116 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { __rest, __decorate, __metadata, __extends } from 'tslib';
2import { ContentChildren, QueryList, Input, Component, NgZone, Injectable, EventEmitter, ElementRef, ViewContainerRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, Output, ViewEncapsulation, ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
3import { AgPromise, VanillaFrameworkOverrides, BaseComponentWrapper, ComponentUtil, Grid } from 'ag-grid-community';
5var AgGridColumn = /** @class */ (function () {
6 function AgGridColumn() {
7 // inputs - pretty much most of ColDef, with the exception of template, templateUrl and internal only properties
8 // @START@
9 /** Columns in this group */
10 this.children = undefined;
11 /** The sort order, provide an array with any of the following in any order ['asc','desc',null] */
12 this.sortingOrder = undefined;
13 /** Agg funcs allowed on this column. If missing, all installed agg funcs are allowed.
14 * Can be eg ['sum','avg']. This will restrict what the GUI allows to select only. */
15 this.allowedAggFuncs = undefined;
16 /** The menu tabs to show, and in which order, the valid values for this property are:
17 * filterMenuTab, generalMenuTab, columnsMenuTab * */
18 this.menuTabs = undefined;
19 /** Rules for applying css classes */
20 this.cellClassRules = undefined;
21 /** Icons for this column. Leave blank to use default. */
22 this.icons = undefined;
23 /** The custom header group component to be used for rendering the component header. If none specified the default AG Grid is used* */
24 this.headerGroupComponent = undefined;
25 /** The custom header group component to be used for rendering the component header in the hosting framework (ie: React/Angular). If none specified the default AG Grid is used* */
26 this.headerGroupComponentFramework = undefined;
27 /** The custom header group component to be used for rendering the component header. If none specified the default AG Grid is used* */
28 this.headerGroupComponentParams = undefined;
29 /** An object of css values. Or a function returning an object of css values. */
30 this.cellStyle = undefined;
31 this.cellRendererParams = undefined;
32 this.cellEditorFramework = undefined;
33 this.cellEditorParams = undefined;
34 /** @deprecated Use cellRendererSelector if you want a different Cell Renderer for pinned rows. Check params.node.rowPinned.
35 */
36 this.pinnedRowCellRendererFramework = undefined;
37 /** @deprecated Use cellRendererSelector if you want a different Cell Renderer for pinned rows. Check params.node.rowPinned.
38 */
39 this.pinnedRowCellRendererParams = undefined;
40 this.filterFramework = undefined;
41 this.filterParams = undefined;
42 /** The custom header component to be used for rendering the component header. If none specified the default AG Grid is used* */
43 this.headerComponent = undefined;
44 /** The custom header component to be used for rendering the component header in the hosting framework (ie: React/Angular). If none specified the default AG Grid is used* */
45 this.headerComponentFramework = undefined;
46 /** The custom header component parameters* */
47 this.headerComponentParams = undefined;
48 this.floatingFilterComponent = undefined;
49 this.floatingFilterComponentParams = undefined;
50 this.floatingFilterComponentFramework = undefined;
51 this.tooltipComponent = undefined;
52 this.tooltipComponentParams = undefined;
53 this.tooltipComponentFramework = undefined;
54 this.refData = undefined;
55 /** Params to customise the columns menu behaviour and appearance */
56 this.columnsMenuParams = undefined;
57 /** The name to render in the column header */
58 this.headerName = undefined;
59 /** Whether to show the column when the group is open / closed. */
60 this.columnGroupShow = undefined;
61 /** CSS class for the header */
62 this.headerClass = undefined;
63 /** CSS class for the toolPanel */
64 this.toolPanelClass = undefined;
65 /** Expression or function to get the cells value. */
66 this.headerValueGetter = undefined;
67 /** Group ID */
68 this.groupId = undefined;
69 /** The unique ID to give the column. This is optional. If missing, the ID will default to the field.
70 * If both field and colId are missing, a unique ID will be generated.
71 * This ID is used to identify the column in the API for sorting, filtering etc. */
72 this.colId = undefined;
73 /** If sorting by default, set it here. Set to 'asc' or 'desc' */
74 this.sort = undefined;
75 this.initialSort = undefined;
76 /** The field of the row to get the cells data from */
77 this.field = undefined;
78 /** A comma separated string or array of strings containing ColumnType keys which can be used as a template for a column.
79 * This helps to reduce duplication of properties when you have a lot of common column properties. */
80 this.type = undefined;
81 /** The field where we get the tooltip on the object */
82 this.tooltipField = undefined;
83 /** Tooltip for the column header */
84 this.headerTooltip = undefined;
85 /** Class to use for the cell. Can be string, array of strings, or function. */
86 this.cellClass = undefined;
87 /** Set to true to have the grid place the values for the group into the cell, or put the name of a grouped column to just show that group. */
88 this.showRowGroup = undefined;
89 this.filter = undefined;
90 this.initialAggFunc = undefined;
91 /** Name of function to use for aggregation. One of [sum,min,max,first,last] or a function. */
92 this.aggFunc = undefined;
93 /** A function for rendering a cell. */
94 this.cellRenderer = undefined;
95 /** Cell editor */
96 this.cellEditor = undefined;
97 /** Whether this column is pinned or not. */
98 this.pinned = undefined;
99 this.initialPinned = undefined;
100 /** Defines the column data type used when charting */
101 this.chartDataType = undefined;
102 this.cellEditorPopupPosition = undefined;
103 /** @deprecated since v24 - use sortIndex instead
104 */
105 this.sortedAt = undefined;
106 /** If sorting more than one column by default, specifies order in which the sorting should be applied. */
107 this.sortIndex = undefined;
108 this.initialSortIndex = undefined;
109 /** Sets the grow factor of a column. It specifies how much of the remaining
110 * space should be assigned to the column. */
111 this.flex = undefined;
112 this.initialFlex = undefined;
113 /** Actual width, in pixels, of the cell */
114 this.width = undefined;
115 /** Default width, in pixels, of the cell */
116 this.initialWidth = undefined;
117 /** Min width, in pixels, of the cell */
118 this.minWidth = undefined;
119 /** Max width, in pixels, of the cell */
120 this.maxWidth = undefined;
121 /** To group by this column by default, either provide an index (eg rowGroupIndex=1), or set rowGroup=true. */
122 this.rowGroupIndex = undefined;
123 this.initialRowGroupIndex = undefined;
124 /** To pivot by this column by default, either provide an index (eg pivotIndex=1), or set pivot=true. */
125 this.pivotIndex = undefined;
126 this.initialPivotIndex = undefined;
127 /** For native drag and drop, set to true to allow custom onRowDrag processing */
128 this.dndSourceOnRowDrag = undefined;
129 /** Expression or function to get the cells value. */
130 this.valueGetter = undefined;
131 /** If not using a field, then this puts the value into the cell */
132 this.valueSetter = undefined;
133 /** Expression or function to get the cells value for filtering. */
134 this.filterValueGetter = undefined;
135 /** Function to return the key for a value - use this if the value is an object (not a primitive type) and you
136 * want to a) group by this field or b) use set filter on this field. */
137 this.keyCreator = undefined;
138 this.cellRendererFramework = undefined;
139 /** @deprecated Use cellRendererSelector if you want a different Cell Renderer for pinned rows. Check params.node.rowPinned.
140 */
141 this.pinnedRowCellRenderer = undefined;
142 /** A function to format a value, should return a string. Not used for CSV export or copy to clipboard, only for UI cell rendering. */
143 this.valueFormatter = undefined;
144 /** @deprecated Use valueFormatter for pinned rows, and check params.node.rowPinned.
145 */
146 this.pinnedRowValueFormatter = undefined;
147 /** Gets called after editing, converts the value in the cell. */
148 this.valueParser = undefined;
149 /** Comparator function for custom sorting. */
150 this.comparator = undefined;
151 /** Comparator for values, used by renderer to know if values have changed. Cells who's values have not changed don't get refreshed. */
152 this.equals = undefined;
153 /** Comparator for ordering the pivot columns */
154 this.pivotComparator = undefined;
155 /** Allows the user to suppress certain keyboard events in the grid cell */
156 this.suppressKeyboardEvent = undefined;
157 /** Allows the user to suppress certain keyboard events in the grid header */
158 this.suppressHeaderKeyboardEvent = undefined;
159 this.colSpan = undefined;
160 this.rowSpan = undefined;
161 /** To create the quick filter text for this column, if toString is not good enough on the value. */
162 this.getQuickFilterText = undefined;
163 /** Callbacks for editing. See editing section for further details.
164 * Return true if the update was successful, or false if not.
165 * If false, then skips the UI refresh and no events are emitted.
166 * Return false if the values are the same (ie no update). */
167 this.newValueHandler = undefined;
168 /** Callbacks for editing.See editing section for further details. */
169 this.onCellValueChanged = undefined;
170 /** Function callback, gets called when a cell is clicked. */
171 this.onCellClicked = undefined;
172 /** Function callback, gets called when a cell is double clicked. */
173 this.onCellDoubleClicked = undefined;
174 /** Function callback, gets called when a cell is right clicked. */
175 this.onCellContextMenu = undefined;
176 /** To configure the text to be displayed in the floating div while dragging a row when rowDrag is true */
177 this.rowDragText = undefined;
178 /** The function used to calculate the tooltip of the object, tooltipField takes precedence */
179 this.tooltipValueGetter = undefined;
180 this.cellRendererSelector = undefined;
181 this.cellEditorSelector = undefined;
182 /** Set to true to not flash this column for value changes */
183 this.suppressCellFlash = undefined;
184 /** Set to true to not include this column in the Columns Tool Panel */
185 this.suppressColumnsToolPanel = undefined;
186 /** Set to true to not include this column / filter in the Filters Tool Panel */
187 this.suppressFiltersToolPanel = undefined;
188 /** Open by Default */
189 this.openByDefault = undefined;
190 /** If true, group cannot be broken up by column moving, child columns will always appear side by side, however you can rearrange child columns within the group */
191 this.marryChildren = undefined;
192 /** Set to true for this column to be hidden. Naturally you might think, it would make more sense to call this field 'visible' and mark it false to hide,
193 * however we want all default values to be false and we want columns to be visible by default. */
194 this.hide = undefined;
195 this.initialHide = undefined;
196 this.rowGroup = undefined;
197 this.initialRowGroup = undefined;
198 this.pivot = undefined;
199 this.initialPivot = undefined;
200 /** Set to true to render a selection checkbox in the column. */
201 this.checkboxSelection = undefined;
202 /** If true, a 'select all' checkbox will be put into the header */
203 this.headerCheckboxSelection = undefined;
204 /** If true, the header checkbox selection will work on filtered items */
205 this.headerCheckboxSelectionFilteredOnly = undefined;
206 /** Set to true if no menu should be shown for this column header. */
207 this.suppressMenu = undefined;
208 /** Set to true to not allow moving this column via dragging it's header */
209 this.suppressMovable = undefined;
210 /** Set to true to make sure this column is always first. Other columns, if movable, cannot move before this column. */
211 this.lockPosition = undefined;
212 /** Set to true to block the user showing / hiding the column, the column can only be shown / hidden via definitions or API */
213 this.lockVisible = undefined;
214 /** Set to true to block the user pinning the column, the column can only be pinned via definitions or API */
215 this.lockPinned = undefined;
216 /** Set to true if you want the unsorted icon to be shown when no sort is applied to this column. */
217 this.unSortIcon = undefined;
218 /** Set to true if you want this columns width to be fixed during 'size to fit' operation. */
219 this.suppressSizeToFit = undefined;
220 /** Set to true if you do not want this column to be auto-resizable by double clicking it's edge. */
221 this.suppressAutoSize = undefined;
222 /** If true, GUI will allow adding this columns as a row group */
223 this.enableRowGroup = undefined;
224 /** If true, GUI will allow adding this columns as a pivot */
225 this.enablePivot = undefined;
226 /** If true, GUI will allow adding this columns as a value */
227 this.enableValue = undefined;
228 /** Set to true if this col is editable, otherwise false. Can also be a function to have different rows editable. */
229 this.editable = undefined;
230 /** Set to true if this col should not be allowed take new values from the clipboard . */
231 this.suppressPaste = undefined;
232 /** Set to true if this col should not be navigable with the tab key. Can also be a function to have different rows editable. */
233 this.suppressNavigable = undefined;
234 /** If true, grid will flash cell after cell is refreshed */
235 this.enableCellChangeFlash = undefined;
236 /** For grid row dragging, set to true to enable row dragging within the grid */
237 this.rowDrag = undefined;
238 /** For native drag and drop, set to true to enable drag source */
239 this.dndSource = undefined;
240 /** True if this column should stretch rows height to fit contents */
241 this.autoHeight = undefined;
242 /** True if this column should wrap cell contents - typically used with autoHeight */
243 this.wrapText = undefined;
244 /** Set to true if sorting allowed for this column. */
245 this.sortable = undefined;
246 /** Set to true if this column should be resizable */
247 this.resizable = undefined;
248 /** If true, this cell will be in editing mode after first click. */
249 this.singleClickEdit = undefined;
250 /** Whether to display a floating filter for this column. */
251 this.floatingFilter = undefined;
252 this.cellEditorPopup = undefined;
253 // @END@
254 }
255 AgGridColumn_1 = AgGridColumn;
256 AgGridColumn.prototype.hasChildColumns = function () {
257 if (this.childColumns && this.childColumns.length > 0) {
258 // necessary because of https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/10098
259 return !(this.childColumns.length === 1 && this.childColumns.first === this);
260 }
261 return false;
262 };
263 AgGridColumn.prototype.toColDef = function () {
264 var colDef = this.createColDefFromGridColumn(this);
265 if (this.hasChildColumns()) {
266 colDef["children"] = this.getChildColDefs(this.childColumns);
267 }
268 return colDef;
269 };
270 AgGridColumn.prototype.getChildColDefs = function (childColumns) {
271 return childColumns
272 // necessary because of https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/10098
273 .filter(function (column) { return !column.hasChildColumns(); })
274 .map(function (column) {
275 return column.toColDef();
276 });
277 };
278 AgGridColumn.prototype.createColDefFromGridColumn = function (from) {
279 var childColumns = from.childColumns, colDef = __rest(from, ["childColumns"]);
280 return colDef;
281 };
282 var AgGridColumn_1;
283 __decorate([
284 ContentChildren(AgGridColumn_1),
285 __metadata("design:type", QueryList)
286 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "childColumns", void 0);
287 __decorate([
288 Input(),
289 __metadata("design:type", Array)
290 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "children", void 0);
291 __decorate([
292 Input(),
293 __metadata("design:type", Array)
294 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "sortingOrder", void 0);
295 __decorate([
296 Input(),
297 __metadata("design:type", Array)
298 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "allowedAggFuncs", void 0);
299 __decorate([
300 Input(),
301 __metadata("design:type", Array)
302 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "menuTabs", void 0);
303 __decorate([
304 Input(),
305 __metadata("design:type", Object)
306 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellClassRules", void 0);
307 __decorate([
308 Input(),
309 __metadata("design:type", Object)
310 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "icons", void 0);
311 __decorate([
312 Input(),
313 __metadata("design:type", Object)
314 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerGroupComponent", void 0);
315 __decorate([
316 Input(),
317 __metadata("design:type", Object)
318 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerGroupComponentFramework", void 0);
319 __decorate([
320 Input(),
321 __metadata("design:type", Object)
322 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerGroupComponentParams", void 0);
323 __decorate([
324 Input(),
325 __metadata("design:type", Object)
326 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellStyle", void 0);
327 __decorate([
328 Input(),
329 __metadata("design:type", Object)
330 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellRendererParams", void 0);
331 __decorate([
332 Input(),
333 __metadata("design:type", Object)
334 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellEditorFramework", void 0);
335 __decorate([
336 Input(),
337 __metadata("design:type", Object)
338 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellEditorParams", void 0);
339 __decorate([
340 Input(),
341 __metadata("design:type", Object)
342 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "pinnedRowCellRendererFramework", void 0);
343 __decorate([
344 Input(),
345 __metadata("design:type", Object)
346 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "pinnedRowCellRendererParams", void 0);
347 __decorate([
348 Input(),
349 __metadata("design:type", Object)
350 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "filterFramework", void 0);
351 __decorate([
352 Input(),
353 __metadata("design:type", Object)
354 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "filterParams", void 0);
355 __decorate([
356 Input(),
357 __metadata("design:type", Object)
358 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerComponent", void 0);
359 __decorate([
360 Input(),
361 __metadata("design:type", Object)
362 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerComponentFramework", void 0);
363 __decorate([
364 Input(),
365 __metadata("design:type", Object)
366 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerComponentParams", void 0);
367 __decorate([
368 Input(),
369 __metadata("design:type", Object)
370 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "floatingFilterComponent", void 0);
371 __decorate([
372 Input(),
373 __metadata("design:type", Object)
374 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "floatingFilterComponentParams", void 0);
375 __decorate([
376 Input(),
377 __metadata("design:type", Object)
378 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "floatingFilterComponentFramework", void 0);
379 __decorate([
380 Input(),
381 __metadata("design:type", Object)
382 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "tooltipComponent", void 0);
383 __decorate([
384 Input(),
385 __metadata("design:type", Object)
386 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "tooltipComponentParams", void 0);
387 __decorate([
388 Input(),
389 __metadata("design:type", Object)
390 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "tooltipComponentFramework", void 0);
391 __decorate([
392 Input(),
393 __metadata("design:type", Object)
394 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "refData", void 0);
395 __decorate([
396 Input(),
397 __metadata("design:type", Object)
398 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "columnsMenuParams", void 0);
399 __decorate([
400 Input(),
401 __metadata("design:type", String)
402 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerName", void 0);
403 __decorate([
404 Input(),
405 __metadata("design:type", String)
406 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "columnGroupShow", void 0);
407 __decorate([
408 Input(),
409 __metadata("design:type", Object)
410 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerClass", void 0);
411 __decorate([
412 Input(),
413 __metadata("design:type", Object)
414 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "toolPanelClass", void 0);
415 __decorate([
416 Input(),
417 __metadata("design:type", Object)
418 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerValueGetter", void 0);
419 __decorate([
420 Input(),
421 __metadata("design:type", String)
422 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "groupId", void 0);
423 __decorate([
424 Input(),
425 __metadata("design:type", String)
426 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "colId", void 0);
427 __decorate([
428 Input(),
429 __metadata("design:type", String)
430 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "sort", void 0);
431 __decorate([
432 Input(),
433 __metadata("design:type", String)
434 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialSort", void 0);
435 __decorate([
436 Input(),
437 __metadata("design:type", String)
438 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "field", void 0);
439 __decorate([
440 Input(),
441 __metadata("design:type", Object)
442 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "type", void 0);
443 __decorate([
444 Input(),
445 __metadata("design:type", String)
446 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "tooltipField", void 0);
447 __decorate([
448 Input(),
449 __metadata("design:type", String)
450 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerTooltip", void 0);
451 __decorate([
452 Input(),
453 __metadata("design:type", Object)
454 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellClass", void 0);
455 __decorate([
456 Input(),
457 __metadata("design:type", Object)
458 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "showRowGroup", void 0);
459 __decorate([
460 Input(),
461 __metadata("design:type", Object)
462 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "filter", void 0);
463 __decorate([
464 Input(),
465 __metadata("design:type", Object)
466 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialAggFunc", void 0);
467 __decorate([
468 Input(),
469 __metadata("design:type", Object)
470 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "aggFunc", void 0);
471 __decorate([
472 Input(),
473 __metadata("design:type", Object)
474 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellRenderer", void 0);
475 __decorate([
476 Input(),
477 __metadata("design:type", Object)
478 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellEditor", void 0);
479 __decorate([
480 Input(),
481 __metadata("design:type", Object)
482 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "pinned", void 0);
483 __decorate([
484 Input(),
485 __metadata("design:type", Object)
486 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialPinned", void 0);
487 __decorate([
488 Input(),
489 __metadata("design:type", String)
490 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "chartDataType", void 0);
491 __decorate([
492 Input(),
493 __metadata("design:type", String)
494 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellEditorPopupPosition", void 0);
495 __decorate([
496 Input(),
497 __metadata("design:type", Number)
498 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "sortedAt", void 0);
499 __decorate([
500 Input(),
501 __metadata("design:type", Number)
502 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "sortIndex", void 0);
503 __decorate([
504 Input(),
505 __metadata("design:type", Number)
506 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialSortIndex", void 0);
507 __decorate([
508 Input(),
509 __metadata("design:type", Number)
510 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "flex", void 0);
511 __decorate([
512 Input(),
513 __metadata("design:type", Number)
514 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialFlex", void 0);
515 __decorate([
516 Input(),
517 __metadata("design:type", Number)
518 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "width", void 0);
519 __decorate([
520 Input(),
521 __metadata("design:type", Number)
522 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialWidth", void 0);
523 __decorate([
524 Input(),
525 __metadata("design:type", Number)
526 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "minWidth", void 0);
527 __decorate([
528 Input(),
529 __metadata("design:type", Number)
530 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "maxWidth", void 0);
531 __decorate([
532 Input(),
533 __metadata("design:type", Number)
534 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "rowGroupIndex", void 0);
535 __decorate([
536 Input(),
537 __metadata("design:type", Number)
538 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialRowGroupIndex", void 0);
539 __decorate([
540 Input(),
541 __metadata("design:type", Number)
542 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "pivotIndex", void 0);
543 __decorate([
544 Input(),
545 __metadata("design:type", Number)
546 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialPivotIndex", void 0);
547 __decorate([
548 Input(),
549 __metadata("design:type", Function)
550 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "dndSourceOnRowDrag", void 0);
551 __decorate([
552 Input(),
553 __metadata("design:type", Object)
554 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "valueGetter", void 0);
555 __decorate([
556 Input(),
557 __metadata("design:type", Object)
558 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "valueSetter", void 0);
559 __decorate([
560 Input(),
561 __metadata("design:type", Object)
562 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "filterValueGetter", void 0);
563 __decorate([
564 Input(),
565 __metadata("design:type", Function)
566 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "keyCreator", void 0);
567 __decorate([
568 Input(),
569 __metadata("design:type", Object)
570 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellRendererFramework", void 0);
571 __decorate([
572 Input(),
573 __metadata("design:type", Object)
574 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "pinnedRowCellRenderer", void 0);
575 __decorate([
576 Input(),
577 __metadata("design:type", Object)
578 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "valueFormatter", void 0);
579 __decorate([
580 Input(),
581 __metadata("design:type", Object)
582 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "pinnedRowValueFormatter", void 0);
583 __decorate([
584 Input(),
585 __metadata("design:type", Object)
586 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "valueParser", void 0);
587 __decorate([
588 Input(),
589 __metadata("design:type", Function)
590 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "comparator", void 0);
591 __decorate([
592 Input(),
593 __metadata("design:type", Function)
594 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "equals", void 0);
595 __decorate([
596 Input(),
597 __metadata("design:type", Function)
598 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "pivotComparator", void 0);
599 __decorate([
600 Input(),
601 __metadata("design:type", Function)
602 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressKeyboardEvent", void 0);
603 __decorate([
604 Input(),
605 __metadata("design:type", Function)
606 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressHeaderKeyboardEvent", void 0);
607 __decorate([
608 Input(),
609 __metadata("design:type", Function)
610 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "colSpan", void 0);
611 __decorate([
612 Input(),
613 __metadata("design:type", Function)
614 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "rowSpan", void 0);
615 __decorate([
616 Input(),
617 __metadata("design:type", Function)
618 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "getQuickFilterText", void 0);
619 __decorate([
620 Input(),
621 __metadata("design:type", Function)
622 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "newValueHandler", void 0);
623 __decorate([
624 Input(),
625 __metadata("design:type", Function)
626 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "onCellValueChanged", void 0);
627 __decorate([
628 Input(),
629 __metadata("design:type", Function)
630 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "onCellClicked", void 0);
631 __decorate([
632 Input(),
633 __metadata("design:type", Function)
634 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "onCellDoubleClicked", void 0);
635 __decorate([
636 Input(),
637 __metadata("design:type", Function)
638 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "onCellContextMenu", void 0);
639 __decorate([
640 Input(),
641 __metadata("design:type", Function)
642 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "rowDragText", void 0);
643 __decorate([
644 Input(),
645 __metadata("design:type", Function)
646 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "tooltipValueGetter", void 0);
647 __decorate([
648 Input(),
649 __metadata("design:type", Function)
650 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellRendererSelector", void 0);
651 __decorate([
652 Input(),
653 __metadata("design:type", Function)
654 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellEditorSelector", void 0);
655 __decorate([
656 Input(),
657 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
658 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressCellFlash", void 0);
659 __decorate([
660 Input(),
661 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
662 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressColumnsToolPanel", void 0);
663 __decorate([
664 Input(),
665 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
666 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressFiltersToolPanel", void 0);
667 __decorate([
668 Input(),
669 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
670 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "openByDefault", void 0);
671 __decorate([
672 Input(),
673 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
674 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "marryChildren", void 0);
675 __decorate([
676 Input(),
677 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
678 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "hide", void 0);
679 __decorate([
680 Input(),
681 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
682 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialHide", void 0);
683 __decorate([
684 Input(),
685 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
686 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "rowGroup", void 0);
687 __decorate([
688 Input(),
689 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
690 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialRowGroup", void 0);
691 __decorate([
692 Input(),
693 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
694 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "pivot", void 0);
695 __decorate([
696 Input(),
697 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
698 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "initialPivot", void 0);
699 __decorate([
700 Input(),
701 __metadata("design:type", Object)
702 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "checkboxSelection", void 0);
703 __decorate([
704 Input(),
705 __metadata("design:type", Object)
706 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerCheckboxSelection", void 0);
707 __decorate([
708 Input(),
709 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
710 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "headerCheckboxSelectionFilteredOnly", void 0);
711 __decorate([
712 Input(),
713 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
714 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressMenu", void 0);
715 __decorate([
716 Input(),
717 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
718 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressMovable", void 0);
719 __decorate([
720 Input(),
721 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
722 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "lockPosition", void 0);
723 __decorate([
724 Input(),
725 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
726 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "lockVisible", void 0);
727 __decorate([
728 Input(),
729 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
730 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "lockPinned", void 0);
731 __decorate([
732 Input(),
733 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
734 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "unSortIcon", void 0);
735 __decorate([
736 Input(),
737 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
738 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressSizeToFit", void 0);
739 __decorate([
740 Input(),
741 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
742 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressAutoSize", void 0);
743 __decorate([
744 Input(),
745 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
746 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "enableRowGroup", void 0);
747 __decorate([
748 Input(),
749 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
750 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "enablePivot", void 0);
751 __decorate([
752 Input(),
753 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
754 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "enableValue", void 0);
755 __decorate([
756 Input(),
757 __metadata("design:type", Object)
758 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "editable", void 0);
759 __decorate([
760 Input(),
761 __metadata("design:type", Object)
762 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressPaste", void 0);
763 __decorate([
764 Input(),
765 __metadata("design:type", Object)
766 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "suppressNavigable", void 0);
767 __decorate([
768 Input(),
769 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
770 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "enableCellChangeFlash", void 0);
771 __decorate([
772 Input(),
773 __metadata("design:type", Object)
774 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "rowDrag", void 0);
775 __decorate([
776 Input(),
777 __metadata("design:type", Object)
778 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "dndSource", void 0);
779 __decorate([
780 Input(),
781 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
782 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "autoHeight", void 0);
783 __decorate([
784 Input(),
785 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
786 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "wrapText", void 0);
787 __decorate([
788 Input(),
789 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
790 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "sortable", void 0);
791 __decorate([
792 Input(),
793 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
794 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "resizable", void 0);
795 __decorate([
796 Input(),
797 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
798 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "singleClickEdit", void 0);
799 __decorate([
800 Input(),
801 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
802 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "floatingFilter", void 0);
803 __decorate([
804 Input(),
805 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
806 ], AgGridColumn.prototype, "cellEditorPopup", void 0);
807 AgGridColumn = AgGridColumn_1 = __decorate([
808 Component({
809 selector: 'ag-grid-column',
810 template: ''
811 })
812 ], AgGridColumn);
813 return AgGridColumn;
816var AngularFrameworkOverrides = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
817 __extends(AngularFrameworkOverrides, _super);
818 function AngularFrameworkOverrides(_ngZone) {
819 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
820 _this._ngZone = _ngZone;
821 return _this;
822 }
823 AngularFrameworkOverrides.prototype.setEmitterUsedCallback = function (isEmitterUsed) {
824 this.isEmitterUsed = isEmitterUsed;
825 };
826 AngularFrameworkOverrides.prototype.setTimeout = function (action, timeout) {
827 if (this._ngZone) {
828 this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(function () {
829 window.setTimeout(function () {
830 action();
831 }, timeout);
832 });
833 }
834 else {
835 window.setTimeout(function () {
836 action();
837 }, timeout);
838 }
839 };
840 AngularFrameworkOverrides.prototype.setInterval = function (action, interval) {
841 var _this = this;
842 return new AgPromise(function (resolve) {
843 if (_this._ngZone) {
844 _this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(function () {
845 resolve(window.setInterval(function () {
846 action();
847 }, interval));
848 });
849 }
850 else {
851 resolve(window.setInterval(function () {
852 action();
853 }, interval));
854 }
855 });
856 };
857 AngularFrameworkOverrides.prototype.addEventListener = function (element, eventType, listener, useCapture) {
858 if (this.isOutsideAngular(eventType) && this._ngZone) {
859 this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(function () {
860 element.addEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture);
861 });
862 }
863 else {
864 element.addEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture);
865 }
866 };
867 AngularFrameworkOverrides.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (eventType, listener, global) {
868 if (global === void 0) { global = false; }
869 if (this.isOutsideAngular(eventType)) {
870 if (this._ngZone) {
871 this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(listener);
872 }
873 else {
874 listener();
875 }
876 }
877 else if (this.isEmitterUsed(eventType) || global) {
878 // only trigger off events (and potentially change detection) if actually used
879 if (!NgZone.isInAngularZone() && this._ngZone) {
880 this._ngZone.run(listener);
881 }
882 else {
883 listener();
884 }
885 }
886 };
887 AngularFrameworkOverrides.ctorParameters = function () { return [
888 { type: NgZone }
889 ]; };
890 AngularFrameworkOverrides = __decorate([
891 Injectable(),
892 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [NgZone])
893 ], AngularFrameworkOverrides);
894 return AngularFrameworkOverrides;
897var AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
898 __extends(AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper, _super);
899 function AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper() {
900 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
901 }
902 AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper.prototype.setViewContainerRef = function (viewContainerRef) {
903 this.viewContainerRef = viewContainerRef;
904 };
905 AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper.prototype.setComponentFactoryResolver = function (componentFactoryResolver) {
906 this.componentFactoryResolver = componentFactoryResolver;
907 };
908 AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper.prototype.createWrapper = function (OriginalConstructor) {
909 var that = this;
910 var DynamicAgNg2Component = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
911 __extends(DynamicAgNg2Component, _super);
912 function DynamicAgNg2Component() {
913 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
914 }
915 DynamicAgNg2Component.prototype.init = function (params) {
916 _super.prototype.init.call(this, params);
917 this._componentRef.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges();
918 };
919 DynamicAgNg2Component.prototype.createComponent = function () {
920 return that.createComponent(OriginalConstructor);
921 };
922 DynamicAgNg2Component.prototype.hasMethod = function (name) {
923 return wrapper.getFrameworkComponentInstance()[name] != null;
924 };
925 DynamicAgNg2Component.prototype.callMethod = function (name, args) {
926 var componentRef = this.getFrameworkComponentInstance();
927 return wrapper.getFrameworkComponentInstance()[name].apply(componentRef, args);
928 };
929 DynamicAgNg2Component.prototype.addMethod = function (name, callback) {
930 wrapper[name] = callback;
931 };
932 return DynamicAgNg2Component;
933 }(BaseGuiComponent));
934 var wrapper = new DynamicAgNg2Component();
935 return wrapper;
936 };
937 AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper.prototype.createComponent = function (componentType) {
938 // used to cache the factory, but this a) caused issues when used with either webpack/angularcli with --prod
939 // but more significantly, the underlying implementation of resolveComponentFactory uses a map too, so us
940 // caching the factory here yields no performance benefits
941 var factory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(componentType);
942 return this.viewContainerRef.createComponent(factory);
943 };
944 AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper = __decorate([
945 Injectable()
946 ], AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper);
947 return AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper;
949var BaseGuiComponent = /** @class */ (function () {
950 function BaseGuiComponent() {
951 }
952 BaseGuiComponent.prototype.init = function (params) {
953 this._params = params;
954 this._componentRef = this.createComponent();
955 this._agAwareComponent = this._componentRef.instance;
956 this._frameworkComponentInstance = this._componentRef.instance;
957 this._eGui = this._componentRef.location.nativeElement;
958 this._agAwareComponent.agInit(this._params);
959 };
960 BaseGuiComponent.prototype.getGui = function () {
961 return this._eGui;
962 };
963 BaseGuiComponent.prototype.destroy = function () {
964 if (this._componentRef) {
965 this._componentRef.destroy();
966 }
967 };
968 BaseGuiComponent.prototype.getFrameworkComponentInstance = function () {
969 return this._frameworkComponentInstance;
970 };
971 return BaseGuiComponent;
974var AgGridAngular = /** @class */ (function () {
975 function AgGridAngular(elementDef, viewContainerRef, angularFrameworkOverrides, frameworkComponentWrapper, componentFactoryResolver) {
976 this.viewContainerRef = viewContainerRef;
977 this.angularFrameworkOverrides = angularFrameworkOverrides;
978 this.frameworkComponentWrapper = frameworkComponentWrapper;
979 this.componentFactoryResolver = componentFactoryResolver;
980 this._initialised = false;
981 this._destroyed = false;
982 // in order to ensure firing of gridReady is deterministic
983 this._fullyReady = AgPromise.resolve(true);
984 // @START@
985 this.alignedGrids = undefined;
986 this.rowData = undefined;
987 this.columnDefs = undefined;
988 this.excelStyles = undefined;
989 this.pinnedTopRowData = undefined;
990 this.pinnedBottomRowData = undefined;
991 this.chartThemes = undefined;
992 this.components = undefined;
993 this.frameworkComponents = undefined;
994 this.rowStyle = undefined;
995 this.context = undefined;
996 this.autoGroupColumnDef = undefined;
997 this.localeText = undefined;
998 this.icons = undefined;
999 this.datasource = undefined;
1000 this.serverSideDatasource = undefined;
1001 this.viewportDatasource = undefined;
1002 this.groupRowRendererParams = undefined;
1003 this.aggFuncs = undefined;
1004 this.fullWidthCellRendererParams = undefined;
1005 this.defaultColGroupDef = undefined;
1006 this.defaultColDef = undefined;
1007 /** @deprecated Use defaultCsvExportParams or defaultExcelExportParams
1008 */
1009 this.defaultExportParams = undefined;
1010 this.defaultCsvExportParams = undefined;
1011 this.defaultExcelExportParams = undefined;
1012 this.columnTypes = undefined;
1013 this.rowClassRules = undefined;
1014 this.detailCellRendererParams = undefined;
1015 this.loadingCellRendererParams = undefined;
1016 this.loadingOverlayComponentParams = undefined;
1017 this.noRowsOverlayComponentParams = undefined;
1018 this.popupParent = undefined;
1019 this.colResizeDefault = undefined;
1020 this.statusBar = undefined;
1021 this.sideBar = undefined;
1022 this.chartThemeOverrides = undefined;
1023 this.customChartThemes = undefined;
1024 this.sortingOrder = undefined;
1025 this.rowClass = undefined;
1026 this.rowSelection = undefined;
1027 this.overlayLoadingTemplate = undefined;
1028 this.overlayNoRowsTemplate = undefined;
1029 this.quickFilterText = undefined;
1030 this.rowModelType = undefined;
1031 this.editType = undefined;
1032 this.domLayout = undefined;
1033 this.clipboardDeliminator = undefined;
1034 this.rowGroupPanelShow = undefined;
1035 this.multiSortKey = undefined;
1036 this.pivotColumnGroupTotals = undefined;
1037 this.pivotRowTotals = undefined;
1038 this.pivotPanelShow = undefined;
1039 this.fillHandleDirection = undefined;
1040 this.serverSideStoreType = undefined;
1041 this.groupDisplayType = undefined;
1042 this.treeDataDisplayType = undefined;
1043 this.rowHeight = undefined;
1044 this.detailRowHeight = undefined;
1045 this.rowBuffer = undefined;
1046 this.colWidth = undefined;
1047 this.headerHeight = undefined;
1048 this.groupHeaderHeight = undefined;
1049 this.floatingFiltersHeight = undefined;
1050 this.pivotHeaderHeight = undefined;
1051 this.pivotGroupHeaderHeight = undefined;
1052 this.groupDefaultExpanded = undefined;
1053 this.minColWidth = undefined;
1054 this.maxColWidth = undefined;
1055 this.viewportRowModelPageSize = undefined;
1056 this.viewportRowModelBufferSize = undefined;
1057 this.autoSizePadding = undefined;
1058 this.maxBlocksInCache = undefined;
1059 this.maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests = undefined;
1060 this.tooltipShowDelay = undefined;
1061 this.cacheOverflowSize = undefined;
1062 this.paginationPageSize = undefined;
1063 this.cacheBlockSize = undefined;
1064 this.infiniteInitialRowCount = undefined;
1065 this.scrollbarWidth = undefined;
1066 this.batchUpdateWaitMillis = undefined;
1067 this.asyncTransactionWaitMillis = undefined;
1068 this.blockLoadDebounceMillis = undefined;
1069 this.keepDetailRowsCount = undefined;
1070 this.undoRedoCellEditingLimit = undefined;
1071 this.cellFlashDelay = undefined;
1072 this.cellFadeDelay = undefined;
1073 this.tabIndex = undefined;
1074 this.localeTextFunc = undefined;
1075 /** @deprecated - this is now groupRowRendererParams.innerRenderer
1076 */
1077 this.groupRowInnerRenderer = undefined;
1078 /** @deprecated - this is now groupRowRendererParams.innerRendererFramework
1079 */
1080 this.groupRowInnerRendererFramework = undefined;
1081 this.dateComponent = undefined;
1082 this.dateComponentFramework = undefined;
1083 this.groupRowRenderer = undefined;
1084 this.groupRowRendererFramework = undefined;
1085 this.isExternalFilterPresent = undefined;
1086 this.getRowHeight = undefined;
1087 this.doesExternalFilterPass = undefined;
1088 this.getRowClass = undefined;
1089 this.getRowStyle = undefined;
1090 this.getContextMenuItems = undefined;
1091 this.getMainMenuItems = undefined;
1092 this.processRowPostCreate = undefined;
1093 this.processCellForClipboard = undefined;
1094 this.groupRowAggNodes = undefined;
1095 this.getRowNodeId = undefined;
1096 this.isFullWidthCell = undefined;
1097 this.fullWidthCellRenderer = undefined;
1098 this.fullWidthCellRendererFramework = undefined;
1099 this.processSecondaryColDef = undefined;
1100 this.processSecondaryColGroupDef = undefined;
1101 this.getBusinessKeyForNode = undefined;
1102 this.sendToClipboard = undefined;
1103 this.navigateToNextHeader = undefined;
1104 this.tabToNextHeader = undefined;
1105 this.navigateToNextCell = undefined;
1106 this.tabToNextCell = undefined;
1107 this.processCellFromClipboard = undefined;
1108 this.getDocument = undefined;
1109 this.postProcessPopup = undefined;
1110 this.getChildCount = undefined;
1111 this.getDataPath = undefined;
1112 this.loadingCellRenderer = undefined;
1113 this.loadingCellRendererFramework = undefined;
1114 this.loadingOverlayComponent = undefined;
1115 this.loadingOverlayComponentFramework = undefined;
1116 this.noRowsOverlayComponent = undefined;
1117 this.noRowsOverlayComponentFramework = undefined;
1118 this.detailCellRenderer = undefined;
1119 this.detailCellRendererFramework = undefined;
1120 this.isRowMaster = undefined;
1121 this.isRowSelectable = undefined;
1122 this.postSort = undefined;
1123 this.processHeaderForClipboard = undefined;
1124 this.paginationNumberFormatter = undefined;
1125 this.processDataFromClipboard = undefined;
1126 this.getServerSideGroupKey = undefined;
1127 this.isServerSideGroup = undefined;
1128 /** Allows user to suppress certain keyboard events */
1129 this.suppressKeyboardEvent = undefined;
1130 this.createChartContainer = undefined;
1131 /** @deprecated
1132 */
1133 this.processChartOptions = undefined;
1134 this.getChartToolbarItems = undefined;
1135 this.fillOperation = undefined;
1136 this.isApplyServerSideTransaction = undefined;
1137 this.getServerSideStoreParams = undefined;
1138 this.isServerSideGroupOpenByDefault = undefined;
1139 this.isGroupOpenByDefault = undefined;
1140 /** @deprecated - Use defaultGroupOrderComparator instead
1141 */
1142 this.defaultGroupSortComparator = undefined;
1143 this.defaultGroupOrderComparator = undefined;
1144 this.suppressMakeColumnVisibleAfterUnGroup = undefined;
1145 this.suppressRowClickSelection = undefined;
1146 this.suppressCellSelection = undefined;
1147 this.suppressHorizontalScroll = undefined;
1148 this.alwaysShowHorizontalScroll = undefined;
1149 this.alwaysShowVerticalScroll = undefined;
1150 this.debug = undefined;
1151 this.enableBrowserTooltips = undefined;
1152 this.enableCellExpressions = undefined;
1153 this.angularCompileRows = undefined;
1154 this.angularCompileFilters = undefined;
1155 /** @deprecated - Use groupDisplayType = 'custom' instead
1156 */
1157 this.groupSuppressAutoColumn = undefined;
1158 this.groupSelectsChildren = undefined;
1159 this.groupIncludeFooter = undefined;
1160 this.groupIncludeTotalFooter = undefined;
1161 /** @deprecated - Use groupDisplayType = 'groupRows' instead
1162 */
1163 this.groupUseEntireRow = undefined;
1164 this.groupSuppressBlankHeader = undefined;
1165 this.suppressMenuHide = undefined;
1166 this.suppressRowDeselection = undefined;
1167 this.unSortIcon = undefined;
1168 this.suppressMultiSort = undefined;
1169 this.singleClickEdit = undefined;
1170 this.suppressLoadingOverlay = undefined;
1171 this.suppressNoRowsOverlay = undefined;
1172 this.suppressAutoSize = undefined;
1173 this.skipHeaderOnAutoSize = undefined;
1174 this.suppressParentsInRowNodes = undefined;
1175 this.suppressColumnMoveAnimation = undefined;
1176 this.suppressMovableColumns = undefined;
1177 this.suppressFieldDotNotation = undefined;
1178 this.enableRangeSelection = undefined;
1179 this.enableRangeHandle = undefined;
1180 this.enableFillHandle = undefined;
1181 this.suppressClearOnFillReduction = undefined;
1182 this.deltaSort = undefined;
1183 this.suppressTouch = undefined;
1184 this.suppressAsyncEvents = undefined;
1185 this.allowContextMenuWithControlKey = undefined;
1186 this.suppressContextMenu = undefined;
1187 /** @deprecated - no longer needed, transaction updates keep group state
1188 */
1189 this.rememberGroupStateWhenNewData = undefined;
1190 this.enableCellChangeFlash = undefined;
1191 this.suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns = undefined;
1192 this.suppressMiddleClickScrolls = undefined;
1193 this.suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel = undefined;
1194 this.suppressCopyRowsToClipboard = undefined;
1195 this.copyHeadersToClipboard = undefined;
1196 this.pivotMode = undefined;
1197 this.suppressAggFuncInHeader = undefined;
1198 this.suppressColumnVirtualisation = undefined;
1199 this.suppressAggAtRootLevel = undefined;
1200 this.suppressFocusAfterRefresh = undefined;
1201 this.functionsPassive = undefined;
1202 this.functionsReadOnly = undefined;
1203 this.animateRows = undefined;
1204 this.groupSelectsFiltered = undefined;
1205 this.groupRemoveSingleChildren = undefined;
1206 this.groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren = undefined;
1207 this.enableRtl = undefined;
1208 this.suppressClickEdit = undefined;
1209 this.rowDragManaged = undefined;
1210 this.suppressRowDrag = undefined;
1211 this.suppressMoveWhenRowDragging = undefined;
1212 this.enableMultiRowDragging = undefined;
1213 this.enableGroupEdit = undefined;
1214 this.embedFullWidthRows = undefined;
1215 /** @deprecated
1216 */
1217 this.deprecatedEmbedFullWidthRows = undefined;
1218 this.suppressPaginationPanel = undefined;
1219 /** @deprecated Use floatingFilter on the colDef instead
1220 */
1221 this.floatingFilter = undefined;
1222 this.groupHideOpenParents = undefined;
1223 /** @deprecated - Use groupDisplayType = 'multipleColumns' instead
1224 */
1225 this.groupMultiAutoColumn = undefined;
1226 this.pagination = undefined;
1227 /** @deprecated Use stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus instead
1228 */
1229 this.stopEditingWhenGridLosesFocus = undefined;
1230 this.paginationAutoPageSize = undefined;
1231 this.suppressScrollOnNewData = undefined;
1232 this.purgeClosedRowNodes = undefined;
1233 this.cacheQuickFilter = undefined;
1234 /** @deprecated
1235 */
1236 this.deltaRowDataMode = undefined;
1237 this.ensureDomOrder = undefined;
1238 this.accentedSort = undefined;
1239 this.suppressChangeDetection = undefined;
1240 this.valueCache = undefined;
1241 this.valueCacheNeverExpires = undefined;
1242 this.aggregateOnlyChangedColumns = undefined;
1243 this.suppressAnimationFrame = undefined;
1244 this.suppressExcelExport = undefined;
1245 this.suppressCsvExport = undefined;
1246 this.treeData = undefined;
1247 this.masterDetail = undefined;
1248 this.suppressMultiRangeSelection = undefined;
1249 this.enterMovesDownAfterEdit = undefined;
1250 this.enterMovesDown = undefined;
1251 this.suppressPropertyNamesCheck = undefined;
1252 this.rowMultiSelectWithClick = undefined;
1253 this.suppressEnterpriseResetOnNewColumns = undefined;
1254 this.enableOldSetFilterModel = undefined;
1255 this.suppressRowHoverHighlight = undefined;
1256 this.suppressRowTransform = undefined;
1257 this.suppressClipboardPaste = undefined;
1258 this.suppressLastEmptyLineOnPaste = undefined;
1259 this.serverSideSortingAlwaysResets = undefined;
1260 /** @deprecated
1261 */
1262 this.suppressSetColumnStateEvents = undefined;
1263 /** @deprecated
1264 */
1265 this.suppressColumnStateEvents = undefined;
1266 this.enableCharts = undefined;
1267 /** @deprecated
1268 */
1269 this.deltaColumnMode = undefined;
1270 this.suppressMaintainUnsortedOrder = undefined;
1271 this.enableCellTextSelection = undefined;
1272 /** Set once in init, can never change */
1273 this.suppressBrowserResizeObserver = undefined;
1274 this.suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction = undefined;
1275 this.excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering = undefined;
1276 this.tooltipMouseTrack = undefined;
1277 this.keepDetailRows = undefined;
1278 this.paginateChildRows = undefined;
1279 this.preventDefaultOnContextMenu = undefined;
1280 this.undoRedoCellEditing = undefined;
1281 this.allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel = undefined;
1282 this.immutableData = undefined;
1283 /** @deprecated
1284 */
1285 this.immutableColumns = undefined;
1286 this.pivotSuppressAutoColumn = undefined;
1287 this.suppressExpandablePivotGroups = undefined;
1288 /** @deprecated
1289 */
1290 this.applyColumnDefOrder = undefined;
1291 this.debounceVerticalScrollbar = undefined;
1292 this.detailRowAutoHeight = undefined;
1293 this.serverSideFilteringAlwaysResets = undefined;
1294 this.suppressAggFilteredOnly = undefined;
1295 this.showOpenedGroup = undefined;
1296 this.suppressClipboardApi = undefined;
1297 this.suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction = undefined;
1298 this.stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus = undefined;
1299 this.maintainColumnOrder = undefined;
1300 this.groupMaintainOrder = undefined;
1301 this.columnHoverHighlight = undefined;
1302 /** @deprecated
1303 */
1304 this.allowProcessChartOptions = undefined;
1305 this.columnEverythingChanged = new EventEmitter();
1306 this.newColumnsLoaded = new EventEmitter();
1307 this.columnPivotModeChanged = new EventEmitter();
1308 this.columnRowGroupChanged = new EventEmitter();
1309 this.expandOrCollapseAll = new EventEmitter();
1310 this.columnPivotChanged = new EventEmitter();
1311 this.gridColumnsChanged = new EventEmitter();
1312 this.columnValueChanged = new EventEmitter();
1313 this.columnMoved = new EventEmitter();
1314 this.columnVisible = new EventEmitter();
1315 this.columnPinned = new EventEmitter();
1316 this.columnGroupOpened = new EventEmitter();
1317 this.columnResized = new EventEmitter();
1318 this.displayedColumnsChanged = new EventEmitter();
1319 this.virtualColumnsChanged = new EventEmitter();
1320 this.asyncTransactionsFlushed = new EventEmitter();
1321 this.rowGroupOpened = new EventEmitter();
1322 this.rowDataChanged = new EventEmitter();
1323 this.rowDataUpdated = new EventEmitter();
1324 this.pinnedRowDataChanged = new EventEmitter();
1325 this.rangeSelectionChanged = new EventEmitter();
1326 this.chartCreated = new EventEmitter();
1327 this.chartRangeSelectionChanged = new EventEmitter();
1328 this.chartOptionsChanged = new EventEmitter();
1329 this.chartDestroyed = new EventEmitter();
1330 this.toolPanelVisibleChanged = new EventEmitter();
1331 this.modelUpdated = new EventEmitter();
1332 this.pasteStart = new EventEmitter();
1333 this.pasteEnd = new EventEmitter();
1334 this.fillStart = new EventEmitter();
1335 this.fillEnd = new EventEmitter();
1336 this.cellClicked = new EventEmitter();
1337 this.cellDoubleClicked = new EventEmitter();
1338 this.cellMouseDown = new EventEmitter();
1339 this.cellContextMenu = new EventEmitter();
1340 this.cellValueChanged = new EventEmitter();
1341 this.rowValueChanged = new EventEmitter();
1342 this.cellFocused = new EventEmitter();
1343 this.rowSelected = new EventEmitter();
1344 this.selectionChanged = new EventEmitter();
1345 this.cellKeyDown = new EventEmitter();
1346 this.cellKeyPress = new EventEmitter();
1347 this.cellMouseOver = new EventEmitter();
1348 this.cellMouseOut = new EventEmitter();
1349 this.filterChanged = new EventEmitter();
1350 this.filterModified = new EventEmitter();
1351 this.filterOpened = new EventEmitter();
1352 this.sortChanged = new EventEmitter();
1353 this.virtualRowRemoved = new EventEmitter();
1354 this.rowClicked = new EventEmitter();
1355 this.rowDoubleClicked = new EventEmitter();
1356 this.gridReady = new EventEmitter();
1357 this.gridSizeChanged = new EventEmitter();
1358 this.viewportChanged = new EventEmitter();
1359 this.firstDataRendered = new EventEmitter();
1360 this.dragStarted = new EventEmitter();
1361 this.dragStopped = new EventEmitter();
1362 this.rowEditingStarted = new EventEmitter();
1363 this.rowEditingStopped = new EventEmitter();
1364 this.cellEditingStarted = new EventEmitter();
1365 this.cellEditingStopped = new EventEmitter();
1366 this.bodyScroll = new EventEmitter();
1367 this.paginationChanged = new EventEmitter();
1368 this.componentStateChanged = new EventEmitter();
1369 this.rowDragEnter = new EventEmitter();
1370 this.rowDragMove = new EventEmitter();
1371 this.rowDragLeave = new EventEmitter();
1372 this.rowDragEnd = new EventEmitter();
1373 this.columnRowGroupChangeRequest = new EventEmitter();
1374 this.columnPivotChangeRequest = new EventEmitter();
1375 this.columnValueChangeRequest = new EventEmitter();
1376 this.columnAggFuncChangeRequest = new EventEmitter();
1377 this._nativeElement = elementDef.nativeElement;
1378 }
1379 AgGridAngular.prototype.ngAfterViewInit = function () {
1380 this.frameworkComponentWrapper.setViewContainerRef(this.viewContainerRef);
1381 this.frameworkComponentWrapper.setComponentFactoryResolver(this.componentFactoryResolver);
1382 this.angularFrameworkOverrides.setEmitterUsedCallback(this.isEmitterUsed.bind(this));
1383 this.gridOptions = ComponentUtil.copyAttributesToGridOptions(this.gridOptions, this, true);
1384 this.gridParams = {
1385 globalEventListener: this.globalEventListener.bind(this),
1386 frameworkOverrides: this.angularFrameworkOverrides,
1387 providedBeanInstances: {
1388 frameworkComponentWrapper: this.frameworkComponentWrapper
1389 },
1390 modules: (this.modules || [])
1391 };
1392 if (this.columns && this.columns.length > 0) {
1393 this.gridOptions.columnDefs = this.columns
1394 .map(function (column) {
1395 return column.toColDef();
1396 });
1397 }
1398 new Grid(this._nativeElement, this.gridOptions, this.gridParams);
1399 if (this.gridOptions.api) {
1400 this.api = this.gridOptions.api;
1401 }
1402 if (this.gridOptions.columnApi) {
1403 this.columnApi = this.gridOptions.columnApi;
1404 }
1405 this._initialised = true;
1406 // sometimes, especially in large client apps gridReady can fire before ngAfterViewInit
1407 // this ties these together so that gridReady will always fire after agGridAngular's ngAfterViewInit
1408 // the actual containing component's ngAfterViewInit will fire just after agGridAngular's
1409 this._fullyReady.resolveNow(null, function (resolve) { return resolve; });
1410 };
1411 AgGridAngular.prototype.ngOnChanges = function (changes) {
1412 if (this._initialised) {
1413 ComponentUtil.processOnChange(changes, this.gridOptions, this.api, this.columnApi);
1414 }
1415 };
1416 AgGridAngular.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
1417 if (this._initialised) {
1418 // need to do this before the destroy, so we know not to emit any events
1419 // while tearing down the grid.
1420 this._destroyed = true;
1421 if (this.api) {
1422 this.api.destroy();
1423 }
1424 }
1425 };
1426 // we'll emit the emit if a user is listening for a given event either on the component via normal angular binding
1427 // or via gridOptions
1428 AgGridAngular.prototype.isEmitterUsed = function (eventType) {
1429 var emitter = this[eventType];
1430 var hasEmitter = !!emitter && emitter.observers && emitter.observers.length > 0;
1431 // gridReady => onGridReady
1432 var asEventName = "on" + eventType.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + eventType.substring(1);
1433 var hasGridOptionListener = !!this.gridOptions && !!this.gridOptions[asEventName];
1434 return hasEmitter || hasGridOptionListener;
1435 };
1436 AgGridAngular.prototype.globalEventListener = function (eventType, event) {
1437 // if we are tearing down, don't emit angular events, as this causes
1438 // problems with the angular router
1439 if (this._destroyed) {
1440 return;
1441 }
1442 // generically look up the eventType
1443 var emitter = this[eventType];
1444 if (emitter && this.isEmitterUsed(eventType)) {
1445 if (eventType === 'gridReady') {
1446 // if the user is listening for gridReady, wait for ngAfterViewInit to fire first, then emit the
1447 // gridReady event
1448 this._fullyReady.then((function (result) {
1449 emitter.emit(event);
1450 }));
1451 }
1452 else {
1453 emitter.emit(event);
1454 }
1455 }
1456 };
1457 AgGridAngular.ctorParameters = function () { return [
1458 { type: ElementRef },
1459 { type: ViewContainerRef },
1460 { type: AngularFrameworkOverrides },
1461 { type: AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper },
1462 { type: ComponentFactoryResolver }
1463 ]; };
1464 __decorate([
1465 ContentChildren(AgGridColumn),
1466 __metadata("design:type", QueryList)
1467 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columns", void 0);
1468 __decorate([
1469 Input(),
1470 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1471 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "gridOptions", void 0);
1472 __decorate([
1473 Input(),
1474 __metadata("design:type", Array)
1475 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "modules", void 0);
1476 __decorate([
1477 Input(),
1478 __metadata("design:type", Array)
1479 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "alignedGrids", void 0);
1480 __decorate([
1481 Input(),
1482 __metadata("design:type", Array)
1483 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowData", void 0);
1484 __decorate([
1485 Input(),
1486 __metadata("design:type", Array)
1487 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnDefs", void 0);
1488 __decorate([
1489 Input(),
1490 __metadata("design:type", Array)
1491 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "excelStyles", void 0);
1492 __decorate([
1493 Input(),
1494 __metadata("design:type", Array)
1495 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pinnedTopRowData", void 0);
1496 __decorate([
1497 Input(),
1498 __metadata("design:type", Array)
1499 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pinnedBottomRowData", void 0);
1500 __decorate([
1501 Input(),
1502 __metadata("design:type", Array)
1503 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "chartThemes", void 0);
1504 __decorate([
1505 Input(),
1506 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1507 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "components", void 0);
1508 __decorate([
1509 Input(),
1510 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1511 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "frameworkComponents", void 0);
1512 __decorate([
1513 Input(),
1514 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1515 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowStyle", void 0);
1516 __decorate([
1517 Input(),
1518 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1519 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "context", void 0);
1520 __decorate([
1521 Input(),
1522 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1523 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "autoGroupColumnDef", void 0);
1524 __decorate([
1525 Input(),
1526 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1527 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "localeText", void 0);
1528 __decorate([
1529 Input(),
1530 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1531 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "icons", void 0);
1532 __decorate([
1533 Input(),
1534 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1535 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "datasource", void 0);
1536 __decorate([
1537 Input(),
1538 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1539 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "serverSideDatasource", void 0);
1540 __decorate([
1541 Input(),
1542 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1543 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "viewportDatasource", void 0);
1544 __decorate([
1545 Input(),
1546 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1547 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupRowRendererParams", void 0);
1548 __decorate([
1549 Input(),
1550 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1551 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "aggFuncs", void 0);
1552 __decorate([
1553 Input(),
1554 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1555 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "fullWidthCellRendererParams", void 0);
1556 __decorate([
1557 Input(),
1558 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1559 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "defaultColGroupDef", void 0);
1560 __decorate([
1561 Input(),
1562 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1563 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "defaultColDef", void 0);
1564 __decorate([
1565 Input(),
1566 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1567 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "defaultExportParams", void 0);
1568 __decorate([
1569 Input(),
1570 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1571 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "defaultCsvExportParams", void 0);
1572 __decorate([
1573 Input(),
1574 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1575 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "defaultExcelExportParams", void 0);
1576 __decorate([
1577 Input(),
1578 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1579 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnTypes", void 0);
1580 __decorate([
1581 Input(),
1582 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1583 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowClassRules", void 0);
1584 __decorate([
1585 Input(),
1586 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1587 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "detailCellRendererParams", void 0);
1588 __decorate([
1589 Input(),
1590 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1591 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "loadingCellRendererParams", void 0);
1592 __decorate([
1593 Input(),
1594 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1595 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "loadingOverlayComponentParams", void 0);
1596 __decorate([
1597 Input(),
1598 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1599 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "noRowsOverlayComponentParams", void 0);
1600 __decorate([
1601 Input(),
1602 __metadata("design:type", HTMLElement)
1603 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "popupParent", void 0);
1604 __decorate([
1605 Input(),
1606 __metadata("design:type", String)
1607 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "colResizeDefault", void 0);
1608 __decorate([
1609 Input(),
1610 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1611 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "statusBar", void 0);
1612 __decorate([
1613 Input(),
1614 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1615 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "sideBar", void 0);
1616 __decorate([
1617 Input(),
1618 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1619 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "chartThemeOverrides", void 0);
1620 __decorate([
1621 Input(),
1622 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1623 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "customChartThemes", void 0);
1624 __decorate([
1625 Input(),
1626 __metadata("design:type", Array)
1627 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "sortingOrder", void 0);
1628 __decorate([
1629 Input(),
1630 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1631 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowClass", void 0);
1632 __decorate([
1633 Input(),
1634 __metadata("design:type", String)
1635 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowSelection", void 0);
1636 __decorate([
1637 Input(),
1638 __metadata("design:type", String)
1639 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "overlayLoadingTemplate", void 0);
1640 __decorate([
1641 Input(),
1642 __metadata("design:type", String)
1643 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "overlayNoRowsTemplate", void 0);
1644 __decorate([
1645 Input(),
1646 __metadata("design:type", String)
1647 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "quickFilterText", void 0);
1648 __decorate([
1649 Input(),
1650 __metadata("design:type", String)
1651 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowModelType", void 0);
1652 __decorate([
1653 Input(),
1654 __metadata("design:type", String)
1655 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "editType", void 0);
1656 __decorate([
1657 Input(),
1658 __metadata("design:type", String)
1659 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "domLayout", void 0);
1660 __decorate([
1661 Input(),
1662 __metadata("design:type", String)
1663 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "clipboardDeliminator", void 0);
1664 __decorate([
1665 Input(),
1666 __metadata("design:type", String)
1667 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowGroupPanelShow", void 0);
1668 __decorate([
1669 Input(),
1670 __metadata("design:type", String)
1671 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "multiSortKey", void 0);
1672 __decorate([
1673 Input(),
1674 __metadata("design:type", String)
1675 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pivotColumnGroupTotals", void 0);
1676 __decorate([
1677 Input(),
1678 __metadata("design:type", String)
1679 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pivotRowTotals", void 0);
1680 __decorate([
1681 Input(),
1682 __metadata("design:type", String)
1683 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pivotPanelShow", void 0);
1684 __decorate([
1685 Input(),
1686 __metadata("design:type", String)
1687 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "fillHandleDirection", void 0);
1688 __decorate([
1689 Input(),
1690 __metadata("design:type", String)
1691 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "serverSideStoreType", void 0);
1692 __decorate([
1693 Input(),
1694 __metadata("design:type", String)
1695 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupDisplayType", void 0);
1696 __decorate([
1697 Input(),
1698 __metadata("design:type", String)
1699 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "treeDataDisplayType", void 0);
1700 __decorate([
1701 Input(),
1702 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1703 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowHeight", void 0);
1704 __decorate([
1705 Input(),
1706 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1707 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "detailRowHeight", void 0);
1708 __decorate([
1709 Input(),
1710 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1711 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowBuffer", void 0);
1712 __decorate([
1713 Input(),
1714 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1715 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "colWidth", void 0);
1716 __decorate([
1717 Input(),
1718 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1719 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "headerHeight", void 0);
1720 __decorate([
1721 Input(),
1722 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1723 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupHeaderHeight", void 0);
1724 __decorate([
1725 Input(),
1726 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1727 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "floatingFiltersHeight", void 0);
1728 __decorate([
1729 Input(),
1730 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1731 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pivotHeaderHeight", void 0);
1732 __decorate([
1733 Input(),
1734 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1735 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pivotGroupHeaderHeight", void 0);
1736 __decorate([
1737 Input(),
1738 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1739 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupDefaultExpanded", void 0);
1740 __decorate([
1741 Input(),
1742 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1743 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "minColWidth", void 0);
1744 __decorate([
1745 Input(),
1746 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1747 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "maxColWidth", void 0);
1748 __decorate([
1749 Input(),
1750 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1751 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "viewportRowModelPageSize", void 0);
1752 __decorate([
1753 Input(),
1754 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1755 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "viewportRowModelBufferSize", void 0);
1756 __decorate([
1757 Input(),
1758 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1759 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "autoSizePadding", void 0);
1760 __decorate([
1761 Input(),
1762 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1763 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "maxBlocksInCache", void 0);
1764 __decorate([
1765 Input(),
1766 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1767 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests", void 0);
1768 __decorate([
1769 Input(),
1770 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1771 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "tooltipShowDelay", void 0);
1772 __decorate([
1773 Input(),
1774 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1775 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cacheOverflowSize", void 0);
1776 __decorate([
1777 Input(),
1778 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1779 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "paginationPageSize", void 0);
1780 __decorate([
1781 Input(),
1782 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1783 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cacheBlockSize", void 0);
1784 __decorate([
1785 Input(),
1786 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1787 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "infiniteInitialRowCount", void 0);
1788 __decorate([
1789 Input(),
1790 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1791 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "scrollbarWidth", void 0);
1792 __decorate([
1793 Input(),
1794 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1795 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "batchUpdateWaitMillis", void 0);
1796 __decorate([
1797 Input(),
1798 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1799 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "asyncTransactionWaitMillis", void 0);
1800 __decorate([
1801 Input(),
1802 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1803 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "blockLoadDebounceMillis", void 0);
1804 __decorate([
1805 Input(),
1806 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1807 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "keepDetailRowsCount", void 0);
1808 __decorate([
1809 Input(),
1810 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1811 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "undoRedoCellEditingLimit", void 0);
1812 __decorate([
1813 Input(),
1814 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1815 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellFlashDelay", void 0);
1816 __decorate([
1817 Input(),
1818 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1819 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellFadeDelay", void 0);
1820 __decorate([
1821 Input(),
1822 __metadata("design:type", Number)
1823 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "tabIndex", void 0);
1824 __decorate([
1825 Input(),
1826 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1827 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "localeTextFunc", void 0);
1828 __decorate([
1829 Input(),
1830 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1831 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupRowInnerRenderer", void 0);
1832 __decorate([
1833 Input(),
1834 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1835 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupRowInnerRendererFramework", void 0);
1836 __decorate([
1837 Input(),
1838 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1839 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "dateComponent", void 0);
1840 __decorate([
1841 Input(),
1842 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1843 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "dateComponentFramework", void 0);
1844 __decorate([
1845 Input(),
1846 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1847 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupRowRenderer", void 0);
1848 __decorate([
1849 Input(),
1850 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1851 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupRowRendererFramework", void 0);
1852 __decorate([
1853 Input(),
1854 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1855 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "isExternalFilterPresent", void 0);
1856 __decorate([
1857 Input(),
1858 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1859 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getRowHeight", void 0);
1860 __decorate([
1861 Input(),
1862 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1863 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "doesExternalFilterPass", void 0);
1864 __decorate([
1865 Input(),
1866 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1867 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getRowClass", void 0);
1868 __decorate([
1869 Input(),
1870 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1871 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getRowStyle", void 0);
1872 __decorate([
1873 Input(),
1874 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1875 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getContextMenuItems", void 0);
1876 __decorate([
1877 Input(),
1878 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1879 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getMainMenuItems", void 0);
1880 __decorate([
1881 Input(),
1882 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1883 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "processRowPostCreate", void 0);
1884 __decorate([
1885 Input(),
1886 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1887 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "processCellForClipboard", void 0);
1888 __decorate([
1889 Input(),
1890 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1891 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupRowAggNodes", void 0);
1892 __decorate([
1893 Input(),
1894 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1895 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getRowNodeId", void 0);
1896 __decorate([
1897 Input(),
1898 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1899 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "isFullWidthCell", void 0);
1900 __decorate([
1901 Input(),
1902 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1903 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "fullWidthCellRenderer", void 0);
1904 __decorate([
1905 Input(),
1906 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1907 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "fullWidthCellRendererFramework", void 0);
1908 __decorate([
1909 Input(),
1910 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1911 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "processSecondaryColDef", void 0);
1912 __decorate([
1913 Input(),
1914 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1915 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "processSecondaryColGroupDef", void 0);
1916 __decorate([
1917 Input(),
1918 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1919 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getBusinessKeyForNode", void 0);
1920 __decorate([
1921 Input(),
1922 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1923 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "sendToClipboard", void 0);
1924 __decorate([
1925 Input(),
1926 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1927 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "navigateToNextHeader", void 0);
1928 __decorate([
1929 Input(),
1930 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1931 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "tabToNextHeader", void 0);
1932 __decorate([
1933 Input(),
1934 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1935 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "navigateToNextCell", void 0);
1936 __decorate([
1937 Input(),
1938 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1939 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "tabToNextCell", void 0);
1940 __decorate([
1941 Input(),
1942 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1943 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "processCellFromClipboard", void 0);
1944 __decorate([
1945 Input(),
1946 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1947 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getDocument", void 0);
1948 __decorate([
1949 Input(),
1950 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1951 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "postProcessPopup", void 0);
1952 __decorate([
1953 Input(),
1954 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1955 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getChildCount", void 0);
1956 __decorate([
1957 Input(),
1958 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1959 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getDataPath", void 0);
1960 __decorate([
1961 Input(),
1962 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1963 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "loadingCellRenderer", void 0);
1964 __decorate([
1965 Input(),
1966 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1967 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "loadingCellRendererFramework", void 0);
1968 __decorate([
1969 Input(),
1970 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1971 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "loadingOverlayComponent", void 0);
1972 __decorate([
1973 Input(),
1974 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1975 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "loadingOverlayComponentFramework", void 0);
1976 __decorate([
1977 Input(),
1978 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1979 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "noRowsOverlayComponent", void 0);
1980 __decorate([
1981 Input(),
1982 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1983 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "noRowsOverlayComponentFramework", void 0);
1984 __decorate([
1985 Input(),
1986 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1987 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "detailCellRenderer", void 0);
1988 __decorate([
1989 Input(),
1990 __metadata("design:type", Object)
1991 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "detailCellRendererFramework", void 0);
1992 __decorate([
1993 Input(),
1994 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1995 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "isRowMaster", void 0);
1996 __decorate([
1997 Input(),
1998 __metadata("design:type", Function)
1999 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "isRowSelectable", void 0);
2000 __decorate([
2001 Input(),
2002 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2003 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "postSort", void 0);
2004 __decorate([
2005 Input(),
2006 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2007 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "processHeaderForClipboard", void 0);
2008 __decorate([
2009 Input(),
2010 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2011 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "paginationNumberFormatter", void 0);
2012 __decorate([
2013 Input(),
2014 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2015 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "processDataFromClipboard", void 0);
2016 __decorate([
2017 Input(),
2018 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2019 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getServerSideGroupKey", void 0);
2020 __decorate([
2021 Input(),
2022 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2023 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "isServerSideGroup", void 0);
2024 __decorate([
2025 Input(),
2026 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2027 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressKeyboardEvent", void 0);
2028 __decorate([
2029 Input(),
2030 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2031 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "createChartContainer", void 0);
2032 __decorate([
2033 Input(),
2034 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2035 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "processChartOptions", void 0);
2036 __decorate([
2037 Input(),
2038 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2039 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getChartToolbarItems", void 0);
2040 __decorate([
2041 Input(),
2042 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2043 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "fillOperation", void 0);
2044 __decorate([
2045 Input(),
2046 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2047 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "isApplyServerSideTransaction", void 0);
2048 __decorate([
2049 Input(),
2050 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2051 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "getServerSideStoreParams", void 0);
2052 __decorate([
2053 Input(),
2054 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2055 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "isServerSideGroupOpenByDefault", void 0);
2056 __decorate([
2057 Input(),
2058 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2059 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "isGroupOpenByDefault", void 0);
2060 __decorate([
2061 Input(),
2062 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2063 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "defaultGroupSortComparator", void 0);
2064 __decorate([
2065 Input(),
2066 __metadata("design:type", Function)
2067 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "defaultGroupOrderComparator", void 0);
2068 __decorate([
2069 Input(),
2070 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2071 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressMakeColumnVisibleAfterUnGroup", void 0);
2072 __decorate([
2073 Input(),
2074 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2075 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressRowClickSelection", void 0);
2076 __decorate([
2077 Input(),
2078 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2079 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressCellSelection", void 0);
2080 __decorate([
2081 Input(),
2082 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2083 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressHorizontalScroll", void 0);
2084 __decorate([
2085 Input(),
2086 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2087 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "alwaysShowHorizontalScroll", void 0);
2088 __decorate([
2089 Input(),
2090 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2091 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "alwaysShowVerticalScroll", void 0);
2092 __decorate([
2093 Input(),
2094 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2095 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "debug", void 0);
2096 __decorate([
2097 Input(),
2098 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2099 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableBrowserTooltips", void 0);
2100 __decorate([
2101 Input(),
2102 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2103 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableCellExpressions", void 0);
2104 __decorate([
2105 Input(),
2106 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2107 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "angularCompileRows", void 0);
2108 __decorate([
2109 Input(),
2110 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2111 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "angularCompileFilters", void 0);
2112 __decorate([
2113 Input(),
2114 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2115 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupSuppressAutoColumn", void 0);
2116 __decorate([
2117 Input(),
2118 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2119 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupSelectsChildren", void 0);
2120 __decorate([
2121 Input(),
2122 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2123 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupIncludeFooter", void 0);
2124 __decorate([
2125 Input(),
2126 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2127 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupIncludeTotalFooter", void 0);
2128 __decorate([
2129 Input(),
2130 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2131 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupUseEntireRow", void 0);
2132 __decorate([
2133 Input(),
2134 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2135 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupSuppressBlankHeader", void 0);
2136 __decorate([
2137 Input(),
2138 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2139 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressMenuHide", void 0);
2140 __decorate([
2141 Input(),
2142 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2143 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressRowDeselection", void 0);
2144 __decorate([
2145 Input(),
2146 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2147 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "unSortIcon", void 0);
2148 __decorate([
2149 Input(),
2150 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2151 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressMultiSort", void 0);
2152 __decorate([
2153 Input(),
2154 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2155 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "singleClickEdit", void 0);
2156 __decorate([
2157 Input(),
2158 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2159 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressLoadingOverlay", void 0);
2160 __decorate([
2161 Input(),
2162 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2163 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressNoRowsOverlay", void 0);
2164 __decorate([
2165 Input(),
2166 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2167 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressAutoSize", void 0);
2168 __decorate([
2169 Input(),
2170 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2171 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "skipHeaderOnAutoSize", void 0);
2172 __decorate([
2173 Input(),
2174 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2175 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressParentsInRowNodes", void 0);
2176 __decorate([
2177 Input(),
2178 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2179 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressColumnMoveAnimation", void 0);
2180 __decorate([
2181 Input(),
2182 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2183 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressMovableColumns", void 0);
2184 __decorate([
2185 Input(),
2186 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2187 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressFieldDotNotation", void 0);
2188 __decorate([
2189 Input(),
2190 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2191 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableRangeSelection", void 0);
2192 __decorate([
2193 Input(),
2194 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2195 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableRangeHandle", void 0);
2196 __decorate([
2197 Input(),
2198 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2199 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableFillHandle", void 0);
2200 __decorate([
2201 Input(),
2202 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2203 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressClearOnFillReduction", void 0);
2204 __decorate([
2205 Input(),
2206 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2207 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "deltaSort", void 0);
2208 __decorate([
2209 Input(),
2210 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2211 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressTouch", void 0);
2212 __decorate([
2213 Input(),
2214 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2215 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressAsyncEvents", void 0);
2216 __decorate([
2217 Input(),
2218 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2219 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "allowContextMenuWithControlKey", void 0);
2220 __decorate([
2221 Input(),
2222 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2223 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressContextMenu", void 0);
2224 __decorate([
2225 Input(),
2226 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2227 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rememberGroupStateWhenNewData", void 0);
2228 __decorate([
2229 Input(),
2230 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2231 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableCellChangeFlash", void 0);
2232 __decorate([
2233 Input(),
2234 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2235 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns", void 0);
2236 __decorate([
2237 Input(),
2238 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2239 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressMiddleClickScrolls", void 0);
2240 __decorate([
2241 Input(),
2242 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2243 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel", void 0);
2244 __decorate([
2245 Input(),
2246 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2247 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressCopyRowsToClipboard", void 0);
2248 __decorate([
2249 Input(),
2250 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2251 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "copyHeadersToClipboard", void 0);
2252 __decorate([
2253 Input(),
2254 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2255 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pivotMode", void 0);
2256 __decorate([
2257 Input(),
2258 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2259 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressAggFuncInHeader", void 0);
2260 __decorate([
2261 Input(),
2262 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2263 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressColumnVirtualisation", void 0);
2264 __decorate([
2265 Input(),
2266 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2267 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressAggAtRootLevel", void 0);
2268 __decorate([
2269 Input(),
2270 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2271 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressFocusAfterRefresh", void 0);
2272 __decorate([
2273 Input(),
2274 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2275 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "functionsPassive", void 0);
2276 __decorate([
2277 Input(),
2278 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2279 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "functionsReadOnly", void 0);
2280 __decorate([
2281 Input(),
2282 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2283 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "animateRows", void 0);
2284 __decorate([
2285 Input(),
2286 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2287 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupSelectsFiltered", void 0);
2288 __decorate([
2289 Input(),
2290 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2291 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupRemoveSingleChildren", void 0);
2292 __decorate([
2293 Input(),
2294 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2295 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren", void 0);
2296 __decorate([
2297 Input(),
2298 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2299 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableRtl", void 0);
2300 __decorate([
2301 Input(),
2302 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2303 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressClickEdit", void 0);
2304 __decorate([
2305 Input(),
2306 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2307 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowDragManaged", void 0);
2308 __decorate([
2309 Input(),
2310 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2311 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressRowDrag", void 0);
2312 __decorate([
2313 Input(),
2314 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2315 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressMoveWhenRowDragging", void 0);
2316 __decorate([
2317 Input(),
2318 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2319 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableMultiRowDragging", void 0);
2320 __decorate([
2321 Input(),
2322 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2323 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableGroupEdit", void 0);
2324 __decorate([
2325 Input(),
2326 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2327 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "embedFullWidthRows", void 0);
2328 __decorate([
2329 Input(),
2330 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2331 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "deprecatedEmbedFullWidthRows", void 0);
2332 __decorate([
2333 Input(),
2334 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2335 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressPaginationPanel", void 0);
2336 __decorate([
2337 Input(),
2338 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2339 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "floatingFilter", void 0);
2340 __decorate([
2341 Input(),
2342 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2343 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupHideOpenParents", void 0);
2344 __decorate([
2345 Input(),
2346 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2347 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupMultiAutoColumn", void 0);
2348 __decorate([
2349 Input(),
2350 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2351 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pagination", void 0);
2352 __decorate([
2353 Input(),
2354 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2355 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "stopEditingWhenGridLosesFocus", void 0);
2356 __decorate([
2357 Input(),
2358 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2359 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "paginationAutoPageSize", void 0);
2360 __decorate([
2361 Input(),
2362 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2363 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressScrollOnNewData", void 0);
2364 __decorate([
2365 Input(),
2366 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2367 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "purgeClosedRowNodes", void 0);
2368 __decorate([
2369 Input(),
2370 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2371 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cacheQuickFilter", void 0);
2372 __decorate([
2373 Input(),
2374 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2375 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "deltaRowDataMode", void 0);
2376 __decorate([
2377 Input(),
2378 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2379 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "ensureDomOrder", void 0);
2380 __decorate([
2381 Input(),
2382 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2383 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "accentedSort", void 0);
2384 __decorate([
2385 Input(),
2386 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2387 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressChangeDetection", void 0);
2388 __decorate([
2389 Input(),
2390 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2391 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "valueCache", void 0);
2392 __decorate([
2393 Input(),
2394 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2395 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "valueCacheNeverExpires", void 0);
2396 __decorate([
2397 Input(),
2398 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2399 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "aggregateOnlyChangedColumns", void 0);
2400 __decorate([
2401 Input(),
2402 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2403 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressAnimationFrame", void 0);
2404 __decorate([
2405 Input(),
2406 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2407 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressExcelExport", void 0);
2408 __decorate([
2409 Input(),
2410 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2411 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressCsvExport", void 0);
2412 __decorate([
2413 Input(),
2414 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2415 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "treeData", void 0);
2416 __decorate([
2417 Input(),
2418 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2419 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "masterDetail", void 0);
2420 __decorate([
2421 Input(),
2422 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2423 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressMultiRangeSelection", void 0);
2424 __decorate([
2425 Input(),
2426 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2427 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enterMovesDownAfterEdit", void 0);
2428 __decorate([
2429 Input(),
2430 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2431 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enterMovesDown", void 0);
2432 __decorate([
2433 Input(),
2434 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2435 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressPropertyNamesCheck", void 0);
2436 __decorate([
2437 Input(),
2438 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2439 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowMultiSelectWithClick", void 0);
2440 __decorate([
2441 Input(),
2442 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2443 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressEnterpriseResetOnNewColumns", void 0);
2444 __decorate([
2445 Input(),
2446 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2447 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableOldSetFilterModel", void 0);
2448 __decorate([
2449 Input(),
2450 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2451 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressRowHoverHighlight", void 0);
2452 __decorate([
2453 Input(),
2454 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2455 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressRowTransform", void 0);
2456 __decorate([
2457 Input(),
2458 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2459 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressClipboardPaste", void 0);
2460 __decorate([
2461 Input(),
2462 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2463 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressLastEmptyLineOnPaste", void 0);
2464 __decorate([
2465 Input(),
2466 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2467 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "serverSideSortingAlwaysResets", void 0);
2468 __decorate([
2469 Input(),
2470 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2471 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressSetColumnStateEvents", void 0);
2472 __decorate([
2473 Input(),
2474 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2475 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressColumnStateEvents", void 0);
2476 __decorate([
2477 Input(),
2478 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2479 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableCharts", void 0);
2480 __decorate([
2481 Input(),
2482 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2483 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "deltaColumnMode", void 0);
2484 __decorate([
2485 Input(),
2486 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2487 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressMaintainUnsortedOrder", void 0);
2488 __decorate([
2489 Input(),
2490 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2491 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "enableCellTextSelection", void 0);
2492 __decorate([
2493 Input(),
2494 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2495 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressBrowserResizeObserver", void 0);
2496 __decorate([
2497 Input(),
2498 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2499 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction", void 0);
2500 __decorate([
2501 Input(),
2502 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2503 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering", void 0);
2504 __decorate([
2505 Input(),
2506 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2507 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "tooltipMouseTrack", void 0);
2508 __decorate([
2509 Input(),
2510 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2511 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "keepDetailRows", void 0);
2512 __decorate([
2513 Input(),
2514 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2515 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "paginateChildRows", void 0);
2516 __decorate([
2517 Input(),
2518 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2519 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "preventDefaultOnContextMenu", void 0);
2520 __decorate([
2521 Input(),
2522 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2523 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "undoRedoCellEditing", void 0);
2524 __decorate([
2525 Input(),
2526 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2527 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel", void 0);
2528 __decorate([
2529 Input(),
2530 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2531 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "immutableData", void 0);
2532 __decorate([
2533 Input(),
2534 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2535 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "immutableColumns", void 0);
2536 __decorate([
2537 Input(),
2538 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2539 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pivotSuppressAutoColumn", void 0);
2540 __decorate([
2541 Input(),
2542 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2543 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressExpandablePivotGroups", void 0);
2544 __decorate([
2545 Input(),
2546 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2547 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "applyColumnDefOrder", void 0);
2548 __decorate([
2549 Input(),
2550 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2551 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "debounceVerticalScrollbar", void 0);
2552 __decorate([
2553 Input(),
2554 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2555 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "detailRowAutoHeight", void 0);
2556 __decorate([
2557 Input(),
2558 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2559 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "serverSideFilteringAlwaysResets", void 0);
2560 __decorate([
2561 Input(),
2562 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2563 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressAggFilteredOnly", void 0);
2564 __decorate([
2565 Input(),
2566 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2567 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "showOpenedGroup", void 0);
2568 __decorate([
2569 Input(),
2570 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2571 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressClipboardApi", void 0);
2572 __decorate([
2573 Input(),
2574 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2575 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction", void 0);
2576 __decorate([
2577 Input(),
2578 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2579 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus", void 0);
2580 __decorate([
2581 Input(),
2582 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2583 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "maintainColumnOrder", void 0);
2584 __decorate([
2585 Input(),
2586 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2587 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "groupMaintainOrder", void 0);
2588 __decorate([
2589 Input(),
2590 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2591 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnHoverHighlight", void 0);
2592 __decorate([
2593 Input(),
2594 __metadata("design:type", Boolean)
2595 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "allowProcessChartOptions", void 0);
2596 __decorate([
2597 Output(),
2598 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2599 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnEverythingChanged", void 0);
2600 __decorate([
2601 Output(),
2602 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2603 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "newColumnsLoaded", void 0);
2604 __decorate([
2605 Output(),
2606 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2607 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnPivotModeChanged", void 0);
2608 __decorate([
2609 Output(),
2610 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2611 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnRowGroupChanged", void 0);
2612 __decorate([
2613 Output(),
2614 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2615 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "expandOrCollapseAll", void 0);
2616 __decorate([
2617 Output(),
2618 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2619 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnPivotChanged", void 0);
2620 __decorate([
2621 Output(),
2622 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2623 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "gridColumnsChanged", void 0);
2624 __decorate([
2625 Output(),
2626 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2627 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnValueChanged", void 0);
2628 __decorate([
2629 Output(),
2630 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2631 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnMoved", void 0);
2632 __decorate([
2633 Output(),
2634 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2635 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnVisible", void 0);
2636 __decorate([
2637 Output(),
2638 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2639 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnPinned", void 0);
2640 __decorate([
2641 Output(),
2642 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2643 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnGroupOpened", void 0);
2644 __decorate([
2645 Output(),
2646 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2647 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnResized", void 0);
2648 __decorate([
2649 Output(),
2650 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2651 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "displayedColumnsChanged", void 0);
2652 __decorate([
2653 Output(),
2654 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2655 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "virtualColumnsChanged", void 0);
2656 __decorate([
2657 Output(),
2658 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2659 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "asyncTransactionsFlushed", void 0);
2660 __decorate([
2661 Output(),
2662 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2663 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowGroupOpened", void 0);
2664 __decorate([
2665 Output(),
2666 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2667 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowDataChanged", void 0);
2668 __decorate([
2669 Output(),
2670 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2671 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowDataUpdated", void 0);
2672 __decorate([
2673 Output(),
2674 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2675 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pinnedRowDataChanged", void 0);
2676 __decorate([
2677 Output(),
2678 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2679 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rangeSelectionChanged", void 0);
2680 __decorate([
2681 Output(),
2682 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2683 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "chartCreated", void 0);
2684 __decorate([
2685 Output(),
2686 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2687 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "chartRangeSelectionChanged", void 0);
2688 __decorate([
2689 Output(),
2690 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2691 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "chartOptionsChanged", void 0);
2692 __decorate([
2693 Output(),
2694 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2695 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "chartDestroyed", void 0);
2696 __decorate([
2697 Output(),
2698 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2699 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "toolPanelVisibleChanged", void 0);
2700 __decorate([
2701 Output(),
2702 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2703 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "modelUpdated", void 0);
2704 __decorate([
2705 Output(),
2706 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2707 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pasteStart", void 0);
2708 __decorate([
2709 Output(),
2710 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2711 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "pasteEnd", void 0);
2712 __decorate([
2713 Output(),
2714 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2715 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "fillStart", void 0);
2716 __decorate([
2717 Output(),
2718 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2719 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "fillEnd", void 0);
2720 __decorate([
2721 Output(),
2722 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2723 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellClicked", void 0);
2724 __decorate([
2725 Output(),
2726 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2727 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellDoubleClicked", void 0);
2728 __decorate([
2729 Output(),
2730 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2731 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellMouseDown", void 0);
2732 __decorate([
2733 Output(),
2734 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2735 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellContextMenu", void 0);
2736 __decorate([
2737 Output(),
2738 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2739 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellValueChanged", void 0);
2740 __decorate([
2741 Output(),
2742 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2743 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowValueChanged", void 0);
2744 __decorate([
2745 Output(),
2746 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2747 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellFocused", void 0);
2748 __decorate([
2749 Output(),
2750 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2751 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowSelected", void 0);
2752 __decorate([
2753 Output(),
2754 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2755 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "selectionChanged", void 0);
2756 __decorate([
2757 Output(),
2758 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2759 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellKeyDown", void 0);
2760 __decorate([
2761 Output(),
2762 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2763 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellKeyPress", void 0);
2764 __decorate([
2765 Output(),
2766 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2767 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellMouseOver", void 0);
2768 __decorate([
2769 Output(),
2770 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2771 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellMouseOut", void 0);
2772 __decorate([
2773 Output(),
2774 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2775 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "filterChanged", void 0);
2776 __decorate([
2777 Output(),
2778 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2779 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "filterModified", void 0);
2780 __decorate([
2781 Output(),
2782 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2783 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "filterOpened", void 0);
2784 __decorate([
2785 Output(),
2786 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2787 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "sortChanged", void 0);
2788 __decorate([
2789 Output(),
2790 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2791 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "virtualRowRemoved", void 0);
2792 __decorate([
2793 Output(),
2794 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2795 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowClicked", void 0);
2796 __decorate([
2797 Output(),
2798 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2799 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowDoubleClicked", void 0);
2800 __decorate([
2801 Output(),
2802 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2803 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "gridReady", void 0);
2804 __decorate([
2805 Output(),
2806 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2807 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "gridSizeChanged", void 0);
2808 __decorate([
2809 Output(),
2810 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2811 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "viewportChanged", void 0);
2812 __decorate([
2813 Output(),
2814 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2815 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "firstDataRendered", void 0);
2816 __decorate([
2817 Output(),
2818 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2819 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "dragStarted", void 0);
2820 __decorate([
2821 Output(),
2822 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2823 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "dragStopped", void 0);
2824 __decorate([
2825 Output(),
2826 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2827 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowEditingStarted", void 0);
2828 __decorate([
2829 Output(),
2830 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2831 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowEditingStopped", void 0);
2832 __decorate([
2833 Output(),
2834 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2835 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellEditingStarted", void 0);
2836 __decorate([
2837 Output(),
2838 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2839 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "cellEditingStopped", void 0);
2840 __decorate([
2841 Output(),
2842 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2843 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "bodyScroll", void 0);
2844 __decorate([
2845 Output(),
2846 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2847 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "paginationChanged", void 0);
2848 __decorate([
2849 Output(),
2850 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2851 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "componentStateChanged", void 0);
2852 __decorate([
2853 Output(),
2854 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2855 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowDragEnter", void 0);
2856 __decorate([
2857 Output(),
2858 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2859 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowDragMove", void 0);
2860 __decorate([
2861 Output(),
2862 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2863 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowDragLeave", void 0);
2864 __decorate([
2865 Output(),
2866 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2867 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "rowDragEnd", void 0);
2868 __decorate([
2869 Output(),
2870 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2871 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnRowGroupChangeRequest", void 0);
2872 __decorate([
2873 Output(),
2874 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2875 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnPivotChangeRequest", void 0);
2876 __decorate([
2877 Output(),
2878 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2879 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnValueChangeRequest", void 0);
2880 __decorate([
2881 Output(),
2882 __metadata("design:type", EventEmitter)
2883 ], AgGridAngular.prototype, "columnAggFuncChangeRequest", void 0);
2884 AgGridAngular = __decorate([
2885 Component({
2886 selector: 'ag-grid-angular',
2887 template: '',
2888 providers: [
2889 AngularFrameworkOverrides,
2890 AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper
2891 ],
2892 // tell angular we don't want view encapsulation, we don't want a shadow root
2893 encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
2894 }),
2895 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [ElementRef,
2896 ViewContainerRef,
2897 AngularFrameworkOverrides,
2898 AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper,
2899 ComponentFactoryResolver])
2900 ], AgGridAngular);
2901 return AgGridAngular;
2904var AgGridModule = /** @class */ (function () {
2905 function AgGridModule() {
2906 }
2907 AgGridModule_1 = AgGridModule;
2908 AgGridModule.withComponents = function (components) {
2909 return {
2910 ngModule: AgGridModule_1,
2911 providers: [
2912 { provide: ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, useValue: components, multi: true }
2913 ],
2914 };
2915 };
2916 AgGridModule.forRoot = function (components) {
2917 return {
2918 ngModule: AgGridModule_1,
2919 providers: [
2920 { provide: ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, useValue: components, multi: true }
2921 ],
2922 };
2923 };
2924 var AgGridModule_1;
2925 AgGridModule = AgGridModule_1 = __decorate([
2926 NgModule({
2927 declarations: [AgGridAngular, AgGridColumn],
2928 imports: [],
2929 exports: [AgGridAngular, AgGridColumn]
2930 })
2931 ], AgGridModule);
2932 return AgGridModule;
2936 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
2937 */
2939export { AgGridAngular, AgGridColumn, AgGridModule, AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper, AngularFrameworkOverrides };
2940//# sourceMappingURL=ag-grid-angular.js.map