4.45 kBPlain TextView Raw
1import BaseResource from './backend/adapters/base-resource'
2import BaseDatabase from './backend/adapters/base-database'
3import { ActionHandler } from './backend/actions/action.interface'
4import { ResourceOptions } from './backend/decorators/resource-options.interface'
5import { colors, sizes, fonts, breakpoints } from './frontend/styles/variables'
8 * AdminBroOptions
9 *
10 * This is the heart of entire AdminBro - all options resides here.
11 *
12 * @example
13 * const AdminBro = require('admin-bro')
14 * //...
15 * const adminBro = new AdminBro({
16 * rootPath: '/xyz-admin',
17 * logoutPath: '/xyz-admin/exit',
18 * loginPath: '/xyz-admin/sign-in',
19 * databases: [mongooseConnection],
20 * resources: [{ resource: ArticleModel, options: {...}}],
21 * branding: {
22 * companyName: 'XYZ c.o.',
23 * },
24 * })
25 */
26export default interface AdminBroOptions {
27 /**
28 * path, under which, AdminBro will be available. Default to `/admin`
29 *
30 */
31 rootPath?: string;
32 /**
33 * url to a logout action, default to `/admin/logout`
34 */
35 logoutPath?: string;
36 /**
37 * url to a login page, default to `/admin/login`
38 */
39 loginPath?: string;
40 /**
41 * Array of all Databases which are suported by AdminBro via adapters
42 */
43 databases?: Array<BaseDatabase>;
45 /**
46 * Array of all Resources which are supported by AdminBro via adapters.
47 * You can pass either resource or resource with an options and thus modify it.
48 *
49 * @see ResourceOptions
50 */
51 resources?: Array<BaseResource | {
52 resource: BaseResource;
53 options: ResourceOptions;
54 }>;
55 /**
56 * Option to modify the dashboard
57 */
58 dashboard?: {
59 /**
60 * Handler function which is triggered in the api when user launches the dashboard.
61 */
62 handler?: ActionHandler;
63 /**
64 * Bundled component name which should be rendered when user opens the dashboard
65 */
66 component?: string;
67 };
68 /**
69 * Flag which indicates if version number should be visible on the UI
70 */
71 version?: VersionProps;
72 /**
73 * Options which are related to the branding.
74 */
75 branding?: BrandingOptions;
76 /**
77 * Custom assets you want to pass to AdminBro
78 */
79 assets?: {
80 /**
81 * List to urls of custom stylesheets. You can pass your font - icons here (as an example)
82 */
83 styles?: Array<string>;
84 /**
85 * List of urls to custom scripts. If you use some particular js
86 * library - you can pass its url here.
87 */
88 scripts?: Array<string>;
89 /**
90 * Flag indicates if all default styles and scripts should be fetched from CDN or from local
91 * bundle. Default to CDN. You may change this if your internet connection is slow and you are
92 * developing AdminBro on local machine.
93 */
94 globalsFromCDN: boolean;
95 };
96 /**
97 * Environmental variables passed to the frontend.
98 *
99 * So let say you want to pass some _GOOGLE_MAP_API_TOKEN_ to the frontend.
100 * You can do this by adding it here:
101 *
102 * ```javascript
103 * new AdminBro({env: {
104 * GOOGLE_MAP_API_TOKEN: 'my-token',
105 * }})
106 * ```
107 *
108 * and this token will be available on the frontend by using:
109 *
110 * ```javascript
111 * AdminBro.envs.GOOGLE_MAP_API_TOKEN
112 * ```
113 */
114 env?: Record<string, string>;
118 * Version Props
119 * @alias VersionProps
120 * @memberof AdminBroOptions
121 */
122export type VersionProps = {
123 /**
124 * if set to true - current admin version will be visible
125 */
126 admin?: boolean;
127 /**
128 * Here you can pass any arbitrary version text which will be seen in the US.
129 * You can pass here your current API version.
130 */
131 app?: string;
136 * Branding Options
137 *
138 * You can use them to change how AdminBro looks. For instance to change name and
139 * colors (dark theme) run:
140 *
141 * ```javascript
142 * const theme = require('admin-bro-theme-dark')
143 *
144 * new AdminBro({
145 * branding: {
146 * companyName: 'John Doe Family Business',
147 * theme,
148 * }
149 * })
150 * ```
151 *
152 * @alias BrandingOptions
153 * @memberof AdminBroOptions
154 */
155export type BrandingOptions = {
156 /**
157 * URL to a logo.
158 */
159 logo?: string;
160 /**
161 * Name of your company, which will replace "AdminBro".
162 */
163 companyName?: string;
164 /**
165 * CSS theme.
166 */
167 theme?: {
168 colors?: typeof colors;
169 sizes?: typeof sizes;
170 fonts?: typeof fonts;
171 breakpoints?: typeof breakpoints;
172 };
173 /**
174 * Flag indicates if `SoftwareBrothers` tiny hart icon should be visible on the bottom sidebar.
175 */
176 softwareBrothers?: boolean;