1 | import type { AnimationFrameService, BeanCollection, Component, ComponentEvent } from 'ag-grid-community';
2 | import { TabGuardComp } from 'ag-grid-community';
3 | import type { VirtualListModel } from './iVirtualList';
4 | interface VirtualListParams {
5 | cssIdentifier?: string;
6 | ariaRole?: string;
7 | listName?: string;
8 | }
9 | export declare class VirtualList<C extends Component<any> = Component<any>, TEventType extends string = ComponentEvent> extends TabGuardComp<TEventType> {
10 | private resizeObserverService;
11 | protected animationFrameService: AnimationFrameService;
12 | private environment;
13 | wireBeans(beans: BeanCollection): void;
14 | private readonly cssIdentifier;
15 | private readonly ariaRole;
16 | private listName?;
17 | private model;
18 | private renderedRows;
19 | private componentCreator;
20 | private componentUpdater;
21 | private rowHeight;
22 | private pageSize;
23 | private isScrolling;
24 | private lastFocusedRowIndex;
25 | private isHeightFromTheme;
26 | private readonly eContainer;
27 | constructor(params?: VirtualListParams);
28 | postConstruct(): void;
29 | private onGridStylesChanged;
30 | private setAriaProperties;
31 | private addResizeObserver;
32 | protected focusInnerElement(fromBottom: boolean): void;
33 | protected onFocusIn(e: FocusEvent): void;
34 | protected onFocusOut(e: FocusEvent): void;
35 | protected handleKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent): void;
36 | protected onTabKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent): void;
37 | private navigate;
38 | navigateToPage(key: 'Home' | 'PageUp' | 'PageDown' | 'End', fromItem?: number | 'focused'): number | null;
39 | getLastFocusedRow(): number | null;
40 | focusRow(rowNumber: number): void;
41 | getComponentAt(rowIndex: number): C | undefined;
42 | forEachRenderedRow(func: (comp: C, idx: number) => void): void;
43 | private getItemHeight;
44 | /**
45 | * Returns true if the view had to be scrolled, otherwise, false.
46 | */
47 | ensureIndexVisible(index: number, scrollPartialIntoView?: boolean): boolean;
48 | setComponentCreator(componentCreator: (value: any, listItemElement: HTMLElement) => C): void;
49 | setComponentUpdater(componentUpdater: (value: any, component: C) => void): void;
50 | getRowHeight(): number;
51 | getScrollTop(): number;
52 | setRowHeight(rowHeight: number): void;
53 | refresh(softRefresh?: boolean): void;
54 | private canSoftRefresh;
55 | private clearVirtualRows;
56 | protected drawVirtualRows(softRefresh?: boolean): void;
57 | private ensureRowsRendered;
58 | private insertRow;
59 | private removeRow;
60 | private refreshRows;
61 | private addScrollListener;
62 | setModel(model: VirtualListModel): void;
63 | getAriaElement(): Element;
64 | destroy(): void;
65 | }
66 | export {};