1.59 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { Capabilities, Options } from '@wdio/types';
2import type { ModuleRequireService } from './types';
3export declare const validObjectOrArray: (object: any) => object is object | any[];
5 * remove line numbers from file path, ex:
6 * `/foo:9` or `c:\bar:14:5`
7 * @param {string} filePath path to spec file
8 * @returns {string}
9 */
10export declare function removeLineNumbers(filePath: string): string;
12 * does spec file path contain Cucumber's line number, ex
13 * `/foo/bar:9` or `c:\bar\foo:14:5`
14 * @param {string|string[]} spec
15 */
16export declare function isCucumberFeatureWithLineNumber(spec: string | string[]): boolean;
17export declare function isCloudCapability(caps: Capabilities.Capabilities): boolean;
19 * validates configurations based on default values
20 * @param {Object} defaults object describing all allowed properties
21 * @param {Object} options option to check against
22 * @return {Object} validated config enriched with default values
23 */
24export declare function validateConfig<T>(defaults: Options.Definition<T>, options: T, keysToKeep?: (keyof T)[]): T;
25export declare function loadAutoCompilers(autoCompileConfig: Options.AutoCompileConfig, requireService: ModuleRequireService): boolean | undefined;
26export declare function loadTypeScriptCompiler(tsNodeOpts: any, tsConfigPathsOpts: Options.TSConfigPathsOptions | undefined, requireService: ModuleRequireService): boolean;
27export declare function loadBabelCompiler(babelOpts: Record<string, any> | undefined, requireService: ModuleRequireService): boolean;
28//# sourceMappingURL=utils.d.ts.map
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