1 |
2 | var DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 1e4;
3 | var DEFAULT_CONFIGS = () => ({
4 | specs: [],
5 | suites: {},
6 | exclude: [],
7 | outputDir: void 0,
8 | logLevel: "info",
9 | logLevels: {},
10 | groupLogsByTestSpec: false,
11 | excludeDriverLogs: [],
12 | bail: 0,
13 | waitforInterval: 500,
14 | waitforTimeout: 5e3,
15 | framework: "mocha",
16 | reporters: [],
17 | services: [],
18 | maxInstances: 100,
19 | maxInstancesPerCapability: 100,
20 | injectGlobals: true,
21 | filesToWatch: [],
22 | connectionRetryTimeout: 12e4,
23 | connectionRetryCount: 3,
24 | execArgv: [],
25 | runnerEnv: {},
26 | runner: "local",
27 | shard: {
28 | current: 1,
29 | total: 1
30 | },
31 | specFileRetries: 0,
32 | specFileRetriesDelay: 0,
33 | specFileRetriesDeferred: false,
34 | reporterSyncInterval: 100,
35 | reporterSyncTimeout: 5e3,
36 | cucumberFeaturesWithLineNumbers: [],
37 | |
38 |
39 |
40 | mochaOpts: {
41 | timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
42 | },
43 | jasmineOpts: {
44 | defaultTimeoutInterval: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
45 | },
46 | cucumberOpts: {
47 | timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
48 | },
49 | |
50 |
51 |
52 | onPrepare: [],
53 | onWorkerStart: [],
54 | onWorkerEnd: [],
55 | before: [],
56 | beforeSession: [],
57 | beforeSuite: [],
58 | beforeHook: [],
59 | beforeTest: [],
60 | beforeCommand: [],
61 | afterCommand: [],
62 | afterTest: [],
63 | afterHook: [],
64 | afterSuite: [],
65 | afterSession: [],
66 | after: [],
67 | onComplete: [],
68 | onReload: [],
69 | beforeAssertion: [],
70 | afterAssertion: [],
71 | |
72 |
73 |
74 | beforeFeature: [],
75 | beforeScenario: [],
76 | beforeStep: [],
77 | afterStep: [],
78 | afterScenario: [],
79 | afterFeature: []
80 | });
81 |
82 |
83 | import decamelize from "decamelize";
84 | function isCloudCapability(caps) {
85 | return Boolean(caps && (caps["bstack:options"] || caps["sauce:options"] || caps["tb:options"]));
86 | }
87 | function validateConfig(defaults, options, keysToKeep = []) {
88 | const params = {};
89 | for (const [name, expectedOption] of Object.entries(defaults)) {
90 | if (typeof options[name] === "undefined" && !expectedOption.default && expectedOption.required) {
91 | throw new Error(`Required option "${name.toString()}" is missing`);
92 | }
93 | if (typeof options[name] === "undefined" && expectedOption.default) {
94 | params[name] = expectedOption.default;
95 | }
96 | if (typeof options[name] !== "undefined") {
97 | const optValue = options[name];
98 | if (typeof optValue !== expectedOption.type) {
99 | throw new Error(`Expected option "${name.toString()}" to be type of ${expectedOption.type} but was ${typeof options[name]}`);
100 | }
101 | if (typeof expectedOption.validate === "function") {
102 | try {
103 | expectedOption.validate(optValue);
104 | } catch (e) {
105 | throw new Error(`Type check for option "${name.toString()}" failed: ${e.message}`);
106 | }
107 | }
108 | if (typeof optValue === "string" && expectedOption.match && !optValue.match(expectedOption.match)) {
109 | throw new Error(`Option "${name.toString()}" doesn't match expected values: ${expectedOption.match}`);
110 | }
111 | params[name] = options[name];
112 | }
113 | }
114 | for (const [name, option] of Object.entries(options)) {
115 | if (keysToKeep.includes(name)) {
116 | params[name] = option;
117 | }
118 | }
119 | return params;
120 | }
121 | export {
123 | isCloudCapability,
124 | validateConfig
125 | };