13.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3var _interopRequireWildcard = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireWildcard");
5var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault");
7Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
8 value: true
10exports.settings = exports.name = void 0;
12var _element = require("@wordpress/element");
14var _objectSpread2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/objectSpread"));
16var _lodash = require("lodash");
18var _i18n = require("@wordpress/i18n");
20var _blocks = require("@wordpress/blocks");
22var _blockEditor = require("@wordpress/block-editor");
24var _editor = require("@wordpress/editor");
26var _blob = require("@wordpress/blob");
28var _edit = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./edit"));
30var _icon = _interopRequireDefault(require("./icon"));
33 * External dependencies
34 */
37 * WordPress dependencies
38 */
41 * Internal dependencies
42 */
43var blockAttributes = {
44 images: {
45 type: 'array',
46 default: [],
47 source: 'query',
48 selector: 'ul.wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-item',
49 query: {
50 url: {
51 source: 'attribute',
52 selector: 'img',
53 attribute: 'src'
54 },
55 link: {
56 source: 'attribute',
57 selector: 'img',
58 attribute: 'data-link'
59 },
60 alt: {
61 source: 'attribute',
62 selector: 'img',
63 attribute: 'alt',
64 default: ''
65 },
66 id: {
67 source: 'attribute',
68 selector: 'img',
69 attribute: 'data-id'
70 },
71 caption: {
72 type: 'string',
73 source: 'html',
74 selector: 'figcaption'
75 }
76 }
77 },
78 ids: {
79 type: 'array',
80 default: []
81 },
82 columns: {
83 type: 'number'
84 },
85 imageCrop: {
86 type: 'boolean',
87 default: true
88 },
89 linkTo: {
90 type: 'string',
91 default: 'none'
92 }
94var name = 'core/gallery';
95exports.name = name;
97var parseShortcodeIds = function parseShortcodeIds(ids) {
98 if (!ids) {
99 return [];
100 }
102 return ids.split(',').map(function (id) {
103 return parseInt(id, 10);
104 });
107var settings = {
108 title: (0, _i18n.__)('Gallery'),
109 description: (0, _i18n.__)('Display multiple images in a rich gallery.'),
110 icon: _icon.default,
111 category: 'common',
112 keywords: [(0, _i18n.__)('images'), (0, _i18n.__)('photos')],
113 attributes: blockAttributes,
114 supports: {
115 align: true
116 },
117 transforms: {
118 from: [{
119 type: 'block',
120 isMultiBlock: true,
121 blocks: ['core/image'],
122 transform: function transform(attributes) {
123 // Init the align attribute from the first item which may be either the placeholder or an image.
124 var align = attributes[0].align; // Loop through all the images and check if they have the same align.
126 align = (0, _lodash.every)(attributes, ['align', align]) ? align : undefined;
127 var validImages = (0, _lodash.filter)(attributes, function (_ref) {
128 var id = _ref.id,
129 url = _ref.url;
130 return id && url;
131 });
132 return (0, _blocks.createBlock)('core/gallery', {
133 images: validImages.map(function (_ref2) {
134 var id = _ref2.id,
135 url = _ref2.url,
136 alt = _ref2.alt,
137 caption = _ref2.caption;
138 return {
139 id: id,
140 url: url,
141 alt: alt,
142 caption: caption
143 };
144 }),
145 ids: validImages.map(function (_ref3) {
146 var id = _ref3.id;
147 return id;
148 }),
149 align: align
150 });
151 }
152 }, {
153 type: 'shortcode',
154 tag: 'gallery',
155 attributes: {
156 images: {
157 type: 'array',
158 shortcode: function shortcode(_ref4) {
159 var ids = _ref4.named.ids;
160 return parseShortcodeIds(ids).map(function (id) {
161 return {
162 id: id
163 };
164 });
165 }
166 },
167 ids: {
168 type: 'array',
169 shortcode: function shortcode(_ref5) {
170 var ids = _ref5.named.ids;
171 return parseShortcodeIds(ids);
172 }
173 },
174 columns: {
175 type: 'number',
176 shortcode: function shortcode(_ref6) {
177 var _ref6$named$columns = _ref6.named.columns,
178 columns = _ref6$named$columns === void 0 ? '3' : _ref6$named$columns;
179 return parseInt(columns, 10);
180 }
181 },
182 linkTo: {
183 type: 'string',
184 shortcode: function shortcode(_ref7) {
185 var _ref7$named$link = _ref7.named.link,
186 link = _ref7$named$link === void 0 ? 'attachment' : _ref7$named$link;
187 return link === 'file' ? 'media' : link;
188 }
189 }
190 }
191 }, {
192 // When created by drag and dropping multiple files on an insertion point
193 type: 'files',
194 isMatch: function isMatch(files) {
195 return files.length !== 1 && (0, _lodash.every)(files, function (file) {
196 return file.type.indexOf('image/') === 0;
197 });
198 },
199 transform: function transform(files, onChange) {
200 var block = (0, _blocks.createBlock)('core/gallery', {
201 images: files.map(function (file) {
202 return (0, _edit.pickRelevantMediaFiles)({
203 url: (0, _blob.createBlobURL)(file)
204 });
205 })
206 });
207 (0, _editor.mediaUpload)({
208 filesList: files,
209 onFileChange: function onFileChange(images) {
210 var imagesAttr = images.map(_edit.pickRelevantMediaFiles);
211 onChange(block.clientId, {
212 ids: (0, _lodash.map)(imagesAttr, 'id'),
213 images: imagesAttr
214 });
215 },
216 allowedTypes: ['image']
217 });
218 return block;
219 }
220 }],
221 to: [{
222 type: 'block',
223 blocks: ['core/image'],
224 transform: function transform(_ref8) {
225 var images = _ref8.images,
226 align = _ref8.align;
228 if (images.length > 0) {
229 return images.map(function (_ref9) {
230 var id = _ref9.id,
231 url = _ref9.url,
232 alt = _ref9.alt,
233 caption = _ref9.caption;
234 return (0, _blocks.createBlock)('core/image', {
235 id: id,
236 url: url,
237 alt: alt,
238 caption: caption,
239 align: align
240 });
241 });
242 }
244 return (0, _blocks.createBlock)('core/image', {
245 align: align
246 });
247 }
248 }]
249 },
250 edit: _edit.default,
251 save: function save(_ref10) {
252 var attributes = _ref10.attributes;
253 var images = attributes.images,
254 _attributes$columns = attributes.columns,
255 columns = _attributes$columns === void 0 ? (0, _edit.defaultColumnsNumber)(attributes) : _attributes$columns,
256 imageCrop = attributes.imageCrop,
257 linkTo = attributes.linkTo;
258 return (0, _element.createElement)("ul", {
259 className: "columns-".concat(columns, " ").concat(imageCrop ? 'is-cropped' : '')
260 }, images.map(function (image) {
261 var href;
263 switch (linkTo) {
264 case 'media':
265 href = image.url;
266 break;
268 case 'attachment':
269 href = image.link;
270 break;
271 }
273 var img = (0, _element.createElement)("img", {
274 src: image.url,
275 alt: image.alt,
276 "data-id": image.id,
277 "data-link": image.link,
278 className: image.id ? "wp-image-".concat(image.id) : null
279 });
280 return (0, _element.createElement)("li", {
281 key: image.id || image.url,
282 className: "blocks-gallery-item"
283 }, (0, _element.createElement)("figure", null, href ? (0, _element.createElement)("a", {
284 href: href
285 }, img) : img, image.caption && image.caption.length > 0 && (0, _element.createElement)(_blockEditor.RichText.Content, {
286 tagName: "figcaption",
287 value: image.caption
288 })));
289 }));
290 },
291 deprecated: [{
292 attributes: blockAttributes,
293 isEligible: function isEligible(_ref11) {
294 var images = _ref11.images,
295 ids = _ref11.ids;
296 return images && images.length > 0 && (!ids && images || ids && images && ids.length !== images.length || (0, _lodash.some)(images, function (id, index) {
297 if (!id && ids[index] !== null) {
298 return true;
299 }
301 return parseInt(id, 10) !== ids[index];
302 }));
303 },
304 migrate: function migrate(attributes) {
305 return (0, _objectSpread2.default)({}, attributes, {
306 ids: (0, _lodash.map)(attributes.images, function (_ref12) {
307 var id = _ref12.id;
309 if (!id) {
310 return null;
311 }
313 return parseInt(id, 10);
314 })
315 });
316 },
317 save: function save(_ref13) {
318 var attributes = _ref13.attributes;
319 var images = attributes.images,
320 _attributes$columns2 = attributes.columns,
321 columns = _attributes$columns2 === void 0 ? (0, _edit.defaultColumnsNumber)(attributes) : _attributes$columns2,
322 imageCrop = attributes.imageCrop,
323 linkTo = attributes.linkTo;
324 return (0, _element.createElement)("ul", {
325 className: "columns-".concat(columns, " ").concat(imageCrop ? 'is-cropped' : '')
326 }, images.map(function (image) {
327 var href;
329 switch (linkTo) {
330 case 'media':
331 href = image.url;
332 break;
334 case 'attachment':
335 href = image.link;
336 break;
337 }
339 var img = (0, _element.createElement)("img", {
340 src: image.url,
341 alt: image.alt,
342 "data-id": image.id,
343 "data-link": image.link,
344 className: image.id ? "wp-image-".concat(image.id) : null
345 });
346 return (0, _element.createElement)("li", {
347 key: image.id || image.url,
348 className: "blocks-gallery-item"
349 }, (0, _element.createElement)("figure", null, href ? (0, _element.createElement)("a", {
350 href: href
351 }, img) : img, image.caption && image.caption.length > 0 && (0, _element.createElement)(_blockEditor.RichText.Content, {
352 tagName: "figcaption",
353 value: image.caption
354 })));
355 }));
356 }
357 }, {
358 attributes: blockAttributes,
359 save: function save(_ref14) {
360 var attributes = _ref14.attributes;
361 var images = attributes.images,
362 _attributes$columns3 = attributes.columns,
363 columns = _attributes$columns3 === void 0 ? (0, _edit.defaultColumnsNumber)(attributes) : _attributes$columns3,
364 imageCrop = attributes.imageCrop,
365 linkTo = attributes.linkTo;
366 return (0, _element.createElement)("ul", {
367 className: "columns-".concat(columns, " ").concat(imageCrop ? 'is-cropped' : '')
368 }, images.map(function (image) {
369 var href;
371 switch (linkTo) {
372 case 'media':
373 href = image.url;
374 break;
376 case 'attachment':
377 href = image.link;
378 break;
379 }
381 var img = (0, _element.createElement)("img", {
382 src: image.url,
383 alt: image.alt,
384 "data-id": image.id,
385 "data-link": image.link
386 });
387 return (0, _element.createElement)("li", {
388 key: image.id || image.url,
389 className: "blocks-gallery-item"
390 }, (0, _element.createElement)("figure", null, href ? (0, _element.createElement)("a", {
391 href: href
392 }, img) : img, image.caption && image.caption.length > 0 && (0, _element.createElement)(_blockEditor.RichText.Content, {
393 tagName: "figcaption",
394 value: image.caption
395 })));
396 }));
397 }
398 }, {
399 attributes: (0, _objectSpread2.default)({}, blockAttributes, {
400 images: (0, _objectSpread2.default)({}, blockAttributes.images, {
401 selector: 'div.wp-block-gallery figure.blocks-gallery-image img'
402 }),
403 align: {
404 type: 'string',
405 default: 'none'
406 }
407 }),
408 save: function save(_ref15) {
409 var attributes = _ref15.attributes;
410 var images = attributes.images,
411 _attributes$columns4 = attributes.columns,
412 columns = _attributes$columns4 === void 0 ? (0, _edit.defaultColumnsNumber)(attributes) : _attributes$columns4,
413 align = attributes.align,
414 imageCrop = attributes.imageCrop,
415 linkTo = attributes.linkTo;
416 return (0, _element.createElement)("div", {
417 className: "align".concat(align, " columns-").concat(columns, " ").concat(imageCrop ? 'is-cropped' : '')
418 }, images.map(function (image) {
419 var href;
421 switch (linkTo) {
422 case 'media':
423 href = image.url;
424 break;
426 case 'attachment':
427 href = image.link;
428 break;
429 }
431 var img = (0, _element.createElement)("img", {
432 src: image.url,
433 alt: image.alt,
434 "data-id": image.id
435 });
436 return (0, _element.createElement)("figure", {
437 key: image.id || image.url,
438 className: "blocks-gallery-image"
439 }, href ? (0, _element.createElement)("a", {
440 href: href
441 }, img) : img);
442 }));
443 }
444 }]
446exports.settings = settings;
447//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
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