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1var formatters = require('../utils/formatters.js');
3exports.command = {
4 name: "dig",
5 autoload: true,
6 unloadable: true,
7 min_rank: 5,
8 display: "creates a new place, next to where you are",
9 help: ".dig <direction> <name> will create a new place next to here, " +
10 "called <name>, in <direction>'s direction. If that place already exists, " +
11 "but a passage doesn't, just create the passage. More info about directions in .file directions.",
12 usage: ".dig <direction> <name>",
13 weigth: 0,
15 // Function to execute the command
16 execute: function(socket, command, command_access) {
17 var chalk = require('chalk');
18 direction = command.split(' ')[0];
19 name = command.split(' ').slice(1).join(" "); // for now, names can have spaces
20 // 'direction' needs to be a direction on Nodiverse's nomenculature (N, NE...)
21 if (typeof direction !== 'string' || direction.length === 0) {
22 socket.write(chalk.bold("Syntax: ") + ".dig <direction> <name>\r\n");
23 return;
24 }
25 // FIXME: we're assuming that any uppercased string key with a
26 // number value is an exit... we should be more strict about
27 // this.
28 valid = false;
29 if (direction.toUpperCase() === direction) {
30 for (var i in command_access.getUniverse()) {
31 if (i === direction &&
32 typeof command_access.getUniverse()[i] === 'number'
33 )
34 valid = true;
35 }
36 }
37 if (!valid) {
38 socket.write(chalk.red(":: " + chalk.bold(direction) + " is not a valid direction.\r\n"));
39 return;
40 }
41 // name: first char needs to be a letter, can't be a dupe
42 if ((typeof name !== 'string') ||
43 (name.length === 0) ||
44 !(/^[a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u00ff]+$/.test(name.substring(0,1)))
45 ) {
46 socket.write(chalk.red(":: Place names need to start with a letter!\r\n"));
47 return;
48 }
49 if (name === command_access.getUniverse().get(socket.db.where).name) {
50 socket.write(chalk.yellow(":: You're already there!\r\n"));
51 return;
52 }
53 // look for exits
54 var neighbours = command_access.getUniverse().get_neighbours(
55 command_access.getUniverse().get(socket.db.where));
56 // check if the name isn't a dupe
57 for (var n = 0; n < neighbours.length; n++) {
58 if (neighbours[n] !== null && neighbours[n].name === name) {
59 socket.write(chalk.yellow(":: That place already exists!\r\n"));
60 return;
61 }
62 }
63 // data entry validated, let's now see if we can dig this:
64 // * if nothing's there, fine
65 // * if something's there..
66 // - with the same name? we just open a passage
67 // - with another name? we can't .dig it!
68 target = socket.db.where.slice(0);
69 if (direction.search("W") !== -1) target[0]--;
70 if (direction.search("E") !== -1) target[0]++;
71 if (direction.search("N") !== -1) target[1]++;
72 if (direction.search("S") !== -1) target[1]--;
73 if (direction.search("U") !== -1) target[2]++;
74 if (direction.search("D") !== -1) target[2]--;
75 targObj = command_access.getUniverse().get(target);
76 // if the target place is already occupied...
77 if (targObj !== null) {
78 // deal with situations where the place is not the same
79 if (targObj.name !== name) {
80 socket.write(formatters.text_wrap(chalk.red(":: You're trying to create a " +
81 "place called " + chalk.bold(name) + " where there's already another " +
82 "place called " + chalk.bold(targObj.name) + "! ") + chalk.yellow("Maybe you want to " +
83 chalk.bold(".destroy") + " that one first, or recheck your " + chalk.bold(".map ") + "and make " +
84 "sure of what you're trying to do?\r\n")));
85 return;
86 }
87 var updateMe = command_access.getUniverse().get(socket.db.where);
88 // deal with situations where the passage already exists
89 var newPassage = eval("command_access.getUniverse()."+direction);
90 if ((updateMe.passages & newPassage) === newPassage) {
91 socket.write(chalk.yellow("You cannot create a passage that already exists!\r\n"));
92 return;
93 }
94 updateMe.passages += newPassage;
95 if (!command_access.getUniverse().update(updateMe)) {
96 socket.write("You should have been able to create a passage to " +
97 name + ". However, that didn't work. Please let an " +
98 command_access.ranks.list[
99 command_access.ranks.list.length - 1
100 ] + " know about this!\r\n");
101 } else {
102 socket.write(chalk.green(":: ") + "You just created a passage to " + chalk.bold(name) + ".\r\n");
103 }
104 } else {
105 // nothing there, let's create
106 var opposite = command_access.getUniverse().opposites[Math.log(
107 eval("command_access.getUniverse()."+direction)
108 ) / Math.log(2)][1];
109 if (!command_access.getUniverse().create(target, opposite)) {
110 // we shouldn't be able to get here. Is this a Nodiverse bug?
111 socket.write("You should have been able to dig towards " +
112 direction + " from here and create a place called " + name +
113 ". However, that didn't work. Please let an " +
114 command_access.ranks.list[
115 command_access.ranks.list.length - 1
116 ] +
117 " know about this!\r\n");
118 return;
119 }
120 done = command_access.getUniverse().get(target);
121 if (done !== null) done.name = name;
122 if (!command_access.getUniverse().update(done)) {
123 // we shouldn't be able to get here. Is this a Nodiverse bug?
124 socket.write("You dug, but you weren't able to make the new place " +
125 "how you wanted it to be. It's not your fault... and you " +
126 "should warn an " +
127 command_access.ranks.list[
128 command_access.ranks.list.length - 1
129 ] +
130 "about this!\r\n");
131 return;
132 }
133 socket.write(chalk.green(":: ") + "You dig towards " + chalk.bold(direction) +
134 ", and create a new place called " + chalk.bold(name) + ".\r\n");
135 }
136 // saving the altered universe
137 command_access.saveUniverse();
138 }