491 kBJavaScriptView Raw
3 * @vue/test-utils v2.4.6
4 * (c) 2024 Lachlan Miller
5 * Released under the MIT License
6 */
8import * as Vue from 'vue';
9import { nextTick, setDevtoolsHook, Transition, BaseTransition, TransitionGroup, defineComponent, h, isRef, shallowReactive, reactive, ref, createApp, transformVNodeArgs, initDirectivesForSSR, createVNode, ssrContextKey, warn, Fragment, Static, Comment, Text, mergeProps, ssrUtils, computed } from 'vue';
12Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
14Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
15purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
24***************************************************************************** */
25/* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol */
27var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
28 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
29 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
30 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
31 return extendStatics(d, b);
34function __extends(d, b) {
35 if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
36 throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
37 extendStatics(d, b);
38 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
39 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
42var __assign = function() {
43 __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
44 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
45 s = arguments[i];
46 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
47 }
48 return t;
49 };
50 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
53function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
54 function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
55 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
56 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
57 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
58 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
59 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
60 });
63function __generator(thisArg, body) {
64 var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
65 return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
66 function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
67 function step(op) {
68 if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
69 while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try {
70 if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;
71 if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
72 switch (op[0]) {
73 case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
74 case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
75 case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
76 case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
77 default:
78 if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
79 if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
80 if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
81 if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
82 if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
83 _.trys.pop(); continue;
84 }
85 op = body.call(thisArg, _);
86 } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
87 if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
88 }
91function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
92 if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
93 if (ar || !(i in from)) {
94 if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);
95 ar[i] = from[i];
96 }
97 }
98 return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
101typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) {
102 var e = new Error(message);
103 return e.name = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e;
106var Pluggable = /** @class */ (function () {
107 function Pluggable() {
108 this.installedPlugins = [];
109 }
110 Pluggable.prototype.install = function (handler, options) {
111 if (typeof handler !== 'function') {
112 console.error('plugin.install must receive a function');
113 handler = function () { return ({}); };
114 }
115 this.installedPlugins.push({ handler: handler, options: options });
116 };
117 Pluggable.prototype.extend = function (instance) {
118 var invokeSetup = function (_a) {
119 var handler = _a.handler, options = _a.options;
120 return handler(instance, options); // invoke the setup method passed to install
121 };
122 var bindProperty = function (_a) {
123 var property = _a[0], value = _a[1];
124 instance[property] =
125 typeof value === 'function' ? value.bind(instance) : value;
126 };
127 var addAllPropertiesFromSetup = function (setupResult) {
128 setupResult = typeof setupResult === 'object' ? setupResult : {};
129 Object.entries(setupResult).forEach(bindProperty);
130 };
131 this.installedPlugins.map(invokeSetup).forEach(addAllPropertiesFromSetup);
132 };
133 /** For testing */
134 Pluggable.prototype.reset = function () {
135 this.installedPlugins = [];
136 };
137 return Pluggable;
139var config = {
140 global: {
141 stubs: {
142 transition: true,
143 'transition-group': true
144 },
145 provide: {},
146 components: {},
147 config: {},
148 directives: {},
149 mixins: [],
150 mocks: {},
151 plugins: [],
152 renderStubDefaultSlot: false
153 },
154 plugins: {
155 VueWrapper: new Pluggable(),
156 DOMWrapper: new Pluggable()
157 }
160function mergeStubs(target, source) {
161 if (source.stubs) {
162 if (Array.isArray(source.stubs)) {
163 source.stubs.forEach(function (x) { return (target[x] = true); });
164 }
165 else {
166 for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.entries(source.stubs); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
167 var _b = _a[_i], k = _b[0], v = _b[1];
168 target[k] = v;
169 }
170 }
171 }
173// perform 1-level-deep-pseudo-clone merge in order to prevent config leaks
174// example: vue-router overwrites globalProperties.$router
175function mergeAppConfig(configGlobalConfig, mountGlobalConfig) {
176 return __assign(__assign(__assign({}, configGlobalConfig), mountGlobalConfig), { globalProperties: __assign(__assign({}, configGlobalConfig === null || configGlobalConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : configGlobalConfig.globalProperties), mountGlobalConfig === null || mountGlobalConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : mountGlobalConfig.globalProperties) });
178function mergeGlobalProperties(mountGlobal) {
179 var _a, _b, _c;
180 if (mountGlobal === void 0) { mountGlobal = {}; }
181 var stubs = {};
182 var configGlobal = (_a = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.global) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {};
183 mergeStubs(stubs, configGlobal);
184 mergeStubs(stubs, mountGlobal);
185 var renderStubDefaultSlot = (_c = (_b = mountGlobal.renderStubDefaultSlot) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (configGlobal.renderStubDefaultSlot || (config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.renderStubDefaultSlot))) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false;
186 if (config.renderStubDefaultSlot === true) {
187 console.warn('config.renderStubDefaultSlot is deprecated, use config.global.renderStubDefaultSlot instead');
188 }
189 return {
190 mixins: __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], (configGlobal.mixins || []), true), (mountGlobal.mixins || []), true),
191 plugins: __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], (configGlobal.plugins || []), true), (mountGlobal.plugins || []), true),
192 stubs: stubs,
193 components: __assign(__assign({}, configGlobal.components), mountGlobal.components),
194 provide: __assign(__assign({}, configGlobal.provide), mountGlobal.provide),
195 mocks: __assign(__assign({}, configGlobal.mocks), mountGlobal.mocks),
196 config: mergeAppConfig(configGlobal.config, mountGlobal.config),
197 directives: __assign(__assign({}, configGlobal.directives), mountGlobal.directives),
198 renderStubDefaultSlot: renderStubDefaultSlot
199 };
201var isObject$1 = function (obj) {
202 return !!obj && typeof obj === 'object';
204function isClass(obj) {
205 if (!(obj instanceof Object))
206 return;
207 var isCtorClass = obj.constructor && obj.constructor.toString().substring(0, 5) === 'class';
208 if (!('prototype' in obj)) {
209 return isCtorClass;
210 }
211 var prototype = obj.prototype;
212 var isPrototypeCtorClass = prototype.constructor &&
213 prototype.constructor.toString &&
214 prototype.constructor.toString().substring(0, 5) === 'class';
215 return isCtorClass || isPrototypeCtorClass;
217// https://stackoverflow.com/a/48218209
218var mergeDeep = function (target, source) {
219 var _a;
220 if (!isObject$1(target) || !isObject$1(source)) {
221 return source;
222 }
223 Object.keys(source)
224 .concat(isClass(source)
225 ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames((_a = Object.getPrototypeOf(source)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {})
226 : Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source))
227 .forEach(function (key) {
228 var targetValue = target[key];
229 var sourceValue = source[key];
230 if (Array.isArray(targetValue) && Array.isArray(sourceValue)) {
231 target[key] = sourceValue;
232 }
233 else if (sourceValue instanceof Date) {
234 target[key] = sourceValue;
235 }
236 else if (isObject$1(targetValue) && isObject$1(sourceValue)) {
237 target[key] = mergeDeep(Object.assign({}, targetValue), sourceValue);
238 }
239 else {
240 target[key] = sourceValue;
241 }
242 });
243 return target;
245function isClassComponent(component) {
246 return typeof component === 'function' && '__vccOpts' in component;
248function isComponent$1(component) {
249 return Boolean(component &&
250 (typeof component === 'object' || typeof component === 'function'));
252function isFunctionalComponent(component) {
253 return typeof component === 'function' && !isClassComponent(component);
255function isObjectComponent(component) {
256 return Boolean(component && typeof component === 'object');
258function textContent(element) {
259 var _a, _b;
260 // we check if the element is a comment first
261 // to return an empty string in that case, instead of the comment content
262 return element.nodeType !== Node.COMMENT_NODE
263 ? (_b = (_a = element.textContent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.trim()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ''
264 : '';
266function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) {
267 return obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);
269function isNotNullOrUndefined(obj) {
270 return Boolean(obj);
272function isRefSelector(selector) {
273 return typeof selector === 'object' && 'ref' in selector;
275function convertStubsToRecord(stubs) {
276 if (Array.isArray(stubs)) {
277 // ['Foo', 'Bar'] => { Foo: true, Bar: true }
278 return stubs.reduce(function (acc, current) {
279 acc[current] = true;
280 return acc;
281 }, {});
282 }
283 return stubs;
285var isDirectiveKey = function (key) { return key.match(/^v[A-Z].*/); };
286function getComponentsFromStubs(stubs) {
287 var normalizedStubs = convertStubsToRecord(stubs);
288 return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(normalizedStubs).filter(function (_a) {
289 var key = _a[0];
290 return !isDirectiveKey(key);
291 }));
293function getDirectivesFromStubs(stubs) {
294 var normalizedStubs = convertStubsToRecord(stubs);
295 return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(normalizedStubs)
296 .filter(function (_a) {
297 var key = _a[0], value = _a[1];
298 return isDirectiveKey(key) && value !== false;
299 })
300 .map(function (_a) {
301 var key = _a[0], value = _a[1];
302 return [key.substring(1), value];
303 }));
305function hasSetupState(vm) {
306 return (vm &&
307 vm.$.devtoolsRawSetupState);
309function isScriptSetup(vm) {
310 return (vm && vm.$.setupState.__isScriptSetup);
312var _globalThis$1;
313var getGlobalThis$1 = function () {
314 return (_globalThis$1 ||
315 (_globalThis$1 =
316 typeof globalThis !== 'undefined'
317 ? globalThis
318 : typeof self !== 'undefined'
319 ? self
320 : typeof window !== 'undefined'
321 ? window
322 : typeof global !== 'undefined'
323 ? global
324 : {}));
327var ignorableKeyModifiers = [
328 'stop',
329 'prevent',
330 'self',
331 'exact',
332 'prevent',
333 'capture'
335var systemKeyModifiers = ['ctrl', 'shift', 'alt', 'meta'];
336var mouseKeyModifiers = ['left', 'middle', 'right'];
337var keyCodesByKeyName = {
338 backspace: 8,
339 tab: 9,
340 enter: 13,
341 esc: 27,
342 space: 32,
343 pageup: 33,
344 pagedown: 34,
345 end: 35,
346 home: 36,
347 left: 37,
348 up: 38,
349 right: 39,
350 down: 40,
351 insert: 45,
352 delete: 46
354var domEvents = {
355 abort: {
356 eventInterface: 'Event',
357 bubbles: false,
358 cancelable: false
359 },
360 afterprint: {
361 eventInterface: 'Event',
362 bubbles: false,
363 cancelable: false
364 },
365 animationend: {
366 eventInterface: 'AnimationEvent',
367 bubbles: true,
368 cancelable: false
369 },
370 animationiteration: {
371 eventInterface: 'AnimationEvent',
372 bubbles: true,
373 cancelable: false
374 },
375 animationstart: {
376 eventInterface: 'AnimationEvent',
377 bubbles: true,
378 cancelable: false
379 },
380 appinstalled: {
381 eventInterface: 'Event',
382 bubbles: false,
383 cancelable: false
384 },
385 /**
386 * @deprecated
387 */
388 audioprocess: {
389 eventInterface: 'AudioProcessingEvent',
390 bubbles: false,
391 cancelable: false
392 },
393 audioend: {
394 eventInterface: 'Event',
395 bubbles: false,
396 cancelable: false
397 },
398 audiostart: {
399 eventInterface: 'Event',
400 bubbles: false,
401 cancelable: false
402 },
403 beforeprint: {
404 eventInterface: 'Event',
405 bubbles: false,
406 cancelable: false
407 },
408 beforeunload: {
409 eventInterface: 'BeforeUnloadEvent',
410 bubbles: false,
411 cancelable: true
412 },
413 beginEvent: {
414 eventInterface: 'TimeEvent',
415 bubbles: false,
416 cancelable: false
417 },
418 blur: {
419 eventInterface: 'FocusEvent',
420 bubbles: false,
421 cancelable: false
422 },
423 boundary: {
424 eventInterface: 'SpeechSynthesisEvent',
425 bubbles: false,
426 cancelable: false
427 },
428 cached: {
429 eventInterface: 'Event',
430 bubbles: false,
431 cancelable: false
432 },
433 canplay: {
434 eventInterface: 'Event',
435 bubbles: false,
436 cancelable: false
437 },
438 canplaythrough: {
439 eventInterface: 'Event',
440 bubbles: false,
441 cancelable: false
442 },
443 change: {
444 eventInterface: 'Event',
445 bubbles: true,
446 cancelable: false
447 },
448 chargingchange: {
449 eventInterface: 'Event',
450 bubbles: false,
451 cancelable: false
452 },
453 chargingtimechange: {
454 eventInterface: 'Event',
455 bubbles: false,
456 cancelable: false
457 },
458 checking: {
459 eventInterface: 'Event',
460 bubbles: false,
461 cancelable: false
462 },
463 click: {
464 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
465 bubbles: true,
466 cancelable: true
467 },
468 close: {
469 eventInterface: 'Event',
470 bubbles: false,
471 cancelable: false
472 },
473 complete: {
474 eventInterface: 'OfflineAudioCompletionEvent',
475 bubbles: false,
476 cancelable: false
477 },
478 compositionend: {
479 eventInterface: 'CompositionEvent',
480 bubbles: true,
481 cancelable: true
482 },
483 compositionstart: {
484 eventInterface: 'CompositionEvent',
485 bubbles: true,
486 cancelable: true
487 },
488 compositionupdate: {
489 eventInterface: 'CompositionEvent',
490 bubbles: true,
491 cancelable: false
492 },
493 contextmenu: {
494 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
495 bubbles: true,
496 cancelable: true
497 },
498 copy: {
499 eventInterface: 'ClipboardEvent',
500 bubbles: true,
501 cancelable: true
502 },
503 cut: {
504 eventInterface: 'ClipboardEvent',
505 bubbles: true,
506 cancelable: true
507 },
508 dblclick: {
509 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
510 bubbles: true,
511 cancelable: true
512 },
513 devicechange: {
514 eventInterface: 'Event',
515 bubbles: false,
516 cancelable: false
517 },
518 devicelight: {
519 eventInterface: 'DeviceLightEvent',
520 bubbles: false,
521 cancelable: false
522 },
523 devicemotion: {
524 eventInterface: 'DeviceMotionEvent',
525 bubbles: false,
526 cancelable: false
527 },
528 deviceorientation: {
529 eventInterface: 'DeviceOrientationEvent',
530 bubbles: false,
531 cancelable: false
532 },
533 deviceproximity: {
534 eventInterface: 'DeviceProximityEvent',
535 bubbles: false,
536 cancelable: false
537 },
538 dischargingtimechange: {
539 eventInterface: 'Event',
540 bubbles: false,
541 cancelable: false
542 },
543 DOMActivate: {
544 eventInterface: 'UIEvent',
545 bubbles: true,
546 cancelable: true
547 },
548 DOMAttributeNameChanged: {
549 eventInterface: 'MutationNameEvent',
550 bubbles: true,
551 cancelable: true
552 },
553 DOMAttrModified: {
554 eventInterface: 'MutationEvent',
555 bubbles: true,
556 cancelable: true
557 },
558 DOMCharacterDataModified: {
559 eventInterface: 'MutationEvent',
560 bubbles: true,
561 cancelable: true
562 },
563 DOMContentLoaded: {
564 eventInterface: 'Event',
565 bubbles: true,
566 cancelable: true
567 },
568 DOMElementNameChanged: {
569 eventInterface: 'MutationNameEvent',
570 bubbles: true,
571 cancelable: true
572 },
573 DOMFocusIn: {
574 eventInterface: 'FocusEvent',
575 bubbles: true,
576 cancelable: true
577 },
578 DOMFocusOut: {
579 eventInterface: 'FocusEvent',
580 bubbles: true,
581 cancelable: true
582 },
583 DOMNodeInserted: {
584 eventInterface: 'MutationEvent',
585 bubbles: true,
586 cancelable: true
587 },
588 DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument: {
589 eventInterface: 'MutationEvent',
590 bubbles: true,
591 cancelable: true
592 },
593 DOMNodeRemoved: {
594 eventInterface: 'MutationEvent',
595 bubbles: true,
596 cancelable: true
597 },
598 DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument: {
599 eventInterface: 'MutationEvent',
600 bubbles: true,
601 cancelable: true
602 },
603 /**
604 * @deprecated
605 */
606 DOMSubtreeModified: {
607 eventInterface: 'MutationEvent',
608 bubbles: true,
609 cancelable: false
610 },
611 downloading: {
612 eventInterface: 'Event',
613 bubbles: false,
614 cancelable: false
615 },
616 drag: {
617 eventInterface: 'DragEvent',
618 bubbles: true,
619 cancelable: true
620 },
621 dragend: {
622 eventInterface: 'DragEvent',
623 bubbles: true,
624 cancelable: false
625 },
626 dragenter: {
627 eventInterface: 'DragEvent',
628 bubbles: true,
629 cancelable: true
630 },
631 dragleave: {
632 eventInterface: 'DragEvent',
633 bubbles: true,
634 cancelable: false
635 },
636 dragover: {
637 eventInterface: 'DragEvent',
638 bubbles: true,
639 cancelable: true
640 },
641 dragstart: {
642 eventInterface: 'DragEvent',
643 bubbles: true,
644 cancelable: true
645 },
646 drop: {
647 eventInterface: 'DragEvent',
648 bubbles: true,
649 cancelable: true
650 },
651 durationchange: {
652 eventInterface: 'Event',
653 bubbles: false,
654 cancelable: false
655 },
656 emptied: {
657 eventInterface: 'Event',
658 bubbles: false,
659 cancelable: false
660 },
661 end: {
662 eventInterface: 'Event',
663 bubbles: false,
664 cancelable: false
665 },
666 ended: {
667 eventInterface: 'Event',
668 bubbles: false,
669 cancelable: false
670 },
671 endEvent: {
672 eventInterface: 'TimeEvent',
673 bubbles: false,
674 cancelable: false
675 },
676 error: {
677 eventInterface: 'Event',
678 bubbles: false,
679 cancelable: false
680 },
681 focus: {
682 eventInterface: 'FocusEvent',
683 bubbles: false,
684 cancelable: false
685 },
686 focusin: {
687 eventInterface: 'FocusEvent',
688 bubbles: true,
689 cancelable: false
690 },
691 focusout: {
692 eventInterface: 'FocusEvent',
693 bubbles: true,
694 cancelable: false
695 },
696 fullscreenchange: {
697 eventInterface: 'Event',
698 bubbles: true,
699 cancelable: false
700 },
701 fullscreenerror: {
702 eventInterface: 'Event',
703 bubbles: true,
704 cancelable: false
705 },
706 gamepadconnected: {
707 eventInterface: 'GamepadEvent',
708 bubbles: false,
709 cancelable: false
710 },
711 gamepaddisconnected: {
712 eventInterface: 'GamepadEvent',
713 bubbles: false,
714 cancelable: false
715 },
716 gotpointercapture: {
717 eventInterface: 'PointerEvent',
718 bubbles: false,
719 cancelable: false
720 },
721 hashchange: {
722 eventInterface: 'HashChangeEvent',
723 bubbles: true,
724 cancelable: false
725 },
726 lostpointercapture: {
727 eventInterface: 'PointerEvent',
728 bubbles: false,
729 cancelable: false
730 },
731 input: {
732 eventInterface: 'Event',
733 bubbles: true,
734 cancelable: false
735 },
736 invalid: {
737 eventInterface: 'Event',
738 cancelable: true,
739 bubbles: false
740 },
741 keydown: {
742 eventInterface: 'KeyboardEvent',
743 bubbles: true,
744 cancelable: true
745 },
746 keypress: {
747 eventInterface: 'KeyboardEvent',
748 bubbles: true,
749 cancelable: true
750 },
751 keyup: {
752 eventInterface: 'KeyboardEvent',
753 bubbles: true,
754 cancelable: true
755 },
756 languagechange: {
757 eventInterface: 'Event',
758 bubbles: false,
759 cancelable: false
760 },
761 levelchange: {
762 eventInterface: 'Event',
763 bubbles: false,
764 cancelable: false
765 },
766 load: {
767 eventInterface: 'UIEvent',
768 bubbles: false,
769 cancelable: false
770 },
771 loadeddata: {
772 eventInterface: 'Event',
773 bubbles: false,
774 cancelable: false
775 },
776 loadedmetadata: {
777 eventInterface: 'Event',
778 bubbles: false,
779 cancelable: false
780 },
781 loadend: {
782 eventInterface: 'ProgressEvent',
783 bubbles: false,
784 cancelable: false
785 },
786 loadstart: {
787 eventInterface: 'ProgressEvent',
788 bubbles: false,
789 cancelable: false
790 },
791 mark: {
792 eventInterface: 'SpeechSynthesisEvent',
793 bubbles: false,
794 cancelable: false
795 },
796 message: {
797 eventInterface: 'MessageEvent',
798 bubbles: false,
799 cancelable: false
800 },
801 messageerror: {
802 eventInterface: 'MessageEvent',
803 bubbles: false,
804 cancelable: false
805 },
806 mousedown: {
807 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
808 bubbles: true,
809 cancelable: true
810 },
811 mouseenter: {
812 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
813 bubbles: false,
814 cancelable: false
815 },
816 mouseleave: {
817 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
818 bubbles: false,
819 cancelable: false
820 },
821 mousemove: {
822 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
823 bubbles: true,
824 cancelable: true
825 },
826 mouseout: {
827 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
828 bubbles: true,
829 cancelable: true
830 },
831 mouseover: {
832 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
833 bubbles: true,
834 cancelable: true
835 },
836 mouseup: {
837 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
838 bubbles: true,
839 cancelable: true
840 },
841 nomatch: {
842 eventInterface: 'SpeechRecognitionEvent',
843 bubbles: false,
844 cancelable: false
845 },
846 notificationclick: {
847 eventInterface: 'NotificationEvent',
848 bubbles: false,
849 cancelable: false
850 },
851 noupdate: {
852 eventInterface: 'Event',
853 bubbles: false,
854 cancelable: false
855 },
856 obsolete: {
857 eventInterface: 'Event',
858 bubbles: false,
859 cancelable: false
860 },
861 offline: {
862 eventInterface: 'Event',
863 bubbles: false,
864 cancelable: false
865 },
866 online: {
867 eventInterface: 'Event',
868 bubbles: false,
869 cancelable: false
870 },
871 open: {
872 eventInterface: 'Event',
873 bubbles: false,
874 cancelable: false
875 },
876 orientationchange: {
877 eventInterface: 'Event',
878 bubbles: false,
879 cancelable: false
880 },
881 pagehide: {
882 eventInterface: 'PageTransitionEvent',
883 bubbles: false,
884 cancelable: false
885 },
886 pageshow: {
887 eventInterface: 'PageTransitionEvent',
888 bubbles: false,
889 cancelable: false
890 },
891 paste: {
892 eventInterface: 'ClipboardEvent',
893 bubbles: true,
894 cancelable: true
895 },
896 pause: {
897 eventInterface: 'SpeechSynthesisEvent',
898 bubbles: false,
899 cancelable: false
900 },
901 pointercancel: {
902 eventInterface: 'PointerEvent',
903 bubbles: true,
904 cancelable: false
905 },
906 pointerdown: {
907 eventInterface: 'PointerEvent',
908 bubbles: true,
909 cancelable: true
910 },
911 pointerenter: {
912 eventInterface: 'PointerEvent',
913 bubbles: false,
914 cancelable: false
915 },
916 pointerleave: {
917 eventInterface: 'PointerEvent',
918 bubbles: false,
919 cancelable: false
920 },
921 pointerlockchange: {
922 eventInterface: 'Event',
923 bubbles: true,
924 cancelable: false
925 },
926 pointerlockerror: {
927 eventInterface: 'Event',
928 bubbles: true,
929 cancelable: false
930 },
931 pointermove: {
932 eventInterface: 'PointerEvent',
933 bubbles: true,
934 cancelable: true
935 },
936 pointerout: {
937 eventInterface: 'PointerEvent',
938 bubbles: true,
939 cancelable: true
940 },
941 pointerover: {
942 eventInterface: 'PointerEvent',
943 bubbles: true,
944 cancelable: true
945 },
946 pointerup: {
947 eventInterface: 'PointerEvent',
948 bubbles: true,
949 cancelable: true
950 },
951 play: {
952 eventInterface: 'Event',
953 bubbles: false,
954 cancelable: false
955 },
956 playing: {
957 eventInterface: 'Event',
958 bubbles: false,
959 cancelable: false
960 },
961 popstate: {
962 eventInterface: 'PopStateEvent',
963 bubbles: true,
964 cancelable: false
965 },
966 progress: {
967 eventInterface: 'ProgressEvent',
968 bubbles: false,
969 cancelable: false
970 },
971 push: {
972 eventInterface: 'PushEvent',
973 bubbles: false,
974 cancelable: false
975 },
976 pushsubscriptionchange: {
977 eventInterface: 'PushEvent',
978 bubbles: false,
979 cancelable: false
980 },
981 ratechange: {
982 eventInterface: 'Event',
983 bubbles: false,
984 cancelable: false
985 },
986 readystatechange: {
987 eventInterface: 'Event',
988 bubbles: false,
989 cancelable: false
990 },
991 repeatEvent: {
992 eventInterface: 'TimeEvent',
993 bubbles: false,
994 cancelable: false
995 },
996 reset: {
997 eventInterface: 'Event',
998 bubbles: true,
999 cancelable: true
1000 },
1001 resize: {
1002 eventInterface: 'UIEvent',
1003 bubbles: false,
1004 cancelable: false
1005 },
1006 resourcetimingbufferfull: {
1007 eventInterface: 'Performance',
1008 bubbles: true,
1009 cancelable: true
1010 },
1011 result: {
1012 eventInterface: 'SpeechRecognitionEvent',
1013 bubbles: false,
1014 cancelable: false
1015 },
1016 resume: {
1017 eventInterface: 'SpeechSynthesisEvent',
1018 bubbles: false,
1019 cancelable: false
1020 },
1021 scroll: {
1022 eventInterface: 'UIEvent',
1023 bubbles: false,
1024 cancelable: false
1025 },
1026 seeked: {
1027 eventInterface: 'Event',
1028 bubbles: false,
1029 cancelable: false
1030 },
1031 seeking: {
1032 eventInterface: 'Event',
1033 bubbles: false,
1034 cancelable: false
1035 },
1036 select: {
1037 eventInterface: 'UIEvent',
1038 bubbles: true,
1039 cancelable: false
1040 },
1041 selectstart: {
1042 eventInterface: 'Event',
1043 bubbles: true,
1044 cancelable: true
1045 },
1046 selectionchange: {
1047 eventInterface: 'Event',
1048 bubbles: false,
1049 cancelable: false
1050 },
1051 show: {
1052 eventInterface: 'MouseEvent',
1053 bubbles: false,
1054 cancelable: false
1055 },
1056 slotchange: {
1057 eventInterface: 'Event',
1058 bubbles: true,
1059 cancelable: false
1060 },
1061 soundend: {
1062 eventInterface: 'Event',
1063 bubbles: false,
1064 cancelable: false
1065 },
1066 soundstart: {
1067 eventInterface: 'Event',
1068 bubbles: false,
1069 cancelable: false
1070 },
1071 speechend: {
1072 eventInterface: 'Event',
1073 bubbles: false,
1074 cancelable: false
1075 },
1076 speechstart: {
1077 eventInterface: 'Event',
1078 bubbles: false,
1079 cancelable: false
1080 },
1081 stalled: {
1082 eventInterface: 'Event',
1083 bubbles: false,
1084 cancelable: false
1085 },
1086 start: {
1087 eventInterface: 'SpeechSynthesisEvent',
1088 bubbles: false,
1089 cancelable: false
1090 },
1091 storage: {
1092 eventInterface: 'StorageEvent',
1093 bubbles: false,
1094 cancelable: false
1095 },
1096 submit: {
1097 eventInterface: 'Event',
1098 bubbles: true,
1099 cancelable: true
1100 },
1101 success: {
1102 eventInterface: 'Event',
1103 bubbles: false,
1104 cancelable: false
1105 },
1106 suspend: {
1107 eventInterface: 'Event',
1108 bubbles: false,
1109 cancelable: false
1110 },
1111 SVGAbort: {
1112 eventInterface: 'SVGEvent',
1113 bubbles: true,
1114 cancelable: false
1115 },
1116 SVGError: {
1117 eventInterface: 'SVGEvent',
1118 bubbles: true,
1119 cancelable: false
1120 },
1121 SVGLoad: {
1122 eventInterface: 'SVGEvent',
1123 bubbles: false,
1124 cancelable: false
1125 },
1126 SVGResize: {
1127 eventInterface: 'SVGEvent',
1128 bubbles: true,
1129 cancelable: false
1130 },
1131 SVGScroll: {
1132 eventInterface: 'SVGEvent',
1133 bubbles: true,
1134 cancelable: false
1135 },
1136 SVGUnload: {
1137 eventInterface: 'SVGEvent',
1138 bubbles: false,
1139 cancelable: false
1140 },
1141 SVGZoom: {
1142 eventInterface: 'SVGZoomEvent',
1143 bubbles: true,
1144 cancelable: false
1145 },
1146 timeout: {
1147 eventInterface: 'ProgressEvent',
1148 bubbles: false,
1149 cancelable: false
1150 },
1151 timeupdate: {
1152 eventInterface: 'Event',
1153 bubbles: false,
1154 cancelable: false
1155 },
1156 touchcancel: {
1157 eventInterface: 'TouchEvent',
1158 bubbles: true,
1159 cancelable: false
1160 },
1161 touchend: {
1162 eventInterface: 'TouchEvent',
1163 bubbles: true,
1164 cancelable: true
1165 },
1166 touchmove: {
1167 eventInterface: 'TouchEvent',
1168 bubbles: true,
1169 cancelable: true
1170 },
1171 touchstart: {
1172 eventInterface: 'TouchEvent',
1173 bubbles: true,
1174 cancelable: true
1175 },
1176 transitionend: {
1177 eventInterface: 'TransitionEvent',
1178 bubbles: true,
1179 cancelable: true
1180 },
1181 unload: {
1182 eventInterface: 'UIEvent',
1183 bubbles: false,
1184 cancelable: false
1185 },
1186 updateready: {
1187 eventInterface: 'Event',
1188 bubbles: false,
1189 cancelable: false
1190 },
1191 userproximity: {
1192 eventInterface: 'UserProximityEvent',
1193 bubbles: false,
1194 cancelable: false
1195 },
1196 voiceschanged: {
1197 eventInterface: 'Event',
1198 bubbles: false,
1199 cancelable: false
1200 },
1201 visibilitychange: {
1202 eventInterface: 'Event',
1203 bubbles: true,
1204 cancelable: false
1205 },
1206 volumechange: {
1207 eventInterface: 'Event',
1208 bubbles: false,
1209 cancelable: false
1210 },
1211 waiting: {
1212 eventInterface: 'Event',
1213 bubbles: false,
1214 cancelable: false
1215 },
1216 wheel: {
1217 eventInterface: 'WheelEvent',
1218 bubbles: true,
1219 cancelable: true
1220 }
1224 * Groups modifiers into lists
1225 */
1226function generateModifiers(modifiers, isOnClick) {
1227 var keyModifiers = [];
1228 var systemModifiers = [];
1229 for (var i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) {
1230 var modifier = modifiers[i];
1231 // addEventListener() options, e.g. .passive & .capture, that we dont need to handle
1232 if (ignorableKeyModifiers.includes(modifier)) {
1233 continue;
1234 }
1235 // modifiers that require special conversion
1236 // if passed a left/right key modifier with onClick, add it here as well.
1237 if (systemKeyModifiers.includes(modifier) ||
1238 (mouseKeyModifiers.includes(modifier) &&
1239 isOnClick)) {
1240 systemModifiers.push(modifier);
1241 }
1242 else {
1243 keyModifiers.push(modifier);
1244 }
1245 }
1246 return {
1247 keyModifiers: keyModifiers,
1248 systemModifiers: systemModifiers
1249 };
1251function getEventProperties(eventParams) {
1252 var modifiers = eventParams.modifiers, _a = eventParams.options, options = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, eventType = eventParams.eventType;
1253 var isOnClick = eventType === 'click';
1254 var _b = generateModifiers(modifiers, isOnClick), keyModifiers = _b.keyModifiers, systemModifiers = _b.systemModifiers;
1255 if (isOnClick) {
1256 // if it's a right click, it should fire a `contextmenu` event
1257 if (systemModifiers.includes('right')) {
1258 eventType = 'contextmenu';
1259 options.button = 2;
1260 // if its a middle click, fire a `mouseup` event
1261 }
1262 else if (systemModifiers.includes('middle')) {
1263 eventType = 'mouseup';
1264 options.button = 1;
1265 }
1266 }
1267 var meta = domEvents[eventType] || {
1268 eventInterface: 'Event',
1269 cancelable: true,
1270 bubbles: true
1271 };
1272 // convert `shift, ctrl` to `shiftKey, ctrlKey`
1273 // allows trigger('keydown.shift.ctrl.n') directly
1274 var systemModifiersMeta = systemModifiers.reduce(function (all, key) {
1275 all["".concat(key, "Key")] = true;
1276 return all;
1277 }, {});
1278 // get the keyCode for backwards compat
1279 var keyCode = keyCodesByKeyName[keyModifiers[0]] ||
1280 (options && (options.keyCode || options.code));
1281 var eventProperties = __assign(__assign(__assign(__assign({}, systemModifiersMeta), options), { bubbles: meta.bubbles, cancelable: meta.cancelable,
1282 // Any derived options should go here
1283 keyCode: keyCode, code: keyCode }), (keyModifiers[0] ? { key: keyModifiers[0] } : {}));
1284 return {
1285 eventProperties: eventProperties,
1286 meta: meta,
1287 eventType: eventType
1288 };
1290function createEvent(eventParams) {
1291 var _a = getEventProperties(eventParams), eventProperties = _a.eventProperties, meta = _a.meta, eventType = _a.eventType;
1292 // user defined eventInterface
1293 var eventInterface = meta.eventInterface;
1294 var metaEventInterface = window[eventInterface];
1295 var SupportedEventInterface = typeof metaEventInterface === 'function' ? metaEventInterface : window.Event;
1296 return new SupportedEventInterface(eventType,
1297 // event properties can only be added when the event is instantiated
1298 // custom properties must be added after the event has been instantiated
1299 eventProperties);
1301function createDOMEvent(eventString, options) {
1302 // split eventString like `keydown.ctrl.shift` into `keydown` and array of modifiers
1303 var _a = eventString.split('.'), eventType = _a[0], modifiers = _a.slice(1);
1304 var eventParams = {
1305 eventType: eventType,
1306 modifiers: modifiers,
1307 options: options
1308 };
1309 var event = createEvent(eventParams);
1310 var eventPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(event);
1311 // attach custom options to the event, like `relatedTarget` and so on.
1312 options &&
1313 Object.keys(options).forEach(function (key) {
1314 var propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(eventPrototype, key);
1315 var canSetProperty = !(propertyDescriptor && propertyDescriptor.set === undefined);
1316 if (canSetProperty) {
1317 event[key] = options[key];
1318 }
1319 });
1320 return event;
1323// Stubbing occurs when in vnode transformer we're swapping
1324// component vnode type due to stubbing either component
1325// or directive on component
1326// In order to be able to find components we need to track pairs
1327// stub --> original component
1328// Having this as global might feel unsafe at first point
1329// One can assume that sharing stub map across mounts might
1330// lead to false matches, however our vnode mappers always
1331// produce new nodeTypes for each mount even if you're reusing
1332// same stub, so we're safe and do not need to pass these stubs
1333// for each mount operation
1334var stubs = new WeakMap();
1335function registerStub(_a) {
1336 var source = _a.source, stub = _a.stub;
1337 stubs.set(stub, source);
1339function getOriginalComponentFromStub(stub) {
1340 return stubs.get(stub);
1343var cacheStringFunction$1 = function (fn) {
1344 var cache = Object.create(null);
1345 return (function (str) {
1346 var hit = cache[str];
1347 return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str));
1348 });
1350var camelizeRE$1 = /-(\w)/g;
1351var camelize$1 = cacheStringFunction$1(function (str) {
1352 return str.replace(camelizeRE$1, function (_, c) { return (c ? c.toUpperCase() : ''); });
1354var capitalize$1 = cacheStringFunction$1(function (str) {
1355 return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
1357var hyphenateRE$1 = /\B([A-Z])/g;
1358var hyphenate$1 = cacheStringFunction$1(function (str) {
1359 return str.replace(hyphenateRE$1, '-$1').toLowerCase();
1362function matchName(target, sourceName) {
1363 var camelized = camelize$1(target);
1364 var capitalized = capitalize$1(camelized);
1365 return (!!sourceName &&
1366 (sourceName === target ||
1367 sourceName === camelized ||
1368 sourceName === capitalized ||
1369 capitalize$1(camelize$1(sourceName)) === capitalized));
1372function isCompatEnabled$1(key) {
1373 var _a, _b;
1374 return (_b = (_a = Vue.compatUtils) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isCompatEnabled(key)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false;
1376function isLegacyExtendedComponent(component) {
1377 if (!isCompatEnabled$1('GLOBAL_EXTEND') || typeof component !== 'function') {
1378 return false;
1379 }
1380 return (hasOwnProperty(component, 'super') &&
1381 component.super.extend({}).super === component.super);
1383function unwrapLegacyVueExtendComponent(selector) {
1384 return isLegacyExtendedComponent(selector) ? selector.options : selector;
1386function isLegacyFunctionalComponent(component) {
1387 return Boolean(component &&
1388 typeof component === 'object' &&
1389 hasOwnProperty(component, 'functional') &&
1390 component.functional);
1393var getComponentNameInSetup = function (instance, type) {
1394 return Object.keys((instance === null || instance === void 0 ? void 0 : instance.setupState) || {}).find(function (key) { var _a; return ((_a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(instance.setupState, key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value) === type; });
1396var getComponentRegisteredName = function (instance, type) {
1397 if (!instance || !instance.parent)
1398 return null;
1399 // try to infer the name based on local resolution
1400 var registry = instance.type.components;
1401 for (var key in registry) {
1402 if (registry[key] === type) {
1403 return key;
1404 }
1405 }
1406 // try to retrieve name imported in script setup
1407 return getComponentNameInSetup(instance.parent, type) || null;
1409var getComponentName = function (instance, type) {
1410 if (isObjectComponent(type)) {
1411 return (
1412 // If the component we stub is a script setup component and is automatically
1413 // imported by unplugin-vue-components we can only get its name through
1414 // the `__name` property.
1415 getComponentNameInSetup(instance, type) || type.name || type.__name || '');
1416 }
1417 if (isLegacyExtendedComponent(type)) {
1418 return unwrapLegacyVueExtendComponent(type).name || '';
1419 }
1420 if (isFunctionalComponent(type)) {
1421 return type.displayName || type.name;
1422 }
1423 return '';
1427 * Detect whether a selector matches a VNode
1428 * @param node
1429 * @param selector
1430 * @return {boolean | ((value: any) => boolean)}
1431 */
1432function matches(node, rawSelector) {
1433 var _a, _b, _c;
1434 var selector = unwrapLegacyVueExtendComponent(rawSelector);
1435 // do not return none Vue components
1436 if (!node.component)
1437 return false;
1438 var nodeType = node.type;
1439 if (!isComponent$1(nodeType))
1440 return false;
1441 if (typeof selector === 'string') {
1442 return (_b = (_a = node.el) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.matches) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, selector);
1443 }
1444 // When we're using stubs we want user to be able to
1445 // find stubbed components both by original component
1446 // or stub definition. That's why we are trying to
1447 // extract original component and also stub, which was
1448 // used to create specialized stub for render
1449 var nodeTypeCandidates = [
1450 nodeType,
1451 getOriginalComponentFromStub(nodeType)
1452 ].filter(Boolean);
1453 // our selector might be a stub itself
1454 var target = (_c = getOriginalComponentFromStub(selector)) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : selector;
1455 if (nodeTypeCandidates.includes(target)) {
1456 return true;
1457 }
1458 var componentName;
1459 componentName = getComponentName(node.component, nodeType);
1460 var selectorName = selector.name;
1461 // the component and selector both have a name
1462 if (componentName && selectorName) {
1463 return matchName(selectorName, componentName);
1464 }
1465 componentName =
1466 getComponentRegisteredName(node.component, nodeType) || undefined;
1467 // if a name is missing, then check the locally registered components in the parent
1468 if (node.component.parent) {
1469 var registry = node.component.parent.type.components;
1470 for (var key in registry) {
1471 // is it the selector
1472 if (!selectorName && registry[key] === selector) {
1473 selectorName = key;
1474 }
1475 // is it the component
1476 if (!componentName && registry[key] === nodeType) {
1477 componentName = key;
1478 }
1479 }
1480 }
1481 if (selectorName && componentName) {
1482 return matchName(selectorName, componentName);
1483 }
1484 return false;
1487 * Filters out the null, undefined and primitive values,
1488 * to only keep VNode and VNodeArrayChildren values
1489 * @param value
1490 */
1491function nodesAsObject(value) {
1492 return !!value && typeof value === 'object';
1495 * Collect all children
1496 * @param nodes
1497 * @param children
1498 */
1499function aggregateChildren(nodes, children) {
1500 if (children && Array.isArray(children)) {
1501 var reversedNodes = __spreadArray([], children, true).reverse().filter(nodesAsObject);
1502 reversedNodes.forEach(function (node) {
1503 if (Array.isArray(node)) {
1504 aggregateChildren(nodes, node);
1505 }
1506 else {
1507 nodes.unshift(node);
1508 }
1509 });
1510 }
1512function findAllVNodes(vnode, selector) {
1513 var matchingNodes = [];
1514 var nodes = [vnode];
1515 while (nodes.length) {
1516 var node = nodes.shift();
1517 aggregateChildren(nodes, node.children);
1518 if (node.component) {
1519 aggregateChildren(nodes, [node.component.subTree]);
1520 }
1521 if (node.suspense) {
1522 // match children if component is Suspense
1523 var activeBranch = node.suspense.activeBranch;
1524 aggregateChildren(nodes, [activeBranch]);
1525 }
1526 if (matches(node, selector) && !matchingNodes.includes(node)) {
1527 matchingNodes.push(node);
1528 }
1529 }
1530 return matchingNodes;
1532function find(root, selector) {
1533 var matchingVNodes = findAllVNodes(root, selector);
1534 if (typeof selector === 'string') {
1535 // When searching by CSS selector we want only one (topmost) vnode for each el`
1536 matchingVNodes = matchingVNodes.filter(function (vnode) { var _a; return ((_a = vnode.component.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.vnode.el) !== vnode.el; });
1537 }
1538 return matchingVNodes.map(function (vnode) { return vnode.component; });
1541function createWrapperError(wrapperType) {
1542 return new Proxy(Object.create(null), {
1543 get: function (obj, prop) {
1544 switch (prop) {
1545 case 'then':
1546 // allows for better errors when wrapping `find` in `await`
1547 // https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/issues/638
1548 return;
1549 case 'exists':
1550 return function () { return false; };
1551 default:
1552 throw new Error("Cannot call ".concat(String(prop), " on an empty ").concat(wrapperType, "."));
1553 }
1554 }
1555 });
1559 * isElementVisible
1560 * Adapted from https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom
1561 * Licensed under the MIT License.
1562 */
1563function isStyleVisible(element) {
1564 if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement) && !(element instanceof SVGElement)) {
1565 return false;
1566 }
1567 var _a = getComputedStyle(element), display = _a.display, visibility = _a.visibility, opacity = _a.opacity;
1568 return (display !== 'none' &&
1569 visibility !== 'hidden' &&
1570 visibility !== 'collapse' &&
1571 opacity !== '0');
1573function isAttributeVisible(element) {
1574 return (!element.hasAttribute('hidden') &&
1575 (element.nodeName === 'DETAILS' ? element.hasAttribute('open') : true));
1577function isElementVisible(element) {
1578 return (element.nodeName !== '#comment' &&
1579 isStyleVisible(element) &&
1580 isAttributeVisible(element) &&
1581 (!element.parentElement || isElementVisible(element.parentElement)));
1584function isElement(element) {
1585 return element instanceof Element;
1588var WrapperType;
1589(function (WrapperType) {
1590 WrapperType[WrapperType["DOMWrapper"] = 0] = "DOMWrapper";
1591 WrapperType[WrapperType["VueWrapper"] = 1] = "VueWrapper";
1592})(WrapperType || (WrapperType = {}));
1593var factories = {};
1594function registerFactory(type, fn) {
1595 factories[type] = fn;
1597var createDOMWrapper = function (element) {
1598 return factories[WrapperType.DOMWrapper](element);
1600var createVueWrapper = function (app, vm, setProps) {
1601 return factories[WrapperType.VueWrapper](app, vm, setProps);
1604function stringifyNode(node) {
1605 return node instanceof Element
1606 ? node.outerHTML
1607 : new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(node);
1610function getDefaultExportFromCjs (x) {
1611 return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, 'default') ? x['default'] : x;
1614var js = {exports: {}};
1616var src = {};
1618var javascript = {exports: {}};
1620var beautifier$2 = {};
1622var output = {};
1624/*jshint node:true */
1626var hasRequiredOutput;
1628function requireOutput () {
1629 if (hasRequiredOutput) return output;
1630 hasRequiredOutput = 1;
1632 function OutputLine(parent) {
1633 this.__parent = parent;
1634 this.__character_count = 0;
1635 // use indent_count as a marker for this.__lines that have preserved indentation
1636 this.__indent_count = -1;
1637 this.__alignment_count = 0;
1638 this.__wrap_point_index = 0;
1639 this.__wrap_point_character_count = 0;
1640 this.__wrap_point_indent_count = -1;
1641 this.__wrap_point_alignment_count = 0;
1643 this.__items = [];
1644 }
1646 OutputLine.prototype.clone_empty = function() {
1647 var line = new OutputLine(this.__parent);
1648 line.set_indent(this.__indent_count, this.__alignment_count);
1649 return line;
1650 };
1652 OutputLine.prototype.item = function(index) {
1653 if (index < 0) {
1654 return this.__items[this.__items.length + index];
1655 } else {
1656 return this.__items[index];
1657 }
1658 };
1660 OutputLine.prototype.has_match = function(pattern) {
1661 for (var lastCheckedOutput = this.__items.length - 1; lastCheckedOutput >= 0; lastCheckedOutput--) {
1662 if (this.__items[lastCheckedOutput].match(pattern)) {
1663 return true;
1664 }
1665 }
1666 return false;
1667 };
1669 OutputLine.prototype.set_indent = function(indent, alignment) {
1670 if (this.is_empty()) {
1671 this.__indent_count = indent || 0;
1672 this.__alignment_count = alignment || 0;
1673 this.__character_count = this.__parent.get_indent_size(this.__indent_count, this.__alignment_count);
1674 }
1675 };
1677 OutputLine.prototype._set_wrap_point = function() {
1678 if (this.__parent.wrap_line_length) {
1679 this.__wrap_point_index = this.__items.length;
1680 this.__wrap_point_character_count = this.__character_count;
1681 this.__wrap_point_indent_count = this.__parent.next_line.__indent_count;
1682 this.__wrap_point_alignment_count = this.__parent.next_line.__alignment_count;
1683 }
1684 };
1686 OutputLine.prototype._should_wrap = function() {
1687 return this.__wrap_point_index &&
1688 this.__character_count > this.__parent.wrap_line_length &&
1689 this.__wrap_point_character_count > this.__parent.next_line.__character_count;
1690 };
1692 OutputLine.prototype._allow_wrap = function() {
1693 if (this._should_wrap()) {
1694 this.__parent.add_new_line();
1695 var next = this.__parent.current_line;
1696 next.set_indent(this.__wrap_point_indent_count, this.__wrap_point_alignment_count);
1697 next.__items = this.__items.slice(this.__wrap_point_index);
1698 this.__items = this.__items.slice(0, this.__wrap_point_index);
1700 next.__character_count += this.__character_count - this.__wrap_point_character_count;
1701 this.__character_count = this.__wrap_point_character_count;
1703 if (next.__items[0] === " ") {
1704 next.__items.splice(0, 1);
1705 next.__character_count -= 1;
1706 }
1707 return true;
1708 }
1709 return false;
1710 };
1712 OutputLine.prototype.is_empty = function() {
1713 return this.__items.length === 0;
1714 };
1716 OutputLine.prototype.last = function() {
1717 if (!this.is_empty()) {
1718 return this.__items[this.__items.length - 1];
1719 } else {
1720 return null;
1721 }
1722 };
1724 OutputLine.prototype.push = function(item) {
1725 this.__items.push(item);
1726 var last_newline_index = item.lastIndexOf('\n');
1727 if (last_newline_index !== -1) {
1728 this.__character_count = item.length - last_newline_index;
1729 } else {
1730 this.__character_count += item.length;
1731 }
1732 };
1734 OutputLine.prototype.pop = function() {
1735 var item = null;
1736 if (!this.is_empty()) {
1737 item = this.__items.pop();
1738 this.__character_count -= item.length;
1739 }
1740 return item;
1741 };
1744 OutputLine.prototype._remove_indent = function() {
1745 if (this.__indent_count > 0) {
1746 this.__indent_count -= 1;
1747 this.__character_count -= this.__parent.indent_size;
1748 }
1749 };
1751 OutputLine.prototype._remove_wrap_indent = function() {
1752 if (this.__wrap_point_indent_count > 0) {
1753 this.__wrap_point_indent_count -= 1;
1754 }
1755 };
1756 OutputLine.prototype.trim = function() {
1757 while (this.last() === ' ') {
1758 this.__items.pop();
1759 this.__character_count -= 1;
1760 }
1761 };
1763 OutputLine.prototype.toString = function() {
1764 var result = '';
1765 if (this.is_empty()) {
1766 if (this.__parent.indent_empty_lines) {
1767 result = this.__parent.get_indent_string(this.__indent_count);
1768 }
1769 } else {
1770 result = this.__parent.get_indent_string(this.__indent_count, this.__alignment_count);
1771 result += this.__items.join('');
1772 }
1773 return result;
1774 };
1776 function IndentStringCache(options, baseIndentString) {
1777 this.__cache = [''];
1778 this.__indent_size = options.indent_size;
1779 this.__indent_string = options.indent_char;
1780 if (!options.indent_with_tabs) {
1781 this.__indent_string = new Array(options.indent_size + 1).join(options.indent_char);
1782 }
1784 // Set to null to continue support for auto detection of base indent
1785 baseIndentString = baseIndentString || '';
1786 if (options.indent_level > 0) {
1787 baseIndentString = new Array(options.indent_level + 1).join(this.__indent_string);
1788 }
1790 this.__base_string = baseIndentString;
1791 this.__base_string_length = baseIndentString.length;
1792 }
1794 IndentStringCache.prototype.get_indent_size = function(indent, column) {
1795 var result = this.__base_string_length;
1796 column = column || 0;
1797 if (indent < 0) {
1798 result = 0;
1799 }
1800 result += indent * this.__indent_size;
1801 result += column;
1802 return result;
1803 };
1805 IndentStringCache.prototype.get_indent_string = function(indent_level, column) {
1806 var result = this.__base_string;
1807 column = column || 0;
1808 if (indent_level < 0) {
1809 indent_level = 0;
1810 result = '';
1811 }
1812 column += indent_level * this.__indent_size;
1813 this.__ensure_cache(column);
1814 result += this.__cache[column];
1815 return result;
1816 };
1818 IndentStringCache.prototype.__ensure_cache = function(column) {
1819 while (column >= this.__cache.length) {
1820 this.__add_column();
1821 }
1822 };
1824 IndentStringCache.prototype.__add_column = function() {
1825 var column = this.__cache.length;
1826 var indent = 0;
1827 var result = '';
1828 if (this.__indent_size && column >= this.__indent_size) {
1829 indent = Math.floor(column / this.__indent_size);
1830 column -= indent * this.__indent_size;
1831 result = new Array(indent + 1).join(this.__indent_string);
1832 }
1833 if (column) {
1834 result += new Array(column + 1).join(' ');
1835 }
1837 this.__cache.push(result);
1838 };
1840 function Output(options, baseIndentString) {
1841 this.__indent_cache = new IndentStringCache(options, baseIndentString);
1842 this.raw = false;
1843 this._end_with_newline = options.end_with_newline;
1844 this.indent_size = options.indent_size;
1845 this.wrap_line_length = options.wrap_line_length;
1846 this.indent_empty_lines = options.indent_empty_lines;
1847 this.__lines = [];
1848 this.previous_line = null;
1849 this.current_line = null;
1850 this.next_line = new OutputLine(this);
1851 this.space_before_token = false;
1852 this.non_breaking_space = false;
1853 this.previous_token_wrapped = false;
1854 // initialize
1855 this.__add_outputline();
1856 }
1858 Output.prototype.__add_outputline = function() {
1859 this.previous_line = this.current_line;
1860 this.current_line = this.next_line.clone_empty();
1861 this.__lines.push(this.current_line);
1862 };
1864 Output.prototype.get_line_number = function() {
1865 return this.__lines.length;
1866 };
1868 Output.prototype.get_indent_string = function(indent, column) {
1869 return this.__indent_cache.get_indent_string(indent, column);
1870 };
1872 Output.prototype.get_indent_size = function(indent, column) {
1873 return this.__indent_cache.get_indent_size(indent, column);
1874 };
1876 Output.prototype.is_empty = function() {
1877 return !this.previous_line && this.current_line.is_empty();
1878 };
1880 Output.prototype.add_new_line = function(force_newline) {
1881 // never newline at the start of file
1882 // otherwise, newline only if we didn't just add one or we're forced
1883 if (this.is_empty() ||
1884 (!force_newline && this.just_added_newline())) {
1885 return false;
1886 }
1888 // if raw output is enabled, don't print additional newlines,
1889 // but still return True as though you had
1890 if (!this.raw) {
1891 this.__add_outputline();
1892 }
1893 return true;
1894 };
1896 Output.prototype.get_code = function(eol) {
1897 this.trim(true);
1899 // handle some edge cases where the last tokens
1900 // has text that ends with newline(s)
1901 var last_item = this.current_line.pop();
1902 if (last_item) {
1903 if (last_item[last_item.length - 1] === '\n') {
1904 last_item = last_item.replace(/\n+$/g, '');
1905 }
1906 this.current_line.push(last_item);
1907 }
1909 if (this._end_with_newline) {
1910 this.__add_outputline();
1911 }
1913 var sweet_code = this.__lines.join('\n');
1915 if (eol !== '\n') {
1916 sweet_code = sweet_code.replace(/[\n]/g, eol);
1917 }
1918 return sweet_code;
1919 };
1921 Output.prototype.set_wrap_point = function() {
1922 this.current_line._set_wrap_point();
1923 };
1925 Output.prototype.set_indent = function(indent, alignment) {
1926 indent = indent || 0;
1927 alignment = alignment || 0;
1929 // Next line stores alignment values
1930 this.next_line.set_indent(indent, alignment);
1932 // Never indent your first output indent at the start of the file
1933 if (this.__lines.length > 1) {
1934 this.current_line.set_indent(indent, alignment);
1935 return true;
1936 }
1938 this.current_line.set_indent();
1939 return false;
1940 };
1942 Output.prototype.add_raw_token = function(token) {
1943 for (var x = 0; x < token.newlines; x++) {
1944 this.__add_outputline();
1945 }
1946 this.current_line.set_indent(-1);
1947 this.current_line.push(token.whitespace_before);
1948 this.current_line.push(token.text);
1949 this.space_before_token = false;
1950 this.non_breaking_space = false;
1951 this.previous_token_wrapped = false;
1952 };
1954 Output.prototype.add_token = function(printable_token) {
1955 this.__add_space_before_token();
1956 this.current_line.push(printable_token);
1957 this.space_before_token = false;
1958 this.non_breaking_space = false;
1959 this.previous_token_wrapped = this.current_line._allow_wrap();
1960 };
1962 Output.prototype.__add_space_before_token = function() {
1963 if (this.space_before_token && !this.just_added_newline()) {
1964 if (!this.non_breaking_space) {
1965 this.set_wrap_point();
1966 }
1967 this.current_line.push(' ');
1968 }
1969 };
1971 Output.prototype.remove_indent = function(index) {
1972 var output_length = this.__lines.length;
1973 while (index < output_length) {
1974 this.__lines[index]._remove_indent();
1975 index++;
1976 }
1977 this.current_line._remove_wrap_indent();
1978 };
1980 Output.prototype.trim = function(eat_newlines) {
1981 eat_newlines = (eat_newlines === undefined) ? false : eat_newlines;
1983 this.current_line.trim();
1985 while (eat_newlines && this.__lines.length > 1 &&
1986 this.current_line.is_empty()) {
1987 this.__lines.pop();
1988 this.current_line = this.__lines[this.__lines.length - 1];
1989 this.current_line.trim();
1990 }
1992 this.previous_line = this.__lines.length > 1 ?
1993 this.__lines[this.__lines.length - 2] : null;
1994 };
1996 Output.prototype.just_added_newline = function() {
1997 return this.current_line.is_empty();
1998 };
2000 Output.prototype.just_added_blankline = function() {
2001 return this.is_empty() ||
2002 (this.current_line.is_empty() && this.previous_line.is_empty());
2003 };
2005 Output.prototype.ensure_empty_line_above = function(starts_with, ends_with) {
2006 var index = this.__lines.length - 2;
2007 while (index >= 0) {
2008 var potentialEmptyLine = this.__lines[index];
2009 if (potentialEmptyLine.is_empty()) {
2010 break;
2011 } else if (potentialEmptyLine.item(0).indexOf(starts_with) !== 0 &&
2012 potentialEmptyLine.item(-1) !== ends_with) {
2013 this.__lines.splice(index + 1, 0, new OutputLine(this));
2014 this.previous_line = this.__lines[this.__lines.length - 2];
2015 break;
2016 }
2017 index--;
2018 }
2019 };
2021 output.Output = Output;
2022 return output;
2025var token = {};
2027/*jshint node:true */
2029var hasRequiredToken;
2031function requireToken () {
2032 if (hasRequiredToken) return token;
2033 hasRequiredToken = 1;
2035 function Token(type, text, newlines, whitespace_before) {
2036 this.type = type;
2037 this.text = text;
2039 // comments_before are
2040 // comments that have a new line before them
2041 // and may or may not have a newline after
2042 // this is a set of comments before
2043 this.comments_before = null; /* inline comment*/
2046 // this.comments_after = new TokenStream(); // no new line before and newline after
2047 this.newlines = newlines || 0;
2048 this.whitespace_before = whitespace_before || '';
2049 this.parent = null;
2050 this.next = null;
2051 this.previous = null;
2052 this.opened = null;
2053 this.closed = null;
2054 this.directives = null;
2055 }
2058 token.Token = Token;
2059 return token;
2062var acorn = {};
2064/* jshint node: true, curly: false */
2066var hasRequiredAcorn;
2068function requireAcorn () {
2069 if (hasRequiredAcorn) return acorn;
2070 hasRequiredAcorn = 1;
2071 (function (exports) {
2073 // acorn used char codes to squeeze the last bit of performance out
2074 // Beautifier is okay without that, so we're using regex
2075 // permit # (23), $ (36), and @ (64). @ is used in ES7 decorators.
2076 // 65 through 91 are uppercase letters.
2077 // permit _ (95).
2078 // 97 through 123 are lowercase letters.
2079 var baseASCIIidentifierStartChars = "\\x23\\x24\\x40\\x41-\\x5a\\x5f\\x61-\\x7a";
2081 // inside an identifier @ is not allowed but 0-9 are.
2082 var baseASCIIidentifierChars = "\\x24\\x30-\\x39\\x41-\\x5a\\x5f\\x61-\\x7a";
2084 // Big ugly regular expressions that match characters in the
2085 // whitespace, identifier, and identifier-start categories. These
2086 // are only applied when a character is found to actually have a
2087 // code point above 128.
2088 var nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = "\\xaa\\xb5\\xba\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xf6\\xf8-\\u02c1\\u02c6-\\u02d1\\u02e0-\\u02e4\\u02ec\\u02ee\\u0370-\\u0374\\u0376\\u0377\\u037a-\\u037d\\u0386\\u0388-\\u038a\\u038c\\u038e-\\u03a1\\u03a3-\\u03f5\\u03f7-\\u0481\\u048a-\\u0527\\u0531-\\u0556\\u0559\\u0561-\\u0587\\u05d0-\\u05ea\\u05f0-\\u05f2\\u0620-\\u064a\\u066e\\u066f\\u0671-\\u06d3\\u06d5\\u06e5\\u06e6\\u06ee\\u06ef\\u06fa-\\u06fc\\u06ff\\u0710\\u0712-\\u072f\\u074d-\\u07a5\\u07b1\\u07ca-\\u07ea\\u07f4\\u07f5\\u07fa\\u0800-\\u0815\\u081a\\u0824\\u0828\\u0840-\\u0858\\u08a0\\u08a2-\\u08ac\\u0904-\\u0939\\u093d\\u0950\\u0958-\\u0961\\u0971-\\u0977\\u0979-\\u097f\\u0985-\\u098c\\u098f\\u0990\\u0993-\\u09a8\\u09aa-\\u09b0\\u09b2\\u09b6-\\u09b9\\u09bd\\u09ce\\u09dc\\u09dd\\u09df-\\u09e1\\u09f0\\u09f1\\u0a05-\\u0a0a\\u0a0f\\u0a10\\u0a13-\\u0a28\\u0a2a-\\u0a30\\u0a32\\u0a33\\u0a35\\u0a36\\u0a38\\u0a39\\u0a59-\\u0a5c\\u0a5e\\u0a72-\\u0a74\\u0a85-\\u0a8d\\u0a8f-\\u0a91\\u0a93-\\u0aa8\\u0aaa-\\u0ab0\\u0ab2\\u0ab3\\u0ab5-\\u0ab9\\u0abd\\u0ad0\\u0ae0\\u0ae1\\u0b05-\\u0b0c\\u0b0f\\u0b10\\u0b13-\\u0b28\\u0b2a-\\u0b30\\u0b32\\u0b33\\u0b35-\\u0b39\\u0b3d\\u0b5c\\u0b5d\\u0b5f-\\u0b61\\u0b71\\u0b83\\u0b85-\\u0b8a\\u0b8e-\\u0b90\\u0b92-\\u0b95\\u0b99\\u0b9a\\u0b9c\\u0b9e\\u0b9f\\u0ba3\\u0ba4\\u0ba8-\\u0baa\\u0bae-\\u0bb9\\u0bd0\\u0c05-\\u0c0c\\u0c0e-\\u0c10\\u0c12-\\u0c28\\u0c2a-\\u0c33\\u0c35-\\u0c39\\u0c3d\\u0c58\\u0c59\\u0c60\\u0c61\\u0c85-\\u0c8c\\u0c8e-\\u0c90\\u0c92-\\u0ca8\\u0caa-\\u0cb3\\u0cb5-\\u0cb9\\u0cbd\\u0cde\\u0ce0\\u0ce1\\u0cf1\\u0cf2\\u0d05-\\u0d0c\\u0d0e-\\u0d10\\u0d12-\\u0d3a\\u0d3d\\u0d4e\\u0d60\\u0d61\\u0d7a-\\u0d7f\\u0d85-\\u0d96\\u0d9a-\\u0db1\\u0db3-\\u0dbb\\u0dbd\\u0dc0-\\u0dc6\\u0e01-\\u0e30\\u0e32\\u0e33\\u0e40-\\u0e46\\u0e81\\u0e82\\u0e84\\u0e87\\u0e88\\u0e8a\\u0e8d\\u0e94-\\u0e97\\u0e99-\\u0e9f\\u0ea1-\\u0ea3\\u0ea5\\u0ea7\\u0eaa\\u0eab\\u0ead-\\u0eb0\\u0eb2\\u0eb3\\u0ebd\\u0ec0-\\u0ec4\\u0ec6\\u0edc-\\u0edf\\u0f00\\u0f40-\\u0f47\\u0f49-\\u0f6c\\u0f88-\\u0f8c\\u1000-\\u102a\\u103f\\u1050-\\u1055\\u105a-\\u105d\\u1061\\u1065\\u1066\\u106e-\\u1070\\u1075-\\u1081\\u108e\\u10a0-\\u10c5\\u10c7\\u10cd\\u10d0-\\u10fa\\u10fc-\\u1248\\u124a-\\u124d\\u1250-\\u1256\\u1258\\u125a-\\u125d\\u1260-\\u1288\\u128a-\\u128d\\u1290-\\u12b0\\u12b2-\\u12b5\\u12b8-\\u12be\\u12c0\\u12c2-\\u12c5\\u12c8-\\u12d6\\u12d8-\\u1310\\u1312-\\u1315\\u1318-\\u135a\\u1380-\\u138f\\u13a0-\\u13f4\\u1401-\\u166c\\u166f-\\u167f\\u1681-\\u169a\\u16a0-\\u16ea\\u16ee-\\u16f0\\u1700-\\u170c\\u170e-\\u1711\\u1720-\\u1731\\u1740-\\u1751\\u1760-\\u176c\\u176e-\\u1770\\u1780-\\u17b3\\u17d7\\u17dc\\u1820-\\u1877\\u1880-\\u18a8\\u18aa\\u18b0-\\u18f5\\u1900-\\u191c\\u1950-\\u196d\\u1970-\\u1974\\u1980-\\u19ab\\u19c1-\\u19c7\\u1a00-\\u1a16\\u1a20-\\u1a54\\u1aa7\\u1b05-\\u1b33\\u1b45-\\u1b4b\\u1b83-\\u1ba0\\u1bae\\u1baf\\u1bba-\\u1be5\\u1c00-\\u1c23\\u1c4d-\\u1c4f\\u1c5a-\\u1c7d\\u1ce9-\\u1cec\\u1cee-\\u1cf1\\u1cf5\\u1cf6\\u1d00-\\u1dbf\\u1e00-\\u1f15\\u1f18-\\u1f1d\\u1f20-\\u1f45\\u1f48-\\u1f4d\\u1f50-\\u1f57\\u1f59\\u1f5b\\u1f5d\\u1f5f-\\u1f7d\\u1f80-\\u1fb4\\u1fb6-\\u1fbc\\u1fbe\\u1fc2-\\u1fc4\\u1fc6-\\u1fcc\\u1fd0-\\u1fd3\\u1fd6-\\u1fdb\\u1fe0-\\u1fec\\u1ff2-\\u1ff4\\u1ff6-\\u1ffc\\u2071\\u207f\\u2090-\\u209c\\u2102\\u2107\\u210a-\\u2113\\u2115\\u2119-\\u211d\\u2124\\u2126\\u2128\\u212a-\\u212d\\u212f-\\u2139\\u213c-\\u213f\\u2145-\\u2149\\u214e\\u2160-\\u2188\\u2c00-\\u2c2e\\u2c30-\\u2c5e\\u2c60-\\u2ce4\\u2ceb-\\u2cee\\u2cf2\\u2cf3\\u2d00-\\u2d25\\u2d27\\u2d2d\\u2d30-\\u2d67\\u2d6f\\u2d80-\\u2d96\\u2da0-\\u2da6\\u2da8-\\u2dae\\u2db0-\\u2db6\\u2db8-\\u2dbe\\u2dc0-\\u2dc6\\u2dc8-\\u2dce\\u2dd0-\\u2dd6\\u2dd8-\\u2dde\\u2e2f\\u3005-\\u3007\\u3021-\\u3029\\u3031-\\u3035\\u3038-\\u303c\\u3041-\\u3096\\u309d-\\u309f\\u30a1-\\u30fa\\u30fc-\\u30ff\\u3105-\\u312d\\u3131-\\u318e\\u31a0-\\u31ba\\u31f0-\\u31ff\\u3400-\\u4db5\\u4e00-\\u9fcc\\ua000-\\ua48c\\ua4d0-\\ua4fd\\ua500-\\ua60c\\ua610-\\ua61f\\ua62a\\ua62b\\ua640-\\ua66e\\ua67f-\\ua697\\ua6a0-\\ua6ef\\ua717-\\ua71f\\ua722-\\ua788\\ua78b-\\ua78e\\ua790-\\ua793\\ua7a0-\\ua7aa\\ua7f8-\\ua801\\ua803-\\ua805\\ua807-\\ua80a\\ua80c-\\ua822\\ua840-\\ua873\\ua882-\\ua8b3\\ua8f2-\\ua8f7\\ua8fb\\ua90a-\\ua925\\ua930-\\ua946\\ua960-\\ua97c\\ua984-\\ua9b2\\ua9cf\\uaa00-\\uaa28\\uaa40-\\uaa42\\uaa44-\\uaa4b\\uaa60-\\uaa76\\uaa7a\\uaa80-\\uaaaf\\uaab1\\uaab5\\uaab6\\uaab9-\\uaabd\\uaac0\\uaac2\\uaadb-\\uaadd\\uaae0-\\uaaea\\uaaf2-\\uaaf4\\uab01-\\uab06\\uab09-\\uab0e\\uab11-\\uab16\\uab20-\\uab26\\uab28-\\uab2e\\uabc0-\\uabe2\\uac00-\\ud7a3\\ud7b0-\\ud7c6\\ud7cb-\\ud7fb\\uf900-\\ufa6d\\ufa70-\\ufad9\\ufb00-\\ufb06\\ufb13-\\ufb17\\ufb1d\\ufb1f-\\ufb28\\ufb2a-\\ufb36\\ufb38-\\ufb3c\\ufb3e\\ufb40\\ufb41\\ufb43\\ufb44\\ufb46-\\ufbb1\\ufbd3-\\ufd3d\\ufd50-\\ufd8f\\ufd92-\\ufdc7\\ufdf0-\\ufdfb\\ufe70-\\ufe74\\ufe76-\\ufefc\\uff21-\\uff3a\\uff41-\\uff5a\\uff66-\\uffbe\\uffc2-\\uffc7\\uffca-\\uffcf\\uffd2-\\uffd7\\uffda-\\uffdc";
2089 var nonASCIIidentifierChars = "\\u0300-\\u036f\\u0483-\\u0487\\u0591-\\u05bd\\u05bf\\u05c1\\u05c2\\u05c4\\u05c5\\u05c7\\u0610-\\u061a\\u0620-\\u0649\\u0672-\\u06d3\\u06e7-\\u06e8\\u06fb-\\u06fc\\u0730-\\u074a\\u0800-\\u0814\\u081b-\\u0823\\u0825-\\u0827\\u0829-\\u082d\\u0840-\\u0857\\u08e4-\\u08fe\\u0900-\\u0903\\u093a-\\u093c\\u093e-\\u094f\\u0951-\\u0957\\u0962-\\u0963\\u0966-\\u096f\\u0981-\\u0983\\u09bc\\u09be-\\u09c4\\u09c7\\u09c8\\u09d7\\u09df-\\u09e0\\u0a01-\\u0a03\\u0a3c\\u0a3e-\\u0a42\\u0a47\\u0a48\\u0a4b-\\u0a4d\\u0a51\\u0a66-\\u0a71\\u0a75\\u0a81-\\u0a83\\u0abc\\u0abe-\\u0ac5\\u0ac7-\\u0ac9\\u0acb-\\u0acd\\u0ae2-\\u0ae3\\u0ae6-\\u0aef\\u0b01-\\u0b03\\u0b3c\\u0b3e-\\u0b44\\u0b47\\u0b48\\u0b4b-\\u0b4d\\u0b56\\u0b57\\u0b5f-\\u0b60\\u0b66-\\u0b6f\\u0b82\\u0bbe-\\u0bc2\\u0bc6-\\u0bc8\\u0bca-\\u0bcd\\u0bd7\\u0be6-\\u0bef\\u0c01-\\u0c03\\u0c46-\\u0c48\\u0c4a-\\u0c4d\\u0c55\\u0c56\\u0c62-\\u0c63\\u0c66-\\u0c6f\\u0c82\\u0c83\\u0cbc\\u0cbe-\\u0cc4\\u0cc6-\\u0cc8\\u0cca-\\u0ccd\\u0cd5\\u0cd6\\u0ce2-\\u0ce3\\u0ce6-\\u0cef\\u0d02\\u0d03\\u0d46-\\u0d48\\u0d57\\u0d62-\\u0d63\\u0d66-\\u0d6f\\u0d82\\u0d83\\u0dca\\u0dcf-\\u0dd4\\u0dd6\\u0dd8-\\u0ddf\\u0df2\\u0df3\\u0e34-\\u0e3a\\u0e40-\\u0e45\\u0e50-\\u0e59\\u0eb4-\\u0eb9\\u0ec8-\\u0ecd\\u0ed0-\\u0ed9\\u0f18\\u0f19\\u0f20-\\u0f29\\u0f35\\u0f37\\u0f39\\u0f41-\\u0f47\\u0f71-\\u0f84\\u0f86-\\u0f87\\u0f8d-\\u0f97\\u0f99-\\u0fbc\\u0fc6\\u1000-\\u1029\\u1040-\\u1049\\u1067-\\u106d\\u1071-\\u1074\\u1082-\\u108d\\u108f-\\u109d\\u135d-\\u135f\\u170e-\\u1710\\u1720-\\u1730\\u1740-\\u1750\\u1772\\u1773\\u1780-\\u17b2\\u17dd\\u17e0-\\u17e9\\u180b-\\u180d\\u1810-\\u1819\\u1920-\\u192b\\u1930-\\u193b\\u1951-\\u196d\\u19b0-\\u19c0\\u19c8-\\u19c9\\u19d0-\\u19d9\\u1a00-\\u1a15\\u1a20-\\u1a53\\u1a60-\\u1a7c\\u1a7f-\\u1a89\\u1a90-\\u1a99\\u1b46-\\u1b4b\\u1b50-\\u1b59\\u1b6b-\\u1b73\\u1bb0-\\u1bb9\\u1be6-\\u1bf3\\u1c00-\\u1c22\\u1c40-\\u1c49\\u1c5b-\\u1c7d\\u1cd0-\\u1cd2\\u1d00-\\u1dbe\\u1e01-\\u1f15\\u200c\\u200d\\u203f\\u2040\\u2054\\u20d0-\\u20dc\\u20e1\\u20e5-\\u20f0\\u2d81-\\u2d96\\u2de0-\\u2dff\\u3021-\\u3028\\u3099\\u309a\\ua640-\\ua66d\\ua674-\\ua67d\\ua69f\\ua6f0-\\ua6f1\\ua7f8-\\ua800\\ua806\\ua80b\\ua823-\\ua827\\ua880-\\ua881\\ua8b4-\\ua8c4\\ua8d0-\\ua8d9\\ua8f3-\\ua8f7\\ua900-\\ua909\\ua926-\\ua92d\\ua930-\\ua945\\ua980-\\ua983\\ua9b3-\\ua9c0\\uaa00-\\uaa27\\uaa40-\\uaa41\\uaa4c-\\uaa4d\\uaa50-\\uaa59\\uaa7b\\uaae0-\\uaae9\\uaaf2-\\uaaf3\\uabc0-\\uabe1\\uabec\\uabed\\uabf0-\\uabf9\\ufb20-\\ufb28\\ufe00-\\ufe0f\\ufe20-\\ufe26\\ufe33\\ufe34\\ufe4d-\\ufe4f\\uff10-\\uff19\\uff3f";
2090 //var nonASCIIidentifierStart = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + "]");
2091 //var nonASCIIidentifier = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + nonASCIIidentifierChars + "]");
2093 var identifierStart = "(?:\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|[" + baseASCIIidentifierStartChars + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + "])";
2094 var identifierChars = "(?:\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|[" + baseASCIIidentifierChars + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + nonASCIIidentifierChars + "])*";
2096 exports.identifier = new RegExp(identifierStart + identifierChars, 'g');
2097 exports.identifierStart = new RegExp(identifierStart);
2098 exports.identifierMatch = new RegExp("(?:\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|[" + baseASCIIidentifierChars + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + nonASCIIidentifierChars + "])+");
2100 // Whether a single character denotes a newline.
2102 exports.newline = /[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/;
2104 // Matches a whole line break (where CRLF is considered a single
2105 // line break). Used to count lines.
2107 // in javascript, these two differ
2108 // in python they are the same, different methods are called on them
2109 exports.lineBreak = new RegExp('\r\n|' + exports.newline.source);
2110 exports.allLineBreaks = new RegExp(exports.lineBreak.source, 'g');
2111 } (acorn));
2112 return acorn;
2115var options$3 = {};
2117var options$2 = {};
2119/*jshint node:true */
2121var hasRequiredOptions$3;
2123function requireOptions$3 () {
2124 if (hasRequiredOptions$3) return options$2;
2125 hasRequiredOptions$3 = 1;
2127 function Options(options, merge_child_field) {
2128 this.raw_options = _mergeOpts(options, merge_child_field);
2130 // Support passing the source text back with no change
2131 this.disabled = this._get_boolean('disabled');
2133 this.eol = this._get_characters('eol', 'auto');
2134 this.end_with_newline = this._get_boolean('end_with_newline');
2135 this.indent_size = this._get_number('indent_size', 4);
2136 this.indent_char = this._get_characters('indent_char', ' ');
2137 this.indent_level = this._get_number('indent_level');
2139 this.preserve_newlines = this._get_boolean('preserve_newlines', true);
2140 this.max_preserve_newlines = this._get_number('max_preserve_newlines', 32786);
2141 if (!this.preserve_newlines) {
2142 this.max_preserve_newlines = 0;
2143 }
2145 this.indent_with_tabs = this._get_boolean('indent_with_tabs', this.indent_char === '\t');
2146 if (this.indent_with_tabs) {
2147 this.indent_char = '\t';
2149 // indent_size behavior changed after 1.8.6
2150 // It used to be that indent_size would be
2151 // set to 1 for indent_with_tabs. That is no longer needed and
2152 // actually doesn't make sense - why not use spaces? Further,
2153 // that might produce unexpected behavior - tabs being used
2154 // for single-column alignment. So, when indent_with_tabs is true
2155 // and indent_size is 1, reset indent_size to 4.
2156 if (this.indent_size === 1) {
2157 this.indent_size = 4;
2158 }
2159 }
2161 // Backwards compat with 1.3.x
2162 this.wrap_line_length = this._get_number('wrap_line_length', this._get_number('max_char'));
2164 this.indent_empty_lines = this._get_boolean('indent_empty_lines');
2166 // valid templating languages ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php', 'smarty']
2167 // For now, 'auto' = all off for javascript, all on for html (and inline javascript).
2168 // other values ignored
2169 this.templating = this._get_selection_list('templating', ['auto', 'none', 'django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php', 'smarty'], ['auto']);
2170 }
2172 Options.prototype._get_array = function(name, default_value) {
2173 var option_value = this.raw_options[name];
2174 var result = default_value || [];
2175 if (typeof option_value === 'object') {
2176 if (option_value !== null && typeof option_value.concat === 'function') {
2177 result = option_value.concat();
2178 }
2179 } else if (typeof option_value === 'string') {
2180 result = option_value.split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\/\-]+/);
2181 }
2182 return result;
2183 };
2185 Options.prototype._get_boolean = function(name, default_value) {
2186 var option_value = this.raw_options[name];
2187 var result = option_value === undefined ? !!default_value : !!option_value;
2188 return result;
2189 };
2191 Options.prototype._get_characters = function(name, default_value) {
2192 var option_value = this.raw_options[name];
2193 var result = default_value || '';
2194 if (typeof option_value === 'string') {
2195 result = option_value.replace(/\\r/, '\r').replace(/\\n/, '\n').replace(/\\t/, '\t');
2196 }
2197 return result;
2198 };
2200 Options.prototype._get_number = function(name, default_value) {
2201 var option_value = this.raw_options[name];
2202 default_value = parseInt(default_value, 10);
2203 if (isNaN(default_value)) {
2204 default_value = 0;
2205 }
2206 var result = parseInt(option_value, 10);
2207 if (isNaN(result)) {
2208 result = default_value;
2209 }
2210 return result;
2211 };
2213 Options.prototype._get_selection = function(name, selection_list, default_value) {
2214 var result = this._get_selection_list(name, selection_list, default_value);
2215 if (result.length !== 1) {
2216 throw new Error(
2217 "Invalid Option Value: The option '" + name + "' can only be one of the following values:\n" +
2218 selection_list + "\nYou passed in: '" + this.raw_options[name] + "'");
2219 }
2221 return result[0];
2222 };
2225 Options.prototype._get_selection_list = function(name, selection_list, default_value) {
2226 if (!selection_list || selection_list.length === 0) {
2227 throw new Error("Selection list cannot be empty.");
2228 }
2230 default_value = default_value || [selection_list[0]];
2231 if (!this._is_valid_selection(default_value, selection_list)) {
2232 throw new Error("Invalid Default Value!");
2233 }
2235 var result = this._get_array(name, default_value);
2236 if (!this._is_valid_selection(result, selection_list)) {
2237 throw new Error(
2238 "Invalid Option Value: The option '" + name + "' can contain only the following values:\n" +
2239 selection_list + "\nYou passed in: '" + this.raw_options[name] + "'");
2240 }
2242 return result;
2243 };
2245 Options.prototype._is_valid_selection = function(result, selection_list) {
2246 return result.length && selection_list.length &&
2247 !result.some(function(item) { return selection_list.indexOf(item) === -1; });
2248 };
2251 // merges child options up with the parent options object
2252 // Example: obj = {a: 1, b: {a: 2}}
2253 // mergeOpts(obj, 'b')
2254 //
2255 // Returns: {a: 2}
2256 function _mergeOpts(allOptions, childFieldName) {
2257 var finalOpts = {};
2258 allOptions = _normalizeOpts(allOptions);
2259 var name;
2261 for (name in allOptions) {
2262 if (name !== childFieldName) {
2263 finalOpts[name] = allOptions[name];
2264 }
2265 }
2267 //merge in the per type settings for the childFieldName
2268 if (childFieldName && allOptions[childFieldName]) {
2269 for (name in allOptions[childFieldName]) {
2270 finalOpts[name] = allOptions[childFieldName][name];
2271 }
2272 }
2273 return finalOpts;
2274 }
2276 function _normalizeOpts(options) {
2277 var convertedOpts = {};
2278 var key;
2280 for (key in options) {
2281 var newKey = key.replace(/-/g, "_");
2282 convertedOpts[newKey] = options[key];
2283 }
2284 return convertedOpts;
2285 }
2287 options$2.Options = Options;
2288 options$2.normalizeOpts = _normalizeOpts;
2289 options$2.mergeOpts = _mergeOpts;
2290 return options$2;
2293/*jshint node:true */
2295var hasRequiredOptions$2;
2297function requireOptions$2 () {
2298 if (hasRequiredOptions$2) return options$3;
2299 hasRequiredOptions$2 = 1;
2301 var BaseOptions = requireOptions$3().Options;
2303 var validPositionValues = ['before-newline', 'after-newline', 'preserve-newline'];
2305 function Options(options) {
2306 BaseOptions.call(this, options, 'js');
2308 // compatibility, re
2309 var raw_brace_style = this.raw_options.brace_style || null;
2310 if (raw_brace_style === "expand-strict") { //graceful handling of deprecated option
2311 this.raw_options.brace_style = "expand";
2312 } else if (raw_brace_style === "collapse-preserve-inline") { //graceful handling of deprecated option
2313 this.raw_options.brace_style = "collapse,preserve-inline";
2314 } else if (this.raw_options.braces_on_own_line !== undefined) { //graceful handling of deprecated option
2315 this.raw_options.brace_style = this.raw_options.braces_on_own_line ? "expand" : "collapse";
2316 // } else if (!raw_brace_style) { //Nothing exists to set it
2317 // raw_brace_style = "collapse";
2318 }
2320 //preserve-inline in delimited string will trigger brace_preserve_inline, everything
2321 //else is considered a brace_style and the last one only will have an effect
2323 var brace_style_split = this._get_selection_list('brace_style', ['collapse', 'expand', 'end-expand', 'none', 'preserve-inline']);
2325 this.brace_preserve_inline = false; //Defaults in case one or other was not specified in meta-option
2326 this.brace_style = "collapse";
2328 for (var bs = 0; bs < brace_style_split.length; bs++) {
2329 if (brace_style_split[bs] === "preserve-inline") {
2330 this.brace_preserve_inline = true;
2331 } else {
2332 this.brace_style = brace_style_split[bs];
2333 }
2334 }
2336 this.unindent_chained_methods = this._get_boolean('unindent_chained_methods');
2337 this.break_chained_methods = this._get_boolean('break_chained_methods');
2338 this.space_in_paren = this._get_boolean('space_in_paren');
2339 this.space_in_empty_paren = this._get_boolean('space_in_empty_paren');
2340 this.jslint_happy = this._get_boolean('jslint_happy');
2341 this.space_after_anon_function = this._get_boolean('space_after_anon_function');
2342 this.space_after_named_function = this._get_boolean('space_after_named_function');
2343 this.keep_array_indentation = this._get_boolean('keep_array_indentation');
2344 this.space_before_conditional = this._get_boolean('space_before_conditional', true);
2345 this.unescape_strings = this._get_boolean('unescape_strings');
2346 this.e4x = this._get_boolean('e4x');
2347 this.comma_first = this._get_boolean('comma_first');
2348 this.operator_position = this._get_selection('operator_position', validPositionValues);
2350 // For testing of beautify preserve:start directive
2351 this.test_output_raw = this._get_boolean('test_output_raw');
2353 // force this._options.space_after_anon_function to true if this._options.jslint_happy
2354 if (this.jslint_happy) {
2355 this.space_after_anon_function = true;
2356 }
2358 }
2359 Options.prototype = new BaseOptions();
2363 options$3.Options = Options;
2364 return options$3;
2367var tokenizer$3 = {};
2369var inputscanner = {};
2371/*jshint node:true */
2373var hasRequiredInputscanner;
2375function requireInputscanner () {
2376 if (hasRequiredInputscanner) return inputscanner;
2377 hasRequiredInputscanner = 1;
2379 var regexp_has_sticky = RegExp.prototype.hasOwnProperty('sticky');
2381 function InputScanner(input_string) {
2382 this.__input = input_string || '';
2383 this.__input_length = this.__input.length;
2384 this.__position = 0;
2385 }
2387 InputScanner.prototype.restart = function() {
2388 this.__position = 0;
2389 };
2391 InputScanner.prototype.back = function() {
2392 if (this.__position > 0) {
2393 this.__position -= 1;
2394 }
2395 };
2397 InputScanner.prototype.hasNext = function() {
2398 return this.__position < this.__input_length;
2399 };
2401 InputScanner.prototype.next = function() {
2402 var val = null;
2403 if (this.hasNext()) {
2404 val = this.__input.charAt(this.__position);
2405 this.__position += 1;
2406 }
2407 return val;
2408 };
2410 InputScanner.prototype.peek = function(index) {
2411 var val = null;
2412 index = index || 0;
2413 index += this.__position;
2414 if (index >= 0 && index < this.__input_length) {
2415 val = this.__input.charAt(index);
2416 }
2417 return val;
2418 };
2420 // This is a JavaScript only helper function (not in python)
2421 // Javascript doesn't have a match method
2422 // and not all implementation support "sticky" flag.
2423 // If they do not support sticky then both this.match() and this.test() method
2424 // must get the match and check the index of the match.
2425 // If sticky is supported and set, this method will use it.
2426 // Otherwise it will check that global is set, and fall back to the slower method.
2427 InputScanner.prototype.__match = function(pattern, index) {
2428 pattern.lastIndex = index;
2429 var pattern_match = pattern.exec(this.__input);
2431 if (pattern_match && !(regexp_has_sticky && pattern.sticky)) {
2432 if (pattern_match.index !== index) {
2433 pattern_match = null;
2434 }
2435 }
2437 return pattern_match;
2438 };
2440 InputScanner.prototype.test = function(pattern, index) {
2441 index = index || 0;
2442 index += this.__position;
2444 if (index >= 0 && index < this.__input_length) {
2445 return !!this.__match(pattern, index);
2446 } else {
2447 return false;
2448 }
2449 };
2451 InputScanner.prototype.testChar = function(pattern, index) {
2452 // test one character regex match
2453 var val = this.peek(index);
2454 pattern.lastIndex = 0;
2455 return val !== null && pattern.test(val);
2456 };
2458 InputScanner.prototype.match = function(pattern) {
2459 var pattern_match = this.__match(pattern, this.__position);
2460 if (pattern_match) {
2461 this.__position += pattern_match[0].length;
2462 } else {
2463 pattern_match = null;
2464 }
2465 return pattern_match;
2466 };
2468 InputScanner.prototype.read = function(starting_pattern, until_pattern, until_after) {
2469 var val = '';
2470 var match;
2471 if (starting_pattern) {
2472 match = this.match(starting_pattern);
2473 if (match) {
2474 val += match[0];
2475 }
2476 }
2477 if (until_pattern && (match || !starting_pattern)) {
2478 val += this.readUntil(until_pattern, until_after);
2479 }
2480 return val;
2481 };
2483 InputScanner.prototype.readUntil = function(pattern, until_after) {
2484 var val = '';
2485 var match_index = this.__position;
2486 pattern.lastIndex = this.__position;
2487 var pattern_match = pattern.exec(this.__input);
2488 if (pattern_match) {
2489 match_index = pattern_match.index;
2490 if (until_after) {
2491 match_index += pattern_match[0].length;
2492 }
2493 } else {
2494 match_index = this.__input_length;
2495 }
2497 val = this.__input.substring(this.__position, match_index);
2498 this.__position = match_index;
2499 return val;
2500 };
2502 InputScanner.prototype.readUntilAfter = function(pattern) {
2503 return this.readUntil(pattern, true);
2504 };
2506 InputScanner.prototype.get_regexp = function(pattern, match_from) {
2507 var result = null;
2508 var flags = 'g';
2509 if (match_from && regexp_has_sticky) {
2510 flags = 'y';
2511 }
2512 // strings are converted to regexp
2513 if (typeof pattern === "string" && pattern !== '') {
2514 // result = new RegExp(pattern.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'), flags);
2515 result = new RegExp(pattern, flags);
2516 } else if (pattern) {
2517 result = new RegExp(pattern.source, flags);
2518 }
2519 return result;
2520 };
2522 InputScanner.prototype.get_literal_regexp = function(literal_string) {
2523 return RegExp(literal_string.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'));
2524 };
2526 /* css beautifier legacy helpers */
2527 InputScanner.prototype.peekUntilAfter = function(pattern) {
2528 var start = this.__position;
2529 var val = this.readUntilAfter(pattern);
2530 this.__position = start;
2531 return val;
2532 };
2534 InputScanner.prototype.lookBack = function(testVal) {
2535 var start = this.__position - 1;
2536 return start >= testVal.length && this.__input.substring(start - testVal.length, start)
2537 .toLowerCase() === testVal;
2538 };
2540 inputscanner.InputScanner = InputScanner;
2541 return inputscanner;
2544var tokenizer$2 = {};
2546var tokenstream = {};
2548/*jshint node:true */
2550var hasRequiredTokenstream;
2552function requireTokenstream () {
2553 if (hasRequiredTokenstream) return tokenstream;
2554 hasRequiredTokenstream = 1;
2556 function TokenStream(parent_token) {
2557 // private
2558 this.__tokens = [];
2559 this.__tokens_length = this.__tokens.length;
2560 this.__position = 0;
2561 this.__parent_token = parent_token;
2562 }
2564 TokenStream.prototype.restart = function() {
2565 this.__position = 0;
2566 };
2568 TokenStream.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
2569 return this.__tokens_length === 0;
2570 };
2572 TokenStream.prototype.hasNext = function() {
2573 return this.__position < this.__tokens_length;
2574 };
2576 TokenStream.prototype.next = function() {
2577 var val = null;
2578 if (this.hasNext()) {
2579 val = this.__tokens[this.__position];
2580 this.__position += 1;
2581 }
2582 return val;
2583 };
2585 TokenStream.prototype.peek = function(index) {
2586 var val = null;
2587 index = index || 0;
2588 index += this.__position;
2589 if (index >= 0 && index < this.__tokens_length) {
2590 val = this.__tokens[index];
2591 }
2592 return val;
2593 };
2595 TokenStream.prototype.add = function(token) {
2596 if (this.__parent_token) {
2597 token.parent = this.__parent_token;
2598 }
2599 this.__tokens.push(token);
2600 this.__tokens_length += 1;
2601 };
2603 tokenstream.TokenStream = TokenStream;
2604 return tokenstream;
2607var whitespacepattern = {};
2609var pattern = {};
2611/*jshint node:true */
2613var hasRequiredPattern;
2615function requirePattern () {
2616 if (hasRequiredPattern) return pattern;
2617 hasRequiredPattern = 1;
2619 function Pattern(input_scanner, parent) {
2620 this._input = input_scanner;
2621 this._starting_pattern = null;
2622 this._match_pattern = null;
2623 this._until_pattern = null;
2624 this._until_after = false;
2626 if (parent) {
2627 this._starting_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(parent._starting_pattern, true);
2628 this._match_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(parent._match_pattern, true);
2629 this._until_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(parent._until_pattern);
2630 this._until_after = parent._until_after;
2631 }
2632 }
2634 Pattern.prototype.read = function() {
2635 var result = this._input.read(this._starting_pattern);
2636 if (!this._starting_pattern || result) {
2637 result += this._input.read(this._match_pattern, this._until_pattern, this._until_after);
2638 }
2639 return result;
2640 };
2642 Pattern.prototype.read_match = function() {
2643 return this._input.match(this._match_pattern);
2644 };
2646 Pattern.prototype.until_after = function(pattern) {
2647 var result = this._create();
2648 result._until_after = true;
2649 result._until_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(pattern);
2650 result._update();
2651 return result;
2652 };
2654 Pattern.prototype.until = function(pattern) {
2655 var result = this._create();
2656 result._until_after = false;
2657 result._until_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(pattern);
2658 result._update();
2659 return result;
2660 };
2662 Pattern.prototype.starting_with = function(pattern) {
2663 var result = this._create();
2664 result._starting_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(pattern, true);
2665 result._update();
2666 return result;
2667 };
2669 Pattern.prototype.matching = function(pattern) {
2670 var result = this._create();
2671 result._match_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(pattern, true);
2672 result._update();
2673 return result;
2674 };
2676 Pattern.prototype._create = function() {
2677 return new Pattern(this._input, this);
2678 };
2680 Pattern.prototype._update = function() {};
2682 pattern.Pattern = Pattern;
2683 return pattern;
2686/*jshint node:true */
2688var hasRequiredWhitespacepattern;
2690function requireWhitespacepattern () {
2691 if (hasRequiredWhitespacepattern) return whitespacepattern;
2692 hasRequiredWhitespacepattern = 1;
2694 var Pattern = requirePattern().Pattern;
2696 function WhitespacePattern(input_scanner, parent) {
2697 Pattern.call(this, input_scanner, parent);
2698 if (parent) {
2699 this._line_regexp = this._input.get_regexp(parent._line_regexp);
2700 } else {
2701 this.__set_whitespace_patterns('', '');
2702 }
2704 this.newline_count = 0;
2705 this.whitespace_before_token = '';
2706 }
2707 WhitespacePattern.prototype = new Pattern();
2709 WhitespacePattern.prototype.__set_whitespace_patterns = function(whitespace_chars, newline_chars) {
2710 whitespace_chars += '\\t ';
2711 newline_chars += '\\n\\r';
2713 this._match_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(
2714 '[' + whitespace_chars + newline_chars + ']+', true);
2715 this._newline_regexp = this._input.get_regexp(
2716 '\\r\\n|[' + newline_chars + ']');
2717 };
2719 WhitespacePattern.prototype.read = function() {
2720 this.newline_count = 0;
2721 this.whitespace_before_token = '';
2723 var resulting_string = this._input.read(this._match_pattern);
2724 if (resulting_string === ' ') {
2725 this.whitespace_before_token = ' ';
2726 } else if (resulting_string) {
2727 var matches = this.__split(this._newline_regexp, resulting_string);
2728 this.newline_count = matches.length - 1;
2729 this.whitespace_before_token = matches[this.newline_count];
2730 }
2732 return resulting_string;
2733 };
2735 WhitespacePattern.prototype.matching = function(whitespace_chars, newline_chars) {
2736 var result = this._create();
2737 result.__set_whitespace_patterns(whitespace_chars, newline_chars);
2738 result._update();
2739 return result;
2740 };
2742 WhitespacePattern.prototype._create = function() {
2743 return new WhitespacePattern(this._input, this);
2744 };
2746 WhitespacePattern.prototype.__split = function(regexp, input_string) {
2747 regexp.lastIndex = 0;
2748 var start_index = 0;
2749 var result = [];
2750 var next_match = regexp.exec(input_string);
2751 while (next_match) {
2752 result.push(input_string.substring(start_index, next_match.index));
2753 start_index = next_match.index + next_match[0].length;
2754 next_match = regexp.exec(input_string);
2755 }
2757 if (start_index < input_string.length) {
2758 result.push(input_string.substring(start_index, input_string.length));
2759 } else {
2760 result.push('');
2761 }
2763 return result;
2764 };
2768 whitespacepattern.WhitespacePattern = WhitespacePattern;
2769 return whitespacepattern;
2772/*jshint node:true */
2774var hasRequiredTokenizer$2;
2776function requireTokenizer$2 () {
2777 if (hasRequiredTokenizer$2) return tokenizer$2;
2778 hasRequiredTokenizer$2 = 1;
2780 var InputScanner = requireInputscanner().InputScanner;
2781 var Token = requireToken().Token;
2782 var TokenStream = requireTokenstream().TokenStream;
2783 var WhitespacePattern = requireWhitespacepattern().WhitespacePattern;
2785 var TOKEN = {
2787 RAW: 'TK_RAW',
2788 EOF: 'TK_EOF'
2789 };
2791 var Tokenizer = function(input_string, options) {
2792 this._input = new InputScanner(input_string);
2793 this._options = options || {};
2794 this.__tokens = null;
2796 this._patterns = {};
2797 this._patterns.whitespace = new WhitespacePattern(this._input);
2798 };
2800 Tokenizer.prototype.tokenize = function() {
2801 this._input.restart();
2802 this.__tokens = new TokenStream();
2804 this._reset();
2806 var current;
2807 var previous = new Token(TOKEN.START, '');
2808 var open_token = null;
2809 var open_stack = [];
2810 var comments = new TokenStream();
2812 while (previous.type !== TOKEN.EOF) {
2813 current = this._get_next_token(previous, open_token);
2814 while (this._is_comment(current)) {
2815 comments.add(current);
2816 current = this._get_next_token(previous, open_token);
2817 }
2819 if (!comments.isEmpty()) {
2820 current.comments_before = comments;
2821 comments = new TokenStream();
2822 }
2824 current.parent = open_token;
2826 if (this._is_opening(current)) {
2827 open_stack.push(open_token);
2828 open_token = current;
2829 } else if (open_token && this._is_closing(current, open_token)) {
2830 current.opened = open_token;
2831 open_token.closed = current;
2832 open_token = open_stack.pop();
2833 current.parent = open_token;
2834 }
2836 current.previous = previous;
2837 previous.next = current;
2839 this.__tokens.add(current);
2840 previous = current;
2841 }
2843 return this.__tokens;
2844 };
2847 Tokenizer.prototype._is_first_token = function() {
2848 return this.__tokens.isEmpty();
2849 };
2851 Tokenizer.prototype._reset = function() {};
2853 Tokenizer.prototype._get_next_token = function(previous_token, open_token) { // jshint unused:false
2854 this._readWhitespace();
2855 var resulting_string = this._input.read(/.+/g);
2856 if (resulting_string) {
2857 return this._create_token(TOKEN.RAW, resulting_string);
2858 } else {
2859 return this._create_token(TOKEN.EOF, '');
2860 }
2861 };
2863 Tokenizer.prototype._is_comment = function(current_token) { // jshint unused:false
2864 return false;
2865 };
2867 Tokenizer.prototype._is_opening = function(current_token) { // jshint unused:false
2868 return false;
2869 };
2871 Tokenizer.prototype._is_closing = function(current_token, open_token) { // jshint unused:false
2872 return false;
2873 };
2875 Tokenizer.prototype._create_token = function(type, text) {
2876 var token = new Token(type, text,
2877 this._patterns.whitespace.newline_count,
2878 this._patterns.whitespace.whitespace_before_token);
2879 return token;
2880 };
2882 Tokenizer.prototype._readWhitespace = function() {
2883 return this._patterns.whitespace.read();
2884 };
2888 tokenizer$2.Tokenizer = Tokenizer;
2889 tokenizer$2.TOKEN = TOKEN;
2890 return tokenizer$2;
2893var directives = {};
2895/*jshint node:true */
2897var hasRequiredDirectives;
2899function requireDirectives () {
2900 if (hasRequiredDirectives) return directives;
2901 hasRequiredDirectives = 1;
2903 function Directives(start_block_pattern, end_block_pattern) {
2904 start_block_pattern = typeof start_block_pattern === 'string' ? start_block_pattern : start_block_pattern.source;
2905 end_block_pattern = typeof end_block_pattern === 'string' ? end_block_pattern : end_block_pattern.source;
2906 this.__directives_block_pattern = new RegExp(start_block_pattern + / beautify( \w+[:]\w+)+ /.source + end_block_pattern, 'g');
2907 this.__directive_pattern = / (\w+)[:](\w+)/g;
2909 this.__directives_end_ignore_pattern = new RegExp(start_block_pattern + /\sbeautify\signore:end\s/.source + end_block_pattern, 'g');
2910 }
2912 Directives.prototype.get_directives = function(text) {
2913 if (!text.match(this.__directives_block_pattern)) {
2914 return null;
2915 }
2917 var directives = {};
2918 this.__directive_pattern.lastIndex = 0;
2919 var directive_match = this.__directive_pattern.exec(text);
2921 while (directive_match) {
2922 directives[directive_match[1]] = directive_match[2];
2923 directive_match = this.__directive_pattern.exec(text);
2924 }
2926 return directives;
2927 };
2929 Directives.prototype.readIgnored = function(input) {
2930 return input.readUntilAfter(this.__directives_end_ignore_pattern);
2931 };
2934 directives.Directives = Directives;
2935 return directives;
2938var templatablepattern = {};
2940/*jshint node:true */
2942var hasRequiredTemplatablepattern;
2944function requireTemplatablepattern () {
2945 if (hasRequiredTemplatablepattern) return templatablepattern;
2946 hasRequiredTemplatablepattern = 1;
2948 var Pattern = requirePattern().Pattern;
2951 var template_names = {
2952 django: false,
2953 erb: false,
2954 handlebars: false,
2955 php: false,
2956 smarty: false
2957 };
2959 // This lets templates appear anywhere we would do a readUntil
2960 // The cost is higher but it is pay to play.
2961 function TemplatablePattern(input_scanner, parent) {
2962 Pattern.call(this, input_scanner, parent);
2963 this.__template_pattern = null;
2964 this._disabled = Object.assign({}, template_names);
2965 this._excluded = Object.assign({}, template_names);
2967 if (parent) {
2968 this.__template_pattern = this._input.get_regexp(parent.__template_pattern);
2969 this._excluded = Object.assign(this._excluded, parent._excluded);
2970 this._disabled = Object.assign(this._disabled, parent._disabled);
2971 }
2972 var pattern = new Pattern(input_scanner);
2973 this.__patterns = {
2974 handlebars_comment: pattern.starting_with(/{{!--/).until_after(/--}}/),
2975 handlebars_unescaped: pattern.starting_with(/{{{/).until_after(/}}}/),
2976 handlebars: pattern.starting_with(/{{/).until_after(/}}/),
2977 php: pattern.starting_with(/<\?(?:[= ]|php)/).until_after(/\?>/),
2978 erb: pattern.starting_with(/<%[^%]/).until_after(/[^%]%>/),
2979 // django coflicts with handlebars a bit.
2980 django: pattern.starting_with(/{%/).until_after(/%}/),
2981 django_value: pattern.starting_with(/{{/).until_after(/}}/),
2982 django_comment: pattern.starting_with(/{#/).until_after(/#}/),
2983 smarty: pattern.starting_with(/{(?=[^}{\s\n])/).until_after(/[^\s\n]}/),
2984 smarty_comment: pattern.starting_with(/{\*/).until_after(/\*}/),
2985 smarty_literal: pattern.starting_with(/{literal}/).until_after(/{\/literal}/)
2986 };
2987 }
2988 TemplatablePattern.prototype = new Pattern();
2990 TemplatablePattern.prototype._create = function() {
2991 return new TemplatablePattern(this._input, this);
2992 };
2994 TemplatablePattern.prototype._update = function() {
2995 this.__set_templated_pattern();
2996 };
2998 TemplatablePattern.prototype.disable = function(language) {
2999 var result = this._create();
3000 result._disabled[language] = true;
3001 result._update();
3002 return result;
3003 };
3005 TemplatablePattern.prototype.read_options = function(options) {
3006 var result = this._create();
3007 for (var language in template_names) {
3008 result._disabled[language] = options.templating.indexOf(language) === -1;
3009 }
3010 result._update();
3011 return result;
3012 };
3014 TemplatablePattern.prototype.exclude = function(language) {
3015 var result = this._create();
3016 result._excluded[language] = true;
3017 result._update();
3018 return result;
3019 };
3021 TemplatablePattern.prototype.read = function() {
3022 var result = '';
3023 if (this._match_pattern) {
3024 result = this._input.read(this._starting_pattern);
3025 } else {
3026 result = this._input.read(this._starting_pattern, this.__template_pattern);
3027 }
3028 var next = this._read_template();
3029 while (next) {
3030 if (this._match_pattern) {
3031 next += this._input.read(this._match_pattern);
3032 } else {
3033 next += this._input.readUntil(this.__template_pattern);
3034 }
3035 result += next;
3036 next = this._read_template();
3037 }
3039 if (this._until_after) {
3040 result += this._input.readUntilAfter(this._until_pattern);
3041 }
3042 return result;
3043 };
3045 TemplatablePattern.prototype.__set_templated_pattern = function() {
3046 var items = [];
3048 if (!this._disabled.php) {
3049 items.push(this.__patterns.php._starting_pattern.source);
3050 }
3051 if (!this._disabled.handlebars) {
3052 items.push(this.__patterns.handlebars._starting_pattern.source);
3053 }
3054 if (!this._disabled.erb) {
3055 items.push(this.__patterns.erb._starting_pattern.source);
3056 }
3057 if (!this._disabled.django) {
3058 items.push(this.__patterns.django._starting_pattern.source);
3059 // The starting pattern for django is more complex because it has different
3060 // patterns for value, comment, and other sections
3061 items.push(this.__patterns.django_value._starting_pattern.source);
3062 items.push(this.__patterns.django_comment._starting_pattern.source);
3063 }
3064 if (!this._disabled.smarty) {
3065 items.push(this.__patterns.smarty._starting_pattern.source);
3066 }
3068 if (this._until_pattern) {
3069 items.push(this._until_pattern.source);
3070 }
3071 this.__template_pattern = this._input.get_regexp('(?:' + items.join('|') + ')');
3072 };
3074 TemplatablePattern.prototype._read_template = function() {
3075 var resulting_string = '';
3076 var c = this._input.peek();
3077 if (c === '<') {
3078 var peek1 = this._input.peek(1);
3079 //if we're in a comment, do something special
3080 // We treat all comments as literals, even more than preformatted tags
3081 // we just look for the appropriate close tag
3082 if (!this._disabled.php && !this._excluded.php && peek1 === '?') {
3083 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3084 this.__patterns.php.read();
3085 }
3086 if (!this._disabled.erb && !this._excluded.erb && peek1 === '%') {
3087 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3088 this.__patterns.erb.read();
3089 }
3090 } else if (c === '{') {
3091 if (!this._disabled.handlebars && !this._excluded.handlebars) {
3092 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3093 this.__patterns.handlebars_comment.read();
3094 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3095 this.__patterns.handlebars_unescaped.read();
3096 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3097 this.__patterns.handlebars.read();
3098 }
3099 if (!this._disabled.django) {
3100 // django coflicts with handlebars a bit.
3101 if (!this._excluded.django && !this._excluded.handlebars) {
3102 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3103 this.__patterns.django_value.read();
3104 }
3105 if (!this._excluded.django) {
3106 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3107 this.__patterns.django_comment.read();
3108 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3109 this.__patterns.django.read();
3110 }
3111 }
3112 if (!this._disabled.smarty) {
3113 // smarty cannot be enabled with django or handlebars enabled
3114 if (this._disabled.django && this._disabled.handlebars) {
3115 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3116 this.__patterns.smarty_comment.read();
3117 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3118 this.__patterns.smarty_literal.read();
3119 resulting_string = resulting_string ||
3120 this.__patterns.smarty.read();
3121 }
3122 }
3123 }
3124 return resulting_string;
3125 };
3128 templatablepattern.TemplatablePattern = TemplatablePattern;
3129 return templatablepattern;
3132/*jshint node:true */
3134var hasRequiredTokenizer$1;
3136function requireTokenizer$1 () {
3137 if (hasRequiredTokenizer$1) return tokenizer$3;
3138 hasRequiredTokenizer$1 = 1;
3140 var InputScanner = requireInputscanner().InputScanner;
3141 var BaseTokenizer = requireTokenizer$2().Tokenizer;
3142 var BASETOKEN = requireTokenizer$2().TOKEN;
3143 var Directives = requireDirectives().Directives;
3144 var acorn = requireAcorn();
3145 var Pattern = requirePattern().Pattern;
3146 var TemplatablePattern = requireTemplatablepattern().TemplatablePattern;
3149 function in_array(what, arr) {
3150 return arr.indexOf(what) !== -1;
3151 }
3154 var TOKEN = {
3159 WORD: 'TK_WORD',
3168 DOT: 'TK_DOT',
3173 };
3176 var directives_core = new Directives(/\/\*/, /\*\//);
3178 var number_pattern = /0[xX][0123456789abcdefABCDEF_]*n?|0[oO][01234567_]*n?|0[bB][01_]*n?|\d[\d_]*n|(?:\.\d[\d_]*|\d[\d_]*\.?[\d_]*)(?:[eE][+-]?[\d_]+)?/;
3180 var digit = /[0-9]/;
3182 // Dot "." must be distinguished from "..." and decimal
3183 var dot_pattern = /[^\d\.]/;
3185 var positionable_operators = (
3186 ">>> === !== &&= ??= ||= " +
3187 "<< && >= ** != == <= >> || ?? |> " +
3188 "< / - + > : & % ? ^ | *").split(' ');
3190 // IMPORTANT: this must be sorted longest to shortest or tokenizing many not work.
3191 // Also, you must update possitionable operators separately from punct
3192 var punct =
3193 ">>>= " +
3194 "... >>= <<= === >>> !== **= &&= ??= ||= " +
3195 "=> ^= :: /= << <= == && -= >= >> != -- += ** || ?? ++ %= &= *= |= |> " +
3196 "= ! ? > < : / ^ - + * & % ~ |";
3198 punct = punct.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#]/g, "\\$&");
3199 // ?. but not if followed by a number
3200 punct = '\\?\\.(?!\\d) ' + punct;
3201 punct = punct.replace(/ /g, '|');
3203 var punct_pattern = new RegExp(punct);
3205 // words which should always start on new line.
3206 var line_starters = 'continue,try,throw,return,var,let,const,if,switch,case,default,for,while,break,function,import,export'.split(',');
3207 var reserved_words = line_starters.concat(['do', 'in', 'of', 'else', 'get', 'set', 'new', 'catch', 'finally', 'typeof', 'yield', 'async', 'await', 'from', 'as', 'class', 'extends']);
3208 var reserved_word_pattern = new RegExp('^(?:' + reserved_words.join('|') + ')$');
3210 // var template_pattern = /(?:(?:<\?php|<\?=)[\s\S]*?\?>)|(?:<%[\s\S]*?%>)/g;
3212 var in_html_comment;
3214 var Tokenizer = function(input_string, options) {
3215 BaseTokenizer.call(this, input_string, options);
3217 this._patterns.whitespace = this._patterns.whitespace.matching(
3218 /\u00A0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff/.source,
3219 /\u2028\u2029/.source);
3221 var pattern_reader = new Pattern(this._input);
3222 var templatable = new TemplatablePattern(this._input)
3223 .read_options(this._options);
3225 this.__patterns = {
3226 template: templatable,
3227 identifier: templatable.starting_with(acorn.identifier).matching(acorn.identifierMatch),
3228 number: pattern_reader.matching(number_pattern),
3229 punct: pattern_reader.matching(punct_pattern),
3230 // comment ends just before nearest linefeed or end of file
3231 comment: pattern_reader.starting_with(/\/\//).until(/[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/),
3232 // /* ... */ comment ends with nearest */ or end of file
3233 block_comment: pattern_reader.starting_with(/\/\*/).until_after(/\*\//),
3234 html_comment_start: pattern_reader.matching(/<!--/),
3235 html_comment_end: pattern_reader.matching(/-->/),
3236 include: pattern_reader.starting_with(/#include/).until_after(acorn.lineBreak),
3237 shebang: pattern_reader.starting_with(/#!/).until_after(acorn.lineBreak),
3238 xml: pattern_reader.matching(/[\s\S]*?<(\/?)([-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]+|{[^}]+?}|!\[CDATA\[[^\]]*?\]\]|)(\s*{[^}]+?}|\s+[-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]+|\s+[-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]+\s*=\s*('[^']*'|"[^"]*"|{([^{}]|{[^}]+?})+?}))*\s*(\/?)\s*>/),
3239 single_quote: templatable.until(/['\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]/),
3240 double_quote: templatable.until(/["\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]/),
3241 template_text: templatable.until(/[`\\$]/),
3242 template_expression: templatable.until(/[`}\\]/)
3243 };
3245 };
3246 Tokenizer.prototype = new BaseTokenizer();
3248 Tokenizer.prototype._is_comment = function(current_token) {
3249 return current_token.type === TOKEN.COMMENT || current_token.type === TOKEN.BLOCK_COMMENT || current_token.type === TOKEN.UNKNOWN;
3250 };
3252 Tokenizer.prototype._is_opening = function(current_token) {
3253 return current_token.type === TOKEN.START_BLOCK || current_token.type === TOKEN.START_EXPR;
3254 };
3256 Tokenizer.prototype._is_closing = function(current_token, open_token) {
3257 return (current_token.type === TOKEN.END_BLOCK || current_token.type === TOKEN.END_EXPR) &&
3258 (open_token && (
3259 (current_token.text === ']' && open_token.text === '[') ||
3260 (current_token.text === ')' && open_token.text === '(') ||
3261 (current_token.text === '}' && open_token.text === '{')));
3262 };
3264 Tokenizer.prototype._reset = function() {
3265 in_html_comment = false;
3266 };
3268 Tokenizer.prototype._get_next_token = function(previous_token, open_token) { // jshint unused:false
3269 var token = null;
3270 this._readWhitespace();
3271 var c = this._input.peek();
3273 if (c === null) {
3274 return this._create_token(TOKEN.EOF, '');
3275 }
3277 token = token || this._read_non_javascript(c);
3278 token = token || this._read_string(c);
3279 token = token || this._read_pair(c, this._input.peek(1)); // Issue #2062 hack for record type '#{'
3280 token = token || this._read_word(previous_token);
3281 token = token || this._read_singles(c);
3282 token = token || this._read_comment(c);
3283 token = token || this._read_regexp(c, previous_token);
3284 token = token || this._read_xml(c, previous_token);
3285 token = token || this._read_punctuation();
3286 token = token || this._create_token(TOKEN.UNKNOWN, this._input.next());
3288 return token;
3289 };
3291 Tokenizer.prototype._read_word = function(previous_token) {
3292 var resulting_string;
3293 resulting_string = this.__patterns.identifier.read();
3294 if (resulting_string !== '') {
3295 resulting_string = resulting_string.replace(acorn.allLineBreaks, '\n');
3296 if (!(previous_token.type === TOKEN.DOT ||
3297 (previous_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED && (previous_token.text === 'set' || previous_token.text === 'get'))) &&
3298 reserved_word_pattern.test(resulting_string)) {
3299 if ((resulting_string === 'in' || resulting_string === 'of') &&
3300 (previous_token.type === TOKEN.WORD || previous_token.type === TOKEN.STRING)) { // hack for 'in' and 'of' operators
3301 return this._create_token(TOKEN.OPERATOR, resulting_string);
3302 }
3303 return this._create_token(TOKEN.RESERVED, resulting_string);
3304 }
3305 return this._create_token(TOKEN.WORD, resulting_string);
3306 }
3308 resulting_string = this.__patterns.number.read();
3309 if (resulting_string !== '') {
3310 return this._create_token(TOKEN.WORD, resulting_string);
3311 }
3312 };
3314 Tokenizer.prototype._read_singles = function(c) {
3315 var token = null;
3316 if (c === '(' || c === '[') {
3317 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.START_EXPR, c);
3318 } else if (c === ')' || c === ']') {
3319 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.END_EXPR, c);
3320 } else if (c === '{') {
3321 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.START_BLOCK, c);
3322 } else if (c === '}') {
3323 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.END_BLOCK, c);
3324 } else if (c === ';') {
3325 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.SEMICOLON, c);
3326 } else if (c === '.' && dot_pattern.test(this._input.peek(1))) {
3327 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.DOT, c);
3328 } else if (c === ',') {
3329 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.COMMA, c);
3330 }
3332 if (token) {
3333 this._input.next();
3334 }
3335 return token;
3336 };
3338 Tokenizer.prototype._read_pair = function(c, d) {
3339 var token = null;
3340 if (c === '#' && d === '{') {
3341 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.START_BLOCK, c + d);
3342 }
3344 if (token) {
3345 this._input.next();
3346 this._input.next();
3347 }
3348 return token;
3349 };
3351 Tokenizer.prototype._read_punctuation = function() {
3352 var resulting_string = this.__patterns.punct.read();
3354 if (resulting_string !== '') {
3355 if (resulting_string === '=') {
3356 return this._create_token(TOKEN.EQUALS, resulting_string);
3357 } else if (resulting_string === '?.') {
3358 return this._create_token(TOKEN.DOT, resulting_string);
3359 } else {
3360 return this._create_token(TOKEN.OPERATOR, resulting_string);
3361 }
3362 }
3363 };
3365 Tokenizer.prototype._read_non_javascript = function(c) {
3366 var resulting_string = '';
3368 if (c === '#') {
3369 if (this._is_first_token()) {
3370 resulting_string = this.__patterns.shebang.read();
3372 if (resulting_string) {
3373 return this._create_token(TOKEN.UNKNOWN, resulting_string.trim() + '\n');
3374 }
3375 }
3377 // handles extendscript #includes
3378 resulting_string = this.__patterns.include.read();
3380 if (resulting_string) {
3381 return this._create_token(TOKEN.UNKNOWN, resulting_string.trim() + '\n');
3382 }
3384 c = this._input.next();
3386 // Spidermonkey-specific sharp variables for circular references. Considered obsolete.
3387 var sharp = '#';
3388 if (this._input.hasNext() && this._input.testChar(digit)) {
3389 do {
3390 c = this._input.next();
3391 sharp += c;
3392 } while (this._input.hasNext() && c !== '#' && c !== '=');
3393 if (c === '#') ; else if (this._input.peek() === '[' && this._input.peek(1) === ']') {
3394 sharp += '[]';
3395 this._input.next();
3396 this._input.next();
3397 } else if (this._input.peek() === '{' && this._input.peek(1) === '}') {
3398 sharp += '{}';
3399 this._input.next();
3400 this._input.next();
3401 }
3402 return this._create_token(TOKEN.WORD, sharp);
3403 }
3405 this._input.back();
3407 } else if (c === '<' && this._is_first_token()) {
3408 resulting_string = this.__patterns.html_comment_start.read();
3409 if (resulting_string) {
3410 while (this._input.hasNext() && !this._input.testChar(acorn.newline)) {
3411 resulting_string += this._input.next();
3412 }
3413 in_html_comment = true;
3414 return this._create_token(TOKEN.COMMENT, resulting_string);
3415 }
3416 } else if (in_html_comment && c === '-') {
3417 resulting_string = this.__patterns.html_comment_end.read();
3418 if (resulting_string) {
3419 in_html_comment = false;
3420 return this._create_token(TOKEN.COMMENT, resulting_string);
3421 }
3422 }
3424 return null;
3425 };
3427 Tokenizer.prototype._read_comment = function(c) {
3428 var token = null;
3429 if (c === '/') {
3430 var comment = '';
3431 if (this._input.peek(1) === '*') {
3432 // peek for comment /* ... */
3433 comment = this.__patterns.block_comment.read();
3434 var directives = directives_core.get_directives(comment);
3435 if (directives && directives.ignore === 'start') {
3436 comment += directives_core.readIgnored(this._input);
3437 }
3438 comment = comment.replace(acorn.allLineBreaks, '\n');
3439 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.BLOCK_COMMENT, comment);
3440 token.directives = directives;
3441 } else if (this._input.peek(1) === '/') {
3442 // peek for comment // ...
3443 comment = this.__patterns.comment.read();
3444 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.COMMENT, comment);
3445 }
3446 }
3447 return token;
3448 };
3450 Tokenizer.prototype._read_string = function(c) {
3451 if (c === '`' || c === "'" || c === '"') {
3452 var resulting_string = this._input.next();
3453 this.has_char_escapes = false;
3455 if (c === '`') {
3456 resulting_string += this._read_string_recursive('`', true, '${');
3457 } else {
3458 resulting_string += this._read_string_recursive(c);
3459 }
3461 if (this.has_char_escapes && this._options.unescape_strings) {
3462 resulting_string = unescape_string(resulting_string);
3463 }
3465 if (this._input.peek() === c) {
3466 resulting_string += this._input.next();
3467 }
3469 resulting_string = resulting_string.replace(acorn.allLineBreaks, '\n');
3471 return this._create_token(TOKEN.STRING, resulting_string);
3472 }
3474 return null;
3475 };
3477 Tokenizer.prototype._allow_regexp_or_xml = function(previous_token) {
3478 // regex and xml can only appear in specific locations during parsing
3479 return (previous_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED && in_array(previous_token.text, ['return', 'case', 'throw', 'else', 'do', 'typeof', 'yield'])) ||
3480 (previous_token.type === TOKEN.END_EXPR && previous_token.text === ')' &&
3481 previous_token.opened.previous.type === TOKEN.RESERVED && in_array(previous_token.opened.previous.text, ['if', 'while', 'for'])) ||
3484 ]));
3485 };
3487 Tokenizer.prototype._read_regexp = function(c, previous_token) {
3489 if (c === '/' && this._allow_regexp_or_xml(previous_token)) {
3490 // handle regexp
3491 //
3492 var resulting_string = this._input.next();
3493 var esc = false;
3495 var in_char_class = false;
3496 while (this._input.hasNext() &&
3497 ((esc || in_char_class || this._input.peek() !== c) &&
3498 !this._input.testChar(acorn.newline))) {
3499 resulting_string += this._input.peek();
3500 if (!esc) {
3501 esc = this._input.peek() === '\\';
3502 if (this._input.peek() === '[') {
3503 in_char_class = true;
3504 } else if (this._input.peek() === ']') {
3505 in_char_class = false;
3506 }
3507 } else {
3508 esc = false;
3509 }
3510 this._input.next();
3511 }
3513 if (this._input.peek() === c) {
3514 resulting_string += this._input.next();
3516 // regexps may have modifiers /regexp/MOD , so fetch those, too
3517 // Only [gim] are valid, but if the user puts in garbage, do what we can to take it.
3518 resulting_string += this._input.read(acorn.identifier);
3519 }
3520 return this._create_token(TOKEN.STRING, resulting_string);
3521 }
3522 return null;
3523 };
3525 Tokenizer.prototype._read_xml = function(c, previous_token) {
3527 if (this._options.e4x && c === "<" && this._allow_regexp_or_xml(previous_token)) {
3528 var xmlStr = '';
3529 var match = this.__patterns.xml.read_match();
3530 // handle e4x xml literals
3531 //
3532 if (match) {
3533 // Trim root tag to attempt to
3534 var rootTag = match[2].replace(/^{\s+/, '{').replace(/\s+}$/, '}');
3535 var isCurlyRoot = rootTag.indexOf('{') === 0;
3536 var depth = 0;
3537 while (match) {
3538 var isEndTag = !!match[1];
3539 var tagName = match[2];
3540 var isSingletonTag = (!!match[match.length - 1]) || (tagName.slice(0, 8) === "![CDATA[");
3541 if (!isSingletonTag &&
3542 (tagName === rootTag || (isCurlyRoot && tagName.replace(/^{\s+/, '{').replace(/\s+}$/, '}')))) {
3543 if (isEndTag) {
3544 --depth;
3545 } else {
3546 ++depth;
3547 }
3548 }
3549 xmlStr += match[0];
3550 if (depth <= 0) {
3551 break;
3552 }
3553 match = this.__patterns.xml.read_match();
3554 }
3555 // if we didn't close correctly, keep unformatted.
3556 if (!match) {
3557 xmlStr += this._input.match(/[\s\S]*/g)[0];
3558 }
3559 xmlStr = xmlStr.replace(acorn.allLineBreaks, '\n');
3560 return this._create_token(TOKEN.STRING, xmlStr);
3561 }
3562 }
3564 return null;
3565 };
3567 function unescape_string(s) {
3568 // You think that a regex would work for this
3569 // return s.replace(/\\x([0-9a-f]{2})/gi, function(match, val) {
3570 // return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(val, 16));
3571 // })
3572 // However, dealing with '\xff', '\\xff', '\\\xff' makes this more fun.
3573 var out = '',
3574 escaped = 0;
3576 var input_scan = new InputScanner(s);
3577 var matched = null;
3579 while (input_scan.hasNext()) {
3580 // Keep any whitespace, non-slash characters
3581 // also keep slash pairs.
3582 matched = input_scan.match(/([\s]|[^\\]|\\\\)+/g);
3584 if (matched) {
3585 out += matched[0];
3586 }
3588 if (input_scan.peek() === '\\') {
3589 input_scan.next();
3590 if (input_scan.peek() === 'x') {
3591 matched = input_scan.match(/x([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/g);
3592 } else if (input_scan.peek() === 'u') {
3593 matched = input_scan.match(/u([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/g);
3594 } else {
3595 out += '\\';
3596 if (input_scan.hasNext()) {
3597 out += input_scan.next();
3598 }
3599 continue;
3600 }
3602 // If there's some error decoding, return the original string
3603 if (!matched) {
3604 return s;
3605 }
3607 escaped = parseInt(matched[1], 16);
3609 if (escaped > 0x7e && escaped <= 0xff && matched[0].indexOf('x') === 0) {
3610 // we bail out on \x7f..\xff,
3611 // leaving whole string escaped,
3612 // as it's probably completely binary
3613 return s;
3614 } else if (escaped >= 0x00 && escaped < 0x20) {
3615 // leave 0x00...0x1f escaped
3616 out += '\\' + matched[0];
3617 continue;
3618 } else if (escaped === 0x22 || escaped === 0x27 || escaped === 0x5c) {
3619 // single-quote, apostrophe, backslash - escape these
3620 out += '\\' + String.fromCharCode(escaped);
3621 } else {
3622 out += String.fromCharCode(escaped);
3623 }
3624 }
3625 }
3627 return out;
3628 }
3630 // handle string
3631 //
3632 Tokenizer.prototype._read_string_recursive = function(delimiter, allow_unescaped_newlines, start_sub) {
3633 var current_char;
3634 var pattern;
3635 if (delimiter === '\'') {
3636 pattern = this.__patterns.single_quote;
3637 } else if (delimiter === '"') {
3638 pattern = this.__patterns.double_quote;
3639 } else if (delimiter === '`') {
3640 pattern = this.__patterns.template_text;
3641 } else if (delimiter === '}') {
3642 pattern = this.__patterns.template_expression;
3643 }
3645 var resulting_string = pattern.read();
3646 var next = '';
3647 while (this._input.hasNext()) {
3648 next = this._input.next();
3649 if (next === delimiter ||
3650 (!allow_unescaped_newlines && acorn.newline.test(next))) {
3651 this._input.back();
3652 break;
3653 } else if (next === '\\' && this._input.hasNext()) {
3654 current_char = this._input.peek();
3656 if (current_char === 'x' || current_char === 'u') {
3657 this.has_char_escapes = true;
3658 } else if (current_char === '\r' && this._input.peek(1) === '\n') {
3659 this._input.next();
3660 }
3661 next += this._input.next();
3662 } else if (start_sub) {
3663 if (start_sub === '${' && next === '$' && this._input.peek() === '{') {
3664 next += this._input.next();
3665 }
3667 if (start_sub === next) {
3668 if (delimiter === '`') {
3669 next += this._read_string_recursive('}', allow_unescaped_newlines, '`');
3670 } else {
3671 next += this._read_string_recursive('`', allow_unescaped_newlines, '${');
3672 }
3673 if (this._input.hasNext()) {
3674 next += this._input.next();
3675 }
3676 }
3677 }
3678 next += pattern.read();
3679 resulting_string += next;
3680 }
3682 return resulting_string;
3683 };
3685 tokenizer$3.Tokenizer = Tokenizer;
3686 tokenizer$3.TOKEN = TOKEN;
3687 tokenizer$3.positionable_operators = positionable_operators.slice();
3688 tokenizer$3.line_starters = line_starters.slice();
3689 return tokenizer$3;
3692/*jshint node:true */
3694var hasRequiredBeautifier$2;
3696function requireBeautifier$2 () {
3697 if (hasRequiredBeautifier$2) return beautifier$2;
3698 hasRequiredBeautifier$2 = 1;
3700 var Output = requireOutput().Output;
3701 var Token = requireToken().Token;
3702 var acorn = requireAcorn();
3703 var Options = requireOptions$2().Options;
3704 var Tokenizer = requireTokenizer$1().Tokenizer;
3705 var line_starters = requireTokenizer$1().line_starters;
3706 var positionable_operators = requireTokenizer$1().positionable_operators;
3707 var TOKEN = requireTokenizer$1().TOKEN;
3710 function in_array(what, arr) {
3711 return arr.indexOf(what) !== -1;
3712 }
3714 function ltrim(s) {
3715 return s.replace(/^\s+/g, '');
3716 }
3718 function generateMapFromStrings(list) {
3719 var result = {};
3720 for (var x = 0; x < list.length; x++) {
3721 // make the mapped names underscored instead of dash
3722 result[list[x].replace(/-/g, '_')] = list[x];
3723 }
3724 return result;
3725 }
3727 function reserved_word(token, word) {
3728 return token && token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED && token.text === word;
3729 }
3731 function reserved_array(token, words) {
3732 return token && token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED && in_array(token.text, words);
3733 }
3734 // Unsure of what they mean, but they work. Worth cleaning up in future.
3735 var special_words = ['case', 'return', 'do', 'if', 'throw', 'else', 'await', 'break', 'continue', 'async'];
3737 var validPositionValues = ['before-newline', 'after-newline', 'preserve-newline'];
3739 // Generate map from array
3740 var OPERATOR_POSITION = generateMapFromStrings(validPositionValues);
3744 var MODE = {
3745 BlockStatement: 'BlockStatement', // 'BLOCK'
3746 Statement: 'Statement', // 'STATEMENT'
3747 ObjectLiteral: 'ObjectLiteral', // 'OBJECT',
3748 ArrayLiteral: 'ArrayLiteral', //'[EXPRESSION]',
3749 ForInitializer: 'ForInitializer', //'(FOR-EXPRESSION)',
3750 Conditional: 'Conditional', //'(COND-EXPRESSION)',
3751 Expression: 'Expression' //'(EXPRESSION)'
3752 };
3754 function remove_redundant_indentation(output, frame) {
3755 // This implementation is effective but has some issues:
3756 // - can cause line wrap to happen too soon due to indent removal
3757 // after wrap points are calculated
3758 // These issues are minor compared to ugly indentation.
3760 if (frame.multiline_frame ||
3761 frame.mode === MODE.ForInitializer ||
3762 frame.mode === MODE.Conditional) {
3763 return;
3764 }
3766 // remove one indent from each line inside this section
3767 output.remove_indent(frame.start_line_index);
3768 }
3770 // we could use just string.split, but
3771 // IE doesn't like returning empty strings
3772 function split_linebreaks(s) {
3773 //return s.split(/\x0d\x0a|\x0a/);
3775 s = s.replace(acorn.allLineBreaks, '\n');
3776 var out = [],
3777 idx = s.indexOf("\n");
3778 while (idx !== -1) {
3779 out.push(s.substring(0, idx));
3780 s = s.substring(idx + 1);
3781 idx = s.indexOf("\n");
3782 }
3783 if (s.length) {
3784 out.push(s);
3785 }
3786 return out;
3787 }
3789 function is_array(mode) {
3790 return mode === MODE.ArrayLiteral;
3791 }
3793 function is_expression(mode) {
3794 return in_array(mode, [MODE.Expression, MODE.ForInitializer, MODE.Conditional]);
3795 }
3797 function all_lines_start_with(lines, c) {
3798 for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
3799 var line = lines[i].trim();
3800 if (line.charAt(0) !== c) {
3801 return false;
3802 }
3803 }
3804 return true;
3805 }
3807 function each_line_matches_indent(lines, indent) {
3808 var i = 0,
3809 len = lines.length,
3810 line;
3811 for (; i < len; i++) {
3812 line = lines[i];
3813 // allow empty lines to pass through
3814 if (line && line.indexOf(indent) !== 0) {
3815 return false;
3816 }
3817 }
3818 return true;
3819 }
3822 function Beautifier(source_text, options) {
3823 options = options || {};
3824 this._source_text = source_text || '';
3826 this._output = null;
3827 this._tokens = null;
3828 this._last_last_text = null;
3829 this._flags = null;
3830 this._previous_flags = null;
3832 this._flag_store = null;
3833 this._options = new Options(options);
3834 }
3836 Beautifier.prototype.create_flags = function(flags_base, mode) {
3837 var next_indent_level = 0;
3838 if (flags_base) {
3839 next_indent_level = flags_base.indentation_level;
3840 if (!this._output.just_added_newline() &&
3841 flags_base.line_indent_level > next_indent_level) {
3842 next_indent_level = flags_base.line_indent_level;
3843 }
3844 }
3846 var next_flags = {
3847 mode: mode,
3848 parent: flags_base,
3849 last_token: flags_base ? flags_base.last_token : new Token(TOKEN.START_BLOCK, ''), // last token text
3850 last_word: flags_base ? flags_base.last_word : '', // last TOKEN.WORD passed
3851 declaration_statement: false,
3852 declaration_assignment: false,
3853 multiline_frame: false,
3854 inline_frame: false,
3855 if_block: false,
3856 else_block: false,
3857 class_start_block: false, // class A { INSIDE HERE } or class B extends C { INSIDE HERE }
3858 do_block: false,
3859 do_while: false,
3860 import_block: false,
3861 in_case_statement: false, // switch(..){ INSIDE HERE }
3862 in_case: false, // we're on the exact line with "case 0:"
3863 case_body: false, // the indented case-action block
3864 case_block: false, // the indented case-action block is wrapped with {}
3865 indentation_level: next_indent_level,
3866 alignment: 0,
3867 line_indent_level: flags_base ? flags_base.line_indent_level : next_indent_level,
3868 start_line_index: this._output.get_line_number(),
3869 ternary_depth: 0
3870 };
3871 return next_flags;
3872 };
3874 Beautifier.prototype._reset = function(source_text) {
3875 var baseIndentString = source_text.match(/^[\t ]*/)[0];
3877 this._last_last_text = ''; // pre-last token text
3878 this._output = new Output(this._options, baseIndentString);
3880 // If testing the ignore directive, start with output disable set to true
3881 this._output.raw = this._options.test_output_raw;
3884 // Stack of parsing/formatting states, including MODE.
3885 // We tokenize, parse, and output in an almost purely a forward-only stream of token input
3886 // and formatted output. This makes the beautifier less accurate than full parsers
3887 // but also far more tolerant of syntax errors.
3888 //
3889 // For example, the default mode is MODE.BlockStatement. If we see a '{' we push a new frame of type
3890 // MODE.BlockStatement on the the stack, even though it could be object literal. If we later
3891 // encounter a ":", we'll switch to to MODE.ObjectLiteral. If we then see a ";",
3892 // most full parsers would die, but the beautifier gracefully falls back to
3893 // MODE.BlockStatement and continues on.
3894 this._flag_store = [];
3895 this.set_mode(MODE.BlockStatement);
3896 var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(source_text, this._options);
3897 this._tokens = tokenizer.tokenize();
3898 return source_text;
3899 };
3901 Beautifier.prototype.beautify = function() {
3902 // if disabled, return the input unchanged.
3903 if (this._options.disabled) {
3904 return this._source_text;
3905 }
3907 var sweet_code;
3908 var source_text = this._reset(this._source_text);
3910 var eol = this._options.eol;
3911 if (this._options.eol === 'auto') {
3912 eol = '\n';
3913 if (source_text && acorn.lineBreak.test(source_text || '')) {
3914 eol = source_text.match(acorn.lineBreak)[0];
3915 }
3916 }
3918 var current_token = this._tokens.next();
3919 while (current_token) {
3920 this.handle_token(current_token);
3922 this._last_last_text = this._flags.last_token.text;
3923 this._flags.last_token = current_token;
3925 current_token = this._tokens.next();
3926 }
3928 sweet_code = this._output.get_code(eol);
3930 return sweet_code;
3931 };
3933 Beautifier.prototype.handle_token = function(current_token, preserve_statement_flags) {
3934 if (current_token.type === TOKEN.START_EXPR) {
3935 this.handle_start_expr(current_token);
3936 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.END_EXPR) {
3937 this.handle_end_expr(current_token);
3938 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.START_BLOCK) {
3939 this.handle_start_block(current_token);
3940 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.END_BLOCK) {
3941 this.handle_end_block(current_token);
3942 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.WORD) {
3943 this.handle_word(current_token);
3944 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED) {
3945 this.handle_word(current_token);
3946 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.SEMICOLON) {
3947 this.handle_semicolon(current_token);
3948 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.STRING) {
3949 this.handle_string(current_token);
3950 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.EQUALS) {
3951 this.handle_equals(current_token);
3952 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.OPERATOR) {
3953 this.handle_operator(current_token);
3954 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.COMMA) {
3955 this.handle_comma(current_token);
3956 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
3957 this.handle_block_comment(current_token, preserve_statement_flags);
3958 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.COMMENT) {
3959 this.handle_comment(current_token, preserve_statement_flags);
3960 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.DOT) {
3961 this.handle_dot(current_token);
3962 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.EOF) {
3963 this.handle_eof(current_token);
3964 } else if (current_token.type === TOKEN.UNKNOWN) {
3965 this.handle_unknown(current_token, preserve_statement_flags);
3966 } else {
3967 this.handle_unknown(current_token, preserve_statement_flags);
3968 }
3969 };
3971 Beautifier.prototype.handle_whitespace_and_comments = function(current_token, preserve_statement_flags) {
3972 var newlines = current_token.newlines;
3973 var keep_whitespace = this._options.keep_array_indentation && is_array(this._flags.mode);
3975 if (current_token.comments_before) {
3976 var comment_token = current_token.comments_before.next();
3977 while (comment_token) {
3978 // The cleanest handling of inline comments is to treat them as though they aren't there.
3979 // Just continue formatting and the behavior should be logical.
3980 // Also ignore unknown tokens. Again, this should result in better behavior.
3981 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(comment_token, preserve_statement_flags);
3982 this.handle_token(comment_token, preserve_statement_flags);
3983 comment_token = current_token.comments_before.next();
3984 }
3985 }
3987 if (keep_whitespace) {
3988 for (var i = 0; i < newlines; i += 1) {
3989 this.print_newline(i > 0, preserve_statement_flags);
3990 }
3991 } else {
3992 if (this._options.max_preserve_newlines && newlines > this._options.max_preserve_newlines) {
3993 newlines = this._options.max_preserve_newlines;
3994 }
3996 if (this._options.preserve_newlines) {
3997 if (newlines > 1) {
3998 this.print_newline(false, preserve_statement_flags);
3999 for (var j = 1; j < newlines; j += 1) {
4000 this.print_newline(true, preserve_statement_flags);
4001 }
4002 }
4003 }
4004 }
4006 };
4008 var newline_restricted_tokens = ['async', 'break', 'continue', 'return', 'throw', 'yield'];
4010 Beautifier.prototype.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline = function(current_token, force_linewrap) {
4011 force_linewrap = (force_linewrap === undefined) ? false : force_linewrap;
4013 // Never wrap the first token on a line
4014 if (this._output.just_added_newline()) {
4015 return;
4016 }
4018 var shouldPreserveOrForce = (this._options.preserve_newlines && current_token.newlines) || force_linewrap;
4019 var operatorLogicApplies = in_array(this._flags.last_token.text, positionable_operators) ||
4020 in_array(current_token.text, positionable_operators);
4022 if (operatorLogicApplies) {
4023 var shouldPrintOperatorNewline = (
4024 in_array(this._flags.last_token.text, positionable_operators) &&
4025 in_array(this._options.operator_position, OPERATOR_POSITION_BEFORE_OR_PRESERVE)
4026 ) ||
4027 in_array(current_token.text, positionable_operators);
4028 shouldPreserveOrForce = shouldPreserveOrForce && shouldPrintOperatorNewline;
4029 }
4031 if (shouldPreserveOrForce) {
4032 this.print_newline(false, true);
4033 } else if (this._options.wrap_line_length) {
4034 if (reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, newline_restricted_tokens)) {
4035 // These tokens should never have a newline inserted
4036 // between them and the following expression.
4037 return;
4038 }
4039 this._output.set_wrap_point();
4040 }
4041 };
4043 Beautifier.prototype.print_newline = function(force_newline, preserve_statement_flags) {
4044 if (!preserve_statement_flags) {
4045 if (this._flags.last_token.text !== ';' && this._flags.last_token.text !== ',' && this._flags.last_token.text !== '=' && (this._flags.last_token.type !== TOKEN.OPERATOR || this._flags.last_token.text === '--' || this._flags.last_token.text === '++')) {
4046 var next_token = this._tokens.peek();
4047 while (this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement &&
4048 !(this._flags.if_block && reserved_word(next_token, 'else')) &&
4049 !this._flags.do_block) {
4050 this.restore_mode();
4051 }
4052 }
4053 }
4055 if (this._output.add_new_line(force_newline)) {
4056 this._flags.multiline_frame = true;
4057 }
4058 };
4060 Beautifier.prototype.print_token_line_indentation = function(current_token) {
4061 if (this._output.just_added_newline()) {
4062 if (this._options.keep_array_indentation &&
4063 current_token.newlines &&
4064 (current_token.text === '[' || is_array(this._flags.mode))) {
4065 this._output.current_line.set_indent(-1);
4066 this._output.current_line.push(current_token.whitespace_before);
4067 this._output.space_before_token = false;
4068 } else if (this._output.set_indent(this._flags.indentation_level, this._flags.alignment)) {
4069 this._flags.line_indent_level = this._flags.indentation_level;
4070 }
4071 }
4072 };
4074 Beautifier.prototype.print_token = function(current_token) {
4075 if (this._output.raw) {
4076 this._output.add_raw_token(current_token);
4077 return;
4078 }
4080 if (this._options.comma_first && current_token.previous && current_token.previous.type === TOKEN.COMMA &&
4081 this._output.just_added_newline()) {
4082 if (this._output.previous_line.last() === ',') {
4083 var popped = this._output.previous_line.pop();
4084 // if the comma was already at the start of the line,
4085 // pull back onto that line and reprint the indentation
4086 if (this._output.previous_line.is_empty()) {
4087 this._output.previous_line.push(popped);
4088 this._output.trim(true);
4089 this._output.current_line.pop();
4090 this._output.trim();
4091 }
4093 // add the comma in front of the next token
4094 this.print_token_line_indentation(current_token);
4095 this._output.add_token(',');
4096 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4097 }
4098 }
4100 this.print_token_line_indentation(current_token);
4101 this._output.non_breaking_space = true;
4102 this._output.add_token(current_token.text);
4103 if (this._output.previous_token_wrapped) {
4104 this._flags.multiline_frame = true;
4105 }
4106 };
4108 Beautifier.prototype.indent = function() {
4109 this._flags.indentation_level += 1;
4110 this._output.set_indent(this._flags.indentation_level, this._flags.alignment);
4111 };
4113 Beautifier.prototype.deindent = function() {
4114 if (this._flags.indentation_level > 0 &&
4115 ((!this._flags.parent) || this._flags.indentation_level > this._flags.parent.indentation_level)) {
4116 this._flags.indentation_level -= 1;
4117 this._output.set_indent(this._flags.indentation_level, this._flags.alignment);
4118 }
4119 };
4121 Beautifier.prototype.set_mode = function(mode) {
4122 if (this._flags) {
4123 this._flag_store.push(this._flags);
4124 this._previous_flags = this._flags;
4125 } else {
4126 this._previous_flags = this.create_flags(null, mode);
4127 }
4129 this._flags = this.create_flags(this._previous_flags, mode);
4130 this._output.set_indent(this._flags.indentation_level, this._flags.alignment);
4131 };
4134 Beautifier.prototype.restore_mode = function() {
4135 if (this._flag_store.length > 0) {
4136 this._previous_flags = this._flags;
4137 this._flags = this._flag_store.pop();
4138 if (this._previous_flags.mode === MODE.Statement) {
4139 remove_redundant_indentation(this._output, this._previous_flags);
4140 }
4141 this._output.set_indent(this._flags.indentation_level, this._flags.alignment);
4142 }
4143 };
4145 Beautifier.prototype.start_of_object_property = function() {
4146 return this._flags.parent.mode === MODE.ObjectLiteral && this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement && (
4147 (this._flags.last_token.text === ':' && this._flags.ternary_depth === 0) || (reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, ['get', 'set'])));
4148 };
4150 Beautifier.prototype.start_of_statement = function(current_token) {
4151 var start = false;
4152 start = start || reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, ['var', 'let', 'const']) && current_token.type === TOKEN.WORD;
4153 start = start || reserved_word(this._flags.last_token, 'do');
4154 start = start || (!(this._flags.parent.mode === MODE.ObjectLiteral && this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement)) && reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, newline_restricted_tokens) && !current_token.newlines;
4155 start = start || reserved_word(this._flags.last_token, 'else') &&
4156 !(reserved_word(current_token, 'if') && !current_token.comments_before);
4157 start = start || (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.END_EXPR && (this._previous_flags.mode === MODE.ForInitializer || this._previous_flags.mode === MODE.Conditional));
4158 start = start || (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.WORD && this._flags.mode === MODE.BlockStatement &&
4159 !this._flags.in_case &&
4160 !(current_token.text === '--' || current_token.text === '++') &&
4161 this._last_last_text !== 'function' &&
4162 current_token.type !== TOKEN.WORD && current_token.type !== TOKEN.RESERVED);
4163 start = start || (this._flags.mode === MODE.ObjectLiteral && (
4164 (this._flags.last_token.text === ':' && this._flags.ternary_depth === 0) || reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, ['get', 'set'])));
4166 if (start) {
4167 this.set_mode(MODE.Statement);
4168 this.indent();
4170 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token, true);
4172 // Issue #276:
4173 // If starting a new statement with [if, for, while, do], push to a new line.
4174 // if (a) if (b) if(c) d(); else e(); else f();
4175 if (!this.start_of_object_property()) {
4176 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token,
4177 reserved_array(current_token, ['do', 'for', 'if', 'while']));
4178 }
4179 return true;
4180 }
4181 return false;
4182 };
4184 Beautifier.prototype.handle_start_expr = function(current_token) {
4185 // The conditional starts the statement if appropriate.
4186 if (!this.start_of_statement(current_token)) {
4187 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token);
4188 }
4190 var next_mode = MODE.Expression;
4191 if (current_token.text === '[') {
4193 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.WORD || this._flags.last_token.text === ')') {
4194 // this is array index specifier, break immediately
4195 // a[x], fn()[x]
4196 if (reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, line_starters)) {
4197 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4198 }
4199 this.print_token(current_token);
4200 this.set_mode(next_mode);
4201 this.indent();
4202 if (this._options.space_in_paren) {
4203 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4204 }
4205 return;
4206 }
4208 next_mode = MODE.ArrayLiteral;
4209 if (is_array(this._flags.mode)) {
4210 if (this._flags.last_token.text === '[' ||
4211 (this._flags.last_token.text === ',' && (this._last_last_text === ']' || this._last_last_text === '}'))) {
4212 // ], [ goes to new line
4213 // }, [ goes to new line
4214 if (!this._options.keep_array_indentation) {
4215 this.print_newline();
4216 }
4217 }
4218 }
4220 if (!in_array(this._flags.last_token.type, [TOKEN.START_EXPR, TOKEN.END_EXPR, TOKEN.WORD, TOKEN.OPERATOR, TOKEN.DOT])) {
4221 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4222 }
4223 } else {
4224 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED) {
4225 if (this._flags.last_token.text === 'for') {
4226 this._output.space_before_token = this._options.space_before_conditional;
4227 next_mode = MODE.ForInitializer;
4228 } else if (in_array(this._flags.last_token.text, ['if', 'while', 'switch'])) {
4229 this._output.space_before_token = this._options.space_before_conditional;
4230 next_mode = MODE.Conditional;
4231 } else if (in_array(this._flags.last_word, ['await', 'async'])) {
4232 // Should be a space between await and an IIFE, or async and an arrow function
4233 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4234 } else if (this._flags.last_token.text === 'import' && current_token.whitespace_before === '') {
4235 this._output.space_before_token = false;
4236 } else if (in_array(this._flags.last_token.text, line_starters) || this._flags.last_token.text === 'catch') {
4237 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4238 }
4239 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.EQUALS || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.OPERATOR) {
4240 // Support of this kind of newline preservation.
4241 // a = (b &&
4242 // (c || d));
4243 if (!this.start_of_object_property()) {
4244 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4245 }
4246 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.WORD) {
4247 this._output.space_before_token = false;
4249 // function name() vs function name ()
4250 // function* name() vs function* name ()
4251 // async name() vs async name ()
4252 // In ES6, you can also define the method properties of an object
4253 // var obj = {a: function() {}}
4254 // It can be abbreviated
4255 // var obj = {a() {}}
4256 // var obj = { a() {}} vs var obj = { a () {}}
4257 // var obj = { * a() {}} vs var obj = { * a () {}}
4258 var peek_back_two = this._tokens.peek(-3);
4259 if (this._options.space_after_named_function && peek_back_two) {
4260 // peek starts at next character so -1 is current token
4261 var peek_back_three = this._tokens.peek(-4);
4262 if (reserved_array(peek_back_two, ['async', 'function']) ||
4263 (peek_back_two.text === '*' && reserved_array(peek_back_three, ['async', 'function']))) {
4264 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4265 } else if (this._flags.mode === MODE.ObjectLiteral) {
4266 if ((peek_back_two.text === '{' || peek_back_two.text === ',') ||
4267 (peek_back_two.text === '*' && (peek_back_three.text === '{' || peek_back_three.text === ','))) {
4268 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4269 }
4270 } else if (this._flags.parent && this._flags.parent.class_start_block) {
4271 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4272 }
4273 }
4274 } else {
4275 // Support preserving wrapped arrow function expressions
4276 // a.b('c',
4277 // () => d.e
4278 // )
4279 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4280 }
4282 // function() vs function ()
4283 // yield*() vs yield* ()
4284 // function*() vs function* ()
4285 if ((this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED && (this._flags.last_word === 'function' || this._flags.last_word === 'typeof')) ||
4286 (this._flags.last_token.text === '*' &&
4287 (in_array(this._last_last_text, ['function', 'yield']) ||
4288 (this._flags.mode === MODE.ObjectLiteral && in_array(this._last_last_text, ['{', ',']))))) {
4289 this._output.space_before_token = this._options.space_after_anon_function;
4290 }
4291 }
4293 if (this._flags.last_token.text === ';' || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_BLOCK) {
4294 this.print_newline();
4295 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.END_EXPR || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_EXPR || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.END_BLOCK || this._flags.last_token.text === '.' || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.COMMA) {
4296 // do nothing on (( and )( and ][ and ]( and .(
4297 // TODO: Consider whether forcing this is required. Review failing tests when removed.
4298 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token, current_token.newlines);
4299 }
4301 this.print_token(current_token);
4302 this.set_mode(next_mode);
4303 if (this._options.space_in_paren) {
4304 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4305 }
4307 // In all cases, if we newline while inside an expression it should be indented.
4308 this.indent();
4309 };
4311 Beautifier.prototype.handle_end_expr = function(current_token) {
4312 // statements inside expressions are not valid syntax, but...
4313 // statements must all be closed when their container closes
4314 while (this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement) {
4315 this.restore_mode();
4316 }
4318 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token);
4320 if (this._flags.multiline_frame) {
4321 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token,
4322 current_token.text === ']' && is_array(this._flags.mode) && !this._options.keep_array_indentation);
4323 }
4325 if (this._options.space_in_paren) {
4326 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_EXPR && !this._options.space_in_empty_paren) {
4327 // () [] no inner space in empty parens like these, ever, ref #320
4328 this._output.trim();
4329 this._output.space_before_token = false;
4330 } else {
4331 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4332 }
4333 }
4334 this.deindent();
4335 this.print_token(current_token);
4336 this.restore_mode();
4338 remove_redundant_indentation(this._output, this._previous_flags);
4340 // do {} while () // no statement required after
4341 if (this._flags.do_while && this._previous_flags.mode === MODE.Conditional) {
4342 this._previous_flags.mode = MODE.Expression;
4343 this._flags.do_block = false;
4344 this._flags.do_while = false;
4346 }
4347 };
4349 Beautifier.prototype.handle_start_block = function(current_token) {
4350 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token);
4352 // Check if this is should be treated as a ObjectLiteral
4353 var next_token = this._tokens.peek();
4354 var second_token = this._tokens.peek(1);
4355 if (this._flags.last_word === 'switch' && this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.END_EXPR) {
4356 this.set_mode(MODE.BlockStatement);
4357 this._flags.in_case_statement = true;
4358 } else if (this._flags.case_body) {
4359 this.set_mode(MODE.BlockStatement);
4360 } else if (second_token && (
4361 (in_array(second_token.text, [':', ',']) && in_array(next_token.type, [TOKEN.STRING, TOKEN.WORD, TOKEN.RESERVED])) ||
4362 (in_array(next_token.text, ['get', 'set', '...']) && in_array(second_token.type, [TOKEN.WORD, TOKEN.RESERVED]))
4363 )) {
4364 // We don't support TypeScript,but we didn't break it for a very long time.
4365 // We'll try to keep not breaking it.
4366 if (in_array(this._last_last_text, ['class', 'interface']) && !in_array(second_token.text, [':', ','])) {
4367 this.set_mode(MODE.BlockStatement);
4368 } else {
4369 this.set_mode(MODE.ObjectLiteral);
4370 }
4371 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.OPERATOR && this._flags.last_token.text === '=>') {
4372 // arrow function: (param1, paramN) => { statements }
4373 this.set_mode(MODE.BlockStatement);
4374 } else if (in_array(this._flags.last_token.type, [TOKEN.EQUALS, TOKEN.START_EXPR, TOKEN.COMMA, TOKEN.OPERATOR]) ||
4375 reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, ['return', 'throw', 'import', 'default'])
4376 ) {
4377 // Detecting shorthand function syntax is difficult by scanning forward,
4378 // so check the surrounding context.
4379 // If the block is being returned, imported, export default, passed as arg,
4380 // assigned with = or assigned in a nested object, treat as an ObjectLiteral.
4381 this.set_mode(MODE.ObjectLiteral);
4382 } else {
4383 this.set_mode(MODE.BlockStatement);
4384 }
4386 if (this._flags.last_token) {
4387 if (reserved_array(this._flags.last_token.previous, ['class', 'extends'])) {
4388 this._flags.class_start_block = true;
4389 }
4390 }
4392 var empty_braces = !next_token.comments_before && next_token.text === '}';
4393 var empty_anonymous_function = empty_braces && this._flags.last_word === 'function' &&
4394 this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.END_EXPR;
4396 if (this._options.brace_preserve_inline) // check for inline, set inline_frame if so
4397 {
4398 // search forward for a newline wanted inside this block
4399 var index = 0;
4400 var check_token = null;
4401 this._flags.inline_frame = true;
4402 do {
4403 index += 1;
4404 check_token = this._tokens.peek(index - 1);
4405 if (check_token.newlines) {
4406 this._flags.inline_frame = false;
4407 break;
4408 }
4409 } while (check_token.type !== TOKEN.EOF &&
4410 !(check_token.type === TOKEN.END_BLOCK && check_token.opened === current_token));
4411 }
4413 if ((this._options.brace_style === "expand" ||
4414 (this._options.brace_style === "none" && current_token.newlines)) &&
4415 !this._flags.inline_frame) {
4416 if (this._flags.last_token.type !== TOKEN.OPERATOR &&
4417 (empty_anonymous_function ||
4418 this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.EQUALS ||
4419 (reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, special_words) && this._flags.last_token.text !== 'else'))) {
4420 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4421 } else {
4422 this.print_newline(false, true);
4423 }
4424 } else { // collapse || inline_frame
4425 if (is_array(this._previous_flags.mode) && (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_EXPR || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.COMMA)) {
4426 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.COMMA || this._options.space_in_paren) {
4427 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4428 }
4430 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.COMMA || (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_EXPR && this._flags.inline_frame)) {
4431 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4432 this._previous_flags.multiline_frame = this._previous_flags.multiline_frame || this._flags.multiline_frame;
4433 this._flags.multiline_frame = false;
4434 }
4435 }
4436 if (this._flags.last_token.type !== TOKEN.OPERATOR && this._flags.last_token.type !== TOKEN.START_EXPR) {
4437 if (in_array(this._flags.last_token.type, [TOKEN.START_BLOCK, TOKEN.SEMICOLON]) && !this._flags.inline_frame) {
4438 this.print_newline();
4439 } else {
4440 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4441 }
4442 }
4443 }
4444 this.print_token(current_token);
4445 this.indent();
4447 // Except for specific cases, open braces are followed by a new line.
4448 if (!empty_braces && !(this._options.brace_preserve_inline && this._flags.inline_frame)) {
4449 this.print_newline();
4450 }
4451 };
4453 Beautifier.prototype.handle_end_block = function(current_token) {
4454 // statements must all be closed when their container closes
4455 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token);
4457 while (this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement) {
4458 this.restore_mode();
4459 }
4461 var empty_braces = this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_BLOCK;
4463 if (this._flags.inline_frame && !empty_braces) { // try inline_frame (only set if this._options.braces-preserve-inline) first
4464 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4465 } else if (this._options.brace_style === "expand") {
4466 if (!empty_braces) {
4467 this.print_newline();
4468 }
4469 } else {
4470 // skip {}
4471 if (!empty_braces) {
4472 if (is_array(this._flags.mode) && this._options.keep_array_indentation) {
4473 // we REALLY need a newline here, but newliner would skip that
4474 this._options.keep_array_indentation = false;
4475 this.print_newline();
4476 this._options.keep_array_indentation = true;
4478 } else {
4479 this.print_newline();
4480 }
4481 }
4482 }
4483 this.restore_mode();
4484 this.print_token(current_token);
4485 };
4487 Beautifier.prototype.handle_word = function(current_token) {
4488 if (current_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED) {
4489 if (in_array(current_token.text, ['set', 'get']) && this._flags.mode !== MODE.ObjectLiteral) {
4490 current_token.type = TOKEN.WORD;
4491 } else if (current_token.text === 'import' && in_array(this._tokens.peek().text, ['(', '.'])) {
4492 current_token.type = TOKEN.WORD;
4493 } else if (in_array(current_token.text, ['as', 'from']) && !this._flags.import_block) {
4494 current_token.type = TOKEN.WORD;
4495 } else if (this._flags.mode === MODE.ObjectLiteral) {
4496 var next_token = this._tokens.peek();
4497 if (next_token.text === ':') {
4498 current_token.type = TOKEN.WORD;
4499 }
4500 }
4501 }
4503 if (this.start_of_statement(current_token)) {
4504 // The conditional starts the statement if appropriate.
4505 if (reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, ['var', 'let', 'const']) && current_token.type === TOKEN.WORD) {
4506 this._flags.declaration_statement = true;
4507 }
4508 } else if (current_token.newlines && !is_expression(this._flags.mode) &&
4509 (this._flags.last_token.type !== TOKEN.OPERATOR || (this._flags.last_token.text === '--' || this._flags.last_token.text === '++')) &&
4510 this._flags.last_token.type !== TOKEN.EQUALS &&
4511 (this._options.preserve_newlines || !reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, ['var', 'let', 'const', 'set', 'get']))) {
4512 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token);
4513 this.print_newline();
4514 } else {
4515 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token);
4516 }
4518 if (this._flags.do_block && !this._flags.do_while) {
4519 if (reserved_word(current_token, 'while')) {
4520 // do {} ## while ()
4521 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4522 this.print_token(current_token);
4523 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4524 this._flags.do_while = true;
4525 return;
4526 } else {
4527 // do {} should always have while as the next word.
4528 // if we don't see the expected while, recover
4529 this.print_newline();
4530 this._flags.do_block = false;
4531 }
4532 }
4534 // if may be followed by else, or not
4535 // Bare/inline ifs are tricky
4536 // Need to unwind the modes correctly: if (a) if (b) c(); else d(); else e();
4537 if (this._flags.if_block) {
4538 if (!this._flags.else_block && reserved_word(current_token, 'else')) {
4539 this._flags.else_block = true;
4540 } else {
4541 while (this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement) {
4542 this.restore_mode();
4543 }
4544 this._flags.if_block = false;
4545 this._flags.else_block = false;
4546 }
4547 }
4549 if (this._flags.in_case_statement && reserved_array(current_token, ['case', 'default'])) {
4550 this.print_newline();
4551 if (!this._flags.case_block && (this._flags.case_body || this._options.jslint_happy)) {
4552 // switch cases following one another
4553 this.deindent();
4554 }
4555 this._flags.case_body = false;
4557 this.print_token(current_token);
4558 this._flags.in_case = true;
4559 return;
4560 }
4562 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.COMMA || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_EXPR || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.EQUALS || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.OPERATOR) {
4563 if (!this.start_of_object_property()) {
4564 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4565 }
4566 }
4568 if (reserved_word(current_token, 'function')) {
4569 if (in_array(this._flags.last_token.text, ['}', ';']) ||
4570 (this._output.just_added_newline() && !(in_array(this._flags.last_token.text, ['(', '[', '{', ':', '=', ',']) || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.OPERATOR))) {
4571 // make sure there is a nice clean space of at least one blank line
4572 // before a new function definition
4573 if (!this._output.just_added_blankline() && !current_token.comments_before) {
4574 this.print_newline();
4575 this.print_newline(true);
4576 }
4577 }
4578 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.WORD) {
4579 if (reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, ['get', 'set', 'new', 'export']) ||
4580 reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, newline_restricted_tokens)) {
4581 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4582 } else if (reserved_word(this._flags.last_token, 'default') && this._last_last_text === 'export') {
4583 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4584 } else if (this._flags.last_token.text === 'declare') {
4585 // accomodates Typescript declare function formatting
4586 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4587 } else {
4588 this.print_newline();
4589 }
4590 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.OPERATOR || this._flags.last_token.text === '=') {
4591 // foo = function
4592 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4593 } else if (!this._flags.multiline_frame && (is_expression(this._flags.mode) || is_array(this._flags.mode))) ; else {
4594 this.print_newline();
4595 }
4597 this.print_token(current_token);
4598 this._flags.last_word = current_token.text;
4599 return;
4600 }
4602 var prefix = 'NONE';
4604 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.END_BLOCK) {
4606 if (this._previous_flags.inline_frame) {
4607 prefix = 'SPACE';
4608 } else if (!reserved_array(current_token, ['else', 'catch', 'finally', 'from'])) {
4609 prefix = 'NEWLINE';
4610 } else {
4611 if (this._options.brace_style === "expand" ||
4612 this._options.brace_style === "end-expand" ||
4613 (this._options.brace_style === "none" && current_token.newlines)) {
4614 prefix = 'NEWLINE';
4615 } else {
4616 prefix = 'SPACE';
4617 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4618 }
4619 }
4620 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.SEMICOLON && this._flags.mode === MODE.BlockStatement) {
4621 // TODO: Should this be for STATEMENT as well?
4622 prefix = 'NEWLINE';
4623 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.SEMICOLON && is_expression(this._flags.mode)) {
4624 prefix = 'SPACE';
4625 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.STRING) {
4626 prefix = 'NEWLINE';
4627 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.WORD ||
4628 (this._flags.last_token.text === '*' &&
4629 (in_array(this._last_last_text, ['function', 'yield']) ||
4630 (this._flags.mode === MODE.ObjectLiteral && in_array(this._last_last_text, ['{', ',']))))) {
4631 prefix = 'SPACE';
4632 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_BLOCK) {
4633 if (this._flags.inline_frame) {
4634 prefix = 'SPACE';
4635 } else {
4636 prefix = 'NEWLINE';
4637 }
4638 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.END_EXPR) {
4639 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4640 prefix = 'NEWLINE';
4641 }
4643 if (reserved_array(current_token, line_starters) && this._flags.last_token.text !== ')') {
4644 if (this._flags.inline_frame || this._flags.last_token.text === 'else' || this._flags.last_token.text === 'export') {
4645 prefix = 'SPACE';
4646 } else {
4647 prefix = 'NEWLINE';
4648 }
4650 }
4652 if (reserved_array(current_token, ['else', 'catch', 'finally'])) {
4653 if ((!(this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.END_BLOCK && this._previous_flags.mode === MODE.BlockStatement) ||
4654 this._options.brace_style === "expand" ||
4655 this._options.brace_style === "end-expand" ||
4656 (this._options.brace_style === "none" && current_token.newlines)) &&
4657 !this._flags.inline_frame) {
4658 this.print_newline();
4659 } else {
4660 this._output.trim(true);
4661 var line = this._output.current_line;
4662 // If we trimmed and there's something other than a close block before us
4663 // put a newline back in. Handles '} // comment' scenario.
4664 if (line.last() !== '}') {
4665 this.print_newline();
4666 }
4667 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4668 }
4669 } else if (prefix === 'NEWLINE') {
4670 if (reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, special_words)) {
4671 // no newline between 'return nnn'
4672 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4673 } else if (this._flags.last_token.text === 'declare' && reserved_array(current_token, ['var', 'let', 'const'])) {
4674 // accomodates Typescript declare formatting
4675 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4676 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type !== TOKEN.END_EXPR) {
4677 if ((this._flags.last_token.type !== TOKEN.START_EXPR || !reserved_array(current_token, ['var', 'let', 'const'])) && this._flags.last_token.text !== ':') {
4678 // no need to force newline on 'var': for (var x = 0...)
4679 if (reserved_word(current_token, 'if') && reserved_word(current_token.previous, 'else')) {
4680 // no newline for } else if {
4681 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4682 } else {
4683 this.print_newline();
4684 }
4685 }
4686 } else if (reserved_array(current_token, line_starters) && this._flags.last_token.text !== ')') {
4687 this.print_newline();
4688 }
4689 } else if (this._flags.multiline_frame && is_array(this._flags.mode) && this._flags.last_token.text === ',' && this._last_last_text === '}') {
4690 this.print_newline(); // }, in lists get a newline treatment
4691 } else if (prefix === 'SPACE') {
4692 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4693 }
4694 if (current_token.previous && (current_token.previous.type === TOKEN.WORD || current_token.previous.type === TOKEN.RESERVED)) {
4695 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4696 }
4697 this.print_token(current_token);
4698 this._flags.last_word = current_token.text;
4700 if (current_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED) {
4701 if (current_token.text === 'do') {
4702 this._flags.do_block = true;
4703 } else if (current_token.text === 'if') {
4704 this._flags.if_block = true;
4705 } else if (current_token.text === 'import') {
4706 this._flags.import_block = true;
4707 } else if (this._flags.import_block && reserved_word(current_token, 'from')) {
4708 this._flags.import_block = false;
4709 }
4710 }
4711 };
4713 Beautifier.prototype.handle_semicolon = function(current_token) {
4714 if (this.start_of_statement(current_token)) {
4715 // The conditional starts the statement if appropriate.
4716 // Semicolon can be the start (and end) of a statement
4717 this._output.space_before_token = false;
4718 } else {
4719 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token);
4720 }
4722 var next_token = this._tokens.peek();
4723 while (this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement &&
4724 !(this._flags.if_block && reserved_word(next_token, 'else')) &&
4725 !this._flags.do_block) {
4726 this.restore_mode();
4727 }
4729 // hacky but effective for the moment
4730 if (this._flags.import_block) {
4731 this._flags.import_block = false;
4732 }
4733 this.print_token(current_token);
4734 };
4736 Beautifier.prototype.handle_string = function(current_token) {
4737 if (current_token.text.startsWith("`") && current_token.newlines === 0 && current_token.whitespace_before === '' && (current_token.previous.text === ')' || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.WORD)) ; else if (this.start_of_statement(current_token)) {
4738 // The conditional starts the statement if appropriate.
4739 // One difference - strings want at least a space before
4740 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4741 } else {
4742 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token);
4743 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.WORD || this._flags.inline_frame) {
4744 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4745 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.COMMA || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_EXPR || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.EQUALS || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.OPERATOR) {
4746 if (!this.start_of_object_property()) {
4747 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4748 }
4749 } else if ((current_token.text.startsWith("`") && this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.END_EXPR && (current_token.previous.text === ']' || current_token.previous.text === ')') && current_token.newlines === 0)) {
4750 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4751 } else {
4752 this.print_newline();
4753 }
4754 }
4755 this.print_token(current_token);
4756 };
4758 Beautifier.prototype.handle_equals = function(current_token) {
4759 if (this.start_of_statement(current_token)) ; else {
4760 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token);
4761 }
4763 if (this._flags.declaration_statement) {
4764 // just got an '=' in a var-line, different formatting/line-breaking, etc will now be done
4765 this._flags.declaration_assignment = true;
4766 }
4767 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4768 this.print_token(current_token);
4769 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4770 };
4772 Beautifier.prototype.handle_comma = function(current_token) {
4773 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token, true);
4775 this.print_token(current_token);
4776 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4777 if (this._flags.declaration_statement) {
4778 if (is_expression(this._flags.parent.mode)) {
4779 // do not break on comma, for(var a = 1, b = 2)
4780 this._flags.declaration_assignment = false;
4781 }
4783 if (this._flags.declaration_assignment) {
4784 this._flags.declaration_assignment = false;
4785 this.print_newline(false, true);
4786 } else if (this._options.comma_first) {
4787 // for comma-first, we want to allow a newline before the comma
4788 // to turn into a newline after the comma, which we will fixup later
4789 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4790 }
4791 } else if (this._flags.mode === MODE.ObjectLiteral ||
4792 (this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement && this._flags.parent.mode === MODE.ObjectLiteral)) {
4793 if (this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement) {
4794 this.restore_mode();
4795 }
4797 if (!this._flags.inline_frame) {
4798 this.print_newline();
4799 }
4800 } else if (this._options.comma_first) {
4801 // EXPR or DO_BLOCK
4802 // for comma-first, we want to allow a newline before the comma
4803 // to turn into a newline after the comma, which we will fixup later
4804 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4805 }
4806 };
4808 Beautifier.prototype.handle_operator = function(current_token) {
4809 var isGeneratorAsterisk = current_token.text === '*' &&
4810 (reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, ['function', 'yield']) ||
4811 (in_array(this._flags.last_token.type, [TOKEN.START_BLOCK, TOKEN.COMMA, TOKEN.END_BLOCK, TOKEN.SEMICOLON]))
4812 );
4813 var isUnary = in_array(current_token.text, ['-', '+']) && (
4814 in_array(this._flags.last_token.type, [TOKEN.START_BLOCK, TOKEN.START_EXPR, TOKEN.EQUALS, TOKEN.OPERATOR]) ||
4815 in_array(this._flags.last_token.text, line_starters) ||
4816 this._flags.last_token.text === ','
4817 );
4819 if (this.start_of_statement(current_token)) ; else {
4820 var preserve_statement_flags = !isGeneratorAsterisk;
4821 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token, preserve_statement_flags);
4822 }
4824 // hack for actionscript's import .*;
4825 if (current_token.text === '*' && this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.DOT) {
4826 this.print_token(current_token);
4827 return;
4828 }
4830 if (current_token.text === '::') {
4831 // no spaces around exotic namespacing syntax operator
4832 this.print_token(current_token);
4833 return;
4834 }
4836 // Allow line wrapping between operators when operator_position is
4837 // set to before or preserve
4838 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.OPERATOR && in_array(this._options.operator_position, OPERATOR_POSITION_BEFORE_OR_PRESERVE)) {
4839 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4840 }
4842 if (current_token.text === ':' && this._flags.in_case) {
4843 this.print_token(current_token);
4845 this._flags.in_case = false;
4846 this._flags.case_body = true;
4847 if (this._tokens.peek().type !== TOKEN.START_BLOCK) {
4848 this.indent();
4849 this.print_newline();
4850 this._flags.case_block = false;
4851 } else {
4852 this._flags.case_block = true;
4853 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4854 }
4855 return;
4856 }
4858 var space_before = true;
4859 var space_after = true;
4860 var in_ternary = false;
4861 if (current_token.text === ':') {
4862 if (this._flags.ternary_depth === 0) {
4863 // Colon is invalid javascript outside of ternary and object, but do our best to guess what was meant.
4864 space_before = false;
4865 } else {
4866 this._flags.ternary_depth -= 1;
4867 in_ternary = true;
4868 }
4869 } else if (current_token.text === '?') {
4870 this._flags.ternary_depth += 1;
4871 }
4873 // let's handle the operator_position option prior to any conflicting logic
4874 if (!isUnary && !isGeneratorAsterisk && this._options.preserve_newlines && in_array(current_token.text, positionable_operators)) {
4875 var isColon = current_token.text === ':';
4876 var isTernaryColon = (isColon && in_ternary);
4877 var isOtherColon = (isColon && !in_ternary);
4879 switch (this._options.operator_position) {
4880 case OPERATOR_POSITION.before_newline:
4881 // if the current token is : and it's not a ternary statement then we set space_before to false
4882 this._output.space_before_token = !isOtherColon;
4884 this.print_token(current_token);
4886 if (!isColon || isTernaryColon) {
4887 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4888 }
4890 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4891 return;
4893 case OPERATOR_POSITION.after_newline:
4894 // if the current token is anything but colon, or (via deduction) it's a colon and in a ternary statement,
4895 // then print a newline.
4897 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4899 if (!isColon || isTernaryColon) {
4900 if (this._tokens.peek().newlines) {
4901 this.print_newline(false, true);
4902 } else {
4903 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4904 }
4905 } else {
4906 this._output.space_before_token = false;
4907 }
4909 this.print_token(current_token);
4911 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4912 return;
4914 case OPERATOR_POSITION.preserve_newline:
4915 if (!isOtherColon) {
4916 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4917 }
4919 // if we just added a newline, or the current token is : and it's not a ternary statement,
4920 // then we set space_before to false
4921 space_before = !(this._output.just_added_newline() || isOtherColon);
4923 this._output.space_before_token = space_before;
4924 this.print_token(current_token);
4925 this._output.space_before_token = true;
4926 return;
4927 }
4928 }
4930 if (isGeneratorAsterisk) {
4931 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4932 space_before = false;
4933 var next_token = this._tokens.peek();
4934 space_after = next_token && in_array(next_token.type, [TOKEN.WORD, TOKEN.RESERVED]);
4935 } else if (current_token.text === '...') {
4936 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4937 space_before = this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_BLOCK;
4938 space_after = false;
4939 } else if (in_array(current_token.text, ['--', '++', '!', '~']) || isUnary) {
4940 // unary operators (and binary +/- pretending to be unary) special cases
4941 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.COMMA || this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.START_EXPR) {
4942 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token);
4943 }
4945 space_before = false;
4946 space_after = false;
4948 // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-7.9.1
4949 // if there is a newline between -- or ++ and anything else we should preserve it.
4950 if (current_token.newlines && (current_token.text === '--' || current_token.text === '++' || current_token.text === '~')) {
4951 var new_line_needed = reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, special_words) && current_token.newlines;
4952 if (new_line_needed && (this._previous_flags.if_block || this._previous_flags.else_block)) {
4953 this.restore_mode();
4954 }
4955 this.print_newline(new_line_needed, true);
4956 }
4958 if (this._flags.last_token.text === ';' && is_expression(this._flags.mode)) {
4959 // for (;; ++i)
4960 // ^^^
4961 space_before = true;
4962 }
4964 if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.RESERVED) {
4965 space_before = true;
4966 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.END_EXPR) {
4967 space_before = !(this._flags.last_token.text === ']' && (current_token.text === '--' || current_token.text === '++'));
4968 } else if (this._flags.last_token.type === TOKEN.OPERATOR) {
4969 // a++ + ++b;
4970 // a - -b
4971 space_before = in_array(current_token.text, ['--', '-', '++', '+']) && in_array(this._flags.last_token.text, ['--', '-', '++', '+']);
4972 // + and - are not unary when preceeded by -- or ++ operator
4973 // a-- + b
4974 // a * +b
4975 // a - -b
4976 if (in_array(current_token.text, ['+', '-']) && in_array(this._flags.last_token.text, ['--', '++'])) {
4977 space_after = true;
4978 }
4979 }
4982 if (((this._flags.mode === MODE.BlockStatement && !this._flags.inline_frame) || this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement) &&
4983 (this._flags.last_token.text === '{' || this._flags.last_token.text === ';')) {
4984 // { foo; --i }
4985 // foo(); --bar;
4986 this.print_newline();
4987 }
4988 }
4990 this._output.space_before_token = this._output.space_before_token || space_before;
4991 this.print_token(current_token);
4992 this._output.space_before_token = space_after;
4993 };
4995 Beautifier.prototype.handle_block_comment = function(current_token, preserve_statement_flags) {
4996 if (this._output.raw) {
4997 this._output.add_raw_token(current_token);
4998 if (current_token.directives && current_token.directives.preserve === 'end') {
4999 // If we're testing the raw output behavior, do not allow a directive to turn it off.
5000 this._output.raw = this._options.test_output_raw;
5001 }
5002 return;
5003 }
5005 if (current_token.directives) {
5006 this.print_newline(false, preserve_statement_flags);
5007 this.print_token(current_token);
5008 if (current_token.directives.preserve === 'start') {
5009 this._output.raw = true;
5010 }
5011 this.print_newline(false, true);
5012 return;
5013 }
5015 // inline block
5016 if (!acorn.newline.test(current_token.text) && !current_token.newlines) {
5017 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5018 this.print_token(current_token);
5019 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5020 return;
5021 } else {
5022 this.print_block_commment(current_token, preserve_statement_flags);
5023 }
5024 };
5026 Beautifier.prototype.print_block_commment = function(current_token, preserve_statement_flags) {
5027 var lines = split_linebreaks(current_token.text);
5028 var j; // iterator for this case
5029 var javadoc = false;
5030 var starless = false;
5031 var lastIndent = current_token.whitespace_before;
5032 var lastIndentLength = lastIndent.length;
5034 // block comment starts with a new line
5035 this.print_newline(false, preserve_statement_flags);
5037 // first line always indented
5038 this.print_token_line_indentation(current_token);
5039 this._output.add_token(lines[0]);
5040 this.print_newline(false, preserve_statement_flags);
5043 if (lines.length > 1) {
5044 lines = lines.slice(1);
5045 javadoc = all_lines_start_with(lines, '*');
5046 starless = each_line_matches_indent(lines, lastIndent);
5048 if (javadoc) {
5049 this._flags.alignment = 1;
5050 }
5052 for (j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
5053 if (javadoc) {
5054 // javadoc: reformat and re-indent
5055 this.print_token_line_indentation(current_token);
5056 this._output.add_token(ltrim(lines[j]));
5057 } else if (starless && lines[j]) {
5058 // starless: re-indent non-empty content, avoiding trim
5059 this.print_token_line_indentation(current_token);
5060 this._output.add_token(lines[j].substring(lastIndentLength));
5061 } else {
5062 // normal comments output raw
5063 this._output.current_line.set_indent(-1);
5064 this._output.add_token(lines[j]);
5065 }
5067 // for comments on their own line or more than one line, make sure there's a new line after
5068 this.print_newline(false, preserve_statement_flags);
5069 }
5071 this._flags.alignment = 0;
5072 }
5073 };
5076 Beautifier.prototype.handle_comment = function(current_token, preserve_statement_flags) {
5077 if (current_token.newlines) {
5078 this.print_newline(false, preserve_statement_flags);
5079 } else {
5080 this._output.trim(true);
5081 }
5083 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5084 this.print_token(current_token);
5085 this.print_newline(false, preserve_statement_flags);
5086 };
5088 Beautifier.prototype.handle_dot = function(current_token) {
5089 if (this.start_of_statement(current_token)) ; else {
5090 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token, true);
5091 }
5093 if (this._flags.last_token.text.match('^[0-9]+$')) {
5094 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5095 }
5097 if (reserved_array(this._flags.last_token, special_words)) {
5098 this._output.space_before_token = false;
5099 } else {
5100 // allow preserved newlines before dots in general
5101 // force newlines on dots after close paren when break_chained - for bar().baz()
5102 this.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token,
5103 this._flags.last_token.text === ')' && this._options.break_chained_methods);
5104 }
5106 // Only unindent chained method dot if this dot starts a new line.
5107 // Otherwise the automatic extra indentation removal will handle the over indent
5108 if (this._options.unindent_chained_methods && this._output.just_added_newline()) {
5109 this.deindent();
5110 }
5112 this.print_token(current_token);
5113 };
5115 Beautifier.prototype.handle_unknown = function(current_token, preserve_statement_flags) {
5116 this.print_token(current_token);
5118 if (current_token.text[current_token.text.length - 1] === '\n') {
5119 this.print_newline(false, preserve_statement_flags);
5120 }
5121 };
5123 Beautifier.prototype.handle_eof = function(current_token) {
5124 // Unwind any open statements
5125 while (this._flags.mode === MODE.Statement) {
5126 this.restore_mode();
5127 }
5128 this.handle_whitespace_and_comments(current_token);
5129 };
5131 beautifier$2.Beautifier = Beautifier;
5132 return beautifier$2;
5135/*jshint node:true */
5137var hasRequiredJavascript;
5139function requireJavascript () {
5140 if (hasRequiredJavascript) return javascript.exports;
5141 hasRequiredJavascript = 1;
5143 var Beautifier = requireBeautifier$2().Beautifier,
5144 Options = requireOptions$2().Options;
5146 function js_beautify(js_source_text, options) {
5147 var beautifier = new Beautifier(js_source_text, options);
5148 return beautifier.beautify();
5149 }
5151 javascript.exports = js_beautify;
5152 javascript.exports.defaultOptions = function() {
5153 return new Options();
5154 };
5155 return javascript.exports;
5158var css = {exports: {}};
5160var beautifier$1 = {};
5162var options$1 = {};
5164/*jshint node:true */
5166var hasRequiredOptions$1;
5168function requireOptions$1 () {
5169 if (hasRequiredOptions$1) return options$1;
5170 hasRequiredOptions$1 = 1;
5172 var BaseOptions = requireOptions$3().Options;
5174 function Options(options) {
5175 BaseOptions.call(this, options, 'css');
5177 this.selector_separator_newline = this._get_boolean('selector_separator_newline', true);
5178 this.newline_between_rules = this._get_boolean('newline_between_rules', true);
5179 var space_around_selector_separator = this._get_boolean('space_around_selector_separator');
5180 this.space_around_combinator = this._get_boolean('space_around_combinator') || space_around_selector_separator;
5182 var brace_style_split = this._get_selection_list('brace_style', ['collapse', 'expand', 'end-expand', 'none', 'preserve-inline']);
5183 this.brace_style = 'collapse';
5184 for (var bs = 0; bs < brace_style_split.length; bs++) {
5185 if (brace_style_split[bs] !== 'expand') {
5186 // default to collapse, as only collapse|expand is implemented for now
5187 this.brace_style = 'collapse';
5188 } else {
5189 this.brace_style = brace_style_split[bs];
5190 }
5191 }
5192 }
5193 Options.prototype = new BaseOptions();
5197 options$1.Options = Options;
5198 return options$1;
5201/*jshint node:true */
5203var hasRequiredBeautifier$1;
5205function requireBeautifier$1 () {
5206 if (hasRequiredBeautifier$1) return beautifier$1;
5207 hasRequiredBeautifier$1 = 1;
5209 var Options = requireOptions$1().Options;
5210 var Output = requireOutput().Output;
5211 var InputScanner = requireInputscanner().InputScanner;
5212 var Directives = requireDirectives().Directives;
5214 var directives_core = new Directives(/\/\*/, /\*\//);
5216 var lineBreak = /\r\n|[\r\n]/;
5217 var allLineBreaks = /\r\n|[\r\n]/g;
5219 // tokenizer
5220 var whitespaceChar = /\s/;
5221 var whitespacePattern = /(?:\s|\n)+/g;
5222 var block_comment_pattern = /\/\*(?:[\s\S]*?)((?:\*\/)|$)/g;
5223 var comment_pattern = /\/\/(?:[^\n\r\u2028\u2029]*)/g;
5225 function Beautifier(source_text, options) {
5226 this._source_text = source_text || '';
5227 // Allow the setting of language/file-type specific options
5228 // with inheritance of overall settings
5229 this._options = new Options(options);
5230 this._ch = null;
5231 this._input = null;
5233 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/At-rule
5234 this.NESTED_AT_RULE = {
5235 "page": true,
5236 "font-face": true,
5237 "keyframes": true,
5238 // also in CONDITIONAL_GROUP_RULE below
5239 "media": true,
5240 "supports": true,
5241 "document": true
5242 };
5244 "media": true,
5245 "supports": true,
5246 "document": true
5247 };
5249 "grid-template-areas",
5250 "grid-template"
5251 ];
5253 }
5255 Beautifier.prototype.eatString = function(endChars) {
5256 var result = '';
5257 this._ch = this._input.next();
5258 while (this._ch) {
5259 result += this._ch;
5260 if (this._ch === "\\") {
5261 result += this._input.next();
5262 } else if (endChars.indexOf(this._ch) !== -1 || this._ch === "\n") {
5263 break;
5264 }
5265 this._ch = this._input.next();
5266 }
5267 return result;
5268 };
5270 // Skips any white space in the source text from the current position.
5271 // When allowAtLeastOneNewLine is true, will output new lines for each
5272 // newline character found; if the user has preserve_newlines off, only
5273 // the first newline will be output
5274 Beautifier.prototype.eatWhitespace = function(allowAtLeastOneNewLine) {
5275 var result = whitespaceChar.test(this._input.peek());
5276 var newline_count = 0;
5277 while (whitespaceChar.test(this._input.peek())) {
5278 this._ch = this._input.next();
5279 if (allowAtLeastOneNewLine && this._ch === '\n') {
5280 if (newline_count === 0 || newline_count < this._options.max_preserve_newlines) {
5281 newline_count++;
5282 this._output.add_new_line(true);
5283 }
5284 }
5285 }
5286 return result;
5287 };
5289 // Nested pseudo-class if we are insideRule
5290 // and the next special character found opens
5291 // a new block
5292 Beautifier.prototype.foundNestedPseudoClass = function() {
5293 var openParen = 0;
5294 var i = 1;
5295 var ch = this._input.peek(i);
5296 while (ch) {
5297 if (ch === "{") {
5298 return true;
5299 } else if (ch === '(') {
5300 // pseudoclasses can contain ()
5301 openParen += 1;
5302 } else if (ch === ')') {
5303 if (openParen === 0) {
5304 return false;
5305 }
5306 openParen -= 1;
5307 } else if (ch === ";" || ch === "}") {
5308 return false;
5309 }
5310 i++;
5311 ch = this._input.peek(i);
5312 }
5313 return false;
5314 };
5316 Beautifier.prototype.print_string = function(output_string) {
5317 this._output.set_indent(this._indentLevel);
5318 this._output.non_breaking_space = true;
5319 this._output.add_token(output_string);
5320 };
5322 Beautifier.prototype.preserveSingleSpace = function(isAfterSpace) {
5323 if (isAfterSpace) {
5324 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5325 }
5326 };
5328 Beautifier.prototype.indent = function() {
5329 this._indentLevel++;
5330 };
5332 Beautifier.prototype.outdent = function() {
5333 if (this._indentLevel > 0) {
5334 this._indentLevel--;
5335 }
5336 };
5338 /*_____________________--------------------_____________________*/
5340 Beautifier.prototype.beautify = function() {
5341 if (this._options.disabled) {
5342 return this._source_text;
5343 }
5345 var source_text = this._source_text;
5346 var eol = this._options.eol;
5347 if (eol === 'auto') {
5348 eol = '\n';
5349 if (source_text && lineBreak.test(source_text || '')) {
5350 eol = source_text.match(lineBreak)[0];
5351 }
5352 }
5355 // HACK: newline parsing inconsistent. This brute force normalizes the this._input.
5356 source_text = source_text.replace(allLineBreaks, '\n');
5358 // reset
5359 var baseIndentString = source_text.match(/^[\t ]*/)[0];
5361 this._output = new Output(this._options, baseIndentString);
5362 this._input = new InputScanner(source_text);
5363 this._indentLevel = 0;
5364 this._nestedLevel = 0;
5366 this._ch = null;
5367 var parenLevel = 0;
5369 var insideRule = false;
5370 // This is the value side of a property value pair (blue in the following ex)
5371 // label { content: blue }
5372 var insidePropertyValue = false;
5373 var enteringConditionalGroup = false;
5374 var insideNonNestedAtRule = false;
5375 var insideScssMap = false;
5376 var topCharacter = this._ch;
5377 var insideNonSemiColonValues = false;
5378 var whitespace;
5379 var isAfterSpace;
5380 var previous_ch;
5382 while (true) {
5383 whitespace = this._input.read(whitespacePattern);
5384 isAfterSpace = whitespace !== '';
5385 previous_ch = topCharacter;
5386 this._ch = this._input.next();
5387 if (this._ch === '\\' && this._input.hasNext()) {
5388 this._ch += this._input.next();
5389 }
5390 topCharacter = this._ch;
5392 if (!this._ch) {
5393 break;
5394 } else if (this._ch === '/' && this._input.peek() === '*') {
5395 // /* css comment */
5396 // Always start block comments on a new line.
5397 // This handles scenarios where a block comment immediately
5398 // follows a property definition on the same line or where
5399 // minified code is being beautified.
5400 this._output.add_new_line();
5401 this._input.back();
5403 var comment = this._input.read(block_comment_pattern);
5405 // Handle ignore directive
5406 var directives = directives_core.get_directives(comment);
5407 if (directives && directives.ignore === 'start') {
5408 comment += directives_core.readIgnored(this._input);
5409 }
5411 this.print_string(comment);
5413 // Ensures any new lines following the comment are preserved
5414 this.eatWhitespace(true);
5416 // Block comments are followed by a new line so they don't
5417 // share a line with other properties
5418 this._output.add_new_line();
5419 } else if (this._ch === '/' && this._input.peek() === '/') {
5420 // // single line comment
5421 // Preserves the space before a comment
5422 // on the same line as a rule
5423 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5424 this._input.back();
5425 this.print_string(this._input.read(comment_pattern));
5427 // Ensures any new lines following the comment are preserved
5428 this.eatWhitespace(true);
5429 } else if (this._ch === '$') {
5430 this.preserveSingleSpace(isAfterSpace);
5432 this.print_string(this._ch);
5434 // strip trailing space, if present, for hash property checks
5435 var variable = this._input.peekUntilAfter(/[: ,;{}()[\]\/='"]/g);
5437 if (variable.match(/[ :]$/)) {
5438 // we have a variable or pseudo-class, add it and insert one space before continuing
5439 variable = this.eatString(": ").replace(/\s$/, '');
5440 this.print_string(variable);
5441 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5442 }
5444 variable = variable.replace(/\s$/, '');
5446 // might be sass variable
5447 if (parenLevel === 0 && variable.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
5448 insidePropertyValue = true;
5449 this.indent();
5450 }
5451 } else if (this._ch === '@') {
5452 this.preserveSingleSpace(isAfterSpace);
5454 // deal with less property mixins @{...}
5455 if (this._input.peek() === '{') {
5456 this.print_string(this._ch + this.eatString('}'));
5457 } else {
5458 this.print_string(this._ch);
5460 // strip trailing space, if present, for hash property checks
5461 var variableOrRule = this._input.peekUntilAfter(/[: ,;{}()[\]\/='"]/g);
5463 if (variableOrRule.match(/[ :]$/)) {
5464 // we have a variable or pseudo-class, add it and insert one space before continuing
5465 variableOrRule = this.eatString(": ").replace(/\s$/, '');
5466 this.print_string(variableOrRule);
5467 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5468 }
5470 variableOrRule = variableOrRule.replace(/\s$/, '');
5472 // might be less variable
5473 if (parenLevel === 0 && variableOrRule.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
5474 insidePropertyValue = true;
5475 this.indent();
5477 // might be a nesting at-rule
5478 } else if (variableOrRule in this.NESTED_AT_RULE) {
5479 this._nestedLevel += 1;
5480 if (variableOrRule in this.CONDITIONAL_GROUP_RULE) {
5481 enteringConditionalGroup = true;
5482 }
5484 // might be a non-nested at-rule
5485 } else if (parenLevel === 0 && !insidePropertyValue) {
5486 insideNonNestedAtRule = true;
5487 }
5488 }
5489 } else if (this._ch === '#' && this._input.peek() === '{') {
5490 this.preserveSingleSpace(isAfterSpace);
5491 this.print_string(this._ch + this.eatString('}'));
5492 } else if (this._ch === '{') {
5493 if (insidePropertyValue) {
5494 insidePropertyValue = false;
5495 this.outdent();
5496 }
5498 // non nested at rule becomes nested
5499 insideNonNestedAtRule = false;
5501 // when entering conditional groups, only rulesets are allowed
5502 if (enteringConditionalGroup) {
5503 enteringConditionalGroup = false;
5504 insideRule = (this._indentLevel >= this._nestedLevel);
5505 } else {
5506 // otherwise, declarations are also allowed
5507 insideRule = (this._indentLevel >= this._nestedLevel - 1);
5508 }
5509 if (this._options.newline_between_rules && insideRule) {
5510 if (this._output.previous_line && this._output.previous_line.item(-1) !== '{') {
5511 this._output.ensure_empty_line_above('/', ',');
5512 }
5513 }
5515 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5517 // The difference in print_string and indent order is necessary to indent the '{' correctly
5518 if (this._options.brace_style === 'expand') {
5519 this._output.add_new_line();
5520 this.print_string(this._ch);
5521 this.indent();
5522 this._output.set_indent(this._indentLevel);
5523 } else {
5524 // inside mixin and first param is object
5525 if (previous_ch === '(') {
5526 this._output.space_before_token = false;
5527 } else if (previous_ch !== ',') {
5528 this.indent();
5529 }
5530 this.print_string(this._ch);
5531 }
5533 this.eatWhitespace(true);
5534 this._output.add_new_line();
5535 } else if (this._ch === '}') {
5536 this.outdent();
5537 this._output.add_new_line();
5538 if (previous_ch === '{') {
5539 this._output.trim(true);
5540 }
5542 if (insidePropertyValue) {
5543 this.outdent();
5544 insidePropertyValue = false;
5545 }
5546 this.print_string(this._ch);
5547 insideRule = false;
5548 if (this._nestedLevel) {
5549 this._nestedLevel--;
5550 }
5552 this.eatWhitespace(true);
5553 this._output.add_new_line();
5555 if (this._options.newline_between_rules && !this._output.just_added_blankline()) {
5556 if (this._input.peek() !== '}') {
5557 this._output.add_new_line(true);
5558 }
5559 }
5560 if (this._input.peek() === ')') {
5561 this._output.trim(true);
5562 if (this._options.brace_style === "expand") {
5563 this._output.add_new_line(true);
5564 }
5565 }
5566 } else if (this._ch === ":") {
5568 for (var i = 0; i < this.NON_SEMICOLON_NEWLINE_PROPERTY.length; i++) {
5569 if (this._input.lookBack(this.NON_SEMICOLON_NEWLINE_PROPERTY[i])) {
5570 insideNonSemiColonValues = true;
5571 break;
5572 }
5573 }
5575 if ((insideRule || enteringConditionalGroup) && !(this._input.lookBack("&") || this.foundNestedPseudoClass()) && !this._input.lookBack("(") && !insideNonNestedAtRule && parenLevel === 0) {
5576 // 'property: value' delimiter
5577 // which could be in a conditional group query
5579 this.print_string(':');
5580 if (!insidePropertyValue) {
5581 insidePropertyValue = true;
5582 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5583 this.eatWhitespace(true);
5584 this.indent();
5585 }
5586 } else {
5587 // sass/less parent reference don't use a space
5588 // sass nested pseudo-class don't use a space
5590 // preserve space before pseudoclasses/pseudoelements, as it means "in any child"
5591 if (this._input.lookBack(" ")) {
5592 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5593 }
5594 if (this._input.peek() === ":") {
5595 // pseudo-element
5596 this._ch = this._input.next();
5597 this.print_string("::");
5598 } else {
5599 // pseudo-class
5600 this.print_string(':');
5601 }
5602 }
5603 } else if (this._ch === '"' || this._ch === '\'') {
5604 var preserveQuoteSpace = previous_ch === '"' || previous_ch === '\'';
5605 this.preserveSingleSpace(preserveQuoteSpace || isAfterSpace);
5606 this.print_string(this._ch + this.eatString(this._ch));
5607 this.eatWhitespace(true);
5608 } else if (this._ch === ';') {
5609 insideNonSemiColonValues = false;
5610 if (parenLevel === 0) {
5611 if (insidePropertyValue) {
5612 this.outdent();
5613 insidePropertyValue = false;
5614 }
5615 insideNonNestedAtRule = false;
5616 this.print_string(this._ch);
5617 this.eatWhitespace(true);
5619 // This maintains single line comments on the same
5620 // line. Block comments are also affected, but
5621 // a new line is always output before one inside
5622 // that section
5623 if (this._input.peek() !== '/') {
5624 this._output.add_new_line();
5625 }
5626 } else {
5627 this.print_string(this._ch);
5628 this.eatWhitespace(true);
5629 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5630 }
5631 } else if (this._ch === '(') { // may be a url
5632 if (this._input.lookBack("url")) {
5633 this.print_string(this._ch);
5634 this.eatWhitespace();
5635 parenLevel++;
5636 this.indent();
5637 this._ch = this._input.next();
5638 if (this._ch === ')' || this._ch === '"' || this._ch === '\'') {
5639 this._input.back();
5640 } else if (this._ch) {
5641 this.print_string(this._ch + this.eatString(')'));
5642 if (parenLevel) {
5643 parenLevel--;
5644 this.outdent();
5645 }
5646 }
5647 } else {
5648 var space_needed = false;
5649 if (this._input.lookBack("with")) {
5650 // look back is not an accurate solution, we need tokens to confirm without whitespaces
5651 space_needed = true;
5652 }
5653 this.preserveSingleSpace(isAfterSpace || space_needed);
5654 this.print_string(this._ch);
5656 // handle scss/sass map
5657 if (insidePropertyValue && previous_ch === "$" && this._options.selector_separator_newline) {
5658 this._output.add_new_line();
5659 insideScssMap = true;
5660 } else {
5661 this.eatWhitespace();
5662 parenLevel++;
5663 this.indent();
5664 }
5665 }
5666 } else if (this._ch === ')') {
5667 if (parenLevel) {
5668 parenLevel--;
5669 this.outdent();
5670 }
5671 if (insideScssMap && this._input.peek() === ";" && this._options.selector_separator_newline) {
5672 insideScssMap = false;
5673 this.outdent();
5674 this._output.add_new_line();
5675 }
5676 this.print_string(this._ch);
5677 } else if (this._ch === ',') {
5678 this.print_string(this._ch);
5679 this.eatWhitespace(true);
5680 if (this._options.selector_separator_newline && (!insidePropertyValue || insideScssMap) && parenLevel === 0 && !insideNonNestedAtRule) {
5681 this._output.add_new_line();
5682 } else {
5683 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5684 }
5685 } else if ((this._ch === '>' || this._ch === '+' || this._ch === '~') && !insidePropertyValue && parenLevel === 0) {
5686 //handle combinator spacing
5687 if (this._options.space_around_combinator) {
5688 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5689 this.print_string(this._ch);
5690 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5691 } else {
5692 this.print_string(this._ch);
5693 this.eatWhitespace();
5694 // squash extra whitespace
5695 if (this._ch && whitespaceChar.test(this._ch)) {
5696 this._ch = '';
5697 }
5698 }
5699 } else if (this._ch === ']') {
5700 this.print_string(this._ch);
5701 } else if (this._ch === '[') {
5702 this.preserveSingleSpace(isAfterSpace);
5703 this.print_string(this._ch);
5704 } else if (this._ch === '=') { // no whitespace before or after
5705 this.eatWhitespace();
5706 this.print_string('=');
5707 if (whitespaceChar.test(this._ch)) {
5708 this._ch = '';
5709 }
5710 } else if (this._ch === '!' && !this._input.lookBack("\\")) { // !important
5711 this._output.space_before_token = true;
5712 this.print_string(this._ch);
5713 } else {
5714 var preserveAfterSpace = previous_ch === '"' || previous_ch === '\'';
5715 this.preserveSingleSpace(preserveAfterSpace || isAfterSpace);
5716 this.print_string(this._ch);
5718 if (!this._output.just_added_newline() && this._input.peek() === '\n' && insideNonSemiColonValues) {
5719 this._output.add_new_line();
5720 }
5721 }
5722 }
5724 var sweetCode = this._output.get_code(eol);
5726 return sweetCode;
5727 };
5729 beautifier$1.Beautifier = Beautifier;
5730 return beautifier$1;
5733/*jshint node:true */
5735var hasRequiredCss;
5737function requireCss () {
5738 if (hasRequiredCss) return css.exports;
5739 hasRequiredCss = 1;
5741 var Beautifier = requireBeautifier$1().Beautifier,
5742 Options = requireOptions$1().Options;
5744 function css_beautify(source_text, options) {
5745 var beautifier = new Beautifier(source_text, options);
5746 return beautifier.beautify();
5747 }
5749 css.exports = css_beautify;
5750 css.exports.defaultOptions = function() {
5751 return new Options();
5752 };
5753 return css.exports;
5756var html = {exports: {}};
5758var beautifier = {};
5760var options = {};
5762/*jshint node:true */
5764var hasRequiredOptions;
5766function requireOptions () {
5767 if (hasRequiredOptions) return options;
5768 hasRequiredOptions = 1;
5770 var BaseOptions = requireOptions$3().Options;
5772 function Options(options) {
5773 BaseOptions.call(this, options, 'html');
5774 if (this.templating.length === 1 && this.templating[0] === 'auto') {
5775 this.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'];
5776 }
5778 this.indent_inner_html = this._get_boolean('indent_inner_html');
5779 this.indent_body_inner_html = this._get_boolean('indent_body_inner_html', true);
5780 this.indent_head_inner_html = this._get_boolean('indent_head_inner_html', true);
5782 this.indent_handlebars = this._get_boolean('indent_handlebars', true);
5783 this.wrap_attributes = this._get_selection('wrap_attributes',
5784 ['auto', 'force', 'force-aligned', 'force-expand-multiline', 'aligned-multiple', 'preserve', 'preserve-aligned']);
5785 this.wrap_attributes_min_attrs = this._get_number('wrap_attributes_min_attrs', 2);
5786 this.wrap_attributes_indent_size = this._get_number('wrap_attributes_indent_size', this.indent_size);
5787 this.extra_liners = this._get_array('extra_liners', ['head', 'body', '/html']);
5789 // Block vs inline elements
5790 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Block-level_elements
5791 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Inline_elements
5792 // https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/dom.html#phrasing-content
5793 this.inline = this._get_array('inline', [
5794 'a', 'abbr', 'area', 'audio', 'b', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'br', 'button', 'canvas', 'cite',
5795 'code', 'data', 'datalist', 'del', 'dfn', 'em', 'embed', 'i', 'iframe', 'img',
5796 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'keygen', 'label', 'map', 'mark', 'math', 'meter', 'noscript',
5797 'object', 'output', 'progress', 'q', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', /* 'script', */ 'select', 'small',
5798 'span', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'svg', 'template', 'textarea', 'time', 'u', 'var',
5799 'video', 'wbr', 'text',
5800 // obsolete inline tags
5801 'acronym', 'big', 'strike', 'tt'
5802 ]);
5803 this.inline_custom_elements = this._get_boolean('inline_custom_elements', true);
5804 this.void_elements = this._get_array('void_elements', [
5805 // HTLM void elements - aka self-closing tags - aka singletons
5806 // https://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#void-elements
5807 'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen',
5808 'link', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr',
5809 // NOTE: Optional tags are too complex for a simple list
5810 // they are hard coded in _do_optional_end_element
5812 // Doctype and xml elements
5813 '!doctype', '?xml',
5815 // obsolete tags
5816 // basefont: https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/h/html-basefont-tag.htm
5817 // isndex: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/isindex
5818 'basefont', 'isindex'
5819 ]);
5820 this.unformatted = this._get_array('unformatted', []);
5821 this.content_unformatted = this._get_array('content_unformatted', [
5822 'pre', 'textarea'
5823 ]);
5824 this.unformatted_content_delimiter = this._get_characters('unformatted_content_delimiter');
5825 this.indent_scripts = this._get_selection('indent_scripts', ['normal', 'keep', 'separate']);
5827 }
5828 Options.prototype = new BaseOptions();
5832 options.Options = Options;
5833 return options;
5836var tokenizer$1 = {};
5838/*jshint node:true */
5840var hasRequiredTokenizer;
5842function requireTokenizer () {
5843 if (hasRequiredTokenizer) return tokenizer$1;
5844 hasRequiredTokenizer = 1;
5846 var BaseTokenizer = requireTokenizer$2().Tokenizer;
5847 var BASETOKEN = requireTokenizer$2().TOKEN;
5848 var Directives = requireDirectives().Directives;
5849 var TemplatablePattern = requireTemplatablepattern().TemplatablePattern;
5850 var Pattern = requirePattern().Pattern;
5852 var TOKEN = {
5859 TEXT: 'TK_TEXT',
5864 };
5866 var directives_core = new Directives(/<\!--/, /-->/);
5868 var Tokenizer = function(input_string, options) {
5869 BaseTokenizer.call(this, input_string, options);
5870 this._current_tag_name = '';
5872 // Words end at whitespace or when a tag starts
5873 // if we are indenting handlebars, they are considered tags
5874 var templatable_reader = new TemplatablePattern(this._input).read_options(this._options);
5875 var pattern_reader = new Pattern(this._input);
5877 this.__patterns = {
5878 word: templatable_reader.until(/[\n\r\t <]/),
5879 single_quote: templatable_reader.until_after(/'/),
5880 double_quote: templatable_reader.until_after(/"/),
5881 attribute: templatable_reader.until(/[\n\r\t =>]|\/>/),
5882 element_name: templatable_reader.until(/[\n\r\t >\/]/),
5884 handlebars_comment: pattern_reader.starting_with(/{{!--/).until_after(/--}}/),
5885 handlebars: pattern_reader.starting_with(/{{/).until_after(/}}/),
5886 handlebars_open: pattern_reader.until(/[\n\r\t }]/),
5887 handlebars_raw_close: pattern_reader.until(/}}/),
5888 comment: pattern_reader.starting_with(/<!--/).until_after(/-->/),
5889 cdata: pattern_reader.starting_with(/<!\[CDATA\[/).until_after(/]]>/),
5890 // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conditional_comment
5891 conditional_comment: pattern_reader.starting_with(/<!\[/).until_after(/]>/),
5892 processing: pattern_reader.starting_with(/<\?/).until_after(/\?>/)
5893 };
5895 if (this._options.indent_handlebars) {
5896 this.__patterns.word = this.__patterns.word.exclude('handlebars');
5897 }
5899 this._unformatted_content_delimiter = null;
5901 if (this._options.unformatted_content_delimiter) {
5902 var literal_regexp = this._input.get_literal_regexp(this._options.unformatted_content_delimiter);
5903 this.__patterns.unformatted_content_delimiter =
5904 pattern_reader.matching(literal_regexp)
5905 .until_after(literal_regexp);
5906 }
5907 };
5908 Tokenizer.prototype = new BaseTokenizer();
5910 Tokenizer.prototype._is_comment = function(current_token) { // jshint unused:false
5911 return false; //current_token.type === TOKEN.COMMENT || current_token.type === TOKEN.UNKNOWN;
5912 };
5914 Tokenizer.prototype._is_opening = function(current_token) {
5915 return current_token.type === TOKEN.TAG_OPEN;
5916 };
5918 Tokenizer.prototype._is_closing = function(current_token, open_token) {
5919 return current_token.type === TOKEN.TAG_CLOSE &&
5920 (open_token && (
5921 ((current_token.text === '>' || current_token.text === '/>') && open_token.text[0] === '<') ||
5922 (current_token.text === '}}' && open_token.text[0] === '{' && open_token.text[1] === '{')));
5923 };
5925 Tokenizer.prototype._reset = function() {
5926 this._current_tag_name = '';
5927 };
5929 Tokenizer.prototype._get_next_token = function(previous_token, open_token) { // jshint unused:false
5930 var token = null;
5931 this._readWhitespace();
5932 var c = this._input.peek();
5934 if (c === null) {
5935 return this._create_token(TOKEN.EOF, '');
5936 }
5938 token = token || this._read_open_handlebars(c, open_token);
5939 token = token || this._read_attribute(c, previous_token, open_token);
5940 token = token || this._read_close(c, open_token);
5941 token = token || this._read_raw_content(c, previous_token, open_token);
5942 token = token || this._read_content_word(c);
5943 token = token || this._read_comment_or_cdata(c);
5944 token = token || this._read_processing(c);
5945 token = token || this._read_open(c, open_token);
5946 token = token || this._create_token(TOKEN.UNKNOWN, this._input.next());
5948 return token;
5949 };
5951 Tokenizer.prototype._read_comment_or_cdata = function(c) { // jshint unused:false
5952 var token = null;
5953 var resulting_string = null;
5954 var directives = null;
5956 if (c === '<') {
5957 var peek1 = this._input.peek(1);
5958 // We treat all comments as literals, even more than preformatted tags
5959 // we only look for the appropriate closing marker
5960 if (peek1 === '!') {
5961 resulting_string = this.__patterns.comment.read();
5963 // only process directive on html comments
5964 if (resulting_string) {
5965 directives = directives_core.get_directives(resulting_string);
5966 if (directives && directives.ignore === 'start') {
5967 resulting_string += directives_core.readIgnored(this._input);
5968 }
5969 } else {
5970 resulting_string = this.__patterns.cdata.read();
5971 }
5972 }
5974 if (resulting_string) {
5975 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.COMMENT, resulting_string);
5976 token.directives = directives;
5977 }
5978 }
5980 return token;
5981 };
5983 Tokenizer.prototype._read_processing = function(c) { // jshint unused:false
5984 var token = null;
5985 var resulting_string = null;
5986 var directives = null;
5988 if (c === '<') {
5989 var peek1 = this._input.peek(1);
5990 if (peek1 === '!' || peek1 === '?') {
5991 resulting_string = this.__patterns.conditional_comment.read();
5992 resulting_string = resulting_string || this.__patterns.processing.read();
5993 }
5995 if (resulting_string) {
5996 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.COMMENT, resulting_string);
5997 token.directives = directives;
5998 }
5999 }
6001 return token;
6002 };
6004 Tokenizer.prototype._read_open = function(c, open_token) {
6005 var resulting_string = null;
6006 var token = null;
6007 if (!open_token) {
6008 if (c === '<') {
6010 resulting_string = this._input.next();
6011 if (this._input.peek() === '/') {
6012 resulting_string += this._input.next();
6013 }
6014 resulting_string += this.__patterns.element_name.read();
6015 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.TAG_OPEN, resulting_string);
6016 }
6017 }
6018 return token;
6019 };
6021 Tokenizer.prototype._read_open_handlebars = function(c, open_token) {
6022 var resulting_string = null;
6023 var token = null;
6024 if (!open_token) {
6025 if (this._options.indent_handlebars && c === '{' && this._input.peek(1) === '{') {
6026 if (this._input.peek(2) === '!') {
6027 resulting_string = this.__patterns.handlebars_comment.read();
6028 resulting_string = resulting_string || this.__patterns.handlebars.read();
6029 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.COMMENT, resulting_string);
6030 } else {
6031 resulting_string = this.__patterns.handlebars_open.read();
6032 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.TAG_OPEN, resulting_string);
6033 }
6034 }
6035 }
6036 return token;
6037 };
6040 Tokenizer.prototype._read_close = function(c, open_token) {
6041 var resulting_string = null;
6042 var token = null;
6043 if (open_token) {
6044 if (open_token.text[0] === '<' && (c === '>' || (c === '/' && this._input.peek(1) === '>'))) {
6045 resulting_string = this._input.next();
6046 if (c === '/') { // for close tag "/>"
6047 resulting_string += this._input.next();
6048 }
6049 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.TAG_CLOSE, resulting_string);
6050 } else if (open_token.text[0] === '{' && c === '}' && this._input.peek(1) === '}') {
6051 this._input.next();
6052 this._input.next();
6053 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.TAG_CLOSE, '}}');
6054 }
6055 }
6057 return token;
6058 };
6060 Tokenizer.prototype._read_attribute = function(c, previous_token, open_token) {
6061 var token = null;
6062 var resulting_string = '';
6063 if (open_token && open_token.text[0] === '<') {
6065 if (c === '=') {
6066 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.EQUALS, this._input.next());
6067 } else if (c === '"' || c === "'") {
6068 var content = this._input.next();
6069 if (c === '"') {
6070 content += this.__patterns.double_quote.read();
6071 } else {
6072 content += this.__patterns.single_quote.read();
6073 }
6074 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.VALUE, content);
6075 } else {
6076 resulting_string = this.__patterns.attribute.read();
6078 if (resulting_string) {
6079 if (previous_token.type === TOKEN.EQUALS) {
6080 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.VALUE, resulting_string);
6081 } else {
6082 token = this._create_token(TOKEN.ATTRIBUTE, resulting_string);
6083 }
6084 }
6085 }
6086 }
6087 return token;
6088 };
6090 Tokenizer.prototype._is_content_unformatted = function(tag_name) {
6091 // void_elements have no content and so cannot have unformatted content
6092 // script and style tags should always be read as unformatted content
6093 // finally content_unformatted and unformatted element contents are unformatted
6094 return this._options.void_elements.indexOf(tag_name) === -1 &&
6095 (this._options.content_unformatted.indexOf(tag_name) !== -1 ||
6096 this._options.unformatted.indexOf(tag_name) !== -1);
6097 };
6100 Tokenizer.prototype._read_raw_content = function(c, previous_token, open_token) { // jshint unused:false
6101 var resulting_string = '';
6102 if (open_token && open_token.text[0] === '{') {
6103 resulting_string = this.__patterns.handlebars_raw_close.read();
6104 } else if (previous_token.type === TOKEN.TAG_CLOSE &&
6105 previous_token.opened.text[0] === '<' && previous_token.text[0] !== '/') {
6106 // ^^ empty tag has no content
6107 var tag_name = previous_token.opened.text.substr(1).toLowerCase();
6108 if (tag_name === 'script' || tag_name === 'style') {
6109 // Script and style tags are allowed to have comments wrapping their content
6110 // or just have regular content.
6111 var token = this._read_comment_or_cdata(c);
6112 if (token) {
6113 token.type = TOKEN.TEXT;
6114 return token;
6115 }
6116 resulting_string = this._input.readUntil(new RegExp('</' + tag_name + '[\\n\\r\\t ]*?>', 'ig'));
6117 } else if (this._is_content_unformatted(tag_name)) {
6119 resulting_string = this._input.readUntil(new RegExp('</' + tag_name + '[\\n\\r\\t ]*?>', 'ig'));
6120 }
6121 }
6123 if (resulting_string) {
6124 return this._create_token(TOKEN.TEXT, resulting_string);
6125 }
6127 return null;
6128 };
6130 Tokenizer.prototype._read_content_word = function(c) {
6131 var resulting_string = '';
6132 if (this._options.unformatted_content_delimiter) {
6133 if (c === this._options.unformatted_content_delimiter[0]) {
6134 resulting_string = this.__patterns.unformatted_content_delimiter.read();
6135 }
6136 }
6138 if (!resulting_string) {
6139 resulting_string = this.__patterns.word.read();
6140 }
6141 if (resulting_string) {
6142 return this._create_token(TOKEN.TEXT, resulting_string);
6143 }
6144 };
6146 tokenizer$1.Tokenizer = Tokenizer;
6147 tokenizer$1.TOKEN = TOKEN;
6148 return tokenizer$1;
6151/*jshint node:true */
6153var hasRequiredBeautifier;
6155function requireBeautifier () {
6156 if (hasRequiredBeautifier) return beautifier;
6157 hasRequiredBeautifier = 1;
6159 var Options = requireOptions().Options;
6160 var Output = requireOutput().Output;
6161 var Tokenizer = requireTokenizer().Tokenizer;
6162 var TOKEN = requireTokenizer().TOKEN;
6164 var lineBreak = /\r\n|[\r\n]/;
6165 var allLineBreaks = /\r\n|[\r\n]/g;
6167 var Printer = function(options, base_indent_string) { //handles input/output and some other printing functions
6169 this.indent_level = 0;
6170 this.alignment_size = 0;
6171 this.max_preserve_newlines = options.max_preserve_newlines;
6172 this.preserve_newlines = options.preserve_newlines;
6174 this._output = new Output(options, base_indent_string);
6176 };
6178 Printer.prototype.current_line_has_match = function(pattern) {
6179 return this._output.current_line.has_match(pattern);
6180 };
6182 Printer.prototype.set_space_before_token = function(value, non_breaking) {
6183 this._output.space_before_token = value;
6184 this._output.non_breaking_space = non_breaking;
6185 };
6187 Printer.prototype.set_wrap_point = function() {
6188 this._output.set_indent(this.indent_level, this.alignment_size);
6189 this._output.set_wrap_point();
6190 };
6193 Printer.prototype.add_raw_token = function(token) {
6194 this._output.add_raw_token(token);
6195 };
6197 Printer.prototype.print_preserved_newlines = function(raw_token) {
6198 var newlines = 0;
6199 if (raw_token.type !== TOKEN.TEXT && raw_token.previous.type !== TOKEN.TEXT) {
6200 newlines = raw_token.newlines ? 1 : 0;
6201 }
6203 if (this.preserve_newlines) {
6204 newlines = raw_token.newlines < this.max_preserve_newlines + 1 ? raw_token.newlines : this.max_preserve_newlines + 1;
6205 }
6206 for (var n = 0; n < newlines; n++) {
6207 this.print_newline(n > 0);
6208 }
6210 return newlines !== 0;
6211 };
6213 Printer.prototype.traverse_whitespace = function(raw_token) {
6214 if (raw_token.whitespace_before || raw_token.newlines) {
6215 if (!this.print_preserved_newlines(raw_token)) {
6216 this._output.space_before_token = true;
6217 }
6218 return true;
6219 }
6220 return false;
6221 };
6223 Printer.prototype.previous_token_wrapped = function() {
6224 return this._output.previous_token_wrapped;
6225 };
6227 Printer.prototype.print_newline = function(force) {
6228 this._output.add_new_line(force);
6229 };
6231 Printer.prototype.print_token = function(token) {
6232 if (token.text) {
6233 this._output.set_indent(this.indent_level, this.alignment_size);
6234 this._output.add_token(token.text);
6235 }
6236 };
6238 Printer.prototype.indent = function() {
6239 this.indent_level++;
6240 };
6242 Printer.prototype.get_full_indent = function(level) {
6243 level = this.indent_level + (level || 0);
6244 if (level < 1) {
6245 return '';
6246 }
6248 return this._output.get_indent_string(level);
6249 };
6251 var get_type_attribute = function(start_token) {
6252 var result = null;
6253 var raw_token = start_token.next;
6255 // Search attributes for a type attribute
6256 while (raw_token.type !== TOKEN.EOF && start_token.closed !== raw_token) {
6257 if (raw_token.type === TOKEN.ATTRIBUTE && raw_token.text === 'type') {
6258 if (raw_token.next && raw_token.next.type === TOKEN.EQUALS &&
6259 raw_token.next.next && raw_token.next.next.type === TOKEN.VALUE) {
6260 result = raw_token.next.next.text;
6261 }
6262 break;
6263 }
6264 raw_token = raw_token.next;
6265 }
6267 return result;
6268 };
6270 var get_custom_beautifier_name = function(tag_check, raw_token) {
6271 var typeAttribute = null;
6272 var result = null;
6274 if (!raw_token.closed) {
6275 return null;
6276 }
6278 if (tag_check === 'script') {
6279 typeAttribute = 'text/javascript';
6280 } else if (tag_check === 'style') {
6281 typeAttribute = 'text/css';
6282 }
6284 typeAttribute = get_type_attribute(raw_token) || typeAttribute;
6286 // For script and style tags that have a type attribute, only enable custom beautifiers for matching values
6287 // For those without a type attribute use default;
6288 if (typeAttribute.search('text/css') > -1) {
6289 result = 'css';
6290 } else if (typeAttribute.search(/module|((text|application|dojo)\/(x-)?(javascript|ecmascript|jscript|livescript|(ld\+)?json|method|aspect))/) > -1) {
6291 result = 'javascript';
6292 } else if (typeAttribute.search(/(text|application|dojo)\/(x-)?(html)/) > -1) {
6293 result = 'html';
6294 } else if (typeAttribute.search(/test\/null/) > -1) {
6295 // Test only mime-type for testing the beautifier when null is passed as beautifing function
6296 result = 'null';
6297 }
6299 return result;
6300 };
6302 function in_array(what, arr) {
6303 return arr.indexOf(what) !== -1;
6304 }
6306 function TagFrame(parent, parser_token, indent_level) {
6307 this.parent = parent || null;
6308 this.tag = parser_token ? parser_token.tag_name : '';
6309 this.indent_level = indent_level || 0;
6310 this.parser_token = parser_token || null;
6311 }
6313 function TagStack(printer) {
6314 this._printer = printer;
6315 this._current_frame = null;
6316 }
6318 TagStack.prototype.get_parser_token = function() {
6319 return this._current_frame ? this._current_frame.parser_token : null;
6320 };
6322 TagStack.prototype.record_tag = function(parser_token) { //function to record a tag and its parent in this.tags Object
6323 var new_frame = new TagFrame(this._current_frame, parser_token, this._printer.indent_level);
6324 this._current_frame = new_frame;
6325 };
6327 TagStack.prototype._try_pop_frame = function(frame) { //function to retrieve the opening tag to the corresponding closer
6328 var parser_token = null;
6330 if (frame) {
6331 parser_token = frame.parser_token;
6332 this._printer.indent_level = frame.indent_level;
6333 this._current_frame = frame.parent;
6334 }
6336 return parser_token;
6337 };
6339 TagStack.prototype._get_frame = function(tag_list, stop_list) { //function to retrieve the opening tag to the corresponding closer
6340 var frame = this._current_frame;
6342 while (frame) { //till we reach '' (the initial value);
6343 if (tag_list.indexOf(frame.tag) !== -1) { //if this is it use it
6344 break;
6345 } else if (stop_list && stop_list.indexOf(frame.tag) !== -1) {
6346 frame = null;
6347 break;
6348 }
6349 frame = frame.parent;
6350 }
6352 return frame;
6353 };
6355 TagStack.prototype.try_pop = function(tag, stop_list) { //function to retrieve the opening tag to the corresponding closer
6356 var frame = this._get_frame([tag], stop_list);
6357 return this._try_pop_frame(frame);
6358 };
6360 TagStack.prototype.indent_to_tag = function(tag_list) {
6361 var frame = this._get_frame(tag_list);
6362 if (frame) {
6363 this._printer.indent_level = frame.indent_level;
6364 }
6365 };
6367 function Beautifier(source_text, options, js_beautify, css_beautify) {
6368 //Wrapper function to invoke all the necessary constructors and deal with the output.
6369 this._source_text = source_text || '';
6370 options = options || {};
6371 this._js_beautify = js_beautify;
6372 this._css_beautify = css_beautify;
6373 this._tag_stack = null;
6375 // Allow the setting of language/file-type specific options
6376 // with inheritance of overall settings
6377 var optionHtml = new Options(options, 'html');
6379 this._options = optionHtml;
6381 this._is_wrap_attributes_force = this._options.wrap_attributes.substr(0, 'force'.length) === 'force';
6382 this._is_wrap_attributes_force_expand_multiline = (this._options.wrap_attributes === 'force-expand-multiline');
6383 this._is_wrap_attributes_force_aligned = (this._options.wrap_attributes === 'force-aligned');
6384 this._is_wrap_attributes_aligned_multiple = (this._options.wrap_attributes === 'aligned-multiple');
6385 this._is_wrap_attributes_preserve = this._options.wrap_attributes.substr(0, 'preserve'.length) === 'preserve';
6386 this._is_wrap_attributes_preserve_aligned = (this._options.wrap_attributes === 'preserve-aligned');
6387 }
6389 Beautifier.prototype.beautify = function() {
6391 // if disabled, return the input unchanged.
6392 if (this._options.disabled) {
6393 return this._source_text;
6394 }
6396 var source_text = this._source_text;
6397 var eol = this._options.eol;
6398 if (this._options.eol === 'auto') {
6399 eol = '\n';
6400 if (source_text && lineBreak.test(source_text)) {
6401 eol = source_text.match(lineBreak)[0];
6402 }
6403 }
6405 // HACK: newline parsing inconsistent. This brute force normalizes the input.
6406 source_text = source_text.replace(allLineBreaks, '\n');
6408 var baseIndentString = source_text.match(/^[\t ]*/)[0];
6410 var last_token = {
6411 text: '',
6412 type: ''
6413 };
6415 var last_tag_token = new TagOpenParserToken();
6417 var printer = new Printer(this._options, baseIndentString);
6418 var tokens = new Tokenizer(source_text, this._options).tokenize();
6420 this._tag_stack = new TagStack(printer);
6422 var parser_token = null;
6423 var raw_token = tokens.next();
6424 while (raw_token.type !== TOKEN.EOF) {
6426 if (raw_token.type === TOKEN.TAG_OPEN || raw_token.type === TOKEN.COMMENT) {
6427 parser_token = this._handle_tag_open(printer, raw_token, last_tag_token, last_token, tokens);
6428 last_tag_token = parser_token;
6429 } else if ((raw_token.type === TOKEN.ATTRIBUTE || raw_token.type === TOKEN.EQUALS || raw_token.type === TOKEN.VALUE) ||
6430 (raw_token.type === TOKEN.TEXT && !last_tag_token.tag_complete)) {
6431 parser_token = this._handle_inside_tag(printer, raw_token, last_tag_token, last_token);
6432 } else if (raw_token.type === TOKEN.TAG_CLOSE) {
6433 parser_token = this._handle_tag_close(printer, raw_token, last_tag_token);
6434 } else if (raw_token.type === TOKEN.TEXT) {
6435 parser_token = this._handle_text(printer, raw_token, last_tag_token);
6436 } else {
6437 // This should never happen, but if it does. Print the raw token
6438 printer.add_raw_token(raw_token);
6439 }
6441 last_token = parser_token;
6443 raw_token = tokens.next();
6444 }
6445 var sweet_code = printer._output.get_code(eol);
6447 return sweet_code;
6448 };
6450 Beautifier.prototype._handle_tag_close = function(printer, raw_token, last_tag_token) {
6451 var parser_token = {
6452 text: raw_token.text,
6453 type: raw_token.type
6454 };
6455 printer.alignment_size = 0;
6456 last_tag_token.tag_complete = true;
6458 printer.set_space_before_token(raw_token.newlines || raw_token.whitespace_before !== '', true);
6459 if (last_tag_token.is_unformatted) {
6460 printer.add_raw_token(raw_token);
6461 } else {
6462 if (last_tag_token.tag_start_char === '<') {
6463 printer.set_space_before_token(raw_token.text[0] === '/', true); // space before />, no space before >
6464 if (this._is_wrap_attributes_force_expand_multiline && last_tag_token.has_wrapped_attrs) {
6465 printer.print_newline(false);
6466 }
6467 }
6468 printer.print_token(raw_token);
6470 }
6472 if (last_tag_token.indent_content &&
6473 !(last_tag_token.is_unformatted || last_tag_token.is_content_unformatted)) {
6474 printer.indent();
6476 // only indent once per opened tag
6477 last_tag_token.indent_content = false;
6478 }
6480 if (!last_tag_token.is_inline_element &&
6481 !(last_tag_token.is_unformatted || last_tag_token.is_content_unformatted)) {
6482 printer.set_wrap_point();
6483 }
6485 return parser_token;
6486 };
6488 Beautifier.prototype._handle_inside_tag = function(printer, raw_token, last_tag_token, last_token) {
6489 var wrapped = last_tag_token.has_wrapped_attrs;
6490 var parser_token = {
6491 text: raw_token.text,
6492 type: raw_token.type
6493 };
6495 printer.set_space_before_token(raw_token.newlines || raw_token.whitespace_before !== '', true);
6496 if (last_tag_token.is_unformatted) {
6497 printer.add_raw_token(raw_token);
6498 } else if (last_tag_token.tag_start_char === '{' && raw_token.type === TOKEN.TEXT) {
6499 // For the insides of handlebars allow newlines or a single space between open and contents
6500 if (printer.print_preserved_newlines(raw_token)) {
6501 raw_token.newlines = 0;
6502 printer.add_raw_token(raw_token);
6503 } else {
6504 printer.print_token(raw_token);
6505 }
6506 } else {
6507 if (raw_token.type === TOKEN.ATTRIBUTE) {
6508 printer.set_space_before_token(true);
6509 } else if (raw_token.type === TOKEN.EQUALS) { //no space before =
6510 printer.set_space_before_token(false);
6511 } else if (raw_token.type === TOKEN.VALUE && raw_token.previous.type === TOKEN.EQUALS) { //no space before value
6512 printer.set_space_before_token(false);
6513 }
6515 if (raw_token.type === TOKEN.ATTRIBUTE && last_tag_token.tag_start_char === '<') {
6516 if (this._is_wrap_attributes_preserve || this._is_wrap_attributes_preserve_aligned) {
6517 printer.traverse_whitespace(raw_token);
6518 wrapped = wrapped || raw_token.newlines !== 0;
6519 }
6521 // Wrap for 'force' options, and if the number of attributes is at least that specified in 'wrap_attributes_min_attrs':
6522 // 1. always wrap the second and beyond attributes
6523 // 2. wrap the first attribute only if 'force-expand-multiline' is specified
6524 if (this._is_wrap_attributes_force &&
6525 last_tag_token.attr_count >= this._options.wrap_attributes_min_attrs &&
6526 (last_token.type !== TOKEN.TAG_OPEN || // ie. second attribute and beyond
6527 this._is_wrap_attributes_force_expand_multiline)) {
6528 printer.print_newline(false);
6529 wrapped = true;
6530 }
6531 }
6532 printer.print_token(raw_token);
6533 wrapped = wrapped || printer.previous_token_wrapped();
6534 last_tag_token.has_wrapped_attrs = wrapped;
6535 }
6536 return parser_token;
6537 };
6539 Beautifier.prototype._handle_text = function(printer, raw_token, last_tag_token) {
6540 var parser_token = {
6541 text: raw_token.text,
6542 type: 'TK_CONTENT'
6543 };
6544 if (last_tag_token.custom_beautifier_name) { //check if we need to format javascript
6545 this._print_custom_beatifier_text(printer, raw_token, last_tag_token);
6546 } else if (last_tag_token.is_unformatted || last_tag_token.is_content_unformatted) {
6547 printer.add_raw_token(raw_token);
6548 } else {
6549 printer.traverse_whitespace(raw_token);
6550 printer.print_token(raw_token);
6551 }
6552 return parser_token;
6553 };
6555 Beautifier.prototype._print_custom_beatifier_text = function(printer, raw_token, last_tag_token) {
6556 var local = this;
6557 if (raw_token.text !== '') {
6559 var text = raw_token.text,
6560 _beautifier,
6561 script_indent_level = 1,
6562 pre = '',
6563 post = '';
6564 if (last_tag_token.custom_beautifier_name === 'javascript' && typeof this._js_beautify === 'function') {
6565 _beautifier = this._js_beautify;
6566 } else if (last_tag_token.custom_beautifier_name === 'css' && typeof this._css_beautify === 'function') {
6567 _beautifier = this._css_beautify;
6568 } else if (last_tag_token.custom_beautifier_name === 'html') {
6569 _beautifier = function(html_source, options) {
6570 var beautifier = new Beautifier(html_source, options, local._js_beautify, local._css_beautify);
6571 return beautifier.beautify();
6572 };
6573 }
6575 if (this._options.indent_scripts === "keep") {
6576 script_indent_level = 0;
6577 } else if (this._options.indent_scripts === "separate") {
6578 script_indent_level = -printer.indent_level;
6579 }
6581 var indentation = printer.get_full_indent(script_indent_level);
6583 // if there is at least one empty line at the end of this text, strip it
6584 // we'll be adding one back after the text but before the containing tag.
6585 text = text.replace(/\n[ \t]*$/, '');
6587 // Handle the case where content is wrapped in a comment or cdata.
6588 if (last_tag_token.custom_beautifier_name !== 'html' &&
6589 text[0] === '<' && text.match(/^(<!--|<!\[CDATA\[)/)) {
6590 var matched = /^(<!--[^\n]*|<!\[CDATA\[)(\n?)([ \t\n]*)([\s\S]*)(-->|]]>)$/.exec(text);
6592 // if we start to wrap but don't finish, print raw
6593 if (!matched) {
6594 printer.add_raw_token(raw_token);
6595 return;
6596 }
6598 pre = indentation + matched[1] + '\n';
6599 text = matched[4];
6600 if (matched[5]) {
6601 post = indentation + matched[5];
6602 }
6604 // if there is at least one empty line at the end of this text, strip it
6605 // we'll be adding one back after the text but before the containing tag.
6606 text = text.replace(/\n[ \t]*$/, '');
6608 if (matched[2] || matched[3].indexOf('\n') !== -1) {
6609 // if the first line of the non-comment text has spaces
6610 // use that as the basis for indenting in null case.
6611 matched = matched[3].match(/[ \t]+$/);
6612 if (matched) {
6613 raw_token.whitespace_before = matched[0];
6614 }
6615 }
6616 }
6618 if (text) {
6619 if (_beautifier) {
6621 // call the Beautifier if avaliable
6622 var Child_options = function() {
6623 this.eol = '\n';
6624 };
6625 Child_options.prototype = this._options.raw_options;
6626 var child_options = new Child_options();
6627 text = _beautifier(indentation + text, child_options);
6628 } else {
6629 // simply indent the string otherwise
6630 var white = raw_token.whitespace_before;
6631 if (white) {
6632 text = text.replace(new RegExp('\n(' + white + ')?', 'g'), '\n');
6633 }
6635 text = indentation + text.replace(/\n/g, '\n' + indentation);
6636 }
6637 }
6639 if (pre) {
6640 if (!text) {
6641 text = pre + post;
6642 } else {
6643 text = pre + text + '\n' + post;
6644 }
6645 }
6647 printer.print_newline(false);
6648 if (text) {
6649 raw_token.text = text;
6650 raw_token.whitespace_before = '';
6651 raw_token.newlines = 0;
6652 printer.add_raw_token(raw_token);
6653 printer.print_newline(true);
6654 }
6655 }
6656 };
6658 Beautifier.prototype._handle_tag_open = function(printer, raw_token, last_tag_token, last_token, tokens) {
6659 var parser_token = this._get_tag_open_token(raw_token);
6661 if ((last_tag_token.is_unformatted || last_tag_token.is_content_unformatted) &&
6662 !last_tag_token.is_empty_element &&
6663 raw_token.type === TOKEN.TAG_OPEN && !parser_token.is_start_tag) {
6664 // End element tags for unformatted or content_unformatted elements
6665 // are printed raw to keep any newlines inside them exactly the same.
6666 printer.add_raw_token(raw_token);
6667 parser_token.start_tag_token = this._tag_stack.try_pop(parser_token.tag_name);
6668 } else {
6669 printer.traverse_whitespace(raw_token);
6670 this._set_tag_position(printer, raw_token, parser_token, last_tag_token, last_token);
6671 if (!parser_token.is_inline_element) {
6672 printer.set_wrap_point();
6673 }
6674 printer.print_token(raw_token);
6675 }
6677 // count the number of attributes
6678 if (parser_token.is_start_tag && this._is_wrap_attributes_force) {
6679 var peek_index = 0;
6680 var peek_token;
6681 do {
6682 peek_token = tokens.peek(peek_index);
6683 if (peek_token.type === TOKEN.ATTRIBUTE) {
6684 parser_token.attr_count += 1;
6685 }
6686 peek_index += 1;
6687 } while (peek_token.type !== TOKEN.EOF && peek_token.type !== TOKEN.TAG_CLOSE);
6688 }
6690 //indent attributes an auto, forced, aligned or forced-align line-wrap
6691 if (this._is_wrap_attributes_force_aligned || this._is_wrap_attributes_aligned_multiple || this._is_wrap_attributes_preserve_aligned) {
6692 parser_token.alignment_size = raw_token.text.length + 1;
6693 }
6695 if (!parser_token.tag_complete && !parser_token.is_unformatted) {
6696 printer.alignment_size = parser_token.alignment_size;
6697 }
6699 return parser_token;
6700 };
6702 var TagOpenParserToken = function(parent, raw_token) {
6703 this.parent = parent || null;
6704 this.text = '';
6705 this.type = 'TK_TAG_OPEN';
6706 this.tag_name = '';
6707 this.is_inline_element = false;
6708 this.is_unformatted = false;
6709 this.is_content_unformatted = false;
6710 this.is_empty_element = false;
6711 this.is_start_tag = false;
6712 this.is_end_tag = false;
6713 this.indent_content = false;
6714 this.multiline_content = false;
6715 this.custom_beautifier_name = null;
6716 this.start_tag_token = null;
6717 this.attr_count = 0;
6718 this.has_wrapped_attrs = false;
6719 this.alignment_size = 0;
6720 this.tag_complete = false;
6721 this.tag_start_char = '';
6722 this.tag_check = '';
6724 if (!raw_token) {
6725 this.tag_complete = true;
6726 } else {
6727 var tag_check_match;
6729 this.tag_start_char = raw_token.text[0];
6730 this.text = raw_token.text;
6732 if (this.tag_start_char === '<') {
6733 tag_check_match = raw_token.text.match(/^<([^\s>]*)/);
6734 this.tag_check = tag_check_match ? tag_check_match[1] : '';
6735 } else {
6736 tag_check_match = raw_token.text.match(/^{{~?(?:[\^]|#\*?)?([^\s}]+)/);
6737 this.tag_check = tag_check_match ? tag_check_match[1] : '';
6739 // handle "{{#> myPartial}}" or "{{~#> myPartial}}"
6740 if ((raw_token.text.startsWith('{{#>') || raw_token.text.startsWith('{{~#>')) && this.tag_check[0] === '>') {
6741 if (this.tag_check === '>' && raw_token.next !== null) {
6742 this.tag_check = raw_token.next.text.split(' ')[0];
6743 } else {
6744 this.tag_check = raw_token.text.split('>')[1];
6745 }
6746 }
6747 }
6749 this.tag_check = this.tag_check.toLowerCase();
6751 if (raw_token.type === TOKEN.COMMENT) {
6752 this.tag_complete = true;
6753 }
6755 this.is_start_tag = this.tag_check.charAt(0) !== '/';
6756 this.tag_name = !this.is_start_tag ? this.tag_check.substr(1) : this.tag_check;
6757 this.is_end_tag = !this.is_start_tag ||
6758 (raw_token.closed && raw_token.closed.text === '/>');
6760 // if whitespace handler ~ included (i.e. {{~#if true}}), handlebars tags start at pos 3 not pos 2
6761 var handlebar_starts = 2;
6762 if (this.tag_start_char === '{' && this.text.length >= 3) {
6763 if (this.text.charAt(2) === '~') {
6764 handlebar_starts = 3;
6765 }
6766 }
6768 // handlebars tags that don't start with # or ^ are single_tags, and so also start and end.
6769 this.is_end_tag = this.is_end_tag ||
6770 (this.tag_start_char === '{' && (this.text.length < 3 || (/[^#\^]/.test(this.text.charAt(handlebar_starts)))));
6771 }
6772 };
6774 Beautifier.prototype._get_tag_open_token = function(raw_token) { //function to get a full tag and parse its type
6775 var parser_token = new TagOpenParserToken(this._tag_stack.get_parser_token(), raw_token);
6777 parser_token.alignment_size = this._options.wrap_attributes_indent_size;
6779 parser_token.is_end_tag = parser_token.is_end_tag ||
6780 in_array(parser_token.tag_check, this._options.void_elements);
6782 parser_token.is_empty_element = parser_token.tag_complete ||
6783 (parser_token.is_start_tag && parser_token.is_end_tag);
6785 parser_token.is_unformatted = !parser_token.tag_complete && in_array(parser_token.tag_check, this._options.unformatted);
6786 parser_token.is_content_unformatted = !parser_token.is_empty_element && in_array(parser_token.tag_check, this._options.content_unformatted);
6787 parser_token.is_inline_element = in_array(parser_token.tag_name, this._options.inline) || (this._options.inline_custom_elements && parser_token.tag_name.includes("-")) || parser_token.tag_start_char === '{';
6789 return parser_token;
6790 };
6792 Beautifier.prototype._set_tag_position = function(printer, raw_token, parser_token, last_tag_token, last_token) {
6794 if (!parser_token.is_empty_element) {
6795 if (parser_token.is_end_tag) { //this tag is a double tag so check for tag-ending
6796 parser_token.start_tag_token = this._tag_stack.try_pop(parser_token.tag_name); //remove it and all ancestors
6797 } else { // it's a start-tag
6798 // check if this tag is starting an element that has optional end element
6799 // and do an ending needed
6800 if (this._do_optional_end_element(parser_token)) {
6801 if (!parser_token.is_inline_element) {
6802 printer.print_newline(false);
6803 }
6804 }
6806 this._tag_stack.record_tag(parser_token); //push it on the tag stack
6808 if ((parser_token.tag_name === 'script' || parser_token.tag_name === 'style') &&
6809 !(parser_token.is_unformatted || parser_token.is_content_unformatted)) {
6810 parser_token.custom_beautifier_name = get_custom_beautifier_name(parser_token.tag_check, raw_token);
6811 }
6812 }
6813 }
6815 if (in_array(parser_token.tag_check, this._options.extra_liners)) { //check if this double needs an extra line
6816 printer.print_newline(false);
6817 if (!printer._output.just_added_blankline()) {
6818 printer.print_newline(true);
6819 }
6820 }
6822 if (parser_token.is_empty_element) { //if this tag name is a single tag type (either in the list or has a closing /)
6824 // if you hit an else case, reset the indent level if you are inside an:
6825 // 'if', 'unless', or 'each' block.
6826 if (parser_token.tag_start_char === '{' && parser_token.tag_check === 'else') {
6827 this._tag_stack.indent_to_tag(['if', 'unless', 'each']);
6828 parser_token.indent_content = true;
6829 // Don't add a newline if opening {{#if}} tag is on the current line
6830 var foundIfOnCurrentLine = printer.current_line_has_match(/{{#if/);
6831 if (!foundIfOnCurrentLine) {
6832 printer.print_newline(false);
6833 }
6834 }
6836 // Don't add a newline before elements that should remain where they are.
6837 if (parser_token.tag_name === '!--' && last_token.type === TOKEN.TAG_CLOSE &&
6838 last_tag_token.is_end_tag && parser_token.text.indexOf('\n') === -1) ; else {
6839 if (!(parser_token.is_inline_element || parser_token.is_unformatted)) {
6840 printer.print_newline(false);
6841 }
6842 this._calcluate_parent_multiline(printer, parser_token);
6843 }
6844 } else if (parser_token.is_end_tag) { //this tag is a double tag so check for tag-ending
6845 var do_end_expand = false;
6847 // deciding whether a block is multiline should not be this hard
6848 do_end_expand = parser_token.start_tag_token && parser_token.start_tag_token.multiline_content;
6849 do_end_expand = do_end_expand || (!parser_token.is_inline_element &&
6850 !(last_tag_token.is_inline_element || last_tag_token.is_unformatted) &&
6851 !(last_token.type === TOKEN.TAG_CLOSE && parser_token.start_tag_token === last_tag_token) &&
6852 last_token.type !== 'TK_CONTENT'
6853 );
6855 if (parser_token.is_content_unformatted || parser_token.is_unformatted) {
6856 do_end_expand = false;
6857 }
6859 if (do_end_expand) {
6860 printer.print_newline(false);
6861 }
6862 } else { // it's a start-tag
6863 parser_token.indent_content = !parser_token.custom_beautifier_name;
6865 if (parser_token.tag_start_char === '<') {
6866 if (parser_token.tag_name === 'html') {
6867 parser_token.indent_content = this._options.indent_inner_html;
6868 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'head') {
6869 parser_token.indent_content = this._options.indent_head_inner_html;
6870 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'body') {
6871 parser_token.indent_content = this._options.indent_body_inner_html;
6872 }
6873 }
6875 if (!(parser_token.is_inline_element || parser_token.is_unformatted) &&
6876 (last_token.type !== 'TK_CONTENT' || parser_token.is_content_unformatted)) {
6877 printer.print_newline(false);
6878 }
6880 this._calcluate_parent_multiline(printer, parser_token);
6881 }
6882 };
6884 Beautifier.prototype._calcluate_parent_multiline = function(printer, parser_token) {
6885 if (parser_token.parent && printer._output.just_added_newline() &&
6886 !((parser_token.is_inline_element || parser_token.is_unformatted) && parser_token.parent.is_inline_element)) {
6887 parser_token.parent.multiline_content = true;
6888 }
6889 };
6891 //To be used for <p> tag special case:
6892 var p_closers = ['address', 'article', 'aside', 'blockquote', 'details', 'div', 'dl', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hr', 'main', 'menu', 'nav', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'section', 'table', 'ul'];
6893 var p_parent_excludes = ['a', 'audio', 'del', 'ins', 'map', 'noscript', 'video'];
6895 Beautifier.prototype._do_optional_end_element = function(parser_token) {
6896 var result = null;
6897 // NOTE: cases of "if there is no more content in the parent element"
6898 // are handled automatically by the beautifier.
6899 // It assumes parent or ancestor close tag closes all children.
6900 // https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#optional-tags
6901 if (parser_token.is_empty_element || !parser_token.is_start_tag || !parser_token.parent) {
6902 return;
6904 }
6906 if (parser_token.tag_name === 'body') {
6907 // A head element’s end tag may be omitted if the head element is not immediately followed by a space character or a comment.
6908 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('head');
6910 //} else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'body') {
6911 // DONE: A body element’s end tag may be omitted if the body element is not immediately followed by a comment.
6913 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'li') {
6914 // An li element’s end tag may be omitted if the li element is immediately followed by another li element or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6915 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('li', ['ol', 'ul', 'menu']);
6917 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'dd' || parser_token.tag_name === 'dt') {
6918 // A dd element’s end tag may be omitted if the dd element is immediately followed by another dd element or a dt element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6919 // A dt element’s end tag may be omitted if the dt element is immediately followed by another dt element or a dd element.
6920 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('dt', ['dl']);
6921 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('dd', ['dl']);
6924 } else if (parser_token.parent.tag_name === 'p' && p_closers.indexOf(parser_token.tag_name) !== -1) {
6925 // IMPORTANT: this else-if works because p_closers has no overlap with any other element we look for in this method
6926 // check for the parent element is an HTML element that is not an <a>, <audio>, <del>, <ins>, <map>, <noscript>, or <video> element, or an autonomous custom element.
6927 // To do this right, this needs to be coded as an inclusion of the inverse of the exclusion above.
6928 // But to start with (if we ignore "autonomous custom elements") the exclusion would be fine.
6929 var p_parent = parser_token.parent.parent;
6930 if (!p_parent || p_parent_excludes.indexOf(p_parent.tag_name) === -1) {
6931 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('p');
6932 }
6933 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'rp' || parser_token.tag_name === 'rt') {
6934 // An rt element’s end tag may be omitted if the rt element is immediately followed by an rt or rp element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6935 // An rp element’s end tag may be omitted if the rp element is immediately followed by an rt or rp element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6936 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('rt', ['ruby', 'rtc']);
6937 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('rp', ['ruby', 'rtc']);
6939 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'optgroup') {
6940 // An optgroup element’s end tag may be omitted if the optgroup element is immediately followed by another optgroup element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6941 // An option element’s end tag may be omitted if the option element is immediately followed by another option element, or if it is immediately followed by an optgroup element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6942 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('optgroup', ['select']);
6943 //result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('option', ['select']);
6945 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'option') {
6946 // An option element’s end tag may be omitted if the option element is immediately followed by another option element, or if it is immediately followed by an optgroup element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6947 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('option', ['select', 'datalist', 'optgroup']);
6949 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'colgroup') {
6950 // DONE: A colgroup element’s end tag may be omitted if the colgroup element is not immediately followed by a space character or a comment.
6951 // A caption element's end tag may be ommitted if a colgroup, thead, tfoot, tbody, or tr element is started.
6952 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('caption', ['table']);
6954 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'thead') {
6955 // A colgroup element's end tag may be ommitted if a thead, tfoot, tbody, or tr element is started.
6956 // A caption element's end tag may be ommitted if a colgroup, thead, tfoot, tbody, or tr element is started.
6957 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('caption', ['table']);
6958 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('colgroup', ['table']);
6960 //} else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'caption') {
6961 // DONE: A caption element’s end tag may be omitted if the caption element is not immediately followed by a space character or a comment.
6963 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'tbody' || parser_token.tag_name === 'tfoot') {
6964 // A thead element’s end tag may be omitted if the thead element is immediately followed by a tbody or tfoot element.
6965 // A tbody element’s end tag may be omitted if the tbody element is immediately followed by a tbody or tfoot element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6966 // A colgroup element's end tag may be ommitted if a thead, tfoot, tbody, or tr element is started.
6967 // A caption element's end tag may be ommitted if a colgroup, thead, tfoot, tbody, or tr element is started.
6968 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('caption', ['table']);
6969 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('colgroup', ['table']);
6970 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('thead', ['table']);
6971 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('tbody', ['table']);
6973 //} else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'tfoot') {
6974 // DONE: A tfoot element’s end tag may be omitted if there is no more content in the parent element.
6976 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'tr') {
6977 // A tr element’s end tag may be omitted if the tr element is immediately followed by another tr element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6978 // A colgroup element's end tag may be ommitted if a thead, tfoot, tbody, or tr element is started.
6979 // A caption element's end tag may be ommitted if a colgroup, thead, tfoot, tbody, or tr element is started.
6980 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('caption', ['table']);
6981 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('colgroup', ['table']);
6982 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('tr', ['table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot']);
6984 } else if (parser_token.tag_name === 'th' || parser_token.tag_name === 'td') {
6985 // A td element’s end tag may be omitted if the td element is immediately followed by a td or th element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6986 // A th element’s end tag may be omitted if the th element is immediately followed by a td or th element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.
6987 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('td', ['table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'tr']);
6988 result = result || this._tag_stack.try_pop('th', ['table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'tr']);
6989 }
6991 // Start element omission not handled currently
6992 // A head element’s start tag may be omitted if the element is empty, or if the first thing inside the head element is an element.
6993 // A tbody element’s start tag may be omitted if the first thing inside the tbody element is a tr element, and if the element is not immediately preceded by a tbody, thead, or tfoot element whose end tag has been omitted. (It can’t be omitted if the element is empty.)
6994 // A colgroup element’s start tag may be omitted if the first thing inside the colgroup element is a col element, and if the element is not immediately preceded by another colgroup element whose end tag has been omitted. (It can’t be omitted if the element is empty.)
6996 // Fix up the parent of the parser token
6997 parser_token.parent = this._tag_stack.get_parser_token();
6999 return result;
7000 };
7002 beautifier.Beautifier = Beautifier;
7003 return beautifier;
7006/*jshint node:true */
7008var hasRequiredHtml;
7010function requireHtml () {
7011 if (hasRequiredHtml) return html.exports;
7012 hasRequiredHtml = 1;
7014 var Beautifier = requireBeautifier().Beautifier,
7015 Options = requireOptions().Options;
7017 function style_html(html_source, options, js_beautify, css_beautify) {
7018 var beautifier = new Beautifier(html_source, options, js_beautify, css_beautify);
7019 return beautifier.beautify();
7020 }
7022 html.exports = style_html;
7023 html.exports.defaultOptions = function() {
7024 return new Options();
7025 };
7026 return html.exports;
7029/*jshint node:true */
7031var hasRequiredSrc;
7033function requireSrc () {
7034 if (hasRequiredSrc) return src;
7035 hasRequiredSrc = 1;
7037 var js_beautify = requireJavascript();
7038 var css_beautify = requireCss();
7039 var html_beautify = requireHtml();
7041 function style_html(html_source, options, js, css) {
7042 js = js || js_beautify;
7043 css = css || css_beautify;
7044 return html_beautify(html_source, options, js, css);
7045 }
7046 style_html.defaultOptions = html_beautify.defaultOptions;
7048 src.js = js_beautify;
7049 src.css = css_beautify;
7050 src.html = style_html;
7051 return src;
7054/*jshint node:true */
7056(function (module) {
7058 /**
7059 The following batches are equivalent:
7061 var beautify_js = require('js-beautify');
7062 var beautify_js = require('js-beautify').js;
7063 var beautify_js = require('js-beautify').js_beautify;
7065 var beautify_css = require('js-beautify').css;
7066 var beautify_css = require('js-beautify').css_beautify;
7068 var beautify_html = require('js-beautify').html;
7069 var beautify_html = require('js-beautify').html_beautify;
7071 All methods returned accept two arguments, the source string and an options object.
7072 **/
7074 function get_beautify(js_beautify, css_beautify, html_beautify) {
7075 // the default is js
7076 var beautify = function(src, config) {
7077 return js_beautify.js_beautify(src, config);
7078 };
7080 // short aliases
7081 beautify.js = js_beautify.js_beautify;
7082 beautify.css = css_beautify.css_beautify;
7083 beautify.html = html_beautify.html_beautify;
7085 // legacy aliases
7086 beautify.js_beautify = js_beautify.js_beautify;
7087 beautify.css_beautify = css_beautify.css_beautify;
7088 beautify.html_beautify = html_beautify.html_beautify;
7090 return beautify;
7091 }
7093 {
7094 (function(mod) {
7095 var beautifier = requireSrc();
7096 beautifier.js_beautify = beautifier.js;
7097 beautifier.css_beautify = beautifier.css;
7098 beautifier.html_beautify = beautifier.html;
7100 mod.exports = get_beautify(beautifier, beautifier, beautifier);
7102 })(module);
7103 }
7104} (js));
7106var jsExports = js.exports;
7107var beautify = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(jsExports);
7109var BaseWrapper = /** @class */ (function () {
7110 function BaseWrapper(element) {
7111 var _this = this;
7112 this.isDisabled = function () {
7113 var validTagsToBeDisabled = [
7114 'BUTTON',
7115 'COMMAND',
7116 'FIELDSET',
7117 'KEYGEN',
7118 'OPTGROUP',
7119 'OPTION',
7120 'SELECT',
7121 'TEXTAREA',
7122 'INPUT'
7123 ];
7124 var hasDisabledAttribute = _this.attributes().disabled !== undefined;
7125 var elementCanBeDisabled = isElement(_this.element) &&
7126 validTagsToBeDisabled.includes(_this.element.tagName);
7127 return hasDisabledAttribute && elementCanBeDisabled;
7128 };
7129 this.wrapperElement = element;
7130 }
7131 Object.defineProperty(BaseWrapper.prototype, "element", {
7132 get: function () {
7133 return this.wrapperElement;
7134 },
7135 enumerable: false,
7136 configurable: true
7137 });
7138 BaseWrapper.prototype.findAllDOMElements = function (selector) {
7139 var elementRootNodes = this.getRootNodes().filter(isElement);
7140 if (elementRootNodes.length === 0)
7141 return [];
7142 var result = __spreadArray([], elementRootNodes.filter(function (node) { return node.matches(selector); }), true);
7143 elementRootNodes.forEach(function (rootNode) {
7144 result.push.apply(result, Array.from(rootNode.querySelectorAll(selector)));
7145 });
7146 return result;
7147 };
7148 BaseWrapper.prototype.find = function (selector) {
7149 if (typeof selector === 'object' && 'ref' in selector) {
7150 var currentComponent = this.getCurrentComponent();
7151 if (!currentComponent) {
7152 return createWrapperError('DOMWrapper');
7153 }
7154 var result = currentComponent.refs[selector.ref];
7155 // When using ref inside v-for, then refs contains array of component instances and nodes
7156 if (Array.isArray(result)) {
7157 result = result.length ? result[0] : undefined;
7158 }
7159 if (result instanceof Node) {
7160 return createDOMWrapper(result);
7161 }
7162 else {
7163 return createWrapperError('DOMWrapper');
7164 }
7165 }
7166 var elements = this.findAll(selector);
7167 if (elements.length > 0) {
7168 return elements[0];
7169 }
7170 return createWrapperError('DOMWrapper');
7171 };
7172 BaseWrapper.prototype.findComponent = function (selector) {
7173 var currentComponent = this.getCurrentComponent();
7174 if (!currentComponent) {
7175 return createWrapperError('VueWrapper');
7176 }
7177 if (typeof selector === 'object' && 'ref' in selector) {
7178 var result_1 = currentComponent.refs[selector.ref];
7179 // When using ref inside v-for, then refs contains array of component instances
7180 if (Array.isArray(result_1)) {
7181 result_1 = result_1.length ? result_1[0] : undefined;
7182 }
7183 if (result_1 && !(result_1 instanceof HTMLElement)) {
7184 return createVueWrapper(null, result_1);
7185 }
7186 else {
7187 return createWrapperError('VueWrapper');
7188 }
7189 }
7190 if (matches(currentComponent.vnode, selector) &&
7191 this.element.contains(currentComponent.vnode.el)) {
7192 return createVueWrapper(null, currentComponent.subTree.component
7193 ? currentComponent.subTree.component.proxy
7194 : currentComponent.proxy);
7195 }
7196 var result = this.findAllComponents(selector)[0];
7197 return result !== null && result !== void 0 ? result : createWrapperError('VueWrapper');
7198 };
7199 BaseWrapper.prototype.findAllComponents = function (selector) {
7200 var currentComponent = this.getCurrentComponent();
7201 if (!currentComponent) {
7202 return [];
7203 }
7204 var results = find(currentComponent.subTree, selector);
7205 return results.map(function (c) {
7206 return c.proxy
7207 ? createVueWrapper(null, c.proxy)
7208 : createDOMWrapper(c.vnode.el);
7209 });
7210 };
7211 BaseWrapper.prototype.html = function (options) {
7212 var stringNodes = this.getRootNodes().map(function (node) { return stringifyNode(node); });
7213 if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.raw)
7214 return stringNodes.join('');
7215 return stringNodes
7216 .map(function (node) {
7217 return beautify.html(node, {
7218 unformatted: ['code', 'pre', 'em', 'strong', 'span'],
7219 indent_inner_html: true,
7220 indent_size: 2,
7221 inline_custom_elements: false
7222 // TODO the cast can be removed when @types/js-beautify will be up-to-date
7223 });
7224 })
7225 .join('\n');
7226 };
7227 BaseWrapper.prototype.classes = function (className) {
7228 var classes = isElement(this.element)
7229 ? Array.from(this.element.classList)
7230 : [];
7231 if (className)
7232 return classes.includes(className);
7233 return classes;
7234 };
7235 BaseWrapper.prototype.attributes = function (key) {
7236 var attributeMap = {};
7237 if (isElement(this.element)) {
7238 var attributes = Array.from(this.element.attributes);
7239 for (var _i = 0, attributes_1 = attributes; _i < attributes_1.length; _i++) {
7240 var attribute = attributes_1[_i];
7241 attributeMap[attribute.localName] = attribute.value;
7242 }
7243 }
7244 return key ? attributeMap[key] : attributeMap;
7245 };
7246 BaseWrapper.prototype.text = function () {
7247 return this.getRootNodes().map(textContent).join('');
7248 };
7249 BaseWrapper.prototype.exists = function () {
7250 return true;
7251 };
7252 BaseWrapper.prototype.get = function (selector) {
7253 var result = this.find(selector);
7254 if (result.exists()) {
7255 return result;
7256 }
7257 throw new Error("Unable to get ".concat(selector, " within: ").concat(this.html()));
7258 };
7259 BaseWrapper.prototype.getComponent = function (selector) {
7260 var result = this.findComponent(selector);
7261 if (result.exists()) {
7262 return result;
7263 }
7264 var message = 'Unable to get ';
7265 if (typeof selector === 'string') {
7266 message += "component with selector ".concat(selector);
7267 }
7268 else if ('name' in selector) {
7269 message += "component with name ".concat(selector.name);
7270 }
7271 else if ('ref' in selector) {
7272 message += "component with ref ".concat(selector.ref);
7273 }
7274 else {
7275 message += 'specified component';
7276 }
7277 message += " within: ".concat(this.html());
7278 throw new Error(message);
7279 };
7280 BaseWrapper.prototype.isVisible = function () {
7281 return isElement(this.element) && isElementVisible(this.element);
7282 };
7283 BaseWrapper.prototype.trigger = function (eventString, options) {
7284 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7285 var event_1;
7286 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7287 if (options && options['target']) {
7288 throw Error("[vue-test-utils]: you cannot set the target value of an event. See the notes section " +
7289 "of the docs for more details\u2014" +
7290 "https://vue-test-utils.vuejs.org/api/wrapper/trigger.html");
7291 }
7292 if (this.element && !this.isDisabled()) {
7293 event_1 = createDOMEvent(eventString, options);
7294 // see https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/issues/1854
7295 // fakeTimers provoke an issue as Date.now() always return the same value
7296 // and Vue relies on it to determine if the handler should be invoked
7297 // see https://github.com/vuejs/core/blob/5ee40532a63e0b792e0c1eccf3cf68546a4e23e9/packages/runtime-dom/src/modules/events.ts#L100-L104
7298 // we workaround this issue by manually setting _vts to Date.now() + 1
7299 // thus making sure the event handler is invoked
7300 event_1._vts = Date.now() + 1;
7301 this.element.dispatchEvent(event_1);
7302 }
7303 return [2 /*return*/, nextTick()];
7304 });
7305 });
7306 };
7307 return BaseWrapper;
7310var DOMWrapper = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7311 __extends(DOMWrapper, _super);
7312 function DOMWrapper(element) {
7313 var _this = this;
7314 if (!element) {
7315 return createWrapperError('DOMWrapper');
7316 }
7317 _this = _super.call(this, element) || this;
7318 // plugins hook
7319 config.plugins.DOMWrapper.extend(_this);
7320 return _this;
7321 }
7322 DOMWrapper.prototype.getRootNodes = function () {
7323 return [this.wrapperElement];
7324 };
7325 DOMWrapper.prototype.getCurrentComponent = function () {
7326 var _a;
7327 var component = this.element.__vueParentComponent;
7328 while (((_a = component === null || component === void 0 ? void 0 : component.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.vnode.el) === this.element) {
7329 component = component.parent;
7330 }
7331 return component;
7332 };
7333 DOMWrapper.prototype.find = function (selector) {
7334 var result = _super.prototype.find.call(this, selector);
7335 if (result.exists() && isRefSelector(selector)) {
7336 return this.element.contains(result.element)
7337 ? result
7338 : createWrapperError('DOMWrapper');
7339 }
7340 return result;
7341 };
7342 DOMWrapper.prototype.findAll = function (selector) {
7343 if (!(this.wrapperElement instanceof Element)) {
7344 return [];
7345 }
7346 return Array.from(this.wrapperElement.querySelectorAll(selector), createDOMWrapper);
7347 };
7348 DOMWrapper.prototype.findAllComponents = function (selector) {
7349 var _this = this;
7350 var results = _super.prototype.findAllComponents.call(this, selector);
7351 return results.filter(function (r) { return _this.element.contains(r.element); });
7352 };
7353 DOMWrapper.prototype.setChecked = function () {
7354 return __awaiter(this, arguments, void 0, function (checked) {
7355 var element, type;
7356 if (checked === void 0) { checked = true; }
7357 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7358 element = this.element;
7359 type = this.attributes().type;
7360 if (type === 'radio' && !checked) {
7361 throw Error("wrapper.setChecked() cannot be called with parameter false on a '<input type=\"radio\" /> element.");
7362 }
7363 // we do not want to trigger an event if the user
7364 // attempting set the same value twice
7365 // this is because in a browser setting checked = true when it is
7366 // already true is a no-op; no change event is triggered
7367 if (checked === element.checked) {
7368 return [2 /*return*/];
7369 }
7370 element.checked = checked;
7371 this.trigger('input');
7372 return [2 /*return*/, this.trigger('change')];
7373 });
7374 });
7375 };
7376 DOMWrapper.prototype.setValue = function (value) {
7377 var element = this.element;
7378 var tagName = element.tagName;
7379 var type = this.attributes().type;
7380 if (tagName === 'OPTION') {
7381 this.setSelected();
7382 return Promise.resolve();
7383 }
7384 else if (tagName === 'INPUT' && type === 'checkbox') {
7385 return this.setChecked(value);
7386 }
7387 else if (tagName === 'INPUT' && type === 'radio') {
7388 return this.setChecked(value);
7389 }
7390 else if (tagName === 'SELECT') {
7391 if (Array.isArray(value)) {
7392 var selectElement = element;
7393 for (var i = 0; i < selectElement.options.length; i++) {
7394 var option = selectElement.options[i];
7395 option.selected = value.includes(option.value);
7396 }
7397 }
7398 else {
7399 element.value = value;
7400 }
7401 this.trigger('input');
7402 return this.trigger('change');
7403 }
7404 else if (tagName === 'INPUT' || tagName === 'TEXTAREA') {
7405 element.value = value;
7406 this.trigger('input');
7407 // trigger `change` for `v-model.lazy`
7408 return this.trigger('change');
7409 }
7410 else {
7411 throw Error("wrapper.setValue() cannot be called on ".concat(tagName));
7412 }
7413 };
7414 DOMWrapper.prototype.setSelected = function () {
7415 var element = this.element;
7416 if (element.selected) {
7417 return;
7418 }
7419 // todo - review all non-null assertion operators in project
7420 // search globally for `!.` and with regex `!$`
7421 element.selected = true;
7422 var parentElement = element.parentElement;
7423 if (parentElement.tagName === 'OPTGROUP') {
7424 parentElement = parentElement.parentElement;
7425 }
7426 var parentWrapper = new DOMWrapper(parentElement);
7427 parentWrapper.trigger('input');
7428 return parentWrapper.trigger('change');
7429 };
7430 return DOMWrapper;
7432registerFactory(WrapperType.DOMWrapper, function (element) { return new DOMWrapper(element); });
7434function getRootNodes(vnode) {
7435 if (vnode.shapeFlag & 1 /* ShapeFlags.ELEMENT */) {
7436 return [vnode.el];
7437 }
7438 else if (vnode.shapeFlag & 6 /* ShapeFlags.COMPONENT */) {
7439 var subTree = vnode.component.subTree;
7440 return getRootNodes(subTree);
7441 }
7442 else if (vnode.shapeFlag & 128 /* ShapeFlags.SUSPENSE */) {
7443 return getRootNodes(vnode.suspense.activeBranch);
7444 }
7445 else if (vnode.shapeFlag &
7446 (8 /* ShapeFlags.TEXT_CHILDREN */ | 64 /* ShapeFlags.TELEPORT */)) {
7447 // static node optimization, subTree.children will be static string and will not help us
7448 var result = [vnode.el];
7449 if (vnode.anchor) {
7450 var currentNode = result[0].nextSibling;
7451 while (currentNode && currentNode.previousSibling !== vnode.anchor) {
7452 result.push(currentNode);
7453 currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling;
7454 }
7455 }
7456 return result;
7457 }
7458 else if (vnode.shapeFlag & 16 /* ShapeFlags.ARRAY_CHILDREN */) {
7459 var children = vnode.children.flat();
7460 return children
7461 .flatMap(function (vnode) { return getRootNodes(vnode); })
7462 .filter(isNotNullOrUndefined);
7463 }
7464 // Missing cases which do not need special handling:
7465 // ShapeFlags.SLOTS_CHILDREN comes with ShapeFlags.ELEMENT
7466 // Will hit this default when ShapeFlags is 0
7467 // This is the case for example for unresolved async component without loader
7468 return [];
7471var events = {};
7472function emitted(vm, eventName) {
7473 var cid = vm.$.uid;
7474 var vmEvents = events[cid] || {};
7475 if (eventName) {
7476 return vmEvents ? vmEvents[eventName] : undefined;
7477 }
7478 return vmEvents;
7480var attachEmitListener = function () {
7481 var target = getGlobalThis$1();
7482 // override emit to capture events when devtools is defined
7483 if (target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) {
7484 var _emit_1 = target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.emit;
7485 target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.emit = function (eventType) {
7486 var payload = [];
7487 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
7488 payload[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
7489 }
7490 _emit_1.call.apply(_emit_1, __spreadArray([target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__, eventType], payload, false));
7491 captureDevtoolsVueComponentEmitEvent(eventType, payload);
7492 };
7493 }
7494 else {
7495 // use devtools to capture this "emit"
7496 setDevtoolsHook(createDevTools(), {});
7497 }
7499function captureDevtoolsVueComponentEmitEvent(eventType, payload) {
7500 if (eventType === "component:emit" /* DevtoolsHooks.COMPONENT_EMIT */) {
7501 payload[0]; var componentVM = payload[1], event_1 = payload[2], eventArgs = payload[3];
7502 recordEvent(componentVM, event_1, eventArgs);
7503 }
7505// devtools hook only catches Vue component custom events
7506function createDevTools() {
7507 return {
7508 emit: function (eventType) {
7509 var payload = [];
7510 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
7511 payload[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
7512 }
7513 captureDevtoolsVueComponentEmitEvent(eventType, payload);
7514 }
7515 };
7517var recordEvent = function (vm, event, args) {
7518 // Functional component wrapper creates a parent component
7519 var wrapperVm = vm;
7520 while (typeof (wrapperVm === null || wrapperVm === void 0 ? void 0 : wrapperVm.type) === 'function')
7521 wrapperVm = wrapperVm.parent;
7522 var cid = wrapperVm.uid;
7523 if (!(cid in events)) {
7524 events[cid] = {};
7525 }
7526 if (!(event in events[cid])) {
7527 events[cid][event] = [];
7528 }
7529 // Record the event message sent by the emit
7530 events[cid][event].push(args);
7532var removeEventHistory = function (vm) {
7533 var cid = vm.$.uid;
7534 delete events[cid];
7538 * Creates a proxy around the VM instance.
7539 * This proxy returns the value from the setupState if there is one, or the one from the VM if not.
7540 * See https://github.com/vuejs/core/issues/7103
7541 */
7542function createVMProxy(vm, setupState) {
7543 return new Proxy(vm, {
7544 get: function (vm, key, receiver) {
7545 if (vm.$.exposed && vm.$.exposeProxy && key in vm.$.exposeProxy) {
7546 // first if the key is exposed
7547 return Reflect.get(vm.$.exposeProxy, key, receiver);
7548 }
7549 else if (key in setupState) {
7550 // second if the key is acccessible from the setupState
7551 return Reflect.get(setupState, key, receiver);
7552 }
7553 else if (key in vm.$.appContext.config.globalProperties) {
7554 // third if the key is a global property
7555 return Reflect.get(vm.$.appContext.config.globalProperties, key, receiver);
7556 }
7557 else {
7558 // vm.$.ctx is the internal context of the vm
7559 // with all variables, methods and props
7560 return vm.$.ctx[key];
7561 }
7562 },
7563 set: function (vm, key, value, receiver) {
7564 if (key in setupState) {
7565 return Reflect.set(setupState, key, value, receiver);
7566 }
7567 else {
7568 return Reflect.set(vm, key, value, receiver);
7569 }
7570 },
7571 has: function (vm, property) {
7572 return Reflect.has(setupState, property) || Reflect.has(vm, property);
7573 },
7574 defineProperty: function (vm, key, attributes) {
7575 if (key in setupState) {
7576 return Reflect.defineProperty(setupState, key, attributes);
7577 }
7578 else {
7579 return Reflect.defineProperty(vm, key, attributes);
7580 }
7581 },
7582 getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function (vm, property) {
7583 if (property in setupState) {
7584 return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(setupState, property);
7585 }
7586 else {
7587 return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(vm, property);
7588 }
7589 },
7590 deleteProperty: function (vm, property) {
7591 if (property in setupState) {
7592 return Reflect.deleteProperty(setupState, property);
7593 }
7594 else {
7595 return Reflect.deleteProperty(vm, property);
7596 }
7597 }
7598 });
7600var VueWrapper = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7601 __extends(VueWrapper, _super);
7602 function VueWrapper(app, vm, setProps) {
7603 var _this = _super.call(this, vm === null || vm === void 0 ? void 0 : vm.$el) || this;
7604 _this.cleanUpCallbacks = [];
7605 _this.__app = app;
7606 // root is null on functional components
7607 _this.rootVM = vm === null || vm === void 0 ? void 0 : vm.$root;
7608 // `vm.$.setupState` is what the template has access to
7609 // so even if the component is closed (as they are by default for `script setup`)
7610 // a test will still be able to do something like
7611 // `expect(wrapper.vm.count).toBe(1)`
7612 // if we return it as `vm`
7613 // This does not work for functional components though (as they have no vm)
7614 // or for components with a setup that returns a render function (as they have an empty proxy)
7615 // in both cases, we return `vm` directly instead
7616 if (hasSetupState(vm)) {
7617 _this.componentVM = createVMProxy(vm, vm.$.setupState);
7618 }
7619 else {
7620 _this.componentVM = vm;
7621 }
7622 _this.__setProps = setProps;
7623 _this.attachNativeEventListener();
7624 config.plugins.VueWrapper.extend(_this);
7625 return _this;
7626 }
7627 Object.defineProperty(VueWrapper.prototype, "hasMultipleRoots", {
7628 get: function () {
7629 // Recursive check subtree for nested root elements
7630 // <template>
7631 // <WithMultipleRoots />
7632 // </template>
7633 var checkTree = function (subTree) {
7634 var _a;
7635 // if the subtree is an array of children, we have multiple root nodes
7636 if (subTree.shapeFlag === 16 /* ShapeFlags.ARRAY_CHILDREN */)
7637 return true;
7638 if (subTree.shapeFlag & 4 /* ShapeFlags.STATEFUL_COMPONENT */ ||
7639 subTree.shapeFlag & 2 /* ShapeFlags.FUNCTIONAL_COMPONENT */) {
7640 // We are rendering other component, check it's tree instead
7641 if ((_a = subTree.component) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.subTree) {
7642 return checkTree(subTree.component.subTree);
7643 }
7644 // Component has multiple children
7645 if (subTree.shapeFlag & 16 /* ShapeFlags.ARRAY_CHILDREN */) {
7646 return true;
7647 }
7648 }
7649 return false;
7650 };
7651 return checkTree(this.vm.$.subTree);
7652 },
7653 enumerable: false,
7654 configurable: true
7655 });
7656 VueWrapper.prototype.getRootNodes = function () {
7657 return getRootNodes(this.vm.$.vnode);
7658 };
7659 Object.defineProperty(VueWrapper.prototype, "parentElement", {
7660 get: function () {
7661 return this.vm.$el.parentElement;
7662 },
7663 enumerable: false,
7664 configurable: true
7665 });
7666 VueWrapper.prototype.getCurrentComponent = function () {
7667 return this.vm.$;
7668 };
7669 VueWrapper.prototype.exists = function () {
7670 return !this.getCurrentComponent().isUnmounted;
7671 };
7672 VueWrapper.prototype.findAll = function (selector) {
7673 return this.findAllDOMElements(selector).map(createDOMWrapper);
7674 };
7675 VueWrapper.prototype.attachNativeEventListener = function () {
7676 var vm = this.vm;
7677 if (!vm)
7678 return;
7679 var emits = vm.$options.emits
7680 ? // if emits is declared as an array
7681 Array.isArray(vm.$options.emits)
7682 ? // use it
7683 vm.$options.emits
7684 : // otherwise it's declared as an object
7685 // and we only need the keys
7686 Object.keys(vm.$options.emits)
7687 : [];
7688 var elementRoots = this.getRootNodes().filter(function (node) { return node instanceof Element; });
7689 if (elementRoots.length !== 1) {
7690 return;
7691 }
7692 var element = elementRoots[0];
7693 var _loop_1 = function (eventName) {
7694 // if a component includes events in 'emits' with the same name as native
7695 // events, the native events with that name should be ignored
7696 // @see https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/blob/master/active-rfcs/0030-emits-option.md#fallthrough-control
7697 if (emits.includes(eventName))
7698 return "continue";
7699 var eventListener = function () {
7700 var args = [];
7701 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
7702 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
7703 }
7704 recordEvent(vm.$, eventName, args);
7705 };
7706 element.addEventListener(eventName, eventListener);
7707 this_1.cleanUpCallbacks.push(function () {
7708 element.removeEventListener(eventName, eventListener);
7709 });
7710 };
7711 var this_1 = this;
7712 for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(domEvents); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
7713 var eventName = _a[_i];
7714 _loop_1(eventName);
7715 }
7716 };
7717 Object.defineProperty(VueWrapper.prototype, "element", {
7718 get: function () {
7719 // if the component has multiple root elements, we use the parent's element
7720 return this.hasMultipleRoots ? this.parentElement : this.vm.$el;
7721 },
7722 enumerable: false,
7723 configurable: true
7724 });
7725 Object.defineProperty(VueWrapper.prototype, "vm", {
7726 get: function () {
7727 return this.componentVM;
7728 },
7729 enumerable: false,
7730 configurable: true
7731 });
7732 VueWrapper.prototype.props = function (selector) {
7733 var props = this.componentVM.$props;
7734 return selector ? props[selector] : props;
7735 };
7736 VueWrapper.prototype.emitted = function (eventName) {
7737 return emitted(this.vm, eventName);
7738 };
7739 VueWrapper.prototype.isVisible = function () {
7740 var domWrapper = createDOMWrapper(this.element);
7741 return domWrapper.isVisible();
7742 };
7743 VueWrapper.prototype.setData = function (data) {
7744 mergeDeep(this.componentVM.$data, data);
7745 return nextTick();
7746 };
7747 VueWrapper.prototype.setProps = function (props) {
7748 // if this VM's parent is not the root or if setProps does not exist, error out
7749 if (this.vm.$parent !== this.rootVM || !this.__setProps) {
7750 throw Error('You can only use setProps on your mounted component');
7751 }
7752 this.__setProps(props);
7753 return nextTick();
7754 };
7755 VueWrapper.prototype.setValue = function (value, prop) {
7756 var propEvent = prop || 'modelValue';
7757 this.vm.$emit("update:".concat(propEvent), value);
7758 return this.vm.$nextTick();
7759 };
7760 VueWrapper.prototype.unmount = function () {
7761 // preventing dispose of child component
7762 if (!this.__app) {
7763 throw new Error("wrapper.unmount() can only be called by the root wrapper");
7764 }
7765 // Clear emitted events cache for this component instance
7766 removeEventHistory(this.vm);
7767 this.cleanUpCallbacks.forEach(function (cb) { return cb(); });
7768 this.cleanUpCallbacks = [];
7769 this.__app.unmount();
7770 };
7771 return VueWrapper;
7773registerFactory(WrapperType.VueWrapper, function (app, vm, setProps) { return new VueWrapper(app, vm, setProps); });
7776* @vue/shared v3.4.26
7777* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
7778* @license MIT
7780/*! #__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */
7781// @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__
7782function makeMap(str, expectsLowerCase) {
7783 const set = new Set(str.split(","));
7784 return expectsLowerCase ? (val) => set.has(val.toLowerCase()) : (val) => set.has(val);
7787const EMPTY_OBJ = Object.freeze({}) ;
7788const NOOP = () => {
7790const NO = () => false;
7791const isOn = (key) => key.charCodeAt(0) === 111 && key.charCodeAt(1) === 110 && // uppercase letter
7792(key.charCodeAt(2) > 122 || key.charCodeAt(2) < 97);
7793const extend = Object.assign;
7794const isArray = Array.isArray;
7795const isFunction = (val) => typeof val === "function";
7796const isString = (val) => typeof val === "string";
7797const isSymbol = (val) => typeof val === "symbol";
7798const isObject = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === "object";
7799const isPromise = (val) => {
7800 return (isObject(val) || isFunction(val)) && isFunction(val.then) && isFunction(val.catch);
7802const isReservedProp = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(
7803 // the leading comma is intentional so empty string "" is also included
7804 ",key,ref,ref_for,ref_key,onVnodeBeforeMount,onVnodeMounted,onVnodeBeforeUpdate,onVnodeUpdated,onVnodeBeforeUnmount,onVnodeUnmounted"
7806const isBuiltInDirective = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(
7807 "bind,cloak,else-if,else,for,html,if,model,on,once,pre,show,slot,text,memo"
7809const cacheStringFunction = (fn) => {
7810 const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
7811 return (str) => {
7812 const hit = cache[str];
7813 return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str));
7814 };
7816const camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
7817const camelize = cacheStringFunction((str) => {
7818 return str.replace(camelizeRE, (_, c) => c ? c.toUpperCase() : "");
7820const hyphenateRE = /\B([A-Z])/g;
7821const hyphenate = cacheStringFunction(
7822 (str) => str.replace(hyphenateRE, "-$1").toLowerCase()
7824const capitalize = cacheStringFunction((str) => {
7825 return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
7827const toHandlerKey = cacheStringFunction((str) => {
7828 const s = str ? `on${capitalize(str)}` : ``;
7829 return s;
7831let _globalThis;
7832const getGlobalThis = () => {
7833 return _globalThis || (_globalThis = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : {});
7835const PatchFlagNames = {
7836 [1]: `TEXT`,
7837 [2]: `CLASS`,
7838 [4]: `STYLE`,
7839 [8]: `PROPS`,
7840 [16]: `FULL_PROPS`,
7841 [32]: `NEED_HYDRATION`,
7842 [64]: `STABLE_FRAGMENT`,
7843 [128]: `KEYED_FRAGMENT`,
7844 [256]: `UNKEYED_FRAGMENT`,
7845 [512]: `NEED_PATCH`,
7846 [1024]: `DYNAMIC_SLOTS`,
7847 [2048]: `DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT`,
7848 [-1]: `HOISTED`,
7849 [-2]: `BAIL`
7851const slotFlagsText = {
7852 [1]: "STABLE",
7853 [2]: "DYNAMIC",
7854 [3]: "FORWARDED"
7857function normalizeStyle(value) {
7858 if (isArray(value)) {
7859 const res = {};
7860 for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
7861 const item = value[i];
7862 const normalized = isString(item) ? parseStringStyle(item) : normalizeStyle(item);
7863 if (normalized) {
7864 for (const key in normalized) {
7865 res[key] = normalized[key];
7866 }
7867 }
7868 }
7869 return res;
7870 } else if (isString(value) || isObject(value)) {
7871 return value;
7872 }
7874const listDelimiterRE = /;(?![^(]*\))/g;
7875const propertyDelimiterRE = /:([^]+)/;
7876const styleCommentRE = /\/\*[^]*?\*\//g;
7877function parseStringStyle(cssText) {
7878 const ret = {};
7879 cssText.replace(styleCommentRE, "").split(listDelimiterRE).forEach((item) => {
7880 if (item) {
7881 const tmp = item.split(propertyDelimiterRE);
7882 tmp.length > 1 && (ret[tmp[0].trim()] = tmp[1].trim());
7883 }
7884 });
7885 return ret;
7887function stringifyStyle(styles) {
7888 let ret = "";
7889 if (!styles || isString(styles)) {
7890 return ret;
7891 }
7892 for (const key in styles) {
7893 const value = styles[key];
7894 const normalizedKey = key.startsWith(`--`) ? key : hyphenate(key);
7895 if (isString(value) || typeof value === "number") {
7896 ret += `${normalizedKey}:${value};`;
7897 }
7898 }
7899 return ret;
7901function normalizeClass(value) {
7902 let res = "";
7903 if (isString(value)) {
7904 res = value;
7905 } else if (isArray(value)) {
7906 for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
7907 const normalized = normalizeClass(value[i]);
7908 if (normalized) {
7909 res += normalized + " ";
7910 }
7911 }
7912 } else if (isObject(value)) {
7913 for (const name in value) {
7914 if (value[name]) {
7915 res += name + " ";
7916 }
7917 }
7918 }
7919 return res.trim();
7922const HTML_TAGS = "html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,header,hgroup,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,summary,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot";
7923const SVG_TAGS = "svg,animate,animateMotion,animateTransform,circle,clipPath,color-profile,defs,desc,discard,ellipse,feBlend,feColorMatrix,feComponentTransfer,feComposite,feConvolveMatrix,feDiffuseLighting,feDisplacementMap,feDistantLight,feDropShadow,feFlood,feFuncA,feFuncB,feFuncG,feFuncR,feGaussianBlur,feImage,feMerge,feMergeNode,feMorphology,feOffset,fePointLight,feSpecularLighting,feSpotLight,feTile,feTurbulence,filter,foreignObject,g,hatch,hatchpath,image,line,linearGradient,marker,mask,mesh,meshgradient,meshpatch,meshrow,metadata,mpath,path,pattern,polygon,polyline,radialGradient,rect,set,solidcolor,stop,switch,symbol,text,textPath,title,tspan,unknown,use,view";
7924const MATH_TAGS = "annotation,annotation-xml,maction,maligngroup,malignmark,math,menclose,merror,mfenced,mfrac,mfraction,mglyph,mi,mlabeledtr,mlongdiv,mmultiscripts,mn,mo,mover,mpadded,mphantom,mprescripts,mroot,mrow,ms,mscarries,mscarry,msgroup,msline,mspace,msqrt,msrow,mstack,mstyle,msub,msubsup,msup,mtable,mtd,mtext,mtr,munder,munderover,none,semantics";
7925const VOID_TAGS = "area,base,br,col,embed,hr,img,input,link,meta,param,source,track,wbr";
7926const isHTMLTag = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(HTML_TAGS);
7927const isSVGTag = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(SVG_TAGS);
7928const isMathMLTag = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(MATH_TAGS);
7929const isVoidTag = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(VOID_TAGS);
7931const specialBooleanAttrs = `itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly`;
7932const isBooleanAttr = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(
7933 specialBooleanAttrs + `,async,autofocus,autoplay,controls,default,defer,disabled,hidden,inert,loop,open,required,reversed,scoped,seamless,checked,muted,multiple,selected`
7935function includeBooleanAttr(value) {
7936 return !!value || value === "";
7938const unsafeAttrCharRE = /[>/="'\u0009\u000a\u000c\u0020]/;
7939const attrValidationCache = {};
7940function isSSRSafeAttrName(name) {
7941 if (attrValidationCache.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
7942 return attrValidationCache[name];
7943 }
7944 const isUnsafe = unsafeAttrCharRE.test(name);
7945 if (isUnsafe) {
7946 console.error(`unsafe attribute name: ${name}`);
7947 }
7948 return attrValidationCache[name] = !isUnsafe;
7950const propsToAttrMap = {
7951 acceptCharset: "accept-charset",
7952 className: "class",
7953 htmlFor: "for",
7954 httpEquiv: "http-equiv"
7956function isRenderableAttrValue(value) {
7957 if (value == null) {
7958 return false;
7959 }
7960 const type = typeof value;
7961 return type === "string" || type === "number" || type === "boolean";
7964const escapeRE = /["'&<>]/;
7965function escapeHtml(string) {
7966 const str = "" + string;
7967 const match = escapeRE.exec(str);
7968 if (!match) {
7969 return str;
7970 }
7971 let html = "";
7972 let escaped;
7973 let index;
7974 let lastIndex = 0;
7975 for (index = match.index; index < str.length; index++) {
7976 switch (str.charCodeAt(index)) {
7977 case 34:
7978 escaped = "&quot;";
7979 break;
7980 case 38:
7981 escaped = "&amp;";
7982 break;
7983 case 39:
7984 escaped = "&#39;";
7985 break;
7986 case 60:
7987 escaped = "&lt;";
7988 break;
7989 case 62:
7990 escaped = "&gt;";
7991 break;
7992 default:
7993 continue;
7994 }
7995 if (lastIndex !== index) {
7996 html += str.slice(lastIndex, index);
7997 }
7998 lastIndex = index + 1;
7999 html += escaped;
8000 }
8001 return lastIndex !== index ? html + str.slice(lastIndex, index) : html;
8003const commentStripRE = /^-?>|<!--|-->|--!>|<!-$/g;
8004function escapeHtmlComment(src) {
8005 return src.replace(commentStripRE, "");
8009* @vue/compiler-core v3.4.26
8010* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
8011* @license MIT
8014const FRAGMENT = Symbol(`Fragment` );
8015const TELEPORT = Symbol(`Teleport` );
8016const SUSPENSE = Symbol(`Suspense` );
8017const KEEP_ALIVE = Symbol(`KeepAlive` );
8018const BASE_TRANSITION = Symbol(`BaseTransition` );
8019const OPEN_BLOCK = Symbol(`openBlock` );
8020const CREATE_BLOCK = Symbol(`createBlock` );
8021const CREATE_ELEMENT_BLOCK = Symbol(`createElementBlock` );
8022const CREATE_VNODE = Symbol(`createVNode` );
8023const CREATE_ELEMENT_VNODE = Symbol(`createElementVNode` );
8024const CREATE_COMMENT = Symbol(`createCommentVNode` );
8025const CREATE_TEXT = Symbol(`createTextVNode` );
8026const CREATE_STATIC = Symbol(`createStaticVNode` );
8027const RESOLVE_COMPONENT = Symbol(`resolveComponent` );
8029 `resolveDynamicComponent`
8031const RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE = Symbol(`resolveDirective` );
8032const RESOLVE_FILTER = Symbol(`resolveFilter` );
8033const WITH_DIRECTIVES = Symbol(`withDirectives` );
8034const RENDER_LIST = Symbol(`renderList` );
8035const RENDER_SLOT = Symbol(`renderSlot` );
8036const CREATE_SLOTS = Symbol(`createSlots` );
8037const TO_DISPLAY_STRING = Symbol(`toDisplayString` );
8038const MERGE_PROPS = Symbol(`mergeProps` );
8039const NORMALIZE_CLASS = Symbol(`normalizeClass` );
8040const NORMALIZE_STYLE = Symbol(`normalizeStyle` );
8041const NORMALIZE_PROPS = Symbol(`normalizeProps` );
8042const GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS = Symbol(`guardReactiveProps` );
8043const TO_HANDLERS = Symbol(`toHandlers` );
8044const CAMELIZE = Symbol(`camelize` );
8045const CAPITALIZE = Symbol(`capitalize` );
8046const TO_HANDLER_KEY = Symbol(`toHandlerKey` );
8047const SET_BLOCK_TRACKING = Symbol(`setBlockTracking` );
8048const PUSH_SCOPE_ID = Symbol(`pushScopeId` );
8049const POP_SCOPE_ID = Symbol(`popScopeId` );
8050const WITH_CTX = Symbol(`withCtx` );
8051const UNREF = Symbol(`unref` );
8052const IS_REF = Symbol(`isRef` );
8053const WITH_MEMO = Symbol(`withMemo` );
8054const IS_MEMO_SAME = Symbol(`isMemoSame` );
8055const helperNameMap = {
8056 [FRAGMENT]: `Fragment`,
8057 [TELEPORT]: `Teleport`,
8058 [SUSPENSE]: `Suspense`,
8059 [KEEP_ALIVE]: `KeepAlive`,
8060 [BASE_TRANSITION]: `BaseTransition`,
8061 [OPEN_BLOCK]: `openBlock`,
8062 [CREATE_BLOCK]: `createBlock`,
8063 [CREATE_ELEMENT_BLOCK]: `createElementBlock`,
8064 [CREATE_VNODE]: `createVNode`,
8065 [CREATE_ELEMENT_VNODE]: `createElementVNode`,
8066 [CREATE_COMMENT]: `createCommentVNode`,
8067 [CREATE_TEXT]: `createTextVNode`,
8068 [CREATE_STATIC]: `createStaticVNode`,
8069 [RESOLVE_COMPONENT]: `resolveComponent`,
8070 [RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT]: `resolveDynamicComponent`,
8071 [RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE]: `resolveDirective`,
8072 [RESOLVE_FILTER]: `resolveFilter`,
8073 [WITH_DIRECTIVES]: `withDirectives`,
8074 [RENDER_LIST]: `renderList`,
8075 [RENDER_SLOT]: `renderSlot`,
8076 [CREATE_SLOTS]: `createSlots`,
8077 [TO_DISPLAY_STRING]: `toDisplayString`,
8078 [MERGE_PROPS]: `mergeProps`,
8079 [NORMALIZE_CLASS]: `normalizeClass`,
8080 [NORMALIZE_STYLE]: `normalizeStyle`,
8081 [NORMALIZE_PROPS]: `normalizeProps`,
8082 [GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS]: `guardReactiveProps`,
8083 [TO_HANDLERS]: `toHandlers`,
8084 [CAMELIZE]: `camelize`,
8085 [CAPITALIZE]: `capitalize`,
8086 [TO_HANDLER_KEY]: `toHandlerKey`,
8087 [SET_BLOCK_TRACKING]: `setBlockTracking`,
8088 [PUSH_SCOPE_ID]: `pushScopeId`,
8089 [POP_SCOPE_ID]: `popScopeId`,
8090 [WITH_CTX]: `withCtx`,
8091 [UNREF]: `unref`,
8092 [IS_REF]: `isRef`,
8093 [WITH_MEMO]: `withMemo`,
8094 [IS_MEMO_SAME]: `isMemoSame`
8096function registerRuntimeHelpers(helpers) {
8097 Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(helpers).forEach((s) => {
8098 helperNameMap[s] = helpers[s];
8099 });
8101const locStub = {
8102 start: { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 },
8103 end: { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 },
8104 source: ""
8106function createRoot(children, source = "") {
8107 return {
8108 type: 0,
8109 source,
8110 children,
8111 helpers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
8112 components: [],
8113 directives: [],
8114 hoists: [],
8115 imports: [],
8116 cached: 0,
8117 temps: 0,
8118 codegenNode: void 0,
8119 loc: locStub
8120 };
8122function createVNodeCall(context, tag, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps, directives, isBlock = false, disableTracking = false, isComponent = false, loc = locStub) {
8123 if (context) {
8124 if (isBlock) {
8125 context.helper(OPEN_BLOCK);
8126 context.helper(getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, isComponent));
8127 } else {
8128 context.helper(getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, isComponent));
8129 }
8130 if (directives) {
8131 context.helper(WITH_DIRECTIVES);
8132 }
8133 }
8134 return {
8135 type: 13,
8136 tag,
8137 props,
8138 children,
8139 patchFlag,
8140 dynamicProps,
8141 directives,
8142 isBlock,
8143 disableTracking,
8144 isComponent,
8145 loc
8146 };
8148function createArrayExpression(elements, loc = locStub) {
8149 return {
8150 type: 17,
8151 loc,
8152 elements
8153 };
8155function createObjectExpression(properties, loc = locStub) {
8156 return {
8157 type: 15,
8158 loc,
8159 properties
8160 };
8162function createObjectProperty(key, value) {
8163 return {
8164 type: 16,
8165 loc: locStub,
8166 key: isString(key) ? createSimpleExpression(key, true) : key,
8167 value
8168 };
8170function createSimpleExpression(content, isStatic = false, loc = locStub, constType = 0) {
8171 return {
8172 type: 4,
8173 loc,
8174 content,
8175 isStatic,
8176 constType: isStatic ? 3 : constType
8177 };
8179function createCompoundExpression(children, loc = locStub) {
8180 return {
8181 type: 8,
8182 loc,
8183 children
8184 };
8186function createCallExpression(callee, args = [], loc = locStub) {
8187 return {
8188 type: 14,
8189 loc,
8190 callee,
8191 arguments: args
8192 };
8194function createFunctionExpression(params, returns = void 0, newline = false, isSlot = false, loc = locStub) {
8195 return {
8196 type: 18,
8197 params,
8198 returns,
8199 newline,
8200 isSlot,
8201 loc
8202 };
8204function createConditionalExpression(test, consequent, alternate, newline = true) {
8205 return {
8206 type: 19,
8207 test,
8208 consequent,
8209 alternate,
8210 newline,
8211 loc: locStub
8212 };
8214function createCacheExpression(index, value, isVNode = false) {
8215 return {
8216 type: 20,
8217 index,
8218 value,
8219 isVNode,
8220 loc: locStub
8221 };
8223function createBlockStatement(body) {
8224 return {
8225 type: 21,
8226 body,
8227 loc: locStub
8228 };
8230function getVNodeHelper(ssr, isComponent) {
8231 return ssr || isComponent ? CREATE_VNODE : CREATE_ELEMENT_VNODE;
8233function getVNodeBlockHelper(ssr, isComponent) {
8234 return ssr || isComponent ? CREATE_BLOCK : CREATE_ELEMENT_BLOCK;
8236function convertToBlock(node, { helper, removeHelper, inSSR }) {
8237 if (!node.isBlock) {
8238 node.isBlock = true;
8239 removeHelper(getVNodeHelper(inSSR, node.isComponent));
8240 helper(OPEN_BLOCK);
8241 helper(getVNodeBlockHelper(inSSR, node.isComponent));
8242 }
8245const defaultDelimitersOpen = new Uint8Array([123, 123]);
8246const defaultDelimitersClose = new Uint8Array([125, 125]);
8247function isTagStartChar(c) {
8248 return c >= 97 && c <= 122 || c >= 65 && c <= 90;
8250function isWhitespace(c) {
8251 return c === 32 || c === 10 || c === 9 || c === 12 || c === 13;
8253function isEndOfTagSection(c) {
8254 return c === 47 || c === 62 || isWhitespace(c);
8256function toCharCodes(str) {
8257 const ret = new Uint8Array(str.length);
8258 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
8259 ret[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
8260 }
8261 return ret;
8263const Sequences = {
8264 Cdata: new Uint8Array([67, 68, 65, 84, 65, 91]),
8265 // CDATA[
8266 CdataEnd: new Uint8Array([93, 93, 62]),
8267 // ]]>
8268 CommentEnd: new Uint8Array([45, 45, 62]),
8269 // `-->`
8270 ScriptEnd: new Uint8Array([60, 47, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116]),
8271 // `<\/script`
8272 StyleEnd: new Uint8Array([60, 47, 115, 116, 121, 108, 101]),
8273 // `</style`
8274 TitleEnd: new Uint8Array([60, 47, 116, 105, 116, 108, 101]),
8275 // `</title`
8276 TextareaEnd: new Uint8Array([
8277 60,
8278 47,
8279 116,
8280 101,
8281 120,
8282 116,
8283 97,
8284 114,
8285 101,
8286 97
8287 ])
8288 // `</textarea
8290class Tokenizer {
8291 constructor(stack, cbs) {
8292 this.stack = stack;
8293 this.cbs = cbs;
8294 /** The current state the tokenizer is in. */
8295 this.state = 1;
8296 /** The read buffer. */
8297 this.buffer = "";
8298 /** The beginning of the section that is currently being read. */
8299 this.sectionStart = 0;
8300 /** The index within the buffer that we are currently looking at. */
8301 this.index = 0;
8302 /** The start of the last entity. */
8303 this.entityStart = 0;
8304 /** Some behavior, eg. when decoding entities, is done while we are in another state. This keeps track of the other state type. */
8305 this.baseState = 1;
8306 /** For special parsing behavior inside of script and style tags. */
8307 this.inRCDATA = false;
8308 /** For disabling RCDATA tags handling */
8309 this.inXML = false;
8310 /** For disabling interpolation parsing in v-pre */
8311 this.inVPre = false;
8312 /** Record newline positions for fast line / column calculation */
8313 this.newlines = [];
8314 this.mode = 0;
8315 this.delimiterOpen = defaultDelimitersOpen;
8316 this.delimiterClose = defaultDelimitersClose;
8317 this.delimiterIndex = -1;
8318 this.currentSequence = void 0;
8319 this.sequenceIndex = 0;
8320 }
8321 get inSFCRoot() {
8322 return this.mode === 2 && this.stack.length === 0;
8323 }
8324 reset() {
8325 this.state = 1;
8326 this.mode = 0;
8327 this.buffer = "";
8328 this.sectionStart = 0;
8329 this.index = 0;
8330 this.baseState = 1;
8331 this.inRCDATA = false;
8332 this.currentSequence = void 0;
8333 this.newlines.length = 0;
8334 this.delimiterOpen = defaultDelimitersOpen;
8335 this.delimiterClose = defaultDelimitersClose;
8336 }
8337 /**
8338 * Generate Position object with line / column information using recorded
8339 * newline positions. We know the index is always going to be an already
8340 * processed index, so all the newlines up to this index should have been
8341 * recorded.
8342 */
8343 getPos(index) {
8344 let line = 1;
8345 let column = index + 1;
8346 for (let i = this.newlines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
8347 const newlineIndex = this.newlines[i];
8348 if (index > newlineIndex) {
8349 line = i + 2;
8350 column = index - newlineIndex;
8351 break;
8352 }
8353 }
8354 return {
8355 column,
8356 line,
8357 offset: index
8358 };
8359 }
8360 peek() {
8361 return this.buffer.charCodeAt(this.index + 1);
8362 }
8363 stateText(c) {
8364 if (c === 60) {
8365 if (this.index > this.sectionStart) {
8366 this.cbs.ontext(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8367 }
8368 this.state = 5;
8369 this.sectionStart = this.index;
8370 } else if (!this.inVPre && c === this.delimiterOpen[0]) {
8371 this.state = 2;
8372 this.delimiterIndex = 0;
8373 this.stateInterpolationOpen(c);
8374 }
8375 }
8376 stateInterpolationOpen(c) {
8377 if (c === this.delimiterOpen[this.delimiterIndex]) {
8378 if (this.delimiterIndex === this.delimiterOpen.length - 1) {
8379 const start = this.index + 1 - this.delimiterOpen.length;
8380 if (start > this.sectionStart) {
8381 this.cbs.ontext(this.sectionStart, start);
8382 }
8383 this.state = 3;
8384 this.sectionStart = start;
8385 } else {
8386 this.delimiterIndex++;
8387 }
8388 } else if (this.inRCDATA) {
8389 this.state = 32;
8390 this.stateInRCDATA(c);
8391 } else {
8392 this.state = 1;
8393 this.stateText(c);
8394 }
8395 }
8396 stateInterpolation(c) {
8397 if (c === this.delimiterClose[0]) {
8398 this.state = 4;
8399 this.delimiterIndex = 0;
8400 this.stateInterpolationClose(c);
8401 }
8402 }
8403 stateInterpolationClose(c) {
8404 if (c === this.delimiterClose[this.delimiterIndex]) {
8405 if (this.delimiterIndex === this.delimiterClose.length - 1) {
8406 this.cbs.oninterpolation(this.sectionStart, this.index + 1);
8407 if (this.inRCDATA) {
8408 this.state = 32;
8409 } else {
8410 this.state = 1;
8411 }
8412 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8413 } else {
8414 this.delimiterIndex++;
8415 }
8416 } else {
8417 this.state = 3;
8418 this.stateInterpolation(c);
8419 }
8420 }
8421 stateSpecialStartSequence(c) {
8422 const isEnd = this.sequenceIndex === this.currentSequence.length;
8423 const isMatch = isEnd ? (
8424 // If we are at the end of the sequence, make sure the tag name has ended
8425 isEndOfTagSection(c)
8426 ) : (
8427 // Otherwise, do a case-insensitive comparison
8428 (c | 32) === this.currentSequence[this.sequenceIndex]
8429 );
8430 if (!isMatch) {
8431 this.inRCDATA = false;
8432 } else if (!isEnd) {
8433 this.sequenceIndex++;
8434 return;
8435 }
8436 this.sequenceIndex = 0;
8437 this.state = 6;
8438 this.stateInTagName(c);
8439 }
8440 /** Look for an end tag. For <title> and <textarea>, also decode entities. */
8441 stateInRCDATA(c) {
8442 if (this.sequenceIndex === this.currentSequence.length) {
8443 if (c === 62 || isWhitespace(c)) {
8444 const endOfText = this.index - this.currentSequence.length;
8445 if (this.sectionStart < endOfText) {
8446 const actualIndex = this.index;
8447 this.index = endOfText;
8448 this.cbs.ontext(this.sectionStart, endOfText);
8449 this.index = actualIndex;
8450 }
8451 this.sectionStart = endOfText + 2;
8452 this.stateInClosingTagName(c);
8453 this.inRCDATA = false;
8454 return;
8455 }
8456 this.sequenceIndex = 0;
8457 }
8458 if ((c | 32) === this.currentSequence[this.sequenceIndex]) {
8459 this.sequenceIndex += 1;
8460 } else if (this.sequenceIndex === 0) {
8461 if (this.currentSequence === Sequences.TitleEnd || this.currentSequence === Sequences.TextareaEnd && !this.inSFCRoot) {
8462 if (c === this.delimiterOpen[0]) {
8463 this.state = 2;
8464 this.delimiterIndex = 0;
8465 this.stateInterpolationOpen(c);
8466 }
8467 } else if (this.fastForwardTo(60)) {
8468 this.sequenceIndex = 1;
8469 }
8470 } else {
8471 this.sequenceIndex = Number(c === 60);
8472 }
8473 }
8474 stateCDATASequence(c) {
8475 if (c === Sequences.Cdata[this.sequenceIndex]) {
8476 if (++this.sequenceIndex === Sequences.Cdata.length) {
8477 this.state = 28;
8478 this.currentSequence = Sequences.CdataEnd;
8479 this.sequenceIndex = 0;
8480 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8481 }
8482 } else {
8483 this.sequenceIndex = 0;
8484 this.state = 23;
8485 this.stateInDeclaration(c);
8486 }
8487 }
8488 /**
8489 * When we wait for one specific character, we can speed things up
8490 * by skipping through the buffer until we find it.
8491 *
8492 * @returns Whether the character was found.
8493 */
8494 fastForwardTo(c) {
8495 while (++this.index < this.buffer.length) {
8496 const cc = this.buffer.charCodeAt(this.index);
8497 if (cc === 10) {
8498 this.newlines.push(this.index);
8499 }
8500 if (cc === c) {
8501 return true;
8502 }
8503 }
8504 this.index = this.buffer.length - 1;
8505 return false;
8506 }
8507 /**
8508 * Comments and CDATA end with `-->` and `]]>`.
8509 *
8510 * Their common qualities are:
8511 * - Their end sequences have a distinct character they start with.
8512 * - That character is then repeated, so we have to check multiple repeats.
8513 * - All characters but the start character of the sequence can be skipped.
8514 */
8515 stateInCommentLike(c) {
8516 if (c === this.currentSequence[this.sequenceIndex]) {
8517 if (++this.sequenceIndex === this.currentSequence.length) {
8518 if (this.currentSequence === Sequences.CdataEnd) {
8519 this.cbs.oncdata(this.sectionStart, this.index - 2);
8520 } else {
8521 this.cbs.oncomment(this.sectionStart, this.index - 2);
8522 }
8523 this.sequenceIndex = 0;
8524 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8525 this.state = 1;
8526 }
8527 } else if (this.sequenceIndex === 0) {
8528 if (this.fastForwardTo(this.currentSequence[0])) {
8529 this.sequenceIndex = 1;
8530 }
8531 } else if (c !== this.currentSequence[this.sequenceIndex - 1]) {
8532 this.sequenceIndex = 0;
8533 }
8534 }
8535 startSpecial(sequence, offset) {
8536 this.enterRCDATA(sequence, offset);
8537 this.state = 31;
8538 }
8539 enterRCDATA(sequence, offset) {
8540 this.inRCDATA = true;
8541 this.currentSequence = sequence;
8542 this.sequenceIndex = offset;
8543 }
8544 stateBeforeTagName(c) {
8545 if (c === 33) {
8546 this.state = 22;
8547 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8548 } else if (c === 63) {
8549 this.state = 24;
8550 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8551 } else if (isTagStartChar(c)) {
8552 this.sectionStart = this.index;
8553 if (this.mode === 0) {
8554 this.state = 6;
8555 } else if (this.inSFCRoot) {
8556 this.state = 34;
8557 } else if (!this.inXML) {
8558 if (c === 116) {
8559 this.state = 30;
8560 } else {
8561 this.state = c === 115 ? 29 : 6;
8562 }
8563 } else {
8564 this.state = 6;
8565 }
8566 } else if (c === 47) {
8567 this.state = 8;
8568 } else {
8569 this.state = 1;
8570 this.stateText(c);
8571 }
8572 }
8573 stateInTagName(c) {
8574 if (isEndOfTagSection(c)) {
8575 this.handleTagName(c);
8576 }
8577 }
8578 stateInSFCRootTagName(c) {
8579 if (isEndOfTagSection(c)) {
8580 const tag = this.buffer.slice(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8581 if (tag !== "template") {
8582 this.enterRCDATA(toCharCodes(`</` + tag), 0);
8583 }
8584 this.handleTagName(c);
8585 }
8586 }
8587 handleTagName(c) {
8588 this.cbs.onopentagname(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8589 this.sectionStart = -1;
8590 this.state = 11;
8591 this.stateBeforeAttrName(c);
8592 }
8593 stateBeforeClosingTagName(c) {
8594 if (isWhitespace(c)) ; else if (c === 62) {
8595 {
8596 this.cbs.onerr(14, this.index);
8597 }
8598 this.state = 1;
8599 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8600 } else {
8601 this.state = isTagStartChar(c) ? 9 : 27;
8602 this.sectionStart = this.index;
8603 }
8604 }
8605 stateInClosingTagName(c) {
8606 if (c === 62 || isWhitespace(c)) {
8607 this.cbs.onclosetag(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8608 this.sectionStart = -1;
8609 this.state = 10;
8610 this.stateAfterClosingTagName(c);
8611 }
8612 }
8613 stateAfterClosingTagName(c) {
8614 if (c === 62) {
8615 this.state = 1;
8616 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8617 }
8618 }
8619 stateBeforeAttrName(c) {
8620 if (c === 62) {
8621 this.cbs.onopentagend(this.index);
8622 if (this.inRCDATA) {
8623 this.state = 32;
8624 } else {
8625 this.state = 1;
8626 }
8627 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8628 } else if (c === 47) {
8629 this.state = 7;
8630 if (this.peek() !== 62) {
8631 this.cbs.onerr(22, this.index);
8632 }
8633 } else if (c === 60 && this.peek() === 47) {
8634 this.cbs.onopentagend(this.index);
8635 this.state = 5;
8636 this.sectionStart = this.index;
8637 } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) {
8638 if (c === 61) {
8639 this.cbs.onerr(
8640 19,
8641 this.index
8642 );
8643 }
8644 this.handleAttrStart(c);
8645 }
8646 }
8647 handleAttrStart(c) {
8648 if (c === 118 && this.peek() === 45) {
8649 this.state = 13;
8650 this.sectionStart = this.index;
8651 } else if (c === 46 || c === 58 || c === 64 || c === 35) {
8652 this.cbs.ondirname(this.index, this.index + 1);
8653 this.state = 14;
8654 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8655 } else {
8656 this.state = 12;
8657 this.sectionStart = this.index;
8658 }
8659 }
8660 stateInSelfClosingTag(c) {
8661 if (c === 62) {
8662 this.cbs.onselfclosingtag(this.index);
8663 this.state = 1;
8664 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8665 this.inRCDATA = false;
8666 } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) {
8667 this.state = 11;
8668 this.stateBeforeAttrName(c);
8669 }
8670 }
8671 stateInAttrName(c) {
8672 if (c === 61 || isEndOfTagSection(c)) {
8673 this.cbs.onattribname(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8674 this.handleAttrNameEnd(c);
8675 } else if ((c === 34 || c === 39 || c === 60)) {
8676 this.cbs.onerr(
8677 17,
8678 this.index
8679 );
8680 }
8681 }
8682 stateInDirName(c) {
8683 if (c === 61 || isEndOfTagSection(c)) {
8684 this.cbs.ondirname(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8685 this.handleAttrNameEnd(c);
8686 } else if (c === 58) {
8687 this.cbs.ondirname(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8688 this.state = 14;
8689 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8690 } else if (c === 46) {
8691 this.cbs.ondirname(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8692 this.state = 16;
8693 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8694 }
8695 }
8696 stateInDirArg(c) {
8697 if (c === 61 || isEndOfTagSection(c)) {
8698 this.cbs.ondirarg(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8699 this.handleAttrNameEnd(c);
8700 } else if (c === 91) {
8701 this.state = 15;
8702 } else if (c === 46) {
8703 this.cbs.ondirarg(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8704 this.state = 16;
8705 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8706 }
8707 }
8708 stateInDynamicDirArg(c) {
8709 if (c === 93) {
8710 this.state = 14;
8711 } else if (c === 61 || isEndOfTagSection(c)) {
8712 this.cbs.ondirarg(this.sectionStart, this.index + 1);
8713 this.handleAttrNameEnd(c);
8714 {
8715 this.cbs.onerr(
8716 27,
8717 this.index
8718 );
8719 }
8720 }
8721 }
8722 stateInDirModifier(c) {
8723 if (c === 61 || isEndOfTagSection(c)) {
8724 this.cbs.ondirmodifier(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8725 this.handleAttrNameEnd(c);
8726 } else if (c === 46) {
8727 this.cbs.ondirmodifier(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8728 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8729 }
8730 }
8731 handleAttrNameEnd(c) {
8732 this.sectionStart = this.index;
8733 this.state = 17;
8734 this.cbs.onattribnameend(this.index);
8735 this.stateAfterAttrName(c);
8736 }
8737 stateAfterAttrName(c) {
8738 if (c === 61) {
8739 this.state = 18;
8740 } else if (c === 47 || c === 62) {
8741 this.cbs.onattribend(0, this.sectionStart);
8742 this.sectionStart = -1;
8743 this.state = 11;
8744 this.stateBeforeAttrName(c);
8745 } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) {
8746 this.cbs.onattribend(0, this.sectionStart);
8747 this.handleAttrStart(c);
8748 }
8749 }
8750 stateBeforeAttrValue(c) {
8751 if (c === 34) {
8752 this.state = 19;
8753 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8754 } else if (c === 39) {
8755 this.state = 20;
8756 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8757 } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) {
8758 this.sectionStart = this.index;
8759 this.state = 21;
8760 this.stateInAttrValueNoQuotes(c);
8761 }
8762 }
8763 handleInAttrValue(c, quote) {
8764 if (c === quote || this.fastForwardTo(quote)) {
8765 this.cbs.onattribdata(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8766 this.sectionStart = -1;
8767 this.cbs.onattribend(
8768 quote === 34 ? 3 : 2,
8769 this.index + 1
8770 );
8771 this.state = 11;
8772 }
8773 }
8774 stateInAttrValueDoubleQuotes(c) {
8775 this.handleInAttrValue(c, 34);
8776 }
8777 stateInAttrValueSingleQuotes(c) {
8778 this.handleInAttrValue(c, 39);
8779 }
8780 stateInAttrValueNoQuotes(c) {
8781 if (isWhitespace(c) || c === 62) {
8782 this.cbs.onattribdata(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8783 this.sectionStart = -1;
8784 this.cbs.onattribend(1, this.index);
8785 this.state = 11;
8786 this.stateBeforeAttrName(c);
8787 } else if (c === 34 || c === 39 || c === 60 || c === 61 || c === 96) {
8788 this.cbs.onerr(
8789 18,
8790 this.index
8791 );
8792 } else ;
8793 }
8794 stateBeforeDeclaration(c) {
8795 if (c === 91) {
8796 this.state = 26;
8797 this.sequenceIndex = 0;
8798 } else {
8799 this.state = c === 45 ? 25 : 23;
8800 }
8801 }
8802 stateInDeclaration(c) {
8803 if (c === 62 || this.fastForwardTo(62)) {
8804 this.state = 1;
8805 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8806 }
8807 }
8808 stateInProcessingInstruction(c) {
8809 if (c === 62 || this.fastForwardTo(62)) {
8810 this.cbs.onprocessinginstruction(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8811 this.state = 1;
8812 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8813 }
8814 }
8815 stateBeforeComment(c) {
8816 if (c === 45) {
8817 this.state = 28;
8818 this.currentSequence = Sequences.CommentEnd;
8819 this.sequenceIndex = 2;
8820 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8821 } else {
8822 this.state = 23;
8823 }
8824 }
8825 stateInSpecialComment(c) {
8826 if (c === 62 || this.fastForwardTo(62)) {
8827 this.cbs.oncomment(this.sectionStart, this.index);
8828 this.state = 1;
8829 this.sectionStart = this.index + 1;
8830 }
8831 }
8832 stateBeforeSpecialS(c) {
8833 if (c === Sequences.ScriptEnd[3]) {
8834 this.startSpecial(Sequences.ScriptEnd, 4);
8835 } else if (c === Sequences.StyleEnd[3]) {
8836 this.startSpecial(Sequences.StyleEnd, 4);
8837 } else {
8838 this.state = 6;
8839 this.stateInTagName(c);
8840 }
8841 }
8842 stateBeforeSpecialT(c) {
8843 if (c === Sequences.TitleEnd[3]) {
8844 this.startSpecial(Sequences.TitleEnd, 4);
8845 } else if (c === Sequences.TextareaEnd[3]) {
8846 this.startSpecial(Sequences.TextareaEnd, 4);
8847 } else {
8848 this.state = 6;
8849 this.stateInTagName(c);
8850 }
8851 }
8852 startEntity() {
8853 }
8854 stateInEntity() {
8855 }
8856 /**
8857 * Iterates through the buffer, calling the function corresponding to the current state.
8858 *
8859 * States that are more likely to be hit are higher up, as a performance improvement.
8860 */
8861 parse(input) {
8862 this.buffer = input;
8863 while (this.index < this.buffer.length) {
8864 const c = this.buffer.charCodeAt(this.index);
8865 if (c === 10) {
8866 this.newlines.push(this.index);
8867 }
8868 switch (this.state) {
8869 case 1: {
8870 this.stateText(c);
8871 break;
8872 }
8873 case 2: {
8874 this.stateInterpolationOpen(c);
8875 break;
8876 }
8877 case 3: {
8878 this.stateInterpolation(c);
8879 break;
8880 }
8881 case 4: {
8882 this.stateInterpolationClose(c);
8883 break;
8884 }
8885 case 31: {
8886 this.stateSpecialStartSequence(c);
8887 break;
8888 }
8889 case 32: {
8890 this.stateInRCDATA(c);
8891 break;
8892 }
8893 case 26: {
8894 this.stateCDATASequence(c);
8895 break;
8896 }
8897 case 19: {
8898 this.stateInAttrValueDoubleQuotes(c);
8899 break;
8900 }
8901 case 12: {
8902 this.stateInAttrName(c);
8903 break;
8904 }
8905 case 13: {
8906 this.stateInDirName(c);
8907 break;
8908 }
8909 case 14: {
8910 this.stateInDirArg(c);
8911 break;
8912 }
8913 case 15: {
8914 this.stateInDynamicDirArg(c);
8915 break;
8916 }
8917 case 16: {
8918 this.stateInDirModifier(c);
8919 break;
8920 }
8921 case 28: {
8922 this.stateInCommentLike(c);
8923 break;
8924 }
8925 case 27: {
8926 this.stateInSpecialComment(c);
8927 break;
8928 }
8929 case 11: {
8930 this.stateBeforeAttrName(c);
8931 break;
8932 }
8933 case 6: {
8934 this.stateInTagName(c);
8935 break;
8936 }
8937 case 34: {
8938 this.stateInSFCRootTagName(c);
8939 break;
8940 }
8941 case 9: {
8942 this.stateInClosingTagName(c);
8943 break;
8944 }
8945 case 5: {
8946 this.stateBeforeTagName(c);
8947 break;
8948 }
8949 case 17: {
8950 this.stateAfterAttrName(c);
8951 break;
8952 }
8953 case 20: {
8954 this.stateInAttrValueSingleQuotes(c);
8955 break;
8956 }
8957 case 18: {
8958 this.stateBeforeAttrValue(c);
8959 break;
8960 }
8961 case 8: {
8962 this.stateBeforeClosingTagName(c);
8963 break;
8964 }
8965 case 10: {
8966 this.stateAfterClosingTagName(c);
8967 break;
8968 }
8969 case 29: {
8970 this.stateBeforeSpecialS(c);
8971 break;
8972 }
8973 case 30: {
8974 this.stateBeforeSpecialT(c);
8975 break;
8976 }
8977 case 21: {
8978 this.stateInAttrValueNoQuotes(c);
8979 break;
8980 }
8981 case 7: {
8982 this.stateInSelfClosingTag(c);
8983 break;
8984 }
8985 case 23: {
8986 this.stateInDeclaration(c);
8987 break;
8988 }
8989 case 22: {
8990 this.stateBeforeDeclaration(c);
8991 break;
8992 }
8993 case 25: {
8994 this.stateBeforeComment(c);
8995 break;
8996 }
8997 case 24: {
8998 this.stateInProcessingInstruction(c);
8999 break;
9000 }
9001 case 33: {
9002 this.stateInEntity();
9003 break;
9004 }
9005 }
9006 this.index++;
9007 }
9008 this.cleanup();
9009 this.finish();
9010 }
9011 /**
9012 * Remove data that has already been consumed from the buffer.
9013 */
9014 cleanup() {
9015 if (this.sectionStart !== this.index) {
9016 if (this.state === 1 || this.state === 32 && this.sequenceIndex === 0) {
9017 this.cbs.ontext(this.sectionStart, this.index);
9018 this.sectionStart = this.index;
9019 } else if (this.state === 19 || this.state === 20 || this.state === 21) {
9020 this.cbs.onattribdata(this.sectionStart, this.index);
9021 this.sectionStart = this.index;
9022 }
9023 }
9024 }
9025 finish() {
9026 this.handleTrailingData();
9027 this.cbs.onend();
9028 }
9029 /** Handle any trailing data. */
9030 handleTrailingData() {
9031 const endIndex = this.buffer.length;
9032 if (this.sectionStart >= endIndex) {
9033 return;
9034 }
9035 if (this.state === 28) {
9036 if (this.currentSequence === Sequences.CdataEnd) {
9037 this.cbs.oncdata(this.sectionStart, endIndex);
9038 } else {
9039 this.cbs.oncomment(this.sectionStart, endIndex);
9040 }
9041 } else if (this.state === 6 || this.state === 11 || this.state === 18 || this.state === 17 || this.state === 12 || this.state === 13 || this.state === 14 || this.state === 15 || this.state === 16 || this.state === 20 || this.state === 19 || this.state === 21 || this.state === 9) ; else {
9042 this.cbs.ontext(this.sectionStart, endIndex);
9043 }
9044 }
9045 emitCodePoint(cp, consumed) {
9046 }
9048const deprecationData = {
9050 message: `Platform-native elements with "is" prop will no longer be treated as components in Vue 3 unless the "is" value is explicitly prefixed with "vue:".`,
9051 link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/custom-elements-interop.html`
9052 },
9054 message: (key) => `.sync modifier for v-bind has been removed. Use v-model with argument instead. \`v-bind:${key}.sync\` should be changed to \`v-model:${key}\`.`,
9055 link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/v-model.html`
9056 },
9058 message: `v-bind="obj" usage is now order sensitive and behaves like JavaScript object spread: it will now overwrite an existing non-mergeable attribute that appears before v-bind in the case of conflict. To retain 2.x behavior, move v-bind to make it the first attribute. You can also suppress this warning if the usage is intended.`,
9059 link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/v-bind.html`
9060 },
9062 message: `.native modifier for v-on has been removed as is no longer necessary.`,
9063 link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/v-on-native-modifier-removed.html`
9064 },
9066 message: `v-if / v-for precedence when used on the same element has changed in Vue 3: v-if now takes higher precedence and will no longer have access to v-for scope variables. It is best to avoid the ambiguity with <template> tags or use a computed property that filters v-for data source.`,
9067 link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/v-if-v-for.html`
9068 },
9070 message: `<template> with no special directives will render as a native template element instead of its inner content in Vue 3.`
9071 },
9073 message: `"inline-template" has been removed in Vue 3.`,
9074 link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/inline-template-attribute.html`
9075 },
9077 message: `filters have been removed in Vue 3. The "|" symbol will be treated as native JavaScript bitwise OR operator. Use method calls or computed properties instead.`,
9078 link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/filters.html`
9079 }
9081function getCompatValue(key, { compatConfig }) {
9082 const value = compatConfig && compatConfig[key];
9083 if (key === "MODE") {
9084 return value || 3;
9085 } else {
9086 return value;
9087 }
9089function isCompatEnabled(key, context) {
9090 const mode = getCompatValue("MODE", context);
9091 const value = getCompatValue(key, context);
9092 return mode === 3 ? value === true : value !== false;
9094function checkCompatEnabled(key, context, loc, ...args) {
9095 const enabled = isCompatEnabled(key, context);
9096 if (enabled) {
9097 warnDeprecation(key, context, loc, ...args);
9098 }
9099 return enabled;
9101function warnDeprecation(key, context, loc, ...args) {
9102 const val = getCompatValue(key, context);
9103 if (val === "suppress-warning") {
9104 return;
9105 }
9106 const { message, link } = deprecationData[key];
9107 const msg = `(deprecation ${key}) ${typeof message === "function" ? message(...args) : message}${link ? `
9108 Details: ${link}` : ``}`;
9109 const err = new SyntaxError(msg);
9110 err.code = key;
9111 if (loc)
9112 err.loc = loc;
9113 context.onWarn(err);
9116function defaultOnError(error) {
9117 throw error;
9119function defaultOnWarn(msg) {
9120 console.warn(`[Vue warn] ${msg.message}`);
9122function createCompilerError(code, loc, messages, additionalMessage) {
9123 const msg = (messages || errorMessages)[code] + (additionalMessage || ``) ;
9124 const error = new SyntaxError(String(msg));
9125 error.code = code;
9126 error.loc = loc;
9127 return error;
9129const errorMessages = {
9130 // parse errors
9131 [0]: "Illegal comment.",
9132 [1]: "CDATA section is allowed only in XML context.",
9133 [2]: "Duplicate attribute.",
9134 [3]: "End tag cannot have attributes.",
9135 [4]: "Illegal '/' in tags.",
9136 [5]: "Unexpected EOF in tag.",
9137 [6]: "Unexpected EOF in CDATA section.",
9138 [7]: "Unexpected EOF in comment.",
9139 [8]: "Unexpected EOF in script.",
9140 [9]: "Unexpected EOF in tag.",
9141 [10]: "Incorrectly closed comment.",
9142 [11]: "Incorrectly opened comment.",
9143 [12]: "Illegal tag name. Use '&lt;' to print '<'.",
9144 [13]: "Attribute value was expected.",
9145 [14]: "End tag name was expected.",
9146 [15]: "Whitespace was expected.",
9147 [16]: "Unexpected '<!--' in comment.",
9148 [17]: `Attribute name cannot contain U+0022 ("), U+0027 ('), and U+003C (<).`,
9149 [18]: "Unquoted attribute value cannot contain U+0022 (\"), U+0027 ('), U+003C (<), U+003D (=), and U+0060 (`).",
9150 [19]: "Attribute name cannot start with '='.",
9151 [21]: "'<?' is allowed only in XML context.",
9152 [20]: `Unexpected null character.`,
9153 [22]: "Illegal '/' in tags.",
9154 // Vue-specific parse errors
9155 [23]: "Invalid end tag.",
9156 [24]: "Element is missing end tag.",
9157 [25]: "Interpolation end sign was not found.",
9158 [27]: "End bracket for dynamic directive argument was not found. Note that dynamic directive argument cannot contain spaces.",
9159 [26]: "Legal directive name was expected.",
9160 // transform errors
9161 [28]: `v-if/v-else-if is missing expression.`,
9162 [29]: `v-if/else branches must use unique keys.`,
9163 [30]: `v-else/v-else-if has no adjacent v-if or v-else-if.`,
9164 [31]: `v-for is missing expression.`,
9165 [32]: `v-for has invalid expression.`,
9166 [33]: `<template v-for> key should be placed on the <template> tag.`,
9167 [34]: `v-bind is missing expression.`,
9168 [52]: `v-bind with same-name shorthand only allows static argument.`,
9169 [35]: `v-on is missing expression.`,
9170 [36]: `Unexpected custom directive on <slot> outlet.`,
9171 [37]: `Mixed v-slot usage on both the component and nested <template>. When there are multiple named slots, all slots should use <template> syntax to avoid scope ambiguity.`,
9172 [38]: `Duplicate slot names found. `,
9173 [39]: `Extraneous children found when component already has explicitly named default slot. These children will be ignored.`,
9174 [40]: `v-slot can only be used on components or <template> tags.`,
9175 [41]: `v-model is missing expression.`,
9176 [42]: `v-model value must be a valid JavaScript member expression.`,
9177 [43]: `v-model cannot be used on v-for or v-slot scope variables because they are not writable.`,
9178 [44]: `v-model cannot be used on a prop, because local prop bindings are not writable.
9179Use a v-bind binding combined with a v-on listener that emits update:x event instead.`,
9180 [45]: `Error parsing JavaScript expression: `,
9181 [46]: `<KeepAlive> expects exactly one child component.`,
9182 [51]: `@vnode-* hooks in templates are no longer supported. Use the vue: prefix instead. For example, @vnode-mounted should be changed to @vue:mounted. @vnode-* hooks support has been removed in 3.4.`,
9183 // generic errors
9184 [47]: `"prefixIdentifiers" option is not supported in this build of compiler.`,
9185 [48]: `ES module mode is not supported in this build of compiler.`,
9186 [49]: `"cacheHandlers" option is only supported when the "prefixIdentifiers" option is enabled.`,
9187 [50]: `"scopeId" option is only supported in module mode.`,
9188 // just to fulfill types
9189 [53]: ``
9192const isStaticExp = (p) => p.type === 4 && p.isStatic;
9193function isCoreComponent(tag) {
9194 switch (tag) {
9195 case "Teleport":
9196 case "teleport":
9197 return TELEPORT;
9198 case "Suspense":
9199 case "suspense":
9200 return SUSPENSE;
9201 case "KeepAlive":
9202 case "keep-alive":
9203 return KEEP_ALIVE;
9204 case "BaseTransition":
9205 case "base-transition":
9206 return BASE_TRANSITION;
9207 }
9209const nonIdentifierRE = /^\d|[^\$\w]/;
9210const isSimpleIdentifier = (name) => !nonIdentifierRE.test(name);
9211const validFirstIdentCharRE = /[A-Za-z_$\xA0-\uFFFF]/;
9212const validIdentCharRE = /[\.\?\w$\xA0-\uFFFF]/;
9213const whitespaceRE = /\s+[.[]\s*|\s*[.[]\s+/g;
9214const isMemberExpressionBrowser = (path) => {
9215 path = path.trim().replace(whitespaceRE, (s) => s.trim());
9216 let state = 0 /* inMemberExp */;
9217 let stateStack = [];
9218 let currentOpenBracketCount = 0;
9219 let currentOpenParensCount = 0;
9220 let currentStringType = null;
9221 for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
9222 const char = path.charAt(i);
9223 switch (state) {
9224 case 0 /* inMemberExp */:
9225 if (char === "[") {
9226 stateStack.push(state);
9227 state = 1 /* inBrackets */;
9228 currentOpenBracketCount++;
9229 } else if (char === "(") {
9230 stateStack.push(state);
9231 state = 2 /* inParens */;
9232 currentOpenParensCount++;
9233 } else if (!(i === 0 ? validFirstIdentCharRE : validIdentCharRE).test(char)) {
9234 return false;
9235 }
9236 break;
9237 case 1 /* inBrackets */:
9238 if (char === `'` || char === `"` || char === "`") {
9239 stateStack.push(state);
9240 state = 3 /* inString */;
9241 currentStringType = char;
9242 } else if (char === `[`) {
9243 currentOpenBracketCount++;
9244 } else if (char === `]`) {
9245 if (!--currentOpenBracketCount) {
9246 state = stateStack.pop();
9247 }
9248 }
9249 break;
9250 case 2 /* inParens */:
9251 if (char === `'` || char === `"` || char === "`") {
9252 stateStack.push(state);
9253 state = 3 /* inString */;
9254 currentStringType = char;
9255 } else if (char === `(`) {
9256 currentOpenParensCount++;
9257 } else if (char === `)`) {
9258 if (i === path.length - 1) {
9259 return false;
9260 }
9261 if (!--currentOpenParensCount) {
9262 state = stateStack.pop();
9263 }
9264 }
9265 break;
9266 case 3 /* inString */:
9267 if (char === currentStringType) {
9268 state = stateStack.pop();
9269 currentStringType = null;
9270 }
9271 break;
9272 }
9273 }
9274 return !currentOpenBracketCount && !currentOpenParensCount;
9276const isMemberExpression = isMemberExpressionBrowser ;
9277function assert(condition, msg) {
9278 if (!condition) {
9279 throw new Error(msg || `unexpected compiler condition`);
9280 }
9282function findDir(node, name, allowEmpty = false) {
9283 for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) {
9284 const p = node.props[i];
9285 if (p.type === 7 && (allowEmpty || p.exp) && (isString(name) ? p.name === name : name.test(p.name))) {
9286 return p;
9287 }
9288 }
9290function findProp(node, name, dynamicOnly = false, allowEmpty = false) {
9291 for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) {
9292 const p = node.props[i];
9293 if (p.type === 6) {
9294 if (dynamicOnly)
9295 continue;
9296 if (p.name === name && (p.value || allowEmpty)) {
9297 return p;
9298 }
9299 } else if (p.name === "bind" && (p.exp || allowEmpty) && isStaticArgOf(p.arg, name)) {
9300 return p;
9301 }
9302 }
9304function isStaticArgOf(arg, name) {
9305 return !!(arg && isStaticExp(arg) && arg.content === name);
9307function hasDynamicKeyVBind(node) {
9308 return node.props.some(
9309 (p) => p.type === 7 && p.name === "bind" && (!p.arg || // v-bind="obj"
9310 p.arg.type !== 4 || // v-bind:[_ctx.foo]
9311 !p.arg.isStatic)
9312 // v-bind:[foo]
9313 );
9315function isText$1(node) {
9316 return node.type === 5 || node.type === 2;
9318function isVSlot(p) {
9319 return p.type === 7 && p.name === "slot";
9321function isTemplateNode(node) {
9322 return node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 3;
9324function isSlotOutlet(node) {
9325 return node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 2;
9327const propsHelperSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([NORMALIZE_PROPS, GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS]);
9328function getUnnormalizedProps(props, callPath = []) {
9329 if (props && !isString(props) && props.type === 14) {
9330 const callee = props.callee;
9331 if (!isString(callee) && propsHelperSet.has(callee)) {
9332 return getUnnormalizedProps(
9333 props.arguments[0],
9334 callPath.concat(props)
9335 );
9336 }
9337 }
9338 return [props, callPath];
9340function injectProp(node, prop, context) {
9341 let propsWithInjection;
9342 let props = node.type === 13 ? node.props : node.arguments[2];
9343 let callPath = [];
9344 let parentCall;
9345 if (props && !isString(props) && props.type === 14) {
9346 const ret = getUnnormalizedProps(props);
9347 props = ret[0];
9348 callPath = ret[1];
9349 parentCall = callPath[callPath.length - 1];
9350 }
9351 if (props == null || isString(props)) {
9352 propsWithInjection = createObjectExpression([prop]);
9353 } else if (props.type === 14) {
9354 const first = props.arguments[0];
9355 if (!isString(first) && first.type === 15) {
9356 if (!hasProp(prop, first)) {
9357 first.properties.unshift(prop);
9358 }
9359 } else {
9360 if (props.callee === TO_HANDLERS) {
9361 propsWithInjection = createCallExpression(context.helper(MERGE_PROPS), [
9362 createObjectExpression([prop]),
9363 props
9364 ]);
9365 } else {
9366 props.arguments.unshift(createObjectExpression([prop]));
9367 }
9368 }
9369 !propsWithInjection && (propsWithInjection = props);
9370 } else if (props.type === 15) {
9371 if (!hasProp(prop, props)) {
9372 props.properties.unshift(prop);
9373 }
9374 propsWithInjection = props;
9375 } else {
9376 propsWithInjection = createCallExpression(context.helper(MERGE_PROPS), [
9377 createObjectExpression([prop]),
9378 props
9379 ]);
9380 if (parentCall && parentCall.callee === GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS) {
9381 parentCall = callPath[callPath.length - 2];
9382 }
9383 }
9384 if (node.type === 13) {
9385 if (parentCall) {
9386 parentCall.arguments[0] = propsWithInjection;
9387 } else {
9388 node.props = propsWithInjection;
9389 }
9390 } else {
9391 if (parentCall) {
9392 parentCall.arguments[0] = propsWithInjection;
9393 } else {
9394 node.arguments[2] = propsWithInjection;
9395 }
9396 }
9398function hasProp(prop, props) {
9399 let result = false;
9400 if (prop.key.type === 4) {
9401 const propKeyName = prop.key.content;
9402 result = props.properties.some(
9403 (p) => p.key.type === 4 && p.key.content === propKeyName
9404 );
9405 }
9406 return result;
9408function toValidAssetId(name, type) {
9409 return `_${type}_${name.replace(/[^\w]/g, (searchValue, replaceValue) => {
9410 return searchValue === "-" ? "_" : name.charCodeAt(replaceValue).toString();
9411 })}`;
9413function getMemoedVNodeCall(node) {
9414 if (node.type === 14 && node.callee === WITH_MEMO) {
9415 return node.arguments[1].returns;
9416 } else {
9417 return node;
9418 }
9420const forAliasRE = /([\s\S]*?)\s+(?:in|of)\s+([\s\S]*)/;
9422const defaultParserOptions = {
9423 parseMode: "base",
9424 ns: 0,
9425 delimiters: [`{{`, `}}`],
9426 getNamespace: () => 0,
9427 isVoidTag: NO,
9428 isPreTag: NO,
9429 isCustomElement: NO,
9430 onError: defaultOnError,
9431 onWarn: defaultOnWarn,
9432 comments: !!(true !== "production"),
9433 prefixIdentifiers: false
9435let currentOptions = defaultParserOptions;
9436let currentRoot = null;
9437let currentInput = "";
9438let currentOpenTag = null;
9439let currentProp = null;
9440let currentAttrValue = "";
9441let currentAttrStartIndex = -1;
9442let currentAttrEndIndex = -1;
9443let inPre = 0;
9444let inVPre = false;
9445let currentVPreBoundary = null;
9446const stack = [];
9447const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(stack, {
9448 onerr: emitError,
9449 ontext(start, end) {
9450 onText(getSlice(start, end), start, end);
9451 },
9452 ontextentity(char, start, end) {
9453 onText(char, start, end);
9454 },
9455 oninterpolation(start, end) {
9456 if (inVPre) {
9457 return onText(getSlice(start, end), start, end);
9458 }
9459 let innerStart = start + tokenizer.delimiterOpen.length;
9460 let innerEnd = end - tokenizer.delimiterClose.length;
9461 while (isWhitespace(currentInput.charCodeAt(innerStart))) {
9462 innerStart++;
9463 }
9464 while (isWhitespace(currentInput.charCodeAt(innerEnd - 1))) {
9465 innerEnd--;
9466 }
9467 let exp = getSlice(innerStart, innerEnd);
9468 if (exp.includes("&")) {
9469 {
9470 exp = currentOptions.decodeEntities(exp, false);
9471 }
9472 }
9473 addNode({
9474 type: 5,
9475 content: createExp(exp, false, getLoc(innerStart, innerEnd)),
9476 loc: getLoc(start, end)
9477 });
9478 },
9479 onopentagname(start, end) {
9480 const name = getSlice(start, end);
9481 currentOpenTag = {
9482 type: 1,
9483 tag: name,
9484 ns: currentOptions.getNamespace(name, stack[0], currentOptions.ns),
9485 tagType: 0,
9486 // will be refined on tag close
9487 props: [],
9488 children: [],
9489 loc: getLoc(start - 1, end),
9490 codegenNode: void 0
9491 };
9492 },
9493 onopentagend(end) {
9494 endOpenTag(end);
9495 },
9496 onclosetag(start, end) {
9497 const name = getSlice(start, end);
9498 if (!currentOptions.isVoidTag(name)) {
9499 let found = false;
9500 for (let i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
9501 const e = stack[i];
9502 if (e.tag.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) {
9503 found = true;
9504 if (i > 0) {
9505 emitError(24, stack[0].loc.start.offset);
9506 }
9507 for (let j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
9508 const el = stack.shift();
9509 onCloseTag(el, end, j < i);
9510 }
9511 break;
9512 }
9513 }
9514 if (!found) {
9515 emitError(23, backTrack(start, 60));
9516 }
9517 }
9518 },
9519 onselfclosingtag(end) {
9520 const name = currentOpenTag.tag;
9521 currentOpenTag.isSelfClosing = true;
9522 endOpenTag(end);
9523 if (stack[0] && stack[0].tag === name) {
9524 onCloseTag(stack.shift(), end);
9525 }
9526 },
9527 onattribname(start, end) {
9528 currentProp = {
9529 type: 6,
9530 name: getSlice(start, end),
9531 nameLoc: getLoc(start, end),
9532 value: void 0,
9533 loc: getLoc(start)
9534 };
9535 },
9536 ondirname(start, end) {
9537 const raw = getSlice(start, end);
9538 const name = raw === "." || raw === ":" ? "bind" : raw === "@" ? "on" : raw === "#" ? "slot" : raw.slice(2);
9539 if (!inVPre && name === "") {
9540 emitError(26, start);
9541 }
9542 if (inVPre || name === "") {
9543 currentProp = {
9544 type: 6,
9545 name: raw,
9546 nameLoc: getLoc(start, end),
9547 value: void 0,
9548 loc: getLoc(start)
9549 };
9550 } else {
9551 currentProp = {
9552 type: 7,
9553 name,
9554 rawName: raw,
9555 exp: void 0,
9556 arg: void 0,
9557 modifiers: raw === "." ? ["prop"] : [],
9558 loc: getLoc(start)
9559 };
9560 if (name === "pre") {
9561 inVPre = tokenizer.inVPre = true;
9562 currentVPreBoundary = currentOpenTag;
9563 const props = currentOpenTag.props;
9564 for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
9565 if (props[i].type === 7) {
9566 props[i] = dirToAttr(props[i]);
9567 }
9568 }
9569 }
9570 }
9571 },
9572 ondirarg(start, end) {
9573 if (start === end)
9574 return;
9575 const arg = getSlice(start, end);
9576 if (inVPre) {
9577 currentProp.name += arg;
9578 setLocEnd(currentProp.nameLoc, end);
9579 } else {
9580 const isStatic = arg[0] !== `[`;
9581 currentProp.arg = createExp(
9582 isStatic ? arg : arg.slice(1, -1),
9583 isStatic,
9584 getLoc(start, end),
9585 isStatic ? 3 : 0
9586 );
9587 }
9588 },
9589 ondirmodifier(start, end) {
9590 const mod = getSlice(start, end);
9591 if (inVPre) {
9592 currentProp.name += "." + mod;
9593 setLocEnd(currentProp.nameLoc, end);
9594 } else if (currentProp.name === "slot") {
9595 const arg = currentProp.arg;
9596 if (arg) {
9597 arg.content += "." + mod;
9598 setLocEnd(arg.loc, end);
9599 }
9600 } else {
9601 currentProp.modifiers.push(mod);
9602 }
9603 },
9604 onattribdata(start, end) {
9605 currentAttrValue += getSlice(start, end);
9606 if (currentAttrStartIndex < 0)
9607 currentAttrStartIndex = start;
9608 currentAttrEndIndex = end;
9609 },
9610 onattribentity(char, start, end) {
9611 currentAttrValue += char;
9612 if (currentAttrStartIndex < 0)
9613 currentAttrStartIndex = start;
9614 currentAttrEndIndex = end;
9615 },
9616 onattribnameend(end) {
9617 const start = currentProp.loc.start.offset;
9618 const name = getSlice(start, end);
9619 if (currentProp.type === 7) {
9620 currentProp.rawName = name;
9621 }
9622 if (currentOpenTag.props.some(
9623 (p) => (p.type === 7 ? p.rawName : p.name) === name
9624 )) {
9625 emitError(2, start);
9626 }
9627 },
9628 onattribend(quote, end) {
9629 if (currentOpenTag && currentProp) {
9630 setLocEnd(currentProp.loc, end);
9631 if (quote !== 0) {
9632 if (currentAttrValue.includes("&")) {
9633 currentAttrValue = currentOptions.decodeEntities(
9634 currentAttrValue,
9635 true
9636 );
9637 }
9638 if (currentProp.type === 6) {
9639 if (currentProp.name === "class") {
9640 currentAttrValue = condense(currentAttrValue).trim();
9641 }
9642 if (quote === 1 && !currentAttrValue) {
9643 emitError(13, end);
9644 }
9645 currentProp.value = {
9646 type: 2,
9647 content: currentAttrValue,
9648 loc: quote === 1 ? getLoc(currentAttrStartIndex, currentAttrEndIndex) : getLoc(currentAttrStartIndex - 1, currentAttrEndIndex + 1)
9649 };
9650 if (tokenizer.inSFCRoot && currentOpenTag.tag === "template" && currentProp.name === "lang" && currentAttrValue && currentAttrValue !== "html") {
9651 tokenizer.enterRCDATA(toCharCodes(`</template`), 0);
9652 }
9653 } else {
9654 let expParseMode = 0 /* Normal */;
9655 currentProp.exp = createExp(
9656 currentAttrValue,
9657 false,
9658 getLoc(currentAttrStartIndex, currentAttrEndIndex),
9659 0,
9660 expParseMode
9661 );
9662 if (currentProp.name === "for") {
9663 currentProp.forParseResult = parseForExpression(currentProp.exp);
9664 }
9665 let syncIndex = -1;
9666 if (currentProp.name === "bind" && (syncIndex = currentProp.modifiers.indexOf("sync")) > -1 && checkCompatEnabled(
9668 currentOptions,
9669 currentProp.loc,
9670 currentProp.rawName
9671 )) {
9672 currentProp.name = "model";
9673 currentProp.modifiers.splice(syncIndex, 1);
9674 }
9675 }
9676 }
9677 if (currentProp.type !== 7 || currentProp.name !== "pre") {
9678 currentOpenTag.props.push(currentProp);
9679 }
9680 }
9681 currentAttrValue = "";
9682 currentAttrStartIndex = currentAttrEndIndex = -1;
9683 },
9684 oncomment(start, end) {
9685 if (currentOptions.comments) {
9686 addNode({
9687 type: 3,
9688 content: getSlice(start, end),
9689 loc: getLoc(start - 4, end + 3)
9690 });
9691 }
9692 },
9693 onend() {
9694 const end = currentInput.length;
9695 if (tokenizer.state !== 1) {
9696 switch (tokenizer.state) {
9697 case 5:
9698 case 8:
9699 emitError(5, end);
9700 break;
9701 case 3:
9702 case 4:
9703 emitError(
9704 25,
9705 tokenizer.sectionStart
9706 );
9707 break;
9708 case 28:
9709 if (tokenizer.currentSequence === Sequences.CdataEnd) {
9710 emitError(6, end);
9711 } else {
9712 emitError(7, end);
9713 }
9714 break;
9715 case 6:
9716 case 7:
9717 case 9:
9718 case 11:
9719 case 12:
9720 case 13:
9721 case 14:
9722 case 15:
9723 case 16:
9724 case 17:
9725 case 18:
9726 case 19:
9727 case 20:
9728 case 21:
9729 emitError(9, end);
9730 break;
9731 }
9732 }
9733 for (let index = 0; index < stack.length; index++) {
9734 onCloseTag(stack[index], end - 1);
9735 emitError(24, stack[index].loc.start.offset);
9736 }
9737 },
9738 oncdata(start, end) {
9739 if (stack[0].ns !== 0) {
9740 onText(getSlice(start, end), start, end);
9741 } else {
9742 emitError(1, start - 9);
9743 }
9744 },
9745 onprocessinginstruction(start) {
9746 if ((stack[0] ? stack[0].ns : currentOptions.ns) === 0) {
9747 emitError(
9748 21,
9749 start - 1
9750 );
9751 }
9752 }
9754const forIteratorRE = /,([^,\}\]]*)(?:,([^,\}\]]*))?$/;
9755const stripParensRE = /^\(|\)$/g;
9756function parseForExpression(input) {
9757 const loc = input.loc;
9758 const exp = input.content;
9759 const inMatch = exp.match(forAliasRE);
9760 if (!inMatch)
9761 return;
9762 const [, LHS, RHS] = inMatch;
9763 const createAliasExpression = (content, offset, asParam = false) => {
9764 const start = loc.start.offset + offset;
9765 const end = start + content.length;
9766 return createExp(
9767 content,
9768 false,
9769 getLoc(start, end),
9770 0,
9771 asParam ? 1 /* Params */ : 0 /* Normal */
9772 );
9773 };
9774 const result = {
9775 source: createAliasExpression(RHS.trim(), exp.indexOf(RHS, LHS.length)),
9776 value: void 0,
9777 key: void 0,
9778 index: void 0,
9779 finalized: false
9780 };
9781 let valueContent = LHS.trim().replace(stripParensRE, "").trim();
9782 const trimmedOffset = LHS.indexOf(valueContent);
9783 const iteratorMatch = valueContent.match(forIteratorRE);
9784 if (iteratorMatch) {
9785 valueContent = valueContent.replace(forIteratorRE, "").trim();
9786 const keyContent = iteratorMatch[1].trim();
9787 let keyOffset;
9788 if (keyContent) {
9789 keyOffset = exp.indexOf(keyContent, trimmedOffset + valueContent.length);
9790 result.key = createAliasExpression(keyContent, keyOffset, true);
9791 }
9792 if (iteratorMatch[2]) {
9793 const indexContent = iteratorMatch[2].trim();
9794 if (indexContent) {
9795 result.index = createAliasExpression(
9796 indexContent,
9797 exp.indexOf(
9798 indexContent,
9799 result.key ? keyOffset + keyContent.length : trimmedOffset + valueContent.length
9800 ),
9801 true
9802 );
9803 }
9804 }
9805 }
9806 if (valueContent) {
9807 result.value = createAliasExpression(valueContent, trimmedOffset, true);
9808 }
9809 return result;
9811function getSlice(start, end) {
9812 return currentInput.slice(start, end);
9814function endOpenTag(end) {
9815 if (tokenizer.inSFCRoot) {
9816 currentOpenTag.innerLoc = getLoc(end + 1, end + 1);
9817 }
9818 addNode(currentOpenTag);
9819 const { tag, ns } = currentOpenTag;
9820 if (ns === 0 && currentOptions.isPreTag(tag)) {
9821 inPre++;
9822 }
9823 if (currentOptions.isVoidTag(tag)) {
9824 onCloseTag(currentOpenTag, end);
9825 } else {
9826 stack.unshift(currentOpenTag);
9827 if (ns === 1 || ns === 2) {
9828 tokenizer.inXML = true;
9829 }
9830 }
9831 currentOpenTag = null;
9833function onText(content, start, end) {
9834 {
9835 const tag = stack[0] && stack[0].tag;
9836 if (tag !== "script" && tag !== "style" && content.includes("&")) {
9837 content = currentOptions.decodeEntities(content, false);
9838 }
9839 }
9840 const parent = stack[0] || currentRoot;
9841 const lastNode = parent.children[parent.children.length - 1];
9842 if (lastNode && lastNode.type === 2) {
9843 lastNode.content += content;
9844 setLocEnd(lastNode.loc, end);
9845 } else {
9846 parent.children.push({
9847 type: 2,
9848 content,
9849 loc: getLoc(start, end)
9850 });
9851 }
9853function onCloseTag(el, end, isImplied = false) {
9854 if (isImplied) {
9855 setLocEnd(el.loc, backTrack(end, 60));
9856 } else {
9857 setLocEnd(el.loc, lookAhead(end, 62) + 1);
9858 }
9859 if (tokenizer.inSFCRoot) {
9860 if (el.children.length) {
9861 el.innerLoc.end = extend({}, el.children[el.children.length - 1].loc.end);
9862 } else {
9863 el.innerLoc.end = extend({}, el.innerLoc.start);
9864 }
9865 el.innerLoc.source = getSlice(
9866 el.innerLoc.start.offset,
9867 el.innerLoc.end.offset
9868 );
9869 }
9870 const { tag, ns } = el;
9871 if (!inVPre) {
9872 if (tag === "slot") {
9873 el.tagType = 2;
9874 } else if (isFragmentTemplate(el)) {
9875 el.tagType = 3;
9876 } else if (isComponent(el)) {
9877 el.tagType = 1;
9878 }
9879 }
9880 if (!tokenizer.inRCDATA) {
9881 el.children = condenseWhitespace(el.children, el.tag);
9882 }
9883 if (ns === 0 && currentOptions.isPreTag(tag)) {
9884 inPre--;
9885 }
9886 if (currentVPreBoundary === el) {
9887 inVPre = tokenizer.inVPre = false;
9888 currentVPreBoundary = null;
9889 }
9890 if (tokenizer.inXML && (stack[0] ? stack[0].ns : currentOptions.ns) === 0) {
9891 tokenizer.inXML = false;
9892 }
9893 {
9894 const props = el.props;
9895 if (isCompatEnabled(
9897 currentOptions
9898 )) {
9899 let hasIf = false;
9900 let hasFor = false;
9901 for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
9902 const p = props[i];
9903 if (p.type === 7) {
9904 if (p.name === "if") {
9905 hasIf = true;
9906 } else if (p.name === "for") {
9907 hasFor = true;
9908 }
9909 }
9910 if (hasIf && hasFor) {
9911 warnDeprecation(
9913 currentOptions,
9914 el.loc
9915 );
9916 break;
9917 }
9918 }
9919 }
9920 if (!tokenizer.inSFCRoot && isCompatEnabled(
9922 currentOptions
9923 ) && el.tag === "template" && !isFragmentTemplate(el)) {
9924 warnDeprecation(
9926 currentOptions,
9927 el.loc
9928 );
9929 const parent = stack[0] || currentRoot;
9930 const index = parent.children.indexOf(el);
9931 parent.children.splice(index, 1, ...el.children);
9932 }
9933 const inlineTemplateProp = props.find(
9934 (p) => p.type === 6 && p.name === "inline-template"
9935 );
9936 if (inlineTemplateProp && checkCompatEnabled(
9938 currentOptions,
9939 inlineTemplateProp.loc
9940 ) && el.children.length) {
9941 inlineTemplateProp.value = {
9942 type: 2,
9943 content: getSlice(
9944 el.children[0].loc.start.offset,
9945 el.children[el.children.length - 1].loc.end.offset
9946 ),
9947 loc: inlineTemplateProp.loc
9948 };
9949 }
9950 }
9952function lookAhead(index, c) {
9953 let i = index;
9954 while (currentInput.charCodeAt(i) !== c && i < currentInput.length - 1)
9955 i++;
9956 return i;
9958function backTrack(index, c) {
9959 let i = index;
9960 while (currentInput.charCodeAt(i) !== c && i >= 0)
9961 i--;
9962 return i;
9964const specialTemplateDir = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["if", "else", "else-if", "for", "slot"]);
9965function isFragmentTemplate({ tag, props }) {
9966 if (tag === "template") {
9967 for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
9968 if (props[i].type === 7 && specialTemplateDir.has(props[i].name)) {
9969 return true;
9970 }
9971 }
9972 }
9973 return false;
9975function isComponent({ tag, props }) {
9976 if (currentOptions.isCustomElement(tag)) {
9977 return false;
9978 }
9979 if (tag === "component" || isUpperCase(tag.charCodeAt(0)) || isCoreComponent(tag) || currentOptions.isBuiltInComponent && currentOptions.isBuiltInComponent(tag) || currentOptions.isNativeTag && !currentOptions.isNativeTag(tag)) {
9980 return true;
9981 }
9982 for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
9983 const p = props[i];
9984 if (p.type === 6) {
9985 if (p.name === "is" && p.value) {
9986 if (p.value.content.startsWith("vue:")) {
9987 return true;
9988 } else if (checkCompatEnabled(
9990 currentOptions,
9991 p.loc
9992 )) {
9993 return true;
9994 }
9995 }
9996 } else if (// :is on plain element - only treat as component in compat mode
9997 p.name === "bind" && isStaticArgOf(p.arg, "is") && checkCompatEnabled(
9999 currentOptions,
10000 p.loc
10001 )) {
10002 return true;
10003 }
10004 }
10005 return false;
10007function isUpperCase(c) {
10008 return c > 64 && c < 91;
10010const windowsNewlineRE = /\r\n/g;
10011function condenseWhitespace(nodes, tag) {
10012 const shouldCondense = currentOptions.whitespace !== "preserve";
10013 let removedWhitespace = false;
10014 for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
10015 const node = nodes[i];
10016 if (node.type === 2) {
10017 if (!inPre) {
10018 if (isAllWhitespace(node.content)) {
10019 const prev = nodes[i - 1] && nodes[i - 1].type;
10020 const next = nodes[i + 1] && nodes[i + 1].type;
10021 if (!prev || !next || shouldCondense && (prev === 3 && (next === 3 || next === 1) || prev === 1 && (next === 3 || next === 1 && hasNewlineChar(node.content)))) {
10022 removedWhitespace = true;
10023 nodes[i] = null;
10024 } else {
10025 node.content = " ";
10026 }
10027 } else if (shouldCondense) {
10028 node.content = condense(node.content);
10029 }
10030 } else {
10031 node.content = node.content.replace(windowsNewlineRE, "\n");
10032 }
10033 }
10034 }
10035 if (inPre && tag && currentOptions.isPreTag(tag)) {
10036 const first = nodes[0];
10037 if (first && first.type === 2) {
10038 first.content = first.content.replace(/^\r?\n/, "");
10039 }
10040 }
10041 return removedWhitespace ? nodes.filter(Boolean) : nodes;
10043function isAllWhitespace(str) {
10044 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
10045 if (!isWhitespace(str.charCodeAt(i))) {
10046 return false;
10047 }
10048 }
10049 return true;
10051function hasNewlineChar(str) {
10052 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
10053 const c = str.charCodeAt(i);
10054 if (c === 10 || c === 13) {
10055 return true;
10056 }
10057 }
10058 return false;
10060function condense(str) {
10061 let ret = "";
10062 let prevCharIsWhitespace = false;
10063 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
10064 if (isWhitespace(str.charCodeAt(i))) {
10065 if (!prevCharIsWhitespace) {
10066 ret += " ";
10067 prevCharIsWhitespace = true;
10068 }
10069 } else {
10070 ret += str[i];
10071 prevCharIsWhitespace = false;
10072 }
10073 }
10074 return ret;
10076function addNode(node) {
10077 (stack[0] || currentRoot).children.push(node);
10079function getLoc(start, end) {
10080 return {
10081 start: tokenizer.getPos(start),
10082 // @ts-expect-error allow late attachment
10083 end: end == null ? end : tokenizer.getPos(end),
10084 // @ts-expect-error allow late attachment
10085 source: end == null ? end : getSlice(start, end)
10086 };
10088function setLocEnd(loc, end) {
10089 loc.end = tokenizer.getPos(end);
10090 loc.source = getSlice(loc.start.offset, end);
10092function dirToAttr(dir) {
10093 const attr = {
10094 type: 6,
10095 name: dir.rawName,
10096 nameLoc: getLoc(
10097 dir.loc.start.offset,
10098 dir.loc.start.offset + dir.rawName.length
10099 ),
10100 value: void 0,
10101 loc: dir.loc
10102 };
10103 if (dir.exp) {
10104 const loc = dir.exp.loc;
10105 if (loc.end.offset < dir.loc.end.offset) {
10106 loc.start.offset--;
10107 loc.start.column--;
10108 loc.end.offset++;
10109 loc.end.column++;
10110 }
10111 attr.value = {
10112 type: 2,
10113 content: dir.exp.content,
10114 loc
10115 };
10116 }
10117 return attr;
10119function createExp(content, isStatic = false, loc, constType = 0, parseMode = 0 /* Normal */) {
10120 const exp = createSimpleExpression(content, isStatic, loc, constType);
10121 return exp;
10123function emitError(code, index, message) {
10124 currentOptions.onError(
10125 createCompilerError(code, getLoc(index, index), void 0, message)
10126 );
10128function reset() {
10129 tokenizer.reset();
10130 currentOpenTag = null;
10131 currentProp = null;
10132 currentAttrValue = "";
10133 currentAttrStartIndex = -1;
10134 currentAttrEndIndex = -1;
10135 stack.length = 0;
10137function baseParse(input, options) {
10138 reset();
10139 currentInput = input;
10140 currentOptions = extend({}, defaultParserOptions);
10141 if (options) {
10142 let key;
10143 for (key in options) {
10144 if (options[key] != null) {
10145 currentOptions[key] = options[key];
10146 }
10147 }
10148 }
10149 {
10150 if (!currentOptions.decodeEntities) {
10151 throw new Error(
10152 `[@vue/compiler-core] decodeEntities option is required in browser builds.`
10153 );
10154 }
10155 }
10156 tokenizer.mode = currentOptions.parseMode === "html" ? 1 : currentOptions.parseMode === "sfc" ? 2 : 0;
10157 tokenizer.inXML = currentOptions.ns === 1 || currentOptions.ns === 2;
10158 const delimiters = options && options.delimiters;
10159 if (delimiters) {
10160 tokenizer.delimiterOpen = toCharCodes(delimiters[0]);
10161 tokenizer.delimiterClose = toCharCodes(delimiters[1]);
10162 }
10163 const root = currentRoot = createRoot([], input);
10164 tokenizer.parse(currentInput);
10165 root.loc = getLoc(0, input.length);
10166 root.children = condenseWhitespace(root.children);
10167 currentRoot = null;
10168 return root;
10171function hoistStatic(root, context) {
10172 walk(
10173 root,
10174 context,
10175 // Root node is unfortunately non-hoistable due to potential parent
10176 // fallthrough attributes.
10177 isSingleElementRoot(root, root.children[0])
10178 );
10180function isSingleElementRoot(root, child) {
10181 const { children } = root;
10182 return children.length === 1 && child.type === 1 && !isSlotOutlet(child);
10184function walk(node, context, doNotHoistNode = false) {
10185 const { children } = node;
10186 const originalCount = children.length;
10187 let hoistedCount = 0;
10188 for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
10189 const child = children[i];
10190 if (child.type === 1 && child.tagType === 0) {
10191 const constantType = doNotHoistNode ? 0 : getConstantType(child, context);
10192 if (constantType > 0) {
10193 if (constantType >= 2) {
10194 child.codegenNode.patchFlag = -1 + (` /* HOISTED */` );
10195 child.codegenNode = context.hoist(child.codegenNode);
10196 hoistedCount++;
10197 continue;
10198 }
10199 } else {
10200 const codegenNode = child.codegenNode;
10201 if (codegenNode.type === 13) {
10202 const flag = getPatchFlag(codegenNode);
10203 if ((!flag || flag === 512 || flag === 1) && getGeneratedPropsConstantType(child, context) >= 2) {
10204 const props = getNodeProps(child);
10205 if (props) {
10206 codegenNode.props = context.hoist(props);
10207 }
10208 }
10209 if (codegenNode.dynamicProps) {
10210 codegenNode.dynamicProps = context.hoist(codegenNode.dynamicProps);
10211 }
10212 }
10213 }
10214 }
10215 if (child.type === 1) {
10216 const isComponent = child.tagType === 1;
10217 if (isComponent) {
10218 context.scopes.vSlot++;
10219 }
10220 walk(child, context);
10221 if (isComponent) {
10222 context.scopes.vSlot--;
10223 }
10224 } else if (child.type === 11) {
10225 walk(child, context, child.children.length === 1);
10226 } else if (child.type === 9) {
10227 for (let i2 = 0; i2 < child.branches.length; i2++) {
10228 walk(
10229 child.branches[i2],
10230 context,
10231 child.branches[i2].children.length === 1
10232 );
10233 }
10234 }
10235 }
10236 if (hoistedCount && context.transformHoist) {
10237 context.transformHoist(children, context, node);
10238 }
10239 if (hoistedCount && hoistedCount === originalCount && node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 0 && node.codegenNode && node.codegenNode.type === 13 && isArray(node.codegenNode.children)) {
10240 const hoisted = context.hoist(
10241 createArrayExpression(node.codegenNode.children)
10242 );
10243 if (context.hmr) {
10244 hoisted.content = `[...${hoisted.content}]`;
10245 }
10246 node.codegenNode.children = hoisted;
10247 }
10249function getConstantType(node, context) {
10250 const { constantCache } = context;
10251 switch (node.type) {
10252 case 1:
10253 if (node.tagType !== 0) {
10254 return 0;
10255 }
10256 const cached = constantCache.get(node);
10257 if (cached !== void 0) {
10258 return cached;
10259 }
10260 const codegenNode = node.codegenNode;
10261 if (codegenNode.type !== 13) {
10262 return 0;
10263 }
10264 if (codegenNode.isBlock && node.tag !== "svg" && node.tag !== "foreignObject") {
10265 return 0;
10266 }
10267 const flag = getPatchFlag(codegenNode);
10268 if (!flag) {
10269 let returnType2 = 3;
10270 const generatedPropsType = getGeneratedPropsConstantType(node, context);
10271 if (generatedPropsType === 0) {
10272 constantCache.set(node, 0);
10273 return 0;
10274 }
10275 if (generatedPropsType < returnType2) {
10276 returnType2 = generatedPropsType;
10277 }
10278 for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
10279 const childType = getConstantType(node.children[i], context);
10280 if (childType === 0) {
10281 constantCache.set(node, 0);
10282 return 0;
10283 }
10284 if (childType < returnType2) {
10285 returnType2 = childType;
10286 }
10287 }
10288 if (returnType2 > 1) {
10289 for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) {
10290 const p = node.props[i];
10291 if (p.type === 7 && p.name === "bind" && p.exp) {
10292 const expType = getConstantType(p.exp, context);
10293 if (expType === 0) {
10294 constantCache.set(node, 0);
10295 return 0;
10296 }
10297 if (expType < returnType2) {
10298 returnType2 = expType;
10299 }
10300 }
10301 }
10302 }
10303 if (codegenNode.isBlock) {
10304 for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) {
10305 const p = node.props[i];
10306 if (p.type === 7) {
10307 constantCache.set(node, 0);
10308 return 0;
10309 }
10310 }
10311 context.removeHelper(OPEN_BLOCK);
10312 context.removeHelper(
10313 getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, codegenNode.isComponent)
10314 );
10315 codegenNode.isBlock = false;
10316 context.helper(getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, codegenNode.isComponent));
10317 }
10318 constantCache.set(node, returnType2);
10319 return returnType2;
10320 } else {
10321 constantCache.set(node, 0);
10322 return 0;
10323 }
10324 case 2:
10325 case 3:
10326 return 3;
10327 case 9:
10328 case 11:
10329 case 10:
10330 return 0;
10331 case 5:
10332 case 12:
10333 return getConstantType(node.content, context);
10334 case 4:
10335 return node.constType;
10336 case 8:
10337 let returnType = 3;
10338 for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
10339 const child = node.children[i];
10340 if (isString(child) || isSymbol(child)) {
10341 continue;
10342 }
10343 const childType = getConstantType(child, context);
10344 if (childType === 0) {
10345 return 0;
10346 } else if (childType < returnType) {
10347 returnType = childType;
10348 }
10349 }
10350 return returnType;
10351 default:
10352 return 0;
10353 }
10355const allowHoistedHelperSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
10361function getConstantTypeOfHelperCall(value, context) {
10362 if (value.type === 14 && !isString(value.callee) && allowHoistedHelperSet.has(value.callee)) {
10363 const arg = value.arguments[0];
10364 if (arg.type === 4) {
10365 return getConstantType(arg, context);
10366 } else if (arg.type === 14) {
10367 return getConstantTypeOfHelperCall(arg, context);
10368 }
10369 }
10370 return 0;
10372function getGeneratedPropsConstantType(node, context) {
10373 let returnType = 3;
10374 const props = getNodeProps(node);
10375 if (props && props.type === 15) {
10376 const { properties } = props;
10377 for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
10378 const { key, value } = properties[i];
10379 const keyType = getConstantType(key, context);
10380 if (keyType === 0) {
10381 return keyType;
10382 }
10383 if (keyType < returnType) {
10384 returnType = keyType;
10385 }
10386 let valueType;
10387 if (value.type === 4) {
10388 valueType = getConstantType(value, context);
10389 } else if (value.type === 14) {
10390 valueType = getConstantTypeOfHelperCall(value, context);
10391 } else {
10392 valueType = 0;
10393 }
10394 if (valueType === 0) {
10395 return valueType;
10396 }
10397 if (valueType < returnType) {
10398 returnType = valueType;
10399 }
10400 }
10401 }
10402 return returnType;
10404function getNodeProps(node) {
10405 const codegenNode = node.codegenNode;
10406 if (codegenNode.type === 13) {
10407 return codegenNode.props;
10408 }
10410function getPatchFlag(node) {
10411 const flag = node.patchFlag;
10412 return flag ? parseInt(flag, 10) : void 0;
10415function createTransformContext(root, {
10416 filename = "",
10417 prefixIdentifiers = false,
10418 hoistStatic: hoistStatic2 = false,
10419 hmr = false,
10420 cacheHandlers = false,
10421 nodeTransforms = [],
10422 directiveTransforms = {},
10423 transformHoist = null,
10424 isBuiltInComponent = NOOP,
10425 isCustomElement = NOOP,
10426 expressionPlugins = [],
10427 scopeId = null,
10428 slotted = true,
10429 ssr = false,
10430 inSSR = false,
10431 ssrCssVars = ``,
10432 bindingMetadata = EMPTY_OBJ,
10433 inline = false,
10434 isTS = false,
10435 onError = defaultOnError,
10436 onWarn = defaultOnWarn,
10437 compatConfig
10438}) {
10439 const nameMatch = filename.replace(/\?.*$/, "").match(/([^/\\]+)\.\w+$/);
10440 const context = {
10441 // options
10442 filename,
10443 selfName: nameMatch && capitalize(camelize(nameMatch[1])),
10444 prefixIdentifiers,
10445 hoistStatic: hoistStatic2,
10446 hmr,
10447 cacheHandlers,
10448 nodeTransforms,
10449 directiveTransforms,
10450 transformHoist,
10451 isBuiltInComponent,
10452 isCustomElement,
10453 expressionPlugins,
10454 scopeId,
10455 slotted,
10456 ssr,
10457 inSSR,
10458 ssrCssVars,
10459 bindingMetadata,
10460 inline,
10461 isTS,
10462 onError,
10463 onWarn,
10464 compatConfig,
10465 // state
10466 root,
10467 helpers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
10468 components: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
10469 directives: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
10470 hoists: [],
10471 imports: [],
10472 constantCache: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(),
10473 temps: 0,
10474 cached: 0,
10475 identifiers: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
10476 scopes: {
10477 vFor: 0,
10478 vSlot: 0,
10479 vPre: 0,
10480 vOnce: 0
10481 },
10482 parent: null,
10483 grandParent: null,
10484 currentNode: root,
10485 childIndex: 0,
10486 inVOnce: false,
10487 // methods
10488 helper(name) {
10489 const count = context.helpers.get(name) || 0;
10490 context.helpers.set(name, count + 1);
10491 return name;
10492 },
10493 removeHelper(name) {
10494 const count = context.helpers.get(name);
10495 if (count) {
10496 const currentCount = count - 1;
10497 if (!currentCount) {
10498 context.helpers.delete(name);
10499 } else {
10500 context.helpers.set(name, currentCount);
10501 }
10502 }
10503 },
10504 helperString(name) {
10505 return `_${helperNameMap[context.helper(name)]}`;
10506 },
10507 replaceNode(node) {
10508 {
10509 if (!context.currentNode) {
10510 throw new Error(`Node being replaced is already removed.`);
10511 }
10512 if (!context.parent) {
10513 throw new Error(`Cannot replace root node.`);
10514 }
10515 }
10516 context.parent.children[context.childIndex] = context.currentNode = node;
10517 },
10518 removeNode(node) {
10519 if (!context.parent) {
10520 throw new Error(`Cannot remove root node.`);
10521 }
10522 const list = context.parent.children;
10523 const removalIndex = node ? list.indexOf(node) : context.currentNode ? context.childIndex : -1;
10524 if (removalIndex < 0) {
10525 throw new Error(`node being removed is not a child of current parent`);
10526 }
10527 if (!node || node === context.currentNode) {
10528 context.currentNode = null;
10529 context.onNodeRemoved();
10530 } else {
10531 if (context.childIndex > removalIndex) {
10532 context.childIndex--;
10533 context.onNodeRemoved();
10534 }
10535 }
10536 context.parent.children.splice(removalIndex, 1);
10537 },
10538 onNodeRemoved: NOOP,
10539 addIdentifiers(exp) {
10540 },
10541 removeIdentifiers(exp) {
10542 },
10543 hoist(exp) {
10544 if (isString(exp))
10545 exp = createSimpleExpression(exp);
10546 context.hoists.push(exp);
10547 const identifier = createSimpleExpression(
10548 `_hoisted_${context.hoists.length}`,
10549 false,
10550 exp.loc,
10551 2
10552 );
10553 identifier.hoisted = exp;
10554 return identifier;
10555 },
10556 cache(exp, isVNode = false) {
10557 return createCacheExpression(context.cached++, exp, isVNode);
10558 }
10559 };
10560 {
10561 context.filters = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
10562 }
10563 return context;
10565function transform(root, options) {
10566 const context = createTransformContext(root, options);
10567 traverseNode(root, context);
10568 if (options.hoistStatic) {
10569 hoistStatic(root, context);
10570 }
10571 if (!options.ssr) {
10572 createRootCodegen(root, context);
10573 }
10574 root.helpers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...context.helpers.keys()]);
10575 root.components = [...context.components];
10576 root.directives = [...context.directives];
10577 root.imports = context.imports;
10578 root.hoists = context.hoists;
10579 root.temps = context.temps;
10580 root.cached = context.cached;
10581 root.transformed = true;
10582 {
10583 root.filters = [...context.filters];
10584 }
10586function createRootCodegen(root, context) {
10587 const { helper } = context;
10588 const { children } = root;
10589 if (children.length === 1) {
10590 const child = children[0];
10591 if (isSingleElementRoot(root, child) && child.codegenNode) {
10592 const codegenNode = child.codegenNode;
10593 if (codegenNode.type === 13) {
10594 convertToBlock(codegenNode, context);
10595 }
10596 root.codegenNode = codegenNode;
10597 } else {
10598 root.codegenNode = child;
10599 }
10600 } else if (children.length > 1) {
10601 let patchFlag = 64;
10602 let patchFlagText = PatchFlagNames[64];
10603 if (children.filter((c) => c.type !== 3).length === 1) {
10604 patchFlag |= 2048;
10605 patchFlagText += `, ${PatchFlagNames[2048]}`;
10606 }
10607 root.codegenNode = createVNodeCall(
10608 context,
10609 helper(FRAGMENT),
10610 void 0,
10611 root.children,
10612 patchFlag + (` /* ${patchFlagText} */` ),
10613 void 0,
10614 void 0,
10615 true,
10616 void 0,
10617 false
10618 );
10619 } else ;
10621function traverseChildren(parent, context) {
10622 let i = 0;
10623 const nodeRemoved = () => {
10624 i--;
10625 };
10626 for (; i < parent.children.length; i++) {
10627 const child = parent.children[i];
10628 if (isString(child))
10629 continue;
10630 context.grandParent = context.parent;
10631 context.parent = parent;
10632 context.childIndex = i;
10633 context.onNodeRemoved = nodeRemoved;
10634 traverseNode(child, context);
10635 }
10637function traverseNode(node, context) {
10638 context.currentNode = node;
10639 const { nodeTransforms } = context;
10640 const exitFns = [];
10641 for (let i2 = 0; i2 < nodeTransforms.length; i2++) {
10642 const onExit = nodeTransforms[i2](node, context);
10643 if (onExit) {
10644 if (isArray(onExit)) {
10645 exitFns.push(...onExit);
10646 } else {
10647 exitFns.push(onExit);
10648 }
10649 }
10650 if (!context.currentNode) {
10651 return;
10652 } else {
10653 node = context.currentNode;
10654 }
10655 }
10656 switch (node.type) {
10657 case 3:
10658 if (!context.ssr) {
10659 context.helper(CREATE_COMMENT);
10660 }
10661 break;
10662 case 5:
10663 if (!context.ssr) {
10664 context.helper(TO_DISPLAY_STRING);
10665 }
10666 break;
10667 case 9:
10668 for (let i2 = 0; i2 < node.branches.length; i2++) {
10669 traverseNode(node.branches[i2], context);
10670 }
10671 break;
10672 case 10:
10673 case 11:
10674 case 1:
10675 case 0:
10676 traverseChildren(node, context);
10677 break;
10678 }
10679 context.currentNode = node;
10680 let i = exitFns.length;
10681 while (i--) {
10682 exitFns[i]();
10683 }
10685function createStructuralDirectiveTransform(name, fn) {
10686 const matches = isString(name) ? (n) => n === name : (n) => name.test(n);
10687 return (node, context) => {
10688 if (node.type === 1) {
10689 const { props } = node;
10690 if (node.tagType === 3 && props.some(isVSlot)) {
10691 return;
10692 }
10693 const exitFns = [];
10694 for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
10695 const prop = props[i];
10696 if (prop.type === 7 && matches(prop.name)) {
10697 props.splice(i, 1);
10698 i--;
10699 const onExit = fn(node, prop, context);
10700 if (onExit)
10701 exitFns.push(onExit);
10702 }
10703 }
10704 return exitFns;
10705 }
10706 };
10709const PURE_ANNOTATION = `/*#__PURE__*/`;
10710const aliasHelper = (s) => `${helperNameMap[s]}: _${helperNameMap[s]}`;
10711function createCodegenContext(ast, {
10712 mode = "function",
10713 prefixIdentifiers = mode === "module",
10714 sourceMap = false,
10715 filename = `template.vue.html`,
10716 scopeId = null,
10717 optimizeImports = false,
10718 runtimeGlobalName = `Vue`,
10719 runtimeModuleName = `vue`,
10720 ssrRuntimeModuleName = "vue/server-renderer",
10721 ssr = false,
10722 isTS = false,
10723 inSSR = false
10724}) {
10725 const context = {
10726 mode,
10727 prefixIdentifiers,
10728 sourceMap,
10729 filename,
10730 scopeId,
10731 optimizeImports,
10732 runtimeGlobalName,
10733 runtimeModuleName,
10734 ssrRuntimeModuleName,
10735 ssr,
10736 isTS,
10737 inSSR,
10738 source: ast.source,
10739 code: ``,
10740 column: 1,
10741 line: 1,
10742 offset: 0,
10743 indentLevel: 0,
10744 pure: false,
10745 map: void 0,
10746 helper(key) {
10747 return `_${helperNameMap[key]}`;
10748 },
10749 push(code, newlineIndex = -2 /* None */, node) {
10750 context.code += code;
10751 },
10752 indent() {
10753 newline(++context.indentLevel);
10754 },
10755 deindent(withoutNewLine = false) {
10756 if (withoutNewLine) {
10757 --context.indentLevel;
10758 } else {
10759 newline(--context.indentLevel);
10760 }
10761 },
10762 newline() {
10763 newline(context.indentLevel);
10764 }
10765 };
10766 function newline(n) {
10767 context.push("\n" + ` `.repeat(n), 0 /* Start */);
10768 }
10769 return context;
10771function generate(ast, options = {}) {
10772 const context = createCodegenContext(ast, options);
10773 if (options.onContextCreated)
10774 options.onContextCreated(context);
10775 const {
10776 mode,
10777 push,
10778 prefixIdentifiers,
10779 indent,
10780 deindent,
10781 newline,
10782 scopeId,
10783 ssr
10784 } = context;
10785 const helpers = Array.from(ast.helpers);
10786 const hasHelpers = helpers.length > 0;
10787 const useWithBlock = !prefixIdentifiers && mode !== "module";
10788 const preambleContext = context;
10789 {
10790 genFunctionPreamble(ast, preambleContext);
10791 }
10792 const functionName = ssr ? `ssrRender` : `render`;
10793 const args = ssr ? ["_ctx", "_push", "_parent", "_attrs"] : ["_ctx", "_cache"];
10794 const signature = args.join(", ");
10795 {
10796 push(`function ${functionName}(${signature}) {`);
10797 }
10798 indent();
10799 if (useWithBlock) {
10800 push(`with (_ctx) {`);
10801 indent();
10802 if (hasHelpers) {
10803 push(
10804 `const { ${helpers.map(aliasHelper).join(", ")} } = _Vue
10806 -1 /* End */
10807 );
10808 newline();
10809 }
10810 }
10811 if (ast.components.length) {
10812 genAssets(ast.components, "component", context);
10813 if (ast.directives.length || ast.temps > 0) {
10814 newline();
10815 }
10816 }
10817 if (ast.directives.length) {
10818 genAssets(ast.directives, "directive", context);
10819 if (ast.temps > 0) {
10820 newline();
10821 }
10822 }
10823 if (ast.filters && ast.filters.length) {
10824 newline();
10825 genAssets(ast.filters, "filter", context);
10826 newline();
10827 }
10828 if (ast.temps > 0) {
10829 push(`let `);
10830 for (let i = 0; i < ast.temps; i++) {
10831 push(`${i > 0 ? `, ` : ``}_temp${i}`);
10832 }
10833 }
10834 if (ast.components.length || ast.directives.length || ast.temps) {
10835 push(`
10836`, 0 /* Start */);
10837 newline();
10838 }
10839 if (!ssr) {
10840 push(`return `);
10841 }
10842 if (ast.codegenNode) {
10843 genNode(ast.codegenNode, context);
10844 } else {
10845 push(`null`);
10846 }
10847 if (useWithBlock) {
10848 deindent();
10849 push(`}`);
10850 }
10851 deindent();
10852 push(`}`);
10853 return {
10854 ast,
10855 code: context.code,
10856 preamble: ``,
10857 map: context.map ? context.map.toJSON() : void 0
10858 };
10860function genFunctionPreamble(ast, context) {
10861 const {
10862 ssr,
10863 prefixIdentifiers,
10864 push,
10865 newline,
10866 runtimeModuleName,
10867 runtimeGlobalName,
10868 ssrRuntimeModuleName
10869 } = context;
10870 const VueBinding = runtimeGlobalName;
10871 const helpers = Array.from(ast.helpers);
10872 if (helpers.length > 0) {
10873 {
10874 push(`const _Vue = ${VueBinding}
10875`, -1 /* End */);
10876 if (ast.hoists.length) {
10877 const staticHelpers = [
10883 ].filter((helper) => helpers.includes(helper)).map(aliasHelper).join(", ");
10884 push(`const { ${staticHelpers} } = _Vue
10885`, -1 /* End */);
10886 }
10887 }
10888 }
10889 genHoists(ast.hoists, context);
10890 newline();
10891 push(`return `);
10893function genAssets(assets, type, { helper, push, newline, isTS }) {
10894 const resolver = helper(
10895 type === "filter" ? RESOLVE_FILTER : type === "component" ? RESOLVE_COMPONENT : RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE
10896 );
10897 for (let i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) {
10898 let id = assets[i];
10899 const maybeSelfReference = id.endsWith("__self");
10900 if (maybeSelfReference) {
10901 id = id.slice(0, -6);
10902 }
10903 push(
10904 `const ${toValidAssetId(id, type)} = ${resolver}(${JSON.stringify(id)}${maybeSelfReference ? `, true` : ``})${isTS ? `!` : ``}`
10905 );
10906 if (i < assets.length - 1) {
10907 newline();
10908 }
10909 }
10911function genHoists(hoists, context) {
10912 if (!hoists.length) {
10913 return;
10914 }
10915 context.pure = true;
10916 const { push, newline, helper, scopeId, mode } = context;
10917 newline();
10918 for (let i = 0; i < hoists.length; i++) {
10919 const exp = hoists[i];
10920 if (exp) {
10921 push(
10922 `const _hoisted_${i + 1} = ${``}`
10923 );
10924 genNode(exp, context);
10925 newline();
10926 }
10927 }
10928 context.pure = false;
10930function isText(n) {
10931 return isString(n) || n.type === 4 || n.type === 2 || n.type === 5 || n.type === 8;
10933function genNodeListAsArray(nodes, context) {
10934 const multilines = nodes.length > 3 || nodes.some((n) => isArray(n) || !isText(n));
10935 context.push(`[`);
10936 multilines && context.indent();
10937 genNodeList(nodes, context, multilines);
10938 multilines && context.deindent();
10939 context.push(`]`);
10941function genNodeList(nodes, context, multilines = false, comma = true) {
10942 const { push, newline } = context;
10943 for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
10944 const node = nodes[i];
10945 if (isString(node)) {
10946 push(node, -3 /* Unknown */);
10947 } else if (isArray(node)) {
10948 genNodeListAsArray(node, context);
10949 } else {
10950 genNode(node, context);
10951 }
10952 if (i < nodes.length - 1) {
10953 if (multilines) {
10954 comma && push(",");
10955 newline();
10956 } else {
10957 comma && push(", ");
10958 }
10959 }
10960 }
10962function genNode(node, context) {
10963 if (isString(node)) {
10964 context.push(node, -3 /* Unknown */);
10965 return;
10966 }
10967 if (isSymbol(node)) {
10968 context.push(context.helper(node));
10969 return;
10970 }
10971 switch (node.type) {
10972 case 1:
10973 case 9:
10974 case 11:
10975 assert(
10976 node.codegenNode != null,
10977 `Codegen node is missing for element/if/for node. Apply appropriate transforms first.`
10978 );
10979 genNode(node.codegenNode, context);
10980 break;
10981 case 2:
10982 genText(node, context);
10983 break;
10984 case 4:
10985 genExpression(node, context);
10986 break;
10987 case 5:
10988 genInterpolation(node, context);
10989 break;
10990 case 12:
10991 genNode(node.codegenNode, context);
10992 break;
10993 case 8:
10994 genCompoundExpression(node, context);
10995 break;
10996 case 3:
10997 genComment(node, context);
10998 break;
10999 case 13:
11000 genVNodeCall(node, context);
11001 break;
11002 case 14:
11003 genCallExpression(node, context);
11004 break;
11005 case 15:
11006 genObjectExpression(node, context);
11007 break;
11008 case 17:
11009 genArrayExpression(node, context);
11010 break;
11011 case 18:
11012 genFunctionExpression(node, context);
11013 break;
11014 case 19:
11015 genConditionalExpression(node, context);
11016 break;
11017 case 20:
11018 genCacheExpression(node, context);
11019 break;
11020 case 21:
11021 genNodeList(node.body, context, true, false);
11022 break;
11023 case 22:
11024 break;
11025 case 23:
11026 break;
11027 case 24:
11028 break;
11029 case 25:
11030 break;
11031 case 26:
11032 break;
11033 case 10:
11034 break;
11035 default:
11036 {
11037 assert(false, `unhandled codegen node type: ${node.type}`);
11038 const exhaustiveCheck = node;
11039 return exhaustiveCheck;
11040 }
11041 }
11043function genText(node, context) {
11044 context.push(JSON.stringify(node.content), -3 /* Unknown */, node);
11046function genExpression(node, context) {
11047 const { content, isStatic } = node;
11048 context.push(
11049 isStatic ? JSON.stringify(content) : content,
11050 -3 /* Unknown */,
11051 node
11052 );
11054function genInterpolation(node, context) {
11055 const { push, helper, pure } = context;
11056 if (pure)
11057 push(PURE_ANNOTATION);
11058 push(`${helper(TO_DISPLAY_STRING)}(`);
11059 genNode(node.content, context);
11060 push(`)`);
11062function genCompoundExpression(node, context) {
11063 for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
11064 const child = node.children[i];
11065 if (isString(child)) {
11066 context.push(child, -3 /* Unknown */);
11067 } else {
11068 genNode(child, context);
11069 }
11070 }
11072function genExpressionAsPropertyKey(node, context) {
11073 const { push } = context;
11074 if (node.type === 8) {
11075 push(`[`);
11076 genCompoundExpression(node, context);
11077 push(`]`);
11078 } else if (node.isStatic) {
11079 const text = isSimpleIdentifier(node.content) ? node.content : JSON.stringify(node.content);
11080 push(text, -2 /* None */, node);
11081 } else {
11082 push(`[${node.content}]`, -3 /* Unknown */, node);
11083 }
11085function genComment(node, context) {
11086 const { push, helper, pure } = context;
11087 if (pure) {
11088 push(PURE_ANNOTATION);
11089 }
11090 push(
11091 `${helper(CREATE_COMMENT)}(${JSON.stringify(node.content)})`,
11092 -3 /* Unknown */,
11093 node
11094 );
11096function genVNodeCall(node, context) {
11097 const { push, helper, pure } = context;
11098 const {
11099 tag,
11100 props,
11101 children,
11102 patchFlag,
11103 dynamicProps,
11104 directives,
11105 isBlock,
11106 disableTracking,
11107 isComponent
11108 } = node;
11109 if (directives) {
11110 push(helper(WITH_DIRECTIVES) + `(`);
11111 }
11112 if (isBlock) {
11113 push(`(${helper(OPEN_BLOCK)}(${disableTracking ? `true` : ``}), `);
11114 }
11115 if (pure) {
11116 push(PURE_ANNOTATION);
11117 }
11118 const callHelper = isBlock ? getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, isComponent) : getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, isComponent);
11119 push(helper(callHelper) + `(`, -2 /* None */, node);
11120 genNodeList(
11121 genNullableArgs([tag, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps]),
11122 context
11123 );
11124 push(`)`);
11125 if (isBlock) {
11126 push(`)`);
11127 }
11128 if (directives) {
11129 push(`, `);
11130 genNode(directives, context);
11131 push(`)`);
11132 }
11134function genNullableArgs(args) {
11135 let i = args.length;
11136 while (i--) {
11137 if (args[i] != null)
11138 break;
11139 }
11140 return args.slice(0, i + 1).map((arg) => arg || `null`);
11142function genCallExpression(node, context) {
11143 const { push, helper, pure } = context;
11144 const callee = isString(node.callee) ? node.callee : helper(node.callee);
11145 if (pure) {
11146 push(PURE_ANNOTATION);
11147 }
11148 push(callee + `(`, -2 /* None */, node);
11149 genNodeList(node.arguments, context);
11150 push(`)`);
11152function genObjectExpression(node, context) {
11153 const { push, indent, deindent, newline } = context;
11154 const { properties } = node;
11155 if (!properties.length) {
11156 push(`{}`, -2 /* None */, node);
11157 return;
11158 }
11159 const multilines = properties.length > 1 || properties.some((p) => p.value.type !== 4);
11160 push(multilines ? `{` : `{ `);
11161 multilines && indent();
11162 for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
11163 const { key, value } = properties[i];
11164 genExpressionAsPropertyKey(key, context);
11165 push(`: `);
11166 genNode(value, context);
11167 if (i < properties.length - 1) {
11168 push(`,`);
11169 newline();
11170 }
11171 }
11172 multilines && deindent();
11173 push(multilines ? `}` : ` }`);
11175function genArrayExpression(node, context) {
11176 genNodeListAsArray(node.elements, context);
11178function genFunctionExpression(node, context) {
11179 const { push, indent, deindent } = context;
11180 const { params, returns, body, newline, isSlot } = node;
11181 if (isSlot) {
11182 push(`_${helperNameMap[WITH_CTX]}(`);
11183 }
11184 push(`(`, -2 /* None */, node);
11185 if (isArray(params)) {
11186 genNodeList(params, context);
11187 } else if (params) {
11188 genNode(params, context);
11189 }
11190 push(`) => `);
11191 if (newline || body) {
11192 push(`{`);
11193 indent();
11194 }
11195 if (returns) {
11196 if (newline) {
11197 push(`return `);
11198 }
11199 if (isArray(returns)) {
11200 genNodeListAsArray(returns, context);
11201 } else {
11202 genNode(returns, context);
11203 }
11204 } else if (body) {
11205 genNode(body, context);
11206 }
11207 if (newline || body) {
11208 deindent();
11209 push(`}`);
11210 }
11211 if (isSlot) {
11212 if (node.isNonScopedSlot) {
11213 push(`, undefined, true`);
11214 }
11215 push(`)`);
11216 }
11218function genConditionalExpression(node, context) {
11219 const { test, consequent, alternate, newline: needNewline } = node;
11220 const { push, indent, deindent, newline } = context;
11221 if (test.type === 4) {
11222 const needsParens = !isSimpleIdentifier(test.content);
11223 needsParens && push(`(`);
11224 genExpression(test, context);
11225 needsParens && push(`)`);
11226 } else {
11227 push(`(`);
11228 genNode(test, context);
11229 push(`)`);
11230 }
11231 needNewline && indent();
11232 context.indentLevel++;
11233 needNewline || push(` `);
11234 push(`? `);
11235 genNode(consequent, context);
11236 context.indentLevel--;
11237 needNewline && newline();
11238 needNewline || push(` `);
11239 push(`: `);
11240 const isNested = alternate.type === 19;
11241 if (!isNested) {
11242 context.indentLevel++;
11243 }
11244 genNode(alternate, context);
11245 if (!isNested) {
11246 context.indentLevel--;
11247 }
11248 needNewline && deindent(
11249 true
11250 /* without newline */
11251 );
11253function genCacheExpression(node, context) {
11254 const { push, helper, indent, deindent, newline } = context;
11255 push(`_cache[${node.index}] || (`);
11256 if (node.isVNode) {
11257 indent();
11258 push(`${helper(SET_BLOCK_TRACKING)}(-1),`);
11259 newline();
11260 }
11261 push(`_cache[${node.index}] = `);
11262 genNode(node.value, context);
11263 if (node.isVNode) {
11264 push(`,`);
11265 newline();
11266 push(`${helper(SET_BLOCK_TRACKING)}(1),`);
11267 newline();
11268 push(`_cache[${node.index}]`);
11269 deindent();
11270 }
11271 push(`)`);
11274const prohibitedKeywordRE = new RegExp(
11275 "\\b" + "arguments,await,break,case,catch,class,const,continue,debugger,default,delete,do,else,export,extends,finally,for,function,if,import,let,new,return,super,switch,throw,try,var,void,while,with,yield".split(",").join("\\b|\\b") + "\\b"
11277const stripStringRE = /'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'|"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"|`(?:[^`\\]|\\.)*\$\{|\}(?:[^`\\]|\\.)*`|`(?:[^`\\]|\\.)*`/g;
11278function validateBrowserExpression(node, context, asParams = false, asRawStatements = false) {
11279 const exp = node.content;
11280 if (!exp.trim()) {
11281 return;
11282 }
11283 try {
11284 new Function(
11285 asRawStatements ? ` ${exp} ` : `return ${asParams ? `(${exp}) => {}` : `(${exp})`}`
11286 );
11287 } catch (e) {
11288 let message = e.message;
11289 const keywordMatch = exp.replace(stripStringRE, "").match(prohibitedKeywordRE);
11290 if (keywordMatch) {
11291 message = `avoid using JavaScript keyword as property name: "${keywordMatch[0]}"`;
11292 }
11293 context.onError(
11294 createCompilerError(
11295 45,
11296 node.loc,
11297 void 0,
11298 message
11299 )
11300 );
11301 }
11304const transformExpression = (node, context) => {
11305 if (node.type === 5) {
11306 node.content = processExpression(
11307 node.content,
11308 context
11309 );
11310 } else if (node.type === 1) {
11311 for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) {
11312 const dir = node.props[i];
11313 if (dir.type === 7 && dir.name !== "for") {
11314 const exp = dir.exp;
11315 const arg = dir.arg;
11316 if (exp && exp.type === 4 && !(dir.name === "on" && arg)) {
11317 dir.exp = processExpression(
11318 exp,
11319 context,
11320 // slot args must be processed as function params
11321 dir.name === "slot"
11322 );
11323 }
11324 if (arg && arg.type === 4 && !arg.isStatic) {
11325 dir.arg = processExpression(arg, context);
11326 }
11327 }
11328 }
11329 }
11331function processExpression(node, context, asParams = false, asRawStatements = false, localVars = Object.create(context.identifiers)) {
11332 {
11333 {
11334 validateBrowserExpression(node, context, asParams, asRawStatements);
11335 }
11336 return node;
11337 }
11340const transformIf = createStructuralDirectiveTransform(
11341 /^(if|else|else-if)$/,
11342 (node, dir, context) => {
11343 return processIf(node, dir, context, (ifNode, branch, isRoot) => {
11344 const siblings = context.parent.children;
11345 let i = siblings.indexOf(ifNode);
11346 let key = 0;
11347 while (i-- >= 0) {
11348 const sibling = siblings[i];
11349 if (sibling && sibling.type === 9) {
11350 key += sibling.branches.length;
11351 }
11352 }
11353 return () => {
11354 if (isRoot) {
11355 ifNode.codegenNode = createCodegenNodeForBranch(
11356 branch,
11357 key,
11358 context
11359 );
11360 } else {
11361 const parentCondition = getParentCondition(ifNode.codegenNode);
11362 parentCondition.alternate = createCodegenNodeForBranch(
11363 branch,
11364 key + ifNode.branches.length - 1,
11365 context
11366 );
11367 }
11368 };
11369 });
11370 }
11372function processIf(node, dir, context, processCodegen) {
11373 if (dir.name !== "else" && (!dir.exp || !dir.exp.content.trim())) {
11374 const loc = dir.exp ? dir.exp.loc : node.loc;
11375 context.onError(
11376 createCompilerError(28, dir.loc)
11377 );
11378 dir.exp = createSimpleExpression(`true`, false, loc);
11379 }
11380 if (dir.exp) {
11381 validateBrowserExpression(dir.exp, context);
11382 }
11383 if (dir.name === "if") {
11384 const branch = createIfBranch(node, dir);
11385 const ifNode = {
11386 type: 9,
11387 loc: node.loc,
11388 branches: [branch]
11389 };
11390 context.replaceNode(ifNode);
11391 if (processCodegen) {
11392 return processCodegen(ifNode, branch, true);
11393 }
11394 } else {
11395 const siblings = context.parent.children;
11396 const comments = [];
11397 let i = siblings.indexOf(node);
11398 while (i-- >= -1) {
11399 const sibling = siblings[i];
11400 if (sibling && sibling.type === 3) {
11401 context.removeNode(sibling);
11402 comments.unshift(sibling);
11403 continue;
11404 }
11405 if (sibling && sibling.type === 2 && !sibling.content.trim().length) {
11406 context.removeNode(sibling);
11407 continue;
11408 }
11409 if (sibling && sibling.type === 9) {
11410 if (dir.name === "else-if" && sibling.branches[sibling.branches.length - 1].condition === void 0) {
11411 context.onError(
11412 createCompilerError(30, node.loc)
11413 );
11414 }
11415 context.removeNode();
11416 const branch = createIfBranch(node, dir);
11417 if (comments.length && // #3619 ignore comments if the v-if is direct child of <transition>
11418 !(context.parent && context.parent.type === 1 && (context.parent.tag === "transition" || context.parent.tag === "Transition"))) {
11419 branch.children = [...comments, ...branch.children];
11420 }
11421 {
11422 const key = branch.userKey;
11423 if (key) {
11424 sibling.branches.forEach(({ userKey }) => {
11425 if (isSameKey(userKey, key)) {
11426 context.onError(
11427 createCompilerError(
11428 29,
11429 branch.userKey.loc
11430 )
11431 );
11432 }
11433 });
11434 }
11435 }
11436 sibling.branches.push(branch);
11437 const onExit = processCodegen && processCodegen(sibling, branch, false);
11438 traverseNode(branch, context);
11439 if (onExit)
11440 onExit();
11441 context.currentNode = null;
11442 } else {
11443 context.onError(
11444 createCompilerError(30, node.loc)
11445 );
11446 }
11447 break;
11448 }
11449 }
11451function createIfBranch(node, dir) {
11452 const isTemplateIf = node.tagType === 3;
11453 return {
11454 type: 10,
11455 loc: node.loc,
11456 condition: dir.name === "else" ? void 0 : dir.exp,
11457 children: isTemplateIf && !findDir(node, "for") ? node.children : [node],
11458 userKey: findProp(node, `key`),
11459 isTemplateIf
11460 };
11462function createCodegenNodeForBranch(branch, keyIndex, context) {
11463 if (branch.condition) {
11464 return createConditionalExpression(
11465 branch.condition,
11466 createChildrenCodegenNode(branch, keyIndex, context),
11467 // make sure to pass in asBlock: true so that the comment node call
11468 // closes the current block.
11469 createCallExpression(context.helper(CREATE_COMMENT), [
11470 '"v-if"' ,
11471 "true"
11472 ])
11473 );
11474 } else {
11475 return createChildrenCodegenNode(branch, keyIndex, context);
11476 }
11478function createChildrenCodegenNode(branch, keyIndex, context) {
11479 const { helper } = context;
11480 const keyProperty = createObjectProperty(
11481 `key`,
11482 createSimpleExpression(
11483 `${keyIndex}`,
11484 false,
11485 locStub,
11486 2
11487 )
11488 );
11489 const { children } = branch;
11490 const firstChild = children[0];
11491 const needFragmentWrapper = children.length !== 1 || firstChild.type !== 1;
11492 if (needFragmentWrapper) {
11493 if (children.length === 1 && firstChild.type === 11) {
11494 const vnodeCall = firstChild.codegenNode;
11495 injectProp(vnodeCall, keyProperty, context);
11496 return vnodeCall;
11497 } else {
11498 let patchFlag = 64;
11499 let patchFlagText = PatchFlagNames[64];
11500 if (!branch.isTemplateIf && children.filter((c) => c.type !== 3).length === 1) {
11501 patchFlag |= 2048;
11502 patchFlagText += `, ${PatchFlagNames[2048]}`;
11503 }
11504 return createVNodeCall(
11505 context,
11506 helper(FRAGMENT),
11507 createObjectExpression([keyProperty]),
11508 children,
11509 patchFlag + (` /* ${patchFlagText} */` ),
11510 void 0,
11511 void 0,
11512 true,
11513 false,
11514 false,
11515 branch.loc
11516 );
11517 }
11518 } else {
11519 const ret = firstChild.codegenNode;
11520 const vnodeCall = getMemoedVNodeCall(ret);
11521 if (vnodeCall.type === 13) {
11522 convertToBlock(vnodeCall, context);
11523 }
11524 injectProp(vnodeCall, keyProperty, context);
11525 return ret;
11526 }
11528function isSameKey(a, b) {
11529 if (!a || a.type !== b.type) {
11530 return false;
11531 }
11532 if (a.type === 6) {
11533 if (a.value.content !== b.value.content) {
11534 return false;
11535 }
11536 } else {
11537 const exp = a.exp;
11538 const branchExp = b.exp;
11539 if (exp.type !== branchExp.type) {
11540 return false;
11541 }
11542 if (exp.type !== 4 || exp.isStatic !== branchExp.isStatic || exp.content !== branchExp.content) {
11543 return false;
11544 }
11545 }
11546 return true;
11548function getParentCondition(node) {
11549 while (true) {
11550 if (node.type === 19) {
11551 if (node.alternate.type === 19) {
11552 node = node.alternate;
11553 } else {
11554 return node;
11555 }
11556 } else if (node.type === 20) {
11557 node = node.value;
11558 }
11559 }
11562const transformFor = createStructuralDirectiveTransform(
11563 "for",
11564 (node, dir, context) => {
11565 const { helper, removeHelper } = context;
11566 return processFor(node, dir, context, (forNode) => {
11567 const renderExp = createCallExpression(helper(RENDER_LIST), [
11568 forNode.source
11569 ]);
11570 const isTemplate = isTemplateNode(node);
11571 const memo = findDir(node, "memo");
11572 const keyProp = findProp(node, `key`);
11573 const keyExp = keyProp && (keyProp.type === 6 ? createSimpleExpression(keyProp.value.content, true) : keyProp.exp);
11574 const keyProperty = keyProp ? createObjectProperty(`key`, keyExp) : null;
11575 const isStableFragment = forNode.source.type === 4 && forNode.source.constType > 0;
11576 const fragmentFlag = isStableFragment ? 64 : keyProp ? 128 : 256;
11577 forNode.codegenNode = createVNodeCall(
11578 context,
11579 helper(FRAGMENT),
11580 void 0,
11581 renderExp,
11582 fragmentFlag + (` /* ${PatchFlagNames[fragmentFlag]} */` ),
11583 void 0,
11584 void 0,
11585 true,
11586 !isStableFragment,
11587 false,
11588 node.loc
11589 );
11590 return () => {
11591 let childBlock;
11592 const { children } = forNode;
11593 if (isTemplate) {
11594 node.children.some((c) => {
11595 if (c.type === 1) {
11596 const key = findProp(c, "key");
11597 if (key) {
11598 context.onError(
11599 createCompilerError(
11600 33,
11601 key.loc
11602 )
11603 );
11604 return true;
11605 }
11606 }
11607 });
11608 }
11609 const needFragmentWrapper = children.length !== 1 || children[0].type !== 1;
11610 const slotOutlet = isSlotOutlet(node) ? node : isTemplate && node.children.length === 1 && isSlotOutlet(node.children[0]) ? node.children[0] : null;
11611 if (slotOutlet) {
11612 childBlock = slotOutlet.codegenNode;
11613 if (isTemplate && keyProperty) {
11614 injectProp(childBlock, keyProperty, context);
11615 }
11616 } else if (needFragmentWrapper) {
11617 childBlock = createVNodeCall(
11618 context,
11619 helper(FRAGMENT),
11620 keyProperty ? createObjectExpression([keyProperty]) : void 0,
11621 node.children,
11622 64 + (` /* ${PatchFlagNames[64]} */` ),
11623 void 0,
11624 void 0,
11625 true,
11626 void 0,
11627 false
11628 );
11629 } else {
11630 childBlock = children[0].codegenNode;
11631 if (isTemplate && keyProperty) {
11632 injectProp(childBlock, keyProperty, context);
11633 }
11634 if (childBlock.isBlock !== !isStableFragment) {
11635 if (childBlock.isBlock) {
11636 removeHelper(OPEN_BLOCK);
11637 removeHelper(
11638 getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, childBlock.isComponent)
11639 );
11640 } else {
11641 removeHelper(
11642 getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, childBlock.isComponent)
11643 );
11644 }
11645 }
11646 childBlock.isBlock = !isStableFragment;
11647 if (childBlock.isBlock) {
11648 helper(OPEN_BLOCK);
11649 helper(getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, childBlock.isComponent));
11650 } else {
11651 helper(getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, childBlock.isComponent));
11652 }
11653 }
11654 if (memo) {
11655 const loop = createFunctionExpression(
11656 createForLoopParams(forNode.parseResult, [
11657 createSimpleExpression(`_cached`)
11658 ])
11659 );
11660 loop.body = createBlockStatement([
11661 createCompoundExpression([`const _memo = (`, memo.exp, `)`]),
11662 createCompoundExpression([
11663 `if (_cached`,
11664 ...keyExp ? [` && _cached.key === `, keyExp] : [],
11665 ` && ${context.helperString(
11667 )}(_cached, _memo)) return _cached`
11668 ]),
11669 createCompoundExpression([`const _item = `, childBlock]),
11670 createSimpleExpression(`_item.memo = _memo`),
11671 createSimpleExpression(`return _item`)
11672 ]);
11673 renderExp.arguments.push(
11674 loop,
11675 createSimpleExpression(`_cache`),
11676 createSimpleExpression(String(context.cached++))
11677 );
11678 } else {
11679 renderExp.arguments.push(
11680 createFunctionExpression(
11681 createForLoopParams(forNode.parseResult),
11682 childBlock,
11683 true
11684 )
11685 );
11686 }
11687 };
11688 });
11689 }
11691function processFor(node, dir, context, processCodegen) {
11692 if (!dir.exp) {
11693 context.onError(
11694 createCompilerError(31, dir.loc)
11695 );
11696 return;
11697 }
11698 const parseResult = dir.forParseResult;
11699 if (!parseResult) {
11700 context.onError(
11701 createCompilerError(32, dir.loc)
11702 );
11703 return;
11704 }
11705 finalizeForParseResult(parseResult, context);
11706 const { addIdentifiers, removeIdentifiers, scopes } = context;
11707 const { source, value, key, index } = parseResult;
11708 const forNode = {
11709 type: 11,
11710 loc: dir.loc,
11711 source,
11712 valueAlias: value,
11713 keyAlias: key,
11714 objectIndexAlias: index,
11715 parseResult,
11716 children: isTemplateNode(node) ? node.children : [node]
11717 };
11718 context.replaceNode(forNode);
11719 scopes.vFor++;
11720 const onExit = processCodegen && processCodegen(forNode);
11721 return () => {
11722 scopes.vFor--;
11723 if (onExit)
11724 onExit();
11725 };
11727function finalizeForParseResult(result, context) {
11728 if (result.finalized)
11729 return;
11730 {
11731 validateBrowserExpression(result.source, context);
11732 if (result.key) {
11733 validateBrowserExpression(
11734 result.key,
11735 context,
11736 true
11737 );
11738 }
11739 if (result.index) {
11740 validateBrowserExpression(
11741 result.index,
11742 context,
11743 true
11744 );
11745 }
11746 if (result.value) {
11747 validateBrowserExpression(
11748 result.value,
11749 context,
11750 true
11751 );
11752 }
11753 }
11754 result.finalized = true;
11756function createForLoopParams({ value, key, index }, memoArgs = []) {
11757 return createParamsList([value, key, index, ...memoArgs]);
11759function createParamsList(args) {
11760 let i = args.length;
11761 while (i--) {
11762 if (args[i])
11763 break;
11764 }
11765 return args.slice(0, i + 1).map((arg, i2) => arg || createSimpleExpression(`_`.repeat(i2 + 1), false));
11768const defaultFallback = createSimpleExpression(`undefined`, false);
11769const trackSlotScopes = (node, context) => {
11770 if (node.type === 1 && (node.tagType === 1 || node.tagType === 3)) {
11771 const vSlot = findDir(node, "slot");
11772 if (vSlot) {
11773 vSlot.exp;
11774 context.scopes.vSlot++;
11775 return () => {
11776 context.scopes.vSlot--;
11777 };
11778 }
11779 }
11781const buildClientSlotFn = (props, _vForExp, children, loc) => createFunctionExpression(
11782 props,
11783 children,
11784 false,
11785 true,
11786 children.length ? children[0].loc : loc
11788function buildSlots(node, context, buildSlotFn = buildClientSlotFn) {
11789 context.helper(WITH_CTX);
11790 const { children, loc } = node;
11791 const slotsProperties = [];
11792 const dynamicSlots = [];
11793 let hasDynamicSlots = context.scopes.vSlot > 0 || context.scopes.vFor > 0;
11794 const onComponentSlot = findDir(node, "slot", true);
11795 if (onComponentSlot) {
11796 const { arg, exp } = onComponentSlot;
11797 if (arg && !isStaticExp(arg)) {
11798 hasDynamicSlots = true;
11799 }
11800 slotsProperties.push(
11801 createObjectProperty(
11802 arg || createSimpleExpression("default", true),
11803 buildSlotFn(exp, void 0, children, loc)
11804 )
11805 );
11806 }
11807 let hasTemplateSlots = false;
11808 let hasNamedDefaultSlot = false;
11809 const implicitDefaultChildren = [];
11810 const seenSlotNames = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
11811 let conditionalBranchIndex = 0;
11812 for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
11813 const slotElement = children[i];
11814 let slotDir;
11815 if (!isTemplateNode(slotElement) || !(slotDir = findDir(slotElement, "slot", true))) {
11816 if (slotElement.type !== 3) {
11817 implicitDefaultChildren.push(slotElement);
11818 }
11819 continue;
11820 }
11821 if (onComponentSlot) {
11822 context.onError(
11823 createCompilerError(37, slotDir.loc)
11824 );
11825 break;
11826 }
11827 hasTemplateSlots = true;
11828 const { children: slotChildren, loc: slotLoc } = slotElement;
11829 const {
11830 arg: slotName = createSimpleExpression(`default`, true),
11831 exp: slotProps,
11832 loc: dirLoc
11833 } = slotDir;
11834 let staticSlotName;
11835 if (isStaticExp(slotName)) {
11836 staticSlotName = slotName ? slotName.content : `default`;
11837 } else {
11838 hasDynamicSlots = true;
11839 }
11840 const vFor = findDir(slotElement, "for");
11841 const slotFunction = buildSlotFn(slotProps, vFor, slotChildren, slotLoc);
11842 let vIf;
11843 let vElse;
11844 if (vIf = findDir(slotElement, "if")) {
11845 hasDynamicSlots = true;
11846 dynamicSlots.push(
11847 createConditionalExpression(
11848 vIf.exp,
11849 buildDynamicSlot(slotName, slotFunction, conditionalBranchIndex++),
11850 defaultFallback
11851 )
11852 );
11853 } else if (vElse = findDir(
11854 slotElement,
11855 /^else(-if)?$/,
11856 true
11857 /* allowEmpty */
11858 )) {
11859 let j = i;
11860 let prev;
11861 while (j--) {
11862 prev = children[j];
11863 if (prev.type !== 3) {
11864 break;
11865 }
11866 }
11867 if (prev && isTemplateNode(prev) && findDir(prev, "if")) {
11868 children.splice(i, 1);
11869 i--;
11870 let conditional = dynamicSlots[dynamicSlots.length - 1];
11871 while (conditional.alternate.type === 19) {
11872 conditional = conditional.alternate;
11873 }
11874 conditional.alternate = vElse.exp ? createConditionalExpression(
11875 vElse.exp,
11876 buildDynamicSlot(
11877 slotName,
11878 slotFunction,
11879 conditionalBranchIndex++
11880 ),
11881 defaultFallback
11882 ) : buildDynamicSlot(slotName, slotFunction, conditionalBranchIndex++);
11883 } else {
11884 context.onError(
11885 createCompilerError(30, vElse.loc)
11886 );
11887 }
11888 } else if (vFor) {
11889 hasDynamicSlots = true;
11890 const parseResult = vFor.forParseResult;
11891 if (parseResult) {
11892 finalizeForParseResult(parseResult, context);
11893 dynamicSlots.push(
11894 createCallExpression(context.helper(RENDER_LIST), [
11895 parseResult.source,
11896 createFunctionExpression(
11897 createForLoopParams(parseResult),
11898 buildDynamicSlot(slotName, slotFunction),
11899 true
11900 )
11901 ])
11902 );
11903 } else {
11904 context.onError(
11905 createCompilerError(
11906 32,
11907 vFor.loc
11908 )
11909 );
11910 }
11911 } else {
11912 if (staticSlotName) {
11913 if (seenSlotNames.has(staticSlotName)) {
11914 context.onError(
11915 createCompilerError(
11916 38,
11917 dirLoc
11918 )
11919 );
11920 continue;
11921 }
11922 seenSlotNames.add(staticSlotName);
11923 if (staticSlotName === "default") {
11924 hasNamedDefaultSlot = true;
11925 }
11926 }
11927 slotsProperties.push(createObjectProperty(slotName, slotFunction));
11928 }
11929 }
11930 if (!onComponentSlot) {
11931 const buildDefaultSlotProperty = (props, children2) => {
11932 const fn = buildSlotFn(props, void 0, children2, loc);
11933 if (context.compatConfig) {
11934 fn.isNonScopedSlot = true;
11935 }
11936 return createObjectProperty(`default`, fn);
11937 };
11938 if (!hasTemplateSlots) {
11939 slotsProperties.push(buildDefaultSlotProperty(void 0, children));
11940 } else if (implicitDefaultChildren.length && // #3766
11941 // with whitespace: 'preserve', whitespaces between slots will end up in
11942 // implicitDefaultChildren. Ignore if all implicit children are whitespaces.
11943 implicitDefaultChildren.some((node2) => isNonWhitespaceContent(node2))) {
11944 if (hasNamedDefaultSlot) {
11945 context.onError(
11946 createCompilerError(
11947 39,
11948 implicitDefaultChildren[0].loc
11949 )
11950 );
11951 } else {
11952 slotsProperties.push(
11953 buildDefaultSlotProperty(void 0, implicitDefaultChildren)
11954 );
11955 }
11956 }
11957 }
11958 const slotFlag = hasDynamicSlots ? 2 : hasForwardedSlots(node.children) ? 3 : 1;
11959 let slots = createObjectExpression(
11960 slotsProperties.concat(
11961 createObjectProperty(
11962 `_`,
11963 // 2 = compiled but dynamic = can skip normalization, but must run diff
11964 // 1 = compiled and static = can skip normalization AND diff as optimized
11965 createSimpleExpression(
11966 slotFlag + (` /* ${slotFlagsText[slotFlag]} */` ),
11967 false
11968 )
11969 )
11970 ),
11971 loc
11972 );
11973 if (dynamicSlots.length) {
11974 slots = createCallExpression(context.helper(CREATE_SLOTS), [
11975 slots,
11976 createArrayExpression(dynamicSlots)
11977 ]);
11978 }
11979 return {
11980 slots,
11981 hasDynamicSlots
11982 };
11984function buildDynamicSlot(name, fn, index) {
11985 const props = [
11986 createObjectProperty(`name`, name),
11987 createObjectProperty(`fn`, fn)
11988 ];
11989 if (index != null) {
11990 props.push(
11991 createObjectProperty(`key`, createSimpleExpression(String(index), true))
11992 );
11993 }
11994 return createObjectExpression(props);
11996function hasForwardedSlots(children) {
11997 for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
11998 const child = children[i];
11999 switch (child.type) {
12000 case 1:
12001 if (child.tagType === 2 || hasForwardedSlots(child.children)) {
12002 return true;
12003 }
12004 break;
12005 case 9:
12006 if (hasForwardedSlots(child.branches))
12007 return true;
12008 break;
12009 case 10:
12010 case 11:
12011 if (hasForwardedSlots(child.children))
12012 return true;
12013 break;
12014 }
12015 }
12016 return false;
12018function isNonWhitespaceContent(node) {
12019 if (node.type !== 2 && node.type !== 12)
12020 return true;
12021 return node.type === 2 ? !!node.content.trim() : isNonWhitespaceContent(node.content);
12024const directiveImportMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
12025const transformElement = (node, context) => {
12026 return function postTransformElement() {
12027 node = context.currentNode;
12028 if (!(node.type === 1 && (node.tagType === 0 || node.tagType === 1))) {
12029 return;
12030 }
12031 const { tag, props } = node;
12032 const isComponent = node.tagType === 1;
12033 let vnodeTag = isComponent ? resolveComponentType(node, context) : `"${tag}"`;
12034 const isDynamicComponent = isObject(vnodeTag) && vnodeTag.callee === RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT;
12035 let vnodeProps;
12036 let vnodeChildren;
12037 let vnodePatchFlag;
12038 let patchFlag = 0;
12039 let vnodeDynamicProps;
12040 let dynamicPropNames;
12041 let vnodeDirectives;
12042 let shouldUseBlock = (
12043 // dynamic component may resolve to plain elements
12044 isDynamicComponent || vnodeTag === TELEPORT || vnodeTag === SUSPENSE || !isComponent && // <svg> and <foreignObject> must be forced into blocks so that block
12045 // updates inside get proper isSVG flag at runtime. (#639, #643)
12046 // This is technically web-specific, but splitting the logic out of core
12047 // leads to too much unnecessary complexity.
12048 (tag === "svg" || tag === "foreignObject")
12049 );
12050 if (props.length > 0) {
12051 const propsBuildResult = buildProps(
12052 node,
12053 context,
12054 void 0,
12055 isComponent,
12056 isDynamicComponent
12057 );
12058 vnodeProps = propsBuildResult.props;
12059 patchFlag = propsBuildResult.patchFlag;
12060 dynamicPropNames = propsBuildResult.dynamicPropNames;
12061 const directives = propsBuildResult.directives;
12062 vnodeDirectives = directives && directives.length ? createArrayExpression(
12063 directives.map((dir) => buildDirectiveArgs(dir, context))
12064 ) : void 0;
12065 if (propsBuildResult.shouldUseBlock) {
12066 shouldUseBlock = true;
12067 }
12068 }
12069 if (node.children.length > 0) {
12070 if (vnodeTag === KEEP_ALIVE) {
12071 shouldUseBlock = true;
12072 patchFlag |= 1024;
12073 if (node.children.length > 1) {
12074 context.onError(
12075 createCompilerError(46, {
12076 start: node.children[0].loc.start,
12077 end: node.children[node.children.length - 1].loc.end,
12078 source: ""
12079 })
12080 );
12081 }
12082 }
12083 const shouldBuildAsSlots = isComponent && // Teleport is not a real component and has dedicated runtime handling
12084 vnodeTag !== TELEPORT && // explained above.
12085 vnodeTag !== KEEP_ALIVE;
12086 if (shouldBuildAsSlots) {
12087 const { slots, hasDynamicSlots } = buildSlots(node, context);
12088 vnodeChildren = slots;
12089 if (hasDynamicSlots) {
12090 patchFlag |= 1024;
12091 }
12092 } else if (node.children.length === 1 && vnodeTag !== TELEPORT) {
12093 const child = node.children[0];
12094 const type = child.type;
12095 const hasDynamicTextChild = type === 5 || type === 8;
12096 if (hasDynamicTextChild && getConstantType(child, context) === 0) {
12097 patchFlag |= 1;
12098 }
12099 if (hasDynamicTextChild || type === 2) {
12100 vnodeChildren = child;
12101 } else {
12102 vnodeChildren = node.children;
12103 }
12104 } else {
12105 vnodeChildren = node.children;
12106 }
12107 }
12108 if (patchFlag !== 0) {
12109 {
12110 if (patchFlag < 0) {
12111 vnodePatchFlag = patchFlag + ` /* ${PatchFlagNames[patchFlag]} */`;
12112 } else {
12113 const flagNames = Object.keys(PatchFlagNames).map(Number).filter((n) => n > 0 && patchFlag & n).map((n) => PatchFlagNames[n]).join(`, `);
12114 vnodePatchFlag = patchFlag + ` /* ${flagNames} */`;
12115 }
12116 }
12117 if (dynamicPropNames && dynamicPropNames.length) {
12118 vnodeDynamicProps = stringifyDynamicPropNames(dynamicPropNames);
12119 }
12120 }
12121 node.codegenNode = createVNodeCall(
12122 context,
12123 vnodeTag,
12124 vnodeProps,
12125 vnodeChildren,
12126 vnodePatchFlag,
12127 vnodeDynamicProps,
12128 vnodeDirectives,
12129 !!shouldUseBlock,
12130 false,
12131 isComponent,
12132 node.loc
12133 );
12134 };
12136function resolveComponentType(node, context, ssr = false) {
12137 let { tag } = node;
12138 const isExplicitDynamic = isComponentTag(tag);
12139 const isProp = findProp(
12140 node,
12141 "is",
12142 false,
12143 true
12144 /* allow empty */
12145 );
12146 if (isProp) {
12147 if (isExplicitDynamic || isCompatEnabled(
12149 context
12150 )) {
12151 let exp;
12152 if (isProp.type === 6) {
12153 exp = isProp.value && createSimpleExpression(isProp.value.content, true);
12154 } else {
12155 exp = isProp.exp;
12156 if (!exp) {
12157 exp = createSimpleExpression(`is`, false, isProp.loc);
12158 }
12159 }
12160 if (exp) {
12161 return createCallExpression(context.helper(RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT), [
12162 exp
12163 ]);
12164 }
12165 } else if (isProp.type === 6 && isProp.value.content.startsWith("vue:")) {
12166 tag = isProp.value.content.slice(4);
12167 }
12168 }
12169 const builtIn = isCoreComponent(tag) || context.isBuiltInComponent(tag);
12170 if (builtIn) {
12171 if (!ssr)
12172 context.helper(builtIn);
12173 return builtIn;
12174 }
12175 context.helper(RESOLVE_COMPONENT);
12176 context.components.add(tag);
12177 return toValidAssetId(tag, `component`);
12179function buildProps(node, context, props = node.props, isComponent, isDynamicComponent, ssr = false) {
12180 const { tag, loc: elementLoc, children } = node;
12181 let properties = [];
12182 const mergeArgs = [];
12183 const runtimeDirectives = [];
12184 const hasChildren = children.length > 0;
12185 let shouldUseBlock = false;
12186 let patchFlag = 0;
12187 let hasRef = false;
12188 let hasClassBinding = false;
12189 let hasStyleBinding = false;
12190 let hasHydrationEventBinding = false;
12191 let hasDynamicKeys = false;
12192 let hasVnodeHook = false;
12193 const dynamicPropNames = [];
12194 const pushMergeArg = (arg) => {
12195 if (properties.length) {
12196 mergeArgs.push(
12197 createObjectExpression(dedupeProperties(properties), elementLoc)
12198 );
12199 properties = [];
12200 }
12201 if (arg)
12202 mergeArgs.push(arg);
12203 };
12204 const pushRefVForMarker = () => {
12205 if (context.scopes.vFor > 0) {
12206 properties.push(
12207 createObjectProperty(
12208 createSimpleExpression("ref_for", true),
12209 createSimpleExpression("true")
12210 )
12211 );
12212 }
12213 };
12214 const analyzePatchFlag = ({ key, value }) => {
12215 if (isStaticExp(key)) {
12216 const name = key.content;
12217 const isEventHandler = isOn(name);
12218 if (isEventHandler && (!isComponent || isDynamicComponent) && // omit the flag for click handlers because hydration gives click
12219 // dedicated fast path.
12220 name.toLowerCase() !== "onclick" && // omit v-model handlers
12221 name !== "onUpdate:modelValue" && // omit onVnodeXXX hooks
12222 !isReservedProp(name)) {
12223 hasHydrationEventBinding = true;
12224 }
12225 if (isEventHandler && isReservedProp(name)) {
12226 hasVnodeHook = true;
12227 }
12228 if (isEventHandler && value.type === 14) {
12229 value = value.arguments[0];
12230 }
12231 if (value.type === 20 || (value.type === 4 || value.type === 8) && getConstantType(value, context) > 0) {
12232 return;
12233 }
12234 if (name === "ref") {
12235 hasRef = true;
12236 } else if (name === "class") {
12237 hasClassBinding = true;
12238 } else if (name === "style") {
12239 hasStyleBinding = true;
12240 } else if (name !== "key" && !dynamicPropNames.includes(name)) {
12241 dynamicPropNames.push(name);
12242 }
12243 if (isComponent && (name === "class" || name === "style") && !dynamicPropNames.includes(name)) {
12244 dynamicPropNames.push(name);
12245 }
12246 } else {
12247 hasDynamicKeys = true;
12248 }
12249 };
12250 for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
12251 const prop = props[i];
12252 if (prop.type === 6) {
12253 const { loc, name, nameLoc, value } = prop;
12254 let isStatic = true;
12255 if (name === "ref") {
12256 hasRef = true;
12257 pushRefVForMarker();
12258 }
12259 if (name === "is" && (isComponentTag(tag) || value && value.content.startsWith("vue:") || isCompatEnabled(
12261 context
12262 ))) {
12263 continue;
12264 }
12265 properties.push(
12266 createObjectProperty(
12267 createSimpleExpression(name, true, nameLoc),
12268 createSimpleExpression(
12269 value ? value.content : "",
12270 isStatic,
12271 value ? value.loc : loc
12272 )
12273 )
12274 );
12275 } else {
12276 const { name, arg, exp, loc, modifiers } = prop;
12277 const isVBind = name === "bind";
12278 const isVOn = name === "on";
12279 if (name === "slot") {
12280 if (!isComponent) {
12281 context.onError(
12282 createCompilerError(40, loc)
12283 );
12284 }
12285 continue;
12286 }
12287 if (name === "once" || name === "memo") {
12288 continue;
12289 }
12290 if (name === "is" || isVBind && isStaticArgOf(arg, "is") && (isComponentTag(tag) || isCompatEnabled(
12292 context
12293 ))) {
12294 continue;
12295 }
12296 if (isVOn && ssr) {
12297 continue;
12298 }
12299 if (
12300 // #938: elements with dynamic keys should be forced into blocks
12301 isVBind && isStaticArgOf(arg, "key") || // inline before-update hooks need to force block so that it is invoked
12302 // before children
12303 isVOn && hasChildren && isStaticArgOf(arg, "vue:before-update")
12304 ) {
12305 shouldUseBlock = true;
12306 }
12307 if (isVBind && isStaticArgOf(arg, "ref")) {
12308 pushRefVForMarker();
12309 }
12310 if (!arg && (isVBind || isVOn)) {
12311 hasDynamicKeys = true;
12312 if (exp) {
12313 if (isVBind) {
12314 pushRefVForMarker();
12315 pushMergeArg();
12316 {
12317 {
12318 const hasOverridableKeys = mergeArgs.some((arg2) => {
12319 if (arg2.type === 15) {
12320 return arg2.properties.some(({ key }) => {
12321 if (key.type !== 4 || !key.isStatic) {
12322 return true;
12323 }
12324 return key.content !== "class" && key.content !== "style" && !isOn(key.content);
12325 });
12326 } else {
12327 return true;
12328 }
12329 });
12330 if (hasOverridableKeys) {
12331 checkCompatEnabled(
12333 context,
12334 loc
12335 );
12336 }
12337 }
12338 if (isCompatEnabled(
12340 context
12341 )) {
12342 mergeArgs.unshift(exp);
12343 continue;
12344 }
12345 }
12346 mergeArgs.push(exp);
12347 } else {
12348 pushMergeArg({
12349 type: 14,
12350 loc,
12351 callee: context.helper(TO_HANDLERS),
12352 arguments: isComponent ? [exp] : [exp, `true`]
12353 });
12354 }
12355 } else {
12356 context.onError(
12357 createCompilerError(
12358 isVBind ? 34 : 35,
12359 loc
12360 )
12361 );
12362 }
12363 continue;
12364 }
12365 if (isVBind && modifiers.includes("prop")) {
12366 patchFlag |= 32;
12367 }
12368 const directiveTransform = context.directiveTransforms[name];
12369 if (directiveTransform) {
12370 const { props: props2, needRuntime } = directiveTransform(prop, node, context);
12371 !ssr && props2.forEach(analyzePatchFlag);
12372 if (isVOn && arg && !isStaticExp(arg)) {
12373 pushMergeArg(createObjectExpression(props2, elementLoc));
12374 } else {
12375 properties.push(...props2);
12376 }
12377 if (needRuntime) {
12378 runtimeDirectives.push(prop);
12379 if (isSymbol(needRuntime)) {
12380 directiveImportMap.set(prop, needRuntime);
12381 }
12382 }
12383 } else if (!isBuiltInDirective(name)) {
12384 runtimeDirectives.push(prop);
12385 if (hasChildren) {
12386 shouldUseBlock = true;
12387 }
12388 }
12389 }
12390 }
12391 let propsExpression = void 0;
12392 if (mergeArgs.length) {
12393 pushMergeArg();
12394 if (mergeArgs.length > 1) {
12395 propsExpression = createCallExpression(
12396 context.helper(MERGE_PROPS),
12397 mergeArgs,
12398 elementLoc
12399 );
12400 } else {
12401 propsExpression = mergeArgs[0];
12402 }
12403 } else if (properties.length) {
12404 propsExpression = createObjectExpression(
12405 dedupeProperties(properties),
12406 elementLoc
12407 );
12408 }
12409 if (hasDynamicKeys) {
12410 patchFlag |= 16;
12411 } else {
12412 if (hasClassBinding && !isComponent) {
12413 patchFlag |= 2;
12414 }
12415 if (hasStyleBinding && !isComponent) {
12416 patchFlag |= 4;
12417 }
12418 if (dynamicPropNames.length) {
12419 patchFlag |= 8;
12420 }
12421 if (hasHydrationEventBinding) {
12422 patchFlag |= 32;
12423 }
12424 }
12425 if (!shouldUseBlock && (patchFlag === 0 || patchFlag === 32) && (hasRef || hasVnodeHook || runtimeDirectives.length > 0)) {
12426 patchFlag |= 512;
12427 }
12428 if (!context.inSSR && propsExpression) {
12429 switch (propsExpression.type) {
12430 case 15:
12431 let classKeyIndex = -1;
12432 let styleKeyIndex = -1;
12433 let hasDynamicKey = false;
12434 for (let i = 0; i < propsExpression.properties.length; i++) {
12435 const key = propsExpression.properties[i].key;
12436 if (isStaticExp(key)) {
12437 if (key.content === "class") {
12438 classKeyIndex = i;
12439 } else if (key.content === "style") {
12440 styleKeyIndex = i;
12441 }
12442 } else if (!key.isHandlerKey) {
12443 hasDynamicKey = true;
12444 }
12445 }
12446 const classProp = propsExpression.properties[classKeyIndex];
12447 const styleProp = propsExpression.properties[styleKeyIndex];
12448 if (!hasDynamicKey) {
12449 if (classProp && !isStaticExp(classProp.value)) {
12450 classProp.value = createCallExpression(
12451 context.helper(NORMALIZE_CLASS),
12452 [classProp.value]
12453 );
12454 }
12455 if (styleProp && // the static style is compiled into an object,
12456 // so use `hasStyleBinding` to ensure that it is a dynamic style binding
12457 (hasStyleBinding || styleProp.value.type === 4 && styleProp.value.content.trim()[0] === `[` || // v-bind:style and style both exist,
12458 // v-bind:style with static literal object
12459 styleProp.value.type === 17)) {
12460 styleProp.value = createCallExpression(
12461 context.helper(NORMALIZE_STYLE),
12462 [styleProp.value]
12463 );
12464 }
12465 } else {
12466 propsExpression = createCallExpression(
12467 context.helper(NORMALIZE_PROPS),
12468 [propsExpression]
12469 );
12470 }
12471 break;
12472 case 14:
12473 break;
12474 default:
12475 propsExpression = createCallExpression(
12476 context.helper(NORMALIZE_PROPS),
12477 [
12478 createCallExpression(context.helper(GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS), [
12479 propsExpression
12480 ])
12481 ]
12482 );
12483 break;
12484 }
12485 }
12486 return {
12487 props: propsExpression,
12488 directives: runtimeDirectives,
12489 patchFlag,
12490 dynamicPropNames,
12491 shouldUseBlock
12492 };
12494function dedupeProperties(properties) {
12495 const knownProps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
12496 const deduped = [];
12497 for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
12498 const prop = properties[i];
12499 if (prop.key.type === 8 || !prop.key.isStatic) {
12500 deduped.push(prop);
12501 continue;
12502 }
12503 const name = prop.key.content;
12504 const existing = knownProps.get(name);
12505 if (existing) {
12506 if (name === "style" || name === "class" || isOn(name)) {
12507 mergeAsArray(existing, prop);
12508 }
12509 } else {
12510 knownProps.set(name, prop);
12511 deduped.push(prop);
12512 }
12513 }
12514 return deduped;
12516function mergeAsArray(existing, incoming) {
12517 if (existing.value.type === 17) {
12518 existing.value.elements.push(incoming.value);
12519 } else {
12520 existing.value = createArrayExpression(
12521 [existing.value, incoming.value],
12522 existing.loc
12523 );
12524 }
12526function buildDirectiveArgs(dir, context) {
12527 const dirArgs = [];
12528 const runtime = directiveImportMap.get(dir);
12529 if (runtime) {
12530 dirArgs.push(context.helperString(runtime));
12531 } else {
12532 {
12533 context.helper(RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE);
12534 context.directives.add(dir.name);
12535 dirArgs.push(toValidAssetId(dir.name, `directive`));
12536 }
12537 }
12538 const { loc } = dir;
12539 if (dir.exp)
12540 dirArgs.push(dir.exp);
12541 if (dir.arg) {
12542 if (!dir.exp) {
12543 dirArgs.push(`void 0`);
12544 }
12545 dirArgs.push(dir.arg);
12546 }
12547 if (Object.keys(dir.modifiers).length) {
12548 if (!dir.arg) {
12549 if (!dir.exp) {
12550 dirArgs.push(`void 0`);
12551 }
12552 dirArgs.push(`void 0`);
12553 }
12554 const trueExpression = createSimpleExpression(`true`, false, loc);
12555 dirArgs.push(
12556 createObjectExpression(
12557 dir.modifiers.map(
12558 (modifier) => createObjectProperty(modifier, trueExpression)
12559 ),
12560 loc
12561 )
12562 );
12563 }
12564 return createArrayExpression(dirArgs, dir.loc);
12566function stringifyDynamicPropNames(props) {
12567 let propsNamesString = `[`;
12568 for (let i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) {
12569 propsNamesString += JSON.stringify(props[i]);
12570 if (i < l - 1)
12571 propsNamesString += ", ";
12572 }
12573 return propsNamesString + `]`;
12575function isComponentTag(tag) {
12576 return tag === "component" || tag === "Component";
12579const transformSlotOutlet = (node, context) => {
12580 if (isSlotOutlet(node)) {
12581 const { children, loc } = node;
12582 const { slotName, slotProps } = processSlotOutlet(node, context);
12583 const slotArgs = [
12584 context.prefixIdentifiers ? `_ctx.$slots` : `$slots`,
12585 slotName,
12586 "{}",
12587 "undefined",
12588 "true"
12589 ];
12590 let expectedLen = 2;
12591 if (slotProps) {
12592 slotArgs[2] = slotProps;
12593 expectedLen = 3;
12594 }
12595 if (children.length) {
12596 slotArgs[3] = createFunctionExpression([], children, false, false, loc);
12597 expectedLen = 4;
12598 }
12599 if (context.scopeId && !context.slotted) {
12600 expectedLen = 5;
12601 }
12602 slotArgs.splice(expectedLen);
12603 node.codegenNode = createCallExpression(
12604 context.helper(RENDER_SLOT),
12605 slotArgs,
12606 loc
12607 );
12608 }
12610function processSlotOutlet(node, context) {
12611 let slotName = `"default"`;
12612 let slotProps = void 0;
12613 const nonNameProps = [];
12614 for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) {
12615 const p = node.props[i];
12616 if (p.type === 6) {
12617 if (p.value) {
12618 if (p.name === "name") {
12619 slotName = JSON.stringify(p.value.content);
12620 } else {
12621 p.name = camelize(p.name);
12622 nonNameProps.push(p);
12623 }
12624 }
12625 } else {
12626 if (p.name === "bind" && isStaticArgOf(p.arg, "name")) {
12627 if (p.exp) {
12628 slotName = p.exp;
12629 } else if (p.arg && p.arg.type === 4) {
12630 const name = camelize(p.arg.content);
12631 slotName = p.exp = createSimpleExpression(name, false, p.arg.loc);
12632 }
12633 } else {
12634 if (p.name === "bind" && p.arg && isStaticExp(p.arg)) {
12635 p.arg.content = camelize(p.arg.content);
12636 }
12637 nonNameProps.push(p);
12638 }
12639 }
12640 }
12641 if (nonNameProps.length > 0) {
12642 const { props, directives } = buildProps(
12643 node,
12644 context,
12645 nonNameProps,
12646 false,
12647 false
12648 );
12649 slotProps = props;
12650 if (directives.length) {
12651 context.onError(
12652 createCompilerError(
12653 36,
12654 directives[0].loc
12655 )
12656 );
12657 }
12658 }
12659 return {
12660 slotName,
12661 slotProps
12662 };
12665const fnExpRE = /^\s*([\w$_]+|(async\s*)?\([^)]*?\))\s*(:[^=]+)?=>|^\s*(async\s+)?function(?:\s+[\w$]+)?\s*\(/;
12666const transformOn$1 = (dir, node, context, augmentor) => {
12667 const { loc, modifiers, arg } = dir;
12668 if (!dir.exp && !modifiers.length) {
12669 context.onError(createCompilerError(35, loc));
12670 }
12671 let eventName;
12672 if (arg.type === 4) {
12673 if (arg.isStatic) {
12674 let rawName = arg.content;
12675 if (rawName.startsWith("vnode")) {
12676 context.onError(createCompilerError(51, arg.loc));
12677 }
12678 if (rawName.startsWith("vue:")) {
12679 rawName = `vnode-${rawName.slice(4)}`;
12680 }
12681 const eventString = node.tagType !== 0 || rawName.startsWith("vnode") || !/[A-Z]/.test(rawName) ? (
12682 // for non-element and vnode lifecycle event listeners, auto convert
12683 // it to camelCase. See issue #2249
12684 toHandlerKey(camelize(rawName))
12685 ) : (
12686 // preserve case for plain element listeners that have uppercase
12687 // letters, as these may be custom elements' custom events
12688 `on:${rawName}`
12689 );
12690 eventName = createSimpleExpression(eventString, true, arg.loc);
12691 } else {
12692 eventName = createCompoundExpression([
12693 `${context.helperString(TO_HANDLER_KEY)}(`,
12694 arg,
12695 `)`
12696 ]);
12697 }
12698 } else {
12699 eventName = arg;
12700 eventName.children.unshift(`${context.helperString(TO_HANDLER_KEY)}(`);
12701 eventName.children.push(`)`);
12702 }
12703 let exp = dir.exp;
12704 if (exp && !exp.content.trim()) {
12705 exp = void 0;
12706 }
12707 let shouldCache = context.cacheHandlers && !exp && !context.inVOnce;
12708 if (exp) {
12709 const isMemberExp = isMemberExpression(exp.content);
12710 const isInlineStatement = !(isMemberExp || fnExpRE.test(exp.content));
12711 const hasMultipleStatements = exp.content.includes(`;`);
12712 {
12713 validateBrowserExpression(
12714 exp,
12715 context,
12716 false,
12717 hasMultipleStatements
12718 );
12719 }
12720 if (isInlineStatement || shouldCache && isMemberExp) {
12721 exp = createCompoundExpression([
12722 `${isInlineStatement ? `$event` : `${``}(...args)`} => ${hasMultipleStatements ? `{` : `(`}`,
12723 exp,
12724 hasMultipleStatements ? `}` : `)`
12725 ]);
12726 }
12727 }
12728 let ret = {
12729 props: [
12730 createObjectProperty(
12731 eventName,
12732 exp || createSimpleExpression(`() => {}`, false, loc)
12733 )
12734 ]
12735 };
12736 if (augmentor) {
12737 ret = augmentor(ret);
12738 }
12739 if (shouldCache) {
12740 ret.props[0].value = context.cache(ret.props[0].value);
12741 }
12742 ret.props.forEach((p) => p.key.isHandlerKey = true);
12743 return ret;
12746const transformBind = (dir, _node, context) => {
12747 const { modifiers, loc } = dir;
12748 const arg = dir.arg;
12749 let { exp } = dir;
12750 if (exp && exp.type === 4 && !exp.content.trim()) {
12751 {
12752 exp = void 0;
12753 }
12754 }
12755 if (!exp) {
12756 if (arg.type !== 4 || !arg.isStatic) {
12757 context.onError(
12758 createCompilerError(
12759 52,
12760 arg.loc
12761 )
12762 );
12763 return {
12764 props: [
12765 createObjectProperty(arg, createSimpleExpression("", true, loc))
12766 ]
12767 };
12768 }
12769 const propName = camelize(arg.content);
12770 exp = dir.exp = createSimpleExpression(propName, false, arg.loc);
12771 }
12772 if (arg.type !== 4) {
12773 arg.children.unshift(`(`);
12774 arg.children.push(`) || ""`);
12775 } else if (!arg.isStatic) {
12776 arg.content = `${arg.content} || ""`;
12777 }
12778 if (modifiers.includes("camel")) {
12779 if (arg.type === 4) {
12780 if (arg.isStatic) {
12781 arg.content = camelize(arg.content);
12782 } else {
12783 arg.content = `${context.helperString(CAMELIZE)}(${arg.content})`;
12784 }
12785 } else {
12786 arg.children.unshift(`${context.helperString(CAMELIZE)}(`);
12787 arg.children.push(`)`);
12788 }
12789 }
12790 if (!context.inSSR) {
12791 if (modifiers.includes("prop")) {
12792 injectPrefix(arg, ".");
12793 }
12794 if (modifiers.includes("attr")) {
12795 injectPrefix(arg, "^");
12796 }
12797 }
12798 return {
12799 props: [createObjectProperty(arg, exp)]
12800 };
12802const injectPrefix = (arg, prefix) => {
12803 if (arg.type === 4) {
12804 if (arg.isStatic) {
12805 arg.content = prefix + arg.content;
12806 } else {
12807 arg.content = `\`${prefix}\${${arg.content}}\``;
12808 }
12809 } else {
12810 arg.children.unshift(`'${prefix}' + (`);
12811 arg.children.push(`)`);
12812 }
12815const transformText = (node, context) => {
12816 if (node.type === 0 || node.type === 1 || node.type === 11 || node.type === 10) {
12817 return () => {
12818 const children = node.children;
12819 let currentContainer = void 0;
12820 let hasText = false;
12821 for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
12822 const child = children[i];
12823 if (isText$1(child)) {
12824 hasText = true;
12825 for (let j = i + 1; j < children.length; j++) {
12826 const next = children[j];
12827 if (isText$1(next)) {
12828 if (!currentContainer) {
12829 currentContainer = children[i] = createCompoundExpression(
12830 [child],
12831 child.loc
12832 );
12833 }
12834 currentContainer.children.push(` + `, next);
12835 children.splice(j, 1);
12836 j--;
12837 } else {
12838 currentContainer = void 0;
12839 break;
12840 }
12841 }
12842 }
12843 }
12844 if (!hasText || // if this is a plain element with a single text child, leave it
12845 // as-is since the runtime has dedicated fast path for this by directly
12846 // setting textContent of the element.
12847 // for component root it's always normalized anyway.
12848 children.length === 1 && (node.type === 0 || node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 0 && // #3756
12849 // custom directives can potentially add DOM elements arbitrarily,
12850 // we need to avoid setting textContent of the element at runtime
12851 // to avoid accidentally overwriting the DOM elements added
12852 // by the user through custom directives.
12853 !node.props.find(
12854 (p) => p.type === 7 && !context.directiveTransforms[p.name]
12855 ) && // in compat mode, <template> tags with no special directives
12856 // will be rendered as a fragment so its children must be
12857 // converted into vnodes.
12858 !(node.tag === "template"))) {
12859 return;
12860 }
12861 for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
12862 const child = children[i];
12863 if (isText$1(child) || child.type === 8) {
12864 const callArgs = [];
12865 if (child.type !== 2 || child.content !== " ") {
12866 callArgs.push(child);
12867 }
12868 if (!context.ssr && getConstantType(child, context) === 0) {
12869 callArgs.push(
12870 1 + (` /* ${PatchFlagNames[1]} */` )
12871 );
12872 }
12873 children[i] = {
12874 type: 12,
12875 content: child,
12876 loc: child.loc,
12877 codegenNode: createCallExpression(
12878 context.helper(CREATE_TEXT),
12879 callArgs
12880 )
12881 };
12882 }
12883 }
12884 };
12885 }
12888const seen$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
12889const transformOnce = (node, context) => {
12890 if (node.type === 1 && findDir(node, "once", true)) {
12891 if (seen$1.has(node) || context.inVOnce || context.inSSR) {
12892 return;
12893 }
12894 seen$1.add(node);
12895 context.inVOnce = true;
12896 context.helper(SET_BLOCK_TRACKING);
12897 return () => {
12898 context.inVOnce = false;
12899 const cur = context.currentNode;
12900 if (cur.codegenNode) {
12901 cur.codegenNode = context.cache(
12902 cur.codegenNode,
12903 true
12904 /* isVNode */
12905 );
12906 }
12907 };
12908 }
12911const transformModel$1 = (dir, node, context) => {
12912 const { exp, arg } = dir;
12913 if (!exp) {
12914 context.onError(
12915 createCompilerError(41, dir.loc)
12916 );
12917 return createTransformProps();
12918 }
12919 const rawExp = exp.loc.source;
12920 const expString = exp.type === 4 ? exp.content : rawExp;
12921 const bindingType = context.bindingMetadata[rawExp];
12922 if (bindingType === "props" || bindingType === "props-aliased") {
12923 context.onError(createCompilerError(44, exp.loc));
12924 return createTransformProps();
12925 }
12926 const maybeRef = false;
12927 if (!expString.trim() || !isMemberExpression(expString) && !maybeRef) {
12928 context.onError(
12929 createCompilerError(42, exp.loc)
12930 );
12931 return createTransformProps();
12932 }
12933 const propName = arg ? arg : createSimpleExpression("modelValue", true);
12934 const eventName = arg ? isStaticExp(arg) ? `onUpdate:${camelize(arg.content)}` : createCompoundExpression(['"onUpdate:" + ', arg]) : `onUpdate:modelValue`;
12935 let assignmentExp;
12936 const eventArg = context.isTS ? `($event: any)` : `$event`;
12937 {
12938 assignmentExp = createCompoundExpression([
12939 `${eventArg} => ((`,
12940 exp,
12941 `) = $event)`
12942 ]);
12943 }
12944 const props = [
12945 // modelValue: foo
12946 createObjectProperty(propName, dir.exp),
12947 // "onUpdate:modelValue": $event => (foo = $event)
12948 createObjectProperty(eventName, assignmentExp)
12949 ];
12950 if (dir.modifiers.length && node.tagType === 1) {
12951 const modifiers = dir.modifiers.map((m) => (isSimpleIdentifier(m) ? m : JSON.stringify(m)) + `: true`).join(`, `);
12952 const modifiersKey = arg ? isStaticExp(arg) ? `${arg.content}Modifiers` : createCompoundExpression([arg, ' + "Modifiers"']) : `modelModifiers`;
12953 props.push(
12954 createObjectProperty(
12955 modifiersKey,
12956 createSimpleExpression(
12957 `{ ${modifiers} }`,
12958 false,
12959 dir.loc,
12960 2
12961 )
12962 )
12963 );
12964 }
12965 return createTransformProps(props);
12967function createTransformProps(props = []) {
12968 return { props };
12971const validDivisionCharRE = /[\w).+\-_$\]]/;
12972const transformFilter = (node, context) => {
12973 if (!isCompatEnabled("COMPILER_FILTERS", context)) {
12974 return;
12975 }
12976 if (node.type === 5) {
12977 rewriteFilter(node.content, context);
12978 }
12979 if (node.type === 1) {
12980 node.props.forEach((prop) => {
12981 if (prop.type === 7 && prop.name !== "for" && prop.exp) {
12982 rewriteFilter(prop.exp, context);
12983 }
12984 });
12985 }
12987function rewriteFilter(node, context) {
12988 if (node.type === 4) {
12989 parseFilter(node, context);
12990 } else {
12991 for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
12992 const child = node.children[i];
12993 if (typeof child !== "object")
12994 continue;
12995 if (child.type === 4) {
12996 parseFilter(child, context);
12997 } else if (child.type === 8) {
12998 rewriteFilter(node, context);
12999 } else if (child.type === 5) {
13000 rewriteFilter(child.content, context);
13001 }
13002 }
13003 }
13005function parseFilter(node, context) {
13006 const exp = node.content;
13007 let inSingle = false;
13008 let inDouble = false;
13009 let inTemplateString = false;
13010 let inRegex = false;
13011 let curly = 0;
13012 let square = 0;
13013 let paren = 0;
13014 let lastFilterIndex = 0;
13015 let c, prev, i, expression, filters = [];
13016 for (i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) {
13017 prev = c;
13018 c = exp.charCodeAt(i);
13019 if (inSingle) {
13020 if (c === 39 && prev !== 92)
13021 inSingle = false;
13022 } else if (inDouble) {
13023 if (c === 34 && prev !== 92)
13024 inDouble = false;
13025 } else if (inTemplateString) {
13026 if (c === 96 && prev !== 92)
13027 inTemplateString = false;
13028 } else if (inRegex) {
13029 if (c === 47 && prev !== 92)
13030 inRegex = false;
13031 } else if (c === 124 && // pipe
13032 exp.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== 124 && exp.charCodeAt(i - 1) !== 124 && !curly && !square && !paren) {
13033 if (expression === void 0) {
13034 lastFilterIndex = i + 1;
13035 expression = exp.slice(0, i).trim();
13036 } else {
13037 pushFilter();
13038 }
13039 } else {
13040 switch (c) {
13041 case 34:
13042 inDouble = true;
13043 break;
13044 case 39:
13045 inSingle = true;
13046 break;
13047 case 96:
13048 inTemplateString = true;
13049 break;
13050 case 40:
13051 paren++;
13052 break;
13053 case 41:
13054 paren--;
13055 break;
13056 case 91:
13057 square++;
13058 break;
13059 case 93:
13060 square--;
13061 break;
13062 case 123:
13063 curly++;
13064 break;
13065 case 125:
13066 curly--;
13067 break;
13068 }
13069 if (c === 47) {
13070 let j = i - 1;
13071 let p;
13072 for (; j >= 0; j--) {
13073 p = exp.charAt(j);
13074 if (p !== " ")
13075 break;
13076 }
13077 if (!p || !validDivisionCharRE.test(p)) {
13078 inRegex = true;
13079 }
13080 }
13081 }
13082 }
13083 if (expression === void 0) {
13084 expression = exp.slice(0, i).trim();
13085 } else if (lastFilterIndex !== 0) {
13086 pushFilter();
13087 }
13088 function pushFilter() {
13089 filters.push(exp.slice(lastFilterIndex, i).trim());
13090 lastFilterIndex = i + 1;
13091 }
13092 if (filters.length) {
13093 warnDeprecation(
13095 context,
13096 node.loc
13097 );
13098 for (i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
13099 expression = wrapFilter(expression, filters[i], context);
13100 }
13101 node.content = expression;
13102 }
13104function wrapFilter(exp, filter, context) {
13105 context.helper(RESOLVE_FILTER);
13106 const i = filter.indexOf("(");
13107 if (i < 0) {
13108 context.filters.add(filter);
13109 return `${toValidAssetId(filter, "filter")}(${exp})`;
13110 } else {
13111 const name = filter.slice(0, i);
13112 const args = filter.slice(i + 1);
13113 context.filters.add(name);
13114 return `${toValidAssetId(name, "filter")}(${exp}${args !== ")" ? "," + args : args}`;
13115 }
13118const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
13119const transformMemo = (node, context) => {
13120 if (node.type === 1) {
13121 const dir = findDir(node, "memo");
13122 if (!dir || seen.has(node)) {
13123 return;
13124 }
13125 seen.add(node);
13126 return () => {
13127 const codegenNode = node.codegenNode || context.currentNode.codegenNode;
13128 if (codegenNode && codegenNode.type === 13) {
13129 if (node.tagType !== 1) {
13130 convertToBlock(codegenNode, context);
13131 }
13132 node.codegenNode = createCallExpression(context.helper(WITH_MEMO), [
13133 dir.exp,
13134 createFunctionExpression(void 0, codegenNode),
13135 `_cache`,
13136 String(context.cached++)
13137 ]);
13138 }
13139 };
13140 }
13143function getBaseTransformPreset(prefixIdentifiers) {
13144 return [
13145 [
13146 transformOnce,
13147 transformIf,
13148 transformMemo,
13149 transformFor,
13150 ...[transformFilter] ,
13151 ...[transformExpression] ,
13152 transformSlotOutlet,
13153 transformElement,
13154 trackSlotScopes,
13155 transformText
13156 ],
13157 {
13158 on: transformOn$1,
13159 bind: transformBind,
13160 model: transformModel$1
13161 }
13162 ];
13164function baseCompile(source, options = {}) {
13165 const onError = options.onError || defaultOnError;
13166 const isModuleMode = options.mode === "module";
13167 {
13168 if (options.prefixIdentifiers === true) {
13169 onError(createCompilerError(47));
13170 } else if (isModuleMode) {
13171 onError(createCompilerError(48));
13172 }
13173 }
13174 const prefixIdentifiers = false;
13175 if (options.cacheHandlers) {
13176 onError(createCompilerError(49));
13177 }
13178 if (options.scopeId && !isModuleMode) {
13179 onError(createCompilerError(50));
13180 }
13181 const resolvedOptions = extend({}, options, {
13182 prefixIdentifiers
13183 });
13184 const ast = isString(source) ? baseParse(source, resolvedOptions) : source;
13185 const [nodeTransforms, directiveTransforms] = getBaseTransformPreset();
13186 transform(
13187 ast,
13188 extend({}, resolvedOptions, {
13189 nodeTransforms: [
13190 ...nodeTransforms,
13191 ...options.nodeTransforms || []
13192 // user transforms
13193 ],
13194 directiveTransforms: extend(
13195 {},
13196 directiveTransforms,
13197 options.directiveTransforms || {}
13198 // user transforms
13199 )
13200 })
13201 );
13202 return generate(ast, resolvedOptions);
13205const noopDirectiveTransform = () => ({ props: [] });
13208* @vue/compiler-dom v3.4.26
13209* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
13210* @license MIT
13213const V_MODEL_RADIO = Symbol(`vModelRadio` );
13214const V_MODEL_CHECKBOX = Symbol(`vModelCheckbox` );
13215const V_MODEL_TEXT = Symbol(`vModelText` );
13216const V_MODEL_SELECT = Symbol(`vModelSelect` );
13217const V_MODEL_DYNAMIC = Symbol(`vModelDynamic` );
13218const V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS = Symbol(`vOnModifiersGuard` );
13219const V_ON_WITH_KEYS = Symbol(`vOnKeysGuard` );
13220const V_SHOW = Symbol(`vShow` );
13221const TRANSITION = Symbol(`Transition` );
13222const TRANSITION_GROUP = Symbol(`TransitionGroup` );
13224 [V_MODEL_RADIO]: `vModelRadio`,
13225 [V_MODEL_CHECKBOX]: `vModelCheckbox`,
13226 [V_MODEL_TEXT]: `vModelText`,
13227 [V_MODEL_SELECT]: `vModelSelect`,
13228 [V_MODEL_DYNAMIC]: `vModelDynamic`,
13229 [V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS]: `withModifiers`,
13230 [V_ON_WITH_KEYS]: `withKeys`,
13231 [V_SHOW]: `vShow`,
13232 [TRANSITION]: `Transition`,
13233 [TRANSITION_GROUP]: `TransitionGroup`
13236let decoder;
13237function decodeHtmlBrowser(raw, asAttr = false) {
13238 if (!decoder) {
13239 decoder = document.createElement("div");
13240 }
13241 if (asAttr) {
13242 decoder.innerHTML = `<div foo="${raw.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")}">`;
13243 return decoder.children[0].getAttribute("foo");
13244 } else {
13245 decoder.innerHTML = raw;
13246 return decoder.textContent;
13247 }
13250const parserOptions = {
13251 parseMode: "html",
13252 isVoidTag,
13253 isNativeTag: (tag) => isHTMLTag(tag) || isSVGTag(tag) || isMathMLTag(tag),
13254 isPreTag: (tag) => tag === "pre",
13255 decodeEntities: decodeHtmlBrowser ,
13256 isBuiltInComponent: (tag) => {
13257 if (tag === "Transition" || tag === "transition") {
13258 return TRANSITION;
13259 } else if (tag === "TransitionGroup" || tag === "transition-group") {
13260 return TRANSITION_GROUP;
13261 }
13262 },
13263 // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#tree-construction-dispatcher
13264 getNamespace(tag, parent, rootNamespace) {
13265 let ns = parent ? parent.ns : rootNamespace;
13266 if (parent && ns === 2) {
13267 if (parent.tag === "annotation-xml") {
13268 if (tag === "svg") {
13269 return 1;
13270 }
13271 if (parent.props.some(
13272 (a) => a.type === 6 && a.name === "encoding" && a.value != null && (a.value.content === "text/html" || a.value.content === "application/xhtml+xml")
13273 )) {
13274 ns = 0;
13275 }
13276 } else if (/^m(?:[ions]|text)$/.test(parent.tag) && tag !== "mglyph" && tag !== "malignmark") {
13277 ns = 0;
13278 }
13279 } else if (parent && ns === 1) {
13280 if (parent.tag === "foreignObject" || parent.tag === "desc" || parent.tag === "title") {
13281 ns = 0;
13282 }
13283 }
13284 if (ns === 0) {
13285 if (tag === "svg") {
13286 return 1;
13287 }
13288 if (tag === "math") {
13289 return 2;
13290 }
13291 }
13292 return ns;
13293 }
13296const transformStyle = (node) => {
13297 if (node.type === 1) {
13298 node.props.forEach((p, i) => {
13299 if (p.type === 6 && p.name === "style" && p.value) {
13300 node.props[i] = {
13301 type: 7,
13302 name: `bind`,
13303 arg: createSimpleExpression(`style`, true, p.loc),
13304 exp: parseInlineCSS(p.value.content, p.loc),
13305 modifiers: [],
13306 loc: p.loc
13307 };
13308 }
13309 });
13310 }
13312const parseInlineCSS = (cssText, loc) => {
13313 const normalized = parseStringStyle(cssText);
13314 return createSimpleExpression(
13315 JSON.stringify(normalized),
13316 false,
13317 loc,
13318 3
13319 );
13322function createDOMCompilerError(code, loc) {
13323 return createCompilerError(
13324 code,
13325 loc,
13326 DOMErrorMessages
13327 );
13329const DOMErrorMessages = {
13330 [53]: `v-html is missing expression.`,
13331 [54]: `v-html will override element children.`,
13332 [55]: `v-text is missing expression.`,
13333 [56]: `v-text will override element children.`,
13334 [57]: `v-model can only be used on <input>, <textarea> and <select> elements.`,
13335 [58]: `v-model argument is not supported on plain elements.`,
13336 [59]: `v-model cannot be used on file inputs since they are read-only. Use a v-on:change listener instead.`,
13337 [60]: `Unnecessary value binding used alongside v-model. It will interfere with v-model's behavior.`,
13338 [61]: `v-show is missing expression.`,
13339 [62]: `<Transition> expects exactly one child element or component.`,
13340 [63]: `Tags with side effect (<script> and <style>) are ignored in client component templates.`
13343const transformVHtml = (dir, node, context) => {
13344 const { exp, loc } = dir;
13345 if (!exp) {
13346 context.onError(
13347 createDOMCompilerError(53, loc)
13348 );
13349 }
13350 if (node.children.length) {
13351 context.onError(
13352 createDOMCompilerError(54, loc)
13353 );
13354 node.children.length = 0;
13355 }
13356 return {
13357 props: [
13358 createObjectProperty(
13359 createSimpleExpression(`innerHTML`, true, loc),
13360 exp || createSimpleExpression("", true)
13361 )
13362 ]
13363 };
13366const transformVText = (dir, node, context) => {
13367 const { exp, loc } = dir;
13368 if (!exp) {
13369 context.onError(
13370 createDOMCompilerError(55, loc)
13371 );
13372 }
13373 if (node.children.length) {
13374 context.onError(
13375 createDOMCompilerError(56, loc)
13376 );
13377 node.children.length = 0;
13378 }
13379 return {
13380 props: [
13381 createObjectProperty(
13382 createSimpleExpression(`textContent`, true),
13383 exp ? getConstantType(exp, context) > 0 ? exp : createCallExpression(
13384 context.helperString(TO_DISPLAY_STRING),
13385 [exp],
13386 loc
13387 ) : createSimpleExpression("", true)
13388 )
13389 ]
13390 };
13393const transformModel = (dir, node, context) => {
13394 const baseResult = transformModel$1(dir, node, context);
13395 if (!baseResult.props.length || node.tagType === 1) {
13396 return baseResult;
13397 }
13398 if (dir.arg) {
13399 context.onError(
13400 createDOMCompilerError(
13401 58,
13402 dir.arg.loc
13403 )
13404 );
13405 }
13406 function checkDuplicatedValue() {
13407 const value = findDir(node, "bind");
13408 if (value && isStaticArgOf(value.arg, "value")) {
13409 context.onError(
13410 createDOMCompilerError(
13411 60,
13412 value.loc
13413 )
13414 );
13415 }
13416 }
13417 const { tag } = node;
13418 const isCustomElement = context.isCustomElement(tag);
13419 if (tag === "input" || tag === "textarea" || tag === "select" || isCustomElement) {
13420 let directiveToUse = V_MODEL_TEXT;
13421 let isInvalidType = false;
13422 if (tag === "input" || isCustomElement) {
13423 const type = findProp(node, `type`);
13424 if (type) {
13425 if (type.type === 7) {
13426 directiveToUse = V_MODEL_DYNAMIC;
13427 } else if (type.value) {
13428 switch (type.value.content) {
13429 case "radio":
13430 directiveToUse = V_MODEL_RADIO;
13431 break;
13432 case "checkbox":
13433 directiveToUse = V_MODEL_CHECKBOX;
13434 break;
13435 case "file":
13436 isInvalidType = true;
13437 context.onError(
13438 createDOMCompilerError(
13439 59,
13440 dir.loc
13441 )
13442 );
13443 break;
13444 default:
13445 checkDuplicatedValue();
13446 break;
13447 }
13448 }
13449 } else if (hasDynamicKeyVBind(node)) {
13450 directiveToUse = V_MODEL_DYNAMIC;
13451 } else {
13452 checkDuplicatedValue();
13453 }
13454 } else if (tag === "select") {
13455 directiveToUse = V_MODEL_SELECT;
13456 } else {
13457 checkDuplicatedValue();
13458 }
13459 if (!isInvalidType) {
13460 baseResult.needRuntime = context.helper(directiveToUse);
13461 }
13462 } else {
13463 context.onError(
13464 createDOMCompilerError(
13465 57,
13466 dir.loc
13467 )
13468 );
13469 }
13470 baseResult.props = baseResult.props.filter(
13471 (p) => !(p.key.type === 4 && p.key.content === "modelValue")
13472 );
13473 return baseResult;
13476const isEventOptionModifier = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(`passive,once,capture`);
13477const isNonKeyModifier = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(
13478 // event propagation management
13479 `stop,prevent,self,ctrl,shift,alt,meta,exact,middle`
13481const maybeKeyModifier = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap("left,right");
13482const isKeyboardEvent = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(
13483 `onkeyup,onkeydown,onkeypress`,
13484 true
13486const resolveModifiers = (key, modifiers, context, loc) => {
13487 const keyModifiers = [];
13488 const nonKeyModifiers = [];
13489 const eventOptionModifiers = [];
13490 for (let i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) {
13491 const modifier = modifiers[i];
13492 if (modifier === "native" && checkCompatEnabled(
13494 context,
13495 loc
13496 )) {
13497 eventOptionModifiers.push(modifier);
13498 } else if (isEventOptionModifier(modifier)) {
13499 eventOptionModifiers.push(modifier);
13500 } else {
13501 if (maybeKeyModifier(modifier)) {
13502 if (isStaticExp(key)) {
13503 if (isKeyboardEvent(key.content)) {
13504 keyModifiers.push(modifier);
13505 } else {
13506 nonKeyModifiers.push(modifier);
13507 }
13508 } else {
13509 keyModifiers.push(modifier);
13510 nonKeyModifiers.push(modifier);
13511 }
13512 } else {
13513 if (isNonKeyModifier(modifier)) {
13514 nonKeyModifiers.push(modifier);
13515 } else {
13516 keyModifiers.push(modifier);
13517 }
13518 }
13519 }
13520 }
13521 return {
13522 keyModifiers,
13523 nonKeyModifiers,
13524 eventOptionModifiers
13525 };
13527const transformClick = (key, event) => {
13528 const isStaticClick = isStaticExp(key) && key.content.toLowerCase() === "onclick";
13529 return isStaticClick ? createSimpleExpression(event, true) : key.type !== 4 ? createCompoundExpression([
13530 `(`,
13531 key,
13532 `) === "onClick" ? "${event}" : (`,
13533 key,
13534 `)`
13535 ]) : key;
13537const transformOn = (dir, node, context) => {
13538 return transformOn$1(dir, node, context, (baseResult) => {
13539 const { modifiers } = dir;
13540 if (!modifiers.length)
13541 return baseResult;
13542 let { key, value: handlerExp } = baseResult.props[0];
13543 const { keyModifiers, nonKeyModifiers, eventOptionModifiers } = resolveModifiers(key, modifiers, context, dir.loc);
13544 if (nonKeyModifiers.includes("right")) {
13545 key = transformClick(key, `onContextmenu`);
13546 }
13547 if (nonKeyModifiers.includes("middle")) {
13548 key = transformClick(key, `onMouseup`);
13549 }
13550 if (nonKeyModifiers.length) {
13551 handlerExp = createCallExpression(context.helper(V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS), [
13552 handlerExp,
13553 JSON.stringify(nonKeyModifiers)
13554 ]);
13555 }
13556 if (keyModifiers.length && // if event name is dynamic, always wrap with keys guard
13557 (!isStaticExp(key) || isKeyboardEvent(key.content))) {
13558 handlerExp = createCallExpression(context.helper(V_ON_WITH_KEYS), [
13559 handlerExp,
13560 JSON.stringify(keyModifiers)
13561 ]);
13562 }
13563 if (eventOptionModifiers.length) {
13564 const modifierPostfix = eventOptionModifiers.map(capitalize).join("");
13565 key = isStaticExp(key) ? createSimpleExpression(`${key.content}${modifierPostfix}`, true) : createCompoundExpression([`(`, key, `) + "${modifierPostfix}"`]);
13566 }
13567 return {
13568 props: [createObjectProperty(key, handlerExp)]
13569 };
13570 });
13573const transformShow = (dir, node, context) => {
13574 const { exp, loc } = dir;
13575 if (!exp) {
13576 context.onError(
13577 createDOMCompilerError(61, loc)
13578 );
13579 }
13580 return {
13581 props: [],
13582 needRuntime: context.helper(V_SHOW)
13583 };
13586const transformTransition = (node, context) => {
13587 if (node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 1) {
13588 const component = context.isBuiltInComponent(node.tag);
13589 if (component === TRANSITION) {
13590 return () => {
13591 if (!node.children.length) {
13592 return;
13593 }
13594 if (hasMultipleChildren(node)) {
13595 context.onError(
13596 createDOMCompilerError(
13597 62,
13598 {
13599 start: node.children[0].loc.start,
13600 end: node.children[node.children.length - 1].loc.end,
13601 source: ""
13602 }
13603 )
13604 );
13605 }
13606 const child = node.children[0];
13607 if (child.type === 1) {
13608 for (const p of child.props) {
13609 if (p.type === 7 && p.name === "show") {
13610 node.props.push({
13611 type: 6,
13612 name: "persisted",
13613 nameLoc: node.loc,
13614 value: void 0,
13615 loc: node.loc
13616 });
13617 }
13618 }
13619 }
13620 };
13621 }
13622 }
13624function hasMultipleChildren(node) {
13625 const children = node.children = node.children.filter(
13626 (c) => c.type !== 3 && !(c.type === 2 && !c.content.trim())
13627 );
13628 const child = children[0];
13629 return children.length !== 1 || child.type === 11 || child.type === 9 && child.branches.some(hasMultipleChildren);
13632const ignoreSideEffectTags = (node, context) => {
13633 if (node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 0 && (node.tag === "script" || node.tag === "style")) {
13634 context.onError(
13635 createDOMCompilerError(
13636 63,
13637 node.loc
13638 )
13639 );
13640 context.removeNode();
13641 }
13644const DOMNodeTransforms = [
13645 transformStyle,
13646 ...[transformTransition]
13648const DOMDirectiveTransforms = {
13649 cloak: noopDirectiveTransform,
13650 html: transformVHtml,
13651 text: transformVText,
13652 model: transformModel,
13653 // override compiler-core
13654 on: transformOn,
13655 // override compiler-core
13656 show: transformShow
13658function compile(src, options = {}) {
13659 return baseCompile(
13660 src,
13661 extend({}, parserOptions, options, {
13662 nodeTransforms: [
13663 // ignore <script> and <tag>
13664 // this is not put inside DOMNodeTransforms because that list is used
13665 // by compiler-ssr to generate vnode fallback branches
13666 ignoreSideEffectTags,
13667 ...DOMNodeTransforms,
13668 ...options.nodeTransforms || []
13669 ],
13670 directiveTransforms: extend(
13671 {},
13672 DOMDirectiveTransforms,
13673 options.directiveTransforms || {}
13674 ),
13675 transformHoist: null
13676 })
13677 );
13680function processSlot(source, Vue$1) {
13681 if (source === void 0) { source = ''; }
13682 if (Vue$1 === void 0) { Vue$1 = Vue; }
13683 var template = source.trim();
13684 var hasWrappingTemplate = template && template.startsWith('<template');
13685 // allow content without `template` tag, for easier testing
13686 if (!hasWrappingTemplate) {
13687 template = "<template #default=\"params\">".concat(template, "</template>");
13688 }
13689 // Vue does not provide an easy way to compile template in "slot" mode
13690 // Since we do not want to rely on compiler internals and specify
13691 // transforms manually we create fake component invocation with the slot we
13692 // need and pick slots param from render function later. Fake component will
13693 // never be instantiated but it requires to be a component so compile
13694 // properly generate invocation. Since we do not want to monkey-patch
13695 // `resolveComponent` function we are just using one of built-in components:
13696 // transition
13697 var code = compile("<transition>".concat(template, "</transition>"), {
13698 mode: 'function',
13699 prefixIdentifiers: true
13700 }).code;
13701 var createRenderFunction = new Function('Vue', "'use strict';\n".concat(code) );
13702 var renderFn = createRenderFunction(Vue$1);
13703 return function (ctx) {
13704 if (ctx === void 0) { ctx = {}; }
13705 var result = renderFn(ctx);
13706 var slotName = Object.keys(result.children)[0];
13707 return result.children[slotName](ctx);
13708 };
13711var isTeleport = function (type) { return type.__isTeleport; };
13712var isKeepAlive = function (type) { return type.__isKeepAlive; };
13713var isRootComponent = function (rootComponents, type, instance) {
13714 return !!(!instance ||
13715 // Don't stub mounted component on root level
13716 (rootComponents.component === type && !(instance === null || instance === void 0 ? void 0 : instance.parent)) ||
13717 // Don't stub component with compat wrapper
13718 (rootComponents.functional && rootComponents.functional === type));
13720var createVNodeTransformer = function (_a) {
13721 var rootComponents = _a.rootComponents, transformers = _a.transformers;
13722 var transformationCache = new WeakMap();
13723 return function (args, instance) {
13724 var originalType = args[0], props = args[1], children = args[2], restVNodeArgs = args.slice(3);
13725 if (!isComponent$1(originalType)) {
13726 return __spreadArray([originalType, props, children], restVNodeArgs, true);
13727 }
13728 var componentType = originalType;
13729 var cachedTransformation = transformationCache.get(originalType);
13730 if (cachedTransformation &&
13731 // Don't use cache for root component, as it could use stubbed recursive component
13732 !isRootComponent(rootComponents, componentType, instance) &&
13733 !isTeleport(originalType) &&
13734 !isKeepAlive(originalType)) {
13735 return __spreadArray([cachedTransformation, props, children], restVNodeArgs, true);
13736 }
13737 var transformedType = transformers.reduce(function (type, transformer) { return transformer(type, instance); }, componentType);
13738 if (originalType !== transformedType) {
13739 transformationCache.set(originalType, transformedType);
13740 registerStub({ source: originalType, stub: transformedType });
13741 // https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/issues/1829 & https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/issues/1888
13742 // Teleport/KeepAlive should return child nodes as a function
13743 if (isTeleport(originalType) || isKeepAlive(originalType)) {
13744 return __spreadArray([transformedType, props, function () { return children; }], restVNodeArgs, true);
13745 }
13746 }
13747 return __spreadArray([transformedType, props, children], restVNodeArgs, true);
13748 };
13751var normalizeStubProps = function (props) {
13752 // props are always normalized to object syntax
13753 var $props = props;
13754 return Object.keys($props).reduce(function (acc, key) {
13755 var _a, _b, _c;
13756 var _d;
13757 if (typeof $props[key] === 'symbol') {
13758 return __assign(__assign({}, acc), (_a = {}, _a[key] = [(_d = $props[key]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.toString()], _a));
13759 }
13760 if (typeof $props[key] === 'function') {
13761 return __assign(__assign({}, acc), (_b = {}, _b[key] = ['[Function]'], _b));
13762 }
13763 return __assign(__assign({}, acc), (_c = {}, _c[key] = $props[key], _c));
13764 }, {});
13766var clearAndUpper = function (text) { return text.replace(/-/, '').toUpperCase(); };
13767var kebabToPascalCase = function (tag) {
13768 return tag.replace(/(^\w|-\w)/g, clearAndUpper);
13770var DEFAULT_STUBS = {
13771 teleport: isTeleport,
13772 'keep-alive': isKeepAlive,
13773 transition: function (type) { return type === Transition || type === BaseTransition; },
13774 'transition-group': function (type) { return type === TransitionGroup; }
13776var createDefaultStub = function (kebabTag, predicate, type, stubs) {
13777 var pascalTag = kebabToPascalCase(kebabTag);
13778 if (predicate(type) && (pascalTag in stubs || kebabTag in stubs)) {
13779 if (kebabTag in stubs && stubs[kebabTag] === false)
13780 return type;
13781 if (pascalTag in stubs && stubs[pascalTag] === false)
13782 return type;
13783 if (stubs[kebabTag] === true || stubs[pascalTag] === true) {
13784 return createStub({
13785 name: kebabTag,
13786 type: type,
13787 renderStubDefaultSlot: true
13788 });
13789 }
13790 }
13792var createStub = function (_a) {
13793 var name = _a.name, type = _a.type, renderStubDefaultSlot = _a.renderStubDefaultSlot;
13794 var anonName = 'anonymous-stub';
13795 var tag = name ? "".concat(hyphenate$1(name), "-stub") : anonName;
13796 var componentOptions = type
13797 ? unwrapLegacyVueExtendComponent(type) || {}
13798 : {};
13799 var stub = defineComponent({
13800 name: name || anonName,
13801 props: componentOptions.props || {},
13802 // fix #1550 - respect old-style v-model for shallow mounted components with @vue/compat
13803 // @ts-expect-error
13804 model: componentOptions.model,
13805 setup: function (props, _a) {
13806 var slots = _a.slots;
13807 return function () {
13808 // https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/issues/1076
13809 // Passing a symbol as a static prop is not legal, since Vue will try to do
13810 // something like `el.setAttribute('val', Symbol())` which is not valid and
13811 // causes an error.
13812 // Only a problem when shallow mounting. For this reason we iterate of the
13813 // props that will be passed and stringify any that are symbols.
13814 // Also having function text as attribute is useless and annoying so
13815 // we replace it with "[Function]""
13816 var stubProps = normalizeStubProps(props);
13817 // if renderStubDefaultSlot is true, we render the default slot
13818 if (renderStubDefaultSlot && slots.default) {
13819 // we explicitly call the default slot with an empty object
13820 // so scope slots destructuring works
13821 return h(tag, stubProps, slots.default({}));
13822 }
13823 return h(tag, stubProps);
13824 };
13825 }
13826 });
13827 var asyncLoader = type.__asyncLoader;
13828 if (asyncLoader) {
13829 asyncLoader().then(function () {
13830 registerStub({
13831 source: type.__asyncResolved,
13832 stub: stub
13833 });
13834 });
13835 }
13836 return stub;
13838var resolveComponentStubByName = function (componentName, stubs) {
13839 for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.entries(stubs); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
13840 var _b = _a[_i], stubKey = _b[0], value = _b[1];
13841 if (matchName(componentName, stubKey)) {
13842 return value;
13843 }
13844 }
13846function createStubComponentsTransformer(_a) {
13847 var rootComponents = _a.rootComponents, _b = _a.stubs, stubs = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b, _c = _a.shallow, shallow = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, _d = _a.renderStubDefaultSlot, renderStubDefaultSlot = _d === void 0 ? false : _d;
13848 return function componentsTransformer(type, instance) {
13849 var _a, _b, _c;
13850 for (var tag in DEFAULT_STUBS) {
13851 var predicate = DEFAULT_STUBS[tag];
13852 var defaultStub = createDefaultStub(tag, predicate, type, stubs);
13853 if (defaultStub)
13854 return defaultStub;
13855 }
13856 // Don't stub root components
13857 if (isRootComponent(rootComponents, type, instance)) {
13858 return type;
13859 }
13860 var registeredName = getComponentRegisteredName(instance, type);
13861 var componentName = getComponentName(instance, type);
13862 var stub = null;
13863 var name = null;
13864 // Prio 1 using the key in locally registered components in the parent
13865 if (registeredName) {
13866 stub = resolveComponentStubByName(registeredName, stubs);
13867 if (stub) {
13868 name = registeredName;
13869 }
13870 }
13871 // Prio 2 using the name attribute in the component
13872 if (!stub && componentName) {
13873 stub = resolveComponentStubByName(componentName, stubs);
13874 if (stub) {
13875 name = componentName;
13876 }
13877 }
13878 // case 2: custom implementation
13879 if (isComponent$1(stub)) {
13880 var unwrappedStub = unwrapLegacyVueExtendComponent(stub);
13881 var stubFn_1 = isFunctionalComponent(unwrappedStub) ? unwrappedStub : null;
13882 // Edge case: stub is component, we will not render stub but instead will create
13883 // a new "copy" of stub component definition, but we want user still to be able
13884 // to find our component by stub definition, so we register it manually
13885 registerStub({ source: type, stub: stub });
13886 var specializedStubComponent = stubFn_1
13887 ? function () {
13888 var args = [];
13889 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
13890 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
13891 }
13892 return stubFn_1.apply(void 0, args);
13893 }
13894 : __assign({}, unwrappedStub);
13895 specializedStubComponent.props = unwrappedStub.props;
13896 return specializedStubComponent;
13897 }
13898 if (stub === false) {
13899 // we explicitly opt out of stubbing this component
13900 return type;
13901 }
13902 // we return a stub by matching Vue's `h` function
13903 // where the signature is h(Component, props, slots)
13904 // case 1: default stub
13905 if (stub === true || shallow) {
13906 // Set name when using shallow without stub
13907 var stubName = name || registeredName || componentName;
13908 return ((_c = (_b = (_a = config.plugins).createStubs) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, {
13909 name: stubName,
13910 component: type,
13911 registerStub: registerStub
13912 })) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : createStub({
13913 name: stubName,
13914 type: type,
13915 renderStubDefaultSlot: renderStubDefaultSlot
13916 }));
13917 }
13918 return type;
13919 };
13922var noop = function () { };
13923function createStubDirectivesTransformer(_a) {
13924 var _b = _a.directives, directives = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b;
13925 if (Object.keys(directives).length === 0) {
13926 return function (type) { return type; };
13927 }
13928 return function directivesTransformer(type) {
13929 if (isObjectComponent(type) && type.directives) {
13930 // We want to change component types as rarely as possible
13931 // So first we check if there are any directives we should stub
13932 var directivesToPatch = Object.keys(type.directives).filter(function (key) { return key in directives; });
13933 if (!directivesToPatch.length) {
13934 return type;
13935 }
13936 var replacementDirectives = Object.fromEntries(directivesToPatch.map(function (name) {
13937 var directive = directives[name];
13938 return [name, typeof directive === 'boolean' ? noop : directive];
13939 }));
13940 return __assign(__assign({}, type), { directives: __assign(__assign({}, type.directives), replacementDirectives) });
13941 }
13942 return type;
13943 };
13947 * Implementation details of isDeepRef to avoid circular dependencies.
13948 * It keeps track of visited objects to avoid infinite recursion.
13949 *
13950 * @param r The value to check for a Ref.
13951 * @param visitedObjects a weak map to keep track of visited objects and avoid infinite recursion
13952 * @returns returns true if the value is a Ref, false otherwise
13953 */
13954var deeplyCheckForRef = function (r, visitedObjects) {
13955 if (isRef(r))
13956 return true;
13957 if (!isObject$1(r))
13958 return false;
13959 if (visitedObjects.has(r))
13960 return false;
13961 visitedObjects.set(r, true);
13962 return Object.values(r).some(function (val) { return deeplyCheckForRef(val, visitedObjects); });
13965 * Checks if the given value is a DeepRef.
13966 *
13967 * For both arrays and objects, it will recursively check
13968 * if any of their values is a Ref.
13969 *
13970 * @param {DeepRef<T> | unknown} r - The value to check.
13971 * @returns {boolean} Returns true if the value is a DeepRef, false otherwise.
13972 */
13973var isDeepRef = function (r) {
13974 var visitedObjects = new WeakMap();
13975 return deeplyCheckForRef(r, visitedObjects);
13978var MOUNT_OPTIONS = [
13979 'attachTo',
13980 'attrs',
13981 'data',
13982 'props',
13983 'slots',
13984 'global',
13985 'shallow'
13987function getInstanceOptions(options) {
13988 if (options.methods) {
13989 console.warn("Passing a `methods` option to mount was deprecated on Vue Test Utils v1, and it won't have any effect on v2. For additional info: https://vue-test-utils.vuejs.org/upgrading-to-v1/#setmethods-and-mountingoptions-methods");
13990 delete options.methods;
13991 }
13992 var resultOptions = __assign({}, options);
13993 for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(options); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
13994 var key = _a[_i];
13995 if (MOUNT_OPTIONS.includes(key)) {
13996 delete resultOptions[key];
13997 }
13998 }
13999 return resultOptions;
14001// implementation
14002function createInstance(inputComponent, options) {
14003 // normalize the incoming component
14004 var originalComponent = unwrapLegacyVueExtendComponent(inputComponent);
14005 var component;
14006 var instanceOptions = getInstanceOptions(options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {});
14007 var rootComponents = {};
14008 if (isFunctionalComponent(originalComponent) ||
14009 isLegacyFunctionalComponent(originalComponent)) {
14010 component = defineComponent(__assign({ compatConfig: {
14011 MODE: 3,
14014 COMPONENT_FUNCTIONAL: isLegacyFunctionalComponent(originalComponent)
14015 ? 'suppress-warning'
14016 : false
14017 }, props: originalComponent.props || {}, setup: function (props, _a) {
14018 var attrs = _a.attrs, slots = _a.slots;
14019 return function () {
14020 return h(originalComponent, __assign(__assign({}, props), attrs), slots);
14021 };
14022 } }, instanceOptions));
14023 rootComponents.functional = originalComponent;
14024 }
14025 else if (isObjectComponent(originalComponent)) {
14026 component = __assign(__assign({}, originalComponent), instanceOptions);
14027 }
14028 else {
14029 component = originalComponent;
14030 }
14031 rootComponents.component = component;
14032 // We've just replaced our component with its copy
14033 // Let's register it as a stub so user can find it
14034 registerStub({ source: originalComponent, stub: component });
14035 function slotToFunction(slot) {
14036 switch (typeof slot) {
14037 case 'function':
14038 return slot;
14039 case 'object':
14040 return function () { return h(slot); };
14041 case 'string':
14042 return processSlot(slot);
14043 default:
14044 throw Error("Invalid slot received.");
14045 }
14046 }
14047 // handle any slots passed via mounting options
14048 var slots = (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.slots) &&
14049 Object.entries(options.slots).reduce(function (acc, _a) {
14050 var name = _a[0], slot = _a[1];
14051 if (Array.isArray(slot)) {
14052 var normalized_1 = slot.map(slotToFunction);
14053 acc[name] = function (args) { return normalized_1.map(function (f) { return f(args); }); };
14054 return acc;
14055 }
14056 acc[name] = slotToFunction(slot);
14057 return acc;
14058 }, {});
14059 // override component data with mounting options data
14060 if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.data) {
14061 var providedData_1 = options.data();
14062 if (isObjectComponent(originalComponent)) {
14063 // component is guaranteed to be the same type as originalComponent
14064 var objectComponent = component;
14065 var originalDataFn_1 = originalComponent.data || (function () { return ({}); });
14066 objectComponent.data = function (vm) { return (__assign(__assign({}, originalDataFn_1.call(vm, vm)), providedData_1)); };
14067 }
14068 else {
14069 throw new Error('data() option is not supported on functional and class components');
14070 }
14071 }
14073 // we define props as reactive so that way when we update them with `setProps`
14074 // Vue's reactivity system will cause a rerender.
14075 var refs = shallowReactive({});
14076 var props = reactive({});
14077 Object.entries(__assign(__assign(__assign(__assign({}, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.attrs), options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.propsData), options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.props), { ref: MOUNT_COMPONENT_REF })).forEach(function (_a) {
14078 var k = _a[0], v = _a[1];
14079 if (isDeepRef(v)) {
14080 refs[k] = v;
14081 }
14082 else {
14083 props[k] = v;
14084 }
14085 });
14086 var global = mergeGlobalProperties(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.global);
14087 if (isObjectComponent(component)) {
14088 component.components = __assign(__assign({}, component.components), global.components);
14089 }
14090 var componentRef = ref(null);
14091 // create the wrapper component
14092 var Parent = defineComponent({
14093 name: 'VTU_ROOT',
14094 setup: function () {
14095 var _a;
14096 return _a = {},
14097 _a[MOUNT_COMPONENT_REF] = componentRef,
14098 _a;
14099 },
14100 render: function () {
14101 return h(component, __assign(__assign({}, props), refs), slots);
14102 }
14103 });
14104 // create the app
14105 var app = createApp(Parent);
14106 // add tracking for emitted events
14107 // this must be done after `createApp`: https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/issues/436
14108 attachEmitListener();
14109 // global mocks mixin
14110 if (global === null || global === void 0 ? void 0 : global.mocks) {
14111 var mixin = {
14112 beforeCreate: function () {
14113 // we need to differentiate components that are or not not `script setup`
14114 // otherwise we run into a proxy set error
14115 // due to https://github.com/vuejs/core/commit/f73925d76a76ee259749b8b48cb68895f539a00f#diff-ea4d1ddabb7e22e17e80ada458eef70679af4005df2a1a6b73418fec897603ceR404
14116 // introduced in Vue v3.2.45
14117 // Also ensures not to include option API components in this block
14118 // since they can also have setup state but need to be patched using
14119 // the regular method.
14120 if (isScriptSetup(this)) {
14121 // add the mocks to setupState
14122 for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.entries(global.mocks); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
14123 var _b = _a[_i], k = _b[0], v = _b[1];
14124 // we do this in a try/catch, as some properties might be read-only
14125 try {
14126 this.$.setupState[k] = v;
14127 // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
14128 }
14129 catch (e) { }
14130 }
14131 this.$.proxy = new Proxy(this.$.proxy, {
14132 get: function (target, key) {
14133 if (key in global.mocks) {
14134 return global.mocks[key];
14135 }
14136 return target[key];
14137 }
14138 });
14139 }
14140 else {
14141 for (var _c = 0, _d = Object.entries(global.mocks); _c < _d.length; _c++) {
14142 var _e = _d[_c], k = _e[0], v = _e[1];
14143 this[k] = v;
14144 }
14145 }
14146 }
14147 };
14148 app.mixin(mixin);
14149 }
14150 // AppConfig
14151 if (global.config) {
14152 for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.entries(global.config); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
14153 var _b = _a[_i], k = _b[0], v = _b[1];
14154 app.config[k] = isObject$1(app.config[k])
14155 ? Object.assign(app.config[k], v)
14156 : v;
14157 }
14158 }
14159 // provide any values passed via provides mounting option
14160 if (global.provide) {
14161 for (var _c = 0, _d = Reflect.ownKeys(global.provide); _c < _d.length; _c++) {
14162 var key = _d[_c];
14163 // @ts-ignore: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/1863
14164 app.provide(key, global.provide[key]);
14165 }
14166 }
14167 // use and plugins from mounting options
14168 if (global.plugins) {
14169 for (var _e = 0, _f = global.plugins; _e < _f.length; _e++) {
14170 var plugin = _f[_e];
14171 if (Array.isArray(plugin)) {
14172 app.use.apply(app, __spreadArray([plugin[0]], plugin.slice(1), false));
14173 continue;
14174 }
14175 app.use(plugin);
14176 }
14177 }
14178 // use any mixins from mounting options
14179 if (global.mixins) {
14180 for (var _g = 0, _h = global.mixins; _g < _h.length; _g++) {
14181 var mixin = _h[_g];
14182 app.mixin(mixin);
14183 }
14184 }
14185 if (global.components) {
14186 for (var _j = 0, _k = Object.keys(global.components); _j < _k.length; _j++) {
14187 var key = _k[_j];
14188 // avoid registering components that are stubbed twice
14189 if (!(key in global.stubs)) {
14190 app.component(key, global.components[key]);
14191 }
14192 }
14193 }
14194 if (global.directives) {
14195 for (var _l = 0, _m = Object.keys(global.directives); _l < _m.length; _l++) {
14196 var key = _m[_l];
14197 app.directive(key, global.directives[key]);
14198 }
14199 }
14200 // stubs
14201 // even if we are using `mount`, we will still
14202 // stub out Transition and Transition Group by default.
14203 transformVNodeArgs(createVNodeTransformer({
14204 rootComponents: rootComponents,
14205 transformers: [
14206 createStubComponentsTransformer({
14207 rootComponents: rootComponents,
14208 stubs: getComponentsFromStubs(global.stubs),
14209 shallow: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.shallow,
14210 renderStubDefaultSlot: global.renderStubDefaultSlot
14211 }),
14212 createStubDirectivesTransformer({
14213 directives: getDirectivesFromStubs(global.stubs)
14214 })
14215 ]
14216 }));
14217 // users expect stubs to work with globally registered
14218 // components so we register stubs as global components to avoid
14219 // warning about not being able to resolve component
14220 //
14221 // component implementation provided here will never be called
14222 // but we need name to make sure that stubComponents will
14223 // properly stub this later by matching stub name
14224 //
14225 // ref: https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/issues/249
14226 // ref: https://github.com/vuejs/test-utils/issues/425
14227 if (global === null || global === void 0 ? void 0 : global.stubs) {
14228 for (var _o = 0, _p = Object.keys(getComponentsFromStubs(global.stubs)); _o < _p.length; _o++) {
14229 var name_1 = _p[_o];
14230 if (!app.component(name_1)) {
14231 app.component(name_1, { name: name_1 });
14232 }
14233 }
14234 }
14235 return {
14236 app: app,
14237 props: props,
14238 componentRef: componentRef
14239 };
14242var isEnabled = false;
14243var wrapperInstances = [];
14244function disableAutoUnmount() {
14245 isEnabled = false;
14246 wrapperInstances.length = 0;
14248function enableAutoUnmount(hook) {
14249 if (isEnabled) {
14250 throw new Error('enableAutoUnmount cannot be called more than once');
14251 }
14252 isEnabled = true;
14253 hook(function () {
14254 wrapperInstances.forEach(function (wrapper) {
14255 wrapper.unmount();
14256 });
14257 wrapperInstances.length = 0;
14258 });
14260function trackInstance(wrapper) {
14261 if (!isEnabled)
14262 return;
14263 wrapperInstances.push(wrapper);
14266// implementation
14267function mount(inputComponent, options) {
14268 var _a = createInstance(inputComponent, options), app = _a.app, props = _a.props, componentRef = _a.componentRef;
14269 var setProps = function (newProps) {
14270 for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.entries(newProps); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
14271 var _b = _a[_i], k = _b[0], v = _b[1];
14272 props[k] = v;
14273 }
14274 return vm.$nextTick();
14275 };
14276 // Workaround for https://github.com/vuejs/core/issues/7020
14277 var originalErrorHandler = app.config.errorHandler;
14278 var errorsOnMount = [];
14279 app.config.errorHandler = function (err, instance, info) {
14280 errorsOnMount.push(err);
14281 return originalErrorHandler === null || originalErrorHandler === void 0 ? void 0 : originalErrorHandler(err, instance, info);
14282 };
14283 // mount the app!
14284 var el = document.createElement('div');
14285 if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.attachTo) {
14286 var to = void 0;
14287 if (typeof options.attachTo === 'string') {
14288 to = document.querySelector(options.attachTo);
14289 if (!to) {
14290 throw new Error("Unable to find the element matching the selector ".concat(options.attachTo, " given as the `attachTo` option"));
14291 }
14292 }
14293 else {
14294 to = options.attachTo;
14295 }
14296 to.appendChild(el);
14297 }
14298 var vm = app.mount(el);
14299 if (errorsOnMount.length) {
14300 // If several errors are thrown during mount, then throw the first one
14301 throw errorsOnMount[0];
14302 }
14303 app.config.errorHandler = originalErrorHandler;
14304 var appRef = componentRef.value;
14305 // we add `hasOwnProperty` so Jest can spy on the proxied vm without throwing
14306 // note that this is not necessary with Jest v27+ or Vitest, but is kept for compatibility with older Jest versions
14307 if (!app.hasOwnProperty) {
14308 appRef.hasOwnProperty = function (property) {
14309 return Reflect.has(appRef, property);
14310 };
14311 }
14312 var wrapper = createVueWrapper(app, appRef, setProps);
14313 trackInstance(wrapper);
14314 return wrapper;
14316var shallowMount = function (component, options) {
14317 return mount(component, __assign(__assign({}, options), { shallow: true }));
14321* @vue/server-renderer v3.4.26
14322* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
14323* @license MIT
14326const shouldIgnoreProp = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(
14327 `,key,ref,innerHTML,textContent,ref_key,ref_for`
14329function ssrRenderAttrs(props, tag) {
14330 let ret = "";
14331 for (const key in props) {
14332 if (shouldIgnoreProp(key) || isOn(key) || tag === "textarea" && key === "value") {
14333 continue;
14334 }
14335 const value = props[key];
14336 if (key === "class") {
14337 ret += ` class="${ssrRenderClass(value)}"`;
14338 } else if (key === "style") {
14339 ret += ` style="${ssrRenderStyle(value)}"`;
14340 } else {
14341 ret += ssrRenderDynamicAttr(key, value, tag);
14342 }
14343 }
14344 return ret;
14346function ssrRenderDynamicAttr(key, value, tag) {
14347 if (!isRenderableAttrValue(value)) {
14348 return ``;
14349 }
14350 const attrKey = tag && (tag.indexOf("-") > 0 || isSVGTag(tag)) ? key : propsToAttrMap[key] || key.toLowerCase();
14351 if (isBooleanAttr(attrKey)) {
14352 return includeBooleanAttr(value) ? ` ${attrKey}` : ``;
14353 } else if (isSSRSafeAttrName(attrKey)) {
14354 return value === "" ? ` ${attrKey}` : ` ${attrKey}="${escapeHtml(value)}"`;
14355 } else {
14356 console.warn(
14357 `[@vue/server-renderer] Skipped rendering unsafe attribute name: ${attrKey}`
14358 );
14359 return ``;
14360 }
14362function ssrRenderClass(raw) {
14363 return escapeHtml(normalizeClass(raw));
14365function ssrRenderStyle(raw) {
14366 if (!raw) {
14367 return "";
14368 }
14369 if (isString(raw)) {
14370 return escapeHtml(raw);
14371 }
14372 const styles = normalizeStyle(raw);
14373 return escapeHtml(stringifyStyle(styles));
14376function ssrRenderTeleport(parentPush, contentRenderFn, target, disabled, parentComponent) {
14377 parentPush("<!--teleport start-->");
14378 const context = parentComponent.appContext.provides[ssrContextKey];
14379 const teleportBuffers = context.__teleportBuffers || (context.__teleportBuffers = {});
14380 const targetBuffer = teleportBuffers[target] || (teleportBuffers[target] = []);
14381 const bufferIndex = targetBuffer.length;
14382 let teleportContent;
14383 if (disabled) {
14384 contentRenderFn(parentPush);
14385 teleportContent = `<!--teleport anchor-->`;
14386 } else {
14387 const { getBuffer, push } = createBuffer();
14388 contentRenderFn(push);
14389 push(`<!--teleport anchor-->`);
14390 teleportContent = getBuffer();
14391 }
14392 targetBuffer.splice(bufferIndex, 0, teleportContent);
14393 parentPush("<!--teleport end-->");
14397 const g = getGlobalThis();
14398 const registerGlobalSetter = (key, setter) => {
14399 let setters;
14400 if (!(setters = g[key]))
14401 setters = g[key] = [];
14402 setters.push(setter);
14403 return (v) => {
14404 if (setters.length > 1)
14405 setters.forEach((set) => set(v));
14406 else
14407 setters[0](v);
14408 };
14409 };
14410 registerGlobalSetter(
14412 (v) => v
14413 );
14414 registerGlobalSetter(
14415 `__VUE_SSR_SETTERS__`,
14416 (v) => v
14417 );
14420function ssrCompile(template, instance) {
14421 {
14422 throw new Error(
14423 `On-the-fly template compilation is not supported in the ESM build of @vue/server-renderer. All templates must be pre-compiled into render functions.`
14424 );
14425 }
14428const {
14429 createComponentInstance,
14430 setCurrentRenderingInstance,
14431 setupComponent,
14432 renderComponentRoot,
14433 normalizeVNode
14434} = ssrUtils;
14435function createBuffer() {
14436 let appendable = false;
14437 const buffer = [];
14438 return {
14439 getBuffer() {
14440 return buffer;
14441 },
14442 push(item) {
14443 const isStringItem = isString(item);
14444 if (appendable && isStringItem) {
14445 buffer[buffer.length - 1] += item;
14446 } else {
14447 buffer.push(item);
14448 }
14449 appendable = isStringItem;
14450 if (isPromise(item) || isArray(item) && item.hasAsync) {
14451 buffer.hasAsync = true;
14452 }
14453 }
14454 };
14456function renderComponentVNode(vnode, parentComponent = null, slotScopeId) {
14457 const instance = createComponentInstance(vnode, parentComponent, null);
14458 const res = setupComponent(
14459 instance,
14460 true
14461 /* isSSR */
14462 );
14463 const hasAsyncSetup = isPromise(res);
14464 const prefetches = instance.sp;
14465 if (hasAsyncSetup || prefetches) {
14466 let p = hasAsyncSetup ? res : Promise.resolve();
14467 if (prefetches) {
14468 p = p.then(
14469 () => Promise.all(
14470 prefetches.map((prefetch) => prefetch.call(instance.proxy))
14471 )
14472 ).catch(NOOP);
14473 }
14474 return p.then(() => renderComponentSubTree(instance, slotScopeId));
14475 } else {
14476 return renderComponentSubTree(instance, slotScopeId);
14477 }
14479function renderComponentSubTree(instance, slotScopeId) {
14480 const comp = instance.type;
14481 const { getBuffer, push } = createBuffer();
14482 if (isFunction(comp)) {
14483 let root = renderComponentRoot(instance);
14484 if (!comp.props) {
14485 for (const key in instance.attrs) {
14486 if (key.startsWith(`data-v-`)) {
14487 (root.props || (root.props = {}))[key] = ``;
14488 }
14489 }
14490 }
14491 renderVNode(push, instance.subTree = root, instance, slotScopeId);
14492 } else {
14493 if ((!instance.render || instance.render === NOOP) && !instance.ssrRender && !comp.ssrRender && isString(comp.template)) {
14494 comp.ssrRender = ssrCompile(comp.template);
14495 }
14496 for (const e of instance.scope.effects) {
14497 if (e.computed) {
14498 e.computed._dirty = true;
14499 e.computed._cacheable = true;
14500 }
14501 }
14502 const ssrRender = instance.ssrRender || comp.ssrRender;
14503 if (ssrRender) {
14504 let attrs = instance.inheritAttrs !== false ? instance.attrs : void 0;
14505 let hasCloned = false;
14506 let cur = instance;
14507 while (true) {
14508 const scopeId = cur.vnode.scopeId;
14509 if (scopeId) {
14510 if (!hasCloned) {
14511 attrs = { ...attrs };
14512 hasCloned = true;
14513 }
14514 attrs[scopeId] = "";
14515 }
14516 const parent = cur.parent;
14517 if (parent && parent.subTree && parent.subTree === cur.vnode) {
14518 cur = parent;
14519 } else {
14520 break;
14521 }
14522 }
14523 if (slotScopeId) {
14524 if (!hasCloned)
14525 attrs = { ...attrs };
14526 attrs[slotScopeId.trim()] = "";
14527 }
14528 const prev = setCurrentRenderingInstance(instance);
14529 try {
14530 ssrRender(
14531 instance.proxy,
14532 push,
14533 instance,
14534 attrs,
14535 // compiler-optimized bindings
14536 instance.props,
14537 instance.setupState,
14538 instance.data,
14539 instance.ctx
14540 );
14541 } finally {
14542 setCurrentRenderingInstance(prev);
14543 }
14544 } else if (instance.render && instance.render !== NOOP) {
14545 renderVNode(
14546 push,
14547 instance.subTree = renderComponentRoot(instance),
14548 instance,
14549 slotScopeId
14550 );
14551 } else {
14552 const componentName = comp.name || comp.__file || `<Anonymous>`;
14553 warn(`Component ${componentName} is missing template or render function.`);
14554 push(`<!---->`);
14555 }
14556 }
14557 return getBuffer();
14559function renderVNode(push, vnode, parentComponent, slotScopeId) {
14560 const { type, shapeFlag, children } = vnode;
14561 switch (type) {
14562 case Text:
14563 push(escapeHtml(children));
14564 break;
14565 case Comment:
14566 push(
14567 children ? `<!--${escapeHtmlComment(children)}-->` : `<!---->`
14568 );
14569 break;
14570 case Static:
14571 push(children);
14572 break;
14573 case Fragment:
14574 if (vnode.slotScopeIds) {
14575 slotScopeId = (slotScopeId ? slotScopeId + " " : "") + vnode.slotScopeIds.join(" ");
14576 }
14577 push(`<!--[-->`);
14578 renderVNodeChildren(
14579 push,
14580 children,
14581 parentComponent,
14582 slotScopeId
14583 );
14584 push(`<!--]-->`);
14585 break;
14586 default:
14587 if (shapeFlag & 1) {
14588 renderElementVNode(push, vnode, parentComponent, slotScopeId);
14589 } else if (shapeFlag & 6) {
14590 push(renderComponentVNode(vnode, parentComponent, slotScopeId));
14591 } else if (shapeFlag & 64) {
14592 renderTeleportVNode(push, vnode, parentComponent, slotScopeId);
14593 } else if (shapeFlag & 128) {
14594 renderVNode(push, vnode.ssContent, parentComponent, slotScopeId);
14595 } else {
14596 warn(
14597 "[@vue/server-renderer] Invalid VNode type:",
14598 type,
14599 `(${typeof type})`
14600 );
14601 }
14602 }
14604function renderVNodeChildren(push, children, parentComponent, slotScopeId) {
14605 for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
14606 renderVNode(push, normalizeVNode(children[i]), parentComponent, slotScopeId);
14607 }
14609function renderElementVNode(push, vnode, parentComponent, slotScopeId) {
14610 const tag = vnode.type;
14611 let { props, children, shapeFlag, scopeId, dirs } = vnode;
14612 let openTag = `<${tag}`;
14613 if (dirs) {
14614 props = applySSRDirectives(vnode, props, dirs);
14615 }
14616 if (props) {
14617 openTag += ssrRenderAttrs(props, tag);
14618 }
14619 if (scopeId) {
14620 openTag += ` ${scopeId}`;
14621 }
14622 let curParent = parentComponent;
14623 let curVnode = vnode;
14624 while (curParent && curVnode === curParent.subTree) {
14625 curVnode = curParent.vnode;
14626 if (curVnode.scopeId) {
14627 openTag += ` ${curVnode.scopeId}`;
14628 }
14629 curParent = curParent.parent;
14630 }
14631 if (slotScopeId) {
14632 openTag += ` ${slotScopeId}`;
14633 }
14634 push(openTag + `>`);
14635 if (!isVoidTag(tag)) {
14636 let hasChildrenOverride = false;
14637 if (props) {
14638 if (props.innerHTML) {
14639 hasChildrenOverride = true;
14640 push(props.innerHTML);
14641 } else if (props.textContent) {
14642 hasChildrenOverride = true;
14643 push(escapeHtml(props.textContent));
14644 } else if (tag === "textarea" && props.value) {
14645 hasChildrenOverride = true;
14646 push(escapeHtml(props.value));
14647 }
14648 }
14649 if (!hasChildrenOverride) {
14650 if (shapeFlag & 8) {
14651 push(escapeHtml(children));
14652 } else if (shapeFlag & 16) {
14653 renderVNodeChildren(
14654 push,
14655 children,
14656 parentComponent,
14657 slotScopeId
14658 );
14659 }
14660 }
14661 push(`</${tag}>`);
14662 }
14664function applySSRDirectives(vnode, rawProps, dirs) {
14665 const toMerge = [];
14666 for (let i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
14667 const binding = dirs[i];
14668 const {
14669 dir: { getSSRProps }
14670 } = binding;
14671 if (getSSRProps) {
14672 const props = getSSRProps(binding, vnode);
14673 if (props)
14674 toMerge.push(props);
14675 }
14676 }
14677 return mergeProps(rawProps || {}, ...toMerge);
14679function renderTeleportVNode(push, vnode, parentComponent, slotScopeId) {
14680 const target = vnode.props && vnode.props.to;
14681 const disabled = vnode.props && vnode.props.disabled;
14682 if (!target) {
14683 if (!disabled) {
14684 warn(`[@vue/server-renderer] Teleport is missing target prop.`);
14685 }
14686 return [];
14687 }
14688 if (!isString(target)) {
14689 warn(
14690 `[@vue/server-renderer] Teleport target must be a query selector string.`
14691 );
14692 return [];
14693 }
14694 ssrRenderTeleport(
14695 push,
14696 (push2) => {
14697 renderVNodeChildren(
14698 push2,
14699 vnode.children,
14700 parentComponent,
14701 slotScopeId
14702 );
14703 },
14704 target,
14705 disabled || disabled === "",
14706 parentComponent
14707 );
14710const { isVNode: isVNode$1 } = ssrUtils;
14711async function unrollBuffer$1(buffer) {
14712 if (buffer.hasAsync) {
14713 let ret = "";
14714 for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
14715 let item = buffer[i];
14716 if (isPromise(item)) {
14717 item = await item;
14718 }
14719 if (isString(item)) {
14720 ret += item;
14721 } else {
14722 ret += await unrollBuffer$1(item);
14723 }
14724 }
14725 return ret;
14726 } else {
14727 return unrollBufferSync$1(buffer);
14728 }
14730function unrollBufferSync$1(buffer) {
14731 let ret = "";
14732 for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
14733 let item = buffer[i];
14734 if (isString(item)) {
14735 ret += item;
14736 } else {
14737 ret += unrollBufferSync$1(item);
14738 }
14739 }
14740 return ret;
14742async function renderToString$1(input, context = {}) {
14743 if (isVNode$1(input)) {
14744 return renderToString$1(createApp({ render: () => input }), context);
14745 }
14746 const vnode = createVNode(input._component, input._props);
14747 vnode.appContext = input._context;
14748 input.provide(ssrContextKey, context);
14749 const buffer = await renderComponentVNode(vnode);
14750 const result = await unrollBuffer$1(buffer);
14751 await resolveTeleports(context);
14752 if (context.__watcherHandles) {
14753 for (const unwatch of context.__watcherHandles) {
14754 unwatch();
14755 }
14756 }
14757 return result;
14759async function resolveTeleports(context) {
14760 if (context.__teleportBuffers) {
14761 context.teleports = context.teleports || {};
14762 for (const key in context.__teleportBuffers) {
14763 context.teleports[key] = await unrollBuffer$1(
14764 await Promise.all([context.__teleportBuffers[key]])
14765 );
14766 }
14767 }
14772function renderToString(component, options) {
14773 if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.attachTo) {
14774 console.warn('attachTo option is not available for renderToString');
14775 }
14776 var app = createInstance(component, options).app;
14777 return renderToString$1(app);
14780// match return type of router.resolve: RouteLocation & { href: string }
14781var defaultRoute = {
14782 path: '/',
14783 name: undefined,
14784 redirectedFrom: undefined,
14785 params: {},
14786 query: {},
14787 hash: '',
14788 fullPath: '/',
14789 matched: [],
14790 meta: {},
14791 href: '/'
14793// TODO: Borrow typings from vue-router-next
14794var RouterLinkStub = defineComponent({
14795 name: 'RouterLinkStub',
14796 compatConfig: { MODE: 3 },
14797 props: {
14798 to: {
14799 type: [String, Object],
14800 required: true
14801 },
14802 custom: {
14803 type: Boolean,
14804 default: false
14805 }
14806 },
14807 render: function () {
14808 var _this = this;
14809 var _a, _b;
14810 var route = computed(function () { return defaultRoute; });
14811 // mock reasonable return values to mimic vue-router's useLink
14812 var children = (_b = (_a = this.$slots) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, {
14813 route: route,
14814 href: computed(function () { return route.value.href; }),
14815 isActive: computed(function () { return false; }),
14816 isExactActive: computed(function () { return false; }),
14817 navigate: function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) {
14818 return [2 /*return*/];
14819 }); }); }
14820 });
14821 return this.custom ? children : h('a', undefined, children);
14822 }
14825var scheduler = typeof setImmediate === 'function' ? setImmediate : setTimeout;
14826// Credit to: https://github.com/kentor/flush-promises
14827function flushPromises() {
14828 return new Promise(function (resolve) {
14829 scheduler(resolve, 0);
14830 });
14833export { BaseWrapper, DOMWrapper, RouterLinkStub, VueWrapper, config, createWrapperError, disableAutoUnmount, enableAutoUnmount, flushPromises, mount, renderToString, shallowMount };