1 | # advanced-logger
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18 | ## The idea
19 |
20 | The main idea of this module is to create an isomorphic log sending tool, that can be extended by internal/external plugins.
21 |
22 | It has bundles for browser and nodejs environments.
23 |
24 | It can be extended with custom strategy ("when to send logs") and service ("where to send logs"). See usage examples.
25 |
26 | It does not restrict you with conventions, for example, existence of "logSeverity", "ErrorId" or "message" fields in log.
27 |
28 | It supports any format of logs via custom serializer.
29 |
30 | ## Features
31 |
32 | * It works in browsers and nodejs
33 | * It is able to send single logs and bundles of them to an external logger
34 | * It supports different log sending strategies:
35 | 1. interval (for example, every 10 seconds)
36 | 2. on request (only when you ask)
37 | 3. mixed ("interval" + "on request") (will be done soon)
38 | 4. on bundle size (for example, sends bundles of 100 logs)
39 | 5. instant (received 1 log -> sent 1 log)
40 | * It is able to group duplicated logs in certain time interval (for rapid fire of the same logs)
41 | * It is not afraid of circular links in log objects
42 | * It supports custom format for logs (custom serializer)
43 | * It supports different remote logger endpoints (SumoLogic, Loggly and Elasticsearch). Who is the next? ᕙ(ಠ.ಠ)ᕗ
44 |
45 | ## Runtime environment support
46 |
47 | Builds are generated as ES5 bundles for nodejs and browser environments.
48 |
49 | NodeJS - tested on latest lts
50 |
51 | Browser - all latest browsers + IE10, IE11 (fetch polyfill)
52 |
53 | ## Usage
54 |
55 | Please, find working examples for browser and nodejs environments in **/example** folder.
56 |
57 | ### Add to the project
58 |
59 | In browser:
60 |
61 | ```html
62 | <script src="./node-modules/advance-logger/dist/browser/advanced-logger.browser.min.js"></script>
63 | ```
64 |
65 | or
66 |
67 | ```html
68 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/advanced-logger@latest/dist/browser/advanced-logger.browser.min.js"></script>
69 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/advanced-logger@latest/dist/browser-debug/advanced-logger.browser.js"></script>
70 | ```
71 |
72 | In nodejs:
73 |
74 | ```javascript
75 | const {AdvancedLogger, service, strategy} = require('advanced-logger');
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ### Simplest usage
79 |
80 | Lets initiate a logger that sends all logs instantly to Sumologic service.
81 |
82 | In browser
83 |
84 | ```javascript
85 | const {AdvancedLogger, service, strategy} = window.advancedLogger;
86 |
87 | const defaultLogConfig = {
88 | UserAgent: window.userAgent,
89 | Channel: "my-company",
90 | BuildVersion: 123,
91 | Platform: "browser",
92 | Severity: "DEBUG",
93 | Data: "",
94 | Timestamp: "",
95 | Message: "",
96 | Category: ""
97 | };
98 |
99 | const serviceConfig = {
100 | url: "https://www.google.nl",
101 | sourceName: "advancedLoggerTest",
102 | host: "advanced-logger",
103 | sourceCategory: "MY/SUMO/namespace",
104 | method: "POST"
105 | };
106 |
107 | const config = {serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig};
108 |
109 | const logger = new AdvancedLogger({
110 | service: new service.SumologicService(config),
111 | strategy: new strategy.InstantStrategy()
112 | });
113 |
114 | logger.log({test: "instant log u1"});
115 | logger.log({test: "instant log u2"});
116 | logger.log({test: "instant log u3"});
117 | ```
118 |
119 | ### Strategies
120 |
121 | Strategies are components that "know" when is it right time to send logs.
122 |
123 | There are next strategies available:
124 |
125 | * InstantStrategy
126 | * OnBundleSizeStrategy
127 | * OnIntervalStrategy
128 | * OnRequestStrategy
129 |
130 | #### InstantStrategy
131 |
132 | Does not require parameters. It just sends the log as soon as it appears in logger.
133 |
134 | ```javascript
135 | const {strategy} = require("advanced-logger");
136 | const strategy = new strategy.InstantStrategy();
137 | ```
138 |
139 | #### OnBundleSizeStrategy
140 |
141 | Can accept a configuration object with an optional "maxBundle" value, which determines what is a maximal amount of logs it should collect before sending to the service. Default number is 100.
142 |
143 | ```javascript
144 | const {strategy} = require("advanced-logger");
145 | const config = {
146 | maxBundle: 123
147 | };
148 | const strategy = new strategy.OnBundleSizeStrategy(config);
149 | ```
150 |
151 | #### OnIntervalStrategy
152 |
153 | Can accept a configuration object with an optional "interval" value, which determines what is a time interval for collecting logs before sending them to the service. Default number is 15000.
154 |
155 | ```javascript
156 | const {strategy} = require("advanced-logger");
157 | const config = {
158 | interval: 10000
159 | };
160 | const strategy = new strategy.OnIntervalStrategy(config);
161 | ```
162 |
163 | #### OnRequestStrategy
164 |
165 | This strategy does not do anything :) . It will send logs only after manual call to ```logger.sendAllLogs();``` method.
166 |
167 | ```javascript
168 | const {strategy} = require("advanced-logger");
169 |
170 | const strategy = new strategy.OnRequestStrategy();
171 |
172 | //"logger" is an instance of AdvancedLogger
173 |
174 | logger.sendAllLogs();
175 | ```
176 |
177 | #### Custom implementation of strategy
178 |
179 | TODO
180 |
181 | ### Services
182 |
183 | Currently, module supports only Sumologic and Loggly services out of the box.
184 |
185 | #### Sumologic (see https://www.sumologic.com/)
186 |
187 | ```javascript
188 | //Configuration for communication with Sumologic.
189 | //Url should be taken from the logger's source category configuration page.
190 | const serviceConfig = {
191 | url: "https://www.google.nl",
192 | sourceName: "advancedLoggerTest",
193 | host: "advanced-logger",
194 | sourceCategory: "MY/SUMO/namespace",
195 | method: "POST"
196 | };
197 |
198 | //Default log configuration.
199 | //It is used like a template with default values for each new log.
200 | //Can be of any structure. It will be shallowly copied during creation of a new log record.
201 | const defaultLogConfig = {
202 | UserAgent: window.userAgent,
203 | BuildVersion: 123,
204 | Platform: "browser",
205 | Severity: "DEBUG",
206 | Data: "",
207 | Timestamp: "",
208 | Message: "",
209 | Category: ""
210 | };
211 |
212 | //general config
213 | const config = {serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig};
214 |
215 | const service = new service.SumologicService(config);
216 | ```
217 |
218 | #### Loggly (see https://www.loggly.com/)
219 |
220 | ```javascript
221 | //Configuration for communication with Loggly.
222 | //Url should be taken from the logger's source category configuration page.
223 | const serviceConfig = {
224 | // this should be the url for **bulk** log sending
225 | url: "https://logs-01.loggly.com/bulk/<customertoken>/tag/bulk/",
226 | method: "POST"
227 | };
228 |
229 | //Default log configuration.
230 | //It is used like a template with default values for each new log.
231 | //Can be of any structure. It will be shallowly copied during creation of a new log record.
232 | const defaultLogConfig = {
233 | UserAgent: window.userAgent,
234 | BuildVersion: 123,
235 | Platform: "browser",
236 | Severity: "DEBUG",
237 | Data: "",
238 | Timestamp: "",
239 | Message: "",
240 | Category: ""
241 | };
242 |
243 | //general config
244 | const config = {serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig};
245 |
246 | const service = new service.LogglyService(config);
247 | ```
248 |
249 | #### Elastic Search Service (see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticsearch-service/latest/developerguide/es-gsg-upload-data.html)
250 |
251 | Logger supports sending data to Elasticsearch service endpoint. It was tested on AWS-based instance of Elasticsearch and Kibana. Ideally, it should work also on instance of any other cloud provider.
252 |
253 | ```javascript
254 | //Configuration for communication with Elastic Search.
255 | //Url should be taken from the logger's source category configuration page.
256 | const serviceConfig = {
257 | // this should be the url for **bulk** log sending
258 | url: "https://<endpoint_url>/_bulk",
259 | method: "POST",
260 | //this field will be used to send index value in meta information for each log
261 | logMetaIndexField: "IndexField"
262 | };
263 |
264 | //Default log configuration.
265 | //It is used like a template with default values for each new log.
266 | //Can be of any structure. It will be shallowly copied during creation of a new log record.
267 | const defaultLogConfig = {
268 | BuildVersion: 123,
269 | Platform: "browser",
270 | Severity: "DEBUG",
271 | Data: "",
272 | Timestamp: "",
273 | Message: "",
274 | IndexField: "web-app"
275 | };
276 |
277 | //general config
278 | const config = {serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig};
279 |
280 | const service = new service.ElasticsearchService(config);
281 | ```
282 |
283 | #### Custom serializer
284 |
285 | There are situations when you need a "special" representation of logs instead of JSON before sending them to remote storage. For example, key-value pairs:
286 |
287 | ```
288 | [Timestamp=1234567890] [Message="test message"] [Category="MyController"]
289 | ```
290 |
291 | In order to serialize logs in your own way, you can use ```serializer``` configuration with services:
292 |
293 | ```javascript
294 | const serializer = logObject =>
295 | Object.keys(logObject)
296 | .map(key => `[${key}=${JSON.stringify(logObject[key])}]`)
297 | .join(" ");
298 |
299 | const configWithSerializer = {serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig, serializer};
300 | const testLogs = [
301 | {test: "test123"},
302 | {test: "test321"}
303 | ];
304 |
305 | service = new LogglyService(configWithSerializer);
306 | ```
307 |
308 | #### Custom implementation of service
309 |
310 | TODO
311 |
312 | ## Development
313 |
314 | ### Build and debugging
315 |
316 | In order to run full build of all bundles run:
317 | ```
318 | npm run build
319 | ```
320 |
321 | This script will create all types of build:
322 | * browser compressed
323 | * browser debugging
324 | * nodejs compressed (do we need it? :) )
325 | * nodejs debugging
326 |
327 | Also, you can run a specific build for each platform separately:
328 | ```
329 | npm run build-prod-browser
330 | npm run build-prod-node
331 | npm run build-dev-browser
332 | npm run build-dev-node
333 | ```
334 |
335 | For debugging purposes it should be convenient to use the watch mode:
336 |
337 | ```
338 | npm run watch-prod-browser
339 | npm run watch-prod-node
340 | npm run watch-dev-browser
341 | npm run watch-dev-node
342 | ```
343 |
344 | ### Running tests
345 |
346 | In order to run unit tests run:
347 |
348 | ```
349 | npm run test
350 | ```
351 |
352 | In order to run unit tests with coverage run:
353 |
354 | ```
355 | npm run coverage
356 | ```
357 |
358 | It will build a beautiful code coverage report which you can check by running html file ```coverage/lcov-report/index.html```.
359 |
360 | ### Deployment
361 |
362 | Please, find the ```.travis.yml``` file for the library lifecycle: install -> test -> build -> sonar analysis -> deploy.
363 |
364 | In order to deploy a new version, you need to run:
365 |
366 | ```
367 | npx standard-version
368 | ```
369 |
370 | This command bumps up the library version in all required files, builds the changelog and makes a new commit with a "version" tag. Using this tag travis will assemble and deploy the npm package.
371 |
372 | **Please note**, that releasing happens only from master branch for each tagged commit.
373 |
374 | ### Git workflow
375 |
376 | #### Commits
377 |
378 | Commits should follow the "conventional commit" agreement. It will be validated by Husky plugin on pre-commit git hook.
379 |
380 | #### Branches and pull requests
381 |
382 | Feel free to do anything you want in branches. All final commits should be rebased and clean. Please, create pull request for delivering your changes to master. All PR checks should be green. All sonar suggestions should be resolved and/or discussed if not applicable.
383 |
384 | ## Thanks to
385 |
386 | creators of https://github.com/DxCx/ts-library-starter. Their repository was used as a start point for the library
387 |
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