1 |
2 | import fs from "node:fs";
3 | import util from "node:util";
4 | import log from "loglevel";
5 | import chalk from "chalk";
6 | import prefix from "loglevel-plugin-prefix";
7 | import ansiStrip from "strip-ansi";
8 | prefix.reg(log);
9 | var DEFAULT_LEVEL = process.env.WDIO_DEBUG ? "trace" : "info";
10 | var COLORS = {
11 | error: "red",
12 | warn: "yellow",
13 | info: "cyanBright",
14 | debug: "green",
15 | trace: "cyan",
16 | progress: "magenta"
17 | };
18 | var matches = {
21 | DATA: "DATA",
24 | };
25 | var SERIALIZERS = [{
26 | |
27 |
28 |
29 | matches: (err) => err instanceof Error,
30 | serialize: (err) => err.stack
31 | }, {
32 | |
33 |
34 |
35 | matches: (log2) => log2 === matches.COMMAND || log2 === matches.BIDICOMMAND,
36 | serialize: (log2) => chalk.magenta(log2)
37 | }, {
38 | |
39 |
40 |
41 | matches: (log2) => log2 === matches.DATA,
42 | serialize: (log2) => chalk.yellow(log2)
43 | }, {
44 | |
45 |
46 |
47 | matches: (log2) => log2 === matches.RESULT || log2 === matches.BIDIRESULT,
48 | serialize: (log2) => chalk.cyan(log2)
49 | }];
50 | var loggers = log.getLoggers();
51 | var logLevelsConfig = {};
52 | var logCache = new Set();
53 | var logFile;
54 | var originalFactory = log.methodFactory;
55 | var wdioLoggerMethodFactory = function(methodName, logLevel, loggerName) {
56 | const rawMethod = originalFactory(methodName, logLevel, loggerName);
57 | return (...args) => {
58 | if (!logFile && process.env.WDIO_LOG_PATH) {
59 | logFile = fs.createWriteStream(process.env.WDIO_LOG_PATH);
60 | }
61 | const match = Object.values(matches).filter((x) => args[0].endsWith(`: ${x}`))[0];
62 | if (match) {
63 | const prefixStr = args.shift().slice(0, -match.length - 1);
64 | args.unshift(prefixStr, match);
65 | }
66 | args = args.map((arg) => {
67 | for (const s of SERIALIZERS) {
68 | if (s.matches(arg)) {
69 | return s.serialize(arg);
70 | }
71 | }
72 | return arg;
73 | });
74 | const logText = ansiStrip(`${util.format.apply(this, args)}
75 | `);
76 | if (logFile && logFile.writable) {
77 | if (logCache.size) {
78 | logCache.forEach((log2) => {
79 | if (logFile) {
80 | logFile.write(log2);
81 | }
82 | });
83 | logCache.clear();
84 | }
85 | if (!logsContainInitPackageError(logText)) {
86 | return logFile.write(logText);
87 | }
88 | logFile.write(logText);
89 | }
90 | logCache.add(logText);
91 | rawMethod(...args);
92 | };
93 | };
94 | var progress = function(data) {
95 | if (process.stdout.isTTY && this.getLevel() <= log.levels.INFO) {
96 | const level = "progress";
97 | const timestampFormatter = chalk.gray(( new Date()).toISOString());
98 | const levelFormatter = chalk[COLORS[level]](level.toUpperCase());
99 | const nameFormatter = chalk.whiteBright(this.name);
100 | const _data = data.length > 0 ? `${timestampFormatter} ${levelFormatter} ${nameFormatter}: ${data}` : "\r\x1B[K\x1B[?25h";
101 | process.stdout.write("\x1B[?25l");
102 | process.stdout.write(`${_data}\r`);
103 | }
104 | };
105 | function getLogger(name) {
106 | if (loggers[name]) {
107 | return loggers[name];
108 | }
109 | let logLevel = process.env.WDIO_LOG_LEVEL || DEFAULT_LEVEL;
110 | const logLevelName = getLogLevelName(name);
111 | if (logLevelsConfig[logLevelName]) {
112 | logLevel = logLevelsConfig[logLevelName];
113 | }
114 | loggers[name] = log.getLogger(name);
115 | loggers[name].setLevel(logLevel);
116 | loggers[name].methodFactory = wdioLoggerMethodFactory;
117 | loggers[name].progress = progress;
118 | prefix.apply(loggers[name], {
119 | template: "%t %l %n:",
120 | timestampFormatter: (date) => chalk.gray(date.toISOString()),
121 | levelFormatter: (level) => chalk[COLORS[level]](level.toUpperCase()),
122 | nameFormatter: (name2) => chalk.whiteBright(name2)
123 | });
124 | return loggers[name];
125 | }
126 | getLogger.waitForBuffer = async () => new Promise((resolve) => {
127 | if (logFile && Array.isArray(logFile.writableBuffer) && logFile.writableBuffer.length !== 0) {
128 | return setTimeout(async () => {
129 | await getLogger.waitForBuffer();
130 | resolve();
131 | }, 20);
132 | }
133 | resolve();
134 | });
135 | getLogger.setLevel = (name, level) => loggers[name].setLevel(level);
136 | getLogger.clearLogger = () => {
137 | if (logFile) {
138 | logFile.end();
139 | }
140 | logFile = null;
141 | };
142 | getLogger.setLogLevelsConfig = (logLevels = {}, wdioLogLevel = DEFAULT_LEVEL) => {
143 | if (process.env.WDIO_LOG_LEVEL === void 0) {
144 | process.env.WDIO_LOG_LEVEL = wdioLogLevel;
145 | }
146 | logLevelsConfig = {};
147 | Object.entries(logLevels).forEach(([logName, logLevel]) => {
148 | const logLevelName = getLogLevelName(logName);
149 | logLevelsConfig[logLevelName] = logLevel;
150 | });
151 | Object.keys(loggers).forEach((logName) => {
152 | const logLevelName = getLogLevelName(logName);
153 | const logLevel = typeof logLevelsConfig[logLevelName] !== "undefined" ? logLevelsConfig[logLevelName] : process.env.WDIO_LOG_LEVEL;
154 | loggers[logName].setLevel(logLevel);
155 | });
156 | };
157 | var getLogLevelName = (logName) => logName.split(":").shift();
158 | function logsContainInitPackageError(logText) {
159 | return ERROR_LOG_VALIDATOR.every((pattern) => logText.includes(pattern));
160 | }
162 | "Couldn't find plugin",
163 | "neither as wdio scoped package",
164 | "nor as community package",
165 | "Please make sure you have it installed"
166 | ];
167 | export {
168 | getLogger as default
169 | };