1 | import fs from 'node:fs/promises';
2 | import path from 'node:path';
3 | import { createRequire } from 'node:module';
4 | import { HOOK_DEFINITION } from '@wdio/utils';
5 | import { detectCompiler, getDefaultFiles, convertPackageHashToObject, getProjectRoot, detectPackageManager, } from './utils.js';
6 | const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
7 | export const pkg = require('../package.json');
8 | export const CLI_EPILOGUE = `Documentation: https://webdriver.io\n@wdio/cli (v${pkg.version})`;
9 | export const CONFIG_HELPER_INTRO = `
10 | ===============================
11 | 🤖 WDIO Configuration Wizard 🧙
12 | ===============================
13 | `;
14 | export const PMs = ['npm', 'yarn', 'pnpm', 'bun'];
15 | export const SUPPORTED_CONFIG_FILE_EXTENSION = ['js', 'ts', 'mjs', 'mts', 'cjs', 'cts'];
16 | export const configHelperSuccessMessage = ({ projectRootDir, runScript, extraInfo = '' }) => `
17 | 🤖 Successfully setup project at ${projectRootDir} 🎉
18 |
19 | Join our Discord Community Server and instantly find answers to your issues or queries. Or just join and say hi 👋!
20 | 🔗 https://discord.webdriver.io
21 |
22 | Visit the project on GitHub to report bugs 🐛 or raise feature requests 💡:
23 | 🔗 https://github.com/webdriverio/webdriverio
24 | ${extraInfo}
25 | To run your tests, execute:
26 | $ cd ${projectRootDir}
27 | $ npm run ${runScript}
28 | `;
30 | Learn more about Serenity/JS:
31 | 🔗 https://serenity-js.org
32 | `;
34 | To install dependencies, execute:
35 | %s
36 | `;
37 | export const NPM_INSTALL = '';
38 | export const ANDROID_CONFIG = {
39 | platformName: 'Android',
40 | automationName: 'UiAutomator2',
41 | deviceName: 'Test'
42 | };
43 | export const IOS_CONFIG = {
44 | platformName: 'iOS',
45 | automationName: 'XCUITest',
46 | deviceName: 'iPhone Simulator'
47 | };
48 | export var CompilerOptions;
49 | (function (CompilerOptions) {
50 | CompilerOptions["Babel"] = "Babel (https://babeljs.io/)";
51 | CompilerOptions["TS"] = "TypeScript (https://www.typescriptlang.org/)";
52 | CompilerOptions["Nil"] = "No!";
53 | })(CompilerOptions || (CompilerOptions = {}));
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 | export const SUPPORTED_PACKAGES = {
59 | runner: [
60 | { name: 'E2E Testing - of Web or Mobile Applications', value: '@wdio/local-runner$--$local$--$e2e' },
61 | { name: 'Component or Unit Testing - in the browser\n > https://webdriver.io/docs/component-testing', value: '@wdio/browser-runner$--$browser$--$component' },
62 | { name: 'Desktop Testing - of Electron Applications\n > https://webdriver.io/docs/desktop-testing/electron', value: '@wdio/local-runner$--$local$--$electron' },
63 | { name: 'Desktop Testing - of MacOS Applications\n > https://webdriver.io/docs/desktop-testing/macos', value: '@wdio/local-runner$--$local$--$macos' },
64 | { name: 'VS Code Extension Testing\n > https://webdriver.io/docs/vscode-extension-testing', value: '@wdio/local-runner$--$local$--$vscode' }
65 | ],
66 | framework: [
67 | { name: 'Mocha (https://mochajs.org/)', value: '@wdio/mocha-framework$--$mocha' },
68 | { name: 'Mocha with Serenity/JS (https://serenity-js.org/)', value: '@serenity-js/webdriverio$--$@serenity-js/webdriverio$--$mocha' },
69 | { name: 'Jasmine (https://jasmine.github.io/)', value: '@wdio/jasmine-framework$--$jasmine' },
70 | { name: 'Jasmine with Serenity/JS (https://serenity-js.org/)', value: '@serenity-js/webdriverio$--$@serenity-js/webdriverio$--$jasmine' },
71 | { name: 'Cucumber (https://cucumber.io/)', value: '@wdio/cucumber-framework$--$cucumber' },
72 | { name: 'Cucumber with Serenity/JS (https://serenity-js.org/)', value: '@serenity-js/webdriverio$--$@serenity-js/webdriverio$--$cucumber' },
73 | ],
74 | reporter: [
75 | { name: 'spec', value: '@wdio/spec-reporter$--$spec' },
76 | { name: 'dot', value: '@wdio/dot-reporter$--$dot' },
77 | { name: 'junit', value: '@wdio/junit-reporter$--$junit' },
78 | { name: 'allure', value: '@wdio/allure-reporter$--$allure' },
79 | { name: 'sumologic', value: '@wdio/sumologic-reporter$--$sumologic' },
80 | { name: 'concise', value: '@wdio/concise-reporter$--$concise' },
81 | { name: 'json', value: '@wdio/json-reporter$--$json' },
82 |
83 | { name: 'reportportal', value: 'wdio-reportportal-reporter$--$reportportal' },
84 | { name: 'video', value: 'wdio-video-reporter$--$video' },
85 | { name: 'cucumber-json', value: 'wdio-cucumberjs-json-reporter$--$cucumberjs-json' },
86 | { name: 'mochawesome', value: 'wdio-mochawesome-reporter$--$mochawesome' },
87 | { name: 'timeline', value: 'wdio-timeline-reporter$--$timeline' },
88 | { name: 'html-nice', value: 'wdio-html-nice-reporter$--$html-nice' },
89 | { name: 'slack', value: '@moroo/wdio-slack-reporter$--$slack' },
90 | { name: 'teamcity', value: 'wdio-teamcity-reporter$--$teamcity' },
91 | { name: 'delta', value: '@delta-reporter/wdio-delta-reporter-service$--$delta' },
92 | { name: 'testrail', value: '@wdio/testrail-reporter$--$testrail' },
93 | { name: 'light', value: 'wdio-light-reporter$--$light' }
94 | ],
95 | plugin: [
96 | { name: 'wait-for: utilities that provide functionalities to wait for certain conditions till a defined task is complete.\n > https://www.npmjs.com/package/wdio-wait-for', value: 'wdio-wait-for$--$wait-for' },
97 | { name: 'angular-component-harnesses: support for Angular component test harnesses\n > https://www.npmjs.com/package/@badisi/wdio-harness', value: '@badisi/wdio-harness$--$harness' },
98 | { name: 'Testing Library: utilities that encourage good testing practices laid down by dom-testing-library.\n > https://testing-library.com/docs/webdriverio-testing-library/intro', value: '@testing-library/webdriverio$--$testing-library' }
99 | ],
100 | service: [
101 |
102 | { name: 'visual', value: '@wdio/visual-service$--$visual' },
103 | { name: 'vite', value: 'wdio-vite-service$--$vite' },
104 | { name: 'nuxt', value: 'wdio-nuxt-service$--$nuxt' },
105 | { name: 'firefox-profile', value: '@wdio/firefox-profile-service$--$firefox-profile' },
106 | { name: 'gmail', value: 'wdio-gmail-service$--$gmail' },
107 | { name: 'sauce', value: '@wdio/sauce-service$--$sauce' },
108 | { name: 'testingbot', value: '@wdio/testingbot-service$--$testingbot' },
109 | { name: 'crossbrowsertesting', value: '@wdio/crossbrowsertesting-service$--$crossbrowsertesting' },
110 | { name: 'browserstack', value: '@wdio/browserstack-service$--$browserstack' },
111 | { name: 'devtools', value: '@wdio/devtools-service$--$devtools' },
112 | { name: 'vscode', value: 'wdio-vscode-service$--$vscode' },
113 | { name: 'electron', value: 'wdio-electron-service$--$electron' },
114 | { name: 'appium', value: '@wdio/appium-service$--$appium' },
115 |
116 | { name: 'eslinter-service', value: 'wdio-eslinter-service$--$eslinter' },
117 | { name: 'lambdatest', value: 'wdio-lambdatest-service$--$lambdatest' },
118 | { name: 'zafira-listener', value: 'wdio-zafira-listener-service$--$zafira-listener' },
119 | { name: 'reportportal', value: 'wdio-reportportal-service$--$reportportal' },
120 | { name: 'docker', value: 'wdio-docker-service$--$docker' },
121 | { name: 'ui5', value: 'wdio-ui5-service$--$ui5' },
122 | { name: 'wiremock', value: 'wdio-wiremock-service$--$wiremock' },
123 | { name: 'ng-apimock', value: 'wdio-ng-apimock-service$--$ng-apimock' },
124 | { name: 'slack', value: 'wdio-slack-service$--$slack' },
125 | { name: 'cucumber-viewport-logger', value: 'wdio-cucumber-viewport-logger-service$--$cucumber-viewport-logger' },
126 | { name: 'intercept', value: 'wdio-intercept-service$--$intercept' },
127 | { name: 'docker', value: 'wdio-docker-service$--$docker' },
128 | { name: 'novus-visual-regression', value: 'wdio-novus-visual-regression-service$--$novus-visual-regression' },
129 | { name: 'rerun', value: 'wdio-rerun-service$--$rerun' },
130 | { name: 'winappdriver', value: 'wdio-winappdriver-service$--$winappdriver' },
131 | { name: 'ywinappdriver', value: 'wdio-ywinappdriver-service$--$ywinappdriver' },
132 | { name: 'performancetotal', value: 'wdio-performancetotal-service$--$performancetotal' },
133 | { name: 'cleanuptotal', value: 'wdio-cleanuptotal-service$--$cleanuptotal' },
134 | { name: 'aws-device-farm', value: 'wdio-aws-device-farm-service$--$aws-device-farm' },
135 | { name: 'ocr-native-apps', value: 'wdio-ocr-service$--$ocr-native-apps' },
136 | { name: 'ms-teams', value: 'wdio-ms-teams-service$--$ms-teams' },
137 | { name: 'tesults', value: 'wdio-tesults-service$--$tesults' },
138 | { name: 'azure-devops', value: '@gmangiapelo/wdio-azure-devops-service$--$azure-devops' },
139 | { name: 'google-Chat', value: 'wdio-google-chat-service$--$google-chat' },
140 | { name: 'qmate-service', value: '@sap_oss/wdio-qmate-service$--$qmate-service' },
141 | { name: 'vitaqai', value: 'wdio-vitaqai-service$--$vitaqai' },
142 | { name: 'robonut', value: 'wdio-robonut-service$--$robonut' },
143 | { name: 'qunit', value: 'wdio-qunit-service$--$qunit' }
144 | ]
145 | };
147 | { name: 'Lit (https://lit.dev/)', value: '$--$' },
148 | { name: 'Vue.js (https://vuejs.org/)', value: '@vitejs/plugin-vue$--$vue' },
149 | { name: 'Svelte (https://svelte.dev/)', value: '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte$--$svelte' },
150 | { name: 'SolidJS (https://www.solidjs.com/)', value: 'vite-plugin-solid$--$solid' },
151 | { name: 'StencilJS (https://stenciljs.com/)', value: '$--$stencil' },
152 | { name: 'React (https://reactjs.org/)', value: '@vitejs/plugin-react$--$react' },
153 | { name: 'Preact (https://preactjs.com/)', value: '@preact/preset-vite$--$preact' },
154 | { name: 'Other', value: false }
155 | ];
156 | export const TESTING_LIBRARY_PACKAGES = {
157 | react: '@testing-library/react',
158 | preact: '@testing-library/preact',
159 | vue: '@testing-library/vue',
160 | svelte: '@testing-library/svelte',
161 | solid: 'solid-testing-library'
162 | };
163 | export var BackendChoice;
164 | (function (BackendChoice) {
165 | BackendChoice["Local"] = "On my local machine";
166 | BackendChoice["Experitest"] = "In the cloud using Experitest";
167 | BackendChoice["Saucelabs"] = "In the cloud using Sauce Labs";
168 | BackendChoice["Browserstack"] = "In the cloud using BrowserStack";
169 | BackendChoice["OtherVendors"] = "In the cloud using Testingbot or LambdaTest or a different service";
170 | BackendChoice["Grid"] = "I have my own Selenium cloud";
171 | })(BackendChoice || (BackendChoice = {}));
172 | export var ElectronBuildToolChoice;
173 | (function (ElectronBuildToolChoice) {
174 | ElectronBuildToolChoice["ElectronForge"] = "Electron Forge (https://www.electronforge.io/)";
175 | ElectronBuildToolChoice["ElectronBuilder"] = "electron-builder (https://www.electron.build/)";
176 | ElectronBuildToolChoice["SomethingElse"] = "Something else";
177 | })(ElectronBuildToolChoice || (ElectronBuildToolChoice = {}));
178 | var ProtocolOptions;
179 | (function (ProtocolOptions) {
180 | ProtocolOptions["HTTPS"] = "https";
181 | ProtocolOptions["HTTP"] = "http";
182 | })(ProtocolOptions || (ProtocolOptions = {}));
183 | export var RegionOptions;
184 | (function (RegionOptions) {
185 | RegionOptions["US"] = "us";
186 | RegionOptions["EU"] = "eu";
187 | RegionOptions["APAC"] = "apac";
188 | })(RegionOptions || (RegionOptions = {}));
189 | export const E2E_ENVIRONMENTS = [
190 | { name: 'Web - web applications in the browser', value: 'web' },
191 | { name: 'Mobile - native, hybrid and mobile web apps, on Android or iOS', value: 'mobile' }
192 | ];
193 | export const MOBILE_ENVIRONMENTS = [
194 | { name: 'Android - native, hybrid and mobile web apps, tested on emulators and real devices\n > using UiAutomator2 (https://www.npmjs.com/package/appium-uiautomator2-driver)', value: 'android' },
195 | { name: 'iOS - applications on iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS\n > using XCTest (https://appium.github.io/appium-xcuitest-driver)', value: 'ios' }
196 | ];
197 | export const BROWSER_ENVIRONMENTS = [
198 | { name: 'Chrome', value: 'chrome' },
199 | { name: 'Firefox', value: 'firefox' },
200 | { name: 'Safari', value: 'safari' },
201 | { name: 'Microsoft Edge', value: 'MicrosoftEdge' }
202 | ];
203 | function isBrowserRunner(answers) {
204 | return answers.runner === SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.runner[1].value;
205 | }
206 | export function usesSerenity(answers) {
207 | return answers.framework.includes('serenity-js');
208 | }
209 | function getTestingPurpose(answers) {
210 | return convertPackageHashToObject(answers.runner).purpose;
211 | }
212 | export const isNuxtProject = await Promise.all([
213 | path.join(process.cwd(), 'nuxt.config.js'),
214 | path.join(process.cwd(), 'nuxt.config.ts'),
215 | path.join(process.cwd(), 'nuxt.config.mjs'),
216 | path.join(process.cwd(), 'nuxt.config.mts')
217 | ].map((p) => fs.access(p).then(() => true, () => false))).then((res) => res.some(Boolean), () => false);
218 | function selectDefaultService(serviceNames) {
219 | serviceNames = Array.isArray(serviceNames) ? serviceNames : [serviceNames];
220 | return SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.service
221 |
222 | .filter(({ name }) => serviceNames.includes(name))
223 | .map(({ value }) => value);
224 | }
225 | function prioServiceOrderFor(serviceNamesParam) {
226 | const serviceNames = Array.isArray(serviceNamesParam) ? serviceNamesParam : [serviceNamesParam];
227 | let services = SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.service;
228 | for (const serviceName of serviceNames) {
229 | const index = services.findIndex(({ name }) => name === serviceName);
230 | services = [services[index], ...services.slice(0, index), ...services.slice(index + 1)];
231 | }
232 | return services;
233 | }
234 | export const QUESTIONNAIRE = [{
235 | type: 'list',
236 | name: 'runner',
237 | message: 'What type of testing would you like to do?',
238 | choices: SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.runner
239 | }, {
240 | type: 'list',
241 | name: 'preset',
242 | message: 'Which framework do you use for building components?',
244 |
245 | when: isBrowserRunner
246 | }, {
247 | type: 'confirm',
248 | name: 'installTestingLibrary',
249 | message: 'Do you like to use Testing Library (https://testing-library.com/) as test utility?',
250 | default: true,
251 |
252 | when: (answers) => (isBrowserRunner(answers) &&
253 | |
254 |
255 |
256 | answers.preset && TESTING_LIBRARY_PACKAGES[convertPackageHashToObject(answers.preset).short])
257 | }, {
258 | type: 'list',
259 | name: 'electronBuildTool',
260 | message: 'Which tool are you using to build your Electron app?',
261 | choices: Object.values(ElectronBuildToolChoice),
262 | when: (answers) => getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'electron'
263 | }, {
264 | type: 'input',
265 | name: 'electronAppBinaryPath',
266 | message: 'What is the path to the binary of your built Electron app?',
267 | when: (answers) => getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'electron' && (answers.electronBuildTool === ElectronBuildToolChoice.SomethingElse)
268 | }, {
269 | type: 'list',
270 | name: 'backend',
271 | message: 'Where is your automation backend located?',
272 | choices: Object.values(BackendChoice),
273 | when: (answers) => getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'e2e'
274 | }, {
275 | type: 'list',
276 | name: 'e2eEnvironment',
277 | message: 'Which environment you would like to automate?',
278 | choices: E2E_ENVIRONMENTS,
279 | default: 'web',
280 | when: (answers) => getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'e2e'
281 | }, {
282 | type: 'list',
283 | name: 'mobileEnvironment',
284 | message: 'Which mobile environment you\'ld like to automate?',
286 | when: (answers) => (getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'e2e' &&
287 | answers.e2eEnvironment === 'mobile')
288 | }, {
289 | type: 'checkbox',
290 | name: 'browserEnvironment',
291 | message: 'With which browser should we start?',
293 | default: ['chrome'],
294 | when: (answers) => (getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'e2e' &&
295 | answers.e2eEnvironment === 'web')
296 | }, {
297 | type: 'input',
298 | name: 'hostname',
299 | message: 'What is the host address of that cloud service?',
300 | when: (answers) => answers.backend && answers.backend.indexOf('different service') > -1
301 | }, {
302 | type: 'input',
303 | name: 'port',
304 | message: 'What is the port on which that service is running?',
305 | default: '80',
306 | when: (answers) => answers.backend && answers.backend.indexOf('different service') > -1
307 | }, {
308 | type: 'input',
309 | name: 'expEnvAccessKey',
310 | message: 'Access key from Experitest Cloud',
311 | default: 'EXPERITEST_ACCESS_KEY',
312 | when: (answers) => answers.backend === BackendChoice.Experitest
313 | }, {
314 | type: 'input',
315 | name: 'expEnvHostname',
316 | message: 'Environment variable for cloud url',
317 | default: 'example.experitest.com',
318 | when: (answers) => answers.backend === BackendChoice.Experitest
319 | }, {
320 | type: 'input',
321 | name: 'expEnvPort',
322 | message: 'Environment variable for port',
323 | default: '443',
324 | when: (answers) => answers.backend === BackendChoice.Experitest
325 | }, {
326 | type: 'list',
327 | name: 'expEnvProtocol',
328 | message: 'Choose a protocol for environment variable',
329 | default: ProtocolOptions.HTTPS,
330 | choices: Object.values(ProtocolOptions),
331 | when: (answers) => (answers.backend === BackendChoice.Experitest &&
332 | answers.expEnvPort !== '80' &&
333 | answers.expEnvPort !== '443')
334 | }, {
335 | type: 'input',
336 | name: 'env_user',
337 | message: 'Environment variable for username',
338 | default: 'LT_USERNAME',
339 | when: (answers) => (answers.backend && answers.backend.indexOf('LambdaTest') > -1 &&
340 | answers.hostname.indexOf('lambdatest.com') > -1)
341 | }, {
342 | type: 'input',
343 | name: 'env_key',
344 | message: 'Environment variable for access key',
345 | default: 'LT_ACCESS_KEY',
346 | when: (answers) => (answers.backend && answers.backend.indexOf('LambdaTest') > -1 &&
347 | answers.hostname.indexOf('lambdatest.com') > -1)
348 | }, {
349 | type: 'input',
350 | name: 'env_user',
351 | message: 'Environment variable for username',
353 | when: (answers) => answers.backend === BackendChoice.Browserstack
354 | }, {
355 | type: 'input',
356 | name: 'env_key',
357 | message: 'Environment variable for access key',
359 | when: (answers) => answers.backend === BackendChoice.Browserstack
360 | }, {
361 | type: 'input',
362 | name: 'env_user',
363 | message: 'Environment variable for username',
364 | default: 'SAUCE_USERNAME',
365 | when: (answers) => answers.backend === BackendChoice.Saucelabs
366 | }, {
367 | type: 'input',
368 | name: 'env_key',
369 | message: 'Environment variable for access key',
370 | default: 'SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY',
371 | when: (answers) => answers.backend === BackendChoice.Saucelabs
372 | }, {
373 | type: 'list',
374 | name: 'region',
375 | message: 'In which region do you want to run your Sauce Labs tests in?',
376 | choices: Object.values(RegionOptions),
377 | when: (answers) => answers.backend === BackendChoice.Saucelabs
378 | }, {
379 | type: 'confirm',
380 | name: 'useSauceConnect',
381 | message: ('Are you testing a local application and need Sauce Connect to be set-up?\n' +
382 | 'Read more on Sauce Connect at: https://wiki.saucelabs.com/display/DOCS/Sauce+Connect+Proxy'),
383 | default: isNuxtProject,
384 | when: (answers) => (answers.backend === BackendChoice.Saucelabs &&
385 | !isNuxtProject)
386 | }, {
387 | type: 'input',
388 | name: 'hostname',
389 | message: 'What is the IP or URI to your Selenium standalone or grid server?',
390 | default: 'localhost',
391 | when: (answers) => answers.backend && answers.backend.toString().indexOf('own Selenium cloud') > -1
392 | }, {
393 | type: 'input',
394 | name: 'port',
395 | message: 'What is the port which your Selenium standalone or grid server is running on?',
396 | default: '4444',
397 | when: (answers) => answers.backend && answers.backend.toString().indexOf('own Selenium cloud') > -1
398 | }, {
399 | type: 'input',
400 | name: 'path',
401 | message: 'What is the path to your browser driver or grid server?',
402 | default: '/',
403 | when: (answers) => answers.backend && answers.backend.toString().indexOf('own Selenium cloud') > -1
404 | }, {
405 | type: 'list',
406 | name: 'framework',
407 | message: 'Which framework do you want to use?',
408 | choices: (answers) => {
409 | |
410 |
411 |
412 | if (isBrowserRunner(answers)) {
413 | return SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.framework.slice(0, 1);
414 | }
415 | |
416 |
417 |
418 | if (getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'electron') {
419 | return SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.framework.filter(({ value }) => !value.startsWith('@serenity-js'));
420 | }
421 | return SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.framework;
422 | }
423 | }, {
424 | type: 'list',
425 | name: 'isUsingCompiler',
426 | message: 'Do you want to use a compiler?',
427 | choices: (answers) => {
428 | |
429 |
430 |
431 | if (answers.preset && answers.preset.includes('stencil')) {
432 | return [CompilerOptions.TS];
433 | }
434 | return Object.values(CompilerOptions);
435 | },
436 | default: (answers) => detectCompiler(answers)
437 | }, {
438 | type: 'confirm',
439 | name: 'generateTestFiles',
440 | message: 'Do you want WebdriverIO to autogenerate some test files?',
441 | default: true,
442 | when: (answers) => {
443 | |
444 |
445 |
446 | if (['vscode', 'electron', 'macos'].includes(getTestingPurpose(answers)) && answers.framework.includes('cucumber')) {
447 | return false;
448 | }
449 | return true;
450 | }
451 | }, {
452 | type: 'input',
453 | name: 'specs',
454 | message: 'What should be the location of your spec files?',
455 | default: (answers) => {
456 | const pattern = isBrowserRunner(answers) ? 'src/**/*.test' : 'test/specs/**/*';
457 | return getDefaultFiles(answers, pattern);
458 | },
459 | when: (answers) => answers.generateTestFiles && answers.framework.match(/(mocha|jasmine)/)
460 | }, {
461 | type: 'input',
462 | name: 'specs',
463 | message: 'What should be the location of your feature files?',
464 | default: (answers) => getDefaultFiles(answers, 'features/**/*.feature'),
465 | when: (answers) => answers.generateTestFiles && answers.framework.includes('cucumber')
466 | }, {
467 | type: 'input',
468 | name: 'stepDefinitions',
469 | message: 'What should be the location of your step definitions?',
470 | default: (answers) => getDefaultFiles(answers, 'features/step-definitions/steps'),
471 | when: (answers) => answers.generateTestFiles && answers.framework.includes('cucumber')
472 | }, {
473 | type: 'confirm',
474 | name: 'usePageObjects',
475 | message: 'Do you want to use page objects (https://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html)?',
476 | default: true,
477 | when: (answers) => (answers.generateTestFiles &&
478 | |
479 |
480 |
481 | !isBrowserRunner(answers) &&
482 | |
483 |
484 |
485 |
486 | !['vscode', 'electron', 'macos'].includes(getTestingPurpose(answers)) &&
487 | |
488 |
489 |
490 |
491 | !usesSerenity(answers))
492 | }, {
493 | type: 'input',
494 | name: 'pages',
495 | message: 'Where are your page objects located?',
496 | default: (answers) => (answers.framework.match(/(mocha|jasmine)/)
497 | ? getDefaultFiles(answers, 'test/pageobjects/**/*')
498 | : getDefaultFiles(answers, 'features/pageobjects/**/*')),
499 | when: (answers) => answers.generateTestFiles && answers.usePageObjects
500 | }, {
501 | type: 'input',
502 | name: 'serenityLibPath',
503 | message: 'What should be the location of your Serenity/JS Screenplay Pattern library?',
504 | default: async (answers) => {
505 | const projectRootDir = await getProjectRoot(answers);
506 | const specsDir = path.resolve(projectRootDir, path.dirname(answers.specs || '').replace(/\*\*$/, ''));
507 | return path.resolve(specsDir, '..', 'serenity');
508 | },
509 | when: (answers) => answers.generateTestFiles && usesSerenity(answers)
510 | }, {
511 | type: 'checkbox',
512 | name: 'reporters',
513 | message: 'Which reporter do you want to use?',
514 | choices: SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.reporter,
515 |
516 | default: [SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.reporter.find(
517 |
518 | ({ name }) => name === 'spec').value
519 | ]
520 | }, {
521 | type: 'checkbox',
522 | name: 'plugins',
523 | message: 'Do you want to add a plugin to your test setup?',
524 | choices: SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.plugin,
525 | default: []
526 | }, {
527 | type: 'confirm',
528 | name: 'includeVisualTesting',
529 | message: 'Would you like to include Visual Testing to your setup? For more information see https://webdriver.io/docs/visual-testing!',
530 | default: false,
531 | when: (answers) => {
532 | |
533 |
534 |
535 | return ['e2e', 'component'].includes(getTestingPurpose(answers));
536 | }
537 | }, {
538 | type: 'checkbox',
539 | name: 'services',
540 | message: 'Do you want to add a service to your test setup?',
541 | choices: (answers) => {
542 | const services = [];
543 | if (answers.backend === BackendChoice.Browserstack) {
544 | services.push('browserstack');
545 | }
546 | else if (answers.backend === BackendChoice.Saucelabs) {
547 | services.push('sauce');
548 | }
549 | if (answers.e2eEnvironment === 'mobile') {
550 | services.push('appium');
551 | }
552 | if (getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'e2e' && isNuxtProject) {
553 | services.push('nuxt');
554 | }
555 | if (getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'vscode') {
556 | return [SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.service.find(({ name }) => name === 'vscode')];
557 | }
558 | else if (getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'electron') {
559 | return [SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.service.find(({ name }) => name === 'electron')];
560 | }
561 | else if (getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'macos') {
562 | return [SUPPORTED_PACKAGES.service.find(({ name }) => name === 'appium')];
563 | }
564 | return prioServiceOrderFor(services);
565 | },
566 | default: (answers) => {
567 | const defaultServices = [];
568 | if (answers.backend === BackendChoice.Browserstack) {
569 | defaultServices.push('browserstack');
570 | }
571 | else if (answers.backend === BackendChoice.Saucelabs) {
572 | defaultServices.push('sauce');
573 | }
574 | if (answers.e2eEnvironment === 'mobile' || getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'macos') {
575 | defaultServices.push('appium');
576 | }
577 | if (getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'vscode') {
578 | defaultServices.push('vscode');
579 | }
580 | else if (getTestingPurpose(answers) === 'electron') {
581 | defaultServices.push('electron');
582 | }
583 | if (isNuxtProject) {
584 | defaultServices.push('nuxt');
585 | }
586 | if (answers.includeVisualTesting) {
587 | defaultServices.push('visual');
588 | }
589 | return selectDefaultService(defaultServices);
590 | }
591 | }, {
592 | type: 'input',
593 | name: 'outputDir',
594 | message: 'In which directory should the xunit reports get stored?',
595 | default: './',
596 | when: (answers) => answers.reporters.includes('junit')
597 | }, {
598 | type: 'input',
599 | name: 'outputDir',
600 | message: 'In which directory should the json reports get stored?',
601 | default: './',
602 | when: (answers) => answers.reporters.includes('json')
603 | }, {
604 | type: 'input',
605 | name: 'outputDir',
606 | message: 'In which directory should the mochawesome json reports get stored?',
607 | default: './',
608 | when: (answers) => answers.reporters.includes('mochawesome')
609 | }, {
610 | type: 'confirm',
611 | name: 'npmInstall',
612 | message: () => `Do you want me to run \`${detectPackageManager()} install\``,
613 | default: true
614 | }];
615 | const SUPPORTED_SNAPSHOTSTATE_OPTIONS = ['all', 'new', 'none'];
617 | 'wdio-electron-service',
618 | 'wdio-vscode-service',
619 | 'wdio-nuxt-service',
620 | 'wdio-vite-service',
621 | 'wdio-gmail-service'
622 | ];
623 | export const TESTRUNNER_DEFAULTS = {
624 | |
625 |
626 |
627 |
628 |
629 | specs: {
630 | type: 'object',
631 | validate: (param) => {
632 | if (!Array.isArray(param)) {
633 | throw new Error('the "specs" option needs to be a list of strings');
634 | }
635 | }
636 | },
637 | |
638 |
639 |
640 | exclude: {
641 | type: 'object',
642 | validate: (param) => {
643 | if (!Array.isArray(param)) {
644 | throw new Error('the "exclude" option needs to be a list of strings');
645 | }
646 | }
647 | },
648 | |
649 |
650 |
651 |
652 | suites: {
653 | type: 'object'
654 | },
655 | |
656 |
657 |
658 | rootDir: {
659 | type: 'string'
660 | },
661 | |
662 |
663 |
664 |
665 | bail: {
666 | type: 'number',
667 | default: 0
668 | },
669 | |
670 |
671 |
672 | framework: {
673 | type: 'string'
674 | },
675 | |
676 |
677 |
678 | capabilities: {
679 | type: 'object',
680 | validate: (param) => {
681 | |
682 |
683 |
684 | if (!Array.isArray(param)) {
685 | if (typeof param === 'object') {
686 | return true;
687 | }
688 | throw new Error('the "capabilities" options needs to be an object or a list of objects');
689 | }
690 | |
691 |
692 |
693 | for (const option of param) {
694 | if (typeof option === 'object') {
695 | continue;
696 | }
697 | throw new Error('expected every item of a list of capabilities to be of type object');
698 | }
699 | return true;
700 | },
701 | required: true
702 | },
703 | |
704 |
705 |
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 |
710 |
711 |
712 |
713 |
714 | reporters: {
715 | type: 'object',
716 | validate: (param) => {
717 | |
718 |
719 |
720 | if (!Array.isArray(param)) {
721 | throw new Error('the "reporters" options needs to be a list of strings');
722 | }
723 | const isValidReporter = (option) => ((typeof option === 'string') ||
724 | (typeof option === 'function'));
725 | |
726 |
727 |
728 | for (const option of param) {
729 | |
730 |
731 |
732 | if (isValidReporter(option)) {
733 | continue;
734 | }
735 | |
736 |
737 |
738 |
739 | if (Array.isArray(option) &&
740 | typeof option[1] === 'object' &&
741 | isValidReporter(option[0])) {
742 | continue;
743 | }
744 | throw new Error('a reporter should be either a string in the format "wdio-<reportername>-reporter" ' +
745 | 'or a function/class. Please see the docs for more information on custom reporters ' +
746 | '(https://webdriver.io/docs/customreporter)');
747 | }
748 | return true;
749 | }
750 | },
751 | |
752 |
753 |
754 | services: {
755 | type: 'object',
756 | validate: (param) => {
757 | |
758 |
759 |
760 | if (!Array.isArray(param)) {
761 | throw new Error('the "services" options needs to be a list of strings and/or arrays');
762 | }
763 | |
764 |
765 |
766 | for (const option of param) {
767 | if (!Array.isArray(option)) {
768 | if (typeof option === 'string') {
769 | continue;
770 | }
771 | throw new Error('the "services" options needs to be a list of strings and/or arrays');
772 | }
773 | }
774 | return true;
775 | },
776 | default: []
777 | },
778 | |
779 |
780 |
781 | execArgv: {
782 | type: 'object',
783 | validate: (param) => {
784 | if (!Array.isArray(param)) {
785 | throw new Error('the "execArgv" options needs to be a list of strings');
786 | }
787 | },
788 | default: []
789 | },
790 | |
791 |
792 |
793 | maxInstances: {
794 | type: 'number'
795 | },
796 | |
797 |
798 |
799 | maxInstancesPerCapability: {
800 | type: 'number'
801 | },
802 | |
803 |
804 |
805 |
806 | injectGlobals: {
807 | type: 'boolean'
808 | },
809 | |
810 |
811 |
812 | updateSnapshots: {
813 | type: 'string',
815 | validate: (param) => {
816 | if (param && !SUPPORTED_SNAPSHOTSTATE_OPTIONS.includes(param)) {
817 | throw new Error(`the "updateSnapshots" options needs to be one of "${SUPPORTED_SNAPSHOTSTATE_OPTIONS.join('", "')}"`);
818 | }
819 | }
820 | },
821 | |
822 |
823 |
824 | resolveSnapshotPath: {
825 | type: 'function',
826 | validate: (param) => {
827 | if (param && typeof param !== 'function') {
828 | throw new Error('the "resolveSnapshotPath" options needs to be a function');
829 | }
830 | }
831 | },
832 | |
833 |
834 |
835 | specFileRetries: {
836 | type: 'number',
837 | default: 0
838 | },
839 | |
840 |
841 |
842 | specFileRetriesDelay: {
843 | type: 'number',
844 | default: 0
845 | },
846 | |
847 |
848 |
849 | specFileRetriesDeferred: {
850 | type: 'boolean',
851 | default: true
852 | },
853 | |
854 |
855 |
856 | groupLogsByTestSpec: {
857 | type: 'boolean',
858 | default: false
859 | },
860 | |
861 |
862 |
863 | filesToWatch: {
864 | type: 'object',
865 | validate: (param) => {
866 | if (!Array.isArray(param)) {
867 | throw new Error('the "filesToWatch" option needs to be a list of strings');
868 | }
869 | }
870 | },
871 | shard: {
872 | type: 'object',
873 | validate: (param) => {
874 | if (typeof param !== 'object') {
875 | throw new Error('the "shard" options needs to be an object');
876 | }
877 | const p = param;
878 | if (typeof p.current !== 'number' || typeof p.total !== 'number') {
879 | throw new Error('the "shard" option needs to have "current" and "total" properties with number values');
880 | }
881 | if (p.current < 0 || p.current > p.total) {
882 | throw new Error('the "shard.current" value has to be between 0 and "shard.total"');
883 | }
884 | }
885 | },
886 | |
887 |
888 |
889 | onPrepare: HOOK_DEFINITION,
890 | onWorkerStart: HOOK_DEFINITION,
891 | onWorkerEnd: HOOK_DEFINITION,
892 | before: HOOK_DEFINITION,
893 | beforeSession: HOOK_DEFINITION,
894 | beforeSuite: HOOK_DEFINITION,
895 | beforeHook: HOOK_DEFINITION,
896 | beforeTest: HOOK_DEFINITION,
897 | afterTest: HOOK_DEFINITION,
898 | afterHook: HOOK_DEFINITION,
899 | afterSuite: HOOK_DEFINITION,
900 | afterSession: HOOK_DEFINITION,
901 | after: HOOK_DEFINITION,
902 | onComplete: HOOK_DEFINITION,
903 | onReload: HOOK_DEFINITION,
904 | beforeAssertion: HOOK_DEFINITION,
905 | afterAssertion: HOOK_DEFINITION
906 | };
907 | export const WORKER_GROUPLOGS_MESSAGES = {
908 | normalExit: (cid) => `\n***** List of steps of WorkerID=[${cid}] *****`,
909 | exitWithError: (cid) => `\n***** List of steps of WorkerID=[${cid}] that preceded the error above *****`
910 | };