1 | var assert = require('assert');
2 | var _ = require('lodash');
3 | var jwt = require('jwt-simple');
4 | var MemoryStore = require('ac-node').MemoryStore;
5 | var Tenants = require('ac-node').Tenants;
6 | var authenticator = require('..').authenticator;
7 | var fixtures = require('./fixtures');
8 |
9 | var tenant = fixtures.load('tenant.json');
10 |
11 | describe('ac hipchat authenticator', function () {
12 |
13 | var store;
14 | var tenantStore;
15 | var tenants;
16 |
17 | beforeEach(function *() {
18 | store = MemoryStore();
19 | tenantStore = store.narrow('tenant');
20 | tenants = Tenants(tenantStore);
21 | yield tenantStore.set(tenant.id, tenant);
22 | });
23 |
24 | it('should create an authenticate fn from tenants and nodeEnv', function *() {
25 | assert.ok(typeof authenticator('production', tenants) === 'function');
26 | });
27 |
28 | it('should fail to authenticate given neither a signedRequestParam nor an authorizationHeader', function *() {
29 | var authenticate = authenticator('production', tenants);
30 | try {
31 | yield authenticate();
32 | assert.fail();
33 | } catch (err) {
34 | assert.equal(err.message, 'Request signature required but not found');
35 | }
36 | });
37 |
38 | it('should fail to authenticate given a malformed authorization header', function *() {
39 | var authenticate = authenticator('production', tenants);
40 | try {
41 | yield authenticate(null, 'malformed');
42 | assert.fail();
43 | } catch (err) {
44 | assert.equal(err.message, 'Authorization header was either incompatible or malformed');
45 | }
46 | });
47 |
48 | it('should fail to authenticate given a claim that lacks an issuer', function *() {
49 | var authenticate = authenticator('production', tenants);
50 | var claims = createClaims({
51 | iss: null
52 | });
53 | var token = createToken(claims);
54 | try {
55 | yield authenticate(token);
56 | assert.fail();
57 | } catch (err) {
58 | assert.equal(err.message, 'Request signature did not contain an issuer claim');
59 | }
60 | });
61 |
62 | it('should fail to authenticate given a claim that lacks an issued-at timestamp', function *() {
63 | var authenticate = authenticator('production', tenants);
64 | var claims = createClaims({
65 | iat: null
66 | });
67 | var token = createToken(claims);
68 | try {
69 | yield authenticate(token);
70 | assert.fail();
71 | } catch (err) {
72 | assert.equal(err.message, 'Request signature did not contain an issued-at timestamp');
73 | }
74 | });
75 |
76 | it('should fail to authenticate given a claim issued by an unknown tenant', function *() {
77 | var authenticate = authenticator('production', tenants);
78 | var claims = createClaims({
79 | iss: 'unknown'
80 | });
81 | var token = createToken(claims);
82 | try {
83 | yield authenticate(token);
84 | assert.fail();
85 | } catch (err) {
86 | assert.equal(err.message, 'Request signature contained unknown issuer: unknown');
87 | }
88 | });
89 |
90 | it('should fail to authenticate given a claim with an invalid signature', function *() {
91 | var authenticate = authenticator('production', tenants);
92 | var claims = createClaims();
93 | var token = createToken(claims) + 'fail';
94 | try {
95 | yield authenticate(token);
96 | assert.fail();
97 | } catch (err) {
98 | assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('Request signature verification failed: ') === 0);
99 | }
100 | });
101 |
102 | it('should fail to authenticate given a claim with an expired expiry', function *() {
103 | var authenticate = authenticator('production', tenants);
104 | var claims = createClaims({
105 | iat: 0,
106 | exp: 1
107 | });
108 | var token = createToken(claims);
109 | try {
110 | yield authenticate(token);
111 | assert.fail();
112 | } catch (err) {
113 | assert.equal(err.message, 'Request signature expired');
114 | }
115 | });
116 |
117 | it('should ignore expiry expiration when not running in production mode', function *() {
118 | var authenticate = authenticator('development', tenants);
119 | var claims = createClaims({
120 | iat: 0,
121 | exp: 1
122 | });
123 | var token = createToken(claims);
124 | yield authenticate(token);
125 | });
126 |
127 | it('should fail to authenticate given a claim with an issued-at timestamp greater than authTokenTtl minutes ago', function *() {
128 | var authenticate = authenticator('production', tenants, {
129 | authTokenTtl: 1
130 | });
131 | var claims = createClaims({
132 | iat: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) - 62
133 | });
134 | var token = createToken(claims);
135 | try {
136 | yield authenticate(token);
137 | assert.fail();
138 | } catch (err) {
139 | assert.equal(err.message, 'Request signature expired');
140 | }
141 | });
142 |
143 | it('should ignore authTokenTtl expiration when not running in production mode', function *() {
144 | var authenticate = authenticator('development', tenants, {
145 | authTokenTtl: 1
146 | });
147 | var claims = createClaims({
148 | iat: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) - 62
149 | });
150 | var token = createToken(claims);
151 | yield authenticate(token);
152 | });
153 |
154 | it('should successfully authenticate given a valid signed request param', function *() {
155 | var authenticate = authenticator('production', tenants);
156 | var claims = createClaims();
157 | var token = createToken(claims);
158 | var authentication = yield authenticate(token);
159 | assert.ok(authentication);
160 | assert.equal(authentication.issuer, tenant);
161 | assert.ok(authentication.issued > claims.iat);
162 | assert.equal(authentication.userId, claims.prn);
163 | assert.equal(authentication.expiry, authentication.issued + (15 * 60));
164 | assert.deepEqual(authentication.context, claims.context);
165 | jwt.decode(authentication.token, tenant.secret);
166 | });
167 |
168 | it('should successfully authenticate given a valid authorization header', function *() {
169 | var authenticate = authenticator('production', tenants);
170 | var claims = createClaims();
171 | var token = createToken(claims);
172 | var authentication = yield authenticate(null, 'JWT token=' + token);
173 | assert.ok(authentication);
174 | assert.equal(authentication.issuer, tenant);
175 | assert.ok(authentication.issued > claims.iat);
176 | assert.equal(authentication.userId, claims.prn);
177 | assert.equal(authentication.expiry, authentication.issued + (15 * 60));
178 | assert.deepEqual(authentication.context, claims.context);
179 | jwt.decode(authentication.token, tenant.secret);
180 | });
181 |
182 | });
183 |
184 | function createClaims(overrides) {
185 | return _.extend({
186 | iss: tenant.id,
187 | iat: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) - 10,
188 | prn: 1,
189 | context: {tz: 'GMT'}
190 | }, overrides);
191 | }
192 |
193 | function createToken(claims) {
194 | return jwt.encode(claims, tenant.secret);
195 | }