1.59 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@wmfs/tymly-etl-plugin",
3 "version": "1.143.0",
4 "description": "A collection of states for helping with Extract, Transform and Load tasks.",
5 "homepage": "https://github.com/wmfs/tymly-etl-plugin#readme",
6 "author": "West Midlands Fire Service",
7 "keywords": [
8 "tymly",
9 "plugin",
10 "extract",
11 "transform",
12 "load",
13 "tasks"
14 ],
15 "license": "MIT",
16 "repository": {
17 "type": "git",
18 "url": "https://github.com/wmfs/tymly-etl-plugin.git"
19 },
20 "bugs": {
21 "url": "https://github.com/wmfs/tymly-etl-plugin/issues"
22 },
23 "main": "./lib/index.js",
24 "dependencies": {
25 "debug": "4.2.0",
26 "@wmfs/smithereens": "1.41.0",
27 "@wmfs/xml-flatten2csv": "1.3.0",
28 "@wmfs/xml2csv": "1.18.0"
29 },
30 "devDependencies": {
31 "chai": "4.2.0",
32 "codecov": "3.7.2",
33 "conventional-changelog-metahub": "4.0.1",
34 "csvtojson": "2.0.10",
35 "cz-conventional-changelog": "3.3.0",
36 "glob": "7.1.6",
37 "mocha": "8.1.3",
38 "nyc": "15.1.0",
39 "semantic-release": "17.1.2",
40 "standard": "14.3.4",
41 "@semantic-release/changelog": "5.0.1",
42 "@semantic-release/git": "9.0.0",
43 "@semantic-release/exec": "5.0.0",
44 "@wmfs/tymly-test-helpers": "1.7.0",
45 "@wmfs/tymly": "1.162.0"
46 },
47 "scripts": {
48 "lint": "standard",
49 "test": "nyc mocha && standard",
50 "coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov > coverage.lcov && codecov",
51 "semantic-release": "semantic-release"
52 },
53 "config": {
54 "commitizen": {
55 "path": "cz-conventional-changelog"
56 }
57 },
58 "publishConfig": {
59 "access": "public"
60 }