11.4 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Context } from '@worker-tools/middleware';
2import type { URLPatternInit, URLPatternComponentResult, URLPatternInput, URLPatternResult } from '@worker-tools/middleware';
3export type { URLPatternInit, URLPatternComponentResult, URLPatternInput, URLPatternResult };
4export declare type Awaitable<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;
5export interface RouteContext extends Context {
6 /**
7 * The match that resulted in the execution of this route. It is the full result produced by the URL Pattern API.
8 * If you are looking for a `params`-like object similar to outer routers, use the `basics` middleware
9 * or `match.pathname.groups`.
10 */
11 match: URLPatternResult;
13export interface ErrorContext extends RouteContext {
14 /**
15 * If the exception is well-known and caused by middleware, this property is populated with a `Response` object
16 * with an appropriate status code and text set.
17 *
18 * You can use it to customize the error response, e.g.: `new Response('...', response)`.
19 */
20 response: Response;
21 /**
22 * If an unknown error occurred, the sibling `response` property is set to be an "internal server error" while
23 * the `error` property contains thrown error.
24 */
25 error?: unknown;
27export declare type Middleware<RX extends RouteContext, X extends RouteContext> = (x: Awaitable<RX>) => Awaitable<X>;
28export declare type Handler<X extends RouteContext> = (request: Request, ctx: X) => Awaitable<Response>;
29export declare type ErrorHandler<X extends ErrorContext> = (request: Request, ctx: X) => Awaitable<Response>;
30export declare type Method = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD' | 'OPTIONS';
31export interface WorkerRouterOptions {
32 fatal?: boolean;
34export declare class WorkerRouter<RX extends RouteContext = RouteContext> extends EventTarget implements EventListenerObject {
35 #private;
36 constructor(middleware?: Middleware<RouteContext, RX> | null, opts?: WorkerRouterOptions);
37 get fatal(): boolean;
38 /** Add a route that matches *any* HTTP method. */
39 any<X extends RX>(path: string, handler: Handler<X>): this;
40 any<X extends RX>(path: string, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
41 /** Alias for for the more appropriately named `any` method */
42 all<X extends RX>(path: string, handler: Handler<X>): this;
43 all<X extends RX>(path: string, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
44 /** Add a route that matches the `GET` method. */
45 get<X extends RX>(path: string, handler: Handler<X>): this;
46 get<X extends RX>(path: string, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
47 /** Add a route that matches the `POST` method. */
48 post<X extends RX>(path: string, handler: Handler<X>): this;
49 post<X extends RX>(path: string, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
50 /** Add a route that matches the `PUT` method. */
51 put<X extends RX>(path: string, handler: Handler<X>): this;
52 put<X extends RX>(path: string, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
53 /** Add a route that matches the `PATCH` method. */
54 patch<X extends RX>(path: string, handler: Handler<X>): this;
55 patch<X extends RX>(path: string, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
56 /** Add a route that matches the `DELETE` method. */
57 delete<X extends RX>(path: string, handler: Handler<X>): this;
58 delete<X extends RX>(path: string, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
59 /** Add a route that matches the `HEAD` method. */
60 head<X extends RX>(path: string, handler: Handler<X>): this;
61 head<X extends RX>(path: string, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
62 /** Add a route that matches the `OPTIONS` method. */
63 options<X extends RX>(path: string, handler: Handler<X>): this;
64 options<X extends RX>(path: string, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
65 /**
66 * Add a route that matches *any* method with the provided pattern.
67 * Note that the pattern here is interpreted as a `URLPatternInit` which has important implication for matching.
68 * Mostly, this is for use in Service Workers to intercept requests to external resources.
69 *
70 * The name `external` is a bit of a misnomer. It simply forwards `init` to the `URLPattern` constructor,
71 * instead of being limited to the `pathname` property in the general case.
72 * @deprecated Might change name/API
73 */
74 external<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, handler: Handler<X>): this;
75 external<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
76 /** Like `.external`, but only matches `GET`
77 * @deprecated Might change name/API */
78 externalGET<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, handler: Handler<X>): this;
79 externalGET<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
80 /** Like `.external`, but only matches `POST`
81 * @deprecated Might change name/API */
82 externalPOST<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, handler: Handler<X>): this;
83 externalPOST<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
84 /** Like `.external`, but only matches `PUT`
85 * @deprecated Might change name/API */
86 externalPUT<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, handler: Handler<X>): this;
87 externalPUT<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
88 /** Like `.external`, but only matches `PATCH`
89 * @deprecated Might change name/API */
90 externalPATCH<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, handler: Handler<X>): this;
91 externalPATCH<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
92 /** Like `.external`, but only matches `DELETE`
93 * @deprecated Might change name/API */
94 externalDELETE<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, handler: Handler<X>): this;
95 externalDELETE<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
96 /** Like `.external`, but only matches `OPTIONS`
97 * @deprecated Might change name/API */
98 externalOPTIONS<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, handler: Handler<X>): this;
99 externalOPTIONS<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
100 /** Like `.external`, but only matches `HEAD`
101 * @deprecated Might change name/API */
102 externalHEAD<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, handler: Handler<X>): this;
103 externalHEAD<X extends RX>(init: string | URLPatternInit, middleware: Middleware<RX, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
104 /**
105 * Use a different `WorkerRouter` for the provided pattern. Keep in mind that:
106 *
107 * - The pattern must end in a wildcard `*`
108 * - The corresponding match is the only part used for matching in the `subRouter`
109 * - Forwards all HTTP methods
110 * - Does not apply any middleware
111 *
112 * #### Why does it not apply middleware?
113 *
114 * There are 2 reasons: First, it interferes with type inference of middleware.
115 * As a developer you'd have to provide the correct types at the point of defining the sub router,
116 * which is at least as cumbersome as providing the middleware itself.
117 *
118 * Second, without this there would be no way to opt a route out of the router-level middleware.
119 * For example you might want to opt out all `/public*` urls from cookie parsing, authentication, etc.
120 * but add a different caching policy instead.
121 *
122 * @param path A pattern ending in a wildcard, e.g. `/items*`
123 * @param subRouter A `WorkerRouter` that handles the remaining part of the URL, e.g. `/:category/:id`
124 * @deprecated The name of this method might change to avoid confusion with `use` method known from other routers.
125 */
126 use<Y extends RouteContext>(path: string, subRouter: WorkerRouter<Y>): this;
127 /**
128 * See `.external` and `.use`.
129 * @deprecated Might change name/API
130 */
131 useExternal<Y extends RouteContext>(init: string | URLPatternInit, subRouter: WorkerRouter<Y>): this;
132 /**
133 * Register a special route to recover from an error during execution of a regular route.
134 *
135 * In addition to the usual context properties, the provided handler receives a `response` and `error` property.
136 * In case of a well-known error (typically caused by middleware),
137 * the `response` contains a Fetch API `Response` object with matching status and status text set.
138 * In case of an unknown error, the `response` is a generic "internal server error" and the `error` property
139 * contains the value caught by the catch block.
140 *
141 * Recover routes don't execute the router-level middleware (which might have caused the error), but
142 * can have middleware specifically for this route. Note that if another error occurs during the execution of
143 * this middleware, there are no more safety nets and an internal server error response is returned.
144 *
145 * If a global `DEBUG` variable is set (or `process.env.NODE_ENV` is set to `development` in case of webpack)
146 * the router will throw on an unhandled error. This is to make it easier to spot problems during development.
147 * Otherwise, the router will not throw but instead dispatch a `error` event on itself before returning an empty
148 * internal server error response.
149 */
150 recover(path: string, handler: Handler<ErrorContext>): this;
151 recover<X extends ErrorContext>(path: string, middleware: Middleware<ErrorContext, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
152 recoverExternal(init: string | URLPatternInit, handler: Handler<ErrorContext>): this;
153 recoverExternal<X extends ErrorContext>(init: string | URLPatternInit, middleware: Middleware<ErrorContext, X>, handler: Handler<X>): this;
154 /** @deprecated Name/API might change */
155 handle: (request: Request, ctx?: Omit<Context, 'effects'>) => Promise<Response>;
156 /**
157 * Implements the (ancient) event listener object interface to allow passing to fetch event directly,
158 * e.g. `self.addEventListener('fetch', router)`.
159 */
160 handleEvent: (object: Event) => void;
161 /**
162 * Callback compatible with Cloudflare Worker's `fetch` module export.
163 * E.g. `export default router`.
164 */
165 fetch: (request: Request, env?: any, ctx?: any) => Promise<Response>;
166 /**
167 * Callback that is compatible with Deno's `serve` function.
168 * E.g. `serve(router.serveCallback)`.
169 */
170 serveCallback: (request: Request, connInfo: any) => Promise<Response>;
171 addEventListener(type: 'error', listener: TypedEventListenerOrEventListenerObject<ErrorEvent> | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
172 removeEventListener(type: 'error', listener: TypedEventListenerOrEventListenerObject<ErrorEvent> | null, options?: EventListenerOptions | boolean): void;
174declare type TypedEventListener<E extends Event> = (evt: E) => void | Promise<void>;
175declare type TypedEventListenerObject<E extends Event> = {
176 handleEvent(evt: E): void | Promise<void>;
178declare type TypedEventListenerOrEventListenerObject<E extends Event> = TypedEventListener<E> | TypedEventListenerObject<E>;