9.04 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16import { AppOptions, AppHandler, ServiceBaseApp } from '../../assistant';
17import { Headers, BuiltinFrameworkMetadata } from '../../framework';
18import * as Api from './api/v1';
20 * @public
21 * @deprecated Home Graph credentials are deprecated.
22 * Use Google APIs Node.js Client for Home Graph:
23 * https://www.npmjs.com/package/@googleapis/homegraph
24 */
25export interface SmartHomeJwt {
26 type: 'service_account';
27 project_id: string;
28 private_key_id: string;
29 private_key: string;
30 client_email: string;
31 client_id: string;
32 auth_uri: string;
33 token_uri: string;
34 auth_provider_x509_cert_url: string;
35 client_x509_cert_url: string;
37/** @public */
38export interface SmartHomeOptions extends AppOptions {
39 /**
40 * An API key to use the home graph API. See
41 * https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/api/homegraph.googleapis.com/overview
42 * to learn more.
43 * @public
44 * @deprecated Home Graph credentials are deprecated.
45 * Use Google APIs Node.js Client for Home Graph:
46 * https://www.npmjs.com/package/@googleapis/homegraph
47 */
48 key?: string;
49 /**
50 * A JWT (JSON Web Token) that is able to access the home graph API.
51 * This is used for report state. See https://jwt.io/. A JWT can be
52 * created through the Google Cloud Console: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
53 * @public
54 * @deprecated Home Graph credentials are deprecated.
55 * Use Google APIs Node.js Client for Home Graph:
56 * https://www.npmjs.com/package/@googleapis/homegraph
57 */
58 jwt?: SmartHomeJwt;
60/** @public */
61export interface SmartHomeHandler<TRequest extends Api.SmartHomeV1Request, TResponse extends Api.SmartHomeV1Response> {
62 (body: TRequest, headers: Headers, framework: BuiltinFrameworkMetadata): TResponse | Promise<TResponse>;
64/** @hidden */
65export interface SmartHomeHandlers {
66 [intent: string]: SmartHomeHandler<Api.SmartHomeV1Request, Api.SmartHomeV1Response>;
68/** @public */
69export interface SmartHomeApp extends ServiceBaseApp {
70 /** @hidden */
71 _intents: SmartHomeHandlers;
72 /** @hidden */
73 _intent(intent: Api.SmartHomeV1Intents, handler: SmartHomeHandler<Api.SmartHomeV1Request, Api.SmartHomeV1Response>): this;
74 /**
75 * Defines a function that will run when a SYNC request is received.
76 *
77 * @example
78 * ```javascript
79 *
80 * const app = smarthome();
81 * app.onSync((body, headers) => {
82 * return {
83 * requestId: 'ff36...',
84 * payload: {
85 * ...
86 * }
87 * }
88 * })
89 * ```
90 *
91 * @param handler The function that will run for a SYNC request. It should
92 * return a valid response or a Promise that resolves to valid response.
93 *
94 * @public
95 */
96 onSync(handler: SmartHomeHandler<Api.SmartHomeV1SyncRequest, Api.SmartHomeV1SyncResponse>): this;
97 /**
98 * Defines a function that will run when a QUERY request is received.
99 *
100 * @example
101 * ```javascript
102 *
103 * const app = smarthome();
104 * app.onQuery((body, headers) => {
105 * return {
106 * requestId: 'ff36...',
107 * payload: {
108 * ...
109 * }
110 * }
111 * })
112 * ```
113 *
114 * @param handler The function that will run for a QUERY request. It should
115 * return a valid response or a Promise that resolves to valid response.
116 *
117 * @public
118 */
119 onQuery(handler: SmartHomeHandler<Api.SmartHomeV1QueryRequest, Api.SmartHomeV1QueryResponse>): this;
120 /**
121 * Defines a function that will run when an EXECUTE request is received.
122 *
123 * @example
124 * ```javascript
125 *
126 * const app = smarthome();
127 * app.onExecute((body, headers) => {
128 * return {
129 * requestId: 'ff36...',
130 * payload: {
131 * ...
132 * }
133 * }
134 * })
135 * ```
136 * @param handler The function that will run for an EXECUTE request. It should
137 * return a valid response or a Promise that resolves to valid response.
138 *
139 * @public
140 */
141 onExecute(handler: SmartHomeHandler<Api.SmartHomeV1ExecuteRequest, Api.SmartHomeV1ExecuteResponse>): this;
142 /**
143 * Defines a function that will run when a DISCONNECT request is received.
144 *
145 * @example
146 * ```javascript
147 *
148 * const app = smarthome();
149 * app.onDisconnect((body, headers) => {
150 * // User unlinked their account, stop reporting state for user
151 * return {}
152 * })
153 * ```
154 * @param handler The function that will run for an EXECUTE request. It should
155 * return a valid response or a Promise that resolves to valid response.
156 *
157 * @public
158 */
159 onDisconnect(handler: SmartHomeHandler<Api.SmartHomeV1DisconnectRequest, Api.SmartHomeV1DisconnectResponse>): this;
160 /**
161 * Sends a request to the home graph to send a new SYNC request. This should
162 * be called when a device is added or removed for a given user id.
163 *
164 * When calling this function, an API key needs to be provided as an option
165 * in the constructor. See https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/create-app#request-sync
166 * to learn more.
167 *
168 * @example
169 * ```javascript
170 *
171 * const app = smarthome({
172 * key: "123ABC"
173 * });
174 *
175 * const addNewDevice = () => {
176 * app.requestSync('user-123')
177 * .then((res) => {
178 * // Request sync was successful
179 * })
180 * .catch((res) => {
181 * // Request sync failed
182 * })
183 * }
184 *
185 * // When request sync is called, a SYNC
186 * // intent will be received soon after.
187 * app.onSync(body => {
188 * // ...
189 * })
190 * ```
191 *
192 * @param agentUserId The user identifier.
193 *
194 * @public
195 * @deprecated Home Graph wrapper methods are deprecated.
196 * Use Google APIs Node.js Client for Home Graph:
197 * https://www.npmjs.com/package/@googleapis/homegraph
198 */
199 requestSync(agentUserId: string): Promise<string>;
200 /**
201 * Reports the current state of a device or set of devices to the home graph.
202 * This may be done if the state of the device was changed locally, like a
203 * light turning on through a light switch.
204 *
205 * When calling this function, a JWT (JSON Web Token) needs to be provided
206 * as an option in the constructor.
207 *
208 * @example
209 * ```javascript
210 * const app = smarthome({
211 * jwt: require('./jwt.json');
212 * });
213 *
214 * const reportState = () => {
215 * app.reportState({
216 * requestId: '123ABC',
217 * agentUserId: 'user-123',
218 * payload: {
219 * devices: {
220 * states: {
221 * "light-123": {
222 * on: true
223 * }
224 * }
225 * }
226 * }
227 * })
228 * .then((res) => {
229 * // Report state was successful
230 * })
231 * .catch((res) => {
232 * // Report state failed
233 * })
234 * };
235 * ```
236 *
237 * @param reportedState A payload containing a device or set of devices with their states
238 *
239 * @public
240 * @deprecated Home Graph wrapper methods are deprecated.
241 * Use Google APIs Node.js Client for Home Graph:
242 * https://www.npmjs.com/package/@googleapis/homegraph
243 */
244 reportState(reportedState: Api.SmartHomeV1ReportStateRequest): Promise<string>;
245 /**
246 * @public
247 * @deprecated Home Graph credentials are deprecated.
248 * Use Google APIs Node.js Client for Home Graph:
249 * https://www.npmjs.com/package/@googleapis/homegraph
250 */
251 key?: string;
252 /**
253 * @public
254 * @deprecated Home Graph credentials are deprecated.
255 * Use Google APIs Node.js Client for Home Graph:
256 * https://www.npmjs.com/package/@googleapis/homegraph
257 */
258 jwt?: SmartHomeJwt;
260/** @public */
261export interface SmartHome {
262 (options?: SmartHomeOptions): AppHandler & SmartHomeApp;
265 *
266 * @example
267 * ```javascript
268 *
269 * const app = smarthome({
270 * debug: true,
271 * key: '<api-key>',
272 * jwt: require('./key.json')
273 * });
274 *
275 * app.onSync((body, headers) => {
276 * return { ... }
277 * });
278 *
279 * app.onQuery((body, headers) => {
280 * return { ... }
281 * });
282 *
283 * app.onExecute((body, headers) => {
284 * return { ... }
285 * });
286 *
287 * exports.smarthome = functions.https.onRequest(app);
288 *
289 * ```
290 *
291 * @public
292 */
293export declare const smarthome: SmartHome;