1 | # Vue Test Utils
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3 | Component testing utils for Vue 3.
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5 | ## Languages
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7 | [🇫🇷 French version of this README.md](https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/tree/main/docs/fr/README.md)
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9 | ## Installation and Usage
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11 | - yarn: `yarn add @vue/test-utils --dev`
12 | - npm: `npm install @vue/test-utils --save-dev`
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14 | Get started with the [documentation](https://test-utils.vuejs.org/).
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16 | ## Coming from Vue 2 + Test Utils v1?
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18 | [Check the migration guide](https://test-utils.vuejs.org/migration/). It's still a work in progress. If you find a problem or something that doesn't work that previously did in Vue Test Utils v1, please open an issue.
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20 | ## Documentation
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22 | See the [docs](https://test-utils.vuejs.org/).
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24 | ## Development
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26 | Get started by running `pnpm install`. You can run the tests with `pnpm test`. That's it!
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28 | ## Contributing Docs
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30 | All the documentation files can be found in `packages/docs`. It contains the English markdown files while translation(s) are stored in their corresponding `<lang>` sub-folder(s):
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32 | - [`fr`](https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/tree/main/packages/docs/fr): French translation.
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34 | Besides that, the `.vitepress` sub-folder contains the config and theme, including the i18n information.
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36 | - `pnpm docs:dev`: Start the docs dev server.
37 | - `pnpm docs:build`: Build the docs.
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39 | To add or maintain the translations, we follow the [Vue Ecosystem Translation Guidelines](https://github.com/vuejs-translations/guidelines/blob/main/README_ECOSYSTEM.md).
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41 | - `pnpm docs:translation:status [<lang>]`: Show the translation status for your language. If you don't specify a language, it will show the status for all languages.
42 | - `pnpm docs:translation:compare <lang>`: Compare the docs with the latest checkpoint for your language.
43 | - `pnpm docs:translation:update <lang> [<commit>]`: Update the checkpoint for your language. The checkpoint will be set by the latest commit hash. However, you can also specify a commit hash manually.