4.56 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16import * as Api from '../../../api/v2';
17import { SoloHelper } from '../helper';
18/** @public */
19export declare type PermissionArgument = boolean;
20/** @public */
21export interface PermissionOptions {
22 /**
23 * Context why the permission is being asked.
24 * It's the TTS prompt prefix (action phrase) we ask the user.
25 * @public
26 */
27 context?: string;
28 /**
29 * Array or string of permissions App supports,
30 * each of which comes from {@link GoogleActionsV2PermissionValueSpecPermissions}.
31 * @public
32 */
33 permissions: Api.GoogleActionsV2PermissionValueSpecPermissions | Api.GoogleActionsV2PermissionValueSpecPermissions[];
34 /**
35 * Extra properties to be spread into the value.
36 * For advanced usages like used in {@link UpdatePermission}
37 * @public
38 */
39 extra?: Api.GoogleActionsV2PermissionValueSpec;
42 * Asks the Assistant to guide the user to grant a permission. For example,
43 * if you want your app to get access to the user's name, you would invoke
44 * `conv.ask(new Permission)` with the context containing the reason for the request,
45 * and the {@link GoogleActionsV2PermissionValueSpecPermissions} permission.
46 * With this, the Assistant will ask the user, in your agent's voice,
47 * the following: '[Context with reason for the request],
48 * I'll just need to get your name from Google, is that OK?'.
49 *
50 * Once the user accepts or denies the request, the Assistant will fire another intent:
51 * `actions.intent.PERMISSION` with a boolean argument: `PERMISSION`
52 * and, if granted, the information that you requested.
53 *
54 * Notes for multiple permissions:
55 * * The order in which you specify the permission prompts does not matter -
56 * it is controlled by the Assistant to provide a consistent user experience.
57 * * The user will be able to either accept all permissions at once, or none.
58 * If you wish to allow them to selectively accept one or other, make several
59 * dialog turns asking for each permission independently with `conv.ask(new Permission)`.
61 * equivalent to just asking for `DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION`
62 *
63 * @example
64 * ```javascript
65 *
66 * // Actions SDK
67 * const app = actionssdk()
68 *
69 * app.intent('actions.intent.MAIN', conv => {
70 * conv.ask(new Permission({
71 * context: 'To read your mind',
72 * permissions: 'NAME',
73 * }))
74 * })
75 *
76 * app.intent('actions.intent.PERMISSION', (conv, input, granted) => {
77 * // granted: inferred first (and only) argument value, boolean true if granted, false if not
78 * const explicit = conv.arguments.get('PERMISSION') // also retrievable w/ explicit arguments.get
79 * const name = conv.user.name
80 * })
81 *
82 * // Dialogflow
83 * const app = dialogflow()
84 *
85 * app.intent('Default Welcome Intent', conv => {
86 * conv.ask(new Permission({
87 * context: 'To read your mind',
88 * permissions: 'NAME',
89 * }))
90 * })
91 *
92 * // Create a Dialogflow intent with the `actions_intent_PERMISSION` event
93 * app.intent('Get Permission', (conv, params, granted) => {
94 * // granted: inferred first (and only) argument value, boolean true if granted, false if not
95 * const explicit = conv.arguments.get('PERMISSION') // also retrievable w/ explicit arguments.get
96 * const name = conv.user.name
97 * })
98 * ```
99 *
100 * Read more:
101 * * {@link GoogleActionsV2PermissionValueSpecPermissions|Supported Permissions}
102 * * Check if the permission has been granted with `conv.arguments.get('PERMISSION')`
103 * * {@link Device#location|conv.device.location}
104 * * {@link User#name|conv.user.name}
105 * * {@link Place|conv.ask(new Place)} which also can ask for Location permission to get a place
106 * @public
107 */
108export declare class Permission extends SoloHelper<'actions.intent.PERMISSION', Api.GoogleActionsV2PermissionValueSpec> {
109 /**
110 * @param options Permission options
111 * @public
112 */
113 constructor(options: PermissionOptions);