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1exports.command = {
2 name: "close",
3 autoload: true,
4 unloadable: true,
5 min_rank: 6,
6 display: "closes an existent passage",
7 help: ".close <direction> will close the passage in that direction. More info about directions in .file directions.",
8 usage: ".close <direction>",
9 weigth: 0,
11 // Function to execute the command
12 execute: function(socket, command, command_access) {
13 var chalk = require('chalk');
14 direction = command.split(' ')[0];
15 // 'direction' needs to be a direction on Nodiverse's nomenculature (N, NE...)
16 if (typeof direction !== 'string' || direction.length === 0) {
17 socket.write(chalk.bold("Syntax:") + " .close <direction>\r\n");
18 return;
19 }
20 // FIXME: we're assuming that any uppercased string key with a
21 // number value is an exit... we should be more strict about
22 // this.
23 valid = false;
24 if (direction.toUpperCase() === direction) {
25 for (var i in command_access.getUniverse()) {
26 if (i === direction &&
27 typeof command_access.getUniverse()[i] === 'number'
28 )
29 valid = true;
30 }
31 }
32 if (!valid) {
33 socket.write(direction + " is not a valid direction.\r\n");
34 return;
35 }
36 var updateMe = command_access.getUniverse().get(socket.db.where);
37 // deal with situations where the passage doesn't exist
38 var newPassage = eval("command_access.getUniverse()."+direction);
39 if ((updateMe.passages & newPassage) !== newPassage) {
40 socket.write("You cannot close a passage that doesn't exist!\r\n");
41 return;
42 }
43 updateMe.passages -= newPassage;
44 if (!command_access.getUniverse().update(updateMe)) {
45 socket.write("You should have been able to destroy that passage. However, " +
46 "that didn't work. Please let a " +
47 command_access.ranks.list[
48 command_access.ranks.list.length - 1
49 ] + " know about this!\r\n");
50 } else {
51 socket.write("You closed the passage.\r\n");
52 }
53 // saving the altered universe
54 command_access.saveUniverse();
55 socket.write(":: You closed the passage towards " + chalk.bold(direction) + ".\r\n");
56 }