17.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { CellClassFunc, CellClassRules, CellClickedEvent, CellContextMenuEvent, CellDoubleClickedEvent, CellEditorSelectorFunc, CellRendererSelectorFunc, CellStyleFunc, CheckboxSelectionCallback, ColDef, ColGroupDef, ColSpanParams, ColumnsMenuParams, DndSourceCallback, EditableCallback, GetQuickFilterTextParams, HeaderCheckboxSelectionCallback, HeaderClass, IAggFunc, ICellEditorComp, ICellRendererComp, ICellRendererFunc, IHeaderGroupComp, IRowDragItem, ITooltipComp, ITooltipParams, NewValueParams, RowDragCallback, RowNode, RowSpanParams, SuppressHeaderKeyboardEventParams, SuppressKeyboardEventParams, SuppressNavigableCallback, SuppressPasteCallback, ToolPanelClass, ValueFormatterFunc, ValueGetterFunc, ValueParserFunc, ValueSetterFunc } from "ag-grid-community";
2import { QueryList } from "@angular/core";
3export declare class AgGridColumn {
4 childColumns: QueryList<AgGridColumn>;
5 hasChildColumns(): boolean;
6 toColDef(): ColDef;
7 private getChildColDefs;
8 private createColDefFromGridColumn;
9 /** Columns in this group */
10 children: (ColDef | ColGroupDef)[] | undefined;
11 /** The sort order, provide an array with any of the following in any order ['asc','desc',null] */
12 sortingOrder: (string | null)[] | undefined;
13 /** Agg funcs allowed on this column. If missing, all installed agg funcs are allowed.
14 * Can be eg ['sum','avg']. This will restrict what the GUI allows to select only. */
15 allowedAggFuncs: string[] | undefined;
16 /** The menu tabs to show, and in which order, the valid values for this property are:
17 * filterMenuTab, generalMenuTab, columnsMenuTab * */
18 menuTabs: string[] | undefined;
19 /** Rules for applying css classes */
20 cellClassRules: CellClassRules | undefined;
21 /** Icons for this column. Leave blank to use default. */
22 icons: {
23 [key: string]: Function | string;
24 } | undefined;
25 /** The custom header group component to be used for rendering the component header. If none specified the default AG Grid is used* */
26 headerGroupComponent: string | {
27 new (): IHeaderGroupComp;
28 } | undefined;
29 /** The custom header group component to be used for rendering the component header in the hosting framework (ie: React/Angular). If none specified the default AG Grid is used* */
30 headerGroupComponentFramework: any | undefined;
31 /** The custom header group component to be used for rendering the component header. If none specified the default AG Grid is used* */
32 headerGroupComponentParams: any | undefined;
33 /** An object of css values. Or a function returning an object of css values. */
34 cellStyle: {
35 [cssProperty: string]: string;
36 } | CellStyleFunc | undefined;
37 cellRendererParams: any | undefined;
38 cellEditorFramework: any | undefined;
39 cellEditorParams: any | undefined;
40 /** @deprecated Use cellRendererSelector if you want a different Cell Renderer for pinned rows. Check params.node.rowPinned.
41 */
42 pinnedRowCellRendererFramework: any | undefined;
43 /** @deprecated Use cellRendererSelector if you want a different Cell Renderer for pinned rows. Check params.node.rowPinned.
44 */
45 pinnedRowCellRendererParams: any | undefined;
46 filterFramework: any;
47 filterParams: any;
48 /** The custom header component to be used for rendering the component header. If none specified the default AG Grid is used* */
49 headerComponent: string | {
50 new (): any;
51 } | undefined;
52 /** The custom header component to be used for rendering the component header in the hosting framework (ie: React/Angular). If none specified the default AG Grid is used* */
53 headerComponentFramework: any | undefined;
54 /** The custom header component parameters* */
55 headerComponentParams: any | undefined;
56 floatingFilterComponent: any;
57 floatingFilterComponentParams: any;
58 floatingFilterComponentFramework: any;
59 tooltipComponent: {
60 new (): ITooltipComp;
61 } | string | undefined;
62 tooltipComponentParams: any | undefined;
63 tooltipComponentFramework: any | undefined;
64 refData: {
65 [key: string]: string;
66 } | undefined;
67 /** Params to customise the columns menu behaviour and appearance */
68 columnsMenuParams: ColumnsMenuParams | undefined;
69 /** The name to render in the column header */
70 headerName: string | undefined;
71 /** Whether to show the column when the group is open / closed. */
72 columnGroupShow: string | undefined;
73 /** CSS class for the header */
74 headerClass: HeaderClass | undefined;
75 /** CSS class for the toolPanel */
76 toolPanelClass: ToolPanelClass | undefined;
77 /** Expression or function to get the cells value. */
78 headerValueGetter: string | Function | undefined;
79 /** Group ID */
80 groupId: string | undefined;
81 /** The unique ID to give the column. This is optional. If missing, the ID will default to the field.
82 * If both field and colId are missing, a unique ID will be generated.
83 * This ID is used to identify the column in the API for sorting, filtering etc. */
84 colId: string | undefined;
85 /** If sorting by default, set it here. Set to 'asc' or 'desc' */
86 sort: string | null | undefined;
87 initialSort: string | undefined;
88 /** The field of the row to get the cells data from */
89 field: string | undefined;
90 /** A comma separated string or array of strings containing ColumnType keys which can be used as a template for a column.
91 * This helps to reduce duplication of properties when you have a lot of common column properties. */
92 type: string | string[] | undefined;
93 /** The field where we get the tooltip on the object */
94 tooltipField: string | undefined;
95 /** Tooltip for the column header */
96 headerTooltip: string | undefined;
97 /** Class to use for the cell. Can be string, array of strings, or function. */
98 cellClass: string | string[] | CellClassFunc | undefined;
99 /** Set to true to have the grid place the values for the group into the cell, or put the name of a grouped column to just show that group. */
100 showRowGroup: string | boolean | undefined;
101 filter: any;
102 initialAggFunc: string | IAggFunc | undefined;
103 /** Name of function to use for aggregation. One of [sum,min,max,first,last] or a function. */
104 aggFunc: string | IAggFunc | null | undefined;
105 /** A function for rendering a cell. */
106 cellRenderer: {
107 new (): ICellRendererComp;
108 } | ICellRendererFunc | string | undefined;
109 /** Cell editor */
110 cellEditor: string | {
111 new (): ICellEditorComp;
112 } | undefined;
113 /** Whether this column is pinned or not. */
114 pinned: boolean | string | null | undefined;
115 initialPinned: boolean | string | undefined;
116 /** Defines the column data type used when charting */
117 chartDataType: 'category' | 'series' | 'time' | 'excluded' | undefined;
118 cellEditorPopupPosition: string | undefined;
119 /** @deprecated since v24 - use sortIndex instead
120 */
121 sortedAt: number | undefined;
122 /** If sorting more than one column by default, specifies order in which the sorting should be applied. */
123 sortIndex: number | null | undefined;
124 initialSortIndex: number | undefined;
125 /** Sets the grow factor of a column. It specifies how much of the remaining
126 * space should be assigned to the column. */
127 flex: number | undefined;
128 initialFlex: number | undefined;
129 /** Actual width, in pixels, of the cell */
130 width: number | undefined;
131 /** Default width, in pixels, of the cell */
132 initialWidth: number | undefined;
133 /** Min width, in pixels, of the cell */
134 minWidth: number | undefined;
135 /** Max width, in pixels, of the cell */
136 maxWidth: number | undefined;
137 /** To group by this column by default, either provide an index (eg rowGroupIndex=1), or set rowGroup=true. */
138 rowGroupIndex: number | null | undefined;
139 initialRowGroupIndex: number | undefined;
140 /** To pivot by this column by default, either provide an index (eg pivotIndex=1), or set pivot=true. */
141 pivotIndex: number | null | undefined;
142 initialPivotIndex: number | undefined;
143 /** For native drag and drop, set to true to allow custom onRowDrag processing */
144 dndSourceOnRowDrag: (params: {
145 rowNode: RowNode;
146 dragEvent: DragEvent;
147 }) => void | undefined;
148 /** Expression or function to get the cells value. */
149 valueGetter: string | ValueGetterFunc | undefined;
150 /** If not using a field, then this puts the value into the cell */
151 valueSetter: string | ValueSetterFunc | undefined;
152 /** Expression or function to get the cells value for filtering. */
153 filterValueGetter: string | ValueGetterFunc | undefined;
154 /** Function to return the key for a value - use this if the value is an object (not a primitive type) and you
155 * want to a) group by this field or b) use set filter on this field. */
156 keyCreator: (value: any) => string | undefined;
157 cellRendererFramework: any | undefined;
158 /** @deprecated Use cellRendererSelector if you want a different Cell Renderer for pinned rows. Check params.node.rowPinned.
159 */
160 pinnedRowCellRenderer: {
161 new (): ICellRendererComp;
162 } | ICellRendererFunc | string | undefined;
163 /** A function to format a value, should return a string. Not used for CSV export or copy to clipboard, only for UI cell rendering. */
164 valueFormatter: string | ValueFormatterFunc | undefined;
165 /** @deprecated Use valueFormatter for pinned rows, and check params.node.rowPinned.
166 */
167 pinnedRowValueFormatter: string | ValueFormatterFunc | undefined;
168 /** Gets called after editing, converts the value in the cell. */
169 valueParser: string | ValueParserFunc | undefined;
170 /** Comparator function for custom sorting. */
171 comparator: (valueA: any, valueB: any, nodeA: RowNode, nodeB: RowNode, isInverted: boolean) => number | undefined;
172 /** Comparator for values, used by renderer to know if values have changed. Cells who's values have not changed don't get refreshed. */
173 equals: (valueA: any, valueB: any) => boolean | undefined;
174 /** Comparator for ordering the pivot columns */
175 pivotComparator: (valueA: string, valueB: string) => number | undefined;
176 /** Allows the user to suppress certain keyboard events in the grid cell */
177 suppressKeyboardEvent: (params: SuppressKeyboardEventParams) => boolean | undefined;
178 /** Allows the user to suppress certain keyboard events in the grid header */
179 suppressHeaderKeyboardEvent: (params: SuppressHeaderKeyboardEventParams) => boolean | undefined;
180 colSpan: (params: ColSpanParams) => number | undefined;
181 rowSpan: (params: RowSpanParams) => number | undefined;
182 /** To create the quick filter text for this column, if toString is not good enough on the value. */
183 getQuickFilterText: (params: GetQuickFilterTextParams) => string | undefined;
184 /** Callbacks for editing. See editing section for further details.
185 * Return true if the update was successful, or false if not.
186 * If false, then skips the UI refresh and no events are emitted.
187 * Return false if the values are the same (ie no update). */
188 newValueHandler: (params: NewValueParams) => boolean | undefined;
189 /** Callbacks for editing.See editing section for further details. */
190 onCellValueChanged: (event: NewValueParams) => void | undefined;
191 /** Function callback, gets called when a cell is clicked. */
192 onCellClicked: (event: CellClickedEvent) => void | undefined;
193 /** Function callback, gets called when a cell is double clicked. */
194 onCellDoubleClicked: (event: CellDoubleClickedEvent) => void | undefined;
195 /** Function callback, gets called when a cell is right clicked. */
196 onCellContextMenu: (event: CellContextMenuEvent) => void | undefined;
197 /** To configure the text to be displayed in the floating div while dragging a row when rowDrag is true */
198 rowDragText: (params: IRowDragItem, dragItemCount: number) => string | undefined;
199 /** The function used to calculate the tooltip of the object, tooltipField takes precedence */
200 tooltipValueGetter: (params: ITooltipParams) => string | undefined;
201 cellRendererSelector: CellRendererSelectorFunc | undefined;
202 cellEditorSelector: CellEditorSelectorFunc | undefined;
203 /** Set to true to not flash this column for value changes */
204 suppressCellFlash: boolean | undefined;
205 /** Set to true to not include this column in the Columns Tool Panel */
206 suppressColumnsToolPanel: boolean | undefined;
207 /** Set to true to not include this column / filter in the Filters Tool Panel */
208 suppressFiltersToolPanel: boolean | undefined;
209 /** Open by Default */
210 openByDefault: boolean | undefined;
211 /** If true, group cannot be broken up by column moving, child columns will always appear side by side, however you can rearrange child columns within the group */
212 marryChildren: boolean | undefined;
213 /** Set to true for this column to be hidden. Naturally you might think, it would make more sense to call this field 'visible' and mark it false to hide,
214 * however we want all default values to be false and we want columns to be visible by default. */
215 hide: boolean | undefined;
216 initialHide: boolean | undefined;
217 rowGroup: boolean | undefined;
218 initialRowGroup: boolean | undefined;
219 pivot: boolean | undefined;
220 initialPivot: boolean | undefined;
221 /** Set to true to render a selection checkbox in the column. */
222 checkboxSelection: boolean | CheckboxSelectionCallback | undefined;
223 /** If true, a 'select all' checkbox will be put into the header */
224 headerCheckboxSelection: boolean | HeaderCheckboxSelectionCallback | undefined;
225 /** If true, the header checkbox selection will work on filtered items */
226 headerCheckboxSelectionFilteredOnly: boolean | undefined;
227 /** Set to true if no menu should be shown for this column header. */
228 suppressMenu: boolean | undefined;
229 /** Set to true to not allow moving this column via dragging it's header */
230 suppressMovable: boolean | undefined;
231 /** Set to true to make sure this column is always first. Other columns, if movable, cannot move before this column. */
232 lockPosition: boolean | undefined;
233 /** Set to true to block the user showing / hiding the column, the column can only be shown / hidden via definitions or API */
234 lockVisible: boolean | undefined;
235 /** Set to true to block the user pinning the column, the column can only be pinned via definitions or API */
236 lockPinned: boolean | undefined;
237 /** Set to true if you want the unsorted icon to be shown when no sort is applied to this column. */
238 unSortIcon: boolean | undefined;
239 /** Set to true if you want this columns width to be fixed during 'size to fit' operation. */
240 suppressSizeToFit: boolean | undefined;
241 /** Set to true if you do not want this column to be auto-resizable by double clicking it's edge. */
242 suppressAutoSize: boolean | undefined;
243 /** If true, GUI will allow adding this columns as a row group */
244 enableRowGroup: boolean | undefined;
245 /** If true, GUI will allow adding this columns as a pivot */
246 enablePivot: boolean | undefined;
247 /** If true, GUI will allow adding this columns as a value */
248 enableValue: boolean | undefined;
249 /** Set to true if this col is editable, otherwise false. Can also be a function to have different rows editable. */
250 editable: boolean | EditableCallback | undefined;
251 /** Set to true if this col should not be allowed take new values from the clipboard . */
252 suppressPaste: boolean | SuppressPasteCallback | undefined;
253 /** Set to true if this col should not be navigable with the tab key. Can also be a function to have different rows editable. */
254 suppressNavigable: boolean | SuppressNavigableCallback | undefined;
255 /** If true, grid will flash cell after cell is refreshed */
256 enableCellChangeFlash: boolean | undefined;
257 /** For grid row dragging, set to true to enable row dragging within the grid */
258 rowDrag: boolean | RowDragCallback | undefined;
259 /** For native drag and drop, set to true to enable drag source */
260 dndSource: boolean | DndSourceCallback | undefined;
261 /** True if this column should stretch rows height to fit contents */
262 autoHeight: boolean | undefined;
263 /** True if this column should wrap cell contents - typically used with autoHeight */
264 wrapText: boolean | undefined;
265 /** Set to true if sorting allowed for this column. */
266 sortable: boolean | undefined;
267 /** Set to true if this column should be resizable */
268 resizable: boolean | undefined;
269 /** If true, this cell will be in editing mode after first click. */
270 singleClickEdit: boolean | undefined;
271 /** Whether to display a floating filter for this column. */
272 floatingFilter: boolean | undefined;
273 cellEditorPopup: boolean | undefined;