1 | var assert = require('assert');
2 | var MockHttpClient = require('./mock-http-client');
3 | var MemoryStore = require('ac-node').MemoryStore;
4 | var RestClient = require('..').RestClient;
5 | var tenantFactory = require('..').tenantFactory;
6 | var fixtures = require('./fixtures');
7 | var wait = require('co-wait');
8 |
9 | describe('ac hipchat tenant client', function () {
10 |
11 | var store = MemoryStore();
12 | var installablePayload = fixtures.load('tenant-installable.json');
13 | var capabilities = fixtures.load('tenant-capabilities.json');
14 | var tenant = tenantFactory(installablePayload, capabilities);
15 | var cache = store.narrow(tenant.id).narrow('token');
16 | var httpClient;
17 | var restClient;
18 |
19 | beforeEach(function *() {
20 | httpClient = MockHttpClient(61);
21 | restClient = RestClient(httpClient).forTenant(tenant, cache, [
22 | 'admin_group',
23 | 'admin_room',
24 | 'manage_rooms',
25 | 'send_message',
26 | 'send_notification',
27 | 'view_group',
28 | 'view_messages'
29 | ]);
30 | });
31 |
32 | afterEach(function *() {
33 | yield store.clear();
34 | });
35 |
36 | if (!/\bfast\b/.test(process.env.NODE_TEST)) {
37 | it('should get tokens, and refresh them when they expire', function *() {
38 | var token = yield restClient.getToken('send_notification');
39 | assert.equal(token, '1a2b3c4d5e6f');
40 | yield wait(100);
41 | token = yield restClient.getToken('send_notification');
42 | assert.equal(token, '1a2b3c4d5e6f');
43 | yield wait(1000);
44 | token = yield restClient.getToken('send_notification');
45 | assert.equal(token, '2b3c4d5e6f7g');
46 | });
47 | }
48 |
49 | it('should get all emoticons', function *() {
50 | yield restClient.getEmoticons();
51 | });
52 |
53 | it('should get one emoticon', function *() {
54 | yield restClient.getEmoticon('foo');
55 | });
56 |
57 | it('should delete an oauth session', function *() {
58 | yield restClient.deleteSession('1a2b3c4d5e6f');
59 | });
60 |
61 | it('should get an oauth session', function *() {
62 | yield restClient.getSession('1a2b3c4d5e6f');
63 | });
64 |
65 | it('should get a room message', function *() {
66 | yield restClient.getRoomMessage('room-id', 'message-id');
67 | });
68 |
69 | it('should create a room', function *() {
70 | yield restClient.createRoom({
71 | name: 'foo',
72 | topic: 'bar',
73 | guestAccess: true,
74 | ownerUserId: 'user-id',
75 | privacy: 'public'
76 | });
77 | });
78 |
79 | it('should get all rooms', function *() {
80 | yield restClient.getRooms();
81 | });
82 |
83 | it('should get recent room history', function *() {
84 | yield restClient.getRecentRoomHistory('foo');
85 | });
86 |
87 | it('should send a room notification', function *() {
88 | yield restClient.sendNotification(1, 'This is a test message');
89 | });
90 |
91 | it('should update a room', function *() {
92 | yield restClient.updateRoom('foo', {
93 | name: 'foo',
94 | privacy: 'public',
95 | is_archived: false,
96 | is_guest_accessible: true,
97 | topic: 'bar',
98 | owner: {
99 | id: 'user-id'
100 | }
101 | });
102 | });
103 |
104 | it('should get a room', function *() {
105 | yield restClient.getRoom('foo');
106 | });
107 |
108 | it('should delete a room', function *() {
109 | yield restClient.deleteRoom('foo');
110 | });
111 |
112 | it('should create a room webhook', function *() {
113 | yield restClient.createRoomWebhook(1, {event: 'room_enter', name: 'abcdef1234567890', url: 'https://example.com/webhook'});
114 |
115 | yield restClient.createWebhook(1, {event: 'room_enter', name: 'abcdef1234567890', url: 'https://example.com/webhook'});
116 | });
117 |
118 | it('should get all room webhooks', function *() {
119 | yield restClient.getRoomWebhooks('foo');
120 |
121 | yield restClient.getWebhooks('foo');
122 | });
123 |
124 | it('should get room statistics', function *() {
125 | yield restClient.getRoomStatistics('foo');
126 | });
127 |
128 | it('should get room members', function *() {
129 | yield restClient.getRoomMembers('foo');
130 | });
131 |
132 | it('should reply to a message', function *() {
133 | yield restClient.replyToMessage('foo', 'parentId', 'message');
134 | });
135 |
136 | it('should get room members', function *() {
137 | yield restClient.getRoomMembers('foo');
138 | });
139 |
140 | it('should set a room topic', function *() {
141 | yield restClient.setRoomTopic('foo', 'topic');
142 | });
143 |
144 | it('should share a link with a room', function *() {
145 | yield restClient.shareLinkWithRoom('foo', 'link', 'message');
146 | });
147 |
148 | it('should add a room member', function *() {
149 | yield restClient.addRoomMember('foo', 'user-id');
150 | });
151 |
152 | it('should remove a room member', function *() {
153 | yield restClient.removeRoomMember('foo', 'user-id');
154 | });
155 |
156 | it('should delete a room webhook', function *() {
157 | yield restClient.deleteRoomWebhook('foo', 1234);
158 |
159 | yield restClient.deleteWebhook('foo', 1234);
160 | });
161 |
162 | it('should get a room webhook', function *() {
163 | yield restClient.getRoomWebhook('foo', 1234);
164 | });
165 |
166 | it('should get room history', function *() {
167 | yield restClient.getRoomHistory('foo');
168 | });
169 |
170 | it('should get a private chat message', function *() {
171 | yield restClient.getPrivateChatMessage('foo', 'message-id');
172 | });
173 |
174 | it('should get recent private chat history', function *() {
175 | yield restClient.getRecentPrivateChatHistory('foo');
176 | });
177 |
178 | it('should update a user photo', function *() {
179 | yield restClient.updateUserPhoto('user-id', 'base64');
180 | });
181 |
182 | it('should delete a user photo', function *() {
183 | yield restClient.deleteUserPhoto('user-id');
184 | });
185 |
186 | it('should update a user', function *() {
187 | yield restClient.updateUser('user-id', {
188 | name: 'foo',
189 | title: 'tester',
190 | presence: {},
191 | mention_name: 'foo',
192 | is_group_admin: true,
193 | timezone: 'mst',
194 | password: 'password',
195 | email: 'foo@bar.com'
196 | });
197 | });
198 |
199 | it('should delete a user', function *() {
200 | yield restClient.deleteUser('user-id');
201 | });
202 |
203 | it('should get a user', function *() {
204 | yield restClient.getUser('user-id');
205 | });
206 |
207 | it('should create a user', function *() {
208 | yield restClient.createUser({
209 | name: 'user-id',
210 | title: 'title',
211 | mention_name: 'mention-name',
212 | is_group_admin: true,
213 | timezone: 'mst',
214 | password: 'password',
215 | email: 'user-id@foo.com'
216 | });
217 | });
218 |
219 | it('should get all users', function *() {
220 | yield restClient.getUsers();
221 | });
222 |
223 | it('should share a link with a user', function *() {
224 | yield restClient.shareLinkWithUser('user-id', 'link', 'message');
225 | });
226 |
227 | });