3.62 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * External dependencies
3 */
4import { get, times } from 'lodash';
7 * WordPress dependencies
8 */
9import { createBlock } from '@wordpress/blocks';
10import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
11import { PanelBody, RangeControl } from '@wordpress/components';
12import { Fragment } from '@wordpress/element';
13import {
14 BlockControls,
15 BlockAlignmentToolbar,
16 InspectorControls,
17 RichText,
18} from '@wordpress/block-editor';
19import deprecated from '@wordpress/deprecated';
21export const name = 'core/text-columns';
23export const settings = {
24 // Disable insertion as this block is deprecated and ultimately replaced by the Columns block.
25 supports: {
26 inserter: false,
27 },
29 title: __( 'Text Columns (deprecated)' ),
31 description: __( 'This block is deprecated. Please use the Columns block instead.' ),
33 icon: 'columns',
35 category: 'layout',
37 attributes: {
38 content: {
39 type: 'array',
40 source: 'query',
41 selector: 'p',
42 query: {
43 children: {
44 type: 'string',
45 source: 'html',
46 },
47 },
48 default: [ {}, {} ],
49 },
50 columns: {
51 type: 'number',
52 default: 2,
53 },
54 width: {
55 type: 'string',
56 },
57 },
59 transforms: {
60 to: [
61 {
62 type: 'block',
63 blocks: [ 'core/columns' ],
64 transform: ( { className, columns, content, width } ) => (
65 createBlock(
66 'core/columns',
67 {
68 align: ( 'wide' === width || 'full' === width ) ? width : undefined,
69 className,
70 columns,
71 },
72 content.map( ( { children } ) =>
73 createBlock(
74 'core/column',
75 {},
76 [ createBlock( 'core/paragraph', { content: children } ) ]
77 )
78 )
79 )
80 ),
81 },
82 ],
83 },
85 getEditWrapperProps( attributes ) {
86 const { width } = attributes;
87 if ( 'wide' === width || 'full' === width ) {
88 return { 'data-align': width };
89 }
90 },
92 edit: ( ( { attributes, setAttributes, className } ) => {
93 const { width, content, columns } = attributes;
95 deprecated( 'The Text Columns block', {
96 alternative: 'the Columns block',
97 plugin: 'Gutenberg',
98 } );
100 return (
101 <Fragment>
102 <BlockControls>
103 <BlockAlignmentToolbar
104 value={ width }
105 onChange={ ( nextWidth ) => setAttributes( { width: nextWidth } ) }
106 controls={ [ 'center', 'wide', 'full' ] }
107 />
108 </BlockControls>
109 <InspectorControls>
110 <PanelBody>
111 <RangeControl
112 label={ __( 'Columns' ) }
113 value={ columns }
114 onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { columns: value } ) }
115 min={ 2 }
116 max={ 4 }
117 required
118 />
119 </PanelBody>
120 </InspectorControls>
121 <div className={ `${ className } align${ width } columns-${ columns }` }>
122 { times( columns, ( index ) => {
123 return (
124 <div className="wp-block-column" key={ `column-${ index }` }>
125 <RichText
126 tagName="p"
127 value={ get( content, [ index, 'children' ] ) }
128 onChange={ ( nextContent ) => {
129 setAttributes( {
130 content: [
131 ...content.slice( 0, index ),
132 { children: nextContent },
133 ...content.slice( index + 1 ),
134 ],
135 } );
136 } }
137 placeholder={ __( 'New Column' ) }
138 />
139 </div>
140 );
141 } ) }
142 </div>
143 </Fragment>
144 );
145 } ),
147 save( { attributes } ) {
148 const { width, content, columns } = attributes;
149 return (
150 <div className={ `align${ width } columns-${ columns }` }>
151 { times( columns, ( index ) =>
152 <div className="wp-block-column" key={ `column-${ index }` }>
153 <RichText.Content tagName="p" value={ get( content, [ index, 'children' ] ) } />
154 </div>
155 ) }
156 </div>
157 );
158 },