2.58 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { createElement } from "@wordpress/element";
4 * WordPress dependencies
5 */
6import deprecated from '@wordpress/deprecated';
7import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
8import { Fragment } from '@wordpress/element';
9import { createBlock } from '@wordpress/blocks';
10import { RichText, BlockControls, AlignmentToolbar } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
11import { SVG, Path } from '@wordpress/components';
12export var name = 'core/subhead';
13export var settings = {
14 title: __('Subheading (deprecated)'),
15 description: __('This block is deprecated. Please use the Paragraph block instead.'),
16 icon: createElement(SVG, {
17 xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
18 viewBox: "0 0 24 24"
19 }, createElement(Path, {
20 d: "M7.1 6l-.5 3h4.5L9.4 19h3l1.8-10h4.5l.5-3H7.1z"
21 })),
22 category: 'common',
23 supports: {
24 // Hide from inserter as this block is deprecated.
25 inserter: false,
26 multiple: false
27 },
28 attributes: {
29 content: {
30 type: 'string',
31 source: 'html',
32 selector: 'p'
33 },
34 align: {
35 type: 'string'
36 }
37 },
38 transforms: {
39 to: [{
40 type: 'block',
41 blocks: ['core/paragraph'],
42 transform: function transform(attributes) {
43 return createBlock('core/paragraph', attributes);
44 }
45 }]
46 },
47 edit: function edit(_ref) {
48 var attributes = _ref.attributes,
49 setAttributes = _ref.setAttributes,
50 className = _ref.className;
51 var align = attributes.align,
52 content = attributes.content,
53 placeholder = attributes.placeholder;
54 deprecated('The Subheading block', {
55 alternative: 'the Paragraph block',
56 plugin: 'Gutenberg'
57 });
58 return createElement(Fragment, null, createElement(BlockControls, null, createElement(AlignmentToolbar, {
59 value: align,
60 onChange: function onChange(nextAlign) {
61 setAttributes({
62 align: nextAlign
63 });
64 }
65 })), createElement(RichText, {
66 tagName: "p",
67 value: content,
68 onChange: function onChange(nextContent) {
69 setAttributes({
70 content: nextContent
71 });
72 },
73 style: {
74 textAlign: align
75 },
76 className: className,
77 placeholder: placeholder || __('Write subheading…')
78 }));
79 },
80 save: function save(_ref2) {
81 var attributes = _ref2.attributes;
82 var align = attributes.align,
83 content = attributes.content;
84 return createElement(RichText.Content, {
85 tagName: "p",
86 style: {
87 textAlign: align
88 },
89 value: content
90 });
91 }
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