5.94 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import _classCallCheck from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck";
2import _createClass from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass";
3import _possibleConstructorReturn from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/possibleConstructorReturn";
4import _getPrototypeOf from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/getPrototypeOf";
5import _inherits from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inherits";
6import _assertThisInitialized from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/assertThisInitialized";
7import { createElement } from "@wordpress/element";
10 * Internal dependencies
11 */
12import { HOSTS_NO_PREVIEWS } from './constants';
13import { getPhotoHtml } from './util';
15 * External dependencies
16 */
18import { parse } from 'url';
19import { includes } from 'lodash';
20import classnames from 'classnames/dedupe';
22 * WordPress dependencies
23 */
25import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
26import { Placeholder, SandBox } from '@wordpress/components';
27import { RichText, BlockIcon } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
28import { Component } from '@wordpress/element';
30 * Internal dependencies
31 */
33import WpEmbedPreview from './wp-embed-preview';
35var EmbedPreview =
37function (_Component) {
38 _inherits(EmbedPreview, _Component);
40 function EmbedPreview() {
41 var _this;
43 _classCallCheck(this, EmbedPreview);
45 _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(EmbedPreview).apply(this, arguments));
46 _this.hideOverlay = _this.hideOverlay.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
47 _this.state = {
48 interactive: false
49 };
50 return _this;
51 }
53 _createClass(EmbedPreview, [{
54 key: "hideOverlay",
55 value: function hideOverlay() {
56 // This is called onMouseUp on the overlay. We can't respond to the `isSelected` prop
57 // changing, because that happens on mouse down, and the overlay immediately disappears,
58 // and the mouse event can end up in the preview content. We can't use onClick on
59 // the overlay to hide it either, because then the editor misses the mouseup event, and
60 // thinks we're multi-selecting blocks.
61 this.setState({
62 interactive: true
63 });
64 }
65 }, {
66 key: "render",
67 value: function render() {
68 var _this$props = this.props,
69 preview = _this$props.preview,
70 url = _this$props.url,
71 type = _this$props.type,
72 caption = _this$props.caption,
73 onCaptionChange = _this$props.onCaptionChange,
74 isSelected = _this$props.isSelected,
75 className = _this$props.className,
76 icon = _this$props.icon,
77 label = _this$props.label;
78 var scripts = preview.scripts;
79 var interactive = this.state.interactive;
80 var html = 'photo' === type ? getPhotoHtml(preview) : preview.html;
81 var parsedHost = parse(url).host.split('.');
82 var parsedHostBaseUrl = parsedHost.splice(parsedHost.length - 2, parsedHost.length - 1).join('.');
83 var cannotPreview = includes(HOSTS_NO_PREVIEWS, parsedHostBaseUrl); // translators: %s: host providing embed content e.g: www.youtube.com
85 var iframeTitle = sprintf(__('Embedded content from %s'), parsedHostBaseUrl);
86 var sandboxClassnames = classnames(type, className, 'wp-block-embed__wrapper'); // Disabled because the overlay div doesn't actually have a role or functionality
87 // as far as the user is concerned. We're just catching the first click so that
88 // the block can be selected without interacting with the embed preview that the overlay covers.
90 /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-interactions */
92 /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */
94 var embedWrapper = 'wp-embed' === type ? createElement(WpEmbedPreview, {
95 html: html
96 }) : createElement("div", {
97 className: "wp-block-embed__wrapper"
98 }, createElement(SandBox, {
99 html: html,
100 scripts: scripts,
101 title: iframeTitle,
102 type: sandboxClassnames,
103 onFocus: this.hideOverlay
104 }), !interactive && createElement("div", {
105 className: "block-library-embed__interactive-overlay",
106 onMouseUp: this.hideOverlay
107 }));
108 /* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */
110 /* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-interactions */
112 return createElement("figure", {
113 className: classnames(className, 'wp-block-embed', {
114 'is-type-video': 'video' === type
115 })
116 }, cannotPreview ? createElement(Placeholder, {
117 icon: createElement(BlockIcon, {
118 icon: icon,
119 showColors: true
120 }),
121 label: label
122 }, createElement("p", {
123 className: "components-placeholder__error"
124 }, createElement("a", {
125 href: url
126 }, url)), createElement("p", {
127 className: "components-placeholder__error"
128 },
129 /* translators: %s: host providing embed content e.g: www.youtube.com */
130 sprintf(__("Embedded content from %s can't be previewed in the editor."), parsedHostBaseUrl))) : embedWrapper, (!RichText.isEmpty(caption) || isSelected) && createElement(RichText, {
131 tagName: "figcaption",
132 placeholder: __('Write caption…'),
133 value: caption,
134 onChange: onCaptionChange,
135 inlineToolbar: true
136 }));
137 }
138 }], [{
139 key: "getDerivedStateFromProps",
140 value: function getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, state) {
141 if (!nextProps.isSelected && state.interactive) {
142 // We only want to change this when the block is not selected, because changing it when
143 // the block becomes selected makes the overlap disappear too early. Hiding the overlay
144 // happens on mouseup when the overlay is clicked.
145 return {
146 interactive: false
147 };
148 }
150 return null;
151 }
152 }]);
154 return EmbedPreview;
157export default EmbedPreview;
158//# sourceMappingURL=embed-preview.js.map
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