1 | # @vuepress/plugin-blog
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3 | [![NPM version](https://badgen.net/npm/v/@vuepress/plugin-blog)](https://npmjs.com/package/@vuepress/plugin-blog)
4 | [![NPM downloads](https://badgen.net/npm/dm/@vuepress/plugin-blog)](https://npmjs.com/package/@vuepress/plugin-blog)
5 | [![NPM LICENSE](https://badgen.net/npm/license/@vuepress/plugin-blog)](https://github.com/vuepressjs/vuepress-plugin-blog/blob/master/LICENSE)
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7 | > Official blog plugin for VuePress.
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9 | ## Features
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11 | - [**Classification**](https://vuepress-plugin-blog.ulivz.com/guide/getting-started.html#document-classifier):
12 | Powerful classification system lets you quickly classify your posts.
13 | - [**Pagination**](https://vuepress-plugin-blog.ulivz.com/guide/getting-started.html#pagination):
14 | Pagination runs through the entire plugin, and it has never been so simple.
15 | - [**Client APIs**](https://vuepress-plugin-blog.ulivz.com/client-api/): Simple client APIs make it easier for you to write a blog theme.
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17 | ## Install
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19 | We strongly recommend that you read the [Getting Started](https://vuepress-plugin-blog.ulivz.com/guide/getting-started.html) section before using this plugin.
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21 | ```bash
22 | yarn add -D @vuepress/plugin-blog
23 | # OR npm install -D @vuepress/plugin-blog
24 | ```
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26 | ## Usage
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28 | ```javascript
29 | module.exports = {
30 | plugins: ['@vuepress/blog']
31 | }
32 | ```
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34 | Please head [documentation](https://vuepress-plugin-blog.ulivz.com/) to see all available options.
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37 | ## Projects Using `@vuepress/plugin-blog`
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39 | - [70-lines-of-vuepress-blog-theme](https://github.com/ulivz/70-lines-of-vuepress-blog-theme): A VuePress Blog Theme implemented in around 70 lines.
40 | - [@vuepress/theme-blog](https://github.com/ulivz/vuepress-theme-blog): Default blog theme for VuePress.
41 | - [vuepress-theme-modern-blog](https://github.com/z3by/vuepress-theme-modern-blog): A modern theme for Vue press using [Element.UI design system](https://element.eleme.io/#/)
42 | - [vuepress-theme-reco](https://github.com/vuepress-reco/vuepress-theme-reco) - A simple and beautiful vuepress blog theme
43 | - [vuepress-theme-hope](https://github.com/Mister-Hope/vuepress-theme-hope/) - A powerful vuepress blog theme with tons of features.
44 | - [vuepress-theme-yuchanns](https://github.com/yuchanns/vuepress-theme-yuchanns): A github style vuepress blog theme
45 | - [vuepress-theme-ic](https://github.com/IKangXu/vuepress-theme-ic) :tada::tada::tada: A note-style vuepress blog theme with simple, clear and practical features for the purpose. The palest ink is better than the best memory.
46 | - [vuepress-theme-blogue](https://github.com/ocavue/vuepress-theme-blogue) A minimalist blog theme with Material Design.
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48 | Feel free to add yours here...
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52 | ## LICENSE
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54 | **@vuepress/plugin-blog** © [ULIVZ](https://github.com/ulivz) & [Billyyyyy3320](https://github.com/billyyyyy3320), Released under the [MIT](./LICENSE) License.<br>
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56 | > [github.com/ulivz](https://github.com/ulivz) · GitHub [@ULIVZ](https://github.com/ulivz) · Twitter [@_ulivz](https://twitter.com/_ulivz)
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58 | > [github.com/billyyyyy3320](https://github.com/billyyyyy3320) · GitHub [@Billyyyyy3320](https://github.com/billyyyyy3320)