1 | # @vue/cli-plugin-typescript
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3 | > typescript plugin for vue-cli
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5 | Uses TypeScript + `ts-loader` + [fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/Realytics/fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin) for faster off-thread type checking.
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7 | ## Configuration
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9 | TypeScript can be configured via `tsconfig.json`.
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11 | Since `3.0.0-rc.6`, `typescript` is now a peer dependency of this package, so you can use a specific version of TypeScript by updating your project's `package.json`.
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13 | This plugin can be used alongside `@vue/cli-plugin-babel`. When used with Babel, this plugin will output ES2015 and delegate the rest to Babel for auto polyfill based on browser targets.
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15 | ## Caching
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17 | [cache-loader](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/cache-loader) is enabled by default and cache is stored in `<projectRoot>/node_modules/.cache/ts-loader`.
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19 | ## Parallelization
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21 | [thread-loader](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/thread-loader) is enabled by default when the machine has more than 1 CPU cores. This can be turned off by setting `parallel: false` in `vue.config.js`.
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23 | `parallel` should be set to `false` when using Typescript in combination with non-serializable loader options, such as regexes, dates and functions. These options would not be passed correctly to `ts-loader` which may lead to unexpected errors.
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25 | ## Installing in an Already Created Project
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27 | ```bash
28 | vue add typescript
29 | ```
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31 | ## Injected webpack-chain Rules
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33 | - `config.rule('ts')`
34 | - `config.rule('ts').use('ts-loader')`
35 | - `config.rule('ts').use('babel-loader')` (when used alongside `@vue/cli-plugin-babel`)
36 | - `config.rule('ts').use('cache-loader')`
37 | - `config.plugin('fork-ts-checker')`