2.6 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { PortablePath } from '@yarnpkg/fslib';
2import { FetchResult } from './Fetcher';
3import { Descriptor, Locator, Package, LocatorHash } from './types';
4export declare enum BuildType {
5 SCRIPT = 0,
8export declare type BuildDirective = [BuildType, string];
9export declare type InstallStatus = {
10 packageLocation: PortablePath | null;
11 buildDirective: Array<BuildDirective> | null;
13export declare type FinalizeInstallStatus = {
14 locatorHash: LocatorHash;
15 buildLocations: Array<PortablePath>;
16 buildDirective: Array<BuildDirective>;
18export interface Installer {
19 /**
20 * Install a package on the disk.
21 *
22 * Should return `null` if the package has no install steps, or an object
23 * describing the various scripts that need to be run otherwise.
24 *
25 * Note that this function isn't called in any specific order. In particular,
26 * this means that the order in which this function is called will not
27 * necessarily match the order in which the packages will be built.
28 *
29 * This function is guaranteed to be called for all packages before the
30 * dependencies start to be attached.
31 *
32 * @param pkg The package being installed
33 * @param fetchResult The fetched information about the package
34 */
35 installPackage(pkg: Package, fetchResult: FetchResult): Promise<InstallStatus>;
36 /**
37 * Link a package and its internal (same-linker) dependencies.
38 *
39 * This function is guaranteed to be called for all packages before the
40 * install is finalized.
41 *
42 * @param locator The package itself
43 * @param dependencies The package dependencies
44 */
45 attachInternalDependencies(locator: Locator, dependencies: Array<[Descriptor, Locator]>): Promise<void>;
46 /**
47 * Link a package to the location of the external packages that depend on
48 * it (only the location is available, since two linkers should be generic
49 * enough to not have to make custom integrations).
50 *
51 * Will never be called for packages supported by the same linker (they'll
52 * be linked through the `attachInternalDependencies` hook instead).
53 *
54 * This function is guaranteed to be called for all packages before the
55 * install is finalized.
56 *
57 * @param locator
58 * @param locations
59 */
60 attachExternalDependents(locator: Locator, dependentPaths: Array<PortablePath>): Promise<void>;
61 /**
62 * Finalize the install by writing miscellaneous files to the disk.
63 */
64 finalizeInstall(): Promise<Array<FinalizeInstallStatus> | void>;