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8 | # AFLB ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9 |
10 | ![aflb](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/814183405901053992/894023623990468618/aflb_banner.png)
11 |
12 | ## Installation
13 | ```
14 | npm i aflb
15 | ```
16 | Huge anime action gifs with no external dependencies.
17 |
18 | ### SFW Action Gifs
19 |
20 | | Function | Description |
21 | | -------- | ----------- |
22 | | `angry` | Gets a URL of a angry image/gif |
23 | | `baka` | Gets a URL of a baka image/gif |
24 | | `bite` | Gets a URL of a bite image/gif |
25 | | `bloodsuck` | Gets a URL of a bloodsuck image/gif |
26 | | `blush` | Gets a URL of a blush image/gif |
27 | | `bored` | Gets a URL of a bored image/gif |
28 | | `cheekKiss` | Gets a URL of a kissing cheek image/gif |
29 | | `cheek` | Gets a URL of a squeeze cheeks image/gif |
30 | | `clap` | Gets a URL of a clap image/gif |
31 | | `cringe` | Gets a URL of a cringe image/gif |
32 | | `cry` | Gets a URL of a cry image/gif |
33 | | `dance` | Gets a URL of a dance image/gif |
34 | | `drink` | Gets a URL of a drink image/gif |
35 | | `facedesk` | Gets a URL of a facedesk image/gif |
36 | | `fight` | Gets a URL of a fight image/gif |
37 | | `happy` | Gets a URL of a happy image/gif |
38 | | `hate` | Gets a URL of a hate image/gif |
39 | | `highfive` | Gets a URL of a highfive image/gif |
40 | | `horny` | Gets a URL of a horny image/gif |
41 | | `kill` | Gets a URL of a kill image/gif |
42 | | `hand` | Gets a URL of a hand image/gif |
43 | | `laugh` | Gets a URL of a laugh image/gif |
44 | | `lick` | Gets a URL of a lick image/gif |
45 | | `lurk` | Gets a URL of a lurk image/gif |
46 | | `meow` | Gets a URL of a meow image/gif |
47 | | `nom` | Gets a URL of a nom image/gif |
48 | | `feed` | Gets a URL of a feed image/gif |
49 | | `hug` | Gets a URL of a hug image/gif |
50 | | `nuzzle` | Gets a URL of a nuzzle image/gif |
51 | | `kiss` | Gets a URL of a kiss image/gif |
52 | | `pat` | Gets a URL of a pat image/gif |
53 | | `tickle` | Gets a URL of a tickle image/gif |
54 | | `poke` | Gets a URL of a poke image/gif |
55 | | `smug` | Gets a URL of a smug image/gif |
56 | | `stare` | Gets a URL of a stare image/gif |
57 | | `panic` | Gets a URL of a panic image/gif |
58 | | `nya` | Gets a URL of a nya image/gif |
59 | | `pout` | Gets a URL of a pout image/gif |
60 | | `run` | Gets a URL of a run image/gif |
61 | | `sad` | Gets a URL of a sad image/gif |
62 | | `sake` | Gets a URL of a drink sake image/gif |
63 | | `shoot` | Gets a URL of a shoot image/gif |
64 | | `tea` | Gets a URL of a sip tea image/gif |
65 | | `coffee` | Gets a URL of a sip coffee image/gif |
66 | | `juice` | Gets a URL of a sip juice image/gif |
67 | | `slap` | Gets a URL of a slap/punch/hit image/gif |
68 | | `sleep` | Gets a URL of a sleep image/gif |
69 | | `smile` | Gets a URL of a smile image/gif |
70 | | `smoke` | Gets a URL of a smoke image/gif |
71 | | `steal` | Gets a URL of a steal image/gif |
72 | | `stockings` | Gets a URL of a stockings image/gif |
73 | | `sweeties` | Gets a URL of a sweeties image/gif |
74 | | `wasted` | Gets a URL of a wasted image/gif |
75 | | `wave` | Gets a URL of a wave image/gif |
76 | | `tease` | Gets a URL of a wave image/gif |
77 | | `wink` | Gets a URL of a wink image/gif |
78 | | `sex` | Gets a URL of a (NO NSFW) sex image/gif |
79 | | `cuddle` | Gets a URL of a cuddle image/gif |
80 |
81 | ### NSFW Gifs
82 |
83 | # NSFW content is not yet available, coming soon..
84 |
85 | | Function | Description |
86 | | -------- | ----------- |
87 | | `ass` | Gets a URL of a ass image/gif |
88 |
89 | ## Typings
90 |
91 | I added a typings file and will be working to improve it. This allows editors like VSC to use intellisense/autocomplete to suggest functions and help out with parameters and to see what you'll be receiving as a result of function calls.
92 |
93 |
94 | ## Examples
95 |
96 | Await/Async example
97 | ```js
98 | const client = require('aflb');
99 | const aflb = new client();
100 |
101 | async function getKissImage() {
102 | console.log(await aflb.sfw.kiss());
103 | }
104 | getKissImage();
105 | ```
106 | returns:
107 | ```json
108 | "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820213553540759571/894020186611548230/kiss_01.gif"
109 | ```
110 |
111 | Standart Usage
112 | ```js
113 | const client = require('aflb');
114 | const aflb = new client();
115 |
116 | console.log(aflb.sfw.kiss())
117 |
118 | ```
119 | returns:
120 | ```json
121 | "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820213553540759571/894021582819835904/kiss_02.gif"
122 | ```
123 |
124 | Usage in Embed
125 | ```js
126 | const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js')
127 | const client = require('aflb');
128 | const aflb = new client();
129 |
130 | const embed = new MessageEmbed().setImage(aflb.sfw.kiss())
131 | ```
132 | returns:
133 | ```json
134 | "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820213553540759571/894021582819835904/kiss_02.gif"
135 | ```
136 | ![Embed Usage](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820213553540759571/894023119101120572/embed_usage.png)
137 |
138 |
139 | ## Extended Examples
140 |
141 | The examples show only the import of the sfw / nsfw module, in case you don't need the second part.
142 |
143 | Import only sfw content
144 | ```js
145 | const client = require('aflb');
146 | const { sfw } = new client();
147 |
148 | console.log(sfw.kiss())
149 |
150 | ```
151 | returns:
152 | ```json
153 | "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820213553540759571/894021582819835904/kiss_02.gif"
154 | ```
155 |
156 | Import only nsfw content
157 | ```js
158 | const client = require('aflb');
159 | const { nsfw } = new client();
160 |
161 | console.log(nsfw.ass())
162 |
163 | ```
164 | returns:
165 | ```json
166 | "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820213553540759571/894021582819835904/mega-nsfw.gif"
167 | ```