2.94 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * External dependencies
3 */
4import classnames from 'classnames';
7 * WordPress dependencies
8 */
9import { Fragment, useState } from '@wordpress/element';
10import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
11import { InspectorControls } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
12import { BaseControl, PanelBody, ResizableBox, G, SVG, Path } from '@wordpress/components';
13import { withInstanceId } from '@wordpress/compose';
15export const name = 'core/spacer';
17export const settings = {
18 title: __( 'Spacer' ),
20 description: __( 'Add white space between blocks and customize its height.' ),
22 icon: <SVG viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><G><Path d="M13 4v2h3.59L6 16.59V13H4v7h7v-2H7.41L18 7.41V11h2V4h-7" /></G></SVG>,
24 category: 'layout',
26 attributes: {
27 height: {
28 type: 'number',
29 default: 100,
30 },
31 },
33 edit: withInstanceId(
34 ( { attributes, isSelected, setAttributes, toggleSelection, instanceId } ) => {
35 const { height } = attributes;
36 const id = `block-spacer-height-input-${ instanceId }`;
37 const [ inputHeightValue, setInputHeightValue ] = useState( height );
39 return (
40 <Fragment>
41 <ResizableBox
42 className={ classnames(
43 'block-library-spacer__resize-container',
44 { 'is-selected': isSelected }
45 ) }
46 size={ {
47 height,
48 } }
49 minHeight="20"
50 enable={ {
51 top: false,
52 right: false,
53 bottom: true,
54 left: false,
55 topRight: false,
56 bottomRight: false,
57 bottomLeft: false,
58 topLeft: false,
59 } }
60 onResizeStop={ ( event, direction, elt, delta ) => {
61 const spacerHeight = parseInt( height + delta.height, 10 );
62 setAttributes( {
63 height: spacerHeight,
64 } );
65 setInputHeightValue( spacerHeight );
66 toggleSelection( true );
67 } }
68 onResizeStart={ () => {
69 toggleSelection( false );
70 } }
71 />
72 <InspectorControls>
73 <PanelBody title={ __( 'Spacer Settings' ) }>
74 <BaseControl label={ __( 'Height in pixels' ) } id={ id }>
75 <input
76 type="number"
77 id={ id }
78 onChange={ ( event ) => {
79 let spacerHeight = parseInt( event.target.value, 10 );
80 setInputHeightValue( spacerHeight );
81 if ( isNaN( spacerHeight ) ) {
82 // Set spacer height to default size and input box to empty string
83 setInputHeightValue( '' );
84 spacerHeight = 100;
85 } else if ( spacerHeight < 20 ) {
86 // Set spacer height to minimum size
87 spacerHeight = 20;
88 }
89 setAttributes( {
90 height: spacerHeight,
91 } );
92 } }
93 value={ inputHeightValue }
94 min="20"
95 step="10"
96 />
97 </BaseControl>
98 </PanelBody>
99 </InspectorControls>
100 </Fragment>
101 );
102 }
103 ),
105 save( { attributes } ) {
106 return <div style={ { height: attributes.height } } aria-hidden />;
107 },