133 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { AfterViewInit, ElementRef, EventEmitter, OnChanges, OnDestroy, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
2import type { AgChartTheme, AgChartThemeOverrides } from 'ag-charts-types';
3import type { AdvancedFilterBuilderVisibleChangedEvent, AlignedGrid, AsyncTransactionsFlushedEvent, BodyScrollEndEvent, BodyScrollEvent, CellClickedEvent, CellContextMenuEvent, CellDoubleClickedEvent, CellEditRequestEvent, CellEditingStartedEvent, CellEditingStoppedEvent, CellFocusedEvent, CellKeyDownEvent, CellMouseDownEvent, CellMouseOutEvent, CellMouseOverEvent, CellPosition, CellSelectionChangedEvent, CellSelectionDeleteEndEvent, CellSelectionDeleteStartEvent, CellSelectionOptions, CellValueChangedEvent, ChartCreatedEvent, ChartDestroyedEvent, ChartOptionsChangedEvent, ChartRangeSelectionChangedEvent, ChartRefParams, ChartToolPanelsDef, ColDef, ColGroupDef, ColTypeDef, Column, ColumnEverythingChangedEvent, ColumnGroupOpenedEvent, ColumnHeaderClickedEvent, ColumnHeaderContextMenuEvent, ColumnHeaderMouseLeaveEvent, ColumnHeaderMouseOverEvent, ColumnMenuVisibleChangedEvent, ColumnMovedEvent, ColumnPinnedEvent, ColumnPivotChangedEvent, ColumnPivotModeChangedEvent, ColumnResizedEvent, ColumnRowGroupChangedEvent, ColumnValueChangedEvent, ColumnVisibleEvent, ComponentStateChangedEvent, ContextMenuVisibleChangedEvent, CsvExportParams, CutEndEvent, CutStartEvent, DataTypeDefinition, DefaultChartMenuItem, DisplayedColumnsChangedEvent, DomLayoutType, DragCancelledEvent, DragStartedEvent, DragStoppedEvent, ExcelExportParams, ExcelStyle, ExpandOrCollapseAllEvent, FillEndEvent, FillOperationParams, FillStartEvent, FilterChangedEvent, FilterModifiedEvent, FilterOpenedEvent, FirstDataRenderedEvent, FocusGridInnerElementParams, FullWidthCellKeyDownEvent, GetChartMenuItems, GetChartToolbarItems, GetContextMenuItems, GetDataPath, GetGroupRowAggParams, GetLocaleTextParams, GetMainMenuItems, GetRowIdFunc, GetServerSideGroupKey, GetServerSideGroupLevelParamsParams, GridColumnsChangedEvent, GridReadyEvent, GridSizeChangedEvent, GridState, HeaderFocusedEvent, HeaderPosition, IAdvancedFilterBuilderParams, IAggFunc, IDatasource, IRowDragItem, IRowNode, IServerSideDatasource, IViewportDatasource, InitialGroupOrderComparatorParams, IsApplyServerSideTransaction, IsExternalFilterPresentParams, IsFullWidthRowParams, IsGroupOpenByDefaultParams, IsRowFilterable, IsRowMaster, IsRowSelectable, IsServerSideGroup, IsServerSideGroupOpenByDefaultParams, LoadingCellRendererSelectorFunc, MenuItemDef, ModelUpdatedEvent, NavigateToNextCellParams, NavigateToNextHeaderParams, NewColumnsLoadedEvent, PaginationChangedEvent, PaginationNumberFormatterParams, PasteEndEvent, PasteStartEvent, PinnedRowDataChangedEvent, PivotMaxColumnsExceededEvent, PostProcessPopupParams, PostSortRowsParams, ProcessCellForExportParams, ProcessDataFromClipboardParams, ProcessGroupHeaderForExportParams, ProcessHeaderForExportParams, ProcessRowParams, ProcessUnpinnedColumnsParams, RangeDeleteEndEvent, RangeDeleteStartEvent, RangeSelectionChangedEvent, RedoEndedEvent, RedoStartedEvent, RowClassParams, RowClassRules, RowClickedEvent, RowDataUpdatedEvent, RowDoubleClickedEvent, RowDragCancelEvent, RowDragEndEvent, RowDragEnterEvent, RowDragLeaveEvent, RowDragMoveEvent, RowEditingStartedEvent, RowEditingStoppedEvent, RowGroupOpenedEvent, RowGroupingDisplayType, RowHeightParams, RowModelType, RowSelectedEvent, RowSelectionOptions, RowStyle, RowValueChangedEvent, SelectionChangedEvent, SelectionColumnDef, SendToClipboardParams, ServerSideGroupLevelParams, SideBarDef, SizeColumnsToContentStrategy, SizeColumnsToFitGridStrategy, SizeColumnsToFitProvidedWidthStrategy, SortChangedEvent, SortDirection, StateUpdatedEvent, StatusPanelDef, StoreRefreshedEvent, TabToNextCellParams, TabToNextHeaderParams, Theme, ToolPanelSizeChangedEvent, ToolPanelVisibleChangedEvent, TooltipHideEvent, TooltipShowEvent, TreeDataDisplayType, UndoEndedEvent, UndoStartedEvent, UseGroupTotalRow, ViewportChangedEvent, VirtualColumnsChangedEvent, VirtualRowRemovedEvent } from 'ag-grid-community';
4import type { GridApi, GridOptions, Module } from 'ag-grid-community';
5import { AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper } from './angularFrameworkComponentWrapper';
6import { AngularFrameworkOverrides } from './angularFrameworkOverrides';
7import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
8export declare class AgGridAngular<TData = any, TColDef extends ColDef<TData> = ColDef<any>> implements AfterViewInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy {
9 private _viewContainerRef;
10 private _angularFrameworkOverrides;
11 private _frameworkCompWrapper;
12 private _nativeElement;
13 private _initialised;
14 private _destroyed;
15 private _holdEvents;
16 private _resolveFullyReady;
17 private _fullyReady;
18 /** Grid Api available after onGridReady event has fired. */
19 api: GridApi<TData>;
20 constructor(elementDef: ElementRef, _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, _angularFrameworkOverrides: AngularFrameworkOverrides, _frameworkCompWrapper: AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper);
21 ngAfterViewInit(): void;
22 ngOnChanges(changes: any): void;
23 ngOnDestroy(): void;
24 protected isEmitterUsed(eventType: string): boolean;
25 private globalListener;
26 /** Provided an initial gridOptions configuration to the component. If a property is specified in both gridOptions and via component binding the component binding takes precedence. */
27 gridOptions: GridOptions<TData> | undefined;
28 /**
29 * Used to register AG Grid Modules directly with this instance of the grid.
30 * See [Providing Modules To Individual Grids](https://www.ag-grid.com/angular-data-grid/modules/#providing-modules-to-individual-grids) for more information.
31 */
32 modules: Module[] | undefined;
33 /** Specifies the status bar components to use in the status bar.
34 */
35 statusBar: {
36 statusPanels: StatusPanelDef[];
37 } | undefined;
38 /** Specifies the side bar components.
39 */
40 sideBar: SideBarDef | string | string[] | boolean | null | undefined;
41 /** Set to `true` to not show the context menu. Use if you don't want to use the default 'right click' context menu.
42 * @default false
43 */
44 suppressContextMenu: boolean | undefined;
45 /** When using `suppressContextMenu`, you can use the `onCellContextMenu` function to provide your own code to handle cell `contextmenu` events.
46 * This flag is useful to prevent the browser from showing its default context menu.
47 * @default false
48 */
49 preventDefaultOnContextMenu: boolean | undefined;
50 /** Allows context menu to show, even when `Ctrl` key is held down.
51 * @default false
52 */
53 allowContextMenuWithControlKey: boolean | undefined;
54 /** Changes the display type of the column menu.
55 * `'new'` just displays the main list of menu items. `'legacy'` displays a tabbed menu.
56 * @default 'new'
57 * @initial
58 */
59 columnMenu: 'legacy' | 'new' | undefined;
60 /** When `true`, the column menu button will always be shown.
61 * When `false`, the column menu button will only show when the mouse is over the column header.
62 * If `columnMenu = 'legacy'`, this will default to `false` instead of `true`.
63 * @default true
64 */
65 suppressMenuHide: boolean | undefined;
66 /** Set to `true` to use the browser's default tooltip instead of using the grid's Tooltip Component.
67 * @default false
68 * @initial
69 */
70 enableBrowserTooltips: boolean | undefined;
71 /** The trigger that will cause tooltips to show and hide.
72 * - `hover` - The tooltip will show/hide when a cell/header is hovered.
73 * - `focus` - The tooltip will show/hide when a cell/header is focused.
74 * @default 'hover'
75 * @initial
76 */
77 tooltipTrigger: 'hover' | 'focus' | undefined;
78 /** The delay in milliseconds that it takes for tooltips to show up once an element is hovered over.
79 * **Note:** This property does not work if `enableBrowserTooltips` is `true`.
80 * @default 2000
81 */
82 tooltipShowDelay: number | undefined;
83 /** The delay in milliseconds that it takes for tooltips to hide once they have been displayed.
84 * **Note:** This property does not work if `enableBrowserTooltips` is `true` and `tooltipHideTriggers` includes `timeout`.
85 * @default 10000
86 */
87 tooltipHideDelay: number | undefined;
88 /** Set to `true` to have tooltips follow the cursor once they are displayed.
89 * @default false
90 * @initial
91 */
92 tooltipMouseTrack: boolean | undefined;
93 /** This defines when tooltip will show up for Cells, Headers and SetFilter Items.
94 * - `standard` - The tooltip always shows up when the items configured with Tooltips are hovered.
95 * - `whenTruncated` - The tooltip will only be displayed when the items hovered have truncated (showing ellipsis) values. This property does not work when `enableBrowserTooltips={true}`.
96 * @default `standard`
97 */
98 tooltipShowMode: 'standard' | 'whenTruncated' | undefined;
99 /** Set to `true` to enable tooltip interaction. When this option is enabled, the tooltip will not hide while the
100 * tooltip itself it being hovered or has focus.
101 * @default false
102 * @initial
103 */
104 tooltipInteraction: boolean | undefined;
105 /** DOM element to use as the popup parent for grid popups (context menu, column menu etc).
106 */
107 popupParent: HTMLElement | null | undefined;
108 /** Set to `true` to also include headers when copying to clipboard using `Ctrl + C` clipboard.
109 * @default false
110 */
111 copyHeadersToClipboard: boolean | undefined;
112 /** Set to `true` to also include group headers when copying to clipboard using `Ctrl + C` clipboard.
113 * @default false
114 */
115 copyGroupHeadersToClipboard: boolean | undefined;
116 /** Specify the delimiter to use when copying to clipboard.
117 * @default '\t'
118 */
119 clipboardDelimiter: string | undefined;
120 /** Set to `true` to copy the cell range or focused cell to the clipboard and never the selected rows.
121 * @default false
122 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `rowSelection.copySelectedRows` instead.
123 */
124 suppressCopyRowsToClipboard: boolean | undefined;
125 /** Set to `true` to copy rows instead of ranges when a range with only a single cell is selected.
126 * @default false
127 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `rowSelection.copySelectedRows` instead.
128 */
129 suppressCopySingleCellRanges: boolean | undefined;
130 /** Set to `true` to work around a bug with Excel (Windows) that adds an extra empty line at the end of ranges copied to the clipboard.
131 * @default false
132 */
133 suppressLastEmptyLineOnPaste: boolean | undefined;
134 /** Set to `true` to turn off paste operations within the grid.
135 * @default false
136 */
137 suppressClipboardPaste: boolean | undefined;
138 /** Set to `true` to stop the grid trying to use the Clipboard API, if it is blocked, and immediately fallback to the workaround.
139 * @default false
140 */
141 suppressClipboardApi: boolean | undefined;
142 /** Set to `true` to block **cut** operations within the grid.
143 * @default false
144 */
145 suppressCutToClipboard: boolean | undefined;
146 /** Array of Column / Column Group definitions.
147 */
148 columnDefs: (TColDef | ColGroupDef<TData>)[] | null | undefined;
149 /** A default column definition. Items defined in the actual column definitions get precedence.
150 */
151 defaultColDef: ColDef<TData> | undefined;
152 /** A default column group definition. All column group definitions will use these properties. Items defined in the actual column group definition get precedence.
153 * @initial
154 */
155 defaultColGroupDef: Partial<ColGroupDef<TData>> | undefined;
156 /** An object map of custom column types which contain groups of properties that column definitions can reuse by referencing in their `type` property.
157 */
158 columnTypes: {
159 [key: string]: ColTypeDef<TData>;
160 } | undefined;
161 /** An object map of cell data types to their definitions.
162 * Cell data types can either override/update the pre-defined data types
163 * (`'text'`, `'number'`, `'boolean'`, `'date'`, `'dateString'` or `'object'`),
164 * or can be custom data types.
165 */
166 dataTypeDefinitions: {
167 [cellDataType: string]: DataTypeDefinition<TData>;
168 } | undefined;
169 /** Keeps the order of Columns maintained after new Column Definitions are updated.
170 *
171 * @default false
172 */
173 maintainColumnOrder: boolean | undefined;
174 /** Resets pivot column order when impacted by filters, data or configuration changes
175 *
176 * @default false
177 */
178 enableStrictPivotColumnOrder: boolean | undefined;
179 /** If `true`, then dots in field names (e.g. `'address.firstLine'`) are not treated as deep references. Allows you to use dots in your field name if you prefer.
180 * @default false
181 */
182 suppressFieldDotNotation: boolean | undefined;
183 /** The height in pixels for the row containing the column label header. If not specified, it uses the theme value of `header-height`.
184 */
185 headerHeight: number | undefined;
186 /** The height in pixels for the rows containing header column groups. If not specified, it uses `headerHeight`.
187 */
188 groupHeaderHeight: number | undefined;
189 /** The height in pixels for the row containing the floating filters. If not specified, it uses the theme value of `header-height`.
190 */
191 floatingFiltersHeight: number | undefined;
192 /** The height in pixels for the row containing the columns when in pivot mode. If not specified, it uses `headerHeight`.
193 */
194 pivotHeaderHeight: number | undefined;
195 /** The height in pixels for the row containing header column groups when in pivot mode. If not specified, it uses `groupHeaderHeight`.
196 */
197 pivotGroupHeaderHeight: number | undefined;
198 /** Allow reordering and pinning columns by dragging columns from the Columns Tool Panel to the grid.
199 * @default false
200 */
201 allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel: boolean | undefined;
202 /** Set to `true` to suppress column moving, i.e. to make the columns fixed position.
203 * @default false
204 */
205 suppressMovableColumns: boolean | undefined;
206 /** If `true`, the `ag-column-moving` class is not added to the grid while columns are moving. In the default themes, this results in no animation when moving columns.
207 * @default false
208 */
209 suppressColumnMoveAnimation: boolean | undefined;
210 /** Set to `true` to suppress moving columns while dragging the Column Header. This option highlights the position where the column will be placed and it will only move it on mouse up.
211 * @default false
212 */
213 suppressMoveWhenColumnDragging: boolean | undefined;
214 /** If `true`, when you drag a column out of the grid (e.g. to the group zone) the column is not hidden.
215 * @default false
216 */
217 suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns: boolean | undefined;
218 /** Enable to prevent column visibility changing when grouped columns are changed.
219 * @default false
220 */
221 suppressGroupChangesColumnVisibility: boolean | 'suppressHideOnGroup' | 'suppressShowOnUngroup' | undefined;
222 /** By default, when a column is un-grouped, i.e. using the Row Group Panel, it is made visible in the grid. This property stops the column becoming visible again when un-grouping.
223 * @default false
224 * @deprecated v33.0.0 - Use `suppressGroupChangesColumnVisibility: 'suppressShowOnUngroup'` instead.
225 */
226 suppressMakeColumnVisibleAfterUnGroup: boolean | undefined;
227 /** If `true`, when you drag a column into a row group panel the column is not hidden.
228 * @default false
229 * @deprecated v33.0.0 - Use `suppressGroupChangesColumnVisibility: 'suppressHideOnGroup'` instead.
230 */
231 suppressRowGroupHidesColumns: boolean | undefined;
232 /** Set to `'shift'` to have shift-resize as the default resize operation (same as user holding down `Shift` while resizing).
233 */
234 colResizeDefault: 'shift' | undefined;
235 /** Suppresses auto-sizing columns for columns. In other words, double clicking a column's header's edge will not auto-size.
236 * @default false
237 * @initial
238 */
239 suppressAutoSize: boolean | undefined;
240 /** Number of pixels to add to a column width after the [auto-sizing](./column-sizing/#auto-size-columns-to-fit-cell-contents) calculation.
241 * Set this if you want to add extra room to accommodate (for example) sort icons, or some other dynamic nature of the header.
242 * @default 20
243 */
244 autoSizePadding: number | undefined;
245 /** Set this to `true` to skip the `headerName` when `autoSize` is called by default.
246 * @default false
247 * @initial
248 */
249 skipHeaderOnAutoSize: boolean | undefined;
250 /** Auto-size the columns when the grid is loaded. Can size to fit the grid width, fit a provided width, or fit the cell contents.
251 * @initial
252 */
253 autoSizeStrategy: SizeColumnsToFitGridStrategy | SizeColumnsToFitProvidedWidthStrategy | SizeColumnsToContentStrategy | undefined;
254 /** A map of component names to components.
255 * @initial
256 */
257 components: {
258 [p: string]: any;
259 } | undefined;
260 /** Set to `'fullRow'` to enable Full Row Editing. Otherwise leave blank to edit one cell at a time.
261 */
262 editType: 'fullRow' | undefined;
263 /** Set to `true` to enable Single Click Editing for cells, to start editing with a single click.
264 * @default false
265 */
266 singleClickEdit: boolean | undefined;
267 /** Set to `true` so that neither single nor double click starts editing.
268 * @default false
269 */
270 suppressClickEdit: boolean | undefined;
271 /** Set to `true` to stop the grid updating data after `Edit`, `Clipboard` and `Fill Handle` operations. When this is set, it is intended the application will update the data, eg in an external immutable store, and then pass the new dataset to the grid. <br />**Note:** `rowNode.setDataValue()` does not update the value of the cell when this is `True`, it fires `onCellEditRequest` instead.
272 * @default false
273 */
274 readOnlyEdit: boolean | undefined;
275 /** Set this to `true` to stop cell editing when grid loses focus.
276 * The default is that the grid stays editing until focus goes onto another cell.
277 * @default false
278 * @initial
279 */
280 stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus: boolean | undefined;
281 /** Set to `true` along with `enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit` to have Excel-style behaviour for the `Enter` key.
282 * i.e. pressing the `Enter` key will move down to the cell beneath and `Shift+Enter` will move up to the cell above.
283 * @default false
284 */
285 enterNavigatesVertically: boolean | undefined;
286 /** Set to `true` along with `enterNavigatesVertically` to have Excel-style behaviour for the 'Enter' key.
287 * i.e. pressing the Enter key will move down to the cell beneath and Shift+Enter key will move up to the cell above.
288 * @default false
289 */
290 enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit: boolean | undefined;
291 /** Forces Cell Editing to start when backspace is pressed. This is only relevant for MacOS users.
292 */
293 enableCellEditingOnBackspace: boolean | undefined;
294 /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
295 * @initial
296 */
297 undoRedoCellEditing: boolean | undefined;
298 /** Set the size of the undo / redo stack.
299 * @default 10
300 * @initial
301 */
302 undoRedoCellEditingLimit: number | undefined;
303 /** A default configuration object used to export to CSV.
304 */
305 defaultCsvExportParams: CsvExportParams | undefined;
306 /** Prevents the user from exporting the grid to CSV.
307 * @default false
308 */
309 suppressCsvExport: boolean | undefined;
310 /** A default configuration object used to export to Excel.
311 */
312 defaultExcelExportParams: ExcelExportParams | undefined;
313 /** Prevents the user from exporting the grid to Excel.
314 * @default false
315 */
316 suppressExcelExport: boolean | undefined;
317 /** A list (array) of Excel styles to be used when exporting to Excel with styles.
318 * @initial
319 */
320 excelStyles: ExcelStyle[] | undefined;
321 /** Rows are filtered using this text as a Quick Filter.
322 */
323 quickFilterText: string | undefined;
324 /** Set to `true` to turn on the Quick Filter cache, used to improve performance when using the Quick Filter.
325 * @default false
326 * @initial
327 */
328 cacheQuickFilter: boolean | undefined;
329 /** Hidden columns are excluded from the Quick Filter by default.
330 * To include hidden columns, set to `true`.
331 * @default false
332 */
333 includeHiddenColumnsInQuickFilter: boolean | undefined;
334 /** Changes how the Quick Filter splits the Quick Filter text into search terms.
335 */
336 quickFilterParser: ((quickFilter: string) => string[]) | undefined;
337 /** Changes the matching logic for whether a row passes the Quick Filter.
338 */
339 quickFilterMatcher: ((quickFilterParts: string[], rowQuickFilterAggregateText: string) => boolean) | undefined;
340 /** When pivoting, Quick Filter is only applied on the pivoted data
341 * (or aggregated data if `groupAggFiltering = true`).
342 * Set to `true` to apply Quick Filter before pivoting (/aggregating) instead.
343 * @default false
344 */
345 applyQuickFilterBeforePivotOrAgg: boolean | undefined;
346 /** Set to `true` to override the default tree data filtering behaviour to instead exclude child nodes from filter results.
347 * @default false
348 */
349 excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering: boolean | undefined;
350 /** Set to true to enable the Advanced Filter.
351 * @default false
352 */
353 enableAdvancedFilter: boolean | undefined;
354 /** Allows rows to always be displayed, even if they don't match the applied filtering.
355 * Return `true` for the provided row to always be displayed.
356 * Only works with the Client-Side Row Model.
357 */
358 alwaysPassFilter: ((rowNode: IRowNode<TData>) => boolean) | undefined;
359 /** Hidden columns are excluded from the Advanced Filter by default.
360 * To include hidden columns, set to `true`.
361 * @default false
362 */
363 includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter: boolean | undefined;
364 /** DOM element to use as the parent for the Advanced Filter to allow it to appear outside of the grid.
365 * Set to `null` or `undefined` to appear inside the grid.
366 */
367 advancedFilterParent: HTMLElement | null | undefined;
368 /** Customise the parameters passed to the Advanced Filter Builder.
369 */
370 advancedFilterBuilderParams: IAdvancedFilterBuilderParams | undefined;
371 /** By default, Advanced Filter sanitises user input and passes it to `new Function()` to provide the best performance.
372 * Set to `true` to prevent this and use defined functions instead.
373 * This will result in slower filtering, but it enables Advanced Filter to work when `unsafe-eval` is disabled.
374 * @default false
375 */
376 suppressAdvancedFilterEval: boolean | undefined;
377 /** When using AG Grid Enterprise, the Set Filter is used by default when `filter: true` is set on column definitions.
378 * Set to `true` to prevent this and instead use the Text Filter, Number Filter or Date Filter based on the cell data type,
379 * the same as when using AG Grid Community.
380 * @default false
381 * @initial
382 */
383 suppressSetFilterByDefault: boolean | undefined;
384 /** Set to `true` to Enable Charts.
385 * @default false
386 */
387 enableCharts: boolean | undefined;
388 /** The list of chart themes that a user can choose from in the chart panel.
389 * @default ['ag-default', 'ag-material', 'ag-sheets', 'ag-polychroma', 'ag-vivid'];
390 * @initial
391 */
392 chartThemes: string[] | undefined;
393 /** A map containing custom chart themes.
394 * @initial
395 */
396 customChartThemes: {
397 [name: string]: AgChartTheme;
398 } | undefined;
399 /** Chart theme overrides applied to all themes.
400 * @initial
401 */
402 chartThemeOverrides: AgChartThemeOverrides | undefined;
403 /** Allows customisation of the Chart Tool Panels, such as changing the tool panels visibility and order, as well as choosing which charts should be displayed in the chart panel.
404 * @initial
405 */
406 chartToolPanelsDef: ChartToolPanelsDef | undefined;
407 /** Get chart menu items. Only applies when using AG Charts Enterprise.
408 */
409 chartMenuItems: (DefaultChartMenuItem | MenuItemDef)[] | GetChartMenuItems<TData> | undefined;
410 /** Provide your own loading cell renderer to use when data is loading via a DataSource.
411 * See [Loading Cell Renderer](https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-data-grid/component-loading-cell-renderer/) for framework specific implementation details.
412 */
413 loadingCellRenderer: any;
414 /** Params to be passed to the `loadingCellRenderer` component.
415 */
416 loadingCellRendererParams: any;
417 /** Callback to select which loading cell renderer to be used when data is loading via a DataSource.
418 * @initial
419 */
420 loadingCellRendererSelector: LoadingCellRendererSelectorFunc<TData> | undefined;
421 /** A map of key->value pairs for localising text within the grid.
422 * @initial
423 */
424 localeText: {
425 [key: string]: string;
426 } | undefined;
427 /** Set to `true` to enable Master Detail.
428 * @default false
429 */
430 masterDetail: boolean | undefined;
431 /** Set to `true` to keep detail rows for when they are displayed again.
432 * @default false
433 * @initial
434 */
435 keepDetailRows: boolean | undefined;
436 /** Sets the number of details rows to keep.
437 * @default 10
438 * @initial
439 */
440 keepDetailRowsCount: number | undefined;
441 /** Provide a custom `detailCellRenderer` to use when a master row is expanded.
442 * See [Detail Cell Renderer](https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-data-grid/master-detail-custom-detail/) for framework specific implementation details.
443 */
444 detailCellRenderer: any;
445 /** Specifies the params to be used by the Detail Cell Renderer. Can also be a function that provides the params to enable dynamic definitions of the params.
446 */
447 detailCellRendererParams: any;
448 /** Set fixed height in pixels for each detail row.
449 * @initial
450 */
451 detailRowHeight: number | undefined;
452 /** Set to `true` to have the detail grid dynamically change it's height to fit it's rows.
453 * @initial
454 */
455 detailRowAutoHeight: boolean | undefined;
456 /** Provides a context object that is provided to different callbacks the grid uses. Used for passing additional information to the callbacks used by your application.
457 * @initial
458 */
459 context: any;
460 /** Provide a custom drag and drop image component.
461 * @initial
462 */
463 dragAndDropImageComponent: any;
464 /** Customise the parameters provided to the Drag and Drop Image Component.
465 */
466 dragAndDropImageComponentParams: any;
467 /**
468 * A list of grids to treat as Aligned Grids.
469 * Provide a list if the grids / apis already exist or return via a callback to allow the aligned grids to be retrieved asynchronously.
470 * If grids are aligned then the columns and horizontal scrolling will be kept in sync.
471 */
472 alignedGrids: (AlignedGrid[] | (() => AlignedGrid[])) | undefined;
473 /** Change this value to set the tabIndex order of the Grid within your application.
474 * @default 0
475 * @initial
476 */
477 tabIndex: number | undefined;
478 /** The number of rows rendered outside the viewable area the grid renders.
479 * Having a buffer means the grid will have rows ready to show as the user slowly scrolls vertically.
480 * @default 10
481 */
482 rowBuffer: number | undefined;
483 /** Set to `true` to turn on the value cache.
484 * @default false
485 * @initial
486 */
487 valueCache: boolean | undefined;
488 /** Set to `true` to configure the value cache to not expire after data updates.
489 * @default false
490 * @initial
491 */
492 valueCacheNeverExpires: boolean | undefined;
493 /** Set to `true` to allow cell expressions.
494 * @default false
495 * @initial
496 */
497 enableCellExpressions: boolean | undefined;
498 /** Disables touch support (but does not remove the browser's efforts to simulate mouse events on touch).
499 * @default false
500 * @initial
501 */
502 suppressTouch: boolean | undefined;
503 /** Set to `true` to not set focus back on the grid after a refresh. This can avoid issues where you want to keep the focus on another part of the browser.
504 * @default false
505 */
506 suppressFocusAfterRefresh: boolean | undefined;
507 /** @deprecated As of v32.2 the grid always uses the browser's ResizeObserver, this grid option has no effect
508 * @default false
509 * @initial
510 */
511 suppressBrowserResizeObserver: boolean | undefined;
512 /** @deprecated As of v33 `gridOptions` and `columnDefs` both have a `context` property that should be used for arbitrary user data. This means that column definitions and gridOptions should only contain valid properties making this property redundant.
513 * @default false
514 * @initial
515 */
516 suppressPropertyNamesCheck: boolean | undefined;
517 /** Disables change detection.
518 * @default false
519 */
520 suppressChangeDetection: boolean | undefined;
521 /** Set this to `true` to enable debug information from the grid and related components. Will result in additional logging being output, but very useful when investigating problems.
522 * @default false
523 * @initial
524 */
525 debug: boolean | undefined;
526 /** Show or hide the loading overlay.
527 */
528 loading: boolean | undefined;
529 /** Provide a HTML string to override the default loading overlay. Supports non-empty plain text or HTML with a single root element.
530 */
531 overlayLoadingTemplate: string | undefined;
532 /** Provide a custom loading overlay component.
533 * @initial
534 */
535 loadingOverlayComponent: any;
536 /** Customise the parameters provided to the loading overlay component.
537 */
538 loadingOverlayComponentParams: any;
539 /** Disables the 'loading' overlay.
540 * @deprecated v32 - Deprecated. Use `loading=false` instead.
541 * @default false
542 * @initial
543 */
544 suppressLoadingOverlay: boolean | undefined;
545 /** Provide a HTML string to override the default no-rows overlay. Supports non-empty plain text or HTML with a single root element.
546 */
547 overlayNoRowsTemplate: string | undefined;
548 /** Provide a custom no-rows overlay component.
549 * @initial
550 */
551 noRowsOverlayComponent: any;
552 /** Customise the parameters provided to the no-rows overlay component.
553 */
554 noRowsOverlayComponentParams: any;
555 /** Set to `true` to prevent the no-rows overlay being shown when there is no row data.
556 * @default false
557 * @initial
558 */
559 suppressNoRowsOverlay: boolean | undefined;
560 /** Set whether pagination is enabled.
561 * @default false
562 */
563 pagination: boolean | undefined;
564 /** How many rows to load per page. If `paginationAutoPageSize` is specified, this property is ignored.
565 * @default 100
566 */
567 paginationPageSize: number | undefined;
568 /** Determines if the page size selector is shown in the pagination panel or not.
569 * Set to an array of values to show the page size selector with custom list of possible page sizes.
570 * Set to `true` to show the page size selector with the default page sizes `[20, 50, 100]`.
571 * Set to `false` to hide the page size selector.
572 * @default true
573 * @initial
574 */
575 paginationPageSizeSelector: number[] | boolean | undefined;
576 /** Set to `true` so that the number of rows to load per page is automatically adjusted by the grid so each page shows enough rows to just fill the area designated for the grid. If `false`, `paginationPageSize` is used.
577 * @default false
578 */
579 paginationAutoPageSize: boolean | undefined;
580 /** Set to `true` to have pages split children of groups when using Row Grouping or detail rows with Master Detail.
581 * @default false
582 * @initial
583 */
584 paginateChildRows: boolean | undefined;
585 /** If `true`, the default grid controls for navigation are hidden.
586 * This is useful if `pagination=true` and you want to provide your own pagination controls.
587 * Otherwise, when `pagination=true` the grid automatically shows the necessary controls at the bottom so that the user can navigate through the different pages.
588 * @default false
589 */
590 suppressPaginationPanel: boolean | undefined;
591 /** Set to `true` to enable pivot mode.
592 * @default false
593 */
594 pivotMode: boolean | undefined;
595 /** When to show the 'pivot panel' (where you drag rows to pivot) at the top. Note that the pivot panel will never show if `pivotMode` is off.
596 * @default 'never'
597 * @initial
598 */
599 pivotPanelShow: 'always' | 'onlyWhenPivoting' | 'never' | undefined;
600 /** The maximum number of generated columns before the grid halts execution. Upon reaching this number, the grid halts generation of columns
601 * and triggers a `pivotMaxColumnsExceeded` event. `-1` for no limit.
602 * @default -1
603 */
604 pivotMaxGeneratedColumns: number | undefined;
605 /** If pivoting, set to the number of column group levels to expand by default, e.g. `0` for none, `1` for first level only, etc. Set to `-1` to expand everything.
606 * @default 0
607 */
608 pivotDefaultExpanded: number | undefined;
609 /** When set and the grid is in pivot mode, automatically calculated totals will appear within the Pivot Column Groups, in the position specified.
610 */
611 pivotColumnGroupTotals: 'before' | 'after' | undefined;
612 /** When set and the grid is in pivot mode, automatically calculated totals will appear for each value column in the position specified.
613 */
614 pivotRowTotals: 'before' | 'after' | undefined;
615 /** If `true`, the grid will not swap in the grouping column when pivoting. Useful if pivoting using Server Side Row Model or Viewport Row Model and you want full control of all columns including the group column.
616 * @default false
617 * @initial
618 */
619 pivotSuppressAutoColumn: boolean | undefined;
620 /** When enabled, pivot column groups will appear 'fixed', without the ability to expand and collapse the column groups.
621 * @default false
622 * @initial
623 */
624 suppressExpandablePivotGroups: boolean | undefined;
625 /** If `true`, then row group, pivot and value aggregation will be read-only from the GUI. The grid will display what values are used for each, but will not allow the user to change the selection.
626 * @default false
627 */
628 functionsReadOnly: boolean | undefined;
629 /** A map of 'function name' to 'function' for custom aggregation functions.
630 * @initial
631 */
632 aggFuncs: {
633 [key: string]: IAggFunc<TData>;
634 } | undefined;
635 /** When `true`, column headers won't include the `aggFunc` name, e.g. `'sum(Bank Balance)`' will just be `'Bank Balance'`.
636 * @default false
637 */
638 suppressAggFuncInHeader: boolean | undefined;
639 /** When using aggregations, the grid will always calculate the root level aggregation value.
640 * @default false
641 */
642 alwaysAggregateAtRootLevel: boolean | undefined;
643 /** When using change detection, only the updated column will be re-aggregated.
644 * @default false
645 */
646 aggregateOnlyChangedColumns: boolean | undefined;
647 /** Set to `true` so that aggregations are not impacted by filtering.
648 * @default false
649 */
650 suppressAggFilteredOnly: boolean | undefined;
651 /** Set to `true` to omit the value Column header when there is only a single value column.
652 * @default false
653 */
654 removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn: boolean | undefined;
655 /** Set to `false` to disable Row Animation which is enabled by default.
656 * @default true
657 */
658 animateRows: boolean | undefined;
659 /** Sets the duration in milliseconds of how long a cell should remain in its "flashed" state.
660 * If `0`, the cell will not flash.
661 * @default 500
662 */
663 cellFlashDuration: number | undefined;
664 /** Sets the duration in milliseconds of how long the "flashed" state animation takes to fade away after the timer set by `cellFlashDuration` has completed.
665 * @default 1000
666 */
667 cellFadeDuration: number | undefined;
668 /** Set to `true` to have cells flash after data changes even when the change is due to filtering.
669 * @default false
670 * @initial
671 */
672 allowShowChangeAfterFilter: boolean | undefined;
673 /** Switch between layout options: `normal`, `autoHeight`, `print`.
674 * @default 'normal'
675 */
676 domLayout: DomLayoutType | undefined;
677 /** When `true`, the order of rows and columns in the DOM are consistent with what is on screen.
678 * Disables row animations.
679 * @default false
680 * @initial
681 */
682 ensureDomOrder: boolean | undefined;
683 /** Set to `true` to operate the grid in RTL (Right to Left) mode.
684 * @default false
685 * @initial
686 */
687 enableRtl: boolean | undefined;
688 /** Set to `true` so that the grid doesn't virtualise the columns. For example, if you have 100 columns, but only 10 visible due to scrolling, all 100 will always be rendered.
689 * @default false
690 * @initial
691 */
692 suppressColumnVirtualisation: boolean | undefined;
693 /** By default the grid has a limit of rendering a maximum of 500 rows at once (remember the grid only renders rows you can see, so unless your display shows more than 500 rows without vertically scrolling this will never be an issue).
694 * <br />**This is only relevant if you are manually setting `rowBuffer` to a high value (rendering more rows than can be seen), or `suppressRowVirtualisation` is true, or if your grid height is able to display more than 500 rows at once.**
695 * @default false
696 * @initial
697 */
698 suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction: boolean | undefined;
699 /** Set to `true` so that the grid doesn't virtualise the rows. For example, if you have 100 rows, but only 10 visible due to scrolling, all 100 will always be rendered.
700 * @default false
701 * @initial
702 */
703 suppressRowVirtualisation: boolean | undefined;
704 /** Set to `true` to enable Managed Row Dragging.
705 * @default false
706 */
707 rowDragManaged: boolean | undefined;
708 /** Set to `true` to suppress row dragging.
709 * @default false
710 */
711 suppressRowDrag: boolean | undefined;
712 /** Set to `true` to suppress moving rows while dragging the `rowDrag` waffle. This option highlights the position where the row will be placed and it will only move the row on mouse up.
713 * @default false
714 */
715 suppressMoveWhenRowDragging: boolean | undefined;
716 /** Set to `true` to enable clicking and dragging anywhere on the row without the need for a drag handle.
717 * @default false
718 */
719 rowDragEntireRow: boolean | undefined;
720 /** Set to `true` to enable dragging multiple rows at the same time.
721 * @default false
722 */
723 rowDragMultiRow: boolean | undefined;
724 /** A callback that should return a string to be displayed by the `rowDragComp` while dragging a row.
725 * If this callback is not set, the current cell value will be used.
726 * If the `rowDragText` callback is set in the ColDef it will take precedence over this, except when
727 * `rowDragEntireRow=true`.
728 * @initial
729 */
730 rowDragText: ((params: IRowDragItem, dragItemCount: number) => string) | undefined;
731 /** Provide your own cell renderer component to use for full width rows.
732 * See [Full Width Rows](https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-data-grid/full-width-rows/) for framework specific implementation details.
733 */
734 fullWidthCellRenderer: any;
735 /** Customise the parameters provided to the `fullWidthCellRenderer` component.
736 */
737 fullWidthCellRendererParams: any;
738 /** Set to `true` to have the Full Width Rows embedded in grid's main container so they can be scrolled horizontally.
739 */
740 embedFullWidthRows: boolean | undefined;
741 /** Specifies how the results of row grouping should be displayed.
742 *
743 * The options are:
744 *
745 * - `'singleColumn'`: single group column automatically added by the grid.
746 * - `'multipleColumns'`: a group column per row group is added automatically.
747 * - `'groupRows'`: group rows are automatically added instead of group columns.
748 * - `'custom'`: informs the grid that group columns will be provided.
749 */
750 groupDisplayType: RowGroupingDisplayType | undefined;
751 /** If grouping, set to the number of levels to expand by default, e.g. `0` for none, `1` for first level only, etc. Set to `-1` to expand everything.
752 * @default 0
753 */
754 groupDefaultExpanded: number | undefined;
755 /** Allows specifying the group 'auto column' if you are not happy with the default. If grouping, this column definition is included as the first column in the grid. If not grouping, this column is not included.
756 */
757 autoGroupColumnDef: ColDef<TData> | undefined;
758 /** When `true`, preserves the current group order when sorting on non-group columns.
759 * @default false
760 */
761 groupMaintainOrder: boolean | undefined;
762 /** When `true`, if you select a group, the children of the group will also be selected.
763 * @default false
764 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `rowSelection.groupSelects` instead
765 */
766 groupSelectsChildren: boolean | undefined;
767 /** If grouping, locks the group settings of a number of columns, e.g. `0` for no group locking. `1` for first group column locked, `-1` for all group columns locked.
768 * @default 0
769 * @initial
770 */
771 groupLockGroupColumns: number | undefined;
772 /** Set to determine whether filters should be applied on aggregated group values.
773 * @default false
774 */
775 groupAggFiltering: boolean | IsRowFilterable<TData> | undefined;
776 /** When provided, an extra row group total row will be inserted into row groups at the specified position, to display
777 * when the group is expanded. This row will contain the aggregate values for the group. If a callback function is
778 * provided, it can be used to selectively determine which groups will have a total row added.
779 */
780 groupTotalRow: 'top' | 'bottom' | UseGroupTotalRow<TData> | undefined;
781 /** When provided, an extra grand total row will be inserted into the grid at the specified position.
782 * This row displays the aggregate totals of all rows in the grid.
783 */
784 grandTotalRow: 'top' | 'bottom' | undefined;
785 /** Suppress the sticky behaviour of the total rows, can be suppressed individually by passing `'grand'` or `'group'`.
786 */
787 suppressStickyTotalRow: boolean | 'grand' | 'group' | undefined;
788 /** If `true`, and showing footer, aggregate data will always be displayed at both the header and footer levels. This stops the possibly undesirable behaviour of the header details 'jumping' to the footer on expand.
789 * @default false
790 */
791 groupSuppressBlankHeader: boolean | undefined;
792 /** If using `groupSelectsChildren`, then only the children that pass the current filter will get selected.
793 * @default false
794 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `rowSelection.groupSelects` instead
795 */
796 groupSelectsFiltered: boolean | undefined;
797 /** Shows the open group in the group column for non-group rows.
798 * @default false
799 */
800 showOpenedGroup: boolean | undefined;
801 /** Enable to display the child row in place of the group row when the group only has a single child.
802 * @default false
803 */
804 groupHideParentOfSingleChild: boolean | 'leafGroupsOnly' | undefined;
805 /** Set to `true` to collapse groups that only have one child.
806 * @default false
807 * @deprecated v33.0.0 - use `groupHideParentOfSingleChild` instead.
808 */
809 groupRemoveSingleChildren: boolean | undefined;
810 /** Set to `true` to collapse lowest level groups that only have one child.
811 * @default false
812 * @deprecated v33.0.0 - use `groupHideParentOfSingleChild: 'leafGroupsOnly'` instead.
813 */
814 groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren: boolean | undefined;
815 /** Set to `true` to hide parents that are open. When used with multiple columns for showing groups, it can give a more pleasing user experience.
816 * @default false
817 */
818 groupHideOpenParents: boolean | undefined;
819 /** Set to `true` to prevent the grid from creating a '(Blanks)' group for nodes which do not belong to a group, and display the unbalanced nodes alongside group nodes.
820 * @default false
821 */
822 groupAllowUnbalanced: boolean | undefined;
823 /** When to show the 'row group panel' (where you drag rows to group) at the top.
824 * @default 'never'
825 */
826 rowGroupPanelShow: 'always' | 'onlyWhenGrouping' | 'never' | undefined;
827 /** Provide the Cell Renderer to use when `groupDisplayType = 'groupRows'`.
828 * See [Group Row Cell Renderer](https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-data-grid/grouping-group-rows/#providing-cell-renderer) for framework specific implementation details.
829 */
830 groupRowRenderer: any;
831 /** Customise the parameters provided to the `groupRowRenderer` component.
832 */
833 groupRowRendererParams: any;
834 /** Set to `true` to enable the Grid to work with Tree Data.
835 * You must also implement the `getDataPath(data)` callback.
836 * @default false
837 */
838 treeData: boolean | undefined;
839 /** Set to `true` to suppress sort indicators and actions from the row group panel.
840 * @default false
841 */
842 rowGroupPanelSuppressSort: boolean | undefined;
843 /** Set to `true` prevent Group Rows from sticking to the top of the grid.
844 * @default false
845 * @initial
846 */
847 suppressGroupRowsSticky: boolean | undefined;
848 /** Data to be displayed as pinned top rows in the grid.
849 */
850 pinnedTopRowData: any[] | undefined;
851 /** Data to be displayed as pinned bottom rows in the grid.
852 */
853 pinnedBottomRowData: any[] | undefined;
854 /** Sets the row model type.
855 * @default 'clientSide'
856 * @initial
857 */
858 rowModelType: RowModelType | undefined;
859 /** Set the data to be displayed as rows in the grid.
860 */
861 rowData: TData[] | null | undefined;
862 /** How many milliseconds to wait before executing a batch of async transactions.
863 */
864 asyncTransactionWaitMillis: number | undefined;
865 /** Prevents Transactions changing sort, filter, group or pivot state when transaction only contains updates.
866 * @default false
867 */
868 suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction: boolean | undefined;
869 /** Provide the datasource for infinite scrolling.
870 */
871 datasource: IDatasource | undefined;
872 /** How many extra blank rows to display to the user at the end of the dataset, which sets the vertical scroll and then allows the grid to request viewing more rows of data.
873 * @default 1
874 * @initial
875 */
876 cacheOverflowSize: number | undefined;
877 /** How many extra blank rows to display to the user at the end of the dataset, which sets the vertical scroll and then allows the grid to request viewing more rows of data.
878 * @default 1
879 * @initial
880 */
881 infiniteInitialRowCount: number | undefined;
882 /** Set how many loading rows to display to the user for the root level group.
883 * @default 1
884 * @initial
885 */
886 serverSideInitialRowCount: number | undefined;
887 /** When `true`, the Server-side Row Model will not use a full width loading renderer, instead using the colDef `loadingCellRenderer` if present.
888 */
889 suppressServerSideFullWidthLoadingRow: boolean | undefined;
890 /** How many rows for each block in the store, i.e. how many rows returned from the server at a time.
891 * @default 100
892 */
893 cacheBlockSize: number | undefined;
894 /** How many blocks to keep in the store. Default is no limit, so every requested block is kept. Use this if you have memory concerns, and blocks that were least recently viewed will be purged when the limit is hit. The grid will additionally make sure it has all the blocks needed to display what is currently visible, in case this property is set to a low value.
895 * @initial
896 */
897 maxBlocksInCache: number | undefined;
898 /** How many requests to hit the server with concurrently. If the max is reached, requests are queued.
899 * Set to `-1` for no maximum restriction on requests.
900 * @default 2
901 * @initial
902 */
903 maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests: number | undefined;
904 /** How many milliseconds to wait before loading a block. Useful when scrolling over many blocks, as it prevents blocks loading until scrolling has settled.
905 * @initial
906 */
907 blockLoadDebounceMillis: number | undefined;
908 /** When enabled, closing group rows will remove children of that row. Next time the row is opened, child rows will be read from the datasource again. This property only applies when there is Row Grouping or Tree Data.
909 * @default false
910 */
911 purgeClosedRowNodes: boolean | undefined;
912 /** Provide the `serverSideDatasource` for server side row model.
913 */
914 serverSideDatasource: IServerSideDatasource | undefined;
915 /** When enabled, always refreshes top level groups regardless of which column was sorted. This property only applies when there is Row Grouping & sorting is handled on the server.
916 * @default false
917 */
918 serverSideSortAllLevels: boolean | undefined;
919 /** When enabled, sorts fully loaded groups in the browser instead of requesting from the server.
920 * @default false
921 */
922 serverSideEnableClientSideSort: boolean | undefined;
923 /** When enabled, only refresh groups directly impacted by a filter. This property only applies when there is Row Grouping & filtering is handled on the server.
924 * @default false
925 * @initial
926 */
927 serverSideOnlyRefreshFilteredGroups: boolean | undefined;
928 /** Used to split pivot field strings for generating pivot result columns when `pivotResultFields` is provided as part of a `getRows` success.
929 * @default '_'
930 * @initial
931 */
932 serverSidePivotResultFieldSeparator: string | undefined;
933 /** To use the viewport row model you need to provide the grid with a `viewportDatasource`.
934 */
935 viewportDatasource: IViewportDatasource | undefined;
936 /** When using viewport row model, sets the page size for the viewport.
937 * @initial
938 */
939 viewportRowModelPageSize: number | undefined;
940 /** When using viewport row model, sets the buffer size for the viewport.
941 * @initial
942 */
943 viewportRowModelBufferSize: number | undefined;
944 /** Set to `true` to always show the horizontal scrollbar.
945 * @default false
946 */
947 alwaysShowHorizontalScroll: boolean | undefined;
948 /** Set to `true` to always show the vertical scrollbar.
949 * @default false
950 */
951 alwaysShowVerticalScroll: boolean | undefined;
952 /** Set to `true` to debounce the vertical scrollbar. Can provide smoother scrolling on slow machines.
953 * @default false
954 * @initial
955 */
956 debounceVerticalScrollbar: boolean | undefined;
957 /** Set to `true` to never show the horizontal scroll. This is useful if the grid is aligned with another grid and will scroll when the other grid scrolls. (Should not be used in combination with `alwaysShowHorizontalScroll`.)
958 * @default false
959 */
960 suppressHorizontalScroll: boolean | undefined;
961 /** When `true`, the grid will not scroll to the top when new row data is provided. Use this if you don't want the default behaviour of scrolling to the top every time you load new data.
962 * @default false
963 */
964 suppressScrollOnNewData: boolean | undefined;
965 /** When `true`, the grid will not allow mousewheel / touchpad scroll when popup elements are present.
966 * @default false
967 */
968 suppressScrollWhenPopupsAreOpen: boolean | undefined;
969 /** When `true`, the grid will not use animation frames when drawing rows while scrolling. Use this if the grid is working fast enough that you don't need animation frames and you don't want the grid to flicker.
970 * @default false
971 * @initial
972 */
973 suppressAnimationFrame: boolean | undefined;
974 /** If `true`, middle clicks will result in `click` events for cells and rows. Otherwise the browser will use middle click to scroll the grid.<br />**Note:** Not all browsers fire `click` events with the middle button. Most will fire only `mousedown` and `mouseup` events, which can be used to focus a cell, but will not work to call the `onCellClicked` function.
975 * @default false
976 */
977 suppressMiddleClickScrolls: boolean | undefined;
978 /** If `true`, mouse wheel events will be passed to the browser. Useful if your grid has no vertical scrolls and you want the mouse to scroll the browser page.
979 * @default false
980 * @initial
981 */
982 suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel: boolean | undefined;
983 /** Tell the grid how wide in pixels the scrollbar is, which is used in grid width calculations. Set only if using non-standard browser-provided scrollbars, so the grid can use the non-standard size in its calculations.
984 * @initial
985 */
986 scrollbarWidth: number | undefined;
987 /** Use the `RowSelectionOptions` object to configure row selection. The string values `'single'` and `'multiple'` are deprecated.
988 */
989 rowSelection: RowSelectionOptions<TData> | 'single' | 'multiple' | undefined;
990 /** Configure cell selection
991 */
992 cellSelection: boolean | CellSelectionOptions<TData> | undefined;
993 /** Set to `true` to allow multiple rows to be selected using single click.
994 * @default false
995 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `rowSelection.enableSelectionWithoutKeys` instead
996 */
997 rowMultiSelectWithClick: boolean | undefined;
998 /** If `true`, rows will not be deselected if you hold down `Ctrl` and click the row or press `Space`.
999 * @default false
1000 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `rowSelection.enableClickSelection` instead
1001 */
1002 suppressRowDeselection: boolean | undefined;
1003 /** If `true`, row selection won't happen when rows are clicked. Use when you only want checkbox selection.
1004 * @default false
1005 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `rowSelection.enableClickSelection` instead
1006 */
1007 suppressRowClickSelection: boolean | undefined;
1008 /** If `true`, cells won't be focusable. This means keyboard navigation will be disabled for grid cells, but remain enabled in other elements of the grid such as column headers, floating filters, tool panels.
1009 * @default false
1010 */
1011 suppressCellFocus: boolean | undefined;
1012 /** If `true`, header cells won't be focusable. This means keyboard navigation will be disabled for grid header cells, but remain enabled in other elements of the grid such as grid cells and tool panels.
1013 * @default false
1014 */
1015 suppressHeaderFocus: boolean | undefined;
1016 /** Configure the selection column, used for displaying checkboxes.
1017 *
1018 * Note that due to the nature of this column, this type is a subset of `ColDef`, which does not support several normal column features such as editing, pivoting and grouping.
1019 */
1020 selectionColumnDef: SelectionColumnDef | undefined;
1021 /** If `true`, only a single range can be selected.
1022 * @default false
1023 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `cellSelection.suppressMultiRanges` instead
1024 */
1025 suppressMultiRangeSelection: boolean | undefined;
1026 /** Set to `true` to be able to select the text within cells.
1027 *
1028 * **Note:** When this is set to `true`, the clipboard service is disabled and only selected text is copied.
1029 * @default false
1030 */
1031 enableCellTextSelection: boolean | undefined;
1032 /** Set to `true` to enable Range Selection.
1033 * @default false
1034 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `cellSelection = true` instead
1035 */
1036 enableRangeSelection: boolean | undefined;
1037 /** Set to `true` to enable the Range Handle.
1038 * @default false
1039 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `cellSelection.handle` instead
1040 */
1041 enableRangeHandle: boolean | undefined;
1042 /** Set to `true` to enable the Fill Handle.
1043 * @default false
1044 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `cellSelection.handle` instead
1045 */
1046 enableFillHandle: boolean | undefined;
1047 /** Set to `'x'` to force the fill handle direction to horizontal, or set to `'y'` to force the fill handle direction to vertical.
1048 * @default 'xy'
1049 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `cellSelection.handle.direction` instead
1050 */
1051 fillHandleDirection: 'x' | 'y' | 'xy' | undefined;
1052 /** Set this to `true` to prevent cell values from being cleared when the Range Selection is reduced by the Fill Handle.
1053 * @default false
1054 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `cellSelection.suppressClearOnFillReduction` instead
1055 */
1056 suppressClearOnFillReduction: boolean | undefined;
1057 /** Array defining the order in which sorting occurs (if sorting is enabled). Values can be `'asc'`, `'desc'` or `null`. For example: `sortingOrder: ['asc', 'desc']`.
1058 * @default [null, 'asc', 'desc']
1059 * @deprecated v33 Use `defaultColDef.sortingOrder` instead
1060 */
1061 sortingOrder: SortDirection[] | undefined;
1062 /** Set to `true` to specify that the sort should take accented characters into account. If this feature is turned on the sort will be slower.
1063 * @default false
1064 */
1065 accentedSort: boolean | undefined;
1066 /** Set to `true` to show the 'no sort' icon.
1067 * @default false
1068 * @deprecated v33 Use `defaultColDef.unSortIcon` instead
1069 */
1070 unSortIcon: boolean | undefined;
1071 /** Set to `true` to suppress multi-sort when the user shift-clicks a column header.
1072 * @default false
1073 */
1074 suppressMultiSort: boolean | undefined;
1075 /** Set to `true` to always multi-sort when the user clicks a column header, regardless of key presses.
1076 * @default false
1077 */
1078 alwaysMultiSort: boolean | undefined;
1079 /** Set to `'ctrl'` to have multi sorting by clicking work using the `Ctrl` (or `Command ⌘` for Mac) key.
1080 */
1081 multiSortKey: 'ctrl' | undefined;
1082 /** Set to `true` to suppress sorting of un-sorted data to match original row data.
1083 * @default false
1084 */
1085 suppressMaintainUnsortedOrder: boolean | undefined;
1086 /** Icons to use inside the grid instead of the grid's default icons.
1087 * @initial
1088 */
1089 icons: {
1090 [key: string]: ((...args: any[]) => any) | string;
1091 } | undefined;
1092 /** Default row height in pixels.
1093 * @default 25
1094 */
1095 rowHeight: number | undefined;
1096 /** The style properties to apply to all rows. Set to an object of key (style names) and values (style values).
1097 */
1098 rowStyle: RowStyle | undefined;
1099 /** CSS class(es) for all rows. Provide either a string (class name) or array of strings (array of class names).
1100 */
1101 rowClass: string | string[] | undefined;
1102 /** Rules which can be applied to include certain CSS classes.
1103 */
1104 rowClassRules: RowClassRules<TData> | undefined;
1105 /** Set to `true` to not highlight rows by adding the `ag-row-hover` CSS class.
1106 * @default false
1107 */
1108 suppressRowHoverHighlight: boolean | undefined;
1109 /** Uses CSS `top` instead of CSS `transform` for positioning rows. Useful if the transform function is causing issues such as used in row spanning.
1110 * @default false
1111 * @initial
1112 */
1113 suppressRowTransform: boolean | undefined;
1114 /** Set to `true` to highlight columns by adding the `ag-column-hover` CSS class.
1115 * @default false
1116 */
1117 columnHoverHighlight: boolean | undefined;
1118 /** Provide a custom `gridId` for this instance of the grid. Value will be set on the root DOM node using the attribute `grid-id` as well as being accessible via the `gridApi.getGridId()` method.
1119 * @initial
1120 */
1121 gridId: string | undefined;
1122 /** When enabled, sorts only the rows added/updated by a transaction.
1123 * @default false
1124 */
1125 deltaSort: boolean | undefined;
1126 treeDataDisplayType: TreeDataDisplayType | undefined;
1127 /** @initial
1128 */
1129 enableGroupEdit: boolean | undefined;
1130 /** Initial state for the grid. Only read once on initialization. Can be used in conjunction with `api.getState()` to save and restore grid state.
1131 * @initial
1132 */
1133 initialState: GridState | undefined;
1134 /** Theme to apply to the grid, or the string "legacy" to opt back into the
1135 * v32 style of theming where themes were imported as CSS files and applied
1136 * by setting a class name on the parent element.
1137 *
1138 * @default themeQuartz
1139 */
1140 theme: Theme | 'legacy' | undefined;
1141 /** If your theme uses a font that is available on Google Fonts, pass true to load it from Google's CDN.
1142 */
1143 loadThemeGoogleFonts: boolean | undefined;
1144 /** For customising the context menu.
1145 */
1146 getContextMenuItems: GetContextMenuItems<TData> | undefined;
1147 /** For customising the main 'column header' menu.
1148 * @initial
1149 */
1150 getMainMenuItems: GetMainMenuItems<TData> | undefined;
1151 /** Allows user to process popups after they are created. Applications can use this if they want to, for example, reposition the popup.
1152 */
1153 postProcessPopup: ((params: PostProcessPopupParams<TData>) => void) | undefined;
1154 /** Allows the user to process the columns being removed from the pinned section because the viewport is too small to accommodate them.
1155 * Returns an array of columns to be removed from the pinned areas.
1156 * @initial
1157 */
1158 processUnpinnedColumns: ((params: ProcessUnpinnedColumnsParams<TData>) => Column[]) | undefined;
1159 /** Allows you to process cells for the clipboard. Handy if for example you have `Date` objects that need to have a particular format if importing into Excel.
1160 */
1161 processCellForClipboard: ((params: ProcessCellForExportParams<TData>) => any) | undefined;
1162 /** Allows you to process header values for the clipboard.
1163 */
1164 processHeaderForClipboard: ((params: ProcessHeaderForExportParams<TData>) => any) | undefined;
1165 /** Allows you to process group header values for the clipboard.
1166 */
1167 processGroupHeaderForClipboard: ((params: ProcessGroupHeaderForExportParams<TData>) => any) | undefined;
1168 /** Allows you to process cells from the clipboard. Handy if for example you have number fields and want to block non-numbers from getting into the grid.
1169 */
1170 processCellFromClipboard: ((params: ProcessCellForExportParams<TData>) => any) | undefined;
1171 /** Allows you to get the data that would otherwise go to the clipboard. To be used when you want to control the 'copy to clipboard' operation yourself.
1172 */
1173 sendToClipboard: ((params: SendToClipboardParams<TData>) => void) | undefined;
1174 /** Allows complete control of the paste operation, including cancelling the operation (so nothing happens) or replacing the data with other data.
1175 */
1176 processDataFromClipboard: ((params: ProcessDataFromClipboardParams<TData>) => string[][] | null) | undefined;
1177 /** Grid calls this method to know if an external filter is present.
1178 */
1179 isExternalFilterPresent: ((params: IsExternalFilterPresentParams<TData>) => boolean) | undefined;
1180 /** Should return `true` if external filter passes, otherwise `false`.
1181 */
1182 doesExternalFilterPass: ((node: IRowNode<TData>) => boolean) | undefined;
1183 /** Callback to be used to customise the chart toolbar items.
1184 * @initial
1185 */
1186 getChartToolbarItems: GetChartToolbarItems | undefined;
1187 /** Callback to enable displaying the chart in an alternative chart container.
1188 * @initial
1189 */
1190 createChartContainer: ((params: ChartRefParams<TData>) => void) | undefined;
1191 /** Allows overriding the element that will be focused when the grid receives focus from outside elements (tabbing into the grid).
1192 * @returns `True` if this function should override the grid's default behavior, `False` to allow the grid's default behavior.
1193 */
1194 focusGridInnerElement: ((params: FocusGridInnerElementParams<TData>) => boolean) | undefined;
1195 /** Allows overriding the default behaviour for when user hits navigation (arrow) key when a header is focused. Return the next Header position to navigate to or `null` to stay on current header.
1196 */
1197 navigateToNextHeader: ((params: NavigateToNextHeaderParams<TData>) => HeaderPosition | null) | undefined;
1198 /** Allows overriding the default behaviour for when user hits `Tab` key when a header is focused.
1199 * Return the next header position to navigate to, `true` to stay on the current header,
1200 * or `false` to let the browser handle the tab behaviour.
1201 */
1202 tabToNextHeader: ((params: TabToNextHeaderParams<TData>) => HeaderPosition | boolean) | undefined;
1203 /** Allows overriding the default behaviour for when user hits navigation (arrow) key when a cell is focused. Return the next Cell position to navigate to or `null` to stay on current cell.
1204 */
1205 navigateToNextCell: ((params: NavigateToNextCellParams<TData>) => CellPosition | null) | undefined;
1206 /** Allows overriding the default behaviour for when user hits `Tab` key when a cell is focused.
1207 * Return the next cell position to navigate to, `true` to stay on the current cell,
1208 * or `false` to let the browser handle the tab behaviour.
1209 */
1210 tabToNextCell: ((params: TabToNextCellParams<TData>) => CellPosition | boolean) | undefined;
1211 /** A callback for localising text within the grid.
1212 * @initial
1213 */
1214 getLocaleText: ((params: GetLocaleTextParams<TData>) => string) | undefined;
1215 /** Allows overriding what `document` is used. Currently used by Drag and Drop (may extend to other places in the future). Use this when you want the grid to use a different `document` than the one available on the global scope. This can happen if docking out components (something which Electron supports)
1216 */
1217 getDocument: (() => Document) | undefined;
1218 /** Allows user to format the numbers in the pagination panel, i.e. 'row count' and 'page number' labels. This is for pagination panel only, to format numbers inside the grid's cells (i.e. your data), then use `valueFormatter` in the column definitions.
1219 * @initial
1220 */
1221 paginationNumberFormatter: ((params: PaginationNumberFormatterParams<TData>) => string) | undefined;
1222 /** Callback to use when you need access to more then the current column for aggregation.
1223 */
1224 getGroupRowAgg: ((params: GetGroupRowAggParams<TData>) => any) | undefined;
1225 /** (Client-side Row Model only) Allows groups to be open by default.
1226 */
1227 isGroupOpenByDefault: ((params: IsGroupOpenByDefaultParams<TData>) => boolean) | undefined;
1228 /** Allows default sorting of groups.
1229 */
1230 initialGroupOrderComparator: ((params: InitialGroupOrderComparatorParams<TData>) => number) | undefined;
1231 /** Callback for the mutation of the generated pivot result column definitions
1232 */
1233 processPivotResultColDef: ((colDef: ColDef<TData>) => void) | undefined;
1234 /** Callback for the mutation of the generated pivot result column group definitions
1235 */
1236 processPivotResultColGroupDef: ((colGroupDef: ColGroupDef<TData>) => void) | undefined;
1237 /** Callback to be used when working with Tree Data when `treeData = true`.
1238 * @initial
1239 */
1240 getDataPath: GetDataPath<TData> | undefined;
1241 /** Allows setting the child count for a group row.
1242 * @initial
1243 */
1244 getChildCount: ((dataItem: any) => number) | undefined;
1245 /** Allows providing different params for different levels of grouping.
1246 * @initial
1247 */
1248 getServerSideGroupLevelParams: ((params: GetServerSideGroupLevelParamsParams) => ServerSideGroupLevelParams) | undefined;
1249 /** Allows groups to be open by default.
1250 */
1251 isServerSideGroupOpenByDefault: ((params: IsServerSideGroupOpenByDefaultParams) => boolean) | undefined;
1252 /** Allows cancelling transactions.
1253 */
1254 isApplyServerSideTransaction: IsApplyServerSideTransaction | undefined;
1255 /** SSRM Tree Data: Allows specifying which rows are expandable.
1256 */
1257 isServerSideGroup: IsServerSideGroup | undefined;
1258 /** SSRM Tree Data: Allows specifying group keys.
1259 */
1260 getServerSideGroupKey: GetServerSideGroupKey | undefined;
1261 /** Return a business key for the node. If implemented, each row in the DOM will have an attribute `row-business-key='abc'` where `abc` is what you return as the business key.
1262 * This is useful for automated testing, as it provides a way for your tool to identify rows based on unique business keys.
1263 */
1264 getBusinessKeyForNode: ((node: IRowNode<TData>) => string) | undefined;
1265 /** Provide a pure function that returns a string ID to uniquely identify a given row. This enables the grid to work optimally with data changes and updates.
1266 * @initial
1267 */
1268 getRowId: GetRowIdFunc<TData> | undefined;
1269 /** When enabled, getRowId() callback is implemented and new Row Data is set, the grid will disregard all previous rows and treat the new Row Data as new data. As a consequence, all Row State (eg selection, rendered rows) will be reset.
1270 * @default false
1271 */
1272 resetRowDataOnUpdate: boolean | undefined;
1273 /** Callback fired after the row is rendered into the DOM. Should not be used to initiate side effects.
1274 */
1275 processRowPostCreate: ((params: ProcessRowParams<TData>) => void) | undefined;
1276 /** Callback to be used to determine which rows are selectable. By default rows are selectable, so return `false` to make a row un-selectable.
1277 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `rowSelection.isRowSelectable` instead
1278 */
1279 isRowSelectable: IsRowSelectable<TData> | undefined;
1280 /** Callback to be used with Master Detail to determine if a row should be a master row. If `false` is returned no detail row will exist for this row.
1281 */
1282 isRowMaster: IsRowMaster<TData> | undefined;
1283 /** Callback to fill values instead of simply copying values or increasing number values using linear progression.
1284 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `cellSelection.handle.setFillValue` instead
1285 */
1286 fillOperation: ((params: FillOperationParams<TData>) => any) | undefined;
1287 /** Callback to perform additional sorting after the grid has sorted the rows.
1288 */
1289 postSortRows: ((params: PostSortRowsParams<TData>) => void) | undefined;
1290 /** Callback version of property `rowStyle` to set style for each row individually. Function should return an object of CSS values or undefined for no styles.
1291 */
1292 getRowStyle: ((params: RowClassParams<TData>) => RowStyle | undefined) | undefined;
1293 /** Callback version of property `rowClass` to set class(es) for each row individually. Function should return either a string (class name), array of strings (array of class names) or undefined for no class.
1294 */
1295 getRowClass: ((params: RowClassParams<TData>) => string | string[] | undefined) | undefined;
1296 /** Callback version of property `rowHeight` to set height for each row individually. Function should return a positive number of pixels, or return `null`/`undefined` to use the default row height.
1297 */
1298 getRowHeight: ((params: RowHeightParams<TData>) => number | undefined | null) | undefined;
1299 /** Tells the grid if this row should be rendered as full width.
1300 */
1301 isFullWidthRow: ((params: IsFullWidthRowParams<TData>) => boolean) | undefined;
1302 /** The tool panel visibility has changed. Fires twice if switching between panels - once with the old panel and once with the new panel.
1303 */
1304 toolPanelVisibleChanged: EventEmitter<ToolPanelVisibleChangedEvent<TData>>;
1305 /** The tool panel size has been changed.
1306 */
1307 toolPanelSizeChanged: EventEmitter<ToolPanelSizeChangedEvent<TData>>;
1308 /** The column menu visibility has changed. Fires twice if switching between tabs - once with the old tab and once with the new tab.
1309 */
1310 columnMenuVisibleChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnMenuVisibleChangedEvent<TData>>;
1311 /** The context menu visibility has changed (opened or closed).
1312 */
1313 contextMenuVisibleChanged: EventEmitter<ContextMenuVisibleChangedEvent<TData>>;
1314 /** Cut operation has started.
1315 */
1316 cutStart: EventEmitter<CutStartEvent<TData>>;
1317 /** Cut operation has ended.
1318 */
1319 cutEnd: EventEmitter<CutEndEvent<TData>>;
1320 /** Paste operation has started.
1321 */
1322 pasteStart: EventEmitter<PasteStartEvent<TData>>;
1323 /** Paste operation has ended.
1324 */
1325 pasteEnd: EventEmitter<PasteEndEvent<TData>>;
1326 /** A column, or group of columns, was hidden / shown.
1327 */
1328 columnVisible: EventEmitter<ColumnVisibleEvent<TData>>;
1329 /** A column, or group of columns, was pinned / unpinned.
1330 */
1331 columnPinned: EventEmitter<ColumnPinnedEvent<TData>>;
1332 /** A column was resized.
1333 */
1334 columnResized: EventEmitter<ColumnResizedEvent<TData>>;
1335 /** A column was moved.
1336 */
1337 columnMoved: EventEmitter<ColumnMovedEvent<TData>>;
1338 /** A value column was added or removed.
1339 */
1340 columnValueChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnValueChangedEvent<TData>>;
1341 /** The pivot mode flag was changed.
1342 */
1343 columnPivotModeChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnPivotModeChangedEvent<TData>>;
1344 /** A pivot column was added, removed or order changed.
1345 */
1346 columnPivotChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnPivotChangedEvent<TData>>;
1347 /** A column group was opened / closed.
1348 */
1349 columnGroupOpened: EventEmitter<ColumnGroupOpenedEvent<TData>>;
1350 /** User set new columns.
1351 */
1352 newColumnsLoaded: EventEmitter<NewColumnsLoadedEvent<TData>>;
1353 /** The list of grid columns changed.
1354 */
1355 gridColumnsChanged: EventEmitter<GridColumnsChangedEvent<TData>>;
1356 /** The list of displayed columns changed. This can result from columns open / close, column move, pivot, group, etc.
1357 */
1358 displayedColumnsChanged: EventEmitter<DisplayedColumnsChangedEvent<TData>>;
1359 /** The list of rendered columns changed (only columns in the visible scrolled viewport are rendered by default).
1360 */
1361 virtualColumnsChanged: EventEmitter<VirtualColumnsChangedEvent<TData>>;
1362 /** @deprecated v32.2 Either use `onDisplayedColumnsChanged` which is fired at the same time,
1363 * or use one of the more specific column events.
1364 */
1365 columnEverythingChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnEverythingChangedEvent<TData>>;
1366 /** A mouse cursor is initially moved over a column header.
1367 */
1368 columnHeaderMouseOver: EventEmitter<ColumnHeaderMouseOverEvent<TData>>;
1369 /** A mouse cursor is moved out of a column header.
1370 */
1371 columnHeaderMouseLeave: EventEmitter<ColumnHeaderMouseLeaveEvent<TData>>;
1372 /** A click is performed on a column header.
1373 */
1374 columnHeaderClicked: EventEmitter<ColumnHeaderClickedEvent<TData>>;
1375 /** A context menu action, such as right-click or context menu key press, is performed on a column header.
1376 */
1377 columnHeaderContextMenu: EventEmitter<ColumnHeaderContextMenuEvent<TData>>;
1378 /** Only used by Angular, React and VueJS AG Grid components (not used if doing plain JavaScript).
1379 * If the grid receives changes due to bound properties, this event fires after the grid has finished processing the change.
1380 */
1381 componentStateChanged: EventEmitter<ComponentStateChangedEvent<TData>>;
1382 /** Value has changed after editing (this event will not fire if editing was cancelled, eg ESC was pressed) or
1383 * if cell value has changed as a result of cut, paste, cell clear (pressing Delete key),
1384 * fill handle, copy range down, undo and redo.
1385 */
1386 cellValueChanged: EventEmitter<CellValueChangedEvent<TData>>;
1387 /** Value has changed after editing. Only fires when `readOnlyEdit=true`.
1388 */
1389 cellEditRequest: EventEmitter<CellEditRequestEvent<TData>>;
1390 /** A cell's value within a row has changed. This event corresponds to Full Row Editing only.
1391 */
1392 rowValueChanged: EventEmitter<RowValueChangedEvent<TData>>;
1393 /** Editing a cell has started.
1394 */
1395 cellEditingStarted: EventEmitter<CellEditingStartedEvent<TData>>;
1396 /** Editing a cell has stopped.
1397 */
1398 cellEditingStopped: EventEmitter<CellEditingStoppedEvent<TData>>;
1399 /** Editing a row has started (when row editing is enabled). When row editing, this event will be fired once and `cellEditingStarted` will be fired for each individual cell. Only fires when doing Full Row Editing.
1400 */
1401 rowEditingStarted: EventEmitter<RowEditingStartedEvent<TData>>;
1402 /** Editing a row has stopped (when row editing is enabled). When row editing, this event will be fired once and `cellEditingStopped` will be fired for each individual cell. Only fires when doing Full Row Editing.
1403 */
1404 rowEditingStopped: EventEmitter<RowEditingStoppedEvent<TData>>;
1405 /** Undo operation has started.
1406 */
1407 undoStarted: EventEmitter<UndoStartedEvent<TData>>;
1408 /** Undo operation has ended.
1409 */
1410 undoEnded: EventEmitter<UndoEndedEvent<TData>>;
1411 /** Redo operation has started.
1412 */
1413 redoStarted: EventEmitter<RedoStartedEvent<TData>>;
1414 /** Redo operation has ended.
1415 */
1416 redoEnded: EventEmitter<RedoEndedEvent<TData>>;
1417 /** Cell selection delete operation (cell clear) has started.
1418 */
1419 cellSelectionDeleteStart: EventEmitter<CellSelectionDeleteStartEvent<TData>>;
1420 /** Cell selection delete operation (cell clear) has ended.
1421 */
1422 cellSelectionDeleteEnd: EventEmitter<CellSelectionDeleteEndEvent<TData>>;
1423 /** Range delete operation (cell clear) has started.
1424 *
1425 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `onCellSelectionDeleteStart` instead
1426 */
1427 rangeDeleteStart: EventEmitter<RangeDeleteStartEvent<TData>>;
1428 /** Range delete operation (cell clear) has ended.
1429 *
1430 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `onCellSelectionDeleteEnd` instead
1431 */
1432 rangeDeleteEnd: EventEmitter<RangeDeleteEndEvent<TData>>;
1433 /** Fill operation has started.
1434 */
1435 fillStart: EventEmitter<FillStartEvent<TData>>;
1436 /** Fill operation has ended.
1437 */
1438 fillEnd: EventEmitter<FillEndEvent<TData>>;
1439 /** Filter has been opened.
1440 */
1441 filterOpened: EventEmitter<FilterOpenedEvent<TData>>;
1442 /** Filter has been modified and applied.
1443 */
1444 filterChanged: EventEmitter<FilterChangedEvent<TData>>;
1445 /** Filter was modified but not applied. Used when filters have 'Apply' buttons.
1446 */
1447 filterModified: EventEmitter<FilterModifiedEvent<TData>>;
1448 /** Advanced Filter Builder visibility has changed (opened or closed).
1449 */
1450 advancedFilterBuilderVisibleChanged: EventEmitter<AdvancedFilterBuilderVisibleChangedEvent<TData>>;
1451 /** A chart has been created.
1452 */
1453 chartCreated: EventEmitter<ChartCreatedEvent<TData>>;
1454 /** The data range for the chart has been changed.
1455 */
1456 chartRangeSelectionChanged: EventEmitter<ChartRangeSelectionChangedEvent<TData>>;
1457 /** Formatting changes have been made by users through the Customize Panel.
1458 */
1459 chartOptionsChanged: EventEmitter<ChartOptionsChangedEvent<TData>>;
1460 /** A chart has been destroyed.
1461 */
1462 chartDestroyed: EventEmitter<ChartDestroyedEvent<TData>>;
1463 /** DOM event `keyDown` happened on a cell.
1464 */
1465 cellKeyDown: EventEmitter<CellKeyDownEvent<TData> | FullWidthCellKeyDownEvent<TData>>;
1466 /** The grid has initialised and is ready for most api calls, but may not be fully rendered yet */
1467 gridReady: EventEmitter<GridReadyEvent<TData>>;
1468 /** Fired the first time data is rendered into the grid. Use this event if you want to auto resize columns based on their contents */
1469 firstDataRendered: EventEmitter<FirstDataRenderedEvent<TData>>;
1470 /** The size of the grid `div` has changed. In other words, the grid was resized.
1471 */
1472 gridSizeChanged: EventEmitter<GridSizeChangedEvent<TData>>;
1473 /** Displayed rows have changed. Triggered after sort, filter or tree expand / collapse events.
1474 */
1475 modelUpdated: EventEmitter<ModelUpdatedEvent<TData>>;
1476 /** A row was removed from the DOM, for any reason. Use to clean up resources (if any) used by the row.
1477 */
1478 virtualRowRemoved: EventEmitter<VirtualRowRemovedEvent<TData>>;
1479 /** Which rows are rendered in the DOM has changed.
1480 */
1481 viewportChanged: EventEmitter<ViewportChangedEvent<TData>>;
1482 /** The body was scrolled horizontally or vertically.
1483 */
1484 bodyScroll: EventEmitter<BodyScrollEvent<TData>>;
1485 /** Main body of the grid has stopped scrolling, either horizontally or vertically.
1486 */
1487 bodyScrollEnd: EventEmitter<BodyScrollEndEvent<TData>>;
1488 /** When dragging starts. This could be any action that uses the grid's Drag and Drop service, e.g. Column Moving, Column Resizing, Range Selection, Fill Handle, etc.
1489 */
1490 dragStarted: EventEmitter<DragStartedEvent<TData>>;
1491 /** When dragging stops. This could be any action that uses the grid's Drag and Drop service, e.g. Column Moving, Column Resizing, Range Selection, Fill Handle, etc.
1492 */
1493 dragStopped: EventEmitter<DragStoppedEvent<TData>>;
1494 /** When dragging is cancelled stops. This is caused by pressing `Escape` while dragging elements within the grid that uses the grid's Drag and Drop service, e.g. Column Moving, Column Resizing, Range Selection, Fill Handle, etc.
1495 */
1496 dragCancelled: EventEmitter<DragCancelledEvent<TData>>;
1497 /** Grid state has been updated.
1498 */
1499 stateUpdated: EventEmitter<StateUpdatedEvent<TData>>;
1500 /** Triggered every time the paging state changes. Some of the most common scenarios for this event to be triggered are:
1501 *
1502 * - The page size changes.
1503 * - The current shown page is changed.
1504 * - New data is loaded onto the grid.
1505 */
1506 paginationChanged: EventEmitter<PaginationChangedEvent<TData>>;
1507 /** A drag has started, or dragging was already started and the mouse has re-entered the grid having previously left the grid.
1508 */
1509 rowDragEnter: EventEmitter<RowDragEnterEvent<TData>>;
1510 /** The mouse has moved while dragging.
1511 */
1512 rowDragMove: EventEmitter<RowDragMoveEvent<TData>>;
1513 /** The mouse has left the grid while dragging.
1514 */
1515 rowDragLeave: EventEmitter<RowDragLeaveEvent<TData>>;
1516 /** The drag has finished over the grid.
1517 */
1518 rowDragEnd: EventEmitter<RowDragEndEvent<TData>>;
1519 /** The drag has been cancelled over the grid.
1520 */
1521 rowDragCancel: EventEmitter<RowDragCancelEvent<TData>>;
1522 /** A row group column was added, removed or reordered.
1523 */
1524 columnRowGroupChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnRowGroupChangedEvent<TData>>;
1525 /** A row group was opened or closed.
1526 */
1527 rowGroupOpened: EventEmitter<RowGroupOpenedEvent<TData>>;
1528 /** Fired when calling either of the API methods `expandAll()` or `collapseAll()`.
1529 */
1530 expandOrCollapseAll: EventEmitter<ExpandOrCollapseAllEvent<TData>>;
1531 /** Exceeded the `pivotMaxGeneratedColumns` limit when generating columns.
1532 */
1533 pivotMaxColumnsExceeded: EventEmitter<PivotMaxColumnsExceededEvent<TData>>;
1534 /** The client has set new pinned row data into the grid.
1535 */
1536 pinnedRowDataChanged: EventEmitter<PinnedRowDataChangedEvent<TData>>;
1537 /** Client-Side Row Model only. The client has updated data for the grid by either a) setting new Row Data or b) Applying a Row Transaction.
1538 */
1539 rowDataUpdated: EventEmitter<RowDataUpdatedEvent<TData>>;
1540 /** Async transactions have been applied. Contains a list of all transaction results.
1541 */
1542 asyncTransactionsFlushed: EventEmitter<AsyncTransactionsFlushedEvent<TData>>;
1543 /** A server side store has finished refreshing.
1544 */
1545 storeRefreshed: EventEmitter<StoreRefreshedEvent<TData>>;
1546 /** Header is focused.
1547 */
1548 headerFocused: EventEmitter<HeaderFocusedEvent<TData>>;
1549 /** Cell is clicked.
1550 */
1551 cellClicked: EventEmitter<CellClickedEvent<TData>>;
1552 /** Cell is double clicked.
1553 */
1554 cellDoubleClicked: EventEmitter<CellDoubleClickedEvent<TData>>;
1555 /** Cell is focused.
1556 */
1557 cellFocused: EventEmitter<CellFocusedEvent<TData>>;
1558 /** Mouse entered cell.
1559 */
1560 cellMouseOver: EventEmitter<CellMouseOverEvent<TData>>;
1561 /** Mouse left cell.
1562 */
1563 cellMouseOut: EventEmitter<CellMouseOutEvent<TData>>;
1564 /** Mouse down on cell.
1565 */
1566 cellMouseDown: EventEmitter<CellMouseDownEvent<TData>>;
1567 /** Row is clicked.
1568 */
1569 rowClicked: EventEmitter<RowClickedEvent<TData>>;
1570 /** Row is double clicked.
1571 */
1572 rowDoubleClicked: EventEmitter<RowDoubleClickedEvent<TData>>;
1573 /** Row is selected or deselected. The event contains the node in question, so call the node's `isSelected()` method to see if it was just selected or deselected.
1574 */
1575 rowSelected: EventEmitter<RowSelectedEvent<TData>>;
1576 /** Row selection is changed. Use the grid API `getSelectedNodes()` or `getSelectedRows()` to get the new list of selected nodes / row data.
1577 */
1578 selectionChanged: EventEmitter<SelectionChangedEvent<TData>>;
1579 /** Cell is right clicked.
1580 */
1581 cellContextMenu: EventEmitter<CellContextMenuEvent<TData>>;
1582 /** A change to range selection has occurred.
1583 *
1584 * @deprecated v32.2 Use `onCellSelectionChanged` instead
1585 */
1586 rangeSelectionChanged: EventEmitter<RangeSelectionChangedEvent<TData>>;
1587 /** A change to cell selection has occurred.
1588 */
1589 cellSelectionChanged: EventEmitter<CellSelectionChangedEvent<TData>>;
1590 /** A tooltip has been displayed */
1591 tooltipShow: EventEmitter<TooltipShowEvent<TData>>;
1592 /** A tooltip was hidden */
1593 tooltipHide: EventEmitter<TooltipHideEvent<TData>>;
1594 /** Sort has changed. The grid also listens for this and updates the model.
1595 */
1596 sortChanged: EventEmitter<SortChangedEvent<TData>>;
1597 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AgGridAngular<any, any>, never>;
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1600 * @initial
1601 */;
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1603 * @initial
1604 */;
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1606 * @initial
1607 */;
1608 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMenuHide: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1609 * @initial
1610 */;
1611 static ngAcceptInputType_enableBrowserTooltips: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1612 * @initial
1613 */;
1614 static ngAcceptInputType_tooltipMouseTrack: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1615 * @initial
1616 */;
1617 static ngAcceptInputType_tooltipInteraction: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1618 * @initial
1619 */;
1620 static ngAcceptInputType_copyHeadersToClipboard: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1621 * @initial
1622 */;
1623 static ngAcceptInputType_copyGroupHeadersToClipboard: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1624 * @initial
1625 */;
1626 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressCopyRowsToClipboard: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1627 * @initial
1628 */;
1629 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressCopySingleCellRanges: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1630 * @initial
1631 */;
1632 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressLastEmptyLineOnPaste: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1633 * @initial
1634 */;
1635 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressClipboardPaste: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1636 * @initial
1637 */;
1638 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressClipboardApi: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1639 * @initial
1640 */;
1641 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressCutToClipboard: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1642 * @initial
1643 */;
1644 static ngAcceptInputType_maintainColumnOrder: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1645 * @initial
1646 */;
1647 static ngAcceptInputType_enableStrictPivotColumnOrder: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1648 * @initial
1649 */;
1650 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressFieldDotNotation: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1651 * @initial
1652 */;
1653 static ngAcceptInputType_allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1654 * @initial
1655 */;
1656 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMovableColumns: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1657 * @initial
1658 */;
1659 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressColumnMoveAnimation: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1660 * @initial
1661 */;
1662 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMoveWhenColumnDragging: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1663 * @initial
1664 */;
1665 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1666 * @initial
1667 */;
1668 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMakeColumnVisibleAfterUnGroup: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1669 * @initial
1670 */;
1671 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowGroupHidesColumns: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1672 * @initial
1673 */;
1674 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAutoSize: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1675 * @initial
1676 */;
1677 static ngAcceptInputType_skipHeaderOnAutoSize: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1678 * @initial
1679 */;
1680 static ngAcceptInputType_singleClickEdit: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1681 * @initial
1682 */;
1683 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressClickEdit: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1684 * @initial
1685 */;
1686 static ngAcceptInputType_readOnlyEdit: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1687 * @initial
1688 */;
1689 static ngAcceptInputType_stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1690 * @initial
1691 */;
1692 static ngAcceptInputType_enterNavigatesVertically: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1693 * @initial
1694 */;
1695 static ngAcceptInputType_enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1696 * @initial
1697 */;
1698 static ngAcceptInputType_enableCellEditingOnBackspace: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1699 * @initial
1700 */;
1701 static ngAcceptInputType_undoRedoCellEditing: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1702 * @initial
1703 */;
1704 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressCsvExport: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1705 * @initial
1706 */;
1707 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressExcelExport: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1708 * @initial
1709 */;
1710 static ngAcceptInputType_cacheQuickFilter: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1711 * @initial
1712 */;
1713 static ngAcceptInputType_includeHiddenColumnsInQuickFilter: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1714 * @initial
1715 */;
1716 static ngAcceptInputType_applyQuickFilterBeforePivotOrAgg: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1717 * @initial
1718 */;
1719 static ngAcceptInputType_excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1720 * @initial
1721 */;
1722 static ngAcceptInputType_enableAdvancedFilter: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1723 * @initial
1724 */;
1725 static ngAcceptInputType_includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1726 * @initial
1727 */;
1728 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAdvancedFilterEval: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1729 * @initial
1730 */;
1731 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressSetFilterByDefault: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1732 * @initial
1733 */;
1734 static ngAcceptInputType_enableCharts: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1735 * @initial
1736 */;
1737 static ngAcceptInputType_masterDetail: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1738 * @initial
1739 */;
1740 static ngAcceptInputType_keepDetailRows: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1741 * @initial
1742 */;
1743 static ngAcceptInputType_detailRowAutoHeight: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1744 * @initial
1745 */;
1746 static ngAcceptInputType_valueCache: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1747 * @initial
1748 */;
1749 static ngAcceptInputType_valueCacheNeverExpires: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1750 * @initial
1751 */;
1752 static ngAcceptInputType_enableCellExpressions: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1753 * @initial
1754 */;
1755 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressTouch: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1756 * @initial
1757 */;
1758 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressFocusAfterRefresh: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1759 * @initial
1760 */;
1761 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressBrowserResizeObserver: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1762 * @initial
1763 */;
1764 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressPropertyNamesCheck: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1765 * @initial
1766 */;
1767 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressChangeDetection: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1768 * @initial
1769 */;
1770 static ngAcceptInputType_debug: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1771 * @initial
1772 */;
1773 static ngAcceptInputType_loading: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1774 * @initial
1775 */;
1776 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressLoadingOverlay: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1777 * @initial
1778 */;
1779 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressNoRowsOverlay: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1780 * @initial
1781 */;
1782 static ngAcceptInputType_pagination: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1783 * @initial
1784 */;
1785 static ngAcceptInputType_paginationAutoPageSize: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1786 * @initial
1787 */;
1788 static ngAcceptInputType_paginateChildRows: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1789 * @initial
1790 */;
1791 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressPaginationPanel: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1792 * @initial
1793 */;
1794 static ngAcceptInputType_pivotMode: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1795 * @initial
1796 */;
1797 static ngAcceptInputType_pivotSuppressAutoColumn: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1798 * @initial
1799 */;
1800 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressExpandablePivotGroups: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1801 * @initial
1802 */;
1803 static ngAcceptInputType_functionsReadOnly: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1804 * @initial
1805 */;
1806 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAggFuncInHeader: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1807 * @initial
1808 */;
1809 static ngAcceptInputType_alwaysAggregateAtRootLevel: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1810 * @initial
1811 */;
1812 static ngAcceptInputType_aggregateOnlyChangedColumns: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1813 * @initial
1814 */;
1815 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAggFilteredOnly: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1816 * @initial
1817 */;
1818 static ngAcceptInputType_removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1819 * @initial
1820 */;
1821 static ngAcceptInputType_animateRows: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1822 * @initial
1823 */;
1824 static ngAcceptInputType_allowShowChangeAfterFilter: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1825 * @initial
1826 */;
1827 static ngAcceptInputType_ensureDomOrder: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1828 * @initial
1829 */;
1830 static ngAcceptInputType_enableRtl: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1831 * @initial
1832 */;
1833 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressColumnVirtualisation: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1834 * @initial
1835 */;
1836 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1837 * @initial
1838 */;
1839 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowVirtualisation: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1840 * @initial
1841 */;
1842 static ngAcceptInputType_rowDragManaged: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1843 * @initial
1844 */;
1845 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowDrag: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1846 * @initial
1847 */;
1848 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMoveWhenRowDragging: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1849 * @initial
1850 */;
1851 static ngAcceptInputType_rowDragEntireRow: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1852 * @initial
1853 */;
1854 static ngAcceptInputType_rowDragMultiRow: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1855 * @initial
1856 */;
1857 static ngAcceptInputType_embedFullWidthRows: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1858 * @initial
1859 */;
1860 static ngAcceptInputType_groupMaintainOrder: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1861 * @initial
1862 */;
1863 static ngAcceptInputType_groupSelectsChildren: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1864 * @initial
1865 */;
1866 static ngAcceptInputType_groupSuppressBlankHeader: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1867 * @initial
1868 */;
1869 static ngAcceptInputType_groupSelectsFiltered: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1870 * @initial
1871 */;
1872 static ngAcceptInputType_showOpenedGroup: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1873 * @initial
1874 */;
1875 static ngAcceptInputType_groupRemoveSingleChildren: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1876 * @initial
1877 */;
1878 static ngAcceptInputType_groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1879 * @initial
1880 */;
1881 static ngAcceptInputType_groupHideOpenParents: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1882 * @initial
1883 */;
1884 static ngAcceptInputType_groupAllowUnbalanced: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1885 * @initial
1886 */;
1887 static ngAcceptInputType_treeData: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1888 * @initial
1889 */;
1890 static ngAcceptInputType_rowGroupPanelSuppressSort: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1891 * @initial
1892 */;
1893 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressGroupRowsSticky: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1894 * @initial
1895 */;
1896 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1897 * @initial
1898 */;
1899 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressServerSideFullWidthLoadingRow: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1900 * @initial
1901 */;
1902 static ngAcceptInputType_purgeClosedRowNodes: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1903 * @initial
1904 */;
1905 static ngAcceptInputType_serverSideSortAllLevels: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1906 * @initial
1907 */;
1908 static ngAcceptInputType_serverSideEnableClientSideSort: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1909 * @initial
1910 */;
1911 static ngAcceptInputType_serverSideOnlyRefreshFilteredGroups: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1912 * @initial
1913 */;
1914 static ngAcceptInputType_alwaysShowHorizontalScroll: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1915 * @initial
1916 */;
1917 static ngAcceptInputType_alwaysShowVerticalScroll: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1918 * @initial
1919 */;
1920 static ngAcceptInputType_debounceVerticalScrollbar: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1921 * @initial
1922 */;
1923 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressHorizontalScroll: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1924 * @initial
1925 */;
1926 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressScrollOnNewData: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1927 * @initial
1928 */;
1929 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressScrollWhenPopupsAreOpen: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1930 * @initial
1931 */;
1932 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAnimationFrame: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1933 * @initial
1934 */;
1935 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMiddleClickScrolls: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1936 * @initial
1937 */;
1938 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1939 * @initial
1940 */;
1941 static ngAcceptInputType_rowMultiSelectWithClick: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1942 * @initial
1943 */;
1944 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowDeselection: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1945 * @initial
1946 */;
1947 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowClickSelection: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1948 * @initial
1949 */;
1950 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressCellFocus: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1951 * @initial
1952 */;
1953 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressHeaderFocus: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1954 * @initial
1955 */;
1956 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMultiRangeSelection: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1957 * @initial
1958 */;
1959 static ngAcceptInputType_enableCellTextSelection: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1960 * @initial
1961 */;
1962 static ngAcceptInputType_enableRangeSelection: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1963 * @initial
1964 */;
1965 static ngAcceptInputType_enableRangeHandle: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1966 * @initial
1967 */;
1968 static ngAcceptInputType_enableFillHandle: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1969 * @initial
1970 */;
1971 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressClearOnFillReduction: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1972 * @initial
1973 */;
1974 static ngAcceptInputType_accentedSort: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1975 * @initial
1976 */;
1977 static ngAcceptInputType_unSortIcon: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1978 * @initial
1979 */;
1980 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMultiSort: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1981 * @initial
1982 */;
1983 static ngAcceptInputType_alwaysMultiSort: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1984 * @initial
1985 */;
1986 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMaintainUnsortedOrder: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1987 * @initial
1988 */;
1989 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowHoverHighlight: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1990 * @initial
1991 */;
1992 static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowTransform: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1993 * @initial
1994 */;
1995 static ngAcceptInputType_columnHoverHighlight: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1996 * @initial
1997 */;
1998 static ngAcceptInputType_deltaSort: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
1999 * @initial
2000 */;
2001 static ngAcceptInputType_enableGroupEdit: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
2002 * @initial
2003 */;
2004 static ngAcceptInputType_loadThemeGoogleFonts: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
2005 * @initial
2006 */;
2007 static ngAcceptInputType_resetRowDataOnUpdate: unknown /** Set to `true` to enable Undo / Redo while editing.
2008 * @initial
2009 */;
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