1 | WDIO Logger Utility
2 | ===================
3 |
4 | > A helper utility for logging of WebdriverIO packages
5 |
6 | This package is used across all WebdriverIO packages to log information using the [`loglevel`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/loglevel) package. It can also be used for any other arbitrary Node.js project.
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8 | ## Install
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10 | To install the package just call
11 |
12 | ```sh
13 | npm install @wdio/logger
14 | ```
15 |
16 | or when adding it to a WebdriverIO subpackage:
17 |
18 | ```sh
19 | lerna add @wdio/logger --scope <subpackage>
20 | ```
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22 | ## Usage
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24 | The package exposes a logger function that you can use to register an instance for your scoped package:
25 |
26 | ```js
27 | import logger from '@wdio/logger'
28 |
29 | const log = logger('myPackage')
30 | log.info('some logs')
31 | ```
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33 | For more info see [`loglevel`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/loglevel) package on NPM.
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35 | ## Custom Log Levels
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37 | This package extends the log levels available in [`loglevel`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/loglevel) by introducing a new level called `progress`.
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39 | The `progress` level is particularly useful when you need to dynamically update a specific line in the terminal. For example, it can be utilized to display the download progress of browsers or drivers.
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41 | Notably, the `progress` level is equivalent to the `info` level. Therefore, if you set the log level to `error` or `silent`, any `progress` logs will be suppressed.
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43 | It's important to mention that `progress` writes directly to `process.stdout`, and these logs won't be captured in any log files.
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45 | To ensure consistent formatting with subsequent logs while using `progress`, it's essential to clear it at the end. To do so, simply call `progress` with an empty string, which will clear the last line:
46 |
47 | ```
48 | log.progress('')
49 | ```
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51 | ### Illustrative Usage of Progress
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53 | ```javascript
54 | import logger from '@wdio/logger';
55 |
56 | const log = logger('internal');
57 |
58 | const totalSize = 100;
59 | let uploadedSize = 0;
60 |
61 | const uploadInterval = setInterval(() => {
62 | const chunkSize = 10;
63 | uploadedSize += chunkSize;
64 | const data = `Progress: ${(uploadedSize * 100) / totalSize}%`;
65 | log.progress(data);
66 | if (uploadedSize >= totalSize) {
67 | clearInterval(uploadInterval);
68 | log.progress(''); // Called at the end to maintain the alignment of subsequent logs.
69 | console.log('Upload complete.');
70 | }
71 | }, 100);
72 | ```