1 | # advanced-logger
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18 | ## What is it?
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20 | It is an extendable isomorphic log sending library written in TypeScript for javascript application in nodejs and browsers.
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22 | It can be extended with custom strategy ("when to send logs") and service ("where to send logs").
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24 | It does not restrict you with conventions, for example, existence of "logSeverity", "ErrorId" or "message" fields in log.
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26 | It supports any format of logs via custom serializer.
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28 | ## Features
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30 | * :scream_cat: It works in browsers and nodejs
31 | * :articulated_lorry: It is able to send single logs and bundles of them to an external logger
32 | * It supports different log sending strategies:
33 | 1. :alarm_clock: interval (for example, every 10 seconds)
34 | 2. :loudspeaker: on request (only when you ask)
35 | 3. :alarm_clock: :heavy_plus_sign: :loudspeaker: mixed ("interval" + "on request") (will be done soon)
36 | 4. :steam_locomotive: :railway_car: :railway_car: :railway_car: on bundle size (for example, sends bundles of 100 logs)
37 | 5. :toilet: instant (received 1 log -> sent 1 log)
38 | * :busts_in_silhouette: It is able to group duplicated logs in certain time interval (for rapid fire of the same logs)
39 | * :octopus: It is not afraid of circular links in log objects
40 | * :building_construction: It supports custom format for logs (custom serializer)
41 | * :dart: It supports different remote logger endpoints (SumoLogic, Loggly and Elasticsearch). Who is the next? ᕙ(ಠ.ಠ)ᕗ
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43 | ## Runtime environment support :running_woman:
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45 | Builds are generated as ES5 bundles for nodejs and browser environments.
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47 | :robot: NodeJS - tested on latest lts
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49 | :globe_with_meridians: Browser - all latest browsers + IE10, IE11 (fetch polyfill)
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51 | ## [Documentation](https://advancedlogger.com "Advanced Logger's Homepage")
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53 | Complete documentation and examples can be found here:
54 |
55 | **[Advanced Logger's Homepage](https://advancedlogger.com "Advanced Logger's Homepage")**
56 |
57 | **[NPM package link](https://www.npmjs.com/package/advanced-logger "NPM package link")**
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59 | ### Simplest usage
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61 | Now, the boring part :nerd_face:
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63 | #### Add to the project
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65 | In browser:
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67 | ```html
68 | <script src="./node-modules/advance-logger/dist/browser/advanced-logger.browser.min.js"></script>
69 | ```
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71 | or
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73 | ```html
74 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/advanced-logger@latest/dist/browser/advanced-logger.browser.min.js"></script>
75 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/advanced-logger@latest/dist/browser-debug/advanced-logger.browser.js"></script>
76 | ```
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78 | In nodejs:
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80 | ```javascript
81 | const {AdvancedLogger, service, strategy} = require('advanced-logger');
82 | ```
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84 | #### Configuration
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86 | Lets initiate a logger that sends all logs instantly to Sumologic service.
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88 | In browser
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90 | ```javascript
91 | const {AdvancedLogger, service, strategy} = window.advancedLogger;
92 |
93 | const defaultLogConfig = {
94 | UserAgent: window.userAgent,
95 | Channel: "my-company",
96 | BuildVersion: 123,
97 | Platform: "browser",
98 | Severity: "DEBUG",
99 | Data: "",
100 | Timestamp: "",
101 | Message: "",
102 | Category: ""
103 | };
104 |
105 | const serviceConfig = {
106 | url: "https://www.google.nl",
107 | sourceName: "advancedLoggerTest",
108 | host: "advanced-logger",
109 | sourceCategory: "MY/SUMO/namespace",
110 | method: "POST"
111 | };
112 |
113 | const config = {serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig};
114 |
115 | const logger = new AdvancedLogger({
116 | service: new service.SumologicService(config),
117 | strategy: new strategy.InstantStrategy()
118 | });
119 |
120 | logger.log({test: "instant log u1"}); // sends log message :rocket:
121 | logger.log({test: "instant log u2"}); // sends log message :rocket:
122 | logger.log({test: "instant log u3"}); // sends log message :rocket:
123 | ``` |
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