4.96 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import {polyfillNeeded} from './utils.js';
3 * Note: the "fetch.Request" default value is available for fetch imported from
4 * the "node-fetch" package and not in browsers. This is OK since browsers
5 * will be importing umd-polyfill.js from that path "self" is passed the
6 * decorator so the default value will not be used (because browsers that define
7 * fetch also has Request). One quirky setup where self.fetch exists but
8 * self.Request does not is when the "unfetch" minimal fetch polyfill is used
9 * on top of IE11; for this case the browser will try to use the fetch.Request
10 * default value which in turn will be undefined but then then "if (Request)"
11 * will ensure that you get a patched fetch but still no Request (as expected).
12 * @param {fetch, Request = fetch.Request}
13 * @returns {fetch: abortableFetch, Request: AbortableRequest}
14 */
15export default function abortableFetchDecorator(patchTargets) {
16 if ('function' === typeof patchTargets) {
17 patchTargets = {fetch: patchTargets};
18 }
19 const {
20 fetch,
21 Request: NativeRequest = fetch.Request,
22 AbortController: NativeAbortController,
24 } = patchTargets;
26 if (!polyfillNeeded({fetch, Request: NativeRequest, AbortController: NativeAbortController, __FORCE_INSTALL_ABORTCONTROLLER_POLYFILL})) {
27 return {fetch, Request};
28 }
30 let Request = NativeRequest;
31 // Note that the "unfetch" minimal fetch polyfill defines fetch() without
32 // defining window.Request, and this polyfill need to work on top of unfetch
33 // hence we only patch it if it's available. Also we don't patch it if signal
34 // is already available on the Request prototype because in this case support
35 // is present and the patching below can cause a crash since it assigns to
36 // request.signal which is technically a read-only property. This latter error
37 // happens when you run the main5.js node-fetch example in the repo
38 // "abortcontroller-polyfill-examples". The exact error is:
39 // request.signal = init.signal;
40 // ^
41 // TypeError: Cannot set property signal of #<Request> which has only a getter
42 if ((Request && !Request.prototype.hasOwnProperty('signal')) || __FORCE_INSTALL_ABORTCONTROLLER_POLYFILL) {
43 Request = function Request(input, init) {
44 let signal;
45 if (init && init.signal) {
46 signal = init.signal;
47 // Never pass init.signal to the native Request implementation when the polyfill has
48 // been installed because if we're running on top of a browser with a
49 // working native AbortController (i.e. the polyfill was installed due to
50 // __FORCE_INSTALL_ABORTCONTROLLER_POLYFILL being set), then passing our
51 // fake AbortSignal to the native fetch will trigger:
52 // TypeError: Failed to construct 'Request': member signal is not of type AbortSignal.
53 delete init.signal;
54 }
55 const request = new NativeRequest(input, init);
56 if (signal) {
57 Object.defineProperty(request, 'signal', {
58 writable: false,
59 enumerable: false,
60 configurable: true,
61 value: signal
62 });
63 }
64 return request;
65 };
66 Request.prototype = NativeRequest.prototype;
67 }
69 const realFetch = fetch;
70 const abortableFetch = (input, init) => {
71 const signal = (Request && Request.prototype.isPrototypeOf(input)) ? input.signal : init ? init.signal : undefined;
73 if (signal) {
74 let abortError;
75 try {
76 abortError = new DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError');
77 } catch (err) {
78 // IE 11 does not support calling the DOMException constructor, use a
79 // regular error object on it instead.
80 abortError = new Error('Aborted');
81 abortError.name = 'AbortError';
82 }
84 // Return early if already aborted, thus avoiding making an HTTP request
85 if (signal.aborted) {
86 return Promise.reject(abortError);
87 }
89 // Turn an event into a promise, reject it once `abort` is dispatched
90 const cancellation = new Promise((_, reject) => {
91 signal.addEventListener('abort', () => reject(abortError), {once: true});
92 });
94 if (init && init.signal) {
95 // Never pass .signal to the native implementation when the polyfill has
96 // been installed because if we're running on top of a browser with a
97 // working native AbortController (i.e. the polyfill was installed due to
98 // __FORCE_INSTALL_ABORTCONTROLLER_POLYFILL being set), then passing our
99 // fake AbortSignal to the native fetch will trigger:
100 // TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'Window': member signal is not of type AbortSignal.
101 delete init.signal;
102 }
103 // Return the fastest promise (don't need to wait for request to finish)
104 return Promise.race([cancellation, realFetch(input, init)]);
105 }
107 return realFetch(input, init);
108 };
110 return {fetch: abortableFetch, Request};