580 BJavaScriptView Raw
1exports.command = {
2 name: "suicide",
3 autoload: true,
4 unloadable: false,
5 min_rank: 0,
6 display: "kill yourself FOREVER!",
7 help: "You will delete your user, forever! You probrably don't want to do this.",
8 usage: ".suicide",
10 execute: function(socket, command, command_access) {
11 var chalk = require('chalk');
12 socket.write(chalk.bold(chalk.red(":: This action is irreversible!\r\n")));
13 socket.write(chalk.red(":: Write '" + chalk.bold("yes, I am sure") + "' if you're sure you want to go ahead...: "));
14 socket.interactive = {type:"suicide", state:"confirmation"};
15 }