18.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * ag-grid - Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / React / AngularJS / Web Components
3 * @version v18.1.2
4 * @link http://www.ag-grid.com/
5 * @license MIT
6 */
7"use strict";
8var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
9 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
10 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
11 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
12 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
14var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function (k, v) {
15 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
17var __param = (this && this.__param) || function (paramIndex, decorator) {
18 return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }
20Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
21var logger_1 = require("../logger");
22var context_1 = require("../context/context");
23var utils_1 = require("../utils");
24var gridOptionsWrapper_1 = require("../gridOptionsWrapper");
25var dragService_1 = require("./dragService");
26var columnController_1 = require("../columnController/columnController");
27var environment_1 = require("../environment");
28var DragSourceType;
29(function (DragSourceType) {
30 DragSourceType[DragSourceType["ToolPanel"] = 0] = "ToolPanel";
31 DragSourceType[DragSourceType["HeaderCell"] = 1] = "HeaderCell";
32 DragSourceType[DragSourceType["RowDrag"] = 2] = "RowDrag";
33})(DragSourceType = exports.DragSourceType || (exports.DragSourceType = {}));
34var VDirection;
35(function (VDirection) {
36 VDirection[VDirection["Up"] = 0] = "Up";
37 VDirection[VDirection["Down"] = 1] = "Down";
38})(VDirection = exports.VDirection || (exports.VDirection = {}));
39var HDirection;
40(function (HDirection) {
41 HDirection[HDirection["Left"] = 0] = "Left";
42 HDirection[HDirection["Right"] = 1] = "Right";
43})(HDirection = exports.HDirection || (exports.HDirection = {}));
44var DragAndDropService = (function () {
45 function DragAndDropService() {
46 this.dragSourceAndParamsList = [];
47 this.dropTargets = [];
48 }
49 DragAndDropService_1 = DragAndDropService;
50 DragAndDropService.prototype.init = function () {
51 this.ePinnedIcon = utils_1.Utils.createIcon('columnMovePin', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
52 this.ePlusIcon = utils_1.Utils.createIcon('columnMoveAdd', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
53 this.eHiddenIcon = utils_1.Utils.createIcon('columnMoveHide', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
54 this.eMoveIcon = utils_1.Utils.createIcon('columnMoveMove', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
55 this.eLeftIcon = utils_1.Utils.createIcon('columnMoveLeft', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
56 this.eRightIcon = utils_1.Utils.createIcon('columnMoveRight', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
57 this.eGroupIcon = utils_1.Utils.createIcon('columnMoveGroup', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
58 this.eAggregateIcon = utils_1.Utils.createIcon('columnMoveValue', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
59 this.ePivotIcon = utils_1.Utils.createIcon('columnMovePivot', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
60 this.eDropNotAllowedIcon = utils_1.Utils.createIcon('dropNotAllowed', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null);
61 };
62 DragAndDropService.prototype.setBeans = function (loggerFactory) {
63 this.logger = loggerFactory.create('OldToolPanelDragAndDropService');
64 };
65 DragAndDropService.prototype.getStringType = function (type) {
66 switch (type) {
67 case DragSourceType.RowDrag: return 'row';
68 case DragSourceType.HeaderCell: return 'headerCell';
69 case DragSourceType.ToolPanel: return 'toolPanel';
70 default:
71 console.warn("ag-Grid: bug - unknown drag type " + type);
72 return null;
73 }
74 };
75 DragAndDropService.prototype.addDragSource = function (dragSource, allowTouch) {
76 if (allowTouch === void 0) { allowTouch = false; }
77 var params = {
78 eElement: dragSource.eElement,
79 dragStartPixels: dragSource.dragStartPixels,
80 onDragStart: this.onDragStart.bind(this, dragSource),
81 onDragStop: this.onDragStop.bind(this),
82 onDragging: this.onDragging.bind(this)
83 };
84 this.dragSourceAndParamsList.push({ params: params, dragSource: dragSource });
85 this.dragService.addDragSource(params, allowTouch);
86 };
87 DragAndDropService.prototype.removeDragSource = function (dragSource) {
88 var sourceAndParams = utils_1.Utils.find(this.dragSourceAndParamsList, function (item) { return item.dragSource === dragSource; });
89 if (sourceAndParams) {
90 this.dragService.removeDragSource(sourceAndParams.params);
91 utils_1.Utils.removeFromArray(this.dragSourceAndParamsList, sourceAndParams);
92 }
93 };
94 DragAndDropService.prototype.destroy = function () {
95 var _this = this;
96 this.dragSourceAndParamsList.forEach(function (sourceAndParams) {
97 _this.dragService.removeDragSource(sourceAndParams.params);
98 });
99 this.dragSourceAndParamsList.length = 0;
100 };
101 DragAndDropService.prototype.nudge = function () {
102 if (this.dragging) {
103 this.onDragging(this.eventLastTime, true);
104 }
105 };
106 DragAndDropService.prototype.onDragStart = function (dragSource, mouseEvent) {
107 this.dragging = true;
108 this.dragSource = dragSource;
109 this.eventLastTime = mouseEvent;
110 this.dragItem = this.dragSource.dragItemCallback();
111 this.lastDropTarget = this.dragSource.dragSourceDropTarget;
112 if (this.dragSource.dragStarted) {
113 this.dragSource.dragStarted();
114 }
115 this.createGhost();
116 };
117 DragAndDropService.prototype.onDragStop = function (mouseEvent) {
118 this.eventLastTime = null;
119 this.dragging = false;
120 if (this.dragSource.dragStopped) {
121 this.dragSource.dragStopped();
122 }
123 if (this.lastDropTarget && this.lastDropTarget.onDragStop) {
124 var draggingEvent = this.createDropTargetEvent(this.lastDropTarget, mouseEvent, null, null, false);
125 this.lastDropTarget.onDragStop(draggingEvent);
126 }
127 this.lastDropTarget = null;
128 this.dragItem = null;
129 this.removeGhost();
130 };
131 DragAndDropService.prototype.onDragging = function (mouseEvent, fromNudge) {
132 var hDirection = this.workOutHDirection(mouseEvent);
133 var vDirection = this.workOutVDirection(mouseEvent);
134 this.eventLastTime = mouseEvent;
135 this.positionGhost(mouseEvent);
136 // check if mouseEvent intersects with any of the drop targets
137 var dropTarget = utils_1.Utils.find(this.dropTargets, this.isMouseOnDropTarget.bind(this, mouseEvent));
138 if (dropTarget !== this.lastDropTarget) {
139 this.leaveLastTargetIfExists(mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge);
140 this.enterDragTargetIfExists(dropTarget, mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge);
141 this.lastDropTarget = dropTarget;
142 }
143 else if (dropTarget) {
144 var draggingEvent = this.createDropTargetEvent(dropTarget, mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge);
145 dropTarget.onDragging(draggingEvent);
146 }
147 };
148 DragAndDropService.prototype.enterDragTargetIfExists = function (dropTarget, mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge) {
149 if (!dropTarget) {
150 return;
151 }
152 var dragEnterEvent = this.createDropTargetEvent(dropTarget, mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge);
153 dropTarget.onDragEnter(dragEnterEvent);
154 this.setGhostIcon(dropTarget.getIconName ? dropTarget.getIconName() : null);
155 };
156 DragAndDropService.prototype.leaveLastTargetIfExists = function (mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge) {
157 if (!this.lastDropTarget) {
158 return;
159 }
160 var dragLeaveEvent = this.createDropTargetEvent(this.lastDropTarget, mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge);
161 this.lastDropTarget.onDragLeave(dragLeaveEvent);
162 this.setGhostIcon(null);
163 };
164 DragAndDropService.prototype.getAllContainersFromDropTarget = function (dropTarget) {
165 var containers = [dropTarget.getContainer()];
166 var secondaryContainers = dropTarget.getSecondaryContainers ? dropTarget.getSecondaryContainers() : null;
167 if (secondaryContainers) {
168 containers = containers.concat(secondaryContainers);
169 }
170 return containers;
171 };
172 // checks if the mouse is on the drop target. it checks eContainer and eSecondaryContainers
173 DragAndDropService.prototype.isMouseOnDropTarget = function (mouseEvent, dropTarget) {
174 var allContainers = this.getAllContainersFromDropTarget(dropTarget);
175 var mouseOverTarget = false;
176 allContainers.forEach(function (eContainer) {
177 if (!eContainer) {
178 return;
179 } // secondary can be missing
180 var rect = eContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
181 // if element is not visible, then width and height are zero
182 if (rect.width === 0 || rect.height === 0) {
183 return;
184 }
185 var horizontalFit = mouseEvent.clientX >= rect.left && mouseEvent.clientX <= rect.right;
186 var verticalFit = mouseEvent.clientY >= rect.top && mouseEvent.clientY <= rect.bottom;
187 //console.log(`rect.width = ${rect.width} || rect.height = ${rect.height} ## verticalFit = ${verticalFit}, horizontalFit = ${horizontalFit}, `);
188 if (horizontalFit && verticalFit) {
189 mouseOverTarget = true;
190 }
191 });
192 if (mouseOverTarget) {
193 var mouseOverTargetAndInterested = dropTarget.isInterestedIn(this.dragSource.type);
194 return mouseOverTargetAndInterested;
195 }
196 else {
197 return false;
198 }
199 };
200 DragAndDropService.prototype.addDropTarget = function (dropTarget) {
201 this.dropTargets.push(dropTarget);
202 };
203 DragAndDropService.prototype.workOutHDirection = function (event) {
204 if (this.eventLastTime.clientX > event.clientX) {
205 return HDirection.Left;
206 }
207 else if (this.eventLastTime.clientX < event.clientX) {
208 return HDirection.Right;
209 }
210 else {
211 return null;
212 }
213 };
214 DragAndDropService.prototype.workOutVDirection = function (event) {
215 if (this.eventLastTime.clientY > event.clientY) {
216 return VDirection.Up;
217 }
218 else if (this.eventLastTime.clientY < event.clientY) {
219 return VDirection.Down;
220 }
221 else {
222 return null;
223 }
224 };
225 DragAndDropService.prototype.createDropTargetEvent = function (dropTarget, event, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge) {
226 // localise x and y to the target component
227 var rect = dropTarget.getContainer().getBoundingClientRect();
228 var x = event.clientX - rect.left;
229 var y = event.clientY - rect.top;
230 var dropTargetEvent = {
231 event: event,
232 x: x,
233 y: y,
234 vDirection: vDirection,
235 hDirection: hDirection,
236 dragSource: this.dragSource,
237 fromNudge: fromNudge,
238 dragItem: this.dragItem
239 };
240 return dropTargetEvent;
241 };
242 DragAndDropService.prototype.positionGhost = function (event) {
243 var ghostRect = this.eGhost.getBoundingClientRect();
244 var ghostHeight = ghostRect.height;
245 // for some reason, without the '-2', it still overlapped by 1 or 2 pixels, which
246 // then brought in scrollbars to the browser. no idea why, but putting in -2 here
247 // works around it which is good enough for me.
248 var browserWidth = utils_1.Utils.getBodyWidth() - 2;
249 var browserHeight = utils_1.Utils.getBodyHeight() - 2;
250 // put ghost vertically in middle of cursor
251 var top = event.pageY - (ghostHeight / 2);
252 // horizontally, place cursor just right of icon
253 var left = event.pageX - 30;
254 var usrDocument = this.gridOptionsWrapper.getDocument();
255 var windowScrollY = window.pageYOffset || usrDocument.documentElement.scrollTop;
256 var windowScrollX = window.pageXOffset || usrDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft;
257 // check ghost is not positioned outside of the browser
258 if (browserWidth > 0) {
259 if ((left + this.eGhost.clientWidth) > (browserWidth + windowScrollX)) {
260 left = browserWidth + windowScrollX - this.eGhost.clientWidth;
261 }
262 }
263 if (left < 0) {
264 left = 0;
265 }
266 if (browserHeight > 0) {
267 if ((top + this.eGhost.clientHeight) > (browserHeight + windowScrollY)) {
268 top = browserHeight + windowScrollY - this.eGhost.clientHeight;
269 }
270 }
271 if (top < 0) {
272 top = 0;
273 }
274 this.eGhost.style.left = left + 'px';
275 this.eGhost.style.top = top + 'px';
276 };
277 DragAndDropService.prototype.removeGhost = function () {
278 if (this.eGhost && this.eGhostParent) {
279 this.eGhostParent.removeChild(this.eGhost);
280 }
281 this.eGhost = null;
282 };
283 DragAndDropService.prototype.createGhost = function () {
284 this.eGhost = utils_1.Utils.loadTemplate(DragAndDropService_1.GHOST_TEMPLATE);
285 utils_1.Utils.addCssClass(this.eGhost, this.environment.getTheme());
286 this.eGhostIcon = this.eGhost.querySelector('.ag-dnd-ghost-icon');
287 this.setGhostIcon(null);
288 var eText = this.eGhost.querySelector('.ag-dnd-ghost-label');
289 eText.innerHTML = this.dragSource.dragItemName;
290 this.eGhost.style.height = '25px';
291 this.eGhost.style.top = '20px';
292 this.eGhost.style.left = '20px';
293 var usrDocument = this.gridOptionsWrapper.getDocument();
294 this.eGhostParent = usrDocument.querySelector('body');
295 if (!this.eGhostParent) {
296 console.warn('ag-Grid: could not find document body, it is needed for dragging columns');
297 }
298 else {
299 this.eGhostParent.appendChild(this.eGhost);
300 }
301 };
302 DragAndDropService.prototype.setGhostIcon = function (iconName, shake) {
303 if (shake === void 0) { shake = false; }
304 utils_1.Utils.removeAllChildren(this.eGhostIcon);
305 var eIcon;
306 switch (iconName) {
307 case DragAndDropService_1.ICON_ADD:
308 eIcon = this.ePlusIcon;
309 break;
310 case DragAndDropService_1.ICON_PINNED:
311 eIcon = this.ePinnedIcon;
312 break;
313 case DragAndDropService_1.ICON_MOVE:
314 eIcon = this.eMoveIcon;
315 break;
316 case DragAndDropService_1.ICON_LEFT:
317 eIcon = this.eLeftIcon;
318 break;
319 case DragAndDropService_1.ICON_RIGHT:
320 eIcon = this.eRightIcon;
321 break;
322 case DragAndDropService_1.ICON_GROUP:
323 eIcon = this.eGroupIcon;
324 break;
325 case DragAndDropService_1.ICON_AGGREGATE:
326 eIcon = this.eAggregateIcon;
327 break;
328 case DragAndDropService_1.ICON_PIVOT:
329 eIcon = this.ePivotIcon;
330 break;
331 case DragAndDropService_1.ICON_NOT_ALLOWED:
332 eIcon = this.eDropNotAllowedIcon;
333 break;
334 default:
335 eIcon = this.eHiddenIcon;
336 break;
337 }
338 this.eGhostIcon.appendChild(eIcon);
339 utils_1.Utils.addOrRemoveCssClass(this.eGhostIcon, 'ag-shake-left-to-right', shake);
340 };
341 DragAndDropService.ICON_PINNED = 'pinned';
342 DragAndDropService.ICON_ADD = 'add';
343 DragAndDropService.ICON_MOVE = 'move';
344 DragAndDropService.ICON_LEFT = 'left';
345 DragAndDropService.ICON_RIGHT = 'right';
346 DragAndDropService.ICON_GROUP = 'group';
347 DragAndDropService.ICON_AGGREGATE = 'aggregate';
348 DragAndDropService.ICON_PIVOT = 'pivot';
349 DragAndDropService.ICON_NOT_ALLOWED = 'notAllowed';
350 DragAndDropService.GHOST_TEMPLATE = '<div class="ag-dnd-ghost">' +
351 ' <span class="ag-dnd-ghost-icon ag-shake-left-to-right"></span>' +
352 ' <div class="ag-dnd-ghost-label">' +
353 ' </div>' +
354 '</div>';
355 __decorate([
356 context_1.Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper'),
357 __metadata("design:type", gridOptionsWrapper_1.GridOptionsWrapper)
358 ], DragAndDropService.prototype, "gridOptionsWrapper", void 0);
359 __decorate([
360 context_1.Autowired('dragService'),
361 __metadata("design:type", dragService_1.DragService)
362 ], DragAndDropService.prototype, "dragService", void 0);
363 __decorate([
364 context_1.Autowired('environment'),
365 __metadata("design:type", environment_1.Environment)
366 ], DragAndDropService.prototype, "environment", void 0);
367 __decorate([
368 context_1.Autowired('columnController'),
369 __metadata("design:type", columnController_1.ColumnController)
370 ], DragAndDropService.prototype, "columnController", void 0);
371 __decorate([
372 context_1.PostConstruct,
373 __metadata("design:type", Function),
374 __metadata("design:paramtypes", []),
375 __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
376 ], DragAndDropService.prototype, "init", null);
377 __decorate([
378 __param(0, context_1.Qualifier('loggerFactory')),
379 __metadata("design:type", Function),
380 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [logger_1.LoggerFactory]),
381 __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
382 ], DragAndDropService.prototype, "setBeans", null);
383 __decorate([
384 context_1.PreDestroy,
385 __metadata("design:type", Function),
386 __metadata("design:paramtypes", []),
387 __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
388 ], DragAndDropService.prototype, "destroy", null);
389 DragAndDropService = DragAndDropService_1 = __decorate([
390 context_1.Bean('dragAndDropService')
391 ], DragAndDropService);
392 return DragAndDropService;
393 var DragAndDropService_1;
395exports.DragAndDropService = DragAndDropService;