1 | # @vue/cli-plugin-unit-mocha
2 |
3 | > unit-mocha plugin for vue-cli
4 |
5 | ## Injected Commands
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7 | - **`vue-cli-service test:unit`**
8 |
9 | Run unit tests with [mochapack](https://github.com/sysgears/mochapack) + [chai](http://chaijs.com/).
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11 | **Note the tests are run inside Node.js with browser environment simulated with JSDOM.**
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13 | ```
14 | Usage: vue-cli-service test:unit [options] [...files]
15 |
16 | Options:
17 |
18 | --watch, -w run in watch mode
19 | --grep, -g only run tests matching <pattern>
20 | --slow, -s "slow" test threshold in milliseconds
21 | --timeout, -t timeout threshold in milliseconds
22 | --bail, -b bail after first test failure
23 | --require, -r require the given module before running tests
24 | --include include the given module into test bundle
25 | --inspect-brk Enable inspector to debug the tests
26 | ```
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28 | Default files matches are: any files in `tests/unit` that end in `.spec.(ts|js)`.
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30 | All [mochapack command line options](https://sysgears.github.io/mochapack/docs/installation/cli-usage.html) are also supported.
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32 | ## Installing in an Already Created Project
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34 | ```bash
35 | vue add unit-mocha
36 | ```