11.8 kBPlain TextView Raw
1export namespace GameSetting {
2 export enum AmbientOcclusion {
3 Off = 0,
4 Minimum = 1,
5 Maximum = 2,
6 }
7 export enum Particles {
8 Minimum = 2,
9 Decreased = 1,
10 All = 0,
11 }
12 export enum Difficulty {
13 Peaceful = 0,
14 Easy = 1,
15 Normal = 2,
16 Hard = 3,
17 }
18 export type MipmapLevel = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
19 export type RenderDistance = 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32;
20 export const RenderDistance = Object.freeze({ Tiny: 2, Short: 4, Normal: 8, Far: 16, Extreme: 32 });
21 export const Graphic = Object.freeze({ Fast: false, Fancy: true });
22 export type Graphic = boolean;
23 export const RenderCloud = Object.freeze({ Off: false, Fast: "fast", Fancy: true });
24 export type RenderCloud = true | false | "fast";
26 export enum KeyCode {
27 "Escape" = 1,
28 "Digit1" = 2,
29 "Digit2" = 3,
30 "Digit3" = 4,
31 "Digit4" = 5,
32 "Digit5" = 6,
33 "Digit6" = 7,
34 "Digit7" = 8,
35 "Digit8" = 9,
36 "Digit9" = 10,
37 "Digit0" = 11,
38 "Minus" = 12,
39 "Equal" = 13,
40 "Backspace" = 14,
41 "Tab" = 15,
43 "KeyQ" = 16,
44 "KeyW" = 17,
45 "KeyE" = 18,
46 "KeyR" = 19,
47 "KeyT" = 20,
48 "KeyY" = 21,
49 "KeyU" = 22,
50 "KeyI" = 23,
51 "KeyO" = 24,
52 "KeyP" = 25,
54 "BracketLeft" = 26,
55 "BracketRight" = 27,
56 "Enter" = 28,
57 "ControlLeft" = 29,
59 "KeyA" = 30,
60 "KeyS" = 31,
61 "KeyD" = 32,
62 "KeyF" = 33,
63 "KeyG" = 34,
64 "KeyH" = 35,
65 "KeyJ" = 36,
66 "KeyK" = 37,
67 "KeyL" = 38,
69 "Semicolon" = 39,
70 "Quote" = 40,
71 "Backquote" = 41,
72 "ShiftLeft" = 42,
73 "Backslash" = 43,
75 "KeyZ" = 44,
76 "KeyX" = 45,
77 "KeyC" = 46,
78 "KeyV" = 47,
79 "KeyB" = 48,
80 "KeyN" = 49,
81 "KeyM" = 50,
83 "Comma" = 51,
84 "Period" = 52,
85 "Slash" = 53,
86 "ShiftRight" = 54,
88 "Space" = 57,
89 "CapsLock" = 58,
91 "F1" = 59,
92 "F2" = 60,
93 "F3" = 61,
94 "F4" = 62,
95 "F5" = 63,
96 "F6" = 64,
97 "F7" = 65,
98 "F8" = 66,
99 "F9" = 67,
100 "F10" = 68,
102 "NumLock" = 69,
103 "ScrollLock" = 70,
104 "Numpad7" = 71,
105 "Numpad8" = 72,
106 "Numpad9" = 73,
107 "NumpadSubtract" = 74,
108 "Numpad4" = 75,
109 "Numpad5" = 76,
110 "Numpad6" = 77,
111 "NumpadAdd" = 78,
112 "Numpad1" = 79,
113 "Numpad2" = 80,
114 "Numpad3" = 81,
115 "Numpad0" = 82,
116 "NumpadDecimal" = 83,
117 "F11" = 87,
118 "F12" = 88,
119 "F13" = 100,
120 "F14" = 101,
121 "F15" = 102,
122 "F16" = 103,
123 "F17" = 104,
124 "F18" = 105,
126 "ControlRight" = 157,
128 "ArrowUp" = 200,
129 "ArrowLeft" = 203,
130 "ArrowRight" = 205,
131 "ArrowDown" = 208,
133 "MULTIPLY" = 55,
134 "Left Menu/Alt" = 56,
136 "NumpadEnter" = 156,
137 "NumpadComma" = 179,
139 "Home" = 199,
140 "PageUp" = 201,
141 "End" = 207,
142 "PageDown" = 209,
143 "Insert" = 210,
144 "Delete" = 211,
146 "MouseLeft" = -100,
147 "MouseRight" = -99,
148 "MouseMiddle" = -98,
149 }
151 const DEFAULT_FRAME = {
152 "version": 1139, // for 1.12
153 "invertYMouse": false,
154 "mouseSensitivity": 0.5,
155 "difficulty": Difficulty.Normal,
157 // critical performance video settings
158 "renderDistance": 12 as RenderDistance,
159 "particles": Particles.Decreased,
160 "fboEnable": true,
161 "fancyGraphics": Graphic.Fancy,
162 "ao": AmbientOcclusion.Maximum,
163 "renderClouds": RenderCloud.Fancy as RenderCloud,
164 "enableVsync": true,
165 "useVbo": true,
166 "mipmapLevels": 4 as MipmapLevel,
167 "anaglyph3d": false,
169 "fov": 0,
170 "gamma": 0,
171 "saturation": 0,
172 "guiScale": 0,
173 "bobView": true,
174 "maxFps": 120,
175 "fullscreen": false,
177 "resourcePacks": [] as string[],
178 "incompatibleResourcePacks": [] as string[],
179 "lastServer": "",
180 "lang": "en_us",
181 "chatVisibility": 0,
182 "chatColors": true,
183 "chatLinks": true,
184 "chatLinksPrompt": true,
185 "chatOpacity": 1,
186 "snooperEnabled": true,
188 "hideServerAddress": false,
189 "advancedItemTooltips": false,
190 "pauseOnLostFocus": true,
191 "touchscreen": false,
192 "overrideWidth": 0,
193 "overrideHeight": 0,
194 "heldItemTooltips": true,
195 "chatHeightFocused": 1,
196 "chatHeightUnfocused": 0.44366196,
197 "chatScale": 1,
198 "chatWidth": 1,
199 "forceUnicodeFont": false,
200 "reducedDebugInfo": false,
201 "useNativeTransport": true,
202 "entityShadows": true,
203 "mainHand": "right",
204 "attackIndicator": 1,
205 "showSubtitles": false,
206 "realmsNotifications": true,
207 "enableWeakAttacks": false,
208 "autoJump": true,
209 "narrator": 0,
210 "tutorialStep": "movement",
211 "key_key.attack": -100 as KeyCode,
212 "key_key.use": -99 as KeyCode,
213 "key_key.forward": 17 as KeyCode,
214 "key_key.left": 30 as KeyCode,
215 "key_key.back": 31 as KeyCode,
216 "key_key.right": 32 as KeyCode,
217 "key_key.jump": 57 as KeyCode,
218 "key_key.sneak": 42 as KeyCode,
219 "key_key.sprint": 29 as KeyCode,
220 "key_key.drop": 16 as KeyCode,
221 "key_key.inventory": 18 as KeyCode,
222 "key_key.chat": 20 as KeyCode,
223 "key_key.playerlist": 15 as KeyCode,
224 "key_key.pickItem": -98 as KeyCode,
225 "key_key.command": 53 as KeyCode,
226 "key_key.screenshot": 60 as KeyCode,
227 "key_key.togglePerspective": 63 as KeyCode,
228 "key_key.smoothCamera": 0 as KeyCode,
229 "key_key.fullscreen": 87 as KeyCode,
230 "key_key.spectatorOutlines": 0 as KeyCode,
231 "key_key.swapHands": 33 as KeyCode,
232 "key_key.saveToolbarActivator": 46 as KeyCode,
233 "key_key.loadToolbarActivator": 45 as KeyCode,
234 "key_key.advancements": 38 as KeyCode,
235 "key_key.hotbar.1": 2 as KeyCode,
236 "key_key.hotbar.2": 3 as KeyCode,
237 "key_key.hotbar.3": 4 as KeyCode,
238 "key_key.hotbar.4": 5 as KeyCode,
239 "key_key.hotbar.5": 6 as KeyCode,
240 "key_key.hotbar.6": 7 as KeyCode,
241 "key_key.hotbar.7": 8 as KeyCode,
242 "key_key.hotbar.8": 9 as KeyCode,
243 "key_key.hotbar.9": 10 as KeyCode,
244 "soundCategory_master": 1 as KeyCode,
245 "soundCategory_music": 1 as KeyCode,
246 "soundCategory_record": 1 as KeyCode,
247 "soundCategory_weather": 1 as KeyCode,
248 "soundCategory_block": 1 as KeyCode,
249 "soundCategory_hostile": 1 as KeyCode,
250 "soundCategory_neutral": 1 as KeyCode,
251 "soundCategory_player": 1 as KeyCode,
252 "soundCategory_ambient": 1 as KeyCode,
253 "soundCategory_voice": 1 as KeyCode,
254 "modelPart_cape": true,
255 "modelPart_jacket": true,
256 "modelPart_left_sleeve": true,
257 "modelPart_right_sleeve": true,
258 "modelPart_left_pants_leg": true,
259 "modelPart_right_pants_leg": true,
260 "modelPart_hat": true,
261 };
263 export type FullFrame = typeof DEFAULT_FRAME;
264 export type Frame = Partial<FullFrame>;
266 export function getDefaultFrame(): FullFrame {
267 return Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_FRAME, {
268 resourcePacks: [] as string[],
269 incompatibleResourcePacks: [] as string[],
270 });
271 }
273 export type ModelPart =
274 "cape" |
275 "jacket" |
276 "left_sleeve" |
277 "right_sleeve" |
278 "left_pants_leg" |
279 "right_pants_leg" |
280 "hat";
282 export type SoundCategories =
283 "master" |
284 "music" |
285 "record" |
286 "weather" |
287 "block" |
288 "hostile" |
289 "neutral" |
290 "player" |
291 "ambient" |
292 "voice";
294 export type HotKeys = "attack" |
295 "use" |
296 "forward" |
297 "left" |
298 "back" |
299 "right" |
300 "jump" |
301 "sneak" |
302 "sprint" |
303 "drop" |
304 "inventory" |
305 "chat" |
306 "playerlist" |
307 "pickItem" |
308 "command" |
309 "screenshot" |
310 "togglePerspective" |
311 "smoothCamera" |
312 "fullscreen" |
313 "spectatorOutlines" |
314 "swapHands" |
315 "saveToolbarActivator" |
316 "loadToolbarActivator" |
317 "advancements" |
318 "hotbar.1" |
319 "hotbar.2" |
320 "hotbar.3" |
321 "hotbar.4" |
322 "hotbar.5" |
323 "hotbar.6" |
324 "hotbar.7" |
325 "hotbar.8" |
326 "hotbar.9";
329 /**
330 * Parse raw game setting options.txt content
331 *
332 * @param str the options.txt content
333 * @param strict strictly follow the current version of options format (outdate version might cause problem. If your options.txt is new one with new fields, don't turn on this)
334 */
335 export function parse(str: string, strict?: boolean): GameSetting | GameSetting.Frame {
336 const lines = str.split("\n");
337 const intPattern = /^\d+$/;
338 const floatPattern = /^[-+]?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+$/;
339 const booleanPattern = /^(true)|(false)$/;
340 if (!lines || lines.length === 0) {
341 return strict ? GameSetting.getDefaultFrame() : {};
342 }
343 const setting = lines.map((line) => line.trim().split(":"))
344 .filter((pair) => pair[0].length !== 0)
345 .map((pair) => {
346 let value: any = pair[1];
347 if (intPattern.test(value)) {
348 value = Number.parseInt(value, 10);
349 } else if (floatPattern.test(value)) {
350 value = Number.parseFloat(value);
351 } else if (booleanPattern.test(value)) {
352 value = value === "true";
353 } else {
354 try {
355 value = JSON.parse(value);
356 } catch (e) { }
357 }
359 return { [pair[0]]: value };
360 })
361 .reduce((prev, current) => Object.assign(prev, current), {});
362 if (!strict) { return setting as GameSetting.Frame; }
363 const source: any = GameSetting.getDefaultFrame();
364 const target: any = {};
365 Object.keys(source).forEach((key) => {
366 target[key] = typeof setting[key] === typeof source[key] ? setting[key] : source[key];
367 delete setting.key;
368 });
369 return target as GameSetting;
370 }
372 /**
373 * Generate text format game setting for options.txt file.
374 *
375 * @param setting The game setting object
376 * @param original
377 * @param eol The end of line character, default is `\n`
378 */
379 export function stringify(setting: GameSetting | GameSetting.Frame | any, original?: string, eol: string = "\n"): string {
380 let model: any;
381 if (original) {
382 model = parse(original) as any;
383 for (const key in model) {
384 if (model.hasOwnProperty(key) && setting.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
385 model[key] = setting[key];
386 }
387 }
388 } else { model = setting; }
389 return Object.keys(model)
390 .filter((key) => key !== undefined && key !== "undefined")
391 .map((key) => {
392 const val = model[key];
393 return typeof val !== "string" ? `${key}:${JSON.stringify(val)}` : `${key}:${val}`;
394 }).join(eol);
395 }
398export type GameSetting = ReturnType<typeof GameSetting.getDefaultFrame>;