10.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import _classCallCheck from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck";
2import _createClass from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass";
3import _possibleConstructorReturn from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/possibleConstructorReturn";
4import _getPrototypeOf from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/getPrototypeOf";
5import _inherits from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inherits";
6import _assertThisInitialized from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/assertThisInitialized";
7import { createElement } from "@wordpress/element";
10 * Internal dependencies
11 */
12import { isFromWordPress, createUpgradedEmbedBlock, getClassNames, fallback as _fallback } from './util';
13import EmbedControls from './embed-controls';
14import EmbedLoading from './embed-loading';
15import EmbedPlaceholder from './embed-placeholder';
16import EmbedPreview from './embed-preview';
18 * External dependencies
19 */
21import { kebabCase, toLower } from 'lodash';
23 * WordPress dependencies
24 */
26import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
27import { Component, Fragment } from '@wordpress/element';
28export function getEmbedEditComponent(title, icon) {
29 var responsive = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
30 return (
31 /*#__PURE__*/
32 function (_Component) {
33 _inherits(_class, _Component);
35 function _class() {
36 var _this;
38 _classCallCheck(this, _class);
40 _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(_class).apply(this, arguments));
41 _this.switchBackToURLInput = _this.switchBackToURLInput.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
42 _this.setUrl = _this.setUrl.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
43 _this.getAttributesFromPreview = _this.getAttributesFromPreview.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
44 _this.setAttributesFromPreview = _this.setAttributesFromPreview.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
45 _this.getResponsiveHelp = _this.getResponsiveHelp.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
46 _this.toggleResponsive = _this.toggleResponsive.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
47 _this.handleIncomingPreview = _this.handleIncomingPreview.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
48 _this.state = {
49 editingURL: false,
50 url: _this.props.attributes.url
51 };
53 if (_this.props.preview) {
54 _this.handleIncomingPreview();
55 }
57 return _this;
58 }
60 _createClass(_class, [{
61 key: "handleIncomingPreview",
62 value: function handleIncomingPreview() {
63 var allowResponsive = this.props.attributes.allowResponsive;
64 this.setAttributesFromPreview();
65 var upgradedBlock = createUpgradedEmbedBlock(this.props, this.getAttributesFromPreview(this.props.preview, allowResponsive));
67 if (upgradedBlock) {
68 this.props.onReplace(upgradedBlock);
69 }
70 }
71 }, {
72 key: "componentDidUpdate",
73 value: function componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
74 var hasPreview = undefined !== this.props.preview;
75 var hadPreview = undefined !== prevProps.preview;
76 var previewChanged = prevProps.preview && this.props.preview && this.props.preview.html !== prevProps.preview.html;
77 var switchedPreview = previewChanged || hasPreview && !hadPreview;
78 var switchedURL = this.props.attributes.url !== prevProps.attributes.url;
80 if (switchedPreview || switchedURL) {
81 if (this.props.cannotEmbed) {
82 // We either have a new preview or a new URL, but we can't embed it.
83 if (!this.props.fetching) {
84 // If we're not fetching the preview, then we know it can't be embedded, so try
85 // removing any trailing slash, and resubmit.
86 this.resubmitWithoutTrailingSlash();
87 }
89 return;
90 }
92 this.handleIncomingPreview();
93 }
94 }
95 }, {
96 key: "resubmitWithoutTrailingSlash",
97 value: function resubmitWithoutTrailingSlash() {
98 this.setState(function (prevState) {
99 return {
100 url: prevState.url.replace(/\/$/, '')
101 };
102 }, this.setUrl);
103 }
104 }, {
105 key: "setUrl",
106 value: function setUrl(event) {
107 if (event) {
108 event.preventDefault();
109 }
111 var url = this.state.url;
112 var setAttributes = this.props.setAttributes;
113 this.setState({
114 editingURL: false
115 });
116 setAttributes({
117 url: url
118 });
119 }
120 /***
121 * Gets block attributes based on the preview and responsive state.
122 *
123 * @param {string} preview The preview data.
124 * @param {boolean} allowResponsive Apply responsive classes to fixed size content.
125 * @return {Object} Attributes and values.
126 */
128 }, {
129 key: "getAttributesFromPreview",
130 value: function getAttributesFromPreview(preview) {
131 var allowResponsive = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;
132 var attributes = {}; // Some plugins only return HTML with no type info, so default this to 'rich'.
134 var _preview$type = preview.type,
135 type = _preview$type === void 0 ? 'rich' : _preview$type; // If we got a provider name from the API, use it for the slug, otherwise we use the title,
136 // because not all embed code gives us a provider name.
138 var html = preview.html,
139 providerName = preview.provider_name;
140 var providerNameSlug = kebabCase(toLower('' !== providerName ? providerName : title));
142 if (isFromWordPress(html)) {
143 type = 'wp-embed';
144 }
146 if (html || 'photo' === type) {
147 attributes.type = type;
148 attributes.providerNameSlug = providerNameSlug;
149 }
151 attributes.className = getClassNames(html, this.props.attributes.className, responsive && allowResponsive);
152 return attributes;
153 }
154 /***
155 * Sets block attributes based on the preview data.
156 */
158 }, {
159 key: "setAttributesFromPreview",
160 value: function setAttributesFromPreview() {
161 var _this$props = this.props,
162 setAttributes = _this$props.setAttributes,
163 preview = _this$props.preview;
164 var allowResponsive = this.props.attributes.allowResponsive;
165 setAttributes(this.getAttributesFromPreview(preview, allowResponsive));
166 }
167 }, {
168 key: "switchBackToURLInput",
169 value: function switchBackToURLInput() {
170 this.setState({
171 editingURL: true
172 });
173 }
174 }, {
175 key: "getResponsiveHelp",
176 value: function getResponsiveHelp(checked) {
177 return checked ? __('This embed will preserve its aspect ratio when the browser is resized.') : __('This embed may not preserve its aspect ratio when the browser is resized.');
178 }
179 }, {
180 key: "toggleResponsive",
181 value: function toggleResponsive() {
182 var _this$props$attribute = this.props.attributes,
183 allowResponsive = _this$props$attribute.allowResponsive,
184 className = _this$props$attribute.className;
185 var html = this.props.preview.html;
186 var newAllowResponsive = !allowResponsive;
187 this.props.setAttributes({
188 allowResponsive: newAllowResponsive,
189 className: getClassNames(html, className, responsive && newAllowResponsive)
190 });
191 }
192 }, {
193 key: "render",
194 value: function render() {
195 var _this2 = this;
197 var _this$state = this.state,
198 url = _this$state.url,
199 editingURL = _this$state.editingURL;
200 var _this$props$attribute2 = this.props.attributes,
201 caption = _this$props$attribute2.caption,
202 type = _this$props$attribute2.type,
203 allowResponsive = _this$props$attribute2.allowResponsive;
204 var _this$props2 = this.props,
205 fetching = _this$props2.fetching,
206 setAttributes = _this$props2.setAttributes,
207 isSelected = _this$props2.isSelected,
208 className = _this$props2.className,
209 preview = _this$props2.preview,
210 cannotEmbed = _this$props2.cannotEmbed,
211 themeSupportsResponsive = _this$props2.themeSupportsResponsive,
212 tryAgain = _this$props2.tryAgain;
214 if (fetching) {
215 return createElement(EmbedLoading, null);
216 } // translators: %s: type of embed e.g: "YouTube", "Twitter", etc. "Embed" is used when no specific type exists
219 var label = sprintf(__('%s URL'), title); // No preview, or we can't embed the current URL, or we've clicked the edit button.
221 if (!preview || cannotEmbed || editingURL) {
222 return createElement(EmbedPlaceholder, {
223 icon: icon,
224 label: label,
225 onSubmit: this.setUrl,
226 value: url,
227 cannotEmbed: cannotEmbed,
228 onChange: function onChange(event) {
229 return _this2.setState({
230 url: event.target.value
231 });
232 },
233 fallback: function fallback() {
234 return _fallback(url, _this2.props.onReplace);
235 },
236 tryAgain: tryAgain
237 });
238 }
240 return createElement(Fragment, null, createElement(EmbedControls, {
241 showEditButton: preview && !cannotEmbed,
242 themeSupportsResponsive: themeSupportsResponsive,
243 blockSupportsResponsive: responsive,
244 allowResponsive: allowResponsive,
245 getResponsiveHelp: this.getResponsiveHelp,
246 toggleResponsive: this.toggleResponsive,
247 switchBackToURLInput: this.switchBackToURLInput
248 }), createElement(EmbedPreview, {
249 preview: preview,
250 className: className,
251 url: url,
252 type: type,
253 caption: caption,
254 onCaptionChange: function onCaptionChange(value) {
255 return setAttributes({
256 caption: value
257 });
258 },
259 isSelected: isSelected,
260 icon: icon,
261 label: label
262 }));
263 }
264 }]);
266 return _class;
267 }(Component)
268 );
270//# sourceMappingURL=edit.js.map
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