17.6 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1type WalineCommentSorting = 'latest' | 'oldest' | 'hottest';
2type WalineEmojiPresets = `//${string}` | `http://${string}` | `https://${string}`;
3interface WalineEmojiInfo {
4 /**
5 * 选项卡上的 Emoji 名称
6 *
7 * Emoji name show on tab
8 */
9 name: string;
10 /**
11 * 所在文件夹链接
12 *
13 * Current folder link
14 */
15 folder?: string;
16 /**
17 * Emoji 通用路径前缀
18 *
19 * Common prefix of Emoji icons
20 */
21 prefix?: string;
22 /**
23 * Emoji 图片的类型,会作为文件扩展名使用
24 *
25 * Type of Emoji icons, will be regarded as file extension
26 */
27 type?: string;
28 /**
29 * 选项卡显示的 Emoji 图标
30 *
31 * Emoji icon show on tab
32 */
33 icon: string;
34 /**
35 * Emoji 图片列表
36 *
37 * Emoji image list
38 */
39 items: string[];
41type WalineEmojiMaps = Record<string, string>;
42type WalineLoginStatus = 'enable' | 'disable' | 'force';
43interface WalineSearchImageData extends Record<string, unknown> {
44 /**
45 * 图片链接
46 *
47 * Image link
48 */
49 src: string;
50 /**
51 * 图片标题
52 *
53 * @description 用于图片的 alt 属性
54 *
55 * Image title
56 *
57 * @description Used for alt attribute of image
58 */
59 title?: string;
60 /**
61 * 图片缩略图
62 *
63 * @description 为了更好的加载性能,我们会优先在列表中使用此缩略图
64 *
65 * Image preview link
66 *
67 * @description For better loading performance, we will use this thumbnail first in the list
68 *
69 * @default src
70 */
71 preview?: string;
73type WalineSearchResult = WalineSearchImageData[];
74interface WalineSearchOptions {
75 /**
76 * 搜索操作
77 *
78 * Search action
79 */
80 search: (word: string) => Promise<WalineSearchResult>;
81 /**
82 * 打开列表时展示的默认结果
83 *
84 * Default result when opening list
85 *
86 * @default () => search('')
87 */
88 default?: () => Promise<WalineSearchResult>;
89 /**
90 * 获取更多的操作
91 *
92 * @description 会在列表滚动到底部时触发,如果你的搜索服务支持分页功能,你应该设置此项实现无限滚动
93 *
94 * Fetch more action
95 *
96 * @description It will be triggered when the list scrolls to the bottom. If your search service supports paging, you should set this to achieve infinite scrolling
97 *
98 * @default (word) => search(word)
99 */
100 more?: (word: string, currentCount: number) => Promise<WalineSearchResult>;
102type WalineMeta = 'nick' | 'mail' | 'link';
103type WalineImageUploader = (image: File) => Promise<string>;
104type WalineHighlighter = (code: string, lang: string) => string;
105type WalineTexRenderer = (blockMode: boolean, tex: string) => string;
107interface WalineCommentData {
108 /**
109 * User Nickname
110 */
111 nick: string;
112 /**
113 * User email
114 */
115 mail: string;
116 /**
117 * User link
118 */
119 link?: string;
120 /**
121 * Content of comment
122 */
123 comment: string;
124 /**
125 * User Agent
126 */
127 ua: string;
128 /**
129 * Parent comment id
130 */
131 pid?: string;
132 /**
133 * Root comment id
134 */
135 rid?: string;
136 /**
137 * User id being at
138 */
139 at?: string;
140 /**
141 * Comment link
142 */
143 url: string;
144 /**
145 * Recaptcha Token
146 */
147 recaptchaV3?: string;
149type WalineCommentStatus = 'approved' | 'waiting' | 'spam';
150interface WalineComment extends Exclude<WalineCommentData, 'ua'> {
151 /**
152 * User avatar
153 */
154 avatar: string;
155 /**
156 * User type
157 */
158 type?: 'administrator' | 'guest' | `verify:${string}`;
159 objectId: string;
160 /**
161 * Time ISOString when the comment is created
162 */
163 createdAt: string;
164 insertedAt: string;
165 updatedAt: string;
166 children: WalineComment[];
167 sticky?: boolean;
168 browser?: string;
169 os?: string;
170 level?: number;
171 addr?: string;
172 label?: string;
173 user_id?: string | number;
174 status?: WalineCommentStatus;
175 like?: number;
176 orig?: string;
179interface WalineDateLocale {
180 seconds: string;
181 minutes: string;
182 hours: string;
183 days: string;
184 now: string;
186type WalineLevelLocale = Record<`level${number}`, string>;
187interface WalineReactionLocale {
188 reactionTitle: string;
189 reaction0: string;
190 reaction1: string;
191 reaction2: string;
192 reaction3: string;
193 reaction4: string;
194 reaction5: string;
195 reaction6: string;
196 reaction7: string;
197 reaction8: string;
199interface WalineLocale extends WalineDateLocale, WalineLevelLocale, WalineReactionLocale {
200 nick: string;
201 mail: string;
202 link: string;
203 optional: string;
204 placeholder: string;
205 sofa: string;
206 submit: string;
207 comment: string;
208 refresh: string;
209 more: string;
210 uploading: string;
211 login: string;
212 admin: string;
213 sticky: string;
214 word: string;
215 anonymous: string;
216 gif: string;
217 gifSearchPlaceholder: string;
218 approved: string;
219 waiting: string;
220 spam: string;
221 unsticky: string;
222 oldest: string;
223 latest: string;
224 hottest: string;
225 nickError: string;
226 mailError: string;
227 wordHint: string;
228 like: string;
229 cancelLike: string;
230 reply: string;
231 cancelReply: string;
232 preview: string;
233 emoji: string;
234 uploadImage: string;
235 profile: string;
236 logout: string;
239interface WalineProps {
240 /**
241 * Waline 的服务端地址
242 *
243 * Waline server address url
244 */
245 serverURL: string;
246 /**
247 * 当前 _文章页_ 路径,用于区分不同的 _文章页_ ,以保证正确读取该 _文章页_ 下的评论列表
248 *
249 * 你可以将其设置为 `window.location.pathname`
250 *
251 * Article path id. Used to distinguish different _article pages_ to ensure loading the correct comment list under the _article page_.
252 *
253 * You can set it to `window.location.pathname`
254 */
255 path: string;
256 /**
257 * 评论者相关属性
258 *
259 * `Meta` 可选值: `'nick'`, `'mail'`, `'link'`
260 *
261 * Reviewer attributes.
262 *
263 * Optional values for `Meta`: `'nick'`, `'mail'`, `'link'`
264 *
265 * @default ['nick', 'mail', 'link']
266 */
267 meta?: WalineMeta[];
268 /**
269 * 设置**必填项**,默认昵称为匿名
270 *
271 * Set required fields, default anonymous with nickname
272 *
273 * @default []
274 */
275 requiredMeta?: WalineMeta[];
276 /**
277 * 评论字数限制。填入单个数字时为最大字数限制
278 *
279 * @more 设置为 `0` 时无限制
280 *
281 * Comment word s limit. When a single number is filled in, it 's the maximum number of comment words.
282 *
283 * @more No limit when set to `0`.
284 *
285 * @default 0
286 */
287 wordLimit?: number | [number, number];
288 /**
289 * 评论列表分页,每页条数
290 *
291 * number of pages per page
292 *
293 * @default 10
294 */
295 pageSize?: number;
296 /**
297 * Waline 显示语言
298 *
299 * 可选值:
300 *
301 * - `'zh'`
302 * - `'zh-cn'`
303 * - `'zh-CN'`
304 * - `'zh-tw'`
305 * - `'zh-TW'`
306 * - `'en'`
307 * - `'en-US'`
308 * - `'en-us'`
309 * - `'jp'`
310 * - `'jp-jp'`
311 * - `'jp-JP'`
312 * - `'pt-br'`
313 * - `'pt-BR'`
314 * - `'ru'`
315 * - `'ru-ru'`
316 * - `'ru-RU'`
317 *
318 * Display language for waline
319 *
320 * Optional value:
321 *
322 * - `'zh'`
323 * - `'zh-cn'`
324 * - `'zh-CN'`
325 * - `'zh-tw'`
326 * - `'zh-TW'`
327 * - `'en'`
328 * - `'en-US'`
329 * - `'en-us'`
330 * - `'jp'`
331 * - `'jp-jp'`
332 * - `'jp-JP'`
333 * - `'pt-br'`
334 * - `'pt-BR'`
335 * - `'ru'`
336 * - `'ru-ru'`
337 * - `'ru-RU'`
338 *
339 * @default navigator.language
340 */
341 lang?: string;
342 /**
343 * 自定义 waline 语言显示
344 *
345 * @see [自定义语言](https://waline.js.org/client/i18n.html)
346 *
347 * Custom display language in waline
348 *
349 * @see [I18n](https://waline.js.org/en/client/i18n.html)
350 */
351 locale?: Partial<WalineLocale>;
352 /**
353 * 评论列表排序方式
354 *
355 * Sorting method for comment list
356 *
357 * @default 'latest'
358 */
359 commentSorting?: WalineCommentSorting;
360 /**
361 * 是否启用暗黑模式适配
362 *
363 * @more 设置 `'auto'` 会根据设备暗黑模式自适应。填入 CSS 选择器会在对应选择器生效时启用夜间模式。
364 *
365 * Whether to enable darkmode support
366 *
367 * @more Setting `'auto'` will display darkmode due to device settings. Filling in CSS selector will enable darkmode only when the selector match waline ancestor nodes.
368 */
369 dark?: string | boolean;
370 /**
371 * 设置表情包
372 *
373 * Set Emojis
374 *
375 * @default ['//unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.1.0/weibo']
376 */
377 emoji?: (WalineEmojiInfo | WalineEmojiPresets)[] | boolean;
378 /**
379 * 设置搜索功能
380 *
381 * Customize Search feature
382 *
383 * @default true
384 */
385 search?: WalineSearchOptions | boolean;
386 /**
387 * 代码高亮
388 *
389 * Code highlighting
390 *
391 * @default true
392 */
393 highlighter?: WalineHighlighter | boolean;
394 /**
395 * 自定义图片上传方法,方便更好的存储图片
396 *
397 * 方法执行时会将图片对象传入。
398 *
399 * Custom image upload callback to manage picture by yourself.
400 *
401 * We will pass a picture file object when execute it.
402 *
403 * @default true
404 */
405 imageUploader?: WalineImageUploader | boolean;
406 /**
407 * 自定义数学公式处理方法,用于预览。
408 *
409 * Custom math formula parse callback for preview.
410 *
411 * @default true
412 */
413 texRenderer?: WalineTexRenderer | boolean;
414 /**
415 *
416 * 登录模式状态,可选值:
417 *
418 * - `'enable'`: 启用登录 (默认)
419 * - `'disable'`: 禁用登录,用户只能填写信息评论
420 * - `'force'`: 强制登录,用户必须注册并登录才可发布评论
421 *
422 * Login mode status, optional values:
423 *
424 * - `'enable'`: enable login (default)
425 * - `'disable'`: Login is disabled, users should fill in information to comment
426 * - `'force'`: Forced login, users must login to comment
427 *
428 * @default 'enable'
429 */
430 login?: WalineLoginStatus;
431 /**
432 * 是否在页脚展示版权信息
433 *
434 * 为了支持 Waline,我们强烈建议你开启它
435 *
436 * Whether show copyright in footer
437 *
438 * We strongly recommended you to keep it on to support waline
439 *
440 * @default true
441 */
442 copyright?: boolean;
443 /**
444 * recaptcha v3 client key
445 */
446 recaptchaV3Key?: string;
447 /**
448 * reaction
449 */
450 reaction?: string[] | boolean;
453interface WalineInitOptions extends Omit<WalineProps, 'path'> {
454 /**
455 * Waline 的初始化挂载器。必须是一个**有效的** CSS 选择器 或 HTML 元素
456 *
457 * The DOM element to be mounted on initialization. It must be a **valid** CSS selector string or HTML Element.
458 */
459 el?: string | HTMLElement | null;
460 /**
461 * 评论数统计
462 *
463 * Comment number support
464 *
465 * @default false
466 */
467 comment?: string | boolean;
468 /**
469 * 页面访问量统计
470 *
471 * Pageview number support
472 *
473 * @default false
474 */
475 pageview?: string | boolean;
476 /**
477 * 当前 _文章页_ 路径,用于区分不同的 _文章页_ ,以保证正确读取该 _文章页_ 下的评论列表
478 *
479 * 你可以将其设置为 `window.location.pathname`
480 *
481 * Article path id. Used to distinguish different _article pages_ to ensure loading the correct comment list under the _article page_.
482 *
483 * You can set it to `window.location.pathname`
484 *
485 * @default window.location.pathname
486 */
487 path?: string;
489type WalineAbort = (reason?: any) => void;
491type Locales = Record<string, WalineLocale>;
492declare const defaultLocales: Locales;
494interface WalineCommentCountOptions {
495 /**
496 * Waline 服务端地址
497 *
498 * Waline server url
499 */
500 serverURL: string;
501 /**
502 * 评论数 CSS 选择器
503 *
504 * Comment count CSS selector
505 *
506 * @default '.waline-comment-count'
507 */
508 selector?: string;
509 /**
510 * 需要获取的默认路径
511 *
512 * Path to be fetched by default
513 *
514 * @default window.location.pathname
515 */
516 path?: string;
517 /**
518 * 错误提示消息所使用的语言
519 *
520 * Language of error message
521 *
522 * @default navigator.language
523 */
524 lang?: string;
526declare const commentCount: ({ serverURL, path, selector, lang, }: WalineCommentCountOptions) => WalineAbort;
528interface WalineInstance {
529 /**
530 * Waline 被挂载到的元素
531 *
532 * @description 当通过 `el: null` 初始化,值为 `null`
533 *
534 * Element where Waline is mounted
535 *
536 * @description when initialized with `el: null`, it will be `null`
537 */
538 el: HTMLElement | null;
539 /**
540 * 更新 Waline 实例
541 *
542 * @description 只要不设置`path` 选项,更新时它就会被重置为 `windows.location.pathname`
543 *
544 * Update Waline instance
545 *
546 * @description when not setting `path` option, it will be reset to `window.location.pathname`
547 */
548 update: (newOptions?: Partial<Omit<WalineInitOptions, 'el'>>) => void;
549 /**
550 * 取消挂载并摧毁 Waline 实例
551 *
552 * Unmount and destroy Waline instance
553 */
554 destroy: () => void;
556declare const init: ({ el, path, comment, pageview, ...initProps }: WalineInitOptions) => WalineInstance | null;
558interface WalinePageviewCountOptions {
559 /**
560 * Waline 服务端地址
561 *
562 * Waline server url
563 */
564 serverURL: string;
565 /**
566 * 浏览量 CSS 选择器
567 *
568 * Pageview CSS selector
569 *
570 * @default '.waline-pageview-count'
571 */
572 selector?: string;
573 /**
574 * 需要更新和获取的路径
575 *
576 * Path to be fetched and updated
577 *
578 * @default window.location.pathname
579 */
580 path?: string;
581 /**
582 * 是否在查询时更新 path 的浏览量
583 *
584 * Whether update pageviews when fetching path result
585 *
586 * @default true
587 */
588 update?: boolean;
589 /**
590 * 错误提示消息所使用的语言
591 *
592 * Language of error message
593 *
594 * @default navigator.language
595 */
596 lang?: string;
598declare const pageviewCount: ({ serverURL, path, selector, update, lang, }: WalinePageviewCountOptions) => WalineAbort;
600declare const version: string;
602interface WalineRecentCommentsOptions {
603 /**
604 * Waline 服务端地址
605 *
606 * Waline serverURL
607 */
608 serverURL: string;
609 /**
610 * 获取最新评论的数量
611 *
612 * fetch number of latest comments
613 */
614 count: number;
615 /**
616 * 需要挂载的元素
617 *
618 * Element to be mounted
619 */
620 el?: string | HTMLElement;
621 /**
622 * 错误提示消息所使用的语言
623 *
624 * Language of error message
625 *
626 * @default navigator.language
627 */
628 lang?: string;
630interface WalineRecentCommentsResult {
631 /**
632 * 评论数据
633 *
634 * Comment Data
635 */
636 comments: WalineComment[];
637 /**
638 * 取消挂载挂件
639 *
640 * Umount widget
641 */
642 destroy: () => void;
644declare const RecentComments: ({ el, serverURL, count, lang, }: WalineRecentCommentsOptions) => Promise<WalineRecentCommentsResult>;
646interface WalineUser extends Pick<WalineComment, 'nick' | 'link' | 'avatar' | 'label' | 'level'> {
647 count: number;
650interface WalineUserListOptions {
651 /**
652 * Waline 服务端地址
653 *
654 * Waline serverURL
655 */
656 serverURL: string;
657 /**
658 * 获取用户列表的数量
659 *
660 * fetch number of user list
661 */
662 count: number;
663 /**
664 * 需要挂载的元素
665 *
666 * Element to be mounted
667 */
668 el?: string | HTMLElement;
669 /**
670 * 错误提示消息所使用的语言
671 *
672 * Language of error message
673 *
674 * @default navigator.language
675 */
676 lang?: string;
677 /**
678 * 自定义 waline 语言显示
679 *
680 * @see [自定义语言](https://waline.js.org/client/i18n.html)
681 *
682 * Custom display language in waline
683 *
684 * @see [I18n](https://waline.js.org/en/client/i18n.html)
685 */
686 locale?: WalineLocale;
687 /**
688 * 列表模式还是头像墙模式
689 *
690 * list mode or avatar wall mode
691 */
692 mode: 'list' | 'wall';
694interface WalineUserListResult {
695 /**
696 * 用户数据
697 *
698 * User Data
699 */
700 users: WalineUser[];
701 /**
702 * 取消挂载挂件
703 *
704 * Umount widget
705 */
706 destroy: () => void;
708declare const UserList: ({ el, serverURL, count, locale, lang, mode, }: WalineUserListOptions) => Promise<WalineUserListResult>;
710export { RecentComments, UserList, WalineAbort, WalineComment, WalineCommentCountOptions, WalineCommentData, WalineCommentSorting, WalineCommentStatus, WalineDateLocale, WalineEmojiInfo, WalineEmojiMaps, WalineEmojiPresets, WalineHighlighter, WalineImageUploader, WalineInitOptions, WalineInstance, WalineLevelLocale, WalineLocale, WalineLoginStatus, WalineMeta, WalinePageviewCountOptions, WalineProps, WalineReactionLocale, WalineRecentCommentsOptions, WalineRecentCommentsResult, WalineSearchImageData, WalineSearchOptions, WalineSearchResult, WalineTexRenderer, WalineUserListOptions, WalineUserListResult, commentCount, defaultLocales, init, pageviewCount, version };