$1(defaultOptions, options);
33041 | player.ready(() => {
33042 | player.trigger({
33043 | type: 'usage',
33044 | name: 'vhs-error-reload-initialized'
33045 | });
33046 | });
33047 | |
33048 |
33049 |
33050 |
33051 |
33052 |
33053 |
33054 | const loadedMetadataHandler = function () {
33055 | if (seekTo) {
33056 | player.currentTime(seekTo);
33057 | }
33058 | };
33059 | |
33060 |
33061 |
33062 |
33063 |
33064 |
33065 |
33066 |
33067 | const setSource = function (sourceObj) {
33068 | if (sourceObj === null || sourceObj === undefined) {
33069 | return;
33070 | }
33071 |
33072 | seekTo = player.duration() !== Infinity && player.currentTime() || 0;
33073 | player.one('loadedmetadata', loadedMetadataHandler);
33074 | player.src(sourceObj);
33075 | player.trigger({
33076 | type: 'usage',
33077 | name: 'vhs-error-reload'
33078 | });
33079 | player.play();
33080 | };
33081 | |
33082 |
33083 |
33084 |
33085 |
33086 |
33087 |
33088 |
33089 | const errorHandler = function () {
33090 |
33091 |
33092 | if (Date.now() - lastCalled < localOptions.errorInterval * 1000) {
33093 | player.trigger({
33094 | type: 'usage',
33095 | name: 'vhs-error-reload-canceled'
33096 | });
33097 | return;
33098 | }
33099 |
33100 | if (!localOptions.getSource || typeof localOptions.getSource !== 'function') {
33101 | videojs__default["default"].log.error('ERROR: reloadSourceOnError - The option getSource must be a function!');
33102 | return;
33103 | }
33104 |
33105 | lastCalled = Date.now();
33106 | return localOptions.getSource.call(player, setSource);
33107 | };
33108 | |
33109 |
33110 |
33111 |
33112 |
33113 |
33114 |
33115 | const cleanupEvents = function () {
33116 | player.off('loadedmetadata', loadedMetadataHandler);
33117 | player.off('error', errorHandler);
33118 | player.off('dispose', cleanupEvents);
33119 | };
33120 | |
33121 |
33122 |
33123 |
33124 |
33125 |
33126 |
33127 |
33128 | const reinitPlugin = function (newOptions) {
33129 | cleanupEvents();
33130 | initPlugin(player, newOptions);
33131 | };
33132 |
33133 | player.on('error', errorHandler);
33134 | player.on('dispose', cleanupEvents);
33135 |
33136 |
33137 | player.reloadSourceOnError = reinitPlugin;
33138 | };
33139 | |
33140 |
33141 |
33142 |
33143 |
33144 |
33145 |
33146 |
33147 | const reloadSourceOnError = function (options) {
33148 | initPlugin(this, options);
33149 | };
33150 |
33151 | var version$4 = "3.10.0";
33152 |
33153 | var version$3 = "7.0.2";
33154 |
33155 | var version$2 = "1.3.0";
33156 |
33157 | var version$1 = "7.1.0";
33158 |
33159 | var version = "4.0.1";
33160 |
33161 | |
33162 |
33163 |
33164 |
33165 |
33166 |
33167 | const Vhs = {
33168 | PlaylistLoader,
33169 | Playlist,
33170 | utils,
33171 | STANDARD_PLAYLIST_SELECTOR: lastBandwidthSelector,
33172 | INITIAL_PLAYLIST_SELECTOR: lowestBitrateCompatibleVariantSelector,
33173 | lastBandwidthSelector,
33174 | movingAverageBandwidthSelector,
33175 | comparePlaylistBandwidth,
33176 | comparePlaylistResolution,
33177 | xhr: xhrFactory()
33178 | };
33179 |
33180 | Object.keys(Config).forEach(prop => {
33181 | Object.defineProperty(Vhs, prop, {
33182 | get() {
33183 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn(`using Vhs.${prop} is UNSAFE be sure you know what you are doing`);
33184 | return Config[prop];
33185 | },
33186 |
33187 | set(value) {
33188 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn(`using Vhs.${prop} is UNSAFE be sure you know what you are doing`);
33189 |
33190 | if (typeof value !== 'number' || value < 0) {
33191 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn(`value of Vhs.${prop} must be greater than or equal to 0`);
33192 | return;
33193 | }
33194 |
33195 | Config[prop] = value;
33196 | }
33197 |
33198 | });
33199 | });
33200 | const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = 'videojs-vhs';
33201 | |
33202 |
33203 |
33204 |
33205 |
33206 |
33207 |
33208 |
33209 | const handleVhsMediaChange = function (qualityLevels, playlistLoader) {
33210 | const newPlaylist = playlistLoader.media();
33211 | let selectedIndex = -1;
33212 |
33213 | for (let i = 0; i < qualityLevels.length; i++) {
33214 | if (qualityLevels[i].id === newPlaylist.id) {
33215 | selectedIndex = i;
33216 | break;
33217 | }
33218 | }
33219 |
33220 | qualityLevels.selectedIndex_ = selectedIndex;
33221 | qualityLevels.trigger({
33222 | selectedIndex,
33223 | type: 'change'
33224 | });
33225 | };
33226 | |
33227 |
33228 |
33229 |
33230 |
33231 |
33232 |
33233 |
33234 |
33235 | const handleVhsLoadedMetadata = function (qualityLevels, vhs) {
33236 | vhs.representations().forEach(rep => {
33237 | qualityLevels.addQualityLevel(rep);
33238 | });
33239 | handleVhsMediaChange(qualityLevels, vhs.playlists);
33240 | };
33241 |
33242 |
33243 |
33244 | Vhs.canPlaySource = function () {
33245 | return videojs__default["default"].log.warn('VHS is no longer a tech. Please remove it from ' + 'your player\'s techOrder.');
33246 | };
33247 |
33248 | const emeKeySystems = (keySystemOptions, mainPlaylist, audioPlaylist) => {
33249 | if (!keySystemOptions) {
33250 | return keySystemOptions;
33251 | }
33252 |
33253 | let codecs = {};
33254 |
33255 | if (mainPlaylist && mainPlaylist.attributes && mainPlaylist.attributes.CODECS) {
33256 | codecs = unwrapCodecList(parseCodecs(mainPlaylist.attributes.CODECS));
33257 | }
33258 |
33259 | if (audioPlaylist && audioPlaylist.attributes && audioPlaylist.attributes.CODECS) {
33260 | codecs.audio = audioPlaylist.attributes.CODECS;
33261 | }
33262 |
33263 | const videoContentType = getMimeForCodec(codecs.video);
33264 | const audioContentType = getMimeForCodec(codecs.audio);
33265 |
33266 | const keySystemContentTypes = {};
33267 |
33268 | for (const keySystem in keySystemOptions) {
33269 | keySystemContentTypes[keySystem] = {};
33270 |
33271 | if (audioContentType) {
33272 | keySystemContentTypes[keySystem].audioContentType = audioContentType;
33273 | }
33274 |
33275 | if (videoContentType) {
33276 | keySystemContentTypes[keySystem].videoContentType = videoContentType;
33277 | }
33278 |
33279 |
33280 |
33281 |
33282 |
33283 |
33284 |
33285 | if (mainPlaylist.contentProtection && mainPlaylist.contentProtection[keySystem] && mainPlaylist.contentProtection[keySystem].pssh) {
33286 | keySystemContentTypes[keySystem].pssh = mainPlaylist.contentProtection[keySystem].pssh;
33287 | }
33288 |
33289 |
33290 |
33291 | if (typeof keySystemOptions[keySystem] === 'string') {
33292 | keySystemContentTypes[keySystem].url = keySystemOptions[keySystem];
33293 | }
33294 | }
33295 |
33296 | return merge$1(keySystemOptions, keySystemContentTypes);
33297 | };
33298 | |
33299 |
33300 |
33301 |
33302 |
33303 |
33304 |
33305 |
33306 |
33307 |
33308 | |
33309 |
33310 |
33311 |
33312 |
33313 |
33314 |
33315 |
33316 |
33317 |
33318 |
33319 |
33320 |
33321 |
33322 |
33323 | const getAllPsshKeySystemsOptions = (playlists, keySystems) => {
33324 | return playlists.reduce((keySystemsArr, playlist) => {
33325 | if (!playlist.contentProtection) {
33326 | return keySystemsArr;
33327 | }
33328 |
33329 | const keySystemsOptions = keySystems.reduce((keySystemsObj, keySystem) => {
33330 | const keySystemOptions = playlist.contentProtection[keySystem];
33331 |
33332 | if (keySystemOptions && keySystemOptions.pssh) {
33333 | keySystemsObj[keySystem] = {
33334 | pssh: keySystemOptions.pssh
33335 | };
33336 | }
33337 |
33338 | return keySystemsObj;
33339 | }, {});
33340 |
33341 | if (Object.keys(keySystemsOptions).length) {
33342 | keySystemsArr.push(keySystemsOptions);
33343 | }
33344 |
33345 | return keySystemsArr;
33346 | }, []);
33347 | };
33348 | |
33349 |
33350 |
33351 |
33352 |
33353 |
33354 |
33355 |
33356 |
33357 |
33358 |
33359 |
33360 |
33361 |
33362 |
33363 |
33364 |
33365 |
33366 |
33367 |
33368 |
33369 |
33370 |
33371 |
33372 |
33373 |
33374 | const waitForKeySessionCreation = ({
33375 | player,
33376 | sourceKeySystems,
33377 | audioMedia,
33378 | mainPlaylists
33379 | }) => {
33380 | if (!player.eme.initializeMediaKeys) {
33381 | return Promise.resolve();
33382 | }
33383 |
33384 |
33385 |
33386 |
33387 |
33388 |
33389 |
33390 |
33391 |
33392 | const playlists = audioMedia ? mainPlaylists.concat([audioMedia]) : mainPlaylists;
33393 | const keySystemsOptionsArr = getAllPsshKeySystemsOptions(playlists, Object.keys(sourceKeySystems));
33394 | const initializationFinishedPromises = [];
33395 | const keySessionCreatedPromises = [];
33396 |
33397 |
33398 |
33399 |
33400 |
33401 | keySystemsOptionsArr.forEach(keySystemsOptions => {
33402 | keySessionCreatedPromises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
33403 | player.tech_.one('keysessioncreated', resolve);
33404 | }));
33405 | initializationFinishedPromises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
33406 | player.eme.initializeMediaKeys({
33407 | keySystems: keySystemsOptions
33408 | }, err => {
33409 | if (err) {
33410 | reject(err);
33411 | return;
33412 | }
33413 |
33414 | resolve();
33415 | });
33416 | }));
33417 | });
33418 |
33419 |
33420 |
33421 |
33422 |
33423 |
33424 | return Promise.race([
33425 |
33426 |
33427 | Promise.all(initializationFinishedPromises),
33428 | Promise.race(keySessionCreatedPromises)]);
33429 | };
33430 | |
33431 |
33432 |
33433 |
33434 |
33435 |
33436 |
33437 |
33438 |
33439 |
33440 |
33441 |
33442 |
33443 |
33444 |
33445 |
33446 |
33447 |
33448 | const setupEmeOptions = ({
33449 | player,
33450 | sourceKeySystems,
33451 | media,
33452 | audioMedia
33453 | }) => {
33454 | const sourceOptions = emeKeySystems(sourceKeySystems, media, audioMedia);
33455 |
33456 | if (!sourceOptions) {
33457 | return false;
33458 | }
33459 |
33460 | player.currentSource().keySystems = sourceOptions;
33461 |
33462 |
33463 | if (sourceOptions && !player.eme) {
33464 | videojs__default["default"].log.warn('DRM encrypted source cannot be decrypted without a DRM plugin');
33465 | return false;
33466 | }
33467 |
33468 | return true;
33469 | };
33470 |
33471 | const getVhsLocalStorage = () => {
33472 | if (!window.localStorage) {
33473 | return null;
33474 | }
33475 |
33476 | const storedObject = window.localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY);
33477 |
33478 | if (!storedObject) {
33479 | return null;
33480 | }
33481 |
33482 | try {
33483 | return JSON.parse(storedObject);
33484 | } catch (e) {
33485 |
33486 | return null;
33487 | }
33488 | };
33489 |
33490 | const updateVhsLocalStorage = options => {
33491 | if (!window.localStorage) {
33492 | return false;
33493 | }
33494 |
33495 | let objectToStore = getVhsLocalStorage();
33496 | objectToStore = objectToStore ? merge$1(objectToStore, options) : options;
33497 |
33498 | try {
33499 | window.localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(objectToStore));
33500 | } catch (e) {
33501 |
33502 |
33503 |
33504 |
33505 | return false;
33506 | }
33507 |
33508 | return objectToStore;
33509 | };
33510 | |
33511 |
33512 |
33513 |
33514 |
33515 |
33516 |
33517 |
33518 |
33519 |
33520 |
33521 |
33522 |
33523 |
33524 | const expandDataUri = dataUri => {
33525 | if (dataUri.toLowerCase().indexOf('data:application/vnd.videojs.vhs+json,') === 0) {
33526 | return JSON.parse(dataUri.substring(dataUri.indexOf(',') + 1));
33527 | }
33528 |
33529 |
33530 | return dataUri;
33531 | };
33532 | |
33533 |
33534 |
33535 |
33536 |
33537 |
33538 |
33539 |
33540 | const addOnRequestHook = (xhr, callback) => {
33541 | if (!xhr._requestCallbackSet) {
33542 | xhr._requestCallbackSet = new Set();
33543 | }
33544 |
33545 | xhr._requestCallbackSet.add(callback);
33546 | };
33547 | |
33548 |
33549 |
33550 |
33551 |
33552 |
33553 |
33554 |
33555 | const addOnResponseHook = (xhr, callback) => {
33556 | if (!xhr._responseCallbackSet) {
33557 | xhr._responseCallbackSet = new Set();
33558 | }
33559 |
33560 | xhr._responseCallbackSet.add(callback);
33561 | };
33562 | |
33563 |
33564 |
33565 |
33566 |
33567 |
33568 |
33569 |
33570 | const removeOnRequestHook = (xhr, callback) => {
33571 | if (!xhr._requestCallbackSet) {
33572 | return;
33573 | }
33574 |
33575 | xhr._requestCallbackSet.delete(callback);
33576 |
33577 | if (!xhr._requestCallbackSet.size) {
33578 | delete xhr._requestCallbackSet;
33579 | }
33580 | };
33581 | |
33582 |
33583 |
33584 |
33585 |
33586 |
33587 |
33588 |
33589 | const removeOnResponseHook = (xhr, callback) => {
33590 | if (!xhr._responseCallbackSet) {
33591 | return;
33592 | }
33593 |
33594 | xhr._responseCallbackSet.delete(callback);
33595 |
33596 | if (!xhr._responseCallbackSet.size) {
33597 | delete xhr._responseCallbackSet;
33598 | }
33599 | };
33600 | |
33601 |
33602 |
33603 |
33604 |
33605 | Vhs.supportsNativeHls = function () {
33606 | if (!document || !document.createElement) {
33607 | return false;
33608 | }
33609 |
33610 | const video = document.createElement('video');
33611 |
33612 | if (!videojs__default["default"].getTech('Html5').isSupported()) {
33613 | return false;
33614 | }
33615 |
33616 |
33617 | const canPlay = [
33618 | 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl',
33619 | 'audio/mpegurl',
33620 | 'audio/x-mpegurl',
33621 | 'application/x-mpegurl',
33622 | 'video/x-mpegurl', 'video/mpegurl', 'application/mpegurl'];
33623 | return canPlay.some(function (canItPlay) {
33624 | return /maybe|probably/i.test(video.canPlayType(canItPlay));
33625 | });
33626 | }();
33627 |
33628 | Vhs.supportsNativeDash = function () {
33629 | if (!document || !document.createElement || !videojs__default["default"].getTech('Html5').isSupported()) {
33630 | return false;
33631 | }
33632 |
33633 | return /maybe|probably/i.test(document.createElement('video').canPlayType('application/dash+xml'));
33634 | }();
33635 |
33636 | Vhs.supportsTypeNatively = type => {
33637 | if (type === 'hls') {
33638 | return Vhs.supportsNativeHls;
33639 | }
33640 |
33641 | if (type === 'dash') {
33642 | return Vhs.supportsNativeDash;
33643 | }
33644 |
33645 | return false;
33646 | };
33647 | |
33648 |
33649 |
33650 |
33651 |
33652 |
33653 | Vhs.isSupported = function () {
33654 | return videojs__default["default"].log.warn('VHS is no longer a tech. Please remove it from ' + 'your player\'s techOrder.');
33655 | };
33656 | |
33657 |
33658 |
33659 |
33660 |
33661 |
33662 |
33663 | Vhs.xhr.onRequest = function (callback) {
33664 | addOnRequestHook(Vhs.xhr, callback);
33665 | };
33666 | |
33667 |
33668 |
33669 |
33670 |
33671 |
33672 |
33673 | Vhs.xhr.onResponse = function (callback) {
33674 | addOnResponseHook(Vhs.xhr, callback);
33675 | };
33676 | |
33677 |
33678 |
33679 |
33680 |
33681 |
33682 |
33683 | Vhs.xhr.offRequest = function (callback) {
33684 | removeOnRequestHook(Vhs.xhr, callback);
33685 | };
33686 | |
33687 |
33688 |
33689 |
33690 |
33691 |
33692 |
33693 | Vhs.xhr.offResponse = function (callback) {
33694 | removeOnResponseHook(Vhs.xhr, callback);
33695 | };
33696 |
33697 | const Component = videojs__default["default"].getComponent('Component');
33698 | |
33699 |
33700 |
33701 |
33702 |
33703 |
33704 |
33705 |
33706 |
33707 |
33708 |
33709 | class VhsHandler extends Component {
33710 | constructor(source, tech, options) {
33711 | super(tech, options.vhs);
33712 |
33713 |
33714 | if (typeof options.initialBandwidth === 'number') {
33715 | this.options_.bandwidth = options.initialBandwidth;
33716 | }
33717 |
33718 | this.logger_ = logger('VhsHandler');
33719 |
33720 |
33721 | if (tech.options_ && tech.options_.playerId) {
33722 | const _player = videojs__default["default"].getPlayer(tech.options_.playerId);
33723 |
33724 | this.player_ = _player;
33725 | }
33726 |
33727 | this.tech_ = tech;
33728 | this.source_ = source;
33729 | this.stats = {};
33730 | this.ignoreNextSeekingEvent_ = false;
33731 | this.setOptions_();
33732 |
33733 | if (this.options_.overrideNative && tech.overrideNativeAudioTracks && tech.overrideNativeVideoTracks) {
33734 | tech.overrideNativeAudioTracks(true);
33735 | tech.overrideNativeVideoTracks(true);
33736 | } else if (this.options_.overrideNative && (tech.featuresNativeVideoTracks || tech.featuresNativeAudioTracks)) {
33737 |
33738 |
33739 | throw new Error('Overriding native VHS requires emulated tracks. ' + 'See https://git.io/vMpjB');
33740 | }
33741 |
33742 |
33743 |
33744 | this.on(document, ['fullscreenchange', 'webkitfullscreenchange', 'mozfullscreenchange', 'MSFullscreenChange'], event => {
33745 | const fullscreenElement = document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement;
33746 |
33747 | if (fullscreenElement && fullscreenElement.contains(this.tech_.el())) {
33748 | this.playlistController_.fastQualityChange_();
33749 | } else {
33750 |
33751 |
33752 |
33753 | this.playlistController_.checkABR_();
33754 | }
33755 | });
33756 | this.on(this.tech_, 'seeking', function () {
33757 | if (this.ignoreNextSeekingEvent_) {
33758 | this.ignoreNextSeekingEvent_ = false;
33759 | return;
33760 | }
33761 |
33762 | this.setCurrentTime(this.tech_.currentTime());
33763 | });
33764 | this.on(this.tech_, 'error', function () {
33765 |
33766 |
33767 | if (this.tech_.error() && this.playlistController_) {
33768 | this.playlistController_.pauseLoading();
33769 | }
33770 | });
33771 | this.on(this.tech_, 'play', this.play);
33772 | }
33773 | |
33774 |
33775 |
33776 |
33777 |
33778 |
33779 |
33780 |
33781 | setOptions_(options = {}) {
33782 | this.options_ = merge$1(this.options_, options);
33783 |
33784 | this.options_.withCredentials = this.options_.withCredentials || false;
33785 | this.options_.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions = this.options_.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions === false ? false : true;
33786 | this.options_.useDevicePixelRatio = this.options_.useDevicePixelRatio || false;
33787 | this.options_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage = typeof this.source_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage !== 'undefined' ? this.source_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage : this.options_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage || false;
33788 | this.options_.useForcedSubtitles = this.options_.useForcedSubtitles || false;
33789 | this.options_.useNetworkInformationApi = this.options_.useNetworkInformationApi || false;
33790 | this.options_.useDtsForTimestampOffset = this.options_.useDtsForTimestampOffset || false;
33791 | this.options_.customTagParsers = this.options_.customTagParsers || [];
33792 | this.options_.customTagMappers = this.options_.customTagMappers || [];
33793 | this.options_.cacheEncryptionKeys = this.options_.cacheEncryptionKeys || false;
33794 | this.options_.llhls = this.options_.llhls === false ? false : true;
33795 | this.options_.bufferBasedABR = this.options_.bufferBasedABR || false;
33796 |
33797 | if (typeof this.options_.playlistExclusionDuration !== 'number') {
33798 | this.options_.playlistExclusionDuration = 60;
33799 | }
33800 |
33801 | if (typeof this.options_.bandwidth !== 'number') {
33802 | if (this.options_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage) {
33803 | const storedObject = getVhsLocalStorage();
33804 |
33805 | if (storedObject && storedObject.bandwidth) {
33806 | this.options_.bandwidth = storedObject.bandwidth;
33807 | this.tech_.trigger({
33808 | type: 'usage',
33809 | name: 'vhs-bandwidth-from-local-storage'
33810 | });
33811 | }
33812 |
33813 | if (storedObject && storedObject.throughput) {
33814 | this.options_.throughput = storedObject.throughput;
33815 | this.tech_.trigger({
33816 | type: 'usage',
33817 | name: 'vhs-throughput-from-local-storage'
33818 | });
33819 | }
33820 | }
33821 | }
33822 |
33823 |
33824 |
33825 | if (typeof this.options_.bandwidth !== 'number') {
33826 | this.options_.bandwidth = Config.INITIAL_BANDWIDTH;
33827 | }
33828 |
33829 |
33830 |
33831 | this.options_.enableLowInitialPlaylist = this.options_.enableLowInitialPlaylist && this.options_.bandwidth === Config.INITIAL_BANDWIDTH;
33832 |
33833 | ['withCredentials', 'useDevicePixelRatio', 'limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions', 'bandwidth', 'customTagParsers', 'customTagMappers', 'cacheEncryptionKeys', 'playlistSelector', 'initialPlaylistSelector', 'bufferBasedABR', 'liveRangeSafeTimeDelta', 'llhls', 'useForcedSubtitles', 'useNetworkInformationApi', 'useDtsForTimestampOffset', 'exactManifestTimings', 'leastPixelDiffSelector'].forEach(option => {
33834 | if (typeof this.source_[option] !== 'undefined') {
33835 | this.options_[option] = this.source_[option];
33836 | }
33837 | });
33838 | this.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions = this.options_.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions;
33839 | this.useDevicePixelRatio = this.options_.useDevicePixelRatio;
33840 | }
33841 |
33842 |
33843 | setOptions(options = {}) {
33844 | this.setOptions_(options);
33845 | }
33846 | |
33847 |
33848 |
33849 |
33850 |
33851 |
33852 |
33853 | src(src, type) {
33854 |
33855 | if (!src) {
33856 | return;
33857 | }
33858 |
33859 | this.setOptions_();
33860 |
33861 | this.options_.src = expandDataUri(this.source_.src);
33862 | this.options_.tech = this.tech_;
33863 | this.options_.externVhs = Vhs;
33864 | this.options_.sourceType = simpleTypeFromSourceType(type);
33865 |
33866 | this.options_.seekTo = time => {
33867 | this.tech_.setCurrentTime(time);
33868 | };
33869 |
33870 | this.playlistController_ = new PlaylistController(this.options_);
33871 | const playbackWatcherOptions = merge$1({
33872 | liveRangeSafeTimeDelta: SAFE_TIME_DELTA
33873 | }, this.options_, {
33874 | seekable: () => this.seekable(),
33875 | media: () => this.playlistController_.media(),
33876 | playlistController: this.playlistController_
33877 | });
33878 | this.playbackWatcher_ = new PlaybackWatcher(playbackWatcherOptions);
33879 | this.playlistController_.on('error', () => {
33880 | const player = videojs__default["default"].players[this.tech_.options_.playerId];
33881 | let error = this.playlistController_.error;
33882 |
33883 | if (typeof error === 'object' && !error.code) {
33884 | error.code = 3;
33885 | } else if (typeof error === 'string') {
33886 | error = {
33887 | message: error,
33888 | code: 3
33889 | };
33890 | }
33891 |
33892 | player.error(error);
33893 | });
33894 | const defaultSelector = this.options_.bufferBasedABR ? Vhs.movingAverageBandwidthSelector(0.55) : Vhs.STANDARD_PLAYLIST_SELECTOR;
33895 |
33896 |
33897 | this.playlistController_.selectPlaylist = this.selectPlaylist ? this.selectPlaylist.bind(this) : defaultSelector.bind(this);
33898 | this.playlistController_.selectInitialPlaylist = Vhs.INITIAL_PLAYLIST_SELECTOR.bind(this);
33899 |
33900 | this.playlists = this.playlistController_.mainPlaylistLoader_;
33901 | this.mediaSource = this.playlistController_.mediaSource;
33902 |
33903 |
33904 |
33905 | Object.defineProperties(this, {
33906 | selectPlaylist: {
33907 | get() {
33908 | return this.playlistController_.selectPlaylist;
33909 | },
33910 |
33911 | set(selectPlaylist) {
33912 | this.playlistController_.selectPlaylist = selectPlaylist.bind(this);
33913 | }
33914 |
33915 | },
33916 | throughput: {
33917 | get() {
33918 | return this.playlistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.throughput.rate;
33919 | },
33920 |
33921 | set(throughput) {
33922 | this.playlistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.throughput.rate = throughput;
33923 |
33924 |
33925 | this.playlistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.throughput.count = 1;
33926 | }
33927 |
33928 | },
33929 | bandwidth: {
33930 | get() {
33931 | let playerBandwidthEst = this.playlistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.bandwidth;
33932 | const networkInformation = window.navigator.connection || window.navigator.mozConnection || window.navigator.webkitConnection;
33933 | const tenMbpsAsBitsPerSecond = 10e6;
33934 |
33935 | if (this.options_.useNetworkInformationApi && networkInformation) {
33936 |
33937 |
33938 | const networkInfoBandwidthEstBitsPerSec = networkInformation.downlink * 1000 * 1000;
33939 |
33940 |
33941 |
33942 | if (networkInfoBandwidthEstBitsPerSec >= tenMbpsAsBitsPerSecond && playerBandwidthEst >= tenMbpsAsBitsPerSecond) {
33943 | playerBandwidthEst = Math.max(playerBandwidthEst, networkInfoBandwidthEstBitsPerSec);
33944 | } else {
33945 | playerBandwidthEst = networkInfoBandwidthEstBitsPerSec;
33946 | }
33947 | }
33948 |
33949 | return playerBandwidthEst;
33950 | },
33951 |
33952 | set(bandwidth) {
33953 | this.playlistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.bandwidth = bandwidth;
33954 |
33955 |
33956 |
33957 | this.playlistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.throughput = {
33958 | rate: 0,
33959 | count: 0
33960 | };
33961 | }
33962 |
33963 | },
33964 |
33965 | |
33966 |
33967 |
33968 |
33969 |
33970 |
33971 |
33972 |
33973 |
33974 | systemBandwidth: {
33975 | get() {
33976 | const invBandwidth = 1 / (this.bandwidth || 1);
33977 | let invThroughput;
33978 |
33979 | if (this.throughput > 0) {
33980 | invThroughput = 1 / this.throughput;
33981 | } else {
33982 | invThroughput = 0;
33983 | }
33984 |
33985 | const systemBitrate = Math.floor(1 / (invBandwidth + invThroughput));
33986 | return systemBitrate;
33987 | },
33988 |
33989 | set() {
33990 | videojs__default["default"].log.error('The "systemBandwidth" property is read-only');
33991 | }
33992 |
33993 | }
33994 | });
33995 |
33996 | if (this.options_.bandwidth) {
33997 | this.bandwidth = this.options_.bandwidth;
33998 | }
33999 |
34000 | if (this.options_.throughput) {
34001 | this.throughput = this.options_.throughput;
34002 | }
34003 |
34004 | Object.defineProperties(this.stats, {
34005 | bandwidth: {
34006 | get: () => this.bandwidth || 0,
34007 | enumerable: true
34008 | },
34009 | mediaRequests: {
34010 | get: () => this.playlistController_.mediaRequests_() || 0,
34011 | enumerable: true
34012 | },
34013 | mediaRequestsAborted: {
34014 | get: () => this.playlistController_.mediaRequestsAborted_() || 0,
34015 | enumerable: true
34016 | },
34017 | mediaRequestsTimedout: {
34018 | get: () => this.playlistController_.mediaRequestsTimedout_() || 0,
34019 | enumerable: true
34020 | },
34021 | mediaRequestsErrored: {
34022 | get: () => this.playlistController_.mediaRequestsErrored_() || 0,
34023 | enumerable: true
34024 | },
34025 | mediaTransferDuration: {
34026 | get: () => this.playlistController_.mediaTransferDuration_() || 0,
34027 | enumerable: true
34028 | },
34029 | mediaBytesTransferred: {
34030 | get: () => this.playlistController_.mediaBytesTransferred_() || 0,
34031 | enumerable: true
34032 | },
34033 | mediaSecondsLoaded: {
34034 | get: () => this.playlistController_.mediaSecondsLoaded_() || 0,
34035 | enumerable: true
34036 | },
34037 | mediaAppends: {
34038 | get: () => this.playlistController_.mediaAppends_() || 0,
34039 | enumerable: true
34040 | },
34041 | mainAppendsToLoadedData: {
34042 | get: () => this.playlistController_.mainAppendsToLoadedData_() || 0,
34043 | enumerable: true
34044 | },
34045 | audioAppendsToLoadedData: {
34046 | get: () => this.playlistController_.audioAppendsToLoadedData_() || 0,
34047 | enumerable: true
34048 | },
34049 | appendsToLoadedData: {
34050 | get: () => this.playlistController_.appendsToLoadedData_() || 0,
34051 | enumerable: true
34052 | },
34053 | timeToLoadedData: {
34054 | get: () => this.playlistController_.timeToLoadedData_() || 0,
34055 | enumerable: true
34056 | },
34057 | buffered: {
34058 | get: () => timeRangesToArray(this.tech_.buffered()),
34059 | enumerable: true
34060 | },
34061 | currentTime: {
34062 | get: () => this.tech_.currentTime(),
34063 | enumerable: true
34064 | },
34065 | currentSource: {
34066 | get: () => this.tech_.currentSource_,
34067 | enumerable: true
34068 | },
34069 | currentTech: {
34070 | get: () => this.tech_.name_,
34071 | enumerable: true
34072 | },
34073 | duration: {
34074 | get: () => this.tech_.duration(),
34075 | enumerable: true
34076 | },
34077 | main: {
34078 | get: () => this.playlists.main,
34079 | enumerable: true
34080 | },
34081 | playerDimensions: {
34082 | get: () => this.tech_.currentDimensions(),
34083 | enumerable: true
34084 | },
34085 | seekable: {
34086 | get: () => timeRangesToArray(this.tech_.seekable()),
34087 | enumerable: true
34088 | },
34089 | timestamp: {
34090 | get: () => Date.now(),
34091 | enumerable: true
34092 | },
34093 | videoPlaybackQuality: {
34094 | get: () => this.tech_.getVideoPlaybackQuality(),
34095 | enumerable: true
34096 | }
34097 | });
34098 | this.tech_.one('canplay', this.playlistController_.setupFirstPlay.bind(this.playlistController_));
34099 | this.tech_.on('bandwidthupdate', () => {
34100 | if (this.options_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage) {
34101 | updateVhsLocalStorage({
34102 | bandwidth: this.bandwidth,
34103 | throughput: Math.round(this.throughput)
34104 | });
34105 | }
34106 | });
34107 | this.playlistController_.on('selectedinitialmedia', () => {
34108 |
34109 | renditionSelectionMixin(this);
34110 | });
34111 | this.playlistController_.sourceUpdater_.on('createdsourcebuffers', () => {
34112 | this.setupEme_();
34113 | });
34114 |
34115 |
34116 | this.on(this.playlistController_, 'progress', function () {
34117 | this.tech_.trigger('progress');
34118 | });
34119 |
34120 |
34121 | this.on(this.playlistController_, 'firstplay', function () {
34122 | this.ignoreNextSeekingEvent_ = true;
34123 | });
34124 | this.setupQualityLevels_();
34125 |
34126 |
34127 | if (!this.tech_.el()) {
34128 | return;
34129 | }
34130 |
34131 | this.mediaSourceUrl_ = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.playlistController_.mediaSource);
34132 | this.tech_.src(this.mediaSourceUrl_);
34133 | }
34134 |
34135 | createKeySessions_() {
34136 | const audioPlaylistLoader = this.playlistController_.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader;
34137 | this.logger_('waiting for EME key session creation');
34138 | waitForKeySessionCreation({
34139 | player: this.player_,
34140 | sourceKeySystems: this.source_.keySystems,
34141 | audioMedia: audioPlaylistLoader && audioPlaylistLoader.media(),
34142 | mainPlaylists: this.playlists.main.playlists
34143 | }).then(() => {
34144 | this.logger_('created EME key session');
34145 | this.playlistController_.sourceUpdater_.initializedEme();
34146 | }).catch(err => {
34147 | this.logger_('error while creating EME key session', err);
34148 | this.player_.error({
34149 | message: 'Failed to initialize media keys for EME',
34150 | code: 3
34151 | });
34152 | });
34153 | }
34154 |
34155 | handleWaitingForKey_() {
34156 |
34157 |
34158 |
34159 |
34160 |
34161 |
34162 |
34163 |
34164 | this.logger_('waitingforkey fired, attempting to create any new key sessions');
34165 | this.createKeySessions_();
34166 | }
34167 | |
34168 |
34169 |
34170 |
34171 |
34172 |
34173 |
34174 |
34175 |
34176 |
34177 | setupEme_() {
34178 | const audioPlaylistLoader = this.playlistController_.mediaTypes_.AUDIO.activePlaylistLoader;
34179 | const didSetupEmeOptions = setupEmeOptions({
34180 | player: this.player_,
34181 | sourceKeySystems: this.source_.keySystems,
34182 | media: this.playlists.media(),
34183 | audioMedia: audioPlaylistLoader && audioPlaylistLoader.media()
34184 | });
34185 | this.player_.tech_.on('keystatuschange', e => {
34186 | this.playlistController_.updatePlaylistByKeyStatus(e.keyId, e.status);
34187 | });
34188 | this.handleWaitingForKey_ = this.handleWaitingForKey_.bind(this);
34189 | this.player_.tech_.on('waitingforkey', this.handleWaitingForKey_);
34190 |
34191 | if (!didSetupEmeOptions) {
34192 |
34193 | this.playlistController_.sourceUpdater_.initializedEme();
34194 | return;
34195 | }
34196 |
34197 | this.createKeySessions_();
34198 | }
34199 | |
34200 |
34201 |
34202 |
34203 |
34204 |
34205 |
34206 |
34207 | setupQualityLevels_() {
34208 | const player = videojs__default["default"].players[this.tech_.options_.playerId];
34209 |
34210 |
34211 | if (!player || !player.qualityLevels || this.qualityLevels_) {
34212 | return;
34213 | }
34214 |
34215 | this.qualityLevels_ = player.qualityLevels();
34216 | this.playlistController_.on('selectedinitialmedia', () => {
34217 | handleVhsLoadedMetadata(this.qualityLevels_, this);
34218 | });
34219 | this.playlists.on('mediachange', () => {
34220 | handleVhsMediaChange(this.qualityLevels_, this.playlists);
34221 | });
34222 | }
34223 | |
34224 |
34225 |
34226 |
34227 |
34228 | static version() {
34229 | return {
34230 | '@videojs/http-streaming': version$4,
34231 | 'mux.js': version$3,
34232 | 'mpd-parser': version$2,
34233 | 'm3u8-parser': version$1,
34234 | 'aes-decrypter': version
34235 | };
34236 | }
34237 | |
34238 |
34239 |
34240 |
34241 |
34242 | version() {
34243 | return this.constructor.version();
34244 | }
34245 |
34246 | canChangeType() {
34247 | return SourceUpdater.canChangeType();
34248 | }
34249 | |
34250 |
34251 |
34252 |
34253 |
34254 | play() {
34255 | this.playlistController_.play();
34256 | }
34257 | |
34258 |
34259 |
34260 |
34261 |
34262 | setCurrentTime(currentTime) {
34263 | this.playlistController_.setCurrentTime(currentTime);
34264 | }
34265 | |
34266 |
34267 |
34268 |
34269 |
34270 | duration() {
34271 | return this.playlistController_.duration();
34272 | }
34273 | |
34274 |
34275 |
34276 |
34277 |
34278 | seekable() {
34279 | return this.playlistController_.seekable();
34280 | }
34281 | |
34282 |
34283 |
34284 |
34285 |
34286 | dispose() {
34287 | if (this.playbackWatcher_) {
34288 | this.playbackWatcher_.dispose();
34289 | }
34290 |
34291 | if (this.playlistController_) {
34292 | this.playlistController_.dispose();
34293 | }
34294 |
34295 | if (this.qualityLevels_) {
34296 | this.qualityLevels_.dispose();
34297 | }
34298 |
34299 | if (this.tech_ && this.tech_.vhs) {
34300 | delete this.tech_.vhs;
34301 | }
34302 |
34303 | if (this.mediaSourceUrl_ && window.URL.revokeObjectURL) {
34304 | window.URL.revokeObjectURL(this.mediaSourceUrl_);
34305 | this.mediaSourceUrl_ = null;
34306 | }
34307 |
34308 | if (this.tech_) {
34309 | this.tech_.off('waitingforkey', this.handleWaitingForKey_);
34310 | }
34311 |
34312 | super.dispose();
34313 | }
34314 |
34315 | convertToProgramTime(time, callback) {
34316 | return getProgramTime({
34317 | playlist: this.playlistController_.media(),
34318 | time,
34319 | callback
34320 | });
34321 | }
34322 |
34323 |
34324 | seekToProgramTime(programTime, callback, pauseAfterSeek = true, retryCount = 2) {
34325 | return seekToProgramTime({
34326 | programTime,
34327 | playlist: this.playlistController_.media(),
34328 | retryCount,
34329 | pauseAfterSeek,
34330 | seekTo: this.options_.seekTo,
34331 | tech: this.options_.tech,
34332 | callback
34333 | });
34334 | }
34335 | |
34336 |
34337 |
34338 |
34339 |
34340 |
34341 | setupXhrHooks_() {
34342 | |
34343 |
34344 |
34345 |
34346 |
34347 | this.xhr.onRequest = callback => {
34348 | addOnRequestHook(this.xhr, callback);
34349 | };
34350 | |
34351 |
34352 |
34353 |
34354 |
34355 |
34356 |
34357 | this.xhr.onResponse = callback => {
34358 | addOnResponseHook(this.xhr, callback);
34359 | };
34360 | |
34361 |
34362 |
34363 |
34364 |
34365 |
34366 |
34367 | this.xhr.offRequest = callback => {
34368 | removeOnRequestHook(this.xhr, callback);
34369 | };
34370 | |
34371 |
34372 |
34373 |
34374 |
34375 |
34376 |
34377 | this.xhr.offResponse = callback => {
34378 | removeOnResponseHook(this.xhr, callback);
34379 | };
34380 |
34381 |
34382 |
34383 | this.player_.trigger('xhr-hooks-ready');
34384 | }
34385 |
34386 | }
34387 | |
34388 |
34389 |
34390 |
34391 |
34392 |
34393 |
34394 |
34395 |
34396 | const VhsSourceHandler = {
34397 | name: 'videojs-http-streaming',
34398 | VERSION: version$4,
34399 |
34400 | canHandleSource(srcObj, options = {}) {
34401 | const localOptions = merge$1(videojs__default["default"].options, options);
34402 | return VhsSourceHandler.canPlayType(srcObj.type, localOptions);
34403 | },
34404 |
34405 | handleSource(source, tech, options = {}) {
34406 | const localOptions = merge$1(videojs__default["default"].options, options);
34407 | tech.vhs = new VhsHandler(source, tech, localOptions);
34408 | tech.vhs.xhr = xhrFactory();
34409 | tech.vhs.setupXhrHooks_();
34410 | tech.vhs.src(source.src, source.type);
34411 | return tech.vhs;
34412 | },
34413 |
34414 | canPlayType(type, options) {
34415 | const simpleType = simpleTypeFromSourceType(type);
34416 |
34417 | if (!simpleType) {
34418 | return '';
34419 | }
34420 |
34421 | const overrideNative = VhsSourceHandler.getOverrideNative(options);
34422 | const supportsTypeNatively = Vhs.supportsTypeNatively(simpleType);
34423 | const canUseMsePlayback = !supportsTypeNatively || overrideNative;
34424 | return canUseMsePlayback ? 'maybe' : '';
34425 | },
34426 |
34427 | getOverrideNative(options = {}) {
34428 | const {
34429 | vhs = {}
34430 | } = options;
34431 | const defaultOverrideNative = !(videojs__default["default"].browser.IS_ANY_SAFARI || videojs__default["default"].browser.IS_IOS);
34432 | const {
34433 | overrideNative = defaultOverrideNative
34434 | } = vhs;
34435 | return overrideNative;
34436 | }
34437 |
34438 | };
34439 | |
34440 |
34441 |
34442 |
34443 |
34444 |
34445 |
34446 | const supportsNativeMediaSources = () => {
34447 | return browserSupportsCodec('avc1.4d400d,mp4a.40.2');
34448 | };
34449 |
34450 |
34451 | if (supportsNativeMediaSources()) {
34452 | videojs__default["default"].getTech('Html5').registerSourceHandler(VhsSourceHandler, 0);
34453 | }
34454 |
34455 | videojs__default["default"].VhsHandler = VhsHandler;
34456 | videojs__default["default"].VhsSourceHandler = VhsSourceHandler;
34457 | videojs__default["default"].Vhs = Vhs;
34458 |
34459 | if (!videojs__default["default"].use) {
34460 | videojs__default["default"].registerComponent('Vhs', Vhs);
34461 | }
34462 |
34463 | videojs__default["default"].options.vhs = videojs__default["default"].options.vhs || {};
34464 |
34465 | if (!videojs__default["default"].getPlugin || !videojs__default["default"].getPlugin('reloadSourceOnError')) {
34466 | videojs__default["default"].registerPlugin('reloadSourceOnError', reloadSourceOnError);
34467 | }
34468 |
34470 | exports.Vhs = Vhs;
34471 | exports.VhsHandler = VhsHandler;
34472 | exports.VhsSourceHandler = VhsSourceHandler;
34473 | exports.emeKeySystems = emeKeySystems;
34474 | exports.expandDataUri = expandDataUri;
34475 | exports.getAllPsshKeySystemsOptions = getAllPsshKeySystemsOptions;
34476 | exports.setupEmeOptions = setupEmeOptions;
34477 | exports.simpleTypeFromSourceType = simpleTypeFromSourceType;
34478 | exports.waitForKeySessionCreation = waitForKeySessionCreation;
34479 |
34480 | Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
34481 |
34482 | }));