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1var formatters = require('../utils/formatters.js');
3exports.command = {
4 name: "rmrank",
5 autoload: true,
6 unloadable: true,
7 min_rank: 9,
8 display: "removes a rank",
9 help: "Removes a rank from the rank list, adjusting all the others.",
10 usage: ".rmrank <rank number>",
11 weigth: 0,
13 // Function to execute the command
14 execute: function(socket, command, command_access) {
15 var chalk = require('chalk');
16 if (typeof command !== 'string' || command.length < 1) {
17 socket.write(chalk.yellow(":: ") + "What rank do you want to remove?\r\n");
18 return;
19 }
20 // is this a valid rank number?
21 var rank = parseInt(command, 10);
22 if (
23 Number(command) !== rank ||
24 rank < 0 ||
25 rank >= command_access.ranks.list.length
26 ) {
27 socket.write(chalk.red(":: ") + "That is an invalid rank number!\r\n");
28 return;
29 }
30 // do I have access to this rank?
31 if (rank > socket.db.rank) {
32 socket.write(chalk.red(":: ") + "You cannot manage ranks to which you have no access.\r\n");
33 return;
34 }
35 // Is the rank "empty"? Let's adjust the rank of the higher commands
36 for (var c in command_access.commands) {
37 if (command_access.getCmdRank(c) == rank) {
38 socket.write(formatters.text_wrap(chalk.red(":: ") + "Can't remove that rank: command " +
39 chalk.bold(command_access.commands[c].name) +
40 " exists on it. Maybe you want to " + chalk.yellow(".setcmdlev") + " it to another rank?\r\n"));
41 return;
42 }
43 if (command_access.getCmdRank(c) > rank) {
44 command_access.setCmdRank(command_access.commands[c].name, command_access.getCmdRank(c) - 1);
45 }
46 }
47 // * no users (if this isn't the highest rank))
48 var highest = (rank == command_access.ranks.list.length-1);
49 var users = command_access.getUsersList();
50 for (var u=0; u < users.length; u++) {
51 if (users[u].rank >= rank) {
52 if (users[u].rank == rank && !highest) {
53 socket.write(formatters.text_wrap(chalk.red(":: ") + "Can't remove that rank: user " +
54 chalk.bold(users[u].username) +
55 " is of that rank! You might want to " + chalk.bold(".demote") + " or " + chalk.bold(".promote") + " them first.\r\n"));
56 return;
57 } else {
58 var online = command_access.getOnlineUser(users[u].username);
59 if (online) {
60 online.db.rank = online.db.rank-1;
61 command_access.updateUser(online.username, online.db);
62 } else {
63 var w = command_access.getUser(users[u].username);
64 w.rank = w.rank-1;
65 command_access.updateUser(users[u].username, w);
66 }
67 }
68 }
69 }
70 var updated = command_access.ranks;
71 // adjust entrylevel, if needed
72 if (updated.entrylevel >= rank) updated.entrylevel = updated.entrylevel - 1;
73 // actually delete the rank
74 updated.list.splice(command,1);
75 command_access.updateRanks(updated);
76 socket.write(chalk.green(":: ") + "Rank removed!\r\n");
77 }