112 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16import { ApiClientObjectMap } from '../../../common';
17export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3ActionType = 'TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'VIEW_DETAILS' | 'MODIFY' | 'CANCEL' | 'RETURN' | 'EXCHANGE' | 'EMAIL' | 'CALL' | 'REORDER' | 'REVIEW' | 'CUSTOMER_SERVICE' | 'FIX_ISSUE' | 'DIRECTION';
18export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3OrderUpdateType = 'TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'ORDER_STATUS' | 'SNAPSHOT';
19export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3PriceAttributeState = 'STATE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'ESTIMATE' | 'ACTUAL';
20export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3PriceAttributeType = 'TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'REGULAR' | 'DISCOUNT' | 'TAX' | 'DELIVERY' | 'SUBTOTAL' | 'FEE' | 'GRATUITY' | 'TOTAL';
21export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchaseMerchantUnitMeasureUnit = 'UNIT_UNSPECIFIED' | 'MILLIGRAM' | 'GRAM' | 'KILOGRAM' | 'OUNCE' | 'POUND';
22export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePickupInfoCurbsideInfoCurbsideFulfillmentType = 'UNSPECIFIED' | 'VEHICLE_DETAIL';
23export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePickupInfoPickupType = 'UNSPECIFIED' | 'INSTORE' | 'CURBSIDE';
25export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseFulfillmentInfoFulfillmentType = 'TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'DELIVERY' | 'PICKUP';
26export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseItemExtensionStatus = 'PURCHASE_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED' | 'READY_FOR_PICKUP' | 'SHIPPED' | 'DELIVERED' | 'OUT_OF_STOCK' | 'IN_PREPARATION' | 'CREATED' | 'CONFIRMED' | 'REJECTED' | 'RETURNED' | 'CANCELLED' | 'CHANGE_REQUESTED';
27export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseItemExtensionType = 'PURCHASE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'RETAIL' | 'FOOD' | 'GROCERY';
28export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseOrderExtensionPurchaseLocationType = 'UNSPECIFIED_LOCATION' | 'ONLINE_PURCHASE' | 'INSTORE_PURCHASE';
29export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseOrderExtensionStatus = 'PURCHASE_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED' | 'READY_FOR_PICKUP' | 'SHIPPED' | 'DELIVERED' | 'OUT_OF_STOCK' | 'IN_PREPARATION' | 'CREATED' | 'CONFIRMED' | 'REJECTED' | 'RETURNED' | 'CANCELLED' | 'CHANGE_REQUESTED';
30export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseOrderExtensionType = 'PURCHASE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'RETAIL' | 'FOOD' | 'GROCERY';
31export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsReservationReservationItemExtensionStatus = 'RESERVATION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED' | 'PENDING' | 'CONFIRMED' | 'CANCELLED' | 'FULFILLED' | 'CHANGE_REQUESTED' | 'REJECTED';
32export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsReservationReservationItemExtensionType = 'RESERVATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'RESTAURANT' | 'HAIRDRESSER';
33export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsTicketEventCharacterType = 'TYPE_UNKNOWN' | 'ACTOR' | 'PERFORMER' | 'DIRECTOR' | 'ORGANIZER';
34export declare type GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsTicketTicketEventType = 'EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN' | 'MOVIE' | 'CONCERT' | 'SPORTS';
36export declare type GoogleActionsTransactionsV3DigitalPurchaseCheckResultResultType = 'RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'CAN_PURCHASE' | 'CANNOT_PURCHASE';
38export declare type GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentMethodDisplayInfoPaymentType = 'PAYMENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'PAYMENT_CARD' | 'BANK' | 'LOYALTY_PROGRAM' | 'CASH' | 'GIFT_CARD' | 'WALLET';
39export declare type GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentMethodStatusStatus = 'STATUS_UNSPECIFIED' | 'STATUS_OK' | 'STATUS_REQUIRE_FIX' | 'STATUS_INAPPLICABLE';
40export declare type GoogleActionsTransactionsV3SkuIdSkuType = 'SKU_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'SKU_TYPE_IN_APP' | 'SKU_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION';
41export declare type GoogleActionsTransactionsV3TransactionDecisionValueTransactionDecision = 'TRANSACTION_DECISION_UNSPECIFIED' | 'USER_CANNOT_TRANSACT' | 'ORDER_ACCEPTED' | 'ORDER_REJECTED' | 'DELIVERY_ADDRESS_UPDATED' | 'CART_CHANGE_REQUESTED';
42export declare type GoogleActionsTransactionsV3TransactionRequirementsCheckResultResultType = 'RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'CAN_TRANSACT' | 'CANNOT_TRANSACT';
43export declare type GoogleActionsTransactionsV3UserInfoOptionsUserInfoProperties = 'USER_INFO_PROPERTY_UNSPECIFIED' | 'EMAIL';
44export declare type GoogleActionsV2ConversationType = 'TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'NEW' | 'ACTIVE';
45export declare type GoogleActionsV2DeliveryAddressValueUserDecision = 'UNKNOWN_USER_DECISION' | 'ACCEPTED' | 'REJECTED';
46export declare type GoogleActionsV2EntitlementSkuType = 'TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'IN_APP' | 'SUBSCRIPTION' | 'APP';
47export declare type GoogleActionsV2MediaResponseMediaType = 'MEDIA_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'AUDIO';
48export declare type GoogleActionsV2MediaStatusStatus = 'STATUS_UNSPECIFIED' | 'FINISHED' | 'FAILED';
49export declare type GoogleActionsV2NewSurfaceValueStatus = 'NEW_SURFACE_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED' | 'CANCELLED' | 'OK';
50export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersActionProvidedPaymentOptionsPaymentType = 'PAYMENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'PAYMENT_CARD' | 'BANK' | 'LOYALTY_PROGRAM' | 'ON_FULFILLMENT' | 'GIFT_CARD';
51export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersCustomerInfoOptionsCustomerInfoProperties = 'CUSTOMER_INFO_PROPERTY_UNSPECIFIED' | 'EMAIL';
52export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersGoogleProvidedPaymentOptionsSupportedCardNetworks = 'UNSPECIFIED_CARD_NETWORK' | 'AMEX' | 'DISCOVER' | 'MASTERCARD' | 'VISA' | 'JCB';
53export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItemType = 'UNSPECIFIED' | 'REGULAR' | 'TAX' | 'DISCOUNT' | 'GRATUITY' | 'DELIVERY' | 'SUBTOTAL' | 'FEE';
54export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderLocationType = 'UNKNOWN' | 'DELIVERY' | 'BUSINESS' | 'ORIGIN' | 'DESTINATION' | 'PICK_UP';
55export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderUpdateActionType = 'UNKNOWN' | 'VIEW_DETAILS' | 'MODIFY' | 'CANCEL' | 'RETURN' | 'EXCHANGE' | 'EMAIL' | 'CALL' | 'REORDER' | 'REVIEW' | 'CUSTOMER_SERVICE' | 'FIX_ISSUE';
56export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentInfoPaymentType = 'PAYMENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'PAYMENT_CARD' | 'BANK' | 'LOYALTY_PROGRAM' | 'ON_FULFILLMENT' | 'GIFT_CARD';
57export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentMethodTokenizationParametersTokenizationType = 'UNSPECIFIED_TOKENIZATION_TYPE' | 'PAYMENT_GATEWAY' | 'DIRECT';
58export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersPriceType = 'UNKNOWN' | 'ESTIMATE' | 'ACTUAL';
59export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersRejectionInfoType = 'UNKNOWN' | 'PAYMENT_DECLINED' | 'INELIGIBLE' | 'PROMO_NOT_APPLICABLE' | 'UNAVAILABLE_SLOT';
60export declare type GoogleActionsV2OrdersTimeType = 'UNKNOWN' | 'DELIVERY_DATE' | 'ETA' | 'RESERVATION_SLOT';
61export declare type GoogleActionsV2PermissionValueSpecPermissions = 'UNSPECIFIED_PERMISSION' | 'NAME' | 'DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION' | 'DEVICE_COARSE_LOCATION' | 'UPDATE';
62export declare type GoogleActionsV2RawInputInputType = 'UNSPECIFIED_INPUT_TYPE' | 'TOUCH' | 'VOICE' | 'KEYBOARD' | 'URL';
63export declare type GoogleActionsV2RegisterUpdateValueStatus = 'REGISTER_UPDATE_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED' | 'OK' | 'CANCELLED';
64export declare type GoogleActionsV2SignInValueStatus = 'SIGN_IN_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED' | 'OK' | 'CANCELLED' | 'ERROR';
65export declare type GoogleActionsV2TransactionDecisionValueUserDecision = 'UNKNOWN_USER_DECISION' | 'ORDER_ACCEPTED' | 'ORDER_REJECTED' | 'DELIVERY_ADDRESS_UPDATED' | 'CART_CHANGE_REQUESTED';
66export declare type GoogleActionsV2TransactionRequirementsCheckResultResultType = 'RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'OK' | 'USER_ACTION_REQUIRED' | 'ASSISTANT_SURFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED' | 'REGION_NOT_SUPPORTED';
67export declare type GoogleActionsV2TriggerContextTimeContextFrequency = 'FREQUENCY_UNSPECIFIED' | 'DAILY' | 'ROUTINES';
68export declare type GoogleActionsV2UiElementsBasicCardImageDisplayOptions = 'DEFAULT' | 'WHITE' | 'CROPPED';
69export declare type GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselBrowseImageDisplayOptions = 'DEFAULT' | 'WHITE' | 'CROPPED';
70export declare type GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselSelectImageDisplayOptions = 'DEFAULT' | 'WHITE' | 'CROPPED';
71export declare type GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCollectionSelectImageDisplayOptions = 'DEFAULT' | 'WHITE' | 'CROPPED';
72export declare type GoogleActionsV2UiElementsOpenUrlActionUrlTypeHint = 'URL_TYPE_HINT_UNSPECIFIED' | 'AMP_CONTENT';
73export declare type GoogleActionsV2UiElementsTableCardColumnPropertiesHorizontalAlignment = 'LEADING' | 'CENTER' | 'TRAILING';
74export declare type GoogleActionsV2UserPermissions = 'UNSPECIFIED_PERMISSION' | 'NAME' | 'DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION' | 'DEVICE_COARSE_LOCATION' | 'UPDATE';
75export declare type GoogleActionsV2UserUserVerificationStatus = 'UNKNOWN' | 'GUEST' | 'VERIFIED';
76export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3Action {
77 /**
78 * Metadata associated with an action.
79 */
80 actionMetadata?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3ActionActionMetadata;
81 /**
82 * Action to take.
83 */
84 openUrlAction?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsOpenUrlAction;
85 /**
86 * Title or label of the action, displayed to the user.
87 * Max allowed length is 100 chars.
88 */
89 title?: string;
90 /**
91 * Required: Type of action.
92 */
93 type?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3ActionType;
95export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3ActionActionMetadata {
96 /**
97 * Time when this action will expire.
98 */
99 expireTime?: string;
101export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3LineItem {
102 /**
103 * Line item description.
104 */
105 description?: string;
106 /**
107 * Follow up actions at line item.
108 */
109 followUpActions?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Action[];
110 /**
111 * Required: Merchant assigned identifier for line item.
112 * Used for identifying existing line item in applying partial updates.
113 * Max allowed length is 64 chars.
114 */
115 id?: string;
116 /**
117 * Small image associated with this item, if any.
118 */
119 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
120 /**
121 * Name of line item as displayed on the receipt.
122 * Max allowed length is 100 chars.
123 */
124 name?: string;
125 /**
126 * Additional notes applicable to this particular line item, for example
127 * cancellation policy.
128 */
129 notes?: string[];
130 /**
131 * Line item level price and adjustments.
132 */
133 priceAttributes?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3PriceAttribute[];
134 /**
135 * The provider of the particular line item, if different from the overall
136 * order. Example: Expedia Order with line item provider ANA.
137 */
138 provider?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Merchant;
139 /**
140 * Purchase orders like goods, food etc.
141 */
142 purchase?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseItemExtension;
143 /**
144 * Line item level customers, this could be different from Order level buyer.
145 * Example: User X made restaurant reservation under name of user Y.
146 */
147 recipients?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3UserInfo[];
148 /**
149 * Reservation orders like restaurant, haircut etc.
150 */
151 reservation?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsReservationReservationItemExtension;
153export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3Merchant {
154 /**
155 * Merchant's address.
156 */
157 address?: GoogleActionsV2Location;
158 /**
159 * Optional ID assigned to merchant if any.
160 */
161 id?: string;
162 /**
163 * The image associated with the merchant.
164 */
165 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
166 /**
167 * The name of the merchant like \"Panera Bread\".
168 */
169 name?: string;
170 /**
171 * Merchant's phone numbers.
172 */
173 phoneNumbers?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3PhoneNumber[];
175export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3Money {
176 /**
177 * Amount in micros.
178 * For example, this field should be set as 1990000 for $1.99.
179 */
180 amountInMicros?: string;
181 /**
182 * The 3-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217.
183 */
184 currencyCode?: string;
186export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3Order {
187 /**
188 * Info about the buyer.
189 */
190 buyerInfo?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3UserInfo;
191 /**
192 * Required: Order contents which is a group of line items.
193 */
194 contents?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3OrderContents;
195 /**
196 * Required: Date and time the order was created.
197 */
198 createTime?: string;
199 /**
200 * Follow up actions at order level.
201 */
202 followUpActions?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Action[];
203 /**
204 * Google assigned order id.
205 */
206 googleOrderId?: string;
207 /**
208 * Image associated with the order.
209 */
210 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
211 /**
212 * Date and time the order was last updated.
213 * Required for OrderUpdate.
214 */
215 lastUpdateTime?: string;
216 /**
217 * Required: Merchant assigned internal order id. This id must be unique, and
218 * is required for subsequent order update operations. This id may be set to
219 * the provided google_order_id, or any other unique value. Note that the id
220 * presented to users is the user_visible_order_id, which may be a different,
221 * more user-friendly value.
222 * Max allowed length is 64 chars.
223 */
224 merchantOrderId?: string;
225 /**
226 * Notes attached to an order.
227 */
228 note?: string;
229 /**
230 * Payment related data for the order.
231 */
232 paymentData?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentData;
233 /**
234 * Price, discounts, taxes and so on.
235 */
236 priceAttributes?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3PriceAttribute[];
237 /**
238 * All promotions that are associated with this order.
239 */
240 promotions?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Promotion[];
241 /**
242 * Purchase order
243 */
244 purchase?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseOrderExtension;
245 /**
246 * A link to the terms of service that apply to order/proposed order.
247 */
248 termsOfServiceUrl?: string;
249 /**
250 * Ticket order
251 */
252 ticket?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsTicketTicketOrderExtension;
253 /**
254 * Merchant that facilitated the checkout. This could be different from
255 * a line item level provider. Example: Expedia Order with line item from ANA.
256 */
257 transactionMerchant?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Merchant;
258 /**
259 * The user facing id referencing to current order. This id should be
260 * consistent with the id displayed for this order in other contexts,
261 * including websites, apps and email.
262 */
263 userVisibleOrderId?: string;
265export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3OrderContents {
266 /**
267 * List of order line items.
268 * At least 1 line_item is required and at-most 50 is allowed.
269 * All line items must belong to same vertical.
270 */
271 lineItems?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3LineItem[];
273export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3OrderUpdate {
274 order?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Order;
275 /**
276 * Reason for the change/update.
277 */
278 reason?: string;
279 /**
280 * Note: There are following consideration/recommendations for following
281 * special fields:
282 * 1. order.last_update_time will always be updated as part of the update
283 * request.
284 * 2. order.create_time, order.google_order_id and order.merchant_order_id
285 * will be ignored if provided as part of the update_mask.
286 */
287 updateMask?: string;
288 /**
289 * If specified, displays a notification to the user with the specified
290 * title and text. Specifying a notification is a suggestion to
291 * notify and is not guaranteed to result in a notification.
292 */
293 userNotification?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3OrderUpdateUserNotification;
295export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3OrderUpdateUserNotification {
296 /**
297 * The contents of the notification.
298 * Max allowed length is 100 chars.
299 */
300 text?: string;
301 /**
302 * The title for the user notification.
303 * Max allowed length is 30 chars.
304 */
305 title?: string;
307export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3PhoneNumber {
308 /**
309 * Phone number in E.164 format, as defined in International
310 * Telecommunication Union (ITU) Recommendation E.164.
311 * wiki link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164
312 */
313 e164PhoneNumber?: string;
314 /**
315 * Extension is not standardized in ITU recommendations, except for being
316 * defined as a series of numbers with a maximum length of 40 digits. It is
317 * defined as a string here to accommodate for the possible use of a leading
318 * zero in the extension (organizations have complete freedom to do so, as
319 * there is no standard defined). Other than digits, some other dialling
320 * characters such as \",\" (indicating a wait) may be stored here.
321 * For example, in xxx-xxx-xxxx ext. 123, \"123\" is the extension.
322 */
323 extension?: string;
324 /**
325 * The carrier selection code that is preferred when calling this phone number
326 * domestically. This also includes codes that need to be dialed in some
327 * countries when calling from landlines to mobiles or vice versa. For
328 * example, in Columbia, a \"3\" needs to be dialed before the phone number
329 * itself when calling from a mobile phone to a domestic landline phone and
330 * vice versa. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Colombia
331 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_Carrier_Selection_Code
332 *
333 * Note this is the \"preferred\" code, which means other codes may work as
334 * well.
335 */
336 preferredDomesticCarrierCode?: string;
338export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3PriceAttribute {
339 /**
340 * Monetary amount.
341 */
342 amount?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Money;
343 /**
344 * The percentage spec, to 1/1000th of a percent.
345 * Eg: 8.750% is represented as 8750, negative percentages represent
346 * percentage discounts.
347 * Deprecating this field. Can consider adding back when a solid usecase is
348 * required.
349 */
350 amountMillipercentage?: number;
351 /**
352 * Required: User displayed string of the price attribute. This is sent and
353 * localized by merchant.
354 */
355 name?: string;
356 /**
357 * Required: State of the price: Estimate vs Actual.
358 */
359 state?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3PriceAttributeState;
360 /**
361 * Whether the price is tax included.
362 */
363 taxIncluded?: boolean;
364 /**
365 * Required: Type of money attribute.
366 */
367 type?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3PriceAttributeType;
369export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3Promotion {
370 /**
371 * Required: Coupon code applied to this offer.
372 */
373 coupon?: string;
375export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3Time {
376 /**
377 * Represents an order-event time like reservation time, delivery time and so
378 * on. Could be a duration (start & end time), just the date, date time etc.
379 * Refer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 for all supported formats.
380 */
381 timeIso8601?: string;
383export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3UserInfo {
384 /**
385 * Display name of the user, might be different from first or last name.
386 */
387 displayName?: string;
388 /**
389 * User email, Eg: janedoe@gmail.com.
390 */
391 email?: string;
392 /**
393 * First name of the user.
394 */
395 firstName?: string;
396 /**
397 * Last name of the user.
398 */
399 lastName?: string;
400 /**
401 * Phone numbers of the user.
402 */
403 phoneNumbers?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3PhoneNumber[];
405export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsCommonVehicle {
406 /**
407 * Vehicle color name, eg. black
408 * Optional.
409 */
410 colorName?: string;
411 /**
412 * URL to a photo of the vehicle.
413 * The photo will be displayed at approximately 256x256px.
414 * Must be a jpg or png.
415 * Optional.
416 */
417 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
418 /**
419 * Vehicle license plate number (e.g. \"1ABC234\").
420 * Required.
421 */
422 licensePlate?: string;
423 /**
424 * Vehicle make (e.g. \"Honda\").
425 * This is displayed to the user and must be localized.
426 * Required.
427 */
428 make?: string;
429 /**
430 * Vehicle model (e.g. \"Grom\").
431 * This is displayed to the user and must be localized.
432 * Required.
433 */
434 model?: string;
436export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchaseMerchantUnitMeasure {
437 /**
438 * Value: Example 1.2.
439 */
440 measure?: number;
441 /**
442 * Unit: Example POUND, GRAM.
443 */
444 unit?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchaseMerchantUnitMeasureUnit;
446export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePickupInfo {
447 /**
448 * Details specific to the curbside information. If pickup_type is not
449 * \"CURBSIDE\", this field would be ignored.
450 */
451 curbsideInfo?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePickupInfoCurbsideInfo;
452 /**
453 * Pick up method, such as INSTORE, CURBSIDE etc.
454 */
455 pickupType?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePickupInfoPickupType;
457export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePickupInfoCurbsideInfo {
458 /**
459 * Partners need additional information to facilitate curbside pickup
460 * orders. Depending upon what fulfillment type is chosen, corresponding
461 * details would be collected from the user.
462 */
463 curbsideFulfillmentType?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePickupInfoCurbsideInfoCurbsideFulfillmentType;
464 /**
465 * Vehicle details of the user placing the order.
466 */
467 userVehicle?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsCommonVehicle;
469export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchaseProductDetails {
470 /**
471 * Global Trade Item Number of the product.
472 * Useful if offerId is not present in Merchant Center. Optional.
473 */
474 gtin?: string;
475 /**
476 * Price look-up codes, commonly called PLU codes, PLU numbers, PLUs,
477 * produce codes, or produce labels, are a system of numbers that
478 * uniquely identify bulk produce sold in grocery stores and supermarkets.
479 */
480 plu?: string;
481 /**
482 * Merchant-provided details about the product,
483 * e.g. { \"allergen\": \"peanut\" }.
484 * Useful if offerId is not present in Merchant Center. Optional.
485 */
486 productAttributes?: ApiClientObjectMap<string>;
487 /**
488 * Product or offer id associated with this line item.
489 */
490 productId?: string;
491 /**
492 * Product category defined by the merchant.
493 * E.g. \"Home > Grocery > Dairy & Eggs > Milk > Whole Milk\"
494 */
495 productType?: string;
497export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseError {
498 /**
499 * Available quantity now. Applicable in case of AVAILABILITY_CHANGED.
500 */
501 availableQuantity?: number;
502 /**
503 * Additional error description.
504 */
505 description?: string;
506 /**
507 * Entity Id that corresponds to the error. Example this can correspond to
508 * LineItemId / ItemOptionId.
509 */
510 entityId?: string;
511 /**
512 * Required: This represents the granular reason why an order gets rejected by
513 * the merchant.
514 */
515 type?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseErrorType;
516 /**
517 * Relevant in case of PRICE_CHANGED / INCORRECT_PRICE error type.
518 */
519 updatedPrice?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3PriceAttribute;
521export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseFulfillmentInfo {
522 /**
523 * A window if a time-range is specified or ETA if single time specified.
524 * Expected delivery or pickup time.
525 */
526 expectedFulfillmentTime?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Time;
527 /**
528 * A window if a time-range is specified or ETA if single time specified.
529 * Expected time to prepare the food. Single-time preferred.
530 */
531 expectedPreparationTime?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Time;
532 /**
533 * Time at which this fulfillment option expires.
534 */
535 expireTime?: string;
536 /**
537 * User contact for this fulfillment.
538 */
539 fulfillmentContact?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3UserInfo;
540 /**
541 * Required: The type of fulfillment.
542 */
543 fulfillmentType?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseFulfillmentInfoFulfillmentType;
544 /**
545 * Unique identifier for this service option.
546 */
547 id?: string;
548 /**
549 * Pickup or delivery location.
550 */
551 location?: GoogleActionsV2Location;
552 /**
553 * Additional information regarding how order would be picked. This field
554 * would only be applicable when fulfillment type is PICKUP.
555 */
556 pickupInfo?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePickupInfo;
557 /**
558 * Cost of this option.
559 */
560 price?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3PriceAttribute;
561 /**
562 * Name of the shipping method selected by the user.
563 */
564 shippingMethodName?: string;
565 /**
566 * StoreCode of the location.
567 * Example: Walmart is the merchant and store_code is the walmart store
568 * where fulfillment happened.
569 * https://support.google.com/business/answer/3370250?hl=en&ref_topic=4596653.
570 */
571 storeCode?: string;
573export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseItemExtension {
574 /**
575 * Any extra fields exchanged between merchant and google.
576 */
577 extension?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
578 /**
579 * Fulfillment info for this line item. If unset, this line item
580 * inherits order level fulfillment info.
581 */
582 fulfillmentInfo?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseFulfillmentInfo;
583 /**
584 * Additional add-ons or sub-items.
585 */
586 itemOptions?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseItemExtensionItemOption[];
587 /**
588 * Details about the product.
589 */
590 productDetails?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchaseProductDetails;
591 /**
592 * Product or offer id associated with this line item.
593 */
594 productId?: string;
595 /**
596 * Quantity of the item.
597 */
598 quantity?: number;
599 /**
600 * Returns info for this line item. If unset, this line item
601 * inherits order level returns info.
602 */
603 returnsInfo?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseReturnsInfo;
604 /**
605 * Required: Line item level status.
606 */
607 status?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseItemExtensionStatus;
608 /**
609 * Required: Type of purchase.
610 */
611 type?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseItemExtensionType;
612 /**
613 * Unit measure.
614 * Specifies the size of the item in chosen units. The size, together with
615 * the active price is used to determine the unit price.
616 */
617 unitMeasure?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchaseMerchantUnitMeasure;
618 /**
619 * Required: User visible label/string for the status.
620 * Max allowed length is 50 chars.
621 */
622 userVisibleStatusLabel?: string;
624export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseItemExtensionItemOption {
625 /**
626 * For options that are items, unique item id.
627 */
628 id?: string;
629 /**
630 * Option name.
631 */
632 name?: string;
633 /**
634 * Note related to the option.
635 */
636 note?: string;
637 /**
638 * Option total price.
639 */
640 prices?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3PriceAttribute[];
641 /**
642 * Product or offer id associated with this option.
643 */
644 productId?: string;
645 /**
646 * For options that are items, quantity.
647 */
648 quantity?: number;
649 /**
650 * To define other nested sub options.
651 */
652 subOptions?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseItemExtensionItemOption[];
654export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseOrderExtension {
655 /**
656 * Optional: Errors because of which this order was rejected.
657 */
658 errors?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseError[];
659 /**
660 * Any extra fields exchanged between merchant and google.
661 */
662 extension?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
663 /**
664 * Fulfillment info for the order.
665 */
666 fulfillmentInfo?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseFulfillmentInfo;
667 /**
668 * Location of the purchase (in-store / online)
669 */
670 purchaseLocationType?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseOrderExtensionPurchaseLocationType;
671 /**
672 * Return info for the order.
673 */
674 returnsInfo?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseReturnsInfo;
675 /**
676 * Required: Overall Status for the order.
677 */
678 status?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseOrderExtensionStatus;
679 /**
680 * Required: Type of purchase.
681 */
682 type?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseOrderExtensionType;
683 /**
684 * User visible label/string for the status.
685 * Max allowed length is 50 chars.
686 */
687 userVisibleStatusLabel?: string;
689export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsPurchasePurchaseReturnsInfo {
690 /**
691 * Return is allowed within that many days.
692 */
693 daysToReturn?: number;
694 /**
695 * If true, return is allowed.
696 */
697 isReturnable?: boolean;
698 /**
699 * Link to the return policy.
700 */
701 policyUrl?: string;
703export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsReservationReservationItemExtension {
704 /**
705 * Confirmation code for this reservation.
706 */
707 confirmationCode?: string;
708 /**
709 * Any extra fields exchanged between merchant and google.
710 */
711 extension?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
712 /**
713 * Location of the service/event.
714 */
715 location?: GoogleActionsV2Location;
716 /**
717 * The number of people.
718 */
719 partySize?: number;
720 /**
721 * Time when the service/event is scheduled to occur.
722 * Can be a time range, a date, or an exact date time.
723 */
724 reservationTime?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Time;
725 /**
726 * Staff facilitators who will be servicing the reservation.
727 * Ex. The hairstylist.
728 */
729 staffFacilitators?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsReservationStaffFacilitator[];
730 /**
731 * Required: Reservation status.
732 */
733 status?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsReservationReservationItemExtensionStatus;
734 /**
735 * Type of reservation.
736 * May be unset if none of the type options is applicable.
737 */
738 type?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsReservationReservationItemExtensionType;
739 /**
740 * Time range that is acceptable to the user.
741 */
742 userAcceptableTimeRange?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Time;
743 /**
744 * Required: User visible label/string for the status.
745 * Max allowed length is 50 chars.
746 */
747 userVisibleStatusLabel?: string;
749export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsReservationStaffFacilitator {
750 /**
751 * Performer's images.
752 */
753 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
754 /**
755 * The staff facilitator's name. Ex. \"John Smith\"
756 */
757 name?: string;
759export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsTicketEventCharacter {
760 /**
761 * Character's images.
762 */
763 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
764 /**
765 * Name of the character.
766 */
767 name?: string;
768 /**
769 * Type of the event character, e.g. actor or director.
770 */
771 type?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsTicketEventCharacterType;
773export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsTicketTicketEvent {
774 /**
775 * Description of the event.
776 */
777 description?: string;
778 /**
779 * Entry time, which might be different from the event start time. e.g. the
780 * event starts at 9am, but entry time is 8:30am.
781 */
782 doorTime?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Time;
783 /**
784 * End time.
785 */
786 endDate?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Time;
787 /**
788 * The characters related to this event. It can be directors or actors of a
789 * movie event, or performers of a concert, etc.
790 */
791 eventCharacters?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsTicketEventCharacter[];
792 /**
793 * The location where the event is happening, or an organization is located.
794 */
795 location?: GoogleActionsV2Location;
796 /**
797 * Required: Name of the event. For example, if the event is a movie, this
798 * should be the movie name.
799 */
800 name?: string;
801 /**
802 * Start time.
803 */
804 startDate?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Time;
805 /**
806 * Required: Type of the ticket event, e.g. movie, concert.
807 */
808 type?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsTicketTicketEventType;
809 /**
810 * Url to the event info.
811 */
812 url?: string;
814export interface GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsTicketTicketOrderExtension {
815 /**
816 * The event applied to all line item tickets.
817 */
818 ticketEvent?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3VerticalsTicketTicketEvent;
820export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3CompletePurchaseValue {
821 /**
822 * A unique order identifier for the transaction. This identifier corresponds
823 * to the Google provided order ID.
824 */
825 orderId?: string;
826 /**
827 * Status of current purchase.
828 */
829 purchaseStatus?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3CompletePurchaseValuePurchaseStatus;
830 /**
831 * A opaque token that uniquely identifies a purchase for a given item and
832 * user pair.
833 */
834 purchaseToken?: string;
836export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3CompletePurchaseValueSpec {
837 /**
838 * An opaque string specified by developer, which would associate with the
839 * purchase and is expected to return as part of purchase data.
840 */
841 developerPayload?: string;
842 /**
843 * The product being purchased.
844 */
845 skuId?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3SkuId;
847export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3DigitalPurchaseCheckResult {
848 /**
849 * Result type for digital purchase check result.
850 */
851 resultType?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3DigitalPurchaseCheckResultResultType;
853export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3DigitalPurchaseCheckSpec {
855export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3GooglePaymentOption {
856 /**
857 * This JSON blob captures the specification for how Google facilitates
858 * the payment for integrators, which is the PaymentDataRequest object
859 * as defined in
860 * https://developers.google.com/pay/api/web/reference/object#PaymentDataRequest
861 * Example:
862 * {
863 * \"apiVersion\": 2,
864 * \"apiVersionMinor\": 0,
865 * \"merchantInfo\": {
866 * \"merchantName\": \"Example Merchant\"
867 * },
868 * \"allowedPaymentMethods\": [
869 * {
870 * \"type\": \"CARD\",
871 * \"parameters\": {
872 * \"allowedAuthMethods\": [\"PAN_ONLY\", \"CRYPTOGRAM_3DS\"],
873 * \"allowedCardNetworks\": [\"AMEX\", \"DISCOVER\", \"JCB\",
874 * \"MASTERCARD\",
875 * \"VISA\"]
876 * },
877 * \"tokenizationSpecification\": {
878 * \"type\": \"PAYMENT_GATEWAY\",
879 * \"parameters\": {
880 * \"gateway\": \"example\",
881 * \"gatewayMerchantId\": \"exampleGatewayMerchantId\"
882 * }
883 * }
884 * }
885 * ],
886 * \"transactionInfo\": {
887 * \"totalPriceStatus\": \"ESTIMATED\",
888 * \"totalPrice\": \"12.34\",
889 * \"currencyCode\": \"USD\"
890 * }
891 * }
892 */
893 facilitationSpec?: string;
895export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3MerchantPaymentMethod {
896 /**
897 * Required. Display info of this payment method.
898 */
899 paymentMethodDisplayInfo?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentMethodDisplayInfo;
900 /**
901 * Optional. The group / profile name that the payment method belongs to.
902 */
903 paymentMethodGroup?: string;
904 /**
905 * Required. Id of the payment method passed from merchant / action.
906 * Note this id is should be unique if multiple payment methods are sent from
907 * Merchant/Action.
908 */
909 paymentMethodId?: string;
910 /**
911 * Optional. Status of the payment method.
912 * If not present, the payment method is assumed to be in OK status.
913 */
914 paymentMethodStatus?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentMethodStatus;
916export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3MerchantPaymentOption {
917 /**
918 * Optional. Id of the default payment method, if any.
919 */
920 defaultMerchantPaymentMethodId?: string;
921 /**
922 * Optional. A link to the action/merchant website for managing payment
923 * method.
924 */
925 managePaymentMethodUrl?: string;
926 /**
927 * Required. List of payment methods provided by Action/Merchant.
928 */
929 merchantPaymentMethod?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3MerchantPaymentMethod[];
931export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3OrderOptions {
932 /**
933 * If true, delivery address is required for the associated order.
934 */
935 requestDeliveryAddress?: boolean;
936 /**
937 * The app can request user info by setting this field.
938 * If set, the corresponding field will show up in ProposedOrderCard for
939 * user's confirmation.
940 */
941 userInfoOptions?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3UserInfoOptions;
943export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentData {
944 /**
945 * Payment information regarding the order that's useful for user facing
946 * interaction.
947 */
948 paymentInfo?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentInfo;
949 /**
950 * Payment result that's used by integrator for completing a transaction.
951 * This field will be populated by Actions on Google if the checkout
952 * experience is managed by Actions-on-Google.
953 */
954 paymentResult?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentResult;
956export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentInfo {
957 /**
958 * The display info of the payment method used for the transaction.
959 */
960 paymentMethodDisplayInfo?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentMethodDisplayInfo;
961 /**
962 * Provenance of the payment method used for the transaction.
963 * User may have registered the same payment method with both google and
964 * merchant.
965 */
966 paymentMethodProvenance?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentInfoPaymentMethodProvenance;
968export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentMethodDisplayInfo {
969 /**
970 * User visible name of the payment method. For example,
971 * VISA **** 1234
972 * Checking acct **** 5678
973 */
974 paymentMethodDisplayName?: string;
975 /**
976 * The type of the payment.
977 */
978 paymentType?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentMethodDisplayInfoPaymentType;
980export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentMethodStatus {
981 status?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentMethodStatusStatus;
982 /**
983 * User facing message regarding the payment method status, i.e. \"Expired\".
984 * Only required when payment method requires fix or is inapplicable.
985 */
986 statusMessage?: string;
988export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentParameters {
989 /**
990 * Info for requesting payment info from google.
991 */
992 googlePaymentOption?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3GooglePaymentOption;
993 /**
994 * Info for payment methods provided by Action/Merchant.
995 */
996 merchantPaymentOption?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3MerchantPaymentOption;
998export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentResult {
999 /**
1000 * Google provided payment method data.
1001 * If your payment processor is listed as Google supported payment processor
1002 * here: https://developers.google.com/pay/api/ Navigate to your payment
1003 * processor through the link to find out more details.
1004 * Otherwise, refer to following documentation for payload details.
1005 * https://developers.google.com/pay/api/payment-data-cryptography
1006 */
1007 googlePaymentData?: string;
1008 /**
1009 * Merchant/Action provided payment method chosen by user.
1010 */
1011 merchantPaymentMethodId?: string;
1013export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PresentationOptions {
1014 /**
1015 * action_display_name can be one of the following values:
1016 *
1017 * `PLACE_ORDER`: Used for placing an order.
1018 * `PAY`: Used for a payment.
1019 * `BUY`: Used for a purchase.
1020 * `SEND`: Used for a money transfer.
1021 * `BOOK`: Used for a booking.
1022 * `RESERVE`: Used for reservation.
1023 * `SCHEDULE`: Used for scheduling an appointment.
1024 * `SUBSCRIBE`: Used for subscription.
1025 *
1026 * action_display_name refers to the name of the action which best describes
1027 * this order. This will be used in various places like prompt, suggestion
1028 * chip etc while proposing the order to the user.
1029 */
1030 actionDisplayName?: string;
1032export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3SkuId {
1033 /**
1034 * The identifier of the product SKU used for registration in the developer
1035 * console.
1036 */
1037 id?: string;
1038 /**
1039 * The name of the android package under which the sku was registered.
1040 */
1041 packageName?: string;
1042 /**
1043 * The type of SKU.
1044 */
1045 skuType?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3SkuIdSkuType;
1047export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3TransactionDecisionValue {
1048 /**
1049 * If user requests for delivery address update, this field includes the
1050 * new delivery address. This field will be present only when
1051 * `transaction_decision` is `DELIVERY_ADDRESS_UPDATED`.
1052 */
1053 deliveryAddress?: GoogleActionsV2Location;
1054 /**
1055 * The order that user has approved. This field will be present only when
1056 * `transaction_decision` is `ORDER_ACCEPTED`.
1057 */
1058 order?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Order;
1059 /**
1060 * Decision regarding the order.
1061 */
1062 transactionDecision?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3TransactionDecisionValueTransactionDecision;
1064export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3TransactionDecisionValueSpec {
1065 /**
1066 * The order that's ready for user to approve.
1067 */
1068 order?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3Order;
1069 /**
1070 * Options associated with the order.
1071 */
1072 orderOptions?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3OrderOptions;
1073 /**
1074 * Parameters for requesting payment for this order.
1075 */
1076 paymentParameters?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PaymentParameters;
1077 /**
1078 * Options used to customize order presentation to the user.
1079 */
1080 presentationOptions?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3PresentationOptions;
1082export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3TransactionRequirementsCheckResult {
1083 /**
1084 * Result type for transaction requirements check.
1085 */
1086 resultType?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3TransactionRequirementsCheckResultResultType;
1088export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3TransactionRequirementsCheckSpec {
1090export interface GoogleActionsTransactionsV3UserInfoOptions {
1091 /**
1092 * List of user info properties.
1093 */
1094 userInfoProperties?: GoogleActionsTransactionsV3UserInfoOptionsUserInfoProperties[];
1096export interface GoogleActionsV2AppRequest {
1097 /**
1098 * Surfaces available for cross surface handoff.
1099 */
1100 availableSurfaces?: GoogleActionsV2Surface[];
1101 /**
1102 * Holds session data like the conversation ID and conversation token.
1103 */
1104 conversation?: GoogleActionsV2Conversation;
1105 /**
1106 * Information about the device the user is using to interact with the Action.
1107 */
1108 device?: GoogleActionsV2Device;
1109 /**
1110 * List of inputs corresponding to the expected inputs specified by the
1111 * Action. For the initial conversation trigger, the input contains
1112 * information on how the user triggered the conversation.
1113 */
1114 inputs?: GoogleActionsV2Input[];
1115 /**
1116 * Indicates whether the request should be handled in sandbox mode.
1117 */
1118 isInSandbox?: boolean;
1119 /**
1120 * Information about the surface the user is interacting with, e.g. whether it
1121 * can output audio or has a screen.
1122 */
1123 surface?: GoogleActionsV2Surface;
1124 /**
1125 * User who initiated the conversation.
1126 */
1127 user?: GoogleActionsV2User;
1129export interface GoogleActionsV2AppResponse {
1130 /**
1131 * An opaque token that is recirculated to the Action every conversation
1132 * turn.
1133 */
1134 conversationToken?: string;
1135 /**
1136 * A custom push message that allows developers to send structured data to
1137 * Actions on Google.
1138 */
1139 customPushMessage?: GoogleActionsV2CustomPushMessage;
1140 /**
1141 * Indicates whether the Action is expecting a user response. This is true
1142 * when the conversation is ongoing, false when the conversation is done.
1143 */
1144 expectUserResponse?: boolean;
1145 /**
1146 * List of inputs the Action expects, each input can be a common Actions on
1147 * Google intent (start with 'actions.'), or an input taking list of possible
1148 * intents. Only one input is supported for now.
1149 */
1150 expectedInputs?: GoogleActionsV2ExpectedInput[];
1151 /**
1152 * Final response when the Action does not expect user's input.
1153 */
1154 finalResponse?: GoogleActionsV2FinalResponse;
1155 /**
1156 * Indicates whether the response should be handled in sandbox mode. This
1157 * bit is needed to push structured data to Google in sandbox mode.
1158 */
1159 isInSandbox?: boolean;
1160 /**
1161 * Whether to clear the persisted user_storage. If set to true, then in the
1162 * next interaction with the user, the user_storage field will be empty.
1163 */
1164 resetUserStorage?: boolean;
1165 /**
1166 * An opaque token controlled by the Action that is persisted across
1167 * conversations for a particular user. If empty or unspecified, the
1168 * existing persisted token will be unchanged.
1169 * The maximum size of the string is 10k bytes.
1170 * If multiple dialogs are occurring concurrently for the same user, then
1171 * updates to this token can overwrite each other unexpectedly.
1172 */
1173 userStorage?: string;
1175export interface GoogleActionsV2Argument {
1176 /**
1177 * Specified when query pattern includes a `$org.schema.type.YesNo` type or
1178 * expected input has a built-in intent: `actions.intent.CONFIRMATION`.
1179 * NOTE: if the boolean value is missing, it represents `false`.
1180 */
1181 boolValue?: boolean;
1182 /**
1183 * Specified for the built-in intent: `actions.intent.DATETIME`.
1184 */
1185 datetimeValue?: GoogleActionsV2DateTime;
1186 /**
1187 * Extension whose type depends on the argument.
1188 * For example, if the argument name is `SIGN_IN` for the
1189 * `actions.intent.SIGN_IN` intent, then this extension will
1190 * contain a SignInValue value.
1191 */
1192 extension?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
1193 /**
1194 * Specified for built-in intent: \"actions.intent.NUMBER\"
1195 */
1196 floatValue?: number;
1197 /**
1198 * Specified when query pattern includes a $org.schema.type.Number type or
1199 * expected input has a built-in intent: \"assistant.intent.action.NUMBER\".
1200 */
1201 intValue?: string;
1202 /**
1203 * Name of the argument being provided for the input.
1204 */
1205 name?: string;
1206 /**
1207 * Specified when query pattern includes a $org.schema.type.Location type or
1208 * expected input has a built-in intent: \"actions.intent.PLACE\".
1209 */
1210 placeValue?: GoogleActionsV2Location;
1211 /**
1212 * The raw text, typed or spoken, that provided the value for the argument.
1213 */
1214 rawText?: string;
1215 /**
1216 * Specified when an error was encountered while computing the argument. For
1217 * example, the built-in intent \"actions.intent.PLACE\" can return an error
1218 * status if the user denied the permission to access their device location.
1219 */
1220 status?: GoogleRpcStatus;
1221 /**
1222 * Specified when Google needs to pass data value in JSON format.
1223 */
1224 structuredValue?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
1225 /**
1226 * Specified when query pattern includes a `$org.schema.type.Text` type or
1227 * expected input has a built-in intent: `actions.intent.TEXT`, or
1228 * `actions.intent.OPTION`. Note that for the `OPTION` intent, we set the
1229 * `text_value` as option key, the `raw_text` above will indicate the raw
1230 * span in user's query.
1231 */
1232 textValue?: string;
1234export interface GoogleActionsV2Capability {
1235 /**
1236 * The name of the capability, e.g. `actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT`
1237 */
1238 name?: string;
1240export interface GoogleActionsV2ConfirmationValueSpec {
1241 /**
1242 * Configures dialog that asks for confirmation.
1243 */
1244 dialogSpec?: GoogleActionsV2ConfirmationValueSpecConfirmationDialogSpec;
1246export interface GoogleActionsV2ConfirmationValueSpecConfirmationDialogSpec {
1247 /**
1248 * This is the question asked by confirmation sub-dialog. For example \"Are
1249 * you sure about that?\"
1250 */
1251 requestConfirmationText?: string;
1253export interface GoogleActionsV2Conversation {
1254 /**
1255 * Unique ID for the multi-turn conversation. It's assigned for the first
1256 * turn. After that it remains the same for subsequent conversation turns
1257 * until the conversation is terminated.
1258 */
1259 conversationId?: string;
1260 /**
1261 * Opaque token specified by the Action in the last conversation turn. It can
1262 * be used by an Action to track the conversation or to store conversation
1263 * related data.
1264 */
1265 conversationToken?: string;
1266 /**
1267 * Type indicates the state of the conversation in its lifecycle.
1268 */
1269 type?: GoogleActionsV2ConversationType;
1271export interface GoogleActionsV2CustomPushMessage {
1272 /**
1273 * An order update updating orders placed through transaction APIs.
1274 */
1275 orderUpdate?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderUpdate;
1276 /**
1277 * The specified target for the push request.
1278 */
1279 target?: GoogleActionsV2CustomPushMessageTarget;
1280 /**
1281 * If specified, displays a notification to the user with specified title
1282 * and text.
1283 */
1284 userNotification?: GoogleActionsV2UserNotification;
1286export interface GoogleActionsV2CustomPushMessageTarget {
1287 /**
1288 * The argument to target for an intent. For V1, only one Argument is
1289 * supported.
1290 */
1291 argument?: GoogleActionsV2Argument;
1292 /**
1293 * The intent to target.
1294 */
1295 intent?: string;
1296 /**
1297 * The locale to target. Follows IETF BCP-47 language code.
1298 * Can be used by a multi-lingual app to target a user on a specified
1299 * localized app. If not specified, it will default to en-US.
1300 */
1301 locale?: string;
1302 /**
1303 * The user to target.
1304 */
1305 userId?: string;
1307export interface GoogleActionsV2DateTime {
1308 /**
1309 * Date value
1310 */
1311 date?: GoogleTypeDate;
1312 /**
1313 * Time value
1314 */
1315 time?: GoogleTypeTimeOfDay;
1317export interface GoogleActionsV2DateTimeValueSpec {
1318 /**
1319 * Control datetime prompts.
1320 */
1321 dialogSpec?: GoogleActionsV2DateTimeValueSpecDateTimeDialogSpec;
1323export interface GoogleActionsV2DateTimeValueSpecDateTimeDialogSpec {
1324 /**
1325 * This is used to create prompt to ask for date only.
1326 * For example: What date are you looking for?
1327 */
1328 requestDateText?: string;
1329 /**
1330 * This is used to create initial prompt by datetime sub-dialog.
1331 * Example question: \"What date and time do you want?\"
1332 */
1333 requestDatetimeText?: string;
1334 /**
1335 * This is used to create prompt to ask for time only.
1336 * For example: What time?
1337 */
1338 requestTimeText?: string;
1340export interface GoogleActionsV2DeliveryAddressValue {
1341 /**
1342 * Contains delivery address only when user agrees to share the delivery
1343 * address.
1344 */
1345 location?: GoogleActionsV2Location;
1346 /**
1347 * User's decision regarding the request.
1348 */
1349 userDecision?: GoogleActionsV2DeliveryAddressValueUserDecision;
1351export interface GoogleActionsV2DeliveryAddressValueSpec {
1352 /**
1353 * Configuration for delivery address dialog.
1354 */
1355 addressOptions?: GoogleActionsV2DeliveryAddressValueSpecAddressOptions;
1357export interface GoogleActionsV2DeliveryAddressValueSpecAddressOptions {
1358 /**
1359 * App can optionally pass a short text giving user a hint why delivery
1360 * address is requested. For example, \"Grubhub is asking your address for
1361 * [determining the service area].\", the text in `[]` is the custom TTS
1362 * that should be populated here.
1363 */
1364 reason?: string;
1366export interface GoogleActionsV2Device {
1367 /**
1368 * Represents actual device location such as latitude, longitude, and
1369 * formatted address. Requires the
1371 * or
1373 * permission.
1374 */
1375 location?: GoogleActionsV2Location;
1377export interface GoogleActionsV2DevicesAndroidApp {
1378 /**
1379 * Package name
1380 * Package name must be specified when specifing Android Fulfillment.
1381 */
1382 packageName?: string;
1383 /**
1384 * When multiple filters are specified, any filter match will trigger the app.
1385 */
1386 versions?: GoogleActionsV2DevicesAndroidAppVersionFilter[];
1388export interface GoogleActionsV2DevicesAndroidAppVersionFilter {
1389 /**
1390 * Max version code, inclusive.
1391 * The range considered is [min_version:max_version].
1392 * A null range implies any version.
1393 * Examples:
1394 * To specify a single version use: [target_version:target_version].
1395 * To specify any version leave min_version and max_version unspecified.
1396 * To specify all versions until max_version, leave min_version unspecified.
1397 * To specify all versions from min_version, leave max_version unspecified.
1398 */
1399 maxVersion?: number;
1400 /**
1401 * Min version code or 0, inclusive.
1402 */
1403 minVersion?: number;
1405export interface GoogleActionsV2DialogSpec {
1406 /**
1407 * Holds helper specific dialog specs if any. For example:
1408 * ConfirmationDialogSpec for confirmation helper.
1409 */
1410 extension?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
1412export interface GoogleActionsV2Entitlement {
1413 /**
1414 * Only present for in-app purchase and in-app subs.
1415 */
1416 inAppDetails?: GoogleActionsV2SignedData;
1417 /**
1418 * Product sku. Package name for paid app, suffix of Finsky docid for
1419 * in-app purchase and in-app subscription.
1420 * Match getSku() in Play InApp Billing API.
1421 */
1422 sku?: string;
1423 skuType?: GoogleActionsV2EntitlementSkuType;
1425export interface GoogleActionsV2ExpectedInput {
1426 /**
1427 * The customized prompt used to ask user for input.
1428 */
1429 inputPrompt?: GoogleActionsV2InputPrompt;
1430 /**
1431 * List of intents that can be used to fulfill this input.
1432 * To have Actions on Google just return the raw user input, the app
1433 * should ask for the `actions.intent.TEXT` intent.
1434 */
1435 possibleIntents?: GoogleActionsV2ExpectedIntent[];
1436 /**
1437 * List of phrases the Action wants Google to use for speech biasing.
1438 * Up to 1000 phrases are allowed.
1439 */
1440 speechBiasingHints?: string[];
1442export interface GoogleActionsV2ExpectedIntent {
1443 /**
1444 * Additional configuration data required by a built-in intent. Possible
1445 * values for the built-in intents: `actions.intent.OPTION ->`
1446 * [google.actions.v2.OptionValueSpec], `actions.intent.CONFIRMATION ->`
1447 * [google.actions.v2.ConfirmationValueSpec],
1448 * `actions.intent.TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK ->`
1449 * [google.actions.v2.TransactionRequirementsCheckSpec],
1450 * `actions.intent.DELIVERY_ADDRESS ->`
1451 * [google.actions.v2.DeliveryAddressValueSpec],
1452 * `actions.intent.TRANSACTION_DECISION ->`
1453 * [google.actions.v2.TransactionDecisionValueSpec],
1454 * `actions.intent.PLACE ->`
1455 * [google.actions.v2.PlaceValueSpec],
1456 * `actions.intent.Link ->`
1457 * [google.actions.v2.LinkValueSpec]
1458 */
1459 inputValueData?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
1460 /**
1461 * The built-in intent name, e.g. `actions.intent.TEXT`, or intents
1462 * defined in the action package. If the intent specified is not a built-in
1463 * intent, it is only used for speech biasing and the input provided by the
1464 * Google Assistant will be the `actions.intent.TEXT` intent.
1465 */
1466 intent?: string;
1467 /**
1468 * Optionally, a parameter of the intent that is being requested. Only valid
1469 * for requested intents. Used for speech biasing.
1470 */
1471 parameterName?: string;
1473export interface GoogleActionsV2FinalResponse {
1474 /**
1475 * Rich response when user is not required to provide an input.
1476 */
1477 richResponse?: GoogleActionsV2RichResponse;
1478 /**
1479 * Spoken response when user is not required to provide an input.
1480 */
1481 speechResponse?: GoogleActionsV2SpeechResponse;
1483export interface GoogleActionsV2Input {
1484 /**
1485 * A list of provided argument values for the input requested by the Action.
1486 */
1487 arguments?: GoogleActionsV2Argument[];
1488 /**
1489 * Opaque context set in the interactive canvas web app for all subsequent
1490 * intents
1491 */
1492 canvasState?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
1493 /**
1494 * Indicates the user's intent. For the first conversation turn, the intent
1495 * will refer to the triggering intent for the Action. For
1496 * subsequent conversation turns, the intent will be a common Actions on
1497 * Google intent (starts with 'actions.').
1498 * For example, if the expected input is `actions.intent.OPTION`, then the
1499 * the intent specified here will either be `actions.intent.OPTION` if the
1500 * Google Assistant was able to satisfy that intent, or
1501 * `actions.intent.TEXT` if the user provided other information.
1502 * See https://developers.google.com/actions/reference/rest/intents.
1503 */
1504 intent?: string;
1505 /**
1506 * Raw input transcription from each turn of conversation.
1507 * Multiple conversation turns may be required for Actions on Google to
1508 * provide some types of input to the Action.
1509 */
1510 rawInputs?: GoogleActionsV2RawInput[];
1512export interface GoogleActionsV2InputPrompt {
1513 /**
1514 * Initial prompts asking user to provide an input.
1515 * Only a single initial_prompt is supported.
1516 */
1517 initialPrompts?: GoogleActionsV2SpeechResponse[];
1518 /**
1519 * Prompt used to ask user when there is no input from user.
1520 */
1521 noInputPrompts?: GoogleActionsV2SimpleResponse[];
1522 /**
1523 * Prompt payload.
1524 */
1525 richInitialPrompt?: GoogleActionsV2RichResponse;
1527export interface GoogleActionsV2LinkValueSpec {
1528 dialogSpec?: GoogleActionsV2DialogSpec;
1529 /**
1530 * Destination that the app should link to. Could be a web URL, a
1531 * conversational link or an Android intent. A web URL is used to handoff the
1532 * flow to some website. A conversational link is used to provide a deep link
1533 * into another AoG app. An Android intent URI is used to trigger an Android
1534 * intent. This requires the package_name to be specified.
1535 */
1536 openUrlAction?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsOpenUrlAction;
1538export interface GoogleActionsV2LinkValueSpecLinkDialogSpec {
1539 /**
1540 * The name of the app or site this request wishes to linking to.
1541 * The TTS will be created with the title \"Open <destination_name>\". Also
1542 * used during confirmation, \"Can I send you to <destination_name>?\" If we
1543 * know the actual title of the link that is being handed off to, we will
1544 * ignore this field and use the appropriate title.
1545 * Max 20 chars.
1546 */
1547 destinationName?: string;
1548 /**
1549 * A string that is added to the end of the confirmation prompt to explain
1550 * why we need to link out. Example: \"navigate to pick up your coffee?\" This
1551 * can be appended to the confirmation prompt like \"Can I send you to Google
1552 * Maps to navigate to pick up your coffee?\"
1553 */
1554 requestLinkReason?: string;
1556export interface GoogleActionsV2Location {
1557 /**
1558 * City.
1559 * Requires the DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION or
1560 * DEVICE_COARSE_LOCATION permission.
1561 */
1562 city?: string;
1563 /**
1564 * Geo coordinates.
1565 * Requires the DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION permission.
1566 */
1567 coordinates?: GoogleTypeLatLng;
1568 /**
1569 * Display address, e.g., \"1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043\".
1570 * Requires the DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION permission.
1571 */
1572 formattedAddress?: string;
1573 /**
1574 * Name of the place.
1575 */
1576 name?: string;
1577 /**
1578 * Notes about the location.
1579 */
1580 notes?: string;
1581 /**
1582 * Phone number of the location, e.g. contact number of business location or
1583 * phone number for delivery location.
1584 */
1585 phoneNumber?: string;
1586 /**
1587 * place_id is used with Places API to fetch details of a place.
1588 * See https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/place-id
1589 */
1590 placeId?: string;
1591 /**
1592 * Postal address.
1593 * Requires the DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION or
1594 * DEVICE_COARSE_LOCATION permission.
1595 */
1596 postalAddress?: GoogleTypePostalAddress;
1597 /**
1598 * Zip code.
1599 * Requires the DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION or
1600 * DEVICE_COARSE_LOCATION permission.
1601 */
1602 zipCode?: string;
1604export interface GoogleActionsV2MediaObject {
1605 /**
1606 * The url pointing to the media content.
1607 */
1608 contentUrl?: string;
1609 /**
1610 * Description of this media object.
1611 */
1612 description?: string;
1613 /**
1614 * A small image icon displayed on the right from the title.
1615 * It's resized to 36x36 dp.
1616 */
1617 icon?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
1618 /**
1619 * A large image, such as the cover of the album, etc.
1620 */
1621 largeImage?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
1622 /**
1623 * Name of this media object.
1624 */
1625 name?: string;
1627export interface GoogleActionsV2MediaResponse {
1628 /**
1629 * The list of media objects.
1630 */
1631 mediaObjects?: GoogleActionsV2MediaObject[];
1632 /**
1633 * Type of the media within this response.
1634 */
1635 mediaType?: GoogleActionsV2MediaResponseMediaType;
1637export interface GoogleActionsV2MediaStatus {
1638 /**
1639 * The status of the media
1640 */
1641 status?: GoogleActionsV2MediaStatusStatus;
1643export interface GoogleActionsV2NewSurfaceValue {
1644 status?: GoogleActionsV2NewSurfaceValueStatus;
1646export interface GoogleActionsV2NewSurfaceValueSpec {
1647 /**
1648 * The list of capabilities required from the surface. Eg,
1649 * [\"actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT\"]
1650 */
1651 capabilities?: string[];
1652 /**
1653 * Context describing the content the user will receive on the new surface.
1654 * Eg, \"[Sure, I know of 10 that are really popular. The highest-rated one is
1655 * at Mount Marcy.] Is it okay if I send that to your phone?\"
1656 */
1657 context?: string;
1658 /**
1659 * Title of the notification which prompts the user to continue on the new
1660 * surface.
1661 */
1662 notificationTitle?: string;
1664export interface GoogleActionsV2OptionInfo {
1665 /**
1666 * A unique key that will be sent back to the agent if this response is given.
1667 */
1668 key?: string;
1669 /**
1670 * A list of synonyms that can also be used to trigger this item in dialog.
1671 */
1672 synonyms?: string[];
1674export interface GoogleActionsV2OptionValueSpec {
1675 /**
1676 * A select with a card carousel GUI, use collection_select instead.
1677 */
1678 carouselSelect?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselSelect;
1679 /**
1680 * A select with a card collection GUI
1681 */
1682 collectionSelect?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCollectionSelect;
1683 /**
1684 * A select with a list card GUI
1685 */
1686 listSelect?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsListSelect;
1687 /**
1688 * A simple select with no associated GUI
1689 */
1690 simpleSelect?: GoogleActionsV2SimpleSelect;
1692export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersActionProvidedPaymentOptions {
1693 /**
1694 * Name of the instrument displayed on the receipt.
1695 * Required for action-provided payment info.
1696 * For `PAYMENT_CARD`, this could be \"VISA-1234\".
1697 * For `BANK`, this could be \"Chase Checking-1234\".
1698 * For `LOYALTY_PROGRAM`, this could be \"Starbuck's points\".
1699 * For `ON_FULFILLMENT`, this could be something like \"pay on delivery\".
1700 */
1701 displayName?: string;
1702 /**
1703 * Type of payment.
1704 * Required.
1705 */
1706 paymentType?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersActionProvidedPaymentOptionsPaymentType;
1708export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersCancellationInfo {
1709 /**
1710 * Reason for cancellation.
1711 */
1712 reason?: string;
1714export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersCart {
1715 /**
1716 * Extension to the cart based on the type of order.
1717 */
1718 extension?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
1719 /**
1720 * Optional id for this cart. Included as part of the
1721 * Cart returned back to the integrator at confirmation time.
1722 */
1723 id?: string;
1724 /**
1725 * The good(s) or service(s) the user is ordering. There must be at least
1726 * one line item.
1727 */
1728 lineItems?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItem[];
1729 /**
1730 * Merchant for the cart, if different from the caller.
1731 */
1732 merchant?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersMerchant;
1733 /**
1734 * Notes about this cart.
1735 */
1736 notes?: string;
1737 /**
1738 * Adjustments entered by the user, e.g. gratuity.
1739 */
1740 otherItems?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItem[];
1741 /**
1742 * Optional. Promotional coupons added to the cart. Eligible promotions will
1743 * be sent back as discount line items in proposed order.
1744 */
1745 promotions?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPromotion[];
1747export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersCustomerInfo {
1748 /**
1749 * Customer email will be included and returned to the app if
1750 * CustomerInfoProperty.EMAIL specified in CustomerInfoOptions.
1751 */
1752 email?: string;
1754export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersCustomerInfoOptions {
1755 /**
1756 * List of customer info properties.
1757 */
1758 customerInfoProperties?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersCustomerInfoOptionsCustomerInfoProperties[];
1760export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersFulfillmentInfo {
1761 /**
1762 * When the order will be fulfilled.
1763 */
1764 deliveryTime?: string;
1766export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersGenericExtension {
1767 /**
1768 * Locations associated with the order. Up to 2 locations.
1769 */
1770 locations?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderLocation[];
1771 /**
1772 * Time indicator associated with the proposed order.
1773 */
1774 time?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersTime;
1776export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersGoogleProvidedPaymentOptions {
1777 /**
1778 * This JSON blob captures the specification for how Google facilitates
1779 * the payment for integrators, which is the PaymentDataRequest object
1780 * as defined in
1781 * https://developers.google.com/pay/api/web/reference/object#PaymentDataRequest
1782 * Example:
1783 * {
1784 * \"apiVersion\": 2,
1785 * \"apiVersionMinor\": 0,
1786 * \"merchantInfo\": {
1787 * \"merchantName\": \"Example Merchant\"
1788 * },
1789 * \"allowedPaymentMethods\": [
1790 * {
1791 * \"type\": \"CARD\",
1792 * \"parameters\": {
1793 * \"allowedAuthMethods\": [\"PAN_ONLY\", \"CRYPTOGRAM_3DS\"],
1794 * \"allowedCardNetworks\": [\"AMEX\", \"DISCOVER\", \"JCB\",
1795 * \"MASTERCARD\",
1796 * \"VISA\"]
1797 * },
1798 * \"tokenizationSpecification\": {
1799 * \"type\": \"PAYMENT_GATEWAY\",
1800 * \"parameters\": {
1801 * \"gateway\": \"example\",
1802 * \"gatewayMerchantId\": \"exampleGatewayMerchantId\"
1803 * }
1804 * }
1805 * }
1806 * ],
1807 * \"transactionInfo\": {
1808 * \"totalPriceStatus\": \"ESTIMATED\",
1809 * \"totalPrice\": \"12.34\",
1810 * \"currencyCode\": \"USD\"
1811 * }
1812 * }
1813 */
1814 facilitationSpecification?: string;
1816export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersInTransitInfo {
1817 /**
1818 * Last updated time for in transit.
1819 */
1820 updatedTime?: string;
1822export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItem {
1823 /**
1824 * Description of the item.
1825 */
1826 description?: string;
1827 /**
1828 * Extension to the line item based on its type.
1829 */
1830 extension?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
1831 /**
1832 * Unique id of the line item within the Cart/Order. Required.
1833 */
1834 id?: string;
1835 /**
1836 * Small image associated with this item.
1837 */
1838 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
1839 /**
1840 * Name of the line item as displayed in the receipt. Required.
1841 */
1842 name?: string;
1843 /**
1844 * Optional product or offer id for this item.
1845 */
1846 offerId?: string;
1847 /**
1848 * Each line item should have a price, even if the price is 0. Required.
1849 * This is the total price as displayed on the receipt for this line
1850 * (i.e. unit price * quantity).
1851 */
1852 price?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPrice;
1853 /**
1854 * Number of items included.
1855 */
1856 quantity?: number;
1857 /**
1858 * Sub-line item(s). Only valid if type is `REGULAR`.
1859 */
1860 subLines?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItemSubLine[];
1861 /**
1862 * Type of line item.
1863 */
1864 type?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItemType;
1866export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItemSubLine {
1867 /**
1868 * A generic line item (e.g. add-on).
1869 */
1870 lineItem?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItem;
1871 /**
1872 * A note associated with the line item.
1873 */
1874 note?: string;
1876export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItemUpdate {
1877 /**
1878 * Update to the line item extension. Type must match the item's
1879 * existing extension type.
1880 */
1881 extension?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
1882 /**
1883 * New line item-level state.
1884 */
1885 orderState?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderState;
1886 /**
1887 * New price for the line item.
1888 */
1889 price?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPrice;
1890 /**
1891 * Reason for the change. Required for price changes.
1892 */
1893 reason?: string;
1895export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersMerchant {
1896 /**
1897 * Id of the merchant.
1898 */
1899 id?: string;
1900 /**
1901 * User-visible name of the merchant. Required.
1902 */
1903 name?: string;
1905export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrder {
1906 /**
1907 * Required: Merchant assigned internal order id. This id must be unique, and
1908 * is required for subsequent order update operations. This id may be set to
1909 * the provided google_order_id, or any other unique value. Note that the id
1910 * presented to users is the user_visible_order_id, which may be a different,
1911 * more user-friendly value.
1912 */
1913 actionOrderId?: string;
1914 /**
1915 * If requested, customer info e.g. email will be passed back to the app.
1916 */
1917 customerInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersCustomerInfo;
1918 /**
1919 * Reflect back the proposed order that caused the order.
1920 */
1921 finalOrder?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersProposedOrder;
1922 /**
1923 * Order id assigned by Google.
1924 */
1925 googleOrderId?: string;
1926 /**
1927 * Date and time the order was created.
1928 */
1929 orderDate?: string;
1930 /**
1931 * Payment related info for the order.
1932 */
1933 paymentInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentInfo;
1935export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderLocation {
1936 /**
1937 * Contains actual location info.
1938 */
1939 location?: GoogleActionsV2Location;
1940 /**
1941 * Address type. Determines icon and placement. Required.
1942 */
1943 type?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderLocationType;
1945export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderOptions {
1946 /**
1947 * The app can request customer info by setting this field.
1948 * If set, the corresponding field will show up in ProposedOrderCard for
1949 * user's confirmation.
1950 */
1951 customerInfoOptions?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersCustomerInfoOptions;
1952 /**
1953 * If true, delivery address is required for the associated Order.
1954 */
1955 requestDeliveryAddress?: boolean;
1957export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderState {
1958 /**
1959 * The user-visible string for the state. Required.
1960 */
1961 label?: string;
1962 /**
1963 * State can be one of the following values:
1964 *
1965 * `CREATED`: Order was created at integrator's system.
1966 * `REJECTED`: Order was rejected by integrator.
1967 * `CONFIRMED`: Order was confirmed by the integrator and is active.
1968 * `CANCELLED`: User cancelled the order.
1969 * `IN_TRANSIT`: Order is being delivered.
1970 * `RETURNED`: User did a return.
1971 * `FULFILLED`: User received what was ordered.
1972 * 'CHANGE_REQUESTED': User has requested a change to the order, and
1973 * the integrator is processing this change. The
1974 * order should be moved to another state after the
1975 * request is handled.
1976 *
1977 * Required.
1978 */
1979 state?: string;
1981export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderUpdate {
1982 /**
1983 * Required. The canonical order id referencing this order.
1984 * If integrators don't generate the canonical order id in their system,
1985 * they can simply copy over google_order_id included in order.
1986 */
1987 actionOrderId?: string;
1988 /**
1989 * Information about cancellation state.
1990 */
1991 cancellationInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersCancellationInfo;
1992 /**
1993 * Information about fulfillment state.
1994 */
1995 fulfillmentInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersFulfillmentInfo;
1996 /**
1997 * Id of the order is the Google-issued id.
1998 */
1999 googleOrderId?: string;
2000 /**
2001 * Information about in transit state.
2002 */
2003 inTransitInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersInTransitInfo;
2004 /**
2005 * Extra data based on a custom order state or in addition to info of a
2006 * standard state.
2007 */
2008 infoExtension?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
2009 /**
2010 * Map of line item-level changes, keyed by item id. Optional.
2011 */
2012 lineItemUpdates?: ApiClientObjectMap<GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItemUpdate>;
2013 /**
2014 * Updated applicable management actions for the order, e.g. manage, modify,
2015 * contact support.
2016 */
2017 orderManagementActions?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderUpdateAction[];
2018 /**
2019 * The new state of the order.
2020 */
2021 orderState?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderState;
2022 /**
2023 * Receipt for order.
2024 */
2025 receipt?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersReceipt;
2026 /**
2027 * Information about rejection state.
2028 */
2029 rejectionInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersRejectionInfo;
2030 /**
2031 * Information about returned state.
2032 */
2033 returnInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersReturnInfo;
2034 /**
2035 * New total price of the order
2036 */
2037 totalPrice?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPrice;
2038 /**
2039 * When the order was updated from the app's perspective.
2040 */
2041 updateTime?: string;
2042 /**
2043 * If specified, displays a notification to the user with the specified
2044 * title and text. Specifying a notification is a suggestion to
2045 * notify and is not guaranteed to result in a notification.
2046 */
2047 userNotification?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderUpdateUserNotification;
2049export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderUpdateAction {
2050 /**
2051 * Button label and link.
2052 */
2053 button?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsButton;
2054 /**
2055 * Type of action.
2056 */
2057 type?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderUpdateActionType;
2059export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderUpdateUserNotification {
2060 /**
2061 * The contents of the notification.
2062 */
2063 text?: string;
2064 /**
2065 * The title for the user notification.
2066 */
2067 title?: string;
2069export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentInfo {
2070 /**
2071 * Name of the instrument displayed on the receipt.
2072 */
2073 displayName?: string;
2074 /**
2075 * Google provided payment instrument.
2076 */
2077 googleProvidedPaymentInstrument?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentInfoGoogleProvidedPaymentInstrument;
2078 /**
2079 * Type of payment.
2080 * Required.
2081 */
2082 paymentType?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentInfoPaymentType;
2084export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentInfoGoogleProvidedPaymentInstrument {
2085 /**
2086 * If requested by integrator, billing address for the instrument in use
2087 * will be included.
2088 */
2089 billingAddress?: GoogleTypePostalAddress;
2090 /**
2091 * Google provided payment instrument.
2092 */
2093 instrumentToken?: string;
2095export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentMethodTokenizationParameters {
2096 /**
2097 * If tokenization_type is set to `PAYMENT_GATEWAY` then the list of
2098 * parameters should contain payment gateway specific parameters required to
2099 * tokenize payment method as well as parameter with the name \"gateway\" with
2100 * the value set to one of the gateways that we support e.g. \"stripe\" or
2101 * \"braintree\".
2102 * A sample tokenization configuration used for Stripe in JSON format.
2103 * `{
2104 * \"gateway\" : \"stripe\",
2105 * \"stripe:publishableKey\" : \"pk_1234\",
2106 * \"stripe:version\" : \"1.5\"
2107 * }`
2108 * A sample tokenization configuration used for Braintree in JSON format.
2109 * `{
2110 * \"gateway\" : \"braintree\",
2111 * \"braintree:merchantId\" : \"abc\"
2112 * \"braintree:sdkVersion\" : \"1.4.0\"
2113 * \"braintree:apiVersion\" : \"v1\"
2114 * \"braintree:clientKey\" : \"production_a12b34\"
2115 * \"braintree:authorizationFingerprint\" : \"production_a12b34\"
2116 * }`
2117 * A sample configuration used for Adyen in JSON format.
2118 * `{
2119 * \"gateway\" : \"adyen\",
2120 * \"gatewayMerchantId\" : \"gateway-merchant-id\"
2121 * }`
2122 * If tokenization_type is set to DIRECT, integrators must specify a parameter
2123 * named \"publicKey\" which will contain an Elliptic Curve public key using
2124 * the uncompressed point format and base64 encoded. This publicKey will be
2125 * used by Google to encrypt the payment information.
2126 * Example of the parameter in JSON format:
2127 * {
2128 * \"publicKey\": \"base64encoded...\"
2129 * }
2130 */
2131 parameters?: ApiClientObjectMap<string>;
2132 /**
2133 * Required.
2134 */
2135 tokenizationType?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentMethodTokenizationParametersTokenizationType;
2137export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentOptions {
2138 /**
2139 * Info for an Action-provided payment instrument for display on receipt.
2140 */
2141 actionProvidedOptions?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersActionProvidedPaymentOptions;
2142 /**
2143 * Requirements for Google provided payment instrument.
2144 */
2145 googleProvidedOptions?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersGoogleProvidedPaymentOptions;
2147export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersPresentationOptions {
2148 /**
2149 * call_to_action can be one of the following values:
2150 *
2151 * `PLACE_ORDER`: Used for placing an order.
2152 * `PAY`: Used for a payment.
2153 * `BUY`: Used for a purchase.
2154 * `SEND`: Used for a money transfer.
2155 * `BOOK`: Used for a booking.
2156 * `RESERVE`: Used for reservation.
2157 * `SCHEDULE`: Used for scheduling an appointment.
2158 * `SUBSCRIBE`: Used for subscription.
2159 *
2160 * call_to_action refers to the action verb which best describes this order.
2161 * This will be used in various places like prompt, suggestion chip etc while
2162 * proposing the order to the user.
2163 */
2164 callToAction?: string;
2166export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersPrice {
2167 /**
2168 * Monetary amount. Required.
2169 */
2170 amount?: GoogleTypeMoney;
2171 /**
2172 * Type of price. Required.
2173 */
2174 type?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPriceType;
2176export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersPromotion {
2177 /**
2178 * Required. Coupon code understood by 3P. For ex: GOOGLE10.
2179 */
2180 coupon?: string;
2182export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersProposedOrder {
2183 /**
2184 * User's items.
2185 */
2186 cart?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersCart;
2187 /**
2188 * Extension to the proposed order based on the kind of order.
2189 * For example, if the order includes a location then this extension will
2190 * contain a OrderLocation value.
2191 */
2192 extension?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
2193 /**
2194 * Optional id for this ProposedOrder. Included as part of the
2195 * ProposedOrder returned back to the integrator at confirmation time.
2196 */
2197 id?: string;
2198 /**
2199 * Image associated with the proposed order.
2200 */
2201 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
2202 /**
2203 * Fees, adjustments, subtotals, etc.
2204 */
2205 otherItems?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersLineItem[];
2206 /**
2207 * A link to the terms of service that apply to this proposed order.
2208 */
2209 termsOfServiceUrl?: string;
2210 /**
2211 * Total price of the proposed order. If of type `ACTUAL`, this is the amount
2212 * the caller will charge when the user confirms the proposed order.
2213 */
2214 totalPrice?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPrice;
2216export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersReceipt {
2217 /**
2218 * Optional. The user facing id referencing to current order, which will show
2219 * up in the receipt card if present. This should be the id that usually
2220 * appears on a printed receipt or receipt sent to user's email. User should
2221 * be able to use this id referencing her order for customer service provided
2222 * by integrators. Note that this field must be populated if integrator does
2223 * generate user facing id for an order with a printed receipt / email
2224 * receipt.
2225 */
2226 userVisibleOrderId?: string;
2228export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersRejectionInfo {
2229 /**
2230 * Reason for the error.
2231 */
2232 reason?: string;
2233 /**
2234 * Rejection type.
2235 */
2236 type?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersRejectionInfoType;
2238export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersReturnInfo {
2239 /**
2240 * Reason for return.
2241 */
2242 reason?: string;
2244export interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersTime {
2245 /**
2246 * ISO 8601 representation of time indicator: could be a duration, date or
2247 * exact datetime.
2248 */
2249 timeIso8601?: string;
2250 /**
2251 * Type of time indicator.
2252 */
2253 type?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersTimeType;
2255export interface GoogleActionsV2PackageEntitlement {
2256 /**
2257 * List of entitlements for a given app
2258 */
2259 entitlements?: GoogleActionsV2Entitlement[];
2260 /**
2261 * Should match the package name in action package
2262 */
2263 packageName?: string;
2265export interface GoogleActionsV2PermissionValueSpec {
2266 /**
2267 * The context why agent needs to request permission.
2268 */
2269 optContext?: string;
2270 /**
2271 * List of permissions requested by the agent.
2272 */
2273 permissions?: GoogleActionsV2PermissionValueSpecPermissions[];
2274 /**
2275 * Additional information needed to fulfill update permission request.
2276 */
2277 updatePermissionValueSpec?: GoogleActionsV2UpdatePermissionValueSpec;
2279export interface GoogleActionsV2PlaceValueSpec {
2280 /**
2281 * Speech configuration for askForPlace dialog. The extension should be used
2282 * to define the PlaceDialogSpec configuration.
2283 */
2284 dialogSpec?: GoogleActionsV2DialogSpec;
2286export interface GoogleActionsV2PlaceValueSpecPlaceDialogSpec {
2287 /**
2288 * This is the context for seeking permission to access various user related
2289 * data if the user prompts for personal location during the sub-dialog like
2290 * \"Home\", \"Work\" or \"Dad's house\". For example \"*To help you find
2291 * juice stores*, I just need to check your location. Can I get that from
2292 * Google?\". The first part of this permission prompt is configurable.
2293 */
2294 permissionContext?: string;
2295 /**
2296 * This is the initial prompt by AskForPlace sub-dialog. For example \"What
2297 * place do you want?\"
2298 */
2299 requestPrompt?: string;
2301export interface GoogleActionsV2RawInput {
2302 /**
2303 * Indicates how the user provided this input: a typed response, a voice
2304 * response, unspecified, etc.
2305 */
2306 inputType?: GoogleActionsV2RawInputInputType;
2307 /**
2308 * Typed or spoken input from the end user.
2309 */
2310 query?: string;
2311 /**
2312 * The triggering URL.
2313 */
2314 url?: string;
2316export interface GoogleActionsV2RegisterUpdateValue {
2317 /**
2318 * The status of the registering the update requested by the app.
2319 */
2320 status?: GoogleActionsV2RegisterUpdateValueStatus;
2322export interface GoogleActionsV2RegisterUpdateValueSpec {
2323 /**
2324 * The list of arguments to necessary to fulfill an update.
2325 */
2326 arguments?: GoogleActionsV2Argument[];
2327 /**
2328 * The intent that the user wants to get updates from.
2329 */
2330 intent?: string;
2331 /**
2332 * The trigger context that defines how the update will be triggered.
2333 * This may modify the dialog in order to narrow down the user's preferences
2334 * for getting his or her updates.
2335 */
2336 triggerContext?: GoogleActionsV2TriggerContext;
2338export interface GoogleActionsV2RichResponse {
2339 /**
2340 * A list of UI elements which compose the response
2341 * The items must meet the following requirements:
2342 * 1. The first item must be a
2343 * SimpleResponse
2344 * 2. At most two SimpleResponse
2345 * 3. At most one rich response item (e.g.
2346 * BasicCard,
2347 * StructuredResponse,
2348 * MediaResponse, or
2349 * HtmlResponse)
2350 * 4. You cannot use a rich response item if you're using an
2351 * actions.intent.OPTION intent
2352 * ie ListSelect or
2353 * CarouselSelect
2354 */
2355 items?: GoogleActionsV2RichResponseItem[];
2356 /**
2357 * An additional suggestion chip that can link out to the associated app
2358 * or site.
2359 */
2360 linkOutSuggestion?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsLinkOutSuggestion;
2361 /**
2362 * A list of suggested replies. These will always appear at the end of the
2363 * response. If used in a FinalResponse,
2364 * they will be ignored.
2365 */
2366 suggestions?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsSuggestion[];
2368export interface GoogleActionsV2RichResponseItem {
2369 /**
2370 * A basic card.
2371 */
2372 basicCard?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsBasicCard;
2373 /**
2374 * Carousel browse card, use collection_browse instead..
2375 */
2376 carouselBrowse?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselBrowse;
2377 /**
2378 * Html response used to render on Canvas.
2379 */
2380 htmlResponse?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsHtmlResponse;
2381 /**
2382 * Response indicating a set of media to be played.
2383 */
2384 mediaResponse?: GoogleActionsV2MediaResponse;
2385 /**
2386 * Optional named identifier of this Item.
2387 */
2388 name?: string;
2389 /**
2390 * Voice and text-only response.
2391 */
2392 simpleResponse?: GoogleActionsV2SimpleResponse;
2393 /**
2394 * Structured payload to be processed by Google.
2395 */
2396 structuredResponse?: GoogleActionsV2StructuredResponse;
2397 /**
2398 * Table card.
2399 */
2400 tableCard?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsTableCard;
2402export interface GoogleActionsV2SignInValue {
2403 /**
2404 * The status of the sign in requested by the app.
2405 */
2406 status?: GoogleActionsV2SignInValueStatus;
2408export interface GoogleActionsV2SignInValueSpec {
2409 /**
2410 * The optional context why the app needs to ask the user to sign in, as a
2411 * prefix of a prompt for user consent, e.g. \"To track your exercise\", or
2412 * \"To check your account balance\".
2413 */
2414 optContext?: string;
2416export interface GoogleActionsV2SignedData {
2417 /**
2418 * Matches IN_APP_DATA_SIGNATURE from getPurchases() method in Play InApp
2419 * Billing API.
2420 */
2421 inAppDataSignature?: string;
2422 /**
2424 * from getPurchases() method. Contains all inapp purchase data in JSON format
2425 * See details in table 6 of
2426 * https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_reference.html.
2427 */
2428 inAppPurchaseData?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
2430export interface GoogleActionsV2SimpleResponse {
2431 /**
2432 * Optional text to display in the chat bubble. If not given, a display
2433 * rendering of the text_to_speech or ssml above will be used. Limited to 640
2434 * chars.
2435 */
2436 displayText?: string;
2437 /**
2438 * Structured spoken response to the user in the SSML format, e.g.
2439 * `<speak> Say animal name after the sound. <audio src =
2440 * 'https://www.pullstring.com/moo.mps' />, what’s the animal? </speak>`.
2441 * Mutually exclusive with text_to_speech.
2442 */
2443 ssml?: string;
2444 /**
2445 * Plain text of the speech output, e.g., \"where do you want to go?\"
2446 * Mutually exclusive with ssml.
2447 */
2448 textToSpeech?: string;
2450export interface GoogleActionsV2SimpleSelect {
2451 /**
2452 * List of items users should select from.
2453 */
2454 items?: GoogleActionsV2SimpleSelectItem[];
2456export interface GoogleActionsV2SimpleSelectItem {
2457 /**
2458 * Item key and synonyms.
2459 */
2460 optionInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OptionInfo;
2461 /**
2462 * Title of the item. It will act as synonym if it's provided.
2463 * Optional
2464 */
2465 title?: string;
2467export interface GoogleActionsV2SpeechResponse {
2468 /**
2469 * Structured spoken response to the user in the SSML format, e.g.
2470 * \"<speak> Say animal name after the sound. <audio src =
2471 * 'https://www.pullstring.com/moo.mps' />, what’s the animal? </speak>\".
2472 * Mutually exclusive with text_to_speech.
2473 */
2474 ssml?: string;
2475 /**
2476 * Plain text of the speech output, e.g., \"where do you want to go?\"/
2477 */
2478 textToSpeech?: string;
2480export interface GoogleActionsV2StructuredResponse {
2481 /**
2482 * App provides an order update (e.g.
2483 * Receipt) after receiving the order.
2484 */
2485 orderUpdate?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderUpdate;
2486 /**
2487 * App provides an order update in API v3 format after receiving the order.
2488 */
2489 orderUpdateV3?: GoogleActionsOrdersV3OrderUpdate;
2491export interface GoogleActionsV2Surface {
2492 /**
2493 * A list of capabilities the surface supports at the time of the request
2494 * e.g. `actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT`
2495 */
2496 capabilities?: GoogleActionsV2Capability[];
2498export interface GoogleActionsV2TransactionDecisionValue {
2499 /**
2500 * If `check_result` is NOT `ResultType.OK`, the rest of the fields in
2501 * this message should be ignored.
2502 */
2503 checkResult?: GoogleActionsV2TransactionRequirementsCheckResult;
2504 /**
2505 * If user requests for delivery address update, this field includes the
2506 * new delivery address. This field will be present only when `user_decision`
2508 */
2509 deliveryAddress?: GoogleActionsV2Location;
2510 /**
2511 * The order that user has approved. This field will be present only when
2512 * `user_decision` is `ORDER_ACCEPTED`.
2513 */
2514 order?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrder;
2515 /**
2516 * User decision regarding the proposed order.
2517 */
2518 userDecision?: GoogleActionsV2TransactionDecisionValueUserDecision;
2520export interface GoogleActionsV2TransactionDecisionValueSpec {
2521 /**
2522 * Options associated with the order.
2523 */
2524 orderOptions?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderOptions;
2525 /**
2526 * Payment options for this order, or empty if no payment
2527 * is associated with the order.
2528 */
2529 paymentOptions?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentOptions;
2530 /**
2531 * Options used to customize order presentation to the user.
2532 */
2533 presentationOptions?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPresentationOptions;
2534 /**
2535 * The proposed order that's ready for user to approve.
2536 */
2537 proposedOrder?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersProposedOrder;
2539export interface GoogleActionsV2TransactionRequirementsCheckResult {
2540 /**
2541 * Result of the operation.
2542 */
2543 resultType?: GoogleActionsV2TransactionRequirementsCheckResultResultType;
2545export interface GoogleActionsV2TransactionRequirementsCheckSpec {
2546 /**
2547 * Options associated with the order.
2548 */
2549 orderOptions?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersOrderOptions;
2550 /**
2551 * Payment options for this Order, or empty if no payment
2552 * is associated with the Order.
2553 */
2554 paymentOptions?: GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentOptions;
2556export interface GoogleActionsV2TriggerContext {
2557 /**
2558 * The time context for which the update can be triggered.
2559 */
2560 timeContext?: GoogleActionsV2TriggerContextTimeContext;
2562export interface GoogleActionsV2TriggerContextTimeContext {
2563 /**
2564 * The high-level frequency of the recurring update.
2565 */
2566 frequency?: GoogleActionsV2TriggerContextTimeContextFrequency;
2568export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsBasicCard {
2569 /**
2570 * Buttons.
2571 * Currently at most 1 button is supported.
2572 * Optional.
2573 */
2574 buttons?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsButton[];
2575 /**
2576 * Body text of the card.
2577 * Supports a limited set of markdown syntax for formatting.
2578 * Required, unless image is present.
2579 */
2580 formattedText?: string;
2581 /**
2582 * A hero image for the card. The height is fixed to 192dp.
2583 * Optional.
2584 */
2585 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
2586 /**
2587 * Type of image display option. Optional.
2588 */
2589 imageDisplayOptions?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsBasicCardImageDisplayOptions;
2590 /**
2591 * Optional.
2592 */
2593 subtitle?: string;
2594 /**
2595 * Overall title of the card.
2596 * Optional.
2597 */
2598 title?: string;
2600export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsButton {
2601 /**
2602 * Action to take when a user taps on the button.
2603 * Required.
2604 */
2605 openUrlAction?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsOpenUrlAction;
2606 /**
2607 * Title of the button.
2608 * Required.
2609 */
2610 title?: string;
2612export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselBrowse {
2613 /**
2614 * Type of image display option.
2615 * Optional.
2616 */
2617 imageDisplayOptions?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselBrowseImageDisplayOptions;
2618 /**
2619 * Min: 2. Max: 10.
2620 */
2621 items?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselBrowseItem[];
2623export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselBrowseItem {
2624 /**
2625 * Description of the carousel item.
2626 * Optional.
2627 */
2628 description?: string;
2629 /**
2630 * Footer text for the carousel item, displayed below the description.
2631 * Single line of text, truncated with an ellipsis.
2632 * Optional.
2633 */
2634 footer?: string;
2635 /**
2636 * Hero image for the carousel item.
2637 * Optional.
2638 */
2639 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
2640 /**
2641 * URL of the document associated with the carousel item.
2642 * The document can contain HTML content or, if \"url_type_hint\" is set to
2643 * AMP_CONTENT, AMP content.
2644 * Required.
2645 */
2646 openUrlAction?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsOpenUrlAction;
2647 /**
2648 * Title of the carousel item.
2649 * Required.
2650 */
2651 title?: string;
2653export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselSelect {
2654 /**
2655 * Type of image display option. Optional.
2656 */
2657 imageDisplayOptions?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselSelectImageDisplayOptions;
2658 /**
2659 * min: 2 max: 10
2660 */
2661 items?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselSelectCarouselItem[];
2662 /**
2663 * Subtitle of the carousel. Optional.
2664 */
2665 subtitle?: string;
2666 /**
2667 * Title of the carousel. Optional.
2668 */
2669 title?: string;
2671export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCarouselSelectCarouselItem {
2672 /**
2673 * Body text of the card.
2674 */
2675 description?: string;
2676 /**
2677 * Optional.
2678 */
2679 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
2680 /**
2681 * See google.actions.v2.OptionInfo
2682 * for details.
2683 * Required.
2684 */
2685 optionInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OptionInfo;
2686 /**
2687 * Title of the carousel item. When tapped, this text will be
2688 * posted back to the conversation verbatim as if the user had typed it.
2689 * Each title must be unique among the set of carousel items.
2690 * Required.
2691 */
2692 title?: string;
2694export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCollectionSelect {
2695 /**
2696 * Type of image display option. Optional.
2697 */
2698 imageDisplayOptions?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCollectionSelectImageDisplayOptions;
2699 /**
2700 * min: 2 max: 10
2701 */
2702 items?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCollectionSelectCollectionItem[];
2703 /**
2704 * Subtitle of the collection. Optional.
2705 */
2706 subtitle?: string;
2707 /**
2708 * Title of the collection. Optional.
2709 */
2710 title?: string;
2712export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsCollectionSelectCollectionItem {
2713 /**
2714 * Body text of the card.
2715 */
2716 description?: string;
2717 /**
2718 * Optional.
2719 */
2720 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
2721 /**
2722 * See google.actions.v2.OptionInfo
2723 * for details.
2724 * Required.
2725 */
2726 optionInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OptionInfo;
2727 /**
2728 * Title of the collection item. When tapped, this text will be
2729 * posted back to the conversation verbatim as if the user had typed it.
2730 * Each title must be unique among the set of collection items.
2731 * Required.
2732 */
2733 title?: string;
2735export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsHtmlResponse {
2736 /**
2737 * Provide an option so that mic won't be opened after this immersive
2738 * response.
2739 */
2740 suppressMic?: boolean;
2741 /**
2742 * Communicate the following JSON object to the app.
2743 */
2744 updatedState?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>;
2745 /**
2746 * The url of the application.
2747 */
2748 url?: string;
2750export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage {
2751 /**
2752 * A text description of the image to be used for accessibility, e.g. screen
2753 * readers.
2754 * Required.
2755 */
2756 accessibilityText?: string;
2757 /**
2758 * The height of the image in pixels.
2759 * Optional.
2760 */
2761 height?: number;
2762 /**
2763 * The source url of the image. Images can be JPG, PNG and GIF (animated and
2764 * non-animated). For example,`https://www.agentx.com/logo.png`. Required.
2765 */
2766 url?: string;
2767 /**
2768 * The width of the image in pixels.
2769 * Optional.
2770 */
2771 width?: number;
2773export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsLinkOutSuggestion {
2774 /**
2775 * The name of the app or site this chip is linking to. The chip will be
2776 * rendered with the title \"Open <destination_name>\". Max 20 chars.
2777 * Required.
2778 */
2779 destinationName?: string;
2780 /**
2781 * The URL of the App or Site to open when the user taps the suggestion chip.
2782 * Ownership of this App/URL must be validated in the Actions on Google
2783 * developer console, or the suggestion will not be shown to the user.
2784 * Open URL Action supports http, https and intent URLs.
2785 * For Intent URLs refer to:
2786 * https://developer.chrome.com/multidevice/android/intents
2787 */
2788 openUrlAction?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsOpenUrlAction;
2790export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsListSelect {
2791 /**
2792 * min: 2 max: 30
2793 */
2794 items?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsListSelectListItem[];
2795 /**
2796 * Subtitle of the list.
2797 * Optional.
2798 */
2799 subtitle?: string;
2800 /**
2801 * Overall title of the list.
2802 * Optional.
2803 */
2804 title?: string;
2806export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsListSelectListItem {
2807 /**
2808 * Main text describing the item.
2809 * Optional.
2810 */
2811 description?: string;
2812 /**
2813 * Square image.
2814 * Optional.
2815 */
2816 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
2817 /**
2818 * Information about this option. See google.actions.v2.OptionInfo
2819 * for details.
2820 * Required.
2821 */
2822 optionInfo?: GoogleActionsV2OptionInfo;
2823 /**
2824 * Title of the list item. When tapped, this text will be
2825 * posted back to the conversation verbatim as if the user had typed it.
2826 * Each title must be unique among the set of list items.
2827 * Required.
2828 */
2829 title?: string;
2831export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsOpenUrlAction {
2832 /**
2833 * Information about the Android App if the URL is expected to be
2834 * fulfilled by an Android App.
2835 */
2836 androidApp?: GoogleActionsV2DevicesAndroidApp;
2837 /**
2838 * The url field which could be any of:
2839 * - http/https urls for opening an App-linked App or a webpage
2840 */
2841 url?: string;
2842 /**
2843 * Indicates a hint for the url type.
2844 */
2845 urlTypeHint?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsOpenUrlActionUrlTypeHint;
2847export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsSuggestion {
2848 /**
2849 * The text shown the in the suggestion chip. When tapped, this text will be
2850 * posted back to the conversation verbatim as if the user had typed it.
2851 * Each title must be unique among the set of suggestion chips.
2852 * Max 25 chars
2853 * Required
2854 */
2855 title?: string;
2857export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsTableCard {
2858 /**
2859 * Buttons.
2860 * Currently at most 1 button is supported.
2861 * Optional.
2862 */
2863 buttons?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsButton[];
2864 /**
2865 * Headers and alignment of columns.
2866 */
2867 columnProperties?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsTableCardColumnProperties[];
2868 /**
2869 * Image associated with the table. Optional.
2870 */
2871 image?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage;
2872 /**
2873 * Row data of the table. The first 3 rows are guaranteed to be shown but
2874 * others might be cut on certain surfaces. Please test with the simulator to
2875 * see which rows will be shown for a given surface. On surfaces that support
2876 * the WEB_BROWSER capability, you can point the user to
2877 * a web page with more data.
2878 */
2879 rows?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsTableCardRow[];
2880 /**
2881 * Subtitle for the table. Optional.
2882 */
2883 subtitle?: string;
2884 /**
2885 * Overall title of the table. Optional but must be set if subtitle is set.
2886 */
2887 title?: string;
2889export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsTableCardCell {
2890 /**
2891 * Text content of the cell.
2892 */
2893 text?: string;
2895export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsTableCardColumnProperties {
2896 /**
2897 * Header text for the column.
2898 */
2899 header?: string;
2900 /**
2901 * Horizontal alignment of content w.r.t column. If unspecified, content
2902 * will be aligned to the leading edge.
2903 */
2904 horizontalAlignment?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsTableCardColumnPropertiesHorizontalAlignment;
2906export interface GoogleActionsV2UiElementsTableCardRow {
2907 /**
2908 * Cells in this row. The first 3 cells are guaranteed to be shown but
2909 * others might be cut on certain surfaces. Please test with the simulator
2910 * to see which cells will be shown for a given surface.
2911 */
2912 cells?: GoogleActionsV2UiElementsTableCardCell[];
2913 /**
2914 * Indicates whether there should be a divider after each row.
2915 */
2916 dividerAfter?: boolean;
2918export interface GoogleActionsV2UpdatePermissionValueSpec {
2919 /**
2920 * The list of arguments necessary to fulfill an update.
2921 */
2922 arguments?: GoogleActionsV2Argument[];
2923 /**
2924 * The intent that the user wants to get updates from.
2925 */
2926 intent?: string;
2928export interface GoogleActionsV2User {
2929 /**
2930 * An OAuth2 token that identifies the user in your system. Only
2931 * available if the user links their account.
2932 */
2933 accessToken?: string;
2934 /**
2935 * Token representing the user's identity.
2936 * This is a Json web token including encoded profile. The definition is at
2937 * https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect#obtainuserinfo.
2938 */
2939 idToken?: string;
2940 /**
2941 * The timestamp of the last interaction with this user.
2942 * This field will be omitted if the user has not interacted with the agent
2943 * before.
2944 */
2945 lastSeen?: string;
2946 /**
2947 * Primary locale setting of the user making the request.
2948 * Follows IETF BCP-47 language code
2949 * http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt
2950 * However, the script subtag is not included.
2951 */
2952 locale?: string;
2953 /**
2954 * List of user entitlements for every package name listed in the Action
2955 * package, if any.
2956 */
2957 packageEntitlements?: GoogleActionsV2PackageEntitlement[];
2958 /**
2959 * Contains permissions granted by user to this Action.
2960 */
2961 permissions?: GoogleActionsV2UserPermissions[];
2962 /**
2963 * Information about the end user. Some fields are only available if the user
2964 * has given permission to provide this information to the Action.
2965 */
2966 profile?: GoogleActionsV2UserProfile;
2967 /**
2968 * Unique ID for the end user.
2969 */
2970 userId?: string;
2971 /**
2972 * An opaque token supplied by the application that is persisted across
2973 * conversations for a particular user.
2974 * The maximum size of the string is 10k characters.
2975 */
2976 userStorage?: string;
2977 /**
2978 * Indicates the verification status of the user.
2979 */
2980 userVerificationStatus?: GoogleActionsV2UserUserVerificationStatus;
2982export interface GoogleActionsV2UserNotification {
2983 /**
2984 * The content of the notification.
2985 */
2986 text?: string;
2987 /**
2988 * The title for the notification.
2989 */
2990 title?: string;
2992export interface GoogleActionsV2UserProfile {
2993 /**
2994 * The user's full name as specified in their Google account.
2995 * Requires the NAME permission.
2996 */
2997 displayName?: string;
2998 /**
2999 * The user's last name as specified in their Google account.
3000 * Note that this field could be empty.
3001 * Requires the NAME permission.
3002 */
3003 familyName?: string;
3004 /**
3005 * The user's first name as specified in their Google account.
3006 * Requires the NAME permission.
3007 */
3008 givenName?: string;
3010export interface GoogleRpcStatus {
3011 /**
3012 * The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
3013 */
3014 code?: number;
3015 /**
3016 * A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of
3017 * message types for APIs to use.
3018 */
3019 details?: ApiClientObjectMap<any>[];
3020 /**
3021 * A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any
3022 * user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the
3023 * google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
3024 */
3025 message?: string;
3027export interface GoogleTypeDate {
3028 /**
3029 * Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0
3030 * if specifying a year by itself or a year and month where the day is not
3031 * significant.
3032 */
3033 day?: number;
3034 /**
3035 * Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 if specifying a year without a
3036 * month and day.
3037 */
3038 month?: number;
3039 /**
3040 * Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without
3041 * a year.
3042 */
3043 year?: number;
3045export interface GoogleTypeLatLng {
3046 /**
3047 * The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
3048 */
3049 latitude?: number;
3050 /**
3051 * The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
3052 */
3053 longitude?: number;
3055export interface GoogleTypeMoney {
3056 /**
3057 * The 3-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217.
3058 */
3059 currencyCode?: string;
3060 /**
3061 * Number of nano (10^-9) units of the amount.
3062 * The value must be between -999,999,999 and +999,999,999 inclusive.
3063 * If `units` is positive, `nanos` must be positive or zero.
3064 * If `units` is zero, `nanos` can be positive, zero, or negative.
3065 * If `units` is negative, `nanos` must be negative or zero.
3066 * For example $-1.75 is represented as `units`=-1 and `nanos`=-750,000,000.
3067 */
3068 nanos?: number;
3069 /**
3070 * The whole units of the amount.
3071 * For example if `currencyCode` is `\"USD\"`, then 1 unit is one US dollar.
3072 */
3073 units?: string;
3075export interface GoogleTypePostalAddress {
3076 /**
3077 * Unstructured address lines describing the lower levels of an address.
3078 *
3079 * Because values in address_lines do not have type information and may
3080 * sometimes contain multiple values in a single field (e.g.
3081 * \"Austin, TX\"), it is important that the line order is clear. The order of
3082 * address lines should be \"envelope order\" for the country/region of the
3083 * address. In places where this can vary (e.g. Japan), address_language is
3084 * used to make it explicit (e.g. \"ja\" for large-to-small ordering and
3085 * \"ja-Latn\" or \"en\" for small-to-large). This way, the most specific line
3086 * of an address can be selected based on the language.
3087 *
3088 * The minimum permitted structural representation of an address consists
3089 * of a region_code with all remaining information placed in the
3090 * address_lines. It would be possible to format such an address very
3091 * approximately without geocoding, but no semantic reasoning could be
3092 * made about any of the address components until it was at least
3093 * partially resolved.
3094 *
3095 * Creating an address only containing a region_code and address_lines, and
3096 * then geocoding is the recommended way to handle completely unstructured
3097 * addresses (as opposed to guessing which parts of the address should be
3098 * localities or administrative areas).
3099 */
3100 addressLines?: string[];
3101 /**
3102 * Optional. Highest administrative subdivision which is used for postal
3103 * addresses of a country or region.
3104 * For example, this can be a state, a province, an oblast, or a prefecture.
3105 * Specifically, for Spain this is the province and not the autonomous
3106 * community (e.g. \"Barcelona\" and not \"Catalonia\").
3107 * Many countries don't use an administrative area in postal addresses. E.g.
3108 * in Switzerland this should be left unpopulated.
3109 */
3110 administrativeArea?: string;
3111 /**
3112 * Optional. BCP-47 language code of the contents of this address (if
3113 * known). This is often the UI language of the input form or is expected
3114 * to match one of the languages used in the address' country/region, or their
3115 * transliterated equivalents.
3116 * This can affect formatting in certain countries, but is not critical
3117 * to the correctness of the data and will never affect any validation or
3118 * other non-formatting related operations.
3119 *
3120 * If this value is not known, it should be omitted (rather than specifying a
3121 * possibly incorrect default).
3122 *
3123 * Examples: \"zh-Hant\", \"ja\", \"ja-Latn\", \"en\".
3124 */
3125 languageCode?: string;
3126 /**
3127 * Optional. Generally refers to the city/town portion of the address.
3128 * Examples: US city, IT comune, UK post town.
3129 * In regions of the world where localities are not well defined or do not fit
3130 * into this structure well, leave locality empty and use address_lines.
3131 */
3132 locality?: string;
3133 /**
3134 * Optional. The name of the organization at the address.
3135 */
3136 organization?: string;
3137 /**
3138 * Optional. Postal code of the address. Not all countries use or require
3139 * postal codes to be present, but where they are used, they may trigger
3140 * additional validation with other parts of the address (e.g. state/zip
3141 * validation in the U.S.A.).
3142 */
3143 postalCode?: string;
3144 /**
3145 * Optional. The recipient at the address.
3146 * This field may, under certain circumstances, contain multiline information.
3147 * For example, it might contain \"care of\" information.
3148 */
3149 recipients?: string[];
3150 /**
3151 * Required. CLDR region code of the country/region of the address. This
3152 * is never inferred and it is up to the user to ensure the value is
3153 * correct. See http://cldr.unicode.org/ and
3154 * http://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/30/supplemental/territory_information.html
3155 * for details. Example: \"CH\" for Switzerland.
3156 */
3157 regionCode?: string;
3158 /**
3159 * The schema revision of the `PostalAddress`. This must be set to 0, which is
3160 * the latest revision.
3161 *
3162 * All new revisions **must** be backward compatible with old revisions.
3163 */
3164 revision?: number;
3165 /**
3166 * Optional. Additional, country-specific, sorting code. This is not used
3167 * in most regions. Where it is used, the value is either a string like
3168 * \"CEDEX\", optionally followed by a number (e.g. \"CEDEX 7\"), or just a
3169 * number alone, representing the \"sector code\" (Jamaica), \"delivery area
3170 * indicator\" (Malawi) or \"post office indicator\" (e.g. Côte d'Ivoire).
3171 */
3172 sortingCode?: string;
3173 /**
3174 * Optional. Sublocality of the address.
3175 * For example, this can be neighborhoods, boroughs, districts.
3176 */
3177 sublocality?: string;
3179export interface GoogleTypeTimeOfDay {
3180 /**
3181 * Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose
3182 * to allow the value \"24:00:00\" for scenarios like business closing time.
3183 */
3184 hours?: number;
3185 /**
3186 * Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
3187 */
3188 minutes?: number;
3189 /**
3190 * Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
3191 */
3192 nanos?: number;
3193 /**
3194 * Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may
3195 * allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.
3196 */
3197 seconds?: number;