3.65 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1/* eslint-env mocha */
3const tymly = require('./../lib')
4const path = require('path')
5const chai = require('chai')
7const expect = chai.expect
9describe('TymlyRef first-stage resolution', () => {
10 const probePluginPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/plugins/with-ref-plugin')
11 const bpDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/blueprints')
13 const inner = {
14 blueprintName: 'withRef',
15 blueprintVersion: '1.0',
16 namespace: 'refResolution',
17 id: 'inner',
18 name: 'inner'
19 }
20 const between = {
21 blueprintName: 'withRef',
22 blueprintVersion: '1.0',
23 namespace: 'refResolution',
24 id: 'between',
25 name: 'middle',
26 description: 'sits in the middle',
27 contents: inner
28 }
30 const goodTests = [
31 [
32 'good reference',
33 'with-good-ref-blueprint',
34 inner
35 ],
36 [
37 'good reference in an array',
38 'with-good-ref-in-array-blueprint',
39 [
40 'some stuff before',
41 inner,
42 'some stuff afterwards'
43 ]
44 ],
45 [
46 'reference the same file twice',
47 'with-two-good-refs-blueprint',
48 {
49 once: inner,
50 again: inner
51 }
52 ],
53 [
54 'nested ref',
55 'with-refs-in-refs-blueprint',
56 between
57 ],
58 [
59 'multiple nested ref',
60 'with-multiple-refs-in-refs-blueprint',
61 [
62 between,
63 {
64 blueprintName: 'withRef',
65 blueprintVersion: '1.0',
66 namespace: 'refResolution',
67 id: 'shim',
68 name: 'shim',
69 contents: between
70 }
71 ]
72 ],
73 [
74 'wildcard namespace reference',
75 'with-wildcard-namespace-ref-blueprint',
76 [inner]
77 ],
78 [
79 'wildcard name reference',
80 'with-wildcard-name-ref-blueprint',
81 [inner]
82 ],
83 [
84 'reference with JSONPath selection',
85 'with-good-ref-and-jsonpath-blueprint',
86 {
87 name: 'the subsection'
88 }
89 ],
90 [
91 'reference with JSONPath Array selection',
92 'with-good-ref-and-jsonpath-array-blueprint',
93 [
94 {
95 name: 'the before subsection'
96 },
97 {
98 name: 'the subsection'
99 },
100 {
101 name: 'the next subsection'
102 }
103 ]
104 ],
105 [
106 'reference with JSONPath Array subselect',
107 'with-good-ref-and-jsonpath-array-subselect-blueprint',
108 [
109 {
110 name: 'the subsection'
111 },
112 {
113 name: 'the next subsection'
114 }
115 ]
116 ]
117 ]
119 describe('Good references', () => {
120 for (const [label, bp, contents] of goodTests) {
121 it(label, async () => {
122 const tymlyServices = await tymly.boot({
123 pluginPaths: [probePluginPath],
124 blueprintPaths: [path.resolve(bpDir, bp)]
125 })
127 const files = tymlyServices.probe.files
129 expect(files.refResolution_outer.contents).to.eql(contents)
130 })
131 }
132 })
134 const badTests = [
135 [
136 'bad reference name',
137 'with-bad-ref-name-blueprint',
138 'Error: Could not resolve files:refResolution_inner in files:refResolution_outer'
139 ],
140 [
141 'circular reference',
142 'with-bad-circular-ref-blueprint',
143 'Error: Circular dependency in '
144 ]
146 ]
148 describe('Bad references', () => {
149 for (const [label, bp, error] of badTests) {
150 it(label, async () => {
151 try {
152 await tymly.boot({
153 blueprintPaths: [path.resolve(bpDir, bp)]
154 })
155 expect.fail('Tymly Ref should have failed')
156 } catch (err) {
157 expect(err.message).to.startWith(error)
158 }
159 }) // it ...
160 } // for ...
161 }) // describe