1 | module.exports = api => {
2 | api.chainWebpack(webpackConfig => {
3 | if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
4 | webpackConfig.mode('none')
5 |
6 | webpackConfig.merge({
7 | target: 'node',
8 | devtool: 'inline-cheap-module-source-map'
9 | })
10 |
11 | const { semver, loadModule } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
12 | const vue = loadModule('vue', api.service.context)
13 | const isVue3 = (vue && semver.major(vue.version) === 3)
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 | webpackConfig.module
18 | .rule('vue')
19 | .use('vue-loader')
20 | .tap(options => {
21 | if (isVue3) {
22 | options.isServerBuild = false
23 | } else {
24 | options.optimizeSSR = false
25 | }
26 |
27 | return options
28 | })
29 | }
30 | })
31 |
32 | api.registerCommand('test:unit', {
33 | description: 'run unit tests with mochapack',
34 | usage: 'vue-cli-service test:unit [options] [...files]',
35 | options: {
36 | '--watch, -w': 'run in watch mode',
37 | '--grep, -g': 'only run tests matching <pattern>',
38 | '--slow, -s': '"slow" test threshold in milliseconds',
39 | '--timeout, -t': 'timeout threshold in milliseconds',
40 | '--bail, -b': 'bail after first test failure',
41 | '--require, -r': 'require the given module before running tests',
42 | '--include': 'include the given module into test bundle',
43 | '--inspect-brk': 'Enable inspector to debug the tests'
44 | },
45 | details: (
46 | `The above list only includes the most commonly used options.\n` +
47 | `For a full list of available options, see\n` +
48 | `https://sysgears.github.io/mochapack/docs/installation/cli-usage.html`
49 | )
50 | }, (args, rawArgv) => {
51 | let nodeArgs = []
52 |
53 | const inspectPos = rawArgv.findIndex(arg => arg.startsWith('--inspect-brk'))
54 | if (inspectPos !== -1) {
55 | nodeArgs = rawArgv.splice(inspectPos, 1)
56 | }
57 |
58 | process.env.VUE_CLI_BABEL_TARGET_NODE = true
59 |
60 | const { execa } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
61 | const bin = require.resolve('mochapack/bin/mochapack')
62 | const hasInlineFilesGlob = args._ && args._.length
63 | const argv = [
64 | ...nodeArgs,
65 | bin,
66 | '--recursive',
67 | '--require',
68 | require.resolve('./setup.js'),
69 | '--webpack-config',
70 | require.resolve('@vue/cli-service/webpack.config.js'),
71 | ...rawArgv,
72 | ...(hasInlineFilesGlob
73 | ? []
74 | : [
75 | api.hasPlugin('typescript')
76 | ? `tests/unit/**/*.spec.[jt]s`
77 | : `tests/unit/**/*.spec.js`
78 | ])
79 | ]
80 |
81 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
82 | const child = execa('node', argv, { stdio: 'inherit' })
83 | child.on('error', reject)
84 | child.on('exit', code => {
85 | if (code !== 0) {
86 | reject(new Error(`mochapack exited with code ${code}.`))
87 | } else {
88 | resolve()
89 | }
90 | })
91 | })
92 | })
93 | }
94 |
95 | module.exports.defaultModes = {
96 | 'test:unit': 'test'
97 | }