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1var assert = require('assert');
2var express = require('express');
3var http = require('http');
4var request = require('request');
6// lets start testing!!
8// describe an enclosure for the entire test plan
9describe('REST API', function(){
10 var app, mongoose, acre;
12 // before each of our test suites run, we need to do some setup:
13 beforeEach(function(){
14 // first initialize acre and its dependencies (express, and mongoose)
15 app = express();
16 mongoose = require('mongoose');
17 acre = require('acre');
19 // setup express (web server)
20 app.configure(function(){
21 acre.bodyParser(app);
22 app.use(express.bodyParser());
23 app.use(express.cookieParser());
24 app.use(express.methodOverride());
25 app.use(app.router);
26 });
28 // setup mongoose schema (database component)
29 var LibrarySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
30 name: {
31 type: String,
32 required: true,
33 index: true
34 },
35 books: [{
36 title: {
37 type: String,
38 required: true,
39 index: true
40 },
41 isdn: {
42 type: Number,
43 required: true
44 },
45 author: {
46 first_name: {
47 type: String,
48 required: true,
49 index: true
50 },
51 last_name: {
52 type: String,
53 required: true,
54 index: true
55 }
56 }
57 }]
58 });
59 mongoose.model('Library', LibrarySchema);
60 });
62 // after each of our test suites run, we want to de-init acre and its dependencies
63 // this cleanup is important as it makes sure that each test suite is run on a CLEAN
64 // config, and errors arent carried over between test suites
65 afterEach(function(){
66 // desroy acre
67 delete acre;
68 acre = null;
70 // destroy express app
71 delete app;
72 app = null;
74 // this is a bit of a hacky way to de-init mongoose
75 if (mongoose != null){
76 delete mongoose.models.Library;
77 delete mongoose.models.AcreAdmin;
78 delete mongoose.modelSchemas.Library;
79 delete mongoose.modelSchemas.AcreAdmin;
80 delete mongoose;
81 mongoose = null;
82 }
83 });
87 // describe an enclosure for our test suites for the acre.init method
88 describe('init()', function(){
89 // before each of our test suites run, we need to do some setup:
90 beforeEach(function(){
91 // first initialize acre and its dependencies (express, and mongoose)
92 app = express();
93 mongoose = require('mongoose');
94 acre = require('acre');
96 // setup express (web server)
97 app.configure(function(){
98 acre.bodyParser(app);
99 app.use(express.bodyParser());
100 app.use(express.cookieParser());
101 app.use(express.methodOverride());
102 app.use(app.router);
103 });
104 });
106 // after each of our test suites run, we want to de-init acre and its dependencies
107 // this cleanup is important as it makes sure that each test suite is run on a CLEAN
108 // config, and errors arent carried over between test suites
109 afterEach(function(){
110 // destroy acre
111 delete acre;
112 acre = null;
114 // destroy express app
115 delete app;
116 app = null;
118 // this is a bit of a hacky way to de-init mongoose
119 delete mongoose.models.Library;
120 delete mongoose.models.AcreAdmin;
121 delete mongoose.modelSchemas.Library;
122 delete mongoose.modelSchemas.AcreAdmin;
123 delete mongoose;
124 mongoose = null;
126 });
128 // acre.init method rootpath option
129 it('should initialize acre and create specified rootpath (good args, rootpath options)', function(done){
130 acre
131 .init(mongoose, app, {rootPath: ''})
132 // .init(mongoose, app, {rootPath: 'new'}) // If root path is set , all directories begin with specified path
133 .then(function(){
134 done();
135 }, function(error){
136 done(error)
137 });
138 });
140 // describe an enclosure for our test suites for the acre.init method
141 it('should initialize acre (good args, default options)', function(done){
142 acre
143 .init(mongoose, app)
144 .then(function(){
145 done();
146 }, function(error){
147 done(error)
148 });
149 });
151 // acre.init method putIsCreate option
152 // putIsCreate is false so only post should create
153 it('should initialize acre and create using POST(good args, rootpath options)', function(done){
154 acre
155 .init(mongoose, app, {putIsCreate: true})
156 //if putIsCreate is false, only post will create
157 //.init(mongoose, app, {putIsCreate: false})
158 .then(function(){
159 done();
160 }, function(error){
161 done(error)
162 });
163 });
165 // acre.init method adminPortal option
166 it('should initialize acre and create using admin rights (good args, adminPortal options)', function(done){
167 acre
168 // .init(mongoose, app, {adminPortal: true})
169 //if adminPortal is false, user does not have admin rights
170 .init(mongoose, app, {adminPortal: false})
171 .then(function(){
172 done();
173 }, function(error){
174 done(error)
175 });
176 });
177 });
181 // describe an enclosure for our test suites for the acre.pre method
182 describe('acre.pre CREATE', function(){
183 var server;
185 // before each of our acre.pre test suites run, we want to...
186 beforeEach(function(done){
187 // give mongoose time to connect, mongohq sandbox db is sometimes slow
188 // increased timeout from 3000 to 5000
189 this.timeout(5000);
191 // setup acre and an acre.pre method that we will test with
192 // this acre.pre method should reject any library created with the name 'Maxwell McOdrum'
193 acre = require('acre');
194 acre.pre(acre.CREATE, '/libraries', function(request, response, next){
195 console.log(request.body);
196 if (request.body.name === 'Maxwell McOdrum')
197 {
198 response.send(400, 'Bad Request');
199 }
200 else
201 {
202 request.body.name = 'Simon Says: ' + request.body.name;
203 next();
204 }
205 });
207 // initialize acre
208 acre
209 .init(mongoose, app)
210 .then(function(){
211 // after acre init is done, here we can connect to the database
212 mongoose.connect('mongodb://test:test@paulo.mongohq.com:10088/acre-tests');
213 var db = mongoose.connection;
214 db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
215 db.once('open', function() {
216 // after database connects, now we can start the web server
217 server = http.createServer(app).listen(3000, function(){
218 console.log("web server listening on port 3000...");
219 done();
220 });
221 });
222 }, function(error){
223 // if acre init fails, report any errors
224 done(new Error(error));
225 });
227 });
229 afterEach(function(done){
230 // give more time for cleanup
231 this.timeout(1000);
233 function cleanupWebServer()
234 {
235 server.once('close', function(){
236 // only done once http server is shutdown
237 console.log('web server closed');
238 done();
239 });
241 // shutdown the web server
242 server.close();
243 }
245 function cleanupDB()
246 {
247 function finishedDBCleanup()
248 {
249 // shutdown the connection to the database
250 mongoose.connection.close();
251 cleanupWebServer();
252 }
254 // empty the database after each test runs
255 mongoose.models.Library.count(function(error, count){
256 if (error)
257 {
258 done(error);
259 }
260 else
261 {
262 // apparently you cant empty out an empty database, so need to check first
263 if (count > 0)
264 {
265 mongoose.connection.collections['libraries'].drop(function(error){
266 if (error)
267 {
268 done(error);
269 }
270 else
271 {
272 finishedDBCleanup();
273 }
274 });
275 }
276 else
277 {
278 finishedDBCleanup();
279 }
280 }
281 });
282 }
284 // fire off db cleanup function
285 cleanupDB();
286 })
288 it('should reject library named Maxwell McOdrum', function(done){
289 var library = {
290 name: 'Maxwell McOdrum',
291 books: []
292 };
294 // try creating a library called 'Maxwell McOdrum'
295 request.put('http://localhost:3000/libraries', {json: library}, function(error, response, body){
296 if (error)
297 {
298 done(error);
299 }
300 else
301 {
302 // we should get an error code 400
303 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400);
304 // body of the response must say 'Bad Request'
305 assert.equal(body, 'Bad Request');
306 done();
307 }
308 })
309 });
311 it('should permit library not named Maxwell McOdrum', function(done){
312 var library = {
313 name: 'City Library',
314 books: []
315 };
317 // try creating a library with name 'City Library'
318 request.put('http://localhost:3000/libraries', {json: library}, function(error, response, body){
319 if (error)
320 {
321 done(error);
322 }
323 else
324 {
325 // should pass, status code should be 200 OK, means CREATE was successful
326 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);
328 // check the database to see if it was indeed added
329 mongoose.models.Library.find(function(error, libraries){
330 if (error)
331 {
332 done(error);
333 }
334 else
335 {
336 // check that there is only one library in the database: the one we just added
337 assert.equal(libraries.length, 1);
338 // check that library name is correct as modified by our acre.pre method
339 assert.equal(libraries[0].name, 'Simon Says: City Library');
340 // check that the library indeed has no books
341 assert.equal(libraries[0].books.length, 0);
342 done();
343 }
344 });
345 }
346 })
347 });
349 });