1 | // Apply the style rules in standard to expressions in `<template>` too.
2 |
3 | import upstream from './upstream.js'
4 | import pluginVue from 'eslint-plugin-vue'
5 |
6 | // Most extension rules in `eslint-plugin-vue` are only wrapped core ESLint rules
7 | // Except for `max-len` and `no-irregular-whitespace`, which are replacements.
8 | const ruleNamesToReplace = ['max-len', 'no-irregular-whitespace']
9 |
10 | // `no-unused-vars` share the same name as the core ESLint rule,
11 | // but it actually serves a different purpose.
12 | // So it can't be replaced or extended, but should be configured separately.
13 | const ruleNamesToIgnore = ['no-unused-vars']
14 |
15 | const ruleNamesToExtend = Object.keys(upstream.rules)
16 | .filter((ruleName) => !!pluginVue.rules[ruleName])
17 | .filter((ruleName) => !ruleNamesToReplace.includes(ruleName))
18 | .filter((ruleName) => !ruleNamesToIgnore.includes(ruleName))
19 |
20 | const rules = {}
21 | ruleNamesToExtend.forEach((ruleName) => {
22 | rules[`vue/${ruleName}`] = upstream.rules[ruleName]
23 | })
24 | ruleNamesToReplace.forEach((ruleName) => {
25 | if (upstream.rules[ruleName]) {
26 | // disable the original rule
27 | rules[ruleName] = 'off'
28 | // disable the stylistic verison of the rule
29 | rules[`@stylistic/${ruleName}`] = 'off'
30 |
31 | // enable the Vue version
32 | rules[`vue/${ruleName}`] = upstream.rules[ruleName]
33 | }
34 | })
35 |
36 | // `plugins: { vue: pluginVue }` isn't configured here,
37 | // Because in `pluginVue.configs['flat/base']`, the `vue` plugin is already defined
38 | // as a getter.
39 | // The getter doesn't have object equality with the actual plugin object.
40 | // Therefore, redefining it here would result in `Cannot redefine plugin` error.
41 | // So, here we introduced an implicit dependency on `pluginVue.configs['flat/base']`.
42 | export default { rules }