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1exports.command = {
2 name: "examine", // Name of command to be executed (Max 10 chars)
3 autoload: true, // Should the command be autoloaded at startup
4 unloadable: true, // Can the command be unloaded dynamically
5 min_rank: 0, // Minimum rank to use to execute the command
6 display: "Shows information about a user", // Summary help text to show in the .help command
7 help: "Shows information about a user.\r\n" +
8 "Without arguments, it will give you information about yourself.\r\n" +
9 "If you add another user as an argument, it will show you info about him/her " +
10 "instead.",
11 usage: ".examine [<user>]",
13 friendlyTime: function(ms) {
14 if (ms < 1000) {
15 return "" + ms + " ms";
16 } else if (ms < (1000 * 60)) {
17 return "" + Math.floor(ms / 1000) + " s";
18 } else if (ms < (1000 * 60 * 60)) {
19 return "" + Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60) + " min";
20 } else if (ms < (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) {
21 return "" + Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60 / 60) + " h";
22 } else if (ms < (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30)) {
23 return "" + Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24) + " d";
24 } else if (ms < (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)) {
25 var m = Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 30);
26 if (m > 11) m = 11;
27 return "" + m + " mon";
28 }
29 return "" + Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365) + " y";
30 },
32 // Function to execute the command
33 execute: function(socket, command, command_access) {
34 var chalk = require('chalk');
35 var whom = command.split(' ')[0];
36 if (typeof whom === 'undefined' || whom.length < 1) {
37 whom = socket.username;
38 }
39 var wArr = command_access.getAproxUser(whom);
40 if (wArr.length === 0) return socket.write(chalk.red(":: ") + "There's no one called " + chalk.bold(whom) + ".\r\n");
41 if (wArr.length > 1) {
42 var possibilities = "";
43 for (var p = 0; p < wArr.length - 1; p++) {
44 possibilities += chalk.cyan(wArr[p]) + ", ";
45 }
46 possibilities += chalk.cyan(wArr[wArr.length - 1]);
47 return socket.write(chalk.yellow(":: Be more explicit: ") + "whom do you want to examine (" + possibilities + ")?\r\n");
48 }
49 whom = wArr[0];
50 w = command_access.getUser(whom);
51 socket.write(chalk.bold(":: ") + "You examine " + chalk.cyan(whom) + " and you see... \r\n");
52 if (typeof (w.registerTime) === 'undefined') {
53 socket.write(chalk.bold(":: ") + chalk.cyan(whom) + " was " + chalk.green("registered") + " in an " + chalk.bold("old version") + ".\r\n");
54 } else {
55 socket.write(chalk.bold(":: ") + chalk.cyan(whom) + " was " + chalk.green("registered") + " at " + chalk.bold(new Date(w.registerTime).toString()) + ".\r\n");
56 }
57 if (typeof (w.totalTime) === 'undefined') {
58 // it either is his/her first time online, or it's an old user that
59 // didn't log on recently
60 if (command_access.getOnlineUser(whom) !== false) {
61 socket.write(chalk.bold(":: ") + chalk.cyan(whom) + " is " + chalk.green("online") + " for the " + chalk.bold("first time") + ".\r\n");
62 } else {
63 socket.write(chalk.bold(":: ") + chalk.cyan(whom) + " hasn't been " + chalk.green("online") + " for a " + chalk.bold("long time") + ".\r\n");
64 }
65 } else {
66 socket.write(chalk.bold(":: ") + chalk.cyan(whom) + " has been " + chalk.green("online") + " for " + chalk.bold(this.friendlyTime(w.totalTime)) + ".\r\n");
67 }
68 socket.write(
69 chalk.bold(":: ") + chalk.cyan(whom) + " is of rank " + chalk.bold(command_access.ranks.list[w.rank]) +
70 ", and was last seen at " + chalk.yellow(command_access.getUniverse().get(w.where).name) + ".\r\n"
71 );
72 if (typeof w.loginTime !== 'undefined') {
73 socket.write(chalk.bold(":: ") + chalk.cyan(whom) + " last logged in at " + chalk.bold(new Date(w.loginTime).toString()) + ".\r\n");
74 }
75 if (typeof w.loginCount !== 'undefined') {
76 socket.write(chalk.bold(":: ") + chalk.cyan(whom) + " has logged in " + chalk.bold(w.loginCount) + " times.\r\n");
77 }
78 }